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Science, Technology and Society is a general education subject,

as suggested by CHED, at the tertiary level. In CHED Memorandum Order
No. 20, Science, Technology, and Society is described as an
interdisciplinary course that engages students to challenge the realities
brought about by science and technology in society, with all its
economic, cultural, socio-political, and philosophical foundations. This
course also seeks to teach reflective knowledge in the students to live a
good life and display ethical decision-making in both social and scientific

This module will let students examine the social contexts in which
science and technology occur, like the cultural and social consequences
of the scientific revolution and the organizations of people or things that
make up science and technology systems.

STS has two separate modules, the first module, titled STS for Smart,
and Techie Student, predominantly focuses on science and technology’s
effect to/vis a vis society and social progress, where humans flourish and
live a happy life, with the advancement of science and technology
whereby the second module titled STI’s for STS focuses on the specific
topics in STS.

Unit I deals with the general concepts in science, technology, and

society and presents science and technology development in the
community and society’s evolution over time in many parts of the world.
Unit II ignites reflective thinking on the use of technology and how
humans flourish with the advancement of science and technology.

As mentioned, STS for Smart and Techie Student is the first module
that will be used within the first mid-semester (midterm). This module
contains two units with eight lessons, which will also provide answer keys
to self-check, a rubric in assessing students’ output, and a syllabus. Each
unit has an overview that will present its aim and the topics included.
Before the lessons, each unit has a pretest and after the mastery test.

Each lesson includes learning outcomes, lesson content, STS’s links,

and learning activities. As guide, see the icons used.

Each unit has one set of tests presented
Try this! before the lessons. The result of this will
help your teacher know what you already
knew and what to review.

Learning Outcomes
Aim High! Each lesson has two to three learning
outcomes which what student has to
attain at the end of the lesson

Lesson Content
THE WH’s The necessary information or discussion of
the lesson content.

Smart and Techie This part will provide links which will help
Student’s WAY students thoroughly understand some
concepts and principles, add information,
and guide students in their decisions and
give background whenever they
encounter problems in the future

Learning Activities
Do these! Each lesson provides two to three learning
activities. Tests which are not objective
type have rubric found at Appendix B

Mastery Test
Light it up! May compose of many types of tests. The
test is given are covering the whole unit

Take a look and be a smart and techie student!


The compilers acknowledge the efforts given by the Vice President

for Academic Affairs, Instructional Materials Incharge, and its team. The
support of the administration and the Office of the President. Specifically,
the authors recognized the untiring support of the MIS during meetings
and other IT supports.

The compilers are grateful to the following: the Almighty Father who
renewed their strength, their family who always understand and gives the
moral support, their colleagues in JHCSC who contributed a lot to make
this module better than before, and their friends and love ones who’s
there to remind us to have a break and believe we can finish what we’ve
started. This module will not be realized without their help.


Preface i
Acknowledgement ii

Unit I General Concepts and STS Historical Developments 1

Lesson 1: Science and Technology Development in the World 4
Lesson 2: Science and Technology Development
in the Philippines 20
Lesson 3: Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society 26
Lesson 4: Science and Technology and Nation Building 30

Unit II STS and the Human Condition 38

Lesson 5: Human Flourishing in Science and Technology 41
Lesson 6: Human Flourishing as Reflected
in Progress and Development 45
Lesson 7: The Good Life 49
Lesson 8: Technology and Humanity 53

References 61

Appendix A Key Answers 66

Appendix B Rubics 67
Appendix C Syllabus 79

About the Compilers 103

Answering the question of how is the thing worked or processed?,
when and where it is discovered or developed? and who is the
proponent of the scientific idea or invention? is as important as answering
the question of how can we develop future scientists and inventors?
Studying the history of science is not possible without introducing scientific
concepts, principles, or technology. This module will help develop the
young minds of students and nurture each curiosity to study further. So it is
vital to consider looking back, from the ancient to now, the development
of science in the world and the Philippines and will, or did this
development defined society and helps build the nation.

This unit will discuss the historical development of science and

technology from ancient times to the present, in the world, and even in
the Philippines, reflect on how intellectual revolutions define society and
determine and assess the role of science and technology in nation-

Aim High!

At the end of this lesson, you can:

 write an essay about the impact of science and technology on
the society and environment; and
 design a graphic organizer featuring the different inventions and
discoveries that changed the world over the course of history.


What is the focus of the people during ancient times?

The people during ancient times focused on:

 Transportation and navigation,
 Communication and record-keeping,
 Mass production.
 Security and protection, as well as
 Health, aesthetics and architecture

Transportation was significant during that time because of the

following reasons:
 people were trying to go to places and discover new horizons
 search for food
 search for a better location for settlements
 trading of surplus goods for things people lack

Communication and record-keeping were also essential in ancient
people’s endeavor to:
 discover and occupy new places
 facilitate trade and prevent a possible conflict
 remember the places visited
 document the trade done

Security and protection were taken into consideration during this time
through the development of weapons and armors to:
 establish new alliances with other people met with different
culture and orientation
 protect their selves from stronger nations which tend to invade
weaker ones to take the resources

Engineering is another field which was also ventured by the ancient

people to integrate their needs for:
 establishment of protective structures from human attacks
and natural disasters
 better transportation, and
 construction of bigger and stronger infrastructures

Health, aesthetics, and architecture were also developed during

ancient time because the people were not contented on the
beautification of infrastructures and surroundings but also able to prolong
life with the large scale manufacturing of food and headway of clinical

What are the significant technological advancements during

the ancient times?
Here are the different significant technological advancements
during the ancient times, including some of the achievements of the early
civilizations such as:
 Sumerians
 Babylonians
 Egyptians
 Greeks
 Romans and
 Chinese

Sumerian Inventions

Sumerians, known for their high degree of cooperation with one

another and their desire for great things, pushed them to develop many
things like the following:

a. Cuneiform-. The first writing system that utilizes word pictures and
triangular symbols which are curved on clay using wedge
instruments and left to dry. It allowed the Sumerians to keep records
of things with great historical value to them.

b. Uruk City. It is a great wonder not only because it is considered to

be the first city in the world but also for the way it was erected. It
was built using mud or clay only from the river.

c. The Great Ziggurat of Ur. This is also called the mountain of God. It
served as a sacred place of the Sumerians’ chief God where only
their priest was allowed to enter.

d. Irrigation and Dikes. These were created to bring water to farmlands

and as well as to control the flooding of the rivers. These enabled
Sumerians to enjoy year-long farming and harvesting; thus,
increasing food production.


e. Sailboats. Sailboats were essential in transportation and trading as

well as in fostering culture, information, and technology.

f. Wheel. The first wheels were not made for transportation but farm
work and food processes.

g. The Plow. It was invented to dig the soil at a faster pace. With this
tool, farmers could cultivate larger parcels of land faster, resulting in
mass production of food with less time and effort.


Babylonian Inventions

Babylonians were considered great builders, engineers, and

architects. One of the significant contributions of Babylonians is featured

 Hanging Garden of Babylon. It is one of the world’s greatest

achievements in the field of engineering and architecture. Want to
know about its legendary origin? Please follow this link

Egyptian Inventions

The Egyptians' engineering feats were told in many stories,

especially the infrastructures established by the pharaohs. Besides
designing innovation, they additionally have contributed other practical
things that the world currently considers as fundamental. Coming up next
are some of the Egyptians' accomplishments:

a. Paper or Papyrus. The major accomplishment in Egyptian record-

keeping and communications. It is a thin sheet produced by
processing the papyrus plant.

b. Ink. It was invented by the Egyptians by combining soot with
different chemicals to produce inks of different colors. It was used
to record history, culture, and codified laws.

c. Hieroglyphics. It is a system of writing using symbols developed by

Egyptians of which they believed that it was provided to them by

d. Cosmetics. The cosmetics were invented by the Egyptians for two

purposes- health and aesthetics. Kohl is worn by Egyptians to
prevent and even cure eye diseases while make-up serves as
protection from evil based on their belief.


e. Wig. Another cosmetic invention of ancient Egyptians which was

worn for health and wellness rather than for aesthetic purpose.

f. Water Clock. The water clock was widely used as a timekeeping

device during ancient time. It utilizes gravity that affects the flow of
water from one vessel to the other.

Greek Inventions

The Greeks' major achievements include in-depth works on

philosophy and mathematics. They have given many contributions to the
world in the field of science and technology.

a. Alarm Clock. It is one of the most utilized gadgets today that was
invented by the ancient Greeks. It utilized large, complicated
mechanisms to time the alarm and made use of water that
dropped into drums, which sounded the alarm.

b. Water Mill. It is seen as one of the most significant contributions of

Greeks to the world. They were commonly utilized in farming
processes like milling of grains, which was a fundamental type of
food preparation during that time. It expands the production of rice,
cereals, and flour.

Roman Inventions

The Roman Empire was considered the most grounded political

and social substance in the west. It was viewed as the support of
governmental issues and administration during that period. Beside their
commitments in governmental issues, a great deal of revelations
developments still significant today can be ascribed to the Roman Empire.

a. Newspaper. The first newspaper, known as gazettes, contained

announcements of the Roman Empire to the people.

b. Bound Books or Codex. It is a stack of papyrus pages bound
together and covered by animal skin, which contained records
and documentation of historical events and newly legislated laws
of the Roman Empire.

c. Roman Architecture. The Roman architecture was considered a

continuation of Greek architecture, hence the resemblance.
However, it was still regarded as pioneering since their new building
and engineering technology was adapted on architectural designs
established in the past.

d. Roman Numerals. The number system devised by the Romans to

address the need for a standard counting method that would
meet their increasing communication and trade concerns.

Chinese Inventions

Chinese civilization is the oldest civilization in Asia. It is also known as

the middle kingdom. China is located in the far east of Asia.

a. Silk. It is one of the things that connected Far East China to the
world. Its trade opened China to the outside world, making way for
cultural, economic, and scientific exchanges; thus, bridging the
gap between the western world and the middle kingdom.

b. Tea Production. Tea is a beverage produced by pouring hot or

boiling water over crushed or shredded dried tea leaves. The tea
production developed by the ancient Chinese may have resulted
in making tea as one of the most popular beverages today.

c. Great Wall of China. It is the largest and seen to be the most

expensive infrastructure that the China built. I was constructed to
keep out foreign invaders and control the borders of China.

d. Gunpowder. Gunpowder is one of the most interesting inventions in
China because it was accidentally invented by the Chinese when
they mixed charcoal, sulfur, and potassium nitrate.

What are the inventions made during the middle of medieval


Medieval/ Middle Ages

The middle age was marred by massive migrations and invasions

when wars were widespread in such period. During this period, great
technology was needed in the fields of weaponry, navigation, mass food
and farm production, and health.

a. Printing Press. According to Streissguth 1997, the printing press was

invented by Johann Gutenberg. It was invented to address the
need for publishing books that would spread information to many
people at a faster rate.

b. Microscope. The microscope is a device that magnifies things that

cannot be seen by the unaided eye. It enabled people to observe
very tiny organisms.


c. Telescope. The telescope is an optical instrument that helps in the

observation of remote objects.

d. War Weapons. The development of war weapons also occurred

during the middle ages. The weapons were developed not only for
offensive but also for defensive purposes.

What are the scientific and technological developments during

the modern times?

Modern Times
The fast increase in the world’s population during the nineteenth
century demanded more foods, well- improved food processing and

medicine, efficient means of transportation, upgraded machines as well
as fast and effective means of communication. Below are the inventions
and discoveries made during modern times:

a. Pasteurization. This is a process of heating dairy products that would

kill the harmful microbes, which cause spoilage. This was invented
by a French biologist, microbiologist, and Chemist named Louis

b. Petroleum Refinery. Skrabec, 2010 cited that the petroleum refinery

industry was established through the development of kerosene,
which was invented by Samuel M. Kier.

c. Telephone. The telephone was one of the most important

inventions during modern times. It was developed by Alexander
Graham Bell, which benefits both the people and the government
in ensuring an easy and effective communication system.

d. Calculator. The creation of modern calculators didn't just prepare

for simpler number-crunching figuring, yet additionally brought
about the improvement of increasingly complex handling
machines like the computer.


Smart and Techie Student’s WAY

Top 10 inventions that changed the world



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