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Joshua in the bible is actually a book that helps us learn about leadership, bravery
and other life skills, skills that enables young leader to develop life skills that helps
you to be a good leader and not just a good leader, also a “GODLY LEADER”.
I also want to acknowledge the school on exposing us to this special book in the
bible, because as they exposed us to that part of the bible they also enabling us to
steps and ways of getting to become a leader one-day.
It also enabling us to be able to always go to God for advice and behave as if your
brain can’t produce anything reasonable because we know that our strength will
fail us but God can never fail us, God is so reliable so we can depend on him. This
is one of the attributes of Joshua that made him a “GOOD LEADER”. He always
went to God for advice on everything and God always answered him.
If you read the entire chapter of Joshua 1, Joshua being the “ASSISTANT” of
Moses was chosen by God to be the next leader of Israel. God didn’t chose Joshua
because he was handsome or he was next to Moses, God chose him because God
knew his ability like how he was so devoted to God and always asked God for
guidance to lead the people of Israel and of what judgement to take on a person or
a particular type of people which did bad to them like in Joshua 7, when Achan
committed a sin against God and when they found out that due to that sin they
couldn’t defeat Ai people and they found that it was Achan, they didn’t just stone
and burn Achan, they did that to everything that was in his name including his
family and after that they won the battle against the Ai. When you’re a leader,
sometimes you have to take hard decisions, but that’s what makes you a leader,
when you know how to make hard decisions. Like Joshua followed God’s
instructions to separate the tribes and the family, and etc. They found out it was
Achan and they punished him and his family by stoning them and burning their
bodies. That was what a good and godly leaders would have done and that
wouldn’t be an offence because that was “JUSTICE”.
Another attribute that Joshua was known for was that he always kept his promise,
he was a promise keeper. It can be found in Joshua 2-6 and Joshua 9. In Joshua
chapter 2, Rahab was a prostitute who protected the spies sent by Joshua to Jericho
and Rahab told them that “when Jericho is being destroyed, let me leave with all
my family and relatives out of the destruction”. They took the oath and left to
Joshua and told him but he didn’t have a problem with it because he keeps
promises. When Joshua and the people of Israel destroyed Jericho, only Rahab, her
family and relatives were spared. This shows that Joshua keeps his promises and
that makes him a godly leader. In Joshua chapter 9, when the Gideonites deceived
the Israelites and made them make an oath with them saying that they will bring
water for the Israelites if the Israelites don’t touch them but they will protect them.
When the Israelites found out that they lived near, they couldn’t kill them due to
the vow being taken. When the Amorites found out that the people of Gideon are
working with the people of Israel so they decided to gather all the Amorites to fight
against the Gideonites and the Israelites joined forces with the people of Gideon
and fought against the Amorites and the LORD was with them so they prospered
and as they prospered the people of the Amorites where dying in different ways.
Joshua also kept his promise to them by not killing the people of Gideon and he
did not also allow the people of Gideon dye by the hands of the Amorites. As a
leader, you are to keep your promises as all time, you can find this from a
“SUPERNATURAL LEADER” which is the LORD GOD which made a
covenant/supernatural promise with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and with other people
and he kept all his promises, so we have to be like that, because in Genesis 1:27 he
said “Let us make man in our own Image and Likeness” so we are like mini Gods
and we attributes of GOD in us, especially being a good leader.
In summary, they are places that Joshua made mistakes but he always went to God
for direction, especially on how to solve the problem. As Joshua, we should also be
as Joshua, we are to know when to go to God for direction to solve a problem in
your family, your town, your village, your state, your country, your continent, in
the world, even to yourself.
We are also supposed to have a statement to remind us to know how to God for
direction. We can use this one:
In the name of Jesus
I command all things through his grace and my faith in his word
I want to be like Joshua
I want to be a leader
I want to be directed by God’s word
To be able to lead myself and also a people around me
I am to make decisions by the direction of the LORD
And also to become Caring, Fearing, Committed, Devoted Leader in Christ
God help me to be able to be like the leaders in the Bible
To be able to come to you so you can direct my part on correcting them
To be able to have wisdom as Solomon did
And to remind my self that I am made through God
And that I will be a leader because God is with me.
God Thank you for answering my prayers,
In Jesus Name I Pray,
Thank You for our Presentation
Work: Ekenedirichukwu Umeonuoha
Prayer point: Ekenedirichukwu and Anthony Okwuchukwu

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