Blessings of Ramadan Questions

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Bint e Saqhawat
September Syllabus (pg 47 – pg 56)

Rules of Fasting – We belong to RasoolAllah, Heaven belongs to

RasoolAllah ‫صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬

1. Whom is fasting fardh upon?

2. When were fasts made fardh?

3. Why was fasting made fardh upon Muslims?

4. What were the fasts of the previous Prophets ‫? عليهم السالم‬

5. From which age should a child fast?

6. Can one fall ill due to fasting?

7. Does fasting improve one’s health? (hadith)

8. Why do people fall sick in Ramadan, if fasting is said to improve one’s


9. How is fasting a compensation for one’s previous sins?

10. What is the reward/virtue of fasting?

11. How does fasting act as a shield?

12. What did Sayyiduna Rabi’ah ask from the Messenger of Allah ‫صىل هللا عليه‬
‫و سلم‬
October Syllabus (pg 57 – pg 88)

Ask for anything you want – difficulty was eased

1. What does Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi stated with regards to
the Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬giving/granting?

2. Write about Rayyan.

3. What is the virtue of fasting for a single day?

4. Up to how long can a crow live for?

5. Who is the palace of red rubies or green emeralds for?

6. Is the sleep of a fasting person considered as worship?

7. What happens/ what are the virtues if one is in the state of fasting in the

8. Who will receive heavenly fruits and drinks?

9. Who will have a dining mat made from gold, moreover when and where
will this take place?

10. Which are the seven types of deeds in the court of Allah and what is the
reward for each?

11. On the day of judgement who will be the ones to receive immeasurable

12. What will be the distance of a fasting persons face from the hellfire?

13.What is the loss of missing a single fast without a valid reason?

14. What is the punishment of those who deliberately break their fast in
Ramadan before its time without a valid reason?

15. The Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬spoke of three unfortunate people, who
are they?

16. Who are the disgraced people?

17. How many levels of fasting are there and what are they?

18. What is the fast of a common person?

19.What is meant by the fast of the pious people?

20.What is meant by the fast of the ascetic? *

21. What did Sayyiduna Data Ali Hajweri state with regards to the
implications of fasting?

22. What is said of those deeds carried out in Ramadan which were unlawful
prior to Ramadan?

23. Does Allah Almighty need our remaining hungry and thirsty?

24. What is meant by the fasting of body parts?

25. What is meant by fasting of the eyes?

26. What is meant by fasting of the ears?

27. What is the punishment for one who secretly listens to others

28. What is fasting of the tongue?

29. What are the ill affects of the tongues misuse?

30. Does the Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬have knowledge of the unseen (I’lm ul
Ghayb)? Present a hadith to prove this.

31. By adopting which three principles are we able to avoid many other sins?

32. What is meant by fasting of the hands?

33. What is meant by fasting of the feet?

34. What is the ruling with regards to making an intention for the fasts of

35. What is the timing in which one must make an intention for the fasts of

36. Within what timings must the intention for other fasts be made?

37. How may one ascertain the time of midday?

38. For which fasts must the intention be made within the night?

39. Is it a condition to utter the intention verbally, if not then how so?

40. Which language can the intention be made in?

41. List any 10 Madani pearls with regards to the intention of fasting?

42. Does making the intention to break ones fast invalidate the fast?

43. Will one intention made at the beginning of Ramadan suffice for the
entire month’s fasts?

44. What is the ruling with regards to breaking a fast where one assumes he
has to make up for a missed fast but then realises he was wrong?

45. What is the ruling of eating Sahari?

46. Why did the Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬eat sahari?

47. At first to eat during the night, after waking up (sahari) was not allowed,
later permission for this act was granted. Why?

48. What are the terms black thread and white thread referring to in Surah

49. What are some of the blessings and virtues of doing sahari?

50. Is sahari a condition for fasting?

51. What did the Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬used to eat for sahari?

52. When should one do sahari?

53. Which three things does Allah Almighty like?

54. What is meant by delaying sahari?

55. What is the ruling with regards to one who closes his fast upon hearing
the Fajr Azaan?
November Syllabus (pg 88 – pg 110)

Relief from debts – five rulings with regards to vomiting in state of


1. What is the time for iftar?

2. What should one eat at the time of iftar?

3. Is Azaan a condition for iftar?

4. What are some of the virtues of Iftar? (Learn all 11)

5. What are the virtues of serving one Iftar?

6. List 10 Madani Pearls regarding dates.

7. Is Dua accepted at the time of Iftar, if so, why?

8. How many and which types of duas are accepted?

9. What is troublesome for Kiraman Katibin?

10. What are the advantages of dua?

11. What are five Madani Pearls with regards to making dua?

12. What is a reason of delay in fulfilment of dua?

13. Which type of people’s supplications are not answered by Allah


14. What should be said to one who denies the effect of supplications and
invocations, and those who lose trust in the promise of bounties of Allah
Almighty? – ‫العياذ بالل‬
15. Which acts invalidate fasts? *

16. What is the ruling with regards to one vomiting whilst fasting?

17. When does vomiting invalidate the fast?

18. When does it not invalidate the fast?

(Answer Qs 16 & 17 through the points mentioned under heading; 7 rulings

regarding vomiting).

19. What is considered a mouthful of vomit?

20. What are the five rulings regarding vomiting in the state of wudu?
December Syllabus (pg 110 – pg 134)

Important advice – Company of those not offering Salah

1. Is vomit impure?

2. What is the ruling with regards to eating or drinking forgetfully?

3. When will eating, drinking and intercourse not invalidate ones fast?

4. What is the ruling with regards to seeing a fasting person doing any of
the above-mentioned acts? Moreover, what do the scholars say about

5. What is the ruling if a fly, dust, smoke or flour go down the throat?

6. Treating the body by placing a pierced horn over the affected area,
massaging oil or applying kohl invalidate the fast?

7. If car or bus smoke or blowing dust reach the throat, will the fast be

8. What is the ruling with regards to a burning incense stick? When does
it validate or invalidate the fast?

9. Will feeling the coolness of the water inside the body after taking a
bath invalidate the fast?



10. What did the Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه و سلم‬say with regards to unpleasant
acts which do not invalidate the fast, rather they affect the spirituality
of the fast? (learn two hadith)
11. Can a fasting person taste or chew anything?

12. What is meant by tasting?

13. Mention 10 makruh acts whilst fasting.

14. What are valid Shari’ compulsions of missing a fast in Ramadan (when
is one exempt from fasting)?

15. When is one considered a traveller (musafir)?

16. What is the shari’ distance for a journey?

17. What is the ruling with regards to fasting whilst travelling?

18. How is Qasr Salah offered?

19. Is slight illness a valid exemption from fasting?

20. When is a one exempt from keeping fardh fasts?

21. When is a one exempt from keeping nafl fasts?

22. Will the above-mentioned exemptions require qada?

23. What are the 12 points with regards to qada of fasting?

24. What is the method of paying expiation for fasting?

25. What are key points with regards to expiation?

January Syllabus (pg 225 - )

I’tikaaf for Islamic sisters -

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