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Fisheries 180 September 2, 2002

Second Long Exam

I. Modified True or False

1. Convergences produce downwelling.

2. If the earth has no atmospheres the solar constant is 1.8 cal/cm2/min.
3. The solar constant is approached only at the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Aquarius.
4. The greater the longitude, the lesser is the received solar radiation of the area.
5. Land masses have lower heat capacity than the oceans.
6. Thermohaline circulation is vertical circulation of water layers controlled by surface
changes in density.
7. Density increases as pressure and salinity increases.
8. The Atlantic Ocean is more saline than the Indian Ocean.
9. The lower the electrical conductivity of the water, the higher is its salinity.
10. In the northern hemisphere, currents along the western sides are narrow, fast and deep.

II. Identification
1-4. The factors that affect salinity are __1__, __2__, __3__, and __4__.
5-6. The combined effects of __5__, and __6__ cause the earth to receive more solar heat in
the tropics than in the poles.
7. The water layer within which temperature decreases rapidly with depth is known as ___.
8-10. The apparent force on moving particles resulting from the earth's rotation is called the
__8__. It causes moving bodies to be deflected to the __9__ in the southern hemisphere and
to the __10__ in the northern hemisphere.
11-13. CTDs measure __11__, __12__, and __13__.
14. If density is 1.24865 then the density factor is ____.

III. Problem Solving

1. Plot the data given in the following table and construct a tide curve on your graphing paper.
a. Identify the types of tides exhibited by the curve and give the days that show the type.
b. What is the smallest range and on what day does it occur?
c. Compute for the elevation of mean high water, mean low water and mean range for the
four days.

Day Time Height (ft)

1 0430 -1.00
1600 7.50
2 0200 -1.40
0800 4.10
1600 -1.30
2030 4.00
3 0200 -0.60
0830 5.80
1430 -1.90
2100 4.50
4 0430 -0.70
1000 6.00
1600 -1.80
2200 4.50

2. Identify and describe the five various kinds of upwelling.

3. A 1 kilogram sample of seawater was found to contain 13 grams of Sodium. How much
Chloride, Sulfate and Magnesium does it contain? What is the salinity of the sample?

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