Life Process Contd.

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Life Proc ess

Respirati on

► Breakdow n of food (glucose) to get energy

► Exchange of gases (Breathin g)
► Breathin g is a part f i
► Gl o resp ration but breathing is n ot respiratio n
ucose will undergo breakage though the presence of oxygen
► The process is called Cellular Respirati on because the respiratio n
reaction happenin g inside the cells

Types of Respirati on

✓ Aerobic Respirati on
✓ Anaerobi c Respirati on

Aerobic Respirati on

► Respirati on (break down of Glucose) occurs in presence of oxygen is

called Aerobic Respirati on Example Human Beings

Anaerobi c Respirati on

► Respirati on in absence of Oxygen is called Anaerobic Respirati on

Example yeast

Aerobic Respirati on in detail

► Breakdow n of glucose with t he help Oxygen to get energy

, Glucose (C6H12O6 ) is six carbon compoun d will breakdow n into
three carbon compoun d called Pyruvate
, The reaction is happenin g inside a Cytoplasm
, The energy is liberated called (ATP) Adenosine Try Phosphat e
► The reaction happenin g in cytoplasm is called Glycolysi s
, Pyruvate enters Mitochon dria from cytoplasm
, In Mitochon dria pyruvate again breaks into Carbon Dioxide, water
and lots of energy is produced in the form of ATP
, Oxygen is necessary for Respirati on

Anaerobic Respirati on

► Breakdow n of glucose in the absence of oxygen

, Anaerobic Respirati on can be found in fungi called yeast
, Six carbon compoun ds breaks into Pyruvates

L if e P ro c e s s
, Py ruv ate do es no t mo ve to
Mi toc ho nd ria
, Py ruv ate bre ak s int o tw o ca
rbo n co mp ou nd (C 2H 50 4) Et
ha no l + Co 2
+ En erg y
An aer ob ic Re spi rat ion in mu scl
e cel ls
, Gl uc ose co nv ert s int o Py ruv ate
, Py ruv ate co nv ert ed int o lac tic
aci d + en erg y
, Th is rea cti on is ha pp en wh en
ov er ex erc ise ha s be en do ne
,. Sin ce lac tic aci d is no t ga s it
wi ll dis sol ve gra du all y in th e
,. La cti c ac id wi ll str uc k in the blo od
mu scl e the ref ore we ge t pa in
ov er ex erc ise du rin g
Pa thw ay in bre aki ng do wn of
glu co se

Ae rob ic Re s lra tlo n

Glucose===-+ Py ruv ate == -+C arb
on dio_l!i~e + Wa ter + En e
Ch em ica l Re ac tio n : C6 H1 20
6= +C o2 +H 2o +E ne
Fo un d in : An im als Hu ma n be
in s
-- -- ·- -- -- n -- -- -- -- -~
_ _An aer ob ic Re sp ira tio--
Gl uc ose == =+ Py ruv ate == +L
Ch em ica l Re ac tio n: C6H1206 act ic Ac id+ En e
._________ ~+C3H603+~E-=..:n;:._t
Fo un d ln : Mu scl e ce lk o( Hu
ma nb ein s
. .; ielbl--- -- -- -1

-- -- -~ -- An aer ob ic Re s ira tlo n

G1u c ose ===+ ~v at e= =+ Et

---- Ch em ica l Re ac tio n : C6 H1 20

ha no l + Carbon dio xid=-=e_+_E
6= +C H3 CO OH + Co 2 + En er
Fo un d in : Ye ast
= n~e-=--,,~ -- -1

Ex ch an ge of Ga ses

, ln un ice llu lar orc an lsm a the

ex ch an ce of ca ses tak es pla ce
the pr oc eu of dif fus ion th ro qh
, Th e ex ch an &e of ga ses fro
m the are a of hig he r co nc en tra
are a of low er co nc en tra tio n tio n to the
ls cal led dif fus ion
, In mu lti ce llu lar ora an lsm
a ex ch an ge of ga ses wi ll tak ea
thr ou &h spe ola llz ed org an a of pla ce
Re ap lra tor y Sy ste m

Life Process
Parts of Respiratory System

>' Nose (Nostrils)

,. Nasal cavity
, Trachea
► Lungs
► Bronchi
► Bronchioles
,, Alveoli

Mouth uviry - ~ie=::~



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,.. Nostril is a opening through which air paue•

► Nostrils contains thin hair which purifies the air

Nasal Cavity
; Nasal cavity contain• Cilia! Epithelium and mucus
► Cilia also purifies air

Life Process
"' Boforo going to truchon alr movoa to pharynx protont In the throut
:.,.. Pharynx contain• Eplglottla which la a flab of 1kln
,. Eplglotti■ allGw■ fooda go Into Oe■opha&u• by proteotln&entering
into wind pipe


,. Trachea la also callod o.■ wind plpe

,. Wind pipe runs from pharynx to thoracic area (cheat part)
,. Trachea is made up of C ■haped cartlla&e (Soft TlHue)
,,. Cartilage prevents the collapae of trachea


,,. Trachea is divided into Bronchi

r Each Bronchi enters into a lung

r Bronchi in a lung divided into Bronchiolea

,., Bronchioles end up with a balloon like ■tructurea or air bags called
► Alveoli is surrounded by blood capillaries
,,. From alveoli oxygen enters into blood through blood capillarlea

,. Lung• are soft and spongy organ
► Lung contains Bronchi, Bronchiole■, Alveoli
► Alveoli is called functional unit of lung
► Lungs expands when air is paued into it
► When the lungs expand• Diaphragm moves down (Inhale)
► When lung• contracts Diaphragm moves up (Exhale)
► Diaphragm is a supportive organ for lung•

Life Process
Respiration in Pbmts

► In plants resplrntion uud photoaynthoal■ hnppona 1bnnlt"noon1ly

► Roa.otlon of photosynthosla
► Co2+H2o-+ . sunlight -➔ C6Hl206 -·> 02+H20
► Chlorophyll
► Respiration Ronotio1\ C6IU206• ' Oxy1on Co::&+820 + Eneray
► Oxygen is Hborotod by plnhta when photo1yntheal1 ooour1
► Carbon dioxide is llborntod by o. plant whon ra1plrl\tlon ocour1
► During dny time pbult use■ 1nnll1ht + Co2 -> Photo■ynthe■i■ and
byproduct Co2 itt t\&od for photo1yntheai1 only
► Therefore plants will not glvo Co2 durlni day time and atvo only
► During night timo Photosynthu•l• does not oocun
► Rospirution occurs liborntod Co2 into atmoaphoro
).. During dny timo both photoaynthe ■ll and retplratlon oooura

Exchungo of gRsos in Plnnts

► Plnnts oxchnngo gnsus by its three different part■

► Roots through root hl,ir by dift'u■ion
).., Stem through lontlools nnd stoma.ta by dift'ualon
). Lonf through Stomntt, by dlffualon

). Trnnafor of certain ga1e1 food and hormone■ eto to varloua part■ of
tho body

Tranaportution in human bolng•

).- Transportation ooour• through olroulatory 1y1tem
r Circulatory ■y1tem inoludo• varlou■ aapoot■
i,. (a) Blood
► (b) Blood Vetaela
► (c) Heart (Blood pump)
► (d) Lymph

Life Process
Types of Circulatory Systems

There are two types of circulatory system

,. (i) Open Circulatory System seen in Mollusca, Auto prods

,. (U) Closed Circulatory System seen in vertebrates animals, human

Open Circulatory System

,. Open circulatory system contains Haemolymph

, Haemolymph is a combination of blood and lymph
,.. Both blood and lymph are liquid tissue
,.. Haemolymph carries gases, food and hormones to all parts of the
► Blood directly pump Haemolymph to the body cavity
Closed Circulatory System

,.. Closed Circulatory system contains both blood and Lymph

, Heart pumps the blood into the blood veuela or blood pipes
,.. Through blood vessels gases, oxygen food hormones etc will
transported to various parts of the body

,.. Blood is a fluid connective tissue

, Blood is divided into two pa rts
, (a ) Plasma or Blood Plasma
, (b) Blood Cella

(a) Blood Plasma

, Plaama ia the liquid part of the blood
,. Pluma contain• water and proteins called Albumin .,
;. Plaama can carry Co2, Food and nitroaenoua waate

(b) Blood Cells

► There are three type• of Blood Cella
► (a) Red Blood Cella (RBC)
► (b) White Blood Cella (WBC)

Life Process

,. (c) Platelets

(a) Red Blood Cella

, RBC contains a special chemical or a pigment called
, Haemoglobin is red coloured pigment
, Haemoglobin has great affinity for oxygen gu
, RBC carry oxygen to various parts of the body.
(b) White blood cells
, WBC are colorless
,. WBC helps body to fight against infections by increulng the
immunity of the body
(c) Platelets
, Platelet blood clotting process

Blood Vessels

, Blood vessels are blood pipes that carries blood

, There are three types of blood Vessels
, (1) Arteries
, (2) Veins
, (3) Capillaries

(1) Arteries
, Arteries will always carry oxygenated blood (pure blood) to all parts
of the body
, Pulmonary artery will carry impure blood (deoxygenated blood) to
, Arteries pipe• have thick and elastic wall
, There are no valves
, Blood flows with preuure

, Veins will carry impure blood (deoxygenated blood) from all parts of
the body
► Pulmonary vein carries pure blood oxygenated blood
► Veins have thin and elutlc walls
, Valves are observed in then velna

Life Proc ess
► Valves helps in control of back flowing of blood
, Blood pressure is not observed

(3 -:=---illaries
, Capillaries are small blood vessels
,. Capilla.r ies are present near the organs where exchange of gases
takes place
, Arteries divided into arterioles and veins are divided in venules
,. Arterioles divided into network of smaller pipes called capillaries
Route of blood passage

, Journey of blood starts from Lungs

, Alveoli of lungs shift oxygen t hrough ~apillari es
, From lungs blood moves to the heart
, Heart is divided into four chambers
, Left Atrium
, Left Ventricle
, Right Atrium
, Right Ventricle
, From lungs oxygenate d blood moves to Left Atrium through
pulmonary vein
, From left Atrium blood moves to left ventricle through two
valves called bicuspid valve
, From Left Ventricle blood m oves to all parts of the body
through Arteries
, These Arteries are called Aorta
, Avota will carry oxygenate d blood to all parts of the body
, After various chemical reactions the impure blood will move
from all parts of the body to Right Atrium through vein•
, These Veins are called Vena-cava
, Vena - cava fa of two type• such as Superior vena cava (upper
portion of body) and Inferior vena - cava (lower portion of the
, From right atrium the blood passes through right ventricle
through three valves called tricuspld valves
, From Jilht ventricle the impure blood moves to lungs through
Pulmonar y arteries

Life P r o c e ss
ara ted an d co me s ou t fro m
► In lun gs Ca rbo n dio xid e sep
no str ils

Jo ur ne y of ox yg en at ed bl oo d
tricle-=::.::.---➔ All__P.arta of bo
At ~u m- -- == --➔ Le ft Ven
Lungs------- ➔ Le ft
Mo vin g Ch an ne ls

Ir- -
Pu lm on a ve in
Lungs--= ---➔ Le ft At riu m _ __ ___Ar _ t e~ri_e_a_ __ _ __,
[ Le ft Atrium--- --- --- --➔ Lef t Ve ntr icl e
of bo d Ao rta
Le ft Ventricle----- ➔ All art s

oo d
Jo ur ne y of De ox yg en at ed bl

y- =.=- --➔ Rig _ht Atr ium --- --- --- --➔ Ri ht Ve ntr icl e= -~ Lu n
All pa rts of bod --------,
M ov i~ Channel_!I ~ - - - Ar ter ies
At riu m_,_ __ Pu lm on a
All Ea rts ofbody------ ➔ Right Ve in•
ntr icl e
Ri gh t Atrium------ ➔ R,!ght Ve Ve na - cav a
Ventricle----- ➔ Lu n s
Ri ht

He art (B loo d Pu mp )

Life Process


Pulmonary artcnc:

Pulmonary veins

Right atrium _ __...,... ,.___,,._ Left atrium

V<-na Cava
from lower
vcntnclc _ _,.,-+-Left vcntnclc

S<·ptum - -~ ~ - --1, 111,nn,.~ 1,ri

(dMrtlng w;,11)

,,. Human heart consists of four chambers

, Left Atrium
,,. Left Ventricle
,,. Right Atrium
,,. Right Ventricle
.,. Between Right Atrium and Right Ventricle, Trlcuspld Valve is
,,. Between Left Atrium and Left Ventricle, Bicuspid Valve ls present
► Left part is separated from right part through Septum
► Heart weighs around 300 Gms
► Heart size is of human fist
,,. Heart is slightly tilted towards left side in thoracic cavity (chest

The circulation in the heart is of two types

► (1) Single Circulation

► (2) Double Circulation

Life Pr oc es s
Sin gle Cir cula tion

Blo od mov es onl y onc e thro ugh the hea rt

f1 call ed afniJe circ ulat ion
, Bin gle circ ula tion fa find in fish
, Fish ha.a spe cial ized org an call ed GUia
d and to the bod y part•
' Gills abaorba oxy gen and pal l to the bloo
, Fro m bod y par ts to the hea rt and to Gfll
J• Atr ium and left fa Ven tric le
' Fi.ah ha.a onl y two cha mb er, i.e., Rig ht

Dou ble Cir cula tion

rt fa called double
, Blood paaaea twic e in hea rt thro ugh the hea
circ ulat ion
an• , reptUe1, Am phf blan l
, Double Cir cula tion ia obs erve d in hum

Lym ph

, Colorleaa Uquid pre sen t in the bod y

, Hel ps in tran spo rtat ion insi de the bod
of bloo d and som e pro tein •
, Lym ph con tain • plas ma and som e WBC
r cellular apa ce• of tfaaue1
, Lym ph ia coll ecte d in betw een the inte
and cell.a auo cla ted wit h por e• ol blood
lymph caplllarle■ and veu ela
, Lym ph alao con tain • cap Ula rle• called
call ed lym ph ves sel•
oaplllarlea to lym ph vea■ela
, Lym ph coll ecte d pu■e■ thro ugh Lym ph
call ed ven a cav a
,.. Fro m lym ph vea■ela lym ph mov es to vein
mix ed up wit h blood
,.. Fro m Vein lym ph mo ve• to hea rt and get
the pre sen ce of WBC
, Lymph ff&ht• agalnat Infe ctio n due to
,.. Lym ph carrle■ dfge■ted fats from ama ll
Jou rne y of Ly mp h
Lym ph •+ Lym ph Capfllarlea+ Lym ph Veu
ela+ Vel n(V
_ d
~· - - - - - - -

Note :

Life Process
~ If there is no haemoglobin in the blood OA.-ygcn passage is
disturbed. Tlais condition is called Anemia
Artf.•rics do not hauc uah,e because back flow of blood docs not
occur in artcrlc~ because blood flows with high pressure

Tron portntion in Plnnts

>' 1'rnnapoTtntion of pll\nt tnclnd,,s two aspect•

.. ( l) A~h.'t•nt of St\p {Asc,,nt ~ Upwurd) (Sap.+water + mineral)
► (2 ) Tnn,lllol'Ution

}. The., prol't•ss of npwurd n\ovoment of water and minerals from roota

to h..nvc.•t1 {11 known na Ascent of Sap
► Tnu,spc.lrtution of food from the loave ■ to other parta of the planta la
known n• Tnn1alooatlon

A cent of Snp in Shorter Plant

!' Xy la n1 tluuo carries nn d tninorala from roota to leaves

>-' Roota absorb tho wat or nn d 1nh1on\la from the aoil throqh root
~ Water from the aoll movea to tho coll• of root hair by the prooeu of
► Oamoala la the proceaa of movement of water from the area of hllh
concentration to the ana of low concentration
► Mineral• from the aoll movea to cell• of root hair throuah the
proceu of dlff\ialon
► Dlff\ialon la the prooeu of movement of mineral• from the area of
hl&h concentration to the area or low ooaoentratlon
► From root oella water and mlnenla move up to the xylem tluue
and rMch•• th• leaves throqh aam• prooeaa of ounoala uacl
► Xylem veaaela ancl traoheld carrlea water ancl mlnerala farom xylem
of roota to xylem of atem
Life Pr oc es s
► Asce nt of Sap can be happ ened in talle r plan
ts throu gh the proc ess
and osmo sis
of Tran spira tiona l Pull alon g with simp le diffu sion
r vapo r from
,. Tran spira tion mea ns loss of wate r in the form of wate
leave s
cont ent throu gh
► Duri ng day time cells in the leave s lost their wat er
stom ata
the near est em
► Whe n the cells lost wate r they abso rb the wate r from
tissu es cells thro ugh some force or pulli ng
m cells that is
>' Due to trans pirat ion, a suct ion force is crea ted in xyle
leav es and this
respo nsibl e for pulli ng wate r upwa rds from roots to
proc ess is calle d as Tran spira tiona l Pull
only durin g day
► The Tran spira tiona l pull can happ en in talle r plan t•
the proc ess of
,- Duri ng nigh t time wate r and mine rals mov es t hrou gh
diffu sion and osmo sis only

Tran sloca tion

the root s is
,. The proc ess of mov emen t of food from leave s to
calle d Tran sloca tion
,. Tran sloca tion occu rs with the help of Phlo em tissu
com pani on cells of
,. The food mov es from the cell of leaf to the
phlo em tissu e
the form of
,. The food mov es with the help of ener gy store d in
of phlo em
, From the com pani on cells food moves to sieve tube
tissu e
► At this stage the wate r also mov es from
xyle m to sieve tube ol
phlo em throu gh osmo sis
► Osm otic pres sure is crea ted in sieve
tube of phlo em cell whic h is
respo nsibl e for pass age of food down ward s till root
► The pres sure crea ted when the wate
r mov es from the xyle m
tissu e to the phlo em tissu e thro ugh the proc ess of
osm osis Is
calle d osm otic pres sure

Diffe renc es betw een Xyle m and phlo em

Life Process
X}:lcm Phloem
arrlea water from roots to ✓ Carrlea food from leavea to
he leaves of plants - ~ the all parts of planta
lrection of water la ✓ Direction of food movement la
nldirectional bidirectional hy
cept parenchyma all cells ✓ Except fibers all cells are
re dead cells living cells
Plant~ nf::ed lesser energy when compared ~o animals because
not move

ory System in Human Beings

Life Process

Ld·1 rt>t1al

\. l,4.•ft k1dll\'}

\I Ld1 renal vdn

I Vc11c1 canl
J l lrinary hlr1dcl1•r


Excretion is the process of removal of was te material (nitrogenous
wastel like urea, uric acid etc NJ12CoNH2 from body
,. In case of unicellular organism s like amoeba and paramecium
excretion process is done d irectly from a cytoplasm
,. In humans excretion is done through excre tory system
Y :Excretory system include• various organs
,- Al Kidneys ( We have a pair of kidneys I
, B) Ureters
,, C) Urinary Bla dde r
► D) Ureth ra
,, l There
A) dneysare nro bean •h•P"d kidneys placed In the donal Ude of

abdo111e n
Life Process
► Each kidney contains millions of filtration units called nephrons
► Nephrons filters the waste from the blood

aowmans Tub~ part ~f
capsule eph.ron
of renal - ~

Branch of
renal vein

Capillanes - ---.r

Figure 6.14
St n wt ure of a nephron

, Nephron contains Renal Artery and Renal Vein

, Through Renal artery oxygenated blood enters nephron
, Through Renal veins deoxygenated blood comes out
, Urine is produced in three steps
, 1) Ultra Filtration
, 2) Selective Re absorption
, 3) Secretion or collection

Life Process
Ultra filtration

► The oxygenated blood carrying nitrogenous waato ontors to

Glomerulus through renal artery
► Glomerulus ls a collection of small capillarlos
► These capillaries contains small holes
► Through this small hole nitrogenous waste in the blood I• filtered
► The blood is filtered in this capillaries and filtrate (wa•te) into •
Bowmen's capsule
► From Bowmen's capsule the urine passes to tubular part of nephron
► The tubular part of nephron ls consists of proximal tube and dl•tal
tube and Henle's loop

Selective Reabsorption

r Absorption of glucose, amino acids, ions an.d water from the filtrate
occurs in the tubular part of nephron


► PH (ACIDS AND BASE BALANCE) of urine gets bala nce d and urine
gets collected in collecting duct
► Collecting duct ls connected to ureters
► From collecting duct the urine moves to ureters
► From ureters urine gets collected in urinary bladder


► Ureters are slender tubes that carries u rin e from kidney• to urinary

Urinary bladder

► Urinary bladder is muscular bag like structure t hat collect and

stores urine
► Urinary bladder is under the control of n ervous system (brain)
therefore we have the capacity to control until we urge to pau urine


, Urethra is a opening through which urine is paued

Life Process
Excretion in plants

► Photosynthesis gives a byproduct oxygen

► Oxygen is again utilized for res piration
► Respiration gives carbon dioxide as byproduct
► Carbon dioxide is again used for photosynthesis
► Water also as waste material will come out through stomata
► Sometimes some waste materials stored in older xylem tissues ln
bark area
► These wastes are in the form of gum and Resins
► Some waste materials will also stored in leaf
► When the leaf become older t he leaf will fall off


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