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a) Floating Head Design in Large Storage Vessels

Reasons for Floating Head Design:
1. Minimizes Vapor Space: The floating head rests on the liquid surface, reducing the vapor
space above the liquid. This helps in minimizing the volume of flammable vapor, reducing the
risk of explosion or fire.
2. Reduces Evaporation Losses: By minimizing the surface area exposed to the vapor space, the
floating head reduces evaporation losses of volatile liquids, thereby saving costs and
minimizing environmental impact.
3. Prevents Contamination: The floating head helps in minimizing the entry of contaminants or
atmospheric moisture into the liquid, maintaining the purity and quality of the stored
4. Thermal Insulation: The floating head provides an additional layer that can help in insulating
the liquid from temperature variations, thus maintaining the desired temperature more
5. Pressure Regulation: It helps in maintaining a more consistent internal pressure within the
vessel as the liquid volume changes, preventing excessive pressure build-up or vacuum

b) Fire Water Requirements for Inside Process Area

 Process area = 200 ft²
 Sprinkler nozzle orifice = 0.5 inch
 Nozzle pressure = 75 psig
 Flow rate = 50 gpm

1. Flow Rate Calculation:

- The given flow rate per nozzle is 50 gpm.

2. Number of Sprinklers:
- Sprinkler coverage area: Typically, one sprinkler covers about 100-150 ft². For safety, we use
the lower end:
- Number of sprinklers required = Process area / Coverage area per sprinkler
- Number of sprinklers = 200 ft² / 100 ft² per sprinkler = 2 sprinklers

3. Pump Horsepower Calculation:

- Flow rate (Q) = 50 gpm per sprinkler x 2 sprinklers = 100 gpm
- Pressure (P) = 75 psig (convert to feet of water: 75 psig x 2.31 = 173.25 ft)
- Horsepower (HP) = (Flow rate in gpm x Pressure in feet) / (3960 x Pump efficiency)
- Assume pump efficiency = 0.7
- HP = (100 gpm x 173.25 ft) / (3960 x 0.7)
- HP ≈ 6.25 horsepower
Maka hasilnya
Flow rate: 100 gpm
Number of sprinklers: 2
Pump horsepower: 6.25 HP

c) Flammability Diagram for n-Butane

Flammability Limits:
- Lower Flammable Limit (LFL): Approximately 1.8% by volume
- Upper Flammable Limit (UFL): Approximately 8.4% by volume
- Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC): 12%

Oxygen Concentration Reduction:

- Before Pumping in Butane:
The oxygen concentration must be reduced below the LOC to prevent flammability.
Required oxygen concentration: < 12%

- Before Pumping Air into the Vessel:

The butane concentration must be reduced below the LFL to prevent flammability.
Required butane concentration: < 1.8%

Penjelasan detail
- Flammable Region: Area berwarna oranye di dalam diagram menunjukkan kondisi campuran
gas yang mudah terbakar. Campuran ini terbentuk ketika konsentrasi n-butane berada di
antara 1.8% (LFL) dan 8.4% (UFL) dengan konsentrasi oksigen di bawah 12% (LOC).
- LOC (12% O2): Konsentrasi oksigen harus dikurangi di bawah 12% sebelum memasukkan n-
butane untuk mencegah terbentuknya campuran yang mudah terbakar.
- LFL (1.8% n-butane): Konsentrasi n-butane harus dikurangi di bawah 1.8% sebelum
memompa udara ke dalam bejana untuk mengeluarkan n-butane agar tidak terbentuk
campuran yang mudah terbakar

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