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VIDEO WORKSHEET: Can fashion be sustainable?


1. Do you think fashion has a big impact on the environment?

2. What can we do to reduce the impact of fast fashion on the planet?

3. How important is it for you to buy sustainable clothing?

4. Do you think the fashion industry should be more regulated to protect the environment?

5. What are some alternatives to fast fashion that you know of?


Circle the correct option

1. What is the main message of the video? 3. What percentage of clothing items end
up in landfill within 12 months?
A. The planet Earth is unique and inspiring.
A. 20%
B. Fast fashion is one of the world's biggest
polluters. B. 40%

C. Nature has the power of regeneration. C. 60%

D. We need a healthy planet to drive D. 80%

fashion and design.

4. What is the importance of a healthy

2. How does the fast fashion industry affect planet for fashion and design?
the environment?
A. It is necessary for survival.
A. It provides clean air and fresh water.
B. It inspires creativity.
B. It supports the habitats of endangered
C. It provides clean air and fresh water.
D. It supports the fast fashion industry.
C. It pollutes rivers and contributes to

D. It helps to regenerate the planet. 5. What is the significance of nature's

power of regeneration?

A. It can reverse the effects of fast fashion.

B. It can create new species of plants and


C. It can inspire creativity in fashion and


D. It has no impact on the environment.


1) Read the following opinions. Who do you agree with? Why?

Michelle: "I think fast fashion is terrible for the environment. All those clothes made just to be
thrown away after a few wears! I try to buy vintage as much as possible, or from sustainable brands.
It's not easy, but every little bit helps."

John: "Man, I dunno. Yeah, fast fashion is probably bad for the environment, but it's cheap and I'm
broke! I can't afford to shop at fancy stores with ethical clothing. I guess maybe if I could make
more money I'd go for that, but for now, fast fashion is all I got."

Emily: "I'm really struggling with this one. On the one hand, I see how fast fashion contributes to
pollution and waste, but on the other hand, people have to work and earn money, right? And if
they're making cheap clothes in factories overseas, isn't that better than nothing?"

Tina: "Fast fashion is EVIL! Seriously, it makes me so angry. Have you seen those documentaries
about sweatshops and child labor and stuff? It's disgusting. And all for what? A $5 t-shirt from
Forever 21? No way.

2) Read the following pros and cons of fast fashion. Which are the most relevant for you? Why?
Can you think of some others?


1. You can have more clothes for less money

2. It is easy to stay trendy with fast fashion

3. It gives local and international job opportunities

4. Provides financial benefits for the industry owners

5. Allows different cultures to share clothing styles


1. Clothes are often made of low-quality materials that rip or tear easily

2. The production process pollutes bodies of water, air and soil contributing to climate change.

3. Fast fashion creates a lot of waste which ends up in landfills, where it takes many years to

4. Underpaying workers, who work long hours in poor conditions

5. Encourages consumers to frequently buy new clothes rather than wearing them multiple

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