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-Leonardo da Vinci

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning
another way to think about things.
-Flora Lewis

1. This HHW consists of two Assignments, Activity/Project Based Work and Art Integrated
2. Paste the assignments in your English notebook and do it neatly in the notebook itself.
3. Project work will be assessed under Portfolio.
4. Art integrated activity is attached separately at the end. This will be assessed under Subject
Enrichment. Please follow the given instruction for the same.
5. Kindly submit entire HHW on 1 July 2024. Timely submission will be appreciated.
6. Ensure proper revision for PT-1 exams.

I. Read the following passage carefully:

The Dangers of Crash Dieting

1. Crash dieting may help you lose weight, in the short term, but, ultimately it can hinder weight loss
in the long term, as most of the weight that you have lost with crash dieting will bounce back, meaning
you will gain all the weight that you have lost and more. Crash dieting not only removes fat but also
lean muscle and tissue. Contrary to the belief of many who start this diet, this form of dieting is neither
healthy nor successful in achieving long term weight loss as it induces the slowing down of the body's
basal metabolic rate- the body seeks to conserve every calorie and so weight loss becomes increasingly
difficult. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body needs on a daily basis, to maintain
its regular activities. This means your body will need fewer calories than it did previously making
weight gain more likely once you stop dieting.

2. Most crash diets involve eating low-calorie foods for several weeks or eating the same food or food
groups for several weeks. Even if you're only trying the diet for a week or two, eating such a strict diet
of the same foods can cause nutritional deficiencies. Eliminating one or more food groups will not
provide you with adequate long-term nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies such as this can have multiple
immediate side effects such as haggard look, dark under eyes, dull skin, sloppy posture and less

3. This is also why exercise is recommended in any weight-loss plan to build muscle and maintain
your metabolic rate. Again common mistakes that are observed with exercise are joining the gym only
till the New Year, so that you can lose weight but once the party is over, the party for not exercising
continues On the other hand we have some who make New Year resolutions and with the gym
memberships which are so tempting, especially during the New Year, take up annual memberships,
which is not bad, what is bad is to break the resolution. It is good to take up an exercise programme
during the new year and to make a resolution about exercise, provided you do not break your
resolution, and continue exercising year long. What is important is persistence.

Choose the most appropriate option to answer the following questions.

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of a crash diet?

(a) Loss of muscle tissue
(b) Loss of weight
(c) It is not very healthy
(d) It does not give long term benefit

Q2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(a) Crash diets cause long term weight loss
(b) Combination of exercise and dieting is best for losing weight
(c) The only consideration for weight loss should be minimizing calories
(d) Exercising and dieting together will definitely lead to nutritional deficiencies

Q3. Find a word from the passage which mean the same as exhausted (Para 2)
(a) Dull
(b) Deficiency
(c) haggard
(d) dark-eyes

Q4. Find a word from the passage which mean the same as determination (Para 3)
(a) Double
(b) Indifference
(c) Vigour
(d) Persistence

Q5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

(a) Those who start this diet do not achieve their goal
(b) Weight loss depends on basal metabolic rate
(c) Most crash diets involve eating low-calorie foods
(d) Once we stop dieting the body needs more calories.

Q6. Most crash diets do not involve:

(a) Eating low-calorie foods
(b) Eating the same food or food groups for several weeks
(c) Slowing down of basal metabolism
(d) Gaining of stamina

Q7. According to the passage nutritional deficiency is not caused due to

(a) Taking a diet of the same foods
(b) Eliminating one or more food groups
(c) Eating low-calorie foods
(d) Exercising

Q8. A word from the passage which means to 'continue with resolve’
(a) Resolution
(b) Stamina
(c) Induces
(d) Persistence

Q9. Which of the following is not a common mistake that is observed with exercise and joining the
(a) Joining a gym only till the New Year Party
(b) Exercising regularly even after party is over
(c) Taking up gym memberships because of new year resolution and και keeping it
(d) Taking up membership because of tempting offers but not having persistence

Q10 ………….. and …………… are not the side effects of nutritional imbalance.
(a) Sloppy posture, less stamina. (c) Erect posture, carewom face
(b) Fatigue and under eye dark circles (d) Lackluster skin and fired look

Q11. Complete the passage given below by choosing the appropriate options:
It is (a) ________ (a/an/the/any) age of cut-throat competition. Everyone seems to be (b) ________
(the/ any/a/an) rival here. But the heat of competition is felt (c) ________ (most/much/more/some)
acutely in the academic world. Students are worried about their uncertain future. Most of the parents
want that (d) ________ (this/that/there/their) children should become engineers or doctors. They don’t
want to leave (e) ________ (anyone/someone/anything/something) to chance. They don’t trust the
ability and competence of (f) ________ (our/their/my/our) children. Sending their children to coaching
centres has become (g) ________ (a/an/the/any) obsession with them. It has resulted in the
mushrooming of coaching centres in (h) ________ (many/every/this/that) town and city throughout
the country.

Q12. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
To where it bent in the undergrowth
(a) The poet is standing :
(i) at a crossing (ii) at a crossing in autumn season
(iii) where two roads cross (iv) in a forest

(b) He sees before him:

(i) a yellow forest and roads (ii) two roads crossing
(iii) a dense forest (iv) two roads diverging in a forest
(c) His desire at this moment is to:
(i) cross the road (ii) travel further
(iii) travel on both the roads (iv) see the forest

Q13. What is the central idea of this poem, ‘WIND’?

(a) We should make friends with the wind god.
(b) If we are strong, even gods will be on our side.
(c) God helps the weak and the needy.
(d) We should love all creatures of God.

Q14. If Margie had the chance to redesign her mechanical teacher, what feature might she
(a) The ability to express emotions
(b) More rigorous tests
(c) A larger screen
(d) Faster homework checking

Q15. According to the author, the hands of Toto looked dried-up as though
(a)They had been kept in front of fire
(b)They had been shrieked due to cold
(c)They had been pickled in the sun
(d)They had been dried in deserts

Q16. How did Evelyn’s perception of music differ from others?

(a) She saw music in colours
(b) She felt music as textures
(c) She experienced music through vibrations
(d) She imagined music as stories

Q17. What did the parents say when the child lagged behind?
(a) ‘Come, child, come.’
(b) ‘Come, or you’ll be lost.’
(c) ‘Come, have these toys.’
(d) ‘Come, we’re getting late.’

Q18. “The beast grunted and wandered about, pulling out the football goal-post,……”- Who is
the beast here?
(b)A monkey

Q19. What bold request did the child make to his parents at the fair?
(a)To buy him balloons
(b)To buy him sweets
(c)To let him go to the roundabout
(d)To let him go to the mustard fields

Q20. How is the Shehnai different from the Pungi?

(a) Shehnai has a better sound (c) Shehnai is made of wood
(b) Shehnai looks more beautiful (d) All



Q1. You are Sunlit, a student of class IX. Your father has been transferred to another city resulting in
a change of school for you. You have been attending your new school for a week now. Write a diary
entry in 100-120 words on your thoughts and feelings about your old school and new school.

Q2. Your teacher has assigned you a project on Child Labour. You interviewed a child of a slum near
your locality and were greatly moved to see her/his interest to study in spite of his/her poor plight.
Write a diary entry sharing your thoughts, emotions about the child in about 100-120 words.


Q3. Write a Paragraph in about 100-120 words on the following topics :-

· A Prize Giving Ceremony

· How you spent your summer vacation


Q4. Write a short story in 100—120 words with the given beginning line. ‘Today my English paper
got over early. While waiting to submit the paper I had a nice time observing an army of ants on the
right hand side wall of the classroom. The redheaded fat ant seemed..

Q5. Write a short story in 100 – 120 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title
to the story. Going to Mumbai by train to attend the marriage of a friend ….. got stuck in a traffic jam
….. reached the railway station late ….. boarded a wrong train ….. realised after two hours ….. now
you … … …



Q6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners.

a) The children are walking with ____ parents.

b) I rang him up ____ times but there was no reply.

c) These curtains are ____ too long ____ too short for the windows.

d) ____ reward ____ punishment has any effect on these boys.


Q7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals

a) This dress suits her style. She ____ definitely like it!
b) When Juan was two, he ____ already speak very well.

c) She ____ visit her grandparents’ house during holidays.

d) ____ I talk to the manager?

e) During peak hours, it ___ take more than two hours.


Q8. Evaluate ‘The Fun They Had’ as a futuristic story.

Q9. Will future schools be completely devoid of humans and human values? Give a reasoned answer.

Q10. “If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there,” remarks Evelyn Glennie.
What does it reveal about her character?

Q11. Suppose you are Evelyn Glennie. The doctor has diagnosed that your hearing is completely lost.
Write a diary entry in about 150 words about how you feel and what you plan to do.

Q12. Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy?

Q13. The fair lost all its charm and attraction for the child. When did this happen?

Q14. Every father has a love for his child whether he expresses his love or not. Comment on the basis
of the story “The Little Girl”.

Q15-20. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at
Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn’t know how
to put it together again, but he knew how all right, and, after an hour or so, there it was again, large
and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were
asked. That wasn’t so bad. The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework
and test papers. She always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was
six years old, and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time.

Question 15:
(a) Who was a round little man?
(b) What did he do to the teacher?
(c) What had Margie hoped?
(d) Which part of the mechanical teacher did she hate the most and why?


But Evelyn was not going to give up. She was determined to lead a normal life and pursue her interest
in music. One day she noticed a girl playing the xylophone and decided that she wanted to play it too.
Most of the teachers discouraged her but percussionist Ron Forbes spotted her potential. He began by
tuning two large drums to different notes. ‘Don’t listen through your ears,’ he would say, ‘try to sense

it some other way.’ Says Evelyn, ‘Suddenly I realised I could feel the higher drum from the waist up
and the lower one from the waist down.’ Forbes repeated the exercise, and soon Evelyn discovered
that she could sense certain notes in different parts of her body. had learnt to open my mind and body
to sounds and vibrations.’ The rest was sheer determination and hard work.
(a) What had happened to Evelyn?
(b) What was she determined to?
(c) Who was Ron Forbes?
(d) How did he ask Evelyn to hear music?


Laboriously, with double cotton, the little girl stitched three sides. But what to fill it with? That was
the question. The grandmother was out in the garden, and she wandered into the mother’s bedroom to
look for scraps. On the bed-table, she discovered a great many sheets of fine paper, gathered them up,
tore them into tiny pieces, and stuffed her case, then sewed up the fourth side.
That night there was a hue and cry in the house. Father’s great speech for the Port Authority had
been lost. Rooms were searched; servants questioned. Finally, the mother came into Kezia’s room.

(a) Why did the little girl go to her mother’s bedroom?
(b) What did she discover on the bed table?
(c) Why was there a hue and cry in the house?
(d) Why did she need paper sheets?


“Will you have a ride on the horse?” he gently asked as he approached the ring. The child’s throat
tore into a thousand shrill sobs and he only shouted, “I want my mother, I want my father!”

(a) Who is ‘he’ in the first line of the extract? Whom is ‘he’ offering a ride on the horse?
(b) Why does ‘he’ ask for a ride?
(c) Why did the child’s throat ‘tore into a thousand shrill sobs’?
(d) Why did the child shout, “I want my mother, I want my father!”?


Unfortunately, I could not accompany Grandfather on that trip but he told me about it afterwards.

Question 19:
(a) Which trip is being referred to here?
(b) Why had Grandfather gone there?
(c) Why does the speaker use the expression ‘unfortunately?
(d) What did Grandfather tell the speaker about the trip afterwards? Why?


Can I make something special for dinner tonight, sir? After all today is an auspicious day-
Questions 20:
(a) Who is ‘I’ and who is his ‘sir’?
(b) What permission is the speaker seeking here?
(c) Why was the day auspicious?
(d) What tradition was followed on this day?


Prepare a beautiful infographic with reference to Ch-2. Sound of Music- Book (Beehive). The work
has to be done on A-4 size sheet.

Parameters for Assessment:

1. Presentation.
2. Neatness
3. Content

Reading Pleasure

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places
you'll go.”

Read a novel or a collection of short stories of your choice to be presented in the form of ‘Book


❖ The Secret- Rhonda Byron

❖ Atomic Habits- James Clear
❖ Dear Stranger, I Know You Feel-Ashish Bagrecha
❖ Refugee- Alan Gratz.
❖ Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
“जिसके जिना ज िं द थम िाए,
ऐसी िीवन रे खा ै ज िं दी,
जिसने काल को िीत जलया ै ,
ऐसी कालियी भाषा ै ज िं दी|”
सामान्य निर्दे श:

ग्रीष्मावकाश के गृह कार्य निम्ननिखित हैं -

1. इस ग्रीष्मावकाश में कार्य पनिका और गनतनवनि/पररर्ोजिा पर आिाररत कार्य शानमि हैं ।

2. कार्यपनिका को अपिी नहिं र्दी उत्तरपु खिका में निपकाएँ और उसे उत्तरपु खिका में ही साफ-सुथरे तरीके से पू रा
करें ।
3. पोर्य फोनिर्ो और आर्य इिं र्ीग्रे शि के निए पू रे िाम और छाि नववरण के साथ एक उनित कवर पे ज बिाइए
एविं रििात्मक ढिं ग से सुिंर्दर और मौनिक कार्य प्रोजेक्ट फाइि में कीनजए|
4. अिं त में, किा एकीकृत गनतनवनि अिग से सिंिग्न है । इसका मूल्ािंकि नवषर् सिंवियि के तहत नकर्ा जाएगा।
कृपर्ा इसके निए नर्दए गए निर्दे श का पािि करें ।
5. पररर्ोजिा कार्य गनतनवनि के तहत पररर्ोजिा कार्य का मूल्ािंकि नकर्ा जाएगा।

6. कृपर्ा 1 जुिाई 2024 को सिंपूणय ग्रीष्मावकाश गृ हकार्य जमा करें एविं समर् पर जमा करिे की सराहिा की
7. पीर्ी-1 परीक्षा के निए उनित पु िरीक्षण सुनिनित करें ।


सूििािुसार सही नवकल्प िुनिए –

प्रश्न 1 – समाज में मिुष्ोिं का अनिकार और उसका र्दजाय कैसे सुनिनित होता है ?
(A) र न-स न से (B) खान-पान से (C) पोशाक से (D) क, ख दोनोिं

प्रश्न 2 – िरबूजे बेििे वािी बुऩिर्ा के बेर्े का क्या िाम था ?

A) भगवाना (B) भगावना (C) भागवाना (D) भागवन

प्रश्न 3 – र्नर्द भगवाि् िाँर्द है तो भक्त क्या है?

(A) पानी (B) मोर (C) चकोर (D) ित्ती
प्रश्न 4 –रहीम िे प्रेम के बिंिि को नकसकी तरह कहा है?
(A) तार (B) धागे (C) डोरी (D) सूत

प्रश्न 5– रहीम र्दूसरोिं से क्या छु पा कर रििे को कहते है ?

(A) दुः ख (B) धागा (C) मजाक (D) इनमें से कोई नह ीं

प्रश्न 6 – रहीम के र्दोहे कैसे होते है ?

(A) लम्बे (B) जिना अथथ के (C) कम शब्द के (D) कम शब्दोिं में
अजधक अथथ िताने वाले

प्रश्न 7 – नकसके जि को िन्य कहा गर्ा है ?

(A) कीचड़ (B) सागर (C) नदी (D) तालाि

प्रश्न 8 – नकसके जि को व्यथय कहा गर्ा है ?

(A) कीचड़ (B) सागर (C) नदी (D) तालाि

प्रश्न 9 – नहरण नकससे िुश होकर अपिा शरीर न्यौछावर कर र्दे ता है ?

(A) सिंगीत (B) इिं सान (C) गाना (D) इनमें से कोई न ीिं

प्रश्न 10 – एवरे स्ट पर ि़िाई करिे वािा र्दि नर्दल्ली से हवाई जहाज़ से काठमािंडू कब िि पडा था?
(A) 7 माचथ को (B) 5 माचथ को (C) 10 माचथ को (D) 8 माचथ को

प्रश्न 11 – बिेंद्री पाि िे सवयप्रथम एवरे स्ट को कहाँ से र्दे िा था?

(A) वाई ि ाज़ से (B) िेस कैम्प से (C) एवरे स्ट के तल से (D) नमचे िाज़ार

प्रश्न 12 –.सागरमाथा से क्या अजभप्राय ै -

(A) गिंगा नदी (B) ज मालय पवथत (C) जशवजलिंग (D) अरावली पवथत

प्रश्न 13 – िेखिका के अिुसार अिािक हमेशा ही ितरिाक खथथनत कैसे बि जार्ा करती थी?
(A) ज मपात के कारण (B) अत्यजधक िर्थ (C) िर्थ के गलेजशयर (D) िीमार पड़ने के
जगरने से िनने के कारण कारण

प्रश्न 14 – निम्ननिखित शब्ोिं में से उनित थथाि पर अिुस्वार का प्रर्ोग कीनजए –

(A) ििंगल (B) िगिंल (C) िगल (D) ििं गल

प्रश्न 15 – निम्ननिखित शब्ोिं में से उस शब् को िुनिए, नजसमें उनित थथाि पर अिुस्वार का प्रर्ोग हुआ
है –
(A) गणतत्र (B) ध्वजनया (C) गणतिंत्र (D) ध्वजनयािं

प्रश्न 16 – ‘सखि’ में उनित थथाि पर अिुस्वार िगाकर मािक रूप निखिए –
(A) सँजध (B) सजध (C) सधी (D) सिंजध
प्रश्न 17 – निम्ननिखित शब्ोिं में से अिुस्वार के उनित प्रर्ोग वािे शब् छाँर् कर निखिए –
(A) किंपन (B) कम्पन (C) कगिंन (D) पुयिं

प्रश्न 18 –‘अविोकि’ शब् में प्रर्ुक्त उपसगय है -

(A) अ (D) अव (C) आ (D) अव्ल

प्रश्न 19-‘प्रत्येक’ शब् में प्रर्ुक्त उपसगय है -

(A) प (B) प्रजतक (C) प्रजत (D) प्र

प्रश्न 20– ‘निमयि’ शब् में प्रर्ुक्त उपसगय है -

(A) जनर (B) जन (C) जनर् (D) न्र


1. जगल्लू पाठ के आधार पर िताइए जक लेखखका को अकस्मात जकस छोटे िीव का स्मरण ो आया
और कैसे ?

2. कौए की काँ व-काँ व के िाद भी मनुष्य उसे कि आदर दे ता ै और क्योिं?

3. जगल्लू का जप्रय खाद्य क्या था? इसे न पाने पर व क्या करता था?

4. लेखखका ने लघु िीव की िान जकस तर िचाई? उसके इस कायथ से आपको क्या प्रेरणा जमलती ै ?

5. जकसी व्यखि की पोशाक को दे खकर में क्या पता चलता ै ?

6. पास-पड़ोस की दु कानोिं से पूछने पर लेखक को क्या पता चला?

7. लेखक ने िुज़िया के दु ुः ख का अिंदािा कैसे लगाया ?

8. यजद आपने भगवाना की माँ िैसी जकसी दु खखया को दे खा ै तो उसकी क ानी जलखखए।

9. प्रेम का धागा टू टने पर प ले की भाँ जत क्योिं न ीिं ो पाता?

10. र ीम ने सागर की अपेक्षा पिंक िल को धन्य क्योिं क ा ै ?

11. जशखर पर च़िने वालोिं को जकन-जकन कजठनाइयोिं का सामना करना पड़ता ै ? एवरे स्ट- मेरी
जशखर यात्रा पाठ के आधार पर िताइए। (पाठ के पठन के आधार पर उत्तर लिखें )

12. अिंगदोरिी के पाँ व ठिं डे क्योिं पड़ िाते थे ? एवरे स्ट-मेरी जशखर यात्रा पाठ के आधार पर िताइए। (पाठ के
पठन के आधार पर उत्तर लिखें )

13. आपके जवद्यालय में मनाए िाने वाले सािं स्कृजतक समारो में मिंच के पीछे काम करने वाले
स योजगयोिं की भूजमका पर एक अनुच्छेद जलखखए |

14. अनुच्छेद लेखन

ज मालय: भारत का मुकुट
सिंकेत जििंदु- ज मालय सिसे श्रेष्ठ पवथत,चारोिं ओर र्ैला साम्राज्य,गिंगा िमुनाका िन्म स्थान,भारत
का गौरव एविं सम्मान

15. अनुच्छेद लेखन

समय अमूल्य ै -
सिंकेत जििंदु- समय ी िीवन ै ,समय जनरिं तर गजतशील ै , समय का सदु पयोग आवश्यक

16. प्लाखस्टक थैली के प्रयोग को ििंद करवाने के जलए अपने जमत्र के साथ हुई वाताथ लाप को सिंवादात्मक
शैली में जलखखए(100 शब्दोिं में)|

17. ाजनकारक रसायनोिं से िने रिं गोिं की िग प्राकृजतक रिं गोिं के साथ ोली मनाने की सीख दे ते हुए
अपने जमत्र अनुपम को एक पत्र जलखें |

18. जवद्याथी िीवन पर सोशल मीजडया का क्या प्रभाव पड़ र ा ै , इसके िारे में पत्र जलखकर अपने
जमत्र को अवगत कराएिं |

19. परीक्षा के एक जदन पूवथ दो जमत्रोिं की िातचीत का सिंवाद लेखन कीजिए।

20. भारत और आस्टर े जलया के िीच खेले गए प्रथम एक जदवसीय मैच के सिंििंध में दो जमत्रोिं की िातचीत
का सिंवाद लेखन कीजिए।

पररर्ोजिा कार्य

1. अपना व्यखिगत पररचय दे ते हुए अपने माता-जपता, भाई ि नोिं का सिंजक्षप्त पररचय दे ते हुए, अपनी रुजचयोिं-
अरुजचयोिं का वणथन करें |
2.र ीम के दो े के आधार पर र ीम दास िी की के िीवन का सिंजक्षप्त पररचय दीजिए|
3.“िैसे िादल उमड़ -घुमडकर िाररश करते ैं , वैसे ी कजव के अिंतमथन में भी भावोिं के िादल उमड़ -घुमडकर
कजवता के रूप में अजभव्यि ोते ैं |” ऐसे ी ‘दु ख का अजधकार’ क ानी को कजवता के रूप में उताररए |
“Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative
reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis
and construction, generality and individuality.” ---- Richard Courant

1. This HHW consists of two Assignments, Activity/Project Based Work and Art Integrated
2. Paste the assignments in your Mathematics notebook and do it neatly in the notebook
3. Project work will be assessed under Portfolio.
4. Art integrated activity is attached separately at the end. This will be assessed under Subject
Enrichment. Please follow the given instruction for the same. It is to be done separately
using A-4 size coloured sheet.
5. Kindly submit entire HHW on 1 July 2024. Timely submission will be appreciated.
6. Ensure proper revision for PT-1 exams.


1. 3√6 + 5√6 is equal to:

(a) 5√6 (b) 7√12 (c) 8√6 (d) 4√12

2. √4 is a __________ number.
(a) Neither rational or irrational (b) Rational
(c) Irrational (d) None of the above

3. Which of the following is an irrational number?

(a) √15 (b) √100 (c) √16 (d) √(12/3)

4. (√6 × √27) is equal to:

(a) 9√3 (b) 2√2 (c) 3√3 (d) 9√2

5. The three rational numbers between 3 and 4 are:

(a) 12/7, 13/7, 14/7 (b) 11/4, 12/4, 13/4
(c) 5/2, 6/2, 7/2 (d) 13/4, 14/4, 15/4

6. (√12 × √15) is equal to:

(a) √25 (b) 10√5 (c) 5√6 (d) 6√5
7. (4√5 + 5√5) is equal to:
(a) 9√10 (b) 9√5 (c) 7√5 (d) 5√10

8. A rational number between √2 and √3:

(a) (√2.√3)/2 (b) 1.5 (c) 1.8 (d) 1.9

9. The product of a rational and an irrational number is:

(a) Sometimes rational or irrational (b) Always an integer
(c) Always a rational number (d) Always an irrational number

10. Every rational number is:

(a) Real number (b) Natural number
(c) Whole number (d) Integer

11. The decimal expansion of an irrational number may be:

(a) Recurring (b) Non-terminating and non-recurring
(c) Terminating (d) Either terminating or non- terminating

12. (2√3 + √3) is equal to:

(a) 3√3 (b) 6 (c) 4√6 (d) 2√6

13. The value of √10 times √15 is equal to:

(a) √25 (b) 10√5 (c) 5√6 (d) √5

14. When 15√15 is divided by 3√3 find the quotient:

(a) 5√5 (b) 3√5 (c) 5√3 (d) 3√3

15. What is the coefficient of x3 in a polynomial 6x4 + 3x2 + 8x + 5?

(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 0

16. What is the degree of a polynomial of (4x7 + 9x5 + 5x2 + 11)?

(a) 7 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2

17. What is the degree of a polynomial 7?

(a) 7 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 2

18. A quadratic polynomial can have at most __________ terms.

(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3

19. (x - y)2 = __________

(a) x2 + 2xy + y2 (b) x2 – 2xy + y2 (c) x2 – y2 (d) x2 + y2

20. How many terms are there in a polynomial 5x2 + 2x - 2?

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

1. Simplify: (√5 + √2)2.

2. Express 1.8181… in the form pq where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.

3. Simplify: √45 – 3√20 + 4√5

4. Evaluate: (√5 + √2)2 + (√8 – √5)2

5. Factorize the given expression:

9x2 + 49y2 + 25z2 - 42xy - 30xz + 70yz

6. Using suitable identity evaluate the following:

(i) 983 (ii) 188 × 212 (iii) (102)³

7. If (x - 2a) is a factor of 2x4 - 4ax3 + 7x2 - 13ax - 18, find the value of a.

8. Using the Factor Theorem to determine whether g(x) is a factor of p(x) if

p(x) = 2x³ + x² – 2x – 1, g(x) = x + 1

9. If the two (x –2) and (x – ½) are the given factors of px² + 5x + r, show that p = r.

10. Observe the value of the polynomial 5x – 4x² + 3 at x = 2 and x = –1.

11. Expanding each of the following, using all the suitable identities:
(i) (x - 2y - 3z)² (ii) (2x – y + z)²

12. If the polynomials (az³ + 4z² + 3z – 4) and (z³ – 4z + a) leave the same remainder when
divided by (z – 3), find the value of a.

13. Express 1.8181… in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.

14. Simplify: √45 – 3√20 + 4√5

15. Evaluate: (√5 + √2)2 + (√8 – √5)2

16. Find out the required three irrational numbers between 3/4 and 9/11.

17. Find a rational and an irrational number between √2 and √3.

18. Simplify: (i) (3 + 2√3) (2 + 3√2) (ii) (3+ 5√3)(3 - 5√3)

19. Write the following cubes in the expanded form:

(i) (3a + 4b) 3 (ii) (5p – 3q)3
20. Simplify:

Prepare a Paper Presentation on A-3 sheet on the topics given below according to your Group:
Group 1: Statistics Group 4: Triangles
Group 2: Number System Group 5: Mensuration
Group 3: Lines and Angles Group 7: Algebraic Expressions
*Evaluation Rubrics: Project work will be evaluated on the basis of:
(i) Creativity of content presentation (ii) Quality of content
(iii) Fluency in content presentation.
“Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein.

1. This HHW consists of two Assignments, Activity/Project Based Work and Art Integrated
2. Paste the assignments in your Science notebook and do it neatly in the notebook itself.
3. Project work will be assessed under Portfolio.
4. Art integrated activity is attached separately at the end. This will be assessed under Subject
Enrichment. Please follow the given instruction for the same.
5. Complete your practical file work in respective subject files. (Physics, Chemistry and
6. Kindly submit entire HHW on 1 July 2024. Timely submission will be appreciated.
7. Ensure proper revision for PT-1 exams.


1. Which one of the following sets of phenomena would increase on raising the temperature?
(a) Diffusion, evaporation, compression of gases
(b) Evaporation, compression of gases, solubility
(c) Evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases
(d) Evaporation, solubility, diffusion, compression of gases

2. Seema visited a Natural Gas Compressing Unit and found that the gas can be liquefied under
specific conditions of temperature and pressure. While sharing her experience with friends she got
confused. Help her to identify the correct set of conditions.
(a) Low temperature, low pressure (b) High temperature, low pressure
(c) Low temperature, high pressure (d) High temperature, high pressure

3 The property of flow is unique to fluids. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) Only gases behave like fluids. (b) Gases and solids behave like fluids.
(c) Gases and liquids behave like fluids. (d) Only liquids are fluids.

4 During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the phenomenon of
(a) diffusion (b) transpiration (c) osmosis (d) evaporation.

5. A few substances are arranged in the increasing order of ‘forces of attraction’ between their
particles. Which one of the following represents a correct arrangement?
(a) Water, air, wind (b) Air, sugar, oil
(c) Oxygen, water, sugar (d) Salt, juice, air
6. On converting 25°C, 38°C and 66°C to Kelvin scale, the correct sequence of temperature will be
(a) 298 K, 311 K and 339 K (b) 298 K, 300 K and 338 K
(c) 273 K, 278 K and 543 K (d) 298 K, 310 K and 338 K

7. Choose the correct statement of the following:

(a) Conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called vapourisation.
(b) Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.
(c) Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called freezing.
(d) Conversion of solid into liquid is called sublimation.

8. The boiling points of diethyl ether, acetone and n-butyl alcohol are 35°C, 56°C and 118°C
respectively. Which one of the following correctly represents their boiling points in Kelvin scale?
(a) 306 K, 329 K, 391 K (b) 308 K, 329 K, 392 K
(c) 308 K, 329 K, 391 K (d) 329 K, 392 K, 308 K

9. Which condition out of the following will increase the evaporation of water?
(a) Increase in temperature of water (b) Decrease in temperature of water
(c) Less exposed surface area of water (d) Adding common salt to water

10. ln which of the following conditions, the distance between the molecules of hydrogen gas would
(i) Increasing pressure on hydrogen contained in a closed container.
(ii) Some hydrogen gas leaking out of the container.
(iii) Increasing the volume of the container of hydrogen gas.
(iv)Adding more hydrogen gas to the container without increasing the volume of the container.
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii)and(iv)

11. Cell is a Latin word for ‘a little room’. Who coined the term cell?
(a) Robert Book (b) Robert Hooke (c) Charles Hooke (d) Leeuwenhoek

12. Plasma membrane is:

(a) Semi permeable (b) Permeable (c) Selectively permeable (d) Non permeable

13. Movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane is called:

(a) diffusion (b) osmosis (c) Plasmolysis (d) None of these

14. A prokaryotic cell:

(a) do not have defined nuclear membrane (b) do not have membrane bound cell organelles
(c) have a single chromosome (d) All of these

15. ______ is a system of membrane bound vesicles arranged parallel to each other in stacks called
(a) Golgi apparatus (b) Plastid (c) Lysosome (d) None of these

16. Which of the following is true about motion along a straight line?
(a) It can only be uniform motion
(b) It can only be non-uniform motion
(c) It can be either uniform or non-uniform motion
(d) It can have multiple directions
17. What does the rate of motion refer to?
(a) Change in position (b) Change in speed
(c) Change in direction (d) Change in time

18. When an object moves at a constant speed and in a straight line, what kind of motion is it?
(a) Uniform motion (b) Non-uniform motion
(c) Circular motion (d) Accelerated motion

19. In a distance-time graph, a straight horizontal line represents what kind of motion?
(a) Uniform motion (b) Non-uniform motion
(c) No motion (d) Accelerated motion

20. What does the slope of a velocity-time graph represent?

(a) Acceleration (b) Displacement (c) Distance (d) Speed


Answer the following questions briefly in physics notebook:

1 The phenomenon of motion was placed on a sound scientific footing by two scientists. Write their
2 Fig shows the distance-time graph of three objects A, B and C. Study the graph and answer the
following questions:

a. Which of the three is travelling the fastest?

b. Are all three ever at the same point on the road?
c. How far has C travelled when B passes A?

3 The velocity of a body in motion is recorded every second as shown

Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Velocity(m/s) 62 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6 0

Calculate the –
a. Acceleration
b. Distances travelled and draw the graph.
4 Which speed is greater: 30 m/s or 30 km/h?

5 What do you mean by 2 m/s2?

6 A train is travelling at a speed of 90 kmh–1. Brakes are applied so as to produce a uniform

acceleration of – 0.5 ms–2. Find how far the train will go before it is brought to rest.

7 Give an example when we infer the motion indirectly.

8 Look at the following figures and suggest in which of the glass containers, i.e., A, B, C or D, the
rate of evaporation will be the highest? Explain.

9. A student heats a beaker containing ice and water. He measures the temperature of the content of
the beaker as a function of time. Which of the following (shown in figure given below) would
correctly represent the result? Justify your choice.

10. The values of latent heat of vaporisation of four liquids are given in the table below:

Liquid Latent heat of vaporisation (J/Kg) Boiling Point (K)

A 2.3*105 373

B 1.4*106 240

C 8.6*105 351

D 3.0*105 629
Answer the following questions based on the given information.
a. Which liquid produces maximum cooling effect during evaporation?
b. Identify the liquid which exists in gaseous state at room temperature.
c. What is the amount of heat required when 2Kg of liquid A is converted into its vapour?
d. What is the amount of heat required when 500g of C in gaseous state is condensed to liquid?
e. Arrange all the liquids in increasing order of attractive forces.

11 Discuss the differences between evaporation and boiling.

12 How does temperature and concentration gradient influence the movement of particles in

13 Why do the doctors advise to put strips of wet cloth on the forehead of a person having high

14 Give examples of substances that undergo sublimation in everyday life. How does sublimation
differ from other phase changes?

15 How does condensation contribute to the water cycle?

16 Does the speedometer of a car measure its average speed?

17 Describe the role of the cell membrane in maintaining cell homeostasis. Provide examples how
cells regulate their internal environment through the cell membrane.

18 Compare and contrast plant and animal cells, highlighting their unique organelles and functions.

19 The displacement-time graph below represents the motion of a cart initially moving forward along
a straight line. During which interval is the cart moving forward at constant

20 Explain the concept of free fall.


Prepare a Group Presentation ( 5 Students ) on any one topic of interest form the chapters
given below and Submit the presentation file of the content.
Chapters: Chemistry: Chapter 1-Matter in our surrounding/ Chapter 2-Is matter around us pure?
Biology: Chapter 5 -The Fundamental Unit of Life /Chapter 6- Tissue
Physics: Chapter 7-Motion / Chapter 8-Force and Laws of Motion
* Evaluation Rubric: Group project work will be evaluated on the basis of: Creativity of content
presentation, Quality of content, Selection of topic & Fluency in content presentation.
*The presentation file should have a minimum of 4 pages along with pictures or diagrams.
Activity based - Question I will be assessed under Multiple assessment along with the other
activities to be conducted in school (eg: oral test, written test, etc).
A.Diagram Booklet:
Prepare a diagram scrapbook showing any 5 diagrams from the chapter The fundamental
Unit of Life/ Tissue.
The scrapbook must contains:
1.Labeled diagrams.
2.Brief description of the diagram 5-8 lines .
3.Diagrams must be handmade and coloured. ( use sketch pen / caryon / wax colours)
4. All the labels should be done on one side of the diagram.
5.Cover and label on the scrapbook of student’s name, class and section.

* Evaluation Rubric: This project work will be evaluated on the basis of: Selection of Diagrams ,
Creativity in diagram presentation/scrapbook presentation & aesthetic value in drawn diagram.
Prepare one working model on any topic of your choice from either Physics, Chemistry or Biology.
Model should be Creative, Innovative and working.
*Submit the working model to the subject teacher along with your picture with the model.
Activity based - Question I & II will be assessed under Portfolio assessment along with the other
activities to be conducted in school.
Project on Natural Resources
Prepare a short project on Save Natural Resources on the following topic:
G1: Importance of Air and Air Pollution
G2: Save Water
G3: Save Soil
G4: Water Cycle
G5: Nitrogen Cycle
G6: Carbon Cycle
G7: Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming
G8: Ozone layer & Oxygen Cycle
The project must contain:
1.No. of pages- 5-10
2. It should be well decorated.
3. Work should be done in a neat and creative
manner with a scientific approach.
● Cover and label on the project work showing the student's name, class and section.
● This project will be made on a separate A-4 size sheet and to be submitted in a separate D ring
* Evaluation Rubric: This project work will be evaluated on the basis of: Creativity of content
presentation and Quality of content.
“The social sciences offer equal promise for improving human welfare; our lives can be
greatly improved through a deeper understanding of individual and collective behavior.”

--- Nicholas A. Christakis

1. This HHW consists of two Assignments, Activity/Project Based Work and Art Integrated
2. Paste the assignments in your Social Science notebook and do it neatly in the notebook
3. Project work will be assessed under Portfolio.
4. Art integrated activity is attached separately at the end. This will be assessed under Subject
Enrichment. Please follow the given instruction for the same.
5. Kindly submit entire HHW on 1 July 2024. Timely submission will be appreciated.
6. Ensure proper revision for PT-1 exams.


1. Whom did Louis XVI get married?

a. Marie Antoinette b. Olympe de Gouges c. Nanine Vallain d. Marie de Medicis

2. What was the unit of currency in France, that discontinued in 1794?

a. Tithe b. Taille c. Pound d. Livre

3. The storming of the Bastille occurred on the morning of?

a. 14 July 1789 b. 15 July 1789 c. 15 August 1789 d. 26 January 1789

4. Snake biting its tail to form a ring is a symbol of?

a. Eternity b. Freedom c. Authority d. Knowledge

5. What is being signified by the political symbol The winged woman?

a. Personification of the law b. Strength lies in unity
c. The broken chain d. The Law Tablet

6. Who suggested the division of power within the government between the legislative, the
executive and the judiciary?
a. Rousseau b. John Locke c. Montesquieu d. Roget de L’Isle

7. Strength lies in unity is portrayed by which political symbols?

a. The broken chain b. The bundle of rods or fasces
c. Sceptre d. The Law tablet
8. Castle or stately residence belonging to a king or a nobleman is called as?
a. Chateau b. Manor c. Emancipation d. Souvenir

9. Which ports owed their economic prosperity to the flourishing slave trade?
a. Le Verdon and Provence b. Surat and Masullipattnam
c. Bordeaux and Nantesd. d. Kandla and Marmagao

10. Why Bastille was hated by people?

a. It stood for the despotic power of the clergy.
b. It stood for the despotic power of the citizens.
c. It stood for the despotic power of the military.
d. It stood for the despotic power of the king.

11. The new ways of farming need

a. less land b. more capital c. machinery d. all of these

12. Working capital stands for :

a. tools, machines and buildings b. raw materials and money in hand
c. total share capital d. fixed deposits in financial institutions

13. Which one of the following is not an effect of the modern farming?
a. soil degradation b. deforestation
c. decrease in groundwater d. water pollution
14. Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in
a. banks b. co-operative societies
c. village money lenders d. friends and relatives

15. High yielding variety(HYV) seeds are developed in:

a. research institutes b. factories
c. Krishak bharati cooperatives d. none of the above
16. Which area in India has a low level of irrigation?
a. deccan plateau b. coastal regions c. riverine plains d. both (a) and (b)

17. Multiple cropping means growing

a. only two crops b. only three crops c. up to four crops d. more than one crop

18. During the winter season, farmers in Palampur grow:

a. rice b. jowar c. bajra d. wheat

19. All farmers in Palampur grow at least two main crops may are growing:
a. sugarcane as the third crop b. rice as the third crop
c. potatoes as the third crop d. onion as the third crop

20. The Green revolution in the late 1960s introduced the Indian
farmer to cultivation of:
a. wheat and jowar b. jowar and barley c..wheat and sugarcane d. wheat and rice
1. What was the subsistence crisis? Why did it occur in France during the Old Regime?
2. What was the system of voting in the Estates General? What change did the Third Estate want in
this system?
3. Why did King Louis XIV conclude to increase taxes? Assess any three points.
4. Who were the people who comprised the Third Estate? Who paid the taxes and to whom?
5. Who formed the National Assembly? On which day is ‘Bastille Day’ celebrated and why?
6. Name three famous writers and philosophers who influenced the French Revolution. What were
their ideas?
7. Which single event turned the revolution into a Reign of Terror? Describe the role of Robespierre
in it.
8. Write the importance of Napoleon Bonaparte in the History of France and the world.
9. What is the significance of ‘The Tennis Court Oath’ in the French Revolution?
10. What was the contribution of Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes to the French Revolution?
11. Why did slavery begin and why was it abolished in French colonies?
12. Why did King Louis XIV conclude to increase taxes? Assess any three points.
13. Explain the condition which led to the rise of Jacobins.
14. What is the ‘multiple cropping’ system?
15. How did the spread of electricity help farmers in Palampur?
16. Describe the condition of landless farmers like Dala, of Palampur village.
17. Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?
18. Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?
19. Name the main and other activities of the village of Palampur.
20. What kind of manufacturing units are set up in Palampur?

Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on Disaster Management.

1. Students can either take natural disasters like flood, tsunami or manmade disasters like
Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

2. Project should include following content:

a. Name of the disasters, their consequences and management.

b. What steps should be taken in advance to face such situations.

c. How to create awareness and preparedness among the community

3. The project should include the following:

* Minimum 8 pages

* Clear, related, and coloured pictures

* Problems faced by victims

* Helping guidelines Post disaster

“Technology is best when it brings people together” –
-- Matt Mullenweg
1. This HHW consists of two Assignments, Activity/Project Based Work.
2. Paste the assignments in your Artificial Intelligence notebook and do it neatly in the
notebook itself.
3. Activity based work and Programs to be done in separate Portfolio File on A4 Sheets
4. All the following Tasks are part of the internal assessment. For this the students
will be assessed out of 15 marks.
5. PowerPoint Presentation and Posters to be added as Hardcopy
6. Kindly submit entire HHW on 1 July 2024. Timely submission will be appreciated.
7. Ensure proper revision for PT-1 exams.

A. Select the appropriate option:
1) Artificial Intelligence is about_____. 2) Who is known as the -Father of AI?
a. Playing a game on Computer a. Fisher Ada
b. Making a machine Intelligent b. Alan Turing
c. Programming on Machine with your Own c. John McCarthy
Intelligence d. Allen Newell
d. Putting your intelligence in Machine
3) Which of the given language is not commonly 4) Which of the following is not an
used for AI? application of artificial intelligence?
a. Computer Vision
b. Natural Language Processing
c. Python c. Database Management System
d. Perl d. Digital Assistants

5) Which of the following is the common 6) Which of the following is the branch of
language for Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence?
a. Python a) Machine Learning
b. Java b) Cyber forensics
c. Lisp c) Full-Stack Developer
d. PHP d) Network Design
7) Strong Artificial Intelligence is __________ 8) Weak AI is __________
a) the embodiment of human intellectual a. a set of computer programs that produce
capabilities within a computer output that would be considered to reflect
b) a set of computer programs that produce output intelligence if it were generated by human
that would be considered to reflect intelligence if b. the study of mental facilities through the
it were generated by humans use of manual models implemented on a
c) the study of mental faculties through the use of computer
mental models implemented on a computer c. the embodiment of human intellectual
d) all of the mentioned capabilities within a computer.
d. All of the above

9) Out of these schools, which one was NOT 10) What was the name of the very first AI
one of the early leaders in the field of AI programming language?
research? a. LISP
a. Stanford University b. IPL
b. Massachusetts Institute of Technology c. FORTRAN
c. Harvard University d. BASIC
d. Dartmouth University

11) What is Artificial Intelligence? 12) Which of the following is an advantage

a. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to of artificial intelligence?
make humans more intelligent a. Reduces the time taken to solve the
b. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to problem
improve the security b. Helps in providing security
c. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to c. Have the ability to think hence makes the
develop intelligent machines work easier
d. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to d. All of the above
mine the data
13) A major thrust of AI is in the development 14) Which of the following is not the type of
of computer functions associated with human AI?
a. Reactive machines
b. Unlimited memory
c. Theory of mind
c. AI is not associated with human
d. Self-awareness
d. None of the Above

15) Which of the following is an application of 16) In which university the first
AI? demonstration of AI program run?
a. Carnegie Mellon University.
a. Gaming
b. Oxford University
b. Expert Systems
c. Cambridge University
c. Vision Systems
d. Stanford University
d. All of the above
17) What is Artificial intelligence? 18) Artificial Intelligence is a way of _____.
a. Putting your intelligence into Computer a. making a computer
b. Programming with your own intelligence b. a computer-controlled robot
c. Making a Machine intelligent c. software think intelligently
d. Playing a Game d. All of the above

19) In which year John McCarthy coined the 20)Which of the following is not an
term Artificial Intelligence? application of AI?
a. 1950 a. Intelligent Robots
b. 1955 b. Handwriting Recognition
c. 1956 c. Speech Recognition
d. 1959 d. Content mining

Topic: Introduction to AI
1. What do you understand about linguistic Intelligence?
2. Mention four examples of artificially intelligent applications in our smartphones.
3. Mention four examples of machines that are not AI but are confused with AI, which means
machines that are smart but not AI.
4. Mention any five major incidents from the history of AI that depict the evaluation of AI.
5. What are the applications of AI in the field of education, healthcare and entertainment?
6. What is the role of AI in the gaming industry?
7. Write a short note on AI in artificial creativity.
8. What is the difference between a Machine Learning engineer and robotics scientist?
9. Write a short note on Super AI.
10. Explain any three world famous AI machines.
11. Explain any two gadgets which do not use AI.
12. How can a machine become intelligent?
13. “The more the data, the better will be the analysis” Justify.
14. What projects are undertaken to achieve No Poverty in SDG?
15. What are the advantages of Smart Home?
16. Why is Computer Vision an important Domain of AI?
17. A smart school is a technology-based teaching-learning environment for both teachers and
students. Justify.
18. Explain in detail the application of AI in Autonomous Vehicles.
19. List down three most important jobs at risk due to AI.
20. Explain any two sources of AI bias.

1) Rock Paper and Scissors (Game): It is a game based on the Data domain of AI, where
machines try to predict the next move of the participant. With every game, machine is learning
from your moves, and able to play it better.

Go to OR and play the game.
The challenge is to win 20 games against AI.
Record the following in your Practical record book:
a. Did you manage to win? If yes, then what is your score?
b. Was it different playing this game with an AI machine as compared to a human?
c. What was the strategy that you applied to win this game against the AI machine?
d. What approach was the machine following while playing against you?
e. Which domain of AI is applied on this game?

2) Emoji Scavenger Hunt: This game is based on Computer vision where the machine initiates
the game by showing an emoji. The participant is expected to show a similar object in-front of
the camera while the machine keeps on guessing what is being shown to it.
Go to and play the game.
The challenge is to find 8 items within the limit to pass.
Record the following in your Practical record book:
a. Did you manage to win? If yes, then what is your score?
b. What was the strategy that you applied to win this game against the AI machine?
c. Was the computer able to identify all the items you brought in front of it?
d. Did the lighting of the room affect the identifying of items by the machine?
e. Which domain of AI is applied on this game?

3) Auto draw/Quick Draw: This game is based on neural network and data, where participant
draw something and a neural net tries to guess what you’re drawing.
Go to and play the game.
See how fast system predicts after trying a few times.
Record the following in your Practical record book:
a. Is AI able to manage to predict your drawing?
b. If yes, how many seconds it takes?
c. What happened if you draw the similar kind of object?
d. What kind of suggestions and list of images AI will show?
e. Which domain of AI is applied on this game?
4) SDG activity: GO-Goals Board Game
Link to download the material for Game:
Download the material, print it and make DIY Dice and Cards from that material to play the game.
Let your imagination flow and make your own tokens for the Go-Goals game! For more detail and
game rules refer to page number 170 of your book.
Submission Instructions:
a. Take a print and paste the game board on an A-4 size cardboard/Ivory thick sheet. (You may
draw and colour the game board)
b. Make the DICE to play the game.
c. Question cards also can be printed and pasted on small rectangular cardboard/Ivory sheets.
(You may draw and colour the question cards). Make a minimum 2 questions for each SDG
d. Play the game with your family and friends. (Paste at least one photograph while playing the
game) on the A-4 size Ivory sheet.

Fig Q 1. (Rock paper Scissors Game)

Fig Q 2. (Emoji Hunt)

Fig Q 3. (Quick Draw)

Please Note:
1.The project work has to be done on A4 size single-side ruled sheets.
2.Create a proper cover page with the complete name of the activity and student group details.
3.The project must include appropriate self-created illustrations (at least three).
4. This project is the integration of all subjects- English , Hindi , Mathematics, Science and Social
5.Include the bibliography at the end of the project.

An art integration project is an educational approach that combines artistic activities with other
subject areas to enhance learning and promote creativity. It involves integrating art forms such as
visual arts, music, theatre, dance, or media arts with academic subjects like science, history, math,
language arts, or social studies. SUBJECT: Content

1 English Travelling is a crucial part of life as it changes your perception towards

life and helps you to re-discover yourself. Travelling and exploring new
places also enhances your creativity, happiness and satisfaction.
Make a research-based project on famous tourist places comparing
Andaman & Nicobar Islands/ Lakshadweep and New Delhi.
The following headers may be included:
Name of the places
Importance of places
Famous food
Languages(500-600 word)
Please Note:
1. This project will be graded for portfolio assessment.
2. The project work has to be done on A4 size single-side ruled sheets.
3. Create a proper cover page with the complete name of the activity
and student details.
4. The project must include appropriate illustrations.
5. Include the bibliography at the end of the project.

2 Hindi राष्ट्रीय एकता की भावना िागृत करते हुए अिंडमान जनकोिार द्वीप समू के
प्रमुख पोशाक ,व्यिंिन ,लोकनृत्य के िारे में जलखें और जचत्र जचपकायें और
कल्पना कीजिए जक ग्रीष्मावकाश के दौरान अिंडमान जनकोिार द्वीप आप भ्रमण
जलए गए ैं , उसके िारे में यात्रा वृत्तािं त जलखखए|
सीखने जसखाने के साथ कला को िोड़ दे ना ी कला समेजकत जशक्षा ै | सीखने
के इस तरीके से जवषय के िारे में ज्ञान और समझ को ि़िाने में मदद जमलती ै |
य कला का मूल्यािं कन करने को भी ि़िावा दे ता ै |इसी िात को ध्यान में रखकर
आप इस गजतजवजध को पूरा करें गे |
1. नई जदल्ली इिं जदरा गािं धी अिंतरराष्ट्रीय वाई अड्डा से यात्रा कैसे करें गे और
अिंडमान जनकोिार की रािधानी पोटथ ब्लेयर में कैसे पहुिं चेंगे के िारे में जवस्तृत
िानकारी दे ते हुए यात्रा वृतािं त की शुरुआत करें गे|
2. अिंडमान जनकोिार द्वीप समू के प्रजसद्ध दशथनीय स्थलोिं के िारे में अपनी
कल्पना के द्वारा जलखें |
3. अिंडमान जनकोिार द्वीप समू के प्रमुख पोशाक ,व्यिंिन ,लोकनृत्य के िारे
में जलखने और जचत्र जचपकाने के जलए क ा गया | |
आवश्यक सामग्री-
एक प्रोिेक्ट र्ाइल, ए -4 साइज़ की 8 शीट जचत्र जचपकाने के जलए और जवषय
पर जलखने के जलए पेपर, कलम, रिं ग,आजद चाज ए |

3 Science ⮚ You are required to study about the problem of water pollution
threatening the aquatic life of Andaman & Nicobar / Lakshadweep
Islands and compare it with the problem of water pollution faced by
Yamuna River in New Delhi. Also find out about the steps taken by
govt. of respective UTs to overcome water pollution along with the
steps that every individual needs to take to minimize the same. Make
a file
⮚ (This activity is to be done only on A4 size sheets)
⮚ *Evaluation Rubric: Group project work will be evaluated on
the basis of: Creativity of content presentation, Quality of

4 Mathematics Marine world of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is full of fascinating

examples of Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio. Explore and create art
that reflects the Fibonacci sequence and Golden ratio in marine
organisms such as coral and Nautilu.
Compare their statistics of population, different languages and social
lives, festivals with ours. (Maths & Social Science)
Prepare a project showing Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar and
Lakshadweep. Based on male to female ratio in rural and urban areas,
geographical distributions, language spoken, climate etc with the help of
Bar graph/pie chart/ histogram or any other way to represent the data.

5 Social Science Prepare a project showing Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar and
Lakshadweep. Based on male to female ratio in rural and urban areas,
geographical distributions, language spoken, climate etc. with the help
of Bar graph/pie chart/ histogram or any other way to represent the data.

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