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Introduction: Communication skills: Communication is the method of transferring or sharing

statistics among human beings or from location to location. The communication is verbal means
that communication can be accomplished in voice or written and non-verbal way the
communique can be accomplished via way of means of the usage of the frame language,
gestures, and the tone or pitch of voice. communication is the most essential part of human in
which the act of shifting the message from one individual to every other individual may be
accomplished or location to location. so information can be shared, so to have good
communication skill the person requires the good knowledge of verbal communication and non-
verbal communication and implement it while communicating to other.

Types of communication skills

Communication skills

Verbal Non-verbal

Oral Written

Speech Emails Gestures

Video Report Body language

Radio Letters

television Memo Tone of voice

Facial expression
Basically, communication skills are separated into two parts: verbal communication and
non-verbal communication.

1)Verbal communication: verbal communication is an act of sharing information among

people through speaking, video, email, letters, television, and telephone. Verbal
communication will be worn out in two methods. one is oral by spoken and another is
written by writing a document. Mainly, verbal communication is completed in a spoken
way where people and simply interact with each other. Verbal communication is simpler
to interact with the person because people can easily understand language.

2)Nonverbal communication: the act of sharing information can also be drained from
non-verbal communication which is a small bit difficult due to gesture, visual
communication, posture, and facial features. for instance, while in an interview for any
job the examiner looks the visual communication, poster, and gesture. Mainly in
interview person fit out with a formal dress, not with rough jeans paint and t-shirt. Hence,
the person needs both skills within their day to day activities if the person has only verbal
communication skills then the person may or might not succeed in their life so a person
should have the knowledge and implement skills in the lifestyle. Communication styles:
the way of interacting with people is named the communication style. varieties of
communication style.

1)Passive communication: the communication style where individuals avoid feeling,

expression. In passive communication, individuals don’t answer hurtful answers and
danger therein situations.

2)Aggressive communication: the communication style where a private is allowed to

precise their feeling or opinion and their anger to the people when it's needed. Mainly
aggressive communication is finished between the owner and worker where the owner
becomes aggressive to the worker.

3)Passive and aggressive communication: the communication style within which a

person shows his/her behavior passive communication but from inside he/she is
aggressive. during this communication style, individuals show aggression indirectly not

. 4)Assertive communication style: the communication within which individual express

emotion or opinions, fight for the correct without hurting the other. In an assertive
communication style, respect is most vital.
As per the question or task I've got to develop a training event for 2 days where I've got to
incorporate the various activities like seminar, workshop, team-building, and break-out session.
Before I develop a training event I've got to clarify about activities during this event.

1) Seminar: In simple words, we are able to say that seminar may be a gathering of people
together for discussion of the training. within the seminar, differing types of activities are done
like confirm the aim of the event, discuss the fabric required, create an incident profile, create
event communication.

2)Work-shop: the workshop is sort of a training event where a training event is an act of
providing knowledge and doing technical work but within the workshop, there's just providing
basic knowledge about the training. The workshop is made to plan, analyze, design the training

3) Team-building: team building means a bunch of individuals working together to urge define
objectives or goals. Team building is additionally a vital activity for the training event. as an
example, during a training event, we want to organize different groups like to produce material
group, to figure thereon material, design the event or organize.

4) presentation: A presentation could be a process of presenting a subject to an audience. it's

typically an indication, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to tell, persuade, or build goodwill.
The term can even be used for a proper or ritualized introduction or offering, like the
presentation of a debutante. Presentation viewers may be wont to combine content from different
sources into one presentation.

5) lecture: A lecture is a public speaking intended to present information or teaches people a few
particular subjects, as an example by a university or college teacher. Lectures are accustomed to
convey critical information, history, background, theories, and education. A politician’s speech,
minister’s demon, or maybe a businessman’s slaws presentation could also be similar in form to
a lecture. Usually the lecture content.

6) escape session: After starting the event we want to interrupt out the session where we've to
wish breakout after the three hours, the 30-minute break should be done. this can be the break-
out session.
For the two days training event I have to implement all the activities
which are required. According to the task or question I have to
develop two days training event and schedule it. The figure given
below is the picture or schedule of the training done by using the
project management software.

This is the time schedule which I have done by using the project
management software. According to question I have to plan or
develop two days training event so as I given figure to show two days
training schedule.

In first day, I have plan for the different activities such as welcome
and introduction, software installation, basic web design, etc.
according to the plan or question program start at 10 am and end at 4
pm. At first, we start the welcome and formal such as introduction of
student and trainer and detail about the what student are going to
learn after training which take 1 hours to complete. Then after this we
leave the teacher or trainer to teach. trainer should provide the
software packages to every student so, that every student can install
in their pc for the installation of software to all student computer it may
take 1 hours because some problem may occur while installing. After
the installation of the software trainer start the basic web design class
for the 1 hours. After this trainer start to teach basic C# programming
language to students. After finishing the web design and C#
programming language there is short breaktime for 30 minutes to all
trainer and student. In this time, we mean event planner provide the
lunch facilities to the student and teacher. After finishing this we will
movie toward the class or hall room for the next activities called basic
java programming which take 1 hour’s class after completing today
activities trainer review all the task what are done by the student thisis
also called review class which is for 30 minutes hence these are all
the activities which I have plan for the first day training.
In second day the training event start same as 10 am and end at 4 pm
where different activities took place such as web design, programming
and break time. Same as the first day the program starts with web
design training completely for 1 30 minutes and second activities
advance C# programming training which is also take 1 hours 30
minutes. Then aftercompleting the C# programming training there is
short break which is for 30 minutes. Afterthe break time the training
start again with advance java programming training which is heldfor 1
hours 30 minutes. After finishing all the program, the next program
starts called friendship game which is played with all the participation
student and teacher which takes around 1hours.

Hence this is the explanation of two days event which is implement by

me and my friendbecause team work helps to perform event handling
in better effective and efficient way.
Setting objectives is also the one of the important activities. With out
setting objectivethe define event or plan can’t be success so for the
successful event there must be theobjective of every work or activities.
Such as setting objectives for the food for thepeople what amount of
food is required.c)Planning and scheduling task and activitiesBefore
implementing the event, there must be the planning of schedule task
andactivities. So, for the two days event training I have plan the
schedule and implementit in the event.According to the question I
have to prepare the power point slide where I have to sothe effective
time management skills in the event.Power point and its
explanation.This is the first slide where I welcome all the student and
teacher and introduce about ourtraining event what is going for the

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