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The submission of the thesis Useful contacts FACULTY OF SCIENCE

After the defence and once all the required Admission office
documents have been submitted, the student office Uni-Dufour - 2nd floor - Office 222
delivers the imprimatur, which is signed by the Dean. Tel.: 022 379 71 11
This document will allow you to publish your thesis: Plateform:
Reception: Monday to Friday from 10h30 to 13h00
In the "Archive ouverte" (open archive)
• upload your manuscript in PDF format: Contact cotutelle
Doctoral Students
Caroline LIEBICH - Baud-Bovy - Bureau 10 02
Tél : 022 379 86 19 Administrative information
• updoad an abstract of 150 words to be used as Reception: by appointment

Office of the Dean

At the "Direction de l’Information Scientifique" (DIS): Sciences II - 4th floor - Office 4-509
Tel.: 022 379 66 51 ou 022 379 66 52
• two printed copies,
• the imprimatur,
Student office
• the “mode de publication” form. Sciences III - Upper ground floor - Office 0003
Tel.: 033 379 36 62
At the DIS, you will also complete and sign a
Reception: Monday to Friday from 9h30 to 12h00
publishing contract for your thesis.
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 14h00 to 16h00

To print your thesis, you may contact the print center

of the universty « Centre d'Impression de l'Université Division de l’Information Scientifique (DIS)
de Genève » at Unimail. Uni-Dufour - Office 310
Tel.: 022 379 71 14 or 022 379 72 92
The final manuscript of your thesis must be
Reception : from Monday to Friday
formatted accroding to the template of the
from 9h00 to 11h30 and from 14h30 to 16h30
Universtiy of Geneva:
Print center Repromail
Uni-Mail - Upper ground floor - Office 0130
The title of Doctor Tel.: 022 379 95 03 or 022 379 95 04
Reception : Monday to Friday
After having deposited your thesis, you will receive from 08h00 to 12h00 and from 13h30 to 17h00
your diploma by registered mail (within about 3
weeks) from the diploma office.

The diploma ceremony will take place mid-

november. You will receive an invitation from the
Dean’s office by mail in due time.
PhD application Doctoral exams The defence
At least 20 days before your defence, the following
To be admitted as a PhD student, you need to find a Before defending your thesis, you have to take the documents must be submitted :
Professor or a Senior Lecturer who agrees to doctoral examinations provided for by the regulations
supervise your thesis. To do so, you need to contact of your PhD title. To the student office :
the department or section you are interested in, or
apply to a job offer. • the defence registration form,
The rules and regulations of the doctoral programme of the Faculty of Science as well as the specific • a copy of the 1st page of your thesis manuscript,
regulations of each PhD programme are available for
download: • the detailed list of the jury members.
t your re uest, your thesis director will give you
an attestation de direction de thèse , to be sent
Formations/Doctorats.html To the Deans' office :
• directly to the student office, if you are already a • the thesis report, written by the thesis supervisor,
student of the aculty of Science, The doctoral exam registration form must be submitted concludes the acceptation of the thesis by all the
to the student office at least 10 days before the exam members of the jury (signatures by scan of fax are
• to the admissions office of the niversity of date. accepted.),
eneva , attached to your admission application
and e uivalences re uest. • the summary of one or two pages, in French (RG
The exam registration form is available for download
art. G6 al.1),
on the website of the Faculty of Science : Espace
In the event of a change of PhD supervisor, a new
étudiant -> Secrétariat des étudiants -> Formulaires à • the letter from the President of the Section,
"attestation de direction de thèse" must be edited,
télécharger -> Inscription à l'examen de doctorat.doc addressed to the Dean, certifying that all the
signed by the new and the old supervisor and
required conditions are met for the defence to take
sent to the student office.
place at the date, time and place mentioned in the
registration form,
Requests for co-supervision must be submitted to
• a copy of the thesis manuscript.
the Dean's office with the following documents
the latest 2 years into your PhD:

• the co-supervision request form (available form

After your defence, the student office needs the
the student office)
following three original documents to issue your
• the CV of the new co-supervisor imprimatur :

• the thesis report with the original signatures from

Doctoral candidates must be enrolled at the all the jury members,
"Cotutelle de thèse" University of Geneva during the complete duration
of their doctoral studies. More information on • the grading slip with the appreciation and the
A "cotutelle de thèse" is a doctoral project that is
enrolment is available at the admission office. original signatures from all the jury members,
regulated by a formalised agreement between two
universities. The supervisor, the Dean of the Faculty Tuition Fees :
and the Rector of both universities sign this • the completed “mode de publication” form signed
agreement (convention de cotutelle). There is only • CHF 500.- for the 1st semester and last by the thesis director and yourself (this form must
one defence. The International Relations are in semesters (during which the defence is taking be signed by the thesis director only once all the
charge of the administrative aspects of the procedure. place) corrections have been applied to the thesis
• CHF 65.- for every semester in between manuscript).

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