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1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

Physics Post-Test
VSU DOST-SS Scholarship Review

1. ID no. (ex. V-20-0xxx) *

2. 1. It is the rate of change in an object’s position. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Acceleration

b. Velocity

c. Speed

d. Momentum

3. 2. Displacement is just another word for distance. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. I only

b. I and II only

c. I and III only

d. I, II, and III only 1/8
1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

4. 3. Franz is trying to predict the time required to travel from his house to his 1 point
grandmother’s house using his motorcycle. He knows that the distance
from the two points is 90 km and his speed, based on his previous trips can
average to about 45 km/h. How long would it take Franz to arrive at his
Lola’s house. *

Mark only one oval.

a. 0.5 hrs

b. 1 hr

c. 2 hrs

d. 3 hrs

5. 4. Referring on the following graph, at what point of time did the object 1 point

start accelerating? *

Mark only one oval.

a. At t = 0

b. At t = 4

c. At t = 6

d. At t = 8 2/8
1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

6. 5. Which of the following graph shows an accelerated motion going to the 1 point

negative direction? *

Mark only one oval.

a. b.

c. d.

7. 6. The Earth is heated by the Sun by which process? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. conduction

b. convection

c. radiation

d. refraction 3/8
1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

8. 7. What is the wavelength of the wave shown in the diagram? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. 1 π

b. 2 π

c. 4 π

d. 5 π 4/8
1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

9. 8. What is the amplitude of the wave shown in the diagram? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. 0

b. 1 m

c. 1.5 m

d. 2 m

10. 9. What do you call the path followed by a projectile? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Trajectory

b. Trail

c. Echo

d. Stream 5/8
1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

11. 10. At what angle does an athlete have to launch a ball to cover the 1 point

maximum range? *

Mark only one oval.

a. 0 degree

b. 15 degrees

c. 45 degrees

a. 60 degrees

12. 11. Which is an example of a force? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Frictional Force

b. Strong Force

c. Normal Force

d. All of the above

13. 12. A boy used 17 N of force to push a box 10 meters across their 1 point

classroom. How much work was done by the boy? *

Mark only one oval.

a. 17 J

b. 27 J

c. 170 J

d. 100 J 6/8
1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test

14. 13. A 10 kg object experiences a horizontal force which causes it to 1 point

accelerate at 5 m/s2, moving it a distance of 20 m, horizontally. How much

work is done by the force? *

Mark only one oval.

a. 100 kg m2/s2

b. 100 N

c. 1000 N

d. 200 N

15. 14. Which of the following scenarios does not represent work being done? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. A teacher applies a force to a wall and becomes exhausted.

b. A book falls off a table and free falls to the ground.

c. Walking up stairs

d. Book falling off a table and free falls to the ground.

16. 15. Which of the following devices consumed the least amount of energy? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. 25-watt incandescent bulb used for 5 hrs

b. 60-watt electric fan used for 7 hours

c. 100-watt LCD Television used for 1 hour

d. 5-watt LED bulb used for 12 hours

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1/11/2021 Physics Post-Test
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1. b. 9. a.
2. c. 10. c.
3. c. 11. d.
4. c. 12. c.
5. c. 13. c.
6. c. 14. a.
7. b. 15. c.
8. b. 8/8

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