Research Quesion Take Home Test1

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Dear NURS500 students,

Read carefully and answer the following questions:


Three of the journal articles are research reports on the same broad topic. All three

employ different methodologies to answer their questions. We will look at the similarities and

differences in these articles by examining their approaches to the research process.

The research process is a systematic procedure for undertaking and reporting on

research. Typically, many research articles describe research using this sequential process and

research texts are built chapter by chapter according to this process. The sequence typically

moves from identifying a clinical issue or problem, undertaking a critical review of the

literature, developing questions or hypotheses, determining ethical issues, methodology and

methods, sampling, collecting and analysing data, making sense of findings and finally

distributing or sharing those findings (Schneider, et al., 2013). This learning activity helps

you to identify the research process used by research you are reading about.


1. Read the articles by Scott and Pollock, Friesen-Storms et al. and Dobbins et al. attached.

2. Identify the paradigm with which each of the articles is aligned.

Scott and Pollock ……………………………………………

Friesen-Storms et al. ……………………………………………

Polit & Beck ……………………………………………

Research Process Scott & Pollock Friesen-Storms et Polit & Beck

1. Problem or issue Scale developers often
provide evidence of
An emphasis they were
To implementing content validity by
to do as they were told
evidence-based practice computing a content
and that they were not
in a clinical nursing validity index (CVI),
expected to use
setting. using ratings of item
relevance by content
2. Critical literature Conducted a targeted The procedure for In searching the
review ethnography of a applying evidence-based literature for information
paediatric intensive care practice in a clinical about content validity,
unit to see how the nursing setting is we found only one study,
culture of the nursing described in this article. which is in a social work
staff affected the use of Evidence-based practice journal, that fully
research in their routine has grown to be a specified how the
work. significant problem in researchers calculated
The unit culture had nursing; it is difficult to their S-CVI. This was
four key elements that use and is not fully also the only study we
influenced nurses' integrated into routine found that acknowledged
research. An authority practice. the fact that there are
hierarchy, routine, tech- The primary participants two methods of
driven work at the were nurses employed in computing this index.
bedside, an a rural hospital's lung
environment at work unit. During the phases
that inhibited creativity, of observation,
with a focus on clinical reflection, planning, and
experience worked in action, a multi-method
concert to instruct data gathering
nurses in both that they methodology was
should follow employed. On the ward,
instructions and that it a best-practice working
was not expected of style predominated. The
them to employ primary obstacles to the
research. The adoption of evidence-
behaviours that nurses based practice were the
believed were expected lack of knowledge and
of them were decided unfavourable attitudes
upon at random by the among nurses toward it.
responsible doctors and Nurses can be
administrators. As a empowered by action
result, they were research and can
hesitant to deviate from customize evidence-
the regimen and based practice to fit the
doctor's orders a needs of their practice.
nursing staff. Using and putting into

3. Research We analysed how nurse
idea/hypotheses/statement How to describe the researchers have
What is the role of
or question process of implementing defined and calculated
nursing unit culture
evidence-based practice the CVI, and found
related to research
in a clinical nursing considerable consistency
setting? for item-level CVIs (I-
4. Ethical issues/process Step 1: Identify and Step 1: Identify and
Step 1: Identify and
Develop Your Topic. Develop Your Topic.
Develop Your Topic.
Step 2: Find Step 2: Find Background
Step 2: Find Background
Background Information.
Information. Step 3: Use Catalogs to
Step 3: Use Catalogs to
Step 3: Use Catalogs to Find Books and Media.
Find Books and Media.
Find Books and Media. Step 4: Use Databases to
Step 4: Use Databases to
Step 4: Use Databases Find Journal Articles.
Find Journal Articles.
to Find Journal Articles. Step 5: Find Internet
Step 5: Find Internet
Step 5: Find Internet Resources.
Resources. Step 6: Evaluate What
Step 6: Evaluate What
Step 6: Evaluate What You Find.
You Find.
You Find. Step 7: Cite What You
Step 7: Cite What You
Step 7: Cite What You Find Using a Standard
Find Using a Standard
Find Using a Standard Format.
5. Research There are two
framework/methodology alternative, but
The main participants
and method We used ethnographic were nurses working in a
methods of computing
methods (Fetterman, lung unit of a rural
the scale-level index (S-
1998) to explore how hospital. A multi-method
CVI). One method
the organizational process of data
requires universal
culture of the nursing collection was used
agreement among
unit shaped nurses’ during the observing,
experts, but a less
research utilization. reflecting, planning and
conservative method
acting phases.
averages the item-level
6. Sample and how chosen In light of recent Using backward
findings that research inference with a
utilization may be purposive sample of
greater in specialized scale development
health care studies, we found that
environments both methods are being
The main participants
(Thompson et al., used by nurse
were nurses working in a
2001), the study was researchers, although it
lung unit of a rural
conducted in a critical was not always possible
care unit in a Canadian to infer the calculation
children’s hospital to method.
maximize the
phenomenon of interest
(Morse & Richards,
7. Data collection – what Data collection had Data were continuously The two approaches can
& how three components: (a) gathered during a 24- lead to different values,
observation of unit month period from 2010 making it risky to draw
activities and behaviour to 2012, and analysed conclusions about
patterns, (b) interviews using an interpretive content validity.
with unit nurses, and (c) constant comparative
interviews with approach. Patients were
management and other consulted to incorporate

unit health care
their perspective.
8. Data analysis In order to optimize the Scale developers should
validity of our findings indicate which method
we were guided by the was used to provide
criteria of credibility, readers with
confirmability, interpretable content
dependability, and validity information.
transferability. The
following strategies
were used: (a) broad
sampling of interview
participants to prevent
an elite bias; (b)
purposeful sampling of
We analysed qualitative
unit events for
data using an interpretive
observation; (c)
constant comparative
prolonged engagement
approach (Charmaz
in field observations;
(d) first author
documentation of all
personal biases and
expectations for the
study prior to entering
the field; and (e)
completion of a
comprehensive audit
trail that documented
all conclusions,
interpretations, and
recommendation arising
from the data.
9. Making sense of There was overall In conclusion, our
This was followed by
findings consensus with the analysis suggests that
focused coding using the
study findings, and no nurse researchers are
most significant or
alterations in the using both computational
frequent initial codes to
findings were made. approaches in the
sort, synthesise, integrate
Approximately one calculation of the S-CVI,
and organise large
third of the total unit and that inferences about
amounts of data
membership attended the method used are not
(Charmaz 2006).
these sessions. always possible.
10. Recommendations for First, as this article
Practice suggests, it is important
There is a need for
to distinguish between
theory to articulate how
content validity at the
nursing unit culture Although we were able
item level and at the
affects nurses’ ability to to implement a discharge
scale level.
use research in practice. protocol, the nurses felt
Second, we recommend
Only with theoretical that true implementation
that researchers report
development can of EBP would require
the range of their I-CVI
effective organizational introducing.
values for items retained
interventions be
on the scale, in addition
to the value of the S-

3. What elements of the research process were not described in these articles?

In the three articles those were given for reading and providing the review about them,

as per my review after reading all the articles the Data Analysis is missing in all the three


4. How was your understanding of the research process undertaken in each of these

studies affected by what was missing from the descriptions in these articles? How

was your understanding affected by what was included in the descriptions?

In my opinion often, the research process starts with a very general notion about a

subject you'd like to learn more about. To determine a problem, you conduct some initial

investigation. Once your research questions are more focused, you can establish the

framework for your study, which will result in a proposal that details your concepts and


5. Finally, which of the three approaches to the topic did you prefer? Why?

In my opinion the Friesen-Storms et al. research is a composed topic and in this the

procedure for applying evidence-based practice in a clinical nursing setting is described.

Evidence-based practice has grown to be a significant problem in nursing; it is difficult

to use and is not fully integrated into routine practice.

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