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Aklan State University College of Fisheries and Marine Science


Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods and procedures in the study. The

presentation includes the research design, respondents of the study, the

research instrument used, the procedures followed in gathering the data, and the

statistical tools used in the analysis and interpretation of data.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive research design using quantitative

method. Descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims to

obtain information to systematically describe a phenomenon, situation, or

population. More specifically, it helps answer the what, when, where, and how

questions regarding the research problem, rather than the why. The descriptive

method of research can involve the use of many different kinds of research

methods to investigate the variables in question. It predominantly employs

quantitative data. This study is quantitative in nature because it involves the

collection of quantifiable and systematic data that can be used for the statistical

analysis of the research problem.

Location of the Study

The study was conducted at the Aklan State University College of

Fisheries and Marine Sciences, New Washington, Aklan Campus.


Aklan State University College of Fisheries and Marine Science


Respondent of the Study

The respondents of this study were the Students of Aklan State University

ASU New Washington Campus With the Total Respondents of 50. This study

utilized the descriptive type of research design using quantitative method. The

researcher made questionnaire survey was used as an instrument in gathering

the needed data. The survey questionnaire was composed of three parts. Part I

will be ask on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex,

age, civil status, Part II was Effects of Peer Victimization and Dating Violence

Against LGBTQ Youth and the Part III was Is there any significant relationship

between the socio-demographic profile of respondents and on the Effects of Peer

Victimization and Dating Violence Against LGBTQ Youth?

Research Instrument

The researcher made questionnaire survey was used as an instrument in

gathering the needed data. The survey questionnaire composed of three parts.

Part I was about socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex,

age and civil status Part II was on the Effects of Peer Victimization and Dating

Violence Among LGBTQ Youth. and the Part III asked on Is there any significant

relationship between socio-demographic profile of respondents and on Peer

victimization and dating violence among LGBTQ youth. The gathered data was

analyzed using statistical tools such as frequency counts, percentage, mean, and

t-test. The survey questionnaire underwent validity in order to ensure that the

Aklan State University College of Fisheries and Marine Science


content of the instrument was valid and accepted. There were two different types

of validity, those are face validity and content validity. Face validity ensures that

the questionnaire is appealing to the eye and that it affairs valid for its intended

purpose. Content validity is use to assess whether or not the items in the

questionnaire represents what the objectives dictate (Gall et al., 2003). Face and

content validator of the instrument was composed of examining committee of

Aklan State University-College of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Criminology


Data Gathering Procedure

Before the gathering of data commenced, the researchers secured a

permission letter noted by their adviser and addressed to the director of Aklan

State University. After the letter of permission was approved the survey

questionnaire were give personally to the respondents and the data gathered

were organized, evaluated, and analyzed in order to ensure that all information

stated in the questionnaire was answered by respondents correctly and

appropriately. Gathered data was tallied in Microsoft Excel and converted to

SPSS to be analyze for the interpretation of the data. Specifically, analysis was

guided by the following categorization of variables The item in the instrument was

on effects of Peer victimization and dating violence among LGBTQ Youth were

scored and interpreted using the following scoring interval as basis:


Aklan State University College of Fisheries and Marine Science


Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered will be organized and evaluated by the researchers to

ensure that all information stated in the questionnaire is answered correctly and

appropriately by the respondents. Afterward, the gathered data will be tallied in

Microsoft Excel and converted to SPSS version 20 for analysis and interpretation

of the data. Specifically, the analysis will be guided by the following

categorization of variables:

The item in the instrument on the level of job satisfaction among security

personnel in private security company assigned in all Campus of Aklan State

University will be scored and interpreted using the following scoring interval as


Score Scale of Means Description

5 4.21 – 5.00 Very Satisfied

4 3.41 – 4.20 Satisfied

3 2.61 - 3.40 Fairly Satisfied

2 1.81 – 2.60 Less Satisfied

1 1.00 – 1.80 Not Satisfied


Aklan State University College of Fisheries and Marine Science


The gathered data was treated using statistical analysis. To facilitate the analysis

of data, the descriptive statistical tools were used such as frequency counts,

percentage, mean, and inferential statistical tools such as t-test

Frequency Counts and Percentage. It was used to determine of observations

in each category and its corresponding percentage. It was used to determine the

frequency of the respondents' response in every category when the respondents

were grouped according to their socio-demographic profiles.

Mean. This was used to determine the Effects of Peer Victimization and

Dating Violence Among LGBTQ Youth of Aklan State University New Washington


T-test. It was utilized to indicate the significance difference Peer Victimization

and Dating Violence Against LGBTQ Youth, when group according to sex, age

and civil status

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