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No Refrensi Data Paraphrase

1 Title : ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: Noun : 122 the article English for academic purposes an advanced
AN ADVANCED RESOURCE BOOK Ken P1:20 resource book has 7 paragraphs each. The firs paragraph
Hyland New York: Routledge, 2006 (by P2: 25 has 20 nouns, the second paragraph has 25 nouns,the third
María Isabel Herrando Rodrigo. University P3 : 18 paragraph has 18 nouns, the fourth paragraph has 10
of Zaragoza) P4 : 10 nouns, the fifth paragraph has 7 nouns, the sixth paragraph
P5 : 7 has 21 nouns and di sevent paragraph has 21 paragraphs.
P6 : 21 From the first paragraph of the noun to the last paragraph
P7 : 21 of the noun referred to in the word. The second,third and
last paragraph are referred to in the phrase. The last
paragraph is referred to as an inductive paragraph
2 Title : Common noun phrase patterns The aim of this research is to identify variations The most frequently used word class (part of speech) is
found in abstracts of research DOI: in the types of word combination patterns that adjectives + nouns with 8 items or 12.31% of the total noun form noun phrases and to find out what patterns phrases
sis.v10i03.2374 tend to be used most often. The method used is
a literature study with a qualitative descriptive
approach. Data was obtained from the abstract
in the ARTESOLESP E- journal journal. Volume 2,
No.1, November 2012 ISSN 1853-7693. The
results of the analysis show that the nounphrase
patterns used in the abstract are very varied,
namely 38 variations from a total of 65 data,
while the most total noun phrases. The most
frequently used word classes (part of speech) are
adjectives + nouns
3 Author: Nurul Frijuniasri (Indraprasta The aims of this study are to identify the While the most dominant part of speech combination used
University PGRI) Year published: variation of words combination pattern in in forming noun phrases is the combination of
September December 2018 Vol. 10 No. 03, composing noun phrase as well as to figure out adjective+noun with 8 item or 12.31 % of the whole
pp. 291-299 the most frequently used pattern. Library
research method and descriptive qualitative
approach are applied on this study. The data
were taken from the abstracts ARTESOLESP
Ejournal. Volume 2, No. 1, November 2012 ISSN
1853-7693. The result shows that the noun
phrase pattern written in those abstracts are
various where there are 38 verities of word
combinations of 65 noun phrases. While the
most frequently used pattern is the simple
pattern, in which 1 to 3 words are combined,
with 39 numbers of data or 60% of total
numbers of noun phrase. While the most
dominant part of speech combination used in
forming noun phrases is the combination of
adjective+noun with 8 item or 12.31 % of the
4 17.07. 001Lexical verb hedging in legal discourse: The The article concludes that better understanding of hedging
case of law journal articles and Supreme Court use in different genres can enhance hedging competence,
majority and dissenting opinion especially hedging interpretation skills.
5 ourn 911- It contains a short tutorial on arguments, Journal of Neurolinguistics
6044(01)00029-X stucture of verbs and their structural realization
(syntactic subcategorization) and provides a
critical account of the studies that relate verb
deficits to their argument structure. Finally,
studies devoted to verb semantics are discussed.
6 Compound nouns in Dangme. Source: This paper examines the group of Dangme This journal shows that the constituents of Dangme noun
Jurnal Linguistik Teoritis SKASE. 2020, Jil. 17 compound words consisting of two nouns within compounds are either simplex or complex, with the latter
Edisi 2, hal2- 22. 21p. Writer: Pengacara, the framework of Construction Morphology. This being complex compounds or nominals derived from affixes
Richard Ayertey; Appah, Clement Kwamina journal shows that the constituents of Dangme
Insaidoo noun-noun compounds are either simplex or
complex, with the latter being complex
compounds or nominals derived from affixes.
The study suggests that the constituents of NN
compounds in Dangme may not have the same
semantic characteristics; however there are
hidden relationships such as “part of”, “

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