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Title: Reflection and Healing

In the depths of my soul, emotions unfurl,

A story untold, about the worst in my world.
With trembling voice, I confided in my teacher,
Relieved to share, while battling my inner creature.

In her eyes, I saw understanding and care,

A gentle soul, willing to listen and bear.
She listened attentively, without any judgment,
As my pain poured out, it felt like a momentous advent.

With each word shared, a weight was released,

The burden lessened, my soul found peace.
It taught me the power of opening up,
To release the pain, sip from life’s loving cup.

Through her unwavering support, I learned to heal,

To embrace my story, and the wounds, time did seal.
With newfound resilience, I faced the world anew,
No longer defined by the hardships I once knew.

For in sharing our stories, we find unity,

A bond that transcends life’s uncertainty.
And though the worst may have caused us to grieve,
Together we learn, together we achieve

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