375 700 Display Service Manual Edition 4 EN

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Service manual

Touchline CP 375
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Operation and functions of the CP 375 display

NUMERIC KEYPAD ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
ALPHANUMERIC KEYPAD........................................................................................................................................................ 3
DECISION BUTTONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 3
DISPLAY BUSY!............................................................................................................................................................ 4

STARTING THE DISPLAY .............................................................................................................................................. 4

START SCREEN ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

10-0-0 MENU CUSTOMER SERVICE–INFORMATION–SERVICE ..................................................................................... 6

10-3-0 MENU PASSWORD .................................................................................................................................................... 6
11-0-0 MENU SERVICE ................................................................................................................................................ 7
11-2-0 MENU CHANGING PASSWORD..................................................................................................................................... 7
11-5-0 MENU WATCH, CHANGING TIME ................................................................................................................................. 7
11-5-0 MENU WATCH, CHANGING DATE ................................................................................................................................. 8
12-0-0 MENU MACHINE CONFIGURATION 5 ............................................................................................................... 9
12-1-0 MENU FEEDER CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................. 9
12-1-2 Menu Modifying vacuum distance offset ...................................................................................................... 10
12-3-0 MENU PERFORATING AND CREASING SECTION CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................... 10
12-3-4 Menu Caliper compensation perforating section .......................................................................................... 10
12-3-41 Menu Caliper compensation 0.2 change offset ........................................................................................... 11
12-3-5 Menu Caliper compensation creasing section ............................................................................................... 11
12-3-51 Menu Caliper compensation 0.2 change offset ........................................................................................... 11
12-3-1 Menu Creasing section configuration ............................................................................................................ 12
12-3-12 Menu Modifying creasing section offset ..................................................................................................... 12
12-3-15 Menu Setting tool ........................................................................................................................................ 13
12-3-16 Menu Creasing section sub-configuration ................................................................................................... 14
12-3-2 Menu Perforating section configuration ....................................................................................................... 14
12-3-23 Menu Perforating section n – Modifying offset ........................................................................................... 15
12-3-26 Menu Perforating section sub-configuration .............................................................................................. 15
12-5-0 MENU DELIVERY DEVICE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................... 16
12-5-2 Menu Modifying delivery device offset ......................................................................................................... 16
12-7-0 MENU TEST FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 17
13-0-1 MENU MACHINE CONFIGURATION 6 .......................................................................................................................... 17
14-0-0 MENU MACHINE CONFIGURATION 4 ..............................................................................................................18
10-5-0 MENU WARNINGS .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Warning symbols ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
8-0-0 MENU ERROR DISPLAY .....................................................................................................................................19
Error symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
LIST OF FOLD TYPES ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
PAPER SIZE STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
LIST OF TOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................... 22

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Numeric keypad

The numeric keypad is used for entering parameter values. Depending on the parameter type the
buttons are empty or additional buttons are displayed.

Button: Description:
1..9, 0 When the first character is entered, the current value is automatically cleared.
Decimal point A decimal point is only accepted if the parameter is a decimal value and if a
number was entered first.
Sign Changes the sign (+ / -).
Cursor up/down Increases or decreases values. A value can only be changed within certain lim-
Clear Value is set to 0.
Return Applies a changed value.

Alphanumeric keypad

The alphanumeric keypad is used for entering texts.

Button: Description:
A..Z Characters in alphabetical order.
Spc Enters a space character. A space character is displayed as underscore_.
Del Deletes the previous character.

Decision buttons

Certain functions must be additionally acknowledged or cancelled.

Execution of a preselected function

Cancelling of a preselected function

Units and measurements

All parameter values are displayed in the measurement unit, which is set in the menu Ser-
vice. If a parameter has another unit, this unit is displayed in the same line.

Values displayed in mm

Values displayed in inches

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Display busy!

The busy symbol is displayed for functions for which a cer-

tain state or position must be waited for.

During this display (hourglass in the middle of the screen)

the display keypad is locked.

Starting the display

During booting, version number and date of creation are


If the program data is not available or corrupt, this error

message is displayed.

- Connect USB connection cable with PC and USB file
(J1) connector at the display.
- Copy the two files (MGDVGAFW and MGDVGAIM)
to the flash drive of the display.
- Switch the display off and on again.
- Provided the program data is correct, the display boots
- The USB connection cable can then be removed.
When booting the display, those job and parameter values
are loaded which were active when the display was last
switched off.

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Start screen

During detection and ini-

tializing of the peripheral
equipment the start screen
is displayed. Software version and
date of creation

Machine type

Main menu

Total sheet counter Single sheet

Menu Counter Batch size counter:

Pressing this button
Fold type (see list of fold displays the menu
types). Batch number for
5 seconds.
Menu Creasing and per-
forating section

Tool (see list of tools) Caliper

Menu Blow air/suction

Standardized format
sheet length Menu Customer service
/ Info / Service
Menu Job
Active perforating
Loaded job heads

Set creasing depth

Number of creasing po-

Unmodified jobs are displayed in a black font.

Modified jobs are displayed in a yellow-green font.

If the single sheet button is pressed, then it is highlighted green during the pro-

If a malfunction occurs, then a warning sign is portrayed on the Customer service,

Information, Service button.

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10-0-0 Menu Customer service–Information–Service

Sheet/hour Single sheet

Menu Referencing. The

Menu Information button is available if ref-
erencing is possible.
Menu Password for
viewing the menu Ser-
vice. Menu Contrast
Menu Spacing (high-
lighted red if spacing is Display main menu
switched off).

Menu Double sheet de- Display main menu

tection (highlighted red if
double sheet detection is
switched off). The button
is blank if no double
sheet detection is config-

If a malfunction occurs, then a warning sign is portrayed on

the Information button.

10-3-0 Menu Password

If the password is un-

known, the Password
menu can be viewed by
entering the default
password (1000), press-
ing this blank button five
times and then pressing
the Enter button

Display menu Customer

The password is checked. service / Info / Service
If it is correct, the menu
Service is displayed.

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11-0-0 Menu Service

Menu Machine configu- Pressing this blank button

ration 1 five consecutive times re-
sets the total counter to 0.
Menu Changing pass-
Total counter
Switch between mm and
Discard menu Service
modifications and display
the main menu
Switching the beeper on
and off (highlighted Apply menu Service
red = off) modifications and display
the main menu
Menu Changing

11-2-0 Menu Changing password

The maximum length for

passwords is 8 digits. If the Current password
password is shorter than 8
digits, asterisks are used for

Discard modifications
and display the menu

Apply changed password

and display as current

11-5-0 Menu Watch, changing time

Interpretation of values. Switching between date

The value for seconds is and time.
automatically set to 0
when changes are ap-

Hours and minutes must

be entered as two-digit
Discard modifications and
value each.
display the menu Service.

Applies the change

without switching to the Apply modifications and
menu Service. display the menu Service.

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11-5-0 Menu Watch, changing date

Interpretation of values

The year must be entered

as four-digit value,
month and day must be
entered as two-digit val-
ue each.

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Menu Machine service and configuration

The settings in the configuration menu define the purpose of use of the machine and must match the installed and con-
nected devices.

The following configuration is defined for the folding and creasing machine described in this manual with feeder, spac-
ing, double sheet detection, conveyor belt and delivery device.

Hardware component is present

Hardware component is not present

12-0-0 Menu Machine configuration 5

Menu Configuration Switches to the next

feeder menu Machine configura-
tion n

Menu Test functions

Menu Configuration Discard modifications

creasing and perforating and display the menu
section Service.

Apply modifications and

display the main menu.
Menu Delivery device

12-1-0 Menu Feeder configuration

Feeder present/not pre-


Menu Modifying vacuum

distance offset

Double sheet detection

unit present/not present Discard modifications
and display the menu
Machine configuration 5.
Spacing unit present/not
present Apply modifications and
display the menu Ma-
chine configuration 5.

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12-1-2 Menu Modifying vacuum distance offset

The vacuum distance offset

is a constant that is used in
the feeder for the position
of the zero-point.

Discard modifications and

display the menu Feeder

Apply modifications and

display the menu Feeder

12-3-0 Menu Perforating and creasing section configuration

Menu Creasing section


Menu Perforating section


Discard modifications
and display the menu
Menu Caliper compensa- Machine configuration 5.
tion perforating section
Apply modifications and
Menu Caliper compensa- display the menu Ma-
tion creasing section chine configuration 5.

12-3-4 Menu Caliper compensation perforating section

Menu Caliper compensa-

tion 0.1 change offset

Änderungen verwerfen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

Änderungen übernehmen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

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12-3-41 Menu Caliper compensation 0.2 change offset

Modifiable value

Änderungen verwerfen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

Änderungen übernehmen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

12-3-5 Menu Caliper compensation creasing section

Menu Caliper compensa-

tion 0.1 change offset

Änderungen verwerfen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

Änderungen übernehmen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

12-3-51 Menu Caliper compensation 0.2 change offset

Modifiable value

Änderungen verwerfen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

Änderungen übernehmen
und Menü Konfiguration
Rillwerk anzeigen.

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12-3-1 Menu Creasing section configuration

Creasing section pre- Menu Creasing section

sent/not present sub-configuration

Menu Modifying creas-

ing section offset
Discard modifications
and display the menu
Perforating and creasing
section configuration.

Apply modifications and

display the menu Perfo-
rating and creasing sec-
Menu Setting tool
tion configuration.

12-3-12 Menu Modifying creasing section offset

The creasing section offset

is a constant that is used in
the creasing section for the
position of the zero-point.

Discard modifications and

display the menu Creas-
ing section configuration.

Apply modifications and

display the menu Creas-
ing section configuration.

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12-3-15 Menu Setting tool

Buttons for adjusting the

front tool position in 5-
step displacements
Current front tool posi-
tion. Buttons for adjusting the
rear tool position in 5-step
Current rear tool posi- displacements

Transfer changed values

to the mechanism.

Set values to zero. Display menu Creasing

section configuration.

- The positions are displayed in motor steps (9.6 steps = 1/100 mm).
- Unchanged values are shown in black and are identical with the values saved in the mechanism.
- Changed values are shown in yellow.
- The values are transferred to the mechanism, where they are saved and acknowledged, so that they are again
shown in black.

Procedure for changing a tool:

Open the hood and press the button Open tool. This button is only available in the menu Error
display (see 8-0-0 Menu Error display).

During opening and closing of the mechanism, the hourglass is displayed and the keypad is

As soon as the mechanism is open, the hourglass disappears and the button is highlighted green.

Remove current tool and fit new tool.

Note: Each tool has a hardware code with which the machine recognises the tool type.
Close the hood and press the Undo button. The hourglass is displayed during closing of the
After the hourglass disappears, the process is completed and the tilted position of the tool can be
set (see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.).

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12-3-16 Menu Creasing section sub-configuration

Start calibration

Display menu Perforating

and creasing section con-

Pressing this button starts the calibration of the creasing section motor.

Appearance of the buttons in neutral state.

The motor is calibrated automatically. During this procedure the button is highlighted red and the
hourglass is displayed. Buttons are inhibited, no entries possible.

The motor calibration is complete and the motor axis can now be aligned manually. Afterwards the
green highlighted button must be pressed in order to save the index position.
While the index position is saved, the button is highlighted red and the hourglass is displayed. But-
tons are inhibited, no entries possible. As soon as the procedure is complete, the buttons return to the
neutral state.

12-3-2 Menu Perforating section configuration

Perforating section pre- Menu Perforating section

sent/not present sub-configuration

Menu Modifying perfora-

tor 1 offset
Discard modifications and
Menu Modifying perfora- display the menu Perfo-
tor 2 offset rating and creasing sec-
tion configuration.
Menu Modifying perfora-
tor 3 offset Apply modifications and
display the menu Perfo-
Menu Modifying perfora- rating and creasing sec-
tor 4 offset tion configuration.

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12-3-23 Menu Perforating section n – Modifying offset

Discard modifications and

display the menu Perfo-
rating section configura-

Apply modifications and

display the menu Perfo-
rating section configura-

12-3-26 Menu Perforating section sub-configuration

Start calibration

Display menu Perforating

and creasing section con-

Pressing this button starts the calibration of the perforating motor.

Appearance of the buttons in neutral state.

The motor is calibrated automatically. During this procedure the button is highlighted red and the
hourglass is displayed. Buttons are inhibited, no entries possible.

The motor calibration is complete and the motor axis can now be aligned manually. Afterwards the
green highlighted button must be pressed in order to save the index position.
While the index position is saved, the button is highlighted red and the hourglass is displayed. But-
tons are inhibited, no entries possible. As soon as the procedure is complete, the buttons return to the
neutral state.

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12-5-0 Menu Delivery device configuration

Delivery device pre-

sent/not present

Menu Modifying deliv-

ery device offset

Discard modifications and

display the menu Ma-
chine configuration 5.

Apply modifications and

display the menu Ma-
chine configuration 5.

12-5-2 Menu Modifying delivery device offset

The delivery device offset

(roller position) is a ma-
chine constant that is used
for calculating the absolute
roller position.

Discard modifications and

display the menu Deliv-
ery device configuration.

Apply modifications and

display the menu Deliv-
ery device configuration.

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12-7-0 Menu Test functions

The test functions are used

to test, simulate and adjust
the machine.

Activate creasing motor Switch conveying motor

(On = button highlighted creasing
green). and perforating section
on and off.

Activate perforating mo- Switch paper simulation

tor 1 to 4 (On = button on and off.
highlighted green).
Display Menu Machine
configuration 5.

Conveying motor is permanently switched on/switched off.

Paper feed is switched on/switched off.

13-0-1 Menu Machine configuration 6

Temperature measurement
of the motors takes place Switches to menu Ma-
periodically every seconds. chine configuration 4

If the blank button is

pressed, the adjoining
temperature display is

Current temperature of
motor n in °C. Display menu Service.

Actual measured tem-

perature of motor n.
Display main menu.

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14-0-0 Menu Machine configuration 4

Switches to menu Ma-

chine configuration 5

Number of saves to the

flash memory (saving of

Updating the firmware

Display menu Service
Switching the USB in-
terface on and off (high-
lighted red = switched Display main menu

Procedure to update the firmware:

If the control software has been modified or if the flash memory has been cleared, the firmware must
be updated. This is done as follows:
- Connect USB connection cable with PC and USB file (J1) connector at the display.
- Activate the USB interface by pressing the USB button.
- Copy the two files (MGDVGAFW and MGDVGAIM) to the flash drive of the display.
- Deactivate the USB interface by pressing the USB button again.
- Disconnect the USB connection cable from the display. This should only be done while the USB
interface is inactive!
The firmware updating procedure can now be started by pressing the Flash button.

During the upgrade the button is displayed with an hourglass and no entries using the buttons are ac-
cepted. The following messages are displayed:

Reading the data: updating MCU Flash... prepare transfer buffer

FW file reading
FW file read

Copying to flash: Transferring FW... Do NOT power off !

If an error occurs: Error: FW file not found

After successful completion of the firmware update, the control software in the dis-
play is rebooted automatically.

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10-5-0 Menu Warnings

Warning of over-high
motor temperature in ac-
tive or inactive state.
Changes back to the menu

Warning symbols
Active Inactive Description

One or more motor temperatures are too high.

8-0-0 Menu Error display

Error or malfunction in
active or inactive state.
Returns to the menu that
was previously displayed
before the error display
was active.

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Error symbols
Active Inactive Description

Paper jam

Double sheet detected

Motor error

Hood open

Infeed stack empty

Creasing position too long

Data error folding and creasing section

Motor error folding and creasing section

Error Load setup data from memory (data could not be read).

Error fan

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List of fold types

Fold types Description

Parallel fold, 1 fold

Zig-zag fold, 2 folds

Wrap fold, 2 folds

Double parallel fold

Gatefold, 2 folds

Engineering fold

Zig-zag fold, 3 folds

Gatefold closed

Wrap fold, 3 folds

Only crease (no requirement for positions of fold types)

Paper size standards

Paper size standard Lenght in mm Width in mm

SRA3 450.0 320.0
A3 420.0 297.0
A4 297.0 210.0
A5 210.0 148.0
A6 148.0 105.0
Extra 457.2 304.8
Tabloid 431.8 279.4
Legal 355.6 215.9
Legal 13 330.2 215.9
Letter 279.4 215.9
Executive 266.7 184.1
Statement 215.9 139.7
Commercial 10 241.3 104.8
Monarch 190.5 98.4
Card 5x7 177.8 127.0
Card 4x6 152.4 101.6

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List of tools

Tool Description

Undefined tool, tool open

No existing tool

Creasing tool

Perforating tool Type 1


Perforating tool Type 10

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