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Project Description: Inventory Management App in Kotlin and Firebase


The objective of this project is to develop a mobile application using Kotlin and
Firebase for shop owners to manage their inventory efficiently. The app will allow
users to log stocked materials, record sales transactions, and provide an overview of
their inventory, including total inventory value, profit made, and items with low stock.
The app will feature a user-friendly interface with a bottom navigation bar for easy
access to different functionalities.

Key Features:

1. Home Screen:
○ Dashboard:
■ Displays total inventory value.
■ Shows total profit made.
■ Lists available items with their quantities.
○ Add Stock:
■ Users can log new stock entries by providing item name,
quantity, and price.
○ Sell Stock:
■ Users can log sales by specifying the buyer's name, item sold,
quantity, and selling price.
■ Automatically calculates the profit from each sale.
2. Transactions Screen:
○ Displays a card view of all transactions (both stocking and selling).
○ Provides details such as date, item name, quantity, price, and buyer
(for sales).
3. Low Stock Alert Screen:
○ Lists items with quantities below a specified threshold (e.g., 10 or 20).
○ Allows users to set the threshold for low stock alerts via a dropdown
○ Provides sorting options to arrange items by quantity.

Detailed Functionalities:

1. User Authentication:
○ Secure login and registration system for shop owners using
Firebase Authentication.
2. Inventory Management:
○ Add Stock: Form to enter new stock details (item name, quantity,
○ Sell Stock: Form to enter sale details (buyer name, item sold, quantity,
selling price).
○ Edit Stock: Option to update stock details or correct any errors.
3. Dashboard Analytics:
○ Total Inventory Value: Sum of the value of all items currently in stock.
○ Total Profit: Cumulative profit calculated from all sales.
○ Inventory List: Display of all items, their quantities, and their prices.
4. Transaction History:
○ Card View: Visual representation of each transaction.
○ Details: Information including date, item name, quantity, price, and
buyer for sales.
○ Filters and Search: Options to filter transactions by date, item, or type
5. Low Stock Alerts:
○ Threshold Setting: Dropdown to set the minimum quantity for low
stock alerts.
○ Sorted View: List of items below the threshold, with sorting options by
6. Bottom Navigation Bar:
○ Home: Access to the dashboard, add stock, and sell stock
○ Transactions: View all transaction history in card format.
○ Low Stock Alerts: Screen showing items with low stock and options to
adjust alert thresholds.

Technical Requirements:

1. Front-end:
○ Kotlin for native Android application development.
○ Use of Android Jetpack components for a responsive and intuitive
user interface or XML.
2. Back-end:
○ Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore for storing inventory
data, transactions, and user information.
○ Firebase Cloud Functions for server-side operations if needed.
3. Authentication:
○ Firebase Authentication for secure user authentication and
session management.
4. Real-time Updates:
○ Firebase Realtime Database for real-time data synchronization
and updates.

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