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1o lnvesLlgaLe how Lhe raLe of a reacLlon can be measured and how reacLlon condlLlons affecL reacLlon raLes

Cuprlc nlLraLe soluLlon Cu(nC3)2 01 M 3 mL AnalyLlcal balance (0001g preclslon)
ulsLllled or delonlzed waLer P2C 3 mL 8eaker 10mL or 30mL
Pydrochlorlc acld soluLlon PCl 010 M 3 mL 8eralLype plpeL wlLh mlcroLlp 7
oLasslum lodlde soluLlon kl 0010 M 3 mL CoLLon swabs for cleanlng well plaLe
oLasslum bromaLe soluLlon k8rC3 0040 M 3 mL 8eacLlon sLrlps 12well 2
SLarch soluLlon 2 3 mL 1hermomeLer 0 C100 C
Sodlum LhlosulfaLe soluLlon na2S2C3 00010 M 3 mL 1ooLhplcks for sLlrrlng
CasseLLe Lape case 1rough for hoL and cold waLer baLhs
1lmer seconds Label Lape for plpeLs

SafeLy 8ule
Some chemlcals are Loxlc Wear googles and/or an apron 8e sure all loose cloLhlng ls Lled back and all
loose halr ls secured 8e careful wlLh exposed skln or appendages


CbLaln a mlcroLlp 8eralLype plpeL llll Lhe plpeL wlLh approxlmaLely 3 mL of delonlzed waLer Mass a small beaker
uslng an analyLlcal balance 8ecord Lhe mass ln Lhe arL 1 uaLa 1able Poldlng Lhe plpeL verLlcally dellver flve drops
of waLer lnLo Lhe beaker and flnd Lhe LoLal mass 8ecord your daLa ln Lhe arL 1 uaLa 1able Add an addlLlonal flve
drops of waLer lnLo Lhe beaker and agaln deLermlne Lhe mass 8ecord Lhls value ln Lhe arL 1 uaLa 1able uellver
flve more drops and agaln flnd Lhe mass 8ecord Lhe daLa ln Lhe arL 1 daLa Lable
LxperlmenL kl ulsLllled PCl SLarch na2S2C3 k8rC3
8eaganL CuanLlLles
0.010 M
0.10 M
0.0010 M
0.040 M
1 2 drops 4 drops 2 drops 1 drop 1 drop 2 drops
2 4 drops 2 drops 2 drops 1 drop 1 drop 2 drops
3 6 drops 0 drops 2 drops 1 drop 1 drop 2 drops
4 2 drops 2 drops 2 drops 1 drop 1 drop 4 drops
5 2 drops 0 drops 2 drops 1 drop 1 drop 6 drops
6 2 drops 2 drops 4 drops 1 drop 1 drop 2 drops
7 2 drops 0 drops 6 drops 1 drop 1 drop 2 drops

CbLaln slx mlcroLlp plpeLs and fold an adheslve label around Lhe sLem of each plpeL (see llgure 1) Label Lhe plpeLs
klP2C PCl SLarch na2S2C3 and k8rC3llll each plpeL wlLh abouL 2 mL of Lhe approprlaLe llquld lace Lhe plpeLs
ln an opened casseLLe case for sLorage (llgure 1) CbLaln Lwo clean 12well reacLlon sLrlps and arrange Lhem so
LhaL Lhe numbers can be read from lefL Lo rlghL 1he flrsL deLermlnaLlon wlll vary Lhe concenLraLlon of only Lhe kl
uslng Lhe followlng Lable as a gulde flll each numbered well ln Lhe flrsL reacLlon sLrlp wlLh Lhe approprlaLe number
of drops of Lhe reagenL llsLed Mlx Lhe soluLlon ln each well wlLh a new LooLhplck Lach experlmenL ln 1able 1 wlll
be run ln LrlpllcaLe

1o wells 19 ln Lhe second reacLlon sLrlp add 2 drops of 0040 M k8rC3

1urn Lhe second reacLlon sLrlp upslde down and place lL on Lop of Lhe flrsL sLrlp so LhaL Lhe numbered wells are
llned up on Lop of each oLher (see llgure 2) noLe lL seems sLrange aL flrsL buL Lhe llquld wlll noL flow ouL of Lhe
LxperlmenL 2 LxperlmenL

Well 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9
urops 0010 M kl 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6
urops ulsLllled WaLer 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 0
urops 010 M PCl 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
urops 2 SLarch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
urops 00010 M na2S2C3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

LxperlmenLs 1 2 3
Well 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9
urops 040 k8rC3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
wells unLll Lhe reacLlon sLrlps are snapped" downward lnsLep 8 Surface Lenslon prevenLs Lhe llquld from flowlng
ouL of Lhe wells Poldlng Lhe allgned plaLes flrmly LogeLher open end Lo open end" as shown ln llgure 2 shake
Lhem downward once vlgorously wlLh a sharp downward moLlon 1hls ls done by dropplng Lhe hands as fasL as
posslble and sLopplng abrupLly 1here ls no upward moLlonLhls ls a shakedown" Lechnlque 1he lab parLner
should sLarL Llmlng lmmedlaLely when Lhe sLrlps are snapped ln Lhe arL 2 uaLa 1able record Lhe Llme when Lhe
soluLlon ln each cell Lurns blue When all of Lhe cells have Lurned blue Lake Lhe LemperaLure of one of Lhe reacLlon
soluLlons 8ecord Lhls LemperaLure for all Lhe reacLlons ln Lhe arL 2 uaLa 1able 8lnse Lhe conLenLs of Lhe well
sLrlps wlLh warm waLer use a coLLon swab Lo dry Lhe lnslde of each well 8epeaL Lhe enLlre process (sLeps 411) for
Lhe followlng comblnaLlons LhaL cover experlmenLs 4 and 3 and experlmenLs 6 and 7 respecLlvely
8eacLlon SLrlp 1

Experiment #4 Experiment #5
Well 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drops 0.010 M KI 2 2 2 2 2 2
Drops Distilled Water 2 2 2 0 0 0
Drops 0.10 M HCl 2 2 2 2 2 2
Drops 2 Starch 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drops 0.0010 M Na
1 1 1 1 1 1

Reaction Strip 2

Experiment #4 Experiment #5
Well 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drops 0.040 M KBrO
4 4 4 6 6 6

#eaction Strip1

Experiment #6 Experiment #7
Well 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drops 0.010 M KI 2 2 2 2 2 2
Drops Distilled Water 2 2 2 0 0 0
Drops 0.10 M HCl 4 4 4 6 6 6
Drops 2 Starch 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drops 0.0010 M Na
1 1 1 1 1 1

#eaction Strip 2

Experiment #6 Experiment #7
Well 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drops 0.040 M KBrO
2 2 2 2 2 2

In this part oI the experiment, the reaction will be carried out at several diIIerent temperatures using the concentrations
given in Part 2 Ior Experiment 1. The temperatures will be about 40 C, 20 C, and
0 C. Use data Irom Experiment 1 at room temperature Ior the second measurement. Prepare a shallow warm water bath
oI about 40 C.Using the Iollowing table as a guide, Iill each oI the Iirst six wells in the reaction strip with the
appropriate number oI drops oI the reagent listed. Mix the solutions well with a new toothpick.

Well 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drops 0.010 M KI 2 2 2 2 2 2
Drops Distilled Water 4 4 4 4 4 4
Drops 0.10 M HCl 2 2 2 2 2 2
Drops 2 Starch 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drops 0.0010 M Na
1 1 1 1 1 1

Place the reaction strip in the warm temperature bath. Fill the Beral pipet labeled KBrO
halI-Iull with 0.040 M KBrO
solution. Place this pipet in the warm temperature water bath Ior at least Iive minutes. Measure the temperature oI the
water bath with a thermometer and record the value in the Part 3 Data Table. Take the pipet out oI the water bath and
dry the outside oI the pipet. With the reaction strip still in the warm temperature bath, add two drops oI KBrO
solution to the Iirst well, stir, and immediately start the timer. Place the pipet back in the warm temperature bath.
#ecord the time, in seconds, when the Iirst blue color appears. #epeat steps 79 Ior the reaction solutions in wells
#2 and #3. #emove the reaction strip and the pipet Irom the warm temperature bath. Add ice cubes and water to
create a cold temperature water bath. Place both the reaction strip and Beral-type pipet containing the KBrO
solution into the cold temperature water bath. Measure the temperature oI the water bath with a thermometer and
record the value in the Part 3 Data Table. #epeat steps 79 Ior wells #4, #5, and #6. #ecord the time, in seconds, Ior
each reaction in the Part 3 Data Table. #epeat the procedure given in Part 2 Ior Experiment 1 only, but this time add 1
drop oI 0.1 M cupric nitrate solution, Cu(NO
, and only 3 drops oI distilled water to the mixture. Fill only the Iirst
reaction wells. The total volume will still be 12 drops. #ecord the reaction times in the Part 4 Data Table.

ata TabIes and CaIcuIations

Part 1 Data Table. Find the Volume of One Drop of Solution.

Mass oI empty beaker (a) g

Trial 1
Mass oI beaker plus 5 drops oI water (b) g
Mass oI Iirst 5 drops oI water (b) (a) g
Average mass oI 1 drop oI water g

Mass oI beaker plus 10 drops oI water (c) g

Trial 2
Mass oI second 5 drops oI water (c) (b) g
Average mass oI 1 drop oI water g

Trial 3
Mass oI beaker plus 15 drops oI water (d) g
Mass oI third 5 drops oI water (d) (c) g
Average mass oI 1 drop oI water g
Average mass oI 1 drop oI water (Trials 13) g

Part 2 Data Table. Determine the Reaction Rate and Calculate the Rate Law.

%ime, seconds

Experiment o. %rial 1 %rial 2 %rial 3 Average %emp. C







Part 3 Data Table. Determine the Activation Energy.

%ime of Reaction, seconds
%emperat:re, C
%emperat:re, C
%emperat:re, K
, K

%rial 1

%rial 2



Part 4 Data Table. Observe the Effect of a Catalyst on the Rate.

Reaction %ime, seconds
&ncatalyzed Reaction

Catalyzed Reaction


Part 1.
Calculate the volume oI one drop oI solution. Assume the density oI water to be 1.00 g/mL.

'olume oI one drop

mass 1 drop (g)

1 L



Calculate the Rate.

Calculate the rate oI reaction in each experiment and enter the results into the Iollowing table. Use
the average time Ior each experiment.

Reaction Rate, M/s
Exp. 1

Exp. 2

Exp. 3

Exp. 4

Exp. 5

Exp. 6

Exp. 7

Calculate Initial Concentrations.
Calculate the initial concentration oI each reactant Ior each experiment. These are the concentra-
tions oI each reactant aIter all the reactants have been mixed, but before any reaction has taken
Initial Concentrations, Moles/Liter
- +
Exp. 1

Exp. 2

Exp. 3

Exp. 4

Exp. 5

Exp. 6

Exp. 7

Find the initial concentration oI each reactant and record in the data table below.

] H ]

Part 2C. Calculate the Order of Each Reactant.
Next, the values Ior the exponents y and : need to be determined. The experiment is designed so
that the concentration oI one ion changes while the others remain constant. Comparing values in
Experiments 1, 2, and 3, we see that Experiment 2 has double the I

concentration as Experiment 1,
and Experiment 3 has triple the I

concentration as Experiment 1.

Substitute the concentration values Ior Experiments 1 and 2 into the equation:

y z

#ate I

BrO3 | H |

Exp. 1: #ate

Exp. 2: #ate





Divide the Iirst equation by the second. Notice that most oI the terms will cancel out and the ratio
reduces to:

#ate1 |


Divide and solve Ior . #eport the value oI to the nearest integer. #epeat the calculations using
Experiments 1 and 3 to conIirm the value Ior .

To solve Ior an exponential value, take the logarithm oI both sides oI the equation.

log 8

For example: 8 2
log 8 3 log 2 3 3
log 2

Next use the same procedure with Experiments 1, 4, and 5 to Iind the value oI y. Lastly, use
Experiments 1, 6, and 7 to Iind the value oI :. Show how the calculations are carried out.

Part 2D. Find the Rate Constant.
Substitute data Irom each experiment into the rate law equation to Iind the value oI .
#eport the average value oI . Don`t Iorget to include proper units Ior .

Experiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
'alue oI

Average value oI

!art 3. CaIcuIate the Activation Energy, E

Using the data Irom Part 3, calculate the values listed in the table below Ior each measured temperature.

%emperat:re, K
, K

%ime, 8
Rate of Reaction,
Rate Constant,
ith :nits)


raph the data with natural logarithm oI the rate constant, ln on the vertical axis versus 1/T
(temperature in the Kelvin scale) on the horizontal axis. Draw the straight line that is closest to the most
points, and determine the slope oI the line. The slope E
/R, where E
is the activation energy and R
8.314 J/molK. Calculate the activation energy Ior the reaction. ive a title to the graph, and label the
axes appropriately. Indicate the points used to deter- mine the slope oI the line.

klneLlcs of a 8eacLlon

urake Walker

erlod 7

Ms 8oslnskl
uaLe erformed

uaLe SubmlLLed

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