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Truthful and objective

9. Civil engineers shall continue their __
1. It is the analysis of matters of right or
throughout their careers, and shall
provide opportunities for the __ of
a. Ethics
those civil engineers under their
2. It is the offering, promising, giving,
accepting, or soliciting of an advantage
a. Professional development
as an inducement for an action which is
10. Civil engineers shall act in professional
illegal, unethical, or a breach of trust
matters for each employer or client as
a. Bribery
faithful __ and shall avoid conflicts of
3. A basic set of values and behaviors that
are intended to be embraced by users
a. Trustees
so they conduct themselves responsibly
11. Civil engineers shall act in such a
a. Code of Ethics
manner as to uphold and enhance the
4. It is the ideas and beliefs about how to
__ of the civil engineering profession
behave in a way that is considered good
a. Integrity, dignity, and honor
by most people
12. Civil engineers shall perform services __
a. Morals
in areas of their competence.
5. We become good by practicing good
a. Only
not by following external rules
13. Civil engineers shall hold paramount the
__ of the public and shall strive to
a. Virtue ethics
comply with the principles of
6. The greatest good for the greater
sustainable development in the
number philosophy
performance of their duties
a. Consequentialism
a. Welfare, safety, and health
7. It is the use of deceit, trickery, sharp
14. Civil engineers shall build their
practice, or breach of confidence, by
professional reputation on the __ of
which it is sought to gain some unfair or
their services and shall not compete
dishonest advantage
unfairly with others
a. Fraud
a. Merit
8. Civil engineers shall issue public
statements only in __ and __ manner
15. Match 16. A person duly registered with the Board
a. Honesty – avoid conduct likely for Civil Engineers
to result, directly or indirectly, a. Civil engineer
in the deception of others 17. Registration in the roster of civil
b. Fairness – do not seek to obtain engineers is required for
a benefit which arises directly a. Practitioners of maestro de
or indirectly from the unfair obras working on 3 storey
treatment of other people building
c. Fair reward – avoid acts which 18. Prior to entering upon the practice of
are likely to result in another the civil engineering profession, all
party being deprived of a just successful candidates in the
compensation for their work examination shall be required to take a
d. Reliability – maintain up to date __ before the Board of Civil Engineers
skills and provide services only a. Professional oath
within your area of competence 19. Civil Engineering Law
e. Integrity – have regard for the a. RA 544
interests of the public, 20. According to Section 12 of the CE Law,
particularly people who will which of the following is not a
make use of or obtain an qualification for examination
interest in the project in the a. All are qualifications: Filipino
future citizen, at least 21 years old, CE
f. Objectivity – identify any graduate
potential conflicts of interest 21. Any person who advertises and conveys
and disclose the conflict to any the impression that he is a civil engineer
person who would be adversely without valid certificate of registration,
affected by it upon conviction, shall be guilty of
g. Accountability – provide a. Misdemeanor
information and warning of 22. The subjects included in the CE Board
matters within your knowledge Examinations are Mathematics, __,
which are of potential Structural Design, and __
detriment to others who may
be adversely affected by them
a. Hydraulics and Geotechnical 29. The number of CPD units required every
Engineering, Construction three years for the civil engineering
Management profession
23. A professional adjudged guilty of any a. 45
fraudulent act relating to the CPD shall
be meted with the penalty
a. Suspension or revocation of 1. Match
certificate of registration a. EO 1008 – Construction
24. In earning CPD credit units, upon Arbitration Law
completion of a Master’s Degree will b. RA 4566 – Contractors’ License
merit Law
a. 45 credit units c. RA 386 – Civil Code of the
25. Which of the following is not a nature of Philippines
CPD program? d. RA 9184 – Government
a. Visual learning Procurement Reform Act
26. This Act shall be known as “Continuing e. PD 1594 – Rules and
Professional Development Act of 2016” Regulations for Government
a. RA 10912 Infrastructure Contracts
27. According to Section 10 of the CPD Law, 2. Which of the following is not included in
CPD is __ requirement in the the jurisdiction of the CIAC?
professional license and accreditation a. Disputes in employer-employee
system for the practice of professionals relationships
a. Mandatory 3. Where does the CIAC have jurisdiction?
28. The CPD council for Civil Engineering a. Disputes arising…
can be composed of chairman (__), __, i. Before the completion
and president or officer of the national of contract
organization of deans or department ii. From contracts entered
chairpersons of schools, colleges, or by parties involved in
universities offering the civil construction
engineering iii. After the abandonment
a. Member of PRB, officer of PICE of contract
4. These are the persons accredited by 11. A _ has operations that pertain to the
CIAC to settle disputes performance of construction work
a. Arbitrator requiring special skill and whose
5. CIAC stands for principal contracting business involves
a. Construction Industry the use of specialized building trades or
Arbitration Commission crafts
6. A _ has a principal contracting business a. Specialty contractor
that is in connection with fixed works 12. __ is an individual, firm, partnership,
requiring specializing engineering corporation, association or other
knowledge and skill organization, or any combination of any
a. General Engineering Contractor a. Person
7. Which of the following is not a 13. __ are imposed, by way of example for
qualification for contractors’ license? the public good
a. At least three years of a. Corrective damages
experience in the industry 14. It is the sum of money which the law
8. A _ has a principal contracting business awards for an injury done as a
that is in connection with any structure consequence of breach of contractual
being built, requiring in its construction obligation
the use of more than two unrelated a. Damages
building trades or crafts 15. The engineer or architect who drew up
a. General Building Contractor the plans and specifications for a
9. Which of the following instances a building is liable for damages if within
contractors’ license is needed? __ from the completion of the
a. A registered civil engineer structure, the same should collapse by
bidding for the construction of a reason of a defect in those plans and
house specifications, or due to the defects in
10. __ is the one who undertakes or offers the ground
to undertake or purports to have the a. 15 years
capacity or submits a bid to, or does 16. This is the adequate compensation only
himself or by or through others for pecuniary loss suffered that is duly
a. Contractor proved
a. Actual damages
17. Our obligation to pay our taxes is an 24. __ are those agreed upon by the parties
obligation arising from to a contract, to be paid in case of
a. Law breach thereof
18. __ include physical suffering, mental a. Liquidated damages
anguish, fright, serious anxiety, 25. __ is a juridical necessity to give, to do,
besmirched reputation, wounded or not to do
feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, a. Obligation
and similar injury 26. __ are adjuficated in order that a right
a. Moral damages of plaintiff, which has been violated, or
19. It is the voluntary administration of the invaded by the defendant, may be
property, business, or affairs of another, vindicated or recognized, and not for
without his consent or authority, that the purpose of indemnifying the
creates an obligation for reimbursement plaintiff for any loss suffered by him
for the necessary expenses that was a. Nominal damages
spent 27. __ is a meeting of minds between two
a. Negotiorum gestio persons whereby one binds himself,
20. An obligation created to return the with respect to the other, to give
payment received by mistake something or to render some service
a. Solution indebiti a. Contract
21. It is the party who has the right to 28. This is manifested by meeting of the
demand the performance of an other and the acceptance upon the
obligation thing and the cause which are to
a. Active subject constitute the contract
22. Ken executed a contract of loan to a. Consent
borrow money from Barbie which he 29. An obligation to pay for the damage
wishes to spend for his health. Barbie done but without any pre-existing
agreed and lend the money to Ken. In contractual relations between the party
this situation, the efficient cause is ___ a. Quasi-delict
a. Contract of loan 30. __ may be recovered when the court
23. It is the party who is obliged to perform finds that some pecuniary loss has been
the obligations suffered but its amount can not, from
a. Passive subject
the nature of the cause, be provided 35. __ is a method of procurement that
with certainty may be resorted under the
a. Moderate damages extraordinary circumstances provided
31. All bidding documents shall be for in this Act and other instances that
accompanied by a sword affidavit of the shall be specified in the IRR, whereby
bidder that he or she or any officer of the procuring entity directly negotiates
their corporation is not related to the a contract with a technically, legally, and
Head of the Procuring Entity by financially capable supplier, contractor,
consanguinity or affinity up to the __ or consultant
civil degree a. Negotiated Procurement
a. Third 36. The __ shall assess the readiness of the
32. This serves as the primary and definitive procurement in terms of confirming the
source of information on government certification of availability of funds, as
procurement well as reviewing all relevant
a. Government Electronic documents in relation to their
Procurement System adherence to law.
33. Within a period not exceeding __ from a. Pre-procurement conference
the determination and declaration by 37. Within __ from receipt of the Notice of
the BAC of the Responsive Bids, and the Award, the winning bidder shall
recommendation of the award, the formally enter into contract with the
Head of the Procuring Entity or his duly Procuring Entity
authorized representative shall approve a. 10 calendar days
or disapprove the said 38. __ is a method of procurement that
recommendation. involves a direct procurement of goods
a. 15 calendar days from the previous winning bidder,
34. This serves as a guarantee that, after whenever there is a need to replenish
receipt of the Notice of Award, the goods procured under a contract
winning bidder shall enter intro contract previously awarded through
with the Procuring Entity within the competitive bidding
stipulated time and furnish the required a. Repeat order
performance security
a. Bid security
39. It refers to the budget for the contract 44. __ is a method of procurement that
duly approved by the Head of the involves direct invitation to bid by the
Procuring Entity procuring entity from a set of pre
a. Approved Budget for the selected suppliers or consultants with
Contract known experience and proven
40. This refers to a website that aggregates capability relative to the requirements
a wide variety of content for the of a particular contract
purpose of attracting a large number of a. Limited Source Bidding
users 45. For the procurement of consulting
a. Portal services, short listed bidders shall be
41. The Procuring Entity shall issue the evaluated and ranked using numerical
Notice to Proceed to the winning bidder ratings in accordance with the
not later than __ from the date of evaluation criteria. The bids shall be
approval of the contract by the ranked from highest to lowest in terms
appropriate authority of their corresponding calculated
a. 7 calendar days ratings. The highest among these shall
42. Prior to the signing of the contract, the be referred to as the ___.
winning bidder shall, as a measure of a. Highest Rated Bid
guarantee for the faithful performance 46. It is the signed offer submitted by a
of and compliance with his obligations supplier, manufacturer, distributor,
under the contract prepared in contractor, or consultant in response to
accordance with the documents, be the documents issued by the Procuring
required to post a __ in such form and Entity
amount as specified in the documents a. Bid
a. Performance security 47. __ is a method of procurement whereby
43. The procurement process from the the procuring entity simply requests for
opening of bids up to the award of the submission of price quotations for
contract shall not exceed __, or a readily available off the shelf goods or
shorter period to be determined by the ordinary/regular equipment to be
procuring entity concerned procured directly from the suppliers of
a. 3 months known qualification
a. Shopping
48. __ is a method of procurement that 51. These are documents issued by the
does not require elaborate bidding Procuring Entity containing all
documents because the supplier is information necessary for a participant
simply asked to submit a price to make an offer
quotation or a pro forma invoice a. Bidding documents
together with the conditions of sale,
which offer may be accepted
immediately or after some negotiations
a. Single Source Procurement
49. All items, supplies, materials, and
general support services, except
consulting services and infrastructure
projects, which may be needed in the
transaction of public businesses or in
the pursuit of any government
undertaking, project or activity are
called ___.
a. Goods
50. For the procurement of Goods and
Infrastructure Projects, the BAC shall
evaluate the financial component of the
bids. The bids that passed the
preliminary examination shall be ranked
from lowest to highest in terms of their
corresponding calculated prices. The
lowest among these shall be referred to
as the ___.
a. Lowest Calculated Bid

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