Tech Edu

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Instructor Bushra Rizwan 1

Technical Eduction
Vocational Education
The education which provides special and practical training, knowledge or skills is known as Vocational or
Technical education. It is different from general education. Technical Education plays a vital role in human
resource development of the country by creating skilled man-power, enhancing industrial productivity and
improving the quality of life. The people who have special technical skill and knowledge are called technicians.
Some of the fields of technical education are: Electrical and mechanical engineering, health, industrial
supervision, agriculture, construction, driving, tailoring, music and art. As Frank Bell remarked:

“The goal of education is understanding; the goal of training is Performance.”

Technical education plays the pivotal role in the economic progress of a country. Technical or skilled workers are
required for industries. If a country owns sufficient technical hands, it undoubtedly accelerates the pace of
development. For instance, China is leading the world now in terms of having the largest pool of high-quality
technicians and skilled workers. So, technical education unquestionably promotes economic status of the nation.

Technical education is very important to solve the problem of unemployment. Technical

hands can never be unemployed. Skilled people can start their own business, they can even provide job
opportunities for others and can actively contribute to the progress of the country. Thus, technical education helps
us to alleviate unemployment from the society. Many studies show that employers prefer to hire people who
already have the required skills and experience. A report by the European Centre for the Development of
Vocational Training found that, having a VET certificate or diploma increased the chances of being hired and also
retaining the job. Conrad Burns opines,

“Vocational education programs have made a real difference in the lives of countless young people
nationwide; they build self- confidence and leadership skills by allowing students to utilize their
unique gifts and talents.”

In the context of Pakistan, we have many social issues like illiteracy, poverty and
unemployment; Many educated people are unemployed because they do not have education or any technical
experience or skill. We should try to provide training or technical skills to our people so that we can create my
jobs in our country. Many technical hands have been working in our country for a long time. But only a few
technical institutes like TEVTA and NAVTTC have been providing technical education in Pakistan which is
certainly not sufficient to fulfill the demand of the country.

To encapsulate the whole discussion we can say that, the economic progress of the nation depends on
the technical hands. Every country should give high priority on technical education to uplift the prosperity of the
nation. Technical education is particularly important for promoting economic development, expanding
employment size and improving the quality of employment. Government should create more opportunities for
the people to be skilled and efficient by developing more and more technical and skill development institutes to
boost up the economy, revenue and export of the country. To in in few words by Robert Greene, “the future
belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

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