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AI-Driven Security for Fog and Edge Networks

Course: System and Network Administration

Course Code: IT 381
Program: BSIT (Evening)

Submitted by:
Asfand Ahmed Baig
Roll No: 21014156-040
Submitted To:

Report on Parameter Files in Oracle Databases

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Parameter files in Oracle databases are critical for defining the configuration settings that dictate
how the database operates. These files influence the behavior of the database instance by
specifying various parameters that control memory allocation, process management, and other
essential functions. There are primarily two types of parameter files used in Oracle databases: the
Server Parameter File (SPFILE) and the Parameter File (PFILE). This report delves into their
significance, differences, and key parameters to consider when managing an Oracle database.

Types of Parameter Files

Server Parameter File (SPFILE):

Dynamic Nature: SPFILE is a binary file that allows dynamic changes to the database parameters without
needing to restart the database. This makes it more flexible and convenient for database administrators

Location and Management: It is typically stored on the server where the Oracle instance runs. DBAs can
create an SPFILE from an existing PFILE and vice versa.

Persistence: Changes made to parameters using the ALTER SYSTEM command are persistent and
survive database restarts.

Security: SPFILE is managed by Oracle, reducing the risk of human error during manual edits, which is
more prevalent with PFILE.

Parameter File (PFILE):

Static Nature: PFILE is a text-based file that requires the database to be restarted for any changes to
take effect. It is generally used during the initial setup or in scenarios where dynamic changes are not

Location and Management: PFILE is manually edited and usually located in the file system. It serves as a
backup or a template for creating an SPFILE.

Flexibility: Being a text file, PFILE is easily editable with any text editor, which can be useful for quick
changes or initial configurations.

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Key Parameters in Oracle Database

Memory Management Parameters:

SGA_TARGET: Sets the total size of the System Global Area (SGA), which is a shared memory region that
contains data and control information for the Oracle instance. Proper configuration of SGA_TARGET is
crucial for optimal database performance.

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET: Defines the target aggregate amount of Program Global Area (PGA)
memory available to all server processes attached to the instance. This parameter helps in managing the
memory allocated for SQL work areas.

Process Management Parameters:

PROCESSES: Specifies the maximum number of operating system processes that can be connected to
Oracle concurrently. This parameter should be set based on the expected number of concurrent users
and background processes.

SESSIONS: Determines the maximum number of sessions that can be created in the database. This value
should be higher than the PROCESSES parameter to account for recursive sessions.

Database File Management:

DB_FILES: Indicates the maximum number of database files that can be opened by the Oracle database
instance. This parameter ensures the database does not exceed the operating system's limit for open

CONTROL_FILES: Lists the control files that are required to start and operate the database. These files
contain metadata about the database and are crucial for database recovery.

Performance Tuning Parameters:

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DB_CACHE_SIZE: Sets the size of the database buffer cache, which stores copies of data blocks read
from the data files. An appropriately sized cache can significantly improve database performance.

SHARED_POOL_SIZE: Specifies the size of the shared pool, which caches various constructs that can be
shared among users, such as SQL statements and data dictionary information. Proper tuning of this
parameter helps in reducing parsing overhead.

Managing Parameter Files

Creating SPFILE from PFILE:


Copy code

CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILE = '/path/to/pfile.ora';

Creating PFILE from SPFILE:

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Copy code

CREATE PFILE = '/path/to/pfile.ora' FROM SPFILE;

Modifying Parameters:

Dynamic Changes (SPFILE):


Copy code

ALTER SYSTEM SET parameter_name = value SCOPE = BOTH;

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SCOPE=BOTH: Applies changes to both the running instance and the SPFILE, making them persistent.

SCOPE=MEMORY: Applies changes only to the running instance, lost after restart.

SCOPE=SPFILE: Applies changes only to the SPFILE, effective after restart.

Static Changes (PFILE): Manually edit the PFILE using a text editor and restart the database for changes
to take effect.


Viewing Current Parameters:


This command can be used to display the current settings of the database parameters.

Commonly Used Parameters and Their Impact


Description: Determines whether the system automatically manages undo segments.

Values: AUTO or MANUAL

Impact: Setting this to AUTO simplifies undo tablespace management.


Description: Specifies the location for archive logs.

Impact: Proper configuration ensures that archive logs are stored in a designated location for recovery


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Description: Specifies the Oracle version to which the database is compatible.

Impact: Setting this parameter allows the use of features available in the specified version.


Description: Specifies the maximum number of cursors a session can open.

Impact: Setting this parameter appropriately helps in managing resources and avoiding cursor-related

Best Practices

1. Regular Backups: Regularly back up SPFILE and PFILE to prevent loss of critical configuration
2. Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation of all parameter changes to ensure
traceability and facilitate troubleshooting.
3. Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitor the impact of parameter changes on database
performance and adjust as necessary.
4. Test Changes: Before applying changes to production databases, test them in a development or
staging environment to assess their impact.
5. Version Control: Use version control systems for parameter files to track changes and facilitate
rollback if necessary.


Parameter files are fundamental to the configuration and management of Oracle databases.
Understanding the differences between SPFILE and PFILE, along with their appropriate use
cases, helps ensure efficient and effective database operation. By carefully managing and
monitoring these parameter files, DBAs can optimize database performance, enhance stability,
and maintain robust configurations tailored to specific application requirements. Proper use of
parameter files and their settings not only improves the efficiency and performance of the
database but also contributes to better resource management and security.

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