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The Deciduous Tree

If you have drawn something like

this The drawer of this tree is a precise person, inclined to meticulous ordering

If the crown of the tree is semi-closed, this shows a cushioning aspect to

your personality. It may be that you make a conscious effort to protect
yourself against too many and impressions, ideas, and influences from the
external world.

This person is rather careful and tends to be careful which potential

or this experiences and people, selecting he/she will accept and permit into his/her
interior world.

If you have drawn this tree, you are basically an open type, also slow and
reflective one. There is also a belief, correct or not, that your interaction
with the environment can be controlled by your choices.

Negatively, when the drawing of the leaves is compulsively detailed, or fine

foliage completely covers the main branches, this can indicate either
obsessive thinking patterns or severe feelings of inadequacy that the drawer
uses over-perfectionism to compensate for.

The Palm Tree

If you have drawn something like
this The palm tree shows a person experiencing either emotional dominance or
immaturity. The drawer may also blend emotional responses with his/her
mental responses.

Negatively, those who draw this type of tree may suffer from a basic
"approach-avoidance" syndrome. They seek out excitement, picturing
themselves as adventurous but, when confronted with new experiences or
unusual people, they often become defensive.

If you draw this type of tree, you are not easily influenced by purely rational
arguments, but readily accept ideas coloured by emotional or sexual aspects.
Often, this type of person doesn't realise this aspoect of his/her personality

The palm tree person believes that he/she can receive spiritual messages,
information, and inspirations. Consequently, there is a tendency toactively
seek "contact" or create situations where psychic events are likely to occur.
If you have drawn something like The Fruit Tree
The drawers of fruit trees draw fruit into the crown.

This type of tree drawing generally expresses positive feelings about


Where a female draws this type of tree, the fruit indicates either a present
sense of achievement or confidence that her creative activities will succeed.
Also, a specific special arrangement of the fruit may represent the woman's

School teachers, child therapists and others who work closely with children,
or have an interest in pursuing one of these careers, will often draw
numerous well developed fruits in the tree.

a tree with fruit on it. Order An Analysis today. Go here to find out how.

The Willow Tree

The drawer of this type of tree is trying to get away from the past, where
events have been uncomfortable and binding.
If you have drawn something like
this You are a person who is difficult to approach directly, but a circuitous
appeal to the emotions can influence you. It is as if people must "get under"
the over-hanging branches of your pine tree to find a way to touch you
through your trunk.

Drawers of this type of tree may also have fantasies about "divine
illumination" or precognitive knowledge, or the receipt of some similar
spiritual information. This means that the drawer of the Willow Tree, even
though intelligent, may be vulnerable to superstition. Indeed, you have a
more mental than emotional approach to spiritual and superstitious

If you draw this tree, the indications are that you are not always be
objectively rational.

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If you have drawn something like

Bare Winter Tree

When it is drawn, the bare winter tree is usually drawn in the shape of the
deciduous trees. The drawing indicates that you are probably an individual
with an outgoing personality, who moves toward others with confidence and
interest. You are easily influenced.

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If you have drawn something like The Pine Tree

The drawer of the pine tree tends to be goal driven, rather stubborn, and not
easily distracted from his/her central ambitions.

If you draw this tree, under a facade self-confidence you may feel socially
inadequate or emotionally unadapted.

The pine tree drawer is a person with strong feeling responses, but not a
person who will express his/her feelings openly or reveal vulnerability to
or this emotion.

If you draw this tree, you are afraid of being hurt by others, thus tending to
be suspicious. You will thus be hard to get to emotionally.

But, if the approach is right, your ideas can be influenced through an

emotional approach. Where the tree is broad near the top, there may be
fanaticism in the person.

A slightly open top usually shows religious occult interests and a vagueness
or uncertainty about ultimate goals.

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The Cypress (Chinese) Tree

The people who draw this type of tree have many of the traits of the pine

The difference is that the connection between the emotional and mental
spheres is reversed.

Unlike the pine tree person, you are touched emotionally through mental,
religious, or upper principle approaches.
If you have drawn something like
From this may come a love of formal ritual.

You are also more vulnerable to disappointment than the pine tree person.

Negatively, you may be inclined to irrational thinking.

You are person of self-expression.

While you are goal oriented, you can be irregular in your efforts and more
inclined to waste energy.

When frustrated by obstacles, you waiver from the pursuit of your final
goals. While, you still strive on, you may move off at a tangents, all the
while persuading yourself that you are seeking a way around the obstacle.

Positively you are a person with great flexibility that permits you to bend
with the wind, while still head in your general direction.

Order An Analysis today. Go here to find out how.

If you have drawn something like
The Cedar Tree

The drawer of a cedar tree is often not consistent. The artist is ambitious and
quite confident of his or her powers, but tends to be diversified in his/her
or this If you have drawn this tree, you may a person who can simultaneously do
several kinds of work. On the other hand you may have a tendency to
pursue a project for some time with great fervour and then suddenly
abandon it in favour of something else.

Although you are an great "ideas person" and good initiator, you can
become easily bored when steady application is required to achieve the
fulfilment of your initial concept.

or this Emotionally, you are less changeable, but you may maintain several
commitments at the same time. While this may be the downfall of some
people, as you can easily wear different masks in changing situations and
are capable of secrecy, you can manage your complex personal involvement
without undue complications.

You are remarkably buoyant and not easily disappointed, helped by the fact
that your goals are less definite. Being quick to see possibilities of new
approaches or alternative goals, you can get around obstacles easily.

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