Common Sense of A Duke's Daughter

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Common Sense of a

Duke’s Daughter

"There are various traps and

tricks everywhere in the
royal palace. This is also
one of those. I will show the
trick this time because it is a
Those were Leticia’s words.
After arriving at the
destination, she pulled a
book from the bookcase
placed in the wall and
pushed the protruding part
that was hidden behind it.
Then, the bookshelf opened
like a door.
"Now, shall we go?"
Leticia walked in without
hesitation, and started going
down the dark stairs leading
to the basement.
"There are many royal
people in the country history
who have done things in the
dark. They used this crevice
in the wall to avoid the
public’s eye and went to an
inaccessible place where
people could not get close to.
The place we’re headed to
right now is exactly that
type of place. "
We exited the aisle and went
straight ahead.
And at the end of the
not-so-long road, there was
a staircase leading up again.
"Please push the third big
stone from the right
We climbed the stairs, but it
was a dead end. Only a door
remained in front.
Rudy changed places with
Leticia, and opened the door
as instructed.
As soon as the door was
opened, light came in from
When Rudy passed through
the door, there was a narrow
stone space.
There are only solid doors
and long spirals that seem to
be at that spot.
"Now, let's climb the stairs a
little more"
Leticia takes the lead again
and starts climbing the
"Maybe … is this a tower?"
I reached the middle of the
staircase and opened my
"Yes, yes. This is a tower to
imprison a high-ranking
person that commits a crime.
And considering the original
use, I think there is another
door to access it other than
the official entrance. But …
well, as I mentioned earlier,
I guess some royals used it
for shadowy purposes.”
Leticia said so, laughing
Her complexion is slightly
fatigued from climbing the
long staircase.
When we reached the top of
the stairs, there was a small
That small room was
divided into two spaces…
The three of us gathered
together and looked at the
The room first half of the
space was covered with a
wall that let us see the other
side while we remain hidden
behind it, and the other half
was an inner room
surrounded by a grid.
And there was Yuri Noir
inside the grid… in the dark,
sitting on the ground.
"… Leticia, this is …"
Rudy asked in a low voice
without concealing his
confusion. Leticia put a
forefinger in front of her
mouth, signaling him to not
As we silently watched from
behind the wall for a while,
the room suddenly became
quite noisy.
And a person appeared
together with the noise. It
was Edward, who should
have been confined in
another prison.
"Yuri! I came to help you!"
She dimly looks at him that
is approaching the grid with
a voice of love and hate.
"… how did you come
On the other hand, Yuri
asked him without emotion.
"This person has freed
me. … You too, are free
from now on."
A well-dressed man stood
behind Edward.
I and Rudy opened our eyes
at the sight of the familiar
The second prince was not
directly involved in the case,
so he received a light
punishment by the Supreme
And behind them were the
two knights who should
guard the entrance of the
She looked down to Edward,
who squatted down to open
the grid, and said so in a
cold voice.
Edward, who has already
opened the door, looks up to
her astonished.
"What's up? Yuri. There is
nothing to be afraid of.
After fleeing from here, we
can hide some time and
prepare a comeback. We’ll
take back the throne. "
She smiled, but her
expression was not clear.
Rather she laughed as if
drowning in sorrow.
"You don't know? He's not
willing to help me
"You may not believe it
right away, but it’s possible
to take back the throne Yuri.
First of all, let’s leave
here …"
"If I leave here, I will be
killed in a second. By him
and his companions. To
maintain the secret."
"Yuri, that’s not true! They
are the people who helped
us. Anyway, let's get out.
Believe me."
"They need you. Because
you still have a use for them.
The only way they can
regain the power is to sit
you on the throne, but I am
useless now. I am in their
way now.
I wonder if I can’t escape
my fate as the woman who
has a blood relationship
with the Twil’s country… I
wonder if I never will be
able to be only a woman
named Yuri.
If you sit on the throne, I’ll
lose all value for them,
because they won’t be able
to send their daughters to
your side if I’m there."
"Yuri. That’s entirely wrong.
By all means … please let’s
"Yuri, the only moment to
escape is now. I'm hoping to
remove some important
officials from Prince
Alfred's hands, because we
need to erase them before I
sit on the throne.”
Yuri laughed and said in a
clear tone.
"… First of all, there is no
need for me to help the
people of this country,
including you, because this
country is nearing its end,
and there are others who can
help me too."
The man who followed
Edward screamed of fear at
the words she said
" Prince Edward!! You
wanted to help her, because
she’s your beloved one,
but … still she is connected
to the Twil’s country. She
deserves this. She must not
be the person at your side."
"No, don’t say that… Yes,
she's in such dire situation,
but that’s not her fault. She
has spoken like that only
because she's emotionally
unstable now. Yuri, I guess
that's your decision? Even if
we protect you from anyone
who tries to harm you,
you’ll not come with us…
Yuri responds nothing to
Edward's question.
She just returned a cold
"Edward-sama! You are
being deceived. Although
you originally could have
taken the throne without
having to pass through such
a situation as the present one,
everything came to be like
this because this person was
a traitor of the country. It
will be a matter of time
before she destroys you.
Please wake up now. "
The moment Edward’s
entourage said that, one of
the knights behind him drew
a sword and was
approaching her.
Another knight holds
Edward down so he can’t
rescue her.
But in front of this situation
she was just looking quietly
with dimly cold eyes.
The moment the sword
reaches her … Edward
shook off the knight's hand
and broke in between the
sword and her.
…… It was at that moment.
That with a dull sound,
Edward was pierced by the
Quietness dominates the
field as if time had stopped.
The knight who was holding
the sword became so
unsettled and his hands
shivered so much that he
eventually let go of the
The sound of the fall to the
ground of the knight’s body
and the sword resonates.
And at the same time,
Edward, painted in red fell
on the spot.
She saw the red blood
flowing from his body with
surprise, but at the next
moment he smiled and
returned the look up at Yuri.
"… Yuri …"
Edward, even when he fell,
reached out to be at her side.
At this sight, the light
returns to her eyes, which
had been dimly lit up until
"Why … why did you come
to me?"
She asks shouting.
"For you too, I am nothing
more than luggage! Like
them, I’m a tool for you
too … You’re also a noble?
So why ??!!”
At that question he smiled
while blood flowed from his
"… I promised, did I not?"
"I will always protect you
from harms way…" He
smiled warmly while
speaking softly to her.
In the first place, she would
not fall into such a situation
if it were not that Edward
came with them … but still.
Still, he was the only one
who really wanted to protect
A foolish person …
I laughed at him.
Why is he so pure and so
stupid … not quite like royal
family at all.
… That's why I targeted him
to enter the royal family…
because he was the most
stupid one.
Anyway, he never had any
real status in the royal
I also destroyed the only
way for him to be king.
Such as those approaching
him, the only ones here now
are those who have lost their
status as well.
Attracted only at his blood.
The ground of the first
prince is secured now. (Note:
His foundation is firm, so no
others can overthrow him)
I was able to seize the royal
palace once, at the start…
thinking about it now, it was
surprising that everything
went so smooth in the
Thinking about the throne
now… the possibility that it
would have fallen into
wrong hands was not zero,
but even if it is insulting,
because we’re the ones
creating that risk, I really
hope it never happens.
I think… that he was an
important idiot on story, but
I also think that the old men
he brought here are idiots.
…… No, I am the same as
Surely, Divan has
abandoned me. He won’t
In the royal palace, the eyes
of the first prince reach
every corner, and there is no
room for the Twil’s people
to sneak into.
Because Twil’s spies have
already been captured.
Under such circumstances,
Divan will not waste his
efforts on me.
He has more important
Still… I was hoping he
would come to my rescue…
but that possibility is zero
I am also a foolish person.
…… If they point their
swords at me here, I’d have
to die.
But it is also exciting to die
I'm really tired…
…… To live.
Even though, he… Edward
got here to help me.
He prioritized me over his
own safety.
His true feelings shook me.
No one helped me.
There was no one to protect
Everyone used me and left
My mother cried all those
years over her lost love,
hated that she couldn’t be
with his love and never
cared for me.
My dad also easily left my
mother and me, and used me
when convenient.
Divan raised me, gave me
all the knowledge I needed
to survive, but he too was
one of those who
approached me to use me
and disposed of me after I
was no longer deemed
But, Edward … only him
was true to me… only him
was trying to protect me
even after I no longer hold
any value.
Why? …… Why couldn’t I
distinguish who loved me?
That is a stupid question
He was always saying… "I
love you."
“Let’s always be together."
And that he wants to protect
Every time I heard those
words, I became insane.
In my head it turned out to
be "I will throw you away if
you become useless”.
But it was different.
Because he put his words
into action until his death.
The moment I realized that,
I felt something warm
flowing into my heart.
"Idiot … you really are an
That's why I laugh
From my eyes, big drop of
tears spill out.
I bend down and grabbed
his hand that had fallen on
the cold floor.
"Yes, that's right."
He was breathless and pale,
but joyfully smiling, … and
he was exhausted.
"… really, a fool"
I squeezed his hand, which
was heavy, and cold.
… And at the same time,
suddenly, a woman who is
not from this place
Edward’s followers were
also surprised at that
moment, as she appeared
from the stone wall where
there was no door.
"Good luck, Yuri Noir"
Ignoring their existence, the
woman called out to me.
But I ignored her and hold
on to Edward’s cold hands,
which will never move
After sighing, the woman
looked around the room.
"Even though he was
imprisoned, Edward is still a
royal. Their sins of having
harmed a royal are so heavy
that I don’t think they can
escape death penalty."
Leticia was smiling.
On the other hand, the three
men trembled.
"Oh, I'm just saying… I
supposed you guys already
Two knights ran out to
escape this place before we
imprison them.
But in the direction they ran
away, Rudy was ahead and
blocked their escape route.
"Don't you dare…!"
They pointed their swords at
Rudy, who blocks their way.
Rudy also pulled his sword
"… Lady Leticia"
He said, but his words
didn’t hold any meaning…
Yet, Leticia grinned with a
big smile as if she
understood everything.
At that moment, Rudy took
a step towards them.
And slaughtered in one
swift swing of his sword.
…… It was a dead end.
Such an act as if to show the
difference in power.
Leticia looked at it without
changing her expression.
Yuri is indifferent.
On this occasion, the person
who showed the most
reaction … Was an elder
who followed Edward.
He shakes like a falling leaf,
and gets frozen on the spot.
"Why … why are you …"
"Oh, I appeared here so
suddenly even after you
bribed me… but you
recognized who I am in an
Leticia, smiled like a
mischievous child.
"You're kidding. Why… did
you appear here today?!"
"No …! This can’t be!"
The men show astonishment
on their faces.
"I knew your movements
early on, I just leave it be
for the time being."
"If so, did you mean that …
you were expecting this to
"No, I didn't think that my
brother would try to free
Yuri. Well … that saved
time and effort. Rudy, catch
these people."
"Rudy, it’s fine. We’ll be
the only ones here if you
take these people away.
Please come and pick me up
after you finish with it."
Rudy took the people who
were dismayed on the floor
and took them out of the
tower. The men have
already lost all expectations
for winning, so they didn’t
put any resistance.
What is left is to bury
Edward and imprison Yuri
again, who is currently
sitting at his side without
I'm embarrassed that I can
only look in this situation,
and Leticia who is silent on
the spot.
"… soon"
Yuri whispers in a small
"First, you said that what
happened saved you time.
Did you originally intend to
kill Ed?"
"… Oh, you didn't think you
were good enough to
continue using my brother
Yuri's face was distorted by
Leticia's question.
"Good, answer ……!"
"… I think he should be
executed sooner or later
even if you didn’t give a
hand, but … yes. I was
going to do it”
Yuri's astonishing
expression is drawn by
Leticia's ruthless words.
"… How could you! He is
your brother!"
"We have never seen or
talked before … but it is
"If so, why…!"
"It is necessary."
In response to Yuri’s
fierceness, Leticia answers
"If I keep this brother alive,
chaos will ensue. If this
brother later tries to start a
rebellion like the man
mentioned earlier, it would
be unnecessary trouble…
this country can’t endure a
civil war Yuri. Didn't you
want to destroy this country?
You were trying to achieve
your purpose no matter how
much blood flowed. Is it not?
"… you and me are
completely different! You
have sacrificed even those
who are connected to you
through blood"
"Yes, but… I'm a royal. If
it’s necessary to protect this
country, I would let my
heart turn stone cold"
"Leticia, thank you for
Just in time, Rudy came
Behind him are several
"Oh, it's early."
"I handed over the rebels to
the guards and came back"
"… Well, very good, now
bring Yuri back to jail. And
then bring my brother with
you to proceed with the
"… Bern, Rudy. I will
return. Good luck, Yuri."
Yuri was shouting
But Leticia turned away
from her and ignored it.
Me and Rudy followed her
soon after.
A new whistle sound comes
down from the stairs.
But unlike when we went up,
no one speaks now.
Never mind it, I speak to
"What is it, Bern"
"Are you aware that Prince
Alfred will be angry at this,
and you participated in this
"Yes, and no"
Leticia's answer is so
"My brother wanted to get
rid of them. When he comes
back, he’s going to get rid of
them. But he will carry the
guilt of having killed his
brother, so I want to reduce
the risk just in case he
becomes soft, now that my
brother is on the battlefield.
She smiled as if in trouble.
"Why do you ask why? …
Are you scared?"
I went down the stairs and
went out of the tower.
Despite the gloomy
atmosphere just before, the
outside was dazzling and
But our atmosphere remains
the same as before.
"I just want to know. Why
did you decide to proceed
with your plan even when
the blood was dripping from
your palms?"
At my words, she stopped
and looked at her hand as
…… She was not aware of
it herself.
Blood was dripping from
her palm.
While Rudy smiles, she ties
her hand with a cloth from
her dress so that she can
stop the bleeding.
"Why do you want to
shoulder such a heavy
She looked firm at first.
However, she soon opened
her shivering lips with
"… I can not forgive you,"
"I decided to act that way.
Everything is my fault. I
feel guilty… "
"… And you still chose to
act that way? "
"Yes, I can't stop anymore.
This is the way of a King.
But …"
For a moment she closed her
mouth again.
"… I want to do the least I
can to help this country. I
can't help it, the situation
required this decision. I'm
not regretting it."
She said with a smile on her
"… Rudy. Please take care
of that elder brother and
bury him."
"Are you sure?"
"There's no need to proceed
with a public ceremony nor
exposition. That man's
testimony can certainly
prove that brother is dead.
"No. This is good. I'm
relieved. An exposition or
public ceremony would
most probably break you at
this stage."
"Yeah …, probably"
Upon arriving at Leticia's
private room, Rudy
immediately left to execute
her instructions.
She sits in a chair, as if she
is tired.
"Shall we bring you
I took care of her like that.
"No, I don't want anything
While denying it, she
exhales heavily.
"… I'll ask you questions
that are difficult to answer.
If you don't want to answer,
just say so. What did you
think about your brother's
"I thought about a lot of
things… My memories of
my brother, the state of the
country while he had
power… and all I got to
know about him…"
She clearly speaks of her
thoughts without wasting a
single word.
"I was lucky. … thanks to
the people around me
showing me the wide
world … If not, I would
have been his position. "
"… That's right"
"Sympathy, regret, but I
can’t allow myself to stop
either, because to enjoy
good luck simply is to look
away from my sins. I bear a
responsibility towards this
country. "
She closed her eyes and
seriously listened to my
"Why did you asked. Are
we not going the same
"I dare you say it again."
She laughed heartily.
"That's right. First, let's get
back to government affairs."
"Did Prince Edward
die …?"
I thought in vain.
Edward lost the political
struggle… It was
unavoidable that someday
he would be executed.
But I’m yet still surprised at
the sudden news.
Memories of good times
spent with him come to my
But… only negative
emotions about him should
have remained right? Then
why I’m only remembering
the good times?
"Is it to set free the dead
from grudges?"
It was Merida who gave an
answer to my question.
I took a break from
government affairs. I was
somehow forced by Sebas
that pulled me off my desk,
to rest.
And while I was testing the
new developed sweets from
Merida, Tanya got the news
of Edward’s death.
"Even if you're an unfeeling
person, a grudge has no
value. It's better to replace it
with good memories rather
than keep holding on to it.
It’s mostly for the one who
keeps living. The object of
the grudge is unaffected by
it, but the one with the
grudge gets drowned by
those hard feelings. You
can’t be happy unless you
let it go."
"Yes… I understand"
Merida's words echoed very
loud in my bewildered
I used to love him in the
past. That’s for sure.
And that's why I hated him.
When everything fell apart,
I felt emptiness.
And everything is gone
Occasionally it hurts my
heart, but I think it’s good to
let everything go.
He was just a bother if I
think about it calmly.
An obstacle who was hostile
to me and attacked me
I remember the anger from
that, but his very existence
at the start was good for me.
I even get a feeling of mercy
when I think about the start.
Although he was hostile to
me, I don’t think I cared
about it so much… maybe
mostly because I’m not the
original Iris.
Now… everything seems to
be from a long time ago.
The past is said to be
beautified … it may be true.
As a result of my fading
emotions, I just miss the
"My lady, I have one more
report … Can I say it now?"
Tanya embarrassed, asked
"Hmm, I'm sorry … keep
"A letter has been sent from
Princess Leticia"
"Well, from Leticia?"
I received the letter, and
immediately checked the
It was a neat and beautiful
Suddenly, I remember her…
who I met by chance in the
Clear eyes and dazzling
golden hair with a fresh
green color like a peridot,
similar to Dean.
Those two really look good
in the sun, like a princess
and a prince.
But the impression they give
is very different … I find
the wrinkles in my forehead
forming as I proceed
reading cautiously, at the
very realistic content of the
"… how is it?"
"It’s about the leftovers
from the issue with the
Acacia Kingdom… She
leaves it to my decision on
how to proceed with it."
Both Tanya and Merida
looked astonished.
That’s the expected
This case is too big a matter
to be appointed to one local
That is because it is at the
national level.
"I know that she has the
authority to leave it in my
hands. I heard that Leticia is
engaged in political affairs
as an assistant to Prince
Alfred, but she’s has already
surpassed the level of an
assistant. She completely
took Prince Alfred's place. "
"… Is that Leticia’s ability?
Otherwise, the lords would
have made a commotion by
"Yeah. It seems that she’s in
complete control of the
government and all
"But, it's good, right now,
my lady is in control of this
matter… There's no one
better at negotiating than my
"You think too highly of
Shortly after that, I received
the news from Tanya that
Kaadil had begun to carry
out the affairs of
government instead of the
old king.
Everything went as expected,
but the time was a little
earlier than expected?
It was announced at the
Acacia’s Kingdom and
abroad that the old king’s
death has suddenly been
caused by illness, but of
course, an illness at the
same time as
Kaadir was aiming to take
the throne? What lucky
Most probably what
happened is that Kaadir
slaughtered the former king,
aiming for the opportunity
given when the first prince
was imprisoned abroad.
Indeed, he’s a brilliant
I feel like human roots are
the same even though
cultures and customs differ.
" I will do my best for the
territory after being
appointed to deal with the
"Hey, my Lady. Is it just for
the territory?"
Merida asked while
laughing happily.
"Yes, yes. All my actions
are only for the territory.
Never for the country. Let's
say that Leticia understands
me well."
"… what do you mean?"
"What I have done for the
territory comes back to
bring benefits for the
kingdom. So, as it was
written in the letter… I can
do it freely …"
"Hey … then, Princess
Leticia has also
acknowledged the power of
the lady?"
"Is not the lady better than
the Almeria's Duke himself
Please have some discretion,
so I don't feel weird.
Such intention was seen
"Well, that's fine. Would
you like to coordinate a
meeting with Kaadir?"
"Thank you. Please continue
to report if there’s anything
"I’m going outside to
arrange the meeting. Please
if you could excuse me my
"Speaking of reports …
What is the current state of
the war with the Twil’s
"It seems that it has changed
dramatically after Prince
Alfred entered the front line.
"Well … the rebels were
overcome by the Tasmeria
"Yeah, his speech, the
supplies provided as a
demonstration of power, and
then a victory over the
soldiers of the Twil’s
country based on detailed
tactics … everything
overlapped exquisitely and
won the hearts of the
indecisive people. "
"It's quite a bit of…
"I received the reports from
a local. In fact, this report
comes after we give him a
little payment for the
information… "
"Well …! Fufu, that was as
"Yes, but we could confirm
what he said was true."
"I wonder if he’s not only a
political strategist genius,
but also a military genius. I
also wonder what kind of
speech he made."
"I listened to it, but I don’t
remember the details …
"It's okay, I'm just worried
about him, but … yes. I
hope we win the war."
"I agree."
"Thank you, Tanya"
"You’re welcome my lady."
At that time, Tanya went
away called by other
I again retake the testing of
the confectionery served by
"Oh … this is delicious."
The flavor spread in the
mouth was a soft sweetness.
"It’s good. I’m wondering if
it could be distributed to the
soldiers who fought on the
frontline and the workers in
the eastern part of the
territory that recently
suffered the attack."
"The costs has been reduced
at the last minute, and costs
doesn’t compare to people’s
lives. Well, people … can
survive if they have a bare
minimum, but is it really
like this? Sometimes, they
need more of an emotional
support from a gesture.
That's why I think I'm going
to give my best tomorrow.”
"Yeah … did you think
about it on your own?"
"I …… I thought the recipe
alone, but the concept came
with the help of Tanya"
"It's fine. Immediately, use
the funds of the Azura
Chamber of Commerce."
"I'm surprised … you
decided immediately”
"Yes, it would be good not
only for the image of the
territory officers but also for
the company. You should be
able to contribute to the
society as a trading
company when management
is stable. It will improve the
image of the trading
company. And even if there
were no direct benefits,
good comes back and
something good might come
true? "
"Yes, everything comes
back … maybe it is as you
Merida turned a bright smile
on me.
I am also caught on the
emotion and smile back at
"That's why Merida. I'll
leave it to you. Thanks."
"Okay, My Lady, please
excuse me."
I had fun in the afternoon
while talking about work.
The support for the dead’s
families at the eastern
territory attack, the support
for the injured, and the
adjustment for funding and
stockpiling, etc. … there
were many things to do, but
everything went smoothly.
Examine, adjust, review
while the reports are coming
up one after another from
each relevant department,
and decide guidelines.
It seemed impossible at first,
but it was possible to get
Now that we are reviewing
each one of them and
adjusting the process and
results, it may be important
to start preparing the
essentials for the meeting
and who will be responsible
for the negotiations with the
Acacia Kingdom to be held
from now on.
Even though it was
semi-forceful, I am grateful
to Sebas … for helping me
with everything.
"Sorry, I am sorry. I want to
report it as soon as
Tanya came back with a
white face…
There is a bad feeling about
Anyway, could it be that
there was any movement in
the Acacia kingdom … or
something unwelcomed
happened on the front line
with the Twil’s country?
"What happened?"
"We won the war with
Twil’s country."
"Well … that’s really good!
Why your face…"
The good news is not
reflected on her face.
Rather it is safe to say that
something disastrous
"Yes, but Dean is … Dean
is …"
She is scared to say it.
I mean, she must be upset
that she him called Dean
rather than Prince Alfred.
"… We also received news
that Dean was killed"
In a moment, my world
turned black.

I don’t understand her
Dead… What did it mean
that he dies?
My mind refuses to
understand …
But her words echo over and
over again in my head.
"… Tanya. what happened
to Dean?"
At my question, Tanya’s
face gets distorted for a
moment … but she
immediately removes her
expression and opens her
"It's said that he was killed
by a falling arrow."
"It's …… confirmed?"
The noise on my heart don’t
let me hear well.
t's scary to hear her answer.
"… Yes. All the
subordinates from each
direction had similar
And to that answer, my
heart was torn apart.
"… What a joke? Because
of him we won? I never
wanted him to go to the
frontlines! So, what if the
kingdom of Tasmeria has
won …! Why did this
happen? Why??! “
With a sense of emptiness
and extreme pain, I scream.
" …Why… "
The passion did not last long,
I wanted Tanya to tell me it
was a lie.
I wanted to deny it as false
But when I look at her
expression, I can tell.
Because, I have never seen
this girl make a face like
My mouth shakes
uncontrollably, and big drop
of tears fall from my eyes.
…… What she told me,
above all, I know that it’s an
unmistakable fact.
A sense of loss and
emptiness overcomes me.
With those emotions taking
control of me, I lost all
strength and was about to
fall to the floor.
I quickly cling to my desk,
in an attempt to recover.
At the same time, the
documents that were on the
desk went flying
"… Lady …"
Tanya was approaching me,
who was out of myself, step
by step.
…… Stop, don't get close.
Don't make me remember it
again and again with your
My heart screams and my
body tries to move
But as she touched me, I
couldn't move.
"… I'm sorry. Let me be
I squeezed the words out my
Tanya and Merida’s faces
got distorted at my reply.
Oh … don't make that look.
I would like to say …… I'm
But I couldn’t say it at the
I stand up silently and walk
out of the room.
Was this… our end?
I regret it so much… I was
distracted trying to know if
the way I headed was the
right path or not.
Everything fades, and even
though it’s visible to the
eyes, we don’t take it as true,
until it happens.
I don’t know what will
become of me, I feel like…
now all don’t matter
I walk supporting myself on
the walls and get back to my
bedroom somehow.
As soon as I opened the
door, my strength went
away, and I fell to the
"Dean …"
Big drop of tears left my
How long have I been
crying like that?
I was stunned after seeing
myself on the mirror but
continued sitting on the
When I noticed, the sunset
was visible from the
…… I intended to rest a
little as I laid in the bed.
Oh, but if I don't get back to
work … such an idea pops
up in my head.
However, my body can’t
move at all, as if sewed on
the spot.
I pulled out strength from no
one knows where and sat
Speaking of which, every
time I fell down exhausted
or sick… the first thing I
was worried about was
However, thanks to Dean's
help, I always managed to
manage somehow. More
and more memories about
him come to my head.
"Hey, help me. Dean …
Like all those times …"
Now, that I can’t get up
from your loss, help me
Dean… to continue without
I still have a pale
expectation that he might
appear suddenly, but … I
know I’m only dreaming.
Even if this is just another
moment when I fell, Dean
will not come this time
…… Tanya said it.
Dean is dead.
He was killed by the falling
He died … he is no longer
in this world.
Wherever I look, it’s a
world without Dean.
I’ll never see him again nor
talk to him anymore.
Thinking so far, I exhale to
calm down my heart.
"Oh yeah …"
Tears overflowed again.
No, no, no …!
I can’t believe that he is
gone. I don’t want to
We won the war.
We won the struggle with
Edward, as well as the war
with the Twil’s country. But
why …!
I pull my hair with all my
strength and cry in silence.
I can’t hear his voice
I can’t see his smile
…… There is no one else
for me out there anymore!
The world turned dark.
Sad, lonely, painful …
Those feelings one after
another afflict me.
My chest is painful. No
matter how much it hurts,
that feeling has taken root in
heart and I can't help it.
The pocket watch on my
chest shakes.
I took it out from under my
I still remember when he
handed me this pocket
Gentle and beautiful
"Why … why …!"
A tremendous sense of
despair accompanied by
suffering as if I had lost my
body overcomes me.
I squeezed it with force.
It’s painful, I don't want to
admit it, and I reached out
for the watch as if that could
bring me back Dean.
But of course, Dean will
never come back.
His image just floated in the
Bitterness is further raised.
I kept crying out
Some time passed as I
continued crying… I lost all
strength once again and fell
I get up and tears overflow
from my eyes again.
It's not a dream.
When will I be able to
overcome this deep grief?
When will I be able to stand
up again?
"Dean … are you here …?"
I hate this world that made
me lose the thing that was
more important to me than
myself, it would have been
good if I never came here in
the first place.
A black emotion erodes my
heart and tears spill over
When I raised my face, it
was getting dark outside.
…… as if it were a
reflection of my heart.
A cloudy sky where no stars
could be seen.
…… I hope another
morning will not come.
It is good if a tomorrow
doesn’t exist.
… because he is not there.
If he is not there, I can't
stand it.
With this sense of loss, I
will have to keep going.
I kept crying and fell again.
I enter her room after
knocking a while without
"… Tanya.”
She barely elevates her head
to see me in.
“Lady Iris… how are you?"
She lowers her head at my
question and in a low voice
"I’m okay …"
“You can’t say that. It’s so
painful to see you,
screaming every night his
name while suddenly
waking up… I can’t even
say that you sleep, it’s just
fainting from time to time.
If this condition continues,
my lady will fall ill soon."
“My condition will become
better with time, no worries
“It's my responsibility. I
shouldn't have told you the
information that Dean
died …”
I still regret that time.
…… It would have been
good if I didn't report it.
Even if it's just a
postponement of her
I've never seen her like this
Whether the man named
Edward abandoned her or
when the church accused
At any time, the young lady
worries and immediately
takes action.
She shed tears and
continued to run looking
… but now …
She was like an empty shell
of her former self.
She sheds tears, faints,
sheds tears… and the cycle
I feel like her strength is
sipping out until nothing is
But I can't do anything to
help her.
This is terrible and
…… Instead of protecting
the lady, I can only look at
her suffering like this …!
But she shakes her head
quietly at my words.
“I would have come to
know sooner or later
anyway… Because he is the
first prince of this country.”
She sighed at her words.
“But … I should have been
more careful about the
moment when to say it. You
were very tired after all that
happened and I brought in
the news that your most
loved person had died.
Moreover, I was not able to
comfort my lady. I couldn’t
say otherwise when you
asked me too…
It seems so painful. I can’t
even imagine your suffering
and I don’t know how to
comfort you or help you.
Losing someone I love is
I suddenly opened my eyes
at the unexpected words I
In response, Iris is surprised
for a moment … but the
next moment, she smiles
"Oh, didn't you realize until
Iris reaction makes me think
that I was correct at my
"… Is that right? No, that
can’t be. You really were in
love with the first prince all
this time?"
I wanted to cry at the
thought of it.
"Tanya. You must take a
It seems she used all her
strength to utter those
"No …! My lady you’re in
such a state, I can't rest
"That's why. Tanya. If I fall
ill or end dead, who will
continue leading these
"You are going now. This is
an order. Rest."
She reluctantly speak those
enraging words.
“… The orphanage children
have visited several times.”
She told me with a
particularly gentle voice.
“Orphanage? From the
"Yes, yes … I hoped for the
orphanages to be better
places than before, and our
efforts are bearing its fruit.
So Tanya… please think of
them… they’re awaiting our
Iris laughs softly …
Incredibly; she was able to
smile, though it was
“Next time, I'll talk to him
when I gather the strength to
visit his tomb. We must
close the curtain to our
history and memories in a
time of sadness.”
I was relieved to hear that.
I think… my lady will
recover… it will take time
but she can! …
…… How long has it been?
I don't know anymore.
I feel like I saw Dean come
back to me several times in
But… my memories of him
become blurry the more I
The memories with him are
trying to disappear; he’s
trying to leave me for good.
When we went to the
orphanage together, what
happened when we worked
together, how he helped me
in the fight against the
Darryl Church, and the tour
in the east …
My head is full of him.
What memories do I share
with him?
Remember them. Try to
never forget them.
It seems to be short and long
time memories…
In any case, we spent a lot
of time together.
If I try to remember, they
are all kind of loving
“My lady, you should just
push forward as usual. I will
protect you from anyone
who wants to hurt you. So
young lady. …… Please
leave your body to me. ''
Suddenly, I remembered his
words when we were
together in the eastern city.
"… Liar. I hate you."
And unintentionally, I
reluctantly refrain from
ending my words.
My mouth will criticize
"… Lies. I love you."
The word “love” sounds like
That resonated heavily in
my chest.
The world continues going
forward, time doesn’t stop,
life and seasons continue
even though I’m so painful.
As if nothing happened.
Leave him behind. They
Oh, we’re merely tiny
people in this world.
So what does our lives
Thought I thought my
sentiments were dead, tears
overflowed again.
…… Stand up and go out to
the balcony.
A place where I used to talk
to him a lot.
Thoughts about family, the
future of the territory, and
the past.
Because it's was in the
office that all happened, the
view I get to see from the
room's balcony is a little
different… Still, I'm
nostalgic now.
I put a hand on my forehead
to block the sun while
narrowing my eyes.
I look terrible because I
keep crying.
"… Wow!"
Suddenly, I felt that the
voice of a young child was
heard in my ear.
I confess that my ears can
be wrong too, but I feel like
I can hear it. I looked
towards the garden
spreading downstairs.
I found Mina and the
orphanage’s children below.
they look really small from
this height, but somehow…
I can be convinced that it’s
Why are they here …?
It is a pure question that
springs up in my head.
"No way, were they worried
about me …?"
No one answered my
However, I immediately
found the answer.
“Lady Iris! Get well soon!”
Because… such a cry was
heard from those children.
Although the voices stopped
immediately, Mina got
angry at them for yelling at
a noble.
…… I smile unintentionally
at Mina who is angry with
her hands on her hips.
"I can laugh …"
I am surprised at myself.
It's painful, my heart hurts.
I mourned and hated
Still, I certainly laughed
I feel like a warm feeling
spreads on my chest.
“You are the territory’s head.
And I’m the country’s gear.
But it doesn't mean that our
paths will never overlap.
Even if our paths are
divided, we continue to look
in the same direction.
Looking in the same
direction, we can go
anywhere. We can do
I suddenly remembered my
old words.
At the same time, I ask
Have I lost
everything? ……truly?
Is there no meaning to my
life anymore? ……truly?
Thinking so far, I’ve denied
the nature of everything.
And at that moment, I felt
like the shell that had been
used to isolate me from the
world was broken.
I don't care about the
significance of my
However, the result of my
elections… can be seen in
front of me.
Caring for, protecting, and
building the future for them.
My people.
I will deny all those who
have followed me and who
have been working towards
that future with me, and the
existence of the children
here present.
The mourning pain is
certainly big.
There is no change in my
But I didn't lose everything.
I have my way and there are
many people's lives that
depend on this territory
And… there is also
everyone who walks with
me and supports me
together, above all.
"… Iris, I'm sorry."
When I returned inside from
the balcony, my mother just
entered the room.
"Oh, oh … you’re all right
My mother looked at me
and laughed.
“Yes. I ’m sorry for
worrying you.”
"Looks good … did you
love him so much that you
were so upset for his
When my mother pointed it
out, the blood on my face
fade for a moment … but I
recovered quickly.
"Yes, that's right … Mother,
I'm an idiot."
"Oh, what do you mean?"
“After mourning, only
now… I understand how
important he was…”
My feelings… I didn’t know
were so deep, until he
passed away.
What was in me was love,
bordering with obsession.
Mother listens to my words
with a serious expression.
“I was separated from him
once, but still never lost my
feelings for him. Even if he
was on a different path from
me, it would be fine if he
"… isn't it love?"
I looked at my mother
wondering what she wanted
to say.
“Even if the other party does
not follow the same path as
you… You can believe in
the love you shared and
continue forward.”
I smile at my mother's
“Yes, I love him.”
…… It's sad that I couldn't
tell him my feelings.
Surely, I will continue to
regret it.
“But … I have other things
that I love.”
this time, my mother instead
looked at me with wonder.
"… what is it?"
"I know this territory and
the people who live here. I
know the pain of mourning,
but I just soaked in that grief
and thought I could never
recover. Surely, if while
soaked in my grief I end
losing even this, I’ll regret it
forever. "
I can never compare both
loves… Both are
indispensable for me.
If both are lost, it is the
same as lacking the world
for me.
“Most of all, I will not
forgive him for leaving you
alone. I want him to look at
you from above and be
ashamed of the excellent
lady he lost.”
"… Nice"
I smiled at my mother’s
"My Iris is very nice… My
Iris is a lovely lady. If you
still feel like crying and
become a mess again, I'm
here to look out for you."
Surely, that’s my mother.
So much power has been
released from mother at
those words, that it makes
me tremble from emotion.
“I was melancholic. But I
know now the important
things. The things I care
about and need to protect.”
"……Thank you mother…"
"… I'm sure you will suffer
from sadness again and
again. But don't forget.
Sometimes it's important to
grieve, but don't be trapped
in it … You're alive. "
Mother gently clasped my
"I told you once that I lost
my mother because of a
robbery, right?"
In response to that question,
I shook my head vertically.
There is no reason to forget.
The past my mother once
told me about.
The story that gave me the
strength to move forward.
“I was then trapped in the
grief of losing my mother…
I couldn't see the future. I
just lived training to attain
my revenge, just to kill the
robber who killed my
mother… I thought about
everything I lost and
overlooked the important
things that were there, and
as a result, my important
people ended worrying a lot
about me… -You are alive
now- my brother said, while
I always replied -No! Until I
get revenge on her-“
"It's not just me … It wasn't
just me who was sad and
suffering. I thought that I
was the saddest person in
the world. And that was
wrong. ''
"I can't get back what I lost.
That's why it's natural to
grieve. But don't be trapped
in it and look at what you’ve
not yet lost. Don't just look
at the past. If you lose an
important person again …
I'm sure you will regret it
again, because you know the
pain of losing, because you
know how hard it was.
Someday, if you lose an
important person again,
because you’re but merely a
human, there is nothing you
can do about it, the time you
can be together with them is
limited, but that's why
people treasures those
moments with them. You
should take care of them and
not regret it later, and as
your mother I want to say…
Because you are an
important person to me,
keep being shameless asking
for love and being who you
I refute my mother's words
as I engrave them deeply in
my heart.
"… Thanks you, mom"
The moment I said so, my
mother hugged me.
"You did your best, Iris.
Great, really… You
remembered what’s
important for you yourself."
To the warmth of those
I shed tears again.
…… The next day, I
returned to work.
They told me that Tanya has
been worried about me and
her eyes were always with
tears, and Merida was the
Not everyone of the
management department
knew the details, but they
were equally concerned
about me. At the end, they
thought I fell ill because of
work exhaustion.
And they were pleased with
tears when my return.
Every day I do what I have
to do, though I still feel a
deep sadness.
My wounds cannot heal and
I’ll never forget his
No matter how much I bury
my head in business, no.
We spent time together in
this mansion.
While still buried in work,
he still talked about his
future dreams with me.
When a new idea popped up,
we were happy.
When we hit the wall, we
held our heads together.
… This house has too many
memories with him to bury
him into the past.
So it can't be helped.
And what's wrong with that?
Because I still think … I
love you.
Thinking about that in one
corner of my head, I worked
on the accumulated
Then, after some days
passed, I recovered the
intuition over business that
had been cultivated all these
The day of the discussion
with the Kingdom of Acacia,
which is a big job for me,
has come.
Tanya stands behind me and
my mother is beside me.
Both of them look the same
as usual, but they seem to be
They would move
immediately if something
Lyle and Dida were asked to
protect the house, so this
time they were not at my
Even though it was a peace
negotiation, it was prudent
to have an escort at the side.
Tanya came closer to me.
“… He’s here my lady.”
I reaffirmed Tanya's words.
"Welcome, Kaadir."
I greeted the man who
entered the room with a
Prince Kaadir, wearing the
Acacia kingdom’s nobility
wearing, had a soft smile on
his face.
…… I think it's a terrible
smile, but what does it
matter anyways.
"I would like to express my
heartfelt joy to see you."
Saying that, Kaadir took my
hand and dropped his lips
over it.
I smiled at the gesture as if
this was a theater’s play.
"Nice to meet you, Prince
Kaadir smiled bitterly at my
…… Because I saw through
your thoughts in the first
match, you will make a little
concession after this? It
seems that my thought was
conveyed to him.
He would like to keep a
secret that he had been here
as Hafiz last time.
With that thought in mind, I
emphasized that we met for
the first time today.
"Please, Prince Kaadir, have
a seat over there."
I encourage him to take a
seat and I also sit in front.
I stared at him.
…… Invincible smile.
Coupled with his neat face,
it had an elegant and harsh
The impression he gave
should be of a king seeing
his subjects.
"… This is a good territory.
The people are rich and
there is no political
"Well … thank you"
There was a feeling of anger
in my heart.
Of course, I won't show it.
“But until recently, this
territory was hit by a terrible
He utters a sad voice while
turning his face to the side.
"Oh …"
I felt like his eyes were
“People from other
countries attacked my
"That's a shame …"
“Yeah, it’s very
disappointing. Even more,
to be attacked by a country
that asked for marriage.”
A moment of silence came.
I was asking him about
where he was going with the
talk, and what he would
point out next.
"If I have to give you an
explanation … that'd be
because the former king
made a secret agreement
with the Twil’s country. It
was not my intention."
I breathe out and decided to
ignore the excuse.
“It was not your intention…
was it? However, the fact
that the Kingdom of Acacia
attacked my territory is
undeniable. How will you
take responsibility for your
He laughed. ……
I got goose bumps for a
"… my excuse is a personal
feeling … I don't want to be
hated by you. My intention
or not, but as a king I will
first give you the answer of
the country. It was a
necessary move… This was
due to the former king and
some of his entourage. The
country was not willing to
attack your territory but it
was necessary. "
"Well … just changing the
wording, it doesn't change
the content."
"That’s painful to hear"
Kaadir smiled.
“I’m amazed … my
important partner and queen
candidate was attacked.”
"It’s scary …"
"Well … do I have such a
scary face?"
"No, no. It's terrible because
what you say is not reflected
in your face. You aren't
moved by emotions in the
least. Those kind of beings
are the more dangerous
He didn't respond to my
words, but I said it from my
It’s hard to make
negotiations with such
“Now, Acacia’s country has
prepared an appropriate
compensation for those who
have suffered damage in this
attack. The contents are on
this book… all you have to
do is sign it. "
An old man who was behind
Kaadir gave me a document.
I pick it up and look at the
"… It’s not enough"
Roughly reading it, I
"… What?"
Kaadir-sama looked at me
with narrowed eyes.
Combined with that
atmosphere, I must be more
nervous than in any of the
previous meetings.
“Kaadir… Actually, Jarral,
the first prince of your
country, is here for
His intimidation increased
with my words.
I have cold sweat running at
my back from the pressure
emitted by him.
“Protecting him? Have you
protected those who
attacked your territory?”
“At first, of course, I
captured him as a prisoner
of war… But when you
became king … It was hard
for him to survive. -I really
depend on you- he said
while in tears. So
understand my position. My
country and territory could
be made responsible if
something happened to
"I'm just afraid of the power
you hold with him in your
hands Ms Iris”
"No, no … Be at easy…
You mentioned earlier that
you are now the king of the
Acacia kingdom … Why
did you become king? There
are still successors to the
For the first time, Kaadir
changed the complexion.
“… It’s better to stop
pushing me to the edge. I’m
willing to move my country
against this territory if not.”
"Oh dear……"
I smiled deeply.
At last he seemed to have
had a fun reaction, and it
seemed that he was finally
breaking his charade.
“You are terrible … Do you
immediately appeal to
obtain what you want in
such ways?”
I stopped there, but my
intention was communicated
to him.
“My previous words…
Don’t take them into
account … It was not my
intention to attack your
I don't speak directly. This
is a negotiation. So there
will be no further pursuit on
the issue.
"If I'm honest, it doesn't
matter to me which king
rules your country.
Regardless of whether the
first prince who favored me
takes the throne. Regardless
of being our neighbor
country across the sea, it
doesn't matter if you create
a situation where you move
the army. I'm ready to
defend my territory until the
end, try it if you want. ''
The elder man behind
moved slightly.
Tanya's face had no
My mother next to me still
had a beautiful smile.
When I asked him what
decision has he made, he
suddenly laughed out loud.
"… No, it's scary after all…
I won’t fight with you."
He moved his hand to stop
the elderly man from
“In other words, is it okay
for me to be a king then?
What do you want?”
"… double the amount of
money presented.
Non-aggression and trade
treaties with this country,
Tasmania Kingdom"
“Let's approve the amount
If we look at those who
attacked the Duke of
Almeria this time, their
looked like those of the
Second Prince entourage in
our country. … so, it’s
better for us if Kaadir takes
the throne.
In other words, if you say
that what happened was
good, it was a good thing,
but the culprit behind the
attack has been uncovered,
and their goods have been
It seems that he was trying
to pay compensation for the
confiscated assets and the
war scars on the territory,
but the confiscated items
alone didn’t amount so little.
He offered around the 40%
of their price.
The amount I asked for
would be acceptable if I
were in his position, due to
the current circumstances of
the Acacia kingdom that I
had asked Tania's
subordinates before.
To see his reaction, my
prediction was probably
"And then the national
non-aggression treaty and
the trade treaty … rudely
asking, do you have the
authority to sing the
“To be exact, I’m an acting
"… excuse me. So you have
the authority?"
"Would you please sign
immediately Kaadir?"
"… I can sign it depending
on the content."
“Now please confirm the
At the same time I say so,
Tanya gives them three
One is a master's book of
this country that has been
signed by Dean and Leticia.
It's like leaving me full
power in discussions with
the Kingdom of Acacia.
The second and third pages
are written about the
non-aggression treaty and
trade treaty.
"… I was surprised. No way
they gave you the
documents of the country."
He laughs with a muffled
voice. He was not so upset.
"Well, negotiating with
Kaadir was good… Because
there was not much
"Hahaha … My apologies
for my jesting before. My
real intention is be on good
terms with this country and
territory. Now I'll check the
terms here and sign if there
are no problems."
He immediately read the
book from start to end and
signed it on every page.
"… So fast."
"Because it's reasonable …
If It had something strange,
I would immediately call off
this treaties."
"Thank you"
I also sign the documents he
And I handed one of those
documents, signed by both
of us to Kaadir, and handed
one to Tanya to store here.
"Now, let's pass on to the
following demands"
"Oh … I haven't said all my
demands yet."
To those words, Kaadir was
stunned for a moment and
then exhaled.
“It’s pretty stupid to protest.
So what is it you want
“One more thing … I would
like you to reduce the taxes
over my products by 5% and
that would be only for my
territory’s products”
"This is … this is also a big
blow to our current situation
“Is that so? If your country
agrees, this side will reduce
the taxes on the imported
Kaadir closes his mouth and
meditates with his eyes.
A momentary silence came.
No one in this place spoke
to avoid disturbing his
The day after that, I started
to return to work .
Tanya expressed a great
deal of concern for me with
tears in her eyes, and
Merida was much the same .
Although other people close
to me didn’t know the
details, they assumed I had
fallen ill from overwork, so
they were also caring and
warm .
The officials were overjoyed
by my return .
Even though I felt
incredibly indebted to them,
I still tried to do my best
work every day .
My heart still ached . I
couldn’t forget him .
No matter how much I
immersed myself in
work…no, that’s precisely
why I threw myself into
work .
How much time had I spent
with him in this house?
There was always so much
work, but we still spoke of
the future .
When we came up with a
new strategy, we celebrated
together .
When we encountered an
obstacle, we confronted it
together .
Even if I wanted to treat him
as part of the past and
abandon him, there were too
many parts of this mansion
that retained his memory .
So, it couldn’t be helped .
And so, I couldn’t fix
things .
After all, even now…I was
certain that I loved him .
These thoughts flashed
through the corner of my
mind while I dealt with the
piles of work .
And then time passed while
I tried to refind the feeling
of working from
beforehand .
The big project was finally
here . The day of
negotiation with the Acacia
Kingdom had arrived .
Tanya stood behind me,
while my mother sat beside
me .
While both of them looked
completely normal in what
they wore, they were armed
to the teeth .
Whatever the other side did,
they said, they’d be able to
react immediately .
Ryle and Dida hadn’t
assigned any other guards
indoors because of them,
handing the protection of
the mansion over to them .
Since it was a negotiation
for peace, if we marched out
the troops for this discussion
it would give others a reason
to gossip .
When I felt just about ready,
Tanya approached me
quietly .
“Milady, I think they’re
here . ”
I forced myself into a state
of heightened awareness .
“Welcome, Prince Majid . ”
I smiled to welcome the
man who walked in .
Prince Majid, who was
dressed in full royal garb,
responded with a smile too .
He looked quite suspicious
to me, but I’m sure he
regarded me the same too .
“I am genuinely happy to be
able to see you again . ”
Saying this, he kissed the
back of my hand .
I couldn’t help but grimace
a smile at his antics .
“Pleasure to meet you,
Prince Majid . ”
He made the same
grimacing expression as I
did .
The first time he was here, it
was his ideas leading the
way . So this time it was our
turn…he seemed to
understand what I was
saying .
I’m sure he wanted to
pretend as if the previous
visitation hadn’t happened .
Considering this, I
emphasized it as if we were
meeting for the first time .
“Please, Prince Majid . Be
seated . ”
Waiting for him to sit, I sat
across from him and stared
at him .
What a fearless smile . The
noble, serious aura was
quite a fit for his handsome,
rugged face .
Everything about him gave
off the impression of a
king .
“What a good territory . The
people live with wealth, and
the rulers and politics are
stable . ”
“Ah…thank you . ”
How false . I felt a shred of
anger burn through my
heart . Not that I’d let it
show on my face .
“But recently we’ve
encountered our share of
fearful matters . ”
I purposefully said this with
a sad tone .
A concerning light shone in
his eyes .
“Other countries have
attacked us . ”
incredibly…unfortunate . ”
“Indeed . I didn’t expect the
nation who asked for my
hand to attack us . ”
In that moment the room
turned dead silent .
I was already testing his
attitude in my own way . He
must be considering his next
words now too .
“What I wanted to explain
was…this was the intent of
the Towair Kingdom and
our previous king . I had
nothing to do with the
schemes . It was not my
intention . ”
His straightforward
admission made me breathe
out .
“Not your intention…even
so, the fact that the Acacia
Kingdom invaded my
nation’s territory is an
indisputable fact . How does
your country plan on taking
responsibility for this?”
He smiled . While I was
questioning him .
It was enough to rouse
goosebumps on my skin .
“Excuse me . Trying to
explain myself to you is due
to my personal
feelings…after all, I do not
want you to dislike me .
Although I have my own
thoughts, I have to explain
on behalf of my country
first . This whole incident
was due to the previous king
and a portion of his
followers . Our nation had
no intent of attacking your
territory . ”
“You’re saying it in a
different way, but the
contents of your statement
remain the same . ”
“What a pointed
comment . ” Prince Majid
said with an exasperated
smile .
“I’m getting emotional
because my citizens were
attacked . ”
“How frightening . ”
“Hm, was my expression
really so scary?”
“No, not the case . It’s
precisely because your
expression didn’t change,
that’s why you are
frightening . You wouldn’t
act on your emotions .
When people like that are
disappointed, they tend to be
easily led by their noses . ”
I didn’t react visibly to what
he said, but internally I
didn’t know what to feel .
How difficult it was to deal
with him .
“So, we’ve prepared
reparations for the victims
of this riot . The contents are
in this document…all you
have to do is sign . ”
The middle-aged man
waiting behind the prince
retrieved the document
respectfully .
Accepting it, I began to
read .
“This is not enough . ”
I said in a soft voice,
skimming through it .
Prince Majid’s gaze turned
sharp .
The whole atmosphere of
the room tensed .
“Prince Majid…as a matter
of fact, the first prince of
your nation has sought our
protection and is currently
staying here . ”
His countenance seemed
more stressed after this
statement .
His oppressive aura made
me break out into a cold
sweat .
“Are you protecting the
individuals who attacked
your nation?”
“At first we abducted him as
a prisoner of war, since he’s
someone who attacked our
country . But when you
ascended to the throne we
discussed this…although the
first prince has undergone a
difficult time, in the end he
understands his standing and
begs us for forgiveness,
relying on us entirely
now . ”
“Your ability to attract the
hearts of others is quite
formidable . ”
“Not at all . Hearing you
had become the king of
Acacia…how did this
happen? It seems there are
other successors to the
throne before you . ”
My question prompted the
first change in Prince
Majid’s face .
“Please don’t ask any
further, or I’ll have to treat
this as an attempt to
interfere in our politics .
We’ll have to respond with
hostility . ”
“I see…”
My smile only became more
difficult to read .
Finally seeing the reaction I
wanted in him made me
happy .
“You’re quite frightening .
Do you always resort to
threats of force? Like you
just did…”
I purposefully only said half
of what I meant, but it was
enough for him to
understand .
That referred back to when
he said he wasn’t the one
attacking our land,
something I didn’t trust .
But since I didn’t say it out
loud, he couldn’t accuse me
of anything .
“I just brought up a
question . But of course .
Honestly it doesn’t matter
who the head of your nation
is, no matter if it’s you or
the first prince, who is now
indebted to us . I don’t
really care what happens
there . To be frank, I’ve
already made preparations
to invalidate any effort you
might make to militarize in
the future . These
preparations are already
beginning to take effect
right now . ”
The middle-aged man
behind him shuffled
around .
Although Tanya’s
expression didn’t change, I
could tell she was alert at
the sign of his movement .
My mother by my side
displayed the same beautiful
smile .
I stared at him, wanting to
see what he would respond,
but instead he burst out
laughing .
“Oh dear, you’re quite
frightening . ”
When he raised his hand,
the middle-aged man
stopped moving .
“On the other hand,
wouldn’t I be a good king to
your side? What do you
want from me?”
“1 . 5 times the reparations
you suggested, and a
contract guaranteeing peace
and trade between us . ”
“All right . You really have
done your research . ”
The results of us
investigating these attacks
on our territory turned out
the fact that the party behind
it was quite similar to our
country’s second prince
faction, even their
movements .
Even the actual situation
was similar . They started
out well, but lost
organization and then
destroyed their own plan,
resulting in their properties
being taken away .
And Prince Majid used the
confiscated wealth as
reparations…but of course,
not all of it, only around
40% .
The amount of 1 . 5 times
what he’d suggested came
from Tanya’s subordinates,
who investigated the
country and estimated
Prince Majid would be able
to accept .
Judging from his reaction,
the estimate was accurate .
“And next is the trade
agreement as well as the
peace contract…excuse me
for asking, but do you have
the power to make decisions
on these matters as the
leader of a territory?”
“Currently a substitute
leader, actually . ”
“Excuse me, then . Do you
have the power?”
“If I do, can you sign and
agree to these terms
“…Yes . In my position, I
don’t wish for more conflict
either . ”
“Well then, please
confirm . ”
While I said this, Tanya
produced three related
documents .
One was a national
document signed jointly by
Dean and Lady Letticia,
describing this whole
incident and their decision
to let me handle the
situation .
And the second and third
were the trade agreement
and peace contract .
“How shocking . I didn’t
know you had nationally
signed documents . ”
He chuckled, not looking
shaken at all .
“Indeed . After all, in
dealing with Prince Majid,
we can’t be rude . ”
“Hahaha…looks like we’ve
been had . But what I said
was the truth . After
confirming everything here,
I’m open to signing and
agreeing . ”
He read each of the
documents very carefully
from the beginning to end,
didn’t seem to find any
issues, and signed off .
“How speedy . ”
“Because they were
appropriate in content . If
there had been something
odd, I would’ve reacted
accordingly . Looks like
you’ve done your
homework . ”
“Thank you for the praise . ”
I signed below his signature
on the documents .
After that for the sake of
recordkeeping we gave one
copy to him and the other to
Tanya for safekeeping .
“Well then, it’s time to hand
Jalal back to us . ”
“Ah…I haven’t finished
with all my terms yet . ”
Prince Majid seemed taken
aback…but not a moment
later, he sighed .
“You really don’t let go, do
you? Then tell me . ”
“The final thing is that we
hope your nation can reduce
the tariffs on certain items
we trade by 5% . The list is
here . ”
“This is quite another
request . ”
“Is that so? If you agree,
we’ll lower our tariffs on
certain products too . ”
Prince Majid closed his
mouth, closed his eyes .
Immediately everyone went
quiet .
To avoid distracting him,
everyone stayed silent .
The silence didn’t last for
long .
But it felt like quite the
contrary .
Everyone was being
suffocated by the heaviness
of the serious atmosphere .
“All right . If we can treat
this as part of the
reparations . ”
In this atmosphere, he
finally sighed and said the
above .
I quietly stifled my reactions
of relief .
Immediately Tanya handed
us the two documents, and
we signed on them .
“Done . But…there’s also
items on this list that have
imposed tariffs to limit their
“We’ve also had several
items on our side with
lowered tariffs . Don’t you
think this is a situation
beneficial to us both in the
long run?”
“Yes…but you’ve beat me
to it . There were several
items I wanted to open up
when marrying you . So
shall I treat this as your
“Yes . Although I appreciate
your good intentions, I must
refuse . ”
“Can you tell me the reason
“First, it’s far too large of a
burden to become a queen .
As for the reason, you
should understand that
better than me . ”
Although he had obtained
the throne, his position was
still unstable .
Unlike our nation’s first
prince’s decisive tactics, he
still had factions he’d yet to
deal with .
As for other
plucking a bride from the
Tasmeria Kingdom was a
generally effective way of
helping his nation develop,
what he needed more right
now was domestic peace .
This was the conclusion I
came to through Tanya’s
reports .
But since I didn’t want to
discuss the matter of
interfering in national
politics, I remained silent on
that point .
…Although to be quite
frank, it was a little late for
that .
“Yes, I understand . Even
though I understand, I still
want you . If I can have you,
I’m willing to shoulder that
burden . ”
His gaze pierced through
me .
It made me feel as though
he genuinely wanted me .
I didn’t know if it was out of
love or convenience, but he
was telling the truth .
When he had proposed to
me in the beginning, he
already had designs to win
the throne for himself .
Perhaps he’d already
foreseen this situation .
Even so, he still formally
asked for my hand, meaning
he had genuine interest in
me .
Considering this, I was quite
honestly scared to meet him
here .
“Even though you say
that…the second reason is
that even if we use this
opportunity to marry, what
we gain will be negligible . I
can’t give any other benefits
than the ones listed in this
contract . Of course, if a
marriage could bring further
benefits to my territory, then
that would be a different
matter . ”
His only response was an
exasperated smile .
“You’re just raising the roof
here,” he must be thinking .
Of course, I wasn’t one to
deny that .
“Well then, let’s forget it .
At this point, I think we’ve
concluded the peace
negotiations between the
Acacia Kingdom and the
Tasmeria Kingdom . ”
“Yes, we’ll hand Sir Jalal
back to you, please take care
of him . Shall I take you to
“No, just lead the people
waiting for me outside to his
location . ”
“Yes, your majesty . ”
“Lady Iris, now we’re just
having a friendly personal
discussion . How do you
feel about that?”
“I feel quite good . Having a
good relationship with your
nation is not just good for
me, but also my country . ”
“Under the assumption that
we’re having a private
discussion, may I ask you a
“If it’s something I can
answer . ”
“What is the truth behind
your rejection of my
The question he asked with
a smile, left me
dumbfounded in an instant .
Honestly I hadn’t expected
him to just ask the question
outright .
Looking at me as I bit my
lip, debating how to respond,
his smile only deepened .
Even if he knew the truth
already, he was quite the
villain for tormenting me for
the sake of it .
“We’ve already confirmed
this is a private discussion,
right? No matter what you
say to me, I won’t be angry .
Just treat it as the final
desperate plea from a
difficult man who’s had a
proposal to his dream lady
denied . ”
“What an irritating
question . ”
I exhaled . My mother,
sitting by me, was still
smiling .
“Isn’t marriage your duty?
This is something that your
country…no, any country
treats as the duty of the
nobility? Right now you
can’t have better prospects
than me, correct?” Prince
Majid said .
“Yes . I won’t deny that .
Right now there aren’t any
other noble parties near my
age . If after rejecting your
proposal I don’t manage to
find a suitable candidate, I
think I’ll eventually depart
from Duke Armenia’s
family and live on my own,
running the merchants’
guild for a living . Helping
out at the orphanage would
be quite fulfilling too . ”
My mother said this
worriedly . I looked at her
with a smile .
I had already made my
decisions . After ending my
engagement with Edward
and returning home, I had
realized I wouldn’t be able
to marry anyone .
Although the situation had
changed…if I didn’t want to
get married my only choice
was to leave home .
I couldn’t inherit the
territory . If Bern ended up
getting married and
inheriting our land, I would
just be an irritating
presence .
“But even so I wouldn’t
have married you . Because
Prince Majid…you struck
out against us, didn’t you?
Attacking our territory . ”
“Oh…so you did realize . ”
I only smiled in reaction to
his words .
This was the intel we’d
gathered from interrogating
the first prince, plus what
I’d learned from Tanya .
Because we didn’t have
direct proof, there was a
high risk of mentioning this
information during the
actual negotiations . But it
seemed like we were right
after all .
The person who ordered the
eastern invasions was
indeed Prince Majid .
“Someone who hurt my
beloved people…how could
I marry someone like that?
Even if I have to leave this
home, I’ll still be me . Even
if I turn into just Iris, all
alone, I’ll still work for the
development of this land . ”
I glared at him .
He responded in kind .
And so we stayed like that,
neither of us speaking .
It was as if we were trying
to read each other’s hearts .
“Well, it’s my loss then .
Let’s remain good neighbors,
then . ”
Finally he stood up, saying
this with a sigh .
“Thank you . The feeling is
mutual . ”
To escort him away, I stood
up as well .
“Although I’m departing
this time, this doesn’t mean
I’ve given up . The moment
you show a hint of weakness,
I’ll be here to take you
away . ”
He grabbed my hands when
he said this .
“Ah, how scary . But this is
encouragement for me . I’ll
try my best to become
independent in my own
territory . ”
He smiled bitterly and left
the room .
“It’s finally over . ”
After we’d handed the first
prince to Prince Majid and
escorted him away, I sat
down on the couch with a
sigh of relief .
“Mm hm, thanks for your
hard work, Iris! You really
were professional today . ”
I felt a little bitterness in my
heart at my mother’s warm
words .
That this whole thing went
well was thanks to her and
Ryle capturing the first
prince .
It was a liability to Prince
Majid that the first prince
was alive…even worse,
alive in another country .
He had worked so hard for
the throne . The fact that the
first prince was abroad
meant he was unaccounted
for .
After all, people who were
against the third prince
ascending to the throne were
numerous .
He had used underhanded
tactics to gain the throne in
the first place, plus the
Tasmeria Kingdom might
have supported the first
prince to attack him from
abroad . If this information
managed to spread
domestically, his supporter
base could be destabilized .
But judging from personnel
and resources, Tasmeria
wouldn’t invade . So what
he truly feared was his own
people .
And that’s why he had to
bring the first prince back at
any cost…the result of
everything confirmed my
guesses .
Who knew what would
happen to the first prince
when he got home? He
might not even survive . But
he was an enemy, one
who’d threatened my
people’s lives .
I had no pity for him .
“Mother, you were quite
calm too, smiling the whole
time…not surprising, I
suppose, coming from
you . ”
“Well, I was certain of your
movements during the
negotiations . If the
middle-aged man might
have done something, I was
confident I could handle
him . ”
I couldn’t help but laugh at
her words .
I don’t know if I should
compliment her on being
brave or something
else…but this was how my
mother was .
“A non-invasion pact and a
trade deal . On some level
these are the most beneficial
deals for us to strike with a
large country like that . Plus,
the reduction in tariffs and
limitations on exports for
our territory…this whole
thing was a great victory for
us in the end . ”
“For me personally, I think
we lost the moment there
was a conflict . After all,
there can be no victims if
there’s no conflict . I tried
my best to prevent
conflict…but didn’t manage
to accomplish this . If I
don’t really reflect on this, I
won’t have done my duty
for the people . ”
“Iris, you’re quite harsh on
yourself . ”
“Not at all . I’m a noble
with a burden to bear, so
this is nothing special . I’ve
made a mistake that
apologies won’t be able to
cover . ”
“I see . And it’s because you
are like this that your people
are so willing to follow
you . ”
I smiled at my mother .
Sipping on the herbal tea
Tanya prepared for us, we
relaxed together .
Because we’d been so tense
the whole time, the scent of
the tea seemed to suffuse
through our whole bodies .
“I’ll stay for a week longer,
and if nothing else happens
I’ll be returning home with
the rest of Duke Anderson’s
guard . ”
“Good . Although this is
nothing special, let me give
you a gift to express my
thanks . Also, I want to
throw them a banquet before
they leave . It won’t be
anything too grand . ”
“Of course, everyone will be
overjoyed . They’re all quite
excited at the delicious food
to be found in this
territory . ”
“That’s great to hear . I’ll let
Merida show off her talent
during the feast . ”
“Oh, I’m looking forward to
this . ”
Seeing my mother smile
warmly, I felt like the days
that had evaded me for so
long were finally back . The
tea tasted all that much
better on my lips .
How long has it been since I
could sit down and enjoy a
beverage like this?
“Milady, there’s been a
letter from Lady Letticia . ”
Sebastian presented a letter
to me .
I couldn’t imagine what
might be written within, so I
opened it clumsily and read
it from beginning to end .
“So? Iris?”
I’d just managed to finish
reading when she said this .
Folding the letter up, I
spoke to her .
“She wants me to go to the
capital and see Miss Yuri . ”
“Huh…what’s going on
My mother looked
thoroughly confused .
To be honest, I felt much the
same .
“It seems like Yuri was
refusing to speak out in the
past, but has changed her
tune recently to say that
she’d speak if she saw me .
But why me?”
“Who knows? I have no
idea what that girl is
thinking . ”
I couldn’t help but make a
face at my mother’s words .
“Indeed . ”
“Milady, are you going to
be heading to the capital?”
“Yes . Our negotiations are
over and there should be
nothing to worry about with
day-to-day operations . I’m
quite bothered as to why I
need to be the one there .
Prepare transportation, let’s
leave as soon as possible . ”
“I’ll have to extend my
apologies to Duke
Anderson’s guard…”
“No worries . As part of
Duke Armenia’s family, let
me escort you for part of the
journey . ”
Perhaps they would even be
more happy without me here,
I couldn’t help but think .
Although I’ve already met
them alongside my mother
to express my thanks…my
face was twitching when I
realize they were looking at
my mother not just with
respect, but with something
close to reverence .
Honestly it was a great
memory in retrospect .
After all, with how loyal
they were to my mother it
was only appropriate that
she lead their celebration .
As a matter of fact, it was
quite shocking no one
among them wanted to stay .
“Well then, I’m counting on
you, Mother . Tanya, help
me prepare, please . ”
They both nodded in
response .
“All right . ”
“Understood, milady . ”
So the second day, Tanya,
Ryle, I and several guards
from the police left for the
capital together .
We arrived in the capital
with no issues, and planned
to return home before
heading to the palace .
My original train of thought
was to try and find out as
much as possible from my
father or Bern if they were
at home before going there,
but it turned out both of
them were away in the
palace .
There was probably much
work to do in handling the
reconstruction after war . Of
course, this couldn’t be
helped .
According to my mother,
Father still wasn’t fully
recovered . It was worrying
to hear .
These were the thoughts
weighing on my mind when
I arrived at the palace . It
was completely different
from before . While in the
past the atmosphere was
serious and silent, now it
was replaced by noise and
chaos .
“I’ve been waiting for you,
Sister . ”
Bern was the one waiting
for me at the door .
“Ah…I can’t believe you’re
the one here to receive
someone like me . ”
“This is how important this
matter is . Also, in this
nation no one thinks of you
like that . ”
“How…diplomatic of
you . ”
Bern led me and Tanya
forward .
“I’ve heard about what’s
happened in the territory .
You really are impressive . ”
“Thanks . ”
“Let’s talk more in detail
later . But I wanted to ask .
You really turned down the
“Yes . But don’t worry
about it . When you inherit
the territory, I’ll leave . ”
I responded in an upbeat
voice as best as I could, but
for some reason Bern only
responded with a bitter
smile .

“That’s what I wanted to

talk to you about . Sister,
don’t you want to take on
the family business?”
Bern’s suggestion made me
stop dead in my tracks .
“What are you saying?
You’re the proper
inheritor . ”
“What’s your evidence for
that? You’re the elder
sibling . Anyone who sees
your accomplishments
would agree that you’re the
most suitable successor as
ruler . ”
“As a family of Duke
Armenia’s family, I also
think you’re the best choice
for the role . ”
“Then what do you plan on
“I plan to continue my work
in national politics . I want
to purchase property in the
capital and work from there .
But this is a matter for us to
talk over in the future .
We’ve arrived . ”
As Bern said, we had
arrived before a luxurious
door .
Honestly what Bern had
said left my head spinning,
almost unable to process a
full conversation with Lady
Letticia .
“Excuse me, Lady
Letticia . ”
Bern knocked before
opening the door .
I had no recourse but to
switch my mindset and
stand before her .
“It’s been a long time, Lady
Iris . ”
“Indeed, Lady Letticia . I
didn’t know your identity
before, so excuse me for my
prior rudeness . ”
Bern looked completely
confused .
“Sorry to interrupt . Have
you two met?”
“Yes, when I visited in the
past in civilian garb . ”
I made a face inwardly at
Lady Letticia’s words .
Speaking of which, Bern
also didn’t know Dean had
worked in my territory in
the past .
“All that aside, I’m grateful
you were able to travel so
quickly to get here . Well
then, Lady Iris . Although
it’s rather sudden, are you
willing to go to where she’s
confined alongside me?”
“Of course . ”
Lady Letticia, Bern, Tanya,
and I headed to the tower
together .
The further we walked, the
fewer people were around
us .
After a few more minutes,
we finally arrived at our
destination .
Here, a little distance away
from the palace, there was a
suffocating atmosphere .
Walking up the stairs, we
were greeted by the sight of
a room surrounded by a
metal cage .
“This is the place, Iris . ”
There was a woman
standing where Lady
Letticia pointed .
I inhaled sharply at the sight
of her .
Of course she still looked
like herself, but in another
way she was completely
different .
Skinny, dry-haired, dull skin,
and eyes red from crying
that just stared upwards .
“It’s been a long time, Lady
Yuri . ”
Considering I couldn’t show
my shock through my voice,
I purposefully spoke to her
in a calm tone .
“It’s been a while, Lady
Iris . ”
She chuckled, looking at
me .
“Why did you summon
“Nothing . I just wanted to
see you before I died . ”
Her cold gaze and smile was
something I’d never seen
before, but it didn’t seem
out of the ordinary on her
face .
Finally she was showing her
true colors .
“Are you satisfied then?”
I smiled sarcastically too .
“Who knows…it’s a little
less interesting than I
thought it would be . ”
“Ah, this really is…”
Why the hell did you call
me here then? I didn’t ask
the question on my mind .
“Then can you let me ask
you a few questions?”
She didn’t confirm or deny,
so I took that as acceptance .
“Did you ever love Prince
“What’s the use in knowing
“Just curiosity . ”
The moment I said that, she
smiled .
Her face was full of
contempt for me as she
opened her mouth wide .
She looked almost scary,
sending chills down my
spine .
“What are you saying? You
don’t want to admit
someone you’ve loved was
stolen by a woman who just
wanted to use him?”
Well, look who suddenly
became a lot more
talkative .
“You already know the
answer to that . I worked on
behalf of the Towair
Kingdom to engulf this
country in chaos, attacking
the highest nobility in this
nation . ”
“Yes, that has become clear
now . ”
“How does that make you
feel? He died to protect me,
saying he died for the
person he loved . He loved
me . How does it feel to
force him into engagement
without really earning his
love? You must be resentful .
Hate me now…”
Her words were sharp .
But it felt like she wasn’t
hurting me with her words .
She was hurting herself .
“Tell me you’re
resentful…tell me you hate
She grabbed onto the bars of
the cage .
We were close enough to
touch each other .
“It’s like you’re saying you
love him . ”
She raised her head
suddenly in response .
“Ha? What the hell are you
talking about?”
Her condescending attitude
made me laugh .
“Am I wrong? What you
said was basically a
confession of love . That’s
what it sounded like to
me . ”
She didn’t respond to what I
said .
I assumed she would
respond with more verbal
attacks to deny this, no
matter what the truth was .
I stared at her . And then
tears began to flow from her
eyes .
She really did love him .
Any words were less
convincing than her current
state .
“W-what are you saying, I
don’t understand . ”
She lowered her head .
Although I had been staring
at her for a while, she didn’t
seem inclined to budge at
all .
“I’ve never been resentful .
Our engagement was
something from the past .
Our paths diverged then .
No matter what happened to
him from then on was not
something I needed to
know . ”
When I said that she raised
her head to glare at me .
“Plus, Prince Edward
selected you, the one whom
he loved the most . No
matter what you think about
it, he protected the person
he loved . He died happy .
Out of mourning, it’s
impossible to hate someone
on behalf of not loving
him . ”
“Your expression of
understanding is
obnoxious . ”
I cracked half a smile at her
bitter words .

“Even if you find it

“Ever since you were born,
you’ve had everything!
Money, status, people
surrounding you . I hate
Screaming, she shook the
cages so hard they groaned
like they were crying .
“And so you attack me?”
“Hmph…it felt really
good . ”
She smiled happily . It was a
dark smile .
“Is that so . ”
Thinking about the fact that
this rationale was enough
for her to pick on me like
that, I felt the heat of anger
rise in my chest .
Frustrations differed by
person and look so
completely unusual to
anyone on the outside .
Even knowing that, I
couldn’t forgive completely
as the victim of the
situation .
“How are you different from
me? I’m also beautiful, I’m
also capable of gathering the
hearts of others! To prove
that, Prince Edward chose
me! So why am I here
Her screeching broke the
last thread maintaining my
rationality .
I raised my hand like I was
going to slap her in the
face .
But even so, the cage
between us made it
impossible to reach her .
In contrast, my hand struck
the cage and ached
immensely .
The cage rattled, as if crying
out on my behalf .
What the hell was she
doing…I’m sure everyone
around me wore that
expression . Even Yuri
looked dumbfounded . My
heart hurt more than my
hand .
“If I were the one to
comment on it, I’d have to
say I’m completely different
from you . ”
“What? Your position in
society? Or your luck?”
“Who the hell is going to
talk about something like
that? You only kept people
around you to use them . I
trust the people in my life . ”
“What’s the difference!”
Without hesitation I burst
out laughing .
It seems like this only
aggravated her suffering .
Her glare at me became
even sharper .
“Do you understand what
I’m talking about? When
you use someone, you
abandon them easily
whenever they’re causing
you inconvenience . People
who still approach you
under those circumstances
aren’t interested in placing
their trust in you . They
want to use you too . ”
Somehow those words shut
her up .
Seems like I was right on .
“Trust means believing in
them and relying on them .
You should only rely on
people if you trust them .
Trustworthy people are not
replaceable in my life . If
something happens, I’ll risk
everything to protect them!
So don’t you dare compare
us . ”
Because I was crying out in
rage, my breathing became
uneven .

When I took a deep breath

to calm myself, she spoke
quietly .
Her voice was so quiet I
didn’t hear it over the sound
of my own breathing .
“Why can you trust? After
everything’s happened to
you, you shouldn’t be able
to trust anyone anymore . ”
“Do you mean the
engagement? Or the
merchants’ guild? Or…”
“Everything . But if I had to
pick one, the engagement .
The feeling of being
thoroughly rejected by
someone you love, and even
your family turning against
you . ”
Her question was one I’d
asked myself countless
times . But somehow the
question was almost
humorous coming from her .
“Yes . I did become afraid
to trust . But my
companions from the past
have responded to me by
saying it’s okay, that they’ll
stay with me no matter
what . It’s brought me out of
my fearfulness . ”
I had been afraid of trusting
and then being betrayed
again .
My heart had been wounded
so deeply .
Because I was afraid of
others seeing my weakness,
I pretended to be fine .
The people who tore that
facade down was everyone
I’d trusted since childhood
and Dean .
“I still fear people now, but
I don’t think it’s a bad thing
to trust . If I were paralyzed
by the fear of trusting others,
I’d be forgetting everything
I went through with the
important people in my life,
when a little courage was
enough to give me so
much . ”
I gazed at Tanya while I
said this . She smiled
proudly in response .
“But you might be betrayed
“Yes . It might happen . But
living in fear of that means
not moving forward . If
you’re looking past
beautiful things for the sake
of fear, you’re only missing
out . Plus, this world is not
so gentle that people can
live without getting hurt .
The only thing you can do
when you’re hurt is to keep
living, keep surviving . ”
“…Yes . ”
She laughed out loud as she
said that .
It was almost like a demon
leaving her body .
“In the end, I really do hate
you after all . ”
I couldn’t help but laugh
too .
“I don’t like you either . ”
“That’s right . If you ever
said you didn’t dislike me
that would frankly be
disgusting to me . ”
“You’re right . ”
We both smiled .
“Hey…Iris, what does it
mean to love someone?”
“Who knows . It’s
something you can’t
explain . But if you feel like
that person’s more special
than anyone else…no matter
what form that affection
takes, I think that’s love . ”
“Special…indeed . ”
Her face, looking like it was
about to burst into tears,
twisting into a smile
instead .
“I’m an idiot . When I lost
him, that’s when I realized
he was something special to
me . ”
“You’re right . You are an
idiot . ”
I was still smiling . But
thanks to her, I almost
wanted to cry too .
“There were so many
opportunities for me to
communicate that to him .
But now it’s too late . I am,
we really are idiots . ”
When I said this, her eyes
went wide .
“I’m not talking about
Prince Edward . Of course, I
mourn his death too . ”
“What are you mourning?”
Her voice trembled when
she asked .
“For Prince Edward?”
She nodded quietly .
“Even if it’s someone you
hated from the bottom of
your heart, you can’t keep
hating them after they die .
Instead of bottling up your
hatred, you might as well
remember your good
memories together . It’s
better for the people who
survive . That’s what my
subordinate told me .
Although I hated him from
the bottom of my heart
when he was alive, we had
good memories too . Right
now that means I can only
pray for him . ”
Her tears spilled forth .
“I thought no one else in
this world would still grieve
him, after Queen Ellia and
Marquis Maelia passed .
And I…”
“I will mourn him . Also,
there might still be more
people out there that you
don’t know of who are
mourning him . Humans are
complex . We aren’t just
single-sided . ”
“Is that so…that’s great . I
hope his name isn’t just
something to mock . ”
Watching her cry as she said
this, I almost felt my tears
flowing out too .
That’s how she loved him in
the end .
She feared his name being
associated with evil .
Instead of thinking about
herself, she cared more for
his reputation . If that
wasn’t love, what was it?
“Iris, you should go home .
Your majesty, I’ll tell you
everything . ”
When she finally managed
to stop her tears, her
expression was determined .
“I see . It was good to see
you, Lady Yuri . ”
I had nothing more to say
now .
“Good to see you, Lady
Iris . ”
She smiled gently . It was a
smile from her past .
And with that I left .
Sister, Lady Letticia is
currently working . Please
wait in the meantime . ”
“Understood . Is it fine for
you not to listen to what
Yuri has to say?”
“Yuri wishes to speak to
Lady Letticia alone . ”
“I see . Thanks for leading
the way for me . ”
We walked back the way we
came .
“Sister, what just
“If you’re intending to ask
for my forgiveness for what
Yuri said, there’s no need . I
already understand . ”
“Indeed . ”
“That’s why I want to say
this . Beforehand, what you
said about the position of
leader of our territory: if you
intended that as an apology
then I’ll have to refuse . ”
“These are two separate
topics . I just think you’re
the best fit for the role .
Honestly Father has been
considering this already and
even working on
documentation to submit for
approval . ”
I didn’t expect them to have
gone this far with it already .
“Honestly, I was even glad
to hear your engagement
cancelled . As someone who
works for our country, I
think it’s a huge loss if
someone of your talent left
our nation . ”
“You’re speaking too highly
of me . ”
“Not at all . Why are you so
vehemently rejecting this?
You’re the eldest and have
plenty of achievements of
your own . Is it just because
you’re a woman? I don’t see
how that stops you from
being a great leader . ”
He had caught me .
As a woman, I felt like I had
to retreat behind the
curtain .
The thought filled my
mind .
But when someone asked
me the question as directly
as that, I had nothing to say .
Why did I think I had to
reject my position because I
was a woman?
The more I thought about it,
the less I could rationalize
it .
Just the justification of “this
is what should happen” was
enough to stop me from ever
considering the reason .
“If remaining a leader is too
much pressure on you, I
don’t intend to force you .
You’re free to leave if you
really want to…”
“Hm, aren’t you
contradicting yourself
“After all, you’re
shouldering a great burden .
If I add more pressure on
you…as a brother and as
your family, I can’t do
that . ”
“Is that so?”
I inhaled deeply and asked
myself .
What kind of future did I
want to choose?
Right now there were two
paths before me .
Becoming the leader, and
not becoming . There were
countless branch routes on
the latter road .
“I’ll ask you one last time .
You say it doesn’t matter
which side I pick?”
“Yes . I mean what I say . ”
“Is that so? Well then, Bern .
I’ll accept the role of
territory leader . ”
Bern laughed out loud .
“Really? That’s great . ”
And that was when we
arrived at our destination .
Bern, Tanya, and I walked
into the empty room .
“Please wait here . I still
have matters to attend .
Some workers in the palace
might come over with some
materials . Tanya, feel free
to wait here too . ”
“Understood . Thanks . ”
After Bern left, I sank into
the couch .
“Is this the best course of
action, milady?”
Tanya asked me with
concern .
“What are you referring to?”
“The position of leader . ”
“Yes . I don’t regret it . I
think being able to continue
down this path alongside
everyone else might be
something great for me . ”
“Is that so?”
Tanya smiled, relieved .
“Heh heh . Please be sure to
stay by my side in the future
too . ”
“I might say the same to
you . I belong to milady
until my body decays . ”
“Ah…if you really were to
decay, I’d be quite
troubled . ”
We laughed at this
statement .
And then there was a knock
at the door . One of the
palace workers was here .
She made us tea with a
practiced hand and left
again .
Honestly I liked Tanya’s tea
more…but this was a matter
of personal preference .
In the moment, I enjoyed
my hot tea in silence .
Today too much had
happened .
As if trying to digest
everything I sipped on my
tea without saying
anything .
“Excuse me . Sorry for the
wait, Lady Iris . ”
“Lady Letticia! Not at all .
I’m grateful for the
opportunity to rest . ”
“I’m glad you’re taking a
good break . ”
Lady Letticia sat before me .

“Thanks to you, Yuri told us

everything . That way we’ll
be able to move in on those
nobles we didn’t have
enough evidence to convict
beforehand . Thank you for
everything . ”
“You’re far too kind . I’m
just happy to be of use . ”
“Being of use…You always
help us achieve the best
goal . Even in the
negotiations with the Acacia
Kingdom . We really are
endlessly grateful . ”
“I’m honored . ”
“Lady Iris . Are you willing
to become the leader of your
“Yes . Did you hear about
this from Bern?”
“Yes and no . I’ve heard a
little from him when we
were discussing other
topics . Seems like he’s
asked today as well . ”
“Yes . ”
“Then what do you plan to
“I plan to inherit the
position . ”
Lady Letticia’s eyes
narrowed with excitement .
“Is that so? To be honest,
I’m going to tell you
something that must stay in
this room…I’m about to
ascend to the throne . ”
It made sense . In the
situation that Prince Edward
and Dean had passed away,
she was the only remaining
successor with royal blood .
“Unlike my grandmother,
I’m not serving as a
transition point . I’ll have
actual political power . ”
“Wow! That’s really…!”
I let my honest surprise
show .
Although I’d already
realized she had the
capability to do this, it
seemed like it was finally
coming to pass .
Her grandmother…Queen
Ellia had ruled from the top
of the nation, although she’d
done so by ruling alongside
other people with royal
blood .
That kind of rule clearly
served as transition for the
next generation .
But if she was saying her
rule would be different, this
means she would be the first
true queen of this country .
Taking this step didn’t just
mean countering traditional
notions, but also breaking
them down and rebuilding
them . It was a path above
paths .
“I’ve made up my mind . As
a matter of fact, I’m already
walking this road . Lady Iris,
hope we can look after each
other in the future . ”
“Those should be my
words . ”
“Well then, Lady Iris, I
wanted to give you a present
for your response to the
Acacia Kingdom affair .
Your district will be
designated as a special
district with a certain degree
of self-governing
privileges . ”
“What does that mean?”
“I think you know this
already . When my brother
was still here, this country
was moving toward
centralized power . ”
“Yes, absolutely . ”
“In short, we wish to treat
you and your territory as
exceptions . Please continue
showing us your skills . ”
After I processed her words
thoroughly, I realized how
much gravity stood behind
the words she spoke so
lightly . I couldn’t help but
inhale sharply .
“Is this the best course of
Lady Letticia chuckled
lightly .
“You ask the same question
too, huh . No matter good or
bad, I think it’s the best
option for the country . I’ve
reported this to other nobles,
and no one has complained .
But that shouldn’t be
surprising . To protect
themselves, they ganged up
on your territory alongside
Queen Ellia . When that
brother of mine was
attempting to collect
baseless taxes from you,
they not only ignored it but
followed in his example .
And during this crisis they
didn’t make any attempt to
assist you either . ”
I didn’t agree or anything,
just nodded vaguely .
But was this really the
conclusion she’s confirmed
with other nobles?
She moved quickly .
If she was so intent on
pushing good will upon me I
didn’t have much else to say
about it other than accept
her well-intentioned gift .
“Thank you, Lady Letticia .
I’ll work my hardest for the
territory from now on . If I
can work hard enough to
become an asset to our
nation, I’ll be honored . ”
“I’m happy to hear that . ”
So in a harmonious
atmosphere, our
conversation ended .
That day, I returned to our
mansion in the capital .
“Glad to see you home
safely . ”
Now I could finally greet
my father, who had also
returned home from the
palace .
Although he looked
healthier than before when
he was confined to bed, he
still looked quite pale . It
seemed as though his weight
hadn’t recovered either .
Of course my mother would
worry about him, seeing him
go to the palace and deal
with a heavy workload like
this .
“It’s thanks to everyone
else . ”
“No need to be modest .
Really…I’m so happy
you’re fine . ”
My father embraced me
gently .
The warmth warmed my
heart too .
“Thank you . ”
After a while, we moved
apart .

“I’ve heard from Bern .

You’re planning on
inheriting the role of ruler,
aren’t you?”
“Are you not opposed,
“Who could oppose that?
Especially watching you
come all this way and what
the territory is currently
looking like . ”
My father’s words made my
chest tight with pride and
joy .
“Is that the case?”
“And Bern has discovered
his own path too . No one
can speak against that .
Although it’s rather sudden,
Iris . Bern has agreed to this
too . You should go ahead
and take on the role of
leader tomorrow . ”
“Well…this seems a little
quick . ”
“I’ve been thinking about it
for a while . My body can’t
handle as much work as it
used to . I’ve already
prepared the paperwork . In
terms of actual work I don’t
think there’s much
overlap . ”
“You don’t want to think
about it a bit longer?”

“No . As long as we don’t

promote the news too much
it shouldn’t pose a problem
for us . ”
Father didn’t seem to mind
my concern . Instead he
smiled quietly, gently .
“Is that the case…”
His smile only made me
more worried for his
physical condition . But I
couldn’t ask too much, so I
just swallowed my words .
“Well then, how about it?
Are you ready?”
“Yes . I’ve long been
prepared to shoulder the
responsibility of our
people . ”
“Is that so . I don’t want to
instruct you about anything,
but there’s something I must
say . When you’re in pain,
you must say so . We’re
here for you, your family
and everyone else . ”
So the second day, I
officially became the leader
of our territory, and the
official head of Duke
Armenia’s family .
Father and Bern had
prepared all the
documentation, so I just
signed off on everything .
Originally I was thinking
there might be a ceremony
of some kind . But the
palace was too busy dealing
with the aftermath of the
war that they didn’t have
any additional energy .

Without much emotional

turmoil, the applications
were completed .
It wasn’t a bad thing either .
The second day, I boarded
the carriage to return to my
territory .
“Milady, are we just going
to go back now?”
Even Tanya was shocked
enough to express her
confusion .
“Yes . Although
connections in the capital
are important, the current
situation over there…it’s
more important . If I’m just
going to be wasting time
here, I might as well go
home . ”
“I see . ”
“Yes . We’ll be busy from
now on, Tanya . ”
I smiled warmly .
My mood was like the sky
outside the carriage,
splendid and bright .
The wind that blew in from
the open window caressed
my cheek .
So much had happened .
I’d walked on a thorny path,
experienced countless tears,
countless torment .
But also countless laughter .
Obtained countless warmth .
From now on there would
still be plenty of sadness,
hesitation, bewilderment .
But I was prepared for all
that .
I wanted to see the bright
future where everyone could
laugh together .
So I would move forward,
with everyone by my side .
After this, I ruled over my
territory as leader .
That being said, honestly
my duties weren’t much
different from beforehand .
Each day I was pursued by
my work, and hunched over
a desk making my best
effort .
Although…there were a lot
fewer people charging into
my room with dramatic
announcements, so I had a
lot more spare time .
I learned from Lady Letticia
that she was officially
succeeding to the throne .
Seems like after a year of
mourning for Dean she was
going to hold her
coronation .
I would attend the ceremony
as well as leader of my
territory .
This would be the first
ceremony I attended as
leader…basically the first
time I would appear in
public as a territory leader .
A year, huh .
I couldn’t help but sigh .
After he was gone, several
weeks felt like a long, long
time .
Like Mother said,
occasionally I would feel a
streak of pain in my chest .
But now I even enjoyed this
pain .
“Where are you heading,
When I walked out the room,
I encountered Tanya who
was walking over with files
in her hands .
“I’m going to take a walk . I
need to move around . ”
“Then let me come…”
“No, that’s fine . I’ll just
walk around in the yard . ”
I left her behind and walked
out .
The spring air enveloped me
with warmth .
When I stretched, my bones
made a cracking sound .
Sitting at my desk every day
was making my body stiff .
Thinking this, I gazed out at
my beautiful garden to
relax .
“The weather is great…”
Looking up, I saw the clear
blue sky .
“Is Dean somewhere in that
I couldn’t help but say this
to myself, clasping my
pocket watch .
He was protecting me from
above…it was a fairytale
belief that I clung to .
No, I forced myself to .
“No . Not in the sky . ”
My murmurs were greeted
by someone responding
behind me .
The familiar voice made me
freeze where I stood .
Unbelievable .
“It can’t be…”
I was already hallucinating
voices, huh, I attempted to
calm my shaking body .
But as if to mock me, the
voice continued to ring out .
“I’m so sorry, milady . I
always lie to you . ”
My tears began to fall
slowly .
It wasn’t a mishearing or a
hallucination .
“What kind of lie is it?”
The voice shuddered .
“So many . An identity as
the son of a merchant from
the merchants’ guild .
Pretending to be calm when
I heard about your
engagement . And my
death . ”
“None of it matters…!”
Turning around, I rammed
into his chest .
It was him .
It was him…Alfred Dean
Tasmeria .
His warmth, the heartbeat I
heard in his chest, was
enough for me to burst into
tears .
He was alive…alive!
“As long as you’re still alive,
I don’t need anything
His hands wrapped around
my back .
The shuddering in his hands
couldn’t be a hallucination .
Engulfed in emotions, I
hugged him harder .
I wanted the concreteness of
him being right here, right
now .
We hugged each other,
enjoying the warmth of our
bodies .
I wanted to see
you…wanted to see you!
And yet I was powerless to
do so .
Even if I knew I couldn’t
see him again, I still
hungered for him, chased
after him .
Lightly, our bodies
separated . I raised my
hands to his cheeks .

“But why?”
“I was indeed injured by
arrows, and was in fatal
danger…but thanks to the
doctor’s hard work, I
survived . But by that point
the news that I had passed
away had already made it
back to the palace . ”
“Ah…so you’re fine? Not in
pain anymore?”
“I’m completely recovered,
without any after effects . ”
He said with a smile . I
sighed in relief .
“Is that so…that’s good . ”
“Only the doctor who saved
me knows I survived . I
asked him not to spread the
news . ”
“Why is that?”
“Letty said I wasn’t suitable
for the role of king . She
wanted to be king, so I
should just back down . I
think that in some ways this
was the right thing for her to
do…since she was already
handling everything in the
palace anyways . If I went
back it would just be more
chaotic . ”
Dean chuckled .
“My sister told me to do
something I wanted to do .
What I want to do is work
here . ”
Dean clasped my hands on
his face .
“In the past I thought my
only two paths were
becoming king or dying . I’d
never thought of any other
possibility . Everything I did
was to become king…and I
only connected with the
people around me for this
purpose . ”
I listened quietly to his
confession .
“But when I was here, it was
different . My imagined
future disappeared from my
mind . I enjoyed my work
These words sounded like a
declaration of love .
My heart kept leaping at his
words .
“I couldn’t help but wish . I
couldn’t help but wonder .
At another future . I wanted
to build a future I had never
seen and never imagined
with you . ”
His hands tightened .
“Although in the past you
only hired me on a
temporary basis, I want to
work here forever . I am a
ghost now . May I have this
“…Of course!”
Indeed, since he was dead
he had no status .
But what did that matter?
After tasting despair once, I
was willing to labor at any
cost . No, this wasn’t even
hard work for me .
Clasping my hand, Dean
knelt down on one knee .
It was like a fairytale, a
knight to a princess .
“Hold on…Dean!”
His sudden movement made
me shout, my eyes wide .

But he just smiled and

shook his head .
His determined eyes fixed
upon me . They stole my
consciousness away .
“I love you . ”
And then his words stunned
me .
No disguising, simple
words .
But the emotion behind
them was enough for my
tears to start flowing .
“I’ve always been lying to
you, this whole time . Now
I’m a phantom with no real
identity who can never step
onto the stage of this world .
I’ll create a lot of work for
you, I’m sure . But I don’t
want to lie to you anymore .
I love you, from the bottom
of my heart . Even if I know
the toll it might take on you,
I can’t give up . I want to
walk into the future with
you . Please, may I
accompany you in the
journey of your life?”
My face was hot .
Joy, happiness . My chest
felt full .
“You care about these
things . ” I took his hand .
“These things…It’s odd for
me to say this, but they
really are a lot of trouble . A
man without an identity
cannot be husband to a
territory’s ruler . Plus, this
man has royal blood, the
rights to the throne…so he
can never walk onto the
political scene . ”
“None of this matters to me .
Because this way I can be
with you . I thought you
were dead . Faced with a
miracle like this, these
things are nothing
important . ”
He was wide-eyed at my
response .
I pulled him to his feet, and
buried my face in his chest .
Everything I should say and
do as a lady, as the daughter
of a duke, disappeared in
my mind .
“That being said, this also
means you’re giving up the
crown for me? Even if you
come back as king, I’m
already the ruler of this
territory . I have no
intentions of giving up this
position, no matter how
much I love you . ”
“I’m a troublesome woman
too, Dean . Even if I love
you, I have my own wants
and refuse to stray from my
path . Because I love this
land, and I love the people
who live here . ”
I couldn’t back down on this
point, no matter how much I
loved him .
“That’s exactly the Iris that I
love . ” He laughed .
We were gazing at each
other, with only the other
person in our universe .
“But you have to promise
me this . ”
His earnest eyes sought
elaboration .
“I’ve had enough suffering .
Don’t tell lies that will make
me shed tears anymore . ”
The pain, the suffering, the
tragedy .
Feeling like my chest was
about to be rent apart…I
couldn’t handle those
emotions any longer .
“Of course . I’ve had
enough of the lies too . ”
His hands caressed my
face .
I let his hands take me,
looking up to him .
“I want to be with you .
Closer than anyone else…I
love you too . ”
Finally, I could say the
words . I love you .
My true feelings, my intense
longing .
A deep satisfaction
overcame me and I sighed in
relief .
His face approached mine
gently . I closed my eyes .
And so our lips pressed
together .
So touching and loving .
Grateful that he still lived,
grateful for everything I
had .
At the same time, my heart
filled with a rash impulse .
I wanted to erupt, to
scream .
I wanted him to be
completely mine, to the
point where I couldn’t think
about anything else .
Hopefully he was satisfied
as me . Perhaps we were
thinking the same thought .
And then we separated
“Well then, let’s go back
first . ”
If we continued we’d be far
too immersed . My
embarrassment didn’t stop
me from making this
suggestion .
“Yes . ”
He was blushing too .
It was an adorable sight that
made me smile .
“Everyone will welcome
you back . We were all so
sad to hear you’d passed . ”
“How should I say
this…I’m sure everyone in
the financial offices will be
a little more reserved . ”
We held hands .
The warmth at our fingertips
made us shudder .
Was it possible to keep
walking like this from now
“All right, let’s go then!
Dean . ”
“All right .
Years passed after that .
Dean and I lived a happy
life after marriage .
The only people who knew
Dean’s real identity were
my family, Lady Letticia,
and my most loyal servants .
Our official announcement
was that I’d married a
civilian .
Of course, it was still
difficult to reach the point of
marriage .
No one opposed me from
within my family, but the
other nobles were quite
irritating about it .
Especially the nobles who
were interested in sliding
into the door of Duke
Armenia’s family with a
second or third son: their
scorn attacked us like a
storm .
With Lady Letticia’s help
and the wise nobles who
weren’t interested in
expanding Duke Armenia’s
family’s powers any further,
we were finally able to
marry .
Our wedding ended up
being attended only by
family .
But none of that mattered .
What mattered was that we
were finally one .
The happiest person in this
wedding was none other
than the queen dowager,
Queen Ellia .
While she was howling
during the ceremony, her
face wouldn’t stop
contorting .
Although she commented
that we had finally fulfilled
a “long-time dream”…for
some reason, Dean’s
expression was frozen in an
exasperated smile .
My work also went well .
Unlike when Prince Edward
was around to antagonize
me or treat me like a
roadblock, there was no one
around to interfere .
But my husband’s support
was a very important factor
too .
After becoming an official
aide to the ruler, work ran
even more smoothly .
Surprisingly enough, those
who were most happy to see
him were the financial
department .
Some of them even sobbed
tears of joy when he
returned…even though they
were still pale .
Of course, we weren’t
without problems either .
In my life there was no such
thing as true peace .
Even so, my subordinates
were experienced enough
that with their help, we
managed to conquer all
issues .
Right now Duke Armenia’s
family had expanded into
the territory with the most
populated cities in the
nation .
The newest technology
developed in the schools
were all going straight to
market .
Our cities built schools and
hospitals, spreading literacy
and basic mathematics to
each citizen . It also became
common knowledge for
citizens to go to the hospital
whenever they were ill .
The wide array of rare
products imported from the
Acacia Kingdom was
intriguing to every visitor .
Because the two nations
were trading more and more,
their new technologies
entered our nation too .
The Azure Merchants’
Guild became a top notch
merchants’ guild within our
nation, enough to rank top
five within the country .
At the moment we were also
working on various aspects
of our project of setting up
storefronts in the Acacia
Kingdom .
Although I still ended up
exchanging a few letters
with Prince Majid since the
negotiations…it seemed he
still hadn’t completely given
up . Occasionally he still
sent passionate invitations
for me to live in the Acacia
Kingdom .
Of course, he insisted he
had no ulterior motives or
interest…other than in my
talents .
But whenever Dean caught
a glimpse, he’d always act a
little out of sorts . It was
quite adorable, if I was
going to be completely
honest with myself .
In the capital Lady Letticia
served as the first official
queen, showing everyone
her strong, intelligent
tactics .
Bern was by her side the
whole time .
Shockingly enough, the two
of them married a year after
Lady Letticia ascended to
the throne .
My shock at this was almost
indescribable . It seemed as
though Dean had predicted
it, although he was still
surprised by the actual
marriage .
More surprisingly, Lady
Letticia was the one who
had proposed . (A sight I’d
love to see . )
When asked her favorite
part about him, her response
was “his emotional side and
his ideas”…what in the
world that meant was
anyone’s question .
But it wasn’t polite to keep
asking further, so I let the
matter drop .
“Milady, here’s your tea . ”
“Oh no, Tanya! You can’t
be moving about this much
now . ”
My sometimes secretary,
sometimes secret spy aide
Tanya was now pregnant .
And her partner was Dida .
The news of Tanya getting
married caused a big
shockwave among the staff
here…but when they
learned it was Dida, they
seemed to understand .
“For something like this, it’s
fine . Compared to not
moving at all, it’s better to
get some exercise . ”
“Are you really saying this
when you didn’t even let me
work during my own
I glared at her . Her eyes
drifted, then she seemed to
admit her defeat .
“Apologies . After putting
this down, I’ll go take a
break . ”
“Good . Anyways, just rest
here for now . ”
I pushed the chair used for
receiving guests toward her,
leaving her flustered .
“Don’t worry, no one is
scheduled to come now
anyways . This is an order
from your leader . Rest here
for a moment . ”
“Yes, milady . Well then,
I’ll do as you say . ”
After Tanya sat down, I
approached her and gently
touched her stomach .
“I’m quite excited to meet
this child . ”
“Indeed . When the child is
born, if you allow…I want
them to tend to your
children . ”
Tanya said this with a gentle
smile, caressing her own
stomach .
“That’s their own choice . ”
Even when I answered with
an exasperated smile, there
seemed to be a light behind
Tanya’s eyes .
“Well then, milady . Does
that mean you allow me to
do this?”
“Um…I guess so . No
matter what path a child of
yours and Dida’s takes, it
will be dependable . ”
“I’m honored . Then I will
train my child to your
satisfaction . Please look
forward to it . ”

“Um, oh…”
Impressed by her sheer aura,
I couldn’t help but nod in
agreement .
Afterwards she rested for a
little longer and left the
room .
“Mother . ”
Coming into the room was
my child .
“Ah, Arphys . ”
This was Dean and my
child .
Although his silvery hair
and eye color was mine, his
face was a complete clone
of Dean’s .
“What is it, Arphys, are you
here alone?”
As if in response to my
question, Dean walked in .
“How many times have I
told you? Don’t just stroll
around in here . ”
In his arms was my eldest
daughter, Luce . Opposite to
Arphys, her hair and eye
color were Dean’s, but she
looked exactly like me .
“Welcome, Luce . ”
When I extended my hand
to her, she giggled and
threw herself toward me .
I patted Arphys on the
head .
“He really likes it in this
building . ”
“Yes, because it’s super
cool . ”
“Is it super cool?”
“Yes . The officials work
hard for their people, and
that’s super cool . They
might not be superheroes,
but they give all they have
to be someone’s hero . Isn’t
that awesome?”
Arphys was quite mature for
his age .
Apparently Dean was a
child like that too . Maybe
they were similar in that
way .
“Oh dear . Then, do you
want to work like them in
the future too?”
“Yes . ”
I patted Arphys on the head
again .
“I’m looking forward to that
day . One day, you won’t
just think of them as super
cool . You’ll understand the
weight of this job . If you
really do end up working
here, I can’t wait to see what
you do . ”
“Yes . Maybe saying this
right now doesn’t carry
much weight, but
“I didn’t say you couldn’t
dream . I’m happy for you,
in fact . You’re still a
child . ”
A light shone in Arphys’
eyes .
Finally he looked like a
child again .
“Childhood dreams are
special, because they aren’t
filled with ulterior motives .
Just thinking something is
super cool is great . If you
want to achieve your dreams,
you have to work hard .
Even if you bump up against
the wall of reality, if you
feel this is still your road to
follow, then you should
continue…or if you find
something else better, then
follow that . Even if you
pick a different route, your
hard work in another cause
will never betray you . ”
“Okay . I’ll try my best . ”
“Don’t work too hard,
though . If you can’t wait to
grow up, Mommy will be
lonely . If you can stay as
cute as you are right now for
a bit longer I’ll be very
happy . ”
Arphys and Dean both made
a face .
“Arphys, Dean…if you
want to call me an idiot
parent, please do . ”
“N-not at all . I’m happy,
Mother . ”
Arphys’ panicked and
embarrassed demeanor
when he said this was
enough to relax anyone .
My child was the cutest in
the world after all .
Dean took Arphys into his
arms .
“What’s so bad about being
an idiot parent? If you say
that, I’m also an idiot
parent . Let’s just say we’re
a family of idiots . Not only
do I think my wife is wise
and gentle and the most
lovable person in the world,
I also think my own kid is
the cutest . ”
“Come on . We don’t get the
opportunity to have an
intimate family moment that
often, do we?”
“What a good suggestion,
my dear . The rest of my
documents aren’t urgent . If
you help me out later I’ll be
able to polish them off
quickly enough . Let’s enjoy
some of Merida’s tarts while
we relax . ”
We each picked up one of
our children and started to
walk, happy smiles on our
faces .
Iris Lana Armenia was
revered as a character who
ushered in prosperity for
centuries .
Her deeds include
establishing banks, opening
schools free of charge to the
general public, tax reform,
groundbreaking medical
development, and
reconstruction of roads and
other basic infrastructure .
Centuries later, other
countries finally managed to
follow suit in these
sectors…but even then, she
who had realized the
importance and utility of
these improvements and
prioritized them for her
people was still named a
genius of her time .
The Tasmeria Kingdom
benefited greatly from the
intense growth of Duke
Armenia’s territory,
ushering in a new era of
growth for the whole
kingdom .
Her romance and marriage
to a civilian, uncommon for
this era, was also the topic
of much speculation .
Her husband, who was
shrouded in enigma .
He supported her . Legend
says his talent was on par
with Iris’s .

Discussions among experts

lean toward the explanation
that he must have been
someone who once worked
for the family, due to the
household’s lack of
objection to their union .
No matter what, her
class-defying romance with
her husband led to much
guesswork, even inspiring
countless romance novels .
Even now, it’s the source of
fantasy for many young
women .
Iris Lana Armenia, the
source of astonishing,
incredible legends .
A woman for the people,
who was adored just as
deeply by her own
people…her name remains
imprinted in the hearts of
the public .

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