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Individual Development Plan Template

List three primary development goals that the individual aims to accomplish. Include a description of ho
those goals will be measured or the expected outcomes.

Development Goals Measures of achievement/expected outcomes

In the following section, describe specific tasks that need to be completed to accomplish each of the thr
goals above. Include specific time lines, plans for completion, resources needed, additional actions requ
for follow-yup, and any contingency plans discussed.

Development Goal 1
Tactic for development: Choose skill training, task delegation, strtch assignments, or mentoring and

Describe the assignment:

Tasks required for the assignment and plans to

meet them:

Estimated time frame with milestones:

Development Goal 2
Tactic for development: Choose skill training, task delegation, strtch assignments, or mentoring and

Describe the assignment:

Tasks required for the assignment and plans to

meet them:

Estimated time frame with milestones:

Development Goal 3
Tactic for development: Choose skill training, task delegation, strtch assignments, or mentoring and
Describe the assignment:

Tasks required for the assignment and plans to

meet them:

Estimated time frame with milestones:

Resources needed:
What additional support or resources are
needed to achieve the employee's goals? How
will it be provided?

Monitoring progress:
How often will the employee and manager
meet to discuss progress? List any upcoming

Time frame:
Start Date:
Anticipated Completion Date:
Additional Comments

Plan Agreed By:


Source: Adapted from 20- Minuter Manager: Performance Reviews (Boston: Harvard Business Review Press)
Include a description of how

pected outcomes

accomplish each of the three

ded, additional actions required

ents, or mentoring and

ents, or mentoring and

ents, or mentoring and


eview Press)

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