2017 New Persepective Book

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Name: ___________________________________ Period: _____

Drawing in Perspective Workbook

CBPA: Perspective UNIT Required Activities: Due Date: I’m Done!

 Pre-Test: vocabulary quiz and 2 different pre-test worksheets.

 Goal Setting: decide your level and plan which type of perspec-
tive drawing your will complete. Discuss with teacher and parents.
 Learn: watch videos about perspective, learn and write/draw defi-
nitions for vocabulary.
 Practice: complete 3-8 practice activities depending on skill level.
 Plan: create a rough draft of your perspective drawing.
 Demonstrate: create, color and add detail to a final draft perspec-
tive drawing
 Reflect: Score and reflect on your learning.
 Study: Create flash cards or use quizlet to prepare for Vocabulary
 Test: Take the post-unit vocabulary quiz.

Goal Setting: After the Pre-tests and drawing activities, I have determined that I am
at below standard, approaching standard, at standard, or above standard level. (circle one)
My goal is to draw in 1-Point, 2-Point, or 3-Point perspective. (circle one) and to
improve my perspective skills by ________ levels to a ________________ standard.
Student signature: _________________________________
Teacher signature: _________________________________
Parent signature: __________________________________
Pre-Test #1:
In 1-point perspective, use a ruler to draw 3
boxes to match the picture shown here:
Pre-Test #2:
In 2-point perspective, use a ruler to draw 3
boxes to match the picture shown here:
One Point Perspective Practice Activity #1: Use the hor izon line, vanishing point and shapes provided to create the illu-
sion of 3-dinesional forms in space. Always use a ruler!
One Point Perspective Practice Activity #2: Now dr aw your own hor izon lines, vanishing
points and orthogonal lines, following the directions for each box. Always use a ruler!

Draw a LOW horizon line, with a center Draw a HIGH horizon line, with a LEFT
vanishing point and 2 orthogonal lines. SIDE vanishing point and 2 orthogonal lines.

Draw a MIDDLE horizon line, with a Draw a MIDDLE horizon line, with a
RIGHT SIDE vanishing point and 4 CENTER vanishing point and 4 orthogonal
orthogonal lines. lines.

Draw a HIGH horizon line, with a RIGHT Draw a LOW horizon line, with a LEFT
SIDE vanishing point and a square BOX vanishing point and a square BOX with
with sides. sides.
Perspective Vocabulary! Use the textbook, internet or our class lessons to find
the definitions and write them in your own words. You will have a QUIZ on these
words AND be required to use them in your reflection.


Middle Ground


Vanishing Point

Horizon Line



Orthogonal lines

Explain these techniques for showing depth in perspective drawings:


Shading with Value




Linear Perspective
Overlap Shading

Placement Size

Detail (using Value and Focus) Linear Perspective

Your CPBA (Classroom Based Performance Assessment) Perspective Drawing
must include the following:
The student shows a thorough understanding of spatial devices in the perspective drawing by meet-
ing all of the requirements listed below:

 Based on your level, you are approved for a 1, 2 or 3 point perspective drawing.
 Your drawing must have an obvious “theme”
 A visible horizon line and vanishing point.
 5 or more buildings, shapes or letters drawn in 3-D correctly using the vanishing point and rulers.
 4 or more scenery objects (examples: trees, people, cars, plants, park bench, bus stop, garbage
cans, street lights) also drawn to SCALE based on the vanishing point.
 Doors/ Windows correctly drawn on all the FRONTS and SIDES of buildings or designs
and borders drawn correctly on shapes/letters.
 A setting or background that enhances depth (including a skyline above the horizon line,
mountains, clouds, trees, plants, or other buildings in the distance)

Grading Rubric for Perspective Drawing

L4 L3 L2
Exceed Meets Does not
Standard Standard Stand-
ard Meet
Are your buildings neatly drawn?
Did you use a ruler to line up all orthogonal, perpendicular
and parallel lines?
Did you neatly erase all extra lines?
Do all your buildings/shapes/letters line up with the vanishing
Did you fill the paper with buildings, shapes and interesting
Do you have the required number of items listed above?
Did you completely and neatly color or shade your work to
show shadows and visual depth?
Does your artwork look 3-D?
Is your finished work your personal best quality, including no
rips, wrinkled edges, or smears?

In a 5 sentence paragraph explain how you used at least 3 of the following techniques to show per-
spective: Size variation, position, overlapping, detail, and or value and shading.

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