English HHW

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Q 1

ALL in a bracket


Date: [Date]

Hello Everyone,

Our school is organing a " Inter-School Kabaddi Competition". ALL students & thier
parents are invtied to Comption as a viwer. To chheer up Our School sports
students . JOIN us at SChoool on this saturaday from 8 am to 1 pm , refershment
are given to all . Your cheers matter! Let's show our school spirit and unity.

Sports Captain


Simran: Hey Rohit, have you tried yoga lately?

Rohit: No, I haven't. What's so good about it?

Simran: Well, it's not just about flexibility; yoga reduces stress and boosts
energy levels.

Rohit: Really? How does it do that?

Simran: Yoga combines breathing exercises and meditation, calming the mind and
improving focus.

Rohit: Interesting. Does it help with physical health too?

Simran: Absolutely! It strengthens muscles, improves posture, and even aids weight

Rohit: I didn't realize yoga had so many benefits. I might give it a shot!

Simran: Definitely do! It's a holistic approach to wellness.


Hey [Friend],

I had to share the epic adventure I had in Gulmarg, Kashmir! Ice-skiing there was
beyond thrilling. Picture this: gliding down pristine slopes, surrounded by
towering peaks and crisp, snowy landscapes. The adrenaline rush was insane as I
navigated the twists and turns, feeling the wind whip past me. There were a few
heart-stopping moments, but the sheer joy of conquering each run made it all worth

The best part? The stunning views that greeted me at every turn. It was like skiing
through a postcard!

I wish you were there to experience it with me. We definitely need to plan a trip
together soon. Until then, I'll be reminiscing about this unforgettable adventure.
Catch up soon,
[Your Name]


Ganeshan, our security guard stationed at the main gate, embodies strength and
reliability. A retired soldier in his fifties, his tall, robust frame and imposing
moustache lend him an intimidating aura.
Yet, beneath this exterior lies a heart of gold. Ganeshan is not just vigilant but
also sincere and dutiful, always displaying a commendable presence of mind. He's
earned the trust and respect of all residents,
particularly the elderly and children, whom he assists with care and kindness. His
popularity soared when he single-handedly thwarted a gang of robbers, showcasing
his unwavering commitment to the safety of our community
. Ganeshan is not just a guard; he's a reassuring presence, a protector, and a
friend to all who pass through our gates.

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