Atomic Spectra 4

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Burke Şentürk

April 2, 2024

We will observe the optical spectrum lines of sodium atoms and certain initially unidentified substances
using diffraction techniques with this experiment of atomic spectra. Through diffraction, we will ascertain
the wavelengths of different spectral lines, deducing the corresponding energy levels of the atoms/molecules
within the samples. Subsequently, we will utilize this data to identify the unknown substances
1 Introduction & Theory 2 Experimental Setup
The atomic structure comprises a nucleus orbited by In order to perform this experiment, we need devices
electrons in close proximity. While not entirely ran- such as high-discharge lamps filled with low-pressure
dom, the electron positions align with discrete energy gases of sodium or unknown substances, a high-
states. These states, known as quantum levels, are voltage power supply which can produce approxi-
distinguished by an integer value ’n’ (1, 2, 3, . . . ). mately 5000V volts, a spectrometer, and a diffraction
The energy of an electron at the nth level is governed grating.
by the following equation: Firstly, adjust the focus of the ruler by placing the
illumination lamp near it and releasing the ruler fo-
1 cus tuning screw. Move the ruler back and forth to
En = −Z 2 hcR (1) achieve focus, then tighten the screw again. Ensure
the fant in the spectroscope appears neat by plac-
When an electron is in an excited state, it tends to ing the illumination lamp in front of it and adjusting
transition downwards when encountering an unoccu- neatness with the fant tuning screw while looking into
pied quantum state with lower energy, thereby reduc- the monocular. After focus control, place the sodium
ing the total energy of the atom. Such a transition tube in front of the fant to calibrate the system and
results in the release of energy, causing the atom to apply 5000V voltage to obtain emission. Determine
emit a photon. Conversely, if an atom absorbs a spe- the colors of the spectral lines of sodium atoms on
cific amount of energy, its electrons utilize this energy the scaled ruler to predict their corresponding wave-
to transition to higher energy levels, a phenomenon lengths and estimate the d-space of the diffraction
termed electron excitation. grade for calibration.
The non-random distribution of the electrons Next, examine an unknown atom or molecule using
around the nucleus gives us information about the the calibrated device by replacing the sodium tube
atomic structure because of the characteristic energy with the unknown sample and applying 5000V volt-
levels for each atom. The atoms can be characterized age for emission. Predict the transition colors of the
by the absorption and emission spectra. unknown sample on the scaled ruler to determine its

energy levels. Record the positions of the color lines
on the scaled ruler, noting the values of θ0 on both
the right and left sides for symmetric alignment. Use
these values to find the corresponding wavelengths
and energy levels of the gas in the tube. Repeat this
procedure for all tubes and make predictions for the
gases based on the energy level values found in litera-
ture. While performing this experiment we are going
to use this equation:
θright − θlef t
λ = d sin (2)

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