Morphology of Flowering Plants - Worksheet - (Yakeen 2.0 2023 PW Stars)

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Morphology of flowering plants Worksheet-01

1. From following Examples - Trifolium, Soyabean, 7. From following Examples - Mustard, Cauliflower,
Mustard, Cauliflower, Belladona, Lily Cabbage, Asparagus, Aloe, Colchicum, Gram, Bean
How many are – Sweet pea, Solanum, Belladona
(A) Actinomorphic How many are –
(B) Unequal stamen (A) Gamepetalous
(C) Vexillary aestivation (B) Unequal stamen
(C) Tricarpellary
2. From following Examples - Cucumber, Sunflower,
Bittergourd, Plum, Apricot, Allium, Mustard, 8. Few features are given - Vexillary, Twisted
Solanum aestivation, Monodelphous, Axile pacentation,
How many are – Parietal placentation, Diadelphous, Bicarpellary,
(A) Hypogynous Hypogynous, Zygomorphic, Actinomorphic,
(B) Epigynous Epipetalous, Epiphyllous, Monocarpellary
(C) Perigynous How many are present in –
(A) Sesbania –
3. From following Examples - Moong, solanum, (B) Cotton -
Sesbania, Allium, Aloe, Cotton, Ladyfinger (C) Mustard
How many are –
(A) Monodelphous 9. Few features are given - Twisted aestivation,
(B) Epipetalous Unequal stamen, Axile pacentation, Tricarpellary,
(C) Twisted aestivation Diadelphous, Bicarpellary, Hypogynous,
Zygomorphic, Actinomorphic, Epipetalous,
4. From following Examples – Epiphyllous, Gamopetalous
Cabbage, Gram, Sem, Mustard, Colchicum, Aloe, How many are present in –
Chilli and tobacco (A) lily –
How many are – (B) Chilli -
(A) Epiphyllous (C) Cabbage –
(B) Monocarpellary
(C) Vexillary 10. Few features are given - tetramerous, Twisted
aestivation, Perigynous, Apocarpus, Epigynous,
5. From following Examples -Mustard, Ashwagandha, Syncarpus, Hypogynous, Basal placentation, Axile
Makoi, Cauliflower, Sesbania, Asparagus, Aloe, placentation, Racemose
Bean,pisum How many are present in –
How many are – (A) Sunflower –
(A) Diadelphous (B) Rose –
(B) Pentamerous (C) Mustard -
(C) Syncarpus
11. Fill in the Blanks -
6. From following Examples - Sem, Arhar, Tobacco, (1) Aestivation present in Petal of Groundnut is
Datura, Trifoilum, Lily, Asparagus, Brassica ....................
andturnip (2) Feature present in stamen of Cauliflower is
How many are – ...............
(A) Have false septum (3) Lady finger have aestivation is ..................
(B) Superior ovary (4) Datura show ............ Feature in stamen
(C) Parietal placentation

(5) Number of Carpel present in Indigofera is (3) Mango and coconut have superior ovary
............ (4) Ladyfinger have hypogynous flower
(6) Number of Carpel present in tobacco is ........... (5) Imbricate aestivation shows zygomorphic
(7) Rose show .......... Feature in carpel flower
(8) Marigold show ................. Placentation (6) Allium show Syncarpus ovary
(9) Cassia show ........... Symmetry and ............. (7) Petal fuse with stamen is present in belladona
Aestivation (8) Adhesion is present in Petal and Sepal of
(10) Each have ............ Type of Flower Petunia
(9) Sepal is fuse in Onion
12. Mark the true and false - (10) Lily form aggregate fruit
(1) Sesbania have single carpel
(2) Trifolium show Syncarpus

Answer Key
1. (C) Mustard - four pareital placentation,
(A) Four (Mustard, Cauliflower, Belladona, lily) Bicarpellary, Hypogynous, Actinomorphic
(B) Two (Mustard, Cauliflower) 9.
(C) Two (Trifolium , Soyabean) (A) lily - Five Axile, tricarpellary, hypogynous,
2. Actinomorphic, Epiphyllous
(A) Hypogynous - three -Allium, Mustard, (B) Chilli - Six- Axile, Bicarpellary, hypogynous,
Solanum Actinomorphic, Epipetalous, Gamopetalous
(B) Epigynous -three-Cucumber, Sunflower (C) Cabbage - Four Unequal Stamen,
Bittergourd bicarpellary, Hypogynous, Actinomorphic
(C) Perigynous -two-Plum, Apricot, 10.
3. (A) Sunflower - Epigynous, basal placentation,
(A) Monodelphous - two -Cotton, Ladyfinger racemose
(B) Epipetalous -one - solanum (B) Rose - Perigynous, Apocarpus
(C) Twisted aestivation-two -Cotton, Ladyfinger (C) Mustard - Hypogynous, Racemose,
4. tetramerous, Syncarpus
(A) Epiphyllous- two- Colchicum, Aloe 11.
(B) Monocarpellary-two Gram, Sem (1) Vexillary
(C) Vexillary -two -Gram, Sem (2) Unequal stamen
5. (3) Twisted
(A) Diadelphous - three - sesbanaia, Bean, pisum (4) Epipetalous
(B) Pentamerous- five - Ashwagandha, Makoi, (5) one
sesbanaia, Bean,pisum (6) two
(C) Syncarpus - Six -Mustard, Ashwagandha, (7) Apocarpus
Makoi, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Aloe, (8) basal
6. (9) Zygomorphic and Imbricate
(A) Have false septum - Brassica and turnip (10) Perigynous
(B) Superior ovary - all examples given
(C) Parietal placentation -Brassica and turnip 12.
7. (1) (T)
(A) Gamepetalous - Solaaceae - two -Solanum, (2) (F)
Belladona (3) (T)
(B) Unequal stamen - three -Mustard, (4) (T)
Cauliflower, Cabbage (5) (T)
(C) Tricarpellary -Aloe, Colchicum (6) (T)
8. (7) (T)
(A) Sesbania - four- vexillary, diadelphous, (8) (T)
hypogynous, zygomorphic, monocarpellary (9) (F)
(B) Cotton - four twisted, monodelphous (10) (F)
hypogynous, Actinomorphic,

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