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P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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About UDAAN’24
The Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya's most anticipated event every year, where passion
and creativity collide and memories are created. UDAAN is a techno-cultural festival that
celebrates various talents and lively spirits. It has developed into a long-standing BVM
tradition and is currently one of the largest events in Anand in addition to being a source of
pride for the organization. UDAAN’24 surpassed expectations and cultivated a diverse range
of artistic expression and cross-cultural exchange. This year, UDAAN attracted over 2500
attendees with over 40 technical events and a variety of cultural celebrations. With 3 nights of
nonstop events, it gave faculty and students a place to explore. UDAAN understands the
value of fostering creativity, enthusiasm, and community while maintaining the importance of
technical proficiency and professional abilities. Beyond contests, the festival offered
engaging presentations on a range of career choices, a bustling fun zone, a diversified food
court, and immersive cultural experiences. It valued the presence of cultural icons and artists
who encourage students to pursue their passions, just as it had welcomed prominent
academics and professionals from the sector. It was a creative union of technical ability and
vibrant cultural expression, not merely an event. The non-technical events provided a
welcome diversion from the demands of academics by acting as dynamic threads that
connected the students' varied passions and interests. Like always Udaan’24 was a
celebration of ingenuity, teamwork, and fostering a sense of community that gives every
emerging dream a boost and guidance.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: (CE-1)
Event Description:
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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This event, consists of three rounds to evaluate the knowledge and
application of the participants in the subject of fundamental principles of surveying and
levelling. profile levelling refers to the process of determining the elevation of points on the
ground at mostly uniform intervals. along a continuous line. The framework consists of a
number of connected lines. The lengths are measured by chain or tape and the directions
identified by angle measuring instruments

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Chain Chaos
Date 3rd April 2024
Time 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Venue Civil Garden
No. of participants 68

It is an event of two members in which they have to use their knowledge in basic chain
surveying. Purpose of chain survey Determine the area of a plot of land. Prepare an accurate
plan of plot of land. Divide plot of land into number of small divisions and
in Compass surveying, angular measurements are taken along with simple linear
measurements. Secure data for executing engineering projects. It is intended to assess
students’ grasp on the subject of by basic surveying using chain and compass. The event
promised to be exciting and challenging, with the rang of tasks designed to test the depth and
breadth of participants knowledge of basic surveying using chain and compass. Participants
had to complete the task in a duration of 1.5 hours.

Round 2: Real Measure Mania

Date 4th April 2024
Time 8:00 am to 9:00 am
Venue Civil Garden
No. of participants 30

The Real Measure Mania is an event that challenges participants to use the knowledge of A
dumpy level which is a device that can be set to a very accurate horizontal plane, allowing
precise height measurements to be taken when using a measurement staff. The key principle
of a dumpy level is that it is set perfectly horizontal. Dumpy Level Survey is for profile
levelling and contouring in the field of geography and civil engineering. In a land-use survey,
geographers use the contouring of a plot by Dumpy Level. Profile levelling also uses in both
fields. Participants competed in the group of two and winners we declared on the basis of

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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accuracy of the measurements of field. This task is to be completed in a duration of 1 hour at
Civil Garden.

Round 3: Map Madness

Date 6th April 2024
Time 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Venue Civil Garden
No. of participants 10

Treasure hunt ideas are timed games where players search for hidden objects by
following a trail of clues in the case of this round hunting is done using ground
positioning system. The first clue is the toughest but I promise they get easier. A treasure
hunt is surprisingly easy to make this is also a task of two participants and they had to
complete the task in 20 minutes. This round will also take place in Civil Garden, only
participants who cleared the above two rounds can compete in this round and the final
winners will be declared after this round.

Participants will be able to apply fundamental principles of surveying and levelling.
Compass surveying is relatively simple. It doesn't require complex equipment or advanced
training, making it accessible to individuals with basic surveying knowledge.
Treasure hunt is an engaging activity combines the thrill of discovery with the joy of outdoor
or indoor exploration. It is also an excellent tool for students, to develop several essential
skills, like spatial awareness, problem-
solving, and teamwork

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: (CE-2)
Event Description:
In this event participants will perform using their knowledge of various topics such as
Preparation of tendering document and Cost Estimating. Construction cost estimating is the
process of forecasting the cost of building a physical structure. Of course, builders and clients
both worry about the financial impact of cost overruns and failing to complete a project.
That’s why they devote time and effort to estimating how much a project will cost before
deciding to move forward with it. Construction tender documents include the documents
which project and asset owners use to invite vendors to bid on their projects

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Round Wise Description:
Round 1: Estimatrix Quiz
No. of participants

This round consists of a Quiz related to the basic principles of Building planning, costing and
estimation. A building estimate is an approximation of the cost of a construction project,
calculated by estimating the quantities and costs of materials, labour, equipment, and other
expenses required for the project. In this round participant have to use their knowledge about
the concept of building planning.

Round 2: Cost Crunch Challenge.

No. of participants

In this round, the participants will be asked to carry out the work related to the costing and
estimation of the given plan in pen paper mode because, Cost overrun in construction projects
is high and expected to rise. The improvement of cost estimation performance is vital as it
provides a better chance for the construction projects to avoid cost blowouts cause.

Round 3: Tender Warfare.

No. of participants

In this round, participants have to deal with the Preparation of tendering document by using
the information carried-out from second round. Preparing tender documents can be a project

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
in itself for construction companies, and reconciling and making
procurement decisions can be quite the effort for asset owners and operators as well.

Participants will be able to work out cost estimate, valuation and tenders and contract
documents of building works

Event Code: (CE-3)

Event Description:
In this event the participants had to use concepts such as fundamentals of project planning,
costing and estimation, and Pitching and Presenting in front Jury. Once some’ve learned
about the basics of project planning and management, one’ll explore in more detail how to
create a project plan. As well as examining the scoping process, one’ll learn about the project
life-cycle, duration, and critical path.

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1: PMP challenge
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

In this round participant had to clear a Quiz related to basic fundamental of planning and
project management. Project management is all about initiating, planning, and taking up plans
to achieve specific goals in a given time. You'll need to recognize project management terms
and be able to apply them in your quiz. This quiz on Project Management Study will equip
you with practical and theoretical knowledge about the topic.

Round 2: Blueprint Brainstorm

No. of participants

In this round participant had to Design in AutoCAD with the given problem statement. A
design problem statement is a concise statement that defines the problem they’re trying to
solve through your design. AutoCAD offers a wide range of tools for complex designs and
modelling. It is a powerful computer-aided design (CAD) software used extensively in
various industries such as architecture, engineering, and design.

Round 3: Presentation prodigy

No. of participants

In this round participant had to Prepare their Pitch and Present in front Jury. The important thing
is to guide the jury to the design and the images which describe it. Time and attention are scarce in a Jury
presentation. Most of the things in the presentation are self-explanatory. Participants also need to lead the
jurors thought the building. They can do this by describing how they enter the building, how they circulate

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
thought it and what qualities of light or spatial qualities it has once they are inside
or moving through it.

Participants will be able to make a sustainable structure.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: CE4
Event Description:
In this event the participants had to use concepts such as structural basic fundamental and
lateral resistant principle. Participants were challenged in all directions in form of knowledge
in quiz, to use it practically in second round and lastly precenting it to the jury in the third

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1: Lateral logic
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

In this round participant had to clear a Quiz related to structural basic fundamental and lateral
resistant principle.

Round 2: Mega model

No. of participants

In this round participant had to build two storey building using the given area, load, height
and other parameter to consider. A multi-storey is a building that has multiple floors above
the ground. It can be a residential or commercial building. In general, the analysis of multi-
storey is elaborate and rigorous because those are statically indeterminate structures.

Round 3: Richter scale rumble

No. of participants

In this round the Judges will check the model by using shake table resist to building lateral
load resistant and vibration resistant. Shake table tests play an important role in the research

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
carried out worldwide to improve existing knowledge on the seismic
performance of buildings and other civil engineering structures

Participants will be able to make a sustainable structure by using knowledge of Structural
Engineering and Earth-Quake Engineering

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: (ME/PE-1)
Event Description:
The event in a true sense explicates its name. The above-mentioned event, consists of three
rounds to evaluate the knowledge and application of the participants in the subject of working
principle or mechanism of given system. Join us for a captivating event delving into the
intricate world of mechanical engineering. Discover the genius behind the mechanisms that
power our world, from the fundamental principles to the complex assemblies that make them
work seamlessly. It is an individual event in which they have to use their knowledge in basic.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Round Wise Description
Round 1: Mech Master Mind
Venue D101
No. of participants

Are you a master at unravelling the mysteries of how things work? Join us for "Find the
Mechanism or Principle," where your skills in identifying the underlying mechanisms or
principles behind complex systems will be put to the test. From intricate machines to natural
phenomena, this event challenges you to dissect, analyse, and explain the fundamental
workings behind them.

Round 2: Assembling the Parts

Venue C207
No. of participants
Do you have a knack for putting things together and understanding how they work? Join us
for "Assemble Parts and Identify the Assembly of Given Mechanical Elements," where your
skills in assembling mechanical components and identifying their assembly will be put to the
test. From simple machines to complex systems, this event challenges you to demonstrate
your ability to assemble parts correctly and recognize the overall assembly of given
mechanical elements.

Round 3: Gear Guru

Venue C207
No. of participants

Get ready for a thrilling event that combines hands-on mechanical skill with rapid-fire
knowledge! Join us for the "Gear Rotation Challenge & Rapid-Fire Mechanical Engineering
Quiz," where you'll test your understanding of gears and mechanical principles while facing

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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quick-thinking questions on basic mechanical engineering. Gear rotation
game with rapid fire question based on basic mechanical engineering

• The event aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of participants' theoretical
knowledge, practical skills, and quick thinking in the field of mechanical engineering.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: (ME/PE-2)
Event Description:
Through this event participants will engage in a comprehensive exploration of plant layout
design, market surveying, and product pitching. This event is designed to challenge your
strategic thinking, creativity, and communication skills in an industrial setting. It is an event
of two members in which they have to use their knowledge in basic.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Market Survey
No. of participants

Participants are required to submit a document outlining the market scope of their selected
product, conducting a thorough needs analysis, and identifying customer requirements. Join
us for the "Market Survey Challenge," where you'll immerse yourself in the process of
conducting a comprehensive market survey to understand consumer preferences, behaviour,
and trends.

Round 2: Prepare Plant Layout

No. of participants

Participants are tasked with creating a detailed layout for production, including the routing
and planning of a process sheet. Put your industrial planning skills to the test in the "Plant
Layout Preparation Challenge." Participants will be tasked with creating a detailed layout for
production, including the routing and planning of a process sheet. This event will challenge
your ability to optimize space, workflow, and efficiency in a manufacturing setting.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Round 3: Pitch your Product

No. of participants

Participants are tasked with delivering a Plant Setup Estimation presentation, providing
justifications for their proposed setup. Additionally, they must incorporate earlier round data
into their presentation to demonstrate continuity and informed decision-making. where
participants will have the opportunity to pitch their product concepts to a panel of judges.
This event will test your creativity, market understanding, and persuasive communication

• Comprehensive plan for product development and production. This includes a thorough
understanding of market needs, a detailed layout for production, and a justified estimate for
setting up the manufacturing plant

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: (ME/PE-3)
Event Description:
This is the event in which participants will analyse a case study involving restart radiant in a
manufacturing setting, develop a unique solution, and assess its potential effects. This event
will test your problem-solving skills, creativity, and ability to propose practical solutions to
complex issues. Participants will be provided with a detailed case study describing a scenario
involving restart radiant in a manufacturing process. It is an event of two members in which
they have to use their knowledge in basic.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Analyse the Case study
No. of participants

Participants are tasked with showcasing proposed changes that effectively mitigate
production loss, financial losses, and resource wastage. Dive into the world of problem-
solving and strategic thinking with the "Case Study Analysis Challenge." Participants will be
presented with a real-world case study from the field of mechanical engineering and will be
tasked with analysing the situation, identifying key issues, and proposing effective solutions.
This event will test your ability to think critically, apply theoretical knowledge, and
communicate your findings concisely.

Round 2: Give your Unique Solution

No. of participants

This presentation will highlight the successful control measures implemented to enhance
operational efficiency and minimize negative impacts on production, finances, and resource
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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utilization. Participants will have the opportunity to analyse real-life case
studies, identify key problems, and propose innovative solutions. The focus will be on
practicality, feasibility, and the potential impact of the proposed solutions. Join us for an
engaging session where industry experts and innovators come together to brainstorm and
propose unique solutions to pressing challenges faced by various industries. This event is
designed to stimulate creativity and encourage out-of-the-box thinking.

Round 3: Unique Solution Effect

No. of participants

This presentation will highlight the successful control measures implemented to enhance
operational efficiency and minimize negative impacts on production, finances, and resource
utilization. Participants will have the opportunity to analyse case studies where unique
solutions were implemented, understand the rationale behind these solutions, and explore the
effects they had on the industry. Experts will share their experiences and insights,
highlighting the importance of thinking outside the box. Whether you're looking to learn from
industry leaders or showcase your own success stories, this event offers a platform to engage
with like-minded professionals and gain valuable insights into the power of unique solutions.

• Improve efficiency, reduce losses, and optimize resource utilization within the specified
domain. It provides a systematic approach by first understanding the problem, proposing
solutions, and then assessing the effectiveness of those solutions after implementation

Event Code: (CP/IT-01)
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Description:
Code Rush provides participants with a comprehensive platform to showcase their
programming prowess, algorithmic skills, and knowledge of data structures. Through a series
of challenging rounds, participants engage in intense competition, aiming to demonstrate
their ability to solve complex problems and write efficient code under pressure. The event not
only fosters competitiveness but also promotes learning and skill development in the field of
computer science and programming.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Rush-1
No. of participants

In this round, participants are presented with five mathematical or numeric problems. They
are required to solve these problems using C++, Java, or Python within a specified time
frame. The problems may involve equations, numerical algorithms, or looping constructs.
Participants must fetch the correct output for each problem.

Round 2: Rush-2
No. of participants

This round focuses on the implementation of basic algorithms. Participants are given
algorithmic problems that require them to implement fundamental algorithms such as sorting,
searching, or graph traversal. The problems may vary in difficulty, challenging participants to
efficiently implement these algorithms in C++, Java, or Python.

Round 3: Rush-3

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

This round revolves around problems based on data structures. Participants encounter
challenges that test their understanding and proficiency in using various data structures such
as arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, and hash tables. The problems may require participants to
manipulate, traverse, or process data efficiently using the provided data structures. As with
previous rounds, participants must code their solutions in C++, Java, or Python.

This round will sharpen problem-solving abilities, enhanced algorithmic thinking, improved
coding proficiency, and the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and potential

Event Code: (CP/IT-02)

Event Description:

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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The AI Creative Challenge is a groundbreaking event that explores the
intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence (AI). It provides participants with a
platform to unleash their creative potential while harnessing the power of AI as a collaborator
and co-creator. The event consists of three distinct rounds, each pushing participants to
innovate and experiment in different creative domains. Participants will go through a
transformative journey of exploration and discovery, where creativity knows no bounds.
Through innovative collaboration with AI, participants redefine the possibilities of creative
expression, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in the realms of text, visual art, and

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: The Prompting Mastermind
No. of participants

In The Prompting Mastermind round, participants take on the role of architects, crafting
prompts to inspire AI to generate unique and creative text formats. Participants delve into the
intricacies of language and expression, exploring how AI can be guided to produce
compelling and human-like text. Each participant's prompt undergoes rigorous testing by AI
evaluators, ensuring that the generated text convincingly mimics human writing.

Round 2: Pixel Painters

No. of participants

Pixel Painters unleashes participants' inner artists as they collaborate with AI to create
breathtaking images. In this round, participants embark on the challenge of developing a
single-page comic story. Drawing upon AI-generated images, participants infuse their
narratives with visual richness and depth, exploring the symbiotic relationship between
storytelling and visual artistry. Through the fusion of human creativity and AI-generated
visuals, participants craft visually stunning comics that captivate the imagination.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Round 3: Bringing Your Story to Life with AI

No. of participants

In this culminating round, participants harness the collaborative power of AI to breathe life
into their stories. Tasked with generating engaging short videos, participants transform their
narratives into dynamic visual experiences with the assistance of AI. By leveraging AI's
capabilities in video editing and enhancement, participants elevate their storytelling to new
heights, creating immersive and captivating short videos that resonate with audiences.

AI Playground fosters innovation, experimentation, and collaboration, ultimately unlocking
new realms of creativity and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the digital

Event Code: (CP/IT-03)

Event Description:

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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This event demonstrates participant’s expertise in web development
across multiple disciplines. From foundational HTML skills to advanced JavaScript
programming, participants showcase their ability to create visually appealing, responsive, and
dynamic websites. The competition fosters creativity, problem-solving, and innovation in the
field of web design, pushing participants to excel in designing engaging online experiences.
This event consists of three round and is a team event with a group of three. From HTML
basics to dynamic JavaScript-driven pages, participants showcase their expertise in crafting
visually appealing and functional websites.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Web-Vision (HTML)
No. of participants

In the first round, WEB-Vision, participants are provided with HTML components and tasked
with efficiently creating their resumes using these components. This round primarily
evaluates participants' proficiency in HTML, assessing their ability to structure content and
utilize HTML elements effectively.

Round 2: Web-Evolve (HTML/CSS)

No. of participants

WEB-Evolve challenges participants to replicate a page of a website using HTML and CSS.
Participants have the freedom to surf the internet for inspiration and resources. This round
focuses on assessing participants' knowledge of CSS, including their ability to style and
layout web pages to closely match the provided design.

Round 3: Master-Match (HTML/CSS/JavaScript)


P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

In the final round, Master-Match, participants are given a theme and tasked with creating a
dynamic HTML page using JavaScript. This round test participants' proficiency in JavaScript,
evaluating their ability to enhance interactivity and functionality on a web page based on a
given theme.

Digital Frontier has successfully developed a sleek and intuitive web application using
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing users with a seamless and engaging experience.
Through meticulous design and efficient coding practices, they have crafted a platform that
not only meets but exceeds client expectations, showcasing their proficiency in front-end
development and commitment to delivering high-quality digital solutions


Event Description:
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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The event is focused on unleashing your creativity through the versatile
capabilities of Proteus Software. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your
journey in electronics and embedded systems, this event offers an enriching experience for
all. The event is held in a group of 3 members. Experienced instructors will guide attendees
through practical demonstration, showcasing how to simulate complex electronic circuits and
validate their designs virtually. Following the introduction, participants will embark on an
exciting journey of project development using Proteus software. With access to a diverse
range of components and libraries, attendees will have the opportunity to bring their project
ideas to life.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Simulation round
Venue A224
No. of participants

In the event members are given a brief introduction about the Proteus software for about 10-
15 minutes. After the members are aware about it, they will be provided with the topics to
design in the software.

Round 2: Hardware round

Venue A216
No. of participants
In this round participants will now have the opportunity to bring their creations to life on
physical breadboards and components. They will be provided with the necessary hardware
components, including breadboards, resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and more, to
replicate their simulated circuits.

Round 3: Presentation
Venue A216
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

In this round participant will have the opportunity to present their projects to a panel of
judges and fellow enthusiasts, highlighting the innovative features, functionalities, and design
choices that set their projects apart. Participants will then take turns presenting their projects,
with each presentation showcasing the unique aspects and capabilities of their creations.

Participants will be able to learn and simulate on proteus software.


Event Description:
This event exhilarates journey of discovery, challenge, and learning as we put your electro-
riddle-solving skills and technical acumen to the test. Whether you're a seasoned electronics
enthusiast or a budding engineer, this event promises to be an unforgettable experience that
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
will sharpen your mind and deepen your passion for electronics.
Throughout the event, participants will not only have the opportunity to demonstrate their
technical prowess but also to learn from their peers, exchange ideas, and expand their
knowledge of electronics and circuit design. With challenges ranging from mental puzzles to
hands-on troubleshooting and technical interviews, this event offers a comprehensive
assessment of participants' skills and capabilities in the field of electronics.
Round 1: Solve the riddle
Venue A216 & A217
No. of participants

In this round, participants will be presented with a collection of intriguing electro-riddles,

each designed to stimulate critical thinking and creativity. From cryptic circuits to enigmatic
components, these riddles will require participants to decipher clues, make connections, and
unlock the secrets hidden within.

Round 2: Fault-T
No. of participants

Each participant will be provided with a malfunctioning circuit and tasked with identifying
and rectifying the underlying faults within a limited timeframe. Participants must rely on their
knowledge of circuit analysis, instrumentation, and troubleshooting methodologies to
successfully diagnose and repair the faults within the allotted time

Round 3: Technical interview

No. of participants

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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In the technical interview round participants will be tested on a range of
topics, including circuit theory, electronic components, signal analysis, and problem-solving
methodologies. Interviewers will probe participants' knowledge, challenge their assumptions,
and assess their ability to articulate complex concepts clearly and concisely.

Participants will be able to solve circuits as per round 1, they would able to read research
paper and present it.


Event Description:
In this event, participants will have traversed the full spectrum of electrical exploration, from
virtual simulation to Tinker cad hardware design. Whether you're a novice enthusiast or a
seasoned practitioner, this event offers a thrilling opportunity to expand your skills, unleash
your creativity, and experience the excitement of electronics design firsthand. This event is
held in a group of 2 members. Spanning three exhilarating rounds, participants will navigate
through a series of challenges that blend online learning, simulation, and hands-on hardware
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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Round 1: Introduction to Tinkercad
No. of participants

In this round participants will watch curated tutorials and demonstrations covering
fundamental concepts of electrical circuits, components, and circuit design techniques.
Following the video showcase, participants will engage in an online quiz, testing their
comprehension and retention of the material presented.

Round 2: Simulation round

No. of participants

In this round Using the Tinker cad, participants will design and simulate basic electrical
circuits, applying principles learned in the tutorials. From simple LED circuits to
configurations involving resistors, capacitors, and transistors, participants will demonstrate
their proficiency in circuit design and simulation.

Round 3: Hardware
No. of participants

In this round participants will bring their virtual designs to life through the Hardware Design
Challenge. Armed with circuit diagrams and component lists generated from their Tinkercad
simulations, participants will embark on the physical realization of their circuits.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Participants will able to simulate circuits in tinkercad software.



Event description:
In this event participants will embark on a thrilling adventure through the realms of coding,
circuit design, and prototyping. Spanning three captivating rounds, this event will test
participants' problem-solving abilities, technical prowess, and creativity as they navigate a
series of challenges inspired by the world of electronics. This event consists of 2 members.
Participants will receive guidance, feedback, and support from experienced mentors and
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
industry professionals. Collaboration and camaraderie will be fostered as
participants work together to overcome challenges and celebrate their achievements.

Round 1: Debugging Challenge

No. of participants

In this round participants will be presented with snippets of code plagued by bugs and errors.
With quick thinking and sharp eyes, participants must identify, diagnose, and rectify the flaws
within the code to restore functionality. From syntax errors to logic bugs, participants will
showcase their programming acumen and attention to detail in this high-stakes round.

Round 2: Tinker cad Challenge

No. of participants

In this round participants will be Armed with a problem statement and a set of requirements,
participants must leverage their circuit design skills to create innovative solutions using
Tinker cad's intuitive interface. Participants will face unique challenges tailored to test their
understanding of circuit theory, component selection, and practical considerations. Whether
it's designing a power distribution system, creating a sensor interface, or implementing logic
gates, participants will showcase their creativity and ingenuity in solving real-world problems
through circuit design.

Round 3: Prototyping showdown

No. of participants

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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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In the final round of R-Dino Odyssey, participants will showcase their
circuit designs in physical form through the Prototyping Showcase. Whether using PCBs or
breadboards, participants will bring their virtual designs to life, demonstrating their ability to
translate digital prototypes into tangible hardware. Participants will present their prototypes
to a panel of judges and fellow enthusiasts, highlighting the features, functionality, and design
considerations of their circuits.


Event description:
Participants will be presented with a variety of problems, each requiring the application of
logic gates to analyze, design, and implement solutions in this events. Whether it's designing
a digital lock system, constructing a binary decoder, or implementing a combinational logic
circuit, participants will showcase their ingenuity and resourcefulness in solving complex
problems using digital electronics principles. Spanning three engaging rounds, this event
promises a thrilling journey through the intricacies of digital circuits, logic gates, and
problem-solving scenarios.

Round 1: Circuitary Crossward

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

In an exhilarating Crossword Puzzle challenge, where participants will decipher clues related
to digital electronics, logic gates, and number systems. Armed with a pen and their wits,
participants must fill in the crossword grid, solving clues that range from basic concepts to
advanced topics. From binary arithmetic to truth tables, participants will demonstrate their
mastery of digital electronics in this cerebral round.

Round 2: Gate Reconstruction Challenge

No. of participants

In this round participants will face the Logic Gate Recognition and Drawing round. With an
understanding of logic gates and their operations, participants must identify various logic
gates based on given diagrams or descriptions. Participants will draw logic gate diagrams
based on provided truth tables or logical expressions, showcasing their ability to translate
abstract concepts into visual representations.

Round 3: Logic Lockdown

No. of participants

In this round participants will put their logic gate skills to the ultimate test in a series of
problem-solving scenarios. From decoding passwords to unlocking secure systems,
participants must leverage their knowledge of logic gates and Boolean algebra to tackle real-
world challenges. Participants will showcase their ingenuity and resourcefulness in solving
complex problems using digital electronics principles from designing a digital lock system,
constructing a binary decoder, or implementing a combinational logic circuit.
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event description:
This event showcases creativity, problem-solving skills, and circuit design. Participants will
design and simulate the circuit using virtual components, ensuring functionality, efficiency,
and reliability. From sensor interfacing to data processing and control logic, participants will
demonstrate their ability to translate conceptual designs into practical solutions using circuit
simulation software. With three exciting rounds, comprising 2 members in each team, this
event promises an immersive journey through the world of sensors, problem abstraction,
resource management, and circuit simulation.

Round 1: Sensor Spotlight


P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

In this round participants will be presented with a variety of sensors and asked to list their
features and functionalities. From temperature sensors to motion detectors, participants must
identify the key characteristics and potential applications of each sensor. Following the sensor
analysis, participants will be challenged to abstract a problem scenario based on the features
of the given sensors. Using their imagination and critical thinking skills, participants must
identify a real-world problem that can be addressed or solved using one or more of the
provided sensors. Points will be awarded based on the accuracy and creativity of the problem

Round 2: Component Acquisition Challenge

No. of participants

In this round participants will use the points earned in Round 1 to bid for the items required
to solve the problem abstracted in the previous round. A variety of components, modules, and
materials will be available for bidding, each with its own point value. With limited points and
competing demands, participants must prioritize their bids and make strategic decisions to
secure the items needed to tackle the problem at hand.

Round 3: Circuit Powerplay

No. of participants

In the final round using provided software tools, participants will simulate the circuitry
required to solve the problem abstracted in Round 1. Participants will design and simulate the
circuit using virtual components, ensuring functionality, efficiency, and reliability. From

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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sensor interfacing to data processing and control logic, participants will
demonstrate their ability to translate conceptual designs into practical solutions using circuit
simulation software.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Roadmap to 2047 (RE-1)

Event description:
Get ready to engineer your way to victory in our college robotics competition! Show off your
innovation and technical prowess as you design and program robots to tackle a series of
challenging tasks. With teams from across campuses vying for top honors, this competition is
your chance to demonstrate your skills, push boundaries, and inspire the future of robotics.
Join us for an electrifying event where creativity meets technology

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Pathway Pioneer):
Venue Mechanical Workshop Corridor
No. of Participants 4

Prepare a robot to complete the given track in the shortest time possible which consist of
straight lines, Curves, Dead ends, Meanders, Corners, Intersections
Round 2 (Future Frontier):
Venue Mechanical Workshop Corridor
No. of participants 4

Prepare a robot to complete the given track in the shortest time possible which consist of the
above types of lines and additionally, gaps, white line on black background Event Venue:
Mechanical Workshop Corridor

Outcome of Event:
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Participants will develop the capacity to apply fundamental principles of
robotics and control systems in designing, building, and optimizing line following robots,
fostering their skills in autonomous navigation and robotic engineering.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Momentum 2047(RE-2)

Event description:
Design and construct a high-speed robot capable of navigating complex terrains and
outpacing its competitors. This round is a test of agility and speed, where robots must swiftly
traverse challenging paths to achieve the fastest completion time possible. Only the robots
with the shortest clock times will advance to the next round, so gear up to engineer a winning
machine that excels under pressure and leaves the competition in its dust.

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Unity Sprint):
Venue South Quadrangle
No. of Participants 4

To Build a High-Speed Robot that can move through challenging paths and outrace other
robots. In this round robot will have to complete in the least possible time it can and robots
with least clock time advances to next round.
Round 2 (Innovation Dash):
Venue South Quadrangle
No. of Participants 4

In this round robot will compete 1 to 1 with successive eliminations and last standing robot
wins the round and hence the event.

Outcome of Event:

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Participants demonstrates exceptional skills in manoeuvring their robots
through challenging obstacles, showcasing innovation and problem-solving abilities.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Description:
Join us for an adrenaline-fueled BGMI showdown where players will test their tactical
prowess and teamwork in intense battles. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer,
this event promises thrills and excitement as squads vie for victory and bragging rights. Grab
your gear, form your squad, and get ready to conquer the battleground in this epic gaming

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1:
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Teams of each group have to play four matches Top 16 teams to be selected for Round 2
Round 2:
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Each team out of a group of 16 teams will compete with each other in 5 matches.

Outcome of Event:
Collaborating with others to navigate through unexpected challenges promotes teamwork and
cooperation. Emotional intelligence: Managing emotions such as frustration or
disappointment in the face of unexpected outcomes helps participants build emotional
resilience and self-awareness.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Free Fire (ES2)

Event Description:
Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Free Fire with our action-packed event!
Prepare to be immersed in fast-paced battles, where every moment counts as you fight for
survival. Gather your squad, hone your skills, and unleash your strategic prowess in this
ultimate test of courage and cunning. Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience filled
with excitement, camaraderie, and epic victories!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1:
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Teams of each group have to play four matches. Top 8 teams to be selected for Round 2.
Round 2:
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Each team out of a group of 16 teams will compete with each other in 5 matches

Outcome of Event:
Managing emotions such as frustration or disappointment in the face of unexpected outcomes
helps participants build emotional resilience and self-awareness.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
Valorant (ES3)

Event Description:
Step into the realm of tactical FPS excellence with our Valorant event! Engage in heart-
pounding matches where precision, teamwork, and strategy reign supreme. Whether you're an
ace sniper or a master strategist, this event offers the perfect platform to showcase your skills
and dominate the competition. Join forces with fellow gamers and experience the adrenaline
rush of intense firefights and strategic showdowns in Valorant like never before!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Eliminator 1):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 5

Two teams (total 16 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 2 (Eliminator 2):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 5

Two teams (total 8 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 3 (Semi-finals):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 5

Two teams (total 4 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 4 (Final Showdown):

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 5

Two semi-finalists to compete for the final round.

Outcome of Event:
Collaborating with others to navigate through unexpected challenges promotes teamwork and
cooperation. Emotional intelligence: Managing emotions such as frustration or
disappointment in the face of unexpected outcomes helps participants build emotional
resilience and self-awareness.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Clash Royale (ES-4)

Event Description:
Prepare for epic clashes and strategic showdowns in our Clash Royale competition at college!
Command your troops, deploy your spells, and unleash your tactics to outsmart opponents in
real-time battles. With thrilling matches and intense rivalries, this event offers the perfect
arena for showcasing your skills and claiming victory. Join the battle, rise through the ranks,
and prove yourself as the ultimate Clash Royale champion!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1(Eliminator 1):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 2

Two teams (total 28 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 2(Eliminator 2):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 2

Two teams (total 16 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 3(Eliminator 3):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 2

Two teams (total 8 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Round 4 (Semi- Finals):

Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 2

Two teams (total 4 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 5 (Final Showdown):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 2

Two semi-finalists to compete for the final round.

Outcome of Event:
Collaborating with others to navigate through unexpected challenges promotes teamwork and
cooperation. Emotional intelligence: Managing emotions such as frustration or
disappointment in the face of unexpected outcomes helps participants build emotional
resilience and self-awareness.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
Mini Militia (ES5)

Event Description:
Gear up for an exhilarating Mini Militia competition right here on campus! Prepare to dive
into intense battles filled with fast-paced action and strategic manoeuvres. Rally your squad,
strategize your moves, and unleash your firepower as you compete against other teams for
supremacy. It's time to show off your combat skills and claim victory in this thrilling
showdown of agility and tactics!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1(Eliminator 1):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Two teams (total 16 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 2 (Eliminator 2):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Two teams (total 8 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 3 (Semi-Finals):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Two teams (total 4 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.
Round 4 (Final Showdown):

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 4

Two teams (total 2 teams) to compete with each other, winner goes to the next round.

Outcome of Event:
Collaborating with others to navigate through unexpected challenges promotes teamwork and
cooperation. Managing emotions such as frustration or disappointment in the face of
unexpected outcomes helps participants build emotional resilience and self-awareness

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Among Us (ES-6)

Event Description:
Embark on an exciting journey of deception and deduction with our Among Us competition
at college! Join fellow students in a thrilling battle of wits as you navigate suspicion and trust
to uncover the impostors among your peers. Work together or betray your friends in this
multiplayer mystery game that promises endless excitement and intrigue. Can you outsmart
the impostors and emerge victorious? Join us to find out!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Eliminator 1):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 1

In one slot there will be 2 imposters and 8 crewmates out of which only the winners and the
alive players go to next match.
Round 2 (Eliminator 2):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 1

The further rounds will be subject to players qualifying Round 1.

Outcome of Event:
Managing emotions such as frustration or disappointment in the face of unexpected outcomes
helps participants build emotional resilience and self-awareness.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (ES-7)

Event Description:
Rev up your engines and prepare for high-octane thrills with our Need for Speed: Most
Wanted game competition! Show off your racing skills as you tear through the streets,
outmaneuvering rivals and evading the law. With adrenaline-pumping races and intense
pursuits, this event promises an exhilarating experience for all speed demons on campus.
Strap in hit the gas, and race your way to the top in this ultimate test of skill and speed!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Eliminator 1):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 1

Race between 4 people at a time and winners and runners-ups proceed to next round.
Round 2 (Semi- Finals):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 1

Race between 4 people at a time and winners and runners-ups proceed to next round.
Round 3 (Final Showdown):
Venue Civil Garden
No. of Participants 1

Race between 4 finalists to decide the winner and runner-up.

Outcome of Event:

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Collaborating with others to navigate through unexpected challenges
promotes teamwork and cooperation.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:

Event Code: (CL-1)

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Description:
Get ready to groove and move to the beat in "Dance Pe Chance," an electrifying event that
combines rhythm, coordination, and teamwork! Participants will compete in a series of dance
challenges that test their ability to keep up with the tempo, stay in sync with their team, and
showcase their best moves. Step into the world of "Musical Among Us," where deception
meets dance in a thrilling game of musical chairs! Lights, camera, action! It's time to
showcase your dancing skills in the ultimate "Dance Battle" showdown. Participants will
compete in head-to-head dance-offs, where they'll have the chance to freestyle, bust out their
best moves, and impress the judges with their style and creativity.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Keep with the Tempo
No. of participants

Students will have to change their dance moves and tempo with the changing songs . From
fast-paced beats to slow, melodic tunes, dancers must quickly adjust their choreography to
match the music. This event not only tests your ability to stay in sync with the rhythm but
also challenges your creativity and improvisational skills. Get ready to think on your feet, feel
the music, and dazzle the audience with your seamless transitions and flawless execution.
"Keep with the Tempo" is your chance to shine and show off your dance prowess in a
thrilling, ever-changing environment!
Round 2: Musical Among Us
Venue C207
No. of participants

Three students will be called to the dance floor. Two will be provided with an upbeat song,
One with a slow one. All have to dance in an upbeat manner, they have to vote after a minute
on the fake. Step into the world of mystery and rhythm with Musical Among Us! In this
exhilarating event, three students will be called to the dance floor, but little do they know, a
twist of deception awaits them. Musical Among Us is not just about dance; it's a thrilling
game of strategy and perception, where rhythm and misdirection collide on the dance floor.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Round 3: Dance Battle

Venue C207
No. of participants

Step into the electrifying arena of rhythmic rivalry where passion meets skill and creativity
dances with finesse. "Rhythmic Rivalry: The Ultimate Dance Battle" is not just an event; it's
a showcase of raw talent, innovation, and sheer determination. This isn't just any dance-off;
it's a 1-vs-1 showdown where each dancer brings their unique style, flair, and personality to
the floor. From hip-hop to breakdance, contemporary to street dance, every genre is fair game
as competitors strive to outshine each other with their creativity and skill. But it's not just
about flashy moves and intricate footwork; it's about telling a story, captivating the audience,
and leaving everything on the dance floor. The judges, experts in their own right, scrutinize
every detail, looking for that spark of brilliance that sets a dancer apart.

• Skill Development: Participants can improve their dance skills, including technique,
coordination, rhythm, and stage presence, through rehearsals and performance experience.
• Confidence Building: Performing in front of an audience can boost self-confidence and self-
esteem, helping dancers overcome stage fright and develop a stronger sense of self-assurance

• Teamwork and Collaboration: Working with a dance team fosters collaboration,

cooperation, and camaraderie among participants, promoting teamwork and mutual support.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Code: (CL-2)
Event Description:
Teams will kick off the competition by selecting a scene from the vast repertoire of
Bollywood classics. From romantic sagas to action-packed thrillers, every genre is fair game
as teams put their acting chops to the test. With costumes, props, and a touch of Bollywood
magic, they'll bring these iconic scenes to life, captivating the audience with their
performance. Get ready for a whirlwind journey through the glitz and glamour of Bollywood
P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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as "Rangmanch Ke Khiladi" brings you an exhilarating event of scene re-
enacts like never before! Step onto the stage and into the shoes of your favourite Bollywood
characters as you immerse yourself in the drama, laughter, and emotion of iconic movie
moments. With the spotlight shining bright and the audience on the edge of their seats, "Rangmanch
Ke Khiladi" promises an evening of unforgettable entertainment, where the magic of Bollywood
comes alive on stage.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Scene re-enacts
No. of participants

Prepare to be transported into the heart of Bollywood as "Bollywood Bonanza: Scene Re-
enactment Showdown" takes centre stage! This event promises an exhilarating showcase of
talent, creativity, and pure cinematic magic as teams compete to re-enact iconic scenes from
Bollywood's most beloved movies. Team will have to re-enact a Bollywood Scene. Teams
will kick off the competition by selecting a scene from the vast repertoire of Bollywood
classics. From romantic sagas to action-packed thrillers, every genre is fair game as teams put
their acting chops to the test. With costumes, props, and a touch of Bollywood magic, they'll
bring these iconic scenes to life, captivating the audience with their performance.
Round 2: Golmaal
No. of participants

In this round, teams will add a hilarious twist to the competition as they tackle the famous
"Golmaal" challenge. Sitting in a circle, each team member will take turns initiating dialogue
from the scene, passing the baton (or should we say, dialogue) to the next teammate. It's a test
of wit, timing, and improvisation as teams strive to keep the laughter rolling and the scene
flowing seamlessly.

Round 3: Live Drama

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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No. of participants

The excitement reaches a crescendo in the final round as teams face the ultimate test of their
acting prowess in "Live Drama." With adrenaline pumping and nerves on edge, teams will be
given a scene on the teleprompter, revealed to them on the spot. There's no time for rehearsal
or second takes; it's all about quick thinking, teamwork, and the ability to think on your feet
as teams dive headfirst into the world of live performance.

• Music Appreciation: Participants can broaden their musical knowledge and appreciation by
exploring a diverse range of songs from different genres, languages, and eras.
• Team Building: Playing Antakshari encourages teamwork, cooperation, and communication
among participants as they work together to keep the game going and support each other
during challenges.
• Memory Enhancement: Antakshari challenges participants to recall song lyrics and
melodies under pressure, which can improve memory retention and cognitive skills.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
Visit us: Email:
Event Code-(CL-3)
Event Description:
Participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering their own reservoirs of
wisdom and learning strategies to enhance their decision-making, problem-solving, and
resilience. From exploring ancient philosophies to cutting-edge research, attendees will gain
insights into how wisdom can be cultivated, nurtured, and leveraged to not only survive but
thrive in an ever-changing world. Through a series of captivating presentations, interactive
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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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workshops, and thought-provoking discussions, this event delves deep
into the essence of wisdom and its critical role in navigating contemporary challenges.
Drawing from diverse disciplines including psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and
ecology, renowned experts will unravel the mysteries of wisdom and its practical applications
in everyday life.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Sur-vival of the wisest
No. of participants

The Screening Round serves as the gateway to the main event, testing participants'
knowledge and love for music in a thrilling quiz format. From chart-toppers to underground
hits, classical masterpieces to contemporary bangers, this quiz covers a diverse range of
musical genres and eras, ensuring there's something for everyone. Gather your friends, form a
team, or go solo as you prepare to answer questions that will challenge your musical prowess.
Expect rounds filled with trivia about iconic artists, legendary albums, memorable lyrics, and
everything in between. Whether you're a pop aficionado, a rock enthusiast, a classical
connoisseur, or a hip-hop head, there's a question waiting for you.

Round 2: Stage Round

No. of participants

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Antakshari, a beloved game that has charmed audiences for generations,
takes center stage as participants engage in a series of exhilarating rounds, each brimming
with energy, laughter, and infectious melodies. From classic Bollywood hits to regional gems,
the Stage Round celebrates the rich tapestry of Indian music in all its diversity. Gather your
team, rally your vocal cords, and prepare to face off against formidable opponents in a battle
of wits and tunes. With multiple rounds designed to test your knowledge, creativity, and
improvisational skills, every moment promises a new opportunity to shine. But it's not just
about the competition; it's about the joy of singing, the thrill of teamwork, and the magic of
music that brings us all together. Soak in the electrifying atmosphere, join in the chorus of
cheers, and let the music carry you on an unforgettable journey.

• Music Appreciation: Participants can broaden their musical knowledge and appreciation by
exploring a diverse range of songs from different genres, languages, and eras.
• Team Building: Playing Antakshari encourages teamwork, cooperation, and communication
among participants as they work together to keep the game going and support each other
during challenges.
• Memory Enhancement: Antakshari challenges participants to recall song lyrics and
melodies under pressure, which can improve memory retention and cognitive skills

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Event Code: (CL-4)
Event Description:
Prepare to be dazzled by a kaleidoscope of colours, shapes, and creativity as we invite you to
immerse yourself in the vibrant world of "Shaka Laka Boom Boom: Shape Up Rangitionary
Installation." This unique event promises to ignite your senses, stimulate your imagination,
and transport you to a realm where art meets innovation in the most exhilarating way.
Whether you're an art enthusiast, a design aficionado, or simply curious about the intersection
of tradition and innovation, "Shaka Laka Boom Boom: Shape Up Rangitionary Installation"
promises an experience like no other. Come, be inspired, and let your imagination take flight
amidst a symphony of colours and shapes that celebrate the boundless possibilities of artistic
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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Round Wise Description
Round 1: Shape Up
No. of participants

Each participant will be assigned a unique shape, and armed with nothing but their creativity
and ingenuity, teams must work together to combine these shapes into a cohesive and
meaningful design. Whether it's a symbol of unity, a representation of a shared vision, or a
depiction of a collective goal, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Every
individual in a team of 3 will be provided with a shape and using those 3 shapes will have to
draw something of significance. teams will race against time to bring their designs to life,
utilizing a variety of materials and techniques to capture the essence of their vision. From
sketching and painting to sculpting and crafting, every medium is fair game as teams strive to
impress the judges and claim victory.

Round 2: Rangitionary
No. of participants

In Rangitionary, creativity knows no bounds as participants dive into a whirlwind of fun and
imagination. Armed with a palette of dazzling Rangoli colours and their boundless creativity,
players embark on a journey of artistic discovery and friendly competition. The rules are
simple yet exciting: teams compete against each other to guess the Rangoli-inspired drawings
sketched by their teammates. But here's the twist – instead of traditional drawing tools,
participants use vibrant Rangoli powders to bring their creations to life. From swirling
patterns to intricate motifs, every stroke is a celebration of colour and culture.

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Round 3: Installation

No. of participants

The rules are simple yet liberating: using only the provided stationery and any waste
materials they can scavenge from the college grounds, students will craft unique installations
that reflect their vision, values, and creative flair. From discarded paper and cardboard to
plastic bottles and scrap metal, every piece of waste becomes a potential building block for
artistic innovation. As the installations take shape, students will have the opportunity to
showcase their creations to the college community, sharing the stories behind their artwork
and igniting discussions about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling in today's
world. Armed with nothing but their imagination and a commitment to sustainability,
participants will embark on a journey to create stunning installations that breathe new life
into overlooked objects and reimagine waste as a medium for artistic expression.


• Creative Expression: Participants have the opportunity to express themselves creatively

through various mediums such as painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, or mixed media.
• Cultural Appreciation: Fine Arts events often provide opportunities for participants to
explore and appreciate different cultures, traditions, and artistic movements through their
artistic creations or exposure to others' work.
• Portfolio Building: Creating artwork for a Fine Arts event can contribute to participants'
portfolios, whether they are pursuing further studies in art or seeking opportunities in the
creative industry.

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Event Description:
This event is a celebration of the vibrant and captivating world of Indian cinema, where
participants will embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart and soul of
Bollywood. From seasoned film buffs to casual fans, Bollywood Bonanza offers something
for everyone. Whether you're a trivia whiz, a dance aficionado, or simply someone who loves
the magic of the silver screen, this event promises non-stop entertainment and excitement.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Screening Round
No. of participants

In this round an online quiz designed to test participants' knowledge of Bollywood trivia.
Participants will demonstrate their passion for Indian cinema. Questions ranged from iconic
movie dialogues to legendary actors and actresses, challenging participants to showcase their

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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expertise. The Screening Round served as a platform for friendly
competition and set the stage for the excitement to come.

Round 2: Stage Round

No. of participants

The atmosphere was electric as participants showcased their talents through a variety of
challenges, including rapid-fire trivia, dance-offs, and reenactments. The Stage Round not
only highlighted participants' knowledge of Bollywood but also their creativity, teamwork,
and stage presence. Audiences were captivated by the energy and enthusiasm displayed by
the competing teams, making for an unforgettable spectacle.

Knowledge Enhancement: Participants can expand their knowledge of Bollywood cinema,
including actors, directors, movies, music, and trivia, through researching and answering quiz
Cultural Appreciation: Engaging in a Bollywood quiz provides an opportunity to appreciate
and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Indian cinema, including its history, diversity, and
impact on global pop culture.
Team Building: Collaborating with teammates to answer quiz questions fosters teamwork,
cooperation, and communication skills, as participants work together to pool their knowledge
and solve challenges.

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Event Description:
This is a dynamic and forward-thinking event aimed at harnessing the creativity, vision, and
passion of India's youth to shape the nation's future. Through a series of engaging rounds,
participants embark on a journey of ideation, communication, and collaboration, ultimately
contributing to the collective vision of a developed India by the year 2047.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Manifesto
No. of participants

In the Manifesto round, participants are assigned specific sectors crucial to India's
development, such as healthcare, education, technology, and infrastructure. They craft
comprehensive manifestos outlining their innovative strategies and actionable plans to propel
their designated sectors forward by 2047. This round challenge participant to think critically,
envision bold solutions, and articulate their ideas clearly and convincingly.

Round 2: Speech
No. of participants

The Speech round puts participants' oratory skills to the test as they deliver impassioned
speeches based on their manifestos. Facing a live audience and a panel of judges, contestants
strive to captivate, inspire, and persuade with their eloquence and charisma. The Speech
round not only evaluates participants' ability to communicate effectively but also highlights
their ability to connect with and rally support from diverse audiences.

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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Round 3: Youth Parliament

No. of participants

In the Youth Parliament round, participants engage in a stimulating parliamentary-style

debate focused on the overarching theme of "Vikasit Bharat 2047" (Developed India 2047).
Guided by an agenda centered on national development goals, participants propose policies,
debate issues, and collaborate with their peers to shape a shared vision for India's future. This
round fosters critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership skills, empowering participants to
become proactive agents of change in their communities and beyond.

Policy Awareness: Participants gain a deeper understanding of political issues, policies, and
governance processes by researching and developing manifestos on various topics.
Critical Thinking: Crafting and presenting manifestos require critical thinking skills, as
participants analyse problems, identify solutions, and articulate their proposals in a
persuasive manner.
Leadership Development: Organizing a youth parliament and participating in political
debates foster leadership skills, confidence, and public speaking abilities among participants.

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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Event Description:
India, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse traditions, is hosting the prestigious Bharat
Screening Round & Stage Round event, celebrating the essence of its artistic expressions and
talents. This event serves as a platform to showcase the multifaceted talents that embody the
spirit of Bharat, representing the nation's artistic prowess and cultural vibrancy.

Event Round Wise Description

Round 1: Screening Round
No. of participants

In the Bharat Screening Round, participants from across the country present their talents in
various art forms, including dance, music, theatre, poetry, and visual arts. This round acts as
the initial screening process, where participants demonstrate their skills and creativity to a
panel of esteemed judges. The screening round aims to identify outstanding talents that
reflect the essence of Bharat and exhibit exceptional artistic abilities.

Round 2: Stage Round

No. of participants

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Following the Bharat Screening Round, selected participants advance to
the Stage Round, where they have the opportunity to perform on a grand stage in front of a
larger audience. This round is a celebration of India's cultural diversity and artistic
excellence, with participants showcasing their talents through captivating performances that
captivate the audience and convey the rich tapestry of Indian culture. From classical dance
recitals to soul-stirring musical renditions, the Stage Round highlights the extraordinary
talents that thrive within the vibrant cultural landscape of India.

• Cultural Appreciation: Participants gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of India's
diverse cultural heritage, including languages, traditions, customs, and arts.
• Historical Knowledge: The quiz prompts participants to learn about significant events,
personalities, and milestones in India's history, fostering a greater awareness of the country's
rich and complex past.
• Geographical Understanding: Through questions about India's geography, participants
enhance their knowledge of the country's diverse landscapes, regions, and natural resources.

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Justice League (NT-1)

Event description:
The Justice League competition at college ignites passion and camaraderie as students
embody iconic heroes, testing their mettle in challenges of wit and strength. From crafting
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innovative solutions to facing physical trials, participants unite in a spirit
of collaboration, embodying the values of justice and teamwork. In this arena, intellect meets
athleticism, fostering friendships and forging leaders who champion noble causes on campus
and beyond.

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Quiz and Case Studies):
Venue A224
No. of Participants 2

Team members will work together against the clock, answering legal questions and applying
laws to solve challenging case scenarios
Round 2 (Devil’s Advocate):
Venue A221
No. of participants 2

Teams take on the roles of lawyers defending their client in a simulated courtroom, using
legal knowledge and strategy to secure justice and freedom.

Outcome of Event:
Enhanced Legal Knowledge: Deepen understanding of legal concepts, Constitution, and
cases. Apply laws to scenarios, honing problem-solving skills.

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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Fantastic 4 (NT-2)

Event description
Experience the power of fun and games in our communication building competition at
college! Engage in interactive challenges designed to sharpen your verbal, non-verbal, and
teamwork skills. From improvisation games to role-playing scenarios, this event offers a
unique opportunity to enhance communication in an enjoyable and supportive environment.
Join us for a memorable experience that will level up your ability to connect and collaborate

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1(Communication Building):
Venue Yoga Room
No. of participants 4

In this communication-building activity, team members take turns acting out or

demonstrating actions while another team member must accurately convey those actions to
their teammates
Round 2 (Daring Dil):
Venue A219
No. of participants 4

To complete the dare given to them.

Round 3(Live Ludo):

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Venue Front Lawn
No. of participants 4

Teams have to play live ludo

Outcome of Event:
Hand-eye coordination: Games like ring toss or basketball shooting can improve coordination
and motor skills. Patience: Waiting in line for a turn teaches patience and the value of delayed
gratification. Persistence: Trying multiple times to win a game encourages persistence and

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Logo Quest (NT-3)

Event Description:
Put your branding prowess to the test in our ‘Logo Quest ‘competition at college! Challenge
your knowledge of popular brands as you race against the clock to identify logos from
various industries. With exciting prizes and bragging rights on the line, this event promises a
thrilling blend of competition and fun. Join us for an engaging evening of logo recognition
and friendly rivalry!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Guess the Logo):
Venue A208
No. of participants 2

Players Have to guess the logo of some Famous Brands in Given time.
Round 2 (Buzzer Round):
Venue A208
No. of Participants 2

Players Have to Guess the Name of firm, organization or company from tagline
Round 3 (Explain the Logo):
Venue A208
No. of Participants 2

One Player has to explain the logo of the brand to his teammate without saying its name.

Outcome of Event:

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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Participants demonstrate their impressive knowledge of branding and
logos, showcasing their ability to identify even the most obscure symbols. The event fosters a
spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie among attendees, leaving everyone with a
deeper appreciation for the power of visual communication in the world of marketing and

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Elite Eleven Auction (NT-4)

Event Description:
Experience the excitement of team ownership in our cricket team auction event at college!
Bid for your favorite players and strategize with fellow students to build the ultimate cricket
squad. With intense bidding wars and strategic maneuvers, this event promises thrills both on
and off the field. Join us for a thrilling evening of cricket fever and competitive spirit!

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1 (Plan it Out):
Venue Online
No. of Participants 4

Make a balanced team of cricket players. (300-400 given players)

Round 2(Auction):
Venue A224
No. of Participants 4

Bid for your players.

Outcome of Event:
The auction at college showcases fierce bidding wars and strategic team selections.
Participants immerse themselves in the excitement of assembling their dream squads within
budget constraints.

P.O. Box No: 20, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist. – Anand, Gujarat 388120
Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Meme Mania (NT-5)

Event Description
Get ready to test your meme knowledge in our thrilling Meme Mania! Join fellow college
students for a hilarious showdown as you decipher iconic internet images and captions. From
classic memes to the latest viral sensations, this event promises laughter, camaraderie, and
maybe even a few surprises. Don't miss out on the chance to prove your meme mastery

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1(Memebaazi):
Venue A217
No. of Participants 2

Teams have to guess the given memes in the given time

Round 2 (Name Meme Charades):
Venue A217
No. of Participants 2

One of the team members has to make the other member of the team guess the meme within
given time limit.
Round 3 (Hunt it Down):
Teams will be provided with the clues and they have to hunt for treasure.

Outcome of Event:
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Community building: Sharing memes and inside jokes creates a sense of
community among players, fostering connections and camaraderie. Critical thinking:
Analyzing memes and understanding their context encourages critical thinking skills, as
players decipher underlying messages or satire.

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Ph. No: (O) (02692) 230104, (P) (02692) 236672
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Flash it (NT-6)

Event Description:
Capture the moment and unleash your creativity in Flash it! Whether you're a seasoned
shutterbug or just discovering your passion for photography, this event is your chance to
showcase your unique perspective. From breathtaking landscapes to candid portraits, let your
lens tell a story and vie for recognition among your peers. Join us for a celebration of visual
artistry and the magic of capturing moments frozen in time.

Event Round Wise Description:

Round 1(Point of View):
No. of Participants 1

Upload any photos of given topic.

Round 2(Name Spot Photography):
No. of Participants 1

Capture the moments of Udaan in given time.

Outcome of Event:
Encourages participants to think creatively and innovatively to capture unique and
compelling images. They may explore unconventional angles, perspectives, or subjects to
stand out from the competition.

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