Sas Lan Genap Xi Kel 3,4,5, 2023

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Jln. Laksemana Dipa Kelurahan Kapuas Kiri Hilir Sintang 78615
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Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 4 Sintang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan
Kelas/Semester : XI/ Genap
Tahun Ajaran : 2022 / 2023
Jenis Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Jumlah Soal : 50 soal
Guru Mata Pelajaran : Thia Narisya, S.Pd


On a hill in area of Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her daughter. The girl was
really beautiful. However, she was very lazy and spoiled. She loved to dress up every day,
but never helped her mother.
One day, they went down to a village foe shopping. A market was far away from their
house. They walked there. The girl got dressed very nice and walked in front of her mother.
While the widow walked behind, carried a basket, wore dirty clothes. Nobody knew that they
were mother and daughter.
While entering village, people looked at them. Young men were so fascinated by
girl’s beauty. However, she was in contrast to a woman walking behind her. It made people
wonder. Some young men asked men asked her whether woman was her mother. But girl
arrogantly replied that she was her maid. More people asked her along the way to market.
She gave a same answer that widow was her slave.
Eventually, mother’s heart hurt to hear her daughter’s answer. Mother prayed to God to
punish her ungodly daughter. Suddenly, girl stopped then slowly turned to be a stone.
Daughter cried, she apologized to his mother. But it was too late. A pretty girl was turned into
a stone but continued to tear, it’s called A Crying Stone.

1. How is the daughter’s behavior?

A. Lazy and naughty
B. Spoiled and lazy
C. Spoiled and dirty
D. Humble and lazy
E. Care
2. Where is the story take place?
A. On street
B. On kelam hill
C. On a hill in area of Borneo
D. In Samarinda
E. In the market
3. What is the daughter activities in her home?
A. Every day she dresses up and always helps her mother
B. Every day she always help mother and she is diligent
C. Every day she clean the house
D. Every day she dresses up and never helps her mother
E. Every day she is craying
4. Why the mother walk behind her daughter?
A. Because her daughter embarrassed if others see her walk with her mother
B. Because her daughter want to accompany the mother
C. Because the mother was shy
D. Because the mother was happy
E. Because her daughter was not shy have a dirty mother.
5. What the daughter said to the man when he asked "is that your mother" to her?
A. She said that her mother is not her mother but her servant
B. She said that her mother is beautiful
C. She said that her mother is a mermaid
D. She said that her mother is diligent
E. She said her mother is laying
6. Why the mother prayed to God to punish her ungrateful child?
A. because the daughter always said that her mother is her servant to all people who
has asked about the old woman behind her
B. because the daughter always help her mother
C. because the daughter was happy to her mother
D. because the daughter always smile with her mother
E. because the daughter shy with the young men.
7. What happened to the girl after her mother prayed to God?
A. The girl turned to be a mermaid
B. The girl turned to be a stone
C. The girl turned to be a wax
D. The girl turned to be a wood
E. The girl turned to be a fish
8. What is the moral value of this story?
A. Don’t be greedy
B. Don’t be rush
C. Don’t be fool
D. Don't be an ungrateful child
E. Don’t be ugly
9. What is the similar meaning of "servant"?
A. Teacher
B. Nurse
C. Doctor
D. Pilot
E. Assistant

10. What is the opposite of “lazy”?

A. Dirty
B. Diligent
C. Beautiful
D. Far
E. Near

The Legend of Sungai Kawat

Once upon a time, where was a poor family lived in an old house located on
riverbanks. It was in a city named Sintang. A poor family within a husband, his wife also their
only child lived happily. The husband was a fisherman.
But one day, their food supply got worst, and then the fisherman went to the river and
hoped that he could get a lot of fish for them to survive. Time to time, he waited patiently.
From early morning until the sun came up but there was no fish touching his bait. He keeps
trying, he moved from place to place and though that he could get some of the fish there.
The sun has gone and he
still got nothing. But he wouldn’t
give up. He must got something
for his family to eat. Suddenly,
he watched some reactions.
Something pulling down his bait
then he pulling up the bait
powerfully. He saw something
look like a string snagged on the
bait. For a while he was feeling
sad but the bright of the stars
and the moon it clearly not a
string. It was gold wire He was
pulling up the gold wire. He
keeps pulling up, more and
more. It has no end. Now his
small boat was starting full. Then a voice comes from the river. It was warning him not to pull
up the gold wire anymore. But he didn’t even care.
The water started to enter. Slowly, his boat getting down to the river. But when he
realized that he would get down to the river it was too late. He couldn’t swim and there was
no one to save him. Therefore, the river called Sungai Kawat or the Wire River.

11. When did the fisherman get the gold wire?

A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
D. Midnight
E. Dusk
12. Who are the characters of the story?
A. Husband, his wife and wire
B. A fisherman, his wife and their child
C. A fisherman and his wife
D. Wife, fish and child
E. Husband, his wife and his student
13. Who is the main character in the story of Wire River?
A. Gold wire
B. Fisherman
C. Fisherman's wife
D. Fisherman's son
E. All are correct
14. What is the personality of fisherman?
A. Not greedy
B. Greedy
C. Kind
D. Humble
E. Proud
15. Where is the story come from?
A. Kapuas hulu
B. Kayan
C. Sintang
D. Kayong Utara
E. Sambas
16. Where does the fisherman live?
A. City
B. Luxury home
C. Riverside
D. On the beach
E. On the Mountain
17. How is fishermen’s life?
A. Rich
B. Affluent
C. Poor
D. Rich enough
E. Wealthy
18. Where are the settings of story?
A. Sintang, KALBAR. on the beach
B. Sintang, West Kalimantan, on the river
C. River and beach
D. Zoo
E. Playground
19. What is the moral value of the story?
A. Don’t be angry
B. Don’t be silly
C. Don’t be greedy
D. Don’t be hungry
E. Don’t be sad
20. What is the end of the story?
A. The fisherman getting up to the river
B. The fisherman can’t swim and getting down to the river
C. The fisherman was be a rich man
D. The fisherman lived happily ever after
E. The fisherman getting slowly

A Long time ago, up on the Kamboi Rama mountain, there were two villages, Kamboi
Rama and Aroempu. Kamboi Rama was a residence for Kamboi people, and Aroempu was
a sago plantation owned by God Iriwonawani, who also owned a tifa. Whenever the tifa is
played, the Kamboi people would gather. Every day, the Kamboi women would go to
Aroempu to cut sago for their meals. As time passed by, the sago trees were becoming
scarcer. God Iriwonawani got really angry, “Get out of here! Don’t just cut but sow and plant!”
Because they were scared, the Kamboi people moved to the coastal area and named
themselves Randuayaivi. However, upon the mountain, there still lived a couple of husband
and wife, Irimiami and Isoray
A Long time ago, up on the Kamboi Rama mountain, there were two villages, Kamboi
Rama and Aroempu. Kamboi Rama was a residence for Kamboi people, and Aroempu was
a sago plantation owned by God Iriwonawani, who also owned a tifa. Whenever the tifa is
played, the Kamboi people would gather. Every day, the Kamboi women would go to
Aroempu to cut sago for their meals. As time passed by, the sago trees were becoming
scarcer. God Iriwonawani got really angry, “Get out of here! Don’t just cut but sow and plant!”
Because they were scared, the Kamboi people moved to the coastal area and named
themselves Randuayaivi. However, upon the mountain, there still lived a couple of husband
and wife, Irimiami and Isoray.
One day, on their way home after a hunt in the jungle, being tired, Irimiami and Isoray
decided to rest. Irimiami sat on the ground leaning on a tree. Meanwhile, Isoray was still
finding a place to sit. She saw a large stone and thought that it would be comfortable to sit
on. As she sat, all of a sudden, Isoray shouted and jumped off the stone. “Ouch! The stone
is so hot that I almost got burned!” Isoray cried. “What is it, dear?” Irimiami who almost fell
asleep immediately stood up, startled by his wife’s screams. “I don’t know what happened
either, but this stone feels really hot.” answered Isoray in panic.
A short time later, in their astonishment, smoke came out of that stone. Curious,
Irimiami tried to sit on that stone. “Ouch! It’s really hot!” he shouted. Becoming more curious,
the couple decided to test the stone’s heat. “How if we put this venison on that stone?” said
Irimiami. “Let’s just try, dear,” answered Isoray. Exquisite smells came from the burning
meat. As it was ready, they ate them up. “What a delicious piece of meat” or “This meat is so
delicious,” Irimiami said happily. Unsatisfied with what they had found, they continued testing
the stone. “Let’s try to put these bamboo stems,” said Isoray. “Let’s try these grass and
leaves,” Irimiami added. “How about that timber!” shouted Isoray. Day by day, they kept on
testing the stone
One bright day, they gathered more grasses and put them on the stone. The grasses
burned quickly and spread to the surrounding plants, the fire got bigger. They started to
panic. “My husband, we’ve burned this place.” Isoray cried in fear. “It’s a big disaster and we
can’t stop. Let’s meet God Iriwonawani for help,” said Irimiami in tremble. They ran to God
Iriwonawani. “My Lord, please help us put out the fire,” begged them. “Well, I shall help on
the condition that you stop that harming act of yours,” said the God. We promise, my Lord,”
they said. With a magical power, the fire could finally be stopped.
Nevertheless, it seemed that they had not learned from their mistakes. They kept on
testing the stone, until one day they started a really big fire that did not stop for seven days
and nights. They were really terrified and could not do anything but asked God Iriwonawai
for help.
Finally, the sounds of the tifa were heard again after a long time. All Randuayaivi
people ran to Kamboi mountain, witnessed the burning forest which was again successfully
extinguished by God Iriwonawani. On the mountain, Irimiami and Isoray finally told the story
of ‘the holy stone.’
The following day, all Randuayaivi people came back to the mountain bringing food
items. All those food items were put on the holy stone and the traditional feast took place for
three days and nights. All the people chanted and danced around the holy stone,
worshipping it and passing the holy stone story. People of Papua, particularly those of the
Yapen islands, sanctify the fire stone hitherto. The stone has become a sacred stone that
they worship annually.

21. What is the suitable title of the text above?

A.The legend of Kelam Hill
B.The legend of Tangkuban Perahu
C. The Legend of Holy Stone
D. The Legend of Sungai Kawat
E.The legend of God Iriwonawani
22. Where is the story come from?
D. Timor-timor
23. What is the legend about?
A. Problems encountered by Irimiami and Isoray in Kamboi Rama Mountain.
B. Irimiami’s and Isorays’ struggles to introduce and glorify the holy stone.
C. The discovery of a stone that marks a traditional feast in Papua.
D. The story of a husband and wife in overcoming a big forest fire.
E. The story of a husband and wife in finding a sacred stone.
24. What kind of persons are Irimiami and Isoray?
A. Probing
B. Shameless
C. Ambitious
D. Self-centered
E. Hardworking
25. The tone used during the time God Iriwonawani answered the couple’s begging to stop
the fire is best described as . . .
A. wise
B. lenient
C. angry
D. imperious
E. sympathetic
26. Who are characters of the story?
A. God Iriwonawani, Irimiami & Isoray
B. God Iriwonawani, Irimiami, Isoray and stone
C. God Iriwonawani, Irimiami, Isoray and tifa.
D. God Iriwonawani, Kamboi people, Irimiami and Isoray
E. Irimiami and Isoray
A New Ending for Cinderella
A long time ago in a village, there was a small cottage. Inside the cottage lived
Cinderella, her stepsisters and stepmother. Cinderella was kind and gentle whereas her
stepmother and stepsisters were cruel and were as cunning as foxes. They made Cinderella
do all the housework.
One day, her stepmother received an invitation to the ball from the prince. Cinderella
was sad because she had no beautiful dress to wear for the ball. While she was crying alone
in her room, the fairy Godmother appeared. She turned the rags into a beautiful gown and a
pumpkin into a carriage. But she warned Cinderella that the magic spell would break if she
didn't return home before midnight. Cinderella was overjoyed and sped off to the castle
At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince happily. Time passed quickly and it was
almost midnight, but Cinderella forgot what the fairy Godmother had said. After midnight,
Cinderella turned back into a girl dressed in rags. Everyone laughed at the prince for dancing
with such a poor girl. The prince was so embarrassed and was red with anger. Therefore, he
sentenced Cinderella to death. Luckily, the fairy Godmother begged him for mercy so he just
sentenced her to life in prison.

27. Who is the main character of the story?

A. Fairy Godmother
B. Prince
C. Stepsisters
D. Cinderella
E. Stepmother
28. Who lived with Cinderella in the small cottage?
A. Her stepmother and stepsister
B. Prince and stepmother
C. Stepsister and fairy Godmother
D. Fairy Godmother and prince
E. Prince, Cinderella and fairy Godmother

29. In the second paragraph why the Cinderella sad?

A. Because she had no beautiful dress to wear for the ball
B. Because she was crying alone in her room
C. Because she turned the rags into a beautiful gown and a pumpkin into a carriage
D. Because her stepmother received an invitation to the ball from the prince
E. Because Cinderella was overjoyed and sped off to the castle immediately
30. What is the character of Cinderella’s stepmother?
A. Kind
B. Gentle
C. Friendly
D. kind and gentle
E. Cruel and cunning
31. “But she warned Cinderella that the magic spell would break if she didn't return home
before midnight. Cinderella was overjoyed and sped off to the castle immediately”
(paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to?
A. Stepsisters
B. Stepmother
C. Cinderella
D. Fairy Godmother
E. Prince
32. Where Cinderella and the prince dance?
A. At the ball
B. At the fairy Godmother’s house
C. At the Cinderella’s house
D. At the stepmother’s house
E. At the stepsister’s house
33. Did Cinderella forget what the fairy Godmother said at the midnight?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes, Cinderella did
D. No, Cinderella did not
E. She did not
34. In the last paragraph what happened to Cinderella after the midnight?
A. Cinderella danced with the prince happily
B. Cinderella turned back into a girl dressed in rags.
C. Cinderella was so embarrassed and was red with anger
D. Cinderella forgot what the fairy Godmother had said
E. Cinderella begged him for mercy so he just sentenced her to life in prison
35. What is the moral value of the story?
A. We should be cruel
B. We should be punctual
C. We should be cunning
D. We should be angry
E. We should be impatient

Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named Geppetto. He really wanted a boy
but his wife has been died for a long time ago. One day, he had an idea. He wanted to make
a puppet so he would never felt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. In
the morning, finally he finished his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole
day with Pinocchio. However, he felt lonely again because Pinocchio couldn't talk or walk by
himself. In the middle of the night, Geppetto prayed to the God. His wish was Pinocchio
became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his dream.
In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He really was happy. He
sought Pinocchio how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher, Pinocchio
learned fast. He entered an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored. So, he went
home late. Geppetto worried about him. When Pinocchio came to home, Geppetto asked
him. He said he was on school but he didn't. Suddenly, Pinocchio's nose grow longer. It
meant that Pinocchio lied
The next day, Pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus.
Pinocchio became a slave for the circus. He was famous because he was a talking puppet.
Geppetto worried him. Pinocchio didn't come home for 2 days. He found Pinocchio
everywhere. When he discovered the sea, big wave smashed him. He was on whale's
stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way out.
In different place. Pinocchio finally could get out from circus. He went to home but
Geppetto wasn't on there. He found Geppetto at sea. He had the same accident like
Geppetto. He met Geppetto in whale's stomach. They got out from its stomach by made a
fire. They went home back together. In the end, they lived happy forever after.

36. Who wanted a boy in the story above?

A. Pinocchio
B. Circus
C. Geppetto
D. Geppetto’s wife
E. Puppet
37. Why Geppeto make a puppet/doll?
A. Because he lives alone
B. Because he wants to have a friend
C. Because he happy
D. Because he felt lonely
E. Because request from his wife
38. In second paragraph why Pinocchio’s nose grow longer?
A. Because Pinocchio lied
B. Because Pinocchio felt bored
C. Because Pinocchio smart
D. Because Pinocchio got caught
E. Because Pinocchio famous
39. How is the ending of the story?
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Angry
D. Afraid
E. Upset

Crocodile and Monkey

Once upon a time, there lived a gentle crocodile and on the nearby tree lived a very smart
monkey. They were very good friends. Every day, the monkey would pluck some juicy apples for
the crocodile. In the afternoon, the crocodile would swim to the center of the pond and pick some
fishes for the monkey
One day, the crocodile told his wife about his friend. She felt greedy and wanted to eat the
monkey. She asked him to invite the monkey for lunch at their place where she would kill the
monkey and eat his heart. The crocodile became very sad. Finally, he promised her to bring the
monkey tomorrow

The next day, the crocodile asked the monkey for a ride. He quickly sat on the crocodile's
back. The crocodile told him that he had promised his wife that he would bring him as her lunch.
The clever monkey told the crocodile that he left his heart with the apples on the tree. The kind
crocodile swam back to the tree. As they came back, the monkey jumped off the Crocodile's back
and went into the jungle leaving the poor crocodile behind.
40. How many characters/Figure are there in the story?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
41. . Who is the monkey's best friend?
A. Crocodile
B. Crocodile’s wife
C. Gentle monkey
D. Clever crocodile
E. Crocodile’s back
42. What did crocodile take to the center of the pond for the monkey?
A. Some fishes
B. Some apples
C. Juicy apples
D. Monkey’s heart
E. Apples and fishes
43. “She felt greedy and wanted to eat the monkey” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to?
A. Monkey
B. Crocodile
C. Crocodile’s wife
D. Clever monkey
E. Crocodile and monkey
44. In the second paragraph why is the crocodile sad?
A. Because the monkey sick
B. Because his wife is angry
C. Because the monkey is clever
D. Because the monkey wanted to eat his wife
E. Because his wife wanted to eat the monkey
45. “He quickly sat on the crocodile's back” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to?
A. Gentle crocodile
B. Crocodile’s wife
C. The kind crocodile
D. Monkey
E. Crocodile and his wife
46. What is the opposite of “quickly”?
A. Slowly
B. Fast
C. Snappy
D. Quick
E. Speedy
47. “The kind crocodiles swam back on the tree” (paragraph 3)
What is the synonym of “kind”?
A. Bad
B. Good
C. Ugly
D. Evil,
E. Shoddy
48. What the crocodile promised to his wife?
A. To bring the monkey as her lunch
B. He have a good friend
C. To take some apples for the monkey
D. To take some fishes for her lunch
E. To kill the monkey
49. What is the last paragraph about?
A. Introduction of place, time and character (Orientation)
B. Tell how a problem occurred (Complication)
C. Tell how a problem was solved (Resolution)
D. Tell that the monkey and the crocodile are good friends
E. Tell that crocodile’s wife felt greedy
50. Based on the story above, which of the following sentences is correct?
A. Monkey promised to Crocodile's wife
B. Crocodile's wife and Monkey were very good friends
C. The Monkey told his wife about his friend
D. Crocodile's wife wanted to kill the Monkey and eat his heart
E. The Crocodile would pluck some juicy apples for the Monkey

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