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Name:_________________________________________________ Date:______________________

Course and Section: __________ Group No:______ Laboratory Instructor:_____________________


Many factors combine to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy
or not, their health is determined by their circumstances and environment. The range of personal, social,
economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health.
Determinants of health fall under several broad categories:
A. The Social and Economic Environment
● Income and social status – Higher income and social status are linked to better health.

● Education – low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress, and lower
● Culture – Customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family and community all affect
● Social support networks- greater support from families, friends, and communities is
linked to better health.
● Employment and working conditions- people in employment are healthier, particularly
those who have more control over their working conditions.
● Health Services – Access and use of services that prevent and treat disease influence
B. The Physical Environment
● Physical environment – safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses,
communities, and roads all contribute to good health.
C. The Person’s Individual Characteristics and Behaviour
● Genetic- inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness, and the likelihood
of developing certain illnesses.
● Personal behavior and coping skills- balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking,
and how we deal with life’s stresses and challenges all affect health.
● Gender- Men and women suffer from different types of diseases at different ages.

Students should be able to:
1. Identify ways to assess the health status of the community using available data on health
2. Describe the role of health determinants on how they influence health and illness of the

MT Public Health Laboratory Activity

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:______________________

Course and Section: __________ Group No:______ Laboratory Instructor:_____________________

Health Assessment
1. Read the case on protein- energy malnutrition and answer the questions accordingly.
2. Share findings/ answer to the class.
Case Study on Protein – Energy Malnutrition
Protein- energy malnutrition (PEM) is a nutrition disorder in which there is a deficiency in protein
(severe form is kwashiorkor) or calories/energy (severe form is marasmus). This disorder primarily
affects infants and pre-school children especially in the depressed and rural areas in the Philippines. A
study on children’s nutritional status (0-5years old) was conducted in one municipality of a certain
province where the case of PEM is alarmingly high. Below are the findings:

Table 1: Nutritional Status of Children 0-5 Years Old by Coastal Community

Communities Nutritional Status

Below Normal Below Normal Normal Above Normal Population

Low Very Low

Coastal Community 1 47 3 1, 334 180 1, 564

Coastal Community 2 17 2 422 4 445

Coastal Community 3 18 6 286 3 313

Coastal Community 4 52 22 531 2 607

Coastal Community 5 83 6 1, 261 15 1,365

Coastal Community 6 63 2 792 13 870

Coastal Community 7 20 16 247 3 286

Coastal Community 8 28 3 420 10 461

1. Calculate the prevalence rate of PEM per coastal community. Prevalence rate is computed as
Prevalence Rate = Number of individuals with disease x 100
Total number of the individual at risk
a. PEM- below normal low
b. PEM- below normal very low
c. PEM- above normal
(Round off your answers to two decimal places)
Table 2: Prevalence Rate of PEM Among Children 0-5 Years Old
Communities Prevalence Rate of PEM

MT Public Health Laboratory Activity

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:______________________

Course and Section: __________ Group No:______ Laboratory Instructor:_____________________

Below Normal Low Below Normal Very Above Normal


Coastal Community 1

Coastal Community 2

Coastal Community 3

Coastal Community 4

Coastal Community 5

Coastal Community 6

Coastal Community 7

Coastal Community 8

2. Which coastal community has the highes prevalence of:

a. PEM- below normal low: _______________________________________________________
b. PEM- below normal very low: ___________________________________________________
c. PEM- above normal: __________________________________________________________

Table 3: Factors Affecting Protein- Energy Malnutrition among Children 0-5 Years Old
Factors Affecting PEM Results

1. Biological Factors

a. Age No Significant relationship

b. Sex No Significant relationship

c. Birth weight No Significant relationship

d. Birth Order Significant relationship

e. Disease Significant relationship

2. Maternal Health History

a. Pre-natal check-up Significant relationship

b. Lifestyle and diet during pregnancy Significant relationship

MT Public Health Laboratory Activity

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:______________________

Course and Section: __________ Group No:______ Laboratory Instructor:_____________________

c. Diseases during pregnancy Significant relationship

3. Socio-Economic Factors

a. Educational attainment of mothers Significant relationship

b. Economic status of parents Significant relationship

c. Feeding and weaning practices of parents Significant relationship

4. Dietary Habits

a. Frequency of protein intake Significant relationship

b. Frequency of carbohydrate intake No Significant relationship

c. Number of meals taken daily No Significant relationship

3. Based on Table 3,
a. Which social and economic determinants of health were considered for this study on PEM?

b. Which physical determinants of health were considered for this study on PEM?

c. Which biological determinants of health were considered for this study of PEM?

d. Which behavioral determinants of health were considered for this study on PEM?
MT Public Health Laboratory Activity
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:______________________

Course and Section: __________ Group No:______ Laboratory Instructor:_____________________

4. Formulate your conclusion regarding the role of health determinants on PEM.



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MT Public Health Laboratory Activity

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