Pipeline Mri

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Data collection
Patients who were treated with RT for

1 pituitary tumor. Criteria inclusion:

treatment planning CT with dose map and
PTV and MRI before and at leat a follow-up
MRI beetween 60-360 days after RT.

Crop non-brain tissue from a CT image with
2 the associated PTV maps. Register to the T1
MR images using tools like 3D Slicer and ANTs
(Advanced Normalization Tools).


3 Register the cropped CT image with the

corresponding PTV maps to the T1 MR

Cortical Thickness Estimation

We performed segmentation using FastSufer
version 6.0 and we use FreeSurfer to get the
cortical parcellation following the Desikan-
Killiany-Tourville Atlas.

Differences in cortical thickness

5 Calculate by substracting the baseline and

the follow-up cortical thickness surfaces in
every vertex.

Relation beetween dose and thickness


6 Map the PTV and dose to the surface,

censoring the region linked to the PTV, and
find the correlation between dose and
thickness changes.


Data Brain PTV region Image
collection masking Labeling registration


Convert DICOM data to Remove non-brain tissue Load CT NIfTI data into 3D Slicer Align of the PTV region and
NIIFTI format and to from a CT image. and extract PTV information to T1w data in the same spatial
anonimize it. generate a binary label map for coordinate system to
this region." generate a new image.
Python routines FSL - BET
3D Slicer 3D Slicer - ANTs rigid registration

Crop Remove Differences in

volume PTV cortical thickness

Select an axial image for PTV Set the value to '0' within the Load the new Nii image and to Subtracting cortical
labeling and generate a 3D PTV region and generate a run the automate thickness from T1W images
model for visualization. new NIfTI image with the PTV segmentation of whole brain pre- and post-radiotherapy
region excluded. structures. treatment.
3D Slicer - Segment Editor and Grow
Cut Segmentation 3D Slicer - Volume Clip module 3D Slicer - Freesurfer
Freesurfer - Recon-all

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