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Captivated By You

Late at night. There was five

more minutes until the
11pm train arrived, it was
the last train for the night.
At the Nanjing Metro Line 2
platform, there were several
people waiting for the last
train of the night.
Mo Lan lowered her head, a
slender white hand held a
straw, and played with the
few bubbles left from her
milk tea. After a while, she
felt a bit cold and couldn’t
helped moving around.
Beside her stood Rong
Xiaxia who wore a red
down jacket. She was bored
and was playing 2048. After
a bit, uncertained as to what
suddenly came into her
mind, she turned sideways
to looked at Mo Lan, and
asked quietly, “Momo, do
you know any latest nice
songs? Otherwise I could
also just read before
sleeping, I’ve been lonely
and cold in bed these last
few days…”
The heat that came out from
Rong Xiaxia formed into a
cloud of white smoke which
then slowly faded away.
The year’s Nanjing winter
was really cold.
Mo Lan looked up at her
with her hand paused
midway and said softly,
“Your problem lies in that…
you should find a
boyfriend.” After a bit, she
became a little embarrassed
and said, “Furthermore, I
don’t really listen to songs, I
mostly listen to radio
Rong Xiaxia froze for a
moment, then depressingly
said, “That’s right, how did
I forget that you’re a
voice-enthusiast terminal
Before she met Mo Lan,
Rong Xiaxia would have
never believed that there
exist this type of person in
this world. This kind of
person was usually in a state
of incurable love, she rarely
listens to modern songs, but
always wore her headphones
listening to some
two-dimensional internet
radio drama and discussed
how the voice of a certain
CV in a radio drama was
gorgeous and seductive.
Mo Lan chuckled, she
wanted to say something,
but suddenly heard the
sound of the train entering
the station, accompanied by
the whistling sound of the
The cold wind blew through,
her body could not help but
winced slightly, she
couldn’t help but closely
gripped the milk tea cup in
her hand, and tried to draw
in a hint of warmth.
She followed Rong Xiaxia
in, previously the train had
always been overcrowded
but because it was already
quite late at night, at this
moment, the train was rarely
this quiet. As far as the eye
could see, there were only a
couple who were rubbing
their ears, two to three
students who chatted away,
and a man with his head
down, he looked as if he
was sleeping.
Mo Lan and Rong Xiaxia
was used to standing up in
the train, so they didn’t
bother fighting for the
empty seats.
Grasping the handrail with
one hand, Mo Lan sucked
up a black pearl from her
milk tea cup and ate it. Then
she lifted up her head,
looked at Rong Xiaxia, and
continued their discussion
from before, “But if you
want to listen to radio
dramas, of course I have
many to recommend.”
When Rong Xiaxia, who
stood opposite her, heard
her say that, she instantly
opened her mouth, “Come
on, every time you talk
about this, you keep going
on about your
two-dimensional male god,
even if you’re not tired of it,
I’m sick of hearing about
A soft smile appeared on the
corner of her lips, Mo Lan
lowered her head, and
unconcernedly continued to
shake her cup with the straw
while she answered: “But
Secretly Captivated’s voice
is really very nice. Listening
to him, is just like being
covered by poison, and the
kind with no antidote.”
Rong Xiaxia sighed and
helplessly looked at her:
“But didn’t you say that he
haven’t been dubbing for
these past three years? It has
been so long, he may have
forgotten about this internet
voice thing. In reality he has
just been getting on with his
life, it’s only because of
pure and innocent girls like
you that continue to support
Silently eating the last pearl,
Mo Lan chewed, and said
with some ambiguity in her
voice: “Possibly. After all,
he has always hated being
third dimensional. His voice
is so nice, but he has never
really been in the voice
acting business so I always
think that dubbing was just a
hobby for him. In his 3D life,
there should be many more
important things than
Upon hearing this, Rong
Xiaxia frowned slightly, and
couldn’t help but asked with
a little doubt: “In other
words, in the past three
years… he really hasn’t
appeared online again?”
“Well, not really.”
After swallowing the pearl,
Mo Lan tilted her head as if
she was thinking about it,
and then softly said:
“Occasionally, he does post
something on Weibo or
PāPā proving that he is still
alive.” She paused for a bit,
and showed another warm
gentle smile, “Posting on
PāPā, we benefit. Even just
by listening everyday to his
previous radio dramas or
falling asleep to his
recording, it’s also a very
happy thing. Xiaxia, even
though you may not really
understand, but in fact for
me, I could really fall in
love with someone just
because of a person’s
After she finished what she
wanted to say, she lowered
her head and stared at the
empty milk tea cup in her
hand. The cup still had a bit
of warmth left in it. She
whispered softly as if to
herself: “What he looks like,
what is his family
background, all of it doesn’t
really matter. If just by
opening up his voice, he
could capture your ears and
live in your heart, he could
genuinely be the real
Based on his voice alone,
Secretly Captivated had
obviously practiced and
perfected his skills as a
millennium demon.
Rong Xiaxia looked at her
with a sympathetic look of
“you are hopeless”, and
shook her head, “I don’t
want to listen to that
person’s radio drama,
otherwise I would be as
crazily addicted as you, I
reckon I would hate myself
to death even in my
Mo Lan pouted and smiled,
she indifferently shook the
paper cup in her hand, with
no reply.
“Ding Dong”, the train
reminded them that they
have reached Gulou Station.
Because there were not
many people, so Mo Lan
and Rong Xiaxia waited
until the train stopped, then
casually walked out.
One second before exiting
the train, Mo Lan looked
down at the gap under her
feet, from the corner of her
eyes, she casually glanced at
the man who wore a dark
blue down jacket who had
been sleeping with his head
lowered. He rubbed his eyes
and stood up lazily from his
That was good timing.
Mo Lan smiled
unobtrusively, walked out of
the train, turned around and
looked for a rubbish bin to
throw her milk tea cup
On the opposite side Rong
Xiaxia waved at her:
“Momo, don’t forget to
bring back two boxes of
West Lake Longjing for me
when you get to Hangzhou
the day after tomorrow.”
“I know.” Mo Lan smiled
slightly, pulled the beige
scarf around her neck again,
waved goodbye, turned
around and walked out of
the train station.
En, this winter in Nanjing is
really cold.
Mo Lan couldn’t helped
shrinking her neck into the
scarf, and quickly walked
towards her home.
[To yearn for a home
Is to yearn for hardship
This life-time of yearning is
my life-time memory
A brief yearning leads to
endless destitute…
It’s difficult to commit to
love deeply but that is love.
I’ve finally understood this
poem, however, is it too
The touching and pleasant
sound came from the
headphones. The first two
sentences were romantically
rewarding, and the last two
sentences crushes your heart.
Speaking of the last
sentence, the original
gorgeous voice became a bit
huskier and bitter, mixed
with an inaudible sigh,
tender yet desperate. Just by
listening to this sentence
would almost make one’s
eyes red.
A good voice was probably
like good wine buried in the
red dust for centuries. It was
mellow, clear, and
fragrant… Just quietly
listened, it was as if you
were drunk in a dream
unable to differentiate the
With her headphones, Mo
Lan quietly closed her eyes
and rested. It was crowded
on the bullet train, and
voices echoed one after
another. There were office
workers on the phone
discussing business, crying
children, and women
chatted busily accompanied
by sharp ear-piercing
But these sounds weren’t
able to reach Mo Lan.
Because she was currently
listening to a radio drama by
Secretly Captivated.
The name of the radio
drama was 《Difficulty
Loving Deeply》. A love
story of missed opportunites
and regrets that took place
during the Northern Song
The hero of the story,
dramatised by Secretly
Captivated, was a
distinguished and
accomplished young
marquis in Chang’an City
who was addicted to paper
and gold. He had always
believed that one should
always enjoy the present. He
could spent extravagantly in
a brothel as well as clothed
the orphans by the roadside.
He was fond of saying, “I’m
actually sincere”. Even so,
he has never done anything
In order to curry favour with
the young marquis, the son
of a high-ranking official
gifted a blind girl to him.
She became blind at 14 due
to an accident. Her
appearance was nothing out
of the ordinary. However, to
have a highly retentive
memory, and being able to
calligraphed skillfully,
showed one’s eloquentness.
Wanting to change to a fresh
perspective, the marquis, in
order to demonstrate that he
had a splendid temperament
and an above-average
personality that came
recommended from the
Book of Songs, brought the
blind girl along with him.
They toured around the city,
recited poetry together as
well as appreciated the
world of mortals.
One day, on a rafting boat
on West Lake, the marquis
was suddenly ambushed by
an assassin. At that time, he
still held the peony flowers
in his arms when suddenly a
sharp silver glint arrow
came rushing through the
wind. While everyone was
flustered, it was the blind
girl who silently ran out of a
corner and rushed towards
the marquis.
The arrow hit her heart. She
died instantaneously.
Later, when the marquis
returned to his mansion and
packed her things up, he
unexpectedly came across a
copybook for calligraphy.
Among the pages was a
copy of Li Bai’s “Autumn”,
a poet from the Tang
To yearn for a home
Is to yearn for hardship
This life-time of yearning is
my life-time memory
A brief yearning leads to
endless destitute
Beautiful, refine, elegant.
Such emotional words.
With a flash of
understanding and while
holding the copybook, the
marquis involuntarily
started crying bitterly.
His body was still alive yet
his heart was dead.
Hereafter, he never married,
and remained a bachelor
throughout his reticent life.
The radio drama ended and
the background music
lingered on, Mo Lan sighed
slightly and took off her
No matter how many times
she listened to this radio
drama, she could still sense
the sorrow and all sorts of
feelings builded up in her
《Difficulty Loving
Deeply》was Secretly
Captivated’s debut radio
drama. Immediately after
the first episode was
released, as soon as his first
line came up, he instantly
captured countless of
From the stereo sound
system, he gently folded his
fan, the beautiful man off
the stage lowered his
eyebrow, with a
pleasant-sounding Wu
dialect as well as his
unrivaled gorgeous and
distinguished tone: “Asked
you for one with bright eyes
and white teeth, you
unexpectedly gave me a
blind woman. But…..
having got used to the real
colour of a peony tree, it
turned out to be quite
interesting too.”
Just by merely listening to
his voice, one could just
imagine, that year dubbing
as Beijing’s marquis, how a
young, distinguished and
accomplished, fresh clothed
vigorous horse flushed with
Mo Lan turned off the music
on her phone and revealed a
gentle beautiful smile. She
still remembered… at that
time, the radio drama had
just been released for less
than three days, where the
number of Weibo fans for
Secretly Captivated reached
a thousand within a day, and
it broke records within a
Inevitably, almost all of the
voice enthusiasts fell for his
perfect voice including her.
The phone beeped, Mo Lan
lowered her head, and found
that her battery was now
less than 10%. Taking out
her powerbank from the bag,
Mo Lan casually charged
her phone. As a voice
enthusiast, a powerbank was
necessary for any outings,
because she may faced the
dilemma of a red battery
after she listened to radio
Just as her perfunctory
thoughts ran around her
head, suddenly, the train
made an announcement. A
pleasant female’s
mechanical voice sounded:
“Our next station is
Hangzhou East Station,
passengers who are getting
off at the next station, please
be prepared. Make sure to
bring your belongings with
you, so as to avoid
unnecessary inconvenience
to your journey. Thank you
for your cooperation, the
Harmony Train Group
wishes you a pleasant
Mo Lan placed her mobile
phone into her bag along
with the powerbank, and
stretched lazily.
She checked her seat again
and confirmed that nothing
was amiss, Mo Lan stood up
from her seat, and planned
to line up by the door of the
carriage. Barely a few steps,
suddenly, her footsteps
Turning her head, she
looked at the man who sat at
an angle, he wore a plaid
coat, and was asleep. She
suddenly felt that this
person seemed familiar.
There was no one beside
him, his head lowered, and
his black hair covered most
of his face, his sleeping
posture seemed smooth and
After her mind rapidly
processed, yet she still
didn’t have the slightest
recollection. Mo Lan shook
her head, and felt that she
might have mistakenly
remembered, she was about
to walk away, but from the
corner of her eyes, she saw
the bullet train ticket that the
man placed on the small
table, which stated clearly
“Nanjing South – Hangzhou
Was he also getting off at
the Hangzhou East Railway
So… did he not hear the
reminder just now?
Mo Lan frowned slightly,
she knew that the train
would arrive at the next
station in roughly five
minutes, if he continued
sleeping, most likely he
would have bypassed his
intended station. Mo Lan
imagined that scenario, if he
did bypass his station,
then… it would be quite
In all of Mo Lan’s twenty
four years – which was not
considered long but it
wasn’t that short either, she
had never before
experienced striking up a
conversation with a stranger.
Although she felt quite
embarrassed, she still
approached the man, pursed
her lips, and whispered
softly, “Umm… this mister,
please wake up.”
She persistently called out
three times but the other
party still showed no sign of
waking up.
So, Mo Lan reached out and
gently patted the man’s
The next moment, the
sleeping man moved a bit,
then the man covered his
mouth with his hands, as if
he yawned, and unhurriedly
looked up.
A monosyllable word was
issued indistinctly. The man
lazily raised his head a bit.
A pair of drowsy eyes
looked at her somewhat
doubtfully, his temperament
turned out to be
unexpectedly cool and
But Mo Lan completely
focused on the wrong point.
She looked into the man’s
eyes and couldn’t help but
admired them in her heart.
The man’s eyes were very
beautiful – wickedly
beautiful. His pupils… an
opaque hint of the peach
blossom colour, a bit like
the charming fox fairy from
the Qing Dynasty Book of
Alarmed by her rambling
thoughts, Mo Lan looked
away mortified, and
reminded him with a slight
hint of awkwardness in her
voice: “Umm, mister, I saw
that you were still sleeping,
so I thought to just remind
you that we will be reaching
Hangzhou East Railway
Station real soon.”
“Oh…” The man rubbed his
eyes, as if he was finally
And when Mo Lan turned
her eyes upon him again,
she found that those eyes
was clearly black and white
now with no hint of the
opaque color from before.
The man in front of her
opened his mouth as if he
was trying to say something.
Suddenly, the train
announced again — “We
have arrived Hangzhou East
Station. Please get off the
train as soon as possible.”
Mo Lan lingered for a
moment, and
self-consciously said, “I’ll
get off the train first.”
After she spoke, Mo Lan
didn’t even wait for an
answer, she turned around
and hurriedly got off the
train. Her slender figure
quickly disappeared into the
Behind her, a pair of eyes
looked thoughtfully toward
her direction, his attention
focused. Afterwards, he
unhurriedly stood up, his
stature tall and aloof, and
lazily walked off the train.
Mo Lan stepped out of the
train station and took a taxi
directly to the headquarters
of the editing agency who
had close contacts with the
magazine agency she
worked for. She took a copy
of the materials arranged by
the boss, and took it to get it
stamp. Then, she walked out.
Without making any other
stops, she took a taxi
directly to Hangzhou West
Speaking of which, this was
her first visit to Hangzhou.
Mo Lan’s profession was an
amateur author. She worked
part-time in a small and
well-known magazine
agency. Each month she
finished her work within the
deadline and occasionally
published her short articles
in the magazine.
Speaking of which, today’s
business trip wasn’t actually
Mo Lan’s responsibility but
the colleague who was
suppose to make the trip had
something else came up so
Mo Lan, who had always
been good-tempered,
offered to help with this
easy job.
Nevertheless, she had an
ulterior motive in making
this trip which was to visit
the West Lake. After all, in
the radio drama《Difficulty
Loving Deeply》, she was
deeply moved by the scene
where the blind girl took the
arrow for the marquis – this
scene happened right above
the blue waters of West
Obviously, there were only
sound with no pictures, but
just by listening to it, you
could also experienced the
fickle-minded marquis’
moment of heartache and
“Girl, don’t scare me, we
haven’t finished the
five-character poem, the
peach blossom wine hasn’t
been brewed yet… Don’t
sleep, open your eyes and
look at me again… Are you
listening, I won’t let you
sleep in the future!”
He imperceptibly narrowed
his eyes. Mo Lan clearly
remembered that when
Secretly Captivated spoke,
his voice also trembled
slightly toward the end, as
if… the pain so obviously
ingrained right to his bone
but he still resisted reality.
There was an indescribable
sense of a completed
emotion in that sentence. He
vividly and thoroughly
grasped the emotion, it was
just perfect. Less of blanded
scorn and more of extremed
After becoming Secretly
Captivated’s fan, Mo Lan’s
biggest wish was for
Secretly Captivated to one
day dub one of her own
radio drama. For this very
reason, she neglected her
sleep and forgot about
eating and continued typing
during the day and
throughout the night.
Afterwards, she couldn’t
endure anymore and fell
asleep at the computer desk.
When she woke up again,
she found out that his fans,
on Weibo, the main
discussion forum included,
had already exploded.
The reason was because
Secretly Captivated changed
his profile description to
three short words: no new
Consequently from then on,
he really seemed to have
disappeared from the
internet community, he did
not accept any invitations,
he did not dub any dramas,
he did not record, and he did
not signed into YY. For the
past three years, he even
rarely posted on Weibo, let
alone on PāPā.
His fans intended to keep
their delusion until the very
last minute but was
tormented at the end and
gave up all hope. However,
as the world of the Internet
Voice Circle and CVs kept
on growing and although
Secretly Captivated haven’t
accepted any new works, his
fans did not decrease. Not
even the slightest amount.
Just like the tidal current,
there was always an
influxed of new and old
After all… about eight out
of the ten people would
have decided to step into the
world of the Internet Voice
Circle after they had
listened to his radio drama.
Her, for instance.
“Little girl, we’ve reached.”
The driver stopped the car,
turned back and revealed a
simple and honest smile.
“Ah… thank you, shī fù.”
She came back to reality,
after she paid, Mo Lan got
out of the car with
As soon as she got out of the
car, she straightaway felt the
cold wind hit her face.
Bone-chilling penetrating
piercing cold. She couldn’t
help but pulled up the collar
of her down jacket. Mo Lan
figured that it wasn’t just
Nanjing. This winter, it
seemed that no matter which
city she was in, it was cold.
Mo Lan wore her woollen
hat and tidied up her strands
of hair that had escaped, her
expression filled with
excitement. She tiptoed and
gazed into the distance – the
gleaming reflection of the
waves, the billows tossing in
the centre of the lake. She
then lifted her feet up and
walked towards the lake,
where it was known for it’s
There were some ice on the
lake, but perhaps because
the weather was not cold
enough, the center of the
lake gleamed with reflection
of the waves and was so
clear that you could see the
bottom. To the west, stood
cherry trees, peach trees,
Chinese parasol trees with
their withering leaves
hovered on withered
branches, longing and
lingering, unwilling to
The gifted scholar from
Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi,
once composed a poem that
referred to West Lake.
the shade from the green
willow covered the
woven-mat plank bed
red lotus brushed by the
scanned all around, full of
it was hard to say goodbye
by the lake
Mo Lan leisurely walked
along the lakeside, the
nearer she got, she couldn’t
help but smiled
disappointedly. Could you
find love everywhere just by
turning around? Apparently,
people from the ancient
times could really lie,
indeed seeing with one’s
own eyes was the best
Because it was winter, there
were not many tourists by
the West Lake, and Mo Lan
just happened to be by
herself, quiet and peaceful.
Suddenly, in the silence, her
mobile phone rang and it
was an ancient style song.
Mo Lan knitted her brows,
took her phone out of her
pocket, glanced at the screen
and realised that it was her
Speaking of Mo Lan’s
cousin, An Xiaoluo, she was
also a true voice-enthusiast.
Two years ago, after Mo
Lan graduated from
university, she left her
hometown of Wuzhen,
Zhejiang and went to work
in Nanjing. Conveniently,
she seek shelter from her
cousin sister who had been
working in Nanjing for five
The two of them shared a
two-bedroom and one-living
room apartment. Although
the area was not large, both
the nearby transportation
and shops as well as the
community’s security
system was awfully good,
thus as a result they lived
safely and comfortably.
After living together for a
while, they unintentionally
learnt that they were both
voice enthusiast,
consequently they both got
out of control together. It
was also worth mentioning
that in addition to being a
voice enthusiast, An
Xiaoluo was also known as
Yin Zhimei, an ancient-style
gold medalist in the internet
dubbing community. In the
Internet Voice Circle, she
could also be considered as
quite a well-known figure.
Mo Lan answered her phone,
and even before she could
say anything, she heard the
other party spoke excitedly
and incoherently: “Oh oh oh!
Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan, did you
know, Secretly
Captivated--sama posted a
PāPā! Basically, I’ve waited
for the entire millennium,
and it pretty much made me
cry, you know!”
Mo Lan was surprised, her
right hand which held the
phone slipped, and she
almost dropped her phone:
“Are you for real, today
isn’t April Fool, right? I
remember, the last time he
posted a PāPā, it was during
last year’s Spring
“Of course it’s real, PāPā
can deceive people but
one’s voice can’t. I have
already screenshot, already
save, already backup okay!
At the moment, the
comments under his Weibo
is exploding, I am
reminding you to quickly go
listen!” The other party was
still in the state of chicken
blood, and obviously had
yet to calm down from the
good news of this big day.
Mo Lan’s frame of mind
was unable to bear the full
chicken-blood filled tone
that provoked her to hurry
up, she hurriedly returned to
the conversation and ended
the call.
At this time, she couldn’t
care less about the internet
rates and pretty much,
without the slightest
hesitation, she switched on
her 3G. Mo Lan opened the
PāPā app, and right on top
was Secretly Captivated’s
latest post.
The accompanying
picture… turned out to be
the winter scene of
Hangzhou West Lake.
Realising that her heartbeat
was a bit abnormal, Mo Lan
took a deep breath, tried to
suppressed her current
excited mind, and opened up
the post.
[The shade from the green
willow covered the
woven-mat plank bed, red
lotus brushed by the boat,
scanned all around full of
love, it was hard to say
goodbye by the lake. Wu…
Hangzhou’s winter is also
quite cold.]
Her fingertips that touched
the mobile could not help
but trembled slightly. Mo
Lan couldn’t help but sighed
for the thousandth time, as
expected… it was the sound
of a one-shot-kill voice.
This PāPā post lasted for a
total of fifty-eight seconds.
The first forty seconds was
the ancient poem, clear and
resonant, full of love,
practically intoxicating.
There was a pause in the
middle, then he somewhat
lazily and tenderly muttered
the last sentence. It was
unexpectedly gentle,
charming and touching,
paired with his low tone, it
seemed to want to aroused
the bottom tip of your heart.
Although, perhaps, he
merely wanted to convey
that Hangzhou had a very
cold winter.
Probably, this was the
charm of a CV. It didn’t
require each and every
movement, but just by
relying on one’s voice, one
could capture people’s
Mo Lan repeatedly listened
to the PāPā a dozen times,
and then stretched her hand
out to touched her cheek. In
the cold winter month of
January, she was mortified
to have found herself
You couldn’t blame her… it
was because Secretly
Captivated’s voice was so
fascinating, especially
towards a girl who was
nearly the same age, it was
simply a seckill skill.
With great difficulty, after
she struggled to return to her
senses, Mo Lan suddenly
realised to her surprise that
he had uttered the same
ancient poem she had in her
heart. Ergo… was this a
meeting of minds between
idol and fan? Mo Lan bit her
lip and did not dare to
believe it.
Because there wasn’t a
computer nearby to save a
backup, Mo Lan had no
choice but to first chose
PāPā’s offline cache. Then,
she scrolled down her
mobile screen, and it was no
surprise to see the fans’
comments came in waves.
In just five minutes, the
number of comments and
retweets had reached
“Male god, are you finally
willing to accept new work?
I’m already on Mt Tiantai
“I just want to cry, did you
know how long have I not
heard your voice on PāPā, I
did say that my life would
not ambiguously disappear
just like that, anyhow I’ve
already waited for 3 years,
so you will return, right?!”
“I just told my mother that
my ears were pregnant and I
got a scolding. Rolling
about and acting cute to
receive new. Mi Da, I want
to have your child!”
Mo Lan’s fingertips flew
about on the screen of the
phone and also responded:
“Ears are pregnant! Male
god I’m also in Hangzhou~
really a coincidence, since
it’s so cold, you’ll need to
wear more clothes. Don’t
catch a cold ^^.”
She placed her phone back
in the pocket, and couldn’t
help curved her lips and
revealed a gratified smile.
Currently, Secretly
Captivated… was also in
Hangzhou. Just thinking
about it made one felt that
even the surrounding air
was fresher and more
delightful than before.
You might not believe this
but there was such a person
in this world, when he was
quiet, everything was fine.
As soon as he spoke, the
mountains trembled.
Mo Lan stood at the edge of
West Lake for a very long
time, until the sun set and
the weather became colder.
Putting both hands into her
pockets, Mo Lan turned
around and planned to
quickly find a hotel nearby.
Because this was an
unexpected business trip,
hence when she bought the
ticket, she didn’t plan on
going back to Nanjing today.
Mo Lan had no choice but
to stay in Hangzhou for one
night, but she didn’t mind.
Just treated it as a
boredom-killer trip.
After paying, Mo Lan took
the room card, and went up
by the elevator.
She purposely booked a
room with a computer. After
she locked the door with the
room card, the first thing
Mo Lan did was to turn on
the computer. Prepared to
save Secretly Captivated’s
PāPā post in her USB.
En… the internet speed is
pretty fast.
Mo Lan nodded with
satisfaction, opened Weibo,
and even before she clicked
on Secretly Captivated
Weibo’s page, she was
astounded by Weibo’s
notification on the computer
On the upper right corner…
it clearly showed, 2000+
comments, 3000+ retweets,
and she trended more than a
thousand times.
So… what in the world
Mo Lan’s brain quickly got
to work yet she still
remained puzzled after
pondering over it a hundred
times. As a little
non-secretive dabbler in the
Internet Voice Circle, she
set-up her Weibo just to
“stalked” Secretly
Captivated, to absurbly dote
on his voice, and to
occasionally share activities
organised by An Xiaoluo’s
association. Mo Lan’s
Weibo had been actived for
more than three years, has
less than 300 posts, about
500 followers, and there
might be zombie fans.
Opening her notifications,
Mo Lan quickly scanned
through to the bottom, but
found that… almost all who
commented were fans of
Secretly Captivated,
moreover, their replies,
precisely referred to her
recent comment on Secretly
Captivated’s Weibo.
“Male god, my home is in
Hangzhou, give me your
coordinates, I’ll take you to
go eat glutinous rice, walnut
crab soup bao, visit Leifeng
Pagoda, Lingyin Temple
and the beautiful
“T^T, although I don’t live
in Hangzhou, but I can fly to
Hangzhou now, please wait
for me ying ying ying!”

Looking at the non-stop
replies, Mo Lan seemed
helpless. So… in this
situation now, wouldn’t it
Mo Lan opened her retweet
count, it turned out that it
wasn’t her Weibo that
everybody was replying to,
it was only because Secretly
Captivated replied her
comment, and as a result she
was caught in the replies…
No no no, this was not the
main point, the main point
was Secretly Captivated
actually replied her, you
His reply was very short,
only one sentence: Really?
It was really a coincidence.
But reading this reply, Mo
Lan looked as if she was
struck into two by lightning,
speechless and
flabbergasted. She blankly
stared at the computer and
took quite a while to
snapped out of it.
What kind of day was today?
Secretly Captivated first
posted a PāPā, then replied
her post… She had been
obsessed with Secretly
Captivated for four years
and knew that he rarely
replied to fans’ comments
on Weibo. At this very
moment, Mo Lan felt as if
she had just won a top
quality award, and
experienced both
exhilaration and incredulity.
After half a minute of
blanking out, Mo Lan
hurriedly and flusteredly
took out her mobile phone
and saved a screenshot of
Secretly Captivated’s reply
to her Weibo comment.
Really? It was really a
Holding the mobile phone
like an idiot, Mo Lang
chewed on his words
repeatedly, then fantasised
for a moment in her heart.
What if these few words
were actually spoken by
Secretly Captivated… her
blood tank would be
emptied and she would faint
on the spot then call an
Nevertheless, it seemed that
the day was still far from
Because… An Xiaoluo rang
“Xiao Lan…” An Xiaoluo’s
voice echoed through the
phone, sounded somewhat
void, hollow and at a loss,
as if she was in a half-awake
half-asleep state.
Mo Lan asked puzzledly,
“Cousin, what happened to
“I’m fine… I just came back
from work, I just wanted
you to pinch me and see if I
was dreaming.” The other
party’s tone was still as if
her soul was detached from
her body, dreamy,
unknowingly floated in the
Mo Lan 囧: “You’re too far
away, I’ll hit you when I get
home, moreover, I think I’m
the one who needed to be
pinched awake… did you
know that Secretly
Captivated unexpectedly
replied me, hurry up and tell
me I’m not dreaming!”
An Xiaoluo’s voice cleared
up a bit, as if she finally
recovered a hint
of consciousness: “Just
right when I called you, I
actually wanted to tell you
about this incident. But now,
I have a news thats a 100
times more explosive than
the fact that Secretly
Captivated replied your
comment, it is the pinnacle
year, you know! I can’t help
but want to go to the temple
to offer up my offerings!”
“What’s wrong?” Mo Lan
frowned, she doubted her
cousins’s words who had
always believed in the rain
upon hearing the wind.
“Realistically speaking, by
all means you must not get
hysterical and drop your
mobile phone or bite the
data cable.” An Xiaoluo
coughed lightly, and then
said in an indifferent
extremely serened tone,
“Secretly Captivated,
announced he’s accepting
new work.”
An Xiaoluo’s voice barely
finished, the next second, a
‘thump’ was heard, Mo
Lan’s hand slipped, her
phone fell from her ear to
the floor.
After blanking for a few
seconds, without any
hesitation, Mo Lan once
again returned to the
computer desk, refreshed
the screen at the speed of
light, and looked at Secretly
Captivated Weibo’s
homepage, there was a new
post, posted just ten minutes
“Apologies for the long wait,
accepting new work.
Includes radio drama,
birthday drama, tea party.”
The number of comments
that follows is almost
reaching ten thousand.
“I didn’t see the wrong thing,
right? I didn’t see the wrong
thing, right? I didn’t see the
wrong thing, right? Can you
personally come and tell me
if this is true? I dare not
trust my eyes at all!”
“Accepting new work… Oh
my god…”
“This means, I can finally
stop sleeping with the two
radio shows from three
years ago? As I’ve said
before, I’ve been waiting for
you to accept new work, I
have not waited in vain, all
of a sudden I’m not sure
what to say… cry. Male god,
I love you, sincerely. T^T.”
“This is the best news I’ve
heard all of this year,
nothing else compares!!!”
Mo Lan’s pair of eyes
couldn’t help widened,
expanded again, fixed at the
computer screen.
Her mind couldn’t helped
but went back to that
moment where that
incredible and inconceivable
voice, where the treble was
gorgeous distinguished and
accomplished while the bass
was seductive. He said, “To
yearn for a home, Was to
yearn for hardship. This
life-time yearning was my
life-time memory, A brief
yearning lead to an endless
These few sentences
delivered by Secretly
Captivated was Mo Lan’s
But, she only had one
thought left in her mind…
Today, really wasn’t April
Fool’s Day?
After Mo Lan hugged her
mobile phone for a while,
she suddenly realised that
she haven’t replied Secretly
Captivated. Moving her
thumbs across the screen of
her phone, she typed a line,
deleted it, typed it again,
and deleted it yet again. In
the end, she only replied
scared witless: “Male god,
with you being in Hangzhou,
I feel that even the air
changed for the better…
seeking for a chance
encounter QVQ.”
Of course, she felt that SC
was definitely unlikely to
reply her again,
consequently after she
replied, Mo Lan casually
threw her phone aside and
went on Baidu. After all, she
was finally in Hangzhou,
and she wanted to go
explore a bustling night
Almost seven o’clock in the
evening, after meticulously
and industriously searching
on Baidu for more than half
an hour, Mo Lan eventually
decided on Wushan Night
Market, which always had a
famous reputation in
She put on her woollen hat,
wrapped a scarf around her
neck, and zipped up her
down jacket. After being
fully equipped, Mo Lan
walked out the door looking
like a bear.
After she got off the taxi,
Mo Lan caught a glimpse of
the decorated lanterns in
front of the ancient night
scene and unexpectedly felt
that this place resembled her
hometown, Wuzhen.
A bustling crowd, a dazzling
array of trinkets, decorated
with colourful lanterns and
banners, and also all kinds
of fragrant delicious snacks.
Mo Lan walked and stopped
continually, seriously visited
all the novelty stalls, even
though there were such
quaint night markets in
Wuzhen, she was still in an
exuberant mood. The simple
circular silk fan, the water
jade ring, and also the
colourful porcelain bottles,
the different kinds of quirky
gadgets was simply
While she walked, Mo Lan
suddenly saw a large group
of people up in front, from
the looks of it, it seemed to
be very lively. Her eyes lit
up, and Mo Lan walked
towards them, wanting to
join in the fun.
She drew near, and realised
that up front was obviously
a temporary stage, the opera
singers in costumes were
chanting and singing the
Kunqu opera titled《The
Peony Pavilion》.
On the stage, the flowing
sleeves of a vivavious
young female whirled
around, she looked like a
scroll of clouds unfolding,
with miniature lotus steps,
she arched her waist, and
displayed a gentle and
beautiful figure. And at that
moment, her fair and honest
mouth sorrowfully sang
“Son of the River Water”:
By the side of this plum tree,
my heart was tied to another.
If our choice in love were as
free as our love for flowers,
If life and death were in our
hands, there would be an
end to suffering.
There would be an end to
Yes, I will keep watch over
this plum tree, until I meet
my beloved once more.
It seemed that flowers and
grass were loved by people,
life and death varied
according to a person’s
desire, when it came to pain
and suffering no one dare to
Mo Lan, who had always
loved《The Peony Pavilion》 ,
upon hearing the opera
singer sang Du Liniang’s
dream, all of a sudden she
couldn’t moved a step.
She had always felt that
Kunqu opera’s vocal music
was extremely beautiful, the
songs were written elegantly,
with a sophisticated accent,
moreover it showed
incomparable and exquisite
She stood among the crowd,
and listened quietly for a
long time, until the opera
singers on the stage bowed
and thanked the audience,
until the crowds had mostly
disperse, only then did Mo
Lan finally snapped out of
the plot of《The Peony
Feelings ignited
unknowingly, as soon as it
went deeper, the living
could die and the dead could
live. Life was not without
death, death was not without
life, a must for the most
passionate too.
This passage was written by
Tang Xianzu for《The Peony
Pavilion》, even up till today,
it haven’t faded, to be
Although the opera singers
on the stage didn’t really
sing that well, as long as the
ambience of The Peony
Pavilion was brought out,
straightaway there would
somewhat be a hint of
Mo Lan lowered her eyes,
she felt a little melancholy
all of a sudden, she
considered wheter did the
love described in《The
Peony Pavilion》, a love that
sacrificed life and
resurrected the dead, did it
really exist in reality?
After a while, she turned on
her mobile and glanced at
the time, only to suddenly
realised that it was almost
10pm. Mo Lan 囧, not
recklessed enough to stay
outside by herself, she
quickly traced back her
previous route, then took a
taxi back to the hotel where
she stayed.
After she returned from a
tiring day, Mo Lan first took
a cozy hot bath, and then lay
in bed with a mask and
planned to sleep. Before she
slept, she undertook a
international practice –
surfed Weibo.
As a result, the next second,
she was startled and her
mask that had just been
applied to her face moved.
If… she did read it correctly,
an hour ago, Secretly
Captivated posted another
Practically unbelievable,
this time Mo Lan opened the
comments first and saw the
first comment: “The blood
tank is empty! Male god,
your PāPā posts from today
is more than the whole past
year, I can practically die
now without any regrets
ying ying ying!”
Some when impatiently
opened the PaPa post, would
hear a moment of silence,
Secretly Captivated’s low
voice then appeared, gentle
and touching, the timbre
voice brought a hint of
stirred emotions, tempted
alike the seductive soul of
the amorous ghost in white
from the King’s palace:
“This particular beautiful
flowery lady, passed swiftly
like flowing water…
answered by searching all
over, and commiserated by
herself in a secluded
Mo Lan’s hand that held the
phone became stiff,
because… these few opera
sentences were classic lines
from the intellectual Liu
Mengmei in The Peony
Pavilion. When Secretly
Fascinated delivered the
lines, he actually used the
authentic opera Kunqu vocal
If these verses were spoken
vernacularly, the general
idea, was that in this world
there was no other beautiful
flower like you, in order to
meet you, I had already
searched high and low, as it
turned out, you were right
here feeling depressed.
The vocal music of this
verse by Secretly Captivated
was affable and tender,
unrestrained and distant, the
melody was as graceful as
the moving clouds and
flowing water, even if it was
placed among the great
masters, it would not be
inferior in any sense.
He was way better
compared to the Liu
Mengmei from just now.
Moreover… what made Mo
Lan felt unfathomably was
that he actually grasped the
innermost feeling of Liu
Mengmei so accurately and
authentically, that just by
listening to this verse, the
beautiful garden scene
immediately appeared right
before her eyes. Where after
Liu Mengmei met Du
Liniang, that moment of
love was difficult to
Maybe, this was what
everyone in the Internet
Voice Circle often said, a
promising natural-born CV.
A CV without any theatrical
emotions, even if a short
sentence was dubbed tens or
hundreds of times, it would
still sound pretentious in
people’s ears, tasting as if
one was chewing wax. For
CVs like Secretly
Captivated, where they were
classified as blessed by the
heavens above, regardless of
character or tone of voice it
was as if they could just
casually grasped the concept,
always managed to just
matched it impeccably.
Feeling somewhat dazzled
after listening, Mo Lan only
just realised that the picture
that accompanied the PāPā
post was veritably the stage
where she had just earnestly
watched the opera amongst
the crowd.
Mo Lan felt that at this very
moment, she had the desire
to die. So, in fact, as it
turned out, just a moment
ago, Secretly Captivated
was at the Wushan Night
Market too? Unexpectedly,
she was in such closed range
with male god, could it be
that her 24 years of
conscientiously studying,
wholeheartedly working, to
picked up money and not
hid it spirit, had finally
touched God’s heart? T^T
She stretched her somewhat
trembling hands out, Mo
Lan commented under his
PāPā: “Male god, I don’t
know if my moral standing
was too good or too bad,
just now, I was also at the
Wushan night market! Such
a close distance yet we
didn’t even bumped into
each other… I felt as if I
won a 5 million lottery
ticket, but on the way to
redeem the prize, I slipped
and threw the lottery ticket
into the sewer, crying for
comfort T^T.”
Right after publishing the
comment, everyone soon
replied one after another:
“Tiger touch 233333, I was
just here too. I took my
younger brother to buy
food… I saw the opera
happening and I just walked
by without stopping okay,
now I just want to kill
“Tiger touch +1, should I
say I was here too? I didn’t
expect Mi Da to stop and
actually listened to the opera,
but you are truly too greedy,
wanting to meet doesn’t
mean a chance encounter,
wanting to meet is subject to
one’s ability to meet! PS:
Mi Da join the opera circle,
I will go to the opera with
“Actually, if even the opera
singing could sound so good,
simply in other words those
that follow and sang would
also sound good! In the
future, I will not roast my
dad for listening to Kun
opera, begging the male god
to sing a bit more ying ying
“Out of the blue, two PāPā
in one day… These 2 PaPas
are sufficient enough for me
to survive for another year.
Not only that but in the near
future, there’ll be new
works, in a flash I felt as if
my life was shining and
glittering! Mi Da, good
night, me me da >3<”
After she went through
everybody’s eye-popping
comments, Mo Lan, at this
moment, in her heart,
thought straightforwardly,
that actually there were so
many other people who
missed that chance
encounter too, apparently it
seemed that her moral
standing was still
insufficient, sigh.
But let us be honest… this
feeling of having your fated
CV post PāPā was simply
too marvelous.
Hence, tonight, Mo Lan
listened to Secretly
Captivated’s Kunqu Opera,
perfectly contented and
entered slumberland.
Early next morning, Mo Lan
bought the ticket to return to
Mo Lan lugged her pink
suitcase home while panting,
An Xiaoluo deadpanned and
sat properly at the dining
table in the living room, she
faced the computer without
saying a word, not knowing
what she was thinking of,
she didn’t even hear Mo Lan
came in.
Mo Lan dragged the
suitcase in, set it aside and
closed the door. Only then
did An Xiaoluo puzzledly
walked over.
“Cousin… it’s broad
daylight, why do you look
like you’ve seen a ghost?”
An Xiaoluo heard Mo Lan’s
voice close-at-hand, and
finally returned to reality:
“Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan,
you’re finally home! Did
you know, did you know,
Secretly Captivated dada
will be participating in our
association’s YY interview
at 7:30pm this evening!”
Mo Lan’s eyes widened
sharply, and looked at her in
At the most, Secretly
Captivated would only go
on YY once or twice a year,
it was almost as rare as
going to the beach house
twice a year. Mo Lan
stretched her arm out, her
expression as if she was in a
dream, “I must not be
dreaming, right? Cousin,
hurry up and bite me…”
“It’s absolutely true!” An
Xiaolu nodded continously,
suddenly, not too sure of
what went through her mind,
her eyes dimmed, and she
dispiritedly continued, “But
I have to work overtime
tonight and what’s more it’s
with the boss…”
An Xiaoluo worked as a
financial director of a
medium-size company.
Although in front of Mo Lan,
she had always been this
insane and obvious when
she faced her teenager
sickness, but once she faced
work-related matters, she
would immediately
transformed into a
successful career-minded
workaholic woman. In the
company, she had always
passed like thunder and
moved like the wind and she
always kept her word.
Slightly sympathising, Mo
Lan patted her shoulders,
and strived hard to look
regretful: “Don’t worry, I
will properly record it and
wait for you to come home.”
As a result, in the afternoon,
Mo Lan ran to the
magazine’s office and
respectfully gave all the
materials to her boss. After
she returned home, she
diligently huddled in her
bedroom for the whole
afternoon and wrote her
article. She managed to send
the manuscript to her
editor’s mailbox in advance.
Looking up at the clock, it
was a few minutes to seven.
So now that everything was
ready, all that was lacking…
Mo Lan took a deep breath
and with unusual
cautiousness connected the
important headphones to the
computer. She logged into
YY, and just when she
barely entered the YY
channel; Sound of Charm,
the phone suddenly rang at
this inopportune time.
Sighing, Mo Lan reluctantly
picked her phone up. On the
other end of the phone was
Rong Xiaxia’s cheerful
voice: “Momo, did you buy
my West Lake Longjing
Mo Lan chuckled: “Of
course I bought it, I
wouldn’t dare to forget your
“That’s good, that’s good,
I’ll give you the money
tomorrow when we meet!
Just in time, I’m going
home tomorrow and can
give my mum some, she has
been obsessing over it for a
long time.” Rong Xiaxia
seemed relieved, then she
flatteringly complimented,
“I know Momo’s the best!”
Mo Lan smiled, looked
down at her headphones
next to the computer and
replied with joy: “As long as
you know I’m the best,
that’s right, let me tell you,
my favourite… announced
he’s accepting new works.”
Rong Xiaxia was silent for a
moment, then she spoke, her
voice full of incredulity,
asked: “No way, right?
People who have
disappeared for three
years… would actually
come out of retirement?”
“Even though I don’t know
why he would come out of
retirement, but it’s great that
he’s able to obtain new
work. Being able to listen to
his voice in a radio drama
again, just thinking about it
– happiness.” While Mo Lan
cradled her phone, the
corner of her mouth
couldn’t help but curved
upwards, a gentle smile
appeared, her face relaxed:
“Okay, I won’t continue
anymore, I still have to
standby at 7:30 to wait for
him to log onto YY. Let’s
chat another time, bye bye.”
“… you with your voice but
no heart human! Goodbye!”
Rong Xiaxia snorted and
hung up somewhat
Mo Lan smiled indifferently,
found Sound of Charm’s
YY channel, went in, and
put on her headphones.
Upon entering the channel
room, Mo Lan was shocked
by the number of people in
the room. There was still at
least another half an hour,
and now there were already
more than 9000 people in
the room…
Fortunately, An Xiaoluo and
her installed a wireless
broadband network at home.
She still remembered in the
past, when she was still in
college, almost every time
she listened to SC’s YY
channel, her campus
network adapter card always
Suddenly, a familiar BGM
burst through the headset,
Mo Lan’s eyes lit up, this
music… was the theme song
of《Cross Me》.
Speaking of《Cross Me》,
Secretly Captivated’s
second radio drama, this
heartfelt performance also
truly did help him
established his number one
throne among the network
of CVs.
In this radio drama, he
played a carefree senior
monk, he purely and
wholeheartedly led an
ascetic life, and was called
Jia Luo. He grew up in Zixia
Temple since he was a child.
His biggest aspiration was
to cross all living things to
become an immortal and
attain enlightment.
One day, as he was
meditating and practicing
asceticism at Moonlight
Creek, he happened to save
a small snow-white fox
from the jaws of a tiger.
Later, it followed a tacky
plot, this little fox fell in
love with the Taoist monk.
Five hundred years later, she
became an adult, changed
her name to Ah Zhi, and
went looking for him at
Zixia Temple. However, Jia
Luo who had
wholeheartedly devoted his
life to Buddha, he who was
completely without any
emotions and desires,
locked his door and refused
to see her, without any guilt.
The little fox didn’t give up,
she wandered around and
refused to leave. Later, she
simply stuck around him,
stayed by his side all day
every day, and followed him
Early in the morning, she
would stand quietly by his
side, and accompanied him
to ring the wake-up-call bell.
In the afternoon, she would
transform into her original
form and lay down on the
praying mat in the Tibetan
Scripture Pavilion,
accompanied him to study
and copy the scriptures. At
night, with her chin on her
hand, she would sit under
the tree, and accompanied
him as he meditated and
practiced asceticism.
In this way, day after day,
year after year, and as
before, the monk continued
on, and as before, the little
fox still obstinately
However, all of a sudden an
unexpected catastrophe
happened, overnight, in the
village next to Zixia Temple
all three hundred villagers
died tragically, for unknown
reasons. Upon investigation,
all of Zixia Temple head
monks believed that the
murderer was Ah Zhi. A
demon would always be a
demon, sooner or later she
couldn’t help but absorbed a
person’s qi, and revealed the
cloven foot.
Thus, on the night of
thunder and lightning,
hundreds of disciples from
Zixia Temple surrounded
Ah Zhi outside of the
Tibetan Scripture Pavilion,
and burnt her alive using
true -samadhi fire from the
Buddhist doctrine.
At that time, within the
Tibetan Scripture Pavilion,
Jia Luo with his eyes closed
was right in the middle of
tapping the mokugyo over
and over again, he chanted
the Purifying the Heart
Outside of the pavilion, Ah
Zhi’s wailed agonisingly,
she called his name
continuously, and asked him
to save her.
Alas, after no less than an
hour, from beginning to the
end, he never came out.
Eventually, the little fox’s
body gradually burnt into
ashes by the true -samadhi
fire, she turned into dust and
immediately afterwards her
soul fled.
Whilst in the pavilion, the
closed eyes upright Jia Luo
was still softly chanting, the
mokugyo in his hands
abruptly broke into pieces,
and fell to the ground.
He opened his eyes, his
pupils was strangely akin to
a pretty strong and
flirtatious blood colour.
“Hey, don’t aim for nirvana,
all right? Take me away, the
earth is so big, we could go
“I don’t want to leave, I like
you. Wherever you are, I
naturally want to be
“Jia Luo! Come out! Why
aren’t you coming out? I
hate you, I hate you!”

The girl’s silvery laughter
resounded in his ears, word
by word, it inflicted
That night, Jia Luo began a
massacre in Zixia Temple.
After that, he fully
relinquished his immortal
being and became a demon.
Throughout the whole
journey, he pursued Ah Zhi,
and tracked down her three
immortal souls and seven
mortal forms which were
scattered in all directions, he
wandered destitutely among
the three realms of fairies
and demons.
When he finally managed to
collect all of Ah Zhi’s souls,
Jia Luo, who was seriously
injured, returned to Zixia
Mountain, where they met
that year for the very first
time at Moonlight Creek.
She absorbed the spirit of
heaven and earth, dissipated
herself to rejuvenate, she
crossed over and was
However, after the rebirth,
the little fox no longer
recognised him.
In the finale of the whole
radio drama, Jia Luo
concluded with a brief, clear,
aloof, reticent and bleaked
sentence, his tone evidently
very close to despair, a bit
indistinct, somewhat
He laughed softly, with a
light tone, it flowed like
white jade, comparable to a
chess piece tapped by a
monk: “Ah Zhi, if there was
life after death… I vow that
I will surely not choose to
attain nirvana.”
Looking back at the plot,
Mo Lan bit her lower lip,
and still felt that it was
indeed extremely cruel.
In this《Cross Me》radio
drama, Jia Luo’s emotional
world was actually quite
difficult to grasped.
Altogether, he had
experienced three different
phases in his life: intially,
the carefree indifference,
followed by the haunted
obsession, and finally, he
discovered the world of
Yet Secretly Captivated,
grasped it perfectly, he
completely lacked any
This radio drama was
perfection, regardless of the
selection of CV dubbers, the
BGM or post-production. It
was considered to be a
masterpiece in the Internet
Voice Circle, and all the
more at that time, it
managed to extort
everyone’s tears.
This was also one of the rare
radio dramas that Mo Lan
did not dare to listen too
much of.
Sometimes, she also
wondered, when all was said
and done, what kind of
person was Secretly
Captivated. This voice
allowed imaginary
characters to appear vividly
one after another on paper,
it gave them a brand new
As she pondered, the voice
of Jia Luo from the radio
drama suddenly resonated
from the headphones. It was
carefree, aloof and refined
like a white lotus in the
pond, a bit similar to a
vulture on the mountaintop,
Buddha fiddling with a
flower, and the leaves
He said, “One’s desire to
love, alike clutching a torch,
going against the wind,
certain to suffer burnt
Immediately after, the scene
switched, and in the night of
the thunderstorm, the little
fox ablazed with fire
suffered and struggled in
agony, she yelled out quite
desperately: “Jia Luo! Come
out! Why aren’t you coming
out? I hate you, I hate you!”
Actually at this moment, Jia
Luo was just sitting on the
praying mat with a clear and
aloof tone mumbling,
“Cause of love sorrow is
born, cause of love fear is
born. By averting love, no
sorrow no fear.”
His voice simply used
vividly and thoroughly Jia
Luo’s merciless and
apathetic expression from
before, the living spirit and
the living image.
Later… it turned out that he
took the whole night to
transformed himself into a
In the Zixia Temple, the
disciples were all massacred
with practically nothing left.
He stood among the
bloodbath, his body faintly
discernible and embodied in
dust. Jia Luo calmly picked
a white lotus flower from
the pond, in a ruthless tone,
he tacitly mocked himself,
“Even if it was the devil’s
path for all of eternity… I
would still acquiesce and
want you to come back.”
Afterwards, just as he
dissipated and cultivated, he
arrived at Moonlight Creek
with his dying breath.
Facing him stood a young
lady who looked like peach
blossoms with her
unchanging complexion, but
he lost because he had
withered, his white hair atop
his ash-gray weather-beaten
face. He gingerly coughed,
and spat out blood, he was
undeniably at the end of his
line, yet with an
indiscernible smile on his
face, he spoke, “It doesn’t
matter who I am, never
forget though, you are called
Ah Zhi.”
Finally… accompanied by
the poignant BGM, Secretly
Captivated’s delicate voice,
as if he finally discovered
the world of mortals, was
reluctant to leave. Before
the young lady panicked, he
smiled, and slowly closed
his eyes, he softly said, “Ah
Zhi, if there was life after
death… I vow that I will
surely not choose to attain
With a sigh, his tender voice
faded into thin air.
He said that if there was life
after death, he pledged to
not choose nirvana. So from
now on, there would be no
Jia Luo.
The radio drama finally
ended, Mo Lan recovered
her senses from Secretly
Captivated’s voice which
was like a monster
disoriented people’s feelings
and spirit, only to find that
the public forum was
already bursting to the
seams, the messages were
all along the lines of
“Actually using《Cross Me》
for the opening! The host is
too much! I want to cry
even before Mi Da arrived
ying ying ying!” and so on.
Mo Lan smiled and glanced
at the time on the computer,
7:28, the interview should
be starting soon.
Sure enough, in the next
second, she saw from the
upper left corner of the
channel that the host had
switched on her mic. The
host’s ID was Purple
Ceramic Glaze. She always
had a good relationship with
An Xiaoluo in Sound of
Charm, and was also
Secretly Captivated’s fan.
At the moment in her
headphones, her pleasant
voice gently stimulated the
“Good evening everyone,
I’m Ceramic Glaze. First of
all, thank you very much for
joining our Sound of Charm
YY Channel tonight. Of
course, I know that
everyone is here because of
that one person…hai.
Actually, me too, after
knowing that this dada was
accepting new works, I dare
not believe my eyes, you
know! Although he had
mysteriously hidden for
three years, but in
everyone’s heart, we had
never forgotten him. After
all, a good voice would
never be stifled. Just now
《Cross Me》, I believed
everybody is quite familiar
with it, at that time it totally
earned much of Ceramic
Glaze’s tears.”
At the same time, the
response in the public forum
still came in waves, the
room manager had no
choice but to set a speed
“When you enter, you
would have heard one’s
desire to love, alike
clutching a torch, practically
in an instant there was a
cacophony of tears, right!”
“Male god, if you’re still not
appearing, I will run out of
tissue papers T^T…
Actually using《Cross Me》,
you deliberately did it isn’t
it, host.”
“Obviously at a later stage
after turning into a demon it
would garner more likes all
right, if there’s such thing as
life after death vowing to
not attain nirvana
“WTF it so happened that I
wasn’t wearing my
headphones and my mother
have been pestering me
asking who’s that man who
sounded so so good, Mi Da
do you know you also have
old-aged fans?!”
Purple Ceramic Glaze
chuckled and continued,
“But everyone has wronged
me, I don’t think《Cross
Me》was more classic, hai.
Okay, okay, I know you
don’t want to listen to my
nonsense. Next, let’s invite
the first guest: Su Qingmo
Su Qingmo was also here?
Mo Lan was surprised, but
soon thought that it made
sense that he came. After all,
he and SC were both
members of the Ninth
Heaven Dubbing Group.
From the beginning, they’ve
always had a good
relationship. In the eyes of a
few fujoshi, they have
always been the Internet
Voice Circle’s unshakeable
official matching CP.
“Su Qingmo has come? Ah
ah! There’s just simply too
many benefits tonight!”
“Su DaDa you must be here
to cheer for your dearest, we
gotcha meow! QVQ”
“Gotcha +1!”
“Gotcha +2!”
“Gotcha +10086!”
Everyone posted on the
public forum like wildfire,
while Su Qingmo was given
the mic control by Sound of
“Good evening, nice to meet
everyone here.”
The calm and warm voice
sounded, hundred percent
definitely an uncle’s voice,
his adorableness existed for
many people.
“Hai, actually the reason
why I’m here tonight, was
the same as you… because I
haven’t seen Xiao Mi for a
long time, I actually do
kinda miss him, that’s why
I’m here to see if he has
died or not.”
“Every time Su DaDa
mentions these 2 particular
words Xiao Mi, he’s
especially full of emotion…
hehe, pretending I didn’t
hear anything.”
“Didn’t hear anything +1”
“Didn’t hear anything +2”

Mo Lan looked at the public
forum, couldn’t help
laughing, and then posted a
sentence: “Didn’t hear
anything +N”
Su Qingmo also laughed, his
soft low laughter came out
from the speaker, the voice
enthusiasts couldn’t help but
get excited. From the
headphones, he whispered,
with his warm yet rich and
low deep voice: “I haven’t
seen Xiao Mi for a long
time, when I knew he was
coming back, whatever I say
would also boost the
excitement. En… Then let’s
talk about when I first met
him. That year, Ninth
Heaven was recruiting new
people. I happened to be in
charge of the newcomers
PIA-ing script, it must be
providence, my pia script
was Xiao Mi’s scene.
Actually, I have now mostly
forgotten the script, just
remembered that my partner
and I were stunned when he
spoke. The voice really
captured my ears and there
was also passion.
Consequently, without any
suspense he was then
recruited, and then there was
nothing much to say. You
all know, altogether he had
only dubbed two radio
dramas, on the contrary his
popularity was superior to
the me who have dubbed
more than ten dramas. Hai,
should I say that I was born
at the wrong time…”
When he finished that
sentence, he stopped and
chuckled, nevertheless his
tone was calm, “However,
Xiao Mi’s disposition was
still excellent. We all like to
talk to him in private
because his voice is so nice
to hear, haha.”
“Happiness is being able to
listen to Mi Da speak
everyday ying ying ying!”
“Su DaDa, you really love
Xiao Mi! The perfect
combination of male god x
male god, I wish you white
hairs of old age!”
“It really is an official match!
Once he spoke I already
knew if it exists!”
Purple Ceramic Glaze
smiled, and then exclaimed,
“Exactly ah Su Qingmo
-sama, normally in the
internet circle, you have
always been known as the
habitually silent kind, how
come once you come upon
the topic of SC DaDa you
have so much to say? Indeed
you’re the irreversible
official match.”
Su Qingmo 囧 and snorted,
“You guys are really
amazing in fantasising okay,
I obviously didn’t say
Just then, suddenly, a third
person’s voice appeared in
the YY room: “Fess’ up,
MoMo, stop denying it, the
flirt who came in between
you and Ah Mi got beaten
up okay, you can go take a
look at the forum right now,
both of your CP’s post was
still on the first page never
reaching the red flag.”
Once you’ve heard this
person, it was definitely a
southern accent. Although it
was bright and energetic,
but contrarily it carried a
hint of vevelty and syrupy
feeling too, which was
extremely recognizable.
He was Bai Yu Luo Bo, a
rare adolescence voice in
the Internet Voice Circle.
Su Qingmo grudgingly
declared, “I’ve already said
you are not allowed to call
me MoMo.”
The host, Purple Ceramic
Glaze heard Bai Yu Luo
Bo’s voice all of a sudden
and was astonished. Then,
she babbled a little stupidly:
“I say, Xiao Luo Bo, who
said you could hog the mic?
Room Admin, you’re too
much, you actually didn’t
even let me, the host, know
and just let this person used
his mic!”
On the public forum, there
was another bloody storm:
“Ah ah ah Luo Bo Luo Bo
quickly dub <Sichuan’s
Difficult Path>!”
“You accepted Total of Ten
Thousand Years – is it out
“Xiao Luo Bo is the second
episode of your new drama
too difficult to deliver? It’s
been almost half a year and
it still hasn’t come out ying
ying ying.”
“I’m begging you girls to
please slow down… I’ve
been stuck three times
After reading the comments
on the public forum, Bai Yu
Luo Bo immediately
screamed injustice: “No ah,
for the new drama – you
have to ask post-production,
I have already submitted my
part, I’ve truly been wrongly
accused. Also, who said I’m
suffering, I’m clearly the
attacker okay~”
At the end, his vevelty and
syrupy voice was a little
coquettish, it all the more
agitated everybody’s
motherly-instinct minds to
complete shambles.
He chuckled again, very
refreshingly: “Well, as
today’s second honoured
guest, let me also talk about
how I got to know Ah Mi,
even though it definitely
won’t be as profound like
MoMo’s, cough cough. It is
said that, when I first met
him, it was on Ninth
Heaven’s YY channel, at
that time, I was still a
newcomer a small nobody,
and was pia-ing a drama in
a room with a girl who was
also new. I felt that since no
one was there, I didn’t lock
the room. As a result, Ah Mi
came in, and as soon as he
spoke I nearly peed, okay!
The girl next to me got a
fright and was speechless.
At that time, I thought a
recording was being
played… How could a real
person’s voice sound so
good ah, dang! Later on, he
guided us on how to
discover the core sense of a
drama, how to record a few
similar “laughs”, how did a
“cold humph!” sound, from
then on I’ve thoroughly
grovelled at his jeans, by the
way, I have met Ah Mi face
to face.”
Face to face?
Mo Lan was curious,
excited, and astounded.
In the 2D world, one of the
most frequent topics of
discussion was the
appearance of each CV.
Some CVs naturally liked
the limelight, often posting
selfies or something or
rather on Weibo and
especially enjoyed
disclosing private matters.
Of course, there was also
the completely opposite type
of CV, who cared very
much about privacy, and
was extremely sensitive to
anything related to the 3D
world, who belonged to a
minefield that nobody else
could touch. Secretly
Captivated belonged to the
Mo Lan still remembered,
one of the few conflicts that
SC was involved in, a few
of them were related to
Three years ago, when he
was at the peak of the
Internet Voice Circle, a
friend from his real life
somehow found out that he
was an Internet CV, and
then posted a photo of SC’s
back on Tianya. At that time,
this photo caused a great stir
in the ancient-style circle,
each and every fan was
endlessly excited, the
right-click button almost
comcameing apart. As a
result, when SC found out,
he posted a special Weibo
statement, if there was
anyone who still raked up
his 3D photo, he would
retire immediately, and the
post on Tianya was also
later deleted by his friend.
Looking down, sure enough
Mo Lan found that the
comments on the public
forum was like when the
water flooded Jinshan. The
speed limit of 280s was not
enough, Mo Lan thought
“WTF what did I hear?
So… Xiao Luo Bo are you
preparing to expose Mi Da’s
looks? (Starry eyes)”
“Saw his face!!! Not asking
for a photo, Luo Bo,
describing it a little would
be enough, at the very least
my mind has a fantasy
boyfriend, pretty please…”
“What fantasy boyfriend? X
fantasy boyfriend?
“Remembering the post by
the shore of Daming Lake…
I would say that I
right-clicked at that time,
although there wasn’t a real
face but his figure was just
simply too magnificient,
wanna bet a cucumber that
he’s 185cm! QVQ.”
Mo Lan recalled the photo
lying in her USB, and then
posted: “Two cucumbers,
the male god is definitely
“ying ying ying all of you
are too much, bullying
people like me who haven’t
looked at the picture!”

In the chaos, Bai Yu Luo Bo
began to speak, his voice
carried a hint of mischief:
“Wow, hurry up buy and
leave, how tall is Ah Mi
actually? Guess right and
there will be a reward~”
Hearing this, Purple
Ceramic Glaze first asked:
“Reward? What kind of
reward ah Xiao Luo Bo, can
the host participate?”
“Ceramic Glaze, don’t
follow him and make
trouble, in a while, if Xiao
Mi comes and see this
scene…” Su Qingmo
stopped there, as if he could
already imagined the picture,
and couldn’t help but
cracked up.
“Coughing up jealousy,
male god have been ruined
by you all! I’m guessing it’s
between 187 ~ 189!”
Just as everyone was busy
chatting on the public forum,
during the lively spectacle,
suddenly, a voice emerged
in the room. A very low
articulate voice rumbled
through, indolent with a
trace of gentleness, it wasn’t
unreasonable to describe it
as jade, a tender murmur,
charming and gentle,
distinctly clear as if it was
right in your ears, so
pleasant that it made one
tear up.
“What are you guys talking
about? It seems quite
Mo Lan froze.
The public forum also froze.
After a few seconds, the
public forum flared up, and
Mo Lan also flared up.
“What did I hear? Mi Da
you’re here!”
“It’s the actual person’s
voice… and it’s on YY…
oh my god…”
“I’m going crazy, going
crazy, going crazy! It’s
“Who can understand my
feeling of hiding in bed and
biting my quilt with
excitement while not being
able to scream… I’m going
to be strangled to death!
Male god I love you!”
Mo Lan suddenly felt a little
sentimental. The last time
she had heard Secretly
Captivated’s voice in YY, it
was three years ago…
Secretly Captivated’s voice
transformed to match the
ancient-style accent and
tone of the drama. Certainly
gorgeous and romantic as
well as distinguished and
aloof, but just now when he
spoke, he used his true voice
from the real world.
In the real world, it was
naturally impossible for a
person to speak in the same
manner as in the drama,
riched with emotions.
Secretly Captivated’s
natural voice was somewhat
different from the voice that
was now being transmitted
online through the electronic
Mo Lan practically took into
account all of Secretly
Captivated, who rarely
joined YY events, she
resolutely clenched her
hands and knew that she
liked his natural voice even
more. Very magnetic, low,
somewhat indolent,
somewhat gentle and soft.
When he spoke, he would
give you this illusion that at
that very moment you
seemed to be the only one in
his eyes, even if he just
merely greeted you with the
most common words ‘hello’
and ‘goodbye’.
The first person to respond
was Su Qingmo, he chortled,
a bit of happiness in his
deep voice: “Xiao Mi,
you’ve finally arrived.
Haven’t met you in such a
long time, your voice is still
the same as before killing in
one blow ah…”
Bai Yu Luo Bo also came
back to his senses, with a
coy tone: “Ah Mi Ah Mi! I
miss you so much, when are
we going to meet again
Secretly Captivated
chuckled, his low tone
reverberated in the YY
room, as if the ice melted
and the snow thawed, he
merely listened, as if he was
tipsy: “You were already
going to expose my 3D
world, would I still dare to
meet you face to face?”
The fans on the public
forum, at this very moment,
all of them were basically
already in a frantic state.
“WTF! He is indeed the
man with his own BGM!
Just by chuckling he made
me think of the
distinguished and
accomplished handsome
young marquis, you know!”
“Asked you for one with
bright eyes and white teeth,
unexpectedly you gave me a
blind woman… Mi Da, the
tone you used when you
uttered this phrase have
been deeply etched in my
mind. After listening to it
that year, my blood tank has
been empty up until now
“Am I the only one who
wants to cry… How long
has it been since I’ve heard
you talk in YY…”
“Upstairs, you are not
“You are not alone +1”
“You’re all pathetic! Male
god recently likes to sing
Kunqu opera! How about
《The Peony Pavilion》?”
After about ten seconds, the
host Zi Liuli seemed to have
finally recovered from
Secretly Captivated’s voice.
She cleared her throat and
with a vagued and
indifferent tone, “Mi Da…
I’ll confess first, I have been
your fan for a long time,
knowing that you are
coming out from retirement
I nearly screamed out loud
in the office…” From her
sweet voice, it sounded as if
she was about to cry, she
immediately sniffed, and
tried to get back to normalcy.
“Okay, I know everyone is
currently very excited, but
let’s first get Mi Da to
introduce himself, all
As soon as her voice faded,
a new round of topic began
on the public forum:
“Three cucumbers, the first
sentence that the male god
says must be hello everyone,
I am Secretly Captivated!!”
“You still need to bet about
this? Male god’s opening
remarks for events have
always been this!”
Mo Lan looked at the public
forum brushed by the speed
of light and couldn’t help
but pouted and laughed.
That’s right, everytime
Secretly Captivated made
opening remarks in YY,
those were normally his
Just as expected, in the next
second, his voice clearly
passed through the
headphones and into her ear:
“Hello everyone, I am
Secretly Captivated. Very
sorry to have disappeared
for a while, I know you’ve
all been waiting for me,
but… how do I put it, in fact
this time’s reappearance,
I’m also not sure how long
will I stay, in short, I still
hope that in this limited time,
I can deliver additional
greater works and memories
for everyone.”
He, just in that way, like a
balmy cloud and light wind
glided over, and muttered
softly, the rim of Mo Lan’s
eyes had turned somewhat
red, she stretched her hand
out and started typing:
“It doesn’t matter if male
god withdrew from the
circle. I will never ever
forget your voice in this
lifetime, really especially
thank God for enabling me
to experienced your type of
voice… may your work in
the 3D world go smoothly,
may you have good health
and be happy every day!”
As if spurred on by Mo Lan,
the fans also began to
express their emotions one
by one:
“In fact, I am very satisfied
that you can pick up new
works. Even if you
withdrew after only one
drama, it is better than none.
You probably won’t know
how many people have
heard your voice, once
they’ve heard then cried.”
“Mi Da, do you know, every
night on the way home after
studying, the road was
extremely black and dark,
but I have never been afraid,
because I had your voice
accompanying me.”
“I haven’t said anything
yet… reading all of your
words makes me wanna
Purple Ceramic Glaze took
a deep breath, quickly
renewed her spirits and
continued hosting: “Say
girls, this new work doesn’t
mean he’s leaving the circle
all right? Why is each and
everyone of you are acting
as if this was his farewell
gathering… okay okay, let’s
start today’s interview with
a small interactive session
ba, snatch the mic! En,
whoever manages to grab it,
you can personally make a
request with Secretly
Captivated -sama, how
about that, are you satisfied
with this benefit?”
After speaking, she spoke
again and asked Secretly
Captivated: “Mi Da, now
firstly, you specify two
“Hmm…” Secretly
Captivated pondered for a
bit and then said, “Let’s go
with 77 and 207.”
Purple Ceramic Glaze
laughed: “Mi Da, do you
have a soft spot for number
7? Okay, now the room
admin will first disable Su
Qingmo DaDa and Xiao
Luo Bo’s mics, I will count
three two one. Everybody,
don’t think twice, hurry up
come and snatch the mic!”
Following Purple Ceramic
Glaze’s countdown, Mo Lan
placed her mouse on the
‘Snatch Mic’ button, even
the atmosphere daren’t
make a sound.
“Three, two, one, snatch the
mic starts!”
The room was quiet for a
few seconds, then, Zi Liuli’s
voice materialised:
“Number 77… Tender Girl
classmate, en… there’s
more, number 207, Ye
Lanshan classmate,
Ye Lanshan?
Mo Lan, who hasn’t yet
returned to her senses, was
She managed to snatch it?
Are you serious……
She scrolled down one by
one on the mic sequence,
and sure enough you could
see number 207’s mic
clearly, she was astonished
to find that her mic indicator
was green.
“Okay, now, let’s get
number 77 Tender Girl
classmate on the mic! Don’t
be shy, it’s such a great
opportunity to be in close
range with male god, if you
have any request as long as
it’s not too overboard, you
can just bring it up!” Purple
Ceramic Glaze sweet
pleasant voice resounded,
but it seemed that all at once,
it all striked Mo Lan’s heart.
After number 77 finished
speaking, it would be her
Oh my god… had my moral
standing been bursting full
recently? Unexpectedly, she
could speak one-on-one
with male god on YY?
On her side, she was still
blanking out, totally
mystified that this good
news just dropped into her
lap. In the room, the online
ID Tender Girl had already
“Mi Da, I’m your fangirl!”
The soft voice trembled
beyond recognition,
accompanied by a faint sob.
Mo Lan acknowledged that
she could totally understand
that girl’s current mood.
Because her hand that
curently held the mouse was
trembling constantly.
Secretly Captivated blanked
out for a moment, then, he
chuckled softly, gentle like a
spring breeze brushing by
your face in March: “Thank
you. If you have any request,
you can ask me now.”
The girl paused, then said
timidly: “I, I don’t really
have a serious request.
When Mi Da does post on
Weibo, please @ me, any
post will do… My Sina ID
is Cute Cute Is Tender
“That’s it? No problem.”
Secretly Captivated’s voice
held a smile, when he said
“That’s it”, the last syllable
lilt up, it added a little
charm, and made the
listeners’ hearts trembled.
The host Purple Ceramic
Glaze couldn’t help but
hated iron for not becoming
steel, “Aiya younger sister,
how could you waste such a
opportunity ah, made me
wanna say, you all truly
extremely pampered him too
Pampered him too much?
Mo Lan glanced at the
comments on the public
forum which was full of
“Younger sister begging for
mercy!”, “Younger sister
begging to be let go!” etc,
and couldn’t helped smiling,
it seemed, this was indeed
the case.
“But, I really don’t have any
other request…” The girl’s
soft voice sounded, and she
seemed to be still immersed
in the joy of grabbing the
mic and had no reaction.
Purple Ceramic Glaze
sighed, “Okay, okay, room
admin, let’s take our Tender
Girl classmate off the mic.
Mi Da, later don’t forget to
post on Weibo after the
interview is over!”
“For sure.”
His voice was obviously
indiscernible, but when he
said those two words, there
was a sense of him dropping
small beads on a jade plate,
very magnetic.
Tried to extricate herself
from being intoxicated by
his voice, suddenly, Mo Lan
realised that her mic had
been unmuted by the room
At the same time, Purple
Ceramic Glaze’s lively and
sweet voice announced:
“Now it’s our number 207
Ye Lanshan classmate,
younger sister, you can’t be
as wasteful as Tender Girl
was just now. If you have
any request, please say it
boldly. After passing this
village, you certainly will
not have this shop
In the silence, Mo Lan took
a deep breath, and tried to
suppress her excitement.
She spoke softly, her voice
as always gentle and
agreeable: “Well… I too do
not have any big request,
just hope that male god
could say my name, then
recite the classic line from
《Difficulty Loving
Deeply》. “
Secretly Captivated
suddenly went silent.
He was silent for about ten
seconds, which made Mo
Lan a little bit nervous.
In her heart, she wasn’t sure
if her request was a bit too
much. Suddenly, the low
voice of the other party
quietly appeared, in an
unhurried tone, a little lazily,
just like the rolling clouds
stretching to the ends of the
earth, he spoke, word by
word: “Ye, Lan, Shan?”
Unequivocally striked
squarely at the heart.
Instantly bewildered and
confused by his voice, Mo
Lan’s heart practically
shattered. Struggling hard to
salvage a hint of rationality,
her tone could not help but
quivered as she replied:
“Yes… I am Ye Lanshan.”
Male god actually called her
name… amiable and
gripping a hundred and
thousands of times over…
ah ah ah, after you go back,
you must edit this part out
and loop it ten thousand
“Which line do you want to
hear?” Secretly Captivated
smiled slightly, and for no
reason his tone was
somewhat more tender.
“I want to hear… to yearn
for a home that part.” Mo
Lan summoned up all her
courage to asked, after all,
this line was her favorite
among all of his dubbed
works,《Cross Me》’s line…
was really just too cruel.
As soon as Mo Lan said this,
the fans on the public forum
have begun to frantically
brushed the screen:
“Dang! Sister, we are fellow
enthusiasts! Tong Da loves
that classical poem!”
“I would say that previously
because I’ve heard male god
delivered those lines so I
purposely copied《Autumn
Wind Poem》2333333.”
“Sister boldly begging, in a
moment can I edit it as my
“Upstairs, seeking
“Seeking recording +1”
“Seeking recording +10086”
Secretly Captivated stayed
silent for a moment, then, he
spoke, the first word just
emerged, and immediately
captured everybody’s ears:
“To yearn for a home, Is to
yearn for hardship. This
life-time yearning was my
life-time memory, A brief
yearning led to endless
One word at a time,
extremely romantic, it was
the perfect reproduction of
the handsome and popular
young marquis on a horse,
passing by Chang’an City.
After a pause, he chuckled
again, clearly a rich and
elegant voice. At this
moment, his voice faintly
carried a hint of bitterness
and sorrow, “It’s difficult to
commit to love deeply but
that is love. I’ve finally
understood this poem,
however, was it too late?”
Blankly listened to him, Mo
Lan in a split second
couldn’t seem to hear
anything, unable to also see
anything, from her ears to
her heart, only the
tenderness blended with the
bitterness of this person’s
voice remained. Even for
days on end, tranquility
“Male god… can you tell
me how do you achieve this
innate sense of the drama?
Just a second into the drama
and I wanted to cry!!!”
“Really really very nice to
listen to, my mind is a bit
confused at the moment, I
want to slow down first…”
“Became the marquis in a
second, don’t you think
Mo Lan finally came back
to her senses, and she
whispered a little
embarrassedly, “Thank,
thank you male god, your
voice was really nice.”
“You’re not bad too.”
Secretly Captivated replied
with his real voice, low,
somewhat aloof, but still
very gentle, word by word,
captured her ears, and lived
in her heart.
In this weird silence, the
host Purple Ceramic Glaze
tittered, and then a little
awkwardly: “Wow, even I
can’t stand it… eh, room
admin, quickly snap out of it!
First mute the sister’s mic,
at the same time we want to
thank Ye Lanshan sister for
the benefits she brought us,
later on once you guys have
finished editing the
recording, please send me a
copy! Next, let’s welcome
Xiao Luo Bo up to sing a
song for us!”
The atmosphere at the scene
was still very enthusiastic,
the fans were still
passionately flooding the
forum and it didn’t seemed
like it would settle down.
And Mo Lan merely
touched her blushing cheeks
that was almost hot enough
to burn, suddenly quite
stupidly wanted to turn on
the air-conditioner… the
refrigerator kind…
Right when the
out-of-control thought
occured, suddenly, the YY
window jittered a little, on it
wrote ‘Secretly Captivated
wants to be your friend’.
A pair of clear white and
black eyes widened, and
widened again, immediately,
Mo Lan moved her hand,
and chose ‘Reject’.
No way? Male god wanted
to add her, and she
unexpectedly actually
rejected him?! Mo Lan
wanted to cry looking at her
right hand, simply wanted to
chopped it up to the rhythm
of every minute. She carried
a hint of hope and opened
up Secretly Captivated’s ID,
then clicked ‘Add Friend’,
sure enough, the window
showed that he refused
everybody’s invitation.
Simply heartbroken without
any trace, okay…
However, in the next second,
the window popped up
again, and there was still
Secretly Captivated’s friend
Mo Lan wholly felt that she
was about to cry with
happiness, her heart went
putong putong and fluttered
fiercely like a rabbit,
without any hesitation, she
Secretly Captivated: Ye
Ye Lanshan: Male god…
it’s me!
Secretly Captivated: Your
voice was very nice.
Ye Lanshan: Ah… really
QVQ, male god, you should
have been robbed right?
Secretly Captivated: Wasn’t.
Ye Lanshan: Oh oh, that’s
good, I’m really just too
lucky, male god are you
purposely adding friends
Secretly Captivated: Nope.
Mind giving me your
WeChat number?
Mo Lan saw this sentence
and hesitated for a moment,
then she stretched out, and
unhesitatingly offered with
both hands her old but real
WeChat number.
Ye Lanshan: Of course I
don’t mind! My WeChat
number is ylslalzm1990.
Not long after this message
was sent, Mo Lan saw her
phone screen that sat on the
computer desk lighted up.
She picked it up and saw
that it was a WeChat friend
notification: Please verify
GYM’s application to be
your friend.
And on the application
description, there were just
four simple words written: I
am Secretly Captivated.
Mo Lan felt… she was
about to faint from her
heart’s arrhythmia.
Ambulance… come and
rescue her T^T, she
definitely did not want to be
that love-strucked fool, the
first person in the world to
suddenly died of
overexcitement over a male
god adding her as a friend!
After passing the
verification of the other
party, in the next second, the
other party sent a message,
Mo Lan’s fingertips
quivered and tapped open,
only seven words:
GYM: It’s quite late, still
not sleeping ma?
As soon as the words were
sent over, Mo Lan instantly
felt that she should be good
and go brush her teeth, wash
her face, then lie down on
the bed, and resolutely just
lie down even if she
couldn’t sleep, otherwise the
heavens would rage and the
earth would complain!
Momo: Male god… I want
to sleep after listening to
your interview.
GYM: When Qingmo
finishes singing this song,
then it should be over.
Through the headphones Su
Qingmo’s rich and mellow
uncle’s voice earnestly sang
an ancient song, but all Mo
Lan could think about now
Momo: Umm, why have
you never sang on YY
GYM: Want to listen? I’ll
sing for you another day.
… Mo Lan completely
wanted to proclaim that she
Momo: Male god, I have
been your fan for four
years… I really don’t
believe you are Secretly
Captivated himself…
The other party was silent
for a while, after about
fifteen to sixteen seconds,
Mo Lan saw that he sent a…
voice message!!!
Swiftly she took off her
headphones that was
attached to her ear, in the
stillness of the room, Mo
Lan took a deep breath,
mouthed these few words sè
jí shì kōng kōng jí shì sè, her
hand then reached out,
shook somewhat, opened
the notification, then clicked
on the voice message.
The surroundings were very
quiet, his voice was light as
water, it echoed lowly,
clearly and distinctly as if he
was whispering right into
her ears, a charming and
gentle endless scene: “Do
you believe I’m real now?
It’s already half past ten, it’s
not good for a girl to sleep
so late.”
‘PLOP’ Mo Lan’s phone
gloriously fell to the ground
After a few seconds, Mo
Lan bowed her head,
flusteredly picked her phone
up and quiveringly typed
her reply:
Momo: Male god I am
going to bed right now!
Good night!
GYM: Good night.
Mo Lan absentmindedly
logged out of YY, switched
off the computer, stiffly
walked out of her bedroom
and washed her face as well
as rinsed her mouth. After
she finished washing, she
stiffly came out from the
bathroom, and intended on
returning to her bedroom to
sleep. Unexpectedly, a
shriek came suddenly from
the living room.
Mo Lan stood and stared
blankly at the face that stood
across from her, An Xiaoluo
who just returned got a
fright and turned pale,
silently without saying a
An Xiaoluo took a closer
look and realised that it was
Mo Lan who stood in front
of her. Her deathly white
complexion relaxed a little.
She smoothed herself down,
and her eyes still indicated
panicked: “Xiao Lan…
Floating around in the living
room in the middle of the
night, I would have
mistaken you for a ghost,
you know!”
And Mo Lan still
expressionless, trembled as
she stretched out her arms,
then murmured softly,
“Cousin… quicky bite me, I
also suspect I’m already
dead… died of
It was as if An Xiaoluo was
looking at a mental illness
patient, back and forth then
hummed quietly: “Crazy girl,
I want to look for Secretly
Captivated’s YY official
recording from today, I’ve
got nothing to say to people
like you who have watched
the live broadcast.”
As a result, tonight, Mo Lan
lay rigidly on the bed, the
words continously floated in
her ears: To yearn for a
home, Is to yearn for
hardship. This life-time
yearning was my life-time
memory, A brief yearning
led to endless destitute.
Distinguished and gorgeous,
incomparable in the world.
After a while, once again it
seemed as if she heard his
voice echoed deeply beside
her ears, lazily, gently,
extremely magnetic, as if a
layer of white muslin
covered over the
silver-white moonlight,
gentle and dreamlike,
intoxicatingly beautiful.
He said: “Do you believe
I’m real now? It’s already
half past ten, it’s not good
for a girl to sleep so late.”
Mo Lan bit her quilt, her
mind in a daze, simply
wanted to shed some tears,
her eyes continuously
opened, she lay rigidly until
three or four o’clock in the
wee hours, her body
eventually overpowered her
consciousness, and she
finally fell into a bewildered
Mo Lan had a dream.
In the dream, a tall man with
his back towards her, with
an aloof temperament, his
face hidden, then he opened
his mouth… it was actually
Secretly Captivated’s voice.
After Mo Lan woke up from
her dream, she sat on her
bed with a rigid and blank
expression for quite a while,
unsure of how long after,
she finally responded and
flusteredly took her phone
out from under her pillow.
She opened WeChat with
her quivering fingertips, and
sure enough… the first
name on the list was GYM.
GYM, Secretly Captivated.
So… everything that
happened yesterday was real,
she really was added as a
WeChat friend by the 2D
male god whom she has
silently liked for four years!
Mo Lan hugged her mobile
phone in her bed and
laughed foolishly for a spell,
after a moment, she
excitedly posted on
After saving 24 years of
moral standing, it finally
came into fruition yesterday
la la la, demanding likes
After posting on Moments,
Mo Lan started humming a
popular song, she hopped
and bounced, and ran out to
brush her teeth and wash her
face. The workaholic An
Xiaoluo was already having
her breakfast in the living
room at the dining table.
She had a piece of toast in
her mouth, saw the always
quiet and introverted Mo
Lan obviously experiencing
eight grade syndrome, and
looked at her in
astonishment: “Xiao Lan,
you shouldn’t be getting too
crazy just because Secretly
Captivated came out of
retirement right?”
After Mo Lan finished
washing up, she took her
mobile phone out from her
bedroom, and sat down
opposite An Xiaoluo, her
face still wore the “I won
five million today”
expression. Without a word,
she glanced at her phone,
the next second, she got a
fright and almost threw her
phone into the dish.
Secretly Captivated… sent
her a WeChat message.
Could anyone tell her, what
good things had she done in
her previous life…
She falteringly opened the
WeChat app, in the next
second, Mo Lan really
wanted to dig herself a hole,
because Secretly Captivated
only sent her one word:
GYM: Like.
Recalling the post that she
just posted which was
practically her brainless
mind opening a brainless
door — — the perfect
brainless Moments, Mo Lan
sincerely felt like crying
over her stupidity.
Momo: … Thank you male
god, 囧.
An Xiaoluo, who sat
opposite her, looked at the
rapid substantial changing
expression on her face, as if
she suddenly thought of
something, her eyes lit up:
“By the way, by the way, I
haven’t asked you, you
actually managed to grab
the mic last night, ahhh,
why are you so lucky?
Hurry up, hurry up, give me
some of your moral standing,
I also want to talk to
Secretly Captivated -sama!”
Mo Lan smiled, her delicate
and pretty face a little
embarrassed, and just when
she wanted to reply An
Xiaoluo, suddenly, her
phone vibrated.
She lowered her head, and
saw that Secretly Captivated
sent her a voice message.
Mo Lan blanked out,
confusedly looked at the
phone screen, her heart
practically already streamed
with tears…
Male god, how could you
have sent me a voice
message so early in the
morning, aren’t you afraid
that my fragile heart
wouldn’t be able to bear it?
Sensing that somebody’s
line of sight was continously
sticking close to her, Mo
Lan looked up, and smiled
stiffly: “Well… cousin, I
now want to listen to one,
cough, the boss just sent a
work voice message, our
magazine is quite strict with
our private and confidential
security system… so, so I
might need to use my
Better… to not tell An
Xiaoluo for the time being.
If she knew that Secretly
Captivated became Mo
Lan’s WeChat friend… then
from then on she could
probably just disappear from
the ancient-style circle. Oh
no, before disappearing…
she still needed to let SC’s
fans do a human flesh
search, and afterwards to be
killed, just thinking about it
made her heart sad.
An Xiaolu looked at her
with an inexplicable
expression: “If you’re using
your headphones then just
use it, why did you need to
explain so much. But…
what’s wrong with your
boss, you’re a magazine
company and not The
Matrix, what’s there to keep
Boss… beauty comes first, I
could only sacrifice you
With a deep breath, Mo
Lan’s expression was of a
hero bravely meeting death,
she wore her headphones,
and clicked on the voice
The surroundings seemed to
be awfully noisy, all kind of
sounds occurred, but
Secretly Captivated’s voice
still clearly solidly and
accurately relayed into her
ears among the hubbub. En,
even if he was
simultaneously talking with
a hundred other people, Mo
Lan was sure that she would
be able to identify his voice
in just a second.
He spoke, the last syllable
lilt up, with a smile in his
tone: “Out of bed yet?”
The low voice, very
magnetic, somewhat
unhurriedly, somewhat
gentle, it didn’t need a
single soldier, and it could
just capture people’s hearts.
Mo Lan suddenly felt… that
she still seemed to have
overestimated her own
Her hand reached out, Mo
Lan wanted to type back a
reply to him, right in the
middle of typing, she
suddenly thought of… no
matter what, male god was a
respected senior who
descended down from his
rank who made nothing of
hardships to send a voice
message, if she still
continued to only type out
her replies, would she
seemed to appear somewhat
So, Mo Lan raised her head
and secretly glanced at An
Xiaoluo, found that the
other person was frowning
and looking at a document,
for the time being, she
should have no time to pay
any attention to her.
With a slight cough, Mo
Lan stood up, and tried to
have a natural expression:
“Cousin, I’m going to go to
work first.”
“En.” She replied casually
without raising her head, An
Xiaoluo’s gaze was still on
the stack of data in her
Mo Lan drank the last sip of
milk from the glass, and
walked out with her bag.
Immediately after walking
down the stairs, Mo Lan
switched on her mobile,
sneakily looked around,
then answered him with a
voice message: “Yeah, I’ve
got to get up to go to work,
male god, you are up too.”
After the voice message was
sent, Mo Lan got a little
embarrassed and listened to
her voice message over and
over again, en… could be
considered quite calm,
although the tone still held a
little quiver, but this is
human nature, it was already
not bad that she managed to
maintained her calmness.
Mo Lan walked to the train
station, and as before she
entered the train with her
headphones, the early
morning 7:30am train… it
wasn’t overstating it if she
described the crowd as a
multitude, Mo Lan who was
165cm tall forcefully
squeezed herself into the
crowd looking for a place to
stand, she held the handrail
in one hand and her mobile
phone in the other.
A WeChat message
notification rang in her
headphones, Mo Lan
lowered her head, and
clicked open SC’s voice
message that just arrived:
“Did you sleep well last
She couldn’t helped
blushing, Mo Lan recalled
that she had lay motionless
in bed from 10:30pm last
night until 3 or 4 this
morning… She just wanted
to inexplicably asked, male
god you are asking this on
purpose, aren’t you T^T
Of course she didn’t have
the guts, so she merely
opened her mouth, and
replied a hundred percent
cooperatively: “I slept really
well, thank you male god
for your concern!”
After some time passed,
Secretly Captivated then
replied, “That’s good,
you’re now… on the train?”
His tone was like the
flowing of white jade, as if a
prince appeared from
nothingness and wandered
about, the genuine sound of
jade, so nice to listened to
that people are reluctant to
even breathe.
Mo Lan realised, the
background was too noisy
when she spoke just now…
but it wasn’t like she could
control the noise a crowded
train made, that said, this
kind of indescribable feeling
of being apologetic to male
god, what’s going on…
Feeling a little shy, Mo Lan
reached out and typed out a
Momo: Male God, I’m
really sorry T^T, I was just
too excited and didn’t notice
that the background was too
chaotic just now.
This time, the other party
very quickly responded: No
problem, don’t have to be
sorry. Momo, are you afraid
of me?
An inconceivable gentle and
soft voice, like a clear and
deep spring in the desert,
also resembled a stove on a
winter’s day.
He called her… Momo.
Hands in a deadlock. Mo
Lan could clearly feel, that
she had blushed till the root
of her neck, almost like a
high fever of 39.8C…
nearly burnt her rationality
There were still many
people in the train chatting
and cluttered together, but
Mo Lan seemed to have
heard nothing nor saw
anything. Her ears and heart
only had Secretly
Captivated’s words from a
moment ago.
Just when she blankly
minded her own business, a
middle-aged woman who
stood next to her, looked at
her with concern, and asked
kindly, “Little girl, are you
okay? I saw that you’re
quite red in the face, were
there too many people, and
you ran out of breath from
being squeezed in?”
The woman’s voice stirred
her, Mo Lan quickly shook
her head, and replied a little
embarrassedly: “It’s nothing,
thank you auntie. I, I’m just
wearing thick clothes
Even a fool wouldn’t have
believed it… In the cold
winter weather, she actually
said that she wore thick
Mo Lan tried hard to ignore
the woman’s puzzled eyes,
she lowered her head and
silently typed a reply:
Momo: Male god, I’m not
afraid of you… I’m just
overwhelmed with gratitude
Yet she heard Secretly
Captivated chuckled, a low
one, not the same as the
previous one, as if… very
genuinely delighted. In her
headphones, his voice was
very clear with a trace of
indolence: “Don’t need to
feel overwhelmed, we’re not
that different, I’m merely an
ordinary person that’s all.”
Ordinary person… male god
are you kidding me? Was
there ever an ordinary
person who spoke as
beautifully as you?
Mo Lan lowered her head
and just wanted to continue
her reply, but saw that the
other side sent a written
GYM: I’ve got something
on, will get busy first. I’ll
give you yesterday’s song
Momo: Okay, male god go
be busy ba (waving a
She took off her headphones
and put it in the bag, Mo
Lan blankly looked at her
hand, her palm already burnt
through by the block of
soldering iron alike her
mobile phone, once again
she sighed… she must have
saved the galaxy in her
previous life.
Secretly Captivated even
called her Momo, Momo…
It was said that
reverberation would last for
three days, Secretly
Captivated’s words… in the
future, it would probably
take root in her ears, sprout,
and then blossomed one by
Reaching out and touching
her boiling cheek, Mo Lan
really felt that everything
was like a long dream. The
person she had liked for four
years, had even added her
on WeChat, lowered his
stance and chatted lots with
All of a sudden, she thought
of the many resources who
hung around SC’s Tieba
home page all day long, Mo
Lan suddenly felt a little
smugged in her heart,
secretly happy, no matter
how many kind of resources
they had, it would definitely
not be inferior to what she
had in her own hands.
En… after going home, she
must edit all those voice
messages and make a
ringtone out of them! In this
way she could hear him
every day, just thinking
about it practically made her
felt extremely happy.
Flowers bloomed in her
heart, suddenly, the train’s
announcement sounded, a
reminder that the next stop
was Zhangfuyuan.
Mo Lan stood transfixed,
she wanted to go…
obviously to Xinjiekou.
So… was this the rhythm of
missing your train station?
Sure enough, her good
moral standing was
probably all used up T^T
When Mo Lan reached the
office of the magazine
publisher she worked for,
she was 15 minutes later
than the prescribed working
time, but fortunately the
boss didn’t notice.
Mo Lan on tenterhooks
found her desk and sat down,
and started her work day.
She was a writer and at the
same time, she also helped
to review.
Almost every month, many
people submitted their
articles to the magazine
publisher’s inbox, in order
to be fair, as long as each
draft wasn’t too bad, at the
very least they would allow
three different people to
review it once. Today, the
short and long drafts that
have been sent to Mo Lan’s
mailbox, have all been
reviewed once already. So,
that was to say, no matter
what, these drafts were of a
medium standard.
Mo Lan really liked her job
because she adores writing.
Therefore, she also liked to
read other people’s works,
moreover after finished
reading, if she felt that it
wasn’t clear enough, she
would seriously write down
all of her suggestions and
emailed them back to the
writers. After all, if only a
cold “Rejected” was sent, it
would probably make them
very sad. To those who were
also writers, it was easier to
understand the hard work
and difficulties of an
isolated writer.
Unconsciously, it was
already noon, Mo Lan
rubbed her somewhat sour
eyes, her colleague Lin Yaru
who sat beside her asked her
out for lunch, she thought of
her previous conversation
with Rong Xia Xia of that
they would meet up today to
pass her the tea leaves, Mo
Lan smiled and a little
apologetically declined her
She walked to a cafe not far
from the magazine, Rong
Xiaxia had already dragged
her chin in and was waiting.
Mo Lan quickly walked in
and sat opposite her, a little
chagrin, “Sorry Xiaxia, I
was late to work just now,
so am late.”
“No worries.” Rong Xiaxia
hardly minded, gestured
with her hands, then looked
at her, and curiously asked,
“Say, Momo, the fact that
your favouritest made a
comeback… Has it brought
any world-shaking
transformation into your
Hearing Rong Xiaxia called
her Momo… Mo Lan
instantly felt that her face
temperature rose little by
She pursed her lips and
thought for a moment,
“Well… Xiacia, I can tell
you, my favourite added me
on WeChat.”
“What?!” Rong Xiaxia’s
eyes couldn’t help but
widened, “For real? You
must not still be asleep
right… If based on your
description, your male god
should be quite aloof isn’t
that right? How could he
have added you on WeChat
for no reason or rhyme? “
Mo Lan sighed, and was
also somewhat at loss: “I’m
also not sure… maybe male
god thought he was too
aloof before and became a
little sorry for the fans, so he
planned to compensate by
adding a few people on
“… I don’t think he’s that
free.” Rong Xiaxia curled
her lips, and tilted her head,
she appeared to be
pondering very seriously,
after a while, she spoke,
with a little ridicule in her
tone, “If you want me to say
it, wouldn’t it be that he
likes you?”
In a flash, her body froze for
a moment, Mo Lan opened
her mouth, indescribably
feeling tongue-tied: “You,
you, what nonsense are you
talking about, his voice is so
nice to listen to, how could
he possibly like me?”
Rong Xiaxia sighed and
looked at her with sympathy:
“I say… the logic in your
sentence, can you even see
it? Who said a voice that’s
so nice means not being able
to like you? Maybe he
would actually turn out to be
a short weird nasty uncle.”
Mo Lan distractedly quickly
imagined the picture
described by Rong Xiaxia,
after a while, she stubbornly
countered, “But his voice is
nice ah! No matter what, it
would also be a weird uncle
with a nice voice aye?”
“Forget it… I shouldn’t
have expect to be able to
reason with a
voice-enthusiast terminal
patient.” Rong Xiaxia stared
at her with the incorrigible
eyes that Mo Lan was very
familiar with, she silently
lowered her head and started
drinking her milk tea.
The two bantered together
for a bit, then Mo Lan
handed her the two boxes of
West Lake Longjing tea
from Hangzhou, and
returned back to work at the
At six o’clock in the
evening, Mo Lan returned
home, and saw that An
Xiaoluo was already in the
living room at the computer.
She changed her slippers at
the door, then placed her
shoes in the shoe rack, Mo
Lan walked over and said
with a little surprise,
“Cousin… you’ve finished
work very early today.”
An Xiaoluo looked up and
looked at her with a bright
smile: “Yeah, it so happened
that the boss had something
on today, and so let us off
After she spoke, and without
waiting for Mo Lan’s reply,
An Xiaoluo dragged her to
sit by her side, and babbled,
“Xiao Lan, you came at the
right time, come and help
me see which of these
novels are better.”
Mo Lan sat down next to
her a little puzzledly, briefly
and roughly glanced at the
titles, and was a little
surprised to find that… the
few books that An Xiaolu
shown her were all very
current popular online
“Cousin, is your association
producing a new drama?
These… are all very good.”
An Xiaoluo sighed: “If it’s
only an ordinary new drama
then it’s okay, but the
problem is that we are
fighting to get Secretly
Captivated -sama’s title role.
Didn’t he announced the
day before yesterday that he
was accepting new works,
so now all the societies are
beginning to stir, I reckon
that his personal inbox
should be close to
“That’s right.” Mo Lan
nodded in agreement, after a
bit, she gushed with
excitement, “Don’t know…
what type of drama will he
first make after his
comeback, I’m really
looking forward to it.”
“Exactly, SC -sama has so
many fans, just based on all
of the fans expectations of
this drama, how would we
dare to relax. Aiya it’s so
vexing, I’ve already been
reading for more than an
hour. The boss wanted each
of us to recommend one of
these novels, then to choose
the one with the most votes,
and invite him for that
drama. But I’ve been
looking back and forth, and
still don’t know which one
is better…” An Xiaoluo
stared anxiously at the
computer screen, her tone as
if she was dying.
Mo Lan 囧, not knowing
what to say, and without any
other option she comforted
her: “Hai, in fact I feel, as
long as it’s him dubbing, no
matter how crappy the script
is, it would turn into
something magical.”
While she spoke, An
Xiaoluo suddenly answered
her phone, told Mo Lan
something came up, and
immediately after, she left
En… actually not eating at
home, Mo Lan silently
looked towards her direction,
and felt a little suspicious.
But she didn’t think too
much, she casually took out
some ingredients from the
refrigerator, cooked herself
a bowl of noodles, coupled
with some ham sausages,
eggs, carrots and other
random things, and put it all
together to make her full.
After everything was tidied
up, Mo Lan returned to her
bedroom, and turned on the
computer, when the phone
suddenly rang.
She glanced at it, her heart
suddenly fluttered, it was a
WeChat message from
Secretly Captivated.
GYM: Are you free now?
Momo: Free!
GYM: 22358, go on YY.
For a moment, Mo Lan,
looked at the string of YY
channel number that the
other party sent, and
couldn’t believe it, so… was
the male god inviting her to
go on YY?
Feeling a little excited, Mo
Lan logged onto YY, then
keyed in the channel
number that SC sent to her,
and entered the channel
As soon as she entered, she
was pulled into an encrypted
room by Secretly
In the upper left corner
where the mic sequence was,
there was a purple
sockpuppet, a small bright
green dot placed in front of
the name, it indicated that
he was on the mic.
A purple sockpuppet…
indicated that Secretly
Captivated was the creator
of this YY channel. That
was to say, in other words,
this was Secretly
Captivated’s usual channel.
So, this heaven given
benefit, was unexpectedly
discovered by her just like
Moreover, in this room…
there was only Secretly
Hai, was she considered to
be another species, being
together in the same room as
male god?
Mo Lan tensed up, nervous
and didn’t dare to say even a
word, after a few seconds,
she figured that she
probably wasn’t on the mic,
he couldn’t even hear her
breathing, hence she finally
relaxed slightly.
But when he heard silence,
his voice rang low: “Oh…
already decided yesterday, I
would sing for you.”
Light as the river, sound of
jade flowing. His voice was
really like an elegant
nobleman who just stepped
out from a painting.
But… did she hear wrongly?
He had never sang before in
any events, hence as a result
a few anti-fans have
previously criticised him for
being tone-deaf.
She tremblingly press F2,
and Mo Lan’s soft voice
appeared: “Umm… male
god, so now, you’re
probably not wanting to sing
for me to listen right?”
“En, not convenient is it?”
When Secretly Captivated
spoke the last word, the last
syllable faintly turn,
inexplicably made Mo Lan
felt that if she said it was
inconvenient, she was
simply just precisely sinful.
“No, no, it’s convenient! It’s
very convenient!”
After Mo Lan blurted out
that sentence, only then did
she realised that her reaction
appeared to be a little…
hehe, excited.
“Oh.” A low chuckle
appeared, and Mo Lan’s
mind instantly turned to the
young marquis of Yushu
Lanfang from《Difficulty
Loving Deeply》.
Actually… she felt that
SC’s natural voice, although
compared with the
ancient-style accent it was
actually deeper and lower,
even a little bit more real,
but, when he laughed
softly… that hint of
distinguished and
gorgeousness naturally
couldn’t help but poured out,
one would also want this
kind of unable
to-hold-oneself feeling to be
implicitly unveiled, then it
would be even more
fascinating, also it made it
even more irrestible that the
voice enthusiasts wouldn’t
be able to stop themselves.
Mo Lan bit her handkerchief
with tears in her eyes, her
ears seemed to have been
raised by him these past few
days, if this continued…
how could she still listened
to the opposite sex speak
Pursing her lips, Mo Lan
solemnly opened her mouth:
“Male god you sing ba! I’ll
show that I can stand it!”
Secretly Captivated stopped
talking, seemed to be
looking for an
accompaniment music.
Mo Lan came off her mic,
and silently clicked the
“Record” button.
Not long after, the sound of
the accompaniment music
rang in the quiet YY room.
This music… was《The
Empty City》.
Mo Lan was excited.
《The Empty City》was an
ancient song written for
Zhuge Liang, it was also a
song that Mo Lan liked very
Mo Lan liked this song
because she liked Zhuge
Liang, this historical figure.
The feather fan silk cloth
rose in spirals,
the East met Japanese rose.
A new voice called out from
behind the silk curtains.
The dragon’s beard winded
around the flute,
wild goose joined the
guzheng and flew.
Tao with his middle-aged
the fan-cloud covered the
lingering moon.
Zhou Lang went behind to
bestow uncommon news.
For the lord hold wine to
listen, then ready for
spring’s return.
Mo Lan had always liked
this kind of sorrowful hero,
when she first read
《Romance of the Three
Kingdoms》, she really liked
this character very much.
Although the people around
her either worshiped Cao
Cao or admired Zhao Yun,
however, she right away still
suddenly fell in love with
Zhuge Liang.
In other words, from the
past till now, she had always
liked a man who was
indifferent on the outside
but incredibly formidable on
the inside, the type just like
Zhuge Liang’s, during the
Three Kingdoms period
where it was the troubled
times of a very powerful
army, because of a person’s
force, he alone supported
half of the country. For a
real strategy, the victory was
determined thousands of
miles away.
While thinking, Secretly
Captivated’s first line
The guqin sounded elegantly,
killed four times
Watched and smiled at the
soldiers approaching the
city walls
Left the world magnificently
More devoted than the bare
rose-tinted sky
Fearless of all the king’s
horses and all the king’s
A thousand years later,
there still would be a hero
cooking wine for you
Playing music in the empty
city, the legendary life will
be recorded
It sounded so good… Mo
Lan felt like she was about
to cry from his singing…
Clear and sonorous,
gorgeous, distinguished and
accomplished without
boundary. Every syllable
and word gathered was
placed perfectly, did not
lack in any way, he simply
grasped the song even more
than the original singer. It
was truly the ordinary and
elegant voice of “Watched
and smiled at the soldiers
approaching the city walls“,
faint, but inexplicably it
gave people the boldness
from that disdainful look
from the corner of the
“Born into a world of chaos,
hunted amidst sandstorm
Hid one’s murderous spirit
until numb
You pointed out the
picturesque scene
The refined feather fan silk
cloth, 7 strings lightly
Success or failure in that
split second
This song sings of your
ostentatious thousand
Listening to his voice, Mo
Lan closed her eyes, as if
she could see the fire beacon
reach the sky in the world of
chaos, that person, appeared
in thick and heavy colours.
Didn’t know why he never
sang… but Mo Lan
sincerely felt that it was
simply a waste of his golden
“Recalling the half of a
military horse’s lifetime,
war on all sides
Who dominated the
You’ll paint the picturesque
The straw boat went down
the river, thousand arrows
Life or death in that split
Conversations and laughter
determined your
ostentatious thousand years
A clear and melodious
gorgeous soprano melody,
the perfect technique of
changing pitch, and also the
voice… with just the right
emotion, Mo Lan listened
quietly, could not bear to
even breathe, for fear of
destroying his perfect voice.
En… the climax was
coming, she clearly
remembered, there was a rap
section and two opera lines
in《The Empty City》.
“Longzhong Plan vs.
Kingdom of Heaven, 3
Famous in ancient and
modern times
Played the zither, retreated
from the upper, middle and
lower army
The family heirloom
Led military operations with
extraordinary skill (led like
a god)
A ruler and his ministers, a
pot of wine, a full cup of
Here comes the rap… Mo
Lan was so excited that she
wanted to just roll about on
the ground! It was really too
beautiful to listen to… each
line extremely outstanding.
A somewhat absent-minded
vocal music (in opera),
faintly, but brimmed with
the emotions of the king
who had just about to
inspect the whole of China,
it was just like the
conversation and laughter
vanished in a puff of smoke.
It sounded so good that she
was at a loss for words…
“Nanyang’s Zhuge
Crouching Dragon
A drifting life was like a
play singing one’s life”
The only two opera lines in
the song ended, but the song
still seemed to linger on in
Mo Lan’s ears.
In this section, Secretly
Captivated sang with his
throat, the falsetto
meandered a thousand times
between emotions, but it
didn’t make people feel frail
and powerless, it was really
the perfect combination of
softness and rigidity. A frail
scholar who chose to start
carrying the burden of a
country was all too vivid.
A drifting life was like a
play singing one’s life…
Mo Lan listened until she
felt that she was about to cry,
what was this kind of
natural drama feeling all
about? Even though it was
just singing and not reciting
lines, it still allowed people
to feel like they had
experienced it themselves,
and can’t help but sighed
and ache for Zhuge Liang’s
homeless and miserable life.
At the end of the song, Mo
Lan was unable to return to
However she heard the other
party turned off the
accompaniment music, then,
he spoke in a deep tone,
slightly tender: “Like it?”
“Like… like it too much…
male god, you sing so well,
why have you never sung
before?” Mo Lan returned to
reality, almost with tears.
The other person blanked
for a moment and then
chuckled: “Qingmo told me,
once in a while, I have to
also give other singers a
chance to make a living.
Moreover, I prefer
… so that was why.
In her mind, she
automatically imagined Su
Qingmo’s face of
admiration, envy and
resentment when he spoke
this sentence, Mo Lan felt
like she finally understood
“Speaking of this… since I
sang for you, shouldn’t you
be repaying me back too?”
A carefree, light, but
indescribable gentle voice.
The ears were pregnant
Mo Lan blanked. After quite
a while, she clenched her
fist with a look of virtuous
dignity: “Male god you tell
me, as long as I can do it, I
will not hesitate to go
through water and tread on
“If it’s like that.” Secretly
Captivated replied softly, as
if there was a smile in his
tone. He seemed to paused
and thought for a bit, after a
while, his low lazy tone
sounded again, “I can’t
think of anything for the
time being, let’s put it on tab
… No way, it was with great
difficutly she drummed up
the courage ah T^T
“Then, then it’s all right,
when male god thinks of
something then tell me.” Mo
Lan said, unaware that her
always gentle and meek
tone was a little
“En, okay then, it’s not early,
go sleep.” At the end of
Secretly Captivated’s
sentence, it seemed that he
yawned a little, and
trembled slightly at the end,
alike waving a kitten’s paw,
scratched your palm neither
lightly nor heavily, it made
people incapable of resisting
the beautiful and stirring
“Good night~”
Giddily she bid farewell to
Secretly Captivated, got off
the mic, switched off the
computer and went to bed.
Her mind still dizzy from
automatically replaying over
and over again his singing
of《The Empty City》, Mo
Lan really felt that… these
past few days of information
was so big that she was
already a little unable to
bear it.
During the weekend, about
five something in the
afternoon, Mo Lan rushed to
finish her draft, after she
sent this week’s draft to the
editor’s inbox, she suddenly
felt very hungry, hence she
planned to go to the kitchen
to hunt for food.
She walked out and saw An
Xiaoluo sat in the living
room, with a surprised look,
she stared blankly at the
computer screen, her whole
face was as if spring had
However, now was
obviously still the start of
January where there was
still the biting cold wind.
Mo Lan walked over, waved
in front of her and asked:
“Cousin, have you gone
crazy with all the overtime
work, why are you giggling
here all by yourself?”
An Xiaoluo blinked, looked
up at her, and murmured
underneath her breath,
“Benefitted… simply a
heaven sent benefit…”
“What benefit?” Mo Lan
poured herself a glass of
water, and then sat down
beside her.
An Xiaoluo moved the
computer screen to the front
of Mo Lan as she spoke,
“The boss just told us, that
in order to celebrate the
seventh anniversary of the
founding of the Ninth
Heaven Dubbing Group,
and since it so happened that
Secretly Captivated came
back, so he planned to
produce a short drama,
when the time comes,
Secretly Captivated, Su
Qingmo and Bai Yu Luo Bo
will join this dubbing.”
As soon as An Xiaoluo’s
voice fell, she almost
choked and spat out the
water that she just drank, no
way… Secretly Captivated,
Su Qingmo, Bai Yu Luo Bo,
practically a golden CV
assemble that could only be
seen but not sought you
know! Now, these three
people would actually be in
the same radio drama?
Sensing every cell in her
body was all fired up, Mo
Lan placed her glass down,
looked at the computer
screen with excitement, and
as expected she saw a post
from Ninth Heaven Dubbing
Group’s official Weibo, the
main gist was as what An
Xiaoluo said, they also
asked in passing for a few
short drama scripts, and in
just under an hour, the
number of reposts almost
exceeded ten thousand.
“It’s really a
once-in-a-blue-moon good
news.” Mo Lan mumbled to
herself while she read the
passionate comments below
the Weibo post.
She had a hunch that after
the release of this radio
drama, it would definitely
be a milestone in the future
of the Internet Voice Circle.
An Xiaoluo suddenly sighed
quietly: “But with such a
luxurious lineup… doesn’t it
mean that it’s even more
difficult to choose a novel
Mo Lan was trying to
respond, but felt her mobile
phone vibrated, she
unlocked it, and found she
had been tagged on
somebody’s Weibo post.
Mo Lan got a little confused,
Secretly Captivated haven’t
been posting on Weibo the
past few days, thus, she had
never gone on Weibo too.
Without any rhyme or
reason, who would have
tagged her?
She opened it, and the next
second, she was petrified.
Secretly Captivated…
reposted her Weibo post
from last year.
Mo Lan this person, in fact
had a little personality trait
of a talented girl from the
ancient times, more
specifically she liked
reading ancient books like
《Shijing》, 《Chu Ci》etc,
liked to listen to opera, and
not only that but… she also
knew how to play a few
Chinese cultural instruments,
such as the guzheng, pipa
and flute.
She remembered, that for a
while last year, the song
《Senbon Sakura》was very
popular among the 2D
ancient-style circle,
consequently at that time the
entire population was
consumed with《Senbon
Sakura》, if you could sing
then sing, if you couldn’t
sing then play. Mo Lan was
no exception, and she
followed the crowd and
played a guzheng version of
the song, then posted it on
After she posted, there were
indeed many people who
commented saying that she
played well, but, that was a
thing from last year, and
even she had almost
forgotten all about it, how
was it now… that Secretly
Captivated reposted it?
He reposted that particular
Weibo post of hers, added
@LeSuQingMo, and
commented briefly: I like
this version.
Consequently, Mo Lan was
This version… refered to
this version of her playing
《Senbon Sakura》?
She clicked on the fans’
comments, alike water
flooding Jinshan, a mix of
praise and criticism:
“Mi Da do you like the
Guzheng version of《Senbon
Sakura》, I can also play it
for you QVQ.”
“…as expected it’s rather
savage, being able to keep
up with the fast song, girl
has quick excellent hands.”
“Male god, I’ve decided to
learn guzheng because of
“Mi Da I did play too, I’m
way better than this girl
okay! I’m already crying
and fainting on the rooftop
ying ying ying, please see it
please repost please
So, faced with such a
chaotic situation, now, what
should she do?
Reply? But how to reply…
just in case it was a poor
choice of words, if she gets
attacked by his fans then
Don’t reply? You must be
kidding… the honourable
senior male god reposted
her Weibo and she doesn’t
even reply, wouldn’t this be
the rhythm of cutting one’s
own throat?
Mo Lan held her phone and
sat cross-legged by the
dining table in the living
room, she bit her nails, and
racked her brains for a long
time, but An Xiaoluo
suddenly exclaimed, and
instantly pulled back Mo
Lan’s mind.
“Dang! Xiao Lan, did you
know that Secretly
Captivated -sama reposted
your Weibo?”
Mo Lan 囧, weakly
responded: “I only just
found out…”
An Xiaoluo turned her head
to look at her, looked
practically all over her body
from head to toes. After a
short while, she slowly said,
“Why do I feel… that the
atmosphere is not quite
“Atmosphere? What
atmosphere? Was the air
conditioner set on too high?
No wonder I wondered why
it’s so hot, I’ll go lower the
temperature now.” Mo Lan
spoke as she hurriedly got
up from her chair, as she
intended to quickly leave
the battlefield.
“Come on.” An Xiaoluo’s
lazy tone sounded, “You
feeling hot, it’s definitely
not because of the high
temperature, I think, it’s
because somebody reposted
your Weibo, right? You say,
there are so many that
tagged Secretly Captivated,
and even more countless of
comments, how could he be
in such a good mood and
specially looked for your
Weibo, as well as reposted
Mo Lan was paralysed.
After a long time, she turned
around, and solemnly
continued with a dignified
expression: “Maybe he just
liked the guzheng version of
《Senbon Sakura》! Aiya
cousin, don’t just blindly
believe, it’s not a big deal to
start with, why do you have
to make it sound like it was
something serious, hasn’t he
also reposted a fan’s solo
pipa song before?”
An Xiaoluo frowned and
stared at her for a long time
before she continued a little
reluctantly, “Okay okay, but
you really are too lucky, do
you really want me to say,
the solo pipa post that he
reposted that year,
compared with your
guzheng, isn’t it precisely
one coming from heaven
and one from the bottom?”
Looking at her resentfully,
Mo Lan was powerless:
“Although it’s true, but why
be so blunt… are you really
my cousin?”
An Xiaoluo smiled brightly,
as if to pacify Mo Lan, she
waved to her, saying a little
mysteriously, “The Ninth
Heaven Dubbing Group are
currently recruiting new
CVs, both Su Qingmo and
Xiao Luo Bo have already
arrived, and right now
they’re going through the
newcomers audition on the
spot, how about it, would
you like to come and watch
it with me?”
“Of course yes!” Her eyes
lit up, Mo Lan agreed
without any hesitation.
Ninth Heaven Dubbing
Group recruitment… That is
to also say, Secretly
Captivated might be there
Mo Lan took her computer
out and placed it next to An
Xiaoluo, then entered Ninth
Heaven’s YY channel, she
went in and glanced around,
realised that there were
more than 3000 people in
the channel. Mo Lan was a
little surprised in her heart,
out of these 3000 people,
only about a tenth were here
for the audition, the rest…
reckoned they were like me
and came to join in the fun,
Mo Lan turned her head and
asked softly, “Cousin, which
room are they in?”
Without looking up, An
Xiaoluo disclosed the room
number and password.
Entering the room with a
little excitement, every time
she received this type of free
benefit, Mo Lan couldn’t
help but thanked An
Xiaoluo for her good
rapport in the Internet Voice
As soon as Mo Lan entered
the room, she heard a soft
suffering voice right in the
middle of reciting lines, his
tone seemed awfully
desperate: “Senior brother,
ten years have passed, and
I’ve always thought you
would return. For the past
ten years, I have been here,
standing in for you to guard
this land, guarding the
people of your home, not
daring to slack off for even
a bit, explicitly so that I
could return your land for
the future generations. But I
have never thought, that
maybe… you won’t be
coming back again.”
En… how to say it, it was
sorrowful enough, but too
much so that it made people
felt it was a little excessive
and fake.
Immediately afterwards,
another person who came
for the audition read the
same lines again. While he
recited, contrariwise he was
a bit more restraint than the
one just before, but he
seemed to be restraining a
bit too much, not dismal
enough, slightly dull.
After waiting for the five
people to finish reading
their lines, suddenly, Su
Qingmo’s voice sounded,
warm, calm, and a little
serious: “En, now I will
quickly review the five
auditions. First of all,
several of your Mandarin
was not bad, quite clear
pronounciation. However, a
common problem was that
the grasp of emotion wasn’t
there. A few too little, a few
too much, furthermore a few
were too cautious, it didn’t
sound like reciting lines, it
was more like reading a
Mo Lan silently listened and
couldn’t help but sighed in
her heart, to be a good CV,
it was really not easy.
First of all, you must be a
hundred percent wholly
devoted to this job,
otherwise it was very likely
that one would quit the
drama midway. Secondly,
you must reached a certain
standard of Mandarin, or
else, if you encountered flat
or rising tongues or an
indistinguishable nasal
sound, it would simply
destroy the audience’s ears.
Finally, the most important
point just mentioned by Su
Qingmo, was that one must
have emotion. As long as
you had emotion in your
voice, then only would you
be able to moved others.
For example… Secretly
Captivated’s voice, just
clearly casually grasped the
perfect emotion of a drama.
The audition was still in full
swing like wildfire, with
different qualifications,
good and bad, and of course,
one or two words that came
out from time to time made
good sound.
The CV recruitment soon
ended, the newcomers who
came to the audition, as well
as those who similiar to Mo
Lan depended on
relationship to come in to
listened and watched have
all nearly dispersed, the
room only remained Su
Qingmo, Bai Yu Luo Bo
and a few veterans from the
Ninth Heaven Dubbing
Group, it seemed that their
mic was just switched on,
but they weren’t actually
online, only Su Qingmo and
Bai Yu Luo Bo were
actually on the mic.
Mo Lan sighed kind of
unsatisfactorily, just as she
hesitated on whether to exit
the room, suddenly, a
person’s voice rang in the
“I seemed to be late.”
A careless tone, with a little
laziness, smashed into the
body word by word, dazzled
the fans.
It was Secretly Captivated’s
Mo Lan froze, the mouse
that just moved to the upper
right corner which was
about to close the window
also stopped.
Bai Yu Luo Bo seemed to
be stunned for a moment too,
and immediately exclaimed
with a little happiness: “Ah
Mi Ah Mi, you’ve come?
It’s good that you’ve come,
let’s discuss about the new
Su Qingmo also echoed:
“The scripts I sent to you a
few days ago, have you
gone through them? Which
one do you think is better?”
Secretly Captivated was
silent for a while, everyone
in the room waited for his
answer. After about ten
seconds, he said, low but
clearly: “Ye Lanshan?”
The second time her name
was called out by him, Mo
Lan was stumped for words,
she promptly reached out
and typed: I’m here.
“Oh…” He paused, then not
knowing what came to his
mind, once again he opened
his mouth, “You’re a
Flowed like white jade, rang
like a bell, exceptionally
In an instant, her heartbeat
became a little irregular, Mo
Lan was mystified by his
captivating voice, she
flutteringly continued to
type: I am… male god, how
did you know?
He chuckled, suddenly
romantic and gorgeous:
“I’ve seen your Weibo.”
That’s why…
Mo Lan couldn’t help but
lamented in her heart.
Normally, when inspiration
came she would post some
random snippets of short
article on Weibo, but those
were merely her YY writings
from when her brain
temporarily buzzed with
ideas, out of the blue they
had all been seen by male
god, she felt indescribably
awkward, how to break the
awkwardness ah T^T
“Xiao Mi, what you just
forwarded to me, was this
little girl’s Weibo?” Su
Qingmo still sounded calm,
but still a little curious.
“En, what do you think?”
Secretly Captivated still
Su Qingmo laughed, when
he laughed, the feeling of
the deep uncle’s voice
shortened the distance
between people: “The
guzheng song is not bad, her
fingers are very beautiful,
her hand speed is also very
fast… en, but, you don’t
really want to hear all of
these, do you?”
The puzzled Bai Yu Luo Bo
who had been listening for
quite a while, finally seemed
to react, he immediately
interjected: “Ah Mi, why are
you looking through other
people’s Weibo without any
reason ah? Tsk, there must
be something up your sleeve
Up until now Mo Lan who
had been wearing her
headphones, utterly wanted
to logout instantly. This
kind of scene was really
totally awkward okay,
fortunately, she wasn’t on
the mic now, so she didn’t
have to talk.
Secretly Captivated opened
his mouth, in a low calm
voice, somewhat indolent,
somewhat gentle,
unimaginably pleasant: “I
was just thinking… for the
new drama, let’s get her to
write the script.”
As soon as the voice
finished, there was silence
in the room.
Even Mo Lan was
Inexplicably, she went back
to three years ago… she was
an obsessed fan of Secretly
Captivated for that short
crazy period, having spent
one day and one night
without stopping to sleep or
have a rest to write a
specially customised radio
drama for him.
But what she wrote three
years ago, even if she was to
look at it now, she would
lament as to why she was so
moronic and so Mary Sue
that particular year. What’s
more, such a major event as
Ninth Heaven’s seventh
anniversary celebration as
well as the golden CV
After thinking about it, Mo
Lan still replied and typed
out: Don’t need ba, if you
let me write the script, your
drama probably would be
mangled T^T.
Mo Lan wasn’t being
modest, she sincerely felt
that she wasn’t qualified for
this job. The her from three
years ago could still use
young and experience to
describe herself, the her of
three years later, really
wouldn’t dare to take this
heavy responsibility, it
would probably crushed her
“It’s Ye Lanshan right? You
don’t need to be modest,
since Xiao Mi wants you to
write it, he must have his
own reasons.” Su Qingmo
reassured her, his voice very
amiable and approachable.
As if Bai Yu Luo Bo had
suddenly discovered some
new continent, he also
buzzingly replied, full of
zest: “Yeah, yeah, that is to
say… I have never seen Ah
Mi so meticulous towards a
girl before, how did you two
How did we meet?
Mo Lan frowned and began
to think back.
Roughly probably
because… I managed to
grab the mic, and then
chatted a bit with Secretly
Captivated, afterwards…
added him as a YY friend,
WeChat friend…
The probability of this
happening was simply too
low until no one would have
noticed, even saying it out
loud made her doubt herself.
Beside her sat An Xiaoluo
with her earphones, a pair of
eyes suspiciously
continuously swept over Mo
Lan: “Xiao Lan… are you
hiding something from me?”
Feeling sweat dripped from
her forehead, Mo Lan turned
her head to look at An
Xiaoluo, unspeakably felt a
little mortified: “Umm,
cousin, finish listening first,
after we logout from YY
then I’ll explain everything
to you.”
Just then, Secretly
Captivated voice sounded
clearly again, as light as the
river, but still very tender:
“Do you still remember…
the tab that you still owed
Even if he didn’t mentioned
a name, Mo Lan knew he
was talking to her.
Sure enough… male god’s
song wasn’t free to listen to
There seemed to be more
and more sweat on her
forehead, although now Mo
Lan wanted to deny that she
didn’t remember,
however… she didn’t have
the nerved. Consequently
she closed her eyes and type
heroically: Remembered.
“Good that you
remembered.” A low voice,
as if it rang in her ear,
stunningly suave, so alluring
that her heart trembled, “So,
the matter of the script will
be handed over to you, any
When An Xiaoluo heard this
sentence, she was utterly so
excited that she commented
on the public forum
declaring that Mo Lan’s
writing would assuredly be
excellent etc, and Mo Lan
merely felt that… she was
the hero who was driven to
join the Liangshan
Mountain rebels.
After she thought about it,
she carefully replied typing:
But, what if when it comes
to that time and everyone
doesn’t feel satisfied, then
how? In that case, would I
not just be wasting your
As soon as Mo Lan’s words
were posted, Secretly
Captivated had an answer
all ready: “Like this ba, you
first write an outline and
send it to Ninth Heaven
Screenplay Department, and
at that time we’ll see their
response, can ma?”
Can ma……
Secretly Captivated
unexpectedly used this kind
of tenderness to expressed
regret, within the regretful
tone there was also the
gentle and soft tone that
asked “Can ma?”, Mo Lan
made a fist, indicated that
she would throw caution to
the wind for the sake of
male god. So she took a
deep breath and quickly
typed a reply: Can! Thank
you male god for your
recognition, I will definitely
try my best to write a good
“Pfffftt giggle giggle” The
sound was of Bai Yu Luo
Bo’s barely contained
laughter, and he started
talking, the soft and syrupy
voice carried a little smile:
“Sister… you really deserve
to be Ah Mi’s fangirl.”
Mo Lang silently 囧.
“All right, if there are no
other opinions, then this
matter have been decided.
Ye Lanshan sister write well,
our new drama will depend
on you.” Su Qingmo also
laughed, warm, rich and
calm, listening to it made
people felt very warm and
familiar, just like an elder.
After logging out from YY,
Mo Lan finished being
nervous, and then suddenly
felt a trace of excitement.
Three years ago… my wish
for Secretly Captivated to
dub a radio drama I wrote,
was really going to come
true? Thinking about it this
way, really made it a very
exciting thing.
An Xiaoluo who was beside
her, casually turned off her
computer, casually poured
herself a glass of water, then
casually looked at Mo Lan,
“All right, can you tell me
now, between you and
Secretly Captivated -sama,
what is going on exactly?”
Mo Lan was in tears, in fact
she felt that she had been
treated unjustly, besides the
fact that SC added her as
aWeChat friend, and
excluded the part where he
sang a song for her, there
really was a complete lack
of relationship between the
two of them… oh wait, just
a moment ago, he just
fought for her the script
writing rights for the new
After listening to Mo Lan’s
disjointed and one hundred
loopholes of explanation,
An Xiaoluo’s pair of eyes
just stared at her, her
expression still puzzled after
she pondered over it a
hundred times.
After a long while, she then
spoke, and unwillingly said,
“Xiao Lan, what in the
world have you accumulated
in your previous life?
Secretly Captivated has 1.2
million fans on Weibo, at
the moment you have
actually become the one out
of the 1.2 million fans…
using good luck is not
sufficient enough to
describe it you know, hurry
up and tell me what
witchcraft did you used!”
“Uh… maybe I did save the
galaxy in my previous life.”
Mo Lan embarassingly
tucked a strand of hair
behind her ears, her
enchanted face flushed.
That was right… she also
felt that she was just too
“Martial arts chivalry?
Fantasy? Romance? Or go
with BL?”
Mo Lan, wore a loose white
wool sweater, and sat
cross-legged in the bedroom,
with a laptop on her thighs,
her dark circles so severe
that it was comparable to
“Urghhhh, how to actually
write it ah!” Having looked
miserable for a long time,
and still didn’t know what
kind of script to write…
after all, everything about
this was a big deal. The first
work that Secretly
Captivated himself gave her,
if she couldn’t complete it
satisfactorily, in the future
what kind of face would she
be able to present in front of
Aiya… undoubtedly the
more she thought about it
the more bothered she got.
The jet-black long hair that
originally could have been
twisted up with a pen has all
been all messed up by Mo
Lan, she sighed, unlocked
her phone, and habitually
updated her Moments:
What to do if no inspiration
After she posted on
Moments, she surfed Weibo
with her mobile phone, en…
he had no new movement.
Thus with no better option
and with a little despair, she
once again threw her phone
aside, and continued racking
her brains over a blank
Word document.
After about ten minutes, as
before the
outline Mo Lan once again
sighed, picked her phone up
and planned to play
LianLianKan for a while,
let’s assumed she was
looking for inspiration.
Not really caring too much,
she opened her mobile and
started swiping through
Moments, the next second,
Mo Lan was in a daze.
Secretly Captivated replied
to her Moments.
After he liked her post the
last time, he had now
commented on her
In hindsight, after Mo Lan
reacted, and wanted to cry
stupidly, how could she
have forgotten that she was
now WeChat friends with
Secretly Captivated T^T.
But you also couldn’t blame
her, if, you had silently been
someone’s fan for four years,
and four years later, this
person suddenly stepped
down from the altar, took
the initiative to add you on
WeChat, talked to you, sang
for you… if it was you,
would you have believed it?
Contrarily, everything did
What’s more, with Secretly
Captivated’s unperturbed
and unhurried manner, it all
happened extremely
appropriately and very
Mo Lan’s long eyelashes
flickered invisibly, she
opened the recently locked
screen of her mobile phone,
and saw Secretly
Captivated’s reply: Then
don’t think about it for now.
Don’t think about it for
now… really?
But it was such a big deal,
all the more she wouldn’t
dare to delay.
As she was thinking, she
saw that the other party sent
a WeChat message.
GYM: Is it quite stressful?
Mo Lan was dumbfounded,
although she really wanted
to say not really ah or it’s
nothing ah and such, but…
she didn’t want to lie to him.
Instead, she frowned and
thought for a long time, she
finally edited her sentence
and sent what she thought
was appropriate.
Momo: If I say there’s no
pressure then I’m definitely
lying, after all… the three of
you are all my favorite CVs,
I’m afraid I’ll mess this up,
which will waste your time
and bring trouble to Ninth
Heaven’s Seventh
Anniversary Celebration.
After hugging her mobile
phone for a bit, Mo Lan
received a reply from the
other party… it was a voice
An Xiaoluo was working
overtime so she wouldn’t be
back tonight, hence Mo Lan
took a deep breath, and
opened it.
Secretly Captivated’s low
voice sounded a little hoarse,
but… it also seemed more
tender: “I’m awfully sorry,
to have asked you to write
the script for the new drama,
however, I’ve read what you
have written before and felt
that it was pretty good. I
fully believe that you can do
this, so, you need to also
have confidence in
If you asked Mo Lan, where
exactly was the appeal of a
It probably… lay within,
him merely just brushed
over a few words and very
miraculously it would
immediately soothed her
weathered bewildered heart.
Before Mo Lan responded,
the other party already sent
another voice message:
“Also, have you not always
wanted to write a radio
drama for me?”
With her frozen hand, Mo
Lan looked down at her
phone screen, speechless for
a quite a stretch.
Her brain spun rapidly, she
suddenly remembered…
three years ago, the young
and ignorant her posted on
Weibo, the main gist being
Secretly Captivated DaDa I
really like your voice, I’m
actually a writer, would
really like to collaborate
with you on a drama
balabala, eventually, she
used extraordinary courage
and tagged him.
With the temperature on her
face constantly on the rise,
Mo Lan nearly wanted to
hang herself on the
southeast branch, the
terrifying heaven-roars of
Weibo from three years
ago… had all been combed
through by him.
Momo: Male god… I was
young, ignorant and not
sensible at that time,
definitely please don’t take
it to heart T^T
After a while, the other
party’s voice message
arrived, Mo Lan took a deep
breath and anxiously opened
In the quietness, Secretly
Captivated’s smile echoed
through, because it was a bit
hoarse, it sounded even
more sexy, it faintly hinted
at gentle amorous feelings,
just by listening to it, it
made one’s mouth and
tongue dry: “Looking at
your Weibo was actually
very interesting.”
As soon as his words fell, he
seemed to be delighted, he
chuckled, like the sound of
water flowing, with a
romantic touch.
Not sure which fan
previously summed it up,
Secretly Captivated’s
chuckle… was a voice
enthusiast’s Achilles’ heel.
Because, it was simply a
sure shot.
Very interesting ma?
Mo Lan bit her handkerchief,
her cheeks streamed with
But… the main point was
that in her Weibo, it seemed
that 80% of the content was
related to him, looking at
her Weibo, was basically
watching a fangirl talked to
herself everyday, how could
it be interesting.
Mo Lan coughed, cleared
her throat, then, sent a voice
message: “Male god,
actually… I’d like to know,
that night, why would you
have added me on
Almost immediately after
the voice message was sent,
Mo Lan regretted.
I actually asked out loud…
actually asked out loud…
actually just however asked
out loud!
Would Secretly Captivated
find her annoying, of course
he would, since he had
already added her as a friend,
she should just kneel three
times and kowtow nine
times in gratitude, but
instead, she actually was
unable to differentiate good
from bad and asked him, for
what reason……
Her heart beated rapidly,
just as Mo Lan’s
imagination ran wild,
Secretly Captivated sent a
voice message.
Her fingers fluttered, Mo
Lan suddenly felt that she
daren’t listen to it.
The surroundings were quiet,
the night very gentle, his
voice was low, very distinct,
word by word, it came
through her mobile’s
speakers, and truly finally
reached her ears.
He said, “In the future…
you would know.”
The tone, was as if it flowed
from the the high above
mountain ridge throughout
the year where ice and snow
didn’t appear, and it was
also like a white lotus in the
pond, noble and refined, as a
jade as a diamond.
Remarkably… it reminded
her of Jialuo, the meditative
senior monk from Zixia
In the future… what did he
However, the voice wasn’t
done yet, he paused, then, it
rang again: “If you really
would want me to say it, it
was probably… I much
preferred your voice.”
The voice carried a smile,
with the feeling that it was
genuine, all at once seemed
to fall from the highest of
the heavens down to the ten
feet of soft red and purple
street of the world of
mortals, it produced the hint
of warm fireworks.
But… she didn’t hear the
wrong thing right?
Being praised by the
number one Internet Voice
CV, Secretly Captivated, he
even said, that he liked her
Just a moment ago, with
great difficulty, Mo Lan
finally managed to calm her
heart down and yet her heart
now beated violently again,
it disobeyed instructions,
she opened her mouth, a
slight tremor formed:
“Um… the way male god
puts it, I’m a little
overwhelmed with
Secretly Captivated quickly
replied her, with an indolent
tone, nonchalantly: “I’ve
said before, don’t be
nervous, I’m not as good as
you think I am, I’m just an
ordinary person after all.
Oo… let’s leave it, after
chatting with you for so
long, sing a song for me
As soon as his voice fell,
Mo Lan discovered that a
thin layer of sweat had
formed in her palms. Male
god… wanted to listen to
her sing? Moreover, in such
a natural tone as well, so
natural that she didn’t know
how to say no.
She always felt that her
level of singing was
particularly limited, but
since Secretly Captivated
already brought it up, and he
told her in such a pleasant
voice, that he wanted her to
sing a song for him…
basically made one
incapable to refuse.
Momo: Male god, what
would you like to hear?
GYM: Up to you, go on YY
first ba.
Momo: Okay.
She bit her lip and login into
YY, she entered the room
number that SC gave her the
last time, the familiar purple
vest was already on the mic.
Mo Lan quickly opened the
folder that held her more
familiar music
accompaniments, and went
through them one by one,
very distressed, really didn’t
know what to sing, how to
breakthrough T^T
She scrutinised for a long
time, Secretly Captivated
didn’t seem anxious, didn’t
pushed her.
In the end, the somewhat
dizzy Mo Lan who have
been trying to pick a song
gritted her teeth, closed her
eyes and randomly opened
an accompaniment.
When the first
accompaniment note played,
Mo Lan knew which song
this was, this song was
called《The Silent Snow on
A Thousand Mountains》.
Fortunately, it was a song
she was quite good at.
She took a deep breath, and
started softly:
“I have silently buried the
world of mortals for
The past distinctly cold, then
used the warmth residue to
In the future, who would
look after the wine
temperature for me
The snow on the front
covered the greens, deeply
forgotten the rivers and
I embarked on a journey of
a thousand miles
Listened to kudzu growing,
as if it sank into a spring
breeze bathe
Ten thousands of flying
snow-white bright lanterns,
merged with the sound of a
foreign flute
Shattered the superficial,
however once again
gradually froze“
《The Silent Snow on A
Thousand Mountains》was a
fan-made song of the novel
《Seven Nights of Snow》,
for a young literary and arty
female like Mo Lan, the
essential factor when
listening to a song wasn’t
the melody, but rather the
lyrics. Incidentally, the
lyrics of this song were
written beautifully and was
full of emotion, which really
complement the original
mood of the whole novel.
The overall melody of this
song was not considered
high, from beginning to the
end there was a faint sense
of sorrow pervading,
together with Mo Lan’s
gentle and graceful voice, it
actually brought out the best
in each other, and perfectly
fitted in together.
“For that one thread (of
connection), confused yet
still obstinately clinging and
Among all the diverse and
varied living things, who
haven’t been this
Missing our chance
encounter was providence,
time failed our deep feelings
Clearly saw love and hate,
but once again hurriedly
and constantly left
In that case used one’s life
to replace the king’s
accepted fate
Although he was not 100 yet,
it was as if the song already
belonged to him
Deep and dark irregular
time available, the snowy
lonely flute streamed
Summertime winter night,
who would play for me
Seven nights of snow and
silence, forever in people’s
The song was over.
Secretly Captivated didn’t
speak from beginning to the
end, but Mo Lan just felt
indescribably, that he was
listening, and moreover he
listened very earnestly.
Not sure for whatever
reason, after she realised
this, the recently extremely
nervous her, suddenly felt as
if she had settled down.
Actually… if you thought
about it, being alone with
the actual person in the YY
room, and singing a song for
him, for many people… it
would be an unattainable
But her dream did come
Truly very lucky, wasn’t it?
The quiet and exquisite
sorrowful music
accompaniment ended,
suddenly, Mo Lan heard
from Secretly Captivated’s
end… some noise came
It seemed that someone was
talking to him, furthermore
he appeared to be very
flustered and anxious, but
she couldn’t exactly clearly
hear what was said. Then,
she heard Secretly
Captivated’s voice, not very
loud, but full of character,
seemed to respond to that
After a while, his voice rang
low through the computer:
“Sorry, I have something to
do now, I’ll go work first.
The song just now… was
very nice.”
It was still in a gentle and
indolent tone, but Mo Lan
suddenly felt that his voice
was slightly hoarse, and it
seemed… somewhat
Before Mo Lan could
respond, Secretly Captivated
logged out and left the
Now… wasn’t it ten o’clock
at night, wasn’t he very
exhausted? Like this… and
he still wanted to go to
Mo Lan cocked her head
and suddenly just felt that he
was a very dedicated person,
however, Secretly
Captivated in reality… what
does he do?
Nanjing in early January,
although it hasn’t snowed
yet, but it was really a
biting-cold kind of wind,
nearly made people’s hands
and feet numb with cold.
Mo Lan wore a long pink
down jacket, pulled her
collar up to her neck, with
both of her hands in her
pockets, she quickly walked
onto the street, and still felt
very cold.
She entered a popular
bookstore, but Rong Xiaxia
had not arrived yet.
Mo Lan sighed, just a
moment ago Rong Xiaxia
obviously rushed her very
urgently… instead now that
she has arrived, while Rong
Xiaxia had yet to arrive.
Mo Lan didn’t really mind,
she went in, and planned to
check if there were any new
books on the shelves.
Browsing through them
along the way, she walked
passed many counters,
finally, after spotting a
familiar name, she stopped.
《Unrestrained Light
Wind》, a monthly magazine
that was very popular in
China. This magazine
mainly focused on cartoons
and comics, the fictional
world of anime, comics and
games, so much so that for
the Internet Voice Circle
related matters, they would
also regularly invite a few
CVs for interviews, then
published them in the
What made Mo Lan stopped
was because she saw that on
the lively and shining cover
of the magazine, an azure
font was written on it:
Featured interview for this
issue – Bai Yu Luo Bo CV.
Bai Yu Luo Bo?
Mo Lan was surprised in her
heart, to be to able to invite
Bai Yu Luo Bo… he was a
VIP CV guest.
Unable to restrained her
emotions, her outstretched
arms reached for the
magazine, the next second,
somebody behind her
snatched the magazine.
Mo Lan was stunned for a
bit, she has always had a
sweet-tempered and
agreeable disposition, so she
didn’t fight with the other
party involved, rather she
turned around and silently
placed her hands behind her
back, she saw two girls
around seventeen or
eighteen stood beside her,
their face filled with
“Excuse me aunty, I’m sorry,
but, could we please read
this magazine first? My
classmate and I have been
waiting for this issue for a
very long time.”
One of the girls with glasses
looked at her a little
embarrassed, but her tone
was unusually firm, as if she
had already made up her
mind to not give the
magazine away no matter
what Mo Lan said.
However Mo Lan’s main
focus now, was just… this
girl actually called her aunty.
Sure enough, although she
was already twenty-four,
she wasn’t considered
young anymore, but… was
it really appropriate to call
her aunty.
She sighed slightly in her
heart, the corner of her lips
curved, she showed a gentle
and magnanimous smile, her
tone still tranquiled, a very
gentle kind of tranquility:
“It doesn’t matter, then you
look at it first.”
When the two girls heard
her words, both pair of eyes
lit up instantly, they thanked
her again and again, which
made Mo Lan a bit
The two girls held the
magazine like it was a
golden pearl and rushed
towards the reading area by
the side, and Mo Lan looked
on a bit helplessly as the
only unwrapped magazine
on the shelf was taken away,
she thought about it, and
still reached for a brand new,
unwrapped magazine.
Although buying a
magazine with just at most
two pages of interview,
would normally be carried
out by those girls, but… Mo
Lan 囧 ed for a bit, but, you
never know, maybe Bai Yu
Luo Bo would reveal
information about Secretly
Generally for informal
magazine interviews like
this, the host would have
definitely asked questions
about friends in the same
circle. Furthermore, Secretly
Captivated, Su Qingmo and
Bai Yu Luo Bo’s deep
affection for each other, was
known by everyone in the
Internet Voice Circle.
After paying for the
magazine at the cash
register, Mo Lan went to the
next-door Starbucks,
ordered a cup of caramel
coffee to warmed her hands,
and found a seat by the
Her mobile phone vibrated,
Mo Lan opened it, and
found Rong Xiaxia’s short
message: My younger
brother suddenly came
looking for me, just
managed to send him off,
wait a bit for me dear, I’ll
definitely arrive within 15
A smile appeared, Mo Lan
replied good-naturedly: No
worries, be careful on the
road, I’ll wait for you at
Somewhat impatiently she
unwrapped the magazine in
her hands, she opened it,
and followed the contents
page all the way to Bai Yu
Luo Bo’s interview page.
En… really asked a lot of
personal questions.
Even his coordinates were
exposed, he actually also
lived in Nanjing.
Her gaze swept downwards,
and finally… she saw a few
Secretly Captivated.
Mo Lan’s eyes tilted, with
one hand under her chin, she
examined carefully.
Q12: Speaking of this,
although Xiao Luo Bo have
always been popular within
the Internet Voice Circle,
but everyone knows that,
your best friends, should be
Secretly Captivated and Su
Qingmo DaDa from Ninth
Heaven Dubbing Group,
right? So, could you please
briefly elaborate on these
two people?
A12: En, sure. Let’s talk
about MoMo first, MoMo
this person, he’s especially
steady, being together with
him, he will deal with any
matter regardless of its
importance, keeping
everything organised clearly
and orderly. You would feel
like you don’t need to worry
about anything, essentially
just like a family trip~ A
must-have kind~ Girls, if
you like these type then
hurry up and claim him.
Then, let’s talk about Ah Mi.
Ah Mi this person… How
do I put it, although I have
actually met him twice, but
he feels a bit like a cat to me,
he’s quite mystical… His
temperament is obviously
the quiet and cold type, but
once in a while he do make
others feel he’s quite evil.
Simply put, his gentleness
carries hostility, but he takes
his work very seriously, I
once heard him criticised his
subordinates on the phone,
his words sounded really
harsh, I was shocked at that
time. However, if he treated
you as his friend, he would
treat you well, a very
considerate and caring
Q13: Wow, a cat-like
man… Listening to your
description, I felt instantly
tempted~ Because Secretly
Captivated DaDa recently
announced his comeback, so,
could you reveal a bit more
information about him? Just
consider it as a small benefit
for our 《Unrestrained Light
A13: Urm… Ah Mi hates
people exposing his 3D
world, I too dare not say
anything more, hai. If you
really insist on me revealing
something, the last time on
YY we’ve previously
discussed Ah Mi’s height,
there were fans who guessed
it right, it is indeed 188,
very tall right, when I first
met him, I had to look up
and tilt my head back to see
him (囧). Additionally… he
told me before that he once
had a dog, a Shetland
Sheepdog. He liked it very
much, but later it seemed
that because of his excessive
workload, he placed the dog
in his mother’s care.
His height was really 188,
she really did guessed it
correctly the last time, Mo
Lan couldn’t helped
Like dogs?
Shetland Sheepdog… really
suited him.
The strong aroma of coffee
drifted from the wooden
table, Mo Lan closed the
magazine and placed it on
the table, in a good mood,
she took off the coffee lid,
then took a wooden stirrer,
and lightly stirred together
the layer of milk foam with
the top layer of
honey-coloured caramel
sauce on top.
Speaking of caramel coffee,
in Starbucks, it wasn’t a
very popular flavour. It was
mainly because… the
flavour, was so indistinct
that it was a bit difficult to
characterised it. Generally
speaking, people who
enjoyed sweet drinks would
prefer coffees such as
matcha or white chocolate,
while people who enjoyed
bitterness would prefer
espresso or black coffee.
For caramel coffee,
underneath, the steamed
milk brewed with the
mellow and rich coffee, on
top, a layer of exquisite
creamy caramel sauce
drawn atop a layer of dense
milk foam. Extremely bitter
underneath, extremely sweet
on top, precisely this kind of
indistinct coffee.
No matter if it was a sweet
or bitter kind of person,
generally they wouldn’t
choose it.
However, Mo Lan liked it.
She liked to stir that thin
layer of caramel, dissolved
it in the whole cup of coffee.
This kind of taste, neither
bitter nor sweet, happened
to be her kind of taste.
This kind of neither far nor
close flavour, was quite
similar to people’s
perception of her. If she was
to say it, Mo Lan was quite
ordinary looking, regardless
of how you looked at her,
you could only conclude
that she was pretty and
delicate. However, she
happened to have supple
jet-black hair, plus a fair and
tender skin. If one insisted,
she could also be classified
as a woman with a charming
She wasn’t conspicious, she
sat there quietly, and
sometimes attracted
people’s attention.
When Rong Xiaxia hurried
over and opened the door,
she saw Mo Lan, sat
peacefully and quietly by
the window, she held a hot
steaming cup of coffee in
her hands, her eyes drooped
slightly, not sure what went
on in her mind.
Obviously because of Rong
Xiaxia’s own negligence,
Mo Lan have been waiting
for almost half an hour, but
she didn’t seem to have
taken offence at all.
Sometimes, Rong Xiaxia
felt that Mo Lan was alike
water, benefited all living
things, indisputably water
did benefit all things.
Perking up with a bright and
beautiful smile, Rong
Xiaxia briskly walked
towards her.
“Momo, I’m really sorry to
have to kept you waiting,
hurry up hurry up, kisscat
has a new pair of high heels,
accompany me to go take a
Under Rong Xiaxia’s
insistence, Mo Lan a little
helplessly started to pack
her magazine from the table,
without much extra effort
and not too bothered, she
grumbled: “You called me
urgently asking me to come
out was just for the sake of
looking at those heels?”
“Aiyo, it’s not like you don’t
know, one of my biggest
hobbies is collecting high
Dragged by Rong Xiaxia,
Mo Lan followed her out,
the wind outside have
started blowing, all the
pedestrians on the road were
wrapped up tightly. The
corner of Mo Lan’s eyes
casually swept across the
cypress tree which sat in the
middle of the road, suddenly
she felt that even the
withered branches on a
winter’s day had a different
kind of beauty, so
beautiful… that it was a
little bleak.
Approaching the new one
hundred and one
multi-storey building, Rong
Xiaxia very naturally
brought Mo Lan through to
kisscat‘s counter, on top of
the shoe case, at the most
prominent position, was a
pair of red-wine leather
high-heels, although there
were no wine glass, yet with
that kind of precarious
feeling that it’ll snaped once
you started walking, but…
Mo Lan frowned, couldn’t
help but turned around and
admonished Rong Xiaxia,
“Xiaxia, were you talking
about these kind of heels?
Didn’t I say… this heels
were a bit too high, isn’t it?
If you wear it, you’ll sprain
your ankle, and since it’s
winter now, you won’t even
be able to wear it.”
“But… these heels are so
beautiful, you see, the heels
are made out of glass, just
like Cinderella’s crystal
heels.” Rong Xiaxia walked
over and took the heels
down carefully, she
carefully looked over it, her
starry eyes filled with
Mo Lan also followed
closely, turned the bottom of
the heels, the price was
With a small sigh, she still
said a little disapprovingly,
“But these heels are not
cheap, and even if you buy
it now you won’t be able
wear it, what happens once
it’s spring and it’s no longer
Rong Xiaxia pursed her lips
and felt a little discouraged.
Although she wanted to
rebut, but she knew very
well that Mo Lan was just
speaking the truth, there
really was nothing she could
After looking at it for a long
time, Rong Xiaxia sighed,
and finally reluctantly
placed the heels back.
It seemed that each pair of
shoes, when placed under
the glittering chandeliers on
the counter shelves, they
were always the most
beautiful, brightest and
dazzling, which could
especially attract a woman’s
attention. However, after an
impulse buy, you may find
all kinds of flaws on those
same pair of shoes, and
afterwards regretted and
complained. But from a
consumer’s point of view,
Mo Lan was really quite
With an arm around Mo
Lan’s shoulder, Rong
Xiaxia walked away from
the counter, with a hint of
unconcealed sense of loss in
her tone: “I just knew you
would definitely stop me
that’s why I called you to
accompany me, because I
also think that if I bought it,
I would certainly regret it.
Although… I really truly
liked it.” After a pause, she
regained her strength and
dragged Rong Xiaxia to the
elevator on the second floor.
“Nevermind nevermind,
didn’t manage to buy shoes,
let’s go look at clothes, we
haven’t window-shop
together for a long time.”
There used to be a saying,
that in a woman’s wardrobe,
a favorite dress was always
Rong Xiaxia full of spirit
wandered eastward and
looked westward. Mo Lan
followed beside her,
unexpressionless fleetingly
glanced the whole way, as
she walked past a
cheongsam counter, she
suddenly stopped.
In the display cabinet, the
model wore a button-like
style plain white brocade
satin cheongsam, the white
soft cloth which used the
Chinese traditional ink and
wash painting depicted a
design of Pisces playing in
the water, and was perfectly
presented in black and
Very simple, and also…
awfully breathtaking.
The genuine and elegant
Chinese dress, the most
magnificent in the whole
Mo Lan stood in front of the
display cabinet and silently
stared at the cheongsam, as
if she was admiring a very
precious work of art. She
tilted her head and
wordlessly thought that for
Chinese girls, owning a
cheongsam should be
everybody’s dream.
But… a little helpless sigh,
however that ought to only
be focused on the rich.
That was because for a good
cheongsam, the normal
price was usually between a
thousand to ten thousand, or
even a hundred thousand or
millions. As for those cheap
cheongsam, with inferior
workmanship, she wasn’t
really interested in them.
So in the end, she just
merely looked over it a few
times unwilling to part, and
quickly followed Rong Xia
Xia, who was already way
Once the Lantern Festival
arrived, the whole of the
colossal imperial palace was
decorated with lanterns and
coloured banners, the palace
was filled with jubilation.
Except… for the ruined and
desolated Yingxu Palace
The wooden door, creaked
and groaned, and felt as if it
would fall with just a push,
the furnace lacked the little
pitiful specks of silver coal
that have been completely
burnt off a long time ago,
the only remaining servant
had ran off on his own
accord to the other palace
for the Lantern Festival.
All that was left was a
motionless, incessantly
coughing, faded woman on
the bed, and by her side, a
boy mournfully and bitterly
“Mother Imperial, Mother
Imperial, please wake up,
okay? Don’t abandon
Chengde all by himself!”
The extremely fragile
woman on the bed have
already closed her eyes
Beside her, the candle flame
undoubtedly tried to hold on,
a burst of cold wind rolled
in through the paper
window hole, in a split
second the candle
extinguished, the room went
dark, only the sound of the
boy’s heartbreaking and
lung-rending cry was left.
Outside of Yingxu Palace
Hall, from a distance stood a
young man from Yushu
Lanfang. The young man
wore a golden crown and a
brocade gown. Holding a
folding fan in his hand, he
flipped it open and snapped
it close, flipped, snapped,
and flipped again. After a
long while, he raised his
eyebrows and lazily asked
the imperial bodyguard
beside him, “Ameng, who is
the boy?”
Behind him, the tall taciturn
man bowed his head, and
replied solemnly and
respectfully: “Your Seventh
Highness, that’s His
Twelveth Highness, named
Chengde, he is the son of
Rou Mother Imperial who
was ostracised three years
“Oh?” The young man
chortled, incomparably
distinguished and
accomplished, his
indifferent tone displayed
fully, “No wonder I have
never seen him in the palace

Three years later.
The seventh prince, Li
Huai’en, became the crown
prince, and the whole
country celebrated.
At the wine goblets and
gambling chips banquet, the
crown prince stood up, his
each and every move,
magnificent as if they were
made by the heavens.
He quietly knelt inside the
Yu Golden Palace Hall,
respectfully and refinely:
“Father Emperor, your
servant is to be so bold as to
ask of Father Emperor to
grant Twelveth Young
Brother to attend upon
crown prince, to personally
accompany your son.”
Above the gold imperial
throne, baring fangs and
brandishing claws, a few old
emperors’ eyes narrowed,
after quite a while, they
eventually remembered
Yingxu Palace Hall, where
there lived such a son who
was of no interest to anyone.

The crown prince’s
bedchamber palace of gold
and jade in glorious
splendor, Yuan Qing Palace
Li Huai’en, wore a yellow
Ming Dynasty embroidered
patterned gown, seated on
the seat of honour, blew on
his cup of tea, and softly
exhaled: “Ameng, for these
length of period, those who
were unsatisfactory in
serving the Twelveth Prince,
who were the slaves?”
The man known as Ameng
nodded, with great waves
but unalarmed: “Your
Highness, those people are
all already here.”
Outside of Yuan Qing
Palace Hall, the quivering
palace maids and eunuchs
were neatly lined up in two
rows, they knelt down and
kowtowed one by one, each
cried for mercy.
Li Huai’en lazily just set the
green jade cup aside,
without raising his eyes:
“Take them away, everyone
to be beheaded.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
Ameng nodded respectfully,
his face expressionless.

“Chengde, I am your gege.”
Inside the crown prince’s
bedchamber palace, Li
Huai’en’s face was as if
coated with jade, his
eyebrows slightly raised, a
distinguished, handsome
and charming smile
“Ge, ge…?” The shivering
young man who was
huddling in the corner
looked up, a confused pair
of bright crystal clear eyes.
“Yes.” Li Huai’en quietly
and softly walked over, his
aristocratic body stooped
down, he used his top-notch
natural silk sleeve to wipe
the dust off the young man’s
forehead, and looked into
his bright yet gentle pair of
eyes, “From now on, I will
be your only relative in this

Four years later.
The emperor was getting old
and was incapable of
managing the affairs of the
nation, everything including
the North Korea-China
authority was given to the
crown prince to shoulder.
Entering the Kun Palace, Li
Huai’en’s brows furrowed
slightly, and with the red ink
brush, he reviewed the
memorial for the emperor in
his hand.
With a squeak, the door
opened, a jade-chiseled
red-faced young man who
held a bowl of hot porridge
in his hand, walked in
cautiously and solemnly.
Li Huai’en pursed his lips,
and showed a gentle and
soft smile, without lifting up
his head, and in a flat tone:
“Chengde, I’ve mentioned it
repeatedly, let the servants
take care of these sort of
things and that’s good
“It doesn’t matter, Chengde
can do it.” Li Chengde
walked to his side and
carefully set the bowl down.
Each minding his own
business, Chengde started
grinding the ink stick for
He looked up, and secretly
glanced at Li Huai’en’s
handsome side profile, he
bit his lip, and a while later,
he asked softly, “Ge… you
will never ever abandon
Chengde, right?”
Li Huai’en’s writing slowed
down, but only for a
moment, so quick that
people wouldn’t be able to
sense it.
He continued with what he
was doing, and lowered his
head, his long and narrow
eyes drooped slightly, his
tone still serene: “Chengde,
on this earth, it’s
inconceivable that there will
be anybody who would dare
to humiliate you ever again,
to deride you or to abandon
you, that’s all you need to

Two years later.
After the death of the
emperor, the crown prince
ascended the throne, the era
name changed to Cheng An,
the title ‘Prince Qingyuan’
was bestowed upon the
twelveth prince, and Ameng
became the Imperial First
Winter Solstice, winter
snow fell, the stamen and
pistil of the plum blossoms
Li Huai’en stood with his
hands folded, quietly
admiring the snow scene
outside the palace hall.
Suddenly, he covered his
mouth with his hand, and
coughed slightly.
Not much sound was heard,
but the reticent and solemn
man beside him was
actually taken aback, his
eyebrows knitted, Ameng
opened his mouth, and still
spoke softly, “Your Majesty,
your body is already getting
worse day by day.”
Li Huai’en chuckled, still
distinguished and
accomplished, noble and
graceful. He used his finger
to wiped the wisps of blood
on his lips, still in an
unperturbed tone: “It
seems… that the strategy
must be intensified.”

In a flash, it has been three
years since the new emperor
The emperor was ruthless,
taxation was harsh, the
people had no way to make
a living. In all parts of the
country, uprisings have
begun in succession, with
the intention to overthrow
the tyrannical ruler and to
re-establish a new emperor.
Within the throne room
where there were dragon
engravings and paintings of
phoenixes, Li Huai’en’s
jaded face, his lips tinted
with a deep shade of red, he
stood with his hands folded,
remarkably alike the manner
of a popular, distinguished,
accomplished and indulgent
son of nobility all in white.
Li Chengde looked at him,
his crystal clear eyes full of
incredulity: “Ge… why?
You’re obviously not like
Li Huai’en chuckled and
turned around, he walked
towards Li Chengde, his
fingertips caressed the other
person’s fair cheek:
“Chengde, the former you,
would have never lose his
temper with me.”
“But… ge, you have already
murdered so many innocent
people, why would you
want to do this?” Li
Chengde looked at him, his
face filled with pain, his
crystal clear eyes teared up.
And just like that first year,
Li Huai’en stooped down,
his movement still as noble
and magnificent, he reached
out and wiped the tears
away from the corner of Li
Chengde’s eyes, his words
were so tender as if it would
have shattered with just one
touch: “I did it so… you can
seat righteously on the
throne, for you to enjoy the
worship from all the people,
Chengde, I have said before,
from here on, there will not
be anybody who would dare
to humiliate you, even if I
were to passed away, it
would still be this way.”

Seven years later.
It was Winter Solstice once
The storyteller rapped the
wood, and with a clear and
loud voice, “It is said that,
in those years the emperor
was tyrannical and the
people were in a terrible
situation. Prince Qingyuan
suffered in silence
accompanying the prince for
approximately, no less than
a period of three years.
Afterwards he finally
grabbed the opportunity,
and he killed the tyrant in
one move, he saved the
common people in the midst
of water and fire, it was
truly indeed destiny, he was
one who acquired the
people’s hearts, somebody
whom the common people
Outside of Yuanqing Palace,
adorning the yellow gown,
the young man with delicate
features and an
expressionless face, stood
aside, he spoke in a light
tone: “Ameng, he has
departed, has it been seven
“Your Majesty, it has been
seven years and a day.”
Behind him, stood the tall
man, reticient as always, but
his face had aged, the hair
on his temples had thinned
out and have turned white.
The young man was slightly
stumped for words, a
blanked expression, a while
later, he eventually lowered
his head, covered his face
with his hands, and weeped
It was a pity, that this time,
there won’t be that
somebody who would stoop
down to wipe his tears
Li Chengde, who had never
loved authority, nor sought
for riches or honour, had
never wanted to be the
country’s ruler who looked
over the whole country. The
only thing he cared about…
was the one who would use
his sleeve to help wiped the
dust off him.
That person had once said to
him, that he would be his
only relative on this earth,
he did say, that with him
around, from then on there
will not be anybody who
would dare to humiliate or
taunt him.
He accomplished this, at the
cost of… never returning.
Looking at Jiangshan, the
bones of the dead in the
Very late in the night, Mo
Lan typed the last word,
then sent the written
manuscript to Ninth Heaven
Screenplay Department’s
inbox, she couldn’t help but
Rather oppressive.
With her head leaned to one
side, Mo Lan started
thinking a little
uncertainly… this drama,
should quite complement Su
Qingmo and Bai Yu Luo
Bo’s voices. As for Secretly
Captivated, although his
voice was quite versatile,
but she had her own selfish
reason, her personal
favourite was that of his
unique, distinguished and
raised-eyebrow gentle
chuckle of the noble prince.
Hopefully, they would be
Early next morning, on the
way to work in the train, Mo
Lan stood by the door of the
carriage, she clutched the
railing with her hand,
everybody minded their own
business, beside her, stood
two girls who looked like
college students.
Maybe it was because of the
close distance, she heard the
conversation between the
two girls without missing a
“Hey, you know Secretly
Captivated -sama’s
announcement about
accepting new works right?”
“Of course I know, I refresh
his Weibo several times a
“I heard that the lineup of
this new drama is huge,
practically bringing all of
the good voices in Ninth
Heavens together.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m really
looking forward to it,
hopefully the script is the
type I like!”
The two girls continued
discussing in full swing
beside her, but the more Mo
Lan listened the more she
felt ill at ease.
Sure enough… everyone
had quite a huge expectation
towards Secretly
Captivated’s drama.
She, herself didn’t know if
her script would actually
passed, she was
admittedly… a little
With a small sigh, Mo Lan
stepped off the train.
In the afternoon, Mo Lan,
with great difficulty,
managed to convinced
herself to temporarily forget
about all of it, and started to
throw herself into her work,
when suddenly her mobile
phone vibrated, she
unlocked the phone, and it
was a WeChat message
from Secretly Captivated:
GYM: Congratulations, the
script passed.
He said… the script passed?
Mo Lan stared blankly, her
first reaction was that her
heart which have been
hanging all day, was finally
at rest. After she calmed
down, she felt a little
excited again. This sentence
meant that… Secretly
Captivated would be
dubbing the script she
Her beautiful dream from
three years ago was actually
crazily coming true? This
kinda feeling was simply
too awesome, okay!
After work, Mo Lan was
unable to control her
cheerful mood at that very
moment, and even walked
home with a bounce in her
After she reached home, An
Xiaoluo wasn’t home yet,
after a long afternoon, she
planned to tell An Xiaoluo
the good news upon
reaching home, instead she
sighed somewhat
Sure enough… for the
majority of the time, An
Xiaoluo the workaholic
spent it working overtime.
Mo Lan returned to her
bedroom and turned on the
Speaking of which, the
different personalities
between each person could
be seen through their daily
words and actions. For
example, the carefree An
Xiaoluo, have always liked
to use her computer at the
dining table in the living
room, where else the
relatively reserved Mo Lan,
prefered to hide in her small
bedroom, with her
headphones, and then
silently turned on the
Immediately after logging
into QQ, Mo Lan received
an invitation to join a QQ
group. The name… turned
out to be Ninth Heaven
Dubbing Group. Mo Lan,
who was a little nervous and
a little excited, took a deep
breath, and then clicked
She thought back to her four
years of secret lurking, a
small transparent fan,
unexpectedly joined the
official group of Ninth
Heaven… This kinda
feeling was as if she
suddenly stood at the peak
of the pyramid.
As soon as she entered the
group, the QQ’s system “Di
Di Di” non-stop.
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Hey, is this the rhythm of
newcomers joining the
Screenwriter-Ran Ran:
Nope, this girl is the author
of the new play.
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: Ah ah, the author
of the new drama? Was that
the script you showed me
early this morning? This girl
wrote well, these type of
obscure and hazy
brotherhood story is the
most loved!
Mo Lan looked at their
discussion, and was slightly
embarrassed, after she
thought about it for a
moment, she had better first
formally reply:
Ye Lanshan: Hello
everyone~ I’m Ye Lanshan,
I’m glad to meet all of you.
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
Welcome welcome, I’m one
of Ninth Heaven’s
screenwriter, hope we’ll
have a pleasant
collaboration in the future.
Post-production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Welcome welcome, a warm
welcome (scatters flowers)
Seeing that everyone
seemed to be getting along,
Mo Lan’s heart which was
in a mess had now
eventually settled.
As the group of people
chatted happily, suddenly,
Bai Yu Luo Bo turned up.
CV-Bai Yu Luo Bo: Aiya,
Lanshan is here, welcome
Screenwriter-Ran Ran: Hey,
Xiao Luo Bo is online?
Come and let jie jie harrass~
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Has Xiao Luo Bo missed me
these few days?
CV-Bai Yu Luo Bo: Rosy
Cheeks, you’d better release
the new drama first before
talking… I’ve almost been
attacked by the fans from all
sides, I’ve obviously already
given you my raw recording
way earlier, okay!
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
(tears) Sorry ah, Xiao Luo
Bo, I’ll get to it straight
away once I’m back from
my business trip! Shui Shui
has already started, but she
does have her hands full
doing it by herself.
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: Already dog-tired,
begging you to come back
quickly, I really can’t bear it
CV-Bai Yu Luo Bo: Okay
okay, I didn’t mean to rush
you, jokes meng meng da.
By the way, I was just
outside hanging with my
classmates, and ended up
being called back with a
phone call from Momo, he
said that both he and Ah Mi
were available, so we plan
to PIA the play to try to find
the feeling, I’m informing
you out of the kindness of
my heart so that you can go
Seeing this, Mo Lan was
surprised and excited.
She remembered, the
Secretly Captivated from
before, basically only did
raw recordings, she have
almost never heard him PIA
a drama on the spot.
Producer-Honey Lemon: Ah
ah ah, really? I’m going to
go watch! I’ll see everybody
in YY!
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: See you in YY +1
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
See you in YY +2
Screenwriter-Ran Ran: See
you in YY +3
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes
Old: … Bullying me! I’m
still outside on my business
trip ying ying ying, please
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: No problemo, I
will remember, don’t forget
to treat me to dinner when
you come back!
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
meng meng da!
Mo Lan also followed and
minimize the QQ window,
then logged into YY, and
entered Ninth Heaven’s
official channel.
After she entered, very
rapidly, the room manager
dragged her into the room
where Secretly Captivated
and them were in.
As soon as she entered the
room, she heard a voice
clearly rang in the silence:
“Oh? No wonder I have
never seen him in the palace
The ending of the first
sentence rose slightly,
extremely distinguished and
accomplished. Obviously an
indulgent and unruly tone,
yet the nobleness and
gracefulness could be felt by
people, one that can’t be
tarnished. Although
indifferent, the words were
obscure and apparently
seemed to be very
It was simply a brilliant
expression of the inner
emotional state of mind
from when Li Huai’en first
met Li Chengde, true to life.
Unexpectedly being able to
hear Secretly Captivated’s
voice once she came in…
Mo Lan’s heartbeat
accelerated, she felt that
even before it started, her
blood tank have been
“Your Highness, those
people are all already here.”
Su Qingmo’s deep voice
sounded, dignified, solemn
and respectful, yet it made
people feel that he won’t be
startled by billows, a very
imposing steadiness. This
voice… once heard sets
one’s mind at rest.

Then, finally came the
highlight of the play.
“Ge… why? You’re
obviously not like that!”
Bai Yu Luo Bo’s clear and
sonorous youthful voice
sounded, his incredulous
tone trembled slightly, and
he even faintly brought out a
sob, indeed very much
becoming the character.
Mo Lan listened until she
didn’t even dared to breath a
sound, wasn’t this a PIA
drama? Why was it so
similar to the finished
product, except for the
BGM, it was essentially so
perfect that it would be hard
for people to nitpick.
“Chengde, the former you,
would never have lost his
temper with me.”
Indifferent, elegantly
distinguished and
accomplished, faintly with a
hint of indulgence,
completely unable to
distinguished between
genuinity and a hoax, and
couldn’t even
differentiate… whether in
this person’s heart, was he
being affectionate or
“But… ge, you have already
murdered so many innocent
people, why would you
want to do this?” The
originally clear and
sonorous voice now
sounded somewhat hoarse,
bringing a bit of velvety
softness, and when it came
to the last sentence, he was
somewhat already choked
with emotion, as if about to
cry in the next second.
The scene went quiet for a
while, then, Secretly
Captivated’s voice appeared
word by word:
“I did it so… you can seat
righteously on the throne,
for you to enjoy the worship
from all the people.”
Just a moment ago, the still
in white, indulgent prince
tone vanished all of a
sudden, his voice not loud at
all, but it was clear enough
to let people feel, that every
word he uttered was
extremely solemn. Alike the
sound of a carved jade, with
a touch of tenderness and
Simply heartbreaking just
by listening to it.
This was Mo Lan’s favorite
line, while she was writing
the script, although the
wording went extremely
smooth and unhindered, but
in reality, she also didn’t
carefully delved into Li
Huai’en’s mental behaviour.
Instead, Secretly Captivated
at this moment, just with
one sentence, and it seemed
that the scene just
She closed her eyes,
seemingly able to see the
tender scene of the crown
prince in the throne room
that was filled with dragon
engravings and paintings of
phoenixes, the noble and
proud crown prince His
Highness stooped down, and
wiped away the tears of the
young boy before his eyes,
so tender… and somewhat
“Okay, we’ll stop here for
the time being.” An uncle’s
gentle and mellow voice
sounded, it was Su Qingmo.
“Lanshan meizi, the script is
not bad, you’ve worked
hard~” The soft velvety
voice of the young man’s
voice, as expected, once it
appeared, Bai Yu Luo Bo’s
voice immediately gave off
a happy vibe, there wasn’t
even a bit of the agonized
emotional feel from just
Mo Lan, who was listening
and utterly captivated,
returned back to her senses,
and felt somewhat regretful.
“Ye Lanshan?”
The last syllable rose
slightly, the low voice
appeared to be somewhat
indulgent, extremely
Mo Lan’s heart in an instant
started to go in a mess again,
she took a deep breath,
pressed F2, and then said,
“I’m here.”
En, not bad, she had finally
learnt to remained calm in
front of him.
“The recent play, were there
any problems?”
Such a soft and gentle tone.
Mo Lan touched her
stomach, and told herself to
stay calm and collected,
calm and collected, now that
she was the author, she
should put forward her ideas,
instead of making a fool of
Biting her lip while
recalling everything that she
had just heard, Mo Lan
quietly encouraged herself,
and then said in a small
voice: “Well, I think… you
don’t have any issues, Su
Qingmo DaDa needs to be a
little bit more serious,
because Ameng’s character
was set to be precisely
similar to a facial nerve
paralysis person, basically
you won’t be able to hear
any emotion from his voice.
Then for Xiao Luo Bo, just
now that last sentence was a
little too… agonising.”
“Hey hey hey, Lanshan
meizi you are too much!
What do you mean don’t be
too agonised and that’s good?
I obviously haven’t suffered
at all, all right!” As soon as
Mo Lan’s words fell, Bai
Yu Luo Bo had already
jumped out and vindicated
himself, but his tone was
soft and velvety, very
“En, I will pay attention to
improve myself.” Su
Qingmo sincerely accepted
Mo Lan’s suggestion, and
then said, jokingly,
“However our Xiao Luo Bo
is always attacking,
definitely not accepting.”
The uncle’s deep voice
sounded, with a faint smile
in his tone, very amiable
and approachable.
“Ah… by the way, Ye
Lanshan meizi, were you the
girl who played the guzheng
version of《Senbon Sakura》
on the Weibo post that Mi
Da reposted?” A quiet and
exquisite female voice
appeared, Mo Lan glanced
at the mic order, and the ID
that had a green dot in front,
was Shui Shui.
Mo Lan 囧, a little
embarrassed, just wanted to
reach out and press the F2
key to speak, but somebody
else grabbed the mic first.
“Yeah, that’s her. Because
《Senbon Sakura》was very
popular before and the other
day, it so happened that
Xiao Mi and I were talking
about it, I said I liked the
cover from Funeral Flowers
the best, and asked him who
he liked. As a result, he
didn’t say anything, he just
directly tagged me on
Weibo, when I saw it I was
also startled okay, for years
he hasn’t reposted other
people’s Weibo.”
Su Qingmo, who haven’t
always spoke much, seemed
to be quite interested in this
topic, he didn’t even paused,
so he naturally ended up
speaking more than normal.
Mo Lan quickly retracted
her hand, to have spoken in
this kind of situation… it
would simply be too
awkward, right?
At this moment, Bai Yu Luo
Bo seemed to suddenly have
thought of something, he
spoke a little puzzedly:
“That’s right, Ah Mi,
you’ve finished work quite
early today.”
Secretly Captivated’s low
voice sounded, a little lazy,
exhaustion came through:
“I’ve been on the night shift
continously for five days,
today day-off.”
Night shift continously for
five days?
Mo Lan was a little
surprised. After recovering
from the surprise, the
mindset of a fangirl
appeared, she felt a bit of
heart pain. She couldn’t help
but felt that Secretly
Captivated’s workplace was
really such a bully, to
actually enslaved male god
Suddenly she remembered
the last time… the night she
sung for him, that night his
voice was a bit hoarse, and
he seemed very tired. Later,
it was almost eleven o’clock
at night, when his colleague
called him. Then… he
would have continued
working she guessed.
Although she didn’t know
what was Secretly
Captivated’s real life
occupation, but she still felt
that, it was really hard. Of
course, he was also very
dedicated to his work.
“Oh… Ah Mi, you still have
to take good care of your
health. Although work is
important, your health is
more important.” Bai Yu
Luo Bo’s voice rang velvety
and soft, just like a meek
gentle lamb.
“En… the last time I was on
a business trip near Ah Mi’s
home, when I called and
asked him to come out for
dinner, he was eating instant
noodles. Speaking of this,
would you have imagined
that he was the kind of
person who doesn’t take
care of himself?” Su
Qingmo added, although he
seemed to be complaining,
his voice did sound a little
As soon as the voice
disappeared, everyone
began to lose their
Mo Lan also lost her
If you eat too much junk
food like instant noodles, if
you’ve ate too much don’t
only say it’s bad for your
health, it would also have
some sort of impact on your
throat, especially for
popular CVs like Secretly
Captivated, strongly
protecting one’s own throat
was definitely a top priority
in his life.
“Ah ah ah, Mi Da actually
quietly eats instant noodles
by himself? Imagine that
picture, so depressing!”
Another female voice
appeared, Mo Lan glanced,
it was Ran Ran.
Shui Shui Ruo Er followed,
totally distressed: “That’s
right that’s right, how can I
allow male god to eat instant
noodles all by himself! Next
time, once you’ve finished
work give me a call, my
cooking skills is especially
good, guaranteed to be
available at any time!”
“Mi Da, eating too much
junk food like instant
noodles is bad for your
health, can cause
cardiovascular disease.” An
older sister’s voice very
seriously sounded, it was
Bamboo Jade.
A little bit helpless, Secretly
Captivated softly answered:
“It’s not as serious as you
say, sometimes it’s too late
after work, too tired, so then
I’ll cook and eat.”
A mild voice, a bit of
helplessness, low and
extremely alluring.
As soon as he spoke, it went
quiet all around.
After a while, Shui Shui
Ruo Er faintly said: “Male
god, I’m begging you to
please not talk to me in such
an alluring voice, even
though I have already
known you for a few years,
I’m still afraid I won’t be
able to hold back…”
Bai Yu Luo Bo chuckled
and laughed out loud:
“When we first met, I
wanted to tape his mouth
shut when we were eating, it
was extremely lethal.”
Bamboo Jade seemed to
have discovered something,
in a mocking tone: “That’s
right Xiao Luo Bo, why are
you so docile as soon as
you’re in front of Mi Da?
Not even a little bit of that
baring fangs and
brandishing claws which
you normally show to
“I’ve always shipped Mi Da
and Xiao Luo Bo, you know?
It’s just too moe and so
loving!” Falling Jade
Necklace followed
“Doesn’t anyone think that
Su Qingmo DaDa is a better
and perfect match with Xiao
Luo Bo? Uncle attacks and
tsundere accepts!”
“A flipped-out receiver –
then only would it be really
The scene was instantly
Mo Lan listened to
everyone’s discussion and
couldn’t helped laughing.
“Hey hey, that’s enough
okay this group of fujoshi,
Ah Mi have always been
regarded as the last straight
man in the Voice Circle,
hasn’t he? Why does he
even have a CP?”
“Xiao Luo Bo, I’m also a
straight man, okay.” The
Su Qingmo retorted
Mo Lan, who silently
listened, suddenly felt
that… actually, the CP aura
between them was the most
“Suddenly I felt that we are
all redundant, aiya I think
we’d better go, don’t disturb
the couple flirting.”
“Makes sense.”
“Really makes sense.”

Then, one by one everyone
seemed to have exited the
room after coming to an
agreement, apparently really
planning to give them some
private space. As Mo Lan
didn’t react much, there
were only the four of them
left, Secretly Captivated, Su
Qingmo, Bai Yu Luo Bo,
and herself.
“Hey, you guys are really
leaving? Bo-ring, I’m
leaving too, just so happen
that the dormitory is going
to close soon, see you
guys~” Bai Yu Luo Bo
seemed rather bored, not
sure what was in his mouth,
he swallowed and spoke
unclearly, then followed
everybody else’s footsteps
and exited the room.
“…en, see you later.” The
always calmed Su Qingmo
threw out the few words and
also quickly left.
And Mo Lan now only had
one proverb left in her
head… the man sings and
the woman follows. Oh
actually, it should be
husband sings husband
“Ye Lanshan?”
With a lilt at the end, for no
reason it added a little
After she heard his words,
Mo Lan later finally reacted,
the main point was not that
everyone had left, but… the
room was now, due to an
unexpected turn of events,
left with only Secretly
Captivated and her.
“I, I’m here.” Although felt
a little awkward, but Mo
Lan still went on the mic
and answered softly.
Secretly Captivated
unhurriedly, still in a low,
light as water, exceptionally
pleasant voice: “The script
is really pretty good.”
Mo Lan blanked for a
moment, so was she now
being praised by male
“Thank you male god!
Speaking of this, I have to
thank you for insisting that I
took this up at that time.”
As soon as this sentence was
spoken, it seemed as if she
suddenly thought of
something, before waiting
for Secretly Captivated to
respond, Mo Lan continued
to speak considerately:
“That’s right, umm… don’t
eat too much instant noodles
kinda thing, it’s really not
good for your health, if you
normally finish work quite
late at night, and if you
don’t feel like eating out,
I’ll teach you a method. You
just need to take a bowl of
noodles, then go through
your refrigerator, randomly
grab some carrots, enoki
mushroom, or maybe some
ham sausage and any other
ingredients, add some
seasonings, and eat them
after it’s all boiled.” After a
pause, she emphasised again,
“It’s very simple and easy to
make, it doesn’t waste any
time. And… it’s very

After she had spoken such a

long string of words in one
extremely fluent breath, she
suddenly felt that the
atmosphere was somewhat
strangely quiet. After a
while, she heard Secret
Captivated chuckled,
entirely extremely
distinguished and
En… it really was a voice
enthusiast Achilles’ heel,
Mo Lan bit her handkerchief,
and silently cried.
“Are you good in cooking?”
He asked, lazily, and
seemed very content.
Mo Lan blanked for a
moment, then answered, “It
can’t be considered as
awfully good, maybe
because my mother is a
really good cook, so I’ve
inherited a bit of her
genes… well, my cousin
usually quite like to eat what
I cooked. “
“Well… if it’s possible, I
really want to give it a try.”
His voice was low, very
gentle, with a hint of a faint
discernible implication.
And Mo Lan merely felt that
she just blushed again T^T.
She froze for a moment,
then seemed to be very
natural and relaxed: “Male
god, my coordinates is
Nanjing, if you so happen to
pass by, you can find the
time to contact me!”
As soon as she spoke, she
suddenly felt that these kind
of words were a tad rude,
after all, the two of them
have only known each other
for half a month… would he
feel that she was too casual?
Secretly Captivated very
quickly answered: “Don’t
have to find the time, I’m
also in Nanjing.”
With a smile in his low tone,
indescribably charming and
He just said… he’s in
That’s not right, the main
point should be… he
actually lives in Nanjing as
Even though they don’t
meet, knowing that her
favourite lived in the same
city as herself, breathing the
same air, walking the same
road, eating the same
snacks… this kind of feeling,
it was really too good to be
“Male god… is this
considered as you exposing
your own coordinates?” Mo
Lan tried hard to suppress
the excitement in her
toneand whispered, gentle
and agreeable as always.
Secretly Captivated with an
unceasing smile in his tone,
warmly replied: “Not
considered as exposing my
coordinates, everyone who
is familiar with me knows.”
Everyone who is familiar
with him knows…
The next second, Mo Lan’s
brain heated up, she blurted
out and asked, “So… male
god means, he’s also
familiar with me?”
Immediately after this
sentence, Mo Lan realized
that her tone was unusually,
extremely coy, simply
hard-pressed wanting to
bump against a chunk of
tofu and commit suicide
“Well… you sing another
song for me and I’ll tell
Gentle and indolent, with a
touching tone, with a thread
of enticement, intoxicating
one’s heart, just like a
dream from their soul,
neither knowing the time or
the year.
Not needing to reach out to
touch, Mo Lan could clearly
sensed that her face was
currently hot as if it’s on
This voice thing… was
really terrifying, okay.
Taking a deep breath, Mo
Lan answered nonchalantly,
“Okay, what would male
god want to hear?”
He chuckled, totally
distinguished and
Mo Lan blushed, while
fanning herself with her
own hand, she quickly
looked for an
accompaniment in the folder,
when she reached《An
Illusioned Life》, she rolled
her mouse and stopped,
couldn’t helped but stopped.
《An Illusioned Life》was a
fan song written for the
character Yun Tianqing in
The Legend Of Sword And
Fairy 4 (Chinese Paladin),
she remembered… Secretly
Captivated participated in
the internet dubbing of
Legend 4, then let’s sing
this song.
Getting the accompaniment
and lyrics ready, Mo Lan
cleared her throat, then said
softly, “Urm… I start
Very gentle, very alluring,
very… indulgent.
While chanting “This is
definitely my illusion”, Mo
Lan forced herself to calmly
open the accompaniment.
This song was also a
relatively gentle slow song,
although melancholic, but it
wasn’t a bit pretentious. Mo
Lan, as Secretly
Captivated’s fangirl,
currently in her heart,
thought considerately, the
other person have just
finished five consecutive
night shifts, he must be very
tired, thus… it was better to
sing a soothing song like
The accompaniment music
flowed through like the blue
spring water, Mo Lan
accurately found the tempo
and begun:
Previously this young man
who had no reason to love
Desiring to approach
heaven unknowingly
worrying about the floating
Crazy song laughs at the
moon at thousand wine
Drowning one’s sorrows in
a single drink
Past grudges and hatred
were like mayflies
Why absurdly ask oneself
about life
It would be better to fly
together bringing sleeves
full of flowers
Both love together with hate,
stop for the time being
It was still as before an
ancient song that was
extremely closely suited to
Mo Lan’s tone, Mo Lan
sang softly, her voice was
gentle and melancholic,
indescribably made people
felt as if somewhat in a mist.
Mo Lan was very fond of
the song《An Illusioned
Life》, she has kept the song
for many years and was not
willing to delete it. Of
course, one of the reasons
was because the song itself
was nice, but the more
important reason was in
fact… she could hear
Secretly Captivating’s voice
because of this exact song.
Four years ago, Mo Lan
who had never touched
computer games before,
with An Xiaoluo’s fierce
recommendation, cleared
Legend 4. For the first time
ever, Mo Lan, a young
literary and artsy kinda girl,
came into contact with this
kind of computer game and
was unable to extricate
herself from deeply
immersing herself in the
tears of love and hate in
Legend 4. Later, she
inadvertently heard the song
《An Illusioned Life》online,
although she didn’t really
like Yun Tianqing that
much, but she still had to
admit that this song was
really superb. No matter the
lyrics, or the melody.
It was also, from that time
onwards, that she knew that
in this world, there exist
something called the ancient
style circle.
Later, she followed the song,
found the internet dubbing
CV, and naturally heard
Secretly Captivated’s voice.
And later on again… it was
no surprise that she became
a voice enthusiast, she have
been passionately engrossed
with it up until now still as
before with no lack of
enthusiasm. Perhaps…
she’ll never ever abandon.
His scattered fine black hair,
his eyes bright like the stars
from the highest of the
He unveiled his silk clothes,
his long sleeves fluttering
His sword pointed to the
heavens, hard to go back to
the same road again
Who knows one’s fate
I’ll drink to the memory of
him raising his eyebrows to
the moon
I’ll drink to us being drunk
And I’ll save a drink in
exchange for a glance of his
beautiful eyes
Who messes with one’s fate
That was, after she heard
Secretly Captivated’s voice,
she realized that there was
actually such a person in
this world, using one’s voice
as a weapon, effortlessly,
just destroying the three
thousand enemies.
Moreover, all of them were
willing to be enthralled.
All that happened in the past
four years ago seemed to be
still quite vivid in her mind,
all the things that she did
after becoming his fan…
thinking of this, Mo Lan’s
tone could not helped but
brought a hint of nostalgia,
her singing became even
Melancholy, but not
sorrowful, her grasp of
emotions was just right.
“He gave up the years,
turning and using the past to
He abandoned the way of
the immortal,
plundering left right and
I don’t know how old we
used to be,
but we’re looking forward
to it
I’ll give up the world and
wait for him to join me
I’ll neglect my next life, to
guard his lonely self with no
Life was just an illusion, but
it’s just a couple of times
Difficult to distinguish right
from wrong
Life was just an illusion, but
feeling happy and sad
To return to one’s own
The song was over.
Mo Lan remained silent
until the end of the
“Suyu, look at the sea of
misty ​ ​ floss clouds,
there’s really nothing more
beautiful, but without you in
this world, even if there
were a thousand beautiful
sceneries, it would also be
very dreary.”
In the silence, a serene voice
faintly echoed.
This sentence was a classic
line from Yun Tianqing in
Legend 4.
Secretly Captivated’s voice
was very serene, but
inexplicably made people
felt deeply grieved. It was…
painful down to the bones
kind of despair. It was like
the busy and dusty road of
Jincheng Road, without him,
you would really lose all
interest in life.
It truly was… a second of
becoming the character,
absolute one second kill.
Biting her lower lip, Mo
Lan struggled to come out
from the dense gloomy
atmosphere she created.
After she thought about it,
she still spoke honestly:
“Actually, the first time I
heard your voice was from
Legend 4’s internet dubbing
video. I… really liked the
character you dubbed.”
He dubbed a villain in
Legend 4, not Yun
However, after she listened
to his dubbing, Mo Lan
suddenly felt that the villain
was very pitiful, very
helpless, very forlorn, and
also… really made one felt
distressed. En, that’s why,
this was the charm of a
voice, so much so that, even
her likes and dislikes of a
person changed.
“I’m honoured you liked it.”
Secretly Captivated spoke in
a low voice, his tone
flowing like jade, light as
water, but indescribably
making one feel the joy and
Today was the start of the
weekend, An Xiaoluo, who
rarely gets half a day off,
after receiving notice
confirming that she didn’t
need to work overtime,
began to enslaved Mo Lan
to make dinner.
Mo Lan, who was working
hard without complaining
was stir-frying dishes in the
kitchen, and An Xiaoluo,
who was hogging the laptop
by the dining table, not sure
what she saw, suddenly
exclaimed: “Xiao Lan Xiao
Lan! Extraordinary news!”
Her pretty eyebrows
wrinkled, Mo Lan with a
spatula in her hand turned
the oil stewed eggplant in
the pan, not really caring
and asked, “What’s up?”
An Xiaoluo spoke, her tone
unclear: “Do you still
remember Blue Wolf
“I remember, the main CV
for《Ten Years of Cold
Mountain》, what’s wrong?
Has he been killed?”
Remembered that it was
possible for CVs from the
Internet Voice Circle to be
killed by anti-fans just
because of trivial matters,
Mo Lan’s tone was very
An Xiaoluo sighed, her
voice slightly at a loss: “But
this time it’s really a big
deal, Blue Wolf Doomsday
used his voice to deceive his
female fans to meet him to
open up a room, he was
reported, dialogues were
recorded, there are also the
girls who were swindled,
witnesses and material
evidence are all there. Now,
there are several great gods
who have reposted the
original long Weibo po,
condemning Blue Wolf
Doomsday, it seems that…
it is true.”
Mo Lan still calmly took a
plate out of the cupboard
steriliser, scooped the last
braised eggplant out of the
pot, then carried it to the
dining table, she saw An
Xiaoluo frowned staring at
the computer screen, she
couldn’t bear it and also felt
For a voice enthusiast, all
they would care about was
the voice of the person, as
for what they look like, tall
or short, fat or thin, their
family background, a voice
enthusiast would not care.
However, this didn’t mean
that their moral character
could be deplorable either.
Taking advantage of your
fans by using one’s own
voice, deceiving them to
meet up and to open up a
room, defaming the
innocent. Even if the fans
were stupid and ignorant,
but, for Blue Wolf
Doomsday to act in this way,
would merely disillusioned
the fans even more.
The Internet Voice Circle
was not a particularly clean
and pure circle, with the
different types of explosive
allegations, quarrels, there
would always be people
who goes after one another,
even if you honestly called
them out to prevent them
from going on stage, it
would be complete
shambles. After all, in this
2D world, they are the
Internet Voice CVs, the
beautiful voices who chatted
cheerfully and wittily
together, but in reality, how
would you know what kind
of decisive thoughts would
the person in front of the
computer screen kept?
Since the birth of the
Internet Voice Circle, there
have been an uninterrupted
number of pink and even
purple CVs that have been
pulled down from the altar
because of all sorts of dark
history, at the same time,
there have also been a
continuous stream of fans
who goes from
disappointment to despair,
from being fanatical to a
damned heart.
Fortunately… so far,
Secretly Captivated was still
An Xiaoluo snapped her
laptop closed, took the
chopsticks and started eating,
but her expression was still
After grabbing a few dishes
with her chopsticks, she
finally couldn’t helped but
become a chatterbox: “Xiao
Lan, after knowing this
matter, are you angry? Sad?
Although Blue Wolf
Doomsday isn’t one of my
favourites, but at that time
I’ve also listened to his
drama, I really didn’t
expect… that he was such a
Mo Lan silently chewed her
rice, swallowed the food in
her mouth, and softly
replied: “Disappointed
definitely, but, cousin, I
know your thoughts, you are
worried, that one day the
same thing will happen to
your favorite CV too.”
Halfway through picking a
dish, An Xiaoluo paused,
she spoke, her tone couldn’t
conceal her frustration:
“Precisely of course, we
only know the 2D
characterisation of these
CVs, how we would know
what they are actually like
in the 3D world. It’s not like
this is the first or second
time this kind of thing
happened in the Internet
Voice Circle, there’s no lack
of CVs who would take
advantage of their fans
cheating them out of their
money and love, right?”An
Xiaoluo said word by word,
frowning, the sharp look
between her eyebrows
looked a little like she was
at work, Mo Lan knew that
she was really disappointed.
Pursing her lips, Mo Lan
was about to respond, when
An Xiaoluo suddenly met
her eyes, and asked
seriously, “Xiao Lan, just
imagine, if you swap Blue
Wolf Doomsday to Secretly
Captivated, how would you
Mo Lan was taken aback by
her serious expression. After
a while, she showed a soft
and beautiful smile as
before, her voice somewhat
faltering: “To be honest, I
don’t know how I would
react, but, at least for now, I
still believe in him. Secretly
Captivated… doesn’t feel
like he’s this kind of person,
the favourite that I choose, I
would certainly believe in
my foresight.”
His voice, every word he
said, every Weibo post, and
furthermore for the past four
years, there haven’t been the
slightest hint of dark history
in his clean background. She
truly believed that Secret
Captivated in reality, and
also in the 2D world, was a
good person.
An Xiaoluo peered at her,
looked at the gentle smile
that still remained on Mo
Lan’s face, tilted her head
and thought for a long time,
finally her eyebrows
smoothened out, and also
nodded in agreement:
“That’s also true, for so
many years, in the Internet
Voice Circle Secretly
Captivated -sama is
considered as one of the
very best gossip insulator.
Ai, even if he was exposed
one day, I really would not
believe in voices anymore.”
Mo Lan smiled and avoided
that topic, on one hand
added food to An Xiaoluo’s
plate, on the other she softly
said, “Cousin, you have
been working overtime for
several days, eat more.”
So happy that she perked up
smiling brightly and
beautifully, An Xiaoluo was
pleased and ate sweet and
sour pork ribs, while eating,
she somewhat vaguely said,
“The food made by Xiaolan
is still so delicious, speaking
of this, really don’t know
who will be so blessed in
the future to be able to
marry you.”
The two of them let the
matter be and continued
chatting and laughing while
finishing their meal.
After dinner, An Xiaoluo as
always took the initiative to
start washing the dishes. Mo
Lan cleaned and tidied the
table outside, after she
finished, she told An
Xiaoluo, and went back to
her bedroom to continue
writing the manuscript.
Writing, writing, don’t
know why, but she felt a
little perturbed and was
unable to concentrate.
Her low inefficiency was
simply making her hair
stand, Mo Lan kept writing
in this manner until almost
11pm, before she sighed,
and finally admitted that she
really had no mood to write
the manuscript tonight.
With her enthusiasm waning,
she closed the Word
document and shook her
head, her mind was still
going back and forth with
the words An Xiaoluo just
said at the dinner table-
“We all know that these
CVs characterisation are
after all only from the 2D
world, we don’t actually
know what kind of person
they are in the 3D world.
It’s not like this is the first
or second time this kind of
thing happened in the
Internet Voice Circle,
there’s no lack of CVs who
will take advantage of their
fans to cheat them out of
money and love, right?”
Although what she said may
be on the extreme side, but
this was the truth.
Her fingers which were
typing on the keyboard
stopped, Mo Lan crossed
her legs and stared at the
computer screen with a
dazed expression.
After a bit, she opened
Weibo, and read the
insider’s long Weibo post
carefully again.
Thousands of comments
have been left below and
had nearly exploded, Mo
Lan turned over a few pages,
generally there was just a
few type of standard
response. All the fans were
sad and dejected, felt
unbelievable, the majority
declared that they’ll shed
their fan status from now on.
One after another,
passer-bys mocked and
looked down on Blue Wolf
Doomsday, furthermore… it
had been reposted by
various well-known CVs
and ancient-style circle
Su Qingmo also reposted
the original Weibo po: A bit
disappointed, I remembered
meeting with Blue Wolf
Doomsday a few months
ago, didn’t expect him to do
such a thing, I hope
everyone will be more
sensible, don’t be taken in
again in the future.
Even they would also feel
Mo Lan pulled the corner of
her mouth, revealing a
somewhat sad smile.
If even the CVs felt
disappointment, needless to
mention the mood of the
fans at this very moment.
Fortunately… he’s Blue
Wolf Doomsday.
Or it could be said that,
fortunately, he was not
Secretly Captivated.
After Mo Lan shook her
mind awake, she could not
help but opened Secretly
Captivated’s Weibo, the
clean and refreshing Weibo
homepage, his last Weibo
post, was still the reposted
post of Mo Lan’s guzheng
version of《Senbon Sakura》 .
Blue Wolf Doomsday’s
event was so blatant that it
became colossal news, the
whole Internet Voice Circle
tongues were wagging
abuzz, all sorts of famous
CVs, ancient style singers
and public figures from the
circle were also busy
forwarding, criticising and
make known their positions,
yet he seemed to not have
any feeling, still as silent as
before, still kept to himself,
not condemning nor
choosing sides, apparently
not really caring what other
people thought about his
lacked of response.
Does he not want to respond,
or, did he basically just felt
it was beneath him to
But, that is his style.
Tilting her head, Mo Lan
reached out to type, and
commented on his Weibo:
Thank you, for never letting
me down all this time.
After Weibo showed a
“successfully sent”, Mo Lan
switched off the computer,
finally perfectly satisfied,
she got up to take a shower,
applied a facial mask and
prepared to go to sleep.
After putting on the mask
and laying on the bed, she
switched off the night light,
and planned to sleep.
Suddenly, her mobile phone
which was charging on the
bedside table began to ring,
Mo Lan reached out for her
phone, unlocked it, and
found that Secretly
Captivated sent a WeChat
voice message.
Somebody’s heart began to
go out of control again, at
sixes and sevens, Mo Lan
put on her earphones, her
finger shook slightly, and
opened the WeChat
Sound of the wind whistling
past popped out of her
earphones, just by listening
to it, could make people feel
very cold.
“I tried the method you
mentioned the other day, but
what a pity once it was
ready I received an urgent
call to go back to work, by
the time I get home… I
reckon it’ll already be cold
ba.” Having said up to this
point, he smiled a little
helplessly, his light
water-like tone alike
composing a melodious
music, flowed out leisurely,
as elegant and poignant as
the moonlight tonight.
From the earphones, his
voice paused for a moment,
the biting cold wind was as
before, he continued:
“Thank you for trusting me,
and I hope, I will never ever
let you down. I’m going to
work now, good night,
His voice was calm and
peaceful, just like a soft and
gentle light shining in the
dark night, which was
contrary to the frigid bleak
environment, illuminating
the darkness. It was
obviously so refined that his
tone was somewhat pure
and cold, but it did
inexplicably made people
feel the wonderful
unspeakable warmth.
In that split second, her
heartbeat seemed to have
reached its peak.
Mo Lan hugged her phone
and was so floored that she
couldn’t respond. After a
while, she stretched out her
somewhat stiffed fingers
and started typing slowly:
It’s so late and you’re still
working, your boss is too
much T^T Try to quickly
rest as soon as you’ve
finished working, remember
not to heat up the cold
noodles to eat, it’s bad for
your health. I’m going to
sleep o, good night~
She didn’t dare to send a
voice message because she
knew that her voice must be
trembling beyond
recognition right now.
After the WeChat message
was sent, she placed the
phone back onto the bedside
table, Mo Lan hugged a
pillow in her arms, her
whole body curled up in the
quilt, her expression was
still somewhat helpless and
at a loss.
Was this considered as him
giving her a guarantee?
But, why would he give her
a guarantee? She was
merely just a small fan.
Mo Lan was no longer a
little girl who’s had her first
awakening of love, her heart
knew very clearly, that it
wasn’t a good thing to be
too excessively absorbed
towards one’s voice, but, by
the time she realised, it was
already too late.
What’s more, the owner of
this voice called her in such
a soft and gentle tone and
wished her good night.
Recently, Molan’s QQ was
very lively, the main reason
was because she added the
official Ninth Heavens
Mandarin Dubbing Group.
She didn’t really like to talk
much in the group, but, it
doesn’t mean that she didn’t
like to keep an eye on the
chat. But today, as she was
scanning, she was suddenly
Producer-Honey Lemon: Ye
Lanshan meizi, you here?
Feeling that the other party
must be wanting to talk to
her about the script for the
new drama Mo Lan quickly
typed back:
Ye Lanshan: I’m here,
what’s the matter?
Producer-Honey Lemon:
What’s the title of the play?
Mo Lan saw her question
and at first blanked for a
moment, after a bit then she
reacted and felt a little
embarrassed, when she
emailed the script over at
that time she actually had
forgotten to include the title,
which was simply the
rhythm of crying stupidly.
Ye Lan Shan:《A Look at
Jiangshan》, really sorry, I
forgot to include it T^T
Producer-Honey Lemon: No
problem~ received!
Screenwriter-Ran Ran: By
the way, in just over a
month we’ll be celebrating
the anniversary, the new
drama should be done by
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
All the dry sounds have
been handed over, just
waiting for post-production.
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: This is but just a
short drama, should be very
soon, trust me!
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: The posters are
also almost ready…
Mo Lan watched silently
and couldn’t help lamenting
at the high efficiency of the
members of Ninth Heavens
Dubbing Group, some clubs
weren’t even likely to be
able to produce one play in
a year.
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
I just read Xiao Luo Bo’s
interview in《Unrestrained
Light Wind》and nearly peed
in my pants, is Mi Da
actually 188?
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: Did you just
realised…that the 159s have
been crying and fainting in
the toilet, feels too short to
be qualified to meet Mi Da
(waving a handkerchief)
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: Although I’m 170, I
still feel that I’m not
qualified to meet Mi Da
(waving a handkerchief)
CV-Su Qingmo: Xiao Mi
doesn’t like too tall either,
you still have a chance.
Su Qingmo was here? Mo
Lan was surprised. The QQ
group was quiet for a few
seconds, and then everyone
got excited.
Producer-Honey Lemon: Su
DaDa! Grab the live person!
Screenwriter-Ran Ran:
Momo rarely pops up, front
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: Even if he
doesn’t like too tall, but a
159 like me definitely has
no chance…
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
Solve this equation: 188-159
Screenwriter-Ran Ran: A
very difficult question.
Producer-Honey Lemon: A
very difficult question +1
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
A very difficult question +2
CV-Su Qingmo: 29.
29 centimetres… Mo Lan
imagined silently in her
mind, if the difference of
height between two people
was 29cm, hai, it was quite
a bit of difference. However,
recently, the adorable height
differences have been
popular online, so it was
Not sure where his mind
went, Su Qingmo sent
another message:
CV-Su Qingmo: How tall is
Lanshan meizi?
Ye Lanshan: Uh, 165 (囧).
CV-Su Qingmo: 23, not
Mo Lan froze for a moment,
then suddenly felt a little
embarrassed, and continued
to imagine… if it was 23 cm,
there wasn’t that much of a
difference, especially, since
she doesn’t like to wear high
After letting her mind go in
a mess for a bit, Mo Lan
finally realised for what
reason was she thinking
about all of this… it’s got
nothing to do with her
anyway T^T.
Suddenly, her phone rang
Mo Lan reached out and
picked her phone up, the
caller ID showed Rong
Xiaxia’s name.
But… it was already nearly
8 o’clock in the evening,
what was she doing calling
When she answered, Mo
Lan’s voice was a bit
puzzled: “Hello, Xia Xia?”
“Momo, are you free now?”
Rong Xiaxia’s voice
sounded a little eager, and
seemed to be very anxious.
With her brow frowning,
Mo Lan replied softly, “I’m
free ah, what’s wrong?”
Rong Xiaxia sighed, her
tone as if she was at her last
gasp: “Well, would you be
able to come and help me
look after the shop? My
brother have been pestering
me the whole afternoon,
insisting that I must take
him to go buy the
Transformers toy, it’s a pity
that the ones in my shop
have all been sold out, he’s
been crying non-stop,
disturbing the whole shop,
this won’t do…”
Before Rong Xiaxia finished,
Mo Lan was very
empathetic: “Okay I
understand, I’ll come now.”
With a thousand grace and
ten thousands of gratitude
from the other party, Mo
Lan hung up the phone.
After a simple farewell in
the group, Mo Lan switched
off the computer, covered
herself completely with her
scarve, coat, wool hat, and
gloves, and bravely walked
out of the house.
Maybe because the weather
was too cold, just barely
past 8pm, there weren’t that
many people on the road.
While Mo Lan walked with
her neck tucked into her
scarf, she admired the
winter night scenery of
Nanjing streets.
The bare branches, the
withered leaves, the cold
wind blowing through, the
dried yellow leaves twirled
in the air one by one, then
falling gently, beautiful yet
desolate, like a dying
As a young literary and
artsy girl, Mo Lan could
sometimes be quite
Rong Xiaxia has a toy
boutique on Pearl River
Road. The store was not
large, but the decoration was
beautiful and the quality of
the toys was good.
Therefore, although the
price was a little expensive,
there have never been a
shortage of customers.
When Mo Lan walked
towards the door of “Xia
Xia’s Summer” toy store,
Rong Xiaxia was already
waiting by the door with her
eight-year-old brother.
The cute-looking little boy
was crying and complaining
while holding onto Rong
Xiaxia’s hand, Rong Xiaxia
had a helpless look, she had
been badly burned about the
head by him.
Mo Lan walked over, first
squatted down, then
stretched out her hand and
wiped the little boy’s tears:
“Xuan Xuan, what’s wrong?
Was your sister bullying
you again, don’t cry don’t
cry, our Xuan Xuan is a man,
come here, let’s wipe your
tears first.”
The little boy who, just a
moment ago was stubborn
and pouty, heard what was
said, actually stopped his
tears, sniffed, raised his
head, and looked at Mo Lan
with his red, swollen and
aggrieved eyes.
Rong Xiaxia stood beside,
she who was unable to coax
her younger brother for half
a day, couldn’t help but
gave a long sigh when she
saw the scene in front of her:
“Why would this terrible
boy listen once he’s in front
of you? This is irrational all
Mo Lan smiled, stood up,
and said softly, “Okay,
hurry up and take him to
buy the toy, if it’s any later
all the shops will be shut.”
“Okay okay, Momo, you are
my life-saving benefactor!
I’ll be back soon me me da“
With her eyes following the
two of them getting into a
taxi, Mo Lan pushed the
door open and walked in.
After being bored to death
standing by the checkout
counter, the wind chime at
the door tinkled, Mo Lan
raised her head and saw a
couple walked in, laughing
and whispering.
“Welcome, please let me
know if you need anything.”
Mo Lan gave a very
standard service smile and
looked at the sweet couple.
The girl smiled at her,
walked in and started to
browse through the toys.
Mo Lan was standing
behind the cash register,
brushing Weibo one after
Suddenly, a familiar voice
rang in the store—
“There are loquat trees in
the courtyard, planted the
year my wife passed, now
there’s a pavilion.”
A clear and familiar voice
seeped into her ears.
Very tranquiled, but
indescribably agonising.
Very gentle, while suddenly
made people want to cry, a
somewhat restrained and
low voice, word by word,
desperate and forlorn.
Mo Lan raised her head all
of a sudden, this passage
was from “Xianji Xuanzhi“,
which was Secretly
Captivated’s earlier
recording. His voice, she
would not have misheard.
Once the girl who was
looking miserable choosing
a toy heard the voice, she
hurriedly and flusteredly
took her phone out of the
pocket. Mo Lan looked at
her, embarrassed for a
moment, only to discover,
that the short passage was
this girl’s text ringtone.
She silently felt that
Secretly Captivated fans
were really everywhere…
Mo Lan was not surprised,
she lowered her head again,
and quietly continued to surf
“Hey, didn’t I tell you not to
use this person’s voice as a
text ringtone?”
“You’re so annoying,
jealous even of a 2D
“You listen to his lousy
radio drama every day,
replying to his Weibo three
or four times faster
compared to replying to my
text, please, are you going
out with him or with me?”
“If he was willing to go out
with me, would you still
exist? I say, you have no
right to say this to me, aren’t
you the same, you just know
how to play LOL everyday,
you don’t even accompany
me to window-shop, have
you considered my
The whole of Mo Lan face
had black lines on it
watching the previously
sweet couple bickering in
the shop, she struggled in
her heart as to whether to
console them, but then saw
that the couple gave each
other a cold humph, and
then walked out of the store,
one after another without
even looking at her.
She 囧 and stared towards
their backs for a moment,
Mo Lan recovered, felt that
the plot was simply too
classic, and could not help
but posted on Weibo:
Helping my friend to
watched over her shop, as a
result a couple started
bikering in the shop, the
reason was that the girl used
Secretly Captivated’s voice
as her text ringtone, the man
became jealous, should I be
moved that my favourite’s
charm is extremely large
After she posted on Webo,
not long after, she received
enthusiastic comments from
Secretly Captivated fans:
“Pffff 2333333, the first
time my boyfriend heard my
text ringtone also reacted
pretty much the same way,
and for a very long time
asked me who the person
“(Hands spread) You
mortals, these single dogs
have nothing to worry
“A few days ago, I saw Mi
Da‘s fangroup at an anime
expo, goes to show that
male god’s fans could
indeed be found all over the
country, really want to bow
Mo Lan continued surfing
Weibo, and managed to sell
two dolls, time passed quite
quickly, not long after,
Rong Xiaxia brought her
younger brother back.
She glanced at her phone, it
was almost 10pm, she
quickly explained and gave
the money to Rong Xiaxia,
Mo Lan hurriedly wore her
hat and planned to go home.
She just opened the door
and walked out a few steps,
the next second, she was
Outside of the shop was the
originally desolated road,
now there were a lot of
people inside and outside, it
seemed that… someone was
involved in a car accident.
Couldn’t helped but drew
near, Mo Lan tiptoed and
finally saw a motorcycle
lying on the ground, at the
scene of the accident, the
windshield was shattered,
there was blood on the
ground, it looked to be quite
The crowd on the sidelines
were discussing spiritedly,
but Mo Lan, who was a little
thin and weak, couldn’t
squeezed in.
She stood outside the crowd,
she sighed and thought for a
while, she had better take
the courage to pat the
shoulder of a woman in her
thirties who stood next to
her, and softly asked,
“Umm… excuse me, has
anybody called the police?”
She spoke, the heat from her
mouth condensed into a
cloud of white smoke in the
air, and then dissipated.
Mo Lan couldn’t helped but
lift her scarf up again,
inwardly thinking, if nobody
called the police… she will
report to the police before
The woman turned her head
and glanced at her, then
replied: “A man just called
the police.” Once she
finished speaking, she
seemed worried that Mo
Lan couldn’t see, she very
enthusiastically pointed to
the centre of the crowd:
“There, that young man, the
tallest one.”
Following the direction of
the woman’s finger which
was pointed towards the
crowd, Mo Lan saw him at
first glanced, standing in the
middle of the crowd and
supporting an old woman,
with his back towards her.
The man was wearing a
navy blue down jacket and
black trousers, he stood
there very calmly and coldly,
nothing unusual, but it made
people unable to look away.
He’s really tall… Mo Lan
thought inwardly while she
raised her head and looked
at him.
And now, he was carefully
supporting the old woman
who was hit by the
motorcycle, Mo Lan’s eyes
swiped down and saw that
the old woman had a scarf
tied on her arm, the dark red
blood almost soaking fully
the light coloured scarf.
Already bandaged? Really
Mo Lan tilted her head and
couldn’t helped but look at
the man a few more times.
The more she looked, the
more she felt that the man
looked familiar.
He lowered his head slightly,
and seemed to be talking to
the people around him, from
Mo Lan’s standpoint she
wasn’t able to hear his voice,
nor could she see his
expression, she could only
see that the people around
him were staring blankly,
watching motionlessly,
seemed to earnestly listened
to him.
Mo Lan frowned, and was
suddenly a little curious as
to what the man was saying,
making these crowds looked
like they saw a ghost.
While thinking, suddenly,
the sound of a 120
ambulance echoed through,
the sound moving closer,
finally, the ambulance
stopped right by the crowd.
First aid staff, nurses,
stretchers, the complete
Mo Lan relaxed a little, and
saw that the ambulance staff
took off their surgical masks,
as they looked a little eager
talking to the man, after a
while, she saw the man
supported the old woman,
they walked together and
went into the ambulance.
She wasn’t sure if it was her
illusion or something else
happened, but before he
went into the ambulance, the
man seemed to have felt her
gaze, Mo Lan felt that he
seemed to have turned his
head over, glanced at her
and not really minded.
His eyes were indolent,
unusually bright in the night,
brighter than the glaring
lights of the ambulance.
His eyes… seemed to be
slightly peach blossom-y.
It was but a split second,
when Mo Lan reacted, the
man had already stepped
into the ambulance, with
door tightly closed.
Mo Lan froze in place, her
eyes widened, all of a
sudden she remembered,
this man turned out to be the
man she had met before on
the bullet train to Hangzhou.
He was actually in Nanjing
as well.
The ambulance quickly
disappeared into the dust,
Mo Lan finished recalling
the past, shook her head, not
thought too much, and took
the steps to leave.
A few people walked past
Mo Lan, she could clearly
hear their murmurs:
“Good guys like the young
guy from just now are rare,
he took the initiative to help
her, and wasn’t afraid that
the old lady would turn
around and slap him.”
“That’s right, we have been
looking for a while and also
dare not help. However,
why did he go to the
hospital too, it’s enough for
a good person to stop at that
point, after going to the
hospital, once the family of
the old lady arrives, they
might twist his words, and
when the time comes, he
could have unspeakable
bitter suffering.”
“Did you not hear, when the
first aid staff arrived, not
sure what they talked about,
the anesthesiologists in the
hospital are understaffed,
asked him to follow them.”
“Ah? Do you mean that…
the guy is an
“Should be, I just heard a
few nurses calling him Dr.
“Huh, the reputation of
anesthesiologist haven’t
been very pleasant in the
past few years, that young
man looked clean and classy,
not sure about his

The voices went further and
further away, until it
vanished into the thin air.
Mo Lan frowned.
He’s… an anesthesiologist?
As the onlookers just
discussed, in recent years,
the reputation of
anesthesiologists have been
very poor in the society, the
more specific reason was
because in recent years,
there have been more and
more negative news about
anesthesiologists’ abusing
their power to sexually
abuse female patients on the
operating table. As a result,
more and more family
members of patients are
asking to enter the operating
room to supervise the entire
work process of the
anesthesiologist, it was said
that it’s supervision, but in
fact it’s just surveillance.
As long as there was a slight
stirring of grass, the patient
and their family would
vigilantly guard against the
anesthesiologist, labeled
them with sexual assault,
alarming each and every
anesthesiologist in the
hospital. There were also
several baffling cases
brought to court by the
patient’s family, although
the other party lost the case
in the end, this series of
reoccuring negative
incidents also influenced
and pressured public
opinion in society.
As far as Mo Lan knew,
recently, just in Gulou
Hospital, two or three
anesthesiologists had
resigned because of the
excessive psychological
Sighing softly, if he’s an
anesthesiologist, she
reckoned that he wouldn’t
have an easy life, his
psychological and mental
capability was truly strong.
A burst of biting cold wind
blew through, Mo Lan’s
body couldn’t help but
winced, putting her hands in
her pocket, Mo Lan soon
forgot about this brief
incident and hurried back
A week later, the radio
drama《A Look At
JiangShan》has basically
completed and was just
waiting to be released. In
the official circle of the
Ninth Heavens Dubbing
Group, there were still
non-stop chitchats every
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: Well, at 8.30pm
tonight Flower Burial is
having a YY song party,
Xiao Luo Bo will be an
honoured guest, anybody
wants to join in the fun?
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Dang, Flower Burial is my
goddess okay, must go!
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Okay, let’s go together, I
heard that she also invited
Mi Da, but don’t know if Mi
Da would actually join.
Screenwriter-Ran Ran: I
don’t think it’s very likely,
except for Ninth Heaven’s
activities, to my knowledge
and understanding it doesn’t
seem that Mi Da normally
join any other YY activities,
just goes to show that male
god is indeed aloof =3=.
Artist-Tasseled Pendant:
But isn’t he quite close to
Flower Burial? It wasn’t
easy for Mi Da to accept
new works, maybe he’ll
perform for his old friend.
Flower Burial invited
Secretly Captivated?
Mo Lan, who have been
watching silently was
Flower Burial was a master
singer from Sound of Charm,
she’s a composer as well as
a singer, and occasionally
also a lyricist, she could be
considered as an integral hot
singer who’s instrumental in
the ancient style circle, and
she’s one of the gurus
among the female singers.
Ever since the debut of
Flower Burial, people who
requested for her
arrangement were an
innumerable number of
people just like the carps in
the river. It was precisely
because of this, from then
onwards, she was constantly
part of a CP, constantly
being gossiped. However,
she had never given any
positive response to this,
Mo Lan remembered very
clearly, three years ago,
when Secretly Captivated
was at the peak of his
popularity, he once recited
in Flower Burial’s ancient
drama love song.
Afterwards, naturally, they
were CP-ed together. Much
later, at Flower Burial’s first
YY interview, the host
asked Flower Burial a
question, if she were to
choose a boyfriend from
these circle of friends,
whom would she choose.
At that time, Flower Burial
hesitated for a moment, and
finally answered that she
would pick Secretly
Captivated. The reason is
because he’s handsome and
he doesn’t talk much, very
A stone spurs a thousand
waves, the information from
this sentence was simply
sufficient and enormous
enough for small fans like
Mo Lan.
After she learnt about it, Mo
Lan purposely went to listen
to the interview of Flower
Burial, it actually wasn’t
Then, a few of the CVs in
the circle, singers included,
one by one, proceeded to
play the matchmaker. Bai
Yu Luo Bo, who had always
loved to join in the fun and
the crowd, was one of their
biggest advocate.
At that time Bai Yu Luo Bo
posted on Weibo, the main
gist was that when they
actually met face to face,
both Secretly Captivated
and Flower Burial, from the
start to the end, did not
exchanged words with each
other, he didn’t expect that
just like that caused a girl to
not forget. Ultimately, he
conveniently tagged
Secretly Captivated as well.
However, the other party
never responded.
Later… Secretly Captivated
Much later, the fans had
almost forgotten about this
pair of CP.
Unexpectedly, three years
later, Flower Burial started a
song party, and even invited
Secretly Captivated.
The QQ group continued
bustling and was as always
exceedingly chaotic, while
Mo Lan with her chin in her
hand, worried silently.
As a fangirl, she could
accept it if her favourite was
shipped with somebody of
the same gender, but if the
other party was replaced
with someone of the
opposite sex, she would still
feel more or less a little
That kinda feeling… how
do you put it, a bit sour, a
bit tart.
Suddenly she thought of
something from a long time
ago, when she found out
that Jay Chou was engaged
and planned to get married
the following year, his one
true fan Rong Xia Xia cried
until she was out of breath,
called Mo Lan out for a
drink in the middle of the
night, drank until she was
half drunk, where she
croakingly explained, “My
idol whom I’ve liked for
seven years is going to
marry someone else… for
what reason ya? We have
gently and cautiously liked
him and protected him for
so many years, that woman
did nothing, and managed to
snared him just like that,
isn’t this world just a tad
Perhaps, this was a fan’s
You would like him as if
you were hovering between
life and death, fangirling
until you’ve muddled up
day and night, but, sooner or
later he would belong to
another person. No matter
how painful or tormenting it
was, you would still have to
smile and send them your
blessing, because in this
whole wide world, this
person was lucky enough to
marry him and there would
only be that one person.
And this person, would not
be you.
Just like Secretly Captivated,
sooner or later he would
belong to another person.
With a soft sigh, Mo Lan,
who have always been
tranquil and calm, was a bit
frustrated to find that she
was still thinking too much,
falling in too deep. Even if
he has a girlfriend one day,
she, just like all the other
fans, could only send their
unenthusiastic mediocre
blessing. Moreover, as An
Xiaoluo said, she was only
one out of the 1.2 million
fans, she added him on
WeChat, chatted with him,
heard him sing, and now…
wrote the script for his new
Even if people were
normally greedy, but she
was already very lucky, no
reason to not be satisfied.
Nearing 9pm, Mo Lan
finished her meal and
washed her dishes, with the
thought that Secretly
Captivated will attend the
party, she followed and
entered Flower Burial’s
private YY channel.
About 4,000 people were in
there, although a part of
them were squatting and
were waiting for Secretly
Captivated, it wasn’t
considered little.
As soon as she entered, she
heard Flower Burial’s voice,
a very impressive hard to
resist older sister’s voice,
just by listening, gave
people a favourable
“Thank you very much for
coming to my song party
today, actually, today’s song
party was decided by me on
a whim, so it may be quite
simple, I didn’t invite a host,
it should only be me and my
caption team. As for my
esteemed guests, I have
invited a few of them, for
now it’s a mystery, but trust
me, you will not be
disappointed. So, next, I’ll
sing a few songs for
everyone, if you have any
preference, feel free to post
it on the public forum, I will
pick a few songs at
In her earphones, as soon as
her voice fell, the public
forum scrolled by in waves:
“Goddess please sing
“Don’t Forget To Yearn”!
Please see me!”
“Mystery guest? Looking
forward to it! QVQ”
“Flower Burial -sama, I
want to hear you sing
“Complaining for A
Thousand Years”, I feel that
it really complements your

Mo Lan was a bit bored
looking back and forth at the
public forum, as she wasn’t
really Flower Burial’s fan,
so she didn’t join in the fun.
In her headphones, Flower
Burial was singing ancient
style songs one after another,
popular and not so popular,
original and cover songs.
En, regardless of how you
put it, her voice was very
pleasant to hear and very
Mo Lan minimized YY, and
while listening to Flower
Burial sing, she opened the
word document and started
After writing for a while,
Mo Lan was a little amazed
to find that her condition
today was extraordinarily
good, her train of thoughts
just gushed out, simply an
unstoppable rhythm.
The more she wrote the
more absorbed she was, in
the end, it seemed that one
couldn’t even hear the
impressive high-pitched and
penetrating soprano.
Not sure how much time
have passed, suddenly, a
low male voice sounded in
the headphones, the next
second, Mo Lan seemed to
have come back to her
senses, and her fingers
stopped stiffly on the
keyboard, unable to move.
“Hello everyone, I’m
Secretly Captivated.”
The magnetic low voice,
somewhat languid,
somewhat gentle. The
ending raised slightly,
extremely breathtaking, it
was his distinctive alluring
voice. No matter how many
times one listened, it was
still as addictive as the first
time one heard it.
Mo Lan opened her eyes
slightly in surprise.
Her brain seemed to have
crashed for a few seconds,
after reacting, she hurriedly
and flusteredly opened the
YY window, saw at a glance
that the number of people in
the channel have actually
soared to more than 9,000.
But, when Secretly
Captivated first announced
that he was accepting new
works and attended that
interview, the numbers
reached 27,000, which set a
new record. Thus, 9000
can’t be considered as much,
there should be many more
people who thought he
wouldn’t have come, so they
didn’t come to squat and
Inexplicably thinking that
she benefited, Mo Lan who
was in a good mood looked
towards the mic sequence in
the upper left corner, the 2
mics over there, with
astonishment it was Secretly
Captivated’s red
He really came.
The public forum was
already practically bursting,
and at this very moment Mo
Lan’s mood have been
stirred up and she was a
little speechless:
“Oh Oh Oh unexpectedly I
managed to watch! Male
god, I did feel that you
would come! Sure enough
our true fan hearts were in
sync, don’t you think so?!”
“I simply can’t believe my
ears… Secretly Captived
DaRen I love you!
Confessed! Offer flowers!”
“Mi Da, are you really here?
Are we discovering the
rhythm of the live version of
the song “Bamboo Poetry”
sung by you and Flower
Burial -sama three years ago?
I’m so excited ying ying
“WTF my ears are pregnant
all right! It shows that even
if male god’s opening
remarks stays the same for
another ten thousand years, I
will never be tired of it!!!”
As a result, in an instant, the
public forum flooded
In her headphones, Flower
Burial sounded a bit
helpless: “Ah Mi, should I
have not invited you over?
It’s too much that the soldier
have overpowered the
master, until I feel that I
don’t have any sense of
existence right now.”
Secretly Captivated
chuckled: “Your new song
is coming out soon,
As soon as he spoke, the
fans one by one got excited
“Male god isn’t the number
of times you come on YY
the same as the number of
times you go to the beach
house? How come this
year’s quota of 2 have been
used up so quickly, I’m
“Laughing again! No way!
The blood tank is empty!
Passionately come and save
me TAT”
“Male god, does your family
know that your voice is so
pleasant to hear QVQ”
Flower Burial also laughed,
her voice was very candid
and relaxed: “Speaking of it,
we haven’t been in contact
for about three years now?
You’ve withdrawn really
cleanly, I couldn’t even find
you.” Her voice paused, she
continued somewhat with
misgivings, “Actually I’ve
always wanted to ask you,
what’s the reason for your
comeback this time? When I
was chatting with Qingmo
and the rest before, we all
felt that, if according to your
character, it was very
possible that from now on
you wouldn’t have
Mo Lan followed the hands
of the public forum and
came to a standstill.
To be honest, this particular
question, she’s afraid that
not only Flower Burial but
everyone must really want
to know, of course, it
included her.
Secretly Captivated kept
silent for a few seconds,
then, he opened his mouth,
light as water, flowing like
jade, distinct and aloof like
a Buddha picking a white
lotus, but indescribably
made people feel there’s a
kind of fuzzy tenderness:
“Oh… it’s probably because,
I want to be seen by
someone. When I stand tall,
only will she see.”
The public forum flared up.
Mo Lan was astonished.
Want to be seen by someone?
Want… to be seen by
“ying ying ying Male god
please clarify if the ta is
male or female?
“This answer is too cruel,
I’m going to the rooftop
don’t stop me TAT.”
“(Heartbreak) see you on
the rooftop +1”
“You have a girlfriend?” In
her headphones, Flower
Burial sounded surprise, in
her tone, almost
inconceivably wobbly.
Secretly Captivated was
indifferent as he laughed
and quickly answered:
Consequently, the public
forum calmed down.
Mo Lan also calmed down.
After she heard Secretly
Captivated denied it, Flower
Burial seemed to be relieved.
She was slightly
embarrassed and cleared her
throat, then, to lessen the
embarrassment, she
proposed: “It wasn’t easy
for you to grace us with
your presence, how about
we sing a duet?”
Mo Lan’s heart that had just
calmed down a little
suddenly sped up again,
except for the previous time
when he sang in her
presence, she remembered,
from beginning up until now,
Secretly Captivated, had
never in any occassion or
any form sang any song.
If he sings a song with
Flower Burial tonight… in
that case it was simply
precisely a colossal benefit,
even if you’re dreaming
you’ll be woken up by your
laughter okay!
What a pity, before the fans
could finished getting
excited in the public forum,
Secretly Captivated already
refused in a tranquiled tone:
“I don’t sing, I could help
you recite instead.”
No singing …
Mo Lan was a bit deflated.
But if he was reciting lines
it would also be quite good,
by thinking this way, Mo
Lan was revitalised, and
flooded the public forum
together with the other fans:
“Also blessed to be to able
to listen to your recitation!”
Flower Burial chuckled,
knowing that there was no
other way: “In that case,
sure, I know you won’t
budged, let me see…” Her
voice stopped, it seemed
that she was looking for the
music accompaniment, after
a while, she asked: “How
about《Tribulation of A
Burnt Heart》?”
“No problem.” Answered in
two simple words, the jade
voice was just as refined and
“Male god, I’ve been
waiting for you to recite this
song for a very long time
already! Excited until I can’t
carry my laptop anymore!”
“A very brutal song, does
male god want to cheat me
of my tears!”
Mo Lan also responded and
typed: “It turned out to be
《Tribulation of A Burnt
Heart》… simply benefited
《Tribulation of A Burnt
Heart》was the fourth ED of
a BL fiction radio drama, it
was a single that Mo Lan
once had on a loop for a
very long time, a very
satisfactory sorrowful
ancient style song.
In the whole song, there was
only a short recitation at the
beginning, but it left an
utterly profound impression,
setting up the right
The music echoed softly,
distress pouring out from
the song, instantly
enveloped people.
Mo Lan was wearing her
headphones, she daren’t
breathe, feared that she
would miss Secretly
Captivated’s monologue.
“All of one’s life I have
never yearned, only just
understood yearning, soon
caused more harm by
yearning… Ah, previously,
how did I not understand?
A very serene voice, one’s
superficiality all washed
away, leaving only a heart
filled with desolation and a
speck of distress. A low
chuckle resonated,
originally a gorgeous and
distinguished laugh, but
unexpectedly somewhat
hoarse, the tone
unexpectedly full of despair
implying a cold and
dejected heart, it truly…
made one feel very sad.
Mo Lan felt the bottom of
her heart trembled all at
Extremely… agonising.
Even Flower Burial was
astonished by his voice and
almost missed the intro.
Annoyed at the unwarranted
Blending into the thousand
world of mortals
It’s as cold as a promise,
difficulty recollecting
To distance oneself from an
old friend, to distance onself
until the next morning,
Otherwise disappointed and
frustrated from distancing
oneself immediately
It’s like a first encounter,
alone and helpless watching
your back, silently under the
banyan tree
The whole person enveloped
in moonlight
Watching calmly but feeling
as if I’m at the other end of
the world
Who’s the fickled minded
person putting on a show?”
Flower Burial’s faintly
discernible female voice
came through, it was quite
pleasant. As for Mo Lan,
however, she was still
submerged in Secretly
Captivated’s monologue
from before.
All of one’s life I have
never yearned, only just
understood yearning, soon
caused more harm by
Her brains were in a great
mess, it was full of this
forbearing and desolate
The grief was greater than
the death of one’s heart, by
and large it was this kind of
“It’s like meeting you again,
the picture of your usual
clothes in that very same
Ultimately the faint smile
striking in the cold night
Burning all the yearning,
surpressing the heart
What is there to fear in
defying the natural order”

The last line of the lyrics
concluded, although Burial
Flower’s voice was really
pleasant, she grasp the
emotions very accurately,
but at this very moment the
public forum, was endlessly
full of Secretly Captivated’s
initial monologue.
“Listened until crying…”
“Can male god please tell
me how did you actually
grasped this absolute one
sec kill feeling? Why am I
paralysed as soon as you
opened your mouth QVQ”
“So good until I forgot to
record mourning TAT”
“Ears are pregnant again, Mi
Da I want to birth your
“Upstairs, I have recorded,
see you in Tieba!”
Mo Lan, who was still a
little unaware of what
happened tonight, saw the
enthusiasm of everyone
flooding the public forum,
and finally recovered a bit.
The music ended, Flower
Burial slowly began, with a
slightly unnatural tone:
“Was it because I haven’t
heard you spoke in ages?
Really a little overwhelmed,
why is your voice still as if
ten years equalled to a day
of evil? The Heavens is just
so unfair you know!”
Secretly Fascinated merely
chortled, he spoke serenely:
“It’s almost time, let Lo Bou
come on the mic, I’ll go off
It was still his gentle and
indolent natural voice, as
expected he once again
disengaged from the
performance in a second,
this inborn sense simply
demanded a human life T^T
Secretly Captivated’s voice
just finished, the next
second, an unfamiliar voice
suddenly appeared in the
“Secretly Captivated DaDa
I love you! I can’t hold my
It was a girl’s voice, quite
loud, somewhat shrilled,
very excited, bringing a
slight tremor.
There was a moment of
silence, after a few seconds,
Secretly Captivated asked in
his low voice: “And you
The other party had no
Flower Burial cleared her
throat, and then explained a
little embarrassedly: “Just
now, that was the
administrator… she has
been your fan for a long
time, she couldn’t help but
recklessly confessed, and
she has now shyly ran away
from the crime scene.
Actually, I didn’t even
noticed that she went on the
mic herself and just
screamed… she was really
Mo Lan also 囧 for a
moment, she silently
recalled, that voice… was
really enthusiastic. However,
this kind of mood, she could
fully understand.
Secretly Captivated laughed,
then said softly: “Thanks for
liking me. Good night
everyone, see you at the
anniversary celebration.”
Hearing his calm yet tender
voice, Mo Lan suddenly felt
her heart softened. That girl,
if she heard those lines,
should be happy for a long
time. In fact, Secretly
Captivated truly was a very
attentive, very considerate,
and a very… warm person.
Was he really leaving? Mo
Lan was surprised, after she
came back to reality, she
discovered that the red
sockpuppet in the mic
sequence have already
disappeared, and on the
public forum, everybody
was frantically posting
“Male god good night” and
“Male god sweet dreams”.
Can’t help but sighed, Mo
Lan thought somewhat
regretfully, he left so
quickly, every time after he
finished an activity and left
YY, she would have this
kind of disappointed and
frustrated feeling as if she
lost something.
As she massaged her
slightly stiff neck, Mo Lan
also withdrew from Flower
Burial’s YY channel.
After closing the YY
window, immediately it was
quiet all around.
As she felt the emptiness in
her heart got bigger, Mo
Lan couldn’t help but
picked her phone up, opened
WeChat, found Secretly
Captivated’s WeChat name,
and then gathered her
courage to send a message:
Momo: Male god… your
monologue was just too
Very soon, the other party
GYM: You were there just
Momo: En! I practically
never missed any of your
She must be kidding, was
her four-years of fangirling
all in vain? = =
GYM: Have you logout of
Mo Lan glanced, she just
closed the window of
Flower Burial’s YY channel,
but she hasn’t logged out.
Momo: Not yet.
GYM: Just nice, go to the
room, sing for you.
Mo Lan was astonished.
So astonished until she was
speechless, so astonished
that she was unable to
Her brain was still dazzled
upon his distinct and cold
voice, just a moment ago…
who was the one who made
a solemn vow on YY saying
that he doesn’t sing?
Mo Lan reached out with a
trembling hand, touched her
phone to light up the screen
which had darkened, and
repeatedly studied the
sentence several times, to
confirm that she didn’t
misread it, with gratitude
she responded with an
“Okay”, and then at the
speed of light entered
Secretly Capivated’s private
YY channel.
As soon as she entered, she
was pulled into a room by
the other party. Secretly
Captivated, was currently on
the mic.
Hearing her heart bouncing
around with an extremely
irregular excessive
frequency, Mo Lan took a
deep breath and just wanted
to go on the mic to say
something, instead she
heard the other party’s
distinct voice:
“Sing《A Cup of Joy》, all
The melting supple tone
resonated in the silence of
the room, gently making Mo
Lan feel that her heartbeat
skipped for a second.
Continuing her deep breaths,
she pressed F2 and spoke
softly: “Male god, how did
you know I like to listen to
《A Cup of Joy》?”
“I saw it on Weibo, you
want to hear me sing《A Cup
of Joy》, didn’t you?” The
other side spoke, his tone
carried a smile, like a
candlelight on a cold winter
day, so warm making people
unable to restrained from
wanting to reach out to
grasped tighter.
A long time ago, 5sing‘s
official blog once posted on
Weibo, the main idea was to
ask people which song
would they like their
favourite to sing, at that
time, Mo Lan also
forwarded that post, she said,
she hoped to hear Secretly
Captivated sing《A Cup of
She didn’t think, this little
wish that she had never
expected, would actually be
seen by him after three years
due to an unexpected turn of
events, not only that, but he
also actually truly said, he
was going to sing for her.
Suddenly she felt that her
nose turned sour, Mo Lan
quickly released her finger
which was pressed on “F2”,
fearing that the other party
would have heard her
Everything was excessively
beautiful, so beautiful… that
it doesn’t feel real, she
daren’t believe it.
Somewhat choked with
emotion and somewhat
speechless, without any
other option Mo Lan had to
reach out and typed her
Ye Lanshan: Okay, male
god you sing, I’m listening.
The other party was quiet
for a moment, then, the
music accompaniment for
《A Cup of Joy》resounded,
quiet, sorrowful.
He opened his mouth, his
singing really resembling as
if water was pouring down:
Entering sunset, grasping a
pot (of liquor) to clear my
mind of worries and to
restrict happiness
Flippantly deliberately
joining the infrequent
Leaning against the window
in one’s former hometown
To taste sorrow and joy in
the dark
The moonlight illuminates
the song of afterlife
Singing from love and hate
till it separates
Let it dissipate in the ten
thousand overturned world
of mortals
Why did you stubbornly look
into the eyes?
Disaster and fire meets
again, spring arrived in the
vast skies
Who told me this was going
to be a painful dream?
Painfulness turned into
experiencing spring breeze
Using one’s life to read and
understand you”
Disaster and fire meets
again, spring arrived in the
vast skies, who told me this
was going to be a painful
Suddenly thought of when
《A Cup of Joy》was written:
One’s time on earth is like
being drunk, there seems to
be an evil fire when drunk.
Perhaps, all of my sorrow
and joy, only you would pay
no attention.
Mo Lan’s lips curled into a
gentle and refined smile, a
little obscurity shown.
Suddenly she felt that her
heart was distressed, that’s
right, all of my sorrow and
joy, only you would pay no
Closing her eyes, Mo Lan
was reluctant to even
breathe, quietly became
intoxicated with his singing,
enduring silently, the
tenderness, and sorrow.
When I woke up, a stained
glass lamp
Obviously destroying the
rest of my life
The plum flower withered
and falls in the middle of the
I’ve been drowning over
and over again
The moon wearing winter
frost at the tip of his brows
In those days light up your
fireworks to your heart’s
Igniting the fragrance of the
wine from the fields
The excess embers one
person one goblet (short
Your presence warms up the
Lightly rippling the cup of
Originally, this kind of
sorrowful till cold
indifferent song, he could
also just casually grasp, the
grasp of emotion was not
lacking in any way.
Secretly Captivated’s voice
was very magnetic, low,
calm from beginning to the
end. Yet, this feeling was
like putting your heart on
top of the stove, and then
delicately torturing it with a
small fire. It’s not the kind
of sorry that ultimately
makes you give up hope,
rather it slowly, calmly and
unhurriedly, bit by bit,
torturing you until you can’t
live in peace.
At the end of the song, Mo
Lan inhaled and breathe out
a long sigh of relief.
“Did you like it?” He spoke
softly, his last syllable
blended into the desolate
and mellow accompaniment,
quietly fading into the dark.
“Really… like it.” Mo Lan
said, striving to exercise
control to stop her
fluctuating mood from
choking with emotion in the
next second.
She heard the other person
chuckled softly: “Glad you
liked it.” Then, he asked,
not really minding, “Do you
like me singing more, or
Singing, or dubbing?
Mo Lan frowned slightly,
and thought about it many
times in her heart, but still
couldn’t answer. In the end,
she merely pursed her lips
and answered in a somewhat
perplexed, quiet voice: “I
don’t really know too… it
should be, I like it all, as
long as it’s you who speak,
it’s just like magic, in the
split second you can capture
my ear.”
And then, live in my heart.
Of course, this sentence, she
didn’t have the courage to
say it out loud.
“Your WeChat name is
Momo, and your other name
is Ye Lanshan, umm…
would you mind telling me,
your real name? I mean, in
the 3D world, your real
The other party seemed to
have forgotten his previous
question, his low voice
sounded, faintly, light as
water. But inexplicably it
made people feel that, if you
don’t tell him, it was simply
the biggest sin.
Mo Lan opened her mouth,
and was about to tell him,
after pausing for a bit, she
felt that it might not be clear
enough if she spoke directly,
consequently she reached
out to typed and posted it on
the public forum:
Ye Lanshan: I’m called Mo
She bit her lip and looked at
the sentence she sent,
thought about it, and then
added: “Um… you can just
call me Momo.”
Within her calm and gentle
voice, there was a touch of
Every time he called her
Momo, Mo Lan couldn’t
help but blushed.
“I’m called Gù Yè Mí, the
yè from bài yè (拜謁 to pay
a formal visit), the mi from
zháo mí (著迷 to be
captivated). Really happy to
meet you.”
The other party’s tender
voice sounded as if it was
illuminating the dark.
Gu, Ye, Mi.
The mi from zháo mí…
Mo Lan silently thought
over the name in her heart
countless of times, and then
only spoke, meekly and
softly: “Me too, really
happy to meet you.”
She actually knows the
name of her 2D favourite,
moreover, it was such a nice
She felt… that their distance
seemed to be getting closer
all of a sudden. It was like
breaking the fourth wall, the
other person, was no longer
the remote and faintly
discernible person from
Although clearly that it was
someone whom she had
never met before, but just
chatting like this, Mo Lan
suddenly felt that the other
party seemed to be very
close to her, very close.
So close, that even her
breathing was thrown into
Her brain couldn’t help but
evoked the song he just sang:
“Your presence warms up
the heavens, lightly rippling
the cup of joy…”
She bowed her head and
couldn’t helped but quietly
and sheepishly smiled.
During the weekend, Mo
Lan and An Xiaoluo sat side
by side in the living room,
anxiously looking online at
the bullet-train timetable.
Chinese New Year Eve this
year falls on February 4th,
which could be considered
as relatively late. Mo Lan
and An Xiaoluo was
currently looking at train
tickets to go home to
celebrate CNY.
First go to Tongxiang
County, then take the bus
back to Wuzhen.
It was a pity that the train
tickets with better timing
have all been bought, and
despite not wanting to in
every possible way, but
without any better option
they bought the 11pm ticket
for the 3rd of February.
An Xiaoluo’s company only
gave her five days of
vacation, compared to her,
Mo Lan with her eight days
of vacation instantly felt that
she was a winner in life.
The two have been dealing
with this for over an hour
and finally bought the train
When the website showed
“Payment Successful”, Mo
Lan’s QQ in the lower right
corner started went “di di
di” constantly.
She opened it, it really was
the Ninth Heavens
Mandarin Dubbing Group’s
QQ group chat.
Mo Lan roughly scrolled
over with the mouse, then,
she got excited.
On the one hand she entered
the very familiar URL of the
forum into the address bar,
on the other she turned and
said to An Xiaoluo, “Cousin,
《A Look At JiangShan》
have just been released!”
“Ah? So fast? That’s just
too efficient!” Facing the
computer with a depressed
and frustrated face, An
Xiaoluo was astonished
when she heard, and then
rapidly opened the forum,
“So excited, I want to grab
the front row!”
Just as Mo Lan found the
post with the keywords《A
Look At JiangShan》that was
prominently shown on the
home page, when she
clicked, there were more
than a hundred replies..
1L: Sofa ~ Sprinkle flowers
celebrating Ninth Heavens’
new drama~
2L: A drama by the great
gods, too embarassed to
listen without wearing
3L: Grabbed the bench by
the front row! Secretly
Captivated DaDa I love
4L: First time so front, keep
your paws!
5L: Secretly Captivated
-sama, finally thought it
over and decided to flaunt
your rottenness?

75L: The script is not bad,
but how come I have not
heard of the author before?
76L: Finished listening, so
oppressive until my heart,
liver, spleen, lungs and
kidneys, not one of them do
not hurt. I say, Su Qingmo
DaDa, what role did you
actually play in this drama?
Were you the loyal topdog
silently protecting Mi Da, or
the witness to Mi Da and
Xiao Luo Bo’s secret love
77L: So… right now Ninth
Heavens’ main CP is Mi Da
x Xiao Luo Bo?
78L: Ninth Heavens three
big shots have finally
appeared in the same drama,
have really waited for this
moment, excited >3<.

With a helpless sigh, Mo
Lan replied: The sofa and
bench have been taken,
silently watching from the
back row, scattering flowers
to celebrate =3=.
Opening the Ninth Heavens
Dubbing QQ group which
was still in full swing, Mo
Lan also participated in the
Ye Lanshan: New drama
have been released, didn’t
grab the front row, sadness
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Touch my head, I also
didn’t manage to grab it,
isn’t it just opening the door
then I’ll get it, people are
brushing too fast!
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Hahahaha, no more front
row thus no pressure.
Screenwriter-Ran Ran: Just
finished listening, the first
time listening to the full
version of the finished
product, so cruel till cried.
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: Ran Ran +1,
obviously listened with
excitement and in high
spirits, as a result the more
you listen the crueler it gets!
An Xiaoluo who was beside
her, plugged in her
earphones, carried her
laptop and started reveling
in the drama. Mo Lan 囧
looking at An Xiaoluo’s
flower expression, and also
immediately put on her
She didn’t know why, but
when she clicked the ‘play’
button, she suddenly felt a
little nervous.
This time… it was different
from listening to other
previous dramas.
Because, this time, Secretly
Captivated’s dubbing, was a
radio drama written by
herself. No matter how she
speculated, she just couldn’t
calmed down.
A majestic BGM resonated,
followed immediately by, a
clear and tender voice:
[Created by Ye Lanshan:
The radio drama《A Look at
Jiangshan》, 1st Edition]
The announcer… was
Secretly Captivated.
Her heartbeat seemed to
beat faster, Mo Lan couldn’t
help but adjusted her
earphones properly, then
took a deep breath and
began to fully concentrate
on listening to the drama.
“Ameng, who is this boy?”
“Your Seventh Highness,
that’s His Twelveth
Highness, named Chengde,
he is the son of Rou Mother
Imperial who was ostracised
three years ago.”
“No wonder I have never
seen him in the palace

“Chengde, I’m your gege.”
“Ge, ge……?”
“Yes. From now on, I will
be your only relative in this

“Ge… why? You’re
obviously not like that!”
“Chengde, the former you,
would have never lose his
temper with me.”
“But… ge, you have already
murdered so many innocent
people, why would you
want to do this?”
“I did it so… you can seat
righteously on the throne,
for you to enjoy the worship
from all the people,
Chengde, I have said before,
from here on, there will not
be anyone who would dare
to humiliate you, even if I
were to passed away, it will
still be this way.”

“Ameng, he has departed,
has it been seven years?”
“Your Majesty, it has been
seven years and a day.”

Looking at Jiangshan, the
bones of the dead in the
It was just like unfolding a
beautiful scroll of the realm
of Jiangshan in front of you,
and then quietly giving an
account of the hidden past
of this imperial dynasty.
It was about a deep love,
along with being parted by
This radio drama wasn’t
long, only about 35 minutes.
Mo Lan was listening
wholeheartedly from
beginning to the end, it
wasn’t until the last ED
song started, that she finally
sensed her heart going back
to where it was before. With
a long, long sigh of relief,
she extended her hand,
somewhat absent-mindedly
touched the corner of her
eyes, it was indeed fairly
The entire drama, whether
the BGM, or the CV’s
dubbing, or the poster, they
have all reached the point of
perfection already. She
believed that even the most
critical listener would nod in
satisfaction after listening to
this radio drama.
Concise and forceful, it was
really a suptuous feast
especially prepared for
voice enthusiasts.
Li Huai’en, Secretly
The utmost gorgeous and
distinguished voice, with
every frown and every smile,
made one felt the sorrow
infused in one’s soul.
It is said that there was no
meaning in investing in
deep love, but in this world,
there would still be people
who will not stop until they
reached the Yellow River,
each and every one of them
were like a moth flying into
the flame, even if ultimately
they become a pile of bones,
they would still be unwilling
to turn around.
But, to be able to be like Li
Huai’en, the sort who
regardless of anything,
would wholeheartedly and
single-mindedly devotedly
loved, how blessed.
Mo Lan sighed slightly, her
thoughts gradually drifted
Beside her, An Xiaoluo took
off her earphones, with an
excessive hidden bitterness
in her tone: “Xiao Lan… it’s
unexpectedly this cruel, I
feel like my innerself won’t
be well for the next few
Mo Lan was dragged back
by An Xiaoluo’s voice, she
smiled at her, and said softly,
“Such a short drama, only
natural that a tragedy can
further move people.”
She lowered her head and
struggled whether to send a
WeChat message Secretly
Captivated, to tell him that
the new drama have been
released. She hesitated for a
while, but in the end she still
didn’t have the courage,
better to drop it.
This sort of thing… there
should be many people who
would have already told him?
Yup, she doesn’t need to do
more than is required.
Thinking this way, Mo Lan
felt inexplicably dispirited
and started browsing Weibo.
Ninth Heavens official blog
posted a Weibo post
promoting the new play《A
Look at Jiangshan》
practically the same time as
the release, and the number
of reposts and comments
have reached more than
Mo Lan watched the fans
flared up in the comments
and also reposted it.
Even after thinking for quite
a bit, she couldn’t come up
with anything, finally she
could only write something
official: Celebrating the
release, hope you like it~
Speaking of which, this was
the first time, she could use
this kinda tone to repost
Secretly Captivated radio
drama. “Hope you like it”,
such words, one must be
part of the crew, then could
one used it.
Thinking of it this way, Mo
Lan really felt that she’s too
Next to her, An Xiaoluo
rewinded back to the start of
the radio drama, then,
somewhat reluctantly finally
took off her earphones. She
turned her head, touched her
empty stomach, and pitifully
looked at Mo Lan: “Xiao
Lan, I’m hungry…”
Mo Lan smiled a little
helplessly, she saved the《A
Look at Jiangshan》radio
show in a folder just for SC,
then got up and asked
good-naturedly: “How about
eating sweet and sour fish
“Whatever you say I’ll eat!”
An Xiaoluo smiled with
satisfaction, then lowered
her head and continued
facing the computer screen.
In the kitchen, Mo Lan
washed the vegetables with
ease, cut the vegetables,
heated the pan up, cooked,
all in one go.
When she scraped the fresh
crucian carp that was bought
just this morning and
dumped it into the pot, she
didn’t know what happened,
she suddenly remembered,
that day, in the YY room,
Secretly Captivated told her
that he really wanted to try
her dishes.
His name is Gu Ye Mi, he
lives in Nanjing, he has
sung for her.
Regarding his information,
she knew… it was quite a
lot, four or five times more
than what an average fan
would know.
Nonetheless, the closer you
get, the greedier you get.
The more he did this, the
more she couldn’t helped
thinking. For example, the
current her, right in the
middle of doing something
else, wondered if there
would be a day, where they
would meet in the 3D world,
and afterwards, she would
personally cook for him.
If only it would turned out
like this then it would be
No matter how much, she
did not dare to hope
Her eyebrows twitched and
Mo Lan was unable to
contained her laughter.
Stop your foolish thoughts,
Mo Lan. You are nothing
but just a little small fan,
thinking about things that
won’t come to fruit, besides
adding to her own troubles,
it’s improbable that there
would be any advantage.
A favourite… is originally
placed on the shrine to be
adored and worshiped, even
if one day he walked down
from the shrine, it would
absolutely never be because
of you.
On one hand feeling
somewhat touched at her
own cool-headed reasoning,
on the other Mo Lan took
out a spoon and tasted the
sweet and sour sauce from
the pan.
En, the taste was just right.
When Mo Lan walked out
of the kitchen with a pan of
yummilicious sweet and
sour fish, she saw An
Xiaoluo’s face at a glance,
carrying an amazed turned
shocked look.
Carefully putting down the
piping hot sweet and sour
fish on the table, Mo Lan
looked up, a little amused,
she asked quietly, “Cousin,
what other universally
shocking news have you
Hearing her voice, An
Xiaoluo seemed to have
come back to her sense, she
turned her computer screen,
faced Mo Lan, and asked
with a somewhat hollow
hazy transient voice: “Xiao
Lan… quickly tell me,
exactly what kind of
relationship do you have
with Secretly Captivated
Mo Lan froze for a moment,
she looked down at the
computer screen in
In the next second, she saw
the Weibo page on the
screen, clearly showed, that
just 7 minutes ago, Secretly
Captivated reposted her
Weibo post, and
furthermore added the exact
seven words that she used
earlier: Celebrating the
release, hope you like it.
His Weibo post was closely
tied to the one she just
posted, except for the last
punctuation, the rest of the
text was exactly the same.
An indescribable
atmosphere that made one
felt somewhat ambiguous.
This was obviously a very
common repost, it was
merely the same content
very probably because he
was too lazy to think of
something else, hence he
handily followed her content
and posted it up.
But… looking at it, it could
make people feel this
ambiguous, why did it
seemed significant?
This was almost… the
feeling of the wife sings and
the husband follows.
Mo Lan stared blankly at the
computer screen for a long
time, after a while, she was
a little uncertain, was it
because… Secretly
Captivated has never before
interacted with anybody
from the opposite sex on
Weibo? What’s more,
beforehand, he also reposted
Mo Lan’s guzheng version
of《Senbon Sakura》.
After finished being foolish,
Mo Lan simply took out her
mobile phone and logged
into Weibo. Sure enough,
the number of comments
and reposts in Weibo was
already almost off the
Mo Lan opened the
comments, which was
clearly following the trend
of water flooding Jinshan.
“Male god, are you and
author sister having a secret
love affair? (Tears)”
“First reposting somebody’s
guzheng song, then dubbed
somebody’s written drama,
and now once again
reposting somebody’s
Weibo… Mi Da what are
you up to? Already crying
until fainted in the toilet
ying ying ying.”
“Have once gone through
meizi‘s Weibo, it’s nearly
the same as mine all right?
It’s merely a daily broken
record of a fangirl ah! Mi
Da what do you actually see
in her?
“Male god you actually like
girls who can write? I know
how to write too, I’m also
the same kind all right T^T,
rolling about requesting for
my Weibo to be reposted.”
Such comments, the more
she looked at it the more Mo
Lan felt embarrassed,
nevertheless she firmly
decided it was better to
pretend that she haven’t
seen them.
Reopening the sharing page,
it was still full of foul wind
and bloody rain. However,
in the sharing page, she
surprisingly saw many
Weibo users with the yellow
@CV-SuQingmo: Gee, I
knew it, you don’t treat
somebody the same.
Dang, Ah Mi… you’ve still
decided to abandon me ma?
@CV-QingShang: Haven’t
been on Weibo for a few
days, what did I see? Have
you been snatched?!
Ah Mi, who is this girl?

Mo Lan held her phone and
her eyes widened, suddenly
she didn’t know whether to
laugh or cry. In her lifetime,
her posts have never been
reposted by so many
glistening yellow Internet
Voice Circle god-level
figures all at once,
regardless of the reason, this
was a big triumph worthy
enough to leave home and to
streak for 300 miles you
After feeling moved, Mo
Lan was a little surprised to
find out, this matter of
Secretly Captivated
reposting her Weibo post,
she actually wasn’t as
surprised as she was at the
Don’t tell me… she’s gotten
used to it already?
Gotten used to her favourite
treating herself well, giving
her special treament?
Mo Lan closed her eyes and
quietly thought in her heart
that she must be insane.
An Xiaoluo had quickly sat
down on the dining table,
while picking out the
fishbones, she unclearly
asked, “Fortunately I’ve
already prepared my heart
before, otherwise I would
have gotten such a big fright.
I say, Xiaolan, your life is a
bit too good isn’t it? Hurry
up and tell me, how did you
get mixed up with Mi Da?”
Mo Lan opened her eyes,
and followed An Xiaoluo to
sit on the chair opposite her,
casually used her chopsticks
to get some fish, then
thought about it, and replied
somewhat at a loss, “I don’t
know too… it can’t be
because I sang two songs for
The opposite An Xiaoluo
was silent for a while. After
a long while, she put her
chopsticks down, solemnly
looked at her, and very
earnestly said: “Xiao Lan,
my ears’ happiness will all
depend on you for the next
half of my life, catch male
god, you can do it!”
Mo Lan was stumped for
words by her serious tone,
after she responded, she
replied a little
embarrassedly: “… don’t
make fun of me, all right?
He just reposted my Weibo
that’s all, aren’t you
thinking just a little bit too
Her hand that held the
chopsticks paused for a bit,
Mo Lan lowered her head
and continued to eat in
Can’t think too much.
En… can’t think too much.
During the weekend, Mo
Lan, who was anxiously
looking for inspiration in
front of the computer at
home, received a call from
An Xiaoluo, asking her to
go to the restaurant in the
new hundred level mall, said
that she was invited for
On the other side of the
phone, An Xiaoluo was very
excited, seemingly a bit shy.
Her brain suddenly thought
of how previously An
Xiaoluo hurried out after
receiving somebody’s call at
En, something must have
had happened. Thinking so,
Mo Lan with curiosity
started to change her
The weather recently
seemed to be a little colder
compared to a few days
before, Mo Lan changed to
a fluffy pink scarf, and with
three outer layers and three
inner layers, she wrapped
herself closely from her
neck to the tip of her nose.
When Mo Lan came out of
the elevator and walked into
the restaurant, there were
still many people waiting in
line at the door. She let out a
sigh of relief as fortunately
An Xiaoluo came early, Mo
Lan squeezed through the
crowd and went in.
Mo Lan walked all the way
in, raised her head, and
happened to see An Xiaoluo
waved at her from the
corner. She quickened her
steps and walked towards
Just as she was about to sit
down beside An Xiaoluo,
she looked up, Mo Lan
found herself sitting
diagonally opposite a man, a
The man looked about
twenty-eight or twenty-nine
years old, he wore a gray
shirt with two unbuttoned
buttons near the neckline.
He sat there, without
speaking, but inexplicably
made one felt safe and
Mo Lan silently glanced at
him several times and gave
him a high score in her heart.
This time, An Xiaoluo’s
vision seemed pretty good.
Opening her mouth, she was
about to greet the other
party. In the end, the other
party looked at her, smiled,
and spoke first:
“Hello, it’s our first time
meeting, my name is Su
The other person’s mouth
opened and closed, but not a
word went into Mo Lan’s
ear. In a flash, the moment
he spoke, she was
thoroughly shocked, unable
to respond at all.
As a veteran voice
enthusiast, she couldn’t be
more certain that this voice
was Su Qingmo’s.
And An Xiaoluo couldn’t
helped laughing when she
saw her expression.
Mo Lan came back to her
senses and felt a little
embarrassed, she 囧 for a
while, and nevertheless still
seek confirmation: “You are
Su Qingmo -sama?”
The other party smiled: “I
am, but, you can just call me
Su Shen.”
Mo Lan turned her head,
saw An Xiaoluo beside her
with her whole face smiling,
with a rarely seen side of
She surely must have
opened the wrong door, how
did An Xiaoluo meet Su
Qingmo, and also met face
to face with the other
Mo Lan’s heart was still
feeling that it was
implausible, while Su Shen
on the opposite already
opened his mouth again:
“Are you Ye Lanshan?”
Trying very hard to adjust
her heart’s emotion, Mo Lan
nodded: “I am.” After
thinking about it, she added,
“Umm, my real name is Mo
Lan, the lan from lán shān
(coming to an end/waning).”
Su Shen heard her
affirmative answer and
laughed softly. The deep
low voice laughed, where it
couldn’t helped but made
people felt a little closer:
“En, the type that Ah Mi
Mo Lan lowered her head in
embarrassment, she didn’t
have the nerve to look into
the other person’s teasing
The first time we met and
you just naturally teased
other people like that, this
wasn’t actually good right…
An Xiaoluo was also
laughing next to her, after
finished laughing, she asked
gossiply: “I also think the
both of them feels
promising, Secretly
Captivated have never
treated a fan this well before.
In other words, Su Shen, are
you quite close to Secretly
Captivated -sama?”
Mo Lan also followed and
looked towards Su Qingmo
silently, or, should she say
Su Shen?
En, it must not be her
illusion, when Su Shen’s
eyes fell onto An Xiaoluo, it
was inexplicably much
“Should be considered as
close ba, I will find him
whenever I’m in Nanjing on
a business trip, and he will
ask me out whenever he
comes to Shanghai.” Su
Shen smiled, then, looked at
Mo Lan, and added softly,
“Ah Mi is a very good
person, and he’s currently
still single.”
Currently still single…
Mo Lan 囧, such suggestive
words, shouldn’t be meant
for her?
With her fair cheeks
bringing a hint of blush, Mo
Lan silently changed the
subject and asked the
question she had been
curious since the beginning:
“That, Su Qing… err, Su
Shen, how did you meet my
Su Shen smiled, and his
conspicuous grave and stern
face also softened: “Our
company and Xiaoluo’s
company are collaborating,
recently there was contract
that needed more discussion,
so happened that she was
sent to negotiate with me, as
a result… as soon as we met,
she recognised my voice.”
When Su Shen reached the
last sentence, there was a
touch of helplessness, yet
unspeakeably made Mo Lan
felt, a sense of being
An Xiaoluo listened to him,
and chimed in, “You can’t
blame me, who allowed
your voice to be so
recognisable, even if I didn’t
want to recognise it, it’s still
difficult you know?”
The development of this
plot… was obviously
contrary to one’s
expectation, but it also
seemed reasonable.
Mo Lan was well aware that
at work, An Xiaoluo
possessed a unique kind of
charm. She passed like
thunder and moved like the
wind, keeps her word,
possessed a one of a kind
cold and strict, beautiful but
aloof force of attraction,
especially towards men. If
Su Shen came to like An
Xiaoluo through working
with her, Mo Lan would
absolutely believed it one
hundred percent.
At the table, a few of them
were talking, and over there,
the waiter was serving them
plate after plate.
Looking at the fragrant
dishes in front of him, Su
Shen paused, then raised his
head and looked at Mo Lan.
He thoughtfully said, “I
heard from Ah Mi, you’re
good in cooking?”
Mo Lan froze for a moment,
then answered a little
embarrassedly: “Not bad I
“Like that ah, it’s just nice
you can quickly rescue Ah
Mi from his instant noodles.
According to how he eats,
his body will have problems
sooner or later.” Su Shen
said, what was originally a
joke yet it carried a hint of
Mo Lan couldn’t help but
sighed softly.
It seemed that… Secretly
Captivated was indeed,
considerably unlikely to
take care of himself.
While An Xiaoluo reached
out with her chopsticks to
pick up the dishes, she also
spoke immediately
afterwards, “Xiaolan’s
cooking level is especially
awesome, will invite you
over for dinner one day, and
Secretly Captivated -sama
as well.”
“I have no objection, I think,
Ah Mi will not have any
objection too.” Su Shen
appearance was smiling, he
quietly replied, in a very
mild and amiable tone.
The real person’s voice was
really so nice to listen to,
Mo Lan thought silently, her
heart was about to burst into
tears. If she could meet
Secretly Captivated in the
3D world, listened to him in
person…. just thinking
about it, she could feel her
happiness just simply
bursting out all right!
“Su Shen, I’m actually quite
curious, what do you talk
about when you meet with
SC -sama ah?” An Xiaoluo
asked unclearly with a piece
of beef in her mouth.
It felt so natural when An
Xiaoluo called him Su Shen,
unlike herself, just thinking
about those three words, Gu
Ye Mi in her heart, she felt
that her three immortal souls
have lost their seven mortal
forms, with the way Mo Lan
thoughts were going, she
sincerely felt that she was
about to lose face T^T.
Su Shen took a sip of water,
thought for a while, and
spoke softly, his deep voice
automatically a bit nostalgic:
“Before we’ve talked more
about our work, Ah Mi’s job
is very exhausting and also
stressful. Nowadays what
comes up more often
would… probably be these
three words, Ye Lan Shan.”
Sitting opposite him was
Mo Lan, who was just in the
middle of taking a sip of her
milk tea through the straw,
albeit unsuccessfully and
almost choked on the pearl
in her mouth.
While An Xiaoluo merely
nodded thoughtfully: “I just
knew he was interested in
Xiao Lan. But… what does
he really see in our Xiao
“Cousin…” Mo Lan said
weakly, wanting to refute.
Unfortunately, it was
probably because her voice
was so weak that the two
soon ignored her.
Su Shen was silent for a
while, and then showed a
slightly helpless smile: “I
don’t know too, in short,
when the name Ye Lanshan
first appeared from his
mouth, I felt, he was already
infatuated. To be honest,
Mo Lan, have you or have
you not met Ah Mi before in
Mo Lan, who was suddenly
called on, was stunned. Her
brain quickly recalled all of
the opposite sex’s name that
she knew, she carefully
combed once through all of
them, and confirmed that
there was nobody by the
name Gu Ye Mi, in addition
to her normal place of
residence, she rarely had the
opportunity to meet
somebody from the opposite
sex. As a result, she
cautiously thought, and
carefully shook her head.
“All right.” Su Shen saw her
shook her head, and he
couldn’t help but teased a
little, “Then the only
explanation is because…
towards you he fell in love
at first sight.”
Love at first sight?
We obviously haven’t met
all right.. feeling as if the
other party’s hole in the
brain was getting bigger and
bigger, Mo Lan wanted to
just burst into tears.
With an “I have a good
feeling about you”
demeanour, An Xiaoluo
patted Mo Lan’s shoulder,
and looked very solemn:
“For the past four years, you
have always been an avid
fan of his, there’s your
deep-seated love of him, it
must be the heavens was
moved by the degree of your
Mo Lan turned her head to
look at An Xiaoluo, her face
covered with black lines and
answered: “There are many
fans who are his avid fan
and who have a deep-seated
love for him you know?”
Su Shen suddenly
surpressed his smile and
answered somewhat
earnestly: “That’s what
people say, but sometimes
there’s no choice but to
believe, fate, truly was a
very wonderful thing.”
The meal was very lively.
The 3D Su Shen, was the
same as the 2D Su Qingmo,
doesn’t speak much, but it
made people feel very
secure, and was very
easy-going and not reserved
at all.
After the meal, Mo Lan very
tactfully said bye first, not
wanting to disturb An
Xiaoluo and Su Shen who
were cultivating a romantic
relationship, and headed
home in the car under the
gaze of those two.
Sitting in the taxi, Mo Lan’s
mood was still unable to
calm down, her brain
couldn’t help but recalled
the words that was just
uttered by Su Qingmo. He
said, sometimes, fate, truly
was a very wonderful thing.
Having listened with her
own ears how An Xiaoluo
and Su Qingmo met, Mo
Lan couldn’t help but
admitted that at this very
moment, probably, this was
what an ordinary person
would often say, fate was
too wonderful for words.
It was just after 9pm when
she reached home, Mo Lan
walked into her bedroom,
took off her down jacket and
hung it in her wardrobe.
Turning on her laptop, the
Ninth Heavens Dubbing’s
QQ in the lower right corner
was still perpetually lively,
and the somewhat bored Mo
Lan clicked open the group
chat, when she saw the first
line, in an instant, she was
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: For Ninth Heavens
seventh anniversary
celebration, we’ve discussed
and planned to have dinner
together next Saturday, the
children with coordinates in
Nanjing quickly look and
come over ~PS: Those
under the age of 18 should
still study first…
Designer-Tasseled Pendant:
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Taking the bullet train from
Changzhou will be the least
pressure, I haven’t met the
real Mi Da Senior, so
excited ying ying ying!
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Finally I haven’t waited in
vain! I just knew that the 7th
anniversary would organise
a meet-up!
Screenwriter-Ran Ran:
Happened to have a
business trip that day, don’t
stop me, see you on the
rooftop. (Waving)
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
Not sure if I have the time,
very annoyed!
Mo Lan widened her eyes
and read the conversation
that was going back and
forth many times, and
finally, she typed still
somewhat skeptically:
Ye Lanshan: Meet-up will
be in Nanjing?
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
Yeah, is Lanshan sister
close by? If you’re close
then come, I know you have
been a longtime fan of Mi
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Yay, I just happen to be
super curious how you look
like! Come come!
After being in contact for
two to three weeks, Mo Lan
was more familiar with
them, and now listening to
them, she also couldn’t
helped but be emotionally
affected. Meeting face to
face… implied that, she
would be able to meet the
real 3D Secretly Captivated
Senior? Earlier, she
personally met Su Qingmo,
now Ninth Heavens also
organised a meetup… if
today wasn’t April Fools’
Day, the heavens were
indeed a bit too good
towards her, right?
Despite the turbulence in
her heart, Mo Lan tried to
control her emotions and
further inquired:
Ye Lanshan: Umm… I’m
not part of Ninth Heavens’
staff, can I go too?
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: You are the
author of the new drama,
you’re considered part of
the staff, anyway it’s just an
extra person, come ba,
having more people will
make it more lively ah.
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Exactly, also reportedly,
Flower Burial -sama would
be coming too, she’s also
not part of the staff. So what
are you afraid of, just come
Screenwriter-Ran Ran:
Goddess is coming too?
Happy 23333333!
Hearing everyone’s earnest
persuasion, Mo Lan
couldn’t help but felt a little
moved. But… she still dare
not agree just like that. After
all, compared with herself,
all these people were close
friends who have known
each other for 3 to 4 years,
if she just went without
careful consideration, didn’t
seem too good.
After racking her brains for
a long time without any
conclusion, finally, Mo Lan
bit her lip and took out her
mobile phone, it was better
to still ask Secretly
Captivated through WeChat.
Momo: Male god, Ninth
Heavens’ get-together in
Nanjing next Saturday, is it
Mo Lan waited patiently for
a while, after about ten
minutes, the other party
GYM: It’s true, if you are
free, come ba.
Seeing this sentence, Mo
Lan was excited all at once.
Momo: Can I really go?
GYM: Of course can.
GYM: Going to work first,
go to bed earlier.
Momo: Okay! Male god,
you go to bed earlier too!
Mo Lan put down her phone,
looked back at Ninth
Heavens’ QQ group chat,
everyone was still
continously discussing in
full swing.
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
Just want to say that I’ve
never seen Mi Da, I’m now
very excited, who can tell
me what kind of clothing
style does Mi Da likes?
Jade: … practically
suffering from a disease,
whatever you wear, Mi Da
won’t like it anyway.
Screenwriter-Ran Ran:
Upstairs +1
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: Upstairs +2
Designer-Tasseled Pendant:
Upstairs +3
Screenwriter-Bamboo Jade:
But, I say, didn’t we say
before that our meet-up this
time would be in Modu,
how come it’s back to
Post-Production-Shui Shui
Ruo Er: It was Mi Da who
discussed the idea of
​ ​ changing it to Nanjing,
I’m not sure why.
Designer-Falling Jade
Necklace: Mi Da would
even care about this kind of
thing… hasn’t he always not
care about anything else
except for his recordings
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Don’t try to guess the mind
of male god (=?ω?)?
Screenwriter-Ran Ran:
Upstairs just acting cute is
sufficient enough (waving)
Mo Lan looked at
everyone’s enthusiastic
discussion and couldn’t help
but replied:
Ye Lanshan: Have never
seen the real male god, very
excited very happy >3<
Post-Production-In A Flash
Rosy Cheeks Becomes Old:
I totally understand your
fangirl feeling! Quickly
come and help me think
about what we should wear
that day!
Designer-Tasseled Pendant:
People who have met him
before says he’s handsome
until face-bleed, and if
combined with his voice,
it’s pretty much -100
immunity, remember to
prepare your own tissues
and ambulance.
Producer-Honey Lemon:
Xiao Luo Bo is also super
adorable, soft and sticky so
nice to pinch, blown away
until so green and yet very
tsundere, just my kinda
After following everybody
in the group chat talking
senselessly from the
heavens to the bottom of the
ocean for a long time,
finally, they started to
discuss about YY activites
and guests invitation for the
7th Anniversary, since Mo
Lan didn’t really understand,
she closed the chat window
and mindlessly visited
En… this Totoro’s bolster
was not bad, it looked soft,
looked as if it would be nice
to hug.
The mushroom-shaped
coffee cup was also pretty
good, the shape was very
exquisite and beautiful.
Looked down and saw the
time on the computer,
It’s almost 11pm… no
matter how excited she was
it was about time to sleep,
so Mo Lan silently closed
Taobao and planned to go to
bed to sleep.
Before going to sleep, it was
still the international
practice to browse through
Weibo, Mo Lan opened
Secretly Captivated’s Weibo,
not particularly hoping for
something, she clicked the
right-button mouse and
refreshed the page.
But, actually… there was a
new Weibo post.
It was an audio PāPā.
Mo Lan couldn’t helped but
got excited.
It has been a long time since
Secretly Captivated posted
an audio PāPā.
Mo Lan put on her
earphones and opened the
PāPā post excitedly.
The sound in her
headphones was a bit noisy,
and yet he seemed to be
quite relaxed, it was as if…
he was walking by himself
on the road, neither
hurriedly nor slowly going
home on foot.
His voice was very light,
like the moonlight rippling
across the night sky,
charming and gentle, with a
bit of indolence, which
made people unwilling to
even breathe.
“Finished reading all the
Weibo posts of a girl, wu…
suddenly felt very honoured
to have always been liked
and supported by you all.
Seeing how she’s tagged me
so many times, I believe,
many of you were probably
the same as her, sorry,
because of my job I wasn’t
able to reply regularly to
your comments, but, I am
genuinely thankful for all of
In her ears the cold wind
whistled by, Secretly
Captivated’s clear voice was
as if it was right beside her
ears, Mo Lan listened
quietly, so nervous that the
atmosphere didn’t even dare
make a sound.
In her earphones, he paused,
then his low voice echoed
once again, somewhat
unhurriedly, yet extremely
gentle and soft: “Yearning
to meet but when, this
moment this night
emotionally unbearable…
it’s full moon tonight, very
beautiful. Good night.
The somewhat deep and low
voice was gentle and soft as
well as alluring, so beautiful
that it made one had no
It was just like suddenly
hearing the fireworks go
BOOM bursting beside her
ears, Mo Lan felt that she
was dazzledly blown away
by his voice, totally
incapable of resisting.
Yearning to meet but when,
this moment this night
emotionally unbearable.
Blood trough thoroughly
emptied, it was truly… too
nice and too gentle.
The mouse scrolled to
everybody’s comments
below, just as expected, the
fans were already flaring up.
“Kneeling begging Mi Da to
look at my Weibo ying ying
“Yearning to meet but when,
this moment this night
emotionally unbearable.
Thank you male god for
gifting me a new ringtone
“Don’t need to thank us,
we’re perfectly happy and
willing to be your fans T^T”
“Haven’t slept at this late
hour? Mi Da rest earlier,
good night, love you.”
Mo Lan’s rested her hands
on the keyboard, suddenly
in this moment, she didn’t
know how to reply.
Could “the girl” that he
mentioned possibly be
She remembered… Secretly
Captivated have told her
before, he had seen her
But, in the end was it a yes
or a no?
In the midst of a chaotic
battle between man and
heaven in Mo Lan’s brain,
suddenly, her phone screen
lit up.
Mo Lan opened and found
Secretly Captivated’s
WeChat message:
GYM: Height 188 you
should already know, BWH
haven’t measured before,
my birthday is April 17. Go
to bed early, don’t reply.
Mo Lan froze.
So… was he now answering
the questions she posted on
Weibo before?
Mo Lan remembered that
Secretly Captivated was
once interviewed on Weibo,
the host posted a Weibo post,
saying that if you
commented under this
Weibo post and reposted the
questions, the host will draw
questions from there to ask
Secretly Captivated.
At that time, the fans were
especially awesome in
flooding the comments,
fantastically giving all kinds
of questions. Mo Lan’s
question was submerged by
the crowd as soon as it was
posted, even though she
persevered and tagged SC
three times, but later, she
couldn’t even find her own
question, and was forced to
drop it.
It never occured to her that
he would actually tell her in
such a way.
Silently reading these few
sentences sent by Secretly
Captivated, Mo Lan
couldn’t help but despised
herself, height, BWH,
birthday… what in the
world was she trying to ask?
But… if this was the case,
can she prove, from this
aspect, that he indeed was
reading her Weibo?
Mo Lan stood in front of the
full-length mirror. She had
already changed her clothes
three to four times.
Beside her, stood An
Xiaoluo with an apple in her
hand, her eyebrows raised
watching the dry and dull
process of Mo Lan
repeatedly wearing her
clothes, looking in the
mirror, undressing, and then
tried on her clothes again.
Not until Mo Lan put on a
white and green
Korean-style dress, An
Xiaoluo eyes finally lit up:
“This is not bad.”
“Really?” Mo Lan answered
distractedly, and once again
walked towards the
full-length mirror.
This piece of dress, the top
was a white cropped sweater,
and the bottom an A-line
skirt, Mo Lan’s normal
colours were white, gray
and black, so because the
colour of this skirt was
excessively bright, so she
has rarely worn it.
But… looking at it now, it
was actually really bright.
An Xiaoluo placed beside
her the half eaten apple that
was in her hand, then stood
up, helped Mo Lan tidy the
dress while encouraged,
“Aiya, just wear this dress
ba, your skin is so fair,
looks good when wearing
green, why in the world
would you wear all those
old-fashioned clothes all the
Mo Lan stared at herself in
the mirror, rather somewhat
out of sorts on how to cope
with this bright and
beautiful colour, but under
An Xiaoluo’s intense
encouragement, she also
Mo Lan was very slim, even
though she was wearing
very thick black wool
leggings, both of her legs
resembled a pair of
chopsticks, perfectly straight
and slim.
An Xiaoluo stared at her for
a few seconds, then sighed
enviously: “Xiao Lan, how
do you not get fat from
eating the way you do?
Whatever you wear, you
still look like Sister Lin, as
if you’ll fall once the wind
Mo Lan 囧 ed and was
about to say something, but
heard An Xiaoluo exclaimed:
“Oh shoots oh shoots, it’s
almost nine, I need to rush
to the company, I wish you
a blessed meetup, remember
to take a few pictures of
Secretly Captivated -sama
for me! I’m leaving first!”
That’s right, this weekend,
An Xiaoluo continued to be
exploited by captitalism by
working overtime, so it was
a pity that for the Ninth
Heavens 7th Anniversary
gathering, she couldn’t
attend with Mo Lan.
After An Xiaoluo left, it was
exactly 9am in Beijing,
Ninth Heavens 7th
Anniversary meetup was at
11am, the venue was at a
restaurant in Nanjing’s Deji
Plaza, reportedly it was
where the people in the
dubbing group first met, so
this place was very
memorable for them.
Mo Lan stood silently and
foolishly for a while, then,
she sat in front of the vanity
mirror, looked miserable as
she rummaged through her
makeup bag, her almost
never used makeup ever
since she bought it.
Because Mo Lan’s skin was
very fair and smooth, so she
basically didn’t need to use
BB cream, she tossed aside
the full tube of BB cream
and took out the eyeliner.
En… a little bit of eyeliner
was enough.
Twenty minutes later, Mo
Lan faced the mirror and
nodded with satisfaction,
then picked up a
light-colour lip gloss, and
lightly applied it to her lips.
Lip gloss was an essential
going-out item for Mo Lan,
because she was very fair, if
she doesn’t apply any
embellishment such as
lipstick or lip gloss, she
would have looked quite
After a little tidying up of
the wardrobe that turned
into a mess when she was
trying on clothes, Mo Lan
looked at the time, it was
already a bit over 10, it was
almost time to leave.
She took a pair of black
ankle boots from the shoe
cupboard and wore her
favorite black woolen coat.
Matching the three colours,
black, white and green
together, looked very
En… simple, stylish, very
After looking at herself
again in the mirror by the
door, she confirmed that she
had prepared herself very
adequately, then Mo Lan
walked out of the house.
Sitting in the backseat of the
taxi, Mo Lan turned her
head and quietly looked at
the winter scenery from the
window. The weather
forecast said that there will
be heavy snowfall in
Nanjing in the next few days,
Mo Lan looked up at the sky,
there seemed to be no sign
of snow.
She took a deep breath, but
still felt very nervous.
Going to meet Secretly
Going to meet the 2D
favourite whom she has
been a fan of for four years.
Going to meet… Gu Ye Mi.
Accustomed to biting her
lips, she suddenly realised
that she should not destroy
the lip gloss that she had
just applied, Mo Lan forced
herself to once again take a
deep breath, hoping to calm
down her violent heartbeat.
The driver in front of her,
looked at Mo Lan who ever
since she stepped into the
taxi, looked as if she was
facing a big enemy, couldn’t
help but teased her: “Little
girl, are you going on a
blind date?”
Blind date…
Mo Lan 囧.
She replied, her voice a little
weak: “No…”
“Then going to see your
boyfriend?” The driver’s
eyebrows raised and threw
out another possibility.
“Uh… neither.” Mo Lan
continued to deny.
The driver was obviously
confused, he blanked for a
moment before curiously
asked, “Then who are you
actually going to meet?
Dressing up so beautifully,
and yet you still look all
Mo Lan looked down a little
embarrassed, she opened her
mouth wanting to reply the
other person, a multitude of
thoughts flashed through
one by one, but, she
suddenly realised, she didn’t
know how should she ought
to answer.
Should she say… that she
was going to meet her idol?
Better forget it.
The driver’s attention
quickly shifted to the traffic
condition, and he didn’t
continue questioning.
It was quiet for the rest of
the journey.
After she paid, Mo Lan got
out of the car and walked
into Deji Plaza.
Nanjing Impressions was a
very well-known classic
family restaurant in Nanjing.
The restaurant was very big,
with its quaint antique
decoration, all kinds of
snacks were arranged in
front of a window, for
guests to choose and to help
themselves. All the tables
and chairs were all made
from sandalwood, which
was quite similar to the
teahouses and pubs in the
late Qing Dynasty and early
Republican period.
Couplet lanterns were
clearly seen everywhere,
and there was also a little
boy servant in ancient
costume standing by the
door calling out loudly,
simple and elegant, full of
Mo Lan stood by the door of
Nanjing Impressions, her
movement a little stiff. She
could hear her rapid
heartbeat, one after another,
just as if she was on a swing,
swinging up, swinging
down, a restless feeling.
After tucking a strand of
hair behind her ear, Mo Lan
closed her eyes, took a deep
breath, then gathered her
courage and walked in.
There have always been
many customers in Nanjing
Impressions, almost every
table was filled, and there
were many people lining up
in front of each window.
The waiter in an ancient
costume saw Mo Lan and
hurried over enthusiastically
greeting her, Mo Lan was
somewhat at a loss.
Suddenly, a male voice
sounded behind her, deep
and very gentle: “Mo Lan,
It was Su Shen’s voice.
Mo Lan turned around and
walked a few steps towards
the voice, then she lifted her
head, in the next second, she
was caught off guard as she
fell into somebody’s line of
That person was sitting next
to Su Shen, and at this
moment, he stood up,
elegantly, picturesquely. His
pair of eyes smiled and
calmly looked at Mo Lan.
In the evidently black and
white pair of eyes, a faint
misty shade of peach
blossom appeared, hazy, one
stroke at a time, each and
every stroke endless.
Surrounded by this quaint
antique teahouse and pub,
Mo Lan almost thought he
was a prince from the mortal
world that just walked out of
a painting.
She looked at him and
somewhat trembled, inside
Mo Lan’s head, it was a
great mess and was very
noisy, there was only one
sentence which
overwhelmed all other
thoughts, floated clearly in
front of her eyes–
Aloof and elegant, ten
thousand times magnificent,
all picturesque.
Using these few phrases to
describe him, was more than
The man looked at her, his
lips curved, he showed a
somewhat distinct and aloof
He spoke, somewhat tender,
somewhat indolent, the
voice if amidst a hundred
other voices, she would still
be able to identify in a
He said, “Momo, I’m Gu Ye
Gu Ye Mi?
Mo Lan lifted her head and
looked at him,
unconsciously nipped her
lower lip, then asked softly,
unaware that a slight
imperceptible tremor
appeared: “Have… we met
As soon as this sentence was
spoken out loud, the next
second, Mo Lan regretted.
Because, she remembered.
The man who slept in the
bullet train, the man beside
the ambulance that night
who had a glimpse of her…
all were him.
Surprisingly, it was him.
Or she should say, it
actually turned out to be
Gu Ye Mi chuckled, and
genuinely smiled, really
extremely distinguished:
“You still remember, I’m
very honoured.”
Mo Lan suddenly couldn’t
control her somewhat
blushing face.
His voice… was really too
As she was about to say
something, she saw the few
girls giggled beside him,
one of them beckoned at Mo
Lan and said with a smile,
“You’re Ye Lanshan meizhi?
I’m Shui Shui Ruo Er,
quickly come and sit.”
Coming to her senses, Mo
Lan slightly lowered her
eyes, walked over a little
embarrassedly, and found a
place to sit.
At the moment, not
everybody had arrived yet,
there were about 10 or so
people around the table, the
girls were the ones who
often chatted with Mo Lan
in the Ninth Heavens
Dubbing Group, the oldest
was already 28 years old,
married and has a son, the
youngest, just started her
second-year of high school.
Among the men, one was
Gu Ye Mi, one was Su Shen,
and there was a man with a
crew cut who looked very
capable and experienced,
Qingshang was also a very
popular CV in the Internet
Voice Circle, famous for his
clear, rich and melodious
voice, because there was
really no interaction with
the other party, so Mo Lan
didn’t have the nerve to
further talk with the other
party, merely gave a slight
nod to say hello.
Her eyes swept back and
forth around the table, until
after she had finished
greeting everyone, Mo Lan
lifted her eyes, and finally
somewhat embarrassedly
met Gu Ye Mi’s eyes.
The other person’s slender
fingers was right in the
middle of spinning his
phone over and over again,
his deep jet-black eyes
gazed at Mo Lan without
blinking, the corner of his
lips absently drawed out a
Ran Ran looked at Gu Ye
Mi for a bit and sighed, her
expression seemingly very
miffed: “Hey, Mi Da, we
have already met two or
three times, why have you
never looked at me with this
kind of expression? My
heart is crumbling into
pieces soon you know.”
“That’s right, have you had
plans towards somebody’s
meizhi since a long time
ago?” Honey Lemon sat
next to Ran Ran also started
Su Shen also laughed, a
deep laughter, his whole
person instantly became a
lot more friendly: “You all
should speak less, can’t you
see somebody’s blushing?”
“Aih… okay, let’s change
the subject, why hasn’t Xiao
Luo Bo arrived yet?”
Tasseled Pendant opened
her mouth and shifted the
topic in a timely manner.
Su Shen frowned slightly,
then raised his wrist and
glanced at the time, and
replied softly: “He did say
he wanted to finish an
assignment before coming,
looking at the time now, it
should be anytime soon.”
Bai Yu Luo Bo studied at
Southeast University, he just
started his second year.
“Like that ah… I think we
should go get some food
first.” Bamboo Jade
coughed, very tactfully
grabbed Ran Ran and the
other girls, planning to go
get some food from the
She just blurted out her
suggestion and immediately
went into action.
After the girls at the table
left, the atmosphere became
quieter all of a sudden.
Qingshang looked at Mo
Lan and curiously asked:
“Meizhi, what is your
relationship with Xiao Mi?”
Mo Lan’s fingers which was
holding the glass stiffened,
then she cleared her throat
and answered as steady as
possible: “No relationship,
well, I’m his fan.”
Or maybe she should have
said, his fangirl…
“Huh, but I think, the two of
you gives off the impression
of something very subtle,
don’t look like an ordinary
CV and his fan.” Qingshang
was obviously dissatisfied
with Mo Lan’s answer and
continued to ask
Su Shen, who was sitting
next to him, good-naturedly
helped Mo Lan out of the
predicament: “I can testify
that the current relationship
between the two of them is
still pure, in the future… not
Consequently, Mo Lan felt
even more embarrassed.
The ever silent Gu Ye Mi,
timely stood up, his
evidently black and white
eyes glanced at Mo Lan, his
voice very gentle: “Go grab
The ending lilt up faintly, an
enquiring tone.
But probably because his
voice was too nice, Mo Lan
felt that her current blood
tank practically emptied, her
mind was simply not
focused on the content of
this sentence.
Gu Ye Mi looked at her as if
he was smiling, and then he
opened his lips, his face
gentle and soft and repeated
his question.
Mo Lan slowly came back
to her senses, eventually
realising what happened and
stood up.
Su Shen and Qingshang
couldn’t helped laughing.
Su Shen looked at Mo Lan,
who was extremely
embarrassed, and said
comfortingly: “It’s nothing
it’s nothing, it’s the first
time hearing Ah Mi’s
natural voice, this reaction is
already not too bad, at least
way better compared to
when Xiao Luo Bo first met
But it was still very
embarrassing okay… so
embarassed that at this very
moment Mo Lan wanted to
hang herself on the
southeast branch.
With her head down, she
quickly followed Gu Ye
Mi’s back and left the table.
Carefully lifting her eyes
and stared at Gu Ye Mi’s
back, as expected Mo Lan
found that she couldn’t even
reached the other person’s
shoulders, 188cm… was
indeed very tall.
He was wearing a blue
down jacket, and yet you
don’t feel as if he’s bloated,
the collar of his gray
checkered shirt jutted out a
little, covered his fair
elegant neck, the whole
person’s temperament was
distinct and aloof as well as
She blankly followed him
from behind, until Gu Ye
Mi stopped in front of a
window and began to line
up, Mo Lan then also
She took a quick look at the
sign hanging on the snacks
window, Mo Lan saw the
words “Ancient Style
Candied Taro Seedling”.
“Ancient Style Candied
Taro Seedling” was a
well-known dessert in
Nanjing, using fresh taro
seedlings coupled with
osmanthus flower syrup,
simmered together in a big
wok, after the taro seedlings
soften then you add the lotus
root starch, eating the
fragrant sweet soft sticky
taro, with the fragrant
osmanthus flower floating.
It was a traditional Nanjing
dessert that Mo Lan must
order every time she came
“Do you like to eat candied
taro seedling as well?” Mo
Lan could not helped asking,
her voice was finally calmer
compared to before.
“Um… I don’t really like to
eat sweet food.” Gu Ye Mi
heard her question and
answered somewhat
indolently. As if afraid that
Mo Lan couldn’t hear him,
as he replied he turned
sideways slightly, his head
Because there were many
people in the queue and the
hallway wasn’t long enough,
so it was very crammed, Mo
Lan had no choice but to
endure and squeezed close
to Gu Ye Mi, when he
moved sideways, his down
jacket grazed against Mo
Lan’s woolen coat,
producing a little sound.
It was simply a light graze
between the jackets, in a
split second, Mo Lan felt
that her heartbeat seemed to
be somewhat violent again.
“But, don’t you like it?” Gu
Ye Mi didn’t seem to notice,
he turned his head and softly
asked, with a slight smile in
his tone.
Mo Lan blanked for a
moment, she was a little
confused and disoriented by
the other party’s voice, she
thought about it, and spoke
cautiously and earnestly,
with a little doubt: “Urm…
male god, how did you
“You’ve shared before in
Moments.” Gu Ye Mi
smiled lightly, the more you
slice the more you polish,
the more you cut (gems) the
more it wears down, (as if
they were eager to learn
from each other), totally
extremely alluring.
While Gu Ye Mi spoke, he
simply turned his whole
body around and faced Mo
Lan. He lowered his eyes,
his expression very calmed,
and in a state of confusion,
Mo Lan heard his voice,
tender and indulgent: “Just
call me Gu Ye Mi.”
“Gu… Ye Mi?” Intoxicated
by the other party’s voice,
Mo Lan subconsciously
repeated these three words.
Her tip of the tongue lightly
touched her teeth, Mo Lan
heard these three words
clearly coming out from her
mouth, and it suddenly felt a
little wonderful, so
wonderful, that it was a little
But seeing Gu Ye Mi curled
his lips, his evident black
and white eyes looked at her,
his eyes and eyebrows
smiled: “That’s me.”
Mo Lan lifted her head and
looked at him, her face
blushed almost to the base
of her neck. She couldn’t
help but silently sighed for
the 1001st time in her heart,
people who used their voice
as a weapon was really
scary, it was practically just
like the mast and scull were
destroyed amidst the talking
and laughing all right.
The number of people in
front of them lessen one by
one, Mo Lan stood behind
Gu Ye Mi, she couldn’t see
his expression, she could
only hear his faint voice
ordering two candied taro
seedlings from the kitchen
lady behind the window.
Mo Lan was able to feel that
he had already tried to lower
his voice as much as
possible, to make himself
less recognisable. But… but,
it still sounded way better
compared to a normal
She couldn’t help but leaned
on her side, wanted to see at
this very moment what kind
of facial expression the
kitchen lady had, as
expected, Mo Lan saw the
other party paused for a
moment while taking a bowl,
then the kitchen lady looked
up, and with a somewhat
astonished expression
looked at Gu Ye Mi.
Mo Lan all of a sudden
recollected, the night of the
accident, why were the
people who were standing
opposite Gu Ye Mi looked
as if they saw a ghost when
they stared at him.
It must be because he had
such a beautiful voice.
Gu Ye Mi didn’t say
anything, he seemed to be
accustomed to this kind of
situation, he was merely
standing there casually, a
peaceful look, his
temperament distinct and
Mo Lan suddenly had that
slight sense of fireworks
from the world.
She had liked that Internet
Voice CV for four years,
and now he stood right in
front of her, his soothing
tone helped her order a bowl
of candied taro seedling.
Not as far away as one had
imagined, nor as
unattainable as rumoured. It
was as if he had fallen into
this ten-foot soft red city
from the skies above, he
really stood in front of her,
talked to her, smiled at her,
his each and every
movement was
unfathomably warm and
Mo Lan looked at his back
and her eyes could not help
but turned slightly red.
All the nights falling asleep
while listening to him all
showed up one by one,
when she was happy, sad,
troubled, or lost,
accompanying her, all of
those times was the voice of
this person.
But in fact, she truly had
never thought, that there
will be such a day where she
would meet him.
Gu Ye Mi took a tray from
the kitchen lady and turned
The steam from the candied
taro seedlings drifted and
circulated around his whole
body, the air filled with the
somewhat hazy mist, and his
picturesque appearance,
distinct, aloof and elegant.
Mo Lan looked at him,
suddenly unable to control
herself and said: “Gu Ye Mi,
I truly really like your
Gu Ye Mi’s footsteps
paused for a moment, then
he chuckled softly, the
temperature of his speech
melted and soften, just like a
feather, light as a feather
smashing into her heart,
nevertheless making her
heartbeat throbbed violently,
wave after wave.
He said, “I know.”
After Mo Lan who looked
somewhat at loss followed
Gu Ye Mi back to the table,
she caught a glimpse of a
handsome and smart boy, a
boy who wore a green
T-shirt, a smile on his face,
in the centre of attention
bantering with everyone.
Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
and felt that there was
absolutely no point in
guessing as she was
certained that this person
must be Bai Yu Luo Bo.
As she was thinking, the
boy had already looked up
towards their way, Mo Lan
was just wondering if she
should introduced herself to
the other party, in the endt
the other party’s expression
completely did not have her
in his sights, rather he
smiled sunnily and
splendidly at Gu Ye Mi who
was beside her: “Ah Mi Ah
Mi, you’re here!” He
stopped, looked Mo Lan up
and down, and asked a little
puzzledly, “Who’s the girl
next to you?”
Once he opened his mouth,
a clear bright sunshine-y
youthful voice, it brought a
hint of softness and silkiness,
it was undoubtedly Bai Yu
Luo Bo.
Mo Lan couldn’t help but
turned her head to glanced
at Gu Ye Mi who was
standing beside her, and saw
the other party’s showing a
hint of miffed distinct aloof
smile, his picturesque
appearance, all manner of
Then he replied softly:
“She’s Ye Lanshan.”
Indolent, gentle, it brought
to some degree a smiling
Mo Lan stood next to him
distractedly, unexpectedly
there was a sense of
restlessness where she
didn’t know where to put
her hands or feet.
“Ye Lanshan?” Bai Yu Luo
Bo’s eyes widened, with a
little surprised feeling, he
looked at Mo Lan ever more
carefully, then he once again
put on his bright and sunny
smile and took the initiative
to greet her: “Hello sister,
I’m Bai Yu Luo Bo, you can
just call me Xiangyang.”
Hearing the other person’s
introduction, Mo Lan also
replied: “Hello, well, my
name is Mo Lan.”
“Mo Lan? Which Lan?” Bai
Yu Luo Bo asked with a
Gu Ye Mi had already
reached the table, while
putting down the tray in the
hand, he casually added:
“The Lan from Lánshān.”
As a result, the whole table
quieten down.
Mo Lan, who had just sat
down, was also quiet.
After a moment of silence,
Tasseled Pendant cleared
her throat and broke the
silence: “I say, what’s
actually going on with this
abnormal powerful CP
Bai Yu Luo Bo also inserted:
“Ah Mi, I still want to ask
again, you really didn’t
know each other before?”
After Mo Lan, who was a
little embarrassed by the
atmosphere, heard him
asked this question, she
quickly denied: “We really
didn’t know each other
“En.” Gu Ye Mi
immediately responded
indifferently, his line of
sight cross passed the two
people sitting next to him,
then glanced into Mo Lan’s
eyes, in a low voice,
somewhat tender, “Your
candied taro seedlings.”
Engrossed in the other
person’s tender voice, Mo
Lan lifted her head, and
looked at him in a daze. Gu
Ye Mi’s eyes were very
beautiful, evidently black
and white, a lift at the outer
corner of his eyes, a deep
dark expression in his eyes,
but after staring for too long,
you’ll feel that the inside of
his eyes appeared a misty
shade of peach blossom,
faintly, yet so alluring that it
nearly made Mo Lan
muddled up day and night.
Shui Shui Ruo Er, who was
sitting next to Mo Lan,
smiled and poked her
shoulder, and teasingly
reminded her: “Sister, your
candied taro seedlings.”
As soon as her voice fell,
the next second, Ran Ran
added the following
sentence: “No, it’s your
candied taro seedlings.”
The people at the table
suddenly burst into laughter,
the atmosphere became
more lively.
Mo Lan finally remembered
and reached out for the bowl
of still steaming hot candied
taro seedlings, her fingertips
unconsciously brushed
against the back of the other
party’s hand, she got a fright
and Mo Lan’s movement
slowed down. But Gu Yemi
seemed to have felt nothing,
and steadily placed the bowl
in her hands, he looked calm
and at peace.
After she took the bowl of
candied taro seedlings, Mo
Lan lowered her head,
stirred the dessert, and dare
not looked, at this very
moment, at the expressions
of Shui Shui Ruo Er and
Honey Lemon who were
sitting next to her.
Su Shen and Qingshang
who had left for quite a
while, finally returned with
two bottles of beer in their
When Ran Ran saw the beer,
her spirit was instantly
invigorated: “Ninth Heavens
7th Anniversary, these few
bottles isn’t enough!”
Su Shen couldn’t helped
laughing, his tone was very
calm: “Everybody can just
have some as a gesture,
what would it look like
being completely drunk in
broad daylight.”
Bai Yu Luo Bo instantly had
on a bitter face, and
grumbled a little bit: “How
did this type of practice to
drink for the anniversary
came about… I’m allergic
to alcohol you know!”
“Then drink less, in short,
don’t even think about not
drinking at all.” Qingshang
said as he walked over,
nimbly using the bottle
opener to first open the two
bottles of beer.
Not long after that, everyone
at the table had an extra full
glass of beer in front of
Mo Lan stared at the glass
of beer in front of herself
and couldn’t help but sighed
in her heart for the 108th
Anything to do with alochol,
she was really not used to it,
first of all, she had a low
tolerance for alcohol,
basically the standard three
glasses, secondly, her face
turns red after a few glasses.
But seeing Su Shen took the
lead in raising his glass,
with a hint of nostalgia in
his tone: “In the blink of an
eye, Ninth Heavens have
already been established for
seven years, everyone have
been walking this extra path
for the sake of this dubbing
hobby, how do I put it, it
wasn’t easy. In short, I am
really happy and fortunate
to have met all of you, Ninth
Heavens 7th Anniversary,
cheers! “

Apparently influenced by
the sense of reminiscence in
Su Shen’s tone, everyone,
one after another
immediately followed and
raised their glass, regardless
of whether one knew how to
drink, or whether one could
drink, they raised their
glasses with both hands, all
of them grandly and
passionately with ten
thousand fathoms drained
their glass in one gulp.
Mo Lan also raised her glass
with everyone and just as
she was about to raised her
head to drink, she couldn’t
help but turned her head.
In the blink of an eye, she
saw Gu Ye Mi at once.
Gu Ye Mi was holding his
glass in his hand, his
obvious black and white
eyes was dark and deep,
when he saw Mo Lan
looked towards him, his lips
curled at once, his distinct
and aloof appearance
instantly turned warm and
Little by little, a hint of
peach blossom colour
appeared in his eyes, he
looked at Mo Lan, his
posture graceful, and raised
his glass from a distance.
It was as if all the people
that surrounded him
disappeared, there was only
her in his eyes.
Mo Lan clearly saw, his lips
opened and closed, he said
to her, cheers.
Enticed by the other’s party
meaningful glance, she was
unable to restrain her
emotions, Mo Lan pursed
her lips and gently smiled.
She lifted her head and
drained the cup in one gulp.
A fierce tingling sensation
went down her throat, Mo
Lan closed her eyes, in front
of her eyes was the picture
of Gu Ye Mi chuckling and
raising a glass towards her
from just before.
“I say, Flower Burial
goddess is not here today
sigh, does anybody know
what’s going on?”
“It seemed that at the last
minute her company
requested her to work
overtime, forced to suffer.”
“I suddenly have a good
suggestion, how about
getting Xiao Luo Bo to sing
《The Young Charming
Fox》for the 7th Anniversary
“Agreed, agreed!”
“Hey hey, why in the world
do you want me to sing? A
song like《The Young
Charming Fox》clearly
shows that Momo would be
more suitable all right!”
“… it has nothing to do with
me, I certainly didn’t say
“If Su Qingmo Dada was
the one singing, that picture
would just be too beautiful
and I really won’t dare to
watch it.”
In the large party, it was
noisy, everyone was very
excited, all chattered
continuously and in full
swing, although a few of
them met for the first time
in the 3D world, however
there wasn’t a bit of
awkwardness or
As Mo Lan silently ate the
crystal cake from her plate,
she suddenly saw Ran Ran
took her empty glass and
refilled it to the brim again,
taking the full glass from
Ran Ran, under the
enthusiastic invitation of the
other party, then Mo Lan
who was uncommonly
muddled once again drank a
few more glasses.
After the
getting-people-to-drink part
was over, everybody had
almost eaten their fill, and
started talking about family
The topic went all the way
from the 2D world to
educating children.
If somebody took the
initiative to talk to Mo Lan,
then she would continue
with just a few words. For
most of the remaining time,
she just lowered her head in
silence, and bit by bit tried
to finished her bowl of
candied taro seedlings.
In fact, it had actually
already cooled down a bit,
but she just wanted to eat it.
Out of the whole table, the
person who hardly spoke,
apart from her, was
probably Gu Ye Mi.
Mo Lan couldn’t help but
secretly glanced at Gu Ye
Mi, she saw that the other
party indifferently poured
himself a glass of beer, his
face was distinctly aloof and
elegant, indescribably made
people felt somewhat faintly
He lowered his head and
played with his mobile
phone, as if everything he
listened to was going in, and
yet it seemed that nothing
went in.
Just as she wanted to shake
herself awake, her phone
rang suddenly, Mo Lan
bowed her head, the next
second, she was a little
surprised to find that it was
a WeChat message from Gu
Ye Mi.
GYM: Eat more, you’re too
Mo Lan looked at the text
message on the phone
screen and habitually bit her
lower lip, her face which
could be the result of the
few glasses of beer, had
already gradually heated up.
She even felt that her palms
which was against the metal
back of the phone also burnt
slightly, Mo Lan lowered
her head not daring to look
at the other party’s facial
expression, her trembling
fingers typed a reply.
Momo: I probably drank too
much just now, and now I
can’t eat anymore, 囧.
After sending out the
message, Mo Lan softly
The weather was still very
cold, even with the
heatpump switched on. But
in her heart, it seemed that
there were one hundred
rabbits simultaneously
nonstop violently jumping
up and down, even her
earlobe was burning bit by
GYM: Go for a walk?
Mo Lan looked at this line
of words from the other
party in astonishment, she
wasn’t sure if she was tipsy
and have read it wrongly, or
was it true.
The next second, she saw
that Gu Ye Mi had already
stood up.
The tall figure suddenly
stood up, all at once
grabbing everyone’s
But he was still indifferent,
he opened his mouth, his
voice was as elegant as the
river, flowing like jade,
indescribably appealing:
“It’s not early, and I still
have something on tonight,
can I go first?”
As soon as he spoke, he
instantly reminded many
In A Flash Rosy Cheeks
Becomes Old suddenly
realised that and extended
her wrist to look at the time,
after she looked, she was
immediately agitated:
“Dang, it’s actually 4pm,
my son finishes
kindergarten in a bit, I still
need to go home and cook,
and pick him up later.”
Tasseled Pendant who also
drank quite a bit had an
agonised expression: “Rosy
Cheeks sister, I drank a bit
too much, since we’re both
going the same way, drop
me home please.”
The scene was chaotic, the
girls were taking their bags
all getting ready to leave,
Qingshang who was tipsy
clearly hadn’t had enough to
drink, in a short while his
expression was not satisfied:
“Hey hey, this is but Ninth
Heaven’s meetup, I haven’t
even said anything, why are
all of you leaving one by
one?” After speaking, all of
sudden he thought of
something, he jokingly
continued to add, “For those
of you who said you want to
go, how about each person
gets punished to drink three
“That’s right that’s right!”
Because Bai Yu Luo Bo was
allergic to alcohol, so he
gave up after drinking the
first cup, at present he very
clear-headedly agreed with
Qingshang, joining in the
Su Shen also laughed, did
not speak, just beckoned and
asked for two more bottles
of beer.
Gu Ye Mi smiled softly, he
had magnificently did his
Even though everyone have
already heard his voice
countless of times, they
couldn’t help but stared
blankly for a bit.
And he spoke with a sloppy
tone: “I have no objection.”
Gu Ye Mi lowered his head
and poured himself three
full glasses.
“Congratulations on Ninth
Heavens 7th Anniversary.”
He toasted wtih a smile.
Then opened his mouth and
drained it all in one gulp.
With all three glasses, his
eyebrows didn’t even
The people next to him
looked at him in awe, even
the always silent Su Shen
also spoke up: “Xiao Mi,
you can actually drink? I
was truly fooled by you.”
“Requirement of my job, I
generally don’t drink.” Gu
Ye Mi put the glass down,
his appearance indolent, his
tone even brought a hint of
Bai Yu Luo Bo saw that he
couldn’t teased him,
couldn’t help but sighed a
little disappointedly. He
turned his head, and saw
that surrounding him were
the other people who just
said they were leaving, once
again his mood lifted up
considerably: “In other
words, Ah Mi has already
drank, shouldn’t you all do
it too?”
Everyone stopped talking.
Tasseled Pendant wailed
and grumbled with a
sorrowful face: “Dear
brothers and sisters, I’ve
already drank a lot, if I
continue drinking, when I
get home I’m afraid that my
dad would beat me to death
then hang my corpse up by
the wall.”
“Then don’t go first,
continue chatting.” Su Shen
waved his hand, he looked
very relaxed.
“… all right.” Tasseled
Pendant was somewhat
resigned and continued to sit
down, planned to once more
foolishly and idly chat for a
Suddenly, Gu Ye Mi turned
his eyes towards Mo Lan
and spoke softly: “Give me
the glass.”
Totally no reaction
whatsover, Mo Lan, who
was bewildered by his voice,
without thinking, she
reached out and handed over
her empty glass which faced
Gu Ye Mi lowered his head,
he looked at peace, and used
Mo Lan’s glass to filled it
up to the brim, then raised
his head and drank it.
First glass, second glass,
third glass.
He put down the glass, there
was still not even a bit of
change to his facial
expression, it was as if he
had just drank a few glasses
of plain boiled water.
Mo Lan felt her face was
even more red.
He used… her own glass.
Everybody stopped their
actions, watched Gu Ye
Mi’s consistent expression,
all were amazed and
“Xiao Mi, why did you
drink so much?” Su Shen
said thoroughly
Gu Ye Mi didn’t care, he
looked up and vaguely
smiled: “These three glasses,
I drank on behalf of Mo Lan,
you all continue.”
“… where there’s the
opposite sex, there’s no
humanity!” Bai Yu Luo Bo
could not help but
Gu Ye Mi laughed and
picked up his phone from
the table: “We’ll get
together again next time,
you guys don’t drink too
much either.”
After he finished, he
disregarded everybody’s
dissatisfaction and turned
his head, his clearly black
and white eyes looked at Mo
Lan tenderly, the corner of
his lips curled up, all smiles
in the corners of his eyes
down to the tip of his
eyebrows: “Momo, let’s
This kind of unbelievable
beautiful voice… regardless
of who it was spoken to, one
would surely not refused.
Mo Lan followed his voice
closely, left her seat to stand
up, her actions so quick that
her brain haven’t caught up.
The people next to her
couldn’t helped laughing.
Ran Ran spoke, a little
envious: “Lanshan sister, is
this you sweeping up Mi Da
as soon as you’ve met? And
you’re also leaving
Su Shen laughed, swallowed
the last drop in the glass,
and waved towards them:
“Go go, give you a chance
to be alone together.”
Mo Lan’s mind was heavy,
she blushed beyond
recognition, the wine that
she drank just before had
started taking effect, her
train of thought all chaotic.
Ignoring the teasing laughter
behind her, Mo Lan
followed Gu Ye Mi from
behind and walked out still
in a trance.
At the doorway, the waiter
in ancient costume
enthusiastically saw them
Walking out of Nanjing
Impressions’ front door, the
biting cold wind blast
through, Mo Lan finally felt
that her mind cleared up a
bit, but the cold was also
turbulent, her body couldn’t
help but curled up slightly.
The two of them walked a
few steps, Gu Ye Mi
suddenly stopped, he looked
back at Mo Lan, his tone
was very gentle: “Don’t
move, wait for me here.”
“Ah, okay.” Mo Lan blankly
agreed, nodded.
After about three to four
minutes, Gu Ye Mi returned,
in his hand, there was an
extra steaming hot paper
He walked over and placed
the paper cup into Mo Lan’s
hand: “Take it to warm your
Mo Lan encircled the paper
cup with both of her hands,
a burst of lemon fragrance
circulated from the mouth of
the cup, it turned out to be
lemon tea.
She couldn’t helped it and
raised her head to look at
Gu Ye Mi, Mo Lan had
some misgivings, it
shouldn’t be… he saw that
she was feeling a little cold?
Gu Ye Mi looked at her
somewhat stunned
expression, and suddenly
laughed softly, his distinct
and aloof face instantly
softened and glowed.
The two walked side by side
down the winter streets of
Nanjing, the maple branches
and leaves on both sides of
the road had already
withered, and occasionally a
few random dried up yellow
maple leaves circled and
Obviously this was Mo
Lan’s favorite winter scene,
but she didn’t have any
mood to enjoy it now,
because she was standing
next to Gu Ye Mi.
Her 4 years favourite from
the Internet Voice Circle,
Secretly Captivated.
The atmosphere was very
Not saying anything, would
it be a bit too awkward…
But, even if she wanted to
say something, what topic
would be better? Mo Lan
held the piping hot lemon
tea in her hands, and drank
it in small sips, her thoughts
all tangled up a thousand
times in her head.
Occasionally, a passer-by
would cast a stunned look at
Gu Ye Mi, and Mo Lan
would inexplicably felt a
little proud.
Perhaps it was because her
tipsiness hasn’t scattered,
Mo Lan’s courage grew a
little bigger, she nipped her
lip, and summoned up her
courage to asked, “Gu Ye
Mi, your profession… is an
“En, you heard it that
night?” Gu Ye Mi
responded in a low voice,
his voice indolent.
Mo Lan nodded, then,
hesitated a bit, “Being an
anesthesiologist… is very
“It’s okay.” Gu Yemi gave a
short answer, after finished
speaking, he gave a low
chuckle, his voice was so
low that Mo Lan almost
couldn’t hear it.
Mo Lan listened to his voice,
but suddenly sighed and
opened her mouth, she
couldn’t help but asked:
“Because of other people’s
fault, it now has negatively
changed the public opinion
of the entire anesthesiologist
industry, for you, isn’t it
very unfair?”
Gu Ye Mi stopped, he
turned to look at Mo Lan,
his appearance picturesque,
distinct and aloof as well as
He spoke leisurely, you
can’t figure out his mood,
“Momo, there has never
been justice in this world,
regardless of the profession,
it’s surely hard work. It’s
just like hitting a bottleneck
when you write, to be an
anesthesiologist, one needs
to learn to bear society’s
gossip and the passerby’s
coloured lenses.”
He looked very earnest
when he spoke, his
temperament was distinct,
aloof and clean. His tone
was obviously soft, but very
It inexplicably made Mo
Lan felt that this kind of
tone was one she knew well.
The two continued to walk
forward, neither fast nor
slow, Mo Lan looked down
at the paper cup in her hand
and spoke softly: “In
university, I majored in
ancient literature, at that
time almost everyone said
that my major was useless,
that I simply wouldn’t be
able to find a job after
graduation. In fact, I was
quite confused during that
short period, I was also
quite negative towards life.
Later there was one day, I
watched your interview, I
remembered that the host
asked you a question, the
main idea being if you’ve
had any regret towards any
decision you’ve made,
would you have chosen to
turn back?”
Up until here, Mo Lan
paused, then, she turned to
look at Gu Ye Mi and asked
softly, “Gu Ye Mi, do you
still remember… your
answer at that time?”
Her voice, inaudibly carried
a bit of hope.
Gu Ye Mi spoke in a low
voice, charming and gentle
as well as touching. He
looked down towards Mo
Lan, his eyes dark and deep,
little by little, the peach
blossom colour faintly
appeared in his eyes, “I said,
I don’t need to turn back
because it made no sense.”
Because the decision has
been made, therefore, no
matter how challenging or
difficult it was, one still had
to move forward, to turn
back, there wasn’t the
slightest degree of sense.
“Right.” Mo Lan couldn’t
help but pursed her lips, and
showed a smile as clear as
the mountains in Mingshui,
“Because of your words, I
told myself that I can’t
change my decision, I would
learn to accept it. Later, I
once again picked up the
guzheng that I haven’t
touched for so many years,
hoping to become an even
more outstanding person.”
The two talked, and in a
blink of an eye, they’ve
arrived in Mo Lan’s
Despite some reluctance,
Mo Lan still halted:
“Umm… we’ve reached my
house. Thanks for sending
me back.”
“No problem.” Gu Ye Mi
also stopped, bending down
to look at her, with a sloppy
and indolent tone.
“Speaking of guzheng, the
next time we meet again,
play《Senbon Sakura》for me
The next time we meet
He meant… there’s going to
be a next time?
Mo Lan looked up, her eyes
shined, and looked at him in
She saw Gu Ye Mi’s lips
curled up and smiled, even
his eyes somewhat smiled
too: “Momo, good night.”
Word by word, gentle and
affectionate, so moved that
Mo Lan didn’t dare breathe.
“Good night.”
As she was saying good
night to the other party, with
half of her mind somewhere
else, she turned around, then
step by step she entered her
Mo Lan didn’t know how
many steps she had taken,
she merely felt that she
should have already walked
quite far. Mo Lan came
back to her senses, stopped,
cautiously and solemnly
looked behind her. The next
second, she was somewhat
surprised to see, that tall and
thin figure was still
motionless standing where
she left him.
Mo Lan stood transfixed,
suddenly she didn’t know
how to take another step.
Her phone vibrated, Mo Lan
lowered her head, and
somewhat flusteredly took
the phone out of her pocket,
opened, it was a WeChat
message from Gu Ye Mi:
GYM: It’s very cold outside,
go home.
When she raised her head
again, she saw that tall and
thin figure waved at her,
then turned around, and
gradually walked away from
She couldn’t help holding
tight to the paper cup with
lemon tea in her hands, the
little warmth that remained
in the cup, seemed to be
quietly reminding her, that
everything that happened
today, was all real.
Unfathomably…. real.
It was now 8pm in Beijing,
and Mo Lan was very
fidgety at this very moment.
The reason… because Ninth
Heavens Dubbing Group
YY’s 7th Anniversary
Celebration had already
started at 7:30pm, where
else she was still anxiously
rushing to finish her
The editor-in-chief just
called her and asked her to
submit her manuscript two
days earlier for this week,
although Mo Lan was
reluctant in her heart, but
she still grudgingly agreed
after negotiating. After she
agreed, the immediate
consequence was that she
totally overestimated herself,
she rushed the whole
afternoon, and she haven’t
finished even up until now.
Time trickled by bit by bit,
at lightning speed Mo Lan
penned words with both her
hands on the keyboard while
staring at the time in the
lower right corner of the
computer screen.
It was almost 9pm…
Mo Lan really wanted to
first open Ninth Heavens’
YY channel, and write as
she listened, but rationality
told her, that if she really
opened it, she reckoned she
probably wouldn’t be able
to submit her manuscript.
According to her previous
experience of squatting for
the 4th anniversary
celebration, Secretly
Captivated usually appeared
in the second half of the
anniversary celebration. It
was unlikely that she would
missed it, Mo Lan thought
so in her heart and sped up
her typing tempo.
It was said that a burst of
inspiration usually comes by
pressure and it actually
wasn’t misleading. At
10:05pm, Mo Lan finally
sent this week’s manuscript
to the editor’s inbox, then
she wore her headphones,
and impatiently opened
Ninth Heavens’ official YY
Entering now… she
wondered if she would be
able to catch the last
29000 people, and the
number still continously
rose minute by minute. Mo
Lan just entered the channel
and saw the up-to-date
number of people present,
although she was already
mentally prepared, she was
still a little shocked when
she saw this number. Mo
Lan couldn’t help but
thought silently in her heart
that everyone was really
united, and fortunately she
didn’t use the campus
Continuing on, the voice of
Honey Lemon came out of
the headphones, she
sounded very animated:
“The lucky children from
just now, the gifts you have
won will be sent out soon,
when the moment comes
remember to verify your
address with us ya.”
Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
did that mean, she had
already missed the
fans-getting-gifts segment.
All right, that’s okay, as
long as she didn’t missed
Secretly Captivated’s part.
“Next, let’s invite Xiao Luo
Bo to hurry up and come on
the mic. Don’t hide le I am
talking about you!”
Honey Lemon just stopped
and Bai Yu Luo Bo’s voice
transferred through the
headphones, soft and
velvety, very carefree, it
brought a hint of reluctance.
He sang…《Hanging
Oneself On The Southeast
“Grandpa and Madame
heard girl coming, chose to
personally visit clear pond
Older sister heard younger
sister coming, hanged
oneself on the southeast
Younger brother heard
older sister coming, the pipa
halted wishing for delayed
Scowled coldly at many
people, safely able to
recognise I’m the mighty

Mo Lan glanced at the
public forum, everyone as
expected was of one voice,
everybody was roasting.
“I know you’re female,
don’t need to ask anymore!”
“Xiao Luo Bo, you’re not in
the least incompatible with
this song.”
“Letting you sing《Hanging
Oneself 》was the right
choice! Already recorded!”
《Hanging Oneself On The
Southeast Branch》wasn’t
sung entirely, it ended with
Bai Yu Luo Bo forgetting
the lyrics.
As soon as the
accompaniment stopped,
Bai Yu Luo Bo began to
staunchly defend himself:
“Haven’t I already said that
I didn’t want to sing
《Hanging Oneself 》, told
you I can’t keep up with the
lyrics tempo okay, all of
these people just know how
to bully me.”
In a flash, the public forum
widely flooded widely by
the natural mother’s heart,
one by one mollified him.
Over there, Bai Yu Luo Bo
just finished singing and
went off the mic, over here,
Su Qingmo followed right
after and went on the mic,
sang《Head High Towards
Northwest》. In short, they
were all relatively cheerful
and relatively absurd songs,
and it really fit the
atmosphere of the
Waves after waves of
flowers were sent on the
public forum, everybody
was as passionate and
unrestrained as the water
that flooded Jinshan, Mo
Lan’s pair of eyes almost
couldn’t stand it while she
went through the forum.
It was just a pity that after
Su Qingmo finished singing,
the host’s voice appeared.
Secretly Captivated indeed
still haven’t sung.
Mo Lan carefully glanced at
the mic sequence again, it
came as no surprise that he
wasn’t there.
It has been three hours since
the anniversary celebration
began, according to the
situation from the past few
years, normally at this time,
Secretly Captivated will go
on to the mic to speak.
Whether was it a play, a
recitation or a blessing, in
short, he should have
already arrived by now.
Today… what was the
Or… had he already been
No way right, Mo Lan
lamented in her heart,
thought chaoticly for a long
time in her head, and still
unable to restrained herself
and sent him a WeChat
Momo: T^T I was rushing
my manuscript and arrived
late, you wouldn’t have
already came off the mic
She waited patiently for
about five minutes, the other
party did not respond.
He shouldn’t have slept
already right?
Ever since Mo Lan became
Secretly Captivated’s fan,
she was only able to squat
once for Ninth Heavens 4th
Anniversary Celebration,
later, Secretly Captivated
went into hiding, as for the
next three anniversary
celebration years, he never
reappeared again. Even
though the first thing he
always did would be to send
out his blessings on Weibo,
but compared to actually
hearing his actual voice on
YY, Weibo could really be
Just when Mo Lan was very
worried, she saw that the
fans on the public forum
started being agitated, all of
them were posting about
Secretly Captivated.
“It’s already half past ten,
Mi Da where are you, my
mother is already rushing
me to go sleep!”
“Still not here at this hour,
too unrational ah…”
“Secretly Captivated
Secretly Captivated Secretly
Captivated, I like you, did
you know????!!!”
“Male god, if you still don’t
come out the dorm is going
to shut the network soon, I
only came after night
self-study, mind very tired
One of the hosts, Shui Shui
Ruo Er saw everybody’s
comments and cleared her
throat, her voice was
unconvincingly pacifying:
“Ahem sigh, well, I can
understand everybody’s
impatient mood, but… but
Mi Da really haven’t arrived
yet, and we can’t reach him,
not sure if something came
up at work at the last minute,
everybody please wait
patiently.” After a pause,
she renewed her spirit once
again and continued to host.
“Now, the anniversary
celebration have also
basically arrived at the last
segment, next, our last
cliche topic is, let’s invite
all of Ninth Heavens CVs
here to discuss about their
thoughts on joining Ninth
Heavens, at least 120
seconds per person. Um,
Xiao Luo Bo you can go
Hearing Shui Shui Ruo Er
mentioned it, Mo Lan’s
heart now settled down,
Secretly Captivated hasn’t
arrived yet, luckily.
In the headphones, Bai Yu
Luo Bo voice was
somewhat unenthusiastic
and reluctant: “Why in the
world am I the first one
again, I haven’t prepared my
speech yet. Err… regarding
Ninth Heavens, en, let me
first explain why I joined
the group. At that time, I
just started my second year
of high school, maybe
because normally the
pressure of studying is quite
big, dubbing became one of
my normal ways to reliev
stress, in those days I would
regularly record random
PaPa and post it online, later
there were people who
asked me why didn’t I
become a CV, I baidu-ed
and felt that it could be quite
fun and interesting. As for
why I chose Ninth
Heavens… ahem, of course
it was because Ninth
Heavens was the most
famous then, we’re humans,
definitely want to aim for
the highest. Actually, I’m
considered as one of the
latecomers among all the
CVs in Ninth Heavens, I
was quite nervous when I
first joined the group, after
all I was just a small
transparent light at that time,
I was also quite worried that
nobody would care and that
I would have no sense of
existence. However after
connecting, each and every
person was very good to me,
absolutely not as high and
mighty as the outside
rumours mentioned.”
He paused for a moment,
then, he said a little bit
nostalgicly, “Now that I’m a
second-year university
student, time really passed
by quite quickly, in short,
I’m really thankful that
Ninth Heavens gave me
such an opportunity
allowing me to do what I
like, and I’m also very
thankful for all of your
support throughout this
journey. Dubbing… I’m not
sure how long will I be here
for, but I will try hard to be
here a little longer.”
Bai Yu Luo Bo’s voice was
still soft and velvety,
compared to his normal
clear, bright and flamboyant
voice, this was much calmer
for no reason at all, he
slowed down, as if he was
arranging his words while
speaking, indescribably
made people felt somewhat
“Xiao Luo Bo, how come
you’re so moving this year?
Your thoughts last year on
joining Ninth Heavens
wasn’t it because it’s
awesome [beep—-], all of a
sudden you changed your
painting style making me
quite hard to adapt.”
“Luo Bo me me da, I’m
your true love fangirl! Even
though your dramas comes
out awfully slowly, but I
won’t abandon you too
because of this!”
“Such moving words could
unexpectedly come out of
your mouth, I must have
switch it on the wrong way”
Mo Lan, who was a little
moved just a moment ago,
saw everybody’s comments
on the public screen, in the
split second, it just
destroyed the atmosphere.
Bits of Bai Yu Luo Bo’s
hair began to explode as
well: “Hey hey hey, you
guys are too much all right?
With great difficulty, I was
totally devoted in telling
you my heartfelt words, the
atmosphere got completely
destroyed by you, what’s the
truth about the world?
Forget it, I had better go off
After he finished speaking,
he really got off the mic and
instantly disappeared from
the mic sequence.
The second person who
went on the mic was Su
He also seemed to be utterly
at a loss, with a little
helplessness in his steady,
mellow and rich voice: “To
be honest, every year I have
to share two minutes of my
thoughts, it’s almost the
same words year in year out,
I’ve nearly used up all of
my words.”
With a low chuckle, it
instantly made people feel
quite at ease, Su Qingmo
hesitated for a moment, then
spoke in a low and
unhurried voice, “If I were
to count it, I’m probably one
of the earliest oldest person
to join the group, later those
who joined the group at the
same time as me left one
after another, when I found
out they were going to leave
the group, I was very
reluctant, yet for a short
time I felt that I couldn’t
understand, after all we had
all once passionately loved
dubbing. The only
difference was perhaps the
depth of our love,
afterwards I gradually
figured out, seeing
everybody also have their
own life, dubbing was
merely a hobby.
Furthermore, for a long time
now, there have always been
many people asking me if I
would dub commercially,
regarding this question… if
my working hours allowed,
I think I would be quite
willing. Lastly, I’m very
glad to be able to make so
many friends in this circle,
even though everybody
knows that the Internet
Voice Circle isn’t the clean
and lofty kind of circle, but
Ninth Heavens will forever
be that Ninth Heavens.”
“Ninth Heavens will forever
be that Ninth Heavens + 1”
“Ninth Heavens will forever
be that Ninth Heavens +2”
“Ninth Heavens will forever
be that Ninth Heavens +3”
“Beg don’t split the group,
wanna cry T^T”
Mo Lan calmly listened to
Su Qingmo’s deep voice
drifted through her
headphones word by word,
and also became somewhat
Su Qingmo was planning to
join commercial dubbing.
In fact, there was nothing
wrong with that, after
joining commercial dubbing,
it just meant that you can
start dubbing in the 3D
world, you can’t say for sure
when you switched on the
TV later, and opened a
certain drama channel, once
the male lead opened his
mouth, you would hear
precisely that person’s very
familiar voice.
There would no longer be
the need to be confined to
the 2D Internet Voice Circle,
you could step into reality
and walk to the front of the
stage, getting even more
people to recognize you and
to let them hear your voice.
This was probably the
dream of every internet
dubbing CV.
But, Secretly Captivated…
what did he think?
Mo Lan was still shaking in
her senses, when the next
speaker already started
The person speaking now
was a male CV named Sima
Qingshang who joined the
Ninth Heavens Dubbing
Group not long ago,
currently he still belonged to
the little pink state, but
recently his popularity shot
up very quickly and he was
considered as a rising star.
“Well, this is my first time
attending Ninth Heavens’
anniversary celebration, am
a little nervous, but not long
after I joined Ninth Heavens
then it was the anniversary
celebration, I’m also pretty
lucky. Speaking of why I
would have come into
contact with internet
dubbing, it was really by
chance, my girlfriend
particularly likes Secretly
Captivated, her mobile was
full of his radio drama and
sound recordings, so long as
there’s free time then she’ll
start talking about him
beside my ear. It was
possible that I was a little
jealous and wanted to make
mischief, I later went online
and started researching
Secretly Captivated’s name,
and randomly listened to
one of his radio drama. Hai,
there’s nothing much to say
after that, his voice was
truly beautiful, I admitted
defeat. At that time I felt
that it was quite wonderful,
the first time I was aware
that there was such a thing
as internet dubbing, I
happened to come upon
Ninth Heavens’ recruitment
ad, I carried a
let’s-try-and-see attitude to
the audition, never really
actually expected to be
recruited. En, because this is
only my first year, so I don’t
really have anything to say,
my hope is for Ninth
Heavens to become even
better in the future, and I
also hope that I can be even
better in the future too.”
Mo Lan listened to his voice,
and was rather surprised to
discover how familiar it
sounded, after thinking over
and over, after a long time,
she finally reacted fairly
unbelievably, Sima
Qingshang’s voice… when
she helped Rong Xiaxia
with her store the other day,
the couple who quarelled in
the shop, the male’s voice
was almost exactly the
There really wouldn’t be
such a coincidence in this
world right?
But… because the girlfriend
was part of the Internet
Voice Circle, it was truly
quite romantic.
All right, all these wasn’t
the main point, the main
point was — Secretly
Captivated still hasn’t
arrived yet.
The public forum was now
being brushed faster and
faster, even Mo Lan’s
thoughts started to waver a
little, he wouldn’t really…
not come right?
As she contemplated, in her
headphones, a voice
suddenly appeared, low,
very calm, kind of hoarse,
nevertheless it was
unexpectedly pleasant, as
soon as he spoke, he
instantly captured
everybody’s train of
“Sorry, I had to work
overtime at the last moment,
that’s why I’m late.”
It was Secretly Captivated.
Mo Lan was bewildered all
of a sudden.
She couldn’t say what she
was feeling, but she
suddenly felt at this point in
time, that all of her three
immortal souls and seven
mortal forms have returned
to where they belonged. He
merely definitely only just
said a few words, but she
already felt that the whole
person was unequivocally
The public forum also
paused for a moment,
immediately following,
everybody flared up, they
started flooding even more
violently, the speed was so
quick that Mo Lan almost
completely couldn’t even
read the words, she could
only watch everybody’s
comments scrolled by, line
by line.
“Mi Da, you’re finally here!
I can now give up the
internet and close my eyes
and die contentedly!”
“Too! Beautiful! To!
“I just knew you would
definitely come! Very happy!
Foolishly happy ying ying
Shui Shui Ruo Er’s voice
finally had a sense of relief,
she sighed and said a little
aggrievedly: “Mi Da you’re
finally here, I wouldn’t
know how to explain to
them if you didn’t come
tonight. It just happen that
it’s almost the end of the
anniversary celebration, we
did say each person have 2
minutes, but since you’re
late, shouldn’t you take the
initiative to increase it to 3
“Three minutes… my two
minutes from each year, I
have never filled it up
before.” Hearing Shui Shui
Ruo Er’s words, Secretly
Captivated answered, his
tone carried to some degree
a smiling expression,
seemingly rather helpless.
He was silent for a while,
and then said somewhat
indolently: “Oh… speaking
of it, I haven’t joined Ninth
Heavens’ anniversary
celebration for three years,
kinda miss it. Originally the
reason I announced that I
wasn’t accepting new works
was largely due to my busy
job, there was enormous
pressure, it was very
difficult to find the time to
balance the two. I could
only come back now—“
He spoke until there, then he
paused for a few seconds,
afterwards, he unexpectly
laughed quietly, very light,
very indifferent, low, it was
as if a flower slowly
blossomed in your heart, Mo
Lan was in a daze, she
nearly suffocated in his
It seemed that she was also
bewitched by his laughter,
Shui Shui Ruo Er hesitated
for a bit, she didn’t wait for
Secretly Captivated to
continue, she couldn’t help
but summoned the courage
to asked: “Mi Da, when I
was at Flower Burial
-sama’s song party, you said
before, that you came back
only because you wanted to
stand a bit taller, to then be
seen by that person. Did you
know that this matter has
now become a part of our
secret worries… seeking for
Mi Da to decode, that
person you’re referring to,
ultimately who is she?”
There was a few seconds of
silence in the channel.
Then, Secretly Captivated
low voice echoed through:
“I can’t say yet, but, I
believe that person have
already seen me.” He
replied quietly, distinct and
aloof, like the sound of jade
generally flowed and
touched, and yet it was
enveloped by the partially
hazy cloud of tenderness.
Her heartbeat accelerated,
his voice so beautiful that
Mo Lan practically wanted
to cry, she held her
headphones tightly against
her ear, wanting SC’s voice
to be a little clearer, a little
clearer again.
As expected on the public
forum, it has now been
dominated by replies such
as “ears are pregnant”,
“blood trough is empty”,
and “Mi Da I want to give
birth to your child” etc.
Another host, Honey Lemon
also had difficulty opening
her mouth: “Mi Da, I also
want to give birth to your
child, your voice is simply
so pleasant that it causes one
to show their finger, one
won’t get tired of it no
matter how long one
listens… sigh, well, since
you don’t want to say then
we’ll just skip over this
question, after all everybody
have their own secrets, and
everybody would also
understand right?”
Shui Shui Ruo Er also
returned back to her senses:
“Then skip it! But Mi Da,
although your voice is
pleasant, but you haven’t
even spoke for one minute,
hurry up and continue, don’t
think you can deceive us
and just finish like that.”
Secretly Captivated was
quiet for a while, then, he
seemed a bit helpless and
continued: “I really don’t
know what to say, en…
although dubbing is my
passion, but if I were to
announce my withdrawal
from the circle next time,
I’ll probably never come
back again, I’m really sorry,
I hope everyone
He just finished speaking, in
a flash the public forum
filled with mournful whines
of the geese.
“Male god even if it’s true
don’t say it out loud… my
girl’s heart have been
completely broken to pieces
“It doesn’t matter if you
withdraw, I did already feel
that I’ve earned since the
time you announced that
you’re accepting new
“Being able to listen to your
voice is in itself exactly a
very blessed thing all right
QVQ, withdrawing etc, no
pressure at all.”

“I don’t know when you
would belong to another
person, although I’m really
jealous of her, but as long as
you are happy then it’s all
Although the comments on
the public forum went by
very quickly, but Mo Lan
still vaguely saw the last
Belong to another person?
Her hand which held the
mouse stopped for a
moment, she thought back
to that comment, Mo Lan
also suddenly felt a bit
wistful. A very long time
ago, they have already
discussed on Tieba and
Weibo, saying, if they could
listen to Secretly Captivated
everyday, a good morning in
your ears in the morning,
singing you to sleep at night,
in that case, you would
surely be the happiest
person in the world.
Don’t know who would be
the lucky person, gaining
her second half of life.
“Oh… let’s not talk about
this, for the last minute, I’ll
sing a short opera song for
you to listen, just take it as
an apology for todays’ late
arrival.” In the headphones,
his low voice sounded,
somewhat indolent,
somewhat tender, yet a little
Suddenly, Mo Lan returned
to her senses, she couldn’t
help but frowned.
The current him… should
be exhausted.
Being an anesthesiologist
was such an exhausting job,
and after working overtime
he still needed to go on YY
to give a speech.
Her heart seemed to
twitched, Mo Lan
inexplicably felt her heart a
little distressed.
However apart from her,
everybody’s attention was
all on Secretly Captivated’s
words “sing a short opera
song” from just a moment
Honey Lemon spoke, her
voice very excited, she
couldn’t contained that bit
of constant quiver: “Mi
Da… are you for real? Sing?
Dang, what day is today,
you have never ever sang
since you’ve joined the
Internet Voice Circle all
right! I seriously did gain, I
want to go buy lottery
tickets ao ao ao!”
The public forum have
already been thoroughly
maxed out.
Mo Lan listened calmly,
without typing, and
suddenly felt a bit of hidden
happiness. After all… she
has heard Secretly
Captivated sang before.
Secretly Captivated did not
speak, after a bit, he opened
his mouth, the first line,
everybody held their breath:
“Rain falling
Until fire and blood are
There’s no one who
remembers there was ever a
Snow can’t wait
Burying the silent secrets
Don’t go and touch the
flowers that grew out of the
bones of the dead
How many shattered frames
flashed momentarily
Don’t forget the silent cliff
in the night
Wandering and getting lost
are the price of forgetting
The smile flickers like
The sun rises and the moon
sets in your eyes
Trekking across mountains
and fording across rivers
for many centuries
Chasing after the trace of
He sang《Immortal》, a fan
song for Zhang Qiling from
《Grave Robbers’
Without any music, he just
sang acapella, his voice very
distinct, through her
headphones, all of the words
echoed straight into Mo
Lan’s ears.
Each syllable and word was
still grasped perfectly, the
bass forbearing and
staunched, the treble clear,
melodious and gorgeous,
just by listening, it was as if
right before one’s eyes one
could see an indifferent man
wearing a hoodie quietly
walking out step by step,
tenacious, persistent,
persevered looking for his
Zhang Qiling was a person
without a past or a future.
It was truly… an extremely
emotional picture.
Secretly Captivated’s voice
was very magnetic, his notes
did not lack even a fraction
of accuracy, contrarily the
emotion was brought to the
point of perfection, an extra
dose of strong resentment,
and less a point of
Although Mo Lan have
listened to him sing two
songs, but under his first
acappella, she still couldn’t
breathe while her heart
palpitated and she couldn’t
come back to her senses for
a long time.
The last line ended, Secretly
Captivated’s voice stopped,
then, he spoke, his voice
calmed and indifferent, so
tranquiled that it made
people lose their head,
choosing to conceal all of
his emotions.
He spoke, “He clearly
understood everything but
he was incapable of
understanding himself.”
His low voice accompanied
the gentle sigh.
Just in that particular
moment, Mo Lan
absent-mindedly thought
that the person who
currently spoke, was that
Zhang Qiling of Temple
Heaven from Changbai
Coming to the end of his
monologue, that perfect feel
of the drama, absolutely a
Even the tip of her heart
followed the voice to gently
sighed while slightly
trembled, fluttered up and
down, oblivious elsewhere.
In her headphones, Scretly
Captivated spoke softly:
“It’s nearly time, let’s stop
here ba.”
So beautiful, but… it was
too brief, only a verse.
Everyone finally came back,
the flooding of the screen so
fast that even Mo Lan was
almost stuck.
“Male god were you the one
that actually sang just now
QVQ, I just know that my
male god didn’t sing not
because he couldn’t sing!
“Those who said you’re
tone deaf – I’ll finally be
able to righteously go and
fight them next time, very
happy ying ying ying!”
“Kneeling to beg male god
to sing another verse!!”
“Why his singing is also so
nice? Mi Da you’re
breaking the rules, you
know? T^T”
Mo Lan, who was still
immersed in his singing,
after being in a dazed for a
long time, she eventually
reacted with hindsight, since
the beginning, the songs that
Secretly Captivated sang,
was coincidentally songs
that she liked, moreover she
had previously mentioned
those ancient-style songs on
《The Empty City》,
《A Cup
Of Joy》,《Immortal》.
Was it coincidence?
Or… after he actually
looked at her Weibo, he
purposely chose them?
Biting her lips while
indulging in flights of fancy,
suddenly, Mo Lan saw her
phone screen lighted up, she
unlocked it, it was really
Secretly Captivated’s
WeChat message:
GYM: There was a late
surgery at the last minute, so
go sleep after listening to
the song.
Mo Lan’s face instantly
turned red completely.
“Sleep after listening to the
song, good night.”
She had previously posted
on Weibo, saying that
recently she couldn’t sleep
if she didn’t listen to songs
or radio drama. So… these
words were for her?
Her mind couldn’t help
thinking of that day, the
biting cold wind on a
winter’s day on the streets,
he sent her home, they
walked all the way from
Xinjiekou to Gulou District.
He stood beside her, talked
to her with a smile in his
eyes, matched her pace, so
warm that it almost made
her think that at that time
the flowers were blooming
during the warm spring
Naturally, Mo Lan’s head
grew big, that was the first
time she walked side by side
with a person of the
opposite sex on such a long
road, but she did hope that
that short path would be a
bit longer, just a bit longer.
When Mo Lan arrived home
from work today, An
Xiaoluo was cleaning the
An apron was tied around
her waist, on her head a
large loose wavy bun, when
Mo Lan opened the door
and went in, she was puffing
and stooping while holding
the mop to mop the floor.
En… however you looked at
An Xiaoluo, compared to
the astute and beautiful but
aloof her at work, with the
mature and normally
easy-going her, they were
totally different.
Mo Lan changed her pair of
slippers and walked in,
while looking around to see
if there was anywhere she
could help with, she also
teased: “You really ought to
let Su Shen see you this way,
such a capable-at-home An
Xiaoluo, he would like all
the more.”
An Xiaoluo straightened up,
with her hand on the mop
she looked at Mo Lan, and
said breathlessly: “Forget it,
Su Shen didn’t look for me
this week again, he should
be thanking the heavens that
I didn’t make a fuss.”
Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
grabbed the mop from An
Xiaoluo’s hands, and
comforted her: “Just one
look and you know that he’s
that sort of elite white-collar
worker, he must normally be
exceptionally busy at work,
you need to be a bit more
accomodating ba.”
An Xiaoluo with her empty
hands sighed a little
helplessly, draped a woolen
shawl over herself, drew
close to the kitchen and
carried in her hand a bag of
rubbish that had just been
collected, she intended to go
out to throw it away: “I
know he’s busy, the
problem is that I’m also
very busy. Since the
colloboration project ended,
even the chance to meet
have also been quite rare,
moreover he’s in Shanghai
and I’m in Nanjing, it was
already very challenging to
even meet, how are we
going to talk about future.”
Although An Xiaoluo’s
expression didn’t look as if
she particularly minded, but
the deep loneliness in her
words could even be seen by
a fool.
“En… two different cities is
indeed a problem, but…”
Mo Lan mopped the floor
while secretly peeking at An
Xiaoluo’s current
expression, and after
deliberating she continued
speaking, “But, cousin, have
you ever thought of… going
to Shanghai for Su Shen?
Anyway, your work
capability is so strong, you
would be able to find a good
job anywhere.”
As soon as Mo Lan said this,
she saw An Xiaoluo’s
complexion turned cold all
at once. Her brows furrowed
and her tone was determined:
“Impossible. Let’s not talk
first about how I have
painstakingly worked for 5
years in order to get my
current results, what if when
I moved to Shanghai for him,
what will happen if we then
broke up? When that time
comes do I still come back
with my tail between my
legs, I’m also not some pure
and innocent girl, giving up
my job for love, as far as
I’m concerned that’s
basically complete
While An Xiaoluo spoke,
she carried the plastic bag to
the hallway and changed to
a pair of cotton padded
boots, she wanted to go out
and throw the rubbish away.
Mo Lan sighed softly, she
knew very well, that for An
Xiaoluo’s character it was
impossible for her to make
such a sacrifice for the other
party. But… if this problem
forever couldn’t be
solved,their relationship
would have big problems
sooner or later.
With this in mind, Mo Lan
decided that since An
Xiaoluo couldn’t be moved,
then she’ll find a day to talk
to Su Shen. Even though…
Su Shen doesn’t look like
somebody who would give
up his job for love.
As Mo Lan was in the midst
of wondering, the sound of
the door opening sounded,
Mo Lan not really caring
glanced towards the door,
the next second, inside the
disposable plastic bag in An
Xiaoluo’s hand, she vaguely
saw a familiar object.
She looked at it carefully
again, Mo Lan was a little
“Cousin, hold on!”
An Xiaoluo with one foot
out of the door was startled
by Mo Lan’s yell, she
turned back and looked at
Mo Lan a little surprisingly:
“What’s wrong?”
Mo Lan put the mop aside
and hurried over to the door,
stammering and mumbling
somewhat dodging:”Urm…
cousin, this is not rubbish, I
didn’t plan on throwing this
Mo Lan spoke while
rummaging through the
plastic bag, not minding the
dirtiness. The thing she was
looking for was right on top,
fortunately, it wasn’t dirty.
An Xiaoluo frowned and
watched Mo Lan hold that
thing as if she gained the
most precious treasure, she
was even more puzzled:
“Xiao Lan, you didn’t take
the wrong medicine ya?
Isn’t this just a leftover milk
tea cup, why would you
keep it?”
She carefully looked at the
paper cup in her hand
repeatedly, confirmed that
there wasn’t any damage,
then Mo Lan finally
breathed a sigh of relief.
When she heard An
Xiaoluo’s words, her face
turned red at once, she
thought for a while, but she
really didn’t know how to
explain it to her.
Don’t tell me she ought to
tell An Xiaoluo that Gu Ye
Mi bought it for her, so after
finishing the drink, she
purposely rinsed it with
water and left it in the
bedroom as she was
reluctant to throw it away?
That’s also a bit too
On this side Mo Lan was
racking her brains on how to
reply An Xiaoluo, on the
other side An Xiaoluo
thoughtfully looked at her
for a long time, and
suddenly a sentence came
up: “That’s right, I heard Su
Shen say, you’ve met
Secretly Captivated -sama?
Wait for me to throw away
the rubbish then remember
to tell me the meetup
An Xiaoluo closed the door
with a bang.
Mo Lan finished mopping
the last bit of floor, then
silently cleaned the paper
cup with a wet tissue and
put it back on her bedside
All right, she also knew this
sort of behaviour was also
quite stupid.
But… she was really
reluctant to throw it away.
After all, this could be
considered as the first thing
Gu Ye Mi gave her, and
perhaps you never know…
it could also be the only one.
Just as Mo Lan was
somewhat confounded, An
Xiaoluo had already
returned and opened the
door. She went to the
kitchen to wash her hands,
washed an apple as well,
then walked into Mo Lan’s
bedroom calmly and
As soon as An Xiaoluo
walked in, she naturally sat
on Mo Lan’s small sofa,
while nibbling on the apple,
she asked unclearly in her
mouth: “Tell me, which
stage have you two
Mo Lan instantly had three
black lines on her face: “No
stage have been reached…
we were just a group of
people eating a meal
together, then he sent me
home, that’s it.”
“That’s it?” An Xiaoluo
somewhat suspiciously
sized Mo Lan up several
times, her eyes clearly
showed that she was not
Mo Lan sighed a little
helplessly: “That’s really
truly it.”
“Okay.” An Xiaoluo took
another bite of the apple and
continued gossipping, “But I
still think he has a good
impression towards you,
otherwise, there are so many
girls who cries for him,
disturb him and like him,
why would he treat you
Inexplicably feeling like this
topic was a bit embarrassing,
Mo Lan silently took out her
phone, she planned to lower
her head and browsed
through Weibo for a while
to avoid the topic.
Who would have imagined
that when she just opened
Weibo, she was stupefied
the next second.
What good deed had she
done again saving the nation
and the people? Why were
there suddenly so many
people tagging her again?
An Xiaoluo looked at her
shocked manner, bite her
apple and went over to look
at her mobile and join in the
Mo Lan opened the tags,
found that most of the tags
were from the yellow V
gurus from the ancient style
circle, moreover all of them
only tagged her, this special
formation had one baffling
Mo Lan browsed through
her phone, wished a little to
cry without tears, even if
she died she needed to
understand then only could
she die… you guys tagged
me and didn’t even say why
how would I know what
She browsed and flipped
through over and over again,
her fingers stiffened for a
Because, she saw a familiar
About twenty minutes ago,
Secretly Captivated posted a
new Weibo post, the
original text as follows:
Secretly Captivated:
@YeLanShan, can I look
for you to ask for a drama?
Consequently, all the
reposts below tagged her.
@YeLanShan, I don’t know
@YeLanShan, I don’t know
anything. (downstairs
@YeLanShan, I don’t know
@YeLanShan, I don’t know
@YeLanShan, I don’t know
@YeLanShan, I don’t know

Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
opened the comments with a
bit of a
feeling, as expected it was
already a carnage.
“Male god you wouldn’t
have really liked somebody,
right? Don’t be like that I
can’t accept it ah!”
(Heartbroken) (Heartbroken)
The wind on the roof is so
strong, male god, are you
going to come and see me
for the last time?”
“Mi Da I know how to write
too, look for me look for me
look for me, okay! I write so
much better than her ah

Of course, there were still
some words which were
comparatively excessive,
Mo Lan simply glanced
hurriedly and her fingers
continued sliding down.
An Xiaoluo, who was beside
her also turned on her phone,
while also joining in the fun
and tagged her, she also
gossiped in high spirits: “I
say Xiao Lan, I can see that
you’re truly going to be
popular. When Secretly
Captivated -sama interacted
with you the first and
second time, the fans could
still possibly comfort
themselves that you’re
merely just friends, but now
there are more and more
interactions, I reckon that
their unbreakable glass
hearts would probably
quickly break into pieces
and turn into residue.”
Mo Lan customarily nipped
her lower lip without a
After about half a minute,
she took a deep breath, then
reposted Secretly
Captivated’s widely
discussed Weibo post:
YeLanShan: Thank you
male god for looking for me,
of course can!
After she pressed the post
button with her finger, Mo
Lan let out a long sigh of
She needed to grasped her
own opportunity, if she gave
up this opportunity, then
she’s a fool you know.
An Xiaoluo browsed
through everyone’s
comments with keen interest,
then glanced up at Mo Lan,
discovered that the other
person’s expression was not
very natural, thus she took
another bite of apple and
comforted her: “I say Xiao
Lan, you don’t need to take
those fans’ words to heart.
Sooner or later Secretly
Captivated will have a
girlfriend, even if it’s not
with you, he would still be
together with somebody else.
Actually the fans do
understand, once they’ve
finished venting by making
noise these few days then
they’ll be fine. Of course,
there would be a few true
fans who would already
educate them.”
“En…” Mo Lan
unconsciously responded,
she turned her head and saw
the still and peaceful paper
cup laid out on the bedside
table, the most conspicuous
After looking at it for a
while, she lowered her head
again, her long eyelashes
dangled in front of her eyes,
not knowing what she was
thinking about.
An Xiaoluo sighed, took the
last bite of the apple and
stood up: “Okay, I should
go shower and sleep,
remember to thoroughly
seize the opportunity, good
“Good night.” Mo Lan
smiled and watched An
Xiaoluo walk out of her
bedroom, the other party
closed the door on the way
After Mo Lan finished
washing up, she switched
off the lights, hugged the
quilt and tossed and turned
on the bed for over half an
hour, but she was
nevertheless distressed to
find herself unable to sleep.
Her mind filled with all the
many plots and characters
that she could possibly think
of, she planned out how to
write Secretly Captivated’s
new drama.
Suddenly, her phone screen
lighted up.
Instinctively, she reached
for it, unlocked it, as
expected it was Gu Ye Mi’s
WeChat message.
GYM: Are you asleep?
Momo: Nope!
The other party was silent
for a moment, after about a
minute or so, Mo Lan
received a voice message.
In a flash, she jumped out of
the bed suddenly, Mo Lan
ran to her desk and combed
through for her headphones,
she connected the wire into
the mobile phone’s headset
jack, she then put it on and
opened the voice message.
The surrounding wind
whistled past, the horns
from the vehicles on the
road sounded, the sound
from conversations of
pedestrians passed by, in
short it was quite noisy,
only his voice broke through
all the hubbub, clearly
coming through the
headphones, just as if it
echoed right beside her ears.
Gu Ye Mi should be
walking on the road, his
voice was very low, relaxed,
indolent and gentle: “I just
finished an operation and
saw your reply to my Weibo,
about the new drama… then
I’ll trouble you.”
When she heard Gu Ye Mi
used these type of tranquiled
and tender tone to persuade
her “then I’ll trouble you”,
Mo Lan practically
immediately wanted to shed
tears of gratitude and reply,
“No trouble, no trouble, my
favourite looked for me to
ask for a play was simply
my good fortune all right
T^T”, but this voice
message haven’t finished
yet, so she just merely held
her breath and calmly
listened without speaking.
A sudden “boom” came
from the headphones, the
sound of fireworks bloomed
overhead. Gu Ye Mi’s voice
also halted with the sound.
The surroundings were still
noisy, then he faintly spoke,
his tone undoubtedly tender,
but also inexplicably made
people feel somewhat
exhausted, it instantly seized
Mo Lan’s heart.
He said: “Chinese New
Year Eve is arriving soon…
I’ll say something first,
Momo, Happy Chinese New
The voice message ended,
altogether 54 seconds.
Mo Lan was stunned for a
while, and then she realized
afterwards that the day after
tomorrow would be Chinese
New Year Eve, it was
also… she had bought a
bullet train ticket
beforehand, the day she
decided to go home.
Originally, every day, she
looked forward to the arrival
of this particular day, but
now, with Gu Ye Mi’s faint
voice that seemed to be still
echoing in her ears, she
suddenly was incapable to
stop herself from feeling
somewhat sad.
He’s an anesthesiologist,
during the Chinese New
Year celebration, would he
still be on duty, still busy in
the operation room.
Gu Ye Mi’s New Year…
how would it be spent?
Nanjing Bullet Train South
Station, Mo Lan and An
Xiaoluo held their small and
big bags in their hand,
passed the ticket gate, it was
a challenge to move among
the crowd. Mo Lan’s height
of 165cm wasn’t the
slightest bit useful at this
very moment, there were
people surrounding her left
and right, front and back, all
around her, the crowd nearly
suffocated her.
An Xiaoluo beside her was
also unbearably squeezed,
passively movED with the
crowd, she turned around
with difficulty, and
ironically said to Mo Lan: “I
thought the only benefit of
booking the train at
11:30pm was to avoid the
peak CNY crowd, looking at
it now as expected I still
expected too much.”
Mo Lan sighed and
strenuously pulled her
luggage’s handle in her
hand, and replied: “I now
have the illusion that I’m
steaming in my own sauna.”
An Xiaoluo opened her
mouth and was about to
reply, the person next to her
couldn’t help but laughed
when he heard Mo Lan’s
words, Mo Lan couldn’t see
his face, she could only hear
the other person somewhat
teasingly added on, “There’s
no choice, we’re all rushing
home to celebrate Chinese
New Year.”
We’re all rushing home to
celebrate Chinese New
This sentence suddenly
reminded Mo Lan.
Gu Ye Mi… where are you
now, and with whom, what
are you doing right now?
Tomorrow’s Chinese New
Year Eve, for the moment…
has he returned home?
Just a moment of being
absent-minded, it
immediately triggered the
dissatisfaction of the crowd
from the back: “Hey, the
girl in front, could you walk
a little faster? We’re almost
dying from being crowded
“Ah…” Mo Lan was pulled
back to reality by the
complaints of the people
behind her, she quickly
stepped forward, and
apologised repeatedly,
“Sorry, sorry.”
Not daring to let her mind
wander any further, she and
An Xiaoluo challengingly
and slowly moved to the
train’s door, found the
carriage, and then walked in.
Although it was also
crowded in the carriage, but
it was still much better
compared to outside. Mo
Lan and An Xiaoluo
simultaneously took a long
breathe of relief.
They put away their suitcase
and backpack, found their
seats and sat down, and a
happy female mechanical
voice sounded, reminded
them that the train still had
three more minutes before it
Mo Lan seemed to have
suddenly thought of
something, she quickly took
out her mobile phone, found
Gu Ye Mi’s WeChat, she bit
her lip and deliberated over
and over again, after
deleting and subtracting she
sent him a WeChat
Momo: Tomorrow is New
Year’s Eve, Happy Chinese
New Year ^^, where are you
now? Did you go home for
New Year?
Before the other party could
reply her, the train already
started moving.
One of the biggest drawback
of taking a bullet train was
precisely that the moving
train had an enormous effect
on the network signal. So
normally after the train
started moving, the mobile
network would connect on
and off, or even not at all.
Mo Lan nervously used her
mobile to refresh WeChat
several times, as expected
she was disappointed to find
that there was no network.
If Gu Ye Mi didn’t reply her
it would still be okay… but
if he did reply, and she
disappeared, what would he
think of her? T^T
Mo Lan bit her fingernails
and cried silently.
An Xiaoluo, who was next
to her, had already entered
her usual mode, just as the
train started moving, she
already put on her eyeshade
and earphones and closed
her eyes and went to sleep.
Thus without any better
option, Mo Lan who was
bored also followed suit and
put on her headphones, she
browsed through KuGou for
a while, at first she thought
to find a radio drama to
listen to, yet her finger
happened to come across
《Alone Under The Blue
Skies》, a fansong of Yun
Tianqing and Xuan Xiao
from Immortals 4. Mo Lan
tilted her head and thought
about it, and still opened it.
Based on her opinion and in
fairness, Mo Lan have
listened to countless of radio
dramas, but if you were to
talk about songs it wasn’t
that many, even if she did
listen, she would only
listened to ancient-style
songs from her gang, for
example this particular
《Alone Under The Blue
Skies》. But the reason why
she downloaded this song,
the greater reason was
because Secretly Captivated
had recorded the song’s
In her headphones, the
music came through, Mo
Lan also focused her mind
and was engrossed in
listening to the song.
“Does senior brother still
remember, that year, you
considered returning to the
valley?” Qing Shang’s clear
and sonorous voice
resonated, with a hint of
anticipation, the character
he played was Yun
“Things of the past, I have
already forgotten a long
time ago.”
Secretly Captivated’s voice
was serene and calm, so
calm that it was even
somewhat indifferent,
inexplicably made people
feel obscure.
“Senior brother, look, our
face is no different to when
we were young.”
“No change to our faces?
Huh… you evidently know
that a flower may blossom
again but a person cannot be
young again.”
Secretly Captivated’s final
dubbed sentence of Xuan
Xiao concluded, the song
started, and Mo Lan
suddenly felt a little
uncomfortable in her heart.
The chuckle from just a
moment ago was seemingly
still echoing in her
headphones, quiet and
husky, which wasn’t the
same at all as his former
distinguished, accomplished
and gorgeous voice or even
his touching, gentle and
charming voice.
It was like a pear flower
blown by the wind fluttering
and swishing down, it
disturbed a pool of spring
water, a small ripple
Serene, husky, directly
striked people’s hearts.
A flower may blossom
again but a person cannot be
young again…
For the past three years,
those days when Secretly
Captivated disappeared
from the Internet Voice
Circle, everytime she heard
this particular monologue,
Mo Lan would enter into a
type of
d mood. Because Mo Lan at
that time, had the same
opinion with the majority of
people, that he wouldn’t be
coming back ever again.
That kind of feeling, for the
most part was, when his
name moved heavens and
earth, you liked him; later
when he vanished without a
trace, and yet you fell in
love with him again.
Ultimately, it was a great
But fortunately… now, he
came back again.
As time passed by bit by bit,
when Molan’s mobile phone
had only 8% of battery left,
they finally arrived at
Tongxian County. Mo Lan
originally wanted to use her
portable powerbank to
charge her mobile phone,
since she would soon arrive
home so she thought it
wasn’t necessary, after
hesitating for a while she
also just dropped it.
She woke up An Xiaoluo
who was still sleeping, the
two continued to painfully
squeezed out of the bullet
train station. An Xiaoluo’s
father, who was Mo Lan’s
uncle, was already waiting
for them at the exit.
The two of them got into
Papa An’s car, and as soon
as they settled down, An
Xiaoluo immediately and
noisily started being a
“Dad, do you know how
many people were going
home for Chinese New Year
today? Xiao Lan and I were
almost squeezed into
“Dad, I’ve told my mom on
the phone before, I asked
her to cook red braised pork
for me, did she make it?”
“Dad, my holiday this year
is only five days, boss is
simply exploiting us, normal
people should have one
week then only it’s right.”

Over there, An Xiaoluo
chattered continously for a
long time, but Papa An just
attentively drove, with not
even a bit of reaction. Hence
An Xiaoluo wasn’t happy,
she rarely let loose and be
all pampered like, hence she
grumbled: “Dad, I’m talking
to you, why are you
ignoring me?”
Upon hearing these words,
Papa An seemed to snort
rather discontentedly, then
definitely opened his mouth
neither troubled nor slow:
“Haven’t we agreed
beforehand that you must
bring back a boyfriend this
year for Chinese New Year?
How come you’ve returned
by yourself again?”
Once he said this, An
Xiaoluo instantly quieten
The atmosphere in the car
was quiet and a little weird,
she felt that it was time for
her to adjust the atmosphere,
Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
thought for a bit then
cleared her throat: “No ah
Uncle, isn’t there still me,
cousin didn’t come back
An Xiaoluo listened to her
and couldn’t help turning
her head to look at her, very
appalled, “Xiao Lan, this
joke is not funny at all
Hence, Mo Lan had no
choice but to shut up.
Papa Ann suddenly seemed
to have found a subject, he
sat in the driver’s seat,
turned back and quickly
looked at Mo Lan, he
persuaded and advised
patiently, “I say Xiao Lan,
you are also twenty-four this
year, lau da is no longer
young, it’s about time for
you to settle down and get
married, even though your
parents are not feeling
anxious, but listen to Uncle,
if you still keep putting it
off, sooner or later you’ll be
the same as your cousin,
delaying it until she’s
managed to be an old
leftover woman. Look at her,
she’s now 28, she doesn’t
even have a boyfriend, once
her mum and I start thinking
about it, we get worried.”
Mo Lan, with black lines all
over her face, followed and
nodded agreeing, “Uncle is
right, I will think about it
without delay, but…”
She was somewhat puzzled
and opened her mouth, as
she was about to asked
doesn’t An Xiaoluo already
have a boyfriend currently,
moreover, a boyfriend with
an utterly beautiful voice.
Suddenly, An Xiaoluo
beside her reached out and
gave her shoulder a pinch,
Mo Lan swallowed her pain
and twisted her head, while
she saw the other person
showed a hush sign, thus
she immediately understood
tacitly and closed her
It seemed that… for now An
Xiaoluo wasn’t planning on
telling her parents about Su
Shen yet.
Was it because… she thinks
the two of them won’t go
Here Mo Lan still struggled
with this matter in her mind,
and over there, she had
already arrived home.
After saying goodbye to
Papa An and An Xiaoluo,
Mo Lan turned her body
around, saw that the front
door lit up with a dim
yellow light as always, and
suddenly felt a sense of
Last time she returned
home… it seemed to be on
1st of October.
She walked to the door and
easily took her key out to
open the door, because the
bullet train ticket was late, it
was already two three
o’clock in the wee hours of
the morning. Her parents…
should have already slept.
Thinking of this, Mo Lan
became more and more
cautious, and she softly and
quietly walked through the
The lady on the sofa knitting
a sweater, heard the door
opened, immediately
dropped the needle and ball
of thread in her hands and
stood up.
Mo Lan opened the door
and went in, with a glance
she saw the lady who stood
right before her eyes, she
was a little startled for a
moment, after a bit, her eyes
could not help but teared a
little: “Mum, it’s already so
late, how come you’re still
not asleep?”
Mo Lan’s mother’s name
was Xie Wan, she was a
locally born and bred
Jiangnan woman, with a
petite figure, delicate and
pretty features, a
sweet-tempered disposition,
skilled in cooking, Mo
Lan’s good cooking skills
were also nurtured since
young through her mother.
“It’s okay, I’m also not
sleepy anyway, thought of
you coming home, there
must be someone waiting at
home for you.” Xie Wan
looked at her daughter up
and down, stretched out her
hand and pulled her to sit
down on the sofa.
The Chinese New Year
couplets could clearly be
seen everywhere in the
house, and a box of
fireworks and a few rolls of
firecrackers were stacked in
the corner of the living room.
Tomorrow, was precisely
Chinese New Year Eve.
Sure enough, only when you
leave the big city, and
returned to your hometown,
then would you be able to
feel that hint of Chinese
New Year festive ambiance.
Mo Lan took a deep sigh of
relief and suddenly felt her
whole body relaxed.
Picking up the ball of yarn
that Xie Wan had just
placed on the table, she
asked somewhat curiously,
“Mom, what are you
Xie Wan smiled and looked
affectionately: “Knitting the
scarf for you, at first I
already finished knitting a
scarf, your aunt wanted it
for Xiaoluo, so I thought to
knit a new one for you
before you return, it’s
almost finished, only a few
stitches away, I’ll just knit a
few times then I’m done.”
Her nose soured, Mo Lan
sniffed, and showed a clear
beautiful smile: “Okay, then
you can continue knitting,
just so happened that I want
to learn how to knit a scarf
Mo Lan propped her hand
under her chin, concentrated
all of her attention to
watched her mother knitting
the scarf, her train of
thought wandered about,
somehow, suddenly she
couldn’t contained herself
and the beige coloured scarf
right before her eyes draped
on Gu Ye Mi’s body.
Suddenly she recalled the
scene of the car accident
from that night, Gu Ye Mi
took off his own scarf to
bind up the wound on the
old woman.
At that time, his scarf was
entirely soaked with blood,
but you could still make out
a little bit of the original
It was also beige in colour.
Why not… knit a scarf for
As soon as this idea
appeared, even Mo Lan was
taken aback. However,
when this idea first arised,
yet it was already very
difficult to give up. After
resisting against her own
brain for a long time, Mo
Lan was somewhat defeated
and found out that she had
already unexpectedly
thought of how to asked for
the remaining ball of yarn
from her mother to knit a
scarf for Gu Ye Mi. At the
same time, she stared at her
mother knitting the scarf
and increasingly focused all
her attention.
Aabout ten minutes later,
Xie Wan finished knitting
the scarf, Mo Lan was
reluctant to let her be tired
again, so she refused her
mother’s intention to make
supper for her, and urged
her to go back to bed.
After finished washing her
face, Mo Lan returned to her
bedroom all drained, the
decor and arrangement in
the room was exactly the
same as the last time she
was back, orange curtains, a
light scattered floral quilt,
and also a Totoro bolster by
the headboard. It was still
clean and tidy, all cleaned
up until it was untainted by
even a speck of dust.
Everything was so familiar,
Mo Lan looked around her
room, inexplicably, it made
her recalled her young and
inexperienced years of
senior high school.
En… after all, after Chinese
New Year, the group of old
classmates from senior high
school should be wanting to
gather again.
Without any need to think,
Mo Lan suddenly couldn’t
help but yawned. After all,
today could also be
considered to be a tiring and
kinda day. Mo Lan rubbed
her sour eyes and lazily fell
onto the bed not wanting to
Just as she was about to
enter the land of dreams,
suddenly, her phone which
was charging on the desk
beside her started vibrating.
Mo Lan blanked, the four
limbs of her body and the
bones of her body were all
clamouring that she was so
tired that she did not want to
move, she lay on the bed
hugged her Totoro bolster
and hesitated, at a loss for a
minute or two, she had still
better resolutely crawled out
from bed, got up and
grabbed her phone.
It was a WeChat message
from Gu Ye Mi.
Once she saw the three
letters “GYM”, Mo Lan
couldn’t help but breathe a
sigh of relief, immediately
began to rejoice that just a
moment ago she didn’t just
chose to ignore it and
continued to lie down and
fall asleep.
GYM: Just finished an
operation, I’m off work now,
you should already be home
by now?
He just finished an
Mo Lan couldn’t help but
glanced at the current time
on her phone, it’s 2:54 in the
wee hours.
Only finished work at this
time… tomorrow was still
going to be Chinese New
Year Eve.
With a sigh, Mo Lan typed
Momo: I just arrived home
not long ago, you… are not
going home for Chinese
New Year?
The other party replied very
quickly, seemed to be
somewhat helpless:
GYM: It’s my turn this year
to be on duty, no choice.
But, it’s almost three
o’clock now, still not
Momo: I was just learning
how to knit a scarf with my
mom, am now lying down
on my bed.
GYM: Do you know how to
knit now?
Mo Lan instantly froze for a
moment when she saw the
other person’s reply.
So now… how should she
After she racked her brains
for a long time, Mo Lan
finally replied very
Momo: I’ve learnt how!
Umm, as a thank you for
looking for me for the
drama, how about I knit a
scarf and gift it to you?
As soon as the message was
sent out, Mo Lan heard her
heartbeat hecticly jumping
compared to before, the
hecticness made her want to
throw away the phone in her
hand all at once, and then
ignorantly fall asleep under
the quilt.
However, before she could
throw away her phone, the
other party had already
responded to her.
Concised and clear, only
four words:
GYM: Money can’t buy
She felt her face started to
burn again, Mo Lan at a loss
bit her nails and thought
about what she should say
now. Although she was the
one who first suggested it,
but reading these four words
from Gu Ye Mi, Mo Lan
was nevertheless
unspeakably a little
She bit her lower lip all
tangled up for quite a while,
Mo Lan’s eyes suddenly lit
up, Gu Ye Mi was so
familiar with Su Shen, why
not… tell him about Su
Shen and An Xiaoluo, firstly
a new topic was found,
secondly, she could also
possibly help An Xiaoluo to
first scout out for any
Momo: Okay, I’ll let you
know once I’ve finished
knitting ^^.
Momo: There’s something
else, well… you know about
Su Shen and my cousin?
GYM: Yup, what’s the
All of Mo Lan’s fingertips
danced at lightning speed on
her phone screen, a whole
bunch of words were sent in
one stretch:
Momo: It’s also not a big
deal, just that my cousin is
strong-willed, she thinks
that Su Shen values ​ ​ his
job more than her, recently
we’ve talked, I think… she
seemed to be a bit
discouraged. Or else, you
could find the time to talk to
Su Shen?
Somewhat apprehensively
she waited for about a
minute or two, the other
party finally answered her:
GYM: I can go talk to him.
But, Momo, everybody’s
point of view on love is
different, as for Su Shen, he
felt that as busy as work is,
meeting 2 or 3 times a
month is a very normal
Love’s point of view?
Outlook on love?
Mo Lan suddenly blanked
for a moment.
If it was truly as what Gu
Ye Mi said, in that case
would An Xiaoluo… be
able to accept Su Shen’s
type of love?
Because Mo Lan slept so
late the night before, she
struggled to get out from
bed at 10 the next morning.
Or perhaps, even more
accurately one should truly
have said, she was woken
up by the sound of the
firecrackers from
Mo Lan got up, yawned,
dazedly drew open the
curtains, and in an instant
the sun spilled into the
A red banner hung by the
curtains with the words
“Gong Xi Fa Cai“, Mo Lan
looked through the window
and saw there was a dragon
and lion dance nearby Xizha,
in addition there were also
firecrackers, a sideshow,
people coming and going, a
joyful festive celebration
which was a sight to behold.
However, this year’s New
Year, there was no snow.
In the blink of an eye,
another year had passed
once again, indeed time
passed by really quickly.
Squinting her eyes, Mo Lan
tilted her head and carefully
thought through all of her
experiences throughout the
whole year.
In fact, this whole year, she
had lived a very ordinary
life, and just like the years
in the past, nothing much
changed, it completely
lacked any great waves.
Except… for the fact that
she met Gu Ye Mi.
How do one put it, the
feeling of knowing Gu Ye
Mi, was just like installing
the spring in a toy, or like
holding a pencil colouring
in a picture, or it was also
like opening a sliding door
right before one’s eyes.
In short, it changed her life
overnight. Suddenly there
was a few extra motivation,
it became more colourful,
and also became… more
If it was possible, she really
hoped that the future years
could possibly have him in
Even if it might be a little
pretentious to say this, but at
this very moment, Mo Lan’s
heart did indeed truly
thought so.
As she gazed out of the
window in a daze and was
lost in her thoughts, Xie
Wan brought in new clothes
into her bedroom: “You’re
awake? Xiao Lan, ma has
bought you new clothes,
come and try it okay?”
Mo Lan turned her head
around and saw Xie Wan
held a long pink down
jacket in her hand, it was
very charming and cute.
“Every year I have new
clothes, thank you ma.” Mo
Lan said in a pampered
voice and reached for the
down jacket.
After washing up, Mo Lan
in an entire set of new
clothes walked down the
stairs, and lifted her eyes,
she saw that the living room
on the first floor of her
house was already full of
relatives, all of her distant
relatives were all present
without any exception, the
scene bustled with noise and
After exchanging
pleasantries one after
another with her close and
distant relatives, Mo Lan
tried to find a rubberband to
tie her hair, but was
suddenly dragged by An
Xiaoluo to go shopping with
Xizha was one of the most
famous and well-known
tourist spot in Wuzhen, and
it was famous for its
authentic water features and
cultural heritage
accumulated over a
thousand years. And by
chance, Mo Lan’s family
lived in Xizha.
The two walked side by side
on the black flagstone road,
the crowd were bustling
with activity, the originally
narrow black flagstone road
was so crowded that not one
drop could have trickled
through, but they were not
in a hurry anyway, they
simply slowly walked on the
road, and enjoyed the
scenery by them.
Stalls were spread over both
sides of the road, the
dazzling array of fireworks
and firecrackers filled the
eyes, and a wide variety of
CNY couplets, there were
also the red lanterns that
children loved to buy during
Chinese New Year,
sometimes you could also
hear the voices of passerbys
who wore thick winter
clothes mutually wished
each other “Happy New
Indeed this joyous
atmosphere could only be
found during Chinese New
Mo Lan put her hands in the
pocket of her down jacket to
warm up, and let out a long
sigh of relief.
While in Nanjing, although
her work had a relatively
high degree of freedom, but
living in a big city, the
general rhythm of life was
still incredibly fast paced,
the mechanical life repeated
day after day, occasionally,
she have also felt a little like
she couldn’t breathe.
However, her hometown of
Wuzhen had always been a
gentle and tranquiled place,
which was very suitable as
an utopia.
Mo Lan watched the old
man at the booth pinching
the sugar man full of interest,
suddenly, An Xiaoluo who
was beside her spoke softly,
her voice appeared a little
jittery: “Xiao Lan… my dad,
he knows about me and Su
“Ah?” Mo Lan was instantly
surprised, and turned to look
at An Xiaoluo, her tone
puzzled, “Are you for real, I
thought he was still clueless
last night on the way
An Xiaoluo sighed, she
reached for the scarf and
once again wrapped it
around her neck, her
expression seemed very
helpless: “For real. Last
night after reaching home I
went to bed straightaway
because I was super tired,
my mobile was simply
thrown in the living room,
as a result my dad saw my
texts with Su Shen, now
he’s forcing me to bring him
home, it’s so infuriating.”
Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
and suddenly thought of
what Gu Ye Mi told her
before bed last night. After
thinking, she deliberated
and considered whether to
say something: “Umm,
Secretly Captivated told me
that, Su Shen’s viewpoint of
love is more… er, rational.
That is, when he is busy, he
would feel that it’s okay to
meet only two or three times
a month, it’s not because he
doesn’t like you. I think he’s
possibly still focusing his all
towards work at the moment.
And actually… it’s quite
good to have a boyfriend
with strong ambitions, in the
future he will earn the
money to raise you, and you
won’t need to worry about
food and clothing.”
An Xiaoluo coldly snorted,
not really caring answered:
“I don’t care if he has
money or not, I can earn my
own money and support
myself. Xiao Lan, I just
want genuine love.”
Speaking of which, she
halted, turned to look at Mo
Lan, her eyes unexpectedly
somewhat lonely: “Xiao Lan,
you know, after I graduated
at 23 years old I left for
Nanjing to try to make a
living, I haven’t had a
boyfriend for the past five
years, I just didn’t want to
carelessly and casually start
a relationship. I’ve waited
for five years, with great
difficulty I finally waited for
somebody whom I like, but
yet… it is what it is. I only
wanted a simple and
uncomplicated love, I don’t
want to measure my dates
with my boyfriend in
months, you understand?”
An Xiaoluo’s eyes drooped
slightly, there wasn’t even a
hint of her usual high spirit,
ineffably it made people felt
a little fragile.
Mo Lan had never seen such
a vulnerable An Xiaoluo.
She couldn’t help but
softened, Mo Lan tilted her
head and thought for a while,
and still suggested
cautiously: “Actually,
cousin, I’m guessing you’ve
never told him? It’s not
enough that only I know
your thoughts, why don’t…
why don’t you find a time to
go to Shanghai and look for
him, then properly dicuss
with him. If you don’t let all
these words out, he would
probably feel that you like
this kind of method of
dating, but, if you said it out,
perhaps he would realise the
problem, then he would
change himself for you.”
The still as before
impenetrable crowd
surrounded, there was also a
shadow play that used a
white curtain, it was very
However, An Xiaoluo’s
silence was inharmonious
with the lively environment
around her. She was silent
for a long time and Mo Lan
also patiently did not speak.
“Okay, I’ll try.”
Not sure how long after that,
Mo Lan heard An Xiaoluo
spoke quietly, because the
weather was cold, the steam
that came out from her
mouth when she spoke,
afterwards, faintly
dissipated into the air,
without a trace.
When Mo Lan and An
Xiaoluo returned home after
enjoying themselves to their
heart’s content, the women
in the family were busy
making dumplings, and the
men were discussing
whether a certain CNY
couplet was stuck on a little
Once Mo Lan who had very
good cooking skills returned,
she was immediately pulled
into the dumpling assemble
army, while An Xiaoluo
who did not understand
cooking quickly escaped
from the kitchen, and played
with her little nephew.
Mo Lan took a chopstick
and placed the filling in the
centre of the dumpling skin,
as she was about to wrap it,
she suddenly thought of
something, she took a bit of
peanuts from the handful on
the table, and put a piece
into the dumpling skin to be
wrapped up.
Dumplings were an
indispensable CNY food,
one of the most important
reasons was because
dumplings had fillings,
which was convenient for
people to wrap all kinds of
auspicious things in the
stuffing, used to placed their
hope for the New Year. For
example, putting coins in
the dumplings, symbolised
prosperous wealth for the
New Year, if it was
something sweet instead, it
was to wish a sweet and
plesant life, and for Mo Lan
who added peanuts, one
hoped that when the elderly
ate it, that their days from
now on would be healthy
and long-lived.
Not long after, the wrapped
dumplings were all already
arranged full to the brim on
the big table.
When Xie Wan was about to
cook the dumplings, An
Xiaoluo appeared from out
of nowhere, took her mobile
phone and called out to her,
“Aunty, hold on, let me take
a picture then you can cook
On this side when Xie Wan
heard her voice she froze for
a moment, over there, An
Xiaoluo already swiftly
pressed the shutter on the
phone. Mo Lan couldn’t
helped laughing, and also
took out her phone to take a
Xie Wan next to them
looked at them rather
puzzledly and shook her
head: “What kind of habits
do young people have
nowadays? Using your
mobile to take a picture
before eating, I really can’t
make any sense out of it…”
Mo Lan walked into the
kitchen to wash her
flour-stained hands, then
thought about it, and
routinely posted on Weibo,
she wished everybody a
Happy New Year, and
conveniently attached the
dumpling picture that she
just took.
In fact, she really wanted to
tag Secretly Captivated as
well, and wish him a Happy
New Year. But after
thinking that if she did do it,
her Weibo would very
possibly be encircled by
Secretly Captivated’s fans,
then she daren’t.
However, after thinking
more about it she was a little
unresigned. Mo Lan bit her
lower lip, looked at her
phone screen for a long time,
and suddenly her eyes litted
Got it. Tag Secretly
Captivated in the comments,
others shouldn’t be able to
see it right.
With this thought in mind,
Mo Lan tagged Secretly
Captivated in the comments
under the Weibo post, she
typed a simple sentence
“Happy New Year” and
added a smiley face.
En… finally satisfied.
After waiting for everybody
to finish being busy, it was
also time to switched on the
TV to watch the Spring
Festival Gala.
Although the current Spring
Festival Gala gets more
boring year after year, if in
case the innocent public
news announced that there
will not be a Spring Festival
Gala in the future, probably
each and every one would
feel somewhat at a loss.
After all, it was a year after
year of accumulated habit.
The night gradually got
darker, the Spring Gala
Night programme had
already entered the second
half, at the moment it was
playing a skit, Mo Lan
looked up and watched for a
while, felt that there wasn’t
much meaning as well,
everyone would only just
watch it for the atmosphere
that’s all.
Everybody sat around the
dining table, chatted while
eating the New Year’s Eve
family dinner, the
atmosphere bustled with
noise and excitement, all
kind of dishes was placed on
the table until the table
nearly didn’t have enough
Mo Lan looked at
everybody’s joyful faces,
paired with the room that
filled with CNY couplets,
she suddenly felt very
There was the crackling
sound of firecrackers going
off outside, suddenly, Mo
Lan’s mobile phone rang,
the whole room was now
chaotic, but don’t know why,
Mo Lan could still
accurately heard her
mobile’s ringtone.
Taking the phone out of
from her down jacket pocket,
Mo Lan unlocked it, and
found that it was Gu Ye
Mi’s WeChat message:
GYM: Would you mind
telling me your mobile
Hence, Mo Lan was
Beside her, Mama An saw
Mo Lan’s stunned face, and
loudly yelled: “Xiao Lan,
what are you thinking of?
Come, aunty will give you a
piece of fish, look at you
you’re so thin, you can eat a
little more.”
“Ah… thank you aunty.”
She was pulled back to
reality by the voice, Mo Lan
lowered her head and
silently scooped the rice, ate
a bite, and with a little guilt
placed her phone under the
table, her hand discreetly
reached out and sent the
phone number to the other
The other party did not
continue to reply.
When the second pot of
steaming dumplings was
served on the table, not long
after, Mo Lan’s
grandmother ate the blessed
dumpling with peanuts in it.
Just as a group of people
rushed to wish her
grandmother, Mo Lan heard
her mobile, which had no
news whatsoever just a
moment ago, rang once
This time… it was a
Mo Lan took out her mobile
phone which was always
grasped in her hand, the
screen displayed an
unfamiliar number.
An unfamiliar number…
moreover it called now…
Mo Lan suddenly felt her
mouth and tongue a little
dry, her heart nearly jumped
to her throat, so nervous that
she was nearly speechless.
Could it really be that
Mo Lan stood up abruptly,
right in front of the
misgivings looks of the
grownups she randomly
found an excuse to leave,
and scrambled all the way to
the balcony.
The surroundings finally
became a little quieter, Mo
Lan’s fingers trembled
slightly and pressed the
answer button, the
atmosphere on the other end
of the phone was noisy,
once in a while you could
hear laughter and
She took a deep breath, Mo
Lan with some difficulty
adjusted her heartbeat, and
slowly opened her mouth:
“Hello, you are?”
Her voice, still somewhat
trembled faintly.
When the person on the
other side heard her voice,
he laughed softly, his voice
so pleasant that Mo Lan
almost suffocated.
Then he spoke, his tone
indolent and gentle as well
as soft, just like a
candlelight, entirely
illuminated the dark room
all at once: “Momo, it’s
“Gu Ye Mi…” Mo Lan all
at once managed to respond,
her consciousness still
somewhat bewildered and
continued to reply.
It was really him.
Gu Ye Mi laughed, even his
smile spread to some degree
into his tone: “En, I’m Gu
Ye Mi.” He paused for a bit,
then casually asked, “Were
the dumplings yummy?”
Hearing the other person
asked this way, Mo Lan
instantly felt her face
blushed for a moment, he…
should have seen her tagged
him on Weibo.
“It’s quite yummy… Where
are you now?”
“Am outside, having New
Year’s Eve dinner with my
colleagues on the same
shift.” Gu Ye Mi’s tone was
lazy, somewhat cold,
apparently not really caring
where New Year’s Eve
dinner was, or with whom,
“But, I think, it was surely
not as yummy as the
dumplings you wrapped.”
Uh oh, her face was getting
redder and redder, who will
save her T^T
Mo Lan opened her mouth,
with great effort she tried to
steady her voice: “When
there’s time… I can wrap
some for you.”
After finished speaking, Mo
Lan only realised, it seemed
that she had already said
something similar before,
supposing a very long time
ago, she had also said before
that she wanted to invite Gu
Ye Mi to have a meal in her
home, but she had yet to still
do it.
She startlingly felt a little
ashamed, Mo Lan 囧 for a
moment, she decided to wait
until her return to Nanjing,
where she must find an
opportunity to invite Gu Ye
Mi over for a meal.
En… could also invite Su
Shen and An Xiaoluo, four
people together, then it
shouldn’t be that awkward
right? Conveniently, it could
also ease the recent
relationship dilemma
between Su Shen and An
Just as she was fixated on
that thought, suddenly, Gu
Ye Mi’s voice lowly
sounded from the phone, it
carried a kind of warm
feeling and steady strength:
“Oh… at midnight I still
want to, want to personally
say at a moment like this,
Momo, Happy New Year.”
Almost simultaneously as
Gu Ye Mi’s words were
barely uttered, Mo Lan
heard a “bang” in her ear,
the little nephew in the
living room blubbered out
“it’s midnight”, which
brought about a room of full
of laughter.
She lifted her head and
looked out of the window,
she just happened to see
colourful fireworks
exploded one after another
in the sky, with brilliant
lights and vibrant colours, in
that split second it lighted
up the entire horizon.
The people who stood on
the ground began cheering
excitedly, and celebrated
continously with each other,
the children carried red
lanterns in their hands, a
warm and happy radiance
displayed in their
For a moment, Mo Lan
absent-mindedly thought
she saw eternity.
“Happy New Year, Gu Ye
Mi.” Mo Lan held the phone,
her eyes fixed on the
fireworks that filled the sky,
the corner of her mouth
could not helped but
gradually curled up into a
gentle smile.
On the phone, the other
party was silent for a few
seconds, then he spoke, low,
but very clear, it made Mo
Lan’s cheeks burned up bit
by bit.
He said, “Momo, I seemed
to miss you a little bit.”
Mo Lan dazed on the spot,
suddenly, footsteps sounded
from behind her, followed
by Xie Wan’s somewhat
perplexed voice: “Xiao Lan,
who are you on the phone
Ineffably there was a feeling
of being caught red-handed,
Mo Lan tensed up upon
hearing her mum’s voice,
she flusteredly pretended
and turned around, and
craddled her phone close to
her body.
“No, no one, just celebrating
New Year with friends.” Mo
Lan spoke, and tried hard to
make her voice sound a little
more believeable.
However, Xie Wan also did
not pay much attention to
this question, what she
wanted to know was–
“Xiao Lan, how long is your
holiday this Chinese New
Mo Lan heard her mother’s
question and bit her lower
lip, she remained silent for a
few seconds. At first she
wanted to tell her that she
had a week off, but when
she thought of Gu Ye Mi’s
recent words, inexplicably
she then couldn’t say it out
She struggled in her brain
for a few seconds,
afterwards, she still lifted
her head, and replied very
quietly: “Me this year… just
three days off.”
“So short?” Xie Wan sighed,
but soon regained her
energy, “But it’s okay, you
can come back again on
May 1st.”
“En…” Mo Lan on one
hand agreed with her mother,
and on the other hand she
silently repented in her heart
the lie she just told.
By the time Xie Wan was
called back to clean the
table, Mo Lan couldn’t
helped but let out a sigh of
relief, she gently and
cautiously put the phone up
to her ear: “Gu Ye Mi… are
you still there? Umm, just
now my mom came over,
and we spoke for a bit.”
“I’m here.” Gu Ye Mi
answered quickly, his voice
was like the sound of jade,
distinctly cold, beautiful.
Then, his laugh lowly
sounded, his voice was very
gentle and soft, very
touching, very… alluring:
“What you just said, I heard
it all. So… when are you
coming back?”
She definitely already
embraced her phone very
tightly, how could he still
hear everything?
Mo Lan looked hard-pressed
muddled and completely
collapsed, with simply just a
little desire to weep with no
tears. With regard to the
matter of the duration of her
Chinese New Year holidays,
she had previously told Gu
Ye Mi, thus, this time… she
truly was caught lying
red-handed T^T
After eating a sumptuous
reunion lunch with her
family on the third day of
Chinese New Year, Mo Lan
rode the bullet train back to
She sat relaxed in the train
with her eyes closed, her
headphones was right in the
middle of playing that little
piece of《Immortal》which
Secretly Captivated sang
from the last time on YY.
Suddenly, her phone rang,
which gave her a fright.
Mo Lan picked the phone up
and glanced at it, discovered
it was Rong Xiaxia.
She pressed the answer
button a little puzzledly,
lifted the phone to her ears,
Rong Xiaxia was very
excited: “Momo, where are
you now? Have you
returned to Nanjing?”
“On the way back right now,
what’s the matter?” Mo Lan
replied softly, a little
surprised as to why Rong
Xiaxia also went back so
She heard Rong Xiaxia sigh
instead, her voice apparently
very solemn: “Tonight
we’re having a classmate
gathering at 7:30pm, a hot
pot restaurant near
Confucius Temple, called
Proud Of Taste, we’ve been
there together before.”
“Tonight?” Mo Lan couldn’t
help but asked.
Even though she had
thought there would be a
classmate gathering again
towards the end of CNY,
but the time was also too
tight isn’t it, tonight…
wouldn’t it meant that she
would have to immediately
rushed over as soon as she
arrived in Nanjing? And to
be honest, Mo Lan wasn’t
that enthusiastic towards the
classmate gathering, most of
the time it was Rong Xiaxia
who would forced her to go.
“The timing might be a bit
too tight…” Mo Lan was
gloomy, in her heart she
already subtly knew she no
longer wanted to go.
“No rush ah, you go home
and change your clothes
then rest for a bit before
coming over, then the
timing would be just right
ma. The main thing is it so
happened that everyone is in
Nanjing today, so we
planned to have a smaller
gathering first. After this
gathering, we don’t have to
go to the bigger gathering
with more people, it’s very
In the end, under Rong
Xiaxia’s coaxing and
pestering, Mo Lan who had
always been good at talking
still grudgingly agreed to
join the senior high school
gathering together with her.
After hanging up the phone,
Mo Lan suddenly sighed
unconsciously. She turned
her head and looked out of
the train window, her train
of thought could not help
but to be pulled back to the
days of senior high school.
Actually… for a person to
be so vigorously
enthusiastic towards the
matter of a classmate
gathering, it must be
because, they wanted to see
a certain someone at the
classmate gathering.
For instance, Rong Xiaxia.
Mo Lan and Rong Xiaxia
were in the same class in
senior high, later because
they lived in the same
neighbourhood, they went
home together everyday
after school, much later,
they automatically became
more familiar with each
other day after day,
ultimately they had
developed into today’s
inseparable besties.
As a result, as a bestie, the
fact that Rong Xiaxia liked
their class monitor in senior
high, only Mo Lan knew.
Although Rong Xiaxia
normally always had the
kind of happy go lucky
simple-minded appearance,
however she silently and
secretly fell in love with Ji
Ziyang for three years, until
their last year of high school
graduation party, she drank
three glasses of baijiu to
countlessly strengthened her
guts, but also daren’t say the
words “I like you”.
Afterwards, in her fourth
year of university, Rong
Xiaxia started dating, that
guy was very good to her,
he would obediently give in
to practically all of her
unreasonable requests, only
it was a pity, they broke up
after three months of being
The night Rong Xiaxia
broke up, she pulled Mo
Lan into a bar, sat in front of
her with her head lowered
and silently drank a lot of
alcohol. Later, she finally
got drunk, and started crying,
while she cried she
ambiguously called out Ji
Ziyang’s name.
At that time, Mo Lan looked
at Rong Xiaxia cried until
her eyes were very red, it
was the first time she
realised, the important
significance of a girl’s first
For the next two years Rong
Xiaxia never had a
boyfriend, and she began to
look forward to their annual
classmate gathering.
Last year, Ji Ziyang had
something else on and
didn’t attend.
Not sure for this year…
what would happen.
As she was entranced in her
thoughts, in her ears she
already heard the
annoucement that they’ve
reached the station. Hence
Mo Lan calmed her mind
down, packed her things up
and prepared to get off.
In her headphones, Secretly
Captivated’s voice rang low,
forbearing, tender, and
“Your presence, warms up
the heavens, lightly rippling
the cup of joy…”
It was the last sentence from
《A Cup of Joy》.
Such a nice voice, you’ll not
be tired of it regardless of
how many times you’ve
listened to it.
The singing voice echoed in
her ear, Mo Lan’s brain
instantly crashed for a
moment, her original
movement of taking her
luggage became sluggish,
and the luggage on luggage
rack nearly banged into her.
She flusteredly brought her
luggage down, and Mo Lan
breathed a sigh of relief, she
couldn’t help but started
thinking, Gu Ye Mi…
where was he now?
Should she have let him
know, that she had already
But what position did she
hold to be able to tell him?
Sigh… so distressed.
A bit after seven that
evening, among the vast
crowd, by the lanterns, Mo
Lan arrived by the
Confucius Temple tourist
If she were to say, the only
place in Nanjing where Mo
Lan could somewhat
experienced the ambience of
CNY, it was probably the
area of Confucius Temple
by QinHuai River.
The reflection and noise of
the lanterns stretched for ten
miles, the female singer
acted out the drama in the
Today was the third day of
Chinese New Year, there
were many peple visiting
and sightseeing at Confucius
Temple, even the whole of
QinHuai River would be
impassable, not only that but
later, it seemed that there
would also be a Lantern
But Mo Lan currently had
no intention to join the fun,
she merely worried whether
if she would be late, after
all… so many people were
here, it wouldn’t be good to
be late.
At about 7:40pm, Mo Lan
who was gasping for breathe
finally found Proud Of
Taste Hot Pot restaurant.
She looked for the room by
following all the way to the
private room number that
Rong Xiaxia had told her
before, Mo Lan stood
outside the door and before
she entered, she could
already hear the
conversation and laughter
from the private room.
The corner of her lips
bended and revealed a
gentle polite smile, Mo Lan
softly pushed the door and
went in.
She walked in, stood still,
and at first glance she saw
an obvious demure smile,
Rong Xiaxia’s eyes
somewhat dodged. Then,
following her gaze, she saw
Ji Ziyang.
So it turned out, she came
because of him.
The large group of people
turned around as they were
instantly attracted to the
sound of Mo Lan opening
the door, looking at the
familiar faces, Mo Lan’s
heart also followed and a
faint surge emerged.
The literature and art
committee member who
most preferred to read
novels during class, the
unshakeable top student of
the monthly tests, the
troublemaker who often
rebut the teachers, and also
there was always the first
girl who started perming her
hair and painting her nails
every class…
These people, who had been
together with her for three
years of her life, they have
witnessed her most young
and inexperienced, pure and
unadulterated youth
“Mo Lan, you’re late,
penalty penalty!”
“That’s right how could you
have just arrived, hurry up
and first punish yourself
with three cups!”
On this side Mo Lan had
just walked over, and she
was already confused and
was poured three to four
glasses of beer. Mo Lan,
who always did not know
how to drink drank her three
glasses of beer, her fair,
delicate and pretty cheeks
had already started to
somewhat turned red.
After chatting amusingly
and noisily with the group
of classmates for a long time,
with great difficulty Mo Lan
finally extricated herself,
and walked to Rong Xiaxia
holding a glass, but saw that
the other person was
unusually sitting silently in
the corner, she was right in
the middle of frivolously
drowning her sorrows.
Mo Lan sat next to her,
raised and bumped her glass
against hers, then asked in a
low voice, “It wasn’t easy
for somebody to come, and
you don’t want go over and
chat? Be careful that once
you past this village, you
won’t be able to find the
Rong Xiaxia lowered her
head and did not speak, after
a while then quietly spoke,
the tone vaguely bitter: “I
don’t know what I should
say to him… I reckon, I
haven’t seen him for five
years already. Momo, I’m
“There’s nothing to be
scared of, haven’t you
always feared nothing in
heaven or earth? And also…
chances like today are
extremely rare, if you
missed it I’m afraid you
might undoubtedly regret it
to death.” Mo Lan gulped
the left over liquid in her
glass, and filled her glass
once again.
Rong Xiaxia also drank,
after finished drinking, she
raised her head, frowned
and looked at Mo Lan, her
lips opened and closed,
ultimately also merely
somewhat uncertainly
replied: “Scared… that he’s
already not the type I like
anymore, scared… that he
has already forgotten there’s
such a person as me. “
Mo Lan was stumped for
words and drank, her throat
straightaway felt a scorching
Not waiting for her reply,
Rong Xiaxia had already
begun to speak minding her
own business, “When I first
saw him just now, I
suddenly especially
regretted why I didn’t have
the courage to confess to
him that year. If… if I did
say it then, even if he
rejected me, in any case it
would also have made me
give up. Now, I won’t also
go so far as to hold on to
these memories and not let
go, to be confined within the
circle on the ground for so
many years.”
“Xiaxia…” Mo Lan
somewhat didn’t have the
heart to look at her, her
mouth opened and closed,
yet she didn’t know what to
say. At this time, apart from
being able to sympathised
and comfort, for the rest it
seemed that regardless of
what she said, it would not
be in the least bit useful.
Rong Xiaxia suddenly
smiled, continued as always
to brightly and beautifully
illuminate people: “That’s
why I say, if you like
somebody, it’s still better to
say it earlier.” She flung
back her head, her
expression somewhat
reluctant, “Forget it, let’s
not talk about this, Momo,
have a few drinks with me, I
guarantee, this will be the
last time.”
“Okay.” Mo Lan nodded,
prepared to risked her life
tonight to keep this noble
person company.
The memories of tonight,
basically was already all
very fuzzy. The last clip left
in her mind,was how she
kept Rong Xiaxia company
drinking glass after glass,
she drank until her brain
was finally dizzy and
blanked, much later, she
actually couldn’t stand it,
and bewilderedly climbed
onto the table and fell
As for Rong Xiaxia who
wouldn’t fall under a
thousand cups, she saw Mo
Lan fell asleep, and pushed
her a little worriedly:
“Momo, Momo, wake up,
we’ll go home to sleep.”
However, Mo Lan had
already been sleeping
deeply at this moment, with
not even the slightest desire
to wake up.
On this side Rong Xiaxia
was busy trying to wake Mo
Lan up, over there, Peng Fei
had already walked over.
Rong Xiaxia lifted her eyes
and looked at him, en… if
she remembered correctly,
Peng Fei during his second
year of high school, had
once pursued Mo Lan for a
period of time, but Mo Lan
just did not like him.
“Um… I saw that Mo Lan
seemed to have drunk too
much, I drove here today,
it’s also quite late now, why
don’t I send her back?”
Peng Fei said, his
expression slightly
embarrassed, but his tone
was firm, he seemed very
certain, that Rong Xiaxia
would surely agree.
Hand Mo Lan over to
someone who had an
ulterior motive towards her?
Thinking like that, it felt as
if it wasn’t that safe.
But… if she didn’t allow
him to send her, how was
she suppose to take Mo Lan
home all by herself?
Rong Xiaxia frowned and
racked her brains for a while,
but still had no clue. At this
moment, suddenly, Mo
Lan’s mobile on the table
She didn’t really mind and
picked up the phone, she
took a quick look and found
the caller ID had the name
“Gu Ye Mi”.
Who is Gu Ye Mi?
Rong Xiaxia frowned, and
answered the phone with
some doubt.
As soon as this word was
spoken, she acutely felt that
the voice on the other end of
the phone paused for a
moment, after about two to
three seconds, his low voice
echoed through, awfully
serened, just like the
moonlight enveloped the
clear crystalline lake with
it’s gleaming reflection in
the waves, nothing more
beautiful could be imagined:
“Hi, may I ask if this is Mo
Lan’s mobile phone?”
The voice was very gentle,
awfully polite, very…
So pleasant that it made
Rong Xiaxia thought she
was listening to an anchor of
a broadcast programme.
Beforehand, she really did
not believe that there would
be such a person in this
world, that just by the voice
alone could she be so
bewildered until she was
dazzled and delirious, of
course, that was before.
Rong Xiaxia who just drank
three to four bottles of beer
in one go, now suddenly felt
her mouth and tongue a little
dry, her heartbeat also
started to speed up.
“I, I’m Mo Lan’s friend, she
drank too much at the
moment… are you looking
for her for something?”
Rong Xiaxia took a deep
breath, strived to calm her
‘putong putong’ heartbeat,
and replied in a steady voice
as much as possible.
The next second, she was
somewhat startled to hear a
hint of worry in the other
person’s tone: “Drank too
much? Where is she now?”
It was as if the lake that was
undisturbed and serene just
a moment ago had a tiny
ripple emerged abruptly…
his voice was undoubtedly
light as water, each word
each line yet once again
couldn’t help but enraptured
people, listening to him, was
truly like a type of
unparalleled pleasure, so
enjoyed until Rong Xiaxia
didn’t even have the heart to
This person… shouldn’t be
that Secretly Captivated
As soon as this thought
appeared, Rong Xiaxia
instantly felt that her whole
person became not too well.
If she were to say, for this
voice Mo Lan had always
preserved her integrity and
kept a pure heart with few
desires… she seemed to,
truly be able to possibly
If it was him, why don’t…
As this thought just floated
into Rong Xiaxia’s mind,
the next second, she already
spoke out uncontrollably:
“Why don’t you come and
pick her up, it’s currently
quite late now, she drank so
much, it’s not good to take
the taxi back.”
After Rong Xiaxia hung up
the phone, she looked up,
and straight away saw Peng
Fei who was still standing in
front of her, with a puzzled
expression on his face.
“Just now… who were you
talking to?” He spoke, his
voice inexplicably
somewhat stiffed.
Rong Xiaxia suddenly found
it very fascinating, she
thought about it, then with
an exceptionally natural
expression her voice replied
incomparably fluently:
“Momo’s boyfriend, I’ve let
him pick her up, then don’t
need to trouble you.”
“Mo Lan she… has a
boyfriend?” Peng Fei
frowned, unresignedly
continued to seek
confirmation, but in his eyes,
it was already distinctly
clear that he was a bit
Rong Xiaxia laughed: “Yup,
Momo likes him very
En… claiming that Gu Ye
Mi was Mo Lan’s boyfriend,
it shouldn’t matter too much?
After all, just now when she
asked him on the phone if
he wanted to pick Mo Lan
up, the other party agreed
without the least bit of
Would an ordinary friend,
be willing, in the biting cold
winter night on the third day
of CNY, to pick her up and
send her home like it was
There must be something.
However, she just didn’t
know how he looked like.
Although his voice was very
nice that it startled the
heavens and earth while
ghosts and spirits would sob,
but just in case if he was
very sorry looking, if he was
seen by Peng Fei, it would
be hard to avoid that
disdained bit of provocation.
On this side, while Rong
Xiaxia looked at Mo Lan
who slept peacefully on the
table, on the other side in
her heart she silently
imagined Gu Ye Mi’s looks,
her mood which from the
beginning was continously
under a dense black cloud
slowly became a bit better.
With her eyes hanged down
indulging in flights of fancy
for quite a while, she looked
up, her line of sight still
involuntarily traversed
through the crowd, and fell
on Ji Ziyang.
Five years have gone by, his
hair had grown, he was
taller, and he had also
matured, only his face
silhouette had not changed
at all. Still in her memory,
was those years in school
that high-spirited boy whom
she dearly loved.
Didn’t know if he… still
remembered her?
Roughly about twenty
minutes later, just when
everybody cheered and the
atmosphere was lively in the
private room, the door
suddenly was pushed open
by someone, the strength
was neither light nor heavy,
it was polite as well as calm.
Practically in that split
second, everybody
uniformly looked back
towards the direction of the
door, except for Mo Lan
who still lay sound asleep
on the table.
Rong Xiaxia also turned
back, at first she wasn’t
really paying any attention,
as a result her line of sight
was spellbound in that split
second when she saw that
The man wore a white down
jacket, dark blue jeans, with
fair and exquisite facial
features. His figure was slim,
tall and straight, with a pair
of evidently black and white
eyes, no waves were startled,
his manner distinct, aloof
and neat.
For a moment, Rong Xiaxia
nearly thought she had
travelled across. The person
standing right in front of her,
looked like a foreign prince
who walked out from a
painting, every frown and
every smile, as magnificent
as if it were made by the
heavens, unrivaled.
So stunning that people
couldn’t totally look away.
It wasn’t until the other
party walked neither
urgently nor slowly to Mo
Lan’s side, that Rong Xiaxia
finally recovered, looked at
him, and asked tentatively:
“Gu Ye Mi?”
“That’s me.” Gu Ye Mi
replied, his voice was very
light, like a feather, light as
a feather smashing into your
heart, then bit by bit, it
teased you until you wanted
to stop but couldn’t.
Rong Xiaxia looked at him,
suddenly she felt a little
bewildered, she opened her
mouth, inexplicably
somewhat stuttered: “Then,
then I’ll trouble you with
It was really strange, after
seeing him, she believed, he
surely must be a good
Mo Lan’s vision… was
indeed very good.
Hearing her say that, Gu Ye
Mi suddenly smiled softly,
instantly made Rong Xiaxia
thought that in front of her
stood an elegant prince with
a light and fluttering folding
He looked down at Mo
Lan’s side profile, his
expression suddenly became
very gentle, his originally
slightly conspicuous distinct
and cold eyebrows also
became vivid and gentle. He
spoke, his voice somewhat
indolent, somewhat tender,
so pleasant that it made
people somewhat
absent-minded: “Not
troublesome. Speaking of it,
still want to thank you for
letting me come to pick her
It’s over……
Rong Xia Xia blankly
looked at him, all kinds of
turbulence simply surged
into her heart.
Obviously this person gave
the impression that he was
just definitely somewhat
distinct and aloof, but once
he opened his mouth, his
voice contrarily was once
again certainly indolent
certainly tender, very evil.
This voice… if it continued
saying a few more words to
her, she would probably die
of excessive blood loss. It
turned out that what Mo Lan
said perviously was all true,
this kind of person who used
sound as a weapon, did truly
existed in real life.
She turned her head and
looked at the expression of
the people around her, they
were all like her so
unfathomable that they were
incapable of believing.
The private room
unexpectedly sunk into a
somewhat weird silence.
Right at this moment, as if
she telepathly heard Gu Ye
Mi’s voice, Mo Lan
suddenly just opened her
eyes in a dazed. She lifted
her head, rubbed her eyes
with her hands, and groggily
asked: “Xiaxia… just a
moment ago I seemed to
have heard Secretly
Captivated’s voice, it
couldn’t be that I
hallucinated right?”
Mo Lan frowned, on one
side she spoke ambiguously,
on the other side she tried
hard to open her eyes, yet
saw Rong Xiaxia stared at
her without blinking, her
face with a complicated
“you don’t say” expression.
With her brain still in a
crashed mode Mo Lan
bewilderedly followed the
other’s person gaze and
lifted up her head, the next
second, she explicitly ran
into Gu Ye Mi’s line of
It was exactly the same as
the first time she saw him at
Nanjing Impressions, he still
stood there, and calmly
looked at her, his obvious
black and white eyes
showed a bit of a smile,
warm as well as vivid.
It really… was him.
Mo Lan who was still in a
drunk stupor froze for a few
seconds, then couldn’t help
but opened her eyes,
completely unable to react
as to why Gu Ye Mi would
have appeared here at this
But seeing the other person
extended his hand out
towards her, the side of his
lips bubbled over with a
smile, an opaque peach
blossom colour gradually
appeared in his eyes.
Then, he opened his mouth,
his low voice fell into the
stillness of the room, like
the snow thawing from a
candlelight on a winter’s
day, unfathomably tender:
“Momo, let’s go home.”
Go home?
Mo Lan already couldn’t
remembered how she
uncommonly and muddledly
left the private room with
Gu Ye Mi, she only
remembered that when she
got up, she heard the people
around her whispered,
discussing where did she get
the luck to find such a
quality man.
But… this man didn’t seem
to be hers.
As she thought, she
suddenly felt somewhat sad
once again.
Because of the Lantern
Festival at Qinhuai River
parking was restricted, thus
Gu Ye Mi parked his car
outside of Confucius
Temple’s scenic spot. This
also meant, they still had to
walk together for a distance.
It felt very similiar to the
last time he sent her home,
but, it was also a little
Mo Lan lowered her head
and walked quietly beside
him, her mind was already
in a turmoil just like paste.
Because the power of the
alcohol haven’t dissipated,
just a moment ago because
of the little excessive shock
and soberness her
consciousness now once
again started to get dizzy,
her feet almost couldn’t
walk in a straight line.
She felt the footsteps of the
person beside her suddenly
stopped, Mo Lan raised her
head somewhat
apprehensively, fearing that
she might have been too
troublesome for the other
party. Yet the next second,
she heard Gu Ye Mi spoke
softly, his tone without a
thread or a hair of
impatience: “I’ll carry you
ba, otherwise, I’m afraid
you’ll fall.”
Carry her…
The surrounding cold wind
was biting cold, Mo Lan
heard his words, couldn’t
help but generated a very
small shiver, then glanced
up at him.
Probably because the
alcohol have entered her
brain and confused her mind,
Mo Lan looked at the
opposite party’s pair of
jet-black eyes, she originally
wanted to decline, but in the
end the demons and gods
were at work and she
At the Qinhuai Lantern
Festival, there were a sea of
tourists, thousands of
lanterns simultaneously
shimmered, the people
around were noisy, brightly
lit, bustled wholly with
noise and excitement.
However Mo Lan merely
cautiously and solemnly
leaned against his shoulder,
so nervous that the
atmosphere didn’t even dare
to make a sound.
Gu Ye Mi appeared to be
obviously very tall and slim,
but his shoulders were much
more comfortable than Mo
Lan had imagined, and also
awfully warm. Both of her
hands were wrapped around
the scarf around his neck,
she could feel that the scarf
was soft to touch, Mo Lan
seemed to suddenly
remembered something, and
softly spoke: “Gu Ye Mi,
I’ve almost finished knitting
your scarf, it’s beige in
colour, you like?”
A boiling cauldron of voices
surrounded them, an endless
hubbub, but Mo Lan clearly
caught Gu Ye Mi’s answer,
he said, “I like it very
Slightly leaning her head
against his left shoulder, she
sniffed the faint hint of soap
on his clothes, Mo Lan
suddenly felt the rim of her
eyes got a bit sour, she
could not help but strived to
close her eyes for a while.
Perhaps it was because of
the effect of alcohol,
perhaps it was because the
evening breeze was too soft
and gentle, Mo Lan lay on
his back, and suddenly felt
that something binded her
until she was somewhat
unable to breathe.
She lowered her eyes
slightly, and sniffed, her lips
opened and closed,
eventually, she couldn’t
help but whispered: “Gu Ye
Mi…… why are you so
good to me? Did you know,
for these past four years, I
have very much liked your
voice, but I’ve never
extravagantly hoped to have
whatsover intersection with
you in reality. But… why
are you being so good to me?
Shouldn’t an idol treat all
fans equally favourably?
Sometimes… I’m genuinely
quite scared, scared that
everything that happened
since was simply just a
dream, and when I awake
from my dream, we would
still be two strangers who
had no intersection.”
Mo Lan lowered her head,
she whispered word by
word line by line. This kind
of situation where the other
party couldn’t see her facial
expression, and where she
also couldn’t see the other
party’s appearance made her
feel at ease. In fact Mo Lan
wasn’t very clear on what
she was going on about, she
merely, really wanted to
take her ongoing courage to
speak out that’s all.
She felt the other party’s
steps halted all of a sudden,
Gu Ye Mi was silent for a
few seconds, seemingly
wanted to respond to her,
however, for no reason Mo
Lan suddenly had a frenzied
burst of panic in her heart.
She bit her lip and rushed to
speak before the other party,
her tone hurried and urgent:
“Gu Ye Mi, you don’t speak,
okay? Just listen to me, let
me speak that’s enough.”
The wind, biting cold and
bone-chilling, but behind his
back it seemed to have
become gentle and soft, the
vast crowd beside them, the
raucous hubbub by their
ears, but all of that didn’t
enter her eyes, nor entered
her heart. Mo Lan leaned
against his back, and spoke
softly, her voice gentle and
“The first time I heard your
voice, was in《Difficulty
Loving Deeply》Lan Fang,
the young marquis of Yushu
Tibetan. You said, to yearn
for a home
was to yearn for hardship. I
really stumbled and stepped
into the Internet Voice
Circle, I sank into your
voice the whole way, from
then on had I ever
experienced yearning for
hardship. Then, it was
《Cross Me》. You said,
one’s desire to love, alike
clutching a torch, going
against the wind, certain to
suffer burnt hands. Hence I
begin to be baffled, I didn’t
know how did I become so
obsessed with an illusory
voice, whether was it right
or wrong, whether was it
worth it. However, in those
days and nights when I
listened to your voice to fall
asleep, I’ve never felt
“Perhaps, your existence
itself, as far as I’m
concerned, was already a
kind of happiness.”
“Thank you… Gu Ye Mi.”
The next morning, Mo Lan
opened her eyes and the first
person she saw, was An
An Xiaoluo held a
half-eaten apple in her hand,
and sat by her bedside with
her chin in one hand, she
stared at her without
blinking, as if she was
already deadlocked in this
position for a very long
Mo Lan frowned and sat up
in her bed, and as she tried
to say something, once she
opened her mouth, she
found that her vocal cords
was very hoarse, even
swallowing her saliva was
exceedingly painful.
When An Xiaoluo who sat
next to her saw her woke up,
her expression finally
looked a bit more normal,
she looked at Mo Lan up
and down a few times, and
again took another bite of
the apple, only then did she
unclearly asked: “Awake?
How do you feel at the
moment, are you still
If An Xiaoluo didn’t
mentioned it Mo Lan
wouldn’t have felt it, once
she said it, Mo Lan shook
her head, and realised
instantly that her brain was
really dizzy, it seemed like
something heavy pressed
down, the four limbs of her
body was also floppy
without strength.
Generally speaking… this
kind of feeling would only
appeared, it seemed like
only possible after getting
Mo Lan was sluggishly right
in the middle of massaging
her temples.
What happened last night
was like broken
black-and-white images,
lights flickered and shadows
passed in her mind flashing
one after another.
She attended the classmate
gathering, at that time Rong
Xiaxia was in a very bad
mood, so she accompanied
her to drink lots of liquor,
continuously drank until she
was fuzzily oblivious,
afterwards, she fell asleep
on the table.
Much later… Gu Ye Mi
He said, Momo, let’s go
home. The voice was just so
reasonable, overly tender.
She surrendered to his voice
without any qualms,
unaware of the time or day,
and giddily followed after
Ten miles of Qinhuai, a
turbulent tide of people,
thousands of lanterns
simultaneously shimmered,
he carried her on his
shoulders, walked slowly
step by step among the
She lay on his back, both
hands clasped around his
neck, the hint of cool, fresh
and clean soap on him
sniffed by her.
Afterwards, what did she
Her gentle and pretty
eyebrows couldn’t help but
wrinkled, Mo Lan suddenly
felt her head hurt quite a bit,
she remembered at that time
she prattled on for quite a
long time, not only did she
say a lot of things to him,
but she also, willfuly
refused to allow the other
person to reply.
But, in regards to the
specific content as to what
she said, she already
couldn’t remember clearly.
Mo Lan comforted herself,
it came as no surprise as she
heard just at that time her
own heart filthily throbbed
even more frantically bit by
bit. She bit her lower lip,
and somewhat thought
apprehensively, the her at
that time, shouldn’t have
said too much right?
En… after that, she got into
Gu Ye Mi’s car, he very
carefully put her in the front
passenger seat, and also
leaned over to help fastened
her seat belt. It sounded
quite odd, Mo Lan had
forgotten about 80 to 90%
of last night’s events, yet
she distinctly remembered,
the moment when he leaned
over to help fastened her
seat belt, his long eyelashes
calmly drooped down, under
the reflection of the dim
yellow car lights, the whole
person so pleasing that it
shook one to the core.
What happened afterwards,
she really truly couldn’t
remember even a tiny bit,
because, she fell asleep in
Gu Ye Mi’s car.
When she woke up, the sky
was already bright, the
person beside her already
had also been replaced by
An Xiaoluo.
An Xiaoluo who was beside
her saw Mo Lan’s
expression getting more and
more confused, she lowered
her head and took another
bite of the apple, then said
lazily: “I say, Xiaolan, your
development with Secretly
Captivated is moving a bit
too fast isn’t it? Did you
know when I went out to
throw out the rubbish last
night, as a result at a glance
I saw a strange man walked
over carrying you, did you
know how shocked was I?
At that time I still thought
he was a human trafficker,
in the end once he opened
his mouth… I couldn’t even
Mo Lan listened to An
Xiaoluo’s unclear
blubbering words, a swish
and the delicate and pretty
face reddened widely. She
was silent for a while, then a
little embarrassed she
carefully asked, “Then…
what happened?”
Her voice was even more
hoarse and unpleasant to
hear than she thought.
An Xiaoluo didn’t really
cared, she accurately and
firmly threw the apple core
into the rubbish bin, and
continued: “He carried you
all the way to the third floor,
and you slept very soundly
throughout the whole
process, I tried and couldn’t
even wake you up. Once we
reached our door, I thought
since he went to a lot of
trouble to send you home, I
must at least ask him to stay
and drink some tea before
leaving ba? So I let him in,
then laid you down on the
bed and settled you. As a
result, when he turned
around to leave, you
continued holding on to
somebody’s hand not letting
go, that image, tsk tsk.”
Hearing this, Mo Lan
couldn’t help but widened
her eyes, and somewhat
inconceivably looked at An
Xiaoluo, she blanked for a
long time before dazedly
started to talk: “No way…”
Held on to his hand and not
let go? If she was sober, Mo
Lan was a hundred percent
certained that she absolutely
would never have done such
a thing.
This was also too
humiliating right T^T
“How can it not be?
Anyway when I saw how
much you didn’t want him
to go, I was very
understanding and went out
to simmer some ginger soup
for you to sober up,
smoothly allowed him to
take care of you in the
room.” At this point, An
Xiaoluo looked very pleased
with herself, apparently as if
she did an enormous good
deed. Then she seemed to
have briefly thought it
through for a bit, only then
did she continued making a
show of being very much in
earnest, “I really don’t know
what happened after that,
cause all the while I didn’t
go in. After about ten
minutes the ginger soup
finished simmering, I
hesitated whether to bring it
in or not, and he happened
to just come out of your
room, as he left he even told
me to take good care of you,
but when I heard his voice I
was dazzled, so I just
nodded, not much went in.”
Mo Lan bit her lower lip as
she listened to An Xiaoluo’s
explained continuously,
there were a plethora of
things to tackle in her mind,
precisely because she
couldn’t remember for that
ten or so minutes last night,
in her bedroom, what did he
say to her.
However, she remembered,
when she was bewilderedly
conscious, he really did talk
to her.
Whereas beside her, An
Xiaoluo solemnly already
begun to conclude: “But
Secretly Captivated -sama is
really good-looking, in all
my years, that instant when
I saw him last night only
then did I genuinely
understood [Alike a startled
swan, as graceful as a
swimming dragon. The
glorious chrysanthemums of
autumn, the lush and
magnificient pines of
spring]. You don’t know but
when he carried you on his
back and wandered from the
row of street lights, my
heartbeat slowed down half
a beat, there was truly a
sense of a tableau. Xiao Lan,
you must certainly and
carefully hold on by all
An Xiaoluo anyhow threw
the last sentence down,
finally got up and left
perfectly contented.
Mo Lan who still remained
amidst the clouds and mist,
stared at the down quilt that
covered her own body
spellbound and in a daze.
Her line of sight
inadvertently shot a glance
at the paper cup on top of
the bedside drawer, Mo
Lan’s heartbeat which had
just returned to normal with
great difficulty started
scurrying once again.
Last night… he must have
seen this paper cup.
It’s over, if he discovered
that this paper cup was
literally from the lemon tea
he bought for her that day,
her entire face could really
be thrown aside T^T
Ever since she got drunk at
the classmate gathering, Mo
Lan haven’t been out for the
whole two days, and was
also embarrassed to contact
Gu Ye Mi, with a
expression on her face she
passed her time at home.
As for An Xiaoluo who
under Mo Lan’s earnest and
patient persuasion and
encouragement, bought a
flight ticket to Shanghai,
and left yesterday afternoon.
Hopefully, she would be
able to bring back the good
news between her and Su
As for at this very moment,
Mo Lan wrapped herself in
a fluffy blanket, and curled
her long hair with a pen, on
one hand she bit her nails
and on the other hand she
looked miserable producing
Secretly Captivated’s new
drama… how should she
write it?
Truly unable to find a
solution, there wasn’t even a
bit of inspiration.
Mo Lan sighed for the 28th
time at the computer screen.
Right at this time, the QQ
notification in the lower
right corner of her computer
screen suddenly flashed.
It should be Ninth Heaven
Dubbing Group’s QQ, the
remaining enthusiasm of the
New Year have dispersed
over the past few days,
everyone had also begun
work and school one after
another, so the group had
become more lively.
However, Mo Lan who was
right in the middle of
struggling to find inspiration
presently had not much
mood to read the news.
She briefly opened and
looked at it, in the next
second, Mo Lan was
surprised to find, the
message box displayed the
surprise that was Bai Yu
Luo Bo’s private QQ
Bai Yu Luo Bo: Lanshan
meizi, are you there?
Mo Lan was a little puzzled,
basically Bai Yu Luo Bo
wouldn’t privately look for
her, now he looked for
her… it must be something
With this in mind, she
immediately replied:
Ye Lanshan: Here, what’s
the matter?
The other party seemed to
hesitate for a bit, then sent
words over:
Bai Yu Luo Bo: I know
suddenly asking like this
might be a little out of the
blue, but… could you
answer me seriously, do you
like Ah Mi?
Mo Lan’s fingertips on the
keyboard went stagnant, her
eyes could not help widened,
she read those words back
and forth several times, and
still didn’t quite understood
Bai Yu Luo Bo’s intention.
The like that he
mentioned… what kind of
like was it?
After carefully deliberating
for a long time, Mo Lan bit
her lip, absolutely
cautiously and carefully
Ye Lanshan: I really like his
voice, and, he has also
always been my sole
favourite in the Internet
Voice Circle for these many
Bai Yu Luo Bo: If I weren’t
talking about his voice, what
about him as a person? If he
wasn’t Secretly Captivated,
just an ordinary person,
would you like him?
If he wasn’t Secretly
Mo Lan suddenly blanked.
It seemed that ever since she
met Gu Ye Mi up until now,
in front of him she have
been nervous, apprehensive,
bewildered, the most
fundamental reason was
because she knew, the
person that stood right in
front of her was Secretly
Captivated, the first CV she
had quietly liked for four
years in the Internet Voice
She had never thought of
treating him like an ordinary
person, with regard to who
Secretly Captivated was to
her, he was a myth that
would never fade in the
Internet Voice Circle, a
perfect voice that couldn’t
be forgotten once heard by a
voice enthusiast, and also in
Mo Lan’s heart a cautious
and solemn unattainable
beautiful dream.
Yet it had never only been
about Gu Ye Mi.
However, at this very
moment, Mo Lan closed her
eyes, and discovered that the
first thing that appeared in
her mind, was actually the
scene when she first saw
him at Nanjing Impression.
His picturesque appearance,
his temperament distinct and
He stood there, looked at
her calmly, with a faint
smile in his obvious black
and white eyes, just like a
clean, gentle and soft
scenery, where it caused one
to forget.
The Gu Ye Mi at that time,
inexplicably made Mo Lan
thought of the short passage
in the Book of Songs.
Gazing at the obscure river,
green bamboo yi yi. A
bandit or a gentleman, as
definite as polished, as cut
(gems) as sharpened.
His each and every
movement, every frown and
every smile, everything was
just right, he was exactly
made in this way by the
heavens and arranged by the
In the past, every time when
Mo Lan thinks of Gu Ye Mi,
the very first thing she
would surely thought of
would be his soliloquy, the
radio dramas he had dubbed,
his voice.
But now, when Mo Lan
once again thinks of Gu Ye
Mi, the picture that flashed
through her mind one by
one was in fact when his
body turned around with
two bowls of candied taro
seedlings in his hand, when
he walked alongside her on
the road to send her home,
when he waved at her from
afar asking her to go
upstairs, as well as that
night, where he carried her
on his back rambling under
the thousands of
shimmering lanterns on Ten
Miles of Qinhuai.
Since don’t know when, his
voice already gradually
faded away, all that
remained and became
clearer, was only this person
Gu Ye Mi.
He was Secretly Captivated,
but also not merely just
Secretly Captivated.
Mo Lan silently reflected
for a long time, until the
black computer screen
glowed with the blue light,
only then did she finally
come back to her senses.
Opening the QQ messaging
system, Bai Yu Luo Bo did
not push for an answer at all,
he seemed to also wait
She bit her lower lip out of
habit, Mo Lan typed, and
very solemnly answered
each word:
Ye Lanshan: I will.
It actually wasn’t that
complicated, she did like his
voice, but she liked the
person even more. Or to put
it simply, no matter the
voice, or the person, as long
as he’s Gu Ye Mi that
would be enough.
Bai Yu Luo Bo: That’s good.
Maybe because of the fear
of rumuors flying all over
the place, Ah Mi have
always especially paid
attention to keep his
distance from his female
fans, Flower Burial who
recently confessed was also
rejected by him. I’ve
thought about it, it seemed
that among all that
happened to him the only
exception is you, prior to
you, I have never seen him
been so kind to any other
female fan. En… I feel, Ah
Mi might really really like
Mo Lan saw the other party
quickly sent these words,
she saw the last sentence,
and her heartbeat was once
again a little quicker, she
inexplicably felt a little
awkward and embarrassed.
So now… how should she
Before she finished being
embarrassed, suddenly,
something else happened
that made Mo Lan felt even
more embarrassed.
Gu Ye Mi called her.
Mo Lan’s eyes stared
straight at the mobile phone
that was right in the middle
of vibrating incessantly on
the computer desk, her heart
practically surging like a
gathering storm incapable of
being subdued. Actually…
actually at the moment she
haven’t really figured out
how to forget the fact that
she was drunk that night,
and how to then calmly
faced Gu Ye Mi T^T
After being confused for
about five or six seconds,
Mo Lan took a deep breath,
and answered the phone
with a devoted to
righteousness that inspired
reverence expression.
The background noise on
the other side of the phone
sounded very noisy, he
seemed to be in the city
centre, but his voice still
rang clearly from the chaos,
and entered her ears without
missing a word: “Momo, are
you free now?”
“I’m free, what’s the
matter?” Mo Lan strived to
reply calmly, she tried hard
to keep her voice calm, and
silently prayed in her heart
that he had already forgotten
what had happened two
days ago.
The other party was silent
for two or three seconds,
then he spoke, and inquired
softly: “This afternoon at
three o’clock, the qin se
pipa ensemble classical
concert, wanna come and
When he said the last
sentence “wanna come and
watch?”, the ending rose
slightly, it turned a teeny bit,
and added a bit of charm
and tenderness. His
intonation was undoubtedly
serene and somewhat
indifferent, but it just made
people feel, if they gave a
negative answer, the
heavens would simply be
angry and the person would
Mo Lan teared silently, and
her heart couldn’t help but
started to light a candle for
the colleagues who worked
with Gu Ye Mi. She really
was a hundred percent sure,
if Gu Ye Mi used this kind
of tone to talked to others in
real life, no matter what he
asked, the other party would
just nod and say okay.
She felt like her brain
seemed to have crashed all
of a sudden, Mo Lan on this
side didn’t adjust and was
immersed in his voice
inconspicuously for a long
time, after a while, she just
suddenly reacted afterwards,
what Gu Ye Mi just said…
it turned out to be her
favorite classical concert
combination of guqin, se
and pipa!
Qin se pipa, the ensemble
altogether consist of eleven
individuals, the performance
would be pure musical
instruments, not only the
ensemble would be
extremely beautiful, but the
soloists was also not inferior
in any aspect. Each member
in this ensemble were all
exceedingly proficient in
China’s classical musical
instruments, such as the
guzheng, guqin, pipa,
bamboo flute and so on,
they have an impressive
reputation in the 2D world,
and were previously
acclaimed as the “Twelve
Girls Band” in the ancient
style circle.
This time’s qin se pipa
concert was held in Nanjing,
Mo Lan naturally also knew
about it, but because the
tickets were not all released
this time, so she also didn’t
even have the intention to
go listen, she didn’t expect,
Gu Ye Mi actually had
tickets in his hands.
But after thinking about it, it
also made sense, based on
Gu Ye Mi’s status in the
ancient style circle… it
should be that someone sent
him his share of tickets.
“Of course I want to, I like
qin se pipa the most!” She
blurted out, excitedly, Mo
Lan even lost that little
reservedness from when she
originally answered the
She faintly heard a chuckle
from the other end of the
phone, Gu Ye Mi spoke, a
tender and serene tone and
to some degree a smile:
“Okay, at two o’clock this
afternoon, I will wait for
you downstairs by your
“Okay…” The Mo Lan who
was still excited that she
couldn’t come back to her
senses, until after she ended
the call, then realised
afterwards and started to be
Going to a concert together
with Gu Ye Mi…
However she thought she
felt it was a very magical
After Mo Lan became
foolish for five minutes
towards her mobile screen
that already went black, Mo
Lan inadvertently shoot a
glance at the clock on the
wall, only to swiftly realise
that it was less than an hour
away from three o’clock.
Needed to hurry up and get
What to wear?
Mo Lan stood in front of her
closet, and once again
sighed at the row of clothes
that neatly and tidily hung
inside. In the past, An
Xiaoluo had told her on
more than one occasion, that
she had too many
monochrome and gray
clothes, the whole person
looked old-fashioned, and
did not look like a young
girl at all. At that time, she
merely listened, then just
laughed and brushed over it,
absloutely not taking it
If you thought about it
carefully, perhaps because
at that time the person didn’t
mind, thought that it was
just herself that’s all, so it
didn’t matter what she wore.
But now, just like the first
time a teenage girl had her
first crush, she consequently
started to involuntarily pay
attention to one’s own
appearance, one’s words
and actions, hoping that
when they appeared in front
of that person, it would
allow the other person to
pay a bit more attention to
Here Mo Lan dawdled for
almost half an hour, and
eventually chose her
A loose pink sweater with
pearls, black suede shorts,
cotton leggings, the last
outer layer to match it all
was a white mid-length
down jacket.
After everything was ready,
Mo Lan stood in front of the
full-length mirror and
looked at herself, she
suddenly wasn’t sure… she
hasn’t dressed up too
grandly had she?
Although if compared with
other girls she wasn’t that
more remarkable, but for the
usual Mo Lan, wearing like
this was truly already
considered very grand.
Mo Lan stood in front of the
full-length mirror, as she
was about to bite her lip all
confused if she should
change to a black down
jacket instead, suddenly, she
inadvertently turned her
head, and from the living
room window she
accidentally saw the familiar
figure downstairs.
Midday yesterday, the brutal
cold winter Nanjing finally
ushered in the first snow of
this winter, the snow raged
in a torrential rush, without
stopping to sleep or to have
a rest it fell for a whole day
and night, until it gradually
stopped this early morning.
After the baptism of the
snowstorm, the whole of
Nanjing looked completely
new, everywhere was clad
in silver, a vast expanse of
And Gu Ye Mi stood still
and calmly in the snow, the
whole person was even
more conspicuously distinct,
aloof and neat.
A black down jacket, a
white thin wool sweater, a
pair of simple dark coloured
jeans. He stood downstairs,
with his back towards her,
one hand absent-mindedly
in his pocket, obviously
very natural and very casual,
yet it made people felt, that
the scenery was naturally
pieced together.
Mo Lan stared blankly at Gu
Ye Mi’s back for about
three or four seconds, and
finally realised that it was
already too late to change
her clothes. The weather
was this cold, to let him wait
downstairs because of this
kind of thing, she would
really have felt guilty to
Consequently, Mo Lan
began to flusteredly grab her
bags, changed her shoes,
and got ready to leave. Just
when one foot had stepped
out of the house, in the flash
of lightning, she suddenly
thought of the scarf that she
had previously promised to
give Gu Ye Mi.
Without even changing her
shoes she ran into her
bedroom, took the carefully
well-packaged bag in her
hand, and finally hurried
down the stairs.
After scurrying all the way
down from the third floor,
Mo Lan quickly walked out
of the hallway, and as soon
as she looked up, she was
right in Gu Ye Mi’s line of
He looked at her, his
features picturesque-tic,
luminously magnificent.
The corner of his lips curled
up a little into a smile, Gu
Ye Mi’s voice seemed to be
very relaxed and pleased:
“We’ll go by train, the snow
on the road is too deep, we
might get stuck if we
“Ah, okay.”
Inexplicably feeling a little
bit shy, Mo Lan scooted to
his side, and the two walked
towards the train station
nearby the neighbourhood.
Didn’t expect that after
barely walking a few steps,
unexpectedly they came
across a neighbor who lived
opposite of Mo Lan and An
Xiaoluo, she was roughly a
sixty plus years old grandma,
surnamed Wang. Although
she was older, her body was
unexpectedly healthy, she
would also normally cared
after Mo Lan and An
Now, with a basket in her
hand, she seemed to have
just returned from grocery
shopping. En… even though
it was currently the 21st
century, single-used plastic
bags and environmental
friendly bags have already
become the mainstream in
the market, but when many
elderly people buy their
groceries, they still liked to
carry baskets, although it
didn’t look pleasing to the
eye, but at the very least it
was more convenient and
more practical than those
single-used bags.
Mo Lan stared at the basket
in Grandma Wang’s hands
and drifted away for a while,
then suddenly realised that
she shouldn’t be thinking
about this now, because, the
way the other person looked
at her, her face showed that
kind of expression, it was
very obvious that…
No way right……
Mo Lan opened her mouth
to speak, just as she was
about to gain the initiative
by striking first, but she was
still not in time, because
Grandma Wang had already
walked to their side, and
stood still, she looked up
and down at Mo Lan several
times, then smiled and
narrowed her eyes: “Xiao
Lan ah, did you dress up so
beautifully to go on a date
with your boyfriend? I
usually see you wearing
some dark coloured clothes
all day, but I didn’t expect
that after dressing up you
still look quite good.”
Popo… must you say it so
honestly T ^ T
Mo Lan looked at her
silently, she could only
follow by a slightly
embarrassed smile, she
already didn’t dare to turn
her head around to look by
her side at Gu Ye Mi’s
expression at this very
Having him know that she
purposely dressed up to
meet him, it was simply
extremely humiliating all
Clearing her throat, Mo Lan
spoke, and intended to
explain: “Um, popo, you’ve
misunderstood le…” The
next sentence ‘actually
we’re only just ordinary
friends’ have yet to be
spoken, when Grandma
Wang had already very
naturally ignored her, as she
turned her face and spoke to
Gu Ye Mi: “This young man
is really good-looking,
nowadays, you don’t see
many youngsters with such
clean eyes, at a glance one
would straightaway know
that you’re a reliable and
accomplished good boy.”
… just by a glance you
could see that he’s a reliable
and accomplished good boy?
However, no matter how
good he is, he really isn’t
my boyfriend.
Being all confused in this
way and dragged into the
red thread, don’t know…
would Gu Ye Mi be
Thinking in this way
somewhat anxiously, Mo
Lan couldn’t help turned her
head to look at Gu Ye Mi’s
expression, after she saw the
faint curve of the other
person’s lips, her mind was
at ease at last.
“Popo, your cervical spine
is not that good right? You
can usually do more head
exercise, remember not to
buy pillows that are too hard,
it’s best to put something
under your neck when you
Gu Ye Mi’s very articulate
pronounciation and vocals
resonated, an exquisite tone,
very magnetic, low, it also
wasn’t an exaggeration to
say it was a precious stone
voice. Even Mo Lan who
was already used to his
voice, her heart also
couldn’t help but palpitated
for a bit.
Looking again at Grandma
Wang’s expression, sure
enough she looked like she
saw a ghost. She blankly
stared at Gu Ye Mi for a
very long time, so long that
Mo Lan was somewhat
embarassed and wanted to
call her to snap her out of it.
Eventually, Grandma Wang
cleared her throat, then
turned to look at Mo Lan,
and very seriously asked:
“Xiao Lan, is your
boyfriend a radio announcer
or a TV host?”
Mo Lan 囧, automatically
ignored the first half of the
sentence where she
described Gu Ye Mi as her
boyfriend, and replied
completely honestly: “No,
he’s an anesthesiologist.
But… his voice is really
very nice, right?”
At the end, Mo Lan’s tone
still brought a little hint of
After all, there’s someone
who likes the voice of her
own favourite, which in
itself was precisely a very
worthy and happy thing.
As a result, this
conversation segment of Gu
Ye Mi switching profession
to broadcasting was
repeated and emphasised
four to five times by
Grandma Wang before it
It wasn’t until Grandma
Wang returned with her
basket to cook for her
grandson, that Mo Lan and
Gu Ye Mi resumed walking
towards the train station,
half a beat later Mo Lan
then finally felt the
conversation just now… did
indeed caused one to
misunderstand greatly.
He didn’t deny, so she also
followed and didn’t deny.
She didn’t dare to think
what it meant, there wasn’t
also time to think about it,
because her brain, was soon
occupied by something else.
The scarf in her hand…
when should she give it to
him? Actually, giving it to
him now would be a more
suitable time, cause if she
hold onto it for the whole
day, and waited until after
the concert finished to only
then give it to him, would it
look too insincere?
But now, what was the best
way to give it to him?
Just directly passed it to him
like this? What if… what if
he had already forgotten
about it then how?
But it was also impossible to
not give it to him…
Very muddled.
With her mind all tangled
into numbness, Mo Lan
suddenly felt that the bag
she carried became
unspeakably heavier.
The two walked into the
train station, and after
buying the tickets, they
waited by the waiting area
for the train that was
arriving in seven minutes.
There were many people
taking the subway at this
time, the waiting space in
front of each train gate was
packed with people.
Although, there was a
benefit in having more
people, that it didn’t seem as
Mo Lan wore comparatively
thinner trousers, and after
she left the house then she
genuinely and earnestly felt
that the recent snowfall in
Nanjing was that much
colder, it was that awfully
damp kind of cold,
furthermore once in a while
the wind would burst
through, in short it made
one very uncomfortable.
Gu Ye Mi, who had been
standing quietly beside her,
suddenly opened his mouth,
“Wait here a bit for me.”
Mo Lan froze for a moment,
after she instinctively
nodded, she saw him walked
towards a Coco milk tea
shop nearby, and began to
queue up very naturally.
Did he see that she was a bit
Just like the previous cup of
lemon tea, Mo Lan suddenly
felt, that he was truly a very
gentle and considerate
After about four to five
minutes, Gu Ye Mi returned,
in his hand he held a cup of
warm milk tea.
He drew near, when he
handed over the milk tea,
Mo Lan only realized that
he actually bought her
favourite pearl pudding milk
“How did you know I like to
drink this?” Mo Lan took
the milk tea, and couldn’t
help but raised her head
revealing her bright eyes to
ask him this question.
Yet she saw Gu Ye Mi
looked at her and smiled
tenderly without answering.
Right at this moment, the
train suddenly beeped
through as it entered the
station, simultaneously
accompanied by a burst of
wind that whistled by, Mo
Lan’s body couldn’t help
but curled up shivering, and
grasped tightly the cup of
milk tea in her hand.
The train steadily stopped
little by little, after the
people got off from the train
one after another, the tide of
people began to crowd
around to get onto the train.
Mo Lan also followed and
moved with the crowd, she
turned her head back a little
bit, and saw Gu Ye Mi stood
behind her. Pressing into the
crowded train, Mo Lan
finally breathed a sigh of
The air-tight train was
packed with people,
although it was
uncomfortably crowded, but
the only benefit was that it
was not cold.
Mo Lan optimistically
comforted herself, she held
the cup of milk tea in her
hand with some difficulty,
as people surrounded her in
all directions, she
challengedly grasped the
railing with one hand, and
strived hard to straightened
up, she didn’t want to bump
into other people.
Suddenly, a shadow fell in
front of her, Mo Lan
suddenly found her
surroundings seemed to be
much more spacious.
She lifted her eyes, her line
of sight just happened to
face the zip of Gu Ye Mi’s
black down jacket.
His jacket’s zip was simply
very casually pulled down
to his chest, a part of the
thin white wool sweater
showed, it was unexpectedly
naturally nice, it didn’t
made one feel the little bit
Mo Lan stared at his silver
zip for a while, then realised
afterwards that Gu Ye Mi
was now standing in front of
her, with one hand on the
railing, he stood still in this
train full of people for her
and freed up a space that
was neither too big nor too
small, and obstructed the
surrounding crowd.
Sure enough… the height of
188, indeed was really an
She couldn’t help but raised
her head, and saw Gu Ye
Mi’s line of sight gazed
indifferently out of the
window, a pair of distinctly
black and white eyes that
appeared to have a faint
misty peach colour, where
else the side of his lips
seemed to hold an absent
smile, not sure what was he
thinking of right then.
He seemed to have felt Mo
Lan’s eye on him, he
lowered his head, his long
eyelashes casted a shadow
on his eyelids, his features
were picturesque,
magnificent among the ten
thousands, unfathomably
Just when Mo Lan was
bewildered by the beauty
before her, she suddenly
sensed Gu Ye Mi reached
out and gently touched her
hair, his actions was very
tender, and his voice even
more tender:
“Very uncomfortable? Hold
on for a bit, only two more
stops till we reach.”
Even though it was a biting
cold windy winter day, but
listening to his warm
whispers at this very
moment, yet Mo Lan felt
that she was warm all over,
just as if she had a low fever,
it tortured one bit by bit,
one’s hands bounded and
unable to do anything about
He looked so good, his
voice was also so nice, this
precisely and undoubtedly
broke all the rules right…
Up until after the two people
got off the train, Mo Lan
had struggled for a long
time, and still did not have
the courage to give the scarf
to Gu Ye Mi. But with a
very clear conscience she
had a new excuse for herself,
if she gave it to him now,
once he accepted it he
would still have to keep
holding on to the bag, which
would make the person even
more apologetic, so… she
had better hold on to it first,
then wait until the concert
was over and give it to him
on the way home.
Up until after the two people
got off the train, Mo Lan
struggled for a long time,
and still did not have the
courage to give the scarf to
Gu Ye Mi. But with a very
clear conscience she had a
new excuse for herself, if
she gave it to him now, once
he accepted it he would still
have to keep holding on to
the bag, making the person
even more apologetic, so…
she had better hold on to it
first, then wait until the
concert was over to give it
to him on the way home.
Therefore, Mo Lan with a
clear conscience followed
Gu Ye Mi all the way until
the ticket collection counter
and entered the concert hall,
they found their seats and
sat down. It was after they
sat down, that Mo Lan only
then discovered, the ticket
held by Gu Ye Mi, was to
her surprise a VIP seat. The
two of them sat in the
second row in the middle of
the hall, their view was so
good that they could even
see clearly the wooden grain
on the stage floor.
From childhood up until
now, this was still the first
time Mo Lan sat in a VIP
seat on an occasion like this.
After Mo Lan sat down, she
carefully folded the bag
with the scarf that was in
her hand, then cautiously
placed it on the partition
board under her seat.
Gu Ye Mi who was beside
her looked at her string of
movements, he seemed to be
a little interested and asked,
“What’s in the bag?”
Hearing his question, Mo
Lan’s face turned red right
away, she inexplicably felt a
little self-conscious.
Just when she hesitated if
she should take this
opportunity to give him the
scarf, somebody suddenly
sat down next to Gu Ye Mi,
and at the same time as he
sat down, he seemed to be a
little surprised and cried out:
“Gu Ye Mi, you’re here
This voice… seemed to
sound a little familiar.
Mo Lan silently glanced up
at the man, it was a
completely unfamiliar face.
Gu Ye Mi turned his head,
and answered indolently:
“En, it just happened that
Momo likes it, so I brought
her here to listen.”
As soon as his words fell,
Mo Lan was keenly aware
that the atmosphere
suddenly became strange.
The man went silent for a
few seconds, then suddenly
passed Gu Ye Mi, turned his
head and meticulously and
attentively looked at Mo
Lan several times, Mo Lan
looked up, and saw that he
looked into her eyes… a
very mysterious illusion,
with some inquisitiveness.
Then he spoke, his voice
completely incapable of
hiding his curiosity: “You…
wouldn’t be Ye Lanshan
“I am.” Mo Lan nodded and
admitted, suddenly a little
nervous not knowing where
to place her hand.
Yet she saw the man smiled
all of a sudden, his face
showed an expression that
suddenly saw the light. Then
he turned around again,
looked at Gu Ye Mi, and
nonchalantly said: “Did you
know that the most frequent
gossip that’s discussed in
the circle these days, is
precisely the matter between
you and that little writer Ye
Lanshan? I really didn’t
expect, you’ve been
wordless and silent with a
clean heart and few desires,
paid no attention to either
the same sex or those of the
opposite sex, as a result
ultimately you’ve
nevertheless planted
yourself among your little
fan, as expected the things
of the world are changeable
After the man finished such
a long paragraph, Mo Lan
listened to his voice and
finally remembered, he’s
Mysterious Ink, one of the
extremely famous male
singer in the ancient style
Just as she was surprised by
her new discovery, suddenly
someone also sat down in
the seat next to her, Mo Lan
turned her head and took a
quick look, she discovered a
girl who looked as if she
was a similiar age as her,
very lively and cheerful.
When she saw Mo Lan, she
naturally and relaxedly
greeted her: “Hi, I’m Purple
Ceramic Glaze, you are?”
That tone of voice was
sweet and lively, one of the
best hosts recognized in the
ancient style circle, Purple
Ceramic Glaze.
Mo Lan suddenly felt that
today’s level of mysterious
illusion did not lose to Ninth
Heaven’s meetup from the
last time, everybody who
came was all gurus from the
ancient style circle.
“I’m Ye Lanshan.” She
spoke a little embarrassedly,
Mo Lan sincerely felt that
with her status, sitting in
this seat was simply too
Purple Ceramic Glaze’s
eyes just lighted up all at
once the moment she heard
her answer: “You’re Ye
Lanshan? The person who’s
recently very close to Mi Da
that Ye Lanshan? These qin
se pipa VIP tickets are all
in-house gifts, you managed
to get it, it should not be
because of… “
She spoke until here, then
her tone suddenly changed
to unspeakable excitement,
her eyes immediately passed
over her, and fell on Gu Ye
Mi who was talking to
Mysterious Ink.
She stared at Gu Ye Mi for
about thirty seconds, her
eyes bright and clear, the
kind of expression where
Mo Lan was very familiar
with when one met one’s 2D
favourite in the 3D world.
By this time, the auditorium
in the concert hall was
already nearly full, all the
lights suddenly dimmed,
and the hall sank into
darkness, it seemed that the
concert was about to
officially begin.
Because the lighting was too
dark, Purple Ceramic Glaze
eventually reluctantly
brought her gaze back, then,
she stuck close to Mo Lan’s
ear, and whispered wanting
to confirm, “The person
sitting next to you… is Mi
Mo Lan pursed her lips and
softly gave an affirmative
Yet she heard Purple
Ceramic Glaze took a long
breath, then she spoke, her
voice wasn’t able to speak
out her satisfaction: “So
good… he also looks so
good in the 3D world, even
better compared to my
imagination. You’re indeed
extremely a little lucky, not
that I want to say it out, but
do you know how many
girls in the circle dream to
be Ye Lanshan? “
Dream to be Ye Lanshan?
Mo Lan lowered her head,
and thought about it for a
while, if she wasn’t Ye
Lanshan, and if she was
merely an ordinary fan of
Secretly Captivated, she
probably, would also be
very envious of Ye Lanshan.
Just when they were quietly
chatting, a white beam of
spotlight lit up from the
center of the stage.
Mo Lan looked up, and saw
a girl with her hair coiled
hair in cheongsam sat
dignified on a wooden chair,
a pipa in her hands, her
appearance was very calm.
It was the gold medalist pipa
musician from the qin se
pipa essemble, Qi Yue.
When the first note of the
pipa in her hand rang out in
the stillness of the room, Mo
Lan’s mood was somewhat
stirred up for no reason.
After all… qin se pipa was
her favorite musical
essemble in the ancient style
Mo Lan sat quietly, and
looked at the dignified
silhouette on the stage
without blinking. Qi Yue’s
expression was very earnest,
her long and slender fingers
quickly fluttered back and
forth on the pipa strings,
each note plucked without
the slightest difference, she
was playing《Ambush from
Ten Sides》.
Once the song ended, the
auditorium was filled with
Mo Lan also applauded, she
felt from the bottom of heart
that regardless of song or
musical instrumentss, it was
still a must to listen to it live
at least once, because this
kind of feeling and the
sound that processed
through the electronic
equipment, was truly
Purple Ceramic Glaze
beside her was also
applauding but
unexpectedly seemed to
thought of something, she
once again leaned closely to
Mo Lan ears, and spoke
softly, “This Qi Yue, I’ve
heard before that she
especially liked Mi Da, and
even confessed to him.”
After she said this, she
seemed to be afraid that Mo
Lan wouldn’t believe her,
and again very earnestly
added, “You don’t mingle in
the circle so you don’t know,
Mi Da previously at public
gatherings, if he’s there then
you absolutely can’t bring
up the existence of a
With him, then you
absolutely can’t bring a
It was hard to digest the
amount of information from
these words in that short
while, Mo Lan blanked for a
few seconds, then could not
help turned her head and
glanced at Gu Ye Mi, but
saw that he was also
clapping, his eyes distinctly
black and white, earnest and
Flower Burial, Qi Yue…
there were many more girls
she didn’t know about.
He’s so good, he was
worthy of each and every
person’s liking.
But, there were so many
people who liked him, who
did he like?
Could it be… her?
The atmosphere of the
concert was very good, each
audience sitting under the
stage was listening very
earnestly, even if there was
the occasional conversation
the sound was kept to a
minimum. The final song of
the whole concert was the
qin se pipa ensemble of
eleven people. Mo Lan has
never heard the song before,
but it was soothing and
melodious, with a touch of
sadness, it was very
Guzheng, yangqin, pipa,
erhu, bamboo flute, xiao,
hulusi, and also the solo
All the instruments on the
stage were in full bloom
momentarily, altogether
mutually clamoured. But
their degree of cooperation
was indeed well-coordinated
until it astonished people.
The sound of each
instrument was obviously
produced by itself, but it
was very much perfectly
merged into the whole song
amidst the other instruments,
it genuinely and neatly
formed a sumptuous feast
for the ears of the audience.
The transitions for this song
was very high, the
melodious joy from the
beginning, up to the middle
where it suddenly became
somewhat gloomy and
melancholy, until ultimately
it was all the more bleak.
The ensemble came to an
end, all the musical
instruments gradually
stopped one by one, until
only the guzheng’s sound
remained at the end, low,
one at a time, endlessly
sobbing by plainly listening
to it.
It was at this time, from the
stage the stereo sound
system suddenly transmited
a very articulate
pronunciation and
vocalising voice, low, but
very distinct.
“The hibiscus bloomed and
once again withered, the
spring scenery of Jiangnan
year after year. And I know,
you will never ever return.”
The voice was very
magnetic, as if the small and
big pearls falling into a jade
plate in picturesque disorder.
His tone was quite
restrained, but also quite
desperate, in the
tranquilness appeared the
hint of somewhat silently
during the sorrow, like
spinning silk from the
cocoons generally tearing
away layer upon layer the
deepest sorrowful feeling
hidden deep in one’s heart,
in that instant, listening to
his voice, Mo Lan even
ceased breathing.
It was merely a voice she
knew very well, Gu Ye Mi’s
Gu Ye Mi next to her
seemed to be a little
surprised too, then, he
chuckled lowly, and softly
said, “So they actually
wanted me to recite
beforehand, was for this
In that split second when Gu
Ye Mi’s voice resonated on
the stage, it immediately
caused a burst of uproar
among the audience. Mo
Lan who sat in the second
row, clearly heard the many
girls who sat behind her
endlessly and excitedly
discussed about the voice.
“Gosh, that was Mi Da‘s
“Whatever male god recites
is all so nice, listened until
the rim of my eyes is red.”
“Ah ah ah, did Mi Da come
as well? Although I know I
would never see him but I
still feel very excited.”

Meanwhile, the song ended.
The eleven people on the
stage simultaneously stood
up, bowed earnestly in
gratitude and
The applause from the
audience lingered for a very
long time.
Mo Lan finally took a long
sigh of relief, and felt from
the heart, that being able to
come to listen to such a
perfect continuous concert,
it truly was really worth it.
She couldn’t help turned her
head to look at Gu Ye Mi,
the next second, she found
that the other party was also
calmly looking at her, with a
pair of beautiful and
extremely deep jet-black
eyes, a somewhat smile
shown in his eyes.
Mo Lan suddenly felt her
heart beat somewhat faster,
she opened her mouth, very
solemnly said: “Gu Ye Mi,
thank you for bringing me to
this concert.”
He merely smiled after
hearing it, reached out to
touch her hair, no reply,
silent as well as soft and
Purple Ceramic Glaze next
to her bit her fingernails and
anxiously waited while
looking at them, could not
helped but let out a long
sigh again: “It’s really
impossible to be friends
with the girl who saved the
galaxy in the past
At this moment the people
in the normal seats have
already begun to leave one
after another, where else for
the VIP seats here they
weren’t many who have left
yet. Mysterious Ink next to
him turned his head and
asked Gu Ye Mi to go
backstage together for a
look, Mo Lan was naturally
also taken along by him.
Several people walked to
the backstage together, the
qin se pipa essemble that
just performed and poured
out their passion on stage
was now changing their
clothes and removing their
makeup in the dressing
Mysterious Ink walked over
with a grin, and pat Qi
Yue’s shoulder: “The
concert is still as wonderful
as ever, have said ten
minutes on stage ten years
of work, practicing
everyday is also quite
exhausting huh?”
“Not too bad.” Qi Yue
replied softly while also
carefully taking off the pearl
earring from her right ear in
front of the mirror. Placing
the earring on the dressing
table, she turned her head
and appeared to want to talk
to Mysterious Ink, as a
result out of the corner of
her eyes she shot a glance at
Gu Ye Mi who was standing
aside without a word, her
complexion changed in a
flash, even her eyes was
much brighter compaared to
just a moment ago.
Her facial expression
changed, and Mo Lan who
was standing next to Gu Ye
Mi naturally could also see
Suddenly she thought of the
sentence that Purple
Ceramic Glaze just
whispered in her ear, Qi
Yue… had previously liked
Gu Ye Mi, and have
confessed to him before.
If this matter was true, she
actually quite admire the
courage of the other party.
Unlike herself, dare not
even to gift him the scarf.
Qi Yue took off the earring
from the other ear, then
stood up, drew a few steps
nearer to Gu Ye Mi, her
tone held a bit of a being
pleasantly surprised: “It was
too dark just now to see
clearly, Xiao You said and I
still didn’t believe, it turned
out you actually did come.”
Her words immediately
attracted another girl next to
her who had just finished
removing her makeup, she
saw Gu Ye Mi, and she was
also utterly surprised: “Mi
Da… didn’t you say before
that you won’t be coming?”
Gu Ye Mi merely smiled,
his tone somewhat helpless,
but was also inexplicably
pampered and indulging:
“Suddenly thought that
Momo really like your
essemble, moreover I
happened to be free today,
so we came.”
It was truly… very
pampered and indulging.
It was totally just like the
sort of tone one used to
pamper a girlfriend.
Mo Lan stood beside him,
became aware of the
enquiring looks that fell on
her from all direction, and
instantly felt that her whole
person was a little uneasy,
but… how did she once
again felt a little
indescribably happy –
what’s going on.
Hearing his answer, Qi
Yue’s expression became
somewhat rigid all of a
sudden, she seemed to have
just discovered that Mo Lan
was also standing here, she
looked up at her, her voice
so serene that you can’t
detect any emotion: “You’re
Ye Lanshan? “
The same question again…
“I am.” Mo Lan replied
bracing herself.
Suddenly the back of her
hand sensed somebody
else’s temperature, she
bowed her head a little
puzzled, and saw Gu Ye Mi
holding her hand. That
evidently warm and dry
knuckles of the right hand,
pulled her, with a strength
that was neither light nor
heavy, it inexplicably made
people felt reassured.
“Then we will leave first,
congratulations on a smooth
After he finished, in
absolute silence, Gu Ye Mi
very naturally held Mo
Lan’s hand, and neither fast
nor slow he turned around
and walked out.
Leaving behind a room
filled with unfathomable
Mo Lan’s eyes couldn’t help
but widened, she
instinctively followed Gu
Ye Mi’s back, and followed
him all the way out. The
people around them were
noisy, where else her whole
heart and eyes were filled
with the other person’s hand
that held her hand, his palm
stuck to the back of her
hand, warm as well as
She secretly lifted her head,
and looked carefully at Gu
Ye Mi’s back, he was very
tall, and very thin too, yet it
really made people have that
sense of security. To give an
unreasonable example, if
you followed him from
behind, it seemed that even
if you walked with your
eyes closed you would not
be afraid at all.
Just when Mo Lan felt that
her heart was about to jump
out of her throat, he finally
let go of her hand gently.
Mo Lan lifted her head
somewhat distractedly and
looked around, only to find
that they were now
unexpectedly standing on
the stage, however, there
wasn’t a soul in sight in the
entire auditorium.
Gu Ye Mi looked at the
neatly arranged musical
instruments on the stage, as
if he suddenly thought of
something. He turned
around, faced Mo Lan, and
spoke softly: “Do you still
remember… we’ve talked
before, that when we met
face to face, you’ll play
《Senbon Sakura》for me.”
Mo Lan nodded, when the
first time they met and he
sent her home, she did
indeed say that.
Therefore, he shouldn’t
meant, to now take
advantage of the fact that
the musical instruments
haven’t been kept away yet,
for her to play a song for
him on the spot? Ahem,
although nobody was here
now, but, she still felt a little
Mo Lan bit her lower lip,
and hesitated for a few
seconds, she thought of how
Gu Ye Mi purposely
brought her to watch the qin
se pipa concert, no matter
how she should also return
the favour. Thinking like
this, she still spoke bravely:
“I haven’t played in a while,
it might be a little rusty, it’s
good enough that you just
listen casually.”
Under the other party’s eyes
which somewhat carried an
air of expectation, Mo Lan
sat in front of the guzheng
on the stage, and took a
deep breath, her long
delicate snowy dazzling
fingers brushed the strings.
The song《Senbon Sakura》,
the tempo was extremely
fast, immensely testing the
speed of the musician
fingers as well as their
music reading capability,
but fortunately, Mo Lan
with respect to the guzheng
was still reluctantly
regarded as a professional,
on top of that she had
previously repeatedly
practiced this song many
times, so she would still
absolutely have played the
song smoothly and fluently.
Just when Mo Lan hit the
last chorus of the song, she
suddenly heard Gu Ye Mi
sang in a low voice, very
gentle, very mellow, and
very pleasant.
“Hunting in a pair of white
clothes, a century is but a
gap between fingers;
standing for a long time, to
count with one’s fingers the
highest of the heavens
mysterious star. A song of
the desert and endless mist,
the frosty sky cut off the
startled wild goose; smiling
at the world of human
society, among your castle
in the air…
He was softly crooning one
of the more famous
Mandarin lyrics of the song
《Senbon Sakura》in China,
《Before The Mountain
Cliff, One Night In The
Rivers & Mountains》.
The voice was deep and low,
the sense of reality was very
real, it inadvertently
revealed a kind of “talking
idly about important matters
with a sense of superiority”,
it was indeed smiling at the
world of human society,
among your castle in the air.
Mo Lan was somewhat
enchanted listening to his
voice, and couldn’t helped
lifting her head to look at
him, but saw that the other
person earnestly looked at
her, a beautiful to the
extreme pair of eyes with a
vague peach blossom
appearance depicted. Mo
Lan looked and stared, her
hand involuntary went
sluggish, and she
immediately played the
wrong note.
Hearing the very
inharmonious note rang
clearly, her face instantly
went mostly red, and after
having second thoughts that
since this song was basically
already almost finished,
then stopping here was also
good, hence she seized the
opportunity and held back
her hand.
The guzheng music stopped,
and she was a little
embarrassed waiting for Gu
Ye Mi’s reaction, but she
suddenly heard a burst of
crisp applause echoed in the
quiet auditorium.
She lifted her head
puzzledly, and saw that the
guzheng musician Xiao You
from the qin se pipa
ensemble who appeared
here goodness knows when,
in short she now stood under
the stage looking at Mo Lan,
on the one hand applauding
and on the other hand
laughing and jokingly said:
“As expected Mi Da‘s
charm is boundless, just a
glance at him made her
played the wrong note,
but… she still played very
well, I nearly thought we
were in the same
To have been heard, it was a
little awkward, this was Mo
Lan’s first thought.
Then it was… being
complimented by the
guzheng musician who she
had always liked and
respected, very happy.
Gu Ye Mi chuckled, turned
his head to look at Mo Lan,
and spoke softly, “It’s very
“No wonder you’ve
mentioned before, her
version is the one you like
the most. At that time I was
also a little bit unconvinced
and annoyed, but now…”
Xiao You’s voice paused,
then continued again, “You
two are pretty well
Well matched…
Mo Lan listened to them
talked and reacted half a
beat later, suddenly she
thought a little bit out of
tune, currently, it shouldn’t
be that everybody in the
entire world thought they
were already together?
“Thank you.”
Gu Ye Mi’s voice
resounded completely as if
it should have been by rights,
faintly, somewhat distinct
and aloof.
Especially… on the basis
that Gu Ye Mi totally did
not want to explain that this
was all a misunderstanding.
It wasn’t until the two
people walked all the way
back to the train station for
the return trip, that Mo Lan
who had been reacting half a
beat later all along did she
then suddenly felt, rather
than saying she went to
listen to the concert, it
would be better to say that
in front of everybody she
followed Gu Ye Mi today
and went through the
motions, which definitely
assured her identity as a
“Rumoured Girlfriend”.
But… no matter how
definitely assured, she was
only merely a rumoured
girlfriend ==.
Although it was also
crowded in the train on the
return trip, but this situation
was still a little bit better
compared to when they
departed, Gu Ye Mi didn’t
need to especially surround
her to give her some space,
she also didn’t think it was
too crowded.
Mo Lan stood at the back of
the train, her back leaned
against the pole, Gu Ye Mi
stood at an angle in front of
her, his line of sight
drooping onto her fingers.
After a while, he lifted his
eyes and looked at Mo Lan,
his pitch-black eyes clear
and bright. He spoke in a
low voice, the low and
unhurried as well as gentle
and soft tone, just as elegant
and touching as a melodious
symphony under the
moonlight: “I’ve always felt,
your fingers are very
beautiful, especially when
playing the guzheng.”
What did this sentence mean?
Was it simply purely
praising her beautiful
fingers, or was there another
even more profound hidden
So, how should she answer
now? To say thanks ma?
Would it be a bit too formal
She suddenly felt quite
nervous how now brown
cow T^T
Mo Lan’s train of thought
was in disorder, she looked
up and saw his pair of
beautiful eyes, and found
that she had already
completely lost her ability to
The corner of his mouth
curled up lightly, the
slightly distinct and aloof
eyebrows also became
tender and expressive. His
line of sight glanced at the
extremely treasured bag that
was held tightly in Mo
Lan’s hands, be opened his
mouth, and with a somewhat
indolent tone: “You’ve
already held it for the whole
day, when do you plan to
give it to me?”
“… how did you know, that
this is for you?” Mo Lan
froze for a while, finally
couldn’t help but asked.
Gu Ye Mi looked at her, his
appearance seemed a little
helpless: “Your face shows
everything, it would be
strange if I couldn’t see it.”
Really ma……
Mo Lan 囧-ed, and after
thinking about it, she still
very bravely met his line of
sight, and continued to ask:
“Then do you know what’s
in the bag?”
Gu Ye Mi blanked for a
moment, then suddenly
laughed, even his Adam’s
apple shook slightly. Mo
Lan looked up, her line of
sight meandered all the way
from his white wool sweater
to his exquisite collarbone,
then froze at his Adam’s
apple. Suddenly felt… Gu
Ye Mi seemed, apparently,
very sexy.
Consequently, she once
again surrendered to the
other party’s charm, and
before waiting for him to
speak, Mo Lan without
breathing took the initiative
to offer the answer: “Umm,
this is the scarf I promised
before, thought to bring it
along since we’re meeting
After she finished, she took
a deep breath, and very
cautiously handed the bag
Watching the other person
extended his hand to grab
the bag’s handle, Mo Lan’s
heart which worried for a
day only then finally let go.
“Thank you for giving me
such a nice present.”
When Gu Ye Mi spoke, the
train happened to stop at
some station, there were
many people getting on and
off arriving and leaving, Mo
Lan noticed that Gu Ye Mi’s
body seamlessly shifted
forward towards her, and
once more stood in front of
her, encircled her and gave
her a safe little world.
Girls probably wouldn’t be
able to stand this type of
man, an indifferent
appearance without a word
or movement, but always
again and yet again in the
tiny details seamlessly
looked after and showed
consideration of your needs,
so tender that it made you
reluctant to even blink when
you’re together with him.
Her heartbeat was alike
water dripping penetrating
the stone increasing the
layer one by one, Mo Lan
felt that even her breathing
mixed up a few beats.
After arriving at the station,
the two walked off the
subway one after the other,
Mo Lan looked at the bag he
carried which was in her
hands just a few minutes
ago, and thought of that
several days of CNY at
home, the scene of herself
sneakily switching on the
night light every night and
secretly knitting the scarf, in
her engrossment she
suddenly had the sense of
satisfaction in this quiet
time as well as in her
smooth and steady life.
Now, still about ten minutes
away from the residential
area where Mo Lan lived,
the two walked side by side
on the street, even their pace
was extraordinarily entirely
in step.
Even though at the moment
basically all the employees
have started work and
students have started school,
the residual heat from the
New Year have already
gradually dissipated, but
walking on the streets at
night, you could still see a
row of lanterns interweaved
among the cypress trees on
both sides of the road from
the time of Chinese New
Year, it was lit up orderly
during the night, flashing,
gorgeous multicoloured,
extremely beautiful, it
seemed to light up the whole
Mo Lan lowered her head a
little and walked beside him,
she silently counted her toes,
and after a while, she
eventually couldn’t hold
back and asked, “Gu Ye Mi,
I heard, there are many girls
in the circle who have liked
you, why… have you
always been by yourself?”
Regarding this matter, Mo
Lan truly was very curious.
As far as she knew about
Flower Burial and Qi Yue,
they were genuinely very
outstanding and beautiful
girls, she genuinely really
wanted to know, Gu Ye Mi,
could it be that he had never
before been moved by any
Gu Ye Mi kept silent for a
few seconds, then, he lifted
his head and looked up at
the vast night sky full of
stars, his eyes narrowed
slightly, his tone indifferent,
very serene: “Me this person
is more loyal to my
innermost feelings, don’t
want to waste somebody
else’s time because of a
temporary whim. Actually, I
haven’t always been very
clear on what is it like to
actually like somebody,
until… ” He spoke until
here, stopped, and seemed
to be reflecting on how it
should be said.
Mo Lan’s heart was lifted
high by his “until”, even her
breathing was a bit
Gu Ye Mi suddenly slightly
turned his head a little, he
looked at her, and revealed a
light smile, in his
pitch-black crystal clear
eyes, there seemed to be
stars twinkling in his eyes,
more dazzling than tonight’s
sky: “Until, I came across a
girl on the train. It was then
that I believed, that actually
in this world, love at first
sight indeed did exist.”
The final syllable faintly lilt
up, accompanied by a hint
of bafflement, the seemingly
absurdly bewildered Mo
Lan who was listening
practically felt her entire
heart trembled.
Love at first sight……
A person as calm and
rational as Gu Ye Mi, would
unexpectedly also fall in
love with a girl at first sight.
That girl with not only her
past generation, but it
should be her past past
generation, her past past
past generation, had all
saved the entire universe.
The Mo Lan who had
always been gentle,
agreeable, desireless, and
not demanding, looked at
Gu Ye Mi’s eyes that was
like a speck of ink, and
suddenly felt, a little jealous
of that girl, no, it should be,
she was very jealous of that
Biting her lower lip
habitually, Mo Lan truly
really wanted to ask him,
who was that girl. But she
did not dare ask, for fear
that once she asked, the
final hidden expectation in
her heart would also become
completely meaningless.
Gu Ye Mi took her all the
way to the downstairs of her
neighbourhood, and when
she saw the hallway right in
front of her, Mo Lan finally
stopped with regret.
“Sending me till here is
good enough.” Mo Lan
looked up and met his gaze.
Gu Ye Mi followed after
and stopped, his eyes
drooped slightly, he was
silent for a few seconds.
Then, he lifted his eyes, and
looked at Mo Lan, a pair of
beautiful eyes with flowing
light and overflowing
colours, which seemed to
twinkle with the starlight of
the whole world: “Momo,
do you want to know, who’s
the girl?”
All around her seemed to
have fallen into absolute
silence in that split second,
so quiet that she could only
hear her own heartbeat, bit
by bit, completely irregular,
fierce and pressing.
Mo Lan somewhat
absent-mindedly opened her
mouth, when she nearly
blurted out that word “want”,
she suddenly and
unexpectedly heard a
It was a piano piece that she
was very familiar with, the
peaceful piano melody
flowed through, that
indistinctly conveyed a
sense of karma tragedy, just
as if lived for a thousand
years, a sorrowful artistic
mood in a kind of dream.
This piano piece, was one of
the most classic works by a
Japanese composer,
Sakamoto Ryuichi, called
“Merry Christmas, Mr.
Hearing this ringtone, Gu
Ye Mi seemed to have
frowned slightly, but he
quickly took out his phone
from his jeans’ pocket.
It turned out to be his
Mo Lan saw that after Gu
Ye Mi answered the call, his
initial expression of serene
gradually became grave,
then he spoke, his tone very
steady and softly discussed
with the person on the other
end of the phone, she didn’t
hear clearly what Gu Ye Mi
said, and also did not know
who called, but her intuition
told her, it should be work.
After about thirty seconds,
Gu Ye Mi hung up the
phone, and simultaneously
drew closer, their original
distance of one meter was in
an instant shortened to a few
So near that Mo Lan could
smell the fresh and clean
soap smell on him.
Yet she saw that he reached
out and pulled up the zipper
of Mo Lan’s white down
jacket, then he looked down
at her and quietly cautioned
her again, “Next time don’t
wear so little, understood?”
The voice was very gentle,
faint, a little emotional, it
involuntarily made Mo
Lan’s face went red all the
way to the bottom of her
To be engrossed in the other
person’s gentle and soft
eyes, she obediently
answered amidst the cloud
and mist.
The other party saw her
meek response, nodded in
satisfaction, then drew back
a few steps: “The hospital
had something come up at
the last moment, insufficient
staff, I’ll go get busy first.
See you next time, good
“Okay, remember to eat
properly after work, good
Gu Ye Mi nodded, then
turned around, his footsteps
quickly walked out of the
Mo Lan stood quietly at the
entrance of the hallway,
until the tall, distinct and
aloof silhouette disappeared
completely from her sight,
before softly sighing.
His work was indeed really
busy… moreover, he this
person did not know how to
take care of himself, even
after he finished being busy,
he would probably also
merely carelessly just cook
a bowl of instant noodles for
Really did not make people
feel at ease.
Today, Mo Lan got up early
in the morning, she felt a
little bored after breakfast,
and temporarily planned to
start cleaning. Just as Mo
Lan was carefully and
meticulously mopping the
kitchen floor, she suddenly
heard someone opening the
front door with a key.
Mo Lan moved and before
she barely walked into the
living room, she
straightaway saw An
Xiaoluo carried a huge
suitcase that appeared
“Xiao Lan Xiao Lan,
quickly come over and help
me carry it, my exhausted
hand nearly wanted to break
on the way back.”
Mo Lian 囧 ed, while she
helped An Xiaoluo bring in
the suitcase, she grumbled:
“Then why didn’t you call
me and let me pick you up
from the airport?”
“Aiya, I just couldn’t bear to
shock you ma.” An Xiaoluo
replied radiant with delight,
afterwards she changed to a
pair of slippers at the
entrance and walked in.
En… looking at her like this,
this time meeting Su Shen,
should have gone quite
pleasantly. Mo Lan thought
for a bit, and still quietly
asked and probed: “The
problem have been resolved
An Xiaoluo dazed for a
while, while she took off her
woolen coat and hanged it in
the closet, she attempted to
speak calmly, “Should be
considered as solved I guess,
Su Shen has already applied
to his company, he’ll be
transferred to Nanjing’s
branch in the second half of
the year.”
“Really?” Mo Lan was
surprised, and also
immediately felt very happy,
“I did say right, when a
relationship comes across
difficulties one should
properly face it and talk it
out, blindly avoiding it
would merely make the
situation more and more
On this side Mo Lan was
right in the middle of
emphasising this set of
principles, and over there
An Xiaoluo’s mysterious
delusional eyes looked at
her probingly, the probing
look carried a sense of
After she looked for a while,
An Xiaoluo finally opened
her mouth unhurriedly: “En,
according to what you said,
shouldn’t you also go face
somebody and talk it out?”
Mo Lan went silent, her
eyes couldn’t help started
somewhat looking fleetingly
to the left and and to the
right: “Cousin, what are you
saying, I don’t have a
boyfriend anyway.”
“Come on, you don’t have
to hide it from me, during
the short time I was in
Shanghai I would
sometimes go online, most
of the people in the circle
are all talking about the
thing between you and
Secretly Captivated. I heard,
he took you to the concert,
and even held hands with
you in front of Qi Yue? Tsk
tsk, wasn’t this just
declaring his ownership
with the rest of the world.”
An Xiaoluo uttered word by
word, her eyes stared at her
without blinking, she
straightforwardly gazed at
Mo Lan until a guilty
conscience appeared.
Even though, what An
Xiaoluo mentioned was true,
but… but these actions,
what Gu Ye Mi did made
one felt that it was all
particularly logical, so
logical that she couldn’t
even asked a “why” out
Here Mo Lan was hemming
and hawing as she didn’t
know how should she
explained it all to An
Xiaoluo, over there, her
mobile rang suddenly. Mo
Lan opened and glanced at it,
it was actually her mum’s
phone call.
Mo Lan promptly answered
the phone, as soon as she
called out a “Ma”, in the
next second, don’t know
what the other party said on
the phone, An Xiaoluo saw
Mo Lan’s complexion
changed all of a sudden, Mo
Lan originally had a fair
skin tone, and now it was
deathly white, and even the
last bit of blood faded
Her hands were shaking, her
nails clutched firmly into
her flesh, suddenly, a
“bang”, Mo Lan’s mobile
phone which was still in her
hand a moment ago fell
straight to the ground.
An Xiaoluo was frightened
by her behaviour: “Xiao Lan,
what’s wrong with you?
What happened? Don’t
scare your cousin…”
Mo Lan did not speak, and
stood fixed at where she was,
after about half a minute,
she turned around, and
looked at An Xiaoluo
somewhat frantically, then
she spoke, her voice so soft
that it almost shattered into
the air.
She said: “Cousin… my
mum just told me, pa was in
a car accident a few days
ago, she was afraid I would
worry so she didn’t tell me,
so she herself sent him to
the hospital, he ended up in
the hospital for a few days,
now his situation suddenly
worsen, wanting to transfer
to Nanjing…”
Mo Lan’s voice trembled,
her body also trembled, she
looked at An Xiaoluo, her
eyes were very confused,
the pair of eyes that were
always so gentle and
composed was murky, it
appeared to have been
covered with a layer of
dejection, so empty it was
Mo Lan sat in the front
passenger seat without
saying a word, An Xiaoluo
frowned and drove at
lightning speed towards
Nanjing Drum Tower
“Damn, why is there still
traffic at this hour?” An
Xiaoluo complained while
pressing on her horn, and
thumped the steering wheel
a little fidgetly.
But Mo Lan simply sat
quietly by the side, in a daze
without a word.
She lowered her head, and
looked at the faded braided
bracelet which she had been
reluctant to remove from her
hand, suddenly she felt a
little tart in her eyes.
In high school, there was a
time when this kind of
braided bracelet was
particularly popular in
school, hence Mo Lan also
joined in the fun and went to
buy a pile of colourful hemp
rope, on the night before her
monthly test, when her
parents had already fallen
asleep, Mo Lan secretly
switched on a small night
light by the headboard, and
sneakily hid in her bedroom
to braid the bracelet, as a
result as she braided, her
bedroom door suddenly
pushed open, then Mo Lan
saw her dad stood by the
door, a blanket in his hand,
he looked at her motionless,
with his eyes full of anger.
That night, without a doubt,
Mo Lan was scolded
heartily and solidly for a
spell, then all of the
disorganised hemp rope was
After a few more days, Mo
Lan’s grades for that
month’s test came out, it
somewhat was unexpectedly
pretty good results, as she
ranked eighth in the class.
That evening after the night
self-study, when Mo Lan
arrived home, she could see
at a glance that her dad wore
a pair of reading glasses,
and he was right in the
middle of braiding the hemp
rope somewhat at a loss in
the dim light of the living
That was the first time Mo
Lan discovered, the
omnipotent hero whom she
once thought was able to
support both heaven and
earth, have now passed his
Mo Lan stood by the door
and looked at the flustered
figure, she didn’t know why,
she suddenly just burst out
Afterwards, this shapeless
bracelet have always been
worn by her right up until
now. Even though the
colours had already faded
really badly, she was still
reluctant to remove it.
Mo Lan sat in the car,
looked up, and closed her
eyes somewhat
disconcertedly. Not sure
why but in her mind, her
father’s image all appeared
outdoing one another.
In the song of cicadas in the
summer night, he sat by the
bedside, he fanned her one
stroke at a time. At that time,
he said: “Baobao, papa
don’t expect you to have
such big prospects in the
future, as long as you’re
strong and healthy, safe and
sound, that’s enough.”
Mo Lan bit her lower lip,
her fingers unconsciously
grasped her phone tightly,
don’t know much strength
she exerted, even her
fingertips were slightly
An Xiaoluo next to her
looked at her current
condition, and somewhat
grudgingly sighed a little.
When Mo Lan and An
Xiaoluo rushed to the front
of Drum Tower Hospital’s
emergency room, at a glance
they saw Xie Wan stood by
the door with very red eyes
and a haggard face.
“Ma… how’s pa?” Mo Lan
spoke softly, and tried hard
to keep herself calmed.
Xie Wan turned her head,
and saw Mo Lan and An
Xiaoluo came over, her eyes
couldn’t help turned a bit
red again: “When he was
sent to our hometown’s
hospital, the doctor
definitely said it wasn’t a
big problem… but he started
being feverish last night,
and vomitted his guts out,
afterwards there was no
choice but to transfer him to
Nanjing.” She paused then
continued, “Xiao Lan,
you’re usually busy at work,
mama at first didn’t want to
tell you, but… just now
your pa went into the
emergency room for surgery,
I went through the hospital
formalities, in the end the
doctor suddenly told me
there were no wards
available, Xiao Lan… your
father is in bad shape, in a
while after he finishes
surgery and if there’s no
ward, I really don’t know
what to do…”
Before Mo Lan could speak,
An Xiaoluo had already
started to feel indignant:
“This hospital is also too
irresponsible isn’t it? Even
if there weren’t any wards,
uncle is already this sick,
they should also just free up
a bed and transfer some
other patient with milder
sympthoms. Aunty you
don’t worry first, I will go
and talk to them.”
“Cousin, I’ll go with you.”
Mo Lan opened her mouth,
but was immediately refuted
by An Xiaoluo: “You don’t
run around all over the place,
stay here and wait with
After An Xiaoluo
energetically left, Xie Wan
looked at Mo Lan, the
gentle face finally was
unable to continue and
seemed somewhat
Mo Lan walked over, and
supported Xie Wan to sit on
the bench by the side, she
just wanted to say
something, but found that
she seemed to have lost her
voice, nothing came out.
She wanted to say, ma don’t
worry, papa will surely be
all right.
She wanted to say, just
blame me for not being
good, I will certainly take
good care of papa in the
But nothing could come out,
her entire mind was now
packed with: Mo Lan,
you’re really unfilial, Mo
Lan, you’re really useless.
You can’t even take good
care of your own father,
you’re simply a worthless
good-for-nothing girl.
After about half an hour
later, An Xiaoluo returned,
Mo Lan lifted up her head,
and saw An Xiaoluo had an
expression, as she hummed
and hawed: “Umm… I’ve
just asked, the mouth at this
hospital is particularly
airtight, all of them said
there’s no ward, but I’ve
just contacted the military
hospital, there are still
available wards over there,
Drum Tower is not too far
from the military area, later
why don’t we look for the
ambulance to send uncle
Xie Wan who was next to
her heard her words, without
any particular expression at
all, it seemed as if the
answer An Xiaoluo came
back with was as expected,
she took the tissue in her
hand and wiped the corners
of her eyes, her tone very
composed: “Being in this
deadlock is also not a
solution, just do as what An
Xiaoluo said ba.”
Mo Lan’s fair hand
clenched into a fist, she
closed her eyes, the father in
her mind held out his hand
towards her, with a helpless
doting smile on his face:
“How did baobao fall again?
Your mother just said, if
you still can’t learn how to
ride a bicycle today then
you won’t be allowed to eat
dinner.” After a moment, he
once again lowered his
voice and told her
mysteriously, “But no
problem, it so happen that
papa will take you to the
restaurant tonight, we’ll
order your favorite sweet
and sour pork ribs and
pumpkin lily cup.”
Could you possibly tell me,
what should I do now?
I don’t want to eat sweet
and sour pork ribs, I also
don’t want to eat pumpkin
lily cup, I just want you to
be well.
While the atmosphere grew
heavier, on the other side of
the hospital corridor, the
footsteps of several people
could suddenly be heard
from a distance, it seemed to
be the doctors from this
hospital, they were right in
the middle of a quiet
discussion while
approaching the vicinity of
the emergency room.
“The patient in 208 will
have a surgery at 8
tomorrow night, you see if
you have time when the
time comes.”

As their footsteps grew
closer and closer, their
discussion grew clearer and
clearer and fell into Mo
Lan’s ears.
“Everything is ready, it’s
quite straightforward you’ll
just need to anesthetise.
En… also, Dr. Gu, the
meeting later will be held on
the third floor, it would
probably last two hours.”

The faint voice, echoed
clearly in the quiet room.
Serene, indifferent.
Although it wasn’t a tone
that Mo Lan knew very well,
however a voice does not
deceive people. This voice,
even if amidst a hundred
other voices, she would also
be able to just differentiate it
out just by a word.
The brain which had all
along been stretched taut
suddenly loosened.
That’s right, how could she
have forgetten, that Gu Ye
Mi, worked at Drum Tower
The footsteps grew closer.
One step, two steps, three
Mo Lan could feel his
footsteps stopped in front of
her, his body still had the
faint soapy fragrance. Clean
and distinctly aloof.
Mo Lan sat on the bench,
she suddenly partially didn’t
dare to lift up her head.
The nurse by his side saw
this scenario, and seemed to
ask him a little puzzledly:
“Dr. Gu, aren’t you going to
the third floor for a meeting?
Why did you stop here?”
But Gu Ye Mi didn’t answer,
he just stood quietly in front
of Mo Lan, after a while, he
suddenly reached out and
touched her hair: “Momo,
why are you here?”
Such a tender voice, it was
just as if the last match in a
world of ice and snow,
suddenly just rescued Mo
Lan from the end of the
Mo Lan slowly lifted her
head in the warmth of his
palm, as soon as her eyes
lifted, she instantly met Gu
Ye Mi’s pair of beautiful to
the extreme eyes. He looked
at her just like that, his eyes
inconceivably gentle and
Her dry eyes went tart yet
again, and went completely
out of her control, when Mo
Lan came back to her senses,
she then realised that tears
had already been flowing
steadily from her eyes, she
hurriedly lowered her head
again, on the one hand she
wiped her tears hastily, and
on the other hand somewhat
choked with emotions she
spoke: “Gu Ye Mi… my
father was in a car accident,
he’s now in the emergency
room, but… they said
there’s no bed in the
hospital, they asked him to
transfer to another
She cried while she
answered incoherently, even
she herself did not know
what she said.
Mo Lan haven’t wiped her
tears away, when Gu Ye
Mi’s tender eyes suddenly
cooled a bit, he turned his
head to look at the nurse, his
tone serene and light, so
much so that it was a little
ice-cold: “I remember, ward
312 is still empty.”
The nurse seemed to be
taken aback by his tone,
then glanced at Mo Lan, and
replied somewhat
embarrassedly: “It is empty,
but Dr. Gu… that room, the
director had arranged
beforehand, he said to leave
it for Mrs. Li.”
“Then you go back now and
tell the director, to vacate
this ward, if he asks, you
just say it’s my idea.” Gu
Ye Mi looked indifferent,
clean and efficient, his tone,
filled with
This was the first time Mo
Lan had seen such a cold
until almost unreasonable
Gu Ye Mi.
The nurse bit her lips and
hesitated for a while, finally
she still surrendered to Gu
Ye Mi’s rarely seen cold
expression: “Oh, okay, then
I’m going to go ask now.”
The nurse’s footsteps
disappeared in the distance,
and Mo Lan finally
flusteredly wiped away her
tears, she raised her head,
and looked at Gu Ye Mi
with her red eyes.
Gu Ye Mi looked at her, he
seemed to have sighed, then
he reached out and took off
the scarf around his neck,
and gently woved it around
Mo Lan’s neck: “So bold,
you’ve buttoned your jacket
up wrongly, aren’t you
After she warmed up bit by
bit, Mo Lan lowered her
head, only to find that the
scarf around her neck,
precisely the day that they
went together to listen to the
qin se pipa concert, was the
scarf she gifted Gu Ye Mi.
He actually… really used it.
She looked up, at first she
wanted to say thank you, but
the words that came out
instead became: “Why are
you so good to me?”
As soon as Mo Lan said this
few words, right away her
surrounding atmosphere
obviously broke out into a
slightly weird
transformation, An Xiaoluo
instantly widened her eyes,
she looked at her with an
undeniably pitiable and
intense unfortunate
expression, Xie Wan beside
her on the contrary was very
calm, one was unable to tell
the mood from her gentle
Yet Gu Ye Mi laughed, low,
somewhat indolent
somewhat tender,
absent-mindedly, Mo Lan
thought she had returned to
WeChat. Once upon a
time… the small voice
message button in WeChat,
was the only preserved and
binded source of
communication between
them. At that time, he also
said good night to her with
such a laugh, and called her
“How are you so slow?”
The other party’s voice
dropped extremely low and
rang in her ears, with a little
helplessness, and the
remainder was entirely
pampered and doting.
Mo Lan’s heart palpitated
for a moment, and looked at
Gu Ye Mi a little
unbelievingly, she thought
she had auditory
hallucination, in a blink of
an eye, she saw Gu Ye Mi
had already turned around
quite naturally.
Gu Ye Mi walked a few
steps, with an elegant and
light smile towards Xie Wan
who stood to the side:
“Hello Aunt, my name is Gu
Ye Mi, I’m Momo’s friend.”
“Gu Ye Mi?” Xie Wan
looked at Gu Ye Mi up and
down several times, after
quite a while, she finally
looked a little gratified:
“Just now… thank you for
your help.”
Gu Ye Mi heard what was
said, turned and glanced at
Mo Lan with her red eyes
who seemed to be lost in
thought, his eyes could not
help but softened, his lips
outlined a hint of vague
smile: “As I should have.”
It was at this time, Mo Lan
only discovered afterwards,
the Gu Ye Mi today, wore a
spotless white coat, his right
hand held a very thick case
file, the tip of his eyebrows
were undoubtedly distinct
and aloof, but it inexplicably
made her feel warm.
It turned out… when he
wears the doctor’s uniform,
he looked so good too.
All that remained……
Mo Lan looked up at the
lighted up words
PROGRESS” by the
operating room, and bit her
lip, as her expression
became a little grave.
An Xiaoluo next to her
suddenly seemed to have
remember something: “Oh
no” She reminded:
“Secretly… cough, Gu Ye
Mi, just now I heard the
nurse said, you were going
to a meeting, if you don’t go
now wouldn’t you be late?”
“No hurry.” Gu Ye Mi
replied indifferently, he
looked unexpectedly
somewhat indolent and at
An Xiaoluo listened to that
perfect money and riches
could not buy internet voice,
her heart practically and
precisely incapable of
calming down, if not for Xie
Wan being there, she would
have definitely rushed up
earlier and delightedly asked
for a signature, a photo and
a ringtone.
With a [Ding Dong], the
operating lamp that was
lighted up just recently
suddenly switched off, then,
Mo Lan heard the
emergency room door
opened from the inside.
She rose abruptly from the
bench, but hesitated and
daren’t lift a step.
Two person in white large
gowns and with masks that
looked like the doctors that
walked out from the
operating room, Mo Lan
stood in a daze, she heard
Gu Ye Mi enquired about
their patient’s situation, she
saw those doctors took off
their masks, their lips
opened and closed, but she
couldn’t hear anything
clearly, she could only hear
her own heartbeat, one at a
time, practically nearly
jumped out of her chest.
Finally, she saw Gu Ye Mi
walked towards her, his
voice dim as well as tender.
He said, “Momo, don’t be
afraid, it’s all right.”
Mo Lan let out a sigh of
relief, her legs jellied, and
nearly fell to the ground. Gu
Ye Mi frowned, with his
swift eyes and quick hands
he walked over, supported
her waist with a hand, and
let her leant steadily on his
shoulder. This obviously
wasn’t a very courteous
move, but it didn’t made
one feel frivolous at all.
As all her three immortal
souls and seven mortal
forms were back in place,
Mo Lan finally released her
continuous clenched fist, in
the middle of her fair palm,
the trace of blood already
appeared from the clutching
of her fingernails.
The father in her mind had a
smile on his face facing her,
that look became
increasingly clearer.
Fortunately… it’s all right.
With the help of Gu Ye Mi,
looking for the ward, getting
the medicine prescription
list, going through the
hospital formalities,
enquiring about the
situation… everything all
seemed to have become
The room was very spacious,
it was a single room,
television, DVD player and
bookcase with everything
needed available, there was
even a few stalks of yellow
carnation considerately
arranged by the window sill,
neat and bright, everything
was arranged just right. Mo
Lan sat by the bed, holding
the hand of papa who was
still fast asleep, and finally
salvaged back that little
sense of reality.
An Xiaoluo bit her
fingernails while anxiously
looked at Gu Ye Mi, it
seemed that the phrase
“Secretly Captivated -sama
give me your signature”
would pop up in the next
second, Xie Wan was busy
bustling back and forth
tidying up the room, Gu Ye
Mi also followed and lent a
The scene was bizarrely
It was at this time,
somebody suddenly rushed
through the door.
“Momo Momo, how’s uncle?
No problem right?”
The voice a little out of
breathe, unusually flustered,
it was Rong Xiaxia who
heard the news and rushed
Mo Lan raised her head and
looked at her, with a smile:
“Just finished settling down
after the operation, the
doctor said, the blood clot in
his head have already been
extracted, now all his body
signs have also begin to
return to normal, there
should be no big drawbacks
after a few days of rest.”
“Phew… that’s good,
frightened me!” Rong
Xiaxia patted her chest with
trepidation, turned her head,
smiled and began to greet
Xie Wan, “Aunty, it’s been
a while–“
The next sentence “How are
you recently” haven’t been
asked yet, when her sight
was instantly snatched away
by the tall distinct handsome
Gu Ye Mi who was standing
by the side.
She stared determinedly at
Gu Ye Mi for a while, after
about ten seconds, she then
somewhat responded
astonishedly, even a little
stutter appeared in her voice:
“You, you were that person
that night… who came to
Confucius Temple and sent
Momo home, that person
whose voice was so good
that it angered the heavens
and made people resentful!”
Hearing her description, Gu
Ye Mi haven’t even spoken
yet, and An Xiaoluo nearby
had already laughed as
pleased as punch: “I say,
you shouldn’t be pulled into
the circle by his voice? Just
so happened that I want a
little junior apprentice, how
about it, do you want me to
train you?”
Just when the atmosphere
was harmonious, a young
person who looked like an
intern doctor suddenly
knocked on the door, he
looked very anxious as he
ran over while saying
something, and as he pulled
Gu Ye Mi away, he seemed
to talked about some
operation which ran into
some trouble.
Mo Lan gazed at Gu Ye
Mi’s back for a very long
time, and suddenly found
herself a bit reluctant to
withdraw her gaze.
“Tsk tsk, looking at your
expression, no different
from Amah Rock.” As An
Xiaoluo relaxed afterwards,
sure enough the first thing
she did was to tease her.
Xie Wan by the side who
had always been listening to
their discussion with a smile
on her face heard Rong
Xiaxia and An Xiaoluo
whispers, and suddenly
asked too: “Xiaxia, you said
that night… what
Rong Xiaxia heard Xie Wan
asked a question, she
immediately put on a
solemn expression, cleared
her throat, and answered
very seriously: “Aunty, it’s
like this, that day Momo and
I joined the classmate
gathering together, later
Momo… sigh, drank too
much, and then, just
happened that Gu Ye Mi
called her, so I asked him if
he could come over and
send Momo home, actually I
wasn’t expecting much
when I asked, in the end, he
promised without even
thinking! With that said at
that time it was but
January’s freezing winter,
and it was nevertheless quite
late at night, I felt at that
time… if it can be like this
between friends, it proved
that he really cares about
“Xiaxia–” Mo Lan who had
been silent all this while,
indescribably felt a little
embarrassed when she heard
it, she quickly opened her
mouth wanting to interrupt
Xie Wan over there just
merely nodded thoughtfully,
without speaking.
At night, both An Xiaoluo
and Rong Xiaxia had
already left, as Xie Wan
determinedly refused to go
back, Mo Lan had to find a
nurse to add an extra bed in
the ward for her.
Mo Lan meticulously and
carefully helped clean her
father’s hands and feet,
folded the corners of his
blanket neatly, after she
thought about it, she also
took off her down jacket,
and quietly and softly
covered Xie Wan’s body.
After she finished all these,
she then gently and
cautiously left the ward.
She walked to the corridor,
randomly found a bench and
sat on it, looked at the
hurried crowd in front of her,
and quietly started to blank.
Among the people who
walked back and forth
before her, there were
nurses making their rounds,
patients with bandages, and
haggard-looking family
Mo Lan had always felt that
the hospital was quite a
dreadful and also a very
powerless place. Dreadful,
because it beared the hope
of too many people,
powerless, because it was
incapable of fulfilling
everybody’s hope.
She did not like hospitals.
Hospitals in her heart,
represented suffering,
despair, and death. It’s icy
cold, it made people shudder
at the thought.
But now, it seemed that
everything was all different.
Ultimately, it was only
because of the existence of
that person, he unexpectedly
and miraculously made her
feel safe.
Mo Lan extended her hand,
gathered up the scarf around
her neck that seemed to be
still carrying his temperature,
don’t know what she
thought of, she suddenly
laughed softly.
Thinking about it… when
she came over at noon, she
was so flustered that she
even buttoned up her
buttons wrongly, it was also
quite embarassing. However,
among so many people,
unexpectedy only he found
“They’ve all fallen asleep?”
The somewhat light voice
rang low in her ears,
dimmed as well as tender,
for no reason it made people
think of the spring snow that
first melted in the sunny
south, it was the soft
warmth that started to melt
in her heart bit by bit.
“Gu Ye Mi, I haven’t had
the time to tell you, today,
thank you very much.”
Mo Lan turned around, and
looked at the exquisite
features of Gu Ye Mi who
sat next to her, and quietly
continued, “From young,
papa has always doted on
me, from my memories he
seemed to have never lost
his temper with me, no
matter what happened,
whether he could do it or
not, he have never been
willing to reject me. Papa
have always been in good
health… I have never, ever
thought about what would
happen if I lost him, today
while waiting for him
outside the operating room,
I felt a chill all over, didn’t
even have one bit of energy,
all that was in my mind
going around in circles was
full of his face…”
Up until here, Mo Lan
exhaled softly, her eyes and
the tip of her eyebrows were
enveloped with a faint smile,
her whole appearance
unable to convey the
meekness and gentleness,
“Fortunately, he’s all right.”
Gu Ye Mi turned his head
and looked at her quietly, a
pair of evidently black and
white eyes produced a faint
misty somewhat peach
blossom appearance, which
outlined his facial features
in a little hazy tenderness,
the whole person so
pleasing like a dream
illusion, made one can’t see
He fixed his eyes on her,
quietly without saying a
Not sure how long after, Gu
Ye Mi lowered his eyes
slightly, and eventually
spoke each word each line
slowly: “Momo, when I was
outside the emergency room
today… looking at you like
that, really terrified me.”
His voice was very soft,
very feeble, like the clouds
floating and circulating
indefinitely on the horizon,
obviously vague, and yet it
clearly entered her ears,
took root in her heart, and
left behind a neither light
nor heavy remnant.
Mo Lan listened to his voice,
then remembered how she
cried so messily at that time,
her cheeks burned up all at
“It’s just that, what I care
about more, was why didn’t
you call me in the first
place.” Gu Ye Mi looked at
her, his picturesque features,
a gentle and soft tone. “In
your heart, am I someone
who is not worth relying
“No, it’s just that, I…” As
Mo Lan heard him say it in
this way, she quickly
opened her mouth to refute
it, but she mumbled “I” for a
long time, and also couldn’t
think of how she ought to
answer him.
What should she say? … I
didn’t want to trouble you?
I’m afraid it would affect
your work? Or should she
say… I didn’t have the
courage to look for you.
Gu Ye Mi looked at her, his
deep jet-black eyes, like an
endless deep blue sea. After
a while, he suddenly
stretched out his hand,
without any warning he
covered Mo Lan’s red and
swollen eyes.
His fingers were slender and
clean, a little cold, when
they gently covered the
corners of her eyes, it made
one felt very comfortable.
Gu Ye Mi opened his mouth,
unexpectedly a rarely heard
seriousness and and
toughness in his tone:
“Momo, I don’t want… to
see you cry again.”
Mo Lan stared at him in a
daze, her eyes widened, and
widened again, her whole
person was so astonished
until she was speechless.
Don’t want… to see her
The words he had spoken…
what did it mean?
All kinds of thoughts in her
mind turned a thousand
times upside down and
circled a hundred times over,
each thought, was as if all
incomparably clearly
pointed towards the same
One… a direction that she
had never dared to think
Gu Ye Mi looked at Mo
Lan’s embarassed and at a
complete loss appearance,
withdrew his hand, hooked
the corner of his lips and
exposed a smile. He lowered
his head and glanced at the
time, it was 11:45 at night.
Later at twelve, he had a last
operation to be performed
He couldn’t help but
scowled, the heavens
seemed to always make his
life difficult.
With a helpless sigh, Gu Ye
Mi took the navy blue down
jacket in his hands and
draped it over Mo Lan’s
shoulders: “It’s so cold,
running around without
wearing a jacket.”
He lowered his head, and
slightly lowered a pair of
beautiful eyes, his long
eyelashes fell meekly over
his eyes, and formed a tiny
shadow, which made it
difficult to see his
expression. “Two days
later… it’s the YY news
conference for the new
drama, you will go right?”
“Ah… of course I’ll go.”
Mo Lan listened to his
words, and immediately
nodded instinctively.
Gu Ye Mi heard her answer,
and laughed softly, just like
a green lotus blooming little
by little, undoubtedly a
distinct and aloof
appearance, contrarily
suffused with tenderness
from the inside to the
outside: “Sleep early, good
Until the tall distinct
handsome figure
disappeared from Mo Lan’s
sight, she lowered her head
and looked at the navy blue
down jacket over her
shoulder, she suddenly
realized, this jacket…
seemed awfully familiar.
Apparently, she had seen it
somewhere before.
After two days in the
hospital, Mo Lan didn’t feel
anything else, only felt the
deep maliciousness of the
female nurses and the
popularity of Gu Ye Mi in
Drum Tower Hospital.
On this day, Mo Lan was
chatting with her dad by the
bed while peeling an apple,
peel peel, suddenly she
heard footsteps by the door,
she looked up, and
immediately saw Gu Ye Mi
in a white coat walked in
from the door, his
temperament was clean,
distinct and aloof, his eyes
warm and crystal clear.
“Uncle, how are you feeling
today, are you still dizzy?”
He spoke, with very
articulate pronunciation and
enunciation, amiable, in that
split second the surprise of a
pool of spring water.
Mo Lan continued and kept
on peeling the apple on the
outside, however inwardly
she could not helped but
secretly glimpsed at her
father’s expression at this
very moment.
En… among those who’ve
heard Gu Ye Mi’s voice, her
own father was
unexpectedly and beyond
expectation calmed and
“I feel better than a few
days ago, Dr. Gu, when will
I be able to be discharged
from the hospital?” Papa
Mo asked bitterly, his
expression was obviously
already tired of staying in
the hospital.
Mo Lan instantly 囧 ed, and
hurriedly put a stop to it:
“Pa, you’ve just stayed for a
few days and you want to
leave? Besides, this time
you were in a car accident,
not a fever or cold or
anything, you definitely
have to stay a while longer.”
“It’s not like you don’t
know me… me ah, I feel
like I’m suffering all over if
I don’t play chess for even a
day.” Papa Mo sighed,
glanced at Mo Lan, his
voice seemed quite
Gu Ye Mi heard what was
said and laughed softly, just
by chance a medical record
cart pushed by the ward’s
door, it probably was the
nurse doing her rounds. He
drew near, lowered his voice
slightly and said, “Uncle, if
you want to play chess, just
call me, I’ll bring a
chessboard and play with
“You can play chess too?”
Papa Mo asked somewhat
Gu Ye Mi merely laughed:
“Not very well, I just know
a bit nothing more.”
“… you would truly come
and play chess with me?
You’re not lying right?”
Papa Mo heard the words,
and widened his eyes, a
little unfathomable.
“Oh… of course it’s true,
but, don’t tell anyone.” Gu
Ye Mi winked, he softly
replied, his tone so serious
that it even made people
overlooked completely that
he was an anesthesiologist,
who was right in the middle
of work, who openly invited
his patient to play chess
Here the voice of Gu Ye
Mi’s had just fallen, and
over there the voice of the
nurse sounded at the door:
“The patient in room 312,
the round have been done.”
When the voice came to the
last few words, it ineffably
paused for a moment, then
turned around the corner,
compared with the previous
calmness and indifference,
she suddenly became a
little… excited.
Mo Lan turned her head a
little puzzledly, and saw the
nurse stared brightly at the
back of Gu Ye Mi’s head,
her gaze was so roasting hot
that Mo Lan felt a little
She looked back, but saw
that Gu Ye Mi still looked
as if nothing had happened,
he was in the middle of
helping Papa Mo adjust the
height of the bed under his
Sureee… ignore the apple in
Mo Lan’s hand, in this
setting she practically
almost thought they were
the father and son.
The nurse walked in
pushing the medical record
cart, while she proficiently
took out the thermometer
and blood pressure meter
out of the cart to set it up,
she secretly stared at Gu Ye
Mi, after watching for a
while, she still found the
courage to asked: “Umm, Dr.
Gu, this weekend… are you
Mo Lan’s hand which was
peeling the apple couldn’t
help but stopped.
Yet she saw Gu Ye Mi
adjusting the bed height, his
eyebrows shot up slightly,
his voice polite and
indifferent: “Sorry, I have
an appointment this week.”
Have an appointment?
An appointment with
Mo Lan’s train of thoughts
were carried away by his
answer, the continuous
apple peel that was peeled
with great difficulty just
now just snapped off all of a
sudden, she picked up the
long peel and threw it into
the rubbish bin, and couldn’t
help but sighed with some
regret in her heart.
“Dr. Gu, I’ve definitely
heard that you don’t have a
girlfriend, why… have you
never agreed to people’s
invitation?” The nurse’s
shoulders slouched
defeatedly and despairingly,
as she still questioned
Gu Ye Mi laughed, paused
for a moment, the somewhat
distinct and aloof tone for
no reason had an added bit
of gentleness: “No
girlfriend… doesn’t mean I
have to accept other
people’s invitation, isn’t it?”
Never accepted invitations
from the opposite sex?
Obviously, he still invited
her to the music concert the
last time.
Mo Lan’s mouth twitched,
while roasting her in her
heart, she lowered her head
and continued to cautiously
and conscientiously pared
the apple.
“Is it because, you already
have somebody you like?”
The nurse’s eyes was
already undoubtedly very
bleak, but she still smashed
the cracked pot and asked.
En, her courage was
The atmosphere in the ward
calmed down all at once
following her interrogation,
even Papa Mo by the side
who had always been in
high spirits and liked to join
in the fun was also
somewhat unable to sit still,
he secretly leaned into Mo
Lan’s ear and asked, “Girl, I
think you have an unusual
relationship with this Dr. Gu,
tell papa honestly, have you
got yourself a boyfriend?”
“… no such thing, I say pa,
why are you such a
busybody like a little girl.”
Mo Lan’s hand paused,
although her mouth avoided
her own father, yet she
didn’t know why her heart
suddenly beat intensely right
away. She pared off the last
bit of apple skin, then
stuffed the apple into her
father’s hand. “All right all
right, hurry and eat your
apple ba.”
From over there Gu Ye Mi
saw her actions, his eyes
filled with laughter and the
smiling expression in his
eyes gradually grew
stronger. He raised his eyes,
looked at the little nurse in
front of him, he replied with
no inflection in his voice:
“It’s work time now, it’s not
appropriate to discuss things
that have nothing to do with
His tone definitely was
consistently distinctly aloof,
but inexplicably made Mo
Lan felt there was a sense of
distance, just like by the
operating room that day,
when he talked to the others.
However, in front of her, he
had never been like this.
In front of her, he had
always good-naturedly
accommodated her, never…
ever showed a trace of
impatience or indifference.
Mo Lan looked at Gu Ye
Mi’s clean and exquisite
appearance, and suddenly
just felt a little dazzled.
The next second, she
suddenly saw that he
frowned, he leaned down
and took the fruit knife from
her hand, while he spoke
somewhat helplessly, “Why
still hold the fruit knife if
the apples have all been
pared, what if you
accidentally cut your hand?”
After he finished speaking,
Gu Ye Mi looked
incomparably natural as he
took the fruit knife and
washed it clean, he placed it
beside the tea, then turned
around, walked over and
rubbed Mo Lan’s hair: “I’m
going to work, want me to
send you home tonight?”
“… there’s no need, I can go
home by myself.” Mo Lan
quickly shook her head.
“Ohh… that’s also good,
once I’m busy I’m also not
sure when I’ll finish, then
you take care on the way
home.” Gu Ye Mi smiled,
once again greeted Papa Mo
who laid beside, then
walked out of the ward.
Mo Lan looked at his back
flurriedly lost in thought for
a while, then eventually she
was awakened by the not
particularly friendly look of
the nurse who was taking
her father’s temperature.
Inexplicably felt the
atmosphere was a little
awkward, Mo Lan also did
not know what to do,
without any better option
she lowered her head and
pretended to play on her
mobile phone, after
browsing through Weibo a
few times she saw that Bai
Yu Luo Bo had just posted a
new Weibo post, he said
that he would join YY news
conference for Secretly
Captivated’s new drama
“En, the temperature and
blood pressure are all
normal, maintain your
joyful mood, cooperate
properly with the treatment,
and there should be no
major problems.” The nurse
summarised, and began to
pack up the instruments, but
her eyes still did not leave
Mo Lan.
“Uh… thank you.” Mo Lan
pondered for a moment, she
had better somewhat
awkwardly thanked her.
“Don’t need to thank me,
but…” The nurse finished
packing the things, and
looked into Mo Lan’s eyes
with a little scrutiny, “You
are Dr Gu’s?”
Mo Lan froze for a moment
and answered very honestly,
In fact she wanted to answer
that she was Secretly
Captivated’s fangirl…..
The nurse looked at her
somewhat suspiciously, she
did not seemed very
convinced and asked, “Only
a friend, not a girlfriend?”
Mo Lan 囧: “Only a friend,
not a girlfriend.”
The nurse stared at her again
for a bit, looked at her
inexplicable unconfidently,
afterwards because of the
time restriction for the
medical rounds, entirely
very unwilling, she still
pushed her medical cart and
At about six o’clock in the
evening, Xie Wan brought
the simmered ginseng soup
to the ward to exchange
shifts with Mo Lan, Mo Lan
put on her scarf and hat, and
once again said a few words,
just when she was about to
leave, her father suddenly
stopped her, he said without
head or tail: “BaoBao, I
think that Dr. Gu is very
Xie Wan who was next to
her and while carefully
pouring the ginseng soup
from the thermos she heard
this sentence, she paused her
actions, then she thought
about it, and somewhat
sincerely and earnestly said:
“En, the young man looks
good, also appears quite
steady and accomplished,
Xiao Lan is already 24, it’s
also time to find collect a
For the next five minutes,
Mo Lan wasn’t given the
slightest chance to intervene,
between the two of them,
they had already neatly laid
out and agreed to their
daughter’s marriage.
It was already the beginning
of spring season in February,
the recently fluttering heavy
snow in Nanjing had also
come to a rest, but the road
still had a sense of stillness,
the cold spring chill in the
air, the withered branches,
the scenery still decadent,
cold and cheerless.
The sky gradually darken,
the pedestrians on the road
in twos and threes, some in
a hurry, some carefree and
content. Mo Lan pulled the
scarf around her neck, and
walked into the train station.
The train on Nanjing Line 2,
have always been
overcrowded, Mo Lan stood
in the crowd, and quietly
waited for the next train that
was to arrive in five
Her hand held a cup of
bubble milk tea, somewhat
bored she swayed the paper
cup back and forth, the
black pearls in the paper cup
also danced to her
movements, swimming
around in the milky white
liquid. Mo Lan looked at it,
and suddenly thought of a
night from a long time ago,
Rong Xiaxia and herself
were excitedly discussing
Secretly Captivated who
haven’t accepted new works
yet at the train station.
Back then, he was Secretly
Captivated, a low-key
god-level CV in the Internet
Voice Circle, and her
He was not Gu Ye Mi, he
was not a friend, nor was
he… the person she liked.
A pearl was sucked up from
the paper cup, Mo Lan just
took a bite in her mouth, for
no reason, she once again
thought of the time when
they went to listen the
musical concert that day. On
that day, she also stood here,
but there was an additional
person beside her.
That person bought her a
cup of bubble milk tea from
the nearby milk tea shop to
warm her hands, apparently
quite certain that she would
like it. On the subway, he
turned sideways without
batting an eyelid, circled a
free space for her, separated
her from everyone
surrounding her.
Immersed in that day’s
memory, Mo Lan narrowed
her eyes, and suddenly felt
that she was a little…
Because… Secretly
Captivated was very far
away, but Gu Ye Mi was
very near.
When she arrived home, it
was exactly a quarter past
seven. The YY press
conference for the new
drama《Snow in JiangShan》
was starting at 7:30pm, but
Mo Lan was not anxious at
all, because she knew that
Gu Ye Mi would not finish
work until at least 8pm.
At a bit after 7:30pm, Mo
Lan logged into YY, and
entered the channel number
to enter the hall. The
number of people online
now had already reached
20,000, and moreover it was
still continuously increasing.
Mo Lan had one hand under
her chin, and saw the names
of the people in the lower
left corner where they were
methodically laid out as
“Secretly Captivated Fangirl
No. 1”, “Secretly Captivated
Fangirl No. 2”, “Secretly
Captivated Fangirl No. 3″…
after watching it for a bit, it
seemed to be quite amusing,
as Secretly Captivated’s
fangirl for four years, Mo
Lan also followed closely,
and changed her YY name
to “Secretly Captivated
Fangirl No. 21008”.
Before long, the host came
on the mic. Today’s host’s
was Fantasy Moon Frost,
she was considered to be a
one of the popular gold
medal hosts in the ancient
style circle.
“Hello everyone, a welcome
to everyone who have
joined our second phase of
the ancient-style romance
radio drama《Snow in
JiangShan》YY press
conference, I am your host
Fantasy Moon, at today’s
press conference, for
everybody we will offer up
the plot, song and trailer of
《Snow in JiangShan》, for
our main feature we have
invited Secretly Captivated
-sama and Qingshang Dada,
for our mystery guests, one
is Xiao Luo Bo, this he
couldn’t keep it in and had
already broke the news on
Weibo beforehand, the other
person… is a secret for the
time being.”
Fantasy Moon Frost’s voice
was very clear and elegant,
very amiable and
approachable. It was the
kind that made one felt very
comfortable when listening,
a defenseless voice, very
suitable for a profession as a
host or even a TV anchor. In
her headphones, she quietly
coughed, and then said a
little excitedly: “Okay, so
now, everyone get ready,
let’s all listen to《Snow in
JiangShan》’s trailer,
actually this is also the first
time Fantasy Moon is
listening to the finished
drama, thinking about it – it
is a little exciting.”
Mo Lan gently let out a
breathe, because《Snow in
JiangShan》was her own
work, so the plot was
already thoroughly printed
in her heart, but… she still
quite looked forward to, to
be able to hear Secretly
Captivated’s voice in the
radio drama.
Speaking of this, during the
short time when Secretly
Captivated withdrew from
the circle, Mo Lan whose
ears was very lonely also
attempted to find some other
CV works to listen to, but
her heart couldn’t calm
down, and it also couldn’t
go in. It wasn’t because
those CV’s voices weren’t
good enough or were too
inadequate to catch her ears,
rather… she had discovered
a little helplessly, it was as
if she was bewitched, that
the voice who was capable
of healing her was only that
person’s voice.
In a way, this was quite a
terrible thing, but she was a
glutton for punishment.
In her headphones, a burst
of the melodious flute
resounded, it faintly brought
about a bit of love and
restricted grieve, Mo Lan
closed her eyes, and quietly
placed herself amidst the
sound space of the 2D

In the sunset of late spring,
the Chinese flowering
crab-apple bloomed
abundantly on a tree, the
breeze brushed by, the
spring vast radiance of
spring shook out. Qi Yan,
the daughter of the prime
minister of Nanzhao
Kingdom, received an
invitation to attend the
Emperor’s Third Princess’
fifteenth birthday banquet,
during the banquet, she
secretly sneaked out for a
stroll, when she reached the
koi pond, she suddenly
heard the short burst sound
of the whip, one by one it
pierced the night sky,
distinctly clear that it was
somewhat ruthless.
She secretly went around
and hid behind the rock
garden, the source came
from a group of people
flogging a young man in
white. The young man was
as black as an ink stick, his
facial features distinctly
aloof, he knelt on the
ground without saying a
word, his clothes had
already been stained entirely
with blood, but his features
were neither servile nor
supercilious his
temperament highly
Qi Yan looked at this
bloody scene with some
surprise, her eyes widened
for a long time while being
entirely speechless, perhaps
her facial expression was
too ridiculous, the young
man glanced towards her,
the corner of his lips
actually evoked a smile.
Afterwards, Qi Yan ran out
and stopped that group of
After the crowd dispersed,
the young man stood up
from the ground, not
forgetting to wipe the dust
off his clothes, without even
a glanced at Qi Yan, he just
turned away and left.
The girl behind yelled out
somewhat bitterly: “Hey,
tell me anyway, what’s your
“My name is Rong Che.”
The young man in white
spoke unenthusiastically, his
expression indifferent.
That was the first time Qi
Yan met Rong Che, not
until that night did she
realised, that actually in the
vast Nanzhao Kingdom,
there could unexpectedly
still be a concealed
emperor’s seventh son with
such a lowly status that even
the palace eunuchs and
maids could all humiliate
him as they wished.

In the study, the girl grasped
the white Go chess piece,
the young boy held the
black Go chess piece, a
chessboard between them,
they were right in the
middle of playing Go chess.
The girl held the white Go
piece in her hands, and
swapped back and forth
several places, she couldn’t
figure out where to place it.
The young man opposite
looked at her, a look of
helplessness flashed past his
eyes: “Laozi have no regrets,
once you put down your
piece, you can’t change your
mind anymore.”
The young lady ignored him,
still continued doing her
own thing, after a while, she
covertly lifted her eyes, and
pretended to ask
indifferently: “Rong Che,
the Sixth Prince just married
the main imperial concubine
today, she’s the daughter of
the general commander of
the country.”
“En, and so?”
“… so, when are you going
to marry an imperial
The young man’s fingers
which were right in the
middle of placing the black
piece paused all of a sudden,
then, he lifted his head and
concentrated on the bright
and exceptional young lady
in front of him, his
expression very indifferent:
“Do you think, that there
would be any family’s
young lady who would be
willing to marry me?”
Qi Yan froze for a moment,
and opened her mouth, she
haven’t yet spoke, her
cheeks already reddened:
“Then…I’ll marry you,
Yet saw that the young
boy’s expression was a bit
cold, his eyes drooped down
towards the endgame in
front of him, his tone
indifferent: “The only
daughter of the prime
minister, Rong Che dare not
pull myself up that high.”

960 AD, during the reign of
Zhao Dynasty, autumn. The
demise of Emperor Qing
Huan, the seventh son of the
emperor Rong Che
succeeded the throne. The
world finally understood, it
actually turned out, that
Emperor Qing Huan used
this type of method, to
smoothly and steadily
delivered the title of the
Emperor to his favorite son
by himself.
In the same year, when the
prime minister, Qi Xiu, was
guilty of collaborating with
the enemy and committing
treason, he executed the
whole family and
confiscated their property,
only a lonely lady was left
in the mansion.
A written imperial order, Qi
Yan who should have been
reduced to a prisoner of the
ranks was treated with a
palanquin with eight carriers
in splendid red for 10 miles,
the bright custom welcome
bestowed on the imperial
consort as she entered the
emperor’s palace.
In the bridal room, the
married couple wept out
blood, the red candle shed
tears, the young lady lifted
the bridal veil, her tone
filled with bitter resentment:
“Rong Che, there will be
one day where I will
personally kill you, take
your blood… and sacrifice it
to my father’s deceased soul
and spirit!”
The young man’s black hair
was like a waterfall, he was
dressed in his wedding suit,
between his eyes it was
entirely distinctly aloof, not
in the least happy: “Didn’t
you say before… that you
wanted to marry me?”
“…Why? Why would you
want to do this?” Qi Yan
thought she had no more
tears, but looking at Rong
Che’s distinct aloof
appearance, her eyes still
The young man merely went
silent, after a while, he took
off his wedding suit, placed
it on the ground, and then
lay down: “Qi Xiu took
bribes and bended the law,
he collaborated with the
enemy and betrayed the
country, piece by piece, pile
by pile, all of them were
capital crimes, it would have
been impossible for me to
turn a blind eye.”
He lay quietly on the bed,
with his back towards Qi
Yan, his uninhabited eyes
finally became bleak when
no one was there: “Ah
Yan… if you hate me, then
hate ba.”

The new emperor ascended
the throne, the whole world
was forgiven.
After the investiture
ceremony, before the civil
and military officials, the
new emperor unknowingly
heard some news, he
actually abandoned the
empress, abandoned the
group of state officials, and
hurriedly ran out of the
In Weiyang Palace, the
newly promoted imperial
consort seemed to be in a
nightmare, her complexion
pale, cold sweat from head
to foot, her tone dismal and
sorrowful: “Father… it’s not
like this… I don’t like him, I
don’t like him…”
Rong Che ran all the way in,
even the tassel from the gold
imperial crown on his head
fell to the ground without
him realising it, he drew
near, stepped onto the
broken pieces of ceramic
glaze, and gently and
cautiously embraced the
young lady into his arms:
“Ah Yan… don’t be afraid,
it’s okay, you have me here,
it’s okay.”
The young lady’s face
gradually calmed down, and
Rong Che merely tightened
his arms, and tenderly
pressed a kiss down on her
eyes, he opened his mouth,
it was indeed a rare moment
of tenderness, “If there’s a
hell, then let me go down. If
there’s evil karma, then let
me bear it.”
A year later, Imperial
Consort Qi smoothly gave
birth to a little princess.
Three days later, the little
princess died prematurely in
her infancy.
Rong Che stood in Weiyang
Palace, Qi Yan among the
layers upon layers of white
muslin, held the already
cooled body of the little
princess in her arms.
Rong Che pursed his lips,
his palms that clenched into
a fist buried under his wide
sleeves, after a long while,
he once again somewhat
powerlessly let go, he spoke,
tenderly enduring silently:
“Ah Yan… we will still
have another child.”
Don’t know how long later,
Qi Yan released the body
from her hands, slowly
turned around, passed
through the layers of white
muslin and walked towards
him. As she drew near she
looked at him, her eyes
exhausted, she spoke:
“Rong Che, I’m tired, I
don’t want to vent my anger
on you anymore.”
Rong Che looked at her
determinedly, the distinct
and aloof appearance that
had always been there
melted the ice and thawed
the snow, the flowers
blossomed in the warm
spring, unimaginably
The following year, the
daughter of the guilty state
official Qi Xiu, Qi Yan, had
no family nor heirs, but was
later bestowed, the favoured
crown of the sixth palace.

The fire, the big
earth-shattering fire, the
tongue of the fire lapped up
every inch of land within the
Nanzhao Kingdom Palace.
The people of the palace lost
their heads out of fear, they
scattered in all directions to
escape, bodies were
chaoticly all over the
imperial palace, the
mournful whine of the
Meanwhile Rong Che
merely sat quietly immersed
in within the Chenxin
Palace Hall, and filled a
glass of liquor for himself.
In the distance, the circle of
bell ornaments tinkled
through, the door of the
palace hall pushed open,
Rong Che faintly smiled,
without even raising his
head: “My empress has
Qi Yan’s footsteps faintly
came to a standstill, for the
past many years, this was
still the first time Rong Che
had used I in front of her.
“Today Rong Che has no
sons nor daughters, the
country is ruined and the
people are starving, the
raging flames burned lives.
Empress… is certainly
satisfied?” Rong Che lifted
his head, his appearance was
still entirely as before
distinct aloof and highly
dignified, his tone very
serene, in spite of
everything it still faintly
carried a bit of tenderness.
Qi Yan suddenly looked up
at him, her eyes
unbelievable: “You.. knew
Instead she saw Rong Che
composedly raised his head
and drank a small cup of
strong liquor, the corner of
his mouth evoked an iota of
a gentle and soft smile: “Is
the queen referring to the
fact that, she killed the little
princess with her own hands,
or that she secretly colluded
with the crown prince of
Cloud Kingdom, and
conspired to commit
Kacha, Qi Yan’s white jade
cup fell from her hand to the
ground and shattered. She
started to speak, her voice
sharp and pointed: “Since
you knew everything, why
didn’t you kill me earlier?”
Rong Che did not speak, his
line of sight looked to the
desperate situation that was
already covered in dust right
in front of him, and
suddenly smiled a little
“Because… I’ve always
thought you would come
around, always thought…
you won’t be able to harden
your heart against me.”
“That was also my personal
greatest wishful thinking.”
Rong Che looked up at Qi
Yan, the woman facing him
had on a bright and
colourful makeup,
devastatingly capable at
causing the downfall of a
kingdom, she vaguely
overlapped with that
yellow-garment girl in the
spring evening. That year,
she stood under the
crab-apple flowers, with
bright eyes and white teeth,
the bright and beautiful her
continuingly contrasted with
that Chinese flowering
crab-apple tree.
Qi Yan felt a chill from her
head to her toes, as she
determinedly looked at him,
she suddenly felt, even if
they’ve accompanied each
other morning and night for
so many years, but she
herself, was as if she had
never entirely understood
the inferior crowned young
man before her.
The fire spreaded and got
bigger, outside of the
Chenxin Palace Hall, the
engraved beams and painted
pillars were all in ashes,
hidden in the dust. The
sound of weeping,
anguished wailing grew
further and further away, it
had already become a ghost
Rong Che chuckled, and
drank the last cup of liquor:
“Laozi have no regrets.
Empress, you ought to
“Laozi have no regrets…”
Qi Yan opened her mouth in
a daze, her eyes hazy as well
as soft and gentle. After
quite a while, a smile
suddenly appeared on her
lips, her look unexpectedly
was the rarely seen in these
years kind of naive bright
and splendid: “Rong Che,
you have played chess with
me so many times, don’t tell
me you don’t know that I
love playing dumb the most?
Today, I will stubbornly not
leave anymore.”

980 AD, the Nanzhao
Kingdom Palace was
destroyed by a big fire, the
nation captured while the
people fled. The emperor
and empress died together in
Chenxin Palace Hall, burnt
to a charred corpse, still in
the embrace of each other.
In the trailer of this radio
drama, only a few important
scenes were used, the
technique was a little like a
movie montage, where
different scenes overlapped,
edited, and joined together.
The beginning of the story,
was at the Koi pond in the
spring sunset of that year,
the boy in white turned his
head over, his tone distinctly
aloof highly dignified, like
the unchanged all year
round snow and ice on
Tianshan Mountain, as well
as like the peaceful
blooming green lotus in the
pond, elegant and
He spoke, his tone light:
“My name is Rong Che.”
In the wedding room, the
young lady rested inside
with a look of bitter
resentment, and he spoke
softly, his consistent distinct
aloof tone that yet held a bit
of desolation, he asked,
“Didn’t you say before…
that you wanted to marry
In Weiyang Palace, he
gently and cautiously
hugged the girl in his arms,
yet his tone brought a bit of
tenderness that shocked the
eyes and astonished the
heart, similar to attracting
the spirits and gaudy ghosts
from the underworld, he
said: “If there’s a hell, then
let me go down. If there’s
evil karma, then let me bear
In the end… the flaming
raging blazed, he sat alone
in Chenxin Palace Hall, his
voice rang clearly in the
quiet room, with a little
self-deprecation, distinct
aloof like a refined monk
that came from the earth,
but yet tender that made one
recall the feeble candle
flame flickered in the wintry
wind of the twelfth lunar
month: “Because… I’ve
always thought you would
come around, always
thought… you won’t be able
to hardened your heart
against me.”
Mo Lan heard Secretly
Captivated’s tender silent
endurance that brought a
hint of hoarseness, the rim
of her eyes still couldn’t
help but reddened. As
expected… only his voice,
could interpret the character
to the point where only by
listening to the voice the
scene would emerged.
Finally, everything was
quiet, there was no
background music, no sound
effects, there only remained
a hint of the flames that was
still jumping around, silence
in the sound system.
It was at this time, Secretly
Captivated’s voice that was
so good that it was
somewhat not real passed
through the silence, it fell
clearly in the silent room.
The voice flowed as jade,
peaceful as water, cold as
jade, reflected in the
miniature cool moonlight,
with a touch of love in the
despair, it seemed to have
finally found an exit in this
muddy mundane world,
even his tone bore a bit of
melted warmth and
He said, “Ah Yan, I’m tired,
bring me home okay.”
His somewhat light final
syllable gradually faded
away, it was practically
right at the moment when
that final syllable
dissappeared, a loud sound
rang out, the entire
destructed Chenxin Palace
Hall finally collapsed.
That melodious and mellow
flute notes followed by the
singing of Flower Burial
rang lowly, to complain to
admire, to weep to
Often envious of the man in
this world like a jade
carving, rich in spirit and
handsome, even heaven has
pity him, and gifted him
with a beautiful and
intelligent lady to
accompany him. Everyone
said that the woman’s
singing was soft and her
smile was soft. When the
wind rose, the song flew
like a snow flake through
the hot summer day to cool
the world.
When you return from a
distant place, you look
younger, the smile is still
there, and the smile still
seems to carry the fragrance
of Lingnan plum blossoms;
I ask you: “Isn’t Lingnan’s
terroir not good?” You
answered frankly: “But yet,
this heart’s safe place is my
Everyone was silent, it was
extremely quiet in the
headphones, not even a bit
of sound could be heard, the
public forum was also quiet.
After a long while, the first
line of words finally
appeared on the public
“Damn… so tyrannical that
I’m crying…”
Immediately, the second
line, the third line, more and
more replies rapidly
“It turned out to be BE
again, Screenwriter Dada
come out I promise to not
kill you (heartbroken)
“A distinct aloof deep
affection sound is also very
fitting ah, but I still want to
sigh out a sentence why
would there be a person
with such a nice voice in
this world T^T”
“I have a hunch… I will cut
off the lines of this drama
line by line and then loop it
till I’m dead (biting a
Along with everyone’s
enthusiastic replies, the host
Fantasy Moon Frost also
began to recover: “Cough
cough… I say, the new
drama is really very
tyrannical, but it’s very
touching. Regarding the
screenwriter… don’t tell me
you all don’t know, Secretly
Captivated’s two new
dramas after his comeback,
was all written by a girl
named Ye Lanshan?”
The instant Mo Lan heard
the three words “Ye Lan
Shan”, she was ineffably
embarrassed all at once,
after she finished being
embarassaed then she
discovered… her current
name was “Secretly
Captivated Fangirl No.
21008”, still very safe for
the time being, hence she
immediately relaxed again.
A new upsurge of topic set
off once again on the public
“Why do you want to say it
out loud Host (waving
goodbye) I’ve always chose
to ignore Ye Lanshan
(waving goodbye)”
“If Mi Da really likes her, I
would also accept it.
Sometimes I feel that some
fans are a bit too much,
you’re just a fan, please
correct your position okay?
Don’t make it as if you’re
his girlfriend.”
“Actually… why are you all
so excited, the male god just
have a pretty good
relationship with Ye
Lanshan, he also hasn’t
publicly said that they’re
already together QVQ”
“Anyways I don’t like her.”

Over there Fantasy Moon
Frost seemed to feel that the
situation is somewhat going
out of control, she gave a
slight cough, and quickly
started to pulled everyone
back to the main topic:
“Cough cough, okay okay,
let’s all calm down. Then
next, let’s invite our fellow
Qingshang to come on the
mic to discuss the drama
《Snow in JiangShan》.”
Speaking of Qingshang…
Mo Lan’s eyes narrowed
slightly, she searched in her
mind, and immediately
thought of the time when
Ninth Heaven’s cast and
crew had dinner at Nanjing
Impressions, the man with
the crew cut and capable
and experienced
“Good evening everyone,
long time no see, I’m
The clear and sonorous
beautiful voice sounded,
certainly a young man
certainly youthful, currently
a hot excellent voice in the
Internet Voice Circle.
The fans heard the voice of
Qingshang, one by one they
returned back to their senses,
and finally diverted from the
previous topic that had a
little smell of gunpowder.
“Finally waited until you’re
“Qingshang Da, I’ve
painstakingly waited for you,
you haven’t accepted any
new works or filled any
holes recently, you didn’t
even post on Weibo…”
Qingshang saw the
grumblings on the public
forum, apparently a little
apologetic and started to
explain: “Well, recently
more company business
needed to be settled, I even
worked for three shifts in a
row, I really had no time to
post on Weibo, just so
happen that I was free today,
and received an invitation
for《Snow in JiangShan》
YY’s press conference, so I
came to see you all.”
Fantasy Moon Frost heard
his apology, hurriedly
immediately came out to
smooth things over: “You
all don’t blame him
anymore, Qingshang had a
bad cold last week, he just
got better recently.” Her
voice stopped for a moment,
she seemed to have felt that
this topic was a little
personal, thus she once
again started to discuss
about the drama, “En… so
now, fellow Qingshang,
let’s first talk about the
drama《Snow in JiangShan》 ,
I say, among this list of
male leads in the radio
drama, which character did
you dubbed?”
In the headphones Fantasy
Moon Frost had already
started talking about the
radio drama, however, most
people were like Mo Lan,
their thoughts were still
stuck on the previous
sentence of Fantasy Moon
Frost “Qingshang had a bad
cold last week, he just got
better recently.”
No matter how you listened
to it… one would feel that
this sentence… apparently,
seemed like, probably, a
little intimate, unlike a tone
used between ordinary
Between these two
people….. should have….. a
somewhat unspeakable
Right at this moment Mo
Lan’s heart was in YY,
where else in the
headphones, Qingshang had
already begun to answer
Fantasy Moon Frost’s
question: “En… when it
comes to《Snow in
JiangShan》, I have dubbed a
total of three roles in here,
one is the crown prince of
Cloud Kingdom, the other is
the old emperor, and one
more… the palace eunuch.
Up to this extreme point, I
really felt that I am quite
When Mo Lan heard his
answer, she instantly just
Qingshang’s voice can be
classified as clear and
sonorous contrarily that type
of gorgeous, his
awesomeness lay in, him
being able to transform his
tone of voice to a large
degree, from a boy’s tone to
a youth’s tone and even an
elderly’s tone, he could also
master it, his vocal range
was utterly extensive. In the
Internet Voice Circle, the
most common voice was a
youth’s tone, and the
sporadic voice was the
elderly’s tone. Therefore,
when they can’t find an
elderly or boy’s tone among
the cast and crew, they
normally would look for
Qingshang to save the show.
One of Mo Lan’s hand
trailed under her chin, as she
adjusted the volume of her
headphones, it suddenly
reminded her, that a long
time ago, in Secretly
Captivated’s first released
radio drama《Difficulty
Loving Deeply》, he alone
dubbed four characters. The
characters spanned from a
young boy to an extremely
aged old man, it wasn’t an
easy drive on a familiar path
that one could just grasped
casually. However, one
could clearly and easily see
the hard work included
among it. Mo Lan
remembered, later, Secretly
Captivated’s voice was
hoarse for quite a while.
Perhaps, this was why their
voices could be remembered
right up until now, whereas
this was the reason other
CVs have long been
Investment and
reciprocation, for most
situation, more often than
not they were all directly
She suddenly just pursed her
lips and smiled, Mo Lan in a
good mood continued to
listen to their chat in her
“All right, we have now
more or less already
discussed about the new
drama, before Xiao Luo Bo
comes on the mic, why
don’t we gossip for a bit?”
As soon as Fantasy Moon
Frost words came out, the
public screen immediately
burst into an applause.
Qingshang was silent for a
moment, and then spoke,
although his tone was
helpless, there wasn’t the
least bit of impatience at all:
“Whose gossip ah? About
Ah Mi… I wouldn’t dare to
say, that guy especially
hates talking about his 3D
real person, everybody also
knows this.”
Fantasy Moon Frost heard
him spoke this way, and
couldn’t help but sighed, she
thought about it and she still
was a little unresigned:
“That’s what I’m saying…
Mi Da have been so
low-key in the Internet
Voice Circle for so many
years, but he have always
also kept silent in terms of
his feelings, now with great
difficulty there’s some
signs…. we are all really
very curious ma.”
Over here Qingshang
haven’t spoken yet, and over
there, Mo Lan acutely
discovered, in the upper left
corner, didn’t know when
Bai Yu Luo Bo, was already
put on the mic by the room
“What are you talking about
that’s so exciting? I want to
join too!”
The clear bright sunshiny
youngster’s voice, it brought
a small sense of softness and
stickiness from the south, it
was a very iconic teenage
voice in the Internet Voice
When Fantasy Moon Frost
heard Bai Yu Luo Bo’s
voice, she first grumbled
about why the room admin
didn’t tell her and straight
away put the person on the
mic, after she finished
grumbling, she was
immediately very excited
and pulled him along to
gossip: “We’re talking about
who does Mi Da‘s feelings
belong to, I say Xiao Luo
Bo, you’re so close to Mi
Da, more or less you must
know something right?
Come come come, just nice
you can take advantage of
today’s new drama release,
and reveal a bit of
something to everybody
Bai Yu Luo Bo heard what
was said, he seemed to first
pondered for a while, then
only did he speak very
seriously and cautiously,
“To whom does Ah Mi’s
feelings belong to still needs
to be revealed? Over the
years, have you ever seen
him so attentive?”
Just when Bai Yu Luo Bo’s
words appeared, it was quiet
in the headphones, while the
public forum exploded in a
“Xiao Luo Bo your words
don’t really mean that male
god actually does like that
Ye Lanshan right?”
“Xiao Luo Bo you sold Mi
Da just like that…”
“Selling your teammate
skills is really already MAX“
“I don’t believe (waving

It was chaos on the public
forum, Mo Lan looked at
everyone’s replies, as she
unconsciously pursed her
lips. She had never before
like today, saw the words
“Ye Lanshan” appeared so
frequently. However, most
of them were negative
opposition comments. She
looked and looked, and
suddenly felt a little uneasy
in her heart.
Not sure why, at this time,
she unexpectedly hoped that
Secretly Captivated could
hurry up and come on the
Subconsciously, with him
around, only then would she
feel that this place was safe.
Obviously beforehand she
had warned herself… to not
rely on him too much, but,
for the kind of man like Gu
Ye Mi, if he really wanted
to be close to you, it should
be, no girl would be able to
resist it.
“Ah Mi himself also haven’t
clarified, isn’t it a bit too
early for all of you to be
making the final conclusion
An impressive unperturbed
female voice sounded in the
silence, slightly brought a
bit of impatience, it was
Flower Burial’s voice.
It turned out… today’s
second mystery guest was
You put on the music and
I’ll go on stage, tonight, was
indeed very lively.
“Cough… that’s true.”
Fantasy Moon Frost
recovered with the faint
voice of Flower Burial, and
responded a little
Bai Yu Luo Bo heard
Flower Burial’s voice, and
also greeted her: “Flower
Burial is also here? Your
new album is awesome, my
classmates especially like to
listen, they were also
clamouring for your
“Really? I will sign a bunch
for you another day.”
Flower Burial heard the
voice of Bai Yu Luo Bo, her
tone alleviated slightly.
Fantasy Moon Frost also
started to introduce in due
course: “So, the second
guest for tonight’s show is
Flower Burial goddess, just
now in the trailer, everyone
have also heard at the end,
about a minute or so of the
theme song? The song is
called《My Hometown My
Safe Heart》, and it’s sung
by Flower Burial. I heard
that during the process of
recording, Flower Burial
-sama herself took the
initiative to asked for a
replay three times, truly
very dedicated to her work.
I hope that everyone will
support even more.”
When Flower Burial heard
this, she laughed lightly:
“Ah Mi’s new drama, of
course I’m attentive.”
The tone was as if it should
be by rights, unruffled and
En… there’s always that CP
feel just as in the past.
At the same time, Mo Lan
also accidentally discovered,
that by listening to her, her
heart actually minded a little
Flower Burial she… had
previously confessed to
Secretly Captivated,
although she was rejected,
but… apparently now, it
seemed that she haven’t
given up at all.
“Good evening everyone,
I’m Secretly Captivated.”
The very articulate
pronunciation and vocalised
low voice sounded, so
distinct that it was as if it
chattered incessantly right
next to your ear, somewhat
indolent somewhat tender, it
was Secretly Captivated’s
style, the voice that made
one lacked any resistance.
Hearing his voice, Mo Lan
suddenly breathed a sigh of
He finally arrived.
Fantasy Moon Frost with
her somewhat surprised
voice also followed closely:
“Mi Da is here? It’s half an
hour earlier than the time we
agreed on before!”
Mo Lan heard Gu Ye Mi
chuckled, his tone light and
tender: “My work finished
early, so I came earlier.”
Mo Lan supported her chin
with a hand, and calmly
listened to him talk, the
recent still somewhat drifted
and no-one-to-rely-on mood
was appeased by his voice
all of a sudden.
Regardless whether you
believe it or not, this
person’s voice, was really
While in the headphones,
Gu Ye Mi’s voice halted for
a moment, then, only word
by word, clearly and
earnestly: “Moreover…
today, I have something
very important to tell all of
As soon as his voice fell, the
public forum which from
the beginning had already
filled Jinshan with water
flared up even further,
almost everybody was
asking what was the
important thing he wanted
to say, the room
administrator and
management was instantly
busy and under pressure,
they continuously say “don’t
flood”, the speed limit of
500s was basically useless.
It was rare to hear such an
earnest voice from Secretly
Captivated, Fantasy Moon
Frost blanked for a moment,
then for no reason, she
intuitively moved everyone
else from the mic, and her
tone also followed seriously:
“Okay… whatever is the
matter, Mi Da you can now
“Thank you.” Gu Ye Mi
spoke softly, very polite,
with not even an extremely
obvious sense of distance.
Mo Lan sat cross-legged on
the sofa, reached out and
pulled her headphones a
little closer to her ears, her
whole person suddenly
inexplicably nervous. In her
headphones, suddenly the
sound of wind arised, and
the clamouring of a few
Gu Ye Mi… where was he
Amidst the somewhat noisy
background, Gu Ye Mi
spoke faintly, his voice not
loud, but very clear, it
brought about a bit of hazy
misty tender rain: “Because
of work, I’m practically the
last one at every YY activity.
Always having to make all
of you wait, I truly deeply
His final syllable was very
light, little by little it
blended into the dim light of
the night, as soon as he
opened his mouth, the
heavens and the earth were
instantly overshadowed, Mo
Lan could not even hear that
bit of wind and voice from
just a moment ago, her
whole heart and and eyes
were filled with him, only
The public screen that had
been quiet since the
beginning suddenly began to
scroll by incessantly, the
fans seemed to mysteriously
and inexorably had a
premonition, they all started
to comment.
“Suddenly don’t really dare
to listen to your following
“Male god, it’s too sudden,
I’m really still not ready yet,
could you please wait a bit

In the headphones, Gu Ye
Mi’s voice continued
naturally and unforced, it
sounded so good that people
were unwilling to even
breathe: “Previously… at
Ninth Heaven’s anniversary,
I’ve said before, the next
time if I were to withdraw
from the circle, I would
probably never come back
again. All good things must
come to an end, I hope in
the future, you would be
able to hear even more and
even better voices, then,
replace my voice.”
Merely a few simple words,
light as water, not any
different from the past.
However, the content… was
in fact to withdraw from the
Mo Lan’s hand froze on the
headphones, unable to
moved for a very long time.
There was a lot of incredible
plaintive whine of the geese
on the public forum, but she
didn’t even want to see any
of it.
She just only thought very
seriously, Secretly
Captivated, in the future…
would he completely
disappear from the Internet
Voice Circle?
Now except for Gu Ye Mi,
only Fantasy Moon Frost
was on the mic, she seemed
to be shocked by this fact,
after a very long time, only
then did her little nasally
lucid and elegant voice
slowly sounded: “Mi Da…
even if there were to be
even more and more
beautiful voices in the future,
it would be impossible for
us to forget you. These two
words Secretly Captivated,
is the Internet Voice
Circle’s legend, like a
stamp… it would never be
replaced by any person.”
Gu Ye Mi heard her
somewhat childish voice,
and seemed to laugh lowly,
then he spoke, his tone very
tranquiled, very peaceful, he
faintly brought a little
tenderness: “I am grateful
for everyone’s deep
affection for me up until
now. As always, I don’t
wish for everyone to
substitute your 2D emotions
with the 3D world, but
tonight… borrowing the
press conference for the new
drama《Snow in JiangShan》 ,
I would like to share
something about myself
with everybody, a very
personal matter.”
Mo Lan straightened her
legs, stretched her hands and
hugged her knees, the night
scene outside the window
was slightly cooling, the
moonlight gentle and soft,
she gently exhaled, quietly
listened to her headphones,
that unique and unmatched
person, the thick ink and
heavy coloured voice.
“About three months ago,
on the train on the way
home after working
overtime, that day was a
very ordinary day, the same
as everyday before.
Afterwards… at Xinjiekuo
station, a meek looking girl
came on. She held a cup of
bubble milk tea in her hand,
probably because the
weather was too cold, her
whole body was shivering,
but, she still very politely
stood by the side, waited
until all the people had
come on before she slowly
entered the train. Can’t tell
you why, at that time… I
suddenly felt there was
something a little different
about her.”
“On the train, she chatted
with her friend, she
mentioned, that she really
like Secretly Captivated’s
voice, even though he had
already withdraw from the
circle for a very long time.
The girl’s voice was very
nice, sweet-tempered, gentle
and agreeable, completely
lacking aggressiveness kind
of character.” Gu Ye Mi
paused here, silent all of a
sudden, then his voice
brought a slight sense of
self-mockery, “This type of
feelings thing, have never
been under a person’s
control. At that time, I think,
I probably fell in love with
her at first sight.”
“Coming out of retirement,
although I have been
considering it beforehand,
but on that night, only then
did I finally decided and
resolutely made up my mind.
I wanted to find her.”
The somewhat light voice
echoed word by word in the
thin cool night, it reminded
people of the first spring
snow melting in Jiangnan,
the cold brought a hint of
warmth, blurred as well as
tender, it made one unable
to restrain one’s emotion to
want to reach out to hold.
At this very moment the
public forum, already
completely thoroughly
In itself, to announce that he
was withdrawing from the
circle was already an
exteremely sensational thing,
as a result now in addition
to the withdrawal of the
circle… he actually also
confessed on YY, not
anyone else, it was
unexpectedly still that
always pure-hearted
few-desire low-key in the
circle for ten thousand years
Secretly Captivated.
“Later, at that YY
interview… as soon as she
spoke, I recognised the
voice straight away.” The
sound of the wind in the
headphones grew louder and
louder, faintly brought a bit
of noise, but Mo Lan could
not hear it at all, she merely
hugged her knees tightly,
her heartbeat reached the
peak the moment he opened
his mouth.
Not sure how long she
waited for, eventually, she
heard that beautiful voice
sounded clearly, that
beautiful voice that was so
nice that it made one’s hair
stand, a little deep and low,
but very gentle and soft.
He said, “At that time, she
was called Ye Lanshan.”
Ye Lanshan…
Mo Lan closed her eyes, and
finally understood why at
the YY interview that night,
after he heard her voice, he
remained silent for more
than ten seconds before he
The number of people
online on the YY channel at
present had already
exceeded forty thousand, it
was the first time Mo Lan
had ever seen the greatest
number of people at a YY
event. Countless of people
got stuck going out every
second, then added in
again… and in that way it
circled around. Many of the
great god-level figures in
various fields of the Internet
Voice Circle, once they
heard the news the first
thing they all did was to
rush over, the scene was
incomparable lively
momentarily, while on the
public forum, it was even
more heartbreaking.
“It really was actually her.”
“Suddenly feels so romantic,
my eyes are sour, what’s
going on as I also kinda
want to cry T^T”
“How did Mi Da like her so
wholeheartedly… so blessed
“No wonder both of the two
dramas were allocated for
her to write the script, Mi
Da why are you so good…..
damn, feel like unable to
take off the fan’s hat.”

In the lower right corner of
the computer screen, the
little QQ group icon also
flickered rapidly, Mo Lan
glanced at it, it was the
official Ninth Heaven
Dubbing Group’s news.
She didn’t open to look at it,
she merely quietly stared
blankly, and pondered.
The train… the first
encounter… love at first
sight… YY interview…
Ye Lanshan.
Just when her brain was in a
mess, in her headphones, the
evil voice that confused
one’s thoughts and
befuddled one’s feelings as
well as unknowingly
confused the date and year,
carried a little bit of
dotingness, a little bit of
affectionateness, he acted as
if there were no one else
present: “Secretly
Captivated Fangirl….. No.
21008?” When he read this,
he couldn’t help laughing,
“Ohh… Momo, I’m now
downstairs of your home, is
it convenient for you to
come out for a bit ma?”
The last tensed string in her
heart also eventually silently
From the third floor of her
house to downstairs…
altogether she passed by
thirty flight of steps,
bypassed two windows, and
crossed over the threshold.
The moment Mo Lan
walked out of the corridor,
she saw standing right in
front of her, the familiar
figure’s every frown and
every smile that was
possibly from a painting,
suddenly in that split second
just felt, the light from the
sky broke through, bright
and dazzling.
Gu Ye Mi wore the navy
blue down jacket that he
draped over her shoulder
that night, Mo Lan stared
for a while, and finally
understood why she felt that
down jacket was familiar. It
turned out… the train
station that night, was
actually their first meeting.
Fate, was indeed too
wonderful for words.
Gu Ye Mi had a hand in his
pocket, his earphones with
the white cord plugged into
his ears, he quietly looked at
her, his clean distinct and
aloof appearance gradually
became vivid under the
illuminated street lights, a
vague smile also bit by bit
emerged on the edge of his
He unruffledly walked over,
step by step he lessened the
distance between the two of
them, then, he stopped, and
spoke softly, with a bit of
tender charm and gentleness
demeanour: “Momo… the
night at Confucius Temple,
when you lay on my back,
you asked me a question.
You said, an idol, should
treat all fans equally
The voice paused for a
moment, Gu Ye Mi’s line of
sight fixed on Mo Lan, his
eyes tranquil and profound,
“Perhaps, there are many
people who like me, but -“
He looked at her, his distinct
white and black eyes a faint
somewhat misty peach
blossom colour, as for his
voice, it was brighter, more
colourful and more moving
than a flourished filled
peach blossom tree in
season, not locally
“But, the person I like, is
only you alone.”
The moment his words fell,
Mo Lan seemed to have
heard a laughter mocked her
in the heart, it said, Mo Lan,
look, this person is so good,
you can’t escape.
Facing her, suddenly a burst
of noise appeared in Gu Ye
Mi’s earphones, people’s
voices were noisy, a ball of
confusion. Mo Lan watched
him adjust the sound
volume on the earphones as
if nothing had happened,
then suddenly realized later
and reacted afterwards, the
current him…haven’t
logged out of YY.
So, in other words, all of the
people, have all heard the
words that he just said.
If this was a confession,
wasn’t this a bit too
The heart alike sitting on a
swing, fluctuated sharply
and could not be calmed
down, the brain undoubtedly
a blank sheet, the eyes
bafflingly shed tears. Mo
Lan pursed her lips,
suddenly for the first time in
her entire life she took the
initiative and walked
towards him.
When the distance between
the two people was
shortened until it could only
be measured with just a
finger, Mo Lan raised her
head to meet his pair of
deep jet-black eyes, and
finally summoned the
courage to start: “Gu Ye
She just opened her mouth
and wanted to say
something, but suddenly
saw Gu Ye Mi extended his
index finger, and indicated a
“shh” on her lips. Then he
spoke, his voice
unfathomably gentle: “That
night, you were drunk, you
didn’t let me talk, just
listening to you was good
enough. So… Momo, now,
you don’t talk too, quietly
listen to me, okay?”
Gu Ye Mi smiled, a pair of
distinct white and black
eyes, so beautiful that this
ultimate eyes was currently
incomparably cautious,
“You once said on Weibo,
Secretly Captivated’s future
girlfriend would surely be
very blessed, because she
can fall asleep to his voice
everyday. Momo, if I said,
every day in the future…
regardless of what you want
to listen to, anytime and
anywhere, I would say it for
you, regardless of what you
want to do, I will
accompany you together.
Are you willing… to be my
It was as though
magnificent fireworks were
set off, the thousand lights
all together brightly litted.
Mo Lan stared at him, if
everything that happened
now wasn’t too real, she
would almost think that
these short phrase was her
own fantasy.
Her line of sight drowned in
tears, obscuring the figure in
front of her. However, in her
past twenty-four years of
life, Mo Lan had never been
so grateful to the heavens,
for making her dream come
“I’m willing.”
She started to talk, her voice
somewhat nasally, still
sweet-tempered and
beautiful just as in the past.
Gu Ye Mi’s lips suddenly
burst into the utmost vivid
smile, Mo Lan looked at
him, and suddenly just
thought of the Chinese
crab-apple tree in《Snow in
JiangShan》. Afterwards, she
saw Gu Ye Mi extended his
hand, and took off his
earphones absent-mindedly.
All of the noise completely
disappeared, everything
became peaceful at last.
In the silence of the night,
he once again took a step
closer, under his inherent
advantage of height, Mo
Lan was blocked off to his
side of the world, felt that
she practically had nowhere
to escape.
Gu Ye Mi blinked at her,
then, stretched out his hand
and hugged her in his arms,
he moved extremely
tenderly and carefully.
Mo Lan heard, in her ear,
the voice that was so good
that it had once made her
feel a bit unreal, now softly
spoke. He said: “Momo, I’ll
give you the second half of
my life, okay?”
Perhaps his voice was too
pleasant to listen to, perhaps
the moonlight tonight was
too gentle and soft, Mo Lan
palpitated for a moment, she
eventually stretched out her
hand, and cautiously and
solemnly encircled his
She had once thought her
hidden wish would forever
be incapable of being
realised… finally, it was
fulfilled overnight.
In this world, there may be
many beautiful voices, but
the only one that could
make her feel a rush of
excitement and to yearn for
a catastrophe, could only be
that one.
The purple street of the
world of mortals, the
fireworks of the earth.
Captivated by you.
Secretly Captivated had
announced his withdrawal,
this time, everyone knew,
that he would not come back
There was no advance
warning, no great fanfare,
and also no separate YY
announcement. He simply
took the opportunity of the
release for the new drama, a
very serene and a very
ordinary announcement,
from now on and in the
future, these two words
Secretly Captivated, would
forever fade away from the
Internet Voice Circle.
He said, all good things
must come to an end, he
hoped that in the future, you
would be able hear even
more and even better voices,
then, replace his voice.
But… everybody was well
aware, would there ever be a
voice, who would be
capable of replacing him?
That night, for many people,
it seemed like a sleepless
In itself, announcing his
withdrawal from the circle
was already a world-shaking
thing, yet… what was even
more earth-shattering than
this… was that at the same
time as withdrawing from
the circle he chose to,
confess to a girl.
That night, from the
beginning up untill the end
Secretly Captivated did not
leave YY, so, his confession,
from the beginning to the
end, was completely entirely
broadcasted to the YY
channel through the
earphone cable, where it
clearly fell into everyone’s
Secretly Captivated this
person, have always been a
gossip insulator in the
Internet Voice Circle, he did
not like to communicate
with people, he was not
ambiguous with the opposite
sex, he even more did not
like to be involved in the 3D
world. From the beginning
to the end, no matter how
much of the wind and rain
went through the town, how
much of an uproar the
outside world discussed
spiritedly, but he seemed to
be unaware, silent the whole
Nevertheless at the time of
his withdrawal from the
circle, such a rare and
extravagant displayed for
the first time.
That is after hearing his
entire beyond expectation
confession that night,
everyone seemed to have
finally react, Secretly
Captivated, for four years in
the circle, retired for one
year, and came out of
retirement in March.
Actually, from the
beginning to the end, he had
never had whatsover any
kind of disgraceful or
negative news.
From beginning to the end,
he came quietly, and left
completely clean.
Did not disappoint anyone.
Ever since that night of
excessive mysterious
illusion, several days in the
early morning, Mo Lan was
woken up by the beep and
vibration of her mobile
When she took out her
phone from under the pillow
in a daze, she always saw
the Weibo news that
unceasingly jumped out
from her mobile phone’s
screen, she was a little
curious why the phone that
had been vibrating without
stopping to sleep or to have
a rest for so many days, why
her phone had not broken
down from all the vibration.
Tens of thousands of replies,
furthermore there were
countless of various @, Mo
Lan’s consciousness
sobered up bit by bit, and
began to browsed through
Maybe momentarily it was
difficult to digest the fact
that your idol was leaving
the Internet Voice Circle,
the fans actually had the
#SecretlyCaptivated# on
Weibo’s hot topic list,
moreover for the
consecutive three days, it
rank not less than the top
Mo Lan clicked on the topic,
the first thing that greeted
her eyes was the rows of
glistening yellow V users,
the great gurus from every
areas of the 2D ancient-style
CV-SuQingmo: I have
known Xiao Mi for many
years, before Ye Lanshan,
I’ve never heard any other
girl’s name appeared from
his mouth. Xiao Mi is a
person who treats feelings
very seriously, this point, I
have never doubted. My
good brother, I wish eternal
happiness for you both.
SingerMysteriousInk: I
wasn’t very surprised about
him retiring from the circle,
because all this while I’ve
always felt that he has never
put such a big weight on
dubbing, but… the public
confession did give me a
fright, sure enough after
being silent for a thousand
years he still couldn’t help
but speak up.
Mi Da! I cried until it’s all
snot and tears, wasted all
my makeup T^T, Lanshan
meizi truly was also a little
too lucky, you’ve tamed the
best man in the world…
(weeping indirectly)
@SecretlyCaptivated, I wish
you happiness.

If you continued downwards,
you would find comments
from all kinds of fans.
The amount of Secretly
Captivated fans was
numerous, they widely
stepped across all areas,
until this moment, only did
Mo Lan genuinely and
worriedly experienced it.
Those who wrote parting
words for him, those who
composed individual songs
for him, and those who drew
farewell pictures of him
from imagination, all kinds
of shapes and forms,
appeared one after another.
There was also a big
touching event, actually
taking all of Secretly
Captivated’s dubbed
characters, and exquisitely
carved each and every one
from wood.
The distinguished,
accomplished and talented
man from Yushu Lanfang,
the young marquis on a
horse that once passed by
Chang’an City…
From the dust entered into a
meditative state with no
desire and no demands, but
ended up forced to become a
devil with just a chant, Jia
Originally the man above all
the people, but did not
hesitate to use his capacity
of a chess piece to give as a
present to him the beautiful
Jiangshan, Li Cheng’en…
And there’s still the last one,
a smile that was like a
thousand rays of heaven in
the vast space, forever calm
and collected, graceful, calm,
fearless, Rong Che.
With every frown and every
smile, all the carvings were
vivid and lifelike, exquisite
and delicate down to the
smallest detail.
And in that Weibo, the
original blogger posted a
very simple content, with
only a short sentence:
“Grateful that your voice
ever existed in this world.”
That night during the first
half of《Snow in
JiangShan》’s YY press
conference the fans had all
kinds of adverse criticism
towards Ye Lanshan, after
experiencing Secretly
Captivated’s world-shaking
confession, one by one they
also seemed to have
accepted this fact, no matter
if their hearts were willing
or not, at least in the
comments, all were
practically identical in
blessing the couple.
Mo Lan opened Secretly
Captivated’s personal Tieba,
the towering sticky forum
thread post, called — do not
first worry about the journey
of ignorance, everyone in
the world knew the king.
That’s right… if you’ve
ever heard such a beautiful
voice, even if the owner of
the voice left, you would
also never forget it.
After browsing through
Secretly Captivated news
for an hour while lying in
bed, lastly, Mo Lan’s phone
vibrated again, but this time,
it was a WeChat message.
Gu Ye Mi sent it, with only
six simple words, but it
instantly made her smile
spilled over.
GYM: Want to have dinner
together tonight?
After the two of them
confirmed their boy-girl
relationship that night, due
to Gu Ye Mi’s work, he had
to urgently worked overtime
for three consecutive shifts,
it caused the two of them to
not meet all along.
But… every night, no matter
what time Gu Ye Mi got off
work, he would send a
WeChat wishing her good
night, if it was still early, he
would also call.
As a veteran voice
enthusiast, every night every
day Mo Lan listened to his
voice to work, to walk, to
sleep, her cheeks practically
streamed with tears.
After Mo Lan finished work
at the magazine agency, she
packed up and went directly
to Drum Tower Hospital,
because today, it so
happened to also be the day
Papa Mo was discharged.
When she walked into the
lobby floor of Drum Tower
Hospital, she suddenly
ineffably felt a little nervous.
Mo Lan reached out and
patted her face, and
confirmed repeatedly to
herself in her heart:
Although, he said to have
dinner together tonight, but I
came here truly just to pick
papa up from the hospital…
en, exactly this.
After all… with regards to
the matter that she had
already become Gu Ye Mi’s
girlfriend, no matter how
many times she repeatedly
told herself, it was still very
unreal, very difficult to
When Mo Lan entered Ward
312, Papa Mo was humming
a folk tune while packing
his luggage, Xie Wan had
gone to the first floor to
handle the discharge
She walked over and helped
tidied the bed, while teasing
her own father: “Pa, you
look to be in quite a good
mood ah, you’re about to be
discharged from the hospital,
are you very excited?”
“Of course I’m excited ah,
how long haven’t I been
back in to take care of that
pot of scarlet kafir lily.”
Papa Mo replied very much
in earnest, thought for a
moment, and neared Mo
Lan again, and continued
long-windedly, “BaoBao,
Dr. Gu have been
accompanying me to play
chess and to chat almost
every day for the past few
days, let me tell you, this
young man truly is quite
good, if you like him, papa
indeed has no objection.”
Mo Lan 囧 for a moment,
her expression couldn’t help
but was a bit unnatural, her
mouth still consciously
perfunctory said: “You only
played chess with him for a
few days, how could you
understand him
Papa Mo listened to her, but
he instantly changed to a
serious expression, his tone
was also serious
immediately afterwards:
“But Papa is serious, I’ve
already said I could see his
character from playing chess,
the young man’s chess
temperament is very
upstanding, the person
definitely can’t differ that
See his character from
playing chess…
If Mo Lan listened to her
own father’s words,
suddenly her heart felt a
little teeny thrilled and
proud, en… sure enough,
her boyfriend was very
awesome, he knows so
many things QVQ
But… if she now told her
parents that she and Gu Ye
Mi are together, would it be
a bit too early?
Furthermore… would it
seemed that she herself
would be unusually
On this side Mo Lan’s heart
was still all tangled up, over
there, not sure if it was
telepathy or something, she
turned around, and actually
saw Gu Ye Mi in his
doctor’s uniform walked in
from the door with a smile
in his eyes.
She definitely didn’t tell
him that her father was
leaving the hospital today…
Gu Ye Mi walked in, and
first winked at her with a
very natural expression,
then turned around right
away and chatted with Papa
Mo, and when Papa Mo saw
Gu Ye Mi, he had instantly
completely forgotten about
his daughter’s existence, he
started gabbling forty to a
dozen between the two, and
looked extremely pleased as
he chatted with a joyous and
contented expression.
Consequently, Mo Lan had
no choice but to continue
helping him to pack his
This was simply just
inverting the root and
branch all right… ergo who
was actually his biological
child T^T
Not long after, Xie Wan
finished going through the
discharge procedures and
returned. Gu Ye Mi carried
the two heaviest suitcases in
his hand, and walked down
the stairs steadily and
Mo Lan looked at her
parents walking in front of
her, and couldn’t help but
gradually slowed down her
footsteps, at the corner of
the stairs, she looked left
and right, after she
confirmed there was no one,
before slowly moving to Gu
Ye Mi’s side, she lowered
her voice and whispered
asking: “Is it heavy? Do you
want me to help you carry?”
Gu Ye Mi heard her, turned
his head and looked at her
somewhat helplessly:
“Momo, I am now your
boyfriend, when you talk to
me, why are you being so
“Cough… really?” Mo Lan
heard the way he put it, and
her face flushed instantly.
Was it sneaky? It seemed…
that indeed there was a
teeny bit…
Gu Ye Mi saw Mo Lan’s
flushed cheeks, and
suddenly pursed his lips
while revealing a vague
smile, his delicate face
instantly brightened a bit.
“Anyhow, you just blur blur
nicely stay right next to
His voice faint, his final
syllable rose slightly. Mo
Lan was utterly clear about
Gu Ye Mi’s speaking habits,
when his final syllable rose
slightly, this meant that at
this very moment, his mood
was awfully content, very
A group of people walked to
the door of the hospital,
barely talked about the
weather, when the taxi had
already arrived. After Gu Ye
Mi settled the luggages in
the boot, Mo Lan as it
should have been by rights
was just about to get into the
taxi to send them off at the
airport, as a result just as she
put one foot in, the next
second her own father
mercilessly pushed her out.
Mo Lan widened her eyes
and stared at him
incredulously, practically
just somewhat wished to cry
without tears, she almost
cried tearlessly, have you
ever seen such a dad who
pushed his own biological
daughter out without the
slightest hesitation…
Here Mo Lan was still
silently disagreeing in her
heart, while over there Papa
Mo stably sat in the car and
looked up at her, he showed
a rather aged eyes with an
entirely undisguised doting
love and affection. He
carefully and meticulously
looked at Mo Lan for a
while, under the urging of
the taxi master, he then
finally sighed and said:
“BaoBao, you’ve grown up,
papa can’t keep up.”
After he finished speaking,
he turned to look at Gu Ye
Mi, the always previously
amiable and approachable
until he sounded slightly
like a child, yet suddenly a
little more serious and
solemn, “Momo this child is
particularly stubborn, she
just won’t rashly change her
mind after setting her mind
on a person. Xiao Gu, I will
now hand over my daughter
to you, you have to
remember what you told me
last night… treat her well.”
Who’s gonna tell her,
what’s happening now…
Mo Lan somewhat amidst
the clouds and mist listened
to her father’s words,
although she haven’t
realised what happened, but
her eyes were already
disappointingly somewhat
Suddenly, she felt a hand
softly rested on her
shoulders, the strength not
heavy, warm as well as safe.
The person next to her
unknowingly drew near, just
stood to her side, he spoke,
somewhat in a light tone,
cautious and earnest.
He said, “Uncle, rest
assured, I am very serious
about Momo, I also believe,
that this is the first time in
my life, and also the last
time I would be this
Word by word phrase by
phrase, powerful and
Xie Wan, who sat in the
front seat and had not
spoken yet, heard this
sentence, reached out her
hand to wipe her eyes, and
exposed a smile.
Up until the taxi swept away
in the smoke of the dirt
without a second thought for
those left behind, Mo Lan
still stood there palpitating,
completely unable to react
to the situation from just
And Gu Ye Mi who was
beside her looked at her, his
clearly white and black eyes
couldn’t help but just
brought a bit of
pamperedness, he smiled,
and stretched his hand out
and tidied Mo Lan’s hair
which was blown all
messily by the wind, his
tone indolent and tender:
“Let’s go, what do you want
to eat?”
Not until Mo Lan stood at
the door of a supermarket
chain near her home, she
still wondered why she
blurted out a sentence “I’ll
cook for you”….
As a newly promoted
girlfriend for a few days,
this kind of performance
was simply just a sign of
fleeting pride all right T^T
But… if she seriously
looked at it, from a long
time ago, she had already
owed him a meal.
Mo Lan stood in front of the
supermarket door as she
freely and aimlessly emptied
her mind, after a while, she
then saw Gu Ye Mi who had
parked his car wandered
over from a distance.
Tall, slim and straight. One
of his hand in the pocket, his
posture a little bit indifferent,
his whole person just looked
like he came out of a brutish
ink painting, so
good-looking that it took
one’s life.
Gu Ye Mi walked to Mo
Lan’s side, and
incomparably naturally
pulled her hand along, then
without waiting for Mo Lan
to realise he took her into
the supermarket, while
walking, he inquired
indifferently: “What were
you thinking about just
His voice was low, a little
hoarse, word by word just
like a feather floated into
your heart, it blew and
tickled one’s heart. Mo Lan
listened to his voice, her
heart beat went disorderly
all of a sudden.
“Not thinking about
anything… I just felt… it’s
very incredible.” Mo Lan
was led astray and was all
confused and distracted by
his voice, that she didn’t
even know what she was
talking about, she turned her
head and saw Gu Ye Mi’s
feeble smile on the corner of
his lips, she couldn’t help
but was a little embarrassed,
hence she cleared her throat
and quickly changed the
topic, “Cough… well, let’s
go to the seafood area over
there to buy a crucian carp,
my crucian carp tofu soup is
quite good.”
“Okay.” He didn’t have any
objection at all, Gu Ye Mi
conveniently pushed a
trolley over, amd followed
alongside Mo Lan to the
seafood area on the right.
Mo Lan walked next to Gu
Ye Mi, her heart practically
was just like all kinds of
storm surging unable to be
calm and collected. She had
never ever thought… that
one day, she together with
Gu Ye Mi, with a family
appearance would appear in
the supermarket….. buying
When the two walked over
to the freezer, Mo Lan
excercised restraint and
began to conscientiously
and carefully select a
crucian carp, while Gu Ye
Mi just stood next to her not
far away and looked at her,
his eyes calm and gentle.
Mo Lan chose for quite a
while but still couldn’t make
up her mind, so without any
better option she turned
around somewhat distressed
and asked for Gu Ye Mi’s
opinion: “Gu Ye Mi, would
you prefer to eat crucian
carp or carp?”
The other person smiled
slightly, and answered not
really minding: “Make
whatever you like to eat.”
As a result, Mo Lan became
even more confused, she
stared at the freezer for a
while, and then said,
“Haven’t you been working
overtime lately, your mental
state is definitely not very
good, I wanted to make the
crucian carp soup to boost
up your health, but I just
suddenly thought… the
crucian carp has too many
bones, which makes it a bit
more troublesome to eat.”
Her tone was cautious and
in earnest, it seemed that
this was really an absolutely
important thing, Gu Ye Mi
listened to her gentle and
quiet tone, his eyes
somewhat softened all at
once, he just wanted to say
something, but then heard
Mo Lan already continued
muttering minding her own
business: “Although the
carp is also delicious, but
using it for soup is not as
fragrant as using the crucian
carp… but if it was
simmer-fried, a lot of
nutrition would be lost…”
Her eyes were very clear,
slightly somewhat
bewildered, her tone
hesitated over what move to
make, she couldn’t help but
brought a little unchanging
sense of dependence.
It was indeed… since the
cheongsam became a
smiling shop, wash one’s
hands to make soup for the
From beginning to the end
Mo Lan couldn’t make her
mind up, she frowned and
thought for a long time, and
still could not help but
glanced up at Gu Ye Mi. At
this very moment, the
distance between the two of
them was so close that they
could nearly hear each
other’s heartbeat, Mo Lan
saw Gu Ye Mi was right in
the middle of staring at her,
his pair of original black as
ink eyes became all the
more jet-black and bright.
Until… she could even
possibly see the miniature
version of herself in the
pupil of the other person’s
beautiful eyes.
The corner of Gu Ye Mi’s
lips lifted up bit by bit,
suddenly, he leaned down
slightly, and as if there were
nobody else present, in the
bustling supermarket with
people coming and going, as
the dragonfly touched the
water lightly he lightly
made contact with her lips.
His lips were somewhat
cold, yet when it touched
her lips, it unintentionally
made her feel warm.
As if… it was born to fit in
this way.
“Just make crucian carp
soup ba.”
He spoke in a low voice, his
tone somewhat
undisciplined, it unfolded
bit by bit, just like the
horizon was shrouded by the
misty flowing cloud, it
faintly carried a bit of hazy
His appearance faintly
decided on behalf of Mo
Lan, following which, Gu
Ye Mi left as if nothing had
happened, he took a few
steps, took out a
vacuum-packed crucian carp
from the freezer lazily, and
threw it into the trolley.
His whole set of motions
moved like clouds and
flowed like water, as he did
it all in one go.
Mo Lan dazedly stared at
him, after a good while, she
still couldn’t react, just now
did he… kiss her?
Only if, the two pair of lips
that mutually touched could
also be counted as a kiss.
After Mo Lan finished being
shocked, realised that Gu Ye
Mi had already walked to
another area, she quickly
sped up her pace to keep up
with him.
She turned around the
corner towards the snack
area ahead of her, when she
just turned around, the next
second, she inadvertently
saw at the condiment area,
less than a meter away from
herself, there were two girls
who looked 17 or 18 years
old who was right in the
middle of unobtrusively
sizing her up, while they
took measure of her, they
A warning light suddenly
lighted up in Mo Lan’s heart,
it wouldn’t be–
She couldn’t help but
slowed down her steps, and
at the same time she pricked
up her ears and cautiously
eavesdropped on their
“For real? Are you certain
you didn’t hear it wrong?”
“How could I have heard it
wrong, it’s absolutely
Secretly Captivated -sama!
It’s impossible for me to
have misheard his voice in
my lifetime OK!”
“And so… the girl he kissed
in the supermarket just now,
it wouldn’t be Ye Lanshan
“Pretty sure it is… I simply
don’t understand even after
thinking it over a hundred
times, the life of that Ye
Lanshan is just so good, she
could make my male god
like her so wholeheartedly.”
“En… I think she’s pretty
good, she looks very
virtuous, being together
with her Mi Da should be
well looked after.”

The conversation between
the two people became more
and more enthusiastic, so
enthusiastic that Mo Lan’s
face was simply so red till it
nearly bled.
She sped up her footsteps
and walked to Gu Ye Mi’s
side, she looked at Gu Ye
Mi once more, not sure why,
suddenly felt there was a
secret love affair kinda feel
= =.
She sneaked a few glances
to the side, and confirmed
that the two girls did not
follow over, Mo Lan then
deliberated and started
considering, if she should
tell Gu Ye Mi that his fans
managed to see through
Over here she hasn’t figured
it out yet, yet over there she
saw Gu Ye Mi took a packet
of lozenges from the shelf,
while he turned his head to
look at her, with a smile yet
not a smile in his eyes: “I
heard… you’re very
Consequently, Mo Lan
blanked, after finished
blanking couldn’t help but
widened her eyes and
looked at him.
That is to say, the
conversation between the
two girls from just a
moment ago, he heard it all?
He was still so calm after he
heard it all…
Cough, all right, it was she
herself who wasn’t too
However, she was still quite
curious– Mo Lan stared at
his delicate side profile for a
moment, and finally still
couldn’t help but curiously
asked: “Gu Ye Mi, when the
fans recognised your voice
before, what did you do?”
“Oh… just don’t admit it.”
He opened his mouth, his
appearance indifferent, his
facial features exquisite.
Although she wasn’t really
convinced, but Mo Lan
thought it over, it seemed
that this was indeed justified.
As long as the main owner
doesn’t admit it to death,
even if the fans were certain,
in the situation where they
couldn’t get any proof, they
could only settle a matter by
leaving it unsettled.
Once Gu Ye Mi’s car
stopped at Mo Lan’s
residential carpark, Mo Lan
couldn’t help but started
recalling back for the 101st
time whether was her home
currently very messy, and
whether were things thrown
However, when she opened
her door somewhat
apprehensively, the scene
that greeted her eyes, made
her felt instantly… that her
worries were simply just
compelete nonsense.
Because… she saw, in the
not that large living room,
Bai Yu Luo Bo on the floor
tore open a bag of potato
chips, An Xiaoluo hugged a
pillow and retreated into the
sofa, the one who sat next to
her was that unflustered
man, Su Qingmo. And on
top of that there was
Mysterious Ink with the
incessant helpless and
I-surrender-shaped face who
spoke something or rather,
as well as… sitting beside
him, a lovable cute girl with
a very obvious pouted
mouth who was precisely
right in the middle of a
En… under such a precisely
simply inexplicable
inconceivable situation, Mo
Lan unexpectedly still had
the mood to guess whether
was this girl Fantasy Moon
All right, the main point
should be– why did these
people all appeared in her
house right now?
When everyone by the door
heard the main door opened,
they practically turned their
heads simultaneously in
uniform and stared at them.
The scenario sunk into a
strange silence.
When their line of sight fell
onto the supermarket bag
that Gu Ye Mi carried in his
hand, finally it seemed like
they suddenly saw the light,
they agreed by chance and
showed a…
so-it-was-like-this type of
implied facial expression.
Meanwhile on the sofa An
Xiaoluo looked at Mo Lan
with an unfathomable
expression, somewhat
embarassed and showed a
fawning smile: “Xiao Lan,
that… Su Shen came to see
me today, so happened that
the few of them were in
Nanjing, so I invited them
over to have fun.” After she
finished speaking, at
lightning speed she glanced
at the indifferent Gu Ye Mi
who stood beside Mo Lan,
and again immediately
afterwards added very
sincerely, “I swear, if I
knew Mi Da would also be
coming today… I would
definitely not bring them
An Xiaoluo’s words barely
fell, the people by the door
looked at her and Gu Ye
Mi’s expression, in an
instant they were even a bit
more ambiguous.
Just as Mo Lan stood in the
kitchen and started to wash
and cut the veges, she
couldn’t help but sighed in
her heart as fortunately she
did buy enough ingredients,
otherwise with so many
people it would really be not
enough all right.
But… there was only one
Crucian carp.
Mo Lan secretly glanced at
the vacuum-packed Crucian
carp, and began to seriously
think in her heart about how
when they start to eat, how
should she swiftly grab the
fish eye to put into Gu Ye
Mi’s bowl.
The group of them outside
seemed to be playing the
card game “Fight the
Landlord”, the sound of
giggling and happiness
came through the door of
the kitchen, there seemed to
be a little sense of peace and
calm in the
Mo Lan pursed her lips into
a smile, and continued to
cook in a very good mood.
Suddenly from the outside
she heard Mysterious Ink
seemed to sigh unresignedly:
“Ah Mi, why did you win
again? And every time you
win it’s not long after we
started… I haven’t played
enough yet.”
“Oh… you guys continue
playing ba, I’ll go there and
take a look.” Gu Ye Mi’s
voice sounded somewhat
light, low, but very clear.
“Tsk tsk, it turns out that our
Mi Da can’t stop thinking
about his girlfriend ah, no
wonder he’s always
distracted.” An Xiaoluo’s
tone filled with teasing.
“The most unacceptable
thing for me is that with him
being so distracted he could
still win two consecutive
games… I simply just
despise my IQ all right.” Bai
Yu Luo Bo sullenly spoke
immediately afterwards.

Mo Lan listened to the
voices outside, while cutting
the freshly cleaned Indian
lettuce in her hand, she
silently was embarrassed in
her heart.
Not long after being
embarassed, she then heard
the kitchen door opened.
“Do you need any help?” A
faint, somewhat indolent
tone, with a slightly raised
tone in the final syllable,
indicated who it was
without even needing to turn
your head.
Mo Lan skillfully put the
neatly cut Indian lettuce in
the empty glass bowl beside
her, and turned her head:
“Don’t need la, I can do it
alone, it wasn’t easy for
everybody to get together,
you go and play with them
Gu Ye Mi chuckled, not
really minding he drew near,
step by step, until he was
beside Mo Lan.
He didn’t have a specific
expression on his face, and
said indifferently:
“Originally… I also didn’t
want them to come.” After
he spoke, his line of sight
dropped down by accident,
and suddenly fell onto Mo
Lan’s waist, then stopped.
Mo Lan somewhat blushed
with a bewildered heart by
his indescribably focused
line of sight, she glanced at
him, as she stammered and
was about to open her
mouth to tell him that the
dishes will be ready in just a
while, yet she saw Gu Ye
Mi suddenly stretched out
his hand, he carefully took
her unintentionally loose
apron and once more
encircled her waist, then
meticulously and attentively
tied it up.
“The apron was loose.”
He spoke lowly, but the
voice of nature blew and
wrinkled the spring pond
water just as light as the
feather that fell on top of her
head, it blew her whole self
just like the tottering pear
flower on the tree, wanting
to fall but haven’t.
Her brain was a blank space,
she couldn’t react at all. Mo
Lan couldn’t help but lifted
up her head, yet saw that
that person’s eyes was as
bright as a vast sky full of
stars, and was just looking
at her with a somewhat
smiling expression.
“Gu Ye Mi…”
She unconsciously opened
her mouth in a daze, she just
wanted to say something,
but suddenly felt the
surrounding atmosphere
changed all of a sudden, it
became a little… strange.
She instinctively looked
towards the kitchen door,
the next second, sure
enough she saw those
people who was just a
moment ago still playing
Fight The Landlord in the
living room were all at this
very moment surrounding
the kitchen door, five pairs
of eyes stared at them in
unison, each and every eyes
enjoyed watching the
bustling scene.
“Hey, we seemed to have
disturbed other people’s
PDA ah?” Su Qingmo
laughed, his eyes narrowed
“No wonder he’s so anxious,
everytime we’ve barely
started then he wins, as
expected playing Fight the
Landlord with us can’t
compare to tying the apron
for his girlfriend ma….”
Mysterious Ink somewhat
unresignedly complained.
“Okay, okay, what are you
all doing here, affecting
Xiao Lan’s cooking. Later
don’t let you guys eat,
quickly go out go out.” An
Xiaoluo cleared her throat,
she straightaway assumed
the position of the hostess,
and instantly banished them
all back to the living room.
The two people, Mo Lan
and Gu Ye Mi were once
again left alone in the
It’s just… the atmosphere…
was still ambiguous.
Gu Ye Mi looked at her, and
suddenly blinked, he
reminded her with a
somewhat smiling
expression: “Momo, the
water in the pot seemed to
be almost dry.”
“Ah?” Mo Lan recovered
from his voice, and began to
flusteredly add water to the
pot while disdaining her
own foolishness in her heart.
Gu Ye Mi beside her smiled,
in a good mood he walked
over to lend a hand.
In general, Mo Lan still
cooked quite fast.
In less than an hour, the
warm steaming and fragrant
dishes began to be served on
the dining table one after
Seven dishes and one soup,
plus Mo Lan’s best dessert
almond junket, the dining
table which was not
considered very big was
completely packed, simply
just as sumptuous as the
New Year’s Eve family
Everyone stared at the
various kind of dishes on the
dining table that still had the
fragrance departing to face
the danger, they stared until
their eyes almost popped
Fantasy Moon Frost
swallowed down her saliva
while her eyes stared
straight at Mo Lan: “I
finally understand why Mi
Da likes you so much… as
expected to grasp a man’s
heart, one should first grasp
the man’s stomach?”
Mysterious Ink beside her
heard her spoke, very
annoyingly he immediately
mocked: “First of all, you
need to have a man.”
The sentence instantly
ignited Fantasy Moon Frost,
not to be outdone she
answered back sarcastically:
“I would rather be single,
than to find a man like
Mo Lan’s face filled with
black lines as she listened to
the conversation between
them, cough, perhaps it
should be called flirtatious
banter, she had yet to open
her mouth to smooth things
over, when An Xiaoluo saw
with her own eyes that the
more the fire of war burnt
the more prosperous it got,
she hurriedly took the
initiative to change the topic:
“Okay, okay, let’s eat, I’m
not boasting, but our Xiao
Lan’s culinary skills is
really super awesome!”
The food have already been
served all together, the
group of people who at this
time had been hungry for a
long time did not care about
each other to modestly
decline their elder
brother’s respect, they all
hastily picked up their
chopsticks, for fear that the
others would snatch it away
Mo Lan watched with some
anxiety as the food on the
table was being snatched
and emptied, her eyes
unabled to restrain and
floated to the crucian tofu
soup that was purposely
placed on the far side of the
En… hopefully they didn’t
notice ==.
Gu Ye Mi who was sitting
next to Mo Lan saw her line
of sight, and glanced at the
people who were eating
with relish, drew near next
to her ear, and lowered his
voice: “Want to eat?”
“Ah…what?” Gu Ye Mi’s
faint breath came through to
her ear, Mo Lan ineffably
blushed a little, withdrew
her gaze bewilderedly, and
turned her head towards
Gu Ye Mi smiled, and
didn’t answer, he directly
picked up the wooden ladle
that was set aside, and
started ladling the fish soup.
Everyone with their head
lowered and in close contact
with their food in the bowl,
stared blankly at Gu Ye Mi
who picked out the most
delicious tender part of the
crucian carp belly, even
though they were entirely
reluctant in their hearts, they
could only swallowed their
drool silently, it was simply
just like tears flowing into
their hearts.
Gu Ye Mi put the piece of
fish meat into the soup bowl
without any facial
expression, first he carefully
and meticulously picked out
the fishbones for a while,
felt that he had more or less
finished picking, then
pushed the bowl to the front
of Mo Lan as if nothing had
The group of people next to
him watched these particular
actions, they were simply so
astonished that their eyes
nearly all fell out.
The most surprising thing,
was that the dependent Bai
Yu Luo Bo who had not
spoken a word since the
start of the meal was just
focused on eating.
“Ah Mi… you being like
this, it makes me wonder if
you’ve been possessed by
an alien.” His round eyes
widened as he spoke, a
piece of spare ribs in his
mouth, his soft and sticky
unclear voice.
While Mo Lan looked at the
permeating fragrant bowl of
fish soup in front of her, she
looked at him face to face
for a while, she still lifted
her head up, and
courageously spoke: “Gu Ye
Mi, this soup was boiled for
you to drink, didn’t you
worked overtime
Gu Ye Mi heard her the way
she spoke, and did not deny
anything too, he directly
picked up the soup spoon to
taste a mouthful, Mo Lan
didn’t know, why she
suddenly felt a little nervous
that he would feel it’s not
She couldn’t help staring at
his actions, watching and
watching… watched until
his Adam’s apple slightly
moved because he was
swallowing, it was
obviously a very casual
action, but not sure why, it
suddenly made her feel…
that it was terribly sexy.
“It’s very tasty, do you want
to try it too?” Low, the
voice brought a bit of tender
coaxing and enticement, Mo
Lan looked up at him, her
heartbeat couldn’t help but
started accelerating.
She baffledly nodded, she
baffledly watched him used
the same spoon from before
and scooped out a spoonful
of fish soup and gradually
drew towards her lips,
then… baffledly drank it.
The person next to her
seemed to be very satisfied
and smiled, then asked
delightedly: “Tasty ma?”
In the quiet room, she heard
her clear voice slowly rang
She felt the unusual quiet
atmosphere, so Mo Lan
continued to baffledly
turned her head in the
clouds and fog, but saw that
all the people around her
had the look of “how are
you so disappointing”, thus,
Mo Lan finally realised
afterwards and returned to
her senses.
Her own reaction just a
moment ago… was simply
just too humiliating, okay
The meal was very lively.
After eating, the sun outside
the window had set, Bai Yu
Luo Bo who still had yet to
play to his heart’s content
suddenly acted pamperedly,
and clamoured to go to KTV
to sing together. It just so
happened that everyone had
nothing else on, even Gu Ye
Mi had the seldom to come
by leisure time, hence An
Xiaoluo promptly and
decisively phoned agogo
and booked a private room.
Agogo was only about five
minutes walk from Mo
Lan’s house, a group of
people walked on the road
and chattered continuously,
Mo Lan and Gu Ye Mi
walked side by side right at
the back of the crowd, and
occasionally chatted a bit
here and there.
At the moment it was
already close to March,
Nanjing finally had that
little sign of spring returning
back to earth with all living
things revitalised, it was no
longer so cold that it
penetrated to the bone. The
buds on the cypress trees on
both sides of the road also
began to appear, the tender
and delicate greens again
attempted to invade the
branches. Everything…
seemed to spread and
extended towards the
direction of warmth and
Apparently afraid that she
might have felt cold, Gu Ye
Mi reached out, and very
naturally put Mo Lan’s right
hand into the pocket of his
jacket, at the same time, he
covered her hand, then
gripped it tightly.
She could feel the
tenderness spread out from
the fingertips, Mo Lan’s
heartbeat couldn’t help but
jumped disorderly, she
secretly raised her eyes to
look in front, and saw that
everyone was chatting in
high spirits, no one seemed
to be paying attention to
their movements, hence she
secretly, as she felt a little
guilty as a thief, turned her
hand over and hold Gu Ye
Mi’s left hand, in the
presence of the other party’s
tender look she pressed her
lips together, and revealed a
somewhat sweet smile.
After arriving at the KTV,
and after the group
confirmed their reservation,
the party followed the
waiter all the way to the
third floor, and walked into
the somewhat dusky lit
private room.
As soon as Bai Yu Luo Bo
entered, he immediately
dominated the song stage
with excitement, Mo Lan
followed everyone and
casually found a place to sit
down on the sofa, then
looked up and looked at the
surroundings, looked and
looked, only then to
suddenly realised– that
tonight, could it be that she
would be able to hear with
her own ears the many
famous CV as well as
singers from the
ancient-style circle sing a
song on the spot in this
Mysterious Ink, Bai Yu Luo
Bo, Su Qingmo, and…
Secretly Captivated.
This luxurious lineup… was
exactly just gaining alright
Over there after An Xiaoluo
and Fantasy Moon Frost
whispered into each other’s
ears, they seemed to have
reached some common
understanding in regard to
certain things, sure enough
not long after, Mo Lan saw
a tall waiter walked in with
a carton of beer.
“Miss, these are the beer
that you ordered, altogether
there are 12 bottles, may I
ask if you need me to help
you open them?” The black
collared and white clothed
waiter put the carton of beer
carefully on the ground,
then politely spoke.
“You’re too much, why do
you need to drink alcohol
again, practically just
bullying me with the alcohol
allergy okay!” Bai Yu Luo
Bo stared at the carton of
beer on the ground bitterly,
and couldn’t help but
However Mo Lan knew
very clearly, that this person
An Xiaoluo, every time she
gets together with her
friends, she has always been
a no-liquor-no-joy and
kinda girl.
Just as she expected, An
Xiaoluo heard the waiter’s
question, and as if she was
injected with chicken blood
with excitement on her face
she immediately urged: “Of
course need to open! Hm
hm, please open all 12
“Cousin… you also don’t
have to open that many
right?” Although she knew
that her protest would
certainly not be accepted by
the other party, Mo Lan still
struggled unresignedly.
As a matter of course, An
Xiao disregarded her protest
without consulting anyone.
Gu Ye Mi who was actually
sitting next to Mo Lan tilted
his head and asked: “You
can’t drink?”
Mo Lian 囧, and weakly
replied: “It’s not that I can’t
drink… I’m just, afraid that
after getting drunk…”
Cough, afraid that after
getting drunk, she would do
something inexplicable ==.
For example… at the
classmates gathering at
Confucius Temple the last
Right up until now, Mo Lan
would occasionally recall
the things that happened that
day, and would still
recollect back over and over
again in her room that night,
during the time Gu Ye Mi
and her were both alone,
what actually happened.
She clearly remembered…
at that time, somebody sat
beside her, muttered gently
and softly to her. That
person’s voice was very low,
very tender, very… moving.
But, what did she actually
Over here Mo Lan’s soul
was still shaken, over there
An Xiaoluo and them have
already started a bottle per
person heroically and with
ten thousand fathoms they
started persuading and
drinking to a toast, the
allergic to alcohol Bai Yu
Luo Bo looked at them with
an itchy heart, once again
unable to join, without any
better option he
melancholicly scant
happiness ran to chose a
stack of songs and started
singing one by one. Because
there were only a small
number of ancient-style
songs in KTV after all, so
most of the songs he chose
were modern pop songs,
en… there was even《The
New Drunken Beauty》.
Mo Lan listened to him sing
one song after another, she
totally nearly couldn’t
control her hand which
continuously became
restless and wanted to
record. Although the great
majority of CVs who sang
were unconditonally tone
deaf and all kinds of out of
tune where one can’t bear to
look straight at them,
however Mo Lan still need
to admit, that Bai Yu Luo
Bo still sang pretty well, at
least, every word was in
After Bai Yu Luo Bo was
tired of singing, Mysterious
Ink over there who have
drank until he was a little
flushed with excitement
promptly took over as he
was unwilling to be left out,
he chose《As A Flower》, as
soon as he opened his mouth
he gave Mo Lan a fright, his
bass was tender and
exquisite, his treble was
clear and sonorous as well
as beautiful… no wonder
there was a period of time
where everyone in the
ancient-style circle said that
the young businessman
intended to produce his
personal EP.
When it was time for Su
Shen, not sure if it was
deliberate or accidental, he
chose a love song that very
much fitted a confession,
Evan You’s “I Can”.
Sent, a letter without an
This kind of emotion have a
sense of distance
Whose song are you playing
What kind of mood are you
Could you tell it to me
Rain, peacefully falling
Are you secretly crying
Happiness, it’s really not
Behind you there’s me
loving you
I can, accompany you to see
the stars
Without further explanation
I want to be together with
Su Shen’s voice was the rare
uncle attack sound in the
Internet Voice Circle,
normally it sounded like it
could always make one feel
deep and low and
cautious… with a hint of a
distance that could not be
crossed over, but now, in the
confined yellow dim private
room, his voice was actually
unexpectedly tender.
As for the previously always
carefree and simple-minded
An Xiaoluo, she was now
exceptionally calm sitting
on the sofa, with a
tambourine in her right hand,
and a bottle of beer in her
left hand drinking quietly bit
by bit, her pair of big eyes
blinked and stared at Su
Qingmo, just like a young
When it came to the last part,
Su Shen suddenly turned
around, he faced An
Xiaoluo and presented a
gentle and soft until it’s so
precious smile.
I don’t want to be separated
from you once again
I have never thought the
beauty I see each time
Is because of you

In the split second that no
one paid attention to, Mo
Lan saw, An Xiaoluo
finished the last bit of beer
in the bottle, then stretched
out her hand, and wiped the
corners of her eyes very
Suddenly felt, her heart was
profoundly touched.
The songs were sung one by
one, the beer was also
emptied bottle per bottle,
despite the fact that Mo Lan
tried very hard to restraint,
but under the repeated
wheedling from everybody
she followed and one could
not say she did not drink
She could feel her cheeks
already warmed up, Mo Lan
couldn’t helped twisting her
head to look at Gu Ye Mi,
she surely saw that the other
party still had an indifferent
look, the exquisite
appearance was still clean,
distinct and aloof, with not
the least bit intoxicated.
Mo Lan teared silently, this
world was simply just too
unfair all right… obviously
just now, he still took her
place and drank not a few…
At the end, when everybody
had drank about enough,
tired until they sang
motionless, everyone finally
unanimously cast their
sparking shiny eyes towards
Gu Ye Mi who had
continuously been sitting
quietly beside Mo Lan.
“Mi Da, it was very difficult
for everyone to get together
to have fun, if you don’t
produce any sound it would
also be too inexcusable isn’t
it?” Fantasy Moon Frost
whose faced was all red
looked at him expectantly, it
was totally the demeanour
of a little 2D fan.
“That’s right that’s right!”
Not a drip of alcohol was
touched, the current
extremely sober Bai Yu Luo
Bo also followed and butted
in, “Ah Mi, you’ve never
sang whenever we met up
before, every time you just
sit there and watch us sing, I
don’t care this time, in short
whatever the case may be
you have to sing a song,
even《Little Apple》would
《Little Apple》…
Mo Lan 囧 ed 囧 ed and
looked at Bai Yu Luo Bo’s
serious face, then turned her
head to look at Gu Ye Mi
beside her, the other party
was as before lazily and
leisurely sitting on the sofa,
he took a grape from the the
fruit bowl on the table and
stuffed it into her mouth.
O… so sweet.
Mo Lan bit the grape in her
mouth while looking at him
with gleaming eyes like
everyone else.
Gu Ye Mi was a little
helpless from her look, quite
a while later, he touched her
hair and compromised:
“What do you want to
“Um…” Mo Lan thought
for a while, then asked with
some excitement, “I have
been putting《Chaos》on a
loop recently, do you know
how to sing?”
An Xiaoluo beside her, who
have already drank more or
less enough, heard the title,
and was immediately
excited, she ran to the song
desk in haste and looked for
the song: “I also especially
like this song, if I can hear
Mi Da sing it… I could
simply just die without
regrets okay!”
《Chaos》was an excellent
ancient-style song with a
majestic and grandiose
lyrics, the most popular
version online at the
moment was Liu Yue’s
female version.
Speaking of it, she has never
heard Gu Ye Mi sing female
songs, what’s the matter
with the current kind of
indescribable expectation…
Together with the prelude,
everyone in the private
room who was just playing
and laughing and making
noise all agreed by chance
and calmed down, all
quietly waited for Gu Ye
Mi’s voice to echo out.
Probably, as long as it was
anyone in the ancient-style
circle they would have this
kind of tacit understanding,
regardless of how noisy the
scenario was, so long as that
person’s voice rises, heaven
and earth would quieten
down in a flash.
All thoughts and heart’s
intention have disappeared,
the ear within the heart, it
left only his voice.
The moon, reflected on your
former home, listened to the
horses’ hooves
With half a lifetime of
The river, may not
necessarily grow old with
me alone
The leaf splashed in the rain
under the banyan tree
I draped the drenched
woven rush raincoat over
Facing the distance weeping
How many foolish lovers
among the chaos in the
wooden figures buried with
the dead
You accompany me and
once again bump a goblet
(have a drink)
Separation and reunion, the
time where these emotions
are the densest (intimate) in
the world of chaos
This was originally a
majestic heart-rending
ancient-style song, but Gu
Ye Mi unexpectedly
changed the interpretation
style, the singing voice was
unexpectedly an empty
departed soul, distinct and
aloof. His voice… no matter
when it was extremely
entirely gentle and soft, it
always had a barely audible
almost distinguished hint of
aloofness, the sound at this
very moment, was even
more like the faintly
discernible immortal tone
from the ninth heaven above
the four seas and eight
wilderness, a virtuous
gentleman, without fear of
honour and disgrace,
genuinely neatly left behind
this era and independence.
Who would understand
clearly, how to use my
natural free and unfettered
Needless to say, nor who
could possibly understand
Wipe the crack on the lips
and unload the battle
Extol praises onto you
The white horse whipped
and the west wind whistled
If I’m drunk, I will die
intoxicated in the dream
Subsequently the terrifying
battle drums points you to
see the rainbow
This hidden troops still did
not move like a string on the
The mountain tsunami and
ten thousand arrows burst
into flames
I was born in chaos
You ought to read and
understand my heartache
Grasping the sharp axe
desiring to split the shadows
of love and hate
After dealing with the
flames of war, life and death
are difficult to share
To realise only then how
heavy was this love
If I’m drunk, I will die
intoxicated in the dream…
Mo Lan hugged a round
bolster in her hands, her
whole person shrunk into
the corner of the sofa,
somewhat spellbound she
stared at him in a daze.
Gu Ye Mi… what kind of
person was he actually?
His looks were obviously
distinct and aloof, but when
he looked at Mo Lan, his
eyes were always
overflowing with tenderness
until she palpitated,
straightforwardly made one
forget where one was, or the
current day and year.
At first, she asked him why
he wanted to add her as his
friend, he merely said, in the
future, you would know.
Lastly, she asked him if an
idol should treat all fans the
same, he merely said,
perhaps there may be many
people who like me, but the
person I like, is only you.
In fact, from the beginning
to the end, he was a very
persistent person and also…
a very affectionate person.
He have been continuously
using his way, to approach,
to guard, and to adore. Then,
she didn’t even realise when
it started, that person
occupied the world region in
her heart, other people could
not see it any more.
In the microphone, Gu Ye
Mi’s voice was so clean,
distinct and aloof that it was
purified, it was just like a
snow lotus opening on the
edge of the cliff of Kunlun
Summit, it wasn’t
pretentious, nor was it
flamboyant, it bloomed
quietly and leisurely in that
place, but in an instant it
was capable of attracting the
gaze of anyone around.
Listening to his voice, even
made people who were
breathing to also can’t help
but release it gentler and
gentler, for fear of
disturbing him.
During the chaos of war,
you got a little mud on my
Bewilderedly finished
writing on the ruined walls
Regarding separation, it has
never been anybody’s
I seemed to hear you
humming the village song
In the mountains and rivers,
the small town is full of
wind and rain (trials and
I will drink it for you, even if
I get drunk
Difficult to escape from this
The sword is like a song set
to music
Just let me be your tuner
If you will, I will turn myself
into flying fireworks
Breathing through the
winter chill
Handing over the
miscellaneous poetry at the
moment of parting
Hundreds of people on the
old bridge
Only me, with the rushed of
thousands of thoughts
Originally a beautiful
woman why sing a small life
Who’s behind me probing,
indeed it turned out to be
In the split second the chaos
started again
The singing voice was light
and as in a mist, low, but
always entwined and
somewhat as if there was a
bit of mourning. In a short
while it caused people to
think of the misty rain and
hazy Jiangnan in the dream,
it also was like the
melodious flute under the
moon in the empty
mountains, after all… it was
Gu Ye Mi held the
microphone in his left hand,
the tall figure stood
somewhat languidly and
leisurely beside the screen,
an originally bright face
reflected the colourful neon
lamp in the private room, he
looked all the more bright,
colourful and vivid, just like
the white clothed gaudy
ghost and spirits from the
nether world, so beautiful it
caused one to be enraptured.
After the song ended, it
brilliantly startled the
There were hidden tear
stains in the glistening shiny
eyes of Fantasy Moon Frost
at present, as if she had just
cried, she sniffed her nose
and smiled: “I used to think
that this song was very
grandiose… I didn’t expect,
Mi Da to sing it until it’s so
touching, I listened until I
Mysterious Ink took another
bottle of beer, took a sip,
and said with a little sigh:
“Thank goodness you’ve
left the circle.”
Everyone could not helped
laughing out loud.
Gu Ye Mi smiled faintly,
still no change in his
expression, he handed the
mic over to the others, then
turned around, and once
more walked back to the
seat next to Mo Lan and sat
Mo Lan turned her head and
looked at him, didn’t know
if it was the alcohol playing
tricks, or whether his body
essense was too warm,
obviously just a moment
ago she was still fine, but
now she suddenly wanted to
cry a little.
Gu Ye Mi stared at her eyes
for a while, he reached out
and softly pressed the
corners of her red eyes, his
eyes awfully tender, his
voice even more tender:
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing…” Mo Lan shook
her head, then looked up to
meet his gaze, and said very
softly, “I just feel, it seems
like… I really really like
Mo Lan was awakened by
the sound of her mobile
phone vibration.
After she woke up, she saw
that Fantasy Moon Frost
leant at a crazy angle on the
other side of the sofa, Bai
Yu Luo Bo and Mysterious
Ink slept very elegantly on
the floor.
She yawned fuzzily and
muddledly, she was still a
little half conscious. After
yawning she looked for An
Xiaoluo for a while, then
swiftly remembered that An
Xiaoluo had left first with
Su Shen.
The phone was still
endlessly vibrating, she
bowed her head down and
briefly looked at it, it turned
out that An Xiaoluo had
secretly recorded a short
audio of Gu Ye Mi singing
and posted on Weibo, en…
if she just posted on Weibo
then we can just forget
about it, don’t know for
what reason she also @ her,
the content of the post was
“Mi Da‘s voice is still so
beautiful… but isn’t it
enough to just pick out the
fish bones and feed grapes
and whatnot, if you weren’t
my blood cousin I wouldn’t
be able to stand it.”
The comments underneath
were also water filling
Jinshan, basically a few
dozen comments will appear
every few seconds, Mo Lan
saw it and was all kinds of
embarassment and all kinds
of awkwardness = =.
Futhermore among these
comments one of the fans
left a comment: I happened
to meet Mi Da and Ye
Lanshan meizi in the
supermarket… I’d say that
Mi Da dipped his head and
kissed her in the
supermarket! Although the
two of them parted very
quickly but they were still
caught by my sharp eyes, at
this sort of moment I
suddenly totally loathe my
good vision all right T^T
anyways… I’ll see you all
on the rooftop ba (wave
Ahem… indeed they were
Mo Lan blushed and
browsed through the
comments for a while,
browsed and browsed, and
carelessly moved her body,
as a result the jacket that
was on her accidentally fell
off. Mo Lan got up from the
sofa and picked up the
jacket, only to find out that
the jacket that was on her
was Gu Ye Mi’s white
Don’t know why, her brain
suddenly recalled that night
after watching the qin se
pipa concert, when he sent
her home, before he left…
he had once told her– next
time, don’t wear skirts
Mo Lan thought about it,
couldn’t help and smiled
softly. Speaking of this, at
first every time when she
went to meet him, she
completely carried the
feeling of a young girl’s first
awakening of love meeting
her crush, she was always
anxious whether would the
colour of her lips be too
light today, whether would
her expression be too
After she blanked for a
while, she turned around
and looked around, Bai Yu
Luo Bo and them seemed to
be sleeping soundly, Mo
Lan hugged his coat in her
arms, and softly and quietly
left the room.
Although it was now almost
quite late at night, but every
KTV room were still a
boiling cauldron of voices,
when Mo Lan bypassed the
hallway and turned to the
balcony, she happened to
hear a man huskily singing
《Give Me The Time Of A
The night scene was awfully
profound, and with a slight
gust of wind, it was a little
cold. She seemed to be in a
very good mood, holding on
to Gu Ye Mi’s white jacket
in her hands, she walked all
the way to the balcony
without much hesitation.
The balcony was alike
another world, peaceful, and
Tonight was extremely
beautiful, there were no
floating clouds in the sky,
the many stars dotted the
whole dark-blue night sky,
the specks of stars like
diamonds, shining clearly, a
bit like… in the supermarket
that day, when Gu Ye Mi
bent his head down and
looked at her with his
pitch-black pupils.
Mo Lan walked very lightly
into the balcony, she just
lifted her head, and saw at a
glimpse that beside the
railing, that person wore a
thin black sweater, with his
back towards her, his
leisurely and indifferent
posture leant against the
railing, with one hand
propping his chin, don’t
know what he was thinking
Mo Lan stopped and did not
speak, she felt vaguely,
being able to just quietly
watched him like this for a
moment, would also be very
Suddenly, the person in
front of her, his heart to
some extent seemed to have
felt something, his body
moved slightly, then, just
before Mo Lan was
prepared, he turned around
without any warning.
Indescribably a little
embarassed and at a
complete loss, Mo Lan’s
pair of still tipsy eyes hazily
looked at him, bringing a bit
of surprise, and the little bit
of careful considerate
shyness broke through, her
fingers couldn’t help but
squeezed tightly the jacket
in her arms. At this very
moment, her consciousness
was still not very coherent,
the thoughts in her mind
floated around, and
somehow floated to one line
in the lyrics of《Chaos》from
just now-
Who’s behind me probing,
indeed it turned out to be
Indeed, it turned out to be
Gu Ye Mi turned around
and stood still, the
picturesque features
appeared as before from that
day, his temperament
distinct and aloof. A pair of
distinct black-and-white
eyes faintly outlined a
somewhat peach blossom
colour, each stroke each line
full of amorous feelings, in
the twinkling of an eye, it
seemed to contrast against
the whole sky of stars.
Seeing Mo Lan’s
absent-minded and
entranced expression, he
pursed his lips, revealed a
light smile, and seemed not
at all curious as to why she
was here.
“Come here.” He waved at
her, his tone soft, it brought
a little tenderness.
Mo Lan looked at his
lacquered ink-stick eyes, her
heart suddenly bafflingly
“What’s the matter…”
Although her mouth seemed
to inadvertently asked, she
still walked over to his side
step by step without
She walked until there was
only the distance of half a
step between the two of
Gu Ye Mi chuckled, his pair
of eyes gleamed full of
water tossing billows, inside
his eyes… the adrift and
floating light faintly spread.
“Nothing’s the matter.” He
answered softly, while
leaning down, he extended
his clearly-jointed left hand
and encircled Mo Lan into
his arms.
Mo Lan narrowed her eyes,
and habitually embraced her
arms around his waist.
Silence in the world, only
the voice of this person
remained in her ears, deep,
somewhat indolent,
somewhat muffled, but
compared to any of the
times in the past….. entirely
imperatively tender.
He said, “Kiss you.”
Late at night, on the train of
Nanjing Line 2.
Gu Ye Mi walked in,
randomly found a seat
where there was no one next
to it and sat down, he
stretched out his hand and
kneaded between his
eyebrows, with a flicker of
weariness in his expression.
Not long after he sat down,
his phone vibrated suddenly,
he unlocked it, it was a text
message from a good friend,
very few words in the
content, but it instantly
made him feel even more
“Xiao Gu, I plan to resign, I
will hand over the
resignation letter to the dean
tomorrow. You stay well.”
Gu Ye Mi sighed
imperceptibly and thought
of last month, where his
good friend was brought to
court by the patient’s family
member on account of
sexually assaulting a female
patient on the operating
table. Although it concluded
with the other party losing
the lawsuit, but his good
friend’s reputation was
greatly affected as a result,
for a month he was
subjected to the rumours
and slanders as well as the
coloured vision of society,
and he had no patients at all.
In the end, he decided to
The train entered the station,
and stopped steadily, the
carriage door opened, and
nearly all of the passengers
stood up and prepared to get
off the train.
This station was Xinjiekou,
the transit hub with the
highest flow of people.
Gu Ye Mi didn’t
particularly minded and
looked at the people around
him who came and went,
coming in and going out, his
mind was still thinking
about the resignation of his
good friend. Suddenly, a girl
caught his attention.
He looked up, and saw a
sweet-tempered girl
standing by the door of the
carriage, a cup of bubble
milk tea in her hand,
perhaps it was too cold, her
whole person shrank into
her down jacket, but the
body still shivered from the
puffing cold wind.
Her lips were already pale,
but she still stood aside
quietly, and waited for
everyone who wanted to get
out of the carrriage to all
leave, after the people who
wanted to come in all went
in, practically a second
before the train door was on
the verge of closing, only
then did she slowly walked
Gu Ye Mi looked at her, and
ineffably felt, that the sky
cleared up and brighten
slightly, the first evening
snow melted.
Furthermore she didn’t find
a seat to sit, she merely
automatically grabbed the
handrail, and stood in the
slightly deserted carriage
with her friend.
“But Secretly Captivated’s
voice is really very nice.
Listening to him, is just like
being covered by poison,
and the kind with no
The sound was like the
person, gentle and agreeable,
completely lacking in
aggressiveness, with a little
bit of gracefulness and
subduedness as well as
softness of the patchwork of
As she mentioned his name,
a smile gradually fused into
the tip of the girl’s eyebrows,
and inexplicably soothed his
conflicted and progressively
fretful mood due to work.
Alike water, it benefited all
living things without
Before he left the train
station, he heard her friend
shout from afar: “Momo,
don’t forget to bring back
two boxes of West Lake
Longjing for me when you
get to Hangzhou the day
after tomorrow.”
Momo… Hangzhou…
In the meeting room, the
dean summed up last week’s
report, Gu Ye Mi sat aside
somewhat idly,
absent-mindedly turning the
fountain pen in his hand,
“There’s a medical seminar
in Hangzhou tomorrow,
would there be anybody
among you who would want
to go and represent the
What happened the next
second, even he himself was
surprised by the turn of
He heard his own light voice
echoed calmly in the quiet
room, in an instant it drew
an amazed look.
He said, “I’ll go.”
The dean was obviously
surprised all of a sudden, he
looked at him, after a while
then he somewhat
hesitatedly spoke: “If you
are willing to go, I would
definitely agree. Just that
Xiao Gu… you have two
operation in the wee hours
tomorrow, how can you
directly rush over after,
would your strength be able
to endure?”
“No problem, I have a sense
of balance.” He smiled, his
neat, distinct and aloof
features grew lively bit by
In the vast and obscure sea
of people, the unlikely odds
of one in ten million…
He chuckled, his appearance
somewhat mocking at
Really insane.
“Umm… this mister, please
wake up.”
As the gentle and agreeable
voice from his memory
sounded, at this moment it
was so distinct that it made
a person feel somewhat
incredible. The moment he
opened his eyes, Gu Ye Mi
almost thought he was still
in a dream.
The girl in front of him
looked at him, she smiled
slightly and somewhat
bashfully. Although she
looked a little embarrassed
but she was full of
concerned: “Umm, mister, I
saw that you were still
sleeping, so I thought to just
remind you, that we will be
reaching Hangzhou East
Railway Station real soon.”
“Oh…” He momentarily did
not know what he ought to
say, Gu Ye Mi rubbed his
still very exhausted eyes,
and the figure before him
eventually gradually became
He opened his mouth and
just as he hesitated and
wanted to say something,
and saw that when the girl
in front of him heard the
annoucement, she as if she
was facing a great enemy,
immediately threw a line of
“I’ll get off the train first”
then hurriedly turned around
and left.
Gu Ye Mi looked at her
slender and delicate back,
and couldn’t help but smiled
Take the risk.
In Wushan Night Market,
the lanterns at the beginning,
a tide of people.
The pedestrians all around
were all in high spirits, Gu
Ye Mi was in the rare
relaxed mood, one hand was
inserted in the pocket of his
pants, and he walked freely
and aimlessly among the
Ahead of him stood a
temporary stage, on stage at
present the flowing sleeves
of a vivavious young female
whirled around, taking
miniature lotus steps, her
mouth mournfully and
sorrowfully singing the song
《The Peony Pavilion》.
Did Du Liniang look for a
Gu Ye Mi glanced at it
several times, not very
minding he turned around,
as he was just about to leave,
yet he saw on the
southernmost side of the
stage, a meek girl with a
coloured lantern in her hand
just stood there quietly not
moving, with a focused
expression, her eyes…
somewhat sad and dejected.
Gu Ye Mi gazed at her
quietly, she was in his line
of sight which excluded
every other thing,
everything vaguely became
a black and white image.
The odds of one in ten
Apparently, God indeed
treated him a little too well.
On Friday, Gu Ye Mi
finished the last operation,
returned home and without
even having the time to take
off his coat, he turned on his
computer right away and
logged into YY.
Today was his first YY
interview after he
announced his comeback, he
didn’t want his fans to wait
too long.
In his earphones, the lively
and sweet voice of the host
Purple Ceramic Glaze
incessantly asked questions
continuously, and he
patiently answered them one
by one.
Everything went very
smoothly, until–
He heard her voice once
Supple, soft, it brought a
trace of excitement that
could not be concealed.
The first time he heard her
voice through the
headphones, the Gu Ye Mi
by the computer had his
propriety all in disorder for
the very first time, he
paused for more than ten
seconds, before finally
controlling his excessively
rapid heartbeat.
It seemed that his old friend
had arrive.
Ten miles of Qinhuai, a
turbulent tide of people,
thousands of lanterns
simultaneously shimmered.
The girl laid on his back,
she intermittently said
something or rather, her
voice faintly somewhat
choked with emotion.
He suddenly felt a little
“Momo… I like you, did
you know?”
Her sleeping face was
awfully calm, her cheeks
were dyed a slightly reddish
colour by the alcohol, yet
her unobtrusive fair hand
firmly grabbed his sleeve
and refused to let go.
The demons and gods were
at work, he spoke just like
As soon as his words fell,
even he himself was taken
aback, and he glanced once
again, at the girl who was
still fast asleep on the bed.
She should… not have
heard it I presume.
So unexpected, it
probably… would have
frightened her.
Thinking of the kind of
panic-stricken expression
she probably would reveal,
Gu Ye Mi pursed his lips,
and revealed a somewhat
distinct and aloof smile.
As her breathing gradually
became even, Gu Ye Mi
cautiously and solemnly
extended her fingers, and
put them under the quilt,
then attentively folded the
He sat like that, and quietly
watched her, as though time
was just fixed at this
moment, even the world was
also noiselessly quiet.
Didn’t know how long he
watched her in this way,
until outside the door
footsteps sounded from afar,
he knew, he ought to leave.
“If it’s possible… I really
hope, I can, in this way,
watch you wake up every
Whose voice echoed lowly,
with a hint of what seemed
unlike a sigh, the silence
hidden in the potent night.
Gu Ye Mi leisurely leant
against the railing, with one
hand propping his chin, he
absent-mindedly lifted his
head and gazed at the vast
sky full of stars.
Tonight was very profound,
and also very beautiful.
Didn’t know… if she has
woken up now.
The evening wind was still
equally peaceful, didn’t
know what happened in the
surroundings, suddenly even
the circulated atmosphere
became tender. It was
awfully like… the
expression she showed
every time she looked at
An idea appeared, almost in
that split second, he turned
around, and sure enough…
with a glance he saw her
standing at the entrance of
the balcony, her arms held
his coat, and a pair of misty
eyes that carried a little
embarrassment and at a
complete loss looked back
at him.
A glance, pierced through
10,000 years.
He laughed, his voice
unable to restrained his
emotions and contagiously a
bit tender: “Come here.”
“What’s the matter…” Her
face blushed a little, while
she asked, she clasped
tightly to his jacket, step by
step, practically without the
least bit of hesitation she
just walked in from the
balcony’s entrance.
The first step, second step,
third step…
All the way to him.
“Nothing’s the matter.” The
girl in front of him was as
gentle and beautiful as ever,
he couldn’t help but leaned
down and encircled her into
his arms. The temperature
from each other’s bodies
mutually absorbed and
gradually influenced bit by
bit, his breathe could not
helped become somewhat
He felt the person in his
arms who somewhat not
wishing to be apart extended
her hand and embraced his
waist, he finally showed a
satisfied until it’s so
precious smile.
Nothing’s the matter,
simply… suddenly really
want to kiss you.
The night was awash with
tenderness, a vast sky full of
gliterring stars, their
shadows intertwined, words
lingered on, equally
extremely touching.
The night’s spring breeze,
the heart as if a mulberry
leaf, and also… the season
of flowers blossoming.
“Actually I’ve always
wanted to ask you, what’s
the reason for your
comeback this time? When I
was chatting with Qingmo
and the rest before, we all
felt that, if according to your
character, it was very
possible that from now on
you wouldn’t have
“Oh… it’s probably because,
I wanted to be seen by
someone. When I stand tall,
only then would she see.”

“Mi Da, when I was at
Flower Burial -sama’s song
party, you said before, that
you came back only because
you wanted to stand a bit
taller, to then be seen by that
person. Did you know that
this matter has now become
a part of our secret worry…
seeking for Mi Da to
decipher, that person you’re
referring to, ultimately who
is she?”
“I can’t say yet, but… I
believe that person have
already seen me.”

“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, I just feel…. it
seems like, I really really
like you.”

All encounters in the world,
would all meet again after a
long period of separation.

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