Autobiography of A Man Who Faced The Hiroshima Nuclear Attack

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Name- Shlok Agarwal

Class- IX Section- A
School- St. Mary’s School, Rishra
Subject- Open Forum (Topic)

Autobiography of a man who faced the Hiroshima nuclear attack

It was a congenial Monday, with a pleasant morning, it was just five of the morning when I woke up. I was in
Hiroshima that day for a business meeting. I was actually a resident of Nagasaki. I was getting ready for my
meeting at Mitshuba Heavy Industries pvt. It was seven then, I took all my documents and placed them safely
with my PDA. It was around fifty past seven when I wore my shining shoes, adjusted my shirt and blazer, wore
my spectacles and opened the door to go to the office, at the moment I saw Mr. Kunguashi, my father-in-law,
who was a resident of Hiroshima. As soon as he got the news that his daughter and son-in-law is here, eftsoons
he came up here. I greeted him and welcomed him, till the time Tymashik came from the kitchen, and enquired
about the second voice that called her name, she saw him and became very happy. They kept talking to each
other. I had to reach to my office at half past eight and it was ten past eight now. I went out and started
walking in a fast manner as if I was in a rat’s race with light. It was just fifteen past eight by then and the
American B-24 bomber Enola Gray dropped the Little boy atomic bomb near the center of the city, only 1.9
miles away from me. There was a large flash in the sky, I was blown over. I could see magnesium flares. All the
roofs, walls, Windows were transformed into a pile of debris, the dust swirled around me. I reached the house
in any manner and called for my wife. Till then, father-in-law was gone, he was too surviving. I called Tymashik
twice or three but no reply came. All our furniture, clothes, roof and door turned into ash. We were only left
with the ground which was the right of one and all. Suddenly, a hand tapped my hand, calling for help, it was
Tymashik wrapped just in a burning towel, seemed that she was taking a bath when the mishap took place. I
unwrapped the towel and gave her my overcoat to wear but it was of no use, due to the gama rays, everything
vanished. People were running here and there without bothering about whether they had cash in their hand or
a member of their family with them. Nobody even if they were naked. The whole city turned into ashes in just
some minutes. I and my life partner were running all over escaping for life. A burning splinter hit me on my left
thigh, it started bleeding with a big cut and a several burn marks. So on the harmful radioactive rays started
burning our derma. We started screaming out of pain. My wife fell down, she said she can’t go further any
more. I went long to get water, soon I saw a shop. No human in the shop and no gate was there, even the roof
was fled away. I saw a twenty litres water jar melting, I bathed with it and felt a relief for some time. After a
time, I too fainted but somehow I managed to survive the bombing. It left me with ruptured eardrums,
temporary blindness and severe scars on my left part of my body due to that burning splinter. It left me with
such a deadly experience that even when I think about it, I get goose bumps. The people who survived both
the attacks, even I, was known as “hibakusha” in 1957. We can tell the younger generations the terrifying
history of the atomic bombings. Everybody suffered radiation poisoning due to black rain after the explosion.
This left Japan with a number of handicapped generations.

“So far as I can see the, the atomic bomb has dead ended the finest feeling that has sustained mankind” said by
Mahatma Gandhi.

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