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B1 Characteristics of Life

Define each characteristic of life: What is the acronym you can use to
help remember all the necessary
Movement An action by an organism or part of an organism features of living organisms?
causing a change of position or place

The chemical reactions in a cell that break down
Respiration nutrients and release energy for metabolism

The ability to detect or sense stimuli in the internal or

Sensitivity external environment and to make appropriate

A permanent increase in size or dry mass

Growth by an increase in cell size or the number
of cells or both

Reproduction The processes that makes more of the same kind of


Removal from organisms of the waste products of

Excretion metabolism (reaction in cells including respiration) toxic
waste materials and substances in excess of requirement.

Nutrition The taking in of materials for energy

B2 Cell Structures

Living things are made of ______________.

State the function of these structures: Draw 1 plant and 1 animal cell with the structures.

cell wall Provides support and protection to cell plantcell Animal cell

nucleus Stores genetic information

cytoplasm Fluid that houses all other organelles

chloroplasts Contains chlorophyll which absorbs energy

from sunlight

Has vesicles for storage


cell membrane
Layer of protein and fat around the outside of the cell
which control what goes in and out of the cell (used for
B2 Cell Structures

Measure the length of this box in mm: ______

97 Measure the length of one side of these squares
in mm.

Relate the structures to their functions. 8 mm

This means to describe their shape and
why they are shaped that way.

Ciliated cells Many tiny hairs to capture mucus and

Calculate the magnification of the larger square
Root hair They are thin to maximise speed of compared to the smaller. Show your work.
diffusion of water and minerals

Packet together tightly to

Palisade mesophyll maximise light absorption

Red blood cells Bioconcave shape to maximise

Sperm and egg

the surface area

Sperm- small with a tail to move

I =

Egg-large to hold nutrients for
B2 Movement In and Out of Cells

Fill in the blank and circle one of the bolded words:

Osmosis is the net movement of water from concentrated
Concentration Gradient
Going from high concentration to low water potential (dilute or concentrated solution) to
concentration , the gradual change in the ________
dilute water potential (dilute or concentrated
concentration of solutes. solution).
The net movement of particles from a region of their higher
concentration to a region of their lower concentration down Describe how these factors influence diffusion
a concentration gradient as a result of their random
movement rate:
As the surface area increases the
Surface area
diffusion rate increases

Label with flaccid, turgid, or plasmolyzed.

Temperature Increases rate of diffusion

Greater concentration gradient = faster rate

Concentration gradient of diffusion

Diffusion distance Further away Slower because more distance to
B3 Biological molecules
Complete the table: Complete yet another table:
Molecule Elements
Test Molecule Positive Negative
carbohydrates Carbon, hydrogen,
fats Carbon, hydrogen,
test protein purple blue
starch black
proteins Carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen iodine brown

benedict onthe blue

Complete another table:
Carbohydrates White
Large molecule Building block C,IS transparent

starch & glycogen

amylase Not a table:
protein amino acids Solvent
Water is important as a ___________________.
fats and oils Fatty acids
B4 Enzymes
Define enzyme-
Proteins that function as Draw and label an enzyme in the shape of your
biological catalysts choosing. Label the active site and include one
substrate and 2 products. products
- I

Sketch a graph of the relationship between substrate

temperature and enzyme activity. Describe what is
happening at each part of the graph (use “kinetic site
energy,” “shape and fit,” collision frequency,” and
When the temperature increases, the
kinetic energy increases which leads to
more collisions (higher collision
frequency) and the enzyme begins to fall
Rate apart which is known as denaturation
-- denaturation
Define denaturation-
An enzyme increased until optimum
temperature, beyond this temperature, the
enzyme beings to fall apart which is known
as denaturalising
B5 Plant Nutrition
State the chemical equation AND the word
Explain the importance of nitrate ion and
equation for photosynthesis.
magnesium ion in plants.
6202 6H20
-> C6H,z06 +602
Carbon dioxide + Water —> Glucose + oxygen
Both ions are absorbed by the
roots to produce amino acids
Label and chlorophyll which is
upper epedirmis essential for healthy plants.


layer -

spongy - Describe the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis.
Layer lower It absorbs light for the plant which is
Stomata epidirmis later converted to carbon dioxide and
water into glucose.
B5 Plant Nutrition
Define photosynthesis
Complete the chart
The process where Plants use light,
carbon dioxide, and water to create
oxygen and energy in the form of feature function
palisade mesophyll Where photosynthesis
Outline the effects of 3 factors on the rate of
stomata Gas exchange

1. Water spongy mesophyll Allows gas exchange to occur

2. Sunlight
3. Carbon dioxide guard cells Controls water loss

xylem Transports water

phloem Transports food nutrients

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