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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: April 8-12 ,2024 Quarter: 4th QUARTER Week 2


A.Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to
serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
B.Performance Standards The learners shares/express personal ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings using familiar words.
C.Learning Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:
Competencies/Objectives -Subordinate and coordinate conjunctions. EN6G-Ig-4.4.1
II.CONTENT Subordinating Conjunctions Coordinating Conjunctions CATCH UP FRIDAY
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 137 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 137 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 137 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 137
2.Learners’s Materials pages Essential English 6 pp. 160-165 Essential English 6 pp. 160-165 Essential English 6 pp. 160-165 Essential English 6 pp. 160-
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, flash Powerpoint presentation, flash Powerpoint presentation, flash
flashcards cards, puzzle cards cards
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Recall lesson about visual When to use subordinating Give me an example of a When to use coordinating
presenting the new lesson elements. conjunction in the sentence? subordinating conjunction. conjunction in the sentence?
B.Presenting Examples/ instances of Let’s play “Ticking Game” Make a picture puzzle Read the passage silently A Continuation of the topic.
the new lesson Present for Cynthia Cynthia
nstruction of a Covid-19 Virus and
let pupils arrange the
wanted to have a party on
her birthday, but she
puzzle. Those who decided to have it at home
s: finish the puzzle first
with her family and a small
group of friends. After
will be the winner. eating the food prepared by
Students her mother, her friends
convinced her to open her
gifts. “Come on, Cynthia,
will pass we’re excited to see if you
like our present for you,”
Donna said. “Yes, maybe it
an object will be nice to see all your
other gifts and the special
surprise you received from
around your parents and your
grandma. We’re dying to
see them,” Ana exclaimed.
the “Let’s go to my room then,”
Cynthia replied excitedly.
Cheryl commented, “Can’t
classroom we just stay here in the
living room? Your sister is
asleep in your room and we
. A might disturb her.” Cynthia
opened the first box and
she clapped her hands
piece of when she saw the Hello
Kitty bag she had longed to
have. As she opened the
music next box, she sighed, “Oh
no, this dress is good, but
the color doesn’t suit me.”
will be Angela signaled, “Ssssh.
Your grandma can hear
you. Didn’t that present
played, come from her? “Oh. I’m
sorry to have said that. It’s
really a nice present. I’ll
and when wear it on Sunday.” Cynthia
raised her voice to make up
for her tactless blunder.
the music
stops, the
the object
has to
will be
shown to
the pupil,
and the
ask them
to use a
on to join
will pass
an object
. A
piece of
will be
and when
the music
stops, the
the object
has to
will be
shown to
the pupil,
and the
ask them
to use a
on to join

C.Discussing new concepts and The subordinating Let's examine an example Here are the following It is easier to remember the
practicing new skills #1 conjunction is a type of to understand these clauses sentences taken from the coordinating conjunctions if
conjunction that connects or more clearly. story. you think of the word
joins an independent clause FANBOYS.
with a subordinate clause. The virus that cause 1. Cynthia wanted to have a
An independent clause is COVID-19 spreads primarily party on her birthday, but
essentially a clause that can through droplets generated she decided to have it at
exist by itself in a given when an infected person home with her family and a
sentence which means that coughs, sneezes or speaks. small group of friends.
it doesn’t need any The clause The virus that 2. Maybe it will be nice to
additional information to cause COVID-19 spreads see all your other gifts and
exist because it can stand primarily through droplets the special surprise you
alone as a complete generated is an received from your parents
sentence. independent clause and your grandma.
because it has a subject 3. This dress is good, but
A subordinate or and a verb, and it can stand the color doesn’t suit me.
dependent clause is one alone as a complete
which cannot exist or stand thought. When an infected
alone by itself as a person coughs, sneezes or Observe how the underlined
sentence and only provides speaks is a subordinate words are used to link parts
some additional information clause (dependent clause), of the sentences. The
to the main clause it contains a subordinating underlined and highlighted
(independent clause). conjunction -when is used words were used to connect
Sentences where there is at the time that the infected the phrases or clauses.
an independent and a person coughs, sneezes or These words are called
dependent clause, is known speaks. This subordinate conjunctions.
as a complex sentence. clause is incomplete it
Subordinating conjunctions needs an independent
are therefore found in clause by its side, so it can
complex sentences where make sense and be
they try to join or link the considered one complete
clauses together. thought. Otherwise, we are
left wondering, 'so what
could happen if an infected
person coughs, sneezes, or
speaks? A subordinating
conjunction provides a
bridge between the
independent clause and the
subordinate clause. The
subordinating conjunctions
are many in number and we
use them regularly in our
daily communication without

D.Discussing new concepts and Let’s get to know a few of Here is a list of commonly A conjunction is a word that Draw a happy face if the
practicing new skills #2 these subordinating used subordinating connects or joins together sentence is using the
conjunctions with their conjunctions. words, phrases, clauses, or coordinating conjunction
meanings and examples. sentences. correctly. If not, draw a sad
face and make it correct.
1. before–at an earlier time There are two kinds of
e. g. Before dinner, you conjunctions. One of it is a
have to submit the report for coordinating conjunction.
approval. Coordinating conjunctions
2. since–from a past time coordinate or join two or 1. The beaches in Baler
until now more sentences, main are good for surfing and
e. g. Since the party, she clauses, words, or other sunbathing.
has not spoken to him at all parts of speech of equal
3. whether– used to indicate rank. The answer is a happy
choices or possibilities face, the sentence used
e. g. We have to answer Read the sentences which the coordinating
this test whether we like it uses conjunctions below: conjunction correctly. The
or not. word and present non-
4. while–a period of time contrasting ideas.
especially when short and
marked by the occurrence
of an action
e. g. Someone called while
you were out. 2. Neither Boracay for
5. as long as–provided that Palawan were mentioned
e. g. I might as well go out in those two articles.
as long as I’ve got my You'll notice that when a
boots. dependent clause precedes It’s a sad face! The correct
6. once–one time and no an independent clause, coordinating conjunction is
more. there's a comma between or instead of for. We use
e. g. We try to get together the two, indicating the or to present alternative
once every month. beginning of the item or idea.
7. though–in spite of the independent clause.
possibility However, when the
e. g. Though it was raining, independent clause comes
we went hiking. first, there's usually no need
to separate the two clauses 3.It is well known in other
with a comma. countries yet only a few
Filipinos have gone there.

It’s a happy face!

The sentence used the

coordinating conjunction
correctly. Yet is use to
present a contrast ideas or

E.Developing Mastery Directions: Encircle the Directions: Supply a correct Directions: Read the Directions: Use the
subordinating conjunction in subordinating conjunction to sentences. Write (CC) in correct coordinating
each sentence. complete each sentence. the box provided if it is uses conjunction to complete
1. Our Pasig City Choose from given choices. coordinating conjunction to the sentences. Select your
Government has been connect sentences and (X) answer from the box
supporting Pasigueńos because unless mark if not. below.
since the early stages of while if after 1. _____ you like it _____
this pandemic crisis. not, you will join us now.
1. The audience loves
2. If you are worried about 1. ______ the Government to watch her, for she 2. He did not hear _____
your symptoms, do not does not change its course, understand your
dances gracefully. 2.
hesitate to contact your deaths in the Philippines explanation.
Her style is unusual, but her
healthcare professional for could well be in multiples of 3. Father enjoys both
lines are remarkable.
advice. hundreds of thousands. tennis _____ basketball.
3. The traffic was terrible on 2. Linda will serve five years 3. Joshua bakes with 4. Sheila loves swimming
Friday evening as everyone in jail _________ the parole delight. ______ she doesn’t want
expected board releases her early for to go to the beach.
4. Her parents are
4. Cover your mouth and good behavior. 5. We are in a hurry _____
proud of her, and they
nose with a tissue or your 3. There was a silence we have a deadline to
always watch her
sleeve (not your hands) _______ the guests had meet.
when coughing or sneezing gone.
5. I will succeed whereas 4. The teacher explained 5. Politeness may come
you will fail. the lesson well ________ naturally to a person.
the pupils are listening
5. She began to cry
________ she had lost her
F.Finding Practical application of fill out the organizer using Amidst the coronavirus Write a short paragraph of
concepts and skills in daily living the given sentence and pandemic, a lot of people five to eight sentences
complete the paragraph suffered, lost their jobs, no about any of the topics
with the things you have food to eat and some died. below. Use and
learned. Many have been stepping coordinating conjunctions in
up to help these people. your sentences.
Write 3 things you will do to  Local products found in Compose three to five (3-
independent clause 5) clear and coherent
help others in your own our hometown
subordinate sentences using
special way.  Tourist spots in our
dependent clause coordinating conjunctions
(main clause) about the picture above.
 Activities in celebration of
our barangay/town’s fiesta.
(subordinate clause)

Subordinating Conjunctions
connects or ________ an
__________ clause with a
________ clause. When a
dependent clause precedes
an independent clause,
there's a ________
between the two, indicating
the beginning of the
independent clause.
However, when the
independent clause comes
first, no need to separate
the two clauses with a
G.Making generalization and What is a subordinbating conjunction? What is a coordinating conjunction?
abstraction about the lesson
H.Evaluating learning Directions: Complete the Directions: Complete each Directions: Use the correct Directions: Write
following sentences using sentence using the coordinating conjunction to sentences about the
appropriate subordinating subordinating conjunction complete the sentence. Box pictures below. Use
conjunctions. from the parenthesis your answer. coordinating conjunctions
1. Please wait here ______ 1. ______ the start of 2020, 1. I want to see a movie, in your sentences
he comes. a new respiratory infection (but, and) my sister has my
A. as outbreak called COVID-19 car.
B. before has spread through Asia to 2. She likes apples (but,
C. because the rest of the world. (Once, and) bananas.
D. until Since, After) 3. What do you like, hot (or,
2.______ everyone is quiet, 2. Cover your mouth and nor) cold chocolate drink?
we will have time at the end nose with a tissue or your 4. Neither boys (or, nor)
of class to play the game. sleeve (not your hands) girls refused to sweep the
A. If _____ coughing or floor.
B. while sneezing. (where, unless, 5. Ben loves to play
C. after when) outdoor, (yet, for) he has an
D. whether 3. This is the place allergy.
3. I didn’t go to school _________ we stayed last
yesterday _______ I was time we visited. (where,
not feeling well. when, how)
A. when 4. ______ you are, follow
B. if the recommended
C. while prevention measures.
D. because (Wherever, If, Unless)
4. _____ you do leave the 5. There is evidence that
house, keeping two meters people are experiencing .
away from people you don’t more serious health
live with can help reduce outcomes _______ they
infection. delayed seeking care during
A. Though the pandemic. (when, if,
B. As because)
C. When
D. since
5. Sara begins to sneeze
______ she opens the
window to get a breath of
fresh air.
A. while
B. whenever
C. whether
D. although

I.additional activities for application

or remediation
Prepared by:

MARIAN FE T. SALDI Checked and Verified by:

Teacher I Noted:
Master Teacher I School Principal II

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