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ELSEVIER EngineeringGeology37 (1994) 135-157

Prediction of engineering properties of a selected litharenite

sandstone from its petrographic characteristics using correlation
and multivariate statistical techniques
R. Ulusay a, K. Tt~reli a, M.H. Ider b
" General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) 06520 Ankara, Turkey
b Geotech, Inc. 125 North Route, 73 Maple Shade, NJ 08052, USA
(Received 24 December 1993; revised version accepted 2 June 1994)


The determination of rock strength and elastic parameters in laboratory tests requires high quality core samples
which are not always available from fractured and/or weathered strata. The purpose of this study is to apply a
correlation analysis in conjunction with multivariate statistical techniques to petrographical and laboratory geomechani-
cal data for the investigation of correlations that exist between these properties of a selected sandstone, and to suggest
inexpensive predictive models in a preliminary investigation.
Sandstone samples from a borehole drilled for a preliminary investigation of a shaft location at a hard coal region
(Black Sea, Turkey) were tested to determine uniaxial compressive strength, elastic parameters, unit weight, porosity,
point load index and quality index. Secondly, fifteen selected samples were subjected to petrographic examination
which included fifteen parameters and modal analysis. Based on the statistical analysis results, polynomial prediction
equations were developed for estimating mechanical properties from petrographic characteristics and index properties.
The study revealed that the influence of textural characteristics appear to be more important than mineralogy for
predicting engineering properties. It is also noted that type of contacts, grain shape and size, rock fragments with
packing density and proximity are the petrographic characteristics which have significant influence upon engineering
properties of the sandstones. Results of this study were presented in the form of correlation coefficient models and
predictive models.

1. Introduction engineering index tests such as point load strength,

Schmidt hardness, porosity, unit weight, slake
Methods of stability analysis of underground durability, sonic velocity, and percent absorption
openings require the input data on the geomechani- that are known to correlate with relevant mechan-
cal behavior of the rocks. High quality samples ical properties. Various correlations between rock
are necessary for the determination of these prop- strength and some engineering index properties are
erties. However, such core samples are not always found (Judd and Huber, 1961; D'Andrea et al.,
available from thin-bedded fractured strata or in 1965; Deere and Miller, 1966; Broth and Franklin,
alternating sequences. Because of these restrictions, 1972; Bieniawski, 1975; Michalopoulos and
conventional laboratory tests cannot be adequately Triandafilidis, 1976; Barbour et al., 1979; Fahy
performed. In such cases a practical approach may and Guceione, 1979; Hassani et al., 1980;
be used to estimate mechanical properties from Gunsallus and Kulhawy, 1984; Hawkins and

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136 R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135 157

McConnel, 1991; Tsidzi, 1991; and Shakoor and (1986) proposed a texture coefficient including
Bonelli, 1991). packing density and reported that this parameter
Sandstones include a wide range of rock types had a moderate correlation with several mechan-
varying in their mineralogy, petrographic charac- ical properties. Doberenier and De Freitas (1986)
teristics and mechanical properties. Large varia- concluded that weak sandstones were generally
tions in mechanical properties have been attributed characterized by a low packing density. Shakoor
to variations in petrographic characteristics of the and Bonelli (1991) did not find any relationship
sandstones (Bell, 1978a; Barbour et al., 1979; Fahy between packing density and mechanical proper-
and Guccione, 1979; Howarth and Rowlands, ties. They also pointed out that packing proximity
1984; and Shakoor and Bonelli, 1991). Thus, in did not appear to show any significant correlation
addition to engineering index properties, petro- with mechanical properties of the sandstones
graphic characteristics can also be helpfull in pre- they studied.
dicting mechanical properties of sandstones. Fahy and Guccione (1979) noted that sphericity
Petrographic characteristics known to affect inversly correlates with compressive strength and
mechanical properties include grain size, grain shows the strongest correlation among all the
shape, packing density, packing proximity, degree petrographic properties. Contrary to this, Shakoor
of interlocking, type of contacts, amount and type and Bonelli (1991) did not find any significant
of cement and/or matrix and mineralogical com- relationship between sphericity and mechanical
position. These properties can be readily measured properties.
in the laboratory and are commonly determined Hock (1965) was one of the early researchers to
suggest that a higher applied stress was needed to
during routine thin-section studies.
cause failure through grain boundaries in rocks
Several investigators have studied the effect of
characterized by a tight interlocking texture.
grain size on the mechanical properties of rock. In
Hartley (1974) suggested that inter-granular bond-
general, rock strength is greater for finer grained
ing was a significant characteristic affecting
rocks (Brace, 1961). Fahy and Guccione (1979)
mechanical properties of sandstones and it is con-
indicated that sandstones with smaller mean grain
cluded that the number of grain contacts and types
size had higher strength values. Conversely, of grains may be used as an indicator of mechanical
Shakoor and Bonelli (1991) reported that mean properties. Fahy and Guccione (1979), Doberenier
grain size did not show any significant correlation and De Freitas (1986), and Shakoor and Bonelli
with strength and elastic properties of sandstones. (1991) reported significant correlations between
However, Handlin and Hager (1957), and Ollson some types of grain contacts and strength, and
(1974) noted that strength increased significantly Young's modulus of the studied sandstones.
as grain size increased in limestones and marbles. Mineralogical composition is one of the intrinsic
Similar results have been reported by Hugman and properties controlling the rock strength. Rocks
Freidman (1979), for carbonate rocks, and by containing quartz as binding material are the
Onodera and Asoka (1980) for crystalline rocks. strongest followed by calcite, and ferrous minerals;
Shakoor and Bonelli (1991) found that the rocks with clayey binding material are the weakest
percentage angular grains was only weakly related (Vutukuri et al., 1974). The relationship between
to strength and elastic properties. Brown (1993) mineralogical composition and mechanical proper-
reported that grain length was a good indicator ties of various sandstones were previously investi-
for porosity. gated. Since the amount of feldspar, mica and
Packing density or the space in a given area rock fragments in these sandstones, when present,
occupied by grains has been correlated with was small, they were not involved in the correla-
strength properties by Bell (1978a). He showed tions. Thus, these correlations were only based on
that when the packing density of the Fell quartz content. Fahy and Guccione (1979),
Sandstone increased, also the values of uniaxial Gunsallus and Kulhawy (1984), and Shakoor and
compressive and tensile strengths and modulus Bonelli (1991) found a definite relationship
of elasticity increased. Howarth and Rowlands between quartz content and uniaxial compressive
t~ Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157 137

strength of the investigated sandstones. Handlin 950 m deep, drilled in the Kozlu-Zonguldak area,
and Hager (1957), Bell (1978a) and Barbour et al. the Black Sea region of Turkey. The purpose of
(1979), on the other hand, did not find any signifi- the borehole was to investigate the rock conditions
cant correlation between quartz content and through the line of the Yenikuyu shaft at its
mechanical properties of sandstones. They sug- planning stage in a hard coal region and to provide
gested that the structural interlocking of the quartz geotechnical data of various rock units encoun-
grains and not the quartz content itself influences tered to the construction company. The company
mechanical properties. The sandstones investigated requested the determination of some engineering
in these studies were rich in quartz. index and basic mechanical properties of the rock
There is little or no specific literature on the units at certain levels of the borehole.
relation between mechanical properties and other The stratigraphy of the drilled area consists of
mineralogical characteristics of sandstones, such a sequence of Coal Measures rocks. The sequence
as the amount of rock fragments, matrix and is composed of an alternation of sandstones, silt-
cement. However, Bell (1978a), who did not con- stones, claystones and conglomerates. Sandstone
sider matrix, due to a lesser amount of matrix is the most abundant rock type in this sequence.
when compared to cement, reported that when the They are Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian A)
amount of cement increases, the strength increases. in age and occur in the Kozlu series (MTA, 1988).
Fahy and Guccione (1979), and Shakoor and The borehole cores, taken at approximately three
Bonelli (1991) did not observe good correlations meter depth intervals, were geotechnically logged
between amount of cement and mechanical proper- in accordance with the procedures suggested by
ties of sandstones. Geological Society of London (1977) and ISRM
It is the purpose of this study to analyze selected
(1981). In this study, the dominant rock type was
litharenite intact sandstones from a borehole per-
sandstone and was thus selected for the purpose
formed for a preliminary investigation of a shaft
of this investigation. NQ size cores were used for
location in a hard coal region at Black Sea, Turkey
testing. Core samples taken for testing were packed
(Fig. 1), and to determine relation between petro-
and shipped to the Rock and Soil Mechanics
graphic characteristics, engineering index proper-
Laboratory of the General Directory of Mineral
ties and mechanical (strength) properties. The
Research and Exploration (MTA) for testing.
characteristics with the most significant influence
upon others were considered useful indicators for Examination of the cores revealed that the
estimating engineering index and mechanical studied sandstones were light to medium grey,
properties. Results of the previous investigations medium grained, fresh or slightly weathered, occa-
mentioned above were mainly based on linear sionally laminated, moderately strong to strong
regression analyses. In this study, in addition to and with or without traces of coaly material. Dip
linear regression, data were also subjected to non- of bedding and lamination planes in the sandstones
linear regression (geometric and logarithmic is generally fiat and ranges between 10° and 35 °.
regression) analyses to obtain best curve fits. Joints in the rock sequence were generaly nearly
Finally, empirical predictive models based on vertical. The values of total core recovery and
multivariate statistical analyses were developed solid core recovery in the sandstones range between
employing some thin section data, which were 12% and 100% and 0 and 100%, respectively. RQD
significantly correlated with mechanical properties values vary between 0 and 100% yielding a mean
to provide estimators of engineering properties value of 83%. At the upper levels, alternations of
involved in correlation. sandstone with conglomerate and siltstone occur
and occasionally siltstone is more abundant.
The presence of nearly vertical joints running
2. Site location, material and sampling through the cores, alternations of different units
in the range of small intervals, and a reduction in
This investigation was conducted on core core size from NQ (47.6 ram) to BQ (36.5 mm) at
samples collected from an exploratory borehole a certain depth limited the number of intact core
01 234
- km

Foul t


w Sandstuna
a Zongul
0 Limestone - BLACK SEA
i Conglo merotr

. _--...
. . .. . . .. Sandstone
. . . . . ._.

Sandstone =s====
LOWER Limestone -

Fig. I Location of the sampled sandstones and simplified geological map of the Zonguldak hard coal region (After MTA, 1988).
R. Ulusayet al./EngineeringGeology37 (1994) 135-157 139

samples suitable for standard laboratory test pro- degree of roundness of clastic particles as shown
cedures. However, intact core samples were by the sharpness of their edges and comers has
selected on the basis of their varying strength, been determined according to the comparison
which is indicated by visual differences in their chart developed by Powers (1953). The grain
texture, composition and degree of weathering. sphericity showing the degree to which the shape
Sampling of sandstones was mainly carried out of a sedimentary particle approaches a sphere was
between 30 and 650 m. All samples were coated determined using Folk's (Folk, 1974) classifica-
with a succession of layers of microcrystalline wax tion system.
using layers of muslin and were then transported Packing density (measure of grain packing
to the laboratory. Samples taken from different arrangements), packing proximity (measure of the
rock units were numbered from top to bottom. spacing between grains), and degree of interlocking
Before testing all specimens were cut and trimmed (type of grain to grain contacts and the number
to a length-to-diameter ratio of 2:1 for the tests of contacts per grain) were determined along ten
and were oven dried. The specimens were first traverses per thin section. Packing density and
tested for index and strength properties. Then packing proximity were quantified according to
fifteen specimens selected from the mechanically Kahn's (1956) method (Fig. 2). The percentage of
tested specimens were examined by thin section. four types of grain-to-grain contacts, such as point
Finally, petrographic characteristics and engineer- (tangential), straight (long), concavo-convex and
ing properties of the sandstone specimens taken sutured (Fig. 3) were determined according to
from the same depth were correlated by statistical Blatt (1982). On the other hand, the number of
analyses. grain-to-grain, grain-to-void, grain-to-cement and
grain-to-matrix were also counted along the same
traverse lines.
3. Methodology Modal analyses were made on 150 randomly
selected points. The point-count method described
3.1. Thin-section studies by Hutchinson (1974) was employed for the pur-
pose. Contents of quartz, feldspars, rock frag-
Two thin sections, orientated perpendicular to ments, heavy minerals, mica, calcite, matrix and
the core axis, were made from each of the fifteen cement were distinguished for each thin section.
samples subjected to the uniaxial compression test.
The thin sections were examined under a petro- 3.2. Engineering index and mechanieal properties
graphic microscope for mean grain size, degree of
sorting, grain shape, sphericity, packing density, On the basis of the requirements of the construc-
packing proximity, type of grain contacts, number tion finn, a total of four engineering index proper-
of grain contacts and modal composition. ties (dry unit weight, point load strength index,
Following the method described by Hutchinson effective porosity and quality index), and three
(1974), one hundred randomly selected grains per basic mechanical (strength) properties (uniaxial
thin section were studied to determine the mean compressive strength, Young's modulus and
grain size. The average of measurements along two Poisson's ratio) of the rock units in the borehole
perpendicular axes passing through the center of were determined.
each grain provided the average size of the grains. The dry unitweight was determined by the
Determinations of the degree of sorting were based caliper method according to the ISRM (1981)
on the visual classification chart developed by specification on prepared core samples. More than
Compton (1962). Ten random fields of view per one test was performed at each interval and their
thin section were evaluated for this purpose. mean values were evaluated.
The shapes of the grains, measured in terms of The very importantly point load test is employed
roundness and sphericity, were quantified for 50 in estimating the uniaxial compressive strength of
randomly selected grains per thin section. The rock materials. A portable point load test machine
140 R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157

Line of traverse

Summed lenglh o~ gnlms measured along traverse line

PDw (too)
~h of traversellne

Sum of gra|n to Fain contacts along Itavenle line

PPm: (1oo)
Total number of coMacts erar.ounlered along Iravenle

Fig. 2. Definitions of packing density and packing proximity proposed by Kahn (1956).

Point C. S t r a i g h t C. in rocks that have undergone internal deformation.

They occur as intracrystalline and crystal bound-
ary cracks. The sonic velocity, as an index test,
together with a petrographic description evaluates
the degree of fissuring in an intact rock specimen,
because a network of fissures superimposes an
overriding effect.
Measurement of the velocity of sound waves in
C o n c a v o - convex C. Sutured C.
a core specimen is relatively simple and equipment
is available for this purpose. Theoretically, the
velocity with which stress waves are transmitted
through rock depends exclusively upon elastic
properties and density (Goodman, 1989).
Fourmaintraux (1976) estimated the degree of
Fig. 3. Types of grain contacts. fissuring using a relationship between the quality
index, IQ, and porosity, n, where the quality index
was used to test cylindirical core specimens in is expressed as:
accordance with the ISRM (1981) suggested
method. I Q ( % ) = (v,/v~*) × lOO
Porosity is one of the most important factors
governing the accumulation, migration and distri- here, VI is the measured longitudinal wave velocity,
bution of water in rocks. Total sandstone porosity and //1" the calculated longitudinal wave velocity.
(comprising intergranular, intragranular, fracture To assess the degree of fissuring of the intact
and solution porosity) is difficult to measure sandstones and to correlate the values of the IQ
because all pores are not totally interconnected. index with petrographic and engineering proper-
The effective porosity of 25 core specimens was ties, NQ (47.6 mm) size dry core specimens with a
determined using the saturation method suggested length to diameter ratio of 2:1 were prepared from
by ISRM (1981). core samples and sonic velocity tests were per-
Microfissures are small planar cracks common formed using an ultrasonic pulse tester in accor-
R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157 141

dance with the ASTM test designation (ASTM,

In this study, NQ size specimens were prepared
from the cores and tested for uniaxial compressive
strength determinations under a 1500 ton capacity
loading frame in accordance with the recommenda-
tions of ISRM (1981). Load was applied perpen-
dicular to bedding planes. Static elastic properties,
Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, were deter-
mined using a core deformation jig in accordance
with the procedure outlined by the manufacturer.
Secant modulus values determined for each speci-
men were used in this study.
Fig. 4. Photomicrographof thin sectionobtainedfromsample
No. 50 showing straight contacts (Q: quatrz, RFG: rock
fragment; C: calcite:magnification × 156).
4. Test results

4.1. General petrographic description equant. High values of packing density and pack-
ing proximity, and low contents of matrix and
A summary of the results of the petrographical cement indicate that grains are tightly packed.
analyses is given in Table 1. The modal analyses Straight contacts (Fig. 4) are the most abundant
revealed that the sandstones were principally com- type of contact in these sandstones with a mean
posed of rock fragments (18%-66%) with lesser value of 42.4%. However, they do not exhibit a
amounts of quartz (17%,38%). The contents distinct tendency to increase in frequency with
of feldspar (4.6%-20%), mica (0-13.5%), calcite depth. Concave-convex contacts are the next most
(0-6%), and cement (0-10%) were broadly of frequent with a mean value of 27.4%. The mean
minor importance. The total matrix content of the values for sutured and point contacts are 18.3%
sandstones averaged 10.7% and the cement content and 12%, respectively. The latter type is the least
averaged 1.2% (Table 1). In all samples the common. These results show similarities with those
amount of matrix exceeded that of the cement and obtained from the Fell Sandstones studied by Bell
in the majority of the samples no cement material (1978a). Sutured contacts are indicative of grains
was recorded. The types of matrix recognized was which have undergone stress attributable to appre-
clay and mica minerals, whilst cement was ciable burial, while straight, point and concave-
carbonate. The majority of the sandstones studied convex contacts represent intermediate stages
were classified as litharenites and the rest as (Bell, 1978b). Thus, the sandstones investigated in
feldspathic litharenites according to Folk's (1974) this study probably represent the intermediate
classification. stage. Analysis of the number of contacts per grain
Mean grain size ranges from 0.115 to 0.750 mm, indicates that grain to grain contacts with a mean
but out of fifteen samples nine samples have grain value of 76.7% are the most abundant and indivi-
size falling between 0.25 and 0.50 ram. This indi- dual grains are most frequently surrounded by
cates that the majority of the samples are in the others.
medium sand range. Most of the sandstones are
moderately sorted with two samples exhibiting well 4.2. Engineering properties
sorted values. However, due to their variation in
grain size, three sandstone samples mainly com- A summary of the engineering properties of
posed of coarser grains show poor sorting. fifteen specimens petrographically analysed and all
More than 75% of the grains are angular in test results from mechanically tested specimens
shape. Sphericity varies from elongate to sub- based on descriptive statistics is provided in Tables
142 R. Ulusayet al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157

Table 1
Measured petrographic data for fifteen sandstone specimens

Sample Depth Grain Sorting* Grain shape (%) Sphericity Packing Packing Type of contacts (%)
No. (m) size (Phi units) density proximity
(ram) (%) (%)
Round Angular Point Straight Concave/ Sutured

4 30 0,312 0.58 (MS) 21.6 78.4 0.70 84.9 68.1 10.0 50.0 26.7 13.3
8 45 0.362 0.69 (MS) 16.9 83.1 0.60 93.9 75.8 7.9 43.2 35.2 13.7
10 50 0,297 0.61 (MS) 15.0 85.0 0.64 96.2 81.2 7.1 50.4 24.3 18.2
15 58 0.625 1.00 (PS) 25.2 74.8 0.62 90.1 79.3 13.3 33.3 35.6 17.8
24 149 0.715 1.20 (PS) 21.1 78.9 0.63 88.9 80.0 17.8 40.4 25.2 16.6
26 187 0.115 0.46 (WS) 16.7 83.3 0.67 86.1 64.0 10.1 36.6 37.3 19.0
36 287 0.352 0.60 (MS) 8.0 92.0 0.60 97.1 85.0 4.8 38.1 33.3 24.0
40 297 0.259 0.63 (MS) 17.7 83.3 0,59 95.5 85.5 5.6 44.4 30.6 19.4
45 329 0.173 0.60 (MS) 15.4 84.6 0.58 84.9 67.1 21.2 45.7 20.1 13.0
46 332 0.650 1.10 (PS) 14.1 85.9 0.68 96.7 82.7 16.2 42.6 23.3 17.9
47 364 0.171 0.7 (PS) 12.4 87.6 0.60 86.8 66.0 16.0 40.0 24.0 20.0
50 405 0.352 0.48 (WS) 12.6 87.4 0.67 97.8 87.0 7.5 42.5 22.0 28.0
53 411 0.264 0.40 (WS) 25.1 74.9 0.69 92.3 70.8 13.8 48.1 20.8 17.3
54 417 0.294 0.54 (MS) 12.3 87.7 0.65 96.9 83.7 16.6 38.5 20.8 24.1
100 500 0.261 0.62 (MS) 13.4 86.6 0.66 91.7 80.1 13.1 42.7 32.1 12.1

Arithmetic mean 0,347 0.68 16.5 83.5 0.64 92.0 77,0 12.0 42.4 27.4 18.3

Standard 0.18 0.23 4.9 4.9 0.04 4.7 7.8 4.9 4.9 6.0 4.5

Sample Number of contacts per qrain (%) Modal composition (%)

Grain to Grain to Grain to Grain to Quartz Feldspar Rock Heavy Mica Calcite Matrix Cement
grain cement void matrix fragments minerals

4 67.5 17.5 5.0 10.0 31.7 6.5 34.2 0.0 2.0 3.0 12.5 10.1
8 74.5 7.5 2.1 15.9 27.0 5.0 51.2 1.0 1.9 1.3 10.6 2.0
10 79.0 12.3 1.9 6.8 38.4 11.1 34.3 0.0 3,0 4.0 6.1 3.1
15 79.2 1.0 3.6 16.2 25.0 10.1 54.5 0.0 0.6 1.0 8.8 0.0
24 80.8 0.0 12.0 7.2 27.1 5.8 66.0 0.0 0,0 0.4 0.7 0.0
26 63.4 0.0 1.1 35.5 16.7 20.3 17.8 3.1 13.5 0.0 28.6 0.0
36 85.2 0.8 1.6 12.4 38.1 9.6 36.8 0,3 1.5 2.1 10.6 1.0
40 85.4 0.0 2.4 12,2 34.1 15.0 34.0 1,3 3.3 1.1 11.2 0.0
45 66.5 0.0 1.2 33.5 32.7 9.3 32.3 1,2 7.3 0.0 17.2 0.0
46 83.1 0.0 1.9 15,0 27.3 11.4 52.3 0.0 2.3 0.7 6.0 0.0
47 64.7 0.0 2.5 32.8 33.3 11.1 27.3 0.7 7.2 0.0 20.4 0.0
50 86.0 0.0 1.5 12.5 34.3 4.6 46.2 0.0 1.5 5.9 7.5 0.0
53 70.4 0.0 3.1 26.5 33.0 4.6 49.6 0.4 2.2 2.5 7.7 0.0
54 84.0 0.0 1.8 14.2 31.2 5.2 50.1 0.0 1.0 5.2 7.3 0.0
100 80.8 5.0 4.0 10.2 26.7 14.1 46.1 0.0 3.0 3.1 5.0 2.0

Arithmetic 76.7 2.94 3.0 17.4 30.4 9.6 42.2 0.5 3.4 2.0 10.7 1.2

Standard 8.1 5.4 2.7 9.7 5.6 4.5 12.5 0.8 3.5 1.9 6.9 2.6

*PS: Poorly sorted; MS: Moderately sorted; WS: Well sorted.

K Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157 143

2a and 2b, respectively. As can be seen from these the relationship may not be considered as signifi-
tables, mean values obtained from fifteen speci- cant. The sandstones investigated are low porosity
mens and those from all specimens are very similar rocks. The effective porosity does not appear to
for the seven engineering properties investigated. show any significant correlation ( r = - 0 . 1 8 ) with
Considering all test results it is evident that the depth. The point load strength index with a mean
values of dry unit weight, ranging between 24.5 value of 3.3 MPa indicates that the majority of
kN/m a and 26.4 kN/m 3, do not show a wide the specimens tested may be considered as moder-
scatter. The correlation coefficient between dry ately strong rock (Broch and Franklin, 1972).
unit weight and depth is 0.48, and it indicates that There is a probably significant positive relationship

Table 2a
Measured engineering properties of fifteen sandstone specimens used in thin section studies

Sample Dry unit Effective Point load Quality index Uniaxial compressive Young's Poisson's ratio
No. weight porosity strength strength modulus
(kN/m 3) (%) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (GPa)

4 25.5 2.45 2.8 64.1 68.6 7.1 0.24

8 24.6 4.24 3.5 57.8 62.9
10 25.1 3.29 3.6 59.2 75.0 8.3 0.2
15 25.3 2.78 2.3 58.7 60.0
24 25.1 4.89 2.2 51.3 68.0 9.0 0.21
26 26.0 2.50 3.3 66.4 69.4
36 25.4 2.52 3.6 60.8 84.0 9.1 0.2
40 25.4 2.52 3.7 62.6 63.5
45 25.0 2.40 2.7 67.6 59.2 6.5 0.24
46 24.8 3.86 3.3 63.5 71.1
47 26.1 3.50 4.0 62.0 76.8
50 25.3 2.97 3.6 54.9 96.0
53 25.7 2.65 2.6 58.0 55.0 7.0 0.23
54 25.4 2.65 3.4 52.4 86.0 7.8 0.22
100 25.6 3.80 2.5 61.0 65.6

Arithmetic 25.4 3.13 3.1 60.0 70.7 7.8 0.22


Standard 0.4 0.76 0.57 4.7 11.2 1.0 0.02


Table 2b
Summary of statistical evaluation of engineering properties (all specimens)

Engineering index properties Mechanical properties

Dry unit Effective Point load Quality index Uniaxial compressive Young's Poisson's
weight porosity strength (%) strength modulus ratio
(kN/m 3) (%) (MPa) (Mpa) (GPa)

Mean 25.3 3.2 3.3 59.8 78.5 7.8 0.22

Standard deviation 0.4 0.8 1.2 4.6 20.0 1.0 0.02
Range 24.5-26.4 1.2-4.9 1-7 48.6-69.0 30.9-118.4 6.5-9.1 0.2-0.24
(No. of samples) (70) (25) (544) (52) (70) (7) (7)
144 R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157

between the point load strength index and depth Unified Classification System of Deere and Miller
(r=0.6). (1966).
No significant relationship between the quality
index and depth was apparent. The values of the
quality index (IQ) range between 50.3% and 69%. 5. Statistical analysis of test data
Fourmaintraux (1976) estimated the degree of
fissuring between the quality index and porosity. The large quantity of data required computer-
Plotting these two parameters on the classification ized statistical analysis to determine any meaning-
scheme (Fig. 5) as a basis for describing the degree ful correlations between the variables and to
of fissuring of the rock specimens, it may be stated establish relevant predictive models. In this study,
that the sandstones are classified in terms of fissur- the statistical analyses performed include: (1)
ing as class III, moderately to strongly fissured descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation,
rocks. etc. of each variable), (2) linear and nonlinear
The sandstones were classified according to the regression analyses between all variables, and (3)
strength classification system for rock substance multivariant analyses between selected variables.
proposed by Deere and Miller (1966). Eighty one Bivariant correlation provides a means of sum-
percent of these sandstones were medium strength, marizing the relationship between two variables.
15% high strength and the remaining 4% low Linear regression is the most common statistical
strength rocks. Based on the values of both procedure for fitting a straight line to a set of
Young's modulus and uniaxial compressive experimental data and is based on least-square
strength, it can be stated that the sandstones fall curve fitting. In addition to linear regression analy-
into class L, low modulus ratio according to the sis, nonlinear (Y=axb); and logarithmic (Y=

lOO\,,,, ,.. , , , , , , .,, I


\ \ Z', oo


10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 5. Classification scheme for fissuring in rock specimens (After Fourmaintraux, 1976) and distribution of data points representing
the Kozlu sandstones.
R. Ulusayet al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157 145

a + lnx), relationships between variables were also level, Ho hypotheses were tested (F test); i.e., that
investigated. the correlation coefficient (r) is not significantly
Multivariate analyses comprised a variety of different from zero (no correlation).
techniques including factor, multiple and stepwise-
multiple regressions, principal component, cluster 5.1. Influence of petrographic characteristics on
and correlation analysis. In this study, multiple engineering properties
regression and stepwise multiple regression analy-
ses were performed to derive an equation that can Correlations
be used to predict values of the dependent variable Seventeen petrographic characteristics of the
from several independent variables, and to deter- sandstones were correlated with seven engineering
mine a subset of predictor variables selected properties using regression analysis (Table3).
sequentially from a group of predictor by means Because the amount of feldspar, mica, calcite,
of statistical testing of hypotheses, respectively. heavy minerals, cement, and grain-to-cement con-
The statistical runs, including F-tests, were made tacts in these sandstones, when present, was small,
using a computer package Statgraph (STSC, Inc., they were not involved in the correlations. Based
1991) which provides an integrated series of data on the analyses, among the four functions tested
handling and statistical evaluation methods both linear and power curve relations were fitted
applicable to large data files. Use of correlation to the experimental data with higher correlations
coefficients requires testing the significance of the than the other relations. However, the fitting of
statistical estimators before drawing inferences. linear relations yielded correlation coefficients
For degrees of freedom, v = n - 2 at 95% confidence higher than those of power curves. Therefore, only

Table 3
L i n e a r c o r r e l a t i o n , w i t h significance levels, b e t w e e n p e t r o g r a p h i c a l characteristics a n d e n g i n e e r i n g p r o p e r t i e s o f the K o z l u s a n d s t o n e *

Petrographic C o r r e l a t i o n coefficient (r)

Index properties Mechanical properties


M e a n g r a i n size - 0.54 a - 0.42 - 0.47 0.56 a - 0.04 0.70 a - 0.43

D e g r e e o f sorting - 0.44 - 0.35 - 0.22 0.65 a - 0.18 0.57 - 0.33
R o u n d grains 0 - 0.68 a - 0.08 0 - 0.71 a - 0.42 0.52
A n g u l a r grains 0 0.69 a 0.09 - 0.01 0.70 a 0.42 - 0.52
Sphericity 0.22 -0.23 -0.09 -0.05 0.12 -0.26 0.31
P a c k i n g density - 0.38 0.43 - 0.47 - 0.08 0.49 0.57 - 0.77 a
Packing proximity -0.43 0.16 -0.55 a 0.18 0.46 0.86 a -0.90 a
Point contacts -0.02 -0.50 -0.01 0.22 -0.28 -0.47 0.56
Straight contacts -0.21 0.03 0.17 -0.04 -0.20 -0.57 0.40
C o n c a v e - c o n v e x C. -0.08 0 0.22 0.03 -0.22 0.68 -0.54
Sutured contacts 0.20 0.55 ~ - 0.40 - 0.27 0.82 a 0.60 - 0.66
Grain-to-grain - 0.42 0.10 - 0.55 a 0.19 0.43 0.87 ~ - 0.86 a
Grain-to-void - 0.07 - 0.61 a - 0.47 0.59 a - 0.21 0.39 - 0.09
Grain-to-matrix 0.45 0.10 0.53 a - 0.34 - 0.26 - 0.75" 0.64
Percent quartz -0.12 0.37 -0.14 -0.22 0.34 0.14 -0.44
Rock fragment - 0.54 a - 0.52" - 0.74 ~ 0.5g ~ - 0.08 0.39 - 0.20
Total percent matrix 0.53 ~ 0.35 0.68 a -0.48 -0.07 -0.67 0.61

a Statistically significant a t P = 0 . 0 5 level (at 95% confidence level).

* U W : unit weight; PL: p o i n t l o a d s t r e n g t h index; IQ: quality index; P O R : effective porosity; U C S : uniaxial c o m p r e s s i v e strength;
E M O D : Y o u n g ' s m o d u l u s ; POISS: P o i s s o n ' s ratio.
146 R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157

linear correlations were considered for further of point, straight and concave--convex, grain-to-
statistics. void, and grain-to-matrix contacts, which exhibit
Based on the F-tests, among the petrographic inverse relationship with strength, are weak and
characteristics, mean grain size, grain shape, pack- provide little resistance at grain boundaries during
ing proximity, sutured contacts, grain-to-grain propagation of failure. The Kozlu sandstones tend
contacts, grain-to-matrix, rock fragments and total to show an increase in strength with increasing
percent matrix exhibit statistically significant corre- packing measures (Table 3), as noted by Bell
lations with some engineering properties at the (1978a) for the Fell Sandstones. Higher correla-
95% confidence level (Table 3). The others are tions for packing measures were obtained than
possibly and weakly related with the engineering those obtained by Shakoor and Bonelli (1991).
properties. Grain size in relation to strength is not significant
Petrographic properties which appear to show as far as the studied sandstones are concerned.
statistically significant correlation with uniaxial The petrographic characteristics that most affect
compressive strength, include percent round and Young's modulus are grain size, packing proxim-
angular grains, and percent sutured contacts ity, percent grain-to-grain contacts (Fig. 7a,b) and
(Fig. 6). Strength is inversely related to percent grain-to-matrix contacts. As expected, when the
round grains ( r = - 0 . 7 1 ) . In contrast to the first three parameters increase, Young's modulus
findings of Gunsallus and Kulhawy (1984), and increases. An increase in grain-to-matrix contacts
Shakoor and Bonelli (1991), quartz shows a weak causes a decrease in stiffness and, thus, inversely
positive correlation with strength. Probably the correlates with the Young's modulus ( r = - 0 . 7 5 ) .
interlocking of quartz grains is more important The general tendency of the relationships between
for the Kozlu sandstone samples than for the rocks Young's modulus and other types of contacts are
studied by these investigators. On the other hand, similar to those of strength. Young's modulus does
their sandstones were rich in quartz. Sandstones not exhibit a statistically significant correlation
with many sutured contacts show a highly signifi- with percent matrix (r--- -0.67), however, it shows
cant positive correlation, because these contacts a decrease with an increase in matrix.
increase the shearing resistance at grain bound- In contrast to Shakoor and Bonelli's findings
aries. Similar to the findings of Shakoor and (1991), Poisson's ratio shows better correlations
Bonelli (1991 ), sandstones with a high percentage with most of the petrographic characteristics. It
should be noted that Poisson's ratio is a property
~a=j§ ' I ' ' ~ I ' ' ~
'A,¢oef. let.
which takes into account strains in two perpendicu-
lar directions. Shakoor and Bonelli (1991), in their
lint. petrographic studies, employed thin sections cut

l r=0.82 b ' "" a perpendicular to the bedding planes. On the con-
trary, in this study, thin sections are nearly parallel
~ 84 to the fiat lying bedding planes, or parallel to the
¢1 o °
lateral strain direction, were studied. Therefore, it
• "c;" a"
is possible that petrographic characteristics parallel
~74 to the direction of lateral strain might show a
,' 13 , " .'
better correlation with Poisson's ratio. As ex-
64 pected, statistically significant inverse correlations
were found to exist for packing density, packing
S4 proximity (Fig. 8) and grain-to-grain contacts
versus Poisson's ratio.
.1.2 .1.6 28 24 28 Most of the petrographic characteristics of the
Sutured ¢ontocts(%) studied sandstones are only weakly related to unit
Fig. 6. Relationship between percent sutured contacts and weight, probably due to the range in unit weight
uniaxial compressive strength (at). being limited (Table 3). However, grain size, rock
1L Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157 147

e.24 ]~,l I ',' I I ',I''I''L

9.8 ' ' ! ' ' 1 .....

J ....... ~' ! ' ' ; ' ' 1.'.'. . . . . . Lj
r : 0 . 8 6 r , " • " " :~
9 ,"" D .'" D4 ~ e.23
8.5 Y ?~1 9
•" .y
8 .... "" / -.i ....... ::,.~

m L ,'/ .C ..............

? /~

. . . . . .
. . . . . . .-."'":
r:- 0.9
IJ~l , ~ii~
6.5 ~t h I ~ ,i,, I .;'[, ,I ,i ° 6? ?8 ?3 ?6 ?9 82 85
8? ?e ?3 ?8 ?9 82 85
Packing proximity (%) Fig. 8. Relationshipbetweenpacking proximity and Poisson's
ratio (v).

9.5 between the first three properties and point load

index are similar to those between uniaxial com-
9 pressive strength and these. As expected, as the
percent grain-to-void contacts increase, because
8.K they are weak contacts, it leads to a decrease in
~d tensile strength, in other words the point load
/ " ° -
o a strength index decreases (r= -0.54).
Iii There is a tendency for effective porosity to
?.E increase with mean grain size. Table 3 shows that
the relationship between the two is statistically
significant. The relationship with sorting was some-
what higher (r=0.65), attaining the 95% confi-
i . / .... ........
6.6 dence level. This implies that an increase in the
degree of sorting is mirrored by an increase in
68 "re "74 "re 82 88
porosity. This relation of grain size to porosity
Grain to grain contacts(%)
also is usually found in petrographic studies of
Fig. 7. Relationship between Young's modulus (E) and packing detrital rocks (Brown, 1993). As expected, among
proximity (a); Young's modulus and percent grain to grain the types of contact, percent grain-to-void contacts
contacts (b). exhibit a significant positive correlation with
porosity (r= 0.59). It is also noted that an increase
fragment and percent matrix, which exhibit statis- in percent rock fragment results in an increase in
tically significant correlations with unit weight at porosity (r = 0.59). The inverse correlation between
95% confidence level, may be used to obtain a porosity, and both packing density and packing
preliminary indication of unit weight. proximity is not significant as expected. This could
The petrographic properties that exhibit statis- possibly be explained by the fact that these two
tically significant correlations with point load parameters take account of the grain arrangement
strength index are percent round and angular without referring to material occupying interstitial
grains, sutured contacts, grain-to-void contacts voids. The amount of matrix material has an
and percent rock fragment (Table 3). The relations inverse influence on porosity, in other words when
148 R. Ulusayet al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157

the a m o u n t o f matrix increases, the porosity Table 4

Empirical equations for predicting engineering index and
decreases. mechanical properties from petrographical characteristics a
Petrographic characteristics which a p p e a r to
show statistically significant inverse correlation Relationship Prediction equation Correlation
with the quality index include percent grain-to- coefficient
grain, rock fragment and packing proximity. In
addition, the a m o u n t o f matrix and percent grain- UNIT WEIGHT (y):
to-matrix are the other petrographic characteristics Mean grain size (x) y=25.77-1.21x -0.54
exhibiting a significant positive relationship with Rock fragment (x) y=26.08-0.017x -0.54
quality index (Table 3). An increase in the latter Percent matrix (x) y = 25.03 + 0.03x 0.53
two properties m a y cause a reduction in pores, Round grains (x) y=4.43-0.78x -0.68
i.e., velocity increases, and thus as expected, the Angular grains (x) y = 3.55 + 0.08x 0.69
quality index increases. In spite of very weak Sutured contacts (x) y= 1.87+0.07x 0.55
correlations between quartz content and IQ index, Grain to void (x) y=3.53-0.13x -0.61
Rock fragment (x) y=4.14-0.02x -0.52
it is noted that there m a y be an inverse relationship
between the two as mentioned by R a m a n a and Packing proximity (x) y=85.48-0.33x -0.55
V e n k a t a r a y a n a (1973), who observed a decrease Grain to grain (x) y=84.37-O.32x -0.55
in velocity with increasing quartz content. As Grain to matrix (x) y=55.57+0.25x 0.53
Rock fragment (x) y=71.82-0.28x -0.74
expected, percent grain-to-void contacts is
Percent matrix (x) y = 55.06 + 0.46x 0.68
inversely related to the IQ index. POROSITY (y):
Using linear regression lines between these vari- Mean grain size (x) y=2.31 +2.38x 0.56
ables empirical equations were developed to pre- Degree of sorting (x) y = 1.67 + 2.15x 0.65
dict engineering index and mechanical properties Grain to void (x) y=2.62+0.17x 0.59
Rock fragment (x) y= 1.61 +0.04x 0.59
of sandstones f r o m petrographic characteristics, UNIAXIAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (y):
which are statistically significant at 95% confidence Round grains (x) y=97.17- 1.6x -0.71
level as indicated in Table 3. These equations are Angular grains (x) y = 61.96 + 1.59x 0.70
presented in Table 4. Sutured contacts (x) y = 33.37 + 2.04x 0.82
Mean grain size (x) y = 6.4 + 4.13x 0.70
Packing proximity (x) y = - 0.98 + 0.11x 0.86
5.2. The development o f estimating models using Grain to grain (x) y= -0.71 +0.11x 0.87
multiple regression Grain to matrix (x) y =9.0-0.74x -0.75
Packing density (x) y = 0.44- 0.0024x - 0.77
The statistical m e t h o d introduced in the previous Packing proximity (x) y=0.375-0.002x -0.90
section was employed to analyze univariate obser- Grain to grain (x) y=0.364-0.002x -0.86
vations, each consisting o f a single number. W h e n
an observational unit is characterized by several aUnit weight (kN/m3), point load strength index (MPa),
quality index (%), porosity (%), uniaxial compressive strength
variables, multivariate methods such as multiple (MPa), Young's Modulus (GPa), mean grain size (mm), all
regression allow consideration of changes in sev- petrographic characteristics given as independent variables are
eral properties simultaneously (Davis, 1973). Use in percent.
of multivariate m e t h o d s is very i m p o r t a n t in reduc- *Statistically significant at P=0.05 level based on F-test
ing the n u m b e r o f measured variables considered
to be independent sources o f information to only
a few variables that adequately explain the varia-
tion in parameters studied. Multiple regression regression, the equation is o f the general form:
analysis is used to derive an equation that can be
y' = c + btx~ + b2x2 -Jr...b,x,
used to predict values o f a dependent variable
from several independent variables. In multiple where y' is the dependent variable, c is a constant,
R. Ulusayet al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157 149

xl to xn are variables, and bl to bn are partial lated (0.85) and distribution of the plots shown in
regression coefficients for xl to xn. Fig. 9e indicate that the regression is significant
A model is required as a predictive tool for the (R2(adj) = 0.81 ). For Young's modulus the regres-
assessment of engineering properties of the studied sion is not strongly significant. However, the
sandstones from significant petrographic proper- regression constant and probably the coefficient
ties which can be commonly determined during for packing proximity are the predictors of
routine thin section studies. For this purpose, Poisson's ratio.
petrographic characteristics exhibiting statistically
significant correlations with engineering properties 5.3. Stepwise multiple regression
at 95% confidence level were selected from Table 3.
Using these characteristics, the multiple regression In this study, to reduce further the required
routines yielded prediction coefficients and regres- number of measured variables and to analyze and
sion statistics, presented in Table 5, for each of the remove collinearity that might exist between the
engineering properties. variables, another multivariate technique, stepwise
In order to determine the overall significance of multiple regression, was applied to predict engi-
the regression tests, the F-test was also performed. neering properties on the basis of petrographical
The coefficient of multiple determination, R 2, pro- characteristics. This regression analysis usually
vides an overall measure of the adequacy of the furnishes indications that suggest further inves-
equation to predict. If the line is a good estimator tigations. One dependent variable and a set of
of the data, this coefficient will be near unity. The independent variables are selected. The indepen-
importance of the individual independent variables dent variables may be observed or may be derived
was evaluated by examining the sample partial by transformations. The regression is then carried
regression coefficients associated with each. In out in an iterative fashion (Koch and Link, 1971).
addition, predicted values of engineering properties The results of the stepwise multiple regression
were compared to actual measured values. For this analyses performed for each engineering property
purpose the measured variables were substituted are tabulated in Table 6. In the first step, six of
in the equations given in Table 5 to predict engi- the seventeen variables predicted unit weight with
neering properties (Fig. 9). R 2 =0.85. Unit weight may be predicted with R2=
Based on the probabilities of T-ratios and 0.42 using mean grain size and percent straight
F-values, Table 5 indicates that unit weight has contacts (Table 6a). However, the reduction from
only one significant predictor which is the regres- six to two variables is significant and there is a
sion constant. The R 2 values calculated indicate major reduction in effort to predict unit weight
that the regression is not significant (R2=0.34, with approximately the same accuracy. For point
R2(adj)=0.16). The margin of error as indicated load strength index, reduction from six to two
by the distance of data from the 1:1 line is rather variables indicate a decrease of 0.22 in R z
large (Fig. 9a). Therefore, the prediction equation (Table 6b).
can be used to obtain rough estimates of unit When quality index was regressed versus mean
weight. The point load strength index has no grain size, sutured contacts and percent rock frag-
significant predictor. The distribution of plots ment, R 2 was 0.88. The analysis showed that these
(Fig. 9b) also confirms this consideration and the three variables were good predictors of the quality
prediction equation may probably be used as a index. On the other hand, two variables, sutured
rough estimator for the point load index. The contacts and percent rock fragment, could predict
regression constant and coefficient for percent rock the quality index with R z 0.74. Reduction from
fragment are significant to regression in the case three to two variables yields only a small loss in
of quality index. Porosity could be predicted by predictive capability. A similar assessment may
the coefficient for degree of sorting and regression also be considered for effective porosity
coefficient. Uniaxial compressive strength has one (Table 6d).
predictor, sutured contacts. The R 2 values calcu- Stepwise multiple regression performed for uni-
150 R. Ulusayet al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157

Table 5
Summary of multiple regression statistics for engineering properties

Predictor Coefficient SD T-ratio a Probability Predictor Coefficient SD T-ratio a Probability

(1) Unit weight Degree of 3.281 1.533 2.139 0.0581

Constant 25.507 0.887 28.73 0.0 sorting
Mean -0.700 0.937 -0.7473 0.4706 Grain to 0.0495 0.073 0.674 0.5153
grain size void
Rock -0.0018 0.0185 -0.0984 0.9234 Rock 0.0424 0.023 1.805 0.1012
fragment fragment
Percent 0.0155 0.02633 -0.5909 0.5665
matrix F-value = 4.14; bprobability = 0.0312; R 2 = 0.62; R 2(adj) = 0.47

F-value = 1.899; Probability = 0.1882; R 2 = 0.34; R 2(adj) = 0.16 (5) Uniaxial compressive strength
Constant 913.47 505.44 1.807 0.0981
(2) Point load strength index Round - 9.478 5.038 - 1.881 0.0867
Constant -45.612 39.623 - 1.151 0,2793 grains
Round 0.4478 0.392 1.1398 0.2838 Angular -8.57 5.062 -1.693 0.1185
grains grains
Angular 0.4938 0.396 1.2457 0.2443 Sutured 1.631 0.325 5.021 0.0040
grains contacts
Sutured 0.0363 0.0256 1.4183 0.1898
contacts F-value=21.18; bprobability=0.0001; R2=0.85; R2(adj)=
Grain to -0.0435 0.048 -0.9016 0.3908 0.81
Rock -0.0103 0.010 - 1.0277 0.3309 (6) Young's modulus
fragments Constant 0.0826 3.600 0.0229 0.9838
Mean 2.7224 2.125 1.2810 0 3286
F-value=4.868; bProbability=0.0196; R2=0.73; R2(adj)= grain size
0.58 Packing 0.1968 0.330 0.5964 0.6114
(3) Ounlity index Grain to -0.1073 0.315 -0.3406 0.7659
Constant 88.855 20.799 4.272 0.0021 grain
Packing - 1.666 1.370 - 1.215 0.2550 Grain to - 0.0050 0.036 - 0.1369 0.9036
proximity matrix
Grain to 1.496 1.320 1.133 0.2865
grain F-value=5.41; Probability=0.162; R2=0.915; Re(adj)=0.75
Grain to 0.05 0.204 0.245 0.8114
matrix (7) Poissan's ratio
Rock -0.335 0.170 1.973 0.0799 Constant 0.3540 0.0700 5.062 0.015
fragment Packing 0.0007 0.0014 0.542 0.625
Percent -0.179 0.427 -0.419 0.6847 density
matrix Packing - 0.008 0.0049 - 1.656 0.196
F-value = 3.24; Probability = 0.0599; R 2---0.64; R 2(adj) = 0.44 Grain to 0.0054 0.0043 1.270 0.293
(4) Porosity
Constant 0.4263 0.888 0.480 0.6414 F-value = 6.9; Probability = 0.073; R 2 = 0.87; R 2 (adj) = 0.75
Mean -4.223 2.617 - 1.614 0.1377
grain size

aLarge T-ratio implies small probability; probabilities of greater than 0.05 imply possible deletion of variable.
bBecause probability of F-value is less than 0.05 significance level, Ho is rejected in favour of H1 that regression is significant.
a. 7 - K N / m 3 b./Ss0-MPa c. I Q - % d. n - %

"" :~//~,. t.-.~ ,~ / -- - -

° ....... :

.... I.l ;t.,e

fyo~ .
14 14.4 14.e ILl ILl II ie.4 i.I. I1,1 I.| 3.| 3,1 4.~ sl s4 s? se s3 se so |.| |.T |.| a.'l 4.| 4. T |.| prmclJ.ctld pr,,dictld prledic:tld
e. O c - M P a • S -GPa g.v
i T I I I I I I'i I I'l I [ f f f f [I
1o4 J !U'I!'.!.'I!'!'I""['"'! '"'

i o
e.m -.j

1] 10
II i
L "r.o L &
oi i !
0 ?.4

,,,,i,,,il,i',lL,t,I .... I,,,, fill

So4 O.I 7.4 1.S 0.4 0.0 S,4 e.a e.21 e.u e.~ o.14

pridJ.ctld prmd£c=tmd

Fig. 9. Predicted versus observed values of engineering properties for estimating model.
152 R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157

Table 6
S u m m a r y o f stepwise multiple regression statistics to e s t i m a t e e n g i n e e r i n g p r o p e r t i e s f r o m p e t r o g r a p h i c a l characteristics


1 2 3 4 5

(a) Unit weight

Constant 22.267 24.332 23.944 24.95 27.148
G r a i n size -3.764 -2.393 -2.533 - 1.575 - 1.42
T-ratio - 4.360 - 5.160 - 2.420 - 3.400 - 2.79
Sorting 1.242 0.821
T-ratio 1.81 a 1.02 ~
Sphericity 8.23 5.694 5.351 4.2
T-ratio 3.76 3.02 2.23 1.98 a
Straight c o n t a c t s - 0.073 - 0.066 - 0.039 - 0.04 - 0.03
T-ratio - 4.410 - 3.660 - 2.260 - 2.31 - 1.63 ~
Grain-to-void 0.072 0.082
T-ratio 2.65 2.78
Percent quartz 0.039 0.025
T-ratio 2.54 1.69 ~
R2 0.85 0.78 0.61 0.57 0.42

(b) Point load strength index

Constant - 10.90 - 7.757 - 6.445 - 2.211 - 2.298
A n g u l a r grains 0.024 0.026 0.042 0.067 0.071
T-ratio 1.18 a 1.25 a 1.84 a 3.36 3.38
P a c k i n g density 0.106 0.077 0.063
T-ratio 3.19 3.11 1.88 ~
Point contacts - 0.02 - 0.044 - 0.044
T-ratio - 0.90 ~ - 2.210 - 2.09 a
Grain-to-voids 0.065
T- ratio 1.27 a
Percent quartz 0.034 0.028
T-ratio 2.08 a 1.75 ~
Percent m a t r i x 0.088 0.063 0.049 0.022
T- ratio 3.510 3.940 2.570 1.58 a
R2 0.84 0.81 0.77 0.69 0.62

(c) Quality index

Constant 65.091 80.76 83.453 82.096 80.31
G r a i n size 15.308 16.05 15.054 10.956
T-ratio 3.25 3.15 2.95 1.78 a
Sutured contacts -0.707 -0.561 -0.582 -0.462 -0.45
T-ratio -4.950 -4.62 -4.78 -3.21 -2.88
Grain-to-grain 0.233
T-ratio 1.63 ~
Grain-to-void - 0.451 - 0.659 - 0.697
T-ratio - 1.71 a -2.620 -2.75
Grain-to-matrix 0.197 0.072
T-ratio 2.05 a 1.13 a
Rock fragment -0.411 -0.362 -0.376 -0.413 -0.285
T-ratio - 5.71 - 5.080 - 5.3 -4.67 - 5.1
R2 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.79 0.74

(d) Porosity
Constant 7.906 4.88 4.451 2.408 2.183
G r a i n size -4.718 -4.83 -4.089 -3.15
T-ratio - 1.75 a - 1.77 a - 1.66 a - 1.28 a
R. Ulusay e t al. ~Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157 153

Table 6 (continued)


1 2 3 4 5

Sorting 4.233 4.129 3.537 3.554 1.816

T-ratio 2.48 2.40 2.38 2.30 2.42
Point contacts -0.048 0.027
T-ratio - 1.17 ~ - 0.74"
Percent matrix - 0.117 - 0.091 - 0.085 - 0.056 - 0.026
T-ratio - 2.5 - 2.25 - 2.19 - 1.66 a - 1.05 a
Grain-to-grain - 0.035
T-ratio - 1.08 ~
Percent quartz - 0.05 - 0.052 - 0.046
T-ratio - 1.44 ~ - 1.48" - 1.38 a
R2 0.69 0.64 0.62 0.55 0.48

(e) Uniaxial compressive strength

Constant 142.94 135.0 134.27 62.82 57.89
Packing proximity - 1.003 - 0.984 - 0.914
T-rati o - 4.84 - 4.60 - 3.840
Point contacts 0.336 0.346
T-ratio 1.95 ~ 1.94 a
Sutured contacts 2.351 2.296 2.145 1.528 1.57
T-ratio. 9.61 9.22 8.02 4.77 4.52
Grain-to-matrix -0.924 -0.88 -0.777 -0.235
T-ratio - 5.95 - 5.62 - 4.670 - 1.78 a
Percent quartz -0.191
T-ratio - 1.28 ~
Round grains - 1.217 - 1.165 - 1.136 - 0.967 - 0.963
T-ratio - 6.92 - 6.59 - 5.710 - 3.320 - 3.040
R2 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.86 0.81

(f) Young's modulus

Constant -4.211 -4.215 -0.715
Concave--convex con. 0.071
T-ratio 3.0
Grain-to-grain 0.172 0.198 0.112
T-ratio 6.18 4.34 3.97
Sutured contacts - 0.155 - 0.171
T-ratio - 3.350 - 2.14 a
Rz 0.97 0.89 0.76

(g) Poisson's ratio

Constant 0.543 0.419 0.376
Packing density - 0.0019
T-ratio - 1.55 a
Packing proximity - 0.0027 - 0.003 - 0.002
T-ratio - 3.67 - 3.66 -4.540
Sutured contacts 0.0036 0.002
T-ratio 2.27 a 1.42 a
R2 0.93 0.87 0.81

L a r g e T - r a t i o i m p l i e s s m a l l p r o b a b i l i t y ; p r o b a b i l t i e s s m a l l o r T - r a t i o l a r g e s u g g e s t t h a t t h e v a r i a b l e is s i g n i f i c a n t a n d i m p o r t a n t to
r e g r e s s i o n . T h e T - r a t i o is c o m p a r e d with students-t distribution.
~Nonsignificant T-ratio.
154 R. Ulusayet al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157

axial compressive strength indicated that six vari- index and effective porosity, unit weight and poros-
ables collectively predicted this mechanical ity, and effective porosity and quality index.
property with a high value of R2=0.97. But a Contrary to the findings of Shakoor and Bonelli
great amount of effort can be avoided with a small (1991), and Hawkins and McConnell (1991) no
loss in accuracy if two variables, sutured contacts correlation was found between uniaxial compres-
and percent quartz, are used (R2=0.81). Only sive strength and unit weight. Quality index is
three variables are sufficient to achieve values of another engineering index property which does not
R 2 greater than 0.9 for static elastic constants. exhibit any correlation with compressive strength.
However, without an important loss in accuracy The porosity of the rock is clearly an important
percent grain to grain contacts (R2=0.76) and factor in sandstone strength in that voids reduce
packing proximity (R2=0.81) are considered as the integrity of the material. As expected, if the
good predictors for Young's modulus and values of compressive strength and point load
Poisson's ratio, respectively. strength are compared with their corresponding
effective porosities, then inverse relationships can
5.4. Relations between engineering index properties be seen between porosity and both strength param-
and mechanical properties eters. However, these relationships are not strong
(r=0.35, r=0.41). Comparison of compressive
In order to investigate if any significant relation- strength and point load strength and Poisson's
ship existed between the engineering index proper- ratio with Young's modulus seems probably sig-
ties and mechanical properties of the Kozlu nificant; when strength increases so does Young's
sandstones, a number of correlations were made. modulus, and Poisson's ratio decreases (Table 7).
Table 7 is a correlation matrix summarizing the The point load test is most importantly em-
correlation coefficients of the variables with signi- ployed in estimating the compressive strength of
ficance levels. Among the seven engineering prop- rock materials. The correlation between point load
erties studied, statistically significant correlations, strength index and compressive strength for the
at 95% confidence level, were found between uni- Kozlu sandstone (Fig. 10) was highly significant
axial compressive strength and point load index, (r=0.90) The reliability of this approach depends
Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, point load upon the adequacy of the index to the strength
correlation constant, k. There is, however, no
unique value for k, because it is sensitive to varia-
tions in both testing technique and instrinsic rock
Table 7
Linear correlation matrix of engineering properties with
significancelevels* B ~-~-' P '-~--i~-T= ~-T ' ' ' I '~-r- 1
ac=19/SSO+12.7 -'" ~ - [~

UCS 0.01 -0.35-0.04 0.90a -0.62 0.63 1.0

EMOD -0.58 0.59 -0.16 0.27 -0.91 a 1.0.
POISS 0.49 -0.45 0.22 -0.51 1.0
PL 0.36 -0.41 a 0.14 1.0
UW 0.27 -0.59 a 1.0
POR -0.54 a 1.0
1Q 1.0 1

aStatistically significant at P=0.05 level (at 95% confidence i J I i i t J

UCS= 12.7+ 19PL; EMOD= 19.6-53.3 POISS; POR= • ~ID 4e ee 8e leo l~e

4.6-0.42 PL; POR=32-1.14 UW; POR=8.22-0.881Q % IMPo)

*UCS: Uniaxial compressivestrength; EMOD: Young's modu-
lus; POISS: Poisson's ratio; PL: Point load strength index; Fig. I0. Point load strength index (I.5o) versus uniaxial com-
UW: Unit weight; POR: Effectiveporosity; IQ: Ouality index. pressive strength (~).
R Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology 37 (1994) 135-157 155

properties. A wide variety of k values has, there- 9.5

f ' ' I,,,
fore, been recommended by various authors and
institutions. The equations proposed by them to 9
0"""' r: - .~

link compressive strength with point load index

are presented in Table 8. Among the above equa- 8.G
tions, the equations proposed by D'Andrea et al.
(1965), Deere and Miller (1966), Singh (1981), a. l \
Gunsallus and Kulhawy (1984), O'Rourke (1989) \
81 \
and the equation found in this study indicate that 7°6 \
when one of the variables is zero the other one
will not be equal to zero. This is not possible in 7
practice and is probably due to nonuniformity of
rocks, test method or variations in fabric. 6°5 ] [ I L
Particularly it should be noted that the point load
9.2 0.21 0.:=2 9.23 0.24
index, in this study, was measured roughly parallel
to the bedding plane, while the compressive
strength measures were determined roughly per- Fig. 11. Relationship between Young's modulus (E) and
pendicular to the bedding. It may be concluded Poisson's ratio (v).
that the compressive strength of the sandstones
tested in this study is 19 times the point load index. The Kozlu sandstones tend to show an
strength. The relationship between Young's modu- increase in quality index with decreasing effective
lus and Poisson's ratio is an inverse one and highly porosity.
significant ( r = - 0 . 9 1 ) at 95% confidence level
(Fig. ll).
There is a statistically significant correlation 6. Conclusions
between effective porosity and unit weight. As
porosity decreases, unit weight increases. On the The relationships between petrographic charac-
other hand, as expected, an inverse relationship teristics, some engineering index properties, and
exists between the effective porosity and quality mechanical properties of a selected litharenite
sandstone were quantified by a comprehensive
Table 8
bivariant and multivariant statistical evaluation.
Equations between uniaxial compressive strength (trc) and Quantification of the mineralogy and texture of a
point load strength index (/,so) number of sandstones has allowed the identifica-
tion of those parameters which control the
Reference Predictive equation geomechanical performance of the sandstones.
D'Andrea et al. (1964) ~ao = 15.3 Isso+ 16.3
This study generally revealed that the influence
Deere and Miller (1966) age =20.7 Is50+29.6 of textural characteristics appear to be more
Broch and Franklin (1972) aac =24 I~0 important than grain mineralogy for predicting
Bieniawski (1975) ~tr¢= 23 l,so engineering properties of the sandstones. Among
Hassani et al. (1980) aa¢ = 29 1,50 seventeen petrographic characteristics, percent
Singh (1981) btr¢= 18.7 1,5o - 132
Gunsallus and Kulhawy (1984) aac= 16.5 1,50+51
sutured contacts, percent grain-to-grain contacts,
O'Rourke (1989) ¢a¢=21.8 Is5o+6210 grain shape, mean grain size, packing density,
Mehrotra et al. (1991) ~a¢ = 26/,so packing proximity and percent rock fragments
aTsidzi ( 1991 ) "a¢ = (1,5o/0.03) + 0.003 l, so exhibit the most significant correlations with most
Ghosh and Srivastava ( 1991 ) ~a¢ = 16 l, so of the engineering properties included in the analy-
This study aa~= 19/,so+ 12.7
ses. Those samples exhibiting higher strength with
aac and 1,5o in MPa; bac and I,so in kgf/cm 2; higher percentage of sutured contacts contain more
ca¢ and Is5o in psi; d curvilinear relationship. angular grains than round grains. As pointed out
156 R. Ulusay et al./Engineering Geology37 (1994) 135-157

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mineralogical composition and there is no excep- of bulk mechanical and index properties by petro-
tion to this in the case of the Kozlu sandstone. graphical parameters also appears to be feasible
Sandstones which have an abundance of grain- for such sandstones. However, additional data or
to-grain contacts and higher values of packing studies are needed to verify these relationships.
proximity exhibit higher Young's modulus and
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