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Our mission at Prehab 121 Academy since

2018 is to raise the quality of professionals
in the industry by delivering the best Quality
Education and Training through Workshops,
Courses and Online Learning Certification
experience possible at an a ordable cost to
all Health & Fitness Professionals to boost
Employment and Career Growth.

Dr. Luqman Shaikh, Founder

About Us

At Prehab 121 Academy we strive to create a new holistic system for Health and
Fitness professionals by providing an organized structure through Diploma &
Foundation Courses along with Continuing Education Credits.

Our students are the soul of our academy, therefore we firmly believe in providing
the best quality education, providing them with a nurturing environment and
absolute knowledge that can revolutionize the Healthcare and Fitness Industry.

Driven by the purpose of international excellence we have, for our students we

developed an internationally acclaimed team of tutors & assessors. Through this
exceptional team, Prehab 121 Academy brings to you a platter of scientifically
backed and evidence based plethora of knowledge for Health and Fitness
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Ta b l e O f C o n t e n t s

Chapter 1: Introduction to 6-Figure Personal Training

Business 5

What is 6-Figure Personal Training Business? 5

Why do you need to Master the 6-Figure Personal

Training Business? 6

What are the bene ts of having a 6-Figure Personal

Training Business? 7

Chapter 2: Becoming the Best Personal Trainer with 6-

Figure Salary 9

The importance of certi cations 9

Building your brand 10

Setting up your rates 11

Marketing your services 13

Building client relationships 14

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 3: Personal Training for Weight Loss 16

Understanding weight loss 16

Creating a customized workout plan 17

Nutrition coaching for weight loss 18

Motivating clients for weight loss 19

Chapter 4: Personal Training for Athletes 21

Understanding sports performance 21

Creating a customized workout plan for athletes 22

Nutrition coaching for athletes 23

Motivating athletes 24

Chapter 5: Personal Training for Injury Prevention and

Recovery 26

Understanding injury prevention 26

Creating a customized workout plan for injury prevention 27

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Rehabilitation exercises 28

Motivating clients for injury recovery 30

Chapter 6: Personal Training for Nutrition and Diet Coaching 31

Understanding nutrition and diet 31

Creating a customized nutrition plan 33

Coaching clients on healthy eating habits 34

Motivating clients for dietary changes 35

Chapter 7: Scaling Your 6-Figure Personal Training Business 36

Hiring additional trainers 36

Creating a business plan 38

Expanding your services 39

Building your online presence 40

Chapter 8: Conclusion 42

Recap of key learnings 42

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Final thoughts and guidance for personal trainers aspiring

to become 6-Figure earners. 43
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 1: Introduction to 6-Figure Personal Training Business

What is 6-Figure Personal Training Business?
A 6- gure personal training business is a successful and pro table venture that allows personal

trainers to earn a signi cant income while helping individuals reach their health and tness

goals. This type of business is built on a solid foundation of knowledge, experience, and

dedication to the craft of personal training.

To become a successful 6- gure personal trainer, you must rst understand what it takes to build

a successful business. This means developing a clear vision for your business, creating a

marketing plan, and investing in your education and skills development.

Personal training for weight loss is one of the most popular niches in the tness industry. Many

clients seek the guidance of a personal trainer to help them lose weight and improve their overall

health and well-being. To succeed in this niche, you must have a deep understanding of nutrition

and exercise science, as well as the ability to motivate and support your clients through their

weight loss journey.

Personal training for athletes is another niche that requires specialized knowledge and expertise.

Athletes have unique training needs, and personal trainers must be able to design customized

training programs that address these needs. This may include developing strength, power, speed,

agility, and endurance, as well as focusing on injury prevention and recovery.

Personal training for injury prevention and recovery is another important niche in the tness

industry. Many clients seek the services of a personal trainer to help them recover from injuries

or prevent them from occurring in the rst place. To succeed in this niche, you must have a

thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology, as well as the ability to design safe and

effective training programs that address your clients' speci c needs.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Finally, personal training for nutrition and diet coaching is an essential component of any

successful 6- gure personal training business. Clients who are looking to improve their health and

tness must also focus on their nutrition and dietary habits. Personal trainers who can provide

expert guidance and support in this area are in high demand and can earn a signi cant income.

In conclusion, a 6- gure personal training business is a successful and pro table venture that

requires dedication, expertise, and a commitment to ongoing education and skills development.

Whether you specialize in weight loss, athlete training, injury prevention and recovery, or

nutrition and diet coaching, the key to success is to build a solid foundation of knowledge and

skills, and to provide exceptional service and support to your clients.

Why do you need to Master the 6-Figure Personal Training

As a personal trainer, you have chosen a career that not only helps people achieve their tness

goals but also has the potential to provide you with a six- gure salary. However, achieving this

level of success in your business requires more than just a passion for tness and a certi cation.

You need to master the art of running a successful personal training business.

The bene ts of mastering the 6- gure personal training business are numerous. Not only will you

be able to provide a high-quality service to your clients, but you will also increase your earning

potential and establish yourself as an expert in your eld. Whether you specialize in weight loss,

nutrition and diet coaching, injury prevention and recovery, or personal training for athletes,

mastering your craft will set you apart from the competition and allow you to build a loyal client

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

The rst step to mastering the 6- gure personal training business is to understand your target

audience. By identifying your ideal client, you can tailor your services to meet their speci c

needs and preferences. This will help you attract and retain clients who are willing to pay top

dollar for your expertise.

Another critical factor in running a successful personal training business is marketing. You need to

develop a strong brand and promote your services through various channels, including social

media, email marketing, and word-of-mouth referrals. By positioning yourself as a thought leader

in your industry, you can build trust and credibility with potential clients and establish yourself as

a go-to expert in your niche.

In addition to marketing, you also need to focus on providing exceptional customer service. This

means being responsive to your clients' needs, providing personalized attention and support, and

going above and beyond to deliver results. By putting your clients rst and making their success

your top priority, you will build a reputation as a top-notch personal trainer and attract more

high-paying clients.

In conclusion, mastering the 6- gure personal training business requires dedication, hard work,

and a commitment to excellence. By focusing on your target audience, marketing your services

effectively, and delivering exceptional customer service, you can build a thriving business that

provides you with the nancial freedom and professional ful llment you deserve.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

What are the benefits of having a 6-Figure Personal Training

As a personal trainer, your ultimate goal is to help people achieve their tness goals while also

making a comfortable living. However, it can be challenging to make a six- gure salary in the

industry, especially if you're just starting out. But, with dedication and hard work, it's possible to

build a successful personal training business that earns you a substantial income. Here are some

of the bene ts of having a 6- gure personal training business:

1. Financial Stability: One of the biggest bene ts of having a 6- gure personal training business

is nancial stability. You can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and feel secure knowing that you have

a steady stream of income.

2. More clients: Having a successful personal training business means that you have a steady

stream of clients. This allows you to work with more people and make a bigger impact on their


3. More opportunities: When you have a successful personal training business, you open up more

opportunities for yourself. You can expand your services, create new programs, and even start

your own gym or tness studio.

4. Better equipment and facilities: With a 6- gure personal training business, you can afford to

invest in better equipment and facilities. This not only makes your job easier, but it also provides

a better experience for your clients.

5. More exibility: When you have a successful personal training business, you have more

exibility in your schedule. You can choose when you want to work and how many clients you

want to take on.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

6. More credibility: A successful personal training business means that you have built a reputation

for yourself in the industry. This gives you more credibility and makes it easier to attract new


7. More job satisfaction: Finally, having a 6- gure personal training business can lead to more job

satisfaction. When you're earning a comfortable income doing something you love, it's hard not

to feel ful lled and happy.

In conclusion, building a 6- gure personal training business is not easy, but it's de nitely worth

the effort. It provides nancial stability, more opportunities, and more job satisfaction. So, if

you're looking to become the best personal trainer with a 6- gure salary, start by setting clear

goals, building a strong brand, and providing excellent service to your clients.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 2: Becoming the Best Personal Trainer

with 6-Figure Salary
The importance of certifications
Certi cations are essential for personal trainers who want to become the best in their eld, earn

a six- gure salary, and specialize in various niches such as weight loss, athletics, injury

prevention, and recovery, and nutrition and diet coaching. Certi cations demonstrate that you

have completed a rigorous training program, acquired the necessary knowledge and skills, and

met the industry standards for professionalism and ethics. Prehab 121 Academy provides array of

courses for upskilling your careers.

Programs like Diploma in Personal Training will help get personal trainers the right understanding

of 10 Certi cations including

 Diploma in Personal Training

 Certi ed Personal Trainer
From ACE + ACSM Approved International Certi cations

✅ Sports & Exercise Nutrition

 Strength & Conditioning Training Specialist
 Rehab & Prehab Specialist
 Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist
 Functional & Group Training
 Kettlebell Training
 Olympic Weightlifting Training Specialist
 Resistance Band Training Specialist
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

First and foremost, certi cations provide credibility and trustworthiness to personal trainers.

Clients want to know that they are working with a quali ed and knowledgeable professional who

can help them achieve their tness goals safely and effectively. By obtaining certi cations,

personal trainers can showcase their expertise in speci c areas of tness and demonstrate that

they are committed to ongoing education and professional development.

Moreover, certi cations open up new opportunities for personal trainers to specialize in various

niches and cater to the unique needs of their clients. For instance, a personal trainer with

a Prehab 121 Academy's Weight Loss Training Specialist certi cation can design customized

workout plans and meal plans that promote fat loss and muscle gain, while a personal trainer

with a certi cation in Prehab 121 Academy's Strength and Conditioning Training Specialist ACE +

ACSM Approved can help athletes improve their speed, agility, and endurance.

Certi cations can also help personal trainers stand out in a crowded and competitive market.

A personal trainer with a Prehab 121 Academy's Obesity, Diabetes & Metabolic Training Specialist

certi cation can design programs and gain a deeper understanding of how to train clients with

metabolic conditions . With the growing demand for tness services, there are many personal

trainers vying for the attention of clients. By obtaining certi cations, personal trainers can

differentiate themselves from their peers and demonstrate their value and expertise.

Finally, certi cations can lead to higher earning potential for personal trainers. Clients are willing

to pay a premium for the services of a certi ed personal trainer who can deliver results and

provide a superior customer experience. Moreover, certi cations can open up new career

opportunities, such as working in a corporate tness setting or teaching group tness classes.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

In conclusion, certi cations are essential for personal trainers who want to become the best in

their eld, specialize in various niches, and earn a six- gure salary. Certi cations provide

credibility, trustworthiness, specialization, differentiation, and higher earning potential. Personal

trainers should invest in certi cations that align with their interests and career goals and stay up-

to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

To learn more about Prehab 121 Academy Programs and Courses


Building your brand

Building your brand is an essential aspect of growing your personal training business. A strong

brand can help you stand out from the competition, establish credibility, and attract new clients.

Here are some tips for building your brand as a personal trainer:

1. De ne your NICHE: To build a strong brand, you need to de ne your niche. Whether you

specialize in Metabolic Training , Weight loss, Strength and Conditioning, Injury Management or

prevention, or nutrition coaching, make sure you have a clear understanding of your target

audience and what sets you apart from other trainers in your eld.

2. Develop a unique SELLING Proposition: Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what makes you

different from other trainers in your niche. It could be your approach to training, your expertise in

a particular area, or your ability to connect with clients on a personal level. Whatever it is, make

sure you communicate it clearly in your marketing materials and use it to differentiate yourself

from the competition.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

3. Create a strong VISUAL Identity: Your visual identity includes your logo, website, and other

branding materials. Make sure they are professional and consistent with your brand messaging.

Consider hiring a graphic designer to help you create a cohesive look that re ects the unique

qualities of your brand.

4. Build a strong ONLINE Presence: In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is

essential for building your brand. Make sure you have a professional website, active social media

accounts, and a blog or newsletter to share your expertise and connect with potential clients.

5. Leverage client Testimonials: One of the most powerful ways to build your brand is through

word-of-mouth referrals. Use client testimonials to showcase your expertise and the results

you've achieved for your clients.

By focusing on these key areas, you can build a strong brand that helps you attract and retain

clients, establish credibility, and grow your personal training business to the 6- gure level.

Setting up your rates

Setting up your rates

As a personal trainer, one of the most important things you need to do is to set your rates. This is

a critical step that will determine how much money you can make in your business. Your rates

should be based on your experience, quali cations, and the type of service you provide. Here are

some tips on how to set your rates:

Know your worth

The rst step in setting your rates is to know your worth. You need to determine how much your

time and expertise are worth. You can do this by researching the rates of other personal trainers

in your area and checking what they offer.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Consider your expenses

When setting your rates, you need to consider your expenses. This includes your rent, equipment,

insurance, and other overhead costs. You should also factor in the amount of time you spend on

each client and how much you need to make to cover your expenses and make a pro t.

Think about your target market

Your rates should also be based on your target market. If you specialize in personal training for

weight loss, you may charge differently from someone who specializes in personal training for

athletes. You should consider the demographics of your target market, their income level, and

their willingness to pay.

Offer value

When setting your rates, you should also consider the value you offer to your clients. This

includes your experience, quali cations, and the results you can deliver. You should be able to

justify your rates by demonstrating the value you provide.

Be exible

Finally, you should be exible with your rates. You may need to adjust your rates as your

business grows or as your target market changes. You should also be willing to negotiate with

clients who may not be able to afford your rates.

In conclusion, setting your rates is a critical step in building a successful personal training

business. You need to know your worth, consider your expenses, think about your target market,

offer value, and be exible. By following these tips, you can set rates that will help you achieve

your nancial goals while providing excellent service to your clients.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Marketing your services

Marketing Your Services

Once you have established your personal training business, the next step is to market your

services effectively. This is important if you want to attract more clients and increase your


In this chapter, we will discuss some effective marketing strategies that you can use to promote

your personal training business.

1. Build a Strong Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business. This means

having a website, social media pro les, and online directories.

Your website should be professional, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. You should also

include your quali cations, services, and pricing information.

Social media pro les are a great way to connect with potential clients. You can share

testimonials, before and after photos, and helpful information about tness and nutrition.

Online directories such as Yelp and Google My Business can help you reach a wider audience.

Make sure your pro le is up to date and includes accurate contact information.

2. Offer Free Trials

Offering free trials is a great way to attract new clients. This allows them to experience your

services without committing to a long-term contract.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

During the free trial, make sure to showcase your expertise and provide exceptional service. This

will increase the likelihood of the client signing up for your services.

3. Partner with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses can help you reach a wider audience. For example, you could

partner with a local gym or health food store.

Offer to provide free seminars or workshops on tness and nutrition. This will help you establish

yourself as a trusted expert in the community.

4. Attend Networking Events

Attending networking events is a great way to meet potential clients and establish relationships

with other professionals in the industry.

Make sure to bring business cards and be prepared to talk about your services. You can also offer

a special discount or promotion to those who sign up on the spot.

In conclusion, marketing your personal training business is essential if you want to increase your

revenue and attract more clients. By building a strong online presence, offering free trials,

partnering with local businesses, and attending networking events, you can effectively promote

your services and establish yourself as a trusted expert in the industry.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Building client relationships

Building Client Relationships

As a personal trainer, building strong client relationships is crucial to the success of your business.

Not only does it lead to increased client retention and referrals, but it also helps you better

understand your clients' needs and goals, allowing you to provide more personalized and

effective training programs.

Here are some tips for building strong client relationships:

1. Build Rapport: Take the time to get to know your clients beyond just their tness goals. Ask

them about their hobbies, interests, and career. This will help you build a connection and show

that you care about them as a person, not just a client.

2. Listen actively: Listen to your clients' concerns and goals. Make sure you understand what they

are looking to achieve and what their limitations may be. This will help you create a training

program that is tailored to their speci c needs.

3. Communicate effectively: Keep your clients informed about their progress and any changes to

their training program. Be open and honest about what they can expect from each session.

4. Be professional: Show up on time, dress appropriately, and maintain a positive attitude. Your

clients will appreciate your professionalism and it will help build trust and respect.

5. Go above and beyond: Offer additional services such as nutrition coaching or workout plans for

their off days. This will show your clients that you are invested in their overall well-being and not

just their tness goals.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 3: Personal Training for Weight Loss

Understanding weight loss
Understanding Weight Loss

As a personal trainer, one of the most common goals your clients will have is weight loss.

However, it's important to understand that weight loss is not a one-size- ts-all approach. Each

client has a unique body type, lifestyle, and tness level that will require a tailored approach to

achieve their weight loss goals.

First, it's important to understand the basics of weight loss. In simple terms, weight loss occurs

when the number of calories consumed is less than the number of calories burned. This creates a

calorie de cit, which forces the body to tap into its fat stores for energy. However, it's important

to note that weight loss is not solely about calories. The quality and type of foods consumed, as

well as exercise and lifestyle habits, play a signi cant role in achieving and maintaining weight


As a personal trainer, it's important to educate your clients on the importance of a balanced diet
and regular exercise. A combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercise can help

build lean muscle mass, which increases metabolism and promotes fat loss. Additionally,

incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help burn more calories in a shorter

amount of time.

It's also important to recognize that weight loss can be a complex process. Factors such as

genetics, hormones, and medical conditions can in uence weight loss. As a personal trainer, it's

important to work with a client's healthcare provider to ensure a safe and effective weight loss

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Finally, it's important to focus on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick xes. Crash

diets and extreme exercise routines may result in rapid weight loss, but they are not sustainable

or healthy in the long-term. Encourage your clients to make small, manageable changes to their

diet and exercise routine that can be maintained over time.

In conclusion, understanding weight loss is a crucial component of being a successful personal

trainer. By educating your clients on the basics of weight loss, promoting a balanced diet and

regular exercise, and focusing on sustainable lifestyle changes, you can help your clients achieve

their weight loss goals and improve their overall health and well-being.

Creating a customized workout plan

Creating a customized workout plan is a crucial aspect of being a personal trainer. Whether you

are training clients for weight loss, athletic performance, injury prevention and recovery, or

nutrition and diet coaching, designing a personalized workout plan can make all the difference in

achieving their tness goals.

To create a customized workout plan, you need to start by understanding your client's tness

goals, tness level, and any health conditions or injuries that may impact their training. This

information will help you design a workout plan that is tailored to their needs and abilities.

Here are some steps to follow when creating a customized workout plan:

1. Assess your client's tness level: Before designing a workout plan, you need to assess your

client's tness level. This can include measuring their body composition, cardiovascular tness,

strength, and exibility. This information will help you determine their starting point and set

realistic goals.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

2. Determine their tness goals: Once you have assessed their tness level, you need to

determine their tness goals. Do they want to lose weight, build muscle, improve their athletic

performance, or prevent injuries? Understanding their goals will help you design a workout plan

that is speci c to their needs.

3. Choose the right exercises: Based on your client's tness level and goals, choose the right

exercises that will help them achieve their tness goals. For example, if they want to lose

weight, focus on cardio exercises like running, cycling, or swimming. If they want to build muscle,

focus on strength training exercises like weight lifting.

4. Create a workout schedule: Once you have chosen the right exercises, create a workout

schedule that is realistic and achievable. Consider factors like their work schedule, family

obligations, and other commitments. A workout plan that is too demanding or unrealistic will be

dif cult to stick to.

5. Monitor their progress: Finally, monitor your client's progress and adjust their workout plan as

needed. Regular assessments will help you identify areas where they are making progress and

areas where they may need more work.

In conclusion, creating a customized workout plan is essential for any personal trainer. By

following these steps, you can design a workout plan that is tailored to your client's needs and

abilities, helping them achieve their tness goals and improve their overall health and well-being.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Nutrition coaching for weight loss

As a personal trainer, helping clients achieve their weight loss goals can be a daunting task.

There are countless diet fads and exercise routines out there, and it can be dif cult to navigate

through them all to nd the right solution for each client. However, with the right nutrition

coaching, weight loss can become a more manageable and sustainable process.

The rst step in nutrition coaching for weight loss is to address any misconceptions or myths that

clients may have about dieting. Many people believe that they need to drastically cut their

calorie intake or eliminate entire food groups in order to lose weight. However, this approach can

be unsustainable and can even lead to weight gain in the long run. Instead, focus on helping

clients make small, realistic changes to their diet that they can maintain over time.

One effective strategy is to encourage clients to focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods instead of

processed or high-calorie options. This can involve educating clients on how to read food labels

and choose foods that are high in protein, ber, and other essential nutrients. You can also offer

meal planning services to help clients create balanced, satisfying meals that support their weight

loss goals.

In addition to nutrition coaching, it’s important to incorporate exercise into weight loss programs.

However, it’s important to tailor workouts to each client’s individual needs and abilities. For some

clients, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) may be the most effective way to burn calories and

lose weight. For others, low-impact exercises like yoga or Pilates may be more appropriate.

Overall, effective nutrition coaching for weight loss involves taking a holistic approach to clients’

health and well-being. By focusing on sustainable changes to their diet and exercise habits, you

can help clients achieve their weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle for years to

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Motivating clients for weight loss

Motivating clients for weight loss is an essential part of personal training. Many clients who come

to you for weight loss might have tried various diets and workout regimes, but with no success.

It's your job as a personal trainer to motivate your clients to reach their weight loss goals.

The rst step towards motivating your clients is to set realistic and achievable goals. It's

important to understand that weight loss is a gradual process that requires patience and

consistency. Set small goals that your clients can achieve within a set timeframe. Celebrate their

achievements, no matter how small, to keep them motivated.

To keep your clients motivated, it's essential to make their workout sessions fun and engaging.

Introduce new exercises and routines that keep them interested and excited. Incorporate group

sessions, where your clients can socialize and support each other. This way, they'll look forward

to their workout sessions and stay motivated.

Another way to motivate your clients is by tracking their progress. Regularly monitor their

weight, body fat percentage, and measurements. This way, your clients can see the progress

they've made, which motivates them to keep going. Use positive reinforcement to encourage

them to continue with their weight loss journey.

It's important to educate your clients about the bene ts of weight loss. Explain how weight loss

can improve their overall health, increase their energy levels, and boost their self-con dence.

This knowledge will motivate them to work harder towards their weight loss goals.

Lastly, provide your clients with nutritional advice and guidance. A healthy diet is essential for

weight loss and overall health. Educate your clients about healthy food choices and the

importance of portion control. This way, they'll achieve their weight loss goals faster and

maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 4: Personal Training for Athletes

Understanding Sports Performance
Understanding Sports Performance

As a personal trainer, it's crucial to understand sports performance and how it affects your

clients. Whether your clients are looking to lose weight, recover from an injury, or improve their

athletic performance, understanding the science behind sports performance can help you develop

effective training programs that deliver results.

Sports performance is the ability to execute a speci c sport or physical activity at a high level.

This can involve a combination of physical, mental, and emotional factors. As a personal trainer,

it's important to understand the various components of sports performance and how they impact

your clients.

Physical components of sports performance include strength, power, endurance, speed, agility,

and exibility. These factors are essential for athletes to perform at their best and can be

developed through speci c training programs. As a personal trainer, it's important to assess your

clients' physical abilities and develop training programs that address their speci c needs.

Mental components of sports performance include focus, motivation, and con dence. These

factors can greatly impact an athlete's performance and can be developed through mental

training techniques such as visualization and positive self-talk. As a personal trainer, it's

important to help your clients develop mental toughness and resilience to overcome challenges

and achieve their goals.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Emotional components of sports performance include managing stress, anxiety, and emotions.

These factors can greatly impact an athlete's performance and can be developed through

techniques such as mindfulness and relaxation training. As a personal trainer, it's important to

help your clients manage their emotions and develop a positive mindset to improve their


Understanding sports performance is essential for personal trainers who work with athletes or

clients looking to improve their athletic performance. By developing effective training programs

that address the physical, mental, and emotional components of sports performance, personal

trainers can help their clients achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Creating a customized workout plan for athletes

Creating a customized workout plan for athletes is a key aspect of personal training that is crucial

for success. Athletes have unique physical needs that require customized training plans that cater

to their speci c needs. As a personal trainer, it is important to understand the speci c needs of

your athlete clients and develop a plan that caters to their individual needs.

To create a customized workout plan for athletes, you need to understand the athlete’s goals,

strengths, weaknesses and physical limitations. This information can be obtained through

assessments such as body composition, movement screening and tness testing. These

assessments help to identify areas that require improvement and areas that need to be


Once you have identi ed the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses, you can develop a customized

workout plan that addresses their speci c needs. This plan should include exercises that target

their speci c areas of weakness, while also incorporating exercises that improve their overall

tness level. It should also include a balance of cardiovascular, strength, and exibility training.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

The workout plan should be progressive in nature, meaning that it should increase in intensity and

complexity over time. This helps to prevent plateaus and ensures that the athlete continues to

improve. The plan should also be adaptable to the athlete’s changing needs and goals.

In addition to the physical workout plan, it is important to incorporate proper nutrition and

hydration into the athlete’s training regimen. This can include developing a meal plan that caters

to the athlete’s speci c nutritional needs and providing guidance on proper hydration.

Overall, creating a customized workout plan for athletes is an important aspect of personal

training that requires attention to detail and a deep understanding of the athlete’s individual

needs. By developing a plan that caters to their speci c needs, you can help them to achieve

their goals and reach their full potential.

Nutrition coaching for athletes

Nutrition coaching for athletes is an essential part of achieving optimal performance and

reaching peak physical tness. As a personal trainer, you can help your clients achieve their goals

by providing them with the necessary guidance and support to maintain a healthy diet that will

fuel their bodies for optimal performance. In this subchapter, we’ll explore the importance of

nutrition coaching for athletes, the basics of sports nutrition, and how to integrate nutrition

coaching into your training program.

The Importance of Nutrition Coaching for Athletes

Athletes require a speci c diet that is tailored to their unique needs. A balanced diet that is rich

in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is essential for optimal performance. Proper nutrition can

help athletes improve their endurance, strength, and overall performance. Nutrition coaching can

help athletes understand the importance of a healthy diet and how it can impact their

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Basics of Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is the study of how food and supplements can affect athletic performance. It’s

important to understand the basics of sports nutrition to provide your clients with the necessary

guidance to maintain a healthy diet. Athletes require a higher intake of calories to fuel their

bodies and support their training. A balanced diet should include carbohydrates, proteins, and

fats in the right proportions to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal performance.

Carbohydrates provide energy for physical activity, while proteins help repair and build muscle

tissue. Fats provide energy and help regulate hormones.

Integrating Nutrition Coaching into Your Training Program

Integrating nutrition coaching into your training program can help your clients achieve their goals

faster. As a personal trainer, you can offer nutrition coaching as an additional service to your

clients. You can provide them with customized meal plans that are tailored to their unique needs.

You can also educate them on the importance of nutrition and how it can impact their


In conclusion, nutrition coaching is an essential part of achieving optimal performance and

reaching peak physical tness. As a personal trainer, you can help your clients achieve their goals

by providing them with the necessary guidance and support to maintain a healthy diet that will

fuel their bodies for optimal performance. By understanding the basics of sports nutrition and

integrating nutrition coaching into your training program, you can help your clients achieve their

goals faster and become the best athlete they can be.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Motivating athletes
Motivating athletes is an essential aspect of personal training. As a personal trainer, your goal is

to ensure that your clients achieve their tness goals. However, this can be a daunting task when

dealing with athletes who are already in good shape and are used to high-intensity workouts. To

motivate athletes, you need to understand their mindset and nd ways to keep them engaged.

One of the most effective ways to motivate athletes is to set achievable goals. Athletes are

driven by competition, and setting goals that challenge them can help them stay motivated.

Encourage them to set both short-term and long-term goals, and provide them with a clear

roadmap to achieving those goals. Also, celebrate their successes and milestones along the way

to keep them motivated.

Another way to motivate athletes is to create a supportive training environment. Athletes thrive

in an environment where they feel supported and encouraged. As a personal trainer, you should

create a positive and inspiring atmosphere that motivates your clients to push themselves beyond

their limits. Encourage them to support each other and to celebrate each other's successes.

In addition, you can also motivate athletes by incorporating variety in their workout routines.

Athletes tend to get bored easily with repetitive workouts, and this can lead to a lack of

motivation. Therefore, it is important to mix things up and introduce new exercises and

techniques to keep them engaged.

Lastly, to motivate athletes, you need to lead by example. As a personal trainer, you should be a

role model for your clients. Show them what it takes to achieve their tness goals by leading a

healthy lifestyle. Be passionate about what you do, and your clients will follow suit.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 5: Personal Training for Injury Management,

Prevention and Recovery
Understanding Injury Prevention
Understanding Injury Prevention

As a personal trainer, it is important to not only help your clients reach their tness goals, but

also to ensure their safety during workouts. One of the key aspects of this is injury prevention.

Injury prevention involves taking proactive measures to minimize the risk of injuries occurring

during exercise or sports activities. This is especially important for clients who are new to

exercise or who have a history of injuries.

Here are some important strategies for injury prevention:

1. Proper warm-up and cool-down: Encourage your clients to warm up properly before starting

any exercise routine. This will help to increase blood ow and prepare the muscles for the

workout. Similarly, cooling down after a workout is important to help the body recover and

reduce the risk of injury.

2. Proper form and technique: Ensure that your clients are performing exercises with proper form

and technique. Incorrect form can lead to strain or injury in the muscles, joints, and other parts

of the body.

3. Gradual progression: Gradually progress your clients’ workouts to avoid overexertion and

prevent injuries. This can include increasing weight or intensity, but always in a safe and

controlled manner.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

4. Adequate rest and recovery: Encourage your clients to take rest days and allow their bodies to

recover between workouts. This will help to prevent overuse injuries and give the body time to


5. Injury management: In the event that your client does experience an injury, it is important to

manage it properly. This may involve modifying their workout routine or taking time off to allow

the injury to heal.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your clients to prevent injuries and stay on track

towards their tness goals. Remember, injury prevention is key to maintaining a successful

personal training business and keeping your clients happy and healthy.

Creating a customized workout plan for injury prevention

Creating a Customized Workout Plan for Injury Prevention

As a personal trainer, one of the most important things you can do for your clients is to create a

customized workout plan that helps prevent injuries. This is especially important for clients who

are recovering from an injury or who have a history of injuries.

Here are some tips for creating a customized workout plan for injury prevention:

1. Assess your client's current tness level and any injuries they may have. This will help you

determine which exercises and movements are safe and appropriate for their body.

2. Focus on strengthening the muscles around the joints. Many injuries occur because the muscles

around a joint are weak or imbalanced. By focusing on strengthening these muscles, you can help

prevent injuries from occurring.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

3. Incorporate functional movements into your workouts. Functional movements are movements

that mimic everyday activities, such as bending, lifting, and twisting. By incorporating these

movements into your workouts, you can help your clients build strength and stability in the

muscles they use most often.

4. Use proper form and technique. This is essential for injury prevention. Make sure your clients

are using proper form and technique when performing exercises to avoid putting unnecessary

stress on their joints and muscles.

5. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your clients' workouts. This will help prevent

overuse injuries and ensure that their bodies are able to adapt to the demands of their workouts.

By following these tips and creating a customized workout plan for injury prevention, you can

help your clients stay healthy and injury-free. Not only will this improve their overall quality of

life, but it will also help you establish yourself as a knowledgeable and effective personal trainer.

Rehabilitation exercises
Rehabilitation exercises are an essential part of a personal trainer's toolkit, no matter what niche

they specialize in. Whether it's working with clients who are recovering from an injury, or simply

trying to prevent future injuries, knowing how to design effective rehabilitation exercises can

make all the difference in your clients' progress.

When it comes to rehabilitation exercises, the rst step is always to assess your client's current

condition and identify any areas of weakness or imbalance. This may involve working with a

physical therapist or other healthcare provider to get a clear picture of your client's limitations

and needs.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Once you have a clear understanding of your client's condition, you can begin to design a

customized rehabilitation program that targets their speci c areas of weakness. This may involve

a combination of strength training, exibility exercises, and other techniques designed to improve

your client's overall function and mobility.

For clients recovering from injury, it's important to start with gentle exercises that focus on range

of motion and exibility. As your client progresses, you can gradually increase the intensity and

dif culty of their exercises, always monitoring their progress and adjusting your program as


For clients looking to prevent future injuries, rehabilitation exercises can play a key role in

building strength, improving exibility, and correcting imbalances in the body. By incorporating

these exercises into their regular training routine, you can help your clients stay injury-free and

achieve their tness goals.

In addition to rehabilitation exercises, personal trainers should also be well-versed in nutrition

and diet coaching, as well as injury prevention techniques such as proper form and technique. By

taking a holistic approach to your clients' health and tness, you can help them achieve lasting

results and become the best personal trainer possible.

In conclusion, rehabilitation exercises are an essential part of any personal trainer's toolkit,

regardless of their niche. By designing customized programs that target your clients' speci c

areas of weakness, you can help them recover from injury, prevent future injuries, and achieve

their tness goals. With a holistic approach to health and tness, you can become the best

personal trainer possible and build a successful 6- gure business.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Motivating clients for injury recovery

Motivating clients for injury recovery is a critical aspect of personal training, especially for those

who specialize in injury prevention and recovery. Clients who have suffered injuries may feel

discouraged, frustrated, and even depressed about their condition, which can hinder their

progress towards recovery. As a personal trainer, it is your job to motivate and encourage your

clients to keep pushing themselves towards their goals.

The rst step in motivating your clients for injury recovery is to understand their goals. Ask your

clients about their short and long-term goals, and what they hope to achieve through their

training. This will give you a clear understanding of what motivates your clients and what they

are working towards. It will also help you tailor your training program to meet their speci c needs

and goals.

Once you understand your clients' goals, you can start to motivate them through positive

reinforcement. Encourage your clients to focus on their progress, no matter how small it may

seem. Celebrate their achievements and acknowledge their hard work and dedication. This will

help to build their con dence and encourage them to keep working towards their goals.

Another effective way to motivate clients for injury recovery is to set realistic expectations. Be

honest with your clients about what they can expect from their training program, and what

challenges they may face along the way. Help them to set achievable goals and create a plan to

reach those goals. This will give your clients a sense of control over their recovery and help them

stay motivated.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 6: Personal Training for Nutrition and Diet Coaching

Understanding nutrition and diet
Understanding Nutrition and Diet

Nutrition and diet are integral components of a healthy lifestyle and achieving tness goals. As a

personal trainer, it is essential to have a basic understanding of nutrition and diet to provide your

clients with comprehensive coaching and support.

Nutrition is the science of food and its impact on the body. It involves the study of nutrients,

their function, and how the body processes them. A balanced diet is crucial to maintain optimal

health and prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Diet, on the other hand, refers to the food and drinks consumed by an individual. A healthy and

balanced diet is one that provides all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts to meet the

body's needs. A balanced diet typically includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean

proteins, and healthy fats.

As a personal trainer, you are not a registered dietitian or nutritionist, but it is important to have

a basic understanding of nutrition and diet to provide your clients with accurate information and

guidance. You can also refer them to a registered dietitian or nutritionist for more in-depth


Personal Training for Nutrition and Diet Coaching

One way to increase your earning potential as a personal trainer is to offer nutrition and diet

coaching to your clients. Many clients are looking for a complete package that includes exercise

and nutrition advice to achieve their tness goals.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

To provide nutrition and diet coaching, you can start by assessing your client's current eating

habits and identifying areas for improvement. You can then work with them to create a

personalized nutrition plan that ts their lifestyle and goals.

It is also essential to educate your clients on the importance of a balanced diet and how it can

impact their overall health and tness. As a personal trainer, you can help your clients make

small changes to their diet that can have a big impact over time.

In conclusion, understanding nutrition and diet is crucial for personal trainers to provide their

clients with comprehensive coaching and support. Offering nutrition and diet coaching as part of

your services can also increase your earning potential and provide your clients with a complete

package to achieve their tness goals.

Creating a customized nutrition plan

Creating a Customized Nutrition Plan

As a personal trainer, it is essential to understand that nutrition plays a signi cant role in the

overall health and tness of your clients. No matter what niche you cater to, whether it's weight

loss, athletes, injury prevention and recovery, or nutrition and diet coaching, having a customized

nutrition plan is critical.

When creating a customized nutrition plan, there are several factors that you should consider.

First and foremost, you need to understand your client's goals, lifestyle, and dietary preferences.

This information will help you design a plan that is tailored to their speci c needs.

Next, you should evaluate your client's current diet and identify any areas that need

improvement. This may involve analyzing their macronutrient intake, micronutrient de ciencies,

and meal timing.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Once you have gathered all the necessary information, you can start designing a meal plan that

meets your client's nutritional needs while also being enjoyable and sustainable. It's essential to

educate your clients on the importance of balanced meals that include a variety of nutrient-

dense foods.

In addition to meal planning, you should also consider offering nutrition coaching services that

will help your clients make sustainable lifestyle changes. This may involve providing guidance on

grocery shopping, meal prep, and eating out.

As a personal trainer, you should also stay up-to-date with the latest nutrition research and

trends. This will help you provide your clients with the most accurate and relevant information.

In conclusion, creating a customized nutrition plan is an essential aspect of any personal training

business. By understanding your client's goals, lifestyle, and dietary preferences, you can design

a meal plan that meets their nutritional needs while also being enjoyable and sustainable.

Additionally, offering nutrition coaching services can help your clients make sustainable lifestyle

changes that will support their overall health and tness goals.

Coaching clients on healthy eating habits

As a personal trainer, one of the most important aspects of your job is coaching clients on

healthy eating habits. After all, exercise is only half the battle when it comes to achieving a

healthy and t lifestyle.

When coaching clients on healthy eating habits, it's important to understand that everyone's

nutritional needs are different. A one-size- ts-all approach simply won't work. Instead, it's

important to work with each client individually to develop a customized nutrition plan that takes

into account their goals, lifestyle, and any dietary restrictions they may have.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

One of the rst steps in coaching clients on healthy eating habits is to emphasize the importance

of whole, nutrient-dense foods. Encourage your clients to focus on eating plenty of fruits and

vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods will provide the nutrients their bodies

need to function optimally, without the added sugars, unhealthy fats, and preservatives found in

many processed foods.

Another important aspect of coaching clients on healthy eating habits is to help them understand

portion control. Many people struggle with overeating, and it's important to teach your clients

how to listen to their bodies and eat until they feel satis ed, rather than stuffed.

In addition to focusing on whole foods and portion control, you can also help your clients make

healthier choices when dining out or traveling. Teach them how to navigate menus, choose

healthier options, and make smart substitutions when necessary.

Finally, it's important to remember that healthy eating habits are a lifestyle, not a quick x.

Encourage your clients to view nutrition as a long-term investment in their health and well-

being, rather than a temporary diet. With your guidance and support, they can develop healthy

eating habits that will serve them well for years to come.

Motivating clients for dietary changes

Motivating clients for dietary changes can be a challenging task for personal trainers, but it is an

essential part of helping clients achieve their tness goals. As a personal trainer, it is your

responsibility to help your clients develop healthy eating habits that complement their exercise

routines. Here are some tips to help you motivate your clients to make dietary changes:
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

1. Understand their motivations: Take the time to understand your clients' motivations for

wanting to make dietary changes. Is it to lose weight, improve their health, or increase their

athletic performance? Knowing why they want to make changes will help you tailor your

approach to their needs.

2. Educate them: Help your clients understand the importance of a healthy diet and how it can

impact their tness goals. Provide them with resources such as articles, books, and online

resources to help them learn more about nutrition.

3. Set realistic goals: Work with your clients to set realistic goals for their dietary changes. Start

with small changes such as drinking more water or eating more fruits and vegetables. Celebrate

their successes along the way to keep them motivated.

4. Provide accountability: Hold your clients accountable for their dietary changes by checking in

with them regularly. Ask them about their progress and provide encouragement and support.

5. Lead by example: As a personal trainer, you are a role model for your clients. Make sure you

are practicing what you preach by following a healthy diet yourself.

6. Be exible: Understand that everyone is different and there is no one-size- ts-all approach to

dietary changes. Be exible and willing to adapt to your clients' needs and preferences.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 7: Scaling Your 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Creating a Business Plan
Creating a business plan is a crucial step in establishing a successful personal training business. It

serves as a roadmap that outlines the goals, strategies, and action plans needed to achieve

success in the tness industry. In this subchapter, we will discuss the key elements of a business

plan and how to create one that is tailored to your niche.

Firstly, it's important to identify your niche and target market. Are you offering personal training

for weight loss, athletes, injury prevention and recovery, or nutrition and diet coaching? Knowing

your niche will help you determine the speci c needs of your clients and how to reach them


Once you have identi ed your niche, the next step is to de ne your business goals. What do you

want to achieve in the short and long term? It could be increasing your client base, expanding

your services, or becoming the go-to personal trainer in your area. De ning your goals will help

you stay focused and motivated throughout your journey.

The next element of your business plan is to develop a marketing strategy. This involves

identifying the channels you will use to reach your target audience, such as social media, email

marketing, or networking events. You should also de ne your unique selling proposition (USP)

that sets you apart from your competitors and highlights the bene ts of working with you.

Financial projections are another critical component of your business plan. You should create a

budget that outlines your expenses, such as rent, equipment, and marketing costs. You should

also estimate your revenue based on your pricing strategies, number of clients, and other factors.

This will help you determine your pro tability and plan for future growth.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

In conclusion, creating a business plan is essential to the success of your personal training

business. It helps you de ne your goals, target market, marketing strategy, and nancial

projections, which are essential elements for achieving success in the tness industry. By

following these steps, you will be on your way to becoming the best personal trainer with a six-

gure salary.

Expanding your Services

Expanding your services is one of the most effective ways to scale your personal training

business and increase your income. As a personal trainer, it's important to stay current with the

latest trends and needs in the tness industry, and offer a variety of services to meet the unique

needs of your clients. In this chapter, we'll explore some of the ways you can expand your

services and grow your business.

Personal training for weight loss is one of the most popular niches in the tness industry. If you

specialize in weight loss, consider offering nutritional coaching services to your clients. This will

not only help them achieve their weight loss goals, but also improve their overall health and

wellness. You can also offer group tness classes or bootcamps to attract more clients and

increase your revenue.

Personal training for athletes is another niche that can be lucrative for personal trainers. If you

have experience working with athletes, consider offering sports-speci c training programs to

help them improve their performance. This could include strength and conditioning, agility

training, and injury prevention exercises. You can also offer sports massage or physical therapy

services to help athletes recover from injuries and stay in top shape.
Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Personal training for injury prevention and recovery is a growing niche in the tness industry. If

you have experience in this area, consider offering prehabilitation and rehabilitation services to

clients with injuries or chronic pain. This could include corrective exercises, mobility drills, and

exibility training. You can also partner with healthcare providers to offer a more comprehensive

approach to injury prevention and recovery.

Personal training for nutrition and diet coaching is another niche that can be highly pro table. If

you have a background in nutrition or dietetics, consider offering personalized meal plans and

nutritional coaching to your clients. This will not only help them achieve their tness goals, but

also improve their overall health and wellness.

In conclusion, expanding your services is key to growing your personal training business and

increasing your income. By offering a variety of services to meet the unique needs of your

clients, you can attract more clients, increase your revenue, and establish yourself as a top

personal trainer in your niche.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Building your Online Presence

Building Your Online Presence as a Personal Trainer

In today's digital age, building your online presence as a personal trainer is crucial. Your online

presence is a re ection of your brand and can help you establish credibility, attract new clients,

and grow your business. Here are some tips for building your online presence as a personal


1. Start with a Website - A website is the foundation of your online presence. It's where clients

can learn more about you, your services, and your expertise. Make sure your website is

professional, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly.

2. Create Social Media Pro les - Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with potential

clients and building your brand. Choose platforms that align with your target audience and create

pro les that re ect your brand.

3. Share Valuable Content - To attract and engage clients, you need to share valuable content

that showcases your expertise. Create blog posts, videos, and social media posts that offer
helpful tips, advice, and insights.

4. Utilize Search Engine Optimization - Search engine optimization (SEO) helps your website rank

higher in search engine results. Optimize your website and content for keywords related to your

niche and location.

5. Offer Online Training - Online training is becoming increasingly popular, and it's a great way to

expand your business and reach new clients. Offer virtual training sessions, online coaching, or

digital workout plans.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Chapter 8: Conclusion
Recap of Key Learnings
Recap of Key Learnings

Throughout this book, we have explored the ins and outs of building a successful 6- gure

personal training business. As personal trainers, it is our responsibility to help our clients achieve

their tness goals while also building a thriving business. Here are some of the key learnings from

this book:

1. Consistency is key: In order to build a successful business, you must be consistent in your

efforts. This means showing up every day, putting in the work, and staying committed to your


2. Keep learning: The tness industry is constantly evolving, and it's important to stay up-to-

date with the latest research, trends, and techniques. Attend conferences, read books, and take

courses to continue your education and improve your skills.

3. Build relationships: Personal training is a relationship-based business. Focus on building strong

relationships with your clients, and they will be more likely to refer you to others and become

long-term clients.

4. Offer value: Your clients are investing their time and money in you, so it's important to offer

them value in return. This means providing personalized programming, nutrition coaching, and

support to help them achieve their goals.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

5. Market yourself: In order to attract new clients and grow your business, you must market

yourself effectively. Use social media, networking events, and other marketing strategies to get

your name out there and attract new clients.

6. Embrace technology: Technology can be a powerful tool for personal trainers. Use apps,

tracking software, and other tools to help your clients reach their goals and stay on track.

No matter what niche you specialize in - weight loss, athlete training, injury prevention and

recovery, nutrition and diet coaching - these key learnings apply. By following these principles,

you can build a successful 6- gure personal training business and help your clients achieve their

tness goals.

Final thoughts and guidance for personal trainers aspiring to become 6-Figure
Final thoughts and guidance for personal trainers aspiring to become 6-Figure earners

Becoming a 6- gure earner as a personal trainer is not easy. It requires a lot of hard work,

dedication, and commitment. However, with the right mindset, skills, and strategies, it is possible

to achieve this goal and live the life of your dreams.

In this subchapter, we will share some nal thoughts and guidance for personal trainers who

aspire to become 6- gure earners. Whether you specialize in weight loss, athlete training, injury

prevention and recovery, nutrition and diet coaching, or any other niche, these tips will help you

grow your business, increase your income, and serve your clients better.

First and foremost, it is essential to invest in yourself and your education. Attend seminars,

workshops, and conferences to learn new skills, techniques, and trends in the tness industry.

Read books, watch videos, and listen to podcasts to stay up-to-date with the latest research and

best practices in your niche.

Mastering the 6-Figure Personal Training Business

Secondly, it is crucial to build a solid brand and reputation. Your brand should re ect your values,

personality, and expertise. Your reputation should be built on trust, results, and referrals. Use

social media, networking, and word-of-mouth marketing to promote your brand and expand your


Thirdly, it is vital to focus on your clients' needs and goals. Listen to them, understand them, and

tailor your services to meet their expectations. Provide personalized training programs, nutrition

plans, and accountability systems that will help them achieve their desired outcomes.

Fourthly, it is essential to develop a scalable and sustainable business model. Create systems,

processes, and work ows that will allow you to work smarter, not harder. Hire assistants,

outsource tasks, and leverage technology to save time and energy.

Finally, it is crucial to have a growth mindset and a long-term vision. Keep learning, adapting,

and evolving your business to stay ahead of the competition. Set ambitious goals, track your

progress, and celebrate your successes. And most importantly, never give up on your dreams and


In conclusion, becoming a 6- gure personal trainer is a challenging but rewarding journey. By

following these nal thoughts and guidance, you can achieve your goals, serve your clients, and

live the life of your dreams. Good luck and keep pushing forward!

Courses from American Council on Exercise

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Courses from Prehab 121 Academy

Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science

(6 ACE + ACSM Approved Certificates)

Diploma in Personal Training

(8 ACE + ACSM Approved Certificates)

Certified Personal Training

(4 ACE + ACSM Approved Certificates)
Courses Approved from ACE + ACSM

Prehab and Rehab Specialist 24 CECs Mat Pilates Specialist 12 CECs

Posture & Functional Corrective Antenatal & Postnatal Pilates

Exercise Specialist 20 CECs Specialist 24 CECs

Sports & Exercise Nutrition 48 CECs

Functional & Group Training
Specialist 20 CECs
Strength & Conditioning Training
Specialist 32 CECs
Suspension Training Specialist
Yoga Fitness Trainer 32 CECs 10 CECs

Courses Approved from ACSM Approved

Kettlebell Training Course 4 CECs

Olympic Weightlifting Course 4 CECs

Resistance Band Training Specialist 10 CECs

Calisthenics Training Specialist 10 CECs

Official Education Partner

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

(5 Certifications)


Gain understanding of the personal trainer's responsibilities and ethics as well as their
role within the healthcare continuum and in allied healthcare - plus the various avenues
of career development.

Discover the principles of behavior change, e ective communication, goal setting, and
teaching techniques to create a credible and trusting client-personal trainer relationship
that's vital to your client's success.

Create client programs that improve and maintain health, fitness, weight, body
composition and metabolism. Learn about heart rate, blood pressure and circumference
measurements, which can be used as a baseline for future progress - plus how to apply
exercise progressions to help a variety of clients reach their goals.
Course Syllabus

PART 1 - Introduction PART 4 - Program Modifications for

Clients with Special Considerations
Chapter 1: Role & Scope of Practice for
Personal Trainers Chapter 12: Considerations for Clients with Obesity
Chapter 2: The ACE Integrated Fitness Chapter 13: Considerations for Clients with
Training® Model Chronic Disease
Chapter 14: Exercise Considerations across
the Lifespan
PART 2 - A Client-centered Chapter 15: Considerations for Clients with
Approach to Personal Training Musculoskeletal Issues

Chapter 3: Basics of Behavior Change

Chapter 4: Effective Communication, Goal Setting,
& Teaching Techniques PART 5 - Professional Responsibilities
Chapter 5: Preparticipation Health Screening
Chapter 6: Nutrition for Health & Fitness Chapter 16: Legal Guidelines & Business

Part 3 - Assessments,
Programming, & Progressions
Total No. of Hours: 120
Chapter 7: Resting Assessments & Anthropometric
Theory : 50 Hours
Chapter 8: Cardiorespiratory Training: Physiology,
Practical : 70 Hours
Assessments, & Programming
Chapter 9: Muscular Trainina: Foundations & Benefits
Chapter 10: Muscular Training: Assessments
Chapter 11: Integrated Exercise Programming:
From Evidence to Practice

Certification after Course Completion

Prehab & Rehab Specialist

Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist
Functional & Group Training Specialist
Suspension Training Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Diploma Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

14.4 CECs 144 CECs

Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science (7 Certifications)

3 Months Program

The Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science is for those working in a sports environment,
who want to enhance their employability by developing the skills to critically assess,
evaluate and disseminate evidence.
This course, is delivered by an innovative and experienced team who have an
established international reputation in sports and exercise science. It meets the highest
standards for Sports and Exercise Science education and will enhance national and
international employability.
Our Diploma course will give you in-depth understanding of how to optimize athletic
performance, prevent injuries, improve wellbeing and help athletes with recovery, as
well as give you the opportunity to study other related topics including nutrition and
Our enthusiastic tutors and state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment provide lively
interactive ways to learn, ensuring you will have the best possible experience. We
emphasize both theoretical and practical understanding across the range of disciplines,
ensuring that our students have subject knowledge, and an ability to apply knowledge
appropriately along with employability skills to ensure they become quality graduates
in a strong position to build careers in the sports & exercise industry or beyond.

You could go on to work in a wide range of roles in sports & exercise domains, including
sports science support, performance analysis, strength & conditioning, personal training,
coaching, sports development and sports administration.
Course Syllabus

Module 1 Module 4

Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics Strength and Conditioning Training

Human Anatomy Athlete Assessment & Evaluation
Exercise Physiology Coaching Principles
Cardiovascular Physiology Periodization + Long Term Athlete Development
Exercise & Functional Biomechanics Plan, Prepare & Deliver Strength &
Conditioning for Sport
Module 2 Designing Individual Strength &

Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation & Conditioning Sessions

Return to Sports Designing a Proper Strength

Common Injuries in Sports Training Warm-Up

Protocols for Intermediate to Late Stage Exercise

Programs - Activation, Early Strengthening,
Module 5
Advanced Strengthening, Plyometrics, Return Sports Functional Training
to Sport Exercises Introduction to Functional & Group Training
Injury Prevention Programs Equipment Used in Functional Training
Preoperative Phase Four Basic Foundation of Human Movements
Role of criteria Based Progression Basis for Functional & Constructive Training
Corrective Exercise Strategies - Inhibitory, Operating Functional Intensity
Lengthening, Activation & Mobility Functional Workout with Body Weight, Bands
& Pulleys, Dumbbells & Kettlebells, Medicine
Module 3 & Stability Balls, Agility Ladder, Hurdles &

Nutrition for Sports and Performance Battle Ropes

Introduction to Sports & Exercise Nutrition Functional & Group Program Designing

Macronutrients & Micronutrients, Water &

Electrolytes Module 6
Body Composition, Energy Systems Sports & Exercise Science
E ects of Exercise on various Body Systems Musculoskeletal Assessment
Energy Requirements for Athletes Cardiovascular Assessment
Dietary Supplements & Sports Performance Postural Assessment
Pre & Post Workout Nutrition Functional (Prehab Assessment Tool)
Diet Planning & Management World Class Athlete Preparation
Athlete Assessment
Oxygen Consumption (V02 Max)
Submaximal & Maximal Stress Test
Total No. of Hours: 150 Examination – Total
out of 400 Marks

Theory : 60 Hours Theory : Multiple Choice

Practical Demonstration : Questions : 150 Marks
90 Hours Assignment Submission :
150 Marks
Project Work : 50 Marks
Viva Examination : 50 Marks

Certification after Course Completion

Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science (7 Certificates)

Approved International Certifications

Prehab & Rehab Specialist

Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist
Functional & Group Training Specialist
Sports & Exercise Nutrition
Strength & Conditioning Training Specialist
Suspension Training Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

New Addition Diploma Courses

Prehab 121 Certified

Personal Trainer Course
(5 Certifications)


Certified Personal Trainer Course is specially designed to provide the most current,
highest quality education available. You will learn the latest evidence-based exercise
science fundamentals, principles of behavior change and client-centered methodologies
you can apply from the start.

This course provides in-depth knowledge to understand the body's muscle and skeletal
structure and how they respond to exercise and movements. The course content has been
designed to develop your appreciation of the human body and its functions so that upon
successful completion you can instruct clients on the importance of a healthy lifestyle in
addition to a regular workout program.

Learn how to assess a client's unique body structure and how it reacts to movement.
This course will teach you e ective communication skills which will help you explain
the client about the necessary lifestyle changes needed and provide personal direction
so they can see real long-lasting results.
Course Syllabus

Module 1 Module 4

Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics Strength and Conditioning Training

Human Anatomy Athlete Assessment & Evaluation
Exercise Physiology Coaching Principles
Cardiovascular Physiology Periodization + Long Term Athlete Development
Exercise & Functional Biomechanics Plan, Prepare & Deliver Strength &
Conditioning for Sport
Module 2 Designing Individual Strength &

Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation & Conditioning Sessions

Return to Sports Designing a Proper Strength

Common Injuries in Sports Training Warm-Up

Protocols for Intermediate to Late Stage Exercise

Programs - Activation, Early Strengthening,
Module 5
Advanced Strengthening, Plyometrics, Return Sports Functional Training
to Sport Exercises Introduction to Functional & Group Training
Injury Prevention Programs Equipment Used in Functional Training
Preoperative Phase Four Basic Foundation of Human Movements
Role of criteria Based Progression Basis for Functional & Constructive Training
Corrective Exercise Strategies - Inhibitory, Operating Functional Intensity
Lengthening, Activation & Mobility Functional Workout with Body Weight, Bands
& Pulleys, Dumbbells & Kettlebells, Medicine
Module 3
& Stability Balls, Agility Ladder, Hurdles &
Nutrition for Sports and Performance Battle Ropes
Introduction to Sports & Exercise Nutrition Functional & Group Program Designing
Macronutrients & Micronutrients, Water &
Electrolytes Module 6
Body Composition, Energy Systems Sports & Exercise Science
E ects of Exercise on various Body Systems Musculoskeletal Assessment
Energy Requirements for Athletes Cardiovascular Assessment
Dietary Supplements & Sports Performance Postural Assessment
Pre & Post Workout Nutrition Functional (Prehab Assessment Tool)
Diet Planning & Management World Class Athlete Preparation
Athlete Assessment
Oxygen Consumption (V02 Max)
Submaximal & Maximal Stress Test

Certification after Course Completion

Prehab 121 Certified Personal Trainer Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist
Prehab & Rehab Specialist Functional & Group Training Specialist
Suspension Training Specialist
Diploma Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

14.4 CECs 152 CECs

Diploma in Personal Training (10 Certifications)

3 Months Program

Diploma in Personal Training Course is specially designed to provide the most current,
highest quality education available. You will learn the latest evidence-based exercise
science fundamentals, principles of behavior change and client-centered methodologies
you can apply from the start.
This course provides in-depth knowledge to understand the body's muscle and skeletal
structure and how they respond to exercise and movements. The course content has been
designed to develop your appreciation of the human body and its functions so that upon
successful completion you can instruct clients on the importance of a healthy lifestyle in
addition to a regular workout program.
In this diploma course we will teach how a Personal Trainer develops and implements a
fitness training program through one-on-one interaction with the client to minimize gym
related injuries, lose unnecessary fat, eat healthy food, get stronger, improve physical
performance so that the clients can achieve their specific goals.

Learn how to assess a client's unique body structure and how it reacts to movement.
This course will teach you e ective communication skills which will help you explain the
client about the necessary lifestyle changes needed and provide personal direction so
they can see real long-lasting results.
Course Syllabus

Module 1 Module 4

Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics & Strength and Conditioning Training

Assessment Athlete Assessment & Evaluation
Human Anatomy Coaching Principles
Exercise Physiology Periodization + Long Term Athlete Development
Cardiovascular Physiology Plan, Prepare and Deliver Strength &
Exercise & Functional Biomechanics Conditioning for Sport
Musculoskeletal Assessment Designing Individual Strength &
Cardiovascular Assessment Conditioning Sessions
Postural Assessment Designing a Proper Strength
Functional (Prehab Assessment Tool) Training Warm-Up

Module 2
Module 5
Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation &
Sports Functional Training
Return to Sports
Introduction to Functional & Group Training
Common Injuries in Sports
Equipment Used in Functional Training
Protocols for Intermediate to Late Stage Exercise
Four Basic Foundation of Human Movements
Programs - Activation, Early Strengthening,
Basis for Functional & Constructive Training
Advanced Strengthening, Plyometrics, Return to
Operating Functional Intensity
Sport Exercises
Functional Workout with Body Weight, Bands
Injury Prevention Programs
& Pulleys, Dumbbells & Kettlebells, Medicine
Preoperative Phase
& Stability Balls, Agility Ladder, Hurdles &
Role of Criteria Based Progression
Battle Ropes
Corrective Exercise Strategies - Inhibitory,
Functional & Group Program Designing
Lengthening, Activation & Mobility

Module 6
Module 3
Olympic Weightlifting +
Nutrition for Sports and Performance Kettlebell Training
Introduction to Sports & Exercise Nutrition
Introduction to Olympic Weightlifting
Macronutrients & Micronutrients, Water &
Understanding & Learning the Lifts
Recognize Squats, Deadlift errors
Body Composition, Energy Systems
Prep for Hang Clean, Power Jerk, Power Snatch
E ects of Exercise on various Body Systems
Grip pattern, Foot position, Transition
Energy Requirements for Athletes
Lift Mobility
Dietary Supplements & Sports Performance
Assisted exercises for movement progression
Pre & Post Workout Nutrition
Breathing & Trunk Rigidity pattern
Diet Planning & Management
Foundations & Basics of Kettlebell
Types of Movement
How to E ectively Teach the Lifts for
Improved Conditioning
Innovative applications of Kettlebell Training in the
areas of Personal Training, Group Instruction,
Overall Functional & Athletic Performance
Diploma in Personal Training (10 Certificates)

Certificate in Certification after

Course Completion
Diploma in Personal Training
Certified Personal Trainer

ACE + ACSM Approved

Prehab & Rehab Specialist

Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist
Functional & Group Training Specialist
Sports & Exercise Nutrition
Strength & Conditioning Training Specialist
Suspension Training Specialist

ACSM Approved

Olympic Weighting Training Specialist

Kettlebell Training Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Foundation Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

4.8 CECs 48 CECs

Sports & Exercise Nutrition Course

(2 Months)

Internationally Accredited Sports and Exercise Nutrition Course is specially designed to
help Healthcare and Fitness Professionals and Individuals to obtain the knowledge
required to prescribe Nutrition Plans for active, exercising individuals & competitive
athletes. The course content has been designed to develop your appreciation of the
human body and its functions so that upon successful completion you can apply this
knowledge to develop appropriate dietary advice and exercise program.

This course provides in-depth knowledge on nutritional requirements, energy expenditure,

body mass and body composition, examining some of the common problems associated
with general health and wellbeing, diet and nutrition, exercise and sport performance.
These include diets, hydration and supplements, food selection, macronutrient ratios,
micronutrients and human physiology related to digestion and metabolism of food.

Our aim is to e ectively prepare you for professional employment upon successful
completion of this course, so we focus on providing enhanced practical and professional
skills through a combination of online lectures and case studies.
Course Syllabus

Introduction to Sports & Energy Requirements for Athletes

Exercise Nutrition Dietary Supplements & Sports
Macronutrients & Micronutrients, Performance
Water & Electrolytes Pre & Post Workout Nutrition
Body Composition, Energy Systems Diet Planning & Management
E ects of Exercise on various
Body Systems

Total No. of Hours: 50 Examination – Total

out of 100 Marks

Theory : 50 Hours Theory : Multiple Choice

Questions : 50 Marks
Viva Examination : 50 Marks

Certification after Course Completion

Approved International Certifications

Sports & Exercise Nutrition

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Foundation Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

3.2 CECs 32 CECs

Strength & Conditioning Training Specialist Course

(1 Month)

Internationally Accredited Strength and Conditioning Training Specialist Course is
specially designed to help Healthcare and Fitness Professionals and Individuals to
obtain the knowledge required to prescribe strength and conditioning programs fo
amateur & professional athletes.
Strength and Conditioning is an ever expanding field becoming globally recognized as
a professional pathway in the sports and general wellness industries. Our course will
allow you to work with sports professional and sports team, opening up possible career
paths for you. Make your dream of working with professional athletes a reality today.
Sports in India is on a rise with leagues catering to Cricket, Tennis, Badminton, Football,
Kabaddi to name a few have risen to a massive platform. These league teams and clubs
require Strength and Conditioning coaches for their players performance and
overall fitness.
Our course will help in gaining the right knowledge, tools to be a part of this ever rising
field and highly valued career. You will be able to train athletes right from grass-root
level to professionals. Our aim is to e ectively prepare you for professional employment
upon successful completion of this course, so we focus on providing enhanced evidence
based knowledge and professional skills through a combination of online lectures
and case studies.
Course Syllabus

Anatomy & Physiology for Exercise Aerobic Endurance Training

Fundamentals of Coaching in Strength & Building a Foundational Set of Exercises
Conditioning Designing Individual Strength &
Athlete Assessment & Evaluation Conditioning Sessions
Periodization + Long Term Athlete Development Designing a Proper Strength Training Warm-Up
Plan, Prepare & Deliver Strength & Injury Prevention
Conditioning for Sport Overtraining, Recovery Enhancement Techniques
Program Designing for Resistance, Pre & Post Training Nutrition
Plyometrics, Speed & Agility Training

Course Outcome

Design Athlete's Needs Analysis Explore the Cardiovascular Training E ects &
Design Scientifically Sound Resistance High Intensity Resistance Training E ects on
Training Programs overall Cardiovascular Health
Planning & Implementation of Strength & Administer a Safe, E ective and Reasonable
Power Training, Speed & Agility Training & Training Program to Improve Overall Power
Conditioning Sessions & Strength Development
Modify & Adapt Programs to meet the needs
of Athletes and Implement Strength Building
Exercise Programs Designed to Build Power
& Strength

Examination – Total out

Total No. of Hours: 40
of 100 Marks
Theory : 20 Hours Theory : Multiple Choice
Practical : 20 Hours Questions : 50 Marks
Assignment Submission : 25 Marks
Project Work : 25 Marks

Certification after Course Completion

Approved International Certifications

Strength & Conditioning Training Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Foundation Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

2.4 CECs 24 CECs

Prehab & Rehab Specialist Course

(3 Weeks)

Internationally Accredited Prehab & Rehab Specialist Course is specially designed to help
Healthcare and Fitness Professionals to up skill and educate in the field of exercise
prescription and programming.

Rehab Specialist is an ever expanding field becoming globally recognized as a

professional pathway in the sports and general wellness industries.

You will be learning key exercises and progressions, as well as how to design and
implement e ective exercises and injury prevention programs for your clients.

You will learn how to help rehab your clients and patients acute and chronic, low risk,
niggling problems and aches and pains.

This course allows you to blend your new knowledge and skills into your existing training
sessions to make your clients injury free.

Our aim is to focus on providing enhanced evidence based knowledge and professional
skills through a combination of online practical and case studies.
Course Syllabus

The Latest & Most E ective Shoulder, Elbow Injury Prevention Programs
& Wrist, Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar, Hip, Knee Preoperative Phase
& Ankle Mobility, Strengthening & Injury
Role of Criteria Based Progression
prevention exercises
Prehab 121 Protocols for Intermediate to Late
Stage Exercise Programs - Activation,
Early Strengthening, Advanced Strengthening,
Plyometrics, Return to Sport Exercises

Course Outcome

Discover about How to Prevent Injuries with Learning to Recognize when a Client is able to
Corrective & Strength Training Exercises Advance to the Next Level of Exercises
Correct Asymmetry & Muscle Imbalance with Become Proficient in Selecting the Right Exercises,
Phase-wise Injury Prevention programs for Knee, Constructing the Best Injury Prevention Programs
Hip, Ankle, Spine, Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist. for your Clients
Enhance your Knowledge with Exercises to Help Expand your Toolkit and Skillset, to help you
Prevent Injuries continue to deliver the Best Exercise Choices &
Injury Prevention Regimes for your Clients.

Examination – Total out

Total No. of Hours: 25
of 100 Marks
Theory : 10 Hours Assignment Submission : 100 Marks
Practical : 15 Hours

Certification after Course Completion

Approved International Certifications

Rehab & Prehab Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Foundation Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

2.0 CECs 20 CECs

Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise

Specialist Course (2 Weeks)

Internationally Accredited Prehab & Rehab Specialist Course is a compressive course
specially designed to help Healthcare and Fitness Professionals learn to conduct and
interpret key movement screens and implement a corrective exercise program.

This course will teach you how to e ectively perform movement patterns so that any
exercise can be performed safely and e ectively, without the risk of injury and present
Prehab exercises to prevent the necessity of rehab.

This 2 weeks course will allow participants to explore and familiarize themselves with
modern assessments and corrective exercise techniques and learn key corrective
exercises and progressions.

Our aim is to focus on providing enhanced evidence based knowledge of corrective

exercise selection and program design skills.
Course Syllabus

The Latest & Most E ective Shoulder, Elbow Injury Prevention Programs
& Wrist, Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar, Hip, Knee Preoperative Phase
& Ankle Mobility, Strengthening & Injury
Role of Criteria Based Progression
prevention exercises
Prehab 121 Protocols for Intermediate to Late
Stage Exercise Programs - Activation,
Early Strengthening, Advanced Strengthening,
Plyometrics, Return to Sport Exercises

Course Outcome

Discover about How to Prevent Injuries with Learning to Recognize when a Client is able to
Corrective & Strength Training Exercises Advance to the Next Level of Exercises
Correct Asymmetry & Muscle Imbalance with Become Proficient in Selecting the Right Exercises,
Phase-wise Injury Prevention programs for Knee, Constructing the Best Injury Prevention Programs
Hip, Ankle, Spine, Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist. for your Clients
Enhance your Knowledge with Exercises to Help Expand your Toolkit and Skillset, to help you
Prevent Injuries continue to deliver the Best Exercise Choices &
Injury Prevention Regimes for your Clients.

Examination – Total out

Total No. of Hours: 20
of 30 Marks
Theory : 10 Hours Multiple Choice Question
Practical : 10 Hours

Certification after Course Completion

Approved International Certifications

Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Foundation Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

2.0 CECs 20 CECs

Functional & Group Training Specialist Course

(2 Weeks)

Internationally Accredited Functional & Group Training Specialist Course is a compressive
course specially designed for fitness and allied health professionals who want to gain
a deeper understanding of how to train the body to move more e iciently.

You will learn how to apply functional movement techniques into your training, including
understanding fascia, assessments, the application of appropriate exercise progressions
and stretching techniques that will help you train clients to move more smoothly.

You'll learn with a deeper understanding of how to train the body to move correctly.
Whether it's improving core function to give clients an edge in athletic competition or
boosting balance to help older adults play with their grandchildren without pain,
functional training can help all adults improve movement e iciency.

This 2 weeks course will allow participants to explore and familiarize themselves with
modern functional and group training exercise techniques and progressions.
Course Syllabus

Introduction to Functional & Group Training Functional Workout with Dumbbells & Kettlebells
Equipment Used in Functional Training Functional Workout with Medicine & Stability Balls
Basics of Functional Training Functional Workout with Agility Ladder, Hurdles &
Four Basic Foundation of Human Movements Battle Ropes
Basis for Functional & Constructive Training Functional & Group Program Designing
Operating Functional Intensity Functional Training Variables
Functional Workout with Body Weight, Bands Periodization Cycles for Functional Training
& Pulleys

Course Outcome

As a Functional & Group Training Specialist, you will be able to e ectively:

Develop Safe, Functional Exercise Progressions Di erentiate between exercise variations using
based on the unique needs of each client equipment commonly found in both the
Work with Athletes & Non-athletes on Weight Room & Field Situations
Balancing Upper Body Strength & Core Stability Construct various Functional Training Programs
Apply & Implement Functional Exercises to Based on Goals, Skills, and Sport
Improve Overall Performance in Both Athletics
& Everyday Living

Examination – Total out

Total No. of Hours: 20
of 50 Marks
Theory : 10 Hours Assignment Submission : 50 Marks
Practical : 10 Hours

Certification after Course Completion

Approved International Certifications

Functional & Group Training Specialist

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

Foundation Courses
Accredited by Accredited by

3.2 CECs 32 CECs

Yoga Fitness Trainer Course

(1 Month)

Internationally Accredited Yoga Fitness Trainer Course is specially designed to help
Healthcare, Fitness Professionals and Individuals to revolutionize the way they train
themselves and clients.

Learn to master the art of yoga in fitness with this 4 weeks course. Learn to teach
di erent styles of yoga. Discover the countless benefits of yoga, and how to create
an easy-flowing class for all fitness levels. You will learn how to teach in one-on-one
environment, a yoga studio as well as practice virtual as an online yoga fitness instructor.

The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower
back pain, arthritis, headaches. Yoga can also help in lowering blood pressure and
reduce insomnia.

This course will help in gaining the right knowledge, tools to be a part of this ever rising
field and highly valued career. You will be learning key yoga asanas and progressions, as
well as how to design, construct and implement.
Course Syllabus

Anatomy & Biomechanics of Human Yoga Asanas : Standing & Kneeling

Body in regards to Yoga Yoga for Strength & Endurance, it's
Fundamentals & Principles of Yoga practical approach in Fitness
Yoga Breathing Techniques Trunk Integration in Yoga
Introduction to Meditation - Relaxation Inversions in Yoga
Asanas & Meditation Asanas. Class Format : How to Incorporate
Yoga Asanas : Sitting & Supine Asanas in Class
Yoga for Mobility & Flexibility & it's Yoga in Rehabilitation
practical approach in Fitness Yoga in Sports

Total No. of Hours: 40 Examination – Total

out of 50 Marks

Theory : 10 Hours Practical Demonstration :

Practical : 30 Hours Yoga Asanas with Variation

Certification after Course Completion

Approved International Certifications

Yoga Fitness Trainer

For fees structure and more information regarding the course please contact us on:

+91 9765705580 or Email us on:

prehab 121

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+91 9765705580

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