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Plan du cours 2024P

Neuroeconomy: Principles and applications

Alessandro Villa

in collaboration with Alessandra Lintas <>

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Plan du cours 2024P
Neuroeconomy: Principles and applications

1. From macroeconomics to the nervous system

1.1. Observe the economy
1.2. Nerve cells
1.3. The action potential, positive feedback
1.4. Glial cells
1.5. Synaptic transmission

2. Foundations of pharmacology
2.1. Principles of drug action
2.2. Types of receptors
2.3. Ligand-receptor interaction
2.4. Signaling

3. Understanding the nervous system

3.1. Observe brain activity
3.2. Cyclic activities, rhythms and sleep
3.3. Reflexes

4. General structure of the nervous system

4.1. Embryology and development
4.2. Autonomic nervous system

5. Principles of regulation
5.1. Effect or cause?
5.2. Equilibrium in tense fluxes : prey-predator, thermoregulation
5.3. Economic cycles and stock market cycles
5.4. Regulation loops, negative and positive feedback
5.5. Static detectors, dynamic detectors
Neuroéconomie Alessandro Villa 3

Plan du cours 2024P

Neuroeconomy: Principles and applications

6. Information coding
6.1. Temporal series
6.2. Neuronal coding
6.3. Spatiotemporal coding and dynamical systems
6.4. The predictive brain

7. Time preferences
7.1. Intertemporal choice and impulsivity
7.2. Serotoninergic modulation
7.3. Dopaminergic modulation
7.4. Noradrenergic modulation
7.5. Psychostimulants
7.6. Functional and imaging studies

8. Risk preferences
8.1. Towards Prospect Theory
8.2. Serotoninergic modulation
8.3. Dopaminergic modulation
8.4. Noradrenergic modulation

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Littérature conseillée
• Sacha Gironde - La neuroéconomie : Comment le cerveau gère mes intérêts – Plon Editeur,

• Mickaël Mangot - Psychologie de l'investisseur et des marchés financiers – Dunod, 2008.

• Jason Zweig - Your Money and Your Brain: Become a Smarter, More Successful Investor, the
Neuroscience Way - Souvenir Press Ltd, 2007,2008. Egalement traduit en français.

• Daniel Richard, Didier Orsal – Neurophysiologie: Organisation et fonctionnement du système

nerveux – 3e édition, Dunod collection Science Sup., 2007.

• Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith
Roberts, Peter Walter – Essential Cell Biology - 2nd Edition, London, GB / Garland Science, 2004.

• D.H. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Dennis L. Meadows - The Limits to Growth: The 30-year
Update – White River Jct., VT / Chelsea Green Pub Co, 2004.

• Gordon M. Shepherd - The Synaptic Organization of the Brain – 5th edition, Oxford University
Press, USA, 2003.

• P.W. Glimcher - Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain: the Science of Neuroeconomics –
Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2003.

• Eric Kandel, John D. Koester, Sarah H. Mack, Steven Siegelbaum – Principles of Neural Science
– McGraw Hill / Medical, 6th edition, 2021.

Neuroéconomie Alessandro Villa 5

Littérature conseillée
• Lester, R. Brown – Eco-économie : Une autre croissance est possible, écologique et durable –
Paris / Ed. Seuil, 2003.

• Stan Weinstein – Secrets pour gagner en bourse à la hausse et à la baisse – Hendaye / Editions
Valor, 1998.

• Per Bak – How nature works – New York, NY. / Springer Verlag, 1996.

• Joël de Rosnay – L'homme symbiotique – Collection Points (P357), Paris/Editions du Seuil,


• Armand Petitjean, Dennis L Meadows, Club de Rome, Georg Richt – Quelles limites? – Paris /
Ed. Seuil, 1974.

• D.L. Meadows, W.W. Behrens, D.H. Meadows, R.F. Naill, J. Randers, E.K.O. Zahn - Dynamics of
Growth in a Finite World – Cambridge, MA / Wright-Allen, 1974.

• M.A. Paradiso, M.F. Bear, B.W. Connors - Neuroscience: exploring the brain – Hagerstwon,
MD:/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, 4th edition.

• M. Gazzaniga, R. Ivry, G, Mangun, G. - Cognitive Neuroscience, The Biology of the Mind –

W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2015, 4th edition

• Paul W. Glimcher, Ernst Fehr (Editors) – Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain –
Academic Press, 2013, 2nd edition

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Annoncez le choix et la composition du groupe
des étudiants en neuroéconomie

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Barême d'examen
Critères importants pour le travail en groupe

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