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Of the goddess could a pendentive have to do with anything?

” Now grant looked

confused. “I don’t even know what a pendentive is.” “That much I do know,” said
Merrill. “I learned them about during a class on the Renaissance. It’s
architectural term for the spherical triangle that creates the transition between
the rectangular or square building and the round dome. It’s kind of like fitting a
square peg in a round hole. But I can’t think of what that could have to do with
any of this.” “ I’m not sure,” Jan said, shaking her hand. “I think it is a name of
some kind. But I will tell you one thing. When I was connected I could feel this
guy building some kind of energy even with merrill shielding. So, I suggest we do a
virtual and try to do something stronger.” “no,” said grant. “that might be the
prudent thing to do but right now we don’t have time. We have to get down and find
where those things are being produced. Besides, they have him now and believe me,
this is not a place he is going to get out of or have a chance to talk to anyone.”
“I personally don’t think they can handle him” Merrill adamant . “Have him kept
sedative or just kill him but don’t let them try to keep him like any other
prisoner. It just isn’t going to work.” Jan was nodding in agreement with merrill.
“I don’t believe in killing of any kind, grant. You know that. But this guy isn’t
even human anymore. He said I don’t even have a classification for what he is but
he can’t be allowed to escape.” “I understand,” grant responded patiently. “but you
and I both know that the agency doesn’t work like that. You can task them to just
kill the man and they aren’t ever going to fully believe in magick, not even rusty.
I had a hard enough time convincing him to let us do our part of the
interrogation.” Merrill join looked at each other and realized that this was going
to get them nowhere. Besides grant was right said, they had to stop production of
the canisters and traveller was the agency’s problem now. “jan,” grant said. “nice
work, I’ll get this map over to rusty so he can have teams retrieve the other
canisters and we’ll meet up with Sarah at the cdc. They should have the room set up
for you to look at it when we get there.” “actually,” Jan cut in. She looked a
little distant. “I don’t think we have to.” She closed her eyes and stood there
still for a moment then put in the earphone to her watch and pressed the third
button. “Hello?” Sarah’s voice was as clear as if she were standing there. “hi,
this is Jan. There isn’t time to explain right now but you’re standing in the
isolation room aren’t you?” “yes, I’m taking some samples using the gloves.” “do
you know the orientation of the room as far as east west?” “ pretty sure,” Sarah
replied. “in which direction are you seated?” “almost due south.” Sarah’s voice
sounded strange like she was distracted. “is there anything removable from the
canister like a nut or bolt, just anything that could be decontaminated and taken?”
“actually there is ascrew lying on the table that they took out when they removed
one of the hatches. Will that work?” “perfect, how soon can you get that ready to
go?” “about twenty,” Sarah said. Her voice had returned to its normal vibrant
self.” “that should work. I’ll have grant call you back. It looks like we’re about
set to move on.” “I ve scheduled the tests I wanted done so I’ll be ready as soon
as I get that sample for you.” “thanks Sarah, that’s should do it. See you in a
little bit.” Merrill looked at Jan. From his side it seemed like an odd
conversation until Jan asked for the first map and marked a line that went from
Washington dc and crossed through Tacoma,Washington. “How did you do that?” “Im
really not sure,” Jan replied. “when grant mentioned joining Sarah, I had a wave of
sensation as if she was standing right next to me and somehow I knew I could sense
in my normal way through her.” Grant looked at her incredulously. “ you could sense
her presence?” “ actually, I felt more as if we have joined in some way. I can’t
really explain it better than that. That’s something I need to talk to her about.”
“well, you’ll get your chance real soon,” grant said. “that just saved us at least
an hour.” He pressed the first button on his watch and spoke. “hi, how soon can you
wrap things up there?” he paused as if listening. “Good , when you’re done head
over to the airport, we’re going to be to Seattle as soon as we can… ok, I’ll see
you there… I love you too.” Grant had that faraway look he always got when he had
just talked to Sarah. Jan thought itwas cute. Grant and Sarah shared that closeness
that created warmth even in the middle of a crisis. She looked up at Merrill
reminded that they shared that closeness as well. “déjà vu,” Merrill said as he
climbed in the back seat of the rental car at Seattle Tacoma international airport.
“Seems like we have done this before somehow doesn’t it?” He was referring to the
first time he and Jan had been swept on amission with grant and Sarah. In a way the
circumstances were similar. They were getting in to a rental car at the same
airport going out in to the area with nothing but an item belonging to someone and
Jan’s unique ability to have that item guide them somewhere. That time had resulted
in their being ambushed. Grant laughed. “don’t worry Merrill; We re headed south
this time. I thought we’d head down to the Tacoma done district and start from
there. I don’t see any need to head up to right now.” Grant drove the luxury ford
out of the harsh cement parking garge and entered the parkway. Jan was relieved to
find the rear seating in the crown victoria warm and comfortable and curdled up to
Merrill. They had departed from Washington dc fairly early. Even going through
security they were in the air by 5:30 pm and with the time change they have arrived
by 7:30 and now a half an hour later the hours were starting to catch up with her.
She looked out of the drizzle coated window at the dark shadow of the hillside half
hypnotized by the light posts they passed. The wetness created a starry collage of
color strained her eyes. She was beginning to fade out when grants voice sounded
out from the front seat. “Does it seem like we’re headed in the right direction
Jan?” Jan slowly sat up rubbing her eyes and then reached in to her purse and took
out the half inch bolt that Sarah had given earlier. Holding the metal in her left
hand she closed her eyes and focused on the energy and the secrets it contained.
“yes, this is the right direction; the place seems almost directly in front of us.”
When Jan looked at the signs overhung the highway , she could see that they had
turned south on interstate. She glanced to her left and could see that they were
passing a large shopping Sarah said. Her voice had returned to its normal vibrant
self.” “that should work. I’ll have grant call you back. It looks like we’re about
set to move on.” “I ve scheduled the
tests I wanted done so I’ll be ready as soon as I get that sample for you.” “thanks
Sarah, that’s should do it. See you in a little bit.” Merrill looked at Jan. From
his side it seemed like an odd conversation until Jan asked for the first map and
marked a line that went from Washington dc and crossed through Tacoma, Washington.
“How did you do that?” “I'm really not sure,” Jan replied. “when grant mentioned
joining Sarah, I had a wave of sensation as if she was standing right next to me
and somehow I knew I could sense in my normal way through her.” Grant looked at her
incredulously. “ you could sense her presence?” “ actually, I felt more as if we
have joined in some way. I can’t really explain it better than that. That’s
something I need to talk to her about.” “well, you’ll get your chance real soon,”
grant said. “that just saved us at least an hour.” He pressed the first button on
his watch and spoke. “hi, how soon can you

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