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1- Define Physics.
2- Find acceleration of a moving car with a constant velocity of 5m/s.

1- A force of 5 N is applied on an object for 0.1 S, find impulse.

2- Give examples of Scalar and Vector quantities.

1- What is Law of Inertia?

2- What is Work done, if a force of 10 N is applied on an object perpendicularly?

1- Define Newton’s 3rd law of motion.

2- Find the wavelength of a red light of frequency of 420 Hz.

1- Define Photoelectric effect.

2- Find kinetic energy of a moving car of mass 200 kg with a constant velocity of 20 m/s.

1- What is the difference between Electromagnetic induction and Electromagnetism?

2- Find Momentum of an object of mass 10 kg, moving with a velocity of 10 m/s.

1- What is Electron wave?

2- What would be the velocity of a ball falling under the action of gravity.

1- What is Work done. Give example.

2- Proof dimensions of S=Vit+0.5at2.
1- Define Eddy currents.
2- A stone is dropped from the top of the cliff. Its acceleration is 9.8 m/s. How fast is it moving
after 1 s.

1- Define Coulomb’s law.

2- A snail crawls 12cm in one minute. What is its average speed in mm-1.

1- What is Power?
2- The Moment arm of a spinning object is 12 cm, experiencing the force of 2N. Find torque.

1- What does line spectrum mean?

2- Estimate the area of a table in cm2 and convert into mm2

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