Philosophy 1

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Tenet 1: Thou shalt fulfill his genetic potential

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of

physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without
seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
- Socrates
This is a famous, yet powerful quote that holds tremendous
truth and value.
The truth is, burden of performance has always been and will
continue to be placed on men. A man who is not successful in
his efforts and can’t contribute to his family and society is a
low-value one.
It is for this reason alone that it is of the utmost importance for
you to attain or come close to your genetic physical potential. To
hit the peak of life and join Kratos on Mount Olympus.
You have one life. ONE opportunity to make something out of
it. Do not waste it.
Mediocrity and mildness are disease.
“To not put out maximum effort in physical endeavor and
ascend above ordinary is a disgrace.”
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the
willingness to do what others won't, at high intensity. True
progress comes from consistent effort and a refusal to settle for
Fuck mildness. Mildness is the root of many problems men
face today. A mild approach leads to failure. It leads to infidelity
and failed marriages. It leads to lost battles. It leads to average
results. The moment your woman smells it her pussy will get
drier than Sahara Desert.
Hence, there should not be a place for it on your watch, for
one becomes a man when he rises above it.
Everyone is familiar with that one guy at the gym who only
comes to talk, maybe run a little bit, and do some biceps curls,
hardly doing any work at all. To be fair, I am aware of several
Just for sake of mogging them, I must row 140kg next to their
10kg bicep curl. Not to be cocky, but to motivate them to do
This is how you ultimately inspire someone.
Tenet 2: Thou shalt seek conquest and

“Woman’s life is about memories; man’s life is about

The pursuit of conquest has been essential to the existence of
men ever since the dawn of human time. It is his divine duty as a
masculine man, and doing so has always been of absolute
An urge that, if it is not satisfied, can eventually drive him
insane and bring a feeling that is incomparably worse than that
of unfulfillment and disappointment.
Ultimate weakness.
That’s one of the reasons why modern men feel unsatisfied
with their life- Lack of battle and competition.
Why did ancient civilizations waste their time forging metal,
building boats and armor, wandering in all different directions,
and killing everyone who got in their way?
Fight for control of the power and territory. Fight for a
woman’s devotion.
In today’s age, conquest looks vastly different. You can’t pick
up a sword and start killing people, you will be labeled insane
and spend the rest of your life in jail. However, there is a
different, modern way of conquering.
To ensure victory, one must first cultivate a sense of purpose
and engage in healthy competition. Competition in all things that
Reputation, power, athleticism, wisdom, aesthetics, strength,
and beauty.
Every single one of them is motivated by the hardwired instinct
humans have for status and power. This is the ultimate reason
why we compete in first place. Status seeking.
So, my question for you is:
Why the fuck would you want to be unimportant?
Why the fuck would you die unimportant?
The brutal reality of the world is that men who aren’t conquest
driven can’t compete. Their value to society and family is
You have been programmed to seek satisfaction and happiness
via empty entertainment.
Knowing you can do much more, you settle for what everyone
else does.
Distracting yourself instead of facing yourself.
TV, drama, night outs.
Is THIS the peak of your life?
Or are you going to DECIDE enough is enough?
I’m leaving you with a choice.
“That’s why no one will remember your name.”
- Achilles
This quote hits hard when you actually realize that there’s a
possibility of nobody remembering your name after your death.
History always repeats itself.
Because of this, I strongly suggest that you take responsibility
and see your training as a means of elevating your status, power,
and respect among others.
To master and seek dominion over your body.
I made the conscious decision to compete in arm wrestling. I
could have chosen anything else, but it’s just awesome to
compete in a sport that requires both combative and physical
The feeling of accomplishment that comes with winning a battle
is unparalleled. The rush of adrenaline, blood, sweat, and painful
agony all combine to make life taste just a little bit more
Imagine yourself.
As you are winning, she is on her knees, pleading for you to
save her from the monotony of her life. She, who sees you as
victorious. To rescue her from the mundane.
Yes, gals admire the winners.
Tenet 3: Thou shalt seek complete dominion over
his body and master the art of strength
Strength is the embodiment of the masculine spirit in its purest
form and has been so for a long time.
The ultimate test, ultimate competition.
The strongest man would receive the greatest reward; respect
from his peers and a woman’s devotion, while the loser would
perish and be forgotten.
The raw, brutal reality of the primal world has transcended
through the centuries and millennia and is just as present as it
used to be, but in a slightly, more civilized manner.
Weaklings are still irrelevant, while the winners are enjoying
the fruits of life. The main difference is, the competition has
spread through different areas, not just physical combat.

Do not place blame on the circumstances when some things go
wrong, including when you fail to perform.
Put the blame on your own strength. You weren't powerful
enough. You were either mentally or physically weak.
Life will punch you square in the face, and if you can't get back
up, you will remain on the floor, drowning in self-pity.
Whether it be emotional, physical, or mental strength, the
ultimate solution to your difficulties is to
Very simple rule.
Strength is the cornerstone of physical preparedness. All things
stem from it.

You want to build muscle?

Focus on building strength. The majority of muscle gains stem
from becoming stronger in specific lifts. By progressively
increasing your strength, you lay the foundation for substantial
muscle development.

You want to increase your muscular endurance?

Once again, building strength is the key. While cardiovascular
exercise certainly plays a role in increasing working capacity,
developing strength grants you superior muscular endurance
compared to someone who is weaker. Imagine two individuals
attempting to lift 50kg. Who will tire first: the one who can lift
100kg or the one who can only manage 60kg? The answer is
clear; strength provides resilience and delays fatigue.

You want to increase your power?

You guessed it—build strength. Power is defined as the amount
of work accomplished within a specific time interval. To put it
simply. Picture two individuals performing repetitions with
100kg. The person who completes the repetitions in 3 seconds
exhibits greater power than the one who takes 5 seconds. It's
important to note that speed and power are intricately linked.
You want to look like a Greek God?
Focus on developing relative strength, which entails becoming
as strong as possible while maintaining a body fat percentage of
8-14%. A person who can bench press 140kg at a bodyweight of
90kg is undeniably more impressive than someone who can
achieve the same feat but weighs 110kg.

Do you grasp the significance of this emphasis on physical

strength? It serves as the fundamental pillar upon which all other
physical attributes are built, hence why I put such tremendous
emphasis on it.

There is no way around it.

Tenet 4: Thou shalt make his progress seem

“Our actions must seem natural and executed with ease. All
the toil, effort, and practice that go into them, and also all the
clever tricks, must be concealed, undiscovered.
When you act, act effortlessly, as if you could do much more.
Like it’s in your genes. Avoid the temptation of revealing how
hard you work — it only raises questions.”
When people observe the speed and ferocity of lightning
flashing through the somber sky, they air amazed by its sudden
appearance, by its gracefulness, and sublime power over life and
death. This is the type of power humans have always wanted to
The power of effortlessness.
Sometimes, hard labor, toil, and sweat can demonstrate an
extreme lack of grace and cause our achievement’s worth to be
There is tremendous value in being able to achieve something
with seeming effortlessness. It causes intrigue and an alluring air
of mystery.
Ambiguity and mystery are much more potent than
obviousness. Psychological fact.
The Curios brains of humans are designed to favor seemingly
impossible things over dull, obvious ones.
This is why you should talk less about your hard work and
Stop mindlessly blabbing about your plans, and your “hard
work”. Believe me, nobody cares. All you are doing is painting
yourself as a try hard.
Council some of your secrets. Giving away too much can make
you lose the competitive edge and it being potentially used
against you in the future.
Move silently, like a shadow in the night. Remerge
unrecognizable in the right moments. The more mystery
surrounds your powers, the more awe-inspiring and awesome
they seem to be.
Make the impression that you are not taking the matter
seriously. Especially in the case of women. They will attribute
your success to innate talent and genes, rather than the countless
hours you spent sweating and striving.
“The secrecy with which you surround your actions must seem
lighthearted in spirit. Show little, accomplish plenty”.
Make your progress seem effortless.
Tenet 5: Thou shalt focus on progress over

In the realms of progress there are no limits, no boundaries,

but only endless possibilities. The pursuit of it is the highest
form of self-mastery, because in order for one to overcome them
the courage to acknowledge and face weakness is required.
Nobody is perfect, and nobody ever will be.
I'm not trying to put restrictions on you, but here’s the deal-
Only douchebags think they are perfect.
Attempting to achieve perfection is like trying to achieve the
impossible. To oppose God's will. Setting yourself up to fail.
Even when you do make substantial progress toward your goal,
you still feel like it’s never enough.
Realize, there is no summit on this mountain. Are you willing
to climb it, knowing that you will never make it?
Holding yourself to an impossibly high standard may seem
impressive and honorable at first, but it may hold you back in
certain regards.
Hence, hindering your progression.
Victories will be small, and setbacks common. You will feel
elated by the pace of your advancement, but it won’t be long
enough until you hit the wall. A plateau.
Leaving you unsatisfied.
Instead of acknowledging the fact that you’re stronger and
wiser than yesterday, which is what ultimately matters.

Don’t chase perfection, chase progression. The pursuit of
perfection ends in failure, but the pursuit of progress never truly
Tenet 7: Thou shalt master the art of monotony

“The man who loves walking will walk further than a man who
loves the destination.”
You have to master the monotonous.
It's the same old, dull, repetitive, mundane, and boringly
regular shit that we do every single day.
Things like taking a piss. Having to get up on a cold early
morning for school or work. Studying. Strenuous physical labor.
Even enjoyable activities, such as training, and night outs can
eventually become monotonous.
Monotony is the opposite of a euphoric, thrilling state.
It’s the state characterized by endless focus and silence, devoid
of any ecstatic feeling.
It is the one and only way to truly master your craft. To
become a man of substance. To master the tiny, day-to- day
habits that shape you into an ultimate and highly competitive
version of yourself.
The path to success is not movie-like. Hollywood has deceived
you. Prime examples are any of the Rocky movies.
What did they show in those movies?
ONLY a fraction of the hard, blood-tearing workouts he was
going through, but induced by motivational music so they make
it as appealing as possible.
Story of the underdog.
Mf even grew a full Viking beard in that time period. How
much time has passed? A few months?
Those 3 months were depicted in only 3 minutes to us and are
creating a false image of success.
Unfortunately, that kind of success doesn’t happen in 3
minutes. It takes time and many silent moments most

Key to all of this is to realize the blessings that monotony
offers and gain an advantage over your rivals. What if I told you
that it can actually be a lot of fun, particularly if it involves
physical activity?
Picture it like this.
Underground gym, hard steel, crumbling walls, silence or
classical music for villains. You against the world.
Ultimately, mastering monotony requires us to poeticize and
romanticize it. To find beauty in the banal, and joy in the
mundane. It is in this state of mind that we can truly become
masters of it and create habits and patterns that lead to
excellence and success.
“In the monotonous drudgery of endless repetition, find the
beauty of discipline and persistence.”
Tenet 8: Thou shalt have fun and enjoy the

Getting stuck in the rabbit hole of self-improvement, while

permanently ignoring other aspects of life is nothing but mental
Don’t give in to this temptation. A balance (of specific kind)
must exist.
Part of making your progress seem effortless and enjoyable is
actually having a life outside of it. Hobbies, relationships,
interludes of peace and comfort, and vices that one can enjoy
and pleasure in like a ballsy man.
Now, don’t confuse leisure with comfort. To sweat in the gym
under iron, or in leisure under the sun is equally as noble to one
another. A beautiful physique is the gift of iron. Golden skin is
the gift of leisure. And leisure is only gifted to one after seeing
tasks through completion.
Leisure and comfort are not the same things.
“Leisure is a state that is earned by him who toils. Comfort is an
escape sought by him who shrugs off duty”.
Indulge in the simple pleasures of life: strumming the guitar,
mastering chess, leisurely nature walks, basking in the glory of
sunsets, embarking on late-night car drives, savoring your
favorite music, the occasional cigar, delightful picnics, and
geeky hobbies. All of this, with your formidable biceps on proud
display. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Sit back and remember
the times you were a weak small cunt, because the fruits of your
labor have barely started unfolding.
It’s like the chain reaction of the domino effect. People will
naturally start mirin’ you. Everything else seems to fall in place.
And the part of being an Übermensch means you must look
like a Greek god.
“Key is to live a life with passion, not information”.

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