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SESSION 3&4 (23RD DEC. – 4 HOURS):

INTRODUCTION (Lecture Coverage Snapshot)

 Indian stock market rank globally & which are major Stock Exchanges in India
(Global Rank; Cash & Derivatives volumes; Option Chain page)

 Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) Flows

(Recession scenario; Source of FII money; Favourite bonds & stocks)

 Caselet: Business Cycles and Sector focus

 The Stock Market Ecosystem

(Constituents/ Entities; Buy side Vs Sell side players; Trader/ Investor?)

 Do market cycles run only on Fundamentals & Technicals?

(Questionnaire; Type of Emotions; Questionnaire answers and Type of Emotional biases)

 So what will help us ride the markets favourably???

How does Indian stock market rank
Huge potential to grow: Unlisted entities in India... (NSE, Amul, Serum Inst. of India,
Swiggy, OYO, Dream 11, Parle products, OLA, Razorpay, Indian subsidiaries of
Samsung, Hyundai, XIOMI, IBM etc.)
Major stock exchanges in India
and their daily volumes ???
Global Recession outlook and
FII flows???

(China+1 strategy post COVID and G20 Summit)

FACTORS: Stable & progressive government; Highest GDP in the world (High proportion of skilled/ tech
savvy workers and consumers); Relatively low Govt. Debt and negligible Individual debt levels;
Proactive & Stringent Monetary policy, China + 1 policy adopted by world, Strong Start up culture
building up, Global name in Pharma. & Services sectors, Good digital infrastructure etc.
FIIs include pension funds, investment banks, hedge funds,
sovereign wealth funds and mutual funds. (1450 SEBI Regis.)
Bond Market Booster –
India’s Inclusion in JP Morgan EM Bond Index

Nov. 23 month’s inflow was at a 6 year high of Rs. 127.2 Bn.

Business Cycles & Sector focus
Entities which form a part of our
Stock Market Ecosystem???
Do market cycles run only on logic…
SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE for Self assessment

Rate each question as 5 if you “Most agree” and 1 if you “Least agree” and let’s
see who scores how much.
Answers to Survey Questionnaire (Scoring: Lower the better)
So what will help us ride the market
Thank You

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