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Education keeps on having evolution along with the demands of today's era. Nowadays education in
Indonesia has been directed to be able to create qualified graduates. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
or Vocational School has become a public choice to continue study. Nowadays public interest towards
vocational education is quite high. That matter revealed from research namely "Survey of Public interest
towards Vocational Study" carried by The Ministry of Education and Culture.

The result of the survey shows that, some 82,05 percent respondents are interested in continuing study
to Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan or Vocational School and some 78,6 percent respondents are interested
to continue study to Vocational University. The biggest interesting factor towards Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan (SMK) is influenced by a considered good job prospects (57,8 percent) and choice of major
(51,95 percent).

The result of the research stated in a webinar conducted by The Directorate General of Vocational
Education, Ministry of Education and Culture on (9/4/2021). The Directorate General of Vocational
Education, Mr Sakarinto Wikan said, survey result in connection with public interest towards vocational
education is a pleasant phenomenon.

In the contrary, by the high demands of public towards vocational education, does not go hand in hand
in providing SMK students with adequate English to face word of work when they graduate later on.
Although the government has applied some revitalization programs and given huge attentions towards
vocational schools, the educational systems gap is still there. One of the gaps is English subject syllabus
in SMK. When English subject syllabus in SMK is reviewed, the learning competency which must be
achieved based on General English view. The syllabus for English subject in SMK is a general syllabus
which is generally used in senior high school. Whereas, English subject syllabus in SMK need to be
adjusted with special expertise competency in each study programs. Therefore, this research aims to
know how far English subject syllabus in Vocational School (SMK) has matched with principles of English
for Specific Purposes and the way it is applied in the class.

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