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F-16 Modular Mission Computer (MMC)

A cost-effective mid-life update for the

F-16, the Modular Mission Computer combines
advanced computing capabilities for both
weapons and avionics in a single high
performance system.

Benefits Advanced Capabilities for Unit and control of the avionics The MMC also incorporates
Extended F-16 Life system master mode, sub-mode, leading-edge test technologies that
Replaces three computers
The Modular Mission Computer and delivery options. With incor- lower life-cycle costs for mainte-
with one superior system,
reducing weight by 55%, (MMC) provides airborne pro- poration of the MMC, the F-16 nance and diagnostics. The system
volume by 42% and power cessing power that will allow the can take greater advantage of such provides 95 percent fault isolation
usage by 32% F-16 to execute mission require- growth technologies as helmet- to one module and 98 percent
Increases computer processing ments well into the 21st century. mounted cueing systems, fault isolation to two modules.
power and memory capacity As a member of Lockheed advanced weapons loads, recon- Each MMC module, except the
Martin’s F-16 team, Raytheon naissance pods, and forward- power supplies, contains an IEEE
Offers proven reliability of
more than 1245 hours MTBF developed the MMC to enable looking infrared targeting and 1149.1 JTAG scan controller.
the aircraft to meet present and navigation systems.
Lowers life-cycle maintenance Reliable, High Performance
future mission challenges through
and diagnostics costs A Cost-effective Solution Processing
advanced and expandable
Enhances pilot situational The MMC cost effectively expands The MMC offers reliability of
computing capabilities.
awareness the F-16’s capabilities by replacing more than 1245 hours mean time
The MMC is at the heart of the three of the aircraft’s original between failure (MTBF). This
Supports easy future growth
F-16 Mid-Life Update and computers––the Heads-Up proven, highly dependable system
Common Configuration Display Electronics Unit, the is now in its third generation. The
Implementation Program (CCIP), General Avionics Computer/Fire latest version, the MMC7000, fea-
increasing mission capability and Control Computer, and the tures a 64-bit wide architecture
supporting the aircraft’s overall Central Interface Unit Stores and significant enhancements,
growth potential. For pilots, Management Computer—with including 2× the amount of
the MMC enhances situational one superior system. The new FLASH provided by its predeces-
awareness, air-to-air capabilities, streamlined system delivers sor, the MMC5000. Each proces-
targeting accuracies, and informa- enhanced computing power sor module has 10 MB of main
tion. In addition, the MMC pro- for the F-16’s avionics and memory, as well as internal
vides generation and control of weapon systems. caches––32 KB of Level 1 cache
symbology on the HUD Display
F-16 Modular Mission Computer (MMC)

and 256 KB of Level 2 cache—to five power supply modules. This Poland, Portugal, Taiwan and
increase memory transfer rates leaves nine growth slots for Turkey.
and processing speed. adding modules to support
Part of a Family of
future missions.
The MMC7000 provides six dual Solutions
redundant MIL-STD-1553B chan- The MMC combines commercial- A leading-edge developer of
nels as the primary external com- ly available software with unique avionics systems, Raytheon
munication links to the avionics capabilities and interfaces to the designs and manufactures the
subsystem. All avionics processing MMC Computer Development airborne processors for the
is performed with the MIPS® System. Using this system, applica- F/A-18 Hornet and Super
Instruction Set Architecture tion developers can easily develop Hornet, F-22A Raptor, and F-35 Internal view of chassis
(ISA). Comparative features of the and debug their target programs. Joint Strike Fighter. The com-
MMC7000 and its predecessors Raytheon has also demonstrated pany also produces a real-time
are shown in the table below. C++ language capability with the secure operating system, RT
MMC, providing greater flexibility Secure™, and is developing
Easy Future Growth
for software updates. multi-level secure
The MMC’s modular design
networks for crucial informa-
allows two-level maintenance (i.e., Worldwide Customer Base
tion transfer across military
flight-line replacement of line Raytheon has delivered over
replaceable modules), eliminating 1100 shipsets to date and has
and assets. These products will
the need to remove and replace approximately 350 more on order.
support the future network-
the entire computer. The MMC Customers include the U.S. Air
centric battlespace and will
7000 configuration provides a Force and numerous international
ultimately be integrated with External view of chassis
core cluster of 15 modules in the governments, including Belgium,
the MMC.
24-slot chassis—six processor Chile, Denmark, Greece, the
modules, four I/O modules, and Netherlands, Norway, Oman,

Processor Module Features

MMC3000 (original version): MIPS® R3500 32-bit
RISC architecture CPU
4 MB main memory
64 KB external instruction and
data cache memory
MMC5000 (second generation): RM5260 CPU (MIPS® ISA)
10 MB main memory Processor module
32 KB internal cache
MMC7000 (third generation): RM7000A CPU (MIPS® IV ISA)
10 MB main memory
32 KB Level 1 cache
Lisa Hsu
256 KB Level 2 cache Raytheon Company
Communication links to aircraft: Six dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B Space and Airborne Systems
channels act as primary external Airborne Processors
communication links for all MMC Strategy & Business Development
versions. P.O. Box 902
2000 East Imperial Highway
Communication links to weapons: Two dual redundant weapons Building R01, M/S A516
bus channels (direct coupled El Segundo, California
MIL-STD-1553B) 90245 USA
310.334.6078 telephone
Comparative Processor Performance 310.334.8028 fax
Original 3000 5000 7000
Processing 1× 47× 132× 484×
Memory 1× 12× 45× 58×

MIPS is a registered trademark of MIPS Technologies Inc.

Approved for public release. Copyright © 2006 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved.
Customer Success Is Our Mission is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company.
RSAS IMS 1/06 1.5K 4104852

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