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Life Processes :

Transportation System

By G.Pranauv
Human Circulatory System

Components of Human Circulatory System :

Ø Heart
Ø Blood
Ø Blood Vessels
Ø Arteries - Carries blood away from Heart
Ø Veins - Carries blood towards the heart
Ø Capillaries - Links arteries to veins
Human Circulatory System

Functions :
Ø Transports Nutrients, gases and waste products around
the body
Ø Protects body from infection and blood loss
Ø Helps body maintain constant body temperature
Ø Helps maintain fluid balance within the body
Human Circulatory System

Heart :

Heart is the organ at the centre of the circulatory

system. It pumps blood around the body
Human Circulatory System
Structure of Heart
Human Circulatory System

Functions of Heart Chambers :

Ø Right Atrium receives blood from veins and pumps it to Right
Ø Right Ventricle receives blood from Right Atrium and pumps it
to lungs where it is loaded with oxygen
Ø Left Atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs and pumps
it to Left Ventricle
Ø Left Ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to rest of body. The
Left Ventricle’s vigorous contractions create our blood
Human Circulatory System

Blood :
• It is composed of Plasma and Blood Vessels
• It has three types of blood vessels
• Red Blood Cells
• White Blood Cells
• Platelets
Plasma :
• Straw Coloured
• 90% Water
• 10% dissolved gases, salts, oxygen, hormones, nutrients, waste and
Human Circulatory System

Functions of Blood :
• Transport of Oxygen, Nutrients etc.
• Temperature Regulation
• Protection
Lymphatic System

• It is another part of Human Circulatory system

• It consists of a complex network of vessels, tissues and
• It maintains fluid balance in the body by collecting extra
cellular fluid from tissues and depositing them in blood
stream to transport it back to heart
• Lymph is the fluid that flows through the Lymphatic
system, which is composed of lymph vessels and lymph
nodes whose function is to return fluid from tissue to
central circulation, just like venous system
Plant Transport System
´ Plants take in water and raw materials from soil and
transport it to leaves via Xylem tissues aided by root
pressure and transpirational pull
´ Plants transport soluble products of photosynthesis from
leaves to all parts of the plant through Phloem tissues
with the use of energy from ATP

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