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Reading and Comprehension

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________

• Read the fable

"The Clever Ant and the Lazy Grasshopper"

A long time ago, there were two bugs: a hardworking ant and a lazy grasshopper who lived
in the same field.

The ant worked really hard all summer. She gathered food and built a warm house for the
winter. But the grasshopper just played and sang all day, without thinking about the cold
days ahead.
When winter finally came, the grasshopper found himself in a tough situation. He had no
food to eat and shivered in the cold without a warm place to stay. So, he decided to ask
for help from the ant.

The ant, known for her kindness, opened the door to the shivering grasshopper. The
grasshopper said, "I'm hungry and cold. Can you help me, please?"

The ant replied, "I worked hard all summer to prepare for winter. I collected food and
built a warm home. I'm happy to share with you, but it's important to plan for the future,
just as I did."
The grasshopper realized that it's important to plan and work hard, even if it seems less
fun than playing.
From that day on, the grasshopper learned the importance of being prepared for the
future. He promised that he would work hard and plan, just like the clever ant.

Moral of the story: It's important to prepare for the future and not just enjoy the present.
• Answer the following questions

1. What lesson can we learn from this fable?




2. Do you think the ant did the right thing by not sharing food with the

grasshopper? Why or why not?




3. If you were the grasshopper, what would you have done differently to avoid

being hungry in the winter?




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