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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440


Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic electricity production

by mono‑crystalline solar systems: a case study in Canada
Ehsan Alam1 · Xiaohong Xu1

Received: 21 October 2021 / Accepted: 3 November 2022 / Published online: 16 November 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Photovoltaic (PV) system is widely recognized as one of the cleanest technologies for electricity production, which transforms
solar energy into electrical energy. However, there are considerable amounts of emissions during its life cycle. In this study,
life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to evaluate the environmental and human health impacts of PV electricity production
in Canada. The PV potential varies considerably among the provinces, with higher values in Manitoba (MB), Saskatchewan
(SK), Alberta (AB), and southern Ontario (ON). A grid-connected slanted-roof mono-crystalline silicon (mono-Si) PV system
with a capacity of 3 kWp (the peak power of the system in kilowatts) in Toronto, Ontario, was considered as the case study
system. Ten impact categories were considered including (1) acidification, (2) carcinogenic, (3) ecotoxicity, (4) eutrophica-
tion, (5) fossil fuel depletion, (6) global warming, (7) non-carcinogenic, (8) ozone depletion, (9) respiratory effects, and (10)
smog. Among the four components of the PV system, i.e., mono-Si panel, mounting system, inverter, and electric installation,
the mono-Si panel production was the highest contributor in seven out of ten impact categories, including acidification (68%),
eutrophication (60%), fossil fuel depletion (81%), global warming (77%), ozone depletion (88%), respiratory effects (74%),
and smog (70%). For the other three processes, the electric installation contributed most to ecotoxicity at 58%, followed by
the mounting system in the carcinogenic category (29%), and the inverter in the non-carcinogenic category (31%). By nor-
malizing the impacts based on the reference scores in Canada, it was found that the ecotoxicity and carcinogenic categories
had dominant contributions to the overall impact by 53% and 42%, respectively. The global warming potential impact was
estimated as 79 gr ­CO2 eq /kWh, which is close to the mean value of 79.5 gr ­CO2 eq /kWh, reported in the literature. The
sensitivity analysis indicated that a 10% increase in the panel and mounting system area will increase the ozone depletion
and carcinogenic categories by 8.1% and 2.8%, respectively.

Keywords Life cycle assessment (LCA) · Impact category · Global warming · Photovoltaic systems · Mono-Si panel ·

Nomenclature ISO International organization for standardization

AC Alternating current LCA Life cycle assessment
CdTe Cadmium telluride LCI Life cycle inventory
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon LCIA Life cycle impact assessment
CIS Copper (C), indium (I), and selenium (S) NF Normalization factor
CTUe Comparative toxic unit for human PV Photovoltaic
CTUh Comparative toxic unit for human Si Silicon
DC Direct current SO2 Sulfur dioxide
GHG Greenhouse gas TRACI Tool for reduction and assessment of chemicals
and other environmental impacts

Responsible Editor: Philippe Loubet

* Ehsan Alam
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27423

Introduction high silicon purity in the extraction and manufacturing

processes (Rabaia et al. 2021).Solar energy is a small but
Several factors have led to a significant increase in the fast-increasing source of electricity in Canada, whose
development of renewable energy, including the serious capacity of solar PV ranked 9th in the world, with China
global environmental crises in recent years, the regulations being 1st (33% of the global total), followed by the USA
of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions, and technological (12%) and Japan (10%). The total installed capacity of
advances in distributed energy technologies (Pehnt 2006; solar power in Canada has grown from 16.7 megawatts in
Sabour et al. 2020a, 2020b). Since 1990, renewable energy 2005 to 3040 megawatts in 2018 (NRCAN 2020b), and
sources have grown at an average annual rate of 2%, which over 98% of the solar PV capacity in Canada is located in
is slightly higher than the growth rate of the world’s total the province of Ontario (CER 2022).
energy supply of 1.8%. The growth has been especially Solar PV potential is defined as the amount of power
high for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, with an aver- generated (kWh) per installed kilowatt peak capacity (kWp)
age rate of 36.5% per year (IEA 2021). Solar energy is over a period of time, such as a day, week, month, or year
the most widely distributed renewable energy worldwide (Suri et al. 2020). Another measure is solar insolation in the
(Fu et al. 2015), and solar PV panel technology generates unit of kWh/m2, which is usually reported by the daily aver-
electricity directly from solar radiation without emitting age. Figure 1 shows the annual average daily solar insolation
any GHGs during its operations (Peng et al. 2013). There in Canada, which is generated using ArcGIS Pro software
are different types of PV panels in terms of the technology, (Esri 2020) based on data from (NRCAN 2020a). According
chemical elements used, and efficiency in converting the to the map, daily global insolation highly varies in Canada,
Sun’s energy into electricity. First-generation PV panels ranging from 2.5 to 5.8 kWh/m2. The cities of Regina and
were made from mono-crystalline silicon (mono-Si), poly- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, are exposed to the largest amount
crystalline, or multi-crystalline silicon PV (multi-Si). The of sunlight, followed by Calgary, Alberta; Winnipeg, Mani-
second generation included thin-film solar cells (CdTe and toba; Edmonton, Alberta; and Ottawa, Ontario (CER 2022).
CIS). Currently, the most commercial and common types This highlights the importance of geographical location in
of PV systems are mono-Si and multi-Si panels (Stoppato the performance of PV systems in terms of environmental
2008; Rabaia et al. 2021). Mono-Si panels have relatively and economic aspects.
high efficiency with an average module efficiency of 14%; There has been an increasing concern over the environ-
however, mono-Si panels are more expensive due to the mental impacts of PV systems, especially in the past two
decades, due to the exponential growth in the use of PV

Fig. 1  Annual average daily

solar insolation in Canada based
on data from Natural Resources
Canada (NRCAN 2020a)

27424 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

technologies. Regarding the operation phase, PV systems including the functional unit and system boundary, can sig-
are completely clean technologies with no emissions (Rabaia nificantly influence the results.
et al. 2021). However, there are considerable amounts of The use of PV technologies has been significantly increas-
emissions during their life cycle, including the extraction ing in Canada, especially in the last decade. However, the
and manufacturing of raw materials, transportation, pro- environmental impacts of the PV technologies have not been
duction and assembly of electrical components, installa- fully investigated, resulted in a significant knowledge gap in
tion process, and disposal (Fu et al. 2015). Therefore, it is the overall performance of these systems. Only two studies
essential to investigate the environmental performance of were found on the LCA of PV systems in Canada (Mehedi
PV systems and determine the life cycle emissions during et al. 2022; Cubi et al. 2016). Mehedi et al. (2022) conduct
different stages (Peng et al. 2013). Life cycle assessment an LCA study on a utility-scale multi-Si PV system with a
(LCA) is a quantitative method that takes into account the lithium-ion battery, located in Alberta, Canada. However,
complete life cycle of a product or process, starting from the the focus of the study was only on energy and GHG emis-
production of raw materials to the final disposal (ISO14040 sions, ignoring other impact categories. Cubi et al. (2016)
2006; ISO14044 2006); thus, LCA can address a broad range evaluate the environmental performance of rooftop technolo-
of environmental issues (Hauschild et al. 2017), such as cli- gies including white roofs, green roofs, and roof-mounted
mate change, acidification, eutrophication, depletion of non- multi-Si PV in three locations, i.e., Calgary, Alberta, Van-
renewable resources, ecotoxicity, and human health impacts. couver, British Colombia, and Toronto, Ontario. However,
According to the literature review conducted for the pur- their study was more concerned with the comparison of dif-
poses of the present study, several studies have been pre- ferent rooftop technologies than a detailed LCA study on the
sented on the LCA of PV systems; however, there are many PV system, including different components.
variations in terms of purpose, scope, data, methodology, Although LCA studies have been conducted to assess
system type, and geographic location. Because solar irra- the environmental performance of mono-Si PV systems
diance varies in different regions of the world (Suri et al. (Wild-Scholten 2013; Fthenakis and Kim 2011), there is no
2020), it is essential to evaluate each project based on its study in Canada. Further, previous studies have only con-
specific location. In this regard, case studies have been sidered GHG emissions, ignoring other impact categories.
presented in locations such as Switzerland (Dones and According to the literature, there are few studies on the other
Frischknecht 1998; Jungbluth et al. 2007), southern Europe impacts of mono-Si panels (Chen et al. 2016). Therefore,
(Wild-Scholten 2013), China (Fu et al. 2015; Yu et al. 2017; the objective of this study is to assess the environmental
Xie et al. 2018; Jia et al. 2020), Japan (Ito et al. 2011), Sin- and human health impacts of PV electricity production by
gapore (Kannan et al. 2006; Zhong et al. 2011), Italy (Desi- grid-connected mono-Si residential PV systems in Canada
deri et al. 2012, 2013; Carnevale et al. 2014; Vellini et al. using LCA. Specific objectives include:
2017), Spain (Dominguez-Ramos et al. 2010; Bayod-Rújula
et al. 2011; Sumper et al. 2011), USA (Pacca et al. 2006), 1) Identifying major environmental and human health
UK (Muneer et al. 2006), Mexico (Santoyo-Castelazo et al. impacts including acidification, ecotoxicity, eutrophi-
2021), Germany (Graebig et al. 2010), the Netherlands cation, fossil fuel depletion, global warming, ozone
(Mohr et al. 2013), Brazil (Constantino et al. 2018), and depletion, smog, carcinogenic, non-carcinogenic, and
France (Beylot et al. 2014). respiratory effect
Most studies have only focused on global warming poten- 2) Analyzing the variability of PV potential and the life
tial (Ito et al. 2010, 2011; Zhai and Williams 2010; Alsema cycle impacts in Canada
and Wild-Scholten 2011; Stoppato 2008; Bayod-Rújula 3) Comparing the impacts of PV electricity production
et al. 2011; Wild-Scholten 2013; Constantino et al. 2018). with Ontario’s electricity grid mix
However, there are fewer studies on other impact catego-
ries such as ecotoxicity, ozone depletion, eutrophication,
and human health (Yu et al. 2017; Xie et al. 2018; Jia et al. Methodology
2020; Santoyo-Castelazo et al. 2021; Fu et al. 2015). The
reported GHG emission rate has been in the range of 5–220 Overall framework
gr ­CO2-equivalent/kWh, which shows a significant variation.
This situation is mainly due to several factors including (1) In this study, LCA was used to assess the environmental
solar irradiance, (2) the manufacturing process (raw material and human health impacts of PV electricity production by
extraction and energy consumption), (3) the type of PV tech- mono-Si PV systems. This study followed the LCA method-
nology (i.e., system lifetime, capacity, module efficiency), ology defined by ISO14040 (2006) and ISO14044 (2006).
and (4) system installation type (e.g., grid-connected, stand- Also, the European ILCD guideline (EuropeanCommis-
alone, roof, ground-mounted). Further, the scope of LCA, sion 2010) was used to further specify the methodological

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27425

choices. There are four steps for performing LCA includ- life cycle impacts of a PV system. Therefore, in the present
ing (1) goal and scope definition, (2) inventory analysis, (3) study, the relative impacts of the PV system were calcu-
impact assessment, and (4) interpretation. lated according to the PV potential in different provinces
in Canada, ranging from 860 to 1235 kWh/kWp. The high-
Goal and scope definition est impact is considered 100%, as a base for comparison.
Ontario’s electricity supply mix includes a range of diverse
Goal and scope definition is the first step in performing resources, including nuclear, hydro, natural gas, and renewa-
LCA. The goal of this study was to identify environmen- bles such as wind and solar (IESO 2021) (Fig. S1). To pro-
tal and human health performance indicators of residential vide a contextual understanding of the life cycle impacts
PV electricity production in Canada. The impact categories of PV systems, the results were compared to the impacts
included acidification, carcinogenic, ecotoxicity, eutrophi- of Ontario’s electricity mix, based on LCI data from the
cation, fossil fuel depletion, global warming, non-carcino- Ecoinvent database (Wernet et al. 2016).
genic, ozone depletion, respiratory effects, and smog.
Scope definition determines the product system of the Functional unit
study and the way LCA should take place (Hauschild et al.
2017). A typical residential house with a slanted roof, The functional unit significantly affects the results and
located in Toronto, Ontario (43.6532° N, 79.3832° W) interpretation of LCA. The reason is that the functional unit
was selected as the case study building. The electricity was provides a basis for deciding which processes to include
assumed to be grid-connected and produced by a mounted and how much material and energy are needed (Hauschild
PV system using mono-silicon (mono-Si) panels which is et al. 2017). In this study, the functional unit was defined
the most used type of solar panel compared to other types as 1 kWh of electricity production, which served as a refer-
(Bayod-Rújula 2019) due to its high efficiency (Plante 2014; ence point to include all required processes and flows. The
Kalyani et al. 2021). Mono-Si panels are also referred to impact results were reported based on per kWh of electricity
as mono-crystalline (or single-Si) panels in the literature production.
(Jungbluth et al. 2007). The nominal capacity was assumed
to be 3 kW at peak performance, which is a popular system System boundary
due to its size, efficiency, and affordability (Martin 2012).
It was assumed that tap water was used for cleaning the PV The system boundary is shown in Fig. 2. Each process is an
panels every six months (Zahedi et al. 2021; Wernet et al. activity that transforms an input into an output (e.g., panel
2016). Other components include an inverter to convert the production). Flows are all products (e.g., panel), material
low voltage DC power into AC power, the mounting system, (e.g., silicon), or energy inputs (e.g., electricity) and out-
and electric components such as scrap copper, steel, epoxy puts (e.g., electricity or heat) of processes in the electricity
resin, and wire drawing. The process ends with low voltage product system under study. This study took a cradle-to-gate
(i.e., 15 v) grid-connected electricity produced with the 3 approach which considered all processes and flows from raw
kWp system, assuming an average yield. Also, the service material extraction (cradle) to the end of manufacturing and
lifetime of the system was assumed to be 30 years, as in electricity production (gate); however, it leaves the disposal
Wernet et al. (2016). stage (grave) of the PV system due to a lack of reliable data.
PV potential determines the expected lifetime average Figure 3 shows the four major components of the PV
electricity production (kWh) per kilowatt of installed PV system. The inverter converts the low voltage DC power into
capacity (NRCAN 2020b). PV potential directly affects the AC power with a capacity of 2.5 kW and an efficiency of

Fig. 2  System boundary (dash-

line) of PV electricity production

27426 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

Fig. 3  Major components of the

case study PV system

Table 1  Key characteristics of the PV system

( )
) kWp
Total electricity =Lifetime (y) × capacity
unit unit
Item Description
× annual yield (kWh∕(kWp ⋅ y)) (1)
PV panel area (total) 22.071 ­m2
Frame Aluminum alloy where y is lifetime of the system (30 years). The annual
Front cover of the panel Tempering yield in Ontario, Canada is 1060 kWh/kWp/year (NRCAN
glass with a 2020b). Table 2 summarizes the inventory data of the PV
thickness of
system, which were obtained from the Ecoinvent database
3.2 mm
v3.7.1 (Wernet et al. 2016).
Efficiency of the panel 14%
Number of inverters required 2 items
Capacity of the inverter 2500 watts Handling of multifunctional processes
Efficiency of the inverter 93.5%
Area of the mounting structure 21.42 ­m2, A process is multi-functional when it delivers more than one
directly output (Hauschild et al. 2017). The cut-off system model
attached to the was used for handling of by-products in multifunctional
rafter of the
processes. According to the cut-off approach (Ecoinvent
2021), (1) recyclable materials are considered burden-free
to recycling processes, and secondary (recycled) materials
bear only the impacts of the recycling processes, excluding
93.5%. The electric installation represents the production of their previous life, (2) The treatment of wastes is entirely
different components required for installing a 3kWp building allocated to the waste producer and all valuable by-products
integrated PV system. These components include all parts of waste treatment (such as heat from incineration) are cut
between the PV panel and the grid, i.e., lightning protection, off and become available burden-free, and (3) allocation
cabling in the PV panel area, fuse box, cabling from the PV takes place over all remaining (ordinary) products produced
panel to the inverter, and cabling from the inverter to the in an activity based on the allocation factors defined in the
electric meter. The mounting system includes the structural dataset.
components necessary for the mounting of the PV panel
on a slanted roof. Sufficient ventilation is ensured with a Impact assessment
distance of 10 cm from the roof surface. Thus, efficiency
losses due to high temperatures are minimized (Wernet et al. The LCIA method, TRACI 2.1, developed by the U.S. Envi-
2016; Jungbluth et al. 2007). The process of panel produc- ronmental Protection Agency (USEPA 2021), was used to
tion includes silica sand extraction, silicon purification, and determine typical and emerging impact categories. Within
cell production. the TRACI methodology, the impact categories are char-
acterized at the midpoint level. The ten impact categories
LCI data were (1) acidification, (2) carcinogenic, (3) ecotoxicity, (4)
eutrophication, (5) fossil fuel depletion, (6) global warm-
Ecoinvent database (v 3.7.1) was used to access the required ing, (7) non-carcinogenic, (8) ozone depletion, (9) respira-
data. Table 1 describes the key characteristics of the PV tory effects, and (10) smog. The advantage of considering
system. multiple environmental impacts is to avoid burden shifting
To derive the inventory amounts and impacts on a per which happens when efforts for lowering one impact unin-
kilowatt-hour basis, the analysis was performed based on the tentionally result in increasing another impact (Hauschild
reciprocal of the result from Eq. 1, for 1 kWh of electricity.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27427

Table 2  Input data to perform Flow Amount

LCA. Data were obtained from
Ecoinvent database (Wernet et al. Annual PV potential in Ontario, Canada* 1060 kWh/kWp
2016) unless otherwise noted
Electricity required for erecting a 3 kWp PV plant (drilling and screwing)** 0.23 kWh
Panel production (mono-Si)
Acetone, liquid 0.012 kg
Propanol 0.008 kg
Aluminum alloy, almg3 2.629 kg
Brazing solder, cadmium free 0.112 kg
Copper, cathode 0.112 kg
Corrugated board box (Quebec) 0.012 kg
Corrugated board box 1.082 kg
Ethyl vinyl acetate, foil 1.001 kg
Electricity, medium voltage 4.710 kWh
Glass fiber reinforced plastic 0.187 kg
Heat, district or industrial, natural gas 4.786 MJ
Heat, district or industrial, natural gas (Quebec) 0.079 MJ
Lubricating oil 0.001 kg
Methanol 0.002 kg
Nickel 0.0001 kg
Photovoltaic cell, mono-Si wafer 0.93241 ­m2
Polyethylene terephthalate, granulate, amorphous 0.372 kg
Polyvinyl fluoride, film 0.110 kg
Silicone product 0.121 kg
Solar glass, low iron 10.079 kg
T0ap water 21.286 kg
Tempering, flat glass 10.079 kg
Vinyl acetate 0.001 kg
Wire drawing, copper 0.112 kg
Aluminum, cast alloy 1.4 kg
Capacitor, film type, for through-hole mounting 0.341 kg
Capacitor, electrolyte type, > 2 cm height 0.256 kg
Capacitor, tantalum-, for through-hole mounting 0.023 kg
Copper, cathode 5.51 kg
Copper, cathode 2.470 kg
Corrugated board box 0.029 kg
Diode, glass-, for through-hole mounting 0.047 kg
Electric connector, wire clamp 0.237 kg
Electricity, medium voltage 21.2 kWh
Fleece, polyethylene 0.06 kg
Inductor, ring core choke type 0.351 kg
Integrated circuit, logic type 0.028 kg
Polystyrene foam slab 0.3 kg
Polyvinylchloride, suspension polymerized 0.001 kg
Printed wiring board, for through-hole mounting, Pb free surface 0.1123 kg
Printed wiring board, for through-hole mounting, Pb containing surface 0.1123 kg
Resistor, metal film type, through-hole mounting 0.005 kg
Section bar extrusion, aluminum 1.4 kg
Sheet rolling, steel 9.8 kg
Steel, low-alloyed, hot rolled 9.8 kg
Styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer 0.01 kg
Transistor, wired, small size, through-hole mounting 0.038 kg

27428 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

Table 2  (continued) Flow Amount

Waste paperboard, unsorted 2.5 kg

Wire drawing, copper 5.51 kg
Mounting system
Aluminum, wrought alloy 2.835 kg
Corrugated board box 0.131 kg
Corrugated board box 0.001 kg
Polyethylene, high density, granulate 0.001 kg
Polystyrene, high impact 0.007 kg
Section bar extrusion, aluminum 2.835 kg
Sheet rolling, steel 1.499 kg
Steel, low-alloyed, hot rolled 1.499 kg
Waste paperboard, unsorted 0.133 kg
Electric installations
Brass 0.02 kg
Copper, cathode 14.7 kg
Epoxy resin, liquid 0.002 kg
Nylon 0.23 kg
Polycarbonate 0.2 kg
Polyethylene, high density, granulate 14.41 kg
Polyvinylchloride, bulk polymerized 2.13 kg
Steel, low-alloyed, hot rolled 0.86 kg
Wire drawing, copper 14.7 kg
Zinc 0.04 kg
NRCAN 2020a
Wernet et al. 2016

et al. 2017). Also, impacts were categorized based on the Table 3  Normalization factors for Canada adopted from USEPA (2021)
environment (air, water, and soil) in which emissions occur.
Further, the impacts were subcategorized by the population Impact category Normalization factor Unit
density of the environment and time of emission (Table S1). (NF)
The LCA calculations were performed by using Openlca
Acidification 154.67 kg ­SO2 eq
(Version 1.11), a professional software which allows import-
Carcinogenic 2.32 × ­10–5 CTUh
ing data from different sources (Openlca 2022).
Ecotoxicity 10,414.19 CTUe
Because the impact categories are in different units, it is
Eutrophication 13.61 kg N eq
difficult to compare the results and determine which one is
Fossil fuel depletion 55,801.08 MJ surplus
large and which small in comparison with a reference system
Global warming 23,501.1 kg ­CO2 eq
(Hauschild et al. 2017). To support such a comparison, the
Non-carcinogenic 8.98 × ­10–4 CTUh
results were normalized based on the normalization factors
Ozone depletion 0.004 kg CFC-11 eq
(NFs) in Table 3. Normalization is an optional step (ISO14040
Respiratory effects 73.50 kg ­PM2.5 eq
2006; ISO14044 2006) to support the interpretation of impact
Smog 2043.239 kg ­O3 eq
results in LCA studies (Hauschild et al. 2017). Normalization
means that the magnitudes of the calculated impact scores are
expressed in a common metric. Normalization factors (NFs) are
the total impact of a reference region for a certain impact cat-
egory (e.g., climate change, eutrophication) within a reference where NFi is the normalization factor (impact per capita per
year. NFs were calculated based on Eq. 2 (Ryberg et al. 2014). year) for the impact category i, CF i,s is the characterization
∑ factor (impact per kg of emitted substance s), E­ s is emissions
CFi,s × Es
NFi = (2) of substances for a given geographical reference area (kg per
P year), and P is the human population of the reference area
(capita). The NFs can be used in LCA studies to calculate

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27429

the normalized impacts (Ryberg et al. 2014), as shown in In the following, a detailed analysis is provided on the life
Eq. 3, where: cycle impacts of PV electricity production in Ontario, the
second largest province in Canada. Over 98% of the solar
Ni = (3) PV capacity in Canada is located in Ontario (CER 2022),
NFi because of reasons such as land area, and high PV potential
Ni is the normalized impact result for the category i, (Fig. 1 and Fig. 4).
ISi is the impact score of a process or product. Thus, nor-
malization is dividing the scores by the reference situa- Overview of LCA results
tion’s scores.
As shown in Fig. 5, panel production was the dominant
process in acidification (68%), eutrophication (60%), fossil
fuel depletion (81%), global warming (77%), ozone deple-
Results and discussion tion (88%), respiratory effects (74%), and smog (70%). Other
processes have been the dominant contributors in ecotoxic-
Variability of the results in Canada ity (82%), non-carcinogenic (60%), and carcinogenic (53%).
The electric installation was the process that contributed
Figure 4 shows the relative life cycle impacts of PV electric- the most to ecotoxicity at more than 58%. The contribution
ity production and PV potential variability in each province of the mounting system was noticeable in the carcinogenic
of Canada. The lowest impact was related to Regina, Sas- category (29%). The inverter contributed to the non-carci-
katchewan (SK) with the highest PV potential. The highest nogenic category at 31%.
impact was related to Whitehorse, Yukon (YT), with the
lowest PV potential. There appears to be an inverse relation- Environmental impacts
ship between the PV potential and the associated impact of
the PV system. The difference in the life cycle impacts of Acidification
a PV system among the 13 provinces was as high as 30%.
The provinces of Manitoba (MB), Saskatchewan (SK), and The process of PV electricity production contributed
Alberta (AB) were the best provinces for PV electricity pro- to the acidification impact category by 0.0004 kg S­ O2
duction, causing lower life cycle impacts due to higher PV eq/kWh. Among the four components, panel production
potential. contributed 70%. As shown in Fig. 6, sulfur dioxide and

Fig. 4  Relative life cycle Relative impact %

impacts of PV electricity
production and PV potential Annual PV potential (kWh/kWp)
variability in each province of 100 1400

Annual PV potential (kWh/kWp)

Canada 90 1200
Relative impact %

70 1000
60 800
40 600
30 400
10 200
0 0

27430 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

Fig. 5  Contribution of the Panel Mounting system Inverter Electric installation

main processes to the impact
categories 100%

Relative impact %

Impact category

Fig. 6  Acidification [kg ­SO2 eq/ Ammonia (Emission to air / unspecified)

Sulfur dioxide (Emission to air / unspecified)
Sulfur dioxide (Emission to air / high population density)
Sulfur dioxide (Emission to air / low population density)
Nitrogen oxides (Emission to air / high population density)
Nitrogen oxides (Emission to air / unspecified)
Nitrogen oxides (Emission to air / low population density)
Hydrogen chloride (Emission to air / low population density)

Kg SO2 eq

Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Total
production system production installation

nitrogen oxides were, respectively, the most contributing by heat production at hard coal industrial furnace, metal
flows (40% and 22%) in acidification where blasting was mine operation, electricity production from hard coal,
the most direct contributing upstream process, followed and flat glass production.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27431

Ecotoxicity process of mono-Si cell production (Czochralski process). In

terms of upstream processes, three processes were the major
The PV process contributed to ecotoxicity by 11.56 CTUe/kWh contributors to the global warming impact category: hard
(Fig. 7). Copper (ion) was the flow that contributed the most, coal mine operation and preparation, heat production at hard
85% of the total impact, because of two factors: (1) the treat- coal furnace, and electricity production from hard coal. Car-
ment of scrap copper in the upstream process of municipal incin- bon dioxide, emitted into the air with a low population, was
erations and (2) treatment of sulfidic tailings from copper mine the flow that contributed the most (69%) in panel production.
operations. The process of electric installation significantly con-
tributed to ecotoxicity (58%) because of incineration processes
for waste electric wirings including scrap copper and waste wire Fossil fuel energy demand
plastic (Wernet et al. 2016). The inverter and panel production
contributed to ecotoxicity at 21% and 18%, respectively. Although PV systems are widely recognized as one of the
cleanest technologies for electricity production, they require
Eutrophication energy during their life cycle, specifically in the manufac-
turing processes (Peng et al. 2013; Tsang et al. 2016). The
Regarding the eutrophication category, the total impact was fossil fuel energy demand was 0.074 MJ /kWh (Fig. 10).
0.00044 kg N eq/kWh. Panel production contributed 61% to Among all processes, the major contributor was panel pro-
the overall eutrophication impact, mainly due to the Czochralski duction by 81%. Regarding the type of fossil fuel, natural
process for the preparation of mono-Si crystals (Benda 2018). gas was the flow that contributed the most (59%), followed
Inverter contributed 20% to the eutrophication category. Also, by crude oil (33.8%), and hard coal (4.8%).
the emission of phosphate into the ground water (long-term) was
the flow that contributed the most: 77% (as shown in Fig. 8). Ozone depletion

Global warming At 88%, panel production was the most significant contribu-
tor to the ozone depletion category among the four compo-
As shown in Fig. 9, the global warming impact was nents of the PV system (Fig. S2). With respect to flows, bro-
0.0791 kg ­CO2 eq/kWh. Panel production was the major motrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) was the most significant
contributor to the global warming impact by 77% due to the contributor in the impact category (31%) due to the process

Fig. 7  Ecotoxicity [CTUe/kWh] Vanadium, ion (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Zinc, ion (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Silver, ion (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Copper, ion (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Chromium VI (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)



Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Other Total
production system production installation processes

27432 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

Fig. 8  Eutrophication [kg N eq/ Phosphate (Emission to water / surface water)

Phosphate (Emission to water / ground water)
Phosphate (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Nitrogen oxides (Emission to air / low population density)
Nitrogen (Emission to water / surface water)
Nitrate (Emission to water / surface water)
Nitrate (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
COD (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
BOD5 (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)

Kg N eq




Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Other Total
production system production installation processes

of petrolum production. The next was tetrachloromethane (20%). The most contributing flow was chromium VI emitted
(23%), which was due to the production of basic chemicals. into ground water (74%) and surface water (21%), caused by
landfilling of slag, a by-product of electric arc furnace. Also,
75% of chromium VI was emitted into ground water, which
Smog leads to long-term effects on human health.
As shown in Fig. 11B, panel production contributed the
The total amount of smog impact was 0.0051 kg O ­ 3 eq most (40%) to non-carcinogenic impact, followed by inverter
(Fig. S3), mainly because of blasting processes for mineral production (31%), and electric installation (24%). Further, zinc-
extractions. Nitrogen oxide was the flow that contributed ion, which was emitted into ground water, was the flow that
the most, emitted into the air with low population density contributed most (42%). Silver (7%) is only produced in panel
(60%), high population density (28%), and unspecified production due to the process of photovoltaic cell production.
(12%). Among the main processes, panel production was Landfilling of copper slag led to the emission of arsenic (10%)
the major contributor (69%). into ground water. It is estimated that 108 countries are affected
by arsenic contamination in ground water (Shaji et al. 2021).
Human health impacts
Respiratory effect
Carcinogenic and non‑carcinogenic
The respiratory effect was 0.0001 kg ­P M 2.5 eq /kWh
As depicted in Fig. 11A, panel production was the process (Fig. S4), in which panel production was the most sig-
that contributed the most to carcinogenic (46%), followed by nificant contributor at 68%. Ambient P ­ M 2.5 (particu-
mounting system production (29%), and inverter production late matter with less than 2.5 µm in diameter), in low

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27433

Fig. 9  Global warming [kg ­CO2 Methane (Emission to air / low population density)
Carbon dioxide (Emission to air / unspecified)
Carbon dioxide (Emission to air / high population density)
Carbon dioxide (Emission to air / low population density)
Kg CO2 eq

Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Total
production system production installation

Fig. 10  Fossil fuel depletion Oil, crude

[MJ surplus/kWh]
Gas, natural
Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining
Coal, hard, unspecified
MJ surplus

Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Total
production system production installation

27434 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

Fig. 11  Huaman health impact

[CTUh/kWh]: A) Carcinogenic,
Chromium VI (Emission to water / surface water) (A)
Chromium VI (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
B) non-carcinogenic

Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Total
production system production installation

Zinc, ion (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)

Zinc (Emission to air / low population density) (B)
Thallium (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Silver (Emission to air / high population density)
Mercury (Emission to air / low population density)
Lead (Emission to air / high population density)
Lead (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Barium (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Arsenic, ion (Emission to water / ground water)
Arsenic, ion (Emission to water / ground water, long-term)
Arsenic, ion (Emission to water / surface water)




Panel Mounting Inverter Electric Total
production system production installation

population areas, was the flow that contributed most hard coal (8.6%) in coal mine power plants for internal
(65.7%). The size of PM has been directly linked to its use in coal mining.
potential in causing health problems because smaller
particles pose a greater risk than larger ones. Thus, peo- Normalization
ple experience greater adverse effects from exposure
to ambient ­P M 2.5 than ­P M 10 (Li et al. 2018). For this According to the results of the normalization analysis
reason, ­P M 2.5 flow was assigned higher impact factor (Fig. 12), the highest normalized impact was related to the
(equals 1), compared to ­PM10 (0.2). The process of elec- ecotoxicity category with a relative amount of 1.1, which was
tricity production from lignite was the most contributing 53% of the total normalized impact. The next was the carcino-
upstream process (16.2%) in the total amount of res- genic category with 0.9 (42%). This implies that the process
piratory effects, followed by electricity production from of PV electricity production caused higher impacts in terms

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27435

Fig. 12  Normalized impact 1.2

results of PV electricity
production based on Canadian
normalization factors adopted 1
from USEPA (2021)

Normalized value × 10-3





Ecotoxicity Carcinogenic Non-carcinogenic Eutrophication Other

Impact category

Table 4  Sensitivity of the LCIA results increase in the lifetime (30 + 3 years) of the PV system
Input parameter PV panel Mounting Number of
will result in decreasing all impact categories by 9% as
Impact category area structure area inverters expected.
(+ 10%) (+ 10%) (+ 10%)
Comparison with Ontario’s electricity grid mix
Acidification + 6.4% + 1.3% + 1.1%
Carcinogenic + 4.4% + 2.8% + 1.9%
Figure 13 compares the relative impacts of PV electricity
Ecotoxicity + 1.7% + 0.3% + 2%
production with Ontario’s electricity grid mix. The PV sys-
Eutrophication + 5.7% + 0.7% + 1.9%
tem led to higher impacts in six out of ten impact categories.
Fossil fuel depletion + 7.5% + 0.8% + 0.7%
Regarding eutrophication and respiratory effects categories,
Global warming + 7.2% + 1.2% + 0.7%
Ontario’s electricity mix led to significantly lower impacts:
Non-carcinogenic + 3.9% + 0.5% + 3%
less than 50% of the PV electricity. On the other hand, the
Ozone depletion + 8.1% + 0.5% + 0.5%
PV system caused about 50% lower impact in the fossil fuel
Respiratory effects + 6.9% + 0.9% + 1%
depletion category.
Smog + 6.5% + 1.2% + 1.1%

Contribution analysis

LCA studies have been extensively performed on mono-Si

of ecotoxicity and carcinogenic, regarding the reference situ- PV systems. However, there is considerable variation in the
ation’s scores. reported impacts. For this reason, the results of this work
were compared to previous studies. According to the litera-
Sensitivity analysis ture, the focus has been mainly on global warming potential,
ignoring other impacts such as ecotoxicity and carcinogenic.
Table 4 shows the sensitivity of the impact categories to The global warming potential impact of 79 gr C­ O2 eq /kWh,
the changes in the input variables. A 10% increase in the estimated in this study is close to the mean value of 79.5 gr
panel and mounting system area will increase the ozone ­CO2 eq /kWh reported by Nugent and Sovacool (2014). In
depletion and carcinogenic categories the most by 8.1% their review study, the range of GHG emissions for electric-
and 2.8%, respectively. Moreover, ecotoxicity is the least ity production by using mono-Si panels is 35 to 217 gr ­CO2
affected category by the change in the PV panel area. eq /kWh. Table 5 summarizes the GHG emissions for mono-
The change in the mounting system area, will increase Si solar PV systems reported in the literature. The lowest
the carcinogenic category most (2.8%). Further, a 10% amount of GHG emissions, ranging from 5.60 to 12.07 gr

27436 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440

Fig. 13  Comparison of the Case study PV system Ontario's electricity mix

relative impacts of PV electric-
ity production with Ontario’s 100
electricity grid mix

Relative impact %

Table 5  GHG emissions of mono-Si PV systems in previous LCA studies

Study region (author, year of Solar radia- Lifetime of PV GHG emission System capacity Functional unit System boundary
publication) tion (kWh/ system (years) (gr CO2 eq/
m2/y) kWh)

Japan (Kato et al. 1998) 1427 20 61 3 kWp 1 ­m2 of PV module Cradle to gate
Switzerland (Jungbluth 2005) 1100 25 39–110 (79) 3 kWp 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to gate
South Europe (Alsema and 1700 30 41 160 MWp 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to gate
Wild-Scholten 2005)
Singapore (Kannan et al. 1635 25 165–217 2.7 kWp 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to grave
South Europe (Fthenakis and 1700 30 45 N/A N/A N/A
Alsema 2006)
Spain (García-Valverde et al. 1932 20 131 4.2 kWp 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to grave
Arizona, USA (Fthenakis and 2370 30 35 N/A N/A N/A
Kim 2011)
Lebanon (Kabakian et al. 1867 25 38.9 1.8 kWp 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to gate
China (Chen et al. 2016) 1139–2453 25 5.6–12.7 76.5 MWp 1 kWp mono-Si PV cell Cradle to gate
China (Hou et al. 2016) 1200 25 87.3 N/A 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to grave
Ontario, Canada (Present 1300 30 79.1 3 kWp 1 kWh of electricity Cradle to gate

­CO2 eq /kWh, is reported by a study in China (Chen et al. considered 1 kWh of electricity production, (Kannan et al.
2016). On the other hand, the highest amount of GHG emis- 2006; Kabakian et al. 2015) or the production of 1 kWp
sions was 217 gr C­ O2 eq /kWh, reported in Singapore (Kan- mono-Si PV cell (Chen et al. 2016). Concerning the system
nan et al. 2006). The considerable difference in the results boundary, some studies have considered the entire life cycle,
is associated with the methods, data resources, technolo- including raw material extraction, manufacturing, transpor-
gies, manufacturing processes, and solar radiation. Further, tation, operation, maintenance, and end-of-life treatment
factors such as the lifetime of the system, functional unit, (Kannan et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2016; Hou et al. 2016);
and system boundary can noticeably affect the results. For however, some other studies have ignored the end-of-life
example, regarding the functional unit, some studies have phase (Kabakian et al. 2015; Fu et al. 2015).

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:27422–27440 27437

The GHG emission in this study (79.5 gr ­CO2 eq /kWh) lives because toxic chemicals can enter the environment
was considerably lower than the mean value of 123.8 gr at the beginning life cycle of the system (e.g., during the
­CO2 eq /kWh reported by (Mehedi et al. 2022) in Alberta, manufacturing process of the solar panels), and at the
Canada. However, their study was based on a utility-scale end of life when the panels and other components (e.g.,
multi-Si PV system with lithium-ion battery storage with a inverters, electric installation) are disposed of (Nguyen
different lifetime (25 years) and system boundary which also 2021). The results of this work will support decision-
included the end-of-life phase. Thus, their results cannot be making and provide new insights into the existing body
served as a comparison basis. of knowledge on the LCA of PV systems. However, this
study did not include end-of-life treatment due to a lack
of data. Future LCA works should explore the impacts
Conclusion of the disposal stage which is considered a challenge for
PV technology as the current operating systems reach
This study estimates the life cycle environmental and human their end of life. Further research is also needed to eval-
health impacts of PV electricity production using mono-Si uate the overall performance of PV systems, considering
systems in Canada, including key contributing processes the life cycle costs and environmental impacts.
and factors using the LCA methodology. The process of PV
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
electricity production contributed to the impact categories tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 11356-0​ 22-2​ 4077-3.
of acidification, carcinogenic, ecotoxicity, eutrophication,
fossil fuel depletion, global warming, non-carcinogenic, Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Carina Xue Luo
ozone depletion, respiratory effects, and smog by 0.0004 kg at the University of Windsor for generating Fig. 1 and academic writing
advisors at the University of Windsor for their editorial assistance. This
­SO 2 eq/kWh, 2.05×10 −8 CTU​h/kWh, 11.6 CTU​e/kWh, project was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
0.00044 kg N eq/kWh, 0.074 MJ /kWh, 0.0791 kg ­CO2 eq/ Council of Canada (NSERC) and the University of Windsor’s Ignite
kWh, 6.72×10−8 CTU​h/kWh, 8.87×10−8 kg CFC-11 eq / Program.
kWh, 0.0001 kg P ­ M2.5 eq /kWh, and 0.0051 kg O
­ 3 eq /kWh,
Author contribution Conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis,
respectively. Among the four components of the PV system, software, and writing – original draft: Ehsan Alam; writing – review
the mono-Si panel production was the highest contributor in and editing: Xiaohong Xu.
seven out of ten impact categories, including acidification
(68%), eutrophication (60%), fossil fuel depletion (81%), Funding This project was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the University of
global warming (77%), ozone depletion (88%), respiratory Windsor’s Ignite Program.
effects (74%), and smog (70%). For the other three processes,
the electric installation contributed most to ecotoxicity at Data availability All data generated or analyzed during this study are
58%, followed by the mounting system in the carcinogenic included in this published article.
category (29%), and the inverter in the non-carcinogenic
category (31%). By normalizing the impacts based on the Declarations
reference scores in Canada, it was found that the ecotoxicity Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable.
and carcinogenic categories had dominant contributions to
the overall impact by 53% and 42%, respectively. Among the Consent for publication Not applicable.
13 provinces/territories in Canada, the PV potential varies
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
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katchewan (SK), Alberta (AB), and southern Ontario (ON).
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