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200) A box contains cards numbered 6 to 50. A card is drawn at random from
the box. Calculate the probability that the drawn card has a number which is a
perfect square. (2013)
201) Cards marked with number 3, 4, 5, …, 50 are placed in a box and mixed
thoroughly. A card is drawn at random from the box. Find the probability that
the selected card bears a perfect square number. (2016)
202) A number is chosen at random from the numbers -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3. What
will be the probability that square of this number is less than or equal to 1?
203) If two different dice are rolled together, calculate the probability of getting
an even number on both dice.
204) Two different dices are tossed together. Find the probability that the
product of the two numbers on the top of the dice is 6
205) The probability of selecting a rotten apple ran domly from a heap of 900
apples is 0.18. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap?
206)In a simultaneous toss of two coins, find the probability of getting:
(i) exactly one head ii) atmost one head.
207) Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting at
least one head. (2013)
208) A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards.
Find the probability that the drawn card is neither a king nor a queen
209) Two dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability of getting a
doublet. (2013)
210)All red face cards are removed from a pack of playing cards. The
remaining cards were well shuffled and then a card is drawn at random from
them. Find the probability that the drawn card is (2015)
i) a red card ii)a face card iii)a card of clubs.
211) Two different dice are thrown together. Find the probability that the
numbers obtained.
(i) have a sum less than 6
(ii) have a product less than 16
(iii) is a doublet of odd numbers. (2017)
212)If a = 10 and d = 10, then first four terms will be
213)The first term and common difference for the A.P. 3, 1, -1, -3 is
214)The nth term of an A.P. is given by an = 3 + 4n. The common difference is
215)If p, q, r and s are in A.P. then r – q =
(a) s – p b) s – q c) s – r
216)The (n – 1)th term of an A.P. is given by 7,12,17, 22,… is
217)The nth term of an A.P. 5, 2, -1, -4, -7 … is
218)For what value of k will k + 9, 2k – 1 and 2k + 7 are the consecutive terms of an
A.P. ?
219)In an A.P., if the common difference (d) = – 4 and the seventh term (a 7) is 4,
then find the first term. [CBSE 2018]
220)Find the 9th term from the end (towards the first term) of the A. P. 5, 9, 13,
…………., 185. [CBSE 2016]

221)How many two digits numbers are divisible by 3? [CBSE 2019

222)Two dice are rolled once.The probability of getting a sum of 10 is….
223)when two dice is rolled.The Probability of getting a product as 12 is….
224)A number is selected at random from the numbers 3,5,5,7,7,7,9,9,9,9. The
probability that the selected number is their average is…
225)The sum of two natural numbers is240 and their ratio is 3:5 .find the greater
226)A bag contains 40 balls out of which are red, some are blue and remaining are
black.If the probability of drawing a red ball is 11/20 and that if blue is ⅕, then the
number of black balls is….
227)If 6/5,a,4 are in AP the value of a is….
228)the number of terms in the A.P 54,51,48 whose sum is 513.
229)Find the sum of first ten multiples of 5.
230)Find the sum of first five multiples of 2.
231)Find the sum of first 16 terms of the A.P 10,6,2……..
232)What is the sum of first 5 positive integers divisible by 6.
233)If the sum of n terms of an A.P is 2n +5n, then find the 4 term.
2 th

234)If the sum of first k terms of an A.P is 3k -k and its common2

difference is 6. What is the first term?

235)The 20 term of the AP -5,-3,-1,1 is……..

236)If the nth term of an AP is 7-4n, then its common difference

237)The 11 term of an AP -5,-5/2,0,5/2…….. is

238)The sum of the first 2n terms of the AP 2,5,8……… is equal to the

sum of the first n terms of the AP 57,59,61……then n is equal to
239)The first four terms of an AP whose first term is -2 and the common
difference is -2 are
240)The 21 term of the AP whose first two terms are -3 and 4 is……..

241)If the 2 term of an AP is 1 and the 5 term is 25, what is the 7

nd th th

242)If the sum of first m terms of an AP is n and the sum of its n terms is
m, then the sum of its (m+n) terms will be….
243) If p-1,p+3,3p-1 are in AP, then p is equal to…….
244) If the common difference of an AP is 5, then what is a -a ? 18 13

245) If nth term of an AP is given by s =3n+4, find the common


difference of the AP.

246) What is the sum of first 10 natural numbers?
247) If 7 times the 7 term of an AP is equal to 11 times its 11 term,
th th

then its 18 term will be….


248) If 9 term of an AP is zero, then its 29 and 9 terms are in the

th th th

249) Two arithmetic progressions have the same common difference.
Their first terms are A and B respectively. The difference between their
nth terms is…..
250) If Ram save 1 paise today, 2 paise next day and 3 paise the
succeeding day and so on, hat will be his savings in 365 days?
251) If a clock strikes once at 1’o clock, twice at 2’o clock and so on.
How many times will it strike a day?
252) A construction company will be penalized each day of delay in
construction of bridge. The penalty will be 4000 for the first day and will
increase by 100000 for each following day. Based on its budget, the
company can afford to pay a maximum of 165000 towards penalty. Find
the maximum number of days by which the completion of work can be
253) A gardener plans to construct a trapezoidal shaped structure in his
garden. The longer side of trapezoid needs to start with a row of 97
bricks. Each row must be decreased by 2 bricks on each end and the
construction should stop at 25 ro. How many bricks does he need to

254) The 8 term of an AP is 37 and its 12 term is 57. Find the AP.
th th

255) Is zero a term of the AP 31,28,25…..? justify your answer

256) The 5 term of an AP is 26 and the 10 term is 51. Determine the
th th

15 term of the AP.


257) The taxi fare after each km, when the fare is 15 for the first km
and 8 for each additional km, does not form an AP as the total fare after
each km is 15,8,8,8……Is the statement true? Give reason
258) Find the sum of all the natural numbers less than 100 which are
divisible by 6.
259) Find a,b,c such that the following numbers are in AP a,7,b,2,c.
260) The sum of the first six terms of an AP is zero and the fourth term
is 2. Find the sum of its first 30 terms.
261) Determine the AP whose fifth term is 19 and the difference of the
eighth term from the thirteenth term is 20.
262) Find the AP whose 10 term is 5 and 18 term is 77.
th th

263) Find the sum of the series 51+50+49….+21.

264) For what value of n are the nth term of the following two APs are
the same 13,19,25…… and 69,68,67,……
265) Find the 20 term of the AP whose 7 term is 24 less than the 11
th th th

term, first term being 12.

266) The angles of a triangle are in AP. The greatest angle is twice the
least. Find all the angles of the triangle.
267) If the nth term of the to APs are 9,7,5…. and 24,21,18….are the
same, find the value of n. Also find that term.
268) If sum of the 3 and the 8 terms of an AP is 7 and the sum of the
rd th

7 and the 14 terms is -3, find the 10 term.

th th th

269) Find the 12 term from the end of the AP -2,-4,-6……-100.


270) How many numbers lie between 10 and 300, which when divided
by 4 leave a remainder 3?
271) The first term of an AP is -5 and the last term is 45. If the sum of
the terms of the AP is 120, then find the number of terms and the
common difference.

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