المعاصر - ماث - 1 ث - ترم 2 - ذاكرولي

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N il M'^
: -5-
By a group of supervisors



The Moin Book


a 2024

lnteractive E-learning
Algebra and Trigonometry

z Matrices.

: -'
z Linear programming.

z Trigonometry.

Second Analytic Geometry

z Vectors.

z Straight line.


qffi'- ffi

First Algebra
and Trigonometry

21 Matrices.

22 Linear programming.

z Trigonometry.
Unlt One



W 7

Unit Lessons

31 Organizing data in matrices.

2 Adding and subtracting matrices.

3 Multiplying matrices.


J 5 Multiplicative inverse of a matrix.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to :

. Recognize the concept of the matrix and its . Use matrices in other domains.
order. . Recognize the determinant of a matrix of
. Model some real life problems using the matrices order2x2and3x3
. Recognize some special matrices. . Find the value of the determinant ol order 2 x 2
. Recognize the equality of two matrices. and3x3
. Find the transpose of a matrix. . Find the surface area of the triangle using the
. Multiply a real number by a matrix. determinants.
. Recognize the concept of symmetric matrix . Solve a system of linear equations using
and skew symmetric matrix. Cramar's rule.
. Carry out the operations of addition . Find the inverse of the square matrix of
subtraction and multiplication on matrices. order 2 x2
. Recognize the properties of addition and . Solve two simultaneous equations using the
multiplication of the matrices. inverse of a matrix.

Brief History
. The British scientist J.J. Sylvester was the first to use the expression "matrix"
. The British scientist Cayley was the first to use the matrices, and he is a
mathematical scientist and has a lot of searches especially in algebra which
included the theorem of matrix. J.J. Sylvester
(1814 - 1897)
. Matrix is commonly used in modern times, and it includes many
branches of science and knowledger w€ LIS€ it in statistics and
economics, sociology, psychology and so on. Further more,
matrices have an important role in mathematics especially in
Arthur Cayley
the branch of linear algebra.
(1821 - 189s)

trJ U t'r+ I

o [=l
data in

lllustnated enawple
. Apizzena sells four kinds of pizzas : (Vegetarian - Chicken -
Beef - Cheese) and serves for each kind three different sizes
: (small - medium - large)
o To remember these data and compare between them easily :
the shop owner arranged the average of the number of sold
pieces daily in the following table :

Medium Large
13 9
gl chicken [--G- 18

Beef f -13 10 8
I ch.ur. f ls 20 t7

o Each number irt this table has a certain meaning r for example r the number 10 refers
to the number of sold pieces of beef with medium size and the number 12 refers to the
number of sold pieces of chicken with large size and so on.

o For we know that the numbers of the first row refer to the average of sold pieces of
vegetarian daily with the sizes : (small - medium - large) respectively : similarly r
the numbers of the second row for chicken r the numbers of the third row for beef and the
numbers of the fourth row for cheese respectively : then we don't need the previous table :
and we are satisfied to write the data in a simple form by writing only the contained

> Lesson One

numbers in the table in the same order inside two large parentfreses as (
\ )
13 9\
Then we write the daily averages for the sales of the ,n", jj 18 12\
= I 10 8l
\rs 20 ul
. This form is called a matrix and the numbers contained inside the two parentheses are
called the elements of the matrix.
o This matrix is formed from four rows
and three columns as in the opposite
I column z column
^nd J COlUmn

figure : So wo say that it is a matrix I I


15 t3 9 .- 1st row
of order 4 x 3 or simply " a 4 x 3 matrix"
t6 18 t2 .-2nd row
and we notice that we mention the
13 10 8 .-3td row
number of rows firstly : then the
number of columns.
18 20 I] .-4th row

The owner of the shop can organize his previous data in another table as the following table :

Vegetarian Chicken Beef Cheese

Small 15 I6 13 18
a Medium r3 18 10 20
Large 9 t2 8 tl
Similarly r we don't need the previous table and we are satisfied with writing the numbers
inside a matrix : then the daily averages for the sales of the

.tl Its 16 13 18\

shop = 13 18 l0 ZO and it is a matrix of order 3 x 4
| I
\e D 8 nl

\ f /\,t/61;l: \ (a, - crlJ crpL-,) ,El-?@Jl


From the previous , we can define the matrix as follows :

o The matrix is an arrangement of a number of elements (variables or numbers) in

rows and columns enclosed by two parentheses as ( ) r such that the position of each
element in the matrix has a meaning.
o If the number of rows is m and the number of columns is n : then the form of the
o The number of the elements of the matrix = number of rows x number of columns
Expressing an element inside a matrix
o Capitallettersareusedtonamethematrixortosymbolizeitas:A rB ,C rX rY r...
rbutsmalllettersareusedtonametheelementsof thematrix&s I o:b rc r X t! t...
o If we want to express an element inside the matrix A that lies in the ith row and the jth
column r then we can express it by the form : a,

Fon eaqlrrple :
The element ar, lies in the 2nd row and the 3td column (it is read as : a two three)
The element a, lies in the 3td row and the 2'd column (it is read as : a three two)

l-z o
r),'=(-1 s\rrac=lI -lt -3 G
\r 6 8/ \z +

I Write the order of each of A r B and C

2 Write the following elements'. d22 ;b21 t dzt ,btz , c3z , c23

1 lisamatrixof order 2x3 tB isamatrixof order2x2andCis amatrixof order3 x 3

2 arr=6 t b21=-l t ,.23=-4 t bp=5 ' t c21=-2
I s -2\
Ifthematrixx=l 4 ll
\-' ol
1 Wtte the order of the matrix X. 2 Write the following elements
> Lesson One

If A is a matrix of order m x n , then we can express it by the form :

A = (a1) where :

i= 1 r2 t3 t... rlrl and j= 1 ,2;3 t... tn

In our study rthe cases in which 1 < m< 3 and 1 < n < 3 will be sufficient.

Write the matrix (a,r) of order 3 x 2 where a,, - 2i - j

'.' The matrix of order 3 x 2

...A =l uzzl
\ u,, utz I
a,=2x 1-1 = 1 ) d72=2xI-2=0 , a2t=2x2-l=3 t

az2=2x2-2=2 s a3t=2 x3-1=5 ,232=2x3-2=4 ,",,=(i ')

Some special matrices

It is a matrix that consists of one row and any number of columns.

Yov ena;lrrple :

l= (z 3 - 1) is a row matrix of order 1 x 3

It is a matrix that consists of one column and any number of rows.

Yov enqltpte:

x =( column matrix of order 2 x

),. "

It is a matrix in which the number of rows = the number of columns.

?ov exarllple:
o=( E t oforder2x2
\ -z 6l)rrusquarematrix

It is a matrix whose all elements are zeroes. We denote it by O.r, and can be of any order.

Yov exanple r

o2x2=/ o o\,ruzeromatrix oforderzx2

\O 0l
lo \
,Orr, =l 0 f itur..omatrixoforder3 xI
The diogonol motrix
It is a square matrix in which all elements are zeroes except the elements of its main
diagonal r then at least one of them is not equal to zero. (Where the main diagonal that
contains the elements a, r a22 t 033 t ...)

Yov enqrrple:
lt o o\
Y=l 0 -2 0 lisadiagonalmatrixoforder3 x3
\o o sl
,R =/ 2 o i, a diagonal matrix of
\ order 2 x2
\o ol
The unil mqtrix

It is a diagonal matrix in which each element on the main diagonal is the number 1
and it is denoted by I

o \ t, a unit matrix of
Yov exqrrrpte t ,=( order 2 x 2
; 1l
t=l o
0 0 \.
1 0 is a unit matrix
| of order 3 x 3
\o 0 tl
> Lesson One

The equality of two matrices

The two matrices A and B are said to be equal if and only if r they have the same order
and their corresponding elements are equal.
t.e. L aij = bij for each i and j

Yov enannr" ,(] : _i)=(+ : _?)

wnte( 2 the corresponding elements are different.
\_c : )- ( - 3 )o""urr"

urOro/1 1 I\ /t
\r r r/*\ , tt' \ b".uur" thev don't have rhe same order.

Findthevarueoreach orxsvand ,*('^ I 3 )=(-i ,f_, ".;)

'.' The two matrices are equal. .'. z=-l
;X+5=2 .'. X=-3 t2y -3 =7
rch of Xand y it (x3
\3 ,r'-r)= ( : )

Multiplying a real number by a matrix

If Ais matrix of order m x n : then the product of any real numberkby the matrixA
is the matrix C = kAof the same order m x fl : ond each element of the elements of
the matrix C equals the corresponding element to it in the matrix A multiplied by the
real number k
.;-- l
i.e.f_.rr=Oaij, wherei= 1r2 >... tmandj=1 ,2 t...ttr

TEl- Multiplying a real number by a matrix means multiptying each element of the
elements of the matrix by that real number, and does not change the order of
the matrix.
Yov enanple:

,ro=/u -2 3\,,h"r,
\z 4 ol
.2A=llorz -2x2 3x2 \l-lltz
-- -+ . -3A=/-ta 6
\2x2 4x2 0x2l \4 8 :) \ -e -n J)
From the previouS r we deduce that it is possible to take a common factor among all
the elements of the matrix.

Flov enqmrt..,(a
8 6\=r(2 4
o -r4l \l o )

rr/ -20\
then find the value ot z'nfxY
\ -s \ + ::r),

../ lo -20\_/ ro -tox\ :.-20=-10X

\-s rol-\-a +v)
3- 3r-
t16=4y :.y=4 :.^lxy -\8=2
1 rra=( 3A,-A :-5A
_? r-),thenfind:
124 -8\ I 6 2v\
Z rcln o l=+l- r* o l,thenfind:xy
\,2 -+l \ r -rl

In any matrix A of order m x n : if we replace the rows by columns or the columns

by rows in the same order r then we will get a matrix of order n x m that is called the
transpose of the matrix A and we denote it by At

l-L If A = (a,,), then 4t = (a.;i)

> Lesson One

Yov enenple :
. rrA= (
2 s o\. amatrix of order2 x
--1 5 6 /is

-t \
s lir u matrix of order 3 x2t (ot )' _l
z 3 o\
, then At
ol s al
.If B = :4, s a matrix of order 3 x I (column matrix)

: then B =(e -2 +) ir amatrixoforder I x 3 (rowmatrix) r(", )' =(t;


rtl=/cot3o' sec3o'\ , B=/ ^[, ] rt ,andA=Bt

\csc 30' sin 30" / \ .[t x )
: then find the value of each of z X ; y

, B'=l 1t, 6r) ,'.'A=Bt

^=(f r) \ Iv 2'.
.'.'[1 x=1 2
3 'Iv=z
x+2 -5 =
(_i I I,.,* 1,,6 ,{
6 J )

Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices

If A is a square matrix r then :

.Ais called a symmetric matrix if and only if A=At

.Ais called a skew symmetric matrix if and only if A= -At
For eaawtple

.IfA=l-t -1 -3 \ /2 -1 -3\
4 o l,thenat=[-t 4 o
\-: o s I \-r o s I

l"e.l-A is a symmetric matrix because A = At

/o -+ -4 \
.rr"=l , 0 zl
\4 -2 ol
o \
/? + 4 -+ -4
r then Bt =(
-+ -zl='ri 02
-4 2 o I \+ -20
B is a skew symmetric matrix because B = - Bt


'If A is a symmetric matrix , we notice that its elements are symmeffic about the main
diagonal : then a1i = ai; "
/ \. \
as in the opposite figure : where
@ a\r

d2t=ztz=d ra31 =&r3= a sa32=d23=t \O '.?)Vrhemaindiagonal

. Any diagonal matrix is a symmetric matrix.
. The unit matrix is a symmetric matrix. (It = |
. The elements of the main diagonal in the skew symmetric matrix have the numeral zero


where azt=-a12=-d , z3t=-o13=-e ) azz=-dzz=-f

2x 8
t rro=1 :o _J 6 is a symmetric matrix r then find the values of : X sy
\ **ry 6 4

> Lesson One

/ o -6"3x 7\
2 mn =f z+ 3 -2, lis askew symmetric matrix
\:y-x 6 ol
: then find the values of : X )y ,z

'.' Ais a symmetric matrix

:.2X=-4 . v-

t X+2y=8 :.-2+2y-8
'.' B is a skew symmetric matrix
:.2+3=-3X (1) ,3y-X=-7 (2)

,-22= -6 ,'.z=3
Substituting in (1) : .'. 3 + 3 = . v-_)
-3 X
Substituting in (2) : :. 3y+2= -7 "'Y=-3
Complete the following :

l rra=/\_zx
s s l, u svmmetric matrix find the value of : x

lo -8 5\
2 rrs =l +* o rz Ii, a skew symmetric matrix : find the values of : X ty
\_, y-x o/

. Chernistry . Physics
.Biotogy .HelloEnglish
.French .Mathernatices

f l/\.>/rgjl: \ (Cl -.:,tiJ.:,pt-;) lal*6Jl


Adding and

Firsf \ Adding motrices

If A and B are two matrices of the same order : then the addition operation is possible
and the result of addition is a matrix of the same order and each of its elements is the
sum of the two corresponding elements in A and B

Yov enalrrple :

rra=(2 )",0r=(; 1),,n",A+B=(31) ;:'r)=(: ?)

Find each of the following if it is possible : 1 2A + Ct 2 e+c


-z\ tz o -r\'
\+ l/.\' 4 u)
-+\ t z r\ t+ -r\
\s':,l.l-? t)=\: it)
2 It ls impossible to add B and C r because they don't have the same order r since B is of
order 3 x 2 andC is of order 2 x 3

> Lesson Two

3 \ lo
(-: tr)*^' = (? -i \, check that : (A+ B)t =At + Bt
\o ;)-(? -i)= (,3
\7 : l:) (1)

N=(2 -1 2 +\
\Es ')' "'=(: -3 -* /
x'+g'=(2 -1 6\*/0 z 4\=12 I (2)
\: 5 7l \+ -3 -s/ \z 2 t?)
From (1) and (2) : we deduce that : (A +B)t=At+Bt

'OIVE a\
u=(l, -
"o=(; ;), *J
rthenfind: * (o. *)

Find the values of a s b and c that satisfy the equation :

i)=,(_l :).("i, 'l

t:).( .r- (murtiprying a real number by a marrix)

( I :' : )=('_; . i r' )

( l: ';)= ('::i o;'u)

and from the property of equality of two matrices :

.'. 3 a=2 a+ 4 .'. a= 4

:3b=b+16 .'.b=8
t3c=c+l . ^_ I
,rrl u b\=z(a+t 3\*/2 4+b\
\c -zl \-r zl \c+3 -10/
r then find the value of each of : a r b and c

Let A, B and C be three matrices of the order m x n and O is a zero matrix of

the same order : then the following properties will be satisfied :

fl Closure property : A + B is a matrix of the same order m x n

pl Commutolive properiy : A+B=B+A

Yov exqlrrple :

(i ?)
.(_" _1)= (_ l _1).(_i 3)=(_1 )
fl Associolive property : (A+B)+C=A+(B+C)

Yot enaltple :

rra=(l : :)
,u=(-1 I ;)
una c =11

,rhen(A+B)..=[( | -2 :\ l-z
4 r -ui*\ l t;)l .(: J
7 ,: )

=(,, ' ;i - ,1). (:

-s\ = (?,

:A+(B..,=(1 : -s\
: _:).lf :

8 _;).(: , ,u) l

=(i : _l).( ,1
15 ;)=(,; ,3 )
> Lesson Two

Q tne exislence of the oddilive identily :

Zero maffix O is the additive identity "neutral"

i.e.l A+O=o+A=A
Yov exqltple:
(? ;).(33)=(i
B fne existence of lhe odditive inverse :
A+(-A)=(-A)+A=O where (- A) is the additive inverse of the matrix A

Yot enqltple:
tro=( a zI o\ einverseofAis-A t-+ -1 t)
\-: S/'thentheadditiveinverseofAis-o=( ; -; -;
(i ::).(-i -;-:)=(: :3)=o,..
Second \ suotrocting motrices

If A and B are two matrices of the same order m x n r then the remainder of subtracting
(A - B) is the matrix C of the order m x n that is defined as follows :
C = A- B =A + (- B) where (- B) is the additive inverse of the matrix B

Yov enqltple:

-41 '=(i ; )

rthena-n =/5
\3 :) (: ;)=(: :^).11 ;)=(-; -i)
We can carry out the subtraction operation directly by subtracting the corresponding elements
of the two matrices.

Yot exqlrple :
I z 4 s\ l-z -z 6 6
\-, r oi-\ o -1 8 )=(_; 2 _t)
oo=l-1 1\ ,r=l-', -3\*or=l -l -i\
\o ol \r -zl \s -zl
, find the value of :4 A-28 *+C

4A-2r*i"=o( -1
\o l'li i).+( ? -;

l: il.| 2
,i).li _i) l_i ;?)
rrA=/-3 z\ , n=(2 o\r,0.=('
\o -zl \o sl \z )
r then find the value of z 2A + 3 C -28
Subtracting matrices operation is not commutative and not associative.

t-t | 4\ / t 2 :\
tfA=l z s oland s=l-2 4 ol
\ : i 2/ \ o -r -tl
r find the matrix X such thaf : 3 X + 2B = A

'.' 3 X + 2B = A (Add the additive inverse of the matrix (2 B) to both sides)

.'. 3 X + 2B + (-28) =A + (-28)

.'. 3 x - A- z n (vrrttlply rhe two sides O,
> Lesson Two

1 t\_,1_:
7 2/ \0 i i)]
-3 -2\ l-r
l-z -r -?\
. ,=+( -3 ol=l 2 -l ol
\? ;/ 6
; \, , +/
rf A=( 2 3 -2\ and B=( 0 -l 3\
\-r 4 sl \s z -o)
r find the matrix X that satisfies z ZfX' - O] = , t

': zlx'-a] =: n
.'.2xt -z A= 3 B (Add the matrix 2 Ato both sides)
.'.zxt-2A+2A=38+Z A
.'.2x1=38 +2A=:/o
2 ;)
,li '^-;)=( ,i ,:^ )
...x'=!(4 t\= J

2\t: t4' -zl (; ,7 Tlgare

the transpose of both sides)
l3 i
ln : s\, zl
... (x')'=[; ,, ,rl ... x =l
t" ,r) 2
\2 t 'l l.s

If X+TXt =l( '
'o) , fl,.r, find the matrix X

'.'X+2Xt (
(1) (Take the transpose of both sides) Notlae that o*
l\ . (A+ B)t =At + Bt

.'. (X+2X:t)' =(
9 .'r^)' ' (At)t = A


.'. Xt+ 2x=(9 ''\ (2)
\t+ 6l
Multiply (2)by -2:
:. -2 X'-
. 4x = /-rs -26 \ (3)
\- zs
Add (1) and (3) :

_1 +\
.'.-3x=l/-e -12\ . v-
(_ ?, _? )= (;
\-ts -6 I
J ,)

'OIVE 1t -z\
ffA=(2 4\ , u=(1
'.^-\_2 ol +),thenfindthematrixXwhere:
3 L- 28 = 2X - 3 I where I is of the order 2 x 2

You can use the scientific calculator to add and subtract the matrices r and we will show
that at the end of the unit.

Notice that 1
For any square matrix A:
o=*(A+At) * f ta-e')
Symmetric Skewsymmetric
-- matrix matrix



lntnodrretory exawrple
If the matrix A expresses the results of 20 matches for Al-Ahly team and Zamalek team in
general league of football where :

,, Win Drawn Loss _____Al_Ahly

A=l t2 6 ,\
\r, 4 s/*zamatek
and the matrix B expresses the number of points that the team gains in the cases of win r
drawn and loss where :

lt \*win
B=l t l*Drawn
\ o /*Lo*
: then the sum of points that Al-Ahly gained = 12 x3 + 6 x 1. + 2 x 0 = 42points
r the sum of points thatZamalek gained = 11 x 3 + 4 x L + 5 x 0 = 37 points and we

can express the sum of points that each team gained by the matrix a =( !'\
\zt I
We notice that : 42 is the sum of products of the elements of first row in the matrix A by
the elements of the column in the matrix B ;37 is the sum of products of the elements of
second row in the matrix A by the elements of the column in the matrix B
. The matrix C is the product of multiplying the matrixA x the matrix B

lEl \{c=AB=(r2 6 z\l 3 \ tpx3+6x l+2x0\ I

\tt 4
'/\ li /=\,,x3+4x t+5xoi=11 :1)
L I /\c>/6,,r;l; \ (gr - ol-J.:t=;Lr) ,ale,rgJl

Multiplying matrices

If Ais amatrixof theorderm xl. rBis amatrixof theorderr x n ,then:

. Their product C = AB will be possible if and only
if /=r
l.e. L The number of columns of the matrix A = the number of rows of the matrix B
. The matrix C = AB will be of the order m x n

A B. (AB)
mxil Equal ri* mxn

. Each element c,, in the matrix C = AB equals the sum of products of elements of itr row in
the matrix Aby the elements of jft column in the matrix B , one by one corresponding to it.

To explain the concept of multiplying matrices :

Yov er,qltple:
rf A=l ,;i

\";i ^;;I ^;;l , n =/brr

\, thenAis
br, )
a matrix of order 3 x 2 and B is

a matrix of order 2 x 2 Since : the number of columns of matrix A = the number of rows
of matrix B =2 r then:
A-3, .. . B
i2'.""'ii;fi ;1"........ 2i,
^ -,---------------;

i.e. 1,. The multiplying operation of the matrix A by the matrix B is possible and produces
a matrix AB of order 3 x 2 and can be obtained as follow :

. Multiply each element from the first row in the matrix A by the corresponding element
in the first column in the matrix B and adding up their products to get the element in (the
first row and first column) in the matrix (AB) as follow :

alr uttbtt + arrbn

a3r ii) i;;)=(
Then multiply each element from the first row in the matrix A by the corresponding
element in the second column in the matrix B and adding up their products to get the
> Lesson Three

element in (the first row and the second column) in the matrix (AB) as follow :

l?,, urz\/u,, o,r)=/...


xl ii:)\'"
and so on
0,, /=
\: :
till we get all elements of the matrix AB as
follow :

/ att t atzbzt att btz * atzbzz \

bt t
ul b, t + u2zbzt uztbtz* uzzbzz I
^'=(xii :ii)G:', brr l \ u, b,, + arrb^ uttbrz+ arrbr2 I

Notice that a
The multiplying operation of matrix B by matrix A is not possible.
j- BA is not possible because the number of columns of matrix B * the number of
rows of matrix A

Find AB if possible in each of the following :

1A=l: lz r\ ,u=(-;
\o -rl

2 e,=l
Ir ,
B =l
It a
J s

\r o \-r *L a Z ;)

sa=(z -1 :) , r=( ,,\


1 '.'ais amatrixof order 3 x2andB is amatrix of order2x2

.'. The number of columns of matrix A = the number of rows of matrix B

.'. AB is possible and of order 3 x 2

lz l\r-, r\ lt'lt-l)+(l)(0)
AB= a
\. ;l\i -,/=ll;ll- llIl;,'ll'' Il;lIl;,'1-';')

=(_i ;\
\o _ tzl



= 1
2 '.' Ais a matrix of order 2 x 3 andB is a matrix of order 2 x 3
.'. The number of columns of matrix A + the number of rows of matrix B
.'. AB is not possible.

'.' Ais amatrix of order 1 x 3 andB is amatrix of order 3 x 1

.'. The number of columns of matrix A = the number of rows of matrix B = 3

.'. AB is possible and of order Ix 1

...an=(z -1 r,( f (-z)+(-r)(r)+(3)(4))=(r)


Ir 2
J \landB=l/1 s
1 ;)
\1 o _L

/ \-, 2

r find : ABt if possible.

Ir z 3\ Ir -1\
=[1 2x3, Bt=|5 Zlc/_order3x2
o -r)ororder \s -41
The number of columns of matrix A = the number of rows of matrix Bt

ABt is possible and of order 2 x 2

I: r)(i i)=r:, ;)
'OLVE 0\
,o=(' )*.r=(
4 I I , then find if possible : AB r ABt
-? 2 tl

> Lesson Three

Properties of multiplying matrices

If A : B and C are three matrices : I is the identity matrixr then the following properties
are satisfied.

ll Associqlive property :

(AB)C = A(BC) where multiplying operations are possible.

Yov exalerple :

oo=(_"^) ,r=() ; -1)*..=(_i)

)() ; -i)=(: i :^)

ran,c=(0 i :)Li)=(;)

'u'=( ;; i)(-'l )=( 1)

.'. (AB)C = A(BC)

pl ffre exisience of multiplicolive neulrol (identity) property :

The identity matrix I is the multiplicative neutral matrix.

l;t- AI=IA=A where A is a square matrix of the same order of I

Yov exaltple:

(1;)(; ?)=(; ?)( ? ;)=(_? ;)

fl oistriuuting multiplicotion of motrices on oddirion property :

where multiplying and adding operations are possible.

Yav enanple :

rre=(_1 ;),u=(_1 -l)-.r=(-', :)

rthenn+c=/ 3 -5\ l-21
6\ l1 t\
o ,)
\-; ,/-lr -,/=1,
-l) 3)(; l)=(-i (1)

,AB.o.=(_1 3)(i ;).(_i ;)(?:)

=(-; ,: ).(-: -,: )=(-l -l ) Q)

.'. From (1) and (2) twe deduce that : A (B + C) = AB + AC

mn and B are two matrices whose multiplying operation is possible in any form
I i...AB is possible and BA is possible too r then it is not necessary that : AB = BA
that means that : the multiplying operation is not commutative.
I!__, __

Yov eaqttple:
a -3\ ,s=(
l)*..=( ;' :,)
,to=( -2
\z -tl \ s

r then :

Notice that
^B=(4 _i X ; :)=(-1 :i) \
It is possible to multiply
-3 any two square matrices
''o=( L)C -i )= ( ,: -,; ) of the same order.


2 AC=(; _i ; _i)=(_l 2)
'to=(; _i )=(-: : )
%.'LAC = cA
> Lesson Three

rre=/ 3 ',\,r,r,o:42,A3
\-1 t I

i i)
A2 =AxA=(_ 1 ?)(i ?)=(
If A is not
a square matrix

ii :;)
:A 3 =A2rA=( : then A2 is not possible.
-4 ?X i ?)= (_

rre=/-1 r\ ttren proye

\o | ), that : A2 -zA- 3 12 = o


A2 -2A- 312 = (;3)(;:)-,1;3)-,(; ?) .12 =I


(; ;)ft:) (; :)=(3 3)=o

. In = I for every

rcl =l 2 -1 \ ttren prove that : A2 - 5A+ 2 I = O
\-+ 3 )'
Critical thinking
O ff e and B are two matrices :AB = O
Does it mean thatA = O or B = O always ?

,&lrslve:r' : No
Explanation of the answer :

LetA =(-) _i)*r =(? | ) ,,n"n

AB=f; :)G 0\
;)=(3 o)
i.". L IfAB = O r itis not always that : A= O orB = O
BIf eis
a square
matrix andA2 = I. Does thatmean for sureA= I ?

r.,n=(1 _?),,h.nA'=(l ?Xl _?)=(; ?)=,

l.el If A2 =I so it is not necessary that A = I

fl If n and B are two matrices and A x B = A. Does that mean for sure B = I ?

Answer: No.
r",a=(r _'r),"=(? _'r),thenA."=(l
-l),(? -'r)=(: -;)=^
IfA x B = A so it is not necessary that B = I

If A and B are two matrices and AB is possible : then (AB)t = Bt At

Generally :
(ABC E)t = Et Ct Bt At where multiplying operations are possible.

:) ""r" =(-;
J 5
j that : (AB)'= BtAt

I 't
'.'AB=l ' -1

s :)li 3)=( ;; 1)
...(AB)' =li; I) (1)

u -3
, ...Bt =(
\1 e _:),"=(-i;)
.'. n'e'= ( ', ;3)( i ;) (i; r; ) (2)

From (1) and (2) : .'. (AB)t = BtAt

> Lesson Three

l) ,,=(-3 i:)*. c=l-s -g\21,
\s +l
find the matrix X that satisfies the relation : 15 xt = A2 + (BC)t

...*=( 2 -l)= (_," ,l)

\-3 l)( 3
t_,t J

-7 :)( ; i)=l; i: )
.'. tsxt=/ 7 -,1 ( ,: ( ,l i; )

\ -21 ).
I ts
"=( ":)= l)
\' 1

Find the values of a r rbandcif :

(i 1i)( -1
0 -t9 -6 +\
6c zsl
i)=( -24 t2 36 I
We can find a r b and c without carrying out a complete multiplication operationr but we will just :

. multiply the elements of the first row of the first matrix by the elements of the first column
of the second matrix
.'. 1 x -l + ax7 +2x-2=-19 .'. a=-2
o multiPly the elements of the third row of the first matrix by the elements of the first column
of the second matrix.
.'.5 x- 1- 1 x7 +bx-2 =-24 .'. b=6
o multiPly the elements of the second row of the first matrix by the elements of the second
column of the second matrix.
.'. 0 x 0 +2x6+4x3=c .'. c=24

We can use the scientific calculator for multiplying matrices and we will represent it
at the end of the unit.

oI /\ o/ 6;l; \ (6-* - oU cr!-aLr) 1l.ata t l1

-n*T'** *r*T*o
Lesson {'-, - } t'r


' i{l d,ir * i. i;;

,-q-\ A
- ,r*;,t.-,
''! +:i{tls, ''

t'- -J
\* L.*/
iiiii 1.,,,,".
o r*'*-\'\
[]] _

If Ais a square matrix of order 2x2whereX=(u determinantof
\. dl)rrfr.rthe
the matrix A is denoted by the symbol lA I and is called determinant of the second order
and it is the number deflned as follows :

la bl
lAl=l !":,.:..'' l=ad-cb
lc^' '^d I

The value of the determinant of the second order equals the product of the two
elements of the principal diagonal minus the product of the two elements of the
other diagonal.

Find the value of each of the following determinants :

2 5 4-7
J 8 26
sin 0
6 J cos 0

-8 -4 -cos0 sin0

2 5
=2x8 -3 x 5 =16- 15 = 1
J 8

> Lesson Four

26 =4x6-2x(-7)=24+ 14=38

- 6 x (- 4) - (-8) x 3 = -24 + 24 =0
-8 -4
sin 0 t:t
I l= sin 0 x sin 0- (-cos 0) x cos 0 = sin2 0 +cos20= I

Find the value of each of the following determinants :

-1 3
0 -4 -5 -2

Find the value of x which satisfies each of the following equations :

x2*4 1
-0 lx+z 3 l_ ' ,
01 | -z x-21

1 '.' x2-4
=(x2-41xl-0x l=x2-4

x2 -4=o .',X2=4 .'. \,=+\[4=+2

2 '.' X+2
- (X + 2) (X - 2) - (-Z) x 3 = X2 - 4 + 6 = X2 + Z
-2 x-2
X2+2=I :.X2=-l :. x-*{-r
X=ior X=*i (where i2 = -l)


Find the value of X which satisfies the equation :

2x -21i=6
4 1l

The third order determinant

lu,, 4tz atz

If A is a square matrix of order 3 x 3 wher. A = l'r, 422 azz

u,, 4zz a^.

\ .,J

: then the determinant of the matrix A is denoted by the symbol lA I and is called

&tt arz at3

determinant of the third order whgre I A I = azr ezz azl

And before knowing how to expand the third order determinant r we will recognize
the "minor determinant" corresponding to any element of the matrix A r and how to
determine its sign.

For every element of the matrix A there exists a minor determinant which we can get
by elemenating the row and the column intersected at this element.

Yol exq)tp[e ! We can get the minor determinant corresponding to each element of
the flrst row as follows :

To get the minor determinant /6) az--ftr \

corresponding to a, which is ,f l;f tzz urrl
a, a32 urrl
denotedby I I \ "i,
To get the minor determinant
corresponding to
denoted by I a, I
a, which is
(ii Y,i)
To get the minor determinant \z-
corresponding to
denoted by I ar3 I
a* which is + (ii azz
o To determine the sign of the minor determinant of any element of a matrix r we add the
two orders of the row and the column intersected at this element.
If the sum of the two orders is : o even : then the sign is positive.
o odd : then the sign is negative.
> Lesson Four

Yov enaltple: Note that : I ,, o.

- The sign of I ar, I is positive because 1 + 1 = 2 (even)
The sign of the minor
- The sign ofl arrl is negative because 1 + 2 =3 (odd) determinant corresponding
- The sign of I a,, I is positive because 1 + 3 = 4 (even) to the element a, is
o Hence : we c?r write the rule of signs determined by the rule :
+ +
of the minor determinant as in the + (-1)i * j
opposite figure : + +

Exponding the third order determinont

It is possible to expand the third order determinant in terms of the elements of any row
or column and its minor determinants , taking into account the rule of signs.

att a12 at3

Wmr spqr**p&* : If lA | = azl a22 a23 r then :

azt dlz drs

*lAl:arr ztt '" l- arr, I

a2t azz azr azz (Using the elements
a-^ a^^ I
tz 4., a^^
* ar3
)Z JJI JI JJ a32 of the first row)

azr az3 arr at3 al

l at3
*lAl=-zt2 * a22 - azz
(Using the elements
JJ a3t Z-^"
JJ a2r 423 of the second column)

23 -1
Find the value of the determinant :
-20 4
11 _J

Using the elements of the first row : we find that

2 3 -1 04 -24 _L 1 0
-2 0 4 _a
1 -3 -3 t-3 + (-1)
1 1 -3 1 1

-) (o x (-3)- I x 4)-3 (-2x (-3)- t x4) -(-2x1-1x0)

-) (o-4)-3(6-4)-(-2-o)
-') x(-4) -3 x 2+2=-12

It is possible to expand the determinant using any row or column as mentioned before r
and we will expand it again using the elements of the second column taking into account
the rule of signs.

l2 3-ll t-z 4t tz tz -t
l_z 0 +l=-3-t1 I -l+ol. -1tl-ll
l-i ; _;l -3t 11 -3t t-2 4
= -t (-zx (-3) - I x +) + o - (, " 4 - (-z)" (-r))
-- 3 (6 - 4)- (8 - 2) = -3 x 2 - 6 = -12
Which is the same result we get before (try to use any other row or column)

Find the value of the determinant :

14 -rS 3
l0 -
lo -3 -l

It is preferable to expand this deterrrinant in terms of the elements of the first column because
of the existence of the greatest number of zeroes
s -21-rl-1
.'. Thevalueof thedeterminant=+l
l-3 -rl l-3 'l-ol--'
-rl ls :
= a (5 x (- 1) - (- 3) * (-2))-o +o
- 4 (-5 - 6) = 4 x (-11) = -y',y',
'OIVE 0 -5
I The-determinant of the triangular matrix

Itis a matrix in which all its elements above or below the principal diagonal are
zeft)s as :

-i) ,(-t
ffi :),( i i i),( i \ l)
The value of the determinant of the triangular matrix equals the product of the elements
of its principal diagonal.
> Lesson Four

ett atz
dtt etz atz
: a|azz ) 0 zzz az3 : all a22 a33
0 a2z
0 0 a..
all atz
0 4zz
= ttluz2-l x arr= a, uzz-0=attazz
ett atz atz
4zz 4zz atz etz Iu' a13 (Using the
0 azz a23
= &1r
0 a.. -0 0 a^^
azz a23
elements of the
0 0 a-^ JJ 55 I flrst column)

= all (a22aT - a23 x 0) = arr azzasl

t5 0 I 2 0 0l
,thenl .
=10 ,l-t -3 ol=2 x (-3) x7 = -42
I+ 2
- t2 5
Find the value of the determina"t , 0 3 -2
I 006

x0 1

Solve the equation : I t-x -x =0

x -1 l+X

Expanding the determinant :

...x| -x -, l-nlt -x +ll_ ls t-xl

l-1 t+xl lx r+x lx -11
x(fr -x)(r +x)-(-)O x (- 1))-0+ r (r f- 1)-(1 -x)xx) =o
.'. ><

:.x0-x2-x)+l (-8- x+x21=g .'. x-x3 -x2-B-x+x2=o

:.-x3-8=o ...x3=-g
'l -'t-l I

Solvett""q,rrtio,, | : x -rl=o
t" 2xl

IfA is a matrix of order 2 x 2 and'l A I = 7 r find I 3 A I

t"to=(! i) lAl=xl-vz=7 (1)

,3A='(: 'l=G:
... l3Al=l1x'T l= s xl.-eyz-s(xl-yz)
"'l (2)
13, 3t I

from (1) t (2) z.'. I 3 el = 9 x I = 63

from the previous example we can conclude that :

( Pemorts
i., lIfRis amatrix of orderfl X n rK eR r then I fRl = K' lAl
Yov exaltple:
. If A is a matrix of order 2 x 2 andl A I = 3
r then l5 Al= 52 x lA l=25 x3 =75
. If A is a matrix of order 3 x 3 and I A | = 5
r then l2 Al= 23 xl Al = 8 x 5 = 40

[E] If A is a square matrix then lA I = lAt I

E]If Aand B are two square matrices such thatAB exists rthen len l= lAlx lB I

Finding the area of a triangle by using determinants

We can use determinants to find the area of a triangle in terms of the coordinates of its
vertices as follows :

lfXYZis a triangle where X (a r b) r Y (c r d) ; Z (e tf)

r then the area of A^XYZ is lA I

ab1 means the absolute

Where A = 1
cd1 lA I
2 value of A (i.e. only its
efl positive value)

I x-.*rdtr"t"r"f I I

I the triangle vertices l--

> Lesson Four

And we will represent the proof of the previous law at the end of this lesson as an
enrich activity.

Find using determinants the area of the opposite triangle

whoseverticesareX(lt2) I Y(3r-4) t Z(-2;3)

r lr
-i -ia
^= + -23t-4

By using the elements of the third column

tr 3 -4t t | 2t tr
2 3l-l-, ,1.1,
A-rLl -4
=i(r-8)- (3+4)+(-+-e)
2' -10)=-g
.'. The area of A^XyZ= lA I = | - 8 I = 8 square units.

Note that we used the elements of the third row to expand the determinant because it is easily
for performing mathematical operations because of the existence of ones.

In the opposite :
XYZ rs a triangle where X = (4 t -2) tl = (-2 t -2)

,Z = (-2 : 5) find using determinants the area

\ '1. 3\
F ;

t --+ Z
of A^XyZ: and check your answer using the rule .,-..,-1.,

of calculating the triangle area. -IO

,-l \: 4

Y lx
To prove that the three points X (a r b) r Y (c r d) t Z (e r f) are collinear by using

la b 1

determinants :thenwe prove that : c d I 1 -0

le f 1

\ I /\.>/6j\3 I (C, - ol-i.l crpL;) .Fot-*rgJl


Prove using determinants that the points (-2 ,4) : (3 : 0) : (8 r -4) are collinear.

'.'ll-23 4l
o I _l
r3 0

I s -4 I -4 | 8 -4 0

.'. The points (- 2 ,4) : (3 :0) r (8 r - 4) are collinear.
Prove using determinants that the points @ t0 tQ ;l) s(4 s- 5) are collinear.
Solving a system of linear equations by Gramer's rule

First\ Solving o system of lineor equotions in two voriobles

. Solving a system of linear equations in two variables means to find the values of the
two variables satisfying the two equations together.
. If we have a system of linear equations in two variables as follows :
r then to solve this system we do the following :

Find the values of three determinants r after putting the two equations in the
previous form r and these determinants are :

. Is called the determinant of the matrix of coefflcients and denoted by

b the symbol A (is read as delta)
. We get it by putting the two coefficients of X in the two equations in
the first column : and the two coefficients of y in the two equations
in the second column.

. Is called the determinant of the variable X and denoted by the

m b I symbol A, {is read as delta X)
n d I . We get it from the determinant A by changing the elements of the
first column (coefficients of X) by the constants m and n

. Is called the determinant of the variable y and is denoted by the

a m symbol A, {is read as delta y)
c n . We get it from the determinant A by changing the elements of the
second column (coefflcients of y) by the constants m and n
> Lesson Four

2 Find the values of Xand y as follows (where A * 0) :

mb a m
Lx nd md-nb A c n
x- ad-cb
v an-cm
ab a b ad-cb
cd I
l c d

x Note that: If A + 0 : then

the system has aunique solution while if A = 0 : then the system
either has an infinite number of solutions or has no solution.
The following example shows the previous steps.

Solve the system of the following equations using Cramer's rule :

6X-5y=-23 t 3X+3y=l$

A=1., -5JI

IJ " l=6x3-3x(-5)=18+15=33
t-23 - 5 r

^_l t6 3 = -23
x 3 - 16 x (-5) = - 69 + 80 =

t6 -231
'O, =1, tu l=
u x 16- 3 x(-23)=96+69 =165

. ^,-A, _- ll - I
A T_5 You can check your answer by substituting
the values of X and y in the two equations.
\ r6s
'433 =-=)

and the S.S. =

{(* ,t)}
Solve the following two equations using Cramer's rule :

4X+3y=-4 t 3X-y=-3

Second \ Solving o system of lineor equolions in three voriobles

If we have a system of linear equations in three variables as follows :

1 arX+b1 y +clz=m 2 arX+b2y +c2z=fi 3 arX+bry *crz=k

r then similarly as we did in case of system of linear equations in two variables :

lar bl crl
A = | u, b2 cz I = determinant of the coefflcients
lu, b3 .rl
m bl crl
A"= n b2 cz I = determinant of the variable X
k b3 "rl
and we get it by changing the elements of the first column (coefficients of X) by the
Ar= a2nc2 = determinant of the variable y

and we get it by changing the elements of the second column (coefficients of y) by the
lu, br -l
Lr=laz bz n I = determinant of the variable z
b" kl
and we get it by changing the elements of the third column (coefficients of z) by the
constantsfir rfl rk
Lx A
LetA*0 rthenX=
A 'Y=4 "=L
The following example shows the previous steps.

Solve the system of the following equations using Cramer's rule :

3y+2X=z+l t 3X+22=8-5y t 3z-l=X-2y

Put the equations system in the form a X +b y + cz = m as follows :

2X+3y-z=7 ; 3X+5y+22=8 ; X-Zy-32=-l

> Lesson Four

. PinO A , Ax , A, , A, as follows :

l2 a
J -1
A=lE 5 2 =2 (-t5 + 4) - 3 (-9 - 2) + (-t) (-6 - 5)
lr 1 _J a


,o,=l_i 1 (-rs +4)-3 (-24+2) +(-r) (-16+5)

=-11 +66+ll=66
12 -1

8 2 = 2 (-24 + 2) - 1 (-9 - 2) + (-t) (-3 - 8)

It -l -3
12 3 1l
,A,=13 s 8 l=2es+16)-3(-3-8)+1(-6-5)
lr -2 -rl
3 Pind the variables X ;y : z as follows :

,= =fr=t, ,Y=
..-A, =;=-l
-zz sz=
A A 422
... The S.S. = {11 ,_t ,21}
* You can check your answer by substituting the three variables in each equation.
* (3 r -l r 2) is called ordered tnple.

Solve the system of the following equations using Cramer's rule :

2X+y-z=3 t X+y=l-z t X=2y+32+4

You can use the scientific calculator to find the value of the determinant and we will
represent it at the end of the unit.
Scientific calculator can be used to calculate the value of the determinant and we will show
that at the end of the unit.

A melhod to prove the low of finding the oreo of the triongle

using the determinonts

LetXYZ be a triangle where

X(a rb) rY(c:d) tZ(e tf) rthen

The area of A,XYZ= the area of the trapezium X*iZ
+ the area of the trapezitmzzYY

- the area of the trapezium X*iV +€--+l

b+f f+d b+d

=; (e-a) + , (c-e) -; (c-a)

= tlfo+ f) (e - a) + (f + d) (c - e) - (b + d) (c - a)l

=| lo"-/a+ft-tu+ fc - fa * &-de - bc+/a-/c+ da)

= | la"- fa + fc - de - bc + da] (1)

and by expanding the determinant:
t c d I I
using the elements of the third

column r we find that :

, llc d la b a b
Thedeterminant=ill. _l
f l" c d
=i l"r- ed - af + eb + ad- bc] (2)

by comparing the result which we get in (1) and the result which we get rn (2) t we find that :

The area of A,XYZ = !
'2 cd1 (in condition of taking the absolute value of the result)

nverse lnverse


inverse of
a matrix
If A and B are two square matrices and each of them is of order 2 x 2
and AB =BA=I where Iis theunitmatrix of order 2x2 >then each of thetwo
matrices A and B is the multiplicative inverse of the other.

Yov exalrlple:
rfA=(4 -2\
\: -rl,r=l+
\+ )
:thenou=(1 'r)\+ j
)=(; ', )='
--") =(;

\2 )G
1)=, t

.'. Each of the two matrices A and B is the multiplicative inverse of the other.


then A is not the multiplicative inverse of B although AB =(: ? _^)(+ i)

= (; ?)=,
: that is because the matrices A and B are not square matrices.


How to find the multiplicative inverse ol a2x2malrix?

a O
rn" multiplicative inverse of the matrix A which is denoted by
If A = |/
I is
the symbol A- defined (existed) when the determinant of A = A # 0 : then

o\-c -b\
where AA-r=A-rA=I

Find the multiplicative inverse if it existed of each of the following matrices :

lt2 2\
t o=(-1 ') 2 B=l I

\: 0l

1 '.'A= -22
3 -4 =(-2)
(-4)- (3)(2)=2

.'. A*0 .'. The matrix A has a multiplicative inverse

A-1 = -_,,)=(+
+(-_: _i)

2 o=l+
13 il=t+l

.'. B- I is not defined (not existed)


Find the real values of Xwhich make the matrix A has a multiplicative inverse in each of
the following :

1 r=( x t\ 2 A=(";'
\ rz xl *o-r)
> Lesson Five

'r The matrix A has no multiplicative inverse when lR l= O
];L x3
-0 .'.x2-36=o .'. X=+6

.'. The matrix A has no multiplicative inverse when X= + 6

.'. The matrix A has a multiplicative inverse when X CR - {- O , O}

* The matrix A has no multiplicative inverse when lA l= 0

];L x-r
4 l=0
I^ .'. (x-l)(x-2)-12=0
.'. x2 -3x+2-12=o ... x2 -3 x- 1o =o
.'. (X- 5) (X+ 2)=0 .'. \,=5 or X=-2
.'. The matrix A has no multiplicative inverse when X= 5 or X= -Z
.'. The matrix Ahas amultiplicative inverse whenXelR - {S ,-Z}

Find the real values of Xwhich make the matrix , l=l x- | 4

hasamultiplicativeinverse. \ z x+ ,)

rrn=(t ,^),"=(_:, -
, then prove that :

'l (e- 1)- 1=

A 2 (ng;_ 1-B-1A-1
1.: lAl=11 l=rrl(4)-(3) (z)=-2 .'. A*0
12 4l
A- 1 is defined (exisred)

. 11 =tld
-r\_. -b\*r,".",q.=/ u
u /*,,'.o^-\ . :)

A-'=+\-; -,')=(
; +)
V l/\ct/,3.,)l: \ (C, - otJc,pLr).leb.rgJl

'.' lA- I
=(-2) (+)- (]) trl =)*o
(a-')- I is defined (existed)

(e-')-'=+(+ +\= -r(+

-T\-t \-,
j)=(: '^)="
2 '.' o*=/\r' '^)( i ,' )=(-l )

.'. lag l=
-72 =(-7)(2)-(2)(-8)=2+0
-8 2
(AB)- 1 is existed. ...(AB)_ ,= (1)
+(? -7 )=(; _;)
| 2
,l Bl=l -11l- (2)(r)-(-l)(-3)=-1 .'. B- 1 is existed.
l-3 1l
t-2 31
B-'I-+( i
\J :)=(-L )) ,'.'A-1 =(
)(', +)=(^ )

1 1 I
From (1) and (2) tweget that : (AB)- = B- A-

'OIVE (A-' B)-'
Using the two matrices A and B in the previous example , proYe that :

If A is a square matrix of order 2 x 2 where I A I + 0 : C is another matrix and :

n AX=C then a=A-1C

By multiplying the two sides of the equation by A-

*A-1A=I rIX=X
... A-1AX=A-lC ... Ix=A-1C ... [=A-lC *l^-rl
-tA r= 1

@ xa=c then a=CA-l
> Lesson Five

Find the matrix X which satisfies that t(2 ><, =(-

o') I)

;') ,.=(
.'. The equation is AX = C .'.)(=A-1C

, " lAl=l; -;
;)=(: "=( -" '?)rl )= (1 )

Find the matrix X which satisfies that : X x
(; l)=(; T)

Tosolvetwolinearsimultaneousequationsintheform: arX+bry= \razX+bry=czby

using the multiplicative inverse of a matrix r follow the following :

ll Write the two equations in the form of a matrix equation :

E:Lintherorm AX=c
G :l ) (; )= ("; )

ar bl
a = / -*'-- the matrix of coefflcients
\ is catteO
\ az b2 l'-

,x =(' \t, called the matrix of variables and C = l' t' \is calleo the matrix of constants.
\v/ \"r/^"
pl finA the solution of the matrix equation :

AX = C r then X =A- I C and from that we deduce the values of the variables Xand y
Solve each system of the following linear equations using the matrices :

1 zx+3y-7 t x-y=l 2 x=2y-l , 3y=2x

1 The matrix equation is AX = C : where O=(? ? ) ,, = (;),.=(1)

\1 -1 I
'.'l,=lAl= 23 =(2)(-1)-(3)(1)-sr0
I -t
.'. For the matrix A : there is a multiplicative inverse A-

A-- +(-:
'-, \S -';)
11 31

5 t \
(?) )=(?)
X=2 ty = | r and the solution = {12 , t;}

2 X-2y=-l , 2X- 3Y=0

The matrix equation is AX = C : where O = (
\? \!
I _1),"=(; )*u.=(;')
'.'a-lAl= t-2 =(1)(-3)-(-2)(2)= 1+0
+(-i i)=(-; ?)

r'.'X=A-'1c .=(-l ?X;')=(;)

/:\ :. \,=3 ty=2 tandthesolutionset= {(3 ,D|
(; )= (
; )
Solve the 'OLVE
system of the following equations using the matrices :

X+2y-4 t Y=2X+7

> Lesson Five

If the curve of the function f : f (X)= aX2 + b passes through the two points (2 t0) and
(- I , - 3) use the matrices to find the value of the two constants : a and b

'.' The curve of the function / passes through the point (2 ,0)

:. f (2)=O .'. ax (2)2+b=0

:.4a+b=0 (1)

r '.' the curve of the function f passes through the point (- 1 , - 3)

1)=-3 .'. ax (-D2 +b=-3

.'. a+b=-3 (2)

To solve the two equations (1) and (2) twe write the matrix equation AX = C :

l) r X=(;)*."=(_.r)
,...A=t"r=11 4) (1) - (1) (1) = 3

tl r\
A-1=+(_l -1
4 )=(1
3 3',
tl -r\
... x=[5 Tl/ 0 ")
\-1 4/\-:
\ a
./ )=(_l)
( '-)=(;

.'.a=l ; b=-4

We can use the scientific calculator to find the multiplicative inverse of a matrix and we
will represent it at the end of the unit.
Using scientific calculator in matrices
We can use scientific calculator which supports matrices for many operations which related
to matrices like :

. Finding the transpose of the matrix.

. Performance of adding and subtracting operations on the matrices.

. Finding the value of the determinant.

. Finding the multiplicative inverse of the matrix.

and what we let here r will be by using the calculator of the kind (CASIO fx-991ES PLUS)

First Entering of the matrix = (7

^ ;),
. Press successively the following buttons from left to right :

and this for choosing a matrix of order 2

x 2 t then enter the elements of the matrix A by
pressing successively the following buttons , e{ffiiff#q @EEEE
Second Entering of the matrix - = (-o*
. Press successively the following buttons from left to right :

pressing successively the following buftons :

for choosing another matrix of order 2 x 2 t then enter the elements of the matrix B by

Now I we entered the two matrices A and B r and we can do some of the operations on
them as the following :
*CEE eoo E

1 TofindAt rpress
To choose the order Tm
To choose MAI A
(transpose) (matrix A)
successively from left to right :

rrre matrix appear on the screen which represents At
(-/ )*iff
> Activity

2 tofindA+B rproSS *tEE

---r-- E too
---r-- E
successively from left to right : TMATA 1 MAIB

- 15 a
t4I\witt rr-.-
The matrix f appear on the screen which represents A + B
\ +
To find AB r press *eEE Ee@@ E
successively from left to right : -T-T -T- MAIA X MAIB

The matrix /l-56ac - 28)*il appear on the screen which represents AB

\ JL

4 to find the value of the determinant of the matrix A

r presS successively from left to right :
-eg,o eoo t
---r-- ---T---
To choose the order det To choose MAI A
(deteminant) (matrix A)

- 49 will appear on the screen which represents the value of the determinant of
the matrix A

5 to find the multiplicative inverse of the matrix A r press

successively from left to right : To choose MAIA
(matrix A)

1-l o\
The matrix (
o7 , | *iff appear on the screen which represenrs rhe
\zq at
multiplicative inverse of matrix A

6 to find At + B , press *e@@eogoEe@@E


successively from left to right :

rn" -uoi^ (-o1s appear on the screen which represents At + B

,8 )*n

Use the calculator to find each of the following :

Bt rA-B :BA:thedeterminantB ,B-1 , A+Bt, AtB andBAt

Unlt Two
Linear programming

Unit Lessons

s1 Linear inequalities - Solving systems of linear

inequalities g raphically.

B2 Linear programming and optimization.

I Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to :
. Solve first degree inequalities in one . Record the data of a mathematical
variable and represent the solution life problem in a suitable table , and
graphically. transfer these data in the form of linear
. Solve first degree inequalities in two inequalities , then determine the region
of solution graphically.
variables and determine the region of
solution graphically. . Determine the objective function in
. Solve a system of linear inequalities terms of the coordinates and determine
graphically. the points which belong to the solution
set , giving the optimum solution to the
. Solve life problems on systems of linear
objective function.
. Use linear programming to solve life
mathematical problems.

H W-
. Remember the properties of the inequality relation in R :

Assuming that a r b and c are three real numbers r then :

o If a<b rthen a+ csb + c whetherc ispositive ornegative.

o If a < b r then ac < bc if c is positive.
o If a < b r then ac > bc if c is negative.

o You can deduce the previous properties in cases of the other inequality relation signs
<<> r) r(>>

Solving the first degree inequality in one variable graphically

o Each of the inequalities :

3X<5 t 4-X>zX t 3<X<6

is called an inequality of the first degree in one variable.

o Solving the inequality means finding all the elements of the substitution set which satisfy
the inequality.

o The substitution set may be IR or IR x IR

and the following illustrative example shows how to solve the first degree inequality in
the two cases.
> Lesson One

lllustnatlve enanple
Show graphically the S.S. of the inequality : 3 X + 10 > 1

1 If *re substitution set is IR

2 tf the substitution set is IR x IR

3X+10 >1

3X> -9
x> -3

If the substitution set is IR , then the S.S. If the substitution set is IR x JR , then the
is represented on the number line. S.S. is represented on a lattice.


o The S.S. is all the real numbers greater . The S.S. is all the ordered pairs whose
than - 3 X-projection is greater than - 3
o The S.S. is the part of the number line o The S.S. is the region on the right of
on the right of - 3 the straight line X = - 3 (is called half
o The unclosed circle at - 3 means o The straight line X = - 3 is drawn
- 3
does not belong to the S.S. dashed because its points don't belong
to the S.S.

Show graphically the S.S. of the inequality :


'.' 5 x-7 <2 X- l

:.3 X<6 :. X<2

Notioe that 1
Q fne shaded region is on the left of the straight line X = 2 because the inequality
relation is "smaller than".

@ The straight line X = 2 is drawn solid because the inequality contains the symbol of
equallty t.e. L s

Show graphically the S.S. of the inequality z X -l =

4 X+ 5 < X + 17 where X €lR

': X-I<4X+5<X+17 .'.-1<3X+5<ll :.-6<3x<12

.'. -2<X<4 ... The S.S. = l_z , ql
-3-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Find graphicatly the S.S. of the inequality z 2 X - 2

3X - | < X+ 5 where X e IR'

Parting the inequality into two inequalities as the following :

2x-2=3X-l 3 X-l <X+ 5

:.2X-3X<-l+2 .'.3X-X<5+l
:.-x<l :.x>-l :.2 x<6 :. X<3
...TheS.S.=[-t r-1 .'. The S.S. = ]- - , 3[

.'. The S.S.of theoriginalinequality= [- I ,-[O ]-- ,3[= [- 1 ,3[

-3-z -i o I z 3 4 s
> Lesson One

Solving the first degree inequality in two variables graphically

o We know that we can represent the

linear equation : 2 X + 3 y = 6
graphically by a straight line as follows :

x 0 J

v 2 0

<We should get a third ordered pair to

check the graph>

o From the graph , we notice that this

straight line divides the Cartesian plane
into three sets of points :

1 ttre set of points of the straight line L (is called a boundary line) and each of these
points satisfies that 2 X + 3 y - 6

2 ttre set of points of the plane that lies on one side of the straight line L (and it is called
a half plane) and is denoted by Sr and each of them satisfies that 2X+3y>6

3 ttre set of points of the plane that lies on the other side of the straight line L (and
it is called a half plane also) and is denoted by Sz and each of them satisfies that

2 X+3y <6

Srom the previous , we deduce that

The half plane S, is the region representing the S.S. of the inequality : 2 X + 3y>6
The union of the points of the half plane S, and the straight line L represents the S.S.
of the inequality : 2 X + 3 y, 6

The half plane S, is the region representing the S.S. of the inequality : 2 X + 3y<6
The union of the points of the half plane S, and the straight line L represents the S.S.
of the inequality : 2 X + 3 y . 6
Steps of solving the first degree inequality in two variables graphically
1 Represent the straight line equation related to the inequality by a solid line in case
of > or S : and by a dashed line in case of > or <

2 Determine the half plane in which the feasible "or solution" region lies by choosing any
point (X, r yr) belonging to one half plane as a test point and substitute it in the inequality.
o If the chosen point satisfied the inequality r then the half plane containing this point is the
feasible region of the inequality.
o If the chosen point did not satisfy the inequality: then the other half plane is the feasible
region of the inequality.

To make it easier: choose the origin point (0 :0) if the boundary line does not pass through it.

Represent graphically the S.S. of the inequality : X-3 y < 3 inIR x IR

1 Draw the boundary line L whose equation is :

X - 3 y = 3 as a solid straight line

because the inequality relation is < x-3y < 3

using the following table :

x 0

v -1 0

2 Choose the origin point as a test point.

'.' The point (0 :0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 < 3)

.'. The S.S. of the inequality is the boundary line L U the half plane that contains the point
(0 ,0) and that is represented by the shaded region in the previous graph.

Notice that 1
You can draw the boundary line L without the previous table by using the slope of
the straight line and the intercepted part of the y-axis as you studied before.
> Lesson One

Represent graphically the S.S. of the inequality : 3 X + 4 y > 12 in IR x IR

1 Draw the boundary line L whose equation

is : 3 X + 4 y - 12 as adashed line
because the inequality relation is >
using the following table :

x 0 4
v J 0

2 Choose the origin point as a test point.

, '.' (0 r 0) does not satisfy the inequality
(because 0 < 12)
.'. The S.S. of the inequality is the half plane that does not contain the point (0 , 0)
and is represented by the shaded region in the graph.

. The equation : y = 0 is represented by the X-axis.
. The equation : X = 0 is represented by the y-axis.
. The equation I y = a is represented by a straight line parallel to the X-axis and passing
through the point (0 : a)
. The equation : X= a is represented by a straight line parallel to the y-axis and passing
through the point (a r 0)
. The straight line whose equation is in the form :
+ . + = 1 passes through the two
points (a :0) and (0 : b)

Represent graphically the S.S. of the inequality : 2 X -5 y . 10 in IR x lR

Solving systems of Iinear inequalities graphically

To find the grophicol solution of two inequoliiies : w€ do os lhe following :

1 We shade the region S, that represents the S.S. of the lst inequality.
2 We shade the region S, that represents the S.S. of the 2'd inequality.
. The common region S of the two shaded regions S, and S, represents the S.S.
of the two inequalities where S = Sr 0 Sz

Represent graphically the S.S. of the two inequalities :

X+3y<3 s 2X+y-AinlRxlR

1 DrawtheboundarylineLr: X+ 3 y- 3 as asolidlineusingthefollowingtable:
'.' The point (0 r 0) satisfles the inequality (because 0 < 3) x 0

.'. The region S, is the S.S. of the inequalrty : X + 3 y < 3 Y 1 0

and it is represented by L, U the half plane in which the origin point lies tF iS. @l

* Draw theboundary line Lr:2X+y =4as a solidlineusing the followingtable:

'.' The point (0 r 0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 < 4) x 0 2

.'. The region S, is the S.S. of the inequalrty :2 X + y < 4 v 4 0

and it is representedby LrU ttre half plane in which the origin point lies lFiS. Q))

3 Ttre S.S. of the two inequalities simultaneously is S = Sr[l S, and it is represented by the
common region in the two shaded parts lFig. (3))

Fig. (1) Fie. Q) Fig. (3)

The two coordinate axes divide the Cartesian plane
into four quadrants :

lst quadrant where X > 0 y>0

, 2'd quadrant where X < 0 y>0
r 3td quadrant where X< 0 y<0
and 4th quadrant where X>0 y<0
> Lesson One

Represent graphically the S.S. of the inequalities :

X>0 , y=0 , y+3X<9andy-X<1 inlRxlR

The S.S. of the two inequalities : X > 0 and y > 0

is represented by Oi U bi U the 1't quadrant of the Cartesian plane.

2 Draw the boundary line L, : y + 3 X=9 as a solid line. x 2

'.' The point (0 :0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 < 9) v J 0

.'. The region S, is the S.S. of the inequality : y + 3 x< 9 and it is represented
by Lr U the half plane in which the point (0 , 0) ties lFig. (l))

Draw the boundary line Lz: y -X- 1 as a dashed line. x 0 -1

'.' The point (0 :0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 < 1) v 1 0

.'. The region S, is the S.S. of the inequality : y- x < 1 and it is represented
by the half plane in which the poinr (0 , 0) Iies lFiS. e)l

S is the S.S. of the four inequalities which is represented by the region in the 1st quadrant
that has the common shade tFiS. Q)l

Fie. (1) Fig. (2) Fie. (3)

In the previous two examples r we draw a separate figure to show the feasible region of
each inequality. After that we deduced the last figure which shows the feasible region of
all the inequalities simultaneously. You (after some practice) won't be in need of drawing
all these figures r but you will satisfy the last figure only.

\ l/\,>/6jb \ (C, - olJ opLr) t-e,lt -@)l


Represent graphically the S.S. of the inequalities :

2X+y>6 t 4X+2y=4inlRxlR

1 Draw the boundary line L, :2 X + Y = 6 as

a dashed line that passes through the two
points (0 ,6) and (3 r 0)
: '.' the point (0 :0) does not satisfy the
.'. The region S, is the S.S. of the
inequality : 2 X +y > 6 and it is
represented by the half plane which
does not contain the origin Point.

2 Draw the boundary line L, :4X+2Y=4

as a solid line that passes through the two points (0 ,2) and (1 I 0)
r '.' the point (0 :0) satisfies the inequality.
... Theregion S, is the S.S of the inequality : 4 X + 2 y < 4 andit is represented by
L, U the half plane which contains the origin point.
3 ttre S.S. of the two inequalities simultaneously is S = Sr )Sr=g

Represent graphically the S.S. of the following inequalities :

3 X+2y.6 ) y +3>0and X-y>0inlRxlR'

1 Draw the boundary line L, :3X+2Y=6

as a solid line that passes through the two
points (2 ,0) and (0 :3)
r '.' the point (0 r 0) satisfies the
inequality (because 0 < 6)
.'. The S.S. (St) is represented
by Lr [J the half Plane in which the
origin point lies.
> Lesson One

Draw the boundary hneLr: y = - 3 as a solid line [A straight line is parallel to the X-axis
and passes through the point (0 , - 3)l
r '.' the point (0 :0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 > - 3)

.'. The S.S. (S2) is represented by LrU the half plane in which the origin point lies.

Draw the boundary line L.: X- y=0

as a dashed line that passes through the two points (0 ,0) and (1 , 1)

r '.' the point (0 : 2) does not satisfy the inequality (because -2 f 0)

.'. The S .S . (S3) is represented by the half plane in which the point (0 , 2) does not lie.

The S.S. of the three inequalities simultaneously is S = Sr n 52 n 53

and it is represented by the shaded region in the shown cartesian plane.

A factory for children toys produces cars and planes. It produces 250 toys daily at most.
If the cost of one car is L.E. 15 and of one plane is L.E. 10 and the total cost of the
daily production is not more than L.E. 3000 r write a system of linear inequalities
representing the previous: then represent graphically the solution region of this system.

Let the number of cars = X ; the number of planes = y

* The system of inequalities is :

1 x>o 2 v>o
3 X+ y <250
415X+10y<3000 i.e.L3X+2y.600
* Determining the region which represents the
S.S. of the inequalities as follows :

'l the inequalities X > 0, y > 0 are represented

bv d U o, U the 1st quadrant.



2 Draw the boundary line L, : X + y = 250 as a solid line that passes through the two points

(0 ,250) and (250 r0)

r '.' the point (0 r 0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 < 250)

.'. The S.S. of this inequality is represented by Lr U ttre half plane in which the origin
point lies.

3 Draw the boundary lineLr 3X+2y = 600 as a solid line that passes through the two
points (0 , 300) and (200 r 0)

r '.' the point (0 r 0) satisfies the inequality (because 0 < 600)

.'. The S.S. of this inequality is represented by LzU ttre half plane in which the origin

point lies.

4 The ordered pairs that its X-coordinates and y-coordinates are integers in the shaded region
is the S.S. of the required system of linear inequalities.

Linear Obiective

Linear programming
It is one of the scientific methods that is used to give the best decision of solving a problem
or it is the optimal solution that satisfies a certain object in view of some restrictions and
available abilities or materials where the object can be put in the form of a linear function
called "the objective function" and the stipulations and available abilities are put in the
form of linear inequalities.

The melhod of lineor progromming depends on :

'l Representing the system of inequalities that expresses the stipulations such that we obtain
a ribbed region representing the S.S. of the inequalities.

Oftentherestrictions containthetwo inequalities: X>0 ,y )0:thatmeans the S.S.

(the region representing the S.S.) lies in the first quadrant.

2 Determining the objective function in the form P = L X+m y where / and m are constants
we represent the equation l. X + = 0 by a straight line that passes through the origin
point r then we let this straight line move parallel to itself upwards till it passes through
the vertices of the polygon that determines the region of the S.S.
Since all these parallel straight lines have the same slope and differ only in the value of
"P" and each point (X .,y) belonging to the S.S. and to the same straight line gives a value
to the number
So r we can determine the greatest value or the smallest value of the objective function.

Yot eaqnple:
If the S.S. representing the set of inequalities that
represents the restrictions is the shaded region in
the opposite graph and the required is finding *il
the greatest and smallest value of the expression
P = 3 X + 2 y tthen we substitute by the
coordinatesofthepoints :A :B rCandD :

"the vertices of the polygon" in the objective


Notice that 1
The value of the objective function at any point that lies on a side of the shaded region
sides is included between its values at the two vertices of the polygon for the side that
joins them.

.'. [P]e=3 x +2x4=ll,

1 [P]s=3x4+2xl=14
, [P]c=3 x5 +2x2=19, [P]o=3 x6 +2x5=28
So : we find that the greatest value is 28 at the vertex D (6 ,5) and the smallest value is
11 atthevertexA(1 ,4)

Determine the SS. of the following inequalities simultaneously :

X>0 , y>0 t X+2y<8 and 3 X+2y<12

Then find from the S.S. (X : y) that makes "P" maximum where P = 50 X + 75 y

,Firstl Determine the region thot represents the S.S. of the inequqlities :.

'l ttre two inequalities : X> O and y>0

are represented by Oi U ol U the first

? Draw the boundary line L, : X + 2 y = $

(as a solid line) that passes through the two
points (0 ,4) and (8 :0)
3 Draw the boundary line Lr 3X + 2 y = 12
(as a solid line) that passes through the two
points (0 ,6) and (4 ,0)
> Lesson Two

.'. The solution set of the inequalities

To get ttre coordinates of the point B algebraically :

is represented by the shaded region. Solve the two equations representing the two
That is the ribbed region ABCO straight lines L, andLrsimultaneously where :

Lr:X+2y-8 t Lr:3X+Zy=12
r then we find that : B = (2 t3)

.Second TDetermine the verlices of the feosible region :.

Theverticesof thefeasibleregionare:A(4 r0) tB (2 t 3) ,C (O )4) andO (0 ,0)

.Third lDeiermine the volue of the obiective function qt eqch verfex i

'.' The objective function is : P = 50 X +75 y
4+75x0=200, [PJn=50x2+15x3=325
.'. [P]a=50x
,[P]c=50x0+75x4=300, [P1o=50x0+75x0=0
.'. The maximum value of the function P is 325 at the point B (2 t3)

Life applications on linear programming

We can deal with the life problems which are related to the linear programming by the
following steps :

Analyse the situation or the problem to determine the variables r the constraints and the
available data and :urange them in a table.

Puttheconstraintsinthe @ fa. IfF*'iui"*cil l

\'\ --r atl
form of a system of linear
i p.ogra*-irrg)
inequalities. _Lir.".
Vertices of the ribbed region
M,'----- \\4
Write the objective function.
Represent the system of linear inequalities graphically and determine the feasible region.

Determine the vertices of the feasible region.

Find the objective function at each vertex of the previous vertices to determine the
vertex where the required objective satisfied at it.

A bakery produces two kinds of cake. The first kind of cake needs 200 gm. of flour and
25 gm. of butter and the second kind of cake needs 100 gm. of flour and 50 gm. of butter.
If the quantity of the given flour is 4 kg. and the given butter is t
f tg. ,
find the greatest possible number of cakes that can be made.


r Let the number of cakes of the first kind be X

and the number of cakes of the second kind be y

lst kind 2nd kind Given quantity

r Arrange the availatrle data of Flour 200 100 4 000
the problem :
Butter 25 50 1 250

o Tlanslate the data and the constraints in the form of a system of inequalities :

1 x>0 ry>0
2 200 X+ 100y(4000

3ZSx+50y<1250 X+2y<50
oWrite the objective function:P= X+ y r where Pis maximum.

o Representing the system of linear inequalities graphically and determining

the feasible region :

'l ttre two inequalities : X> 0 and y > 0

are represented by

O? U ol U the first quadrant.

I Draw the boundary line

L, :2 X + y = 40 (as a solid line)
that passes through the two points
(0 ,40) and (20 :0)

3 Draw the boundary line

Lr: X + 2y - 50 (as a solid line)
that passes through the two points
(0 ,25) and (50 r 0)

.'. The solution set of the inequalities is represented by the shaded region in the opposite
graph and this is the ribbed region ABCO
> Lesson Two

o Determine the vertices of the feasible region :

The vertices ofthe feasible region are : A(20 r0) rB (10 t20) tC (0, 25) ando (0,0)
o Determine the value of the objective function at each yertex :

'.' The objective function is : P = X + y

[P]o=0+0=0 , [P]a=20+0=20
, [P]s = 10 + 20 =30 , [P]c =0 +25 =25
.'. The greatest number of cakes is 30 ones : 10 of the first kind and}O of the second kind.

A factory produces 120 units at most of two different kinds of goods and achieves a profit
in each unit of the flrst kind L.E. 15 and of the second kind L.E. 8 in each unit and the sold
quantity of the second kind is not less than half the sold quantity of the first kind.
Find the number of produced units of each kind to satisfy the maximum profit.

o Let the number of produced units of the first kind be X and the number of produced units
of the second kind be y

1tt kind 2"d kind The upper limit

o Arrange the available data The produced
x 120
@: units v

The profit 15 8

o Translate the data and the constraints in the form of a of inequalities :

1 x>o:y>o 2 x+y <120

3 '.' y is not less than
;.rri* .'.v- ldo .'.2y-x>o
., Write the objective function : P = 15 X + 8 ) : where pis maximum.

\. l/\ct/6rr;l; \ (C-- .:UJ c,pLr) ,.6L.@Jl

e Representing the system of linear inequalities graphically and determining
the feasible region :

1 tfre two inequalities :

X> O, y > 0 are represented by Oi
U o, U the first quadrant.

* Draw the boundary line

L, : X + y = I20 (as a solid line)
that passes through the two points
(0 ,120) and (120 :0)

3 Draw the boundary line

Lr 2y - X= 0 (as a solid line)
that passes through the two points
(0 ,0) and (20 : 10)

.'. The solution set of the inequalities

is represented by the shaded region
in the opposite graph and this is the
triangular region OAB
o Determine the vertices of the feasible region :

The vertices of the feasible region are : O (0 r0) rA (80 r40) and B (0, 120)

o Determine the value of the objective function at each vertex :

'.' The objective function is : P = X+ 8 y


[P]o=0+0=0, [P]n= 15 x 80+8 x40= 1 520

... The maximum profit that can be achieved is L.E. I 520 that happens when

the production is 80 units of the first kind and 40 units of the second kind.

The required is forming a meal consisting of two kinds of food : if the piece of the flrst
kind contains 3 calories r 6 units of vitamin "C" and the piece of the second kind contains
6 calories r 4 units of vitamin "C" Given that we need at least 36 calories and 48 units
of vitamin rrcrr in the meal. If the price of the piece of the first kind is 3 pounds and of
the second kind is 4 pounds : then what is the number of pieces of the rneal that satisfres
the least limit with the least cost ?
> Lesson Two


o Let the number of pieces of the first kind in the meal be X and the number of pieces of
the second kind in the meal be y
o Arrange the data in a table :

Pieces of the first kind Pieces of the second kind Least limit
Calories J 6 36
Vitamin t'C" 6 4 48

o T[anslate the data and the constraints in the form of a system of inequalities :

1 x>0 ry>0
2 zx+6y>36 l.e._x+2y>12
3 ax+4y>48 T.;l- 3 x+2y>24
oWrite the objectivefunction: P= 3 X+4 y rwhere Pis minimum.
o Representing the system of linear inequalities graphically and determining
the feasible region :

1 tfre two inequalities : X: 0 and y ) 0 are

represented by OX U Oy U the first quadrant.

2 Draw the boundary line

L, : X + 2 y - 12 (as a solid line)
that passes through the two points (0 ,6)
and (12 r0)

3 Draw the boundary line

Lr: 3 X + 2 Y = 24 (as a solid line) that passes
through the two points (O , 12) and (8 r 0)
o Determine the vertices of the feasible region :

The vertices of the feasible region are : A (0, 12) r B (6 : 3) and C (12, 0)
o Determine the value of the objective function at each vertex :

'.' The objective function is : P= 3 X+ 4 y

.'. [P]a=3 x0+4x 12=48, [P]s =3 x6 +4x3=30
.'. The least cost of the meal is 30 pounds when it consists of 6 pieces of the first kind
and 3 pieces of the second kind.

A tourism company aims to rent a fleet of airplanes to transport 2800 passengers r 128 tons
of luggage at least and the available kinds of airplanes are A and B and the number of
available airplanes of kind (A) is 13 and of kind (B) is 12 and the completed load of the
airplane of kind (A) is 200 passengers , 8 tons of luggage and of kind (B) is 100 passengers :
6 tons of luggage : if the rent of airplane of kind (A) is 240 thousand pounds and of kind (B)
is 100 thousand pounds r then how many airplanes of each kind can be rented to satisfy
the aim with the least cost ?

o Let the number of airplanes of kind A be X and the number of airplanes of kind B be y
o Arrange the available data of the protllem in a table :

Kind (A) Kind (B) Least limit

Number of passengers 200 100 2800
Luggage in tons 8 6 128

o Tfanslate the data and the constraints in the form of a system of inequalities :

1 x<13 ty<12
2200X+100y)2800 I.e. 2X+y228
3 sx+6y>128 l.e. 4X+3y>64
r Write the objective function :

P=240 X+ l00ywherePis minimum.

. Representing the system of linear
inequalities graphically and
determining the feasitlle region :

1 Draw the boundary line

Lr: X = 13 (as a solid line) that is parallel
to the y-axis and cuts the X-axis at the point (13 ,0)

2 Draw the boundary line

Lr., y = 12 (as a solid line) that is parallel
to the X-axis and cuts the y-axis at the point (O t 12)
> Lesson Two

3 Draw the boundary line

Lr:2X+y = 28 (as a solid line) thatpasses through the twopoints (0 ,28) and (14 ,0)
4 Draw the boundary line
Lo;4X+3y =64(asasolidline)thatpassesthroughthetwopoints (l ,20)and(16 r0)
o Determine the vertices of the feasible region :

The vertices of the feasible region are : A (8 , 12) B (13 t 12) , C (13 r 4) and D (10 , 8)
o Determine the value of the objective function at each vertex :

'.' The objective function is : P = 240 X + 100 y

.'. [P]e =240 x 8 + 100 x12=3120 t [P]e = 240 x 13 + 100 x12=4320

, [P]c =240 x 13 + 100 x 4=3520, [P]o =240 x 10 + 100 x 8 = 3200

.'. The least cost that satisfies the aim is the rent of 8 airplanes of kind (A) r

L2 aiplanes of kind (B) : and the cost is 3120 thousand pounds.

A factory produces two kinds of accessories A and B
To produce a piece of the kind A r the factory needs to run two machines : the first for
one hour and the second for 2 hours and half. To produce a piece of the kind B : the
factory needs running of the first machine for 4 hours and the second for 2 hours. If the
first machine does not work more than 8 hours and the second does not work more than
21 hours daily and the proflt of the factory is L.E. 24 andL.E.40 in each piece of the two
kinds A and B respectively.
Find the maximum profit the factory can achieve in one day.
lnl T


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Unit Lessons
,l Tri gonometric identities


o Solving trigonometric equations.

J 3 Solving the right-angled triangle.

Jo 4 Angles of elevation and angles of depression.

5 Gircular sector.

6 Circular segment.

7 Areas.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to :

. Deduce the basic relations among . Solve applications that involve angles
trigonometric functions. of elevation and depression.
. Prove the validity of identities on . Recognize the circular sector and how
trigonometric functions. to find its area.
. Determine the equality if it is identity or . Recognize the circular segment and
trigonometric equation. how to find its area.
. Solve simple trigonometric equations in . Find the area of the triangle , the area
the general form in the interval l0 ,2xl of the quadrilateral and the area of
. Recognize the general solution for the the regular polygon.
trigonometric equation. . Use activities for computer programs.
Solve the right-angled triangle.
Lesson ry
\ S
Ft tunlp i,:


Trigonometric identities and equations

.The identity
. It is a true equality for all real values of the variable r in which each of the two sides of
the equality is known.
Yov enelrple:
The equality : cos (- 0) = cos 0 is called identity because it is true for all real values of
the variable 0 because r

In the opposite figure :

From our previous study for the related angles 0
and(- 0) : we find that :

The point gt (X' , y ) is ttre image of the point B (X , y)

fT \ I Ytx) v'l
by the reflection in the X-axis

I€.L i =X :'.'coS(-0)=.X'r cos 0=X

.'. cos (- 0) = cos 0 for all real values of 0

The trigonometric relations between the trigonometric functions of the related angles
which we studied before are identities because all real values of the variable satisfy them.

U.rOt*l=sin0 ) ...(f-e)= -sin0r...

> Lesson One

The equotion

' It is a true equality for some real values of the variable which satisfy this equality and
it is not true for some others which do not satisfy it.
Fov eaqltple :
The equality : cos 0 = sin 0 is called equation because it is true for some real values of
variable 0 : not for all real values of the variable 0 and this because :

From the opposite figure :

From our previous study : we found that
.'. cos 0 = sin 0 r when X= y only and

this happens when 0 = 45' or 225"

or any of the equivalent angles for them.

We can determine if the relation represents an identity or an equation and this
by the
graphical representation to the limits of the two determined functions:
if the two functions
are intersecting at all points (coincide) r then the relation represents an
identity and if the
two functions are intersecting at some points only: then the relation represents
an equation.

Yov enqlllple :
.In the opposite figure :
The two functions
fr: fr(O) = cos 0
are intersecting at all
points (coincide)
r then the equality :

cos (- 0) = cos 0 is called identity.

.In the opposite figure :

The two functions

fr: f, (0) = sin 0
are intersecting at some
: then the equality :

cos 0 = sin 0 is called equation.

\\ ?/\ct/,3..11: \ (gl - .:,rJ.:1,;Lr) /.6t @Jl


Basic trigonometric identities

We studied before the following trigonometric identities :

ll fne identity of the trigonometric functions ond lheir reciprocol :

.COS0=--: I ^ sec o = -1:

sec U cos U
csc U
csc o = -1^
Srn U

'tan 0 = cot 0
tan U

pl fne expressing of tqn 0 ond cot e in terms of sin 0 ond cos e :

^ sin0
.tanu=--^- cos 0
cos U

qngles :
ft fne identiiy of lhe lrigonometric functions of lwo complementqry

.sin(f-o)=coso,'cos (+-o)=tme
. tun(!- o) = cot or 'csc (+-o) = sec 0

.r""(f -o) ="."e r 'cot (+-o) =.une

ongles (0 ond (- e)) :
@ fne identity of the lrigonometric functions of lhe lwo
'sin(-0)=-sin0 ) 'cos(-0)=cos0
'csc(-0)=-csc0 , 'sec(-0)=sec0
'tan(-0)=-tan0 , 'cot (- 0) = - cot 0
fl ryttrogorion identity :

For any directed angle of measure 0 in the standard position I

if its terminal side cuts the unit circle at the point (X r y) I then :

cos20+sin20=1 (1)

. Dividing both sides of the relation (1) by cos2 e r we find that :

.or2e- sin2o t
--."r3e l+tanzo=sec20
"*'e *Je
. Dividing both sides of the relation (1) by sin2 0 , we find that :

cos]e* sinlo =-f cot2e+1=csc2o

sin'0 sin'0 sin'0
> Lesson One

QFrom : sin2 0 + cos2 0 = 1 :we get : sin2o=1-cos2o cos2e=1-sin2o
[flnrom :I+tan2 0=sec20 rweget: tan20=se"2e-1 and sec2e-tan2o=l
QFrom : cot2 0 + 1 =csc2 0 :we get : cot20="sc20-l

ffi Cne"f, your understonding

, Choose the correct answer : sin2 0 + cos2 0 *..........


i (a) ran 0 cotg (b) sin2 20 +cos2 20 (c) cot2 0_csc2 0 (d) sec2 0 - t1n;2 e

Simplifying the trigonometric expressions

We mean by simplifying the trigonometric expression is to put it in the simplest form :
by using the basic trigonometric identities.

write each of the following expressions in the simplest form :

4 | sin20
cos2 e cor2 o
2 sin -e) csc e (+

3 (sin 0 + cos q2 -zsin 0 cos 0 4
7 + tan2 (*. t)

1 --^
sin2 0 Notiee that
cos'0 cost 0 =sec2o-tan2o=l \
=/ I \2=sec2e
,* (+ -e) csc 0 = cos 0 csc 0 =#=cot 0

3 (sin 0 + cos q2 -2sin 0 cos 0 = sin 2e + z;n+a66+ cos2 e -2*cG e

?i (a+b)'=a2+2ab+b2u".
t- R"memberthat '-. ----".m'

|+ cot2 (T-r) 1+tan20 a""'e Nottae that

4 =-= *Je
t +rrnz (*-r) 1+cot20 ,ac2 o
sin2 0
.r"'e .os2 e sin2 o
=tan2 0
= 1 xsin20
- sin2 0 = tan2 0
.os2 o

Put in the simplest form each of the following expressions :

1 -J" --+- 2 sin (+ -e) sec (2n -e) 5 ----.
cos'0 -
sin'0 tan" 0

Trigonometric identities
To prove the validity of the trigonometric identity r we follow one of the two methods

1 put one of the two sides of the identity in the form of the other side using the basic
trigonometric identities'
2 put the two sides of the trigonometric identity in the simplest form : to prove that the
two sides have the same result when they are in the simplest form.

Prove thevalidity of theidentity: sin2 0-cos2 0 = 2 sin2 0- 1

L.H.S. = sin2 0 - cos2 0 = sin2 e - (1 - sin2 e; Notiae that \
=sin20-1+sin20 cos2e=1-sin2o

Provethevatidityof theidentity: sin4 0-cosa 0 = 1- 2cos2 0


L.H.S. = sin4 0 - cosa 6 = 1sin2 0 + cos2 0) (sin2 e - cos2 e) Notlaethat: \

=1x(sin2e-cos2e; .sin20+cos20=1
=1-cos2o-cos2o .sin2o=1-cos2e
= | -2cos2 e
> Lesson One

Prove the validity of the identityrt'*h = 1 + cos 0

sin2 o 1-cos20 (1 +cosil!;*o{el

L.H.s. - 1-cos0 =-=
1-cos0 =1+cos0=R.H.S.

Prove the'OIVE
validity of the following identities :

I I+SInU =l-sino
rtotlo^ 2 (sin 0 + cos 0)2 + (sin 0 - cos 0)2

Proye the validity of the identity : tan 0 + cot 0 = csc 0 sec 0

L.H.S. = tan 0 + cot 0 - sin Q * cos o Notlce that

cos 0 sin e \
sin2 e +.or2 e
To make the proof e&s/ r we write the
sin 0 cos 0
expression in terms of sin 0 and cos 0
only r using the following relations :
sin 0 cos 0
.tan0- sin9 r cot0-cos9
=csc0sec0 cos U srn U

= R.H.S.
cos U sin 0

Proye the validityof theidentity :2cos20- 1 = t-tur?-O


1- sin2 0
I +tan2 0 "os2
sec2 0
e cor2 e
= (r -H) "
= cor2 0 - sin2 0 = cos2 e-(1 -cor2 0) = cos2 0 - 1 + cor2 e



Prove the validity of the identity : sec2 e -tan20 sin2 0 = cos2 0 + 2 sin2 0

L.H.s. = sec2 0 - tan2 0 sin2 e = -f x sin2 e = -f
cos'0 cos- u

_ 1 _sina 0 _(L--sifi) 0 + sin2 1 + sin2 0 (1)

"ot'o t---"d'e

R.H.S. =cos2 0 + 2 sin20 = 1-sin2 0 +2sinz 0 = I + sin20 (2)

From (1) and (2) : we get that : L.H.S. = R.H.S.

Prove the validity of the following identity t
];# = 2 sin2 0 -|

If sin0+sin(270.-0)= | rrnlthevalueof : sin0cos0 rwheree€]0 ,+r

'.' sin 0 + sin (270" -q = .'. sin 0 - 0= (squaring both sides)

+ "os i
.'. sin2 0 - 2 sin 0 cos 0 + e=
... 1-2sin0co.0=*

:. -zsin 0 cos e =:1 ...sin0cos0=f



' Solving trigonometric equation means finding the values of the variable in the equation
which satisfy this equation using the trigonometric identities.

General solution of the trigonometric equation

To find the general solution of the trigonometric equation in the form :

cos0=a : sin0=a or tan0=a rfollowthefollowingsteps:

1 Let B be the measure of the acute angle which satisfies the equation :

cos0=lal r sin0=lal , tan0=lal

2 Determine the quadrant in which the angle lies according

to the sign of a "Look to the opposite flgure"

Find the values of the angle 0 where :

sin, csc
.If 0 lies in the first quadrant : then 0 = F are positive A1l functions
are positive
.If 0 lies in the second quadrant : then 0 = 180. - F lrsoo- B;

.If 0 lies in the third quadrant r then 0 = 180" + F

lraoo+ B; (360'-B=- B)
. If 0 lies in the fourth quadrant r then 0 360. tan, cot cos, sec
= - F are pocitive are positive

We add a number of periods (2 n Xl) where n eZ to

the values of 0 to get the general solution of
the trigonometric equation.

LE:g*j_1- and [ -1 < sin 0 < 1 for all real values of 0
So, we find that the two equations : sin 0 = iI r coS 0 = a don't have solution inlR
,if a?[-l , 1]
'Scv mxqr**p[e ;

Each of the equations : sin 0 = 1.3 r cos 0 = 2.5 tsin 0 = - 1.4

r sec 0 = 0.5 and csc 0 = - 0.7 doesn't have real solutions.
i.e. L It is not necessary that there real solutions for every trigonometric equations.

Find the general solution of each of the following equations :

'l cos r=i 2 z sino -^[i =o 3^[ztunO-1=0

.'. 0 lies in the first quadrant .'. 0 = 60o
or 0 lies in the fourth quadrant.
.'. Q = 360'- 60o = 300' and it is equivalent to (- 60")
Adding (2 nXl) where ne Z to the values of 0 :

.'. Q= L+2nttr or 0=-4 +2ntl,

.'. The general solutionof theequationis: t$3 +2nxT':where neZ

2 sin e=E (positivej

.'. 0lies in the first quadrant .'. 0 = 45o
or 0 lies in the second quadrant
Adding (2niT,) where ne Z to the values of 0 :

.'. Q=
f+znn or e= tr rT,+2nil, g=
.'. Thegeneralsolutionof theequationis:0= rwhere ne Z
**rnXlor trn+2n!l,
> Lesson Two

3 tang= * (positive)
.'. 0 lies in the first quadrant .'. 0 = 30o
or 0lies in the third quadrant .'.Q=180"+30"=2I0o
Adding (2 n Xl) where n e Z to the values of 0 :
.'. e- L+2ntl or0= Zx*2n..il
.'. The gineral solution of the equation is : 0 = * rn r[ or O = Z fi + Znr[ r where neZ
and we can write the general solution of the equation in another more simple form as the
The general solution of the equation is : 0 =
* * " x[ where neZ
and this by adding n X[ to the smallest positive measure.

From the previouS : wo can deduce that :

If B is the smallest positive measure satisfies the equation t neZ : then :

f ffre general solutionof the equation sin 0 = ais 0 = B+2fin r 0 = (fi- B)+2tIn
and that could be written as : 1)'r0+x[n
p ffre general solution of the equation cos 0 = a is 0 = + F + 2Xl,n

ffi fne general solution of the equation tan 0 = a is 0 = B + X[ n

Find the general solution of each of the following equations :

1 sin0=0 2 cos0=0
3 sinO=1 4 cos0=-1

.'.e-0oor0=180o o
Adding (2 xI n) where neZ to the values of 0 1 ,0)
.'. The general solution of the equation is :

0 = 2 XT,n or 0= Xl, +2 JT, nwhere neZ

and we can write the general solution of the equation in another more simple form as the
The general solution of the equation is : 0 = X[ n where neZ
\l l/\,>/6;t: t (C, - c,tiJir[;lr) Jr.el-*rgJl



2 cos0=0 .'.0=90o or 0=270"

Adding (2XT, n) where neZ to the values of 0
.'. The general solution is : 0 = !2 +2 n n

or0= /.1x*2lrnwhere nezZ

and we can write the general solution of the equation in another more simple form as the
The general solution is : 0=E+JInwhere neZ

sin0=1 .'. 0 = 90o

.'. The general solution. is:0= L+Zfinwhere neZ

cos0=-1 .'. 0 = 180o

.'. The general solution-is : 0 = xl, + 2x[ n where neZ
From the previouS : we can deduce the general solution of the trigonometric equations
ofthe quadrantal angles :
The equation The general solution The equation The general solution

.sin0=0 0=Xln .CoS0=0 0=E+xln

.sin0=1 0=42 +2,1T,n ocOS0=1 0 =2Xln
.sin0=-1 g=++2x(,n oCOS0=- 0 = X[ +2Xlt

Find the general solution of each of the following equations :

'l cot0+1=0 2 cos2 0-cos0=0

Notlae that e!.

The measure of the acute

1 cot0=-1 .'. tan0=-1(negative) angle which satisfies that :

.'. 0 lies in the second quadrant. .'. e - 180' - 45o = l35o tan0=l-11is45"
or 0 lies in the fourth quadrant. .'. e - 360' - 45" = 3t5"
Adding (n x[) where ne Z to the smallest positive measure'which satisfies the equation rr135orr

.'. The general solution is : f, x[ + n Jtr

> Lesson Two

2 cos0(cose-1)=0
.'. cos0=0 Use the unit circle to determine
.'. e - 90o or 0 = 270" and it is equivalent to (- 90") the values of 0 when :

Adding (2 n ll,) where n e Z to the values of 0 :

orcos0=1 .'.0=0 90 , sin 90)

Adding (2 n xI) where n eZ :

180+ o'
.'. e - 2nXtr (cos 180 ,

.'. The general solution is : 0 = * *2 * 2 n,It o

or 0 = 2nXT, (0 , -1)

'OIVE solution of each of the following equations
Find the general :

12sin0-1=0 22cos0+18=6 3 tan e -1/T= o

Find the general solution of the equation : sin 0 cos 0 = sin e


'.' sin 0 cos 0 - 1

sin0=0 sino(cosr-1) =o
.'. sin0=0 0=0o or0=180o
.'. Q=nxlwhereneZ
I .'.cos0={(positive)
.'. 0 lies in the first quadrant. .'. 0 = 60o

or 0 lies in the fourth quadrant. .'. e - 360" - 60o = 300' and it is equivalent to (- 60")
.'. Q=t4+
2nxT,where neZ
.'. The general solution is : 0 = n X[ or 0 = t * + 2nllwhere neZ

Find the general solution of the equation : 2 sin 0 cos 0 -{f sin 0 = 0

Solving the trigonometric equation in the interval lO t 2 n I

If 0 e [0 , 300" I fina the solution set of each of the following equations :

1 2cos0+1=0 2rf;sec0-2=0

'.' 2 cos 0 + 1 =0 .'. cos O =-+(negative)

.'. 0 lies in the second quadrant or in the third quadrant.
r '.' the acute angle of cosire =
i r its measure is 60o
.'. e - 180" - 60o =120" or 0 = 180o + 60o =240"
... The S.S. = {tZO. t240"}

'^frsec0-2=0 2

... cos g =E2" (positive)

.'. 0 lies in the first quadrant or in the fourth quadrant.
r '.' the acute angle of cosine = ,; : its measure is 45o

.'. 0 =45o or0= 360' - 45" =315o

... The S.S. = {45" ,315"}

Find the solution set of the equatian i 4cos2 0 - 3 = 0, where 0 e[0, 360' I

'.'4cos20-3=0 .'.4cos20=3 .'.cos20=l4

... cos 0 = + 13 ... cos 0 = 13 (positive)
.'. 0 lies in the first quadrant or in the fourth quadrant.
: '.' the acute angle of cosine = V,' r its measure is 30o
.'. Q = 30o or0 = 360o -30" = 330o
orcose- Y- (negative)
.'. 0lies in the second quadrant or in the third quadrant.
.'. = 180' -30o = 150" or0 = 180" + 30o =210o

... The S.S. = {30' , 150o : 210 t 330'}

> Lesson Two

Find the solution set of each of the following equations where e e [0 t 2 xl l
1 nfi 2 tan2 e=1
"r"0 -2=O

Find the solution set of the equation : 2 sin 0 cos 0 + 3 cos 0 = 0, where g g[0, x[ [

.'. cos0(2sin0+3)=9
.'. cos0=0
g= *
z2or0= *(r"frs.dbecausegg[O rn[)
.'. sin 0 =f (thisequationhasno solutionbecause- 1< sine < 1)

.'. rhe S.S. = {q}


Findthesolutionsetof the equation:4sin2 0-3 sin 0 cos g = 0 :where eC[0 ,360'I

'.' 4 sinz 0 - 3 sin 0 cos 0 = 0 .'. sin 0 (4 sin 0 - 3 cos 0) = 0

.'. sin0=0 .'.e-0o or0=180"
or4sin0-3cos0=0 .'.4sin0=3cos0
. sin0 _ 3 .'. tan e= (positive)
cosg- 4 tr
.'. 0 lies in the first quadrant or in the third quadrant.

: '.' the acute angle of tangent = I ,its measure is 36' 52

.'. e - 36 5) or 0 = 180o + 36 5) =216' 5)

.'. The S.S. = {0' ,36" 52 , 180" ,216 5)}

If 0o < 0 < 360" Find the solution set of the equation z 2sin 0 cos 0 = 3 cos2 0

Find the solution set of the equationz2sin2 0-cos 0- 1. = 0 rwhere ee[0 ,360'I

:. 2 (l- cos2 0) -cos 0 - I=0
.'. 1-cos0-2cos20=0
.'. (1 + cos 0) (l -2 cos 0) - 0
.'. 1+cos0=0
.'. 0 = 180o
.'. cos ,= i (positive)

.'. 0lies in the first quadrant or in the fourth quadrant.

, '.' The acute angle of cosine = + ,its measure is 60'
.'. e-60o or 0=360'-60o=300"
... The S.S. = {60. , 180o :300'}
Using the technology
From example (L) , we found that :

The general solution of the equation : cos 0 = ] it 0 = t

L3 * +Zntl : where neZ
We can verify the solution by drawing the two function :

f t : fr(O) =cos g, fz: /, 10) = {

by using one of the drawin, O.o*r"ur.r, and determining the corresponding values of 0 for
the intersection points of the two functions and compare them with the values of 0 in the
generalsolutionatn= ... t-2 t-1t0;l;2 t...
> Lesson Two

From the graph , we notice that the two functions intersect at the points :

,(+ n ,+),(+ ,+),(* ,+) ,(* ,+) ,

" "
i.e.o= ...,;fi ,, n, ! 11, i '7l, ;...
and they are the same values we can get from the general solution by substituting
n=... t-ls0tltZt...
o Any triangle contains six elements (three sides and three angles) and solving the triangle
means evaluating the unknown measures of its angles and the unknown lengths of its sides.
o To solve the right-angled triangle : we must be given :

the lengths of two sides of its sides or the length of one of its sides and the measure of
one of its two acute angles.
o The trigonometric ratios of the acute angle and Pythagoras' theorem are used in solving
the right-angled triangle.If ABC is a righrangled triangle at B then :

1 sin0= Hypotenuse


tan0= opposite

**"" Jola

2 (tC)2 = (AB)2 + GC)2

ffi Solving the right-ongled triongle gaven lhe lengths of two sides

ABC is a right-angled triangle at C : in which AC = 8 cm. and AB = 12.5 cm.

Solve this triangle.
> Lesson Three


.'.'ffi=sinB ... sinB = *

Using the calculator r we find that : m (LB) = 39" 47 3I
*'.'m (LB)=39'47:\31
;.m(LA) = 90" -:q" +i ei =5oo izd
.'.' ffi =cosB X =cos (39" +) :il
.'. BC = 125 cos (39" +i :i I
Using the calculator r we find that : BC = 9.6 cm.
Notlae that : We can find BC by using Pythagoras'theorem where :

So , BC =^[117y -@ = 9.6 cm.

Solve the right-angled triangle ABC r in which m (Z B) = 90o r AB = 15.6 cm.

and BC =24.7 cm.

'"' #=tanc ... tan c=#

Using the calculator r we find that : m (L C) = 32" td Zg*

* .'. m (L A) = 90o - 32' lB 3) = 51" +i zs* 24.1 cm.

'"'*B=sinc # = sin 1:z' tB :);

.'. AC
= sin (32" u
16 32)
Using the calculator r we find that : AC = 29.21 cm.
Notlae that We can find AC using pythagoras' theorem where :


.'. AC =4[(ra6Y + O4JY = 29.2t cm.

Solve the 'OLVE
right-angled triangle ABC at B in each of the following two cases :

'l eg = 6 cm. ,AC = 8.6 cm. 2 lg = 5.4 cm.; BC = 7.3 cm.

\Y l/1o/,5j1: \ (g-* - ot-iJoto;L;);ol-a6Jl

Solving lhe right-ongled triongle given the length of one side
ond lhe meosure of one of its two ocute ongles

Solve AABC where m (Z B) = 90o ,AC = 12.5 cm.and m (LC)= 25o 5d

. m (LA) = 90o - 25' 5d = 64" 1d
....t8=sinC #=sin25.5d
= 12.5 sin 2s'sd C
Using the calculator : we get : AB = 5.45 cm.
."ffi=cosC #= cos 25. 5d .'. BC = 12.5 cos 25' 5d
Using the calculator r wo get : BC = 11.25 cm.

Solve the right-angled triangle ABC at B in which AB = 8.6 cm. and m (L C) = 41" 1$

om(LA)=90'*41" 18- = 48" 4)

.... = tan 41' 1B
*3=tanc *3
.'. BC
t'6 .
=tan 4lo 18

Using the calculator r we find that : BC = 9.79 cm.

Notice that : We can find the length of BC using m (L A) where = ,un O
.'. !E
= tan 48' 4) .'. BC = 8.6 tan 48' 42 = 9.J9 cm.

....t3=sinc t'u .
=sin 41o
tr = sin 41" 18= .'. AC
Using the calculator r we find that : AC = 13.03 cm.
Notice that : We can find the length of AC using m (L A) where
tB = cos A
ffi = cos 48o 4) ... AC =;#A = 13.03 cm.

Solve the triangle ABC in which m (L B) = 90o , if :

1 AB = 10 cm. tm(L C) = 54" 2 XC = 32 cm. t m (L A) = 32" 24

L_qq l
> Lesson Three

Critical thinhing

Can you solve the right-angled triangle given the measures of its acute angles ?
Answer : No
Because there is an infinite number of the right-
angled triangle which have the same measures
of the acute angles ( i.e. L Similar triangles)
So , we can not determine which of the hiangles is the required to solve by finding its side lengths
( l;l-. To solve the right-angled triangle , we must be given one of its side lengths at least.)

Solve the right-angled triangle ABC in B approximating the measures of angles to the nearest
thousandth in radian measure and the lengths to the nearest thousandth in cm. r if :

1 m(LA) = 1 .254'ud: BC = 10.6 cm. 2 m(L C) = 0.715'ud ,AC =23 cm.


Note that : We should convert the system of the calculator from the system (Deg) to the
system (Rad) before performing the mathematical operations which contain
trigonometric functions for angles measured in radian and this by pressing

one thenpand@ Notice that

.'.' m (L C) =
+- 1.254'ud = 0.3t7,ud

''.' sinA=ffi .'. sin L254'"d =

90o is equivalent to J-L

.'. AC *#a*= 11.155 cm.

. ... tan A ... tan 1.254'ud = 10.6

=i3 AB
.'. AB =#m=3.475 cm. 10.6 cm.

O... m (L A) = -0.715'ud = 0.856'ud


4.. rirc=*B sino'715'ud =*
AB = 23 sin 0.7L5'ud = 15.079 cm.

cos C =
ffi .'. cos 0.715'ad =X C

BC = 23 cos 0.715'ud = 17.367 cm.


Solve the 'OIVE
right-angled triangle ABC in B approximating the measure of angles to the
nearest thousandth in radian measure and the lengths to the nearest thousandth in cm. , if :

1 m(LA)=0.623'ud rBC= 10cm. 2 m(LC)= 1.073'ud rAC= 3l.5cm.

ABC is a triangle in which m (Z B) = 58o 12 andBC = 15 cm.

DrawAD-I BC ,where D CBC if AD = 10 cm. rthen find: m(LC)

58. 1) = .'. DB = 1o . = 6.2 cm.
... tan
# tan58o 12
.'. DC = 15 - 6.2 = 8.8 cm. ,/
DC 8.8
Using the calculator : we get m (L C) = 48' 39 8

A circle of radius length 6 cm. : a chord was drawn in it opposite to a central angle of measure
100'. Calculate the length of this chord to the nearest thousandth.

Draw MD I
AB and cuts it at D
... MD IAe- .'. D is the midpoint of AB
r'.'MA=MB=r .'. MD bisects Z AMB
m(LAMD) = 100o +2=50"
;. sin ( = lD
LAMD),AM .'. sin 50o =
.'. AD = 6 sin 50o = 4.596 cm. .'. AB = 2 AD = 9.193 cm.

In the opposite : C

Ag ir a diameter in the circle M : m (L A) = 43" and

AC = 10 cm.
Find the radius length of the circle M to the nearest hundredth.

of elevation
and angles
of depression

I @
If an observerA observed an object C above his
(Observed object)
horizontal sight : then the angle between the horizontal
+ +
ray AB and the ray AC connecting the observed object
(Angle of elevation)
and the observer's eye is called angle of elevation
of C with respect to A (Observer's eye)

If an observer A observed an object C down his
horizontal sight r then the angle between the horizontal
+ (Angle of depression)
ray AB and the ray AC connecting the observed object
and the observer's eye is called angle of depression of C
with respect to A (Observed object) Q

I Pemork
The measure of the depression angle of C with respect to A (Depression Angle)

equals the measure of the elevation angle of A with respect to C

because m(L At) =m(L C) (alternate angles)



Check your underslonding

Using the opposite figure r complete the following :

1 tfre elevation angle of the person A with respect to the car
C is ..............

2 ttre depression angle of the car C with respect to the

plane B is ."............
4 ttre depression angle of the person A with respect to the plane B is """""""' i

A man found that the measure of the angle of elevation of the top of a house at a point 50 metres
far from its base is 38o ZB fina the height of the house to the nearest metre.

Let AB represent the height of the house.

AB = 50 tan 38' 26 = 40 m.
... tan 38" 2B =
# ...

.'. The height of the house = 40 m.

From the top of a tower of height 50 m. : the measure of the angle of depression of a body
in the same horizontal plane with its base is 23' 24
Find the distance between this body and the base of the tower to the nearest metre.

Let AB represent the height of the tower.

:. LDAC is the angle of depression of the body.

;. m (LC ) = m (z DAC) = 23o z4 1torAts ll gcl

... tan 23" 24 =
# ... BC =--fl - = 116 m.
tan23" 24
.'. The distance between the body and the base of the tower = 116 m.

From a point on the ground 50 metres far from the base of a vertical pole r it is found that
the measure of the elevation angle of the top of the pole is 18' 3).
Find to the nearest metre the height of the pole from the ground.
> Lesson Four

A man of height 1.5 m. was standing on the ground at a point which is 10 m. far from a flagpole.
He found that the measure of angle of elevation of the top of the flagpol e is 40" 2).
Find the height of the flagpole to the nearest metre.

Let AB represent the height of the flagpole

and CD represent the height of the man.

Draw CN ll DB where N e AB
... ran
.'. AN = 10 tan 40" 2) = 8.5 m.

.'. AB =AN + NB = 8.5 + 1.5 = 10 m.

.'. The height of the flagpole = 10 m.

A light pole of height 7 .4 m. gives a shade on the ground of length 5.55 m.

Find in radian the measure of the elevation angle of the sun at that moment.

Let AB represent the light pole

, ET r"p."rent its shade on the ground
, 0 the measure of the elevation angle of the sun at that moment.
.'. e= 53'i48o
.'. The measure of the elevation angle of
5.55 m. B

the sun in radian = 53o i +s*

" Tk = o.gzTrud

From the top of a rock 200 m. high from the sea level : the depression angle of a boat
300 m. apart from the base of the rock was measured.
What is the radian measure of the depression angle ?

From the top of a rock of 50 m. high r the measures of the two angles of depression of two
sailboats are32 ld and 49'3d
Find the distance between the two sailboats l knowing that the two sailboats and the
base of the rock are collinear.

LetAB represent the height of the rock and CD represent the distance between the two sailboats
.'. In A ABD : tan 32" ,d =
.'. BD=
5o . =79.5m.
tan32" I0
InAABC :tan49" rd =#
5o . = 42.7 m.
.'. BC = tan 49" 30

.'. CD =79.5 -42.7 = 36.8 m.

A ship approaches a lighthouse 40 m. high from the sea level. At a moment : it was found that
the measure of the elevation angle of the top of the lighthouse is 0.12tud
t after 5 minutes , it was found again that its elevation angle measure is 0.24'ad
Calculate the uniform velocity of the ship.

Let AB represent the height of the lighthouse and CD represent

the distance covered by the ship during 5 minutes.
.'. In A ABC :

...tanc=# .'. tan O.l}'ud _40


.'. BC =
4o , = 331.73 m.
tan 0.l2tuo

r in AABD : '.' tan (Z ADB) = #

V/h", calculating the length of BC or
... tan o.24run = BDr we must convert the calculator
40 , = 163.45 m. from (Deg) into (Rad) by pressing :
.'. BD = tan}.24tas
... DC = 331 .13
.'. The
- 163.45 = 168.28 m. C-D-o


.'. The uniform velocity of the ship =

l5+2E = 33.656m.imin.
' time )

Lesson .,,.[

5 {


A circular sector is that part of the circle bounded by an arc and the two radii through
the ends of that arc.

In the circle M , if we draw the two radii MA and MB- r in the opposite figure
r then the circle surface is divided by the two radii into two parts
each of them is called a "circular sector".
. The part MACB is called the minor sector while the part MADB
is called the major sector.
. Z AMB is called the angle of the minor sector and the reflex Z AMB
is ca1led the angle of the major sector. c
-.---\ /.--\
. ACB is called the arc of the minor sector and ADB is called the arc of the major sector.

The area of the circular sector

ot a clrcle

Fig. (1) Fig. (2) Fie. (3) Fie. (a)

Noticing the previous figures r we g€t that :

The area of the sector

(MACB) _ 1 m (Z AMB) _90'_1
The area of the circle M +=
Measure of the circle M 360" 4
\L l/\ct/6,;t;\ t6l - ouJ.:!>!) t ..l-r-dl @
The area of the sector (MACB) _1 m (z AMB) 120" _1
Figure (2) : a a
The area of the circle M J Measure of the circle M 360" J

The area of the sector (MACB) _1 m (Z AMB)

=- _12
Figure (3) _., 180'
The area of the circle M L
Measure of the circle M 360"

Figure (4) :
The area of the sector (MACB) m (reflex Z AMB) _?40"
The area of the circle M Measure of the circle M 360"

TEL The ratio between the area of the sector and the area of the circle is the same ratio
between the measure of the angle of the sector and the measure of the circle.

Area of the sector _ Measure of the angle of the sector

Area of the circle Measure of the circle

If we symbolized the measure of the angle of the sector in radian measure by the symbol
Otud and its measure in degree measure by the symbol Xo : the radius length of the circle

by the symbol r and the length of the arc of the sector by the symbol L , then :

, Area of the circular sector grad

x|? zTt
.'. The area of the circular sector = O'uo
x fi 12
The area of the circular sector = 1 grad.1.

Area of the circular sector f
xl 12 360"
.'. The area of the circular sector f
- 360" x fi, 12

EL The area of the circular sector = x the area of the circle

3 '.' etud =
i r '.' the area of the circular sector =
i ,'uo,'
.'. The area of the circular sector =
* , ! , r,
The area of the circular sector =
t L,
E W" can consider that the circle is
a circular sector of angle measure = 360"
and the area of the circular sector = the area of the circle = Xt t2

@ fne perimeter of the circular sector = 2 r + L

> Lesson Five

Find the area of the circular sector where the length of its arc is / in a circle of radius
length r r if the measure of its angle is 0""d in radian measure and Xo in degree
measure in each of the following :

1r=1ocm. , Otud=1.5tud
2r=10.5cm., xo=144o
3 r=6cm. , l"=4cm.

1 The area of the sector =

+ O'uo r'= t x 1..5 x (10)2 = 75 crfi

2 The areaof the sector=# x,rL12 =#x x[ x (10.5)2 = 138.5 cm?

3 The area of the sector = + L, = + x 4 x 6 = t2 ct*


1 ttre area of the sector in which the length of the radius of its circle = 7 cm. and
the measure of its central angle is z.I'ud
2 tne area of the sector in which the length of the radius of its circle = 6.5 cm. and the
length of its arc is 8 cm.

3 ttre area of the sector in which the measure of its angle is 60" in a circle of radius
length 5 cm.

The perimeter of a circular sector is 55 cm. and the length of the radius of its circle
is 12 cm. Find its area.

'.' r = 12 cm. : the perimeter of the sector = 55 cm.

: '.' the perimeter of the sector = 2 r + l.

.'.55=z(lD+L :. I=31 cm.

.'. The area of the sector =

+ lt = + QD G2)= 186 cm?

The area of a circular sector is 270 cm? and the length of the radius of its circle is 15 cm.
Find : 'l ttre length of the arc of this sector.
2 ttre measure of its central angle in radians and in degrees.

1 '.' r = 15 cm. : the area of the sector = 270 cm?

,'.'theareaof the sector =
+ lr ;.210= | lgSl ;. l=36cm.
2 '.' I = 36 cm.and r = 15 cm.

v - Ir - 36
... 6rad 15 --.-
-111rad ;. Xo = 2.4'ud, 1!9' = 137" 3i

The area of a circular sector is 75 cm? and its perimeter is 35 cm. Find the radius length
of its circle and the measure of its central angle in degree measure.

'.' The area of the sector = 75 lr=15

"' +
.'. /r= 150 (1)

r '.' the perimeter of the sector = 35 :. l.+2r=35

.'. L=35-2r (2)
Substituting from (2) in (1) : .'. (35 -2r) r= 150
:.212-35r+150=0 .'. (r-10)(2r-15)=Q

.'.r=10cm. , =l
i "*. substituting in (1
.'. l=15cm. :. L =20 cm.
20 _uud
0tud = I -
... 6rad
, =d=-lt = r.s'uo , '.' - 3
r - 7.5-

;. xo = 1.5'ud x l!9" = ss" sd :i -o --TStud x 180' =

... J\, 152" 4) t9
x(, xt

The area of a circular sector is 120 cm? and the length of its arc is 20 cm.
Find the measure of its angle in radian measure and in degree rl€BSUr€ r
then find the perimeter of the sector.
> Lesson Five

A circle M is of radius length 6 cm. r the two radii MA and MB- are drawn in this circle
such that AB = 10 cm. Find the area of the minor sector MAB to the nearest cm?

Draw IAC f AB and cuts it atC >then C is the midpoint of AB

'.' A ACM in which : m (L ACM) = 90o
.'. sin (Z AMC) =
\C5\\ .'. m (L AMC) = 56 26 34
ai = 6r \ :\
.'. m (LAMB) = 2 x 56 26 34 = 172 53 8
.'. The area of the minor sector MAB = *360' x ltr 12 =
I 12" 5i i x x[ x (6)2 = 35.46 cm?

ABC is aright-angledtriangle atB :inwhichAB = 6 cm. andBC = 8 cm.

Draw a circular arc with cenffe A and with radius AB to intersect AC at O
Find to the nearest cm? the area of the zone bounded by BC and CD ana6

The required area = the area of A ABC - the area of the sector ABD

The area of AABC = j

fanl GC) = t " u x 8 = 24 cm?

... r
=AB = 6 cm. ttan (LBAD) = ffi = t
.'. m(LBAD) = S:'i +S* C

.'. The area of the sector ABD = n y2 v -x' =n (6)2, = r7 cm?

.'. The required area = 24 - ll = 7 cm? =P
Find the area of the shaded part in each of the following in terms of J[ :


AB and AC *. two tangents from A to the circle M to touch it at B and C

r where the length of the radius of the circle is 5 cm. and AM = 13 cm.
Find to the nearest cm? the area of the zone bounded by,tT rE anOfr

The area of the required zone

= the area of the figure ABMC - the area of the sector MCDB
'.' AB , AC ur" tangents , BM , CM are radii
.'. m(L MBA) =m(LACM) = 90o

... AB = 46 =1@(5f = t2 cm.

.'. The area of ABMC = 2 x the area of A ABM

=2x + x5x12=60cm? (1)

'.' m (L B) = 90" in A MBA

.'. cos (z BMA) =

.'.m(LBMA) =6'7oDqd
;. m (LBMC) = 2 x 67" D +d = 134"+i gB

.'. The area of the sector MCDB

* ^ xo - *tl,(5)'"
- JU r-2 -, tffi +5 16
r<t2 -.134"
= 29 cm? (2)
From (1) and (2) :

.'. The area of the required zone = 60 - 29 = 3l cm?



The circular segment is a part of the surface of the circle bounded by an arc and a chord
passing by the ends of this arc.

o If we draw the chord Rg in the circle M r then the surface

of the circle is divided into two parts r each of them
is called a "circular segment".
. The central angle L AMB is called the angle of the circular segment.
o The angle AMB in the given flgure is the angle of the minor
segment AEB r while the reflex angle L AMB is the angle of the major segment ADB
.If DE is a diameter such that DE f AB and DE n AB = {H}
r then EH is called the height of the minor segment.
. Notrae that:
- The area of the minor segment = the area of the circular sector MAEB - the area of A MAB
- The area of the major segment = the area of the sector MADB + the area of A MAB
Hence : to find the area of the circular segment : we rDUSt find the area of the triangle :
whose base is the chord of the circular segment and its vertex is the centre of the circle.
The area of a triangle knowing the lengths of two of its sides and the measure of the
included angle between them :
Suppose we have A ABC r in which the length of AB
: the length of AC and m (L A) are known.

Draw gD f AC
.'. The area of AABC = j tlc) {eo) (1)

But m (Z BDA) = 90o in A ABD

.'. BD = sinA
-iEl- BD =AB sinA (2)

Substituting from (2) in (1) : we get :

The area of AABC = j tacl (AB sinA)

.'. The area of the triangle = theproduct of the lengths of two of its sides
x sin (the included angle between them)

The area of the circular segment

Let us get the area of the minor circular segment AEB :

in a circle of radius length r and its central angle is of measure 0d
.'. The area of the circular sector MAEB = Od rz
a MAB = funl (MB) sin (z AMB) = ,2 sin 0
and the area of
] i
.'. The area of the circular segment AEB

= the area of the circular sector MAEB - the area of A MAB

= i rz od - t rz sin, = Lr2 1g*o- sin o)

.'. The area of the circular segment =

i ,' (ed - sin 0)

@ fne area of the major segment ADB
= the area of the circular sector MADB + the area of A MAB
=i12ed+ |*sin(2n-s)
= * ,2 g'& - | 12 sin} [ro, ,in (2x1-0) = - sin e]

B W" can find the area of the major circular segment by subtracting
the area of the minor circular segment from the area of the circle.

P fne perimeter of the circular segment = the length of its arc + the length of its chord.
> Lesson Six

Find the area of a circular segment if the measure of its central angle is 120"
and the tength of the radius of its circle is 8 cm.

'.' 6rad =1.20o t # =2.0944d

1 2
.'. The area of the circular segment = - sin 0)
zr lgraO

z $)2 Q.og44 - sin l2o") = 393 crfr.
In the previous example r we c&r use the radian measure of the central angle to find the
area of the circular segment instead of the degree measure :

The area of the circular segment =

| {U' Q.O944d - sin2.0944) = 39.3 cm? noticing
that we must convert the calculator system from (Deg) into (Rad) before finding the area

e -!-o

Find the area of the circular segment whose length of the radius of its circle is 10 cm.
and the measure of its central angle is 1.02tud approximating the result to the nearest

The area of the circular segment = 1 r2 lgraO - sin 0)


(10)2 (1 .olad- sin I .ozd) =8.39 cr*

Find the area of the circular segment whose length of the radius of its circle is r and
the measure of its central angle is 0 if :

2 r=8cm. r0d= z.Ote

\o l/lo/19;13 \ (g-* - oGJ opL;) ;el*6Jl



A circular segment where the radius length of its circle is 10 cm. and the length of its arc is
26.19 cm. Find its area.


= !r10
... 6rad 26.19
- =2.619d
.'. The area of the circular segment

= + ? (g* - sin 0) =
| Oo)' (z.6vr,d- sin 2.619d) = 105.99 cr*

Find the area of a minor circular segment whose chord is of length 12 cm. in a circle of
radius length L0 cm.

Let AB represent the chord of the segment and M be the centre of the circle.
Draw IvfC f AB , thus C is the midpoint of AB
From AAMC : we have :

sin (Z AMC) = 0.6

.'. m (LAMC) = 36 5)
.'. m(LAMB) =2(36" S); = 73" 44
.'. e'ud =73o +4
" L[80" = 1.2869d
.'. The area of the circular segment ADB

=i ,'(0d - sin 0) = { trool G.286gd- sin 73o +41= 16.35 cr*

Find the area of the minor circular segment in which the length of its ihord is 24 cm.
and its height is 6 cm.

Let AB- be the chord of the segment in the circle M and draw
MC J- AB cutting AB at D and the circle at C
Thus r CD is the height of the segment. .'. CD=6cm.
, '.' MO l- AB- .'. AD = DB = 12 cm.
> Lesson Six

r'.'MC=MA=r .'. MD=r-6

'.' A ADM in which m (Z ADM) = 90" .'. (AM)2 = (AD)2 + (MD)2
:.,2=144+(,-6)2 .'.12=144+?-tzr+36
.'. 12r = 180 .'. r = 15 cm. Notice that
AD _15
- AM \
r'.' sin(ZAMD) -12 -4
-5 12xtZ=6x(2r-6)
," m(LAMD) = 53" ? 48o .'.r=15cm.
.'. m(LAMB) =2 x 53o i +S* = tOO" ti :B
, ... od = 1o6o ri :d " # = 1.85d
.'. The area of the minor circular segment = rz - sin 0 )
*" 19Ed

= t"(15)2 (1.85r4d - sin 106" rj :d ) = t00.tz5 cmz

Find the 'OIVE
area of the circular segment in which its height is 3 cm. and the radius
length of its circle is 10 cm.

Two congruent circles in which the radius length of each one is 6 cm. and one of them passes
through the centre of the other. Find the area of the included part between them.

Let the two circles intersect at A and B
.'. AB divides the included part between the two circles
into two equal circular segments in area.
r '.' A AMN is an equilateral triangle in which :

rA BMN is an equilateral triangle in which :

.'. m(LAMN) =m(L BMN) = 60o m (Z AMB) = m (Z ANB) = 120"

,...0d-126.y__F 2-Jt'
lg0" = 3
.'. The area of the minor circular segment ANB =+P (e*d - sin 0)

=lx 62 (?" -sin 120") = 22.11 cm?

.'. The area of the included part between the two circles = 2 x 22.11 = 44.22 cm?

Firsf\ The oreo of the lriongle

You have previously studied the area of the triangle and known that :

of the base x corresponding height

Ftrs\ The area of the triangle =
$ *"length

i.e. L In any triangle ABC r if AD l- BC r then :


The area of A ABC =
| sc x AD

theproduct of the lengths of two sides

ffiil The area of the triangle =
[ \ x sine of the included angle between them.

j:iEL In any triangle ABC

The area of AABC =

i o, xAC x sinA
> Lesson Seven

Calculate the area of the triangle ABC in each of the following cases :
'leC = 10 cm. and the length of the perpendicular drawn from B to AC equals J cm.
2 eg = 12 cm.: BC = 15 cm. and m (LB) = 90o
3 eg = 11 cm. : BC = 10 cm. and m (LB) = 47o approximating the result to the nearest
4 An =25cm. rBC= 17 cm.andAC =26cm.

The area of the triangle ABC =

i O" x BD
=35 cm?
The area of the triangle ABC =
f nC >< en
=*"$xt2 tr

=90 cm?

The area of the triangleABC =

* O, x BC x sin B

= 40.22 cm2.

Draw nO l- BC , l"t BD = X cm.

r thus DC = (17 - X) cm.
In A ABD : '.' m (Z ADB) = 90" .'. (AD)2 = (AB)2 - GD)2
.'. (AD)2 = 625 - X2 (1)

In A ADC : '.' m (Z ADC) = 90o ... (AD)2 = (AC)2 - (DC)2

.'. (AD)2 = 676 - (17 - X)2 (2)

From (1) and (2) twe get that :625 - X2 = 676 - Q7- n2
.'. 625 - Yz = ffi6 - 289 + 34 x- * .'.34 X=238 .'. \,=7 cm.
Substituting in (1) :

.'. (AD)2 = 625 - 49 = 576 .'. AD = 24 cm.

.'. Theareaof therriangleABC= = i "17 x24=2O4cm?

If we symbolized the perimeter of the triangle ABC (the sum of the side lengths of the

triangle) by 2 S : then the area of the triangle ABC =@

Check the solution of the previous example by using Hero's formula.

Calculate the area of the triangle ABC in each of the following cases approximating
the result to the nearest hundredth :
1 ttre triangle ABC is equilateral and its side length is 6 cm.
2 Ag =12cm. rBC= 15cm.andm (LB)=62" ..

Second \ rne oreo of the convex quodriloterol

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which its diagonats AC and BD

intersect at M and include between them an angle of measure 0
r then the area of the quadrilateral ABCD = the area of A ABD + the area of A BCD

'.'InAAEM :n(LAEM)=90o .'. ,4E=
sin0= AM .'. AE=AMsin0

,inACFM:m(ZCFM)=90o .'. sin o =

cF .'. cF = cM sin o
.'. The area of the quadrilateral ABCD =
] no (AM sin 0 + CM sin 0)

2---- '2

The area of the quadrilater al = L the product of the lengths of its diagonals
x sine of the included angle between them.

If we used Z AMD of measure (180' - 0) that is the supplementary angle of
Z AMB of measure 0 : then the area of the quadrilateral ABCD does not change
because sin (180' - 0) = sin 0
> Lesson Seven

Find the area of the quadrilateral in which the lengths of its diagonals are 10 cm.
12 cm. and the measure of the included angle between them is 62'

The area of the quadrilateral tn"product of the lengths of its diagonals

X sine of the included angle between them
x rc x 12 xsin =
I 62o 52.98 cm?
We can use the previous law for calculating the areas of some special quadrilaterals as :

In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a square .'. AC = BD ,eCfnn
.'. The area of the square ABCD =
+ xACxBDxsin90"
xACxACx r=*(AC)2
The area of the square = tne square of its diagonal length
The area of the square whose diagonal length is 6 cm. =*" (6)2 = 18 cm?

Rhombus :

In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a rhombus .'. AC f gD
.'. The area of the rhombus ABCD = 1 xACxBDxsin90o
The area of the rhombus = theproduct of its diagonal lengths
F:y .l*rrple:
The area of the rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. and 8 cm. = 1
x6x8 =24cm?

1 ttre area of the square whose diagonal length is 8 cm.
2 ttre area of the rhombus whose diagonal lengths are l2cm. and 16 cm.
3 ttre area of the quadrilateral whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. r 8 cm. and the measure of
the included angle between them is 120"

In the quadrilateral ABCD r if its two diagonals intersect at M r then
Area (A ABM) x Arei' (A DCM)

= Area (A ADM) x Area (A BCM)

Area (A ABM) x Area (A DCM)

=l+ rvrA) (MB) sin e] , [] rvlo) (MC) sin e]

=l+ tvrA) (MD) sin (180'- e)] , [] rvrnl (MC) sin (180" - 0)]

= Area (A ADM) x Area (A BCM)

Third Ihe oreo of lhe regulor polygon

o The regular polygon : It is a polygon in which all interior angles are equal in measure
and all sides are equal in length.

o The measure of the vertex angle of a regular polygon in which the number of its sides is
(n-2) x 180o
n sides =

Yov enaltple :

The measure of the vertex angle of the regular hexagon

. (6-2) x 180' 120 L20
o We can divide the regular polygon whose the number of its sides
is n sides into a number n of the congruent isosceles triangles and
the measure of the vertex angle of each of tt.- = T

Yov exartple :

The regular pentagon is divided into 5 congruent triangles r

each one of them is isosceles and the measure of its vertex

ansle is 2lr' -72"

> Lesson Seven

The area of the regular polygon

In the opposite figure :
A regular polygon in which the number of its sides is xt
n sides and the length of its side = X length unit.

Then the area of the polygon = the area of A AMB x n

ir* I

'.' A AMB is an isosceles triangle in which : MA = MB ,m(LAMB) =Zfr

, '.. MD- I ag- .'.m(LAIran;=!t
MD .11 MD
: '.' cot (Z AMD) - AD
...cot-=-np ... MD =
| xcot +
r '.' the area of AAMB = j base length x height =
* "AB x MD
=L "*" + xcot+= + x2 cot !
.'. The area of the polygo, = (+ x2 cot+) " = + n x2 cot !

Te.L The area of the regular polygon whose the number of its sides is n sides and
the length of its side is X =

Find the area of each of :

1 A regular octagon of side length 7 cm. (to the nearest hundredth)

2 A regular polygon whose the number of its sides is 12 sides and its side length = 10 cm.
(to the nearest centimetre square)

3 An equilateral triangle of side length 9 cm. (to the nearest thousandths)

1 ttre area of the regular octagon =

+ nx2cotfr=!^
8x72 xcot& =236.59cm?

2 ttre area of the polygon of 12 sides = !nxzcotE= 1 x 12 x 102 x cot

4n4 E= ,t O ""r'.
3 ttre area of the equilateral triangle = i"*'"otL=i x3x92 xcotf =35.074cm?
Another solutlon :

The area of the triangle = tneproduct of two side lengths x sine of the included angle
between them =
* " rx 9 x sin 60o = 35.074 cm?

\\ I /1ct/6;\: r (C, - ot;.] ol*;L;) ;et-a,6Jl


o The equilateral triangle is a regular trilateral r so we can use the law of calculating
the area of the regular polygon to find its area as the previous example : then :

The areaof the equilateral triangle =

i r3 x x2 x cot+ = I *' x cot 60"

= 1*',+ =E*'
i.e. The area of the equilateral triangle =+ X2 whereX is the side length of
the triangle.

Using the same wa! t we can find the area of the regular hexagon :

3F y'
The areaoftheregularhexagon =
i* 6 x Xzx cotf; = + *'x cot 30o =

The area of the regular hexagon = X2 whereX is its side length.


Use the law of calculating the area of the regular polygon to find the area of each of :

1 An equilateral triangle of side length 15 cm. (approximating the result to the nearest

2 A square of side length 6 cm.

3 A regular pentagon of side length 12 cm. (approximating the result to the nearest
ffi \

Second Analytic Geometry


Straight line
Unlt Four


-dh..&.,- ".,4.d
Unit Lessons

i1 Scalars , vectors and directed line segment.


s3 Operations on vectors.

B4 Applications on vectors.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to :

. Recognize the scalar quantity , the . Recognize parallel and perpendicular

vector quantity and the directed line vectors.
segment and express it in terms of its . Multiply a vector by a real number.
two ends in the coordinate plane.
. Add two vectors using the triangle rule
. Recognize the position vector and put it (Coordinates - Parallelogram rule) -
in the polar form. Subtract two vectors.
. Find the norm of the vector and zero . Prove some geometric theorems using
vector. vectors.
. Recognize and solve exercises on . Solve applications in the plane
equivalent vectors. geometry on vectors.
. Recognize the unit vector and express
the vector in terms of the fundamental
unit vectors.

Scalars ,
and directed
Iine segment

Scalar quantity and vector quantity

. The quantities which we deal with in our life are two kinds :

1 Scqlor quontity:
It is a quantity determined completely by a real number which is the magnitude of
this quantity.
Yov exqltple : Length - mass - time - temperature - volume - distance.

2 Vector quonlity :
It is a quantity determined completely by a real number which is the magnitude of
this quantity and the direction.
Yov exqltple : Force - displacement - velocity.

To show the difference between the scalar quantity and the vector quantity : we show
- for example - the difference between distance as a scalar quantity and displacement
as a vector quantity.

1 Dislonce : It is the length of the actual path covered during movement from a position
to another and it is a scalar quantity because it is determined completely by its
magnitude only without direction.
! Displocement : It is the smallest distance between the starting point and the ending
point and in the direction from the starting point to the ending point.
T.e.l= It is the distance between two points in a certain direction and it is a vector
quantity because it is determined completely by its magnitude and its direction.
> Lesson One

Yov enanple:
In the opposite figure :

If a body moved from the point A a distance 12 m. east

: then changed its direction and moved 5 m. north and
stopped at the point C r then :

the distance covered by the body during

A r2m.
the movement = AB + BC = 12 + 5 = 17 m.

and the displacement resulted during the movement is the length of AC in the direction
from A to C

. Each ray in the plane determines a certain direction.

Fot er,qlrrple : North

In the opposite figure :

. OA determines east direction.

. ffi d"t".-ines north east direction.

. ON determines the direction 30o north of west.

. ffi determines the direction 35o east of south. South

In the opposite figure :

,_ €
If AB and CD are parallel and each of them is not parallel
toiYrEGAB,FCCD rzexY:then, X
+ +
. EA

and BA have the same direction and are carried on one
straight line.
EA and FC have the same direction and are carried on two \
parallel straight lines.
. EA and EB are in opposite directions and carried on one straight line.
. EA and FD are in opposite directions and caried on two parallel straight lines.
+ +
'EA and ZX are in different directions and carried on two not parallel straight lines.
The two rays which have the same direction or in opposite directions are caffied on
one straight line or two parallel straight lines.

The two rays different in directions are not carried on one straight line or two parallel
straight lines.

The directed line segment

. If we determined to the line segment AB a starting point A and an endingpointB rthen

follow from that the line segment has a direction from A to B and is called a directed line
segment and is denoted by the symbol AE , with noticing that :
AB * BA because they are different in the starting point
and the ending point and this lead to their opposite in BA
the direction. B

. From the previous r we deduce that the directed line segment is determined by three

1 Starting point. 2 Ending point. 3 Direction from starting point to ending point.

f fne directed line segment :
It is a line segment which has a starting point r an ending point and a direction.

@ fne norm of the directed line segment "norm of AB" :

It is the length of AB and is denoted by the symbol il A;- il

and notice that : ll ffi- ll = 11 ffi 11 = an

@ Equivalent directed line segments :
Two directed line segments are equivalent if :

1 . fney have the same length "norm".

2. They have the same direction.

In the opposite figure

ABCD is a

and E is the midpoint of AD-


parallelogram , its diagonals intersecting at M

Determine lhe directed line segments (if existed)

which ore equivolenl lo :
> Lesson One

1AE 2 Da' 3 Mil

4AM 5 AE 6 ME
Second IShow why the following direcled line segments ore not equivolent :

1 Olrt and DB g AD and CB 3 AM and CM


1DC 2 CB 3 DM
4Md 5 ED 6 None.

Second I
'l BecauseilDmil*ilD8il
2 Because AD ana CB *" in opposite direction.
3 Because ffi ano ffi ur" in opposite direction.

In the opposite figure :

If AD n BC = {M} rMA= MD and MB = MC

r then complete the following with "is equivalent to" or
"is not equivalent to" r showing the reason :

1 ffi ffib..urse they are ..............

2 ME- ffib""uuse they are ..............

3 AE- CD b".uure rhey are ..............

4 BM- Bdb""uure they are ..............


E AB r CD can not be equivalent unless two parallel straight lines carrying them or
one straight line as in the following figures :

trll i>

\V f /\o/,sjl; t (C, - ol.iJ opL-r).1al,a Oll


./ /
If A : B r C and D are not collinear ana ffiis equivalent to DC r DCI /Ei
then ABCD is a parallelogram. CB

@ From a point in the plane : for example C r we can draw a unique directed
line segment eD equivalent to another line segment AB in the same plane.

@ there are an infinte number of directed line segments can be drawn in the plane and
each of them is equivalent to another directed line segment.

In an orthogonal coordinate plane r determine the points A(-2 r 1) r B (1 ,3) t C (2 tZ)

and D (1 , - 1) : then draw CE and DL each of them is equivalent to AB-
Find the coordinates ofeach of: E and L

To draw Gequivalent to AE , then CEarro AEshould have

the same direction and the same norrn.
. Draw G, ttne (tn" slope of G = the slope of EE = ?)
. Use the compasses to determine the length of Ee = the
length of AB or by calculating the number of horizontal zIt
and vertical squares r then we get that : E - (5 t 4) ,Df
. Similarly : draw Df , we get that : L = (4 ,1)

{ notker Solution :
'.' The translation preserves parallelism and lengths of line segments.
.'. ThepointC is the image of thepointAby the translation lQ rZ)-(-2 r 1)] = @ rl)
and to draw CEequivalent to,qg r we get tfrut , Gis the image of AB by the
translation (4 ,1)
.'. The point E is the image of the point B by the translation (4 , l)
.'. The pointE = (1 + 4 t3 + 1) = (5 r4)
Similarly r we con find the coordinates of the point L

The position vector
We know that each point A in the orthogonal coordinates
plane is determined by a unique ordered pak (X, y) , so it has
a unique position with respect to the origin point O which is

determined by the directed line segment dand it is called the

position vector of the point A and is written u, OA = (X t y)

The position vector of a given point A with respect to the origin point O is the directed
line segment ffiwhich its starting point is the origin point O and the given point A is
its ending point.

In the opposite figure :

* OA is the position vector of the point (A) with respect to
the origin point O and is written u, OA = (3 ,Z)
* OB is the position vector of the point (B) with respect to
the origin point O and is written ur G = e3 ,4)
All position vectors have the same starting point (O) r then we denote the position
vector I'OArr by the symbol "A"

In the previous figure :

Wewrite \=(3 t2) r B= (-3 14)


It is the length of the line segment that represents the vector.

IfA = (X ry)
, then lli
= the length of OA and if we used the law of the
distance between two points to flnd the length of OA r then :

rhe length of OA =fit: oF; (t- oF

il; il= r[P;?

Yov exqltple :

.rrE=(-l ,3t[i)
, thenll, il=X[ r,'. G1E)' = 6lensth units.
. If d= (- 3, K) and lldll = :rE

, th"rlFgf * IC = 3'[,
.'. K=+3

It is a vector whose norm is unity.

Yov exqltpte :

O= (+, f),, a unit vectorbecause

lli ll= ,1/

t+l' . (+)'= I lensth unit

It is a vector whose norm equals zero and denoted by 6 o, , where O = (0 r 0) and it
has no direction.
> Lesson Two

Check your underslonding

l Iff-(6,-8),n"0:ilfil
2 vectorf = (
Is the
+, +) ^unitvector ? and why ?

3 rr (t , tr a unit vector : then find the value of k


If the position vector OA makes an angle of

measure 0 with the positive direction of X-axis

r then the polar form of the position vector

of=(iloTll ,e)

Yov exaltple :

If OA makes an angle of measure 30o

with the positive direction of X-axis and

il f il = 6 length units r then the polar
form of the vector d= (6 ,30.)

If the position vector of the point A (X , y)
is in the polar form oA= ( ll oA ll , e) , tr,.n ,v)
"ore t3
,y=lloill tine whererure=* i16
and the cartesian form of the vector Of it *llOillcos0*
oa = (ilof ll cos e ,lloA ll si, e)

ff OT it the position vector of the point A with respect to the origin point r then find
the coordinates of the point A in each of the following :

i OA = (,ofr,60.) 2 0T =(u,[r:135') 3 0A= (t ,"#)

1 x= 1o{5cos 60" = 51F ,y=101Fsin60o=15 ... d= (s1E, rs)

2 X = 6al2 cos 135o = - 6 ,y = 6^[i sin 135o = 6 ...A=(-6r6)
3 X=8"os4I=-4
:y=8 sinf =-4'[i .'. A- (-+,-4rh)

m 6T is the position vector of the point A with respect to the origin point r then
find the polar form of,the vector OIi" each of the following :

1 bT = (+ ,4tti) 2 oT= (t{t , - s) x<0,y>0

-----Solution ,-
1 ... oi = (+ ,4tta) (180 - 0)

.'. iloTil= (4)2 + (o'[i)' = S lensth units.

x<0,y<o x>0,y<o
rtan o =ff=rF
r '.' the measure of the acute angle whose tan is {5 is ,*- ' ({t ) = Ur"
;'.'X>0 ry>0 .'. 0 = 60"

... oi = (g : 60")

. oA=(1115,-r)
.'. il bT il =J(s1F)'* t- 5)2 = t0 length units.
:tan0- -5 =-!
51 3 n'lz
r '.' the measure of the acute angle whose tan is is tan-' (# ) = :o'
t': X>0 ry<0 .'. e-360"-30"=330o
.'. oA - (10 :330")
> Lesson Two

1 If thepositionvector6f = F'[; r225) rthenfindthecoordinatesof thepointA
2 Write in the polar form the position vector OT = (- n^[i , n)
Equivalent vectors

Every vector i
= 1X : y) can be represented by an infinite number of equivalent directed
line segments r where each of them is equivalent to the position vector of the point
In the opposite figure :

A = (3 r 4) is a position vector of the point A

, Bt= ffi= ...= oib"cause
ll BC ll= llDEll= = lloA ll= 32+42

= 5 length units.
, BC , DE , ... , Oi*. in the same direction
r so oach of BC r DE : .'. consider
a geometrical representation of the vector f
l,e.l- gd= m= .,.= oa = (3 ,4)
. From the previous : we notice that the
vectors are related by the ordered pairs.
The elements of lR x IR (R2) : so we can deduce the definition of the vectors with
the mathematical concept or the algebraic concept as the following :

The elements of the set IR2 with addition and multiplicatiol bry real number defined on
itarecalledvectors randdenotedbyoneof thesymbols A rB tC t...
Where IR2 = the set of the ordered pairs of the cartesian product IR x IR

={(x ty):x€lR,yeR}

IfA=(Xrryr)CRz r B=(Xzry) CR2

Ithen A + B = (X1 + Xz ryr+ yz)

Yov enqltpte : If f = 5),

B = (2 r l)
rthenE*E-= (3 + 2 t5 +1) = (5 r6)
Properties of addition on vectors
1 Closureproperty: Forevery A : BCIR2 ,thenA + BelR2
2 Commutative property : For every f , E' : then f * E = E-* i
3 Associative property : Forevery A r B : C rthen A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C = A + B + C
4 Identity element property : For every I there exists the zero vector d = (0 r 0) where
Additive inverse property: Foreveryf lX ry) there exists (-D =eX r-y)where
i Il
* t- f) = (- * fD = d (r".o vector)
f) is called the additive inverse of i
the vector (-
6 Elimination property: For every i r-B',dirf *E'= f * d rthen E-=d

If A = (X ry) €lk rk€lR r thenkA =k(X ty) = (kX rky)

Yov exqltpte : Iff = (2, - 5)

:then 3 i= 3 (2 t-5) = (6 r- 15)

Properties of multiplying a vector by a real number
1 Distributive property :

A, B, keiR :then k (A + B) = k A + k B
!!r!l-.1 : Forevery
lggg[U : For every i , t, , kn e ]R : then (k1 + k2) A= kr I+ t, i
2 Associativeproperty: Foreveryi,t, ,k2CR rthen(kl k2)i=kr G,b
3 Elimination property : For every f , E, k €lR* if k f = k B, then f = E

IfI= (3 r-1), B = (2 >5), C= (-4 t2)rfind each ofthefollowingvectors :

1 zf-rE' z lr+f+zB-O
3 26 -3 (d+ D wn"r" dis the zero vector

I zA-*38= 2(3 t- 1)- 3 (2,s)

- (6 r-2)+ (-6 ,- 15) = (0 r- 17)

zt r+-E+zB'-c-> =ze-*E- + c
=2 (3,- 1) + (2,5) - | e4,2)
=(6 t-2) + (2 ,5) + (2 t- 1) = (10 ,2)
> Lesson Two

g zd-3 (d+D =2 (o,o)-: [r- 4,2)+ (3,- 1)]

- (0,0)-3 (- 1, 1) = (0,0) +(3,-3) - (3,-3)

Iff=(6rl) , F= Qt2)rfind,ltA-zFl

i-zF=(6 tt)-2(l ,2)-(6,1)-(2 t4)=(4 t-3)

ll i- z E il =f/ro * q =nfzs =5 length units.

Iff=(3 r- 1), F= Q r-5), d=(-5,5) r thenwriteinthepolarform
the vector M r where M = A -2E - C

For any two vectors f = (X, tYr)

tB = (X2 ty2)
r then A = B if and only if X, =Xz'Yt=Yz

IfI= Qt-3) , B=(3r5)

, express C = (l2 r 1) in terms of A and B

rct d= k i* / E-where t, / em,

...4i= k(2 t-3)+ Le,s)=(zk,-3k) +eL,sl)
=(2k+3l",-f t+5/;
.'. (zk+ 3 l,- 3 k+s 11 = 1r2, t)
.'. 2k + 3 L = 12 (Multiplying by 3) 6k+91=36 (1)
r- 3 k + 5 L =1 (Multiplyingby 2) -6k+ l0L=Z (2)
Adding (1) and (2) : :. 19 L = 38 L=2
Substitutingin (1) : .'. 6k= 18 .'. k= 3

.'. d= r f + z E-

\A I /1,>/,gi;E \ (6i - .rtil oq;L.J) ;ela6Jl

The fundamental unit vectorsl ,J
If O is the origin point of an orthogonal coordinate plane r then :

1 ttre fundamental unit vectori - (1 , 0) is the position vector of

the point (1 0) r its norm is the unity and its direction is the
positive direction of the X-axis

2 The fundamental unit vectorl - (0 , 1) is the position vector

of the point (0 : 1) : its norm is the unity and its direction is
the positive direction of the y-axis
* Note that : lli ll = lll ll = r

Expressing the vector in terms of the fundamental unit vectors

tf ils a vector in the plane where i= (x , y)

r thenit is possible to expres, f i, terms of the
fundamental unit vectors as follows :
A = (X ty) = (X r 0) + (0 r y) (from definition of addition)
= X (I : 0) + y (0 , 1) (from definition of multiplying
by a real number)

and this rule is used directly to express the ordered pair representing i l, terms of the
i :j
fundamental unit vectors

Yov eaq}lrple i A= (2,3)=2i+3 i r B=(-5, 1)=-5 i+ j

Express each of the following vectors in terms of the fundamental unit vectors I
then find its norm :

1f=(-8,6) 21,=e'-2) 3M=(i,o) 4 d= (2 t-6)

1 f=-ai+ol . i . ll ll ={G 8)z;GP = 10 lensth units.

z i=-zj . i ll ll =1[@Y * (1 = z tensthunits .

3 M =+i .'. llMll= (+)' +(0)2 =|bngthunits.

4 d= zi-ej .'. ll c ll =1[@'z + 6Y = Zn[i bngth units.
> Lesson Two

Express each of the following vectors in terms of the fundamental unit vectors r then find
its norm :

, i= (7 ,-24) Q (- 6 ,0) 3 L=(0,-12) 4 E=(_12 r_16)

Write each of the following vectors in its polar and cartesian forms I then
express it in terms of the fundamental unit vectors :

1 A force of magnitude 12 newtons acts in the direction North East.

2 A uniform speed of a car covers 8 meffes per second in the direction 30" North of West.

3 trre displacement of a body a distance 24 metres in the North direction.

4 A force of magnitude 4 kg.wt. in the direction 30o East of South.

1 Letthe position vector of the force = f
'.' The direction North East bisects the angle between the North
and the East. .'. Q.1- 99o
= 2 =--'45o
x The polar form of i = (12 , 45")
x The cartesian form of i = ltZcos 45o r 12 sin 45") - (U^[; ,6^[r)
*[= 6^[ri*61[,j
2 Letthe position vector of the speed = B
* The polar form of F= (8 , 150")
* The cartesian form ofn (8 cos 150" r 8 sin 150")
= (- o,[i , o) South
xB=-4\3 i+4 j

Let the position vector of the displacement = C

" 0:=90o
x The polar form of d= (24 ,gO')
x The cartesian form of | = p+ cos 90o t 24 sin 90")
= (o ,24)
* C=24 j South
4 Letthe position vector of the force = D
.'. 0+ = 270' + 30o = 300o
x The polar form of D= (4 r 300.)
* The cartesian form of D - (4 cos 300o : 4 sin 300")

Write each of the following vectors in the polar and cartesian forms r then express it
in terms of the fundamental unit vectors :
1 A force of magnitude 63 newtons acts in the East direction.
2 The displacement of a body a distance 3 metres in the South direction.
3 A uniform speed of a car covers 50 metres per second in the direction North West.
Porollel ond perpendiculor veclors

For every non zero vectors f , E-where i= (Xr ,Yt) tfi, = 1xr ry2)

t rririE' 2 IfTIE

: then tan 0, - tan 0, : then tan 0, x tan0r= - 1

. -Yz
Yt ...
yt ,
xr !z=_l
Xryz- x2yt=0 and vice versa. Xt Xz+ yr yz = 0 and vice versa.

Yov exaltple:If f -(3,4),8-(8,-6), c=(g,tz)

r then iI Fu".ause [3 x 8 + 4 x (- 6) = o]
, f ll du"cause lz x tz- 4 x 9 = o] Remork
* Note that : The slope of f =
rthe slope of B =+= +,the slopeofd= + = + : then the slope of A=
.'. The slope of i= the slope of d
:. A ll C :the slope of A x the slope of B = - I ... irE
> Lesson Two

Iff= F2t3) , B = (- 4 tm) r find the value of m in each of the following :

1 AIIB q frE'

1 ... flE- -2m-3(-4)=0 .'. 2 m= 12 m=6

2 ... frE (-2)(-4)+3m=0 .'. 3 m=-8 -=+

Draw an orthogonal coordinate plane where O is the origin point r then represent on
it each of the following :
1 The vector A = (1 :3) by a directed line segment whose starting point is (r ,z)
2 the vector g = (a t - 2) by a directed line segment whose starting point is (- I , 1)
* Then find the ending point in each case

To represent the vector A = 1t ,:;

x Start from the point (1 t2) tthenmove to the right one 5

unit in the positive direction of the X-axis. 3
* Then move upwards 3 units in the positive direction of 2

the y-axis.
.'. The ending point - (2 ,5)

To represent the vector i, = (+ , - Z)

x Start from the point (- 1 r 1) r then move to the right 4 units in the positive direction
of the X-axis.
x Then move downwards 2 units in the negative direction
of the y-axis
.'. The ending point = (3 , - 1)

trilis anonzero vecror :k*0 ,thenMllr.Mano lltir,r ll= It l. llMll
: where the direction of kMis the same direction of Mfo. every k > 0
and the direction of k M is the opposite direction of M for every k < 0

Yov exqltple r. M ,2 Mare parallel and in the same directions. '

. M , -+ M are parallel and in the opposite direcrions -rO/O/


f is a non-zero vector. Find the yalue of K in each of the following cases :

j Kllfil=il-zail z llzrall= ll-: ill

1 '.'rllill=ll-zall .'. rllf ll=zllall .'. K=2

2 .'llzrell=ll-Eill
.'. ztKt llall= g llf il


Represent the vector fr= 1f s2) sthendraw from the points

B (-4 :-3) t C (2 t0\ I D (- l r1) thedirectedlinesegments
which are equivalent to f il: -+ NI r- frrespectively.
r Eotutiolr r-
Represent the vector M = (1 r 2) starting from the
point (0 :0)
Represent the vector 3 M= 3 O ,2) = (3 r 6) starting from
thepointB(-4 r-3)
Representthevector-; M =- + Q ,2)=(-Z ,-r)
starting from the point C = (2 t O)

Represent the vector - M'= (- I , - 2) starting from the point

p=1_t r1)

The opposite lattice represents congruent parallelograms.

Express each of the following directed line segments in terms
ofthe vectors M and N :

1AB 2CB 3d
7fr, 8DE 9LA
> Lesson Two

1 4M' 2 -3N 3-fr

4 3N 5 -+vr 6 zN
7 -: M' a -zN' s -sN

If f anOB ur"nonzero vectors ,f =kB rt*0 rthenf llE-
Yov enample : If i ,2) , F= (15 ,10)
.'.ii=5(3:2)=5i .'. il E'

In the opposite figure :

Some vectors in the orthogonal coordinate plane.

Write each of the following vectors in terms of
the fundamental unit vectors :

1 A 2E'
3 C 4o
5 E
,, ., ,\.,',""''' q
,\, \
Lesson \-Lilr
try* 8=(*a,/a)

3 A=(xa, yrl)


x,ql ABa ..)'1r *.I'rJ=[*u -*rl

Operations L.L'r -,1,.t j
on vectors
Itr, I I,
l\." i,.i.. ,,1

First \ Adding vectors geometricolly

L The first method : Triangle rule "Shal relation"

If AB represents the vector M , BC represents the vector N r where

the point B (the ending point of the first vector M) It the starting
point of the vector N , then Adr"pr"r"nts the vector M* N-

i.dl lE * Bd= Ae
t.e The displacement Ag foUo*ed by another displacement
BC is equivalent to a unique displacement AC

If a ship moyed from the position (A) in the given directions till it reached the position (B)
Draw the path of the trip with a suitable drawing scale using your geometric tools I then
find from the drawing the magnitude and the direction of the shipos displacement (Ai^)
if the directions are :

1 A distance 600 metres towards East : then a distance 800 metres towards North.

2 A distance 20 km. towards West r then a distance 30 km. in the direction 60' North West.
> Lesson Three


1 Letthe drawing scale be every 200 metres in fact

are represented by 1 cm. in the drawing.
.'. 600 metres are represented by 3 cm. :
800 metres are represented by 4 cm.
From the drawing and by measuring we find that
.'. The norm of the displacement = 5 x 200
= 1000 metres. West
and the direction of the displacement 0 = 53"
(using the protractor) or 0 = tan-1 (t) = tr'
.'. The ship is at a distance 1000 metres apart from the
position A in the direction 53o North East.

2 Letthe drawing scale be each 10 km. in fact are North

represented by 1 cm. in drawing

.'. 20 km. are represented by 2 cm. and 30 km.
are represented by 3 cm.

From drawing and by measuring we find that

AB = 4.4 cm.
.'. The norm of the displacement = 4.4 x 10 = 44 ktm. South

and the direction of the displacement 0 = 37" (using the protractor)

.'. The ship is at a distance 44lcn. from the positionAin the direction 37o North West.

If a car moved from the position A in the given directions till it arrived the position B :
draw the path of the trip using a suitable drawing scale using your geometric tools :
from the drawing , find the norm and the directions of the displacement of the car
(AB ) if the directions are :
1 A distance 1200 metres in East : then a distance 1600 metres in North.
2 A distance 25 km. in East r then 30 km. in the direction 60' North East.
3 A distance 50 km. in West : then a distance 40 km. in the direction Eastern North.

\1 l/Yol6;ti \ (Cy - oU o!;Lr) lslzg)l


fmportont notes
Bery two vectors M and N could be added
(finding their resultant) by constructing two
consecutive yectors equivalent to the two
vectors M anO fr as in the opposite figure.

@ Strat rule of adding two vectors is true if the points A r

B and C belong to the same straight line .+

In the three opposite figures : AB+BC=AC
B I AB =- BT |: where AB + BA = O (Zerovector)

B L any triangle ABC :

aE* Ed* CA = d
, because tAE * -SC) * CR = At * CA = d
So r we can generalize this to any polygon.

Yov exelrrple :

In the pentagon ABCDE , we get :


E tn any quadrilateralABCD


, because
se* 6= AD

fnE* edl * eD= nt* eD= AD

So r we can generalize this to any polygon.
Yov exqtrrple :

In the pentagon ABCDE : we get :

> Lesson Three

i lil
: , l l]
In the opposite figure :

Ittltr I )/-u
l*\ rtii
s s s
4 vectors A I B r C I D. Represent graphically vector R
F= f * E'* d* D i ,-, ) I". I

Draw the vector A as it is : then from its end point draw a vector
equivalent to B r from its end point draw a vector equivalent to C
: from its end point draw a vector equivalent to D then draw from
the starting point of A to the ending point of D the vector R which
is the resultant of these vectors.

In any quadrilateral ABCD , prove that : Ad- gC = AD- BD

AC - BC = (AD + DC) - (BD + DC)

Another Solrrtlon :
L.H.S. = AC - BC = AC + CB = AB (l) c

, R.H.S. = An - m= AD* DB'= AB' (2)

From (1) and (2) : :. The two sides are equal.

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which 2 BB= 3 AS, prove that :

1 ABCD is a trapezium. 2 Ae* sD= ; AD

t Remember that
1 '.'Bd= +AD ... BC II AD ? ni'ild,r.il

To prove that the quadrilateral is

IBC= ZO' T-.":l- BC *AD atrapezhtm: we prove that there
.'. The quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezium. exist two opposite sides parallel
and not equal in length.



Adding (1) and (2) :

=ffi* sd*Dd-Dd
= ffi* nd= RD* ; oD= ;AD

ABC is a triangle r D GBC r where 3 E6= 4 De

Prove that : 3 AB + 4 AC = 7 AD

3AB+3BD=3AD (1)

.'.4Ae++CD=4ffi (2)

Adding (l) and (2) :

.'.3AB+4AC+3 eD*4d=7AD
.'. 3 AE-+ 4 E+ 3 BD-4DC=7AD

If 4fr-3 X?= n * +7fr


4fr= 4;Zi+ z fr+ 3 fr= 4fr +7 YX- 3 YX

=4*++fr =a(fi*fr1 =4*.
:. M=ZX
> Lesson Three

is a quadril ateral.If AB =
+ DC : prov€ that : AD

I lt SN -4 BA = 9 AB + 5 BC rprov€ that : N = AC

\ The second method I The parallelogram rule

If AB represents the vector M and AD represents the vector N

where the two vectors M anO Nhuu" the same starting pointA
. To find M + N , complete the parallelogram ABCD

and draw its diagonal Ae

r then AC represents the vector M + N

AB + AD = AC this because AB + AD = AB + BC = AC

Notiae that : AD is equivalent to nC

In the opposite figure :

If M is the point of intersection of the two diagonals of the

parallelogram : then AC = 2 AM
thus it will be AB + AD = 2 AM

We can get the same result if we notice that t ag * BM-= Afr ,AD*ffi=RM
Adding we find that : AB * AD* eM* ffi= 2 AM
.'. EE* aD-DM*ffi= 2Afr-
.'. AB + AD = 2 AM r so w€ can deduce the following notice.

Notioe that 1
In the opposite figure :

If AD is a median in AABC

ABCD is a parallelogram I M is a certain point in its plane I E is the point of intersection of

its diagonals AC and BD Prove that : ffi * t tB- * fufB * m= 4 MB

MA + MB + MC + MD = (MA + MC) + (MB + MD)

, but MA + MC =2ME
r where E is the midpoint of AC

r MB + MD = 2 ME r where E is the midpoint of BD

.'. MA'* Nts * ffi * tutD= 2 ffi + z ME = 4 ffi

Subtrocting two veclors geometricolly

If Ailrepresents the vector M , Rdt"presents the vector fr

r then CB represents the vector M - N

l.€.u AB-AC=CB
this becaus" aE- Rd= A1-* CR = ei* AE^= d-

the directed line segment lBin terms of the position vectors of its ends'
IfA=(Xr ryr) r B= (XzrYz)
r then AB = OB - OA , where OB and OA are the two
position vectors of the point B and A respectively

Yov enaltple :
IfA=(5r3) r B=(-214)
r then AB = B - A = (-Z t 4) - (5 : 3) = 1- 7 ; l)
> Lesson Three

ta Rememberthat ,
_ '-rls*+@,lcNs""'

As applying the previous rules of adding and subtracting vectors on two directed line
segments r we should notice that :

I In the case of adding r the starting point of the second directed segment is the ending
point of the first directed segment.
2 In the case of subtracting r the starting point is the same for the two directed segments.

ABCDisaparallelograminwhich L=(2 t-2) : B= (4,-Z) , C= (Z 13)

Find the co-ordinates of the point D

'.' ABCD is a parallelogram

.'. AD = BC
... D-r=e-B'
.'. D = A + C - B - (2, -2) + (2,3) - (4,-2) -(0, 3)
.'. The point D is (0 :3)
aparallelograminwhichA= (X r 1) r B = (5 rZ) s C=(-3 r- 4)
,D = (2 r y): find the values of X and y

ABCDisatrapeziuminwhich3d=(-1r1) : B=(313) r C=(Sr-l) r D=(-Srk)

1 If AB ll DC r find : the value of k
I Prove ttrat : Cg f AE
3 Find the area of the trapezium ABCD

. AB=ii-i=1:,3)-(- 1, 1)- (4,2)


,ffi=d-t= (5,-1)- (-5 :k) = (10 :- 1 -k)

, ... AB IIDC
:. -4-4k=20 .'. k=-6 (First req.)

Ag = (4 rZ)
.'. CBI-AB because -2x4+4x2=0 (Second req.)

. llAE'll= n[-o
* a ={n =2.[i:rongth unit
r'.'k=-6 ... DC = (10 ,5)

.'. llDC il=1m0.2s = 5lEtength unit.

( s ,-1)

.'. The area of the trapezium ABCD

D (-s,-o)
llAB ll.llDdll t{t xz{i =35 square unit.
, llaE-il = '6* (Third req.)

'OLVE r :-1)andC=(-4rl)
ABC is a triangle in *ry"! ' A= (3 '2) B
1 Prove that : AB J- BC

I Find: The area of A ^q.nC

In the opposite figure
ff A

the parallelosram and hence

if the figure is a rectangle

B represent two adjacent sides of parallelogram

r then (A + B) , (A - B) represent the diagonals of

il f * B' ll = il f - E- ll "N

on vectors

Firsf \ Geometric opplicolions

We know that if AB= k De r k + 0 r then AB anA DC are:

o carried by the same straight line
r B, C rD are collinear.
o carried by two parallel straight lines

If ABCD is a quadrilateral in which
G= k DA : k + 0 r then
AB llDC ,llAB ll= lk I llDC lland vise versa.

Yov enqltple:
If ABCD is a quadril aterulin which AB= - 3 eD : then ffi tt6 rAB = 3 CD
Thus we can use vectors to prove some theorems and geometric relations as follows :

Using vectors , prove that if two opposite sides in any quadrilateral are parallel and
equal in length r then the other two opposite sides are parallel and equal in length also.
The quadrilateral is a parallelogram,

\. I /\o/rgji t (C.r- - oLiJ ot*;U-;) ;el-*6Jl


Given In the figure ABCD :

AB llDC rAB = DC
R.T.P. nC ttAD , BC = AD
Const. Draw E
Proof '.'AB=DCrng//DC ... AB IIDC
InAABC:AC=AB+BC (addition definition)
rn AADC , Ad= nD* Dd (addition definition)
'.' AB = DC .'. BC = AD
Thus BC ll AD r BC = AD
.'. The figure ABCD is a parallelogram. (Q.E.D.)

Using vectors , prove that the line segment drawn between the two midpoints of two
sides in a triangle is parallel to the third side and its length is equal to half of this side

Given In AABC : D is the midpoint of AB

r E is the midpoint of AC
R.T.P. op.ttsC,pB=tnc
Proof '.' D is the midpoint of AB
... AD =
| m, AD= + AE'
'.' E is the midpoint of AC

In AABC , Bd= eT*,q3 (uooition definition) (1)

In AADE, ffi = DT* aE (uooirion definition)

- + BA. + m= rri* -ncl

-rn", i (2)

From (1) and ,r;:"deduce 5-n = BC

' +
... DE rBC, ll DEll= +il BAil
.'. The length of DE =
| thelength of BC
> Lesson Four

Using vectors , proye that the two diagonals of the parallelogram bisect each other.

Given ABCD is a parallelogram

R.T.P. The two diagonals AC and BD bisect each other D A

Const. Let M be the midpoint of BD r then draw

the two vectors ..J

Proof In AABM , aM= AE* eM C

. BM= MD(by construction)
AB = DC (Properties of parallelogram)
... AM=Md
.'. AM r MC have the same direction and they have the common point (M)

.'. A :M : C are collinear, ll AM-il = ll mil

.'. M is the midpoint of AC : M is the midpoint of BD (by construction)
.'. The two diagonals AC and BD bisect each other. (Q.E.D.)

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezium in which Rn ll SC ,
'l Express : in terms orilanafr : eech of Bd rE, BD rDe
2 rxCDE'whereDX= l5 xg
Prove that : The points A r X r C are collinear.

.'. BC=3AD=3M
, nt= nB* ee=N'+ s M, BD= gT*lD=-N^*M =M-fr
, DC = DA +AB + BC =-M + N +3 M = N +2M
Z, '.'Dx=1xg
.'.XB=3XD a rto
.''xe BD .'.XB=3DX
'.'XC=XB+ BC=3DX+3AD=3(DX+AD)
.'.XC , AX have the same direction and have the common point X

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram , X CAD , Y e BC such thatAX = CY

Using vectors : prov€ that : XY , BD bisect each other.

Importont remorks to solve the problemg of ths guodrilqterol shopes

* To prove that the figure is a parallelogram r we prov€ one of the following properties :

[l Each two opposite sides are parallel.

@ Each two opposite sides are equal in length.

@ Two opposite sides are parallel and equal in length.

@ The two diagonals bisect each other.

Yop exalrrple :
To prove that the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram r we prove that BC ll AD
: BC = AD T.;:l- We prove that Bd = AD
* To prove that the quadrilateral is a rectangle, rhombus or square r then we should
prove first that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram as previousr then :

o To prove that the parallelogram is a rectangle we prove one of the following properties :

i! Two adjacent sides are perpendicular.

Yon enalrpte t ABr se
@ fne two diagonals are equal in length.
Yov enalrpte ! ilmil= ilBDll
> Lesson Four

o To prove that the parallelogram is a rhombus we prove one of the following properties:

@ Two adjacent sides are equal in length.

Yov exqnple ! ll AE'll= ll Bdll

@ fne two diagonals are perpendicular.

Yov epalrltple, aar eD

r To prove that the parallelogram is a square we prove one of the properties of the
rectangle and one of the properties of the rhombus together.

ABCDisaquadrilateralinwhichA=(0 :1) : B=(4,5), C=(1 ,8) r D=(-3r4)

Using vectors r prove that : The quadrilateral ABCD is a rectangle : then find its
perimeter and its area.

. AE=Ii-f=(a,5)-(o, 1)= 1 4,4)

, DC - C-D = (1,8)-(- 3,4) =(4,4)
.'. AB = Dd .'. The figure is a parallelogram (1)

r '.' BC - C - B = (1 :8)
- (4 r 5) = 1 -3 ,3)
.. AB-t- Bduecause [4 x - 3 + 4 x 3 = o ] (2)

From (1) and (2) we deduce that the figure ABCD is a rectangle

'.' Il AE-ll={@Y *W =4 1[,

,ilBdil=ift-3F*(iP =3{,
.'. The perimeter of the rectangle =, (o^[, + 31[r) = tonfi length unit.
of the rectangle = 4 n[,
" 1[, = square unit.
r the area 3 24

ABCDisaquadrilateralinwhichA=(5 13) r B= (3 r-2) : C= (-2 r*4) r D=(0 r1)

Using vectors : prov€ that : The figure is a rhombus : then find its area.

'.' AB- B-A = (3,-2) -(5,3) =(-2,-5)

r DC = C-D =(-2 r-4)- (0 ,1) =(-2 r-5)

.. AE=Dd
.'. The figure is a parallelogram (1)

'.' AC - C-A = (- 2 t-4)-(5, 3) = (-7 t-7)

, BD=D- B = (o : 1)-(3 t-2) =(-3,3)
.. Adr BD because l-l "- 3+ (- 7) x 3 = 0] (2)

From (1) and (2) : .'. The figure is a rhombus

ilmlt =1[1-7Y a1 7Y =7 n[, ,ll BDll=1rc3F*(# =318

The area of the rhombus = 1 the product of lengths of the two diagonals
"3 ^[r=
=* 7 21 square unit.
ABCD is a quadrilateral in which :

tr=(-lr4) r B=(1 ,1) r C=(-Lr-2) r D=(-3rl)

Using vectors r proye that : the flgure is a rhombus r then find its perimeter and its area.

Physicol opplicotions

I rne resuliont force

o The force : is a vector passes through a given point and acts along a straight line.
o The force : is represented by a directed line segment and it is drawn by a suitable
drawing scale.

Yov eneltple :

1 A force of magnitude F, - 10 Newton acts 1 Consider J a unit vector in the

East direction.
in the East direction.
2 Choose a suitable drawing scale
Ft=10e "Each 5 Newton is represented
on drawing by 1 cm".
{ir."p."rented by a directed line segment
of length 2 cm.

! A force of magnitude 15 Newtons towards West.

F, is represented by a directed line segment of length 3 cm.
> Lesson Four

Friction force :

It is a mysterious force r its effect appears only

when we try to move a body on a rough plane.

This force acts always in the opposite direction

of motion.
o If the impetus force is greater than the friction force : then the body will move.
. If the impetus force is less than the friction force r then the body will still at rest.

The forces acting on an object are subjected to the processes of adding vectors.
The result of this operation is known as the resultant force acting on the object where

Yov enqlorple :
1 If the force F, of magnitude 8 newton acted towards East r then another force F, of
magnitude 4 newtons acted towards East also.

o Let e be a unit vector in the East direction

... q=ai,$=+i '+
E=4. E=+C
.'. The resultant force
F= {* B= 8 i+ + i = n; -t+-

F = l2Newron acring towards East.

2 As trying to move a body under the effect of a force F, of magnitude 12 newtons and
the magnitude of the force of friction at this instant is 7 Newton.

. Let i be a unit vector in the direction of motion

.'. The impetus force of the body F r = 12 e e

r the friction force B= -, i F.t=-Je F, =12e
.'. The resultant force F= 4* i= tzi- z i= 5 i
i.e. F = 5 newton and acts in the direction of motion.

Forces are measured in dyne , newton r gm.wt. : kg.wt.

The forces {= si* zl , i.= -zi +lj , 4= 3i-lact on a particle

Calculate the magnitude and the direction of the resultant of these forces
(given that the forces are measured in newton)

... The resultant of the forces F= q* B* 4

.'. F - (5 -2+ 3) i + (2 +7 -r)j =6i+8j
.'. The magnitude of the resultant = llFll=1frf-*(a)t= 10 Newton.

r the direction of the resultant 0 = tan ( I ) = 53"


Write in terms of the unit vector e the resultant of the forces shown in each of the following :

400 dyne
rg.wt 30 kg.wt l-t+
*------.r-F* 470 dyne

Fig. (1) Fie. (2)

75 kg.wt t
65 newton

I tzo ts..t
Fie. (3) Fig. (a)
Fig.(l):30i-1a!=rOi Fig. (2) : aloi+ 400l= Azo i
Fig.(3):65e-68e=-3e Fig. (a) : 120 e -75 e = 45 e

@ It ttre two forces are equal in magnitude and a-ct along the same line of action in two
opposite directions r then the resultant force F = 0

@ tf tne resultant of a system of forces meetingin one point = 0

: this means that this system of forces are in equilibrium.
> Lesson Four

IrE=(5,-3) , E= ui-zj , F, = (- 7 tb) act on a particle.

r find the values of a and b if :

1 ttre resultant of these forces =i -41 2 tfre system of these forces is in equilibrium.

F= E . Fb *
f = rsT- gl) + (uT- z'l * e7i* b-) = (5 + a - 7)T + (-3-z+u)l
1 '.'F =i-4 j
.'. (5+a-7)T +(3-2+ b)l =i- ol
.'.5+a-'7=l .'. a= 3
t-3-2+b=-4 .'.b=1
2 '.' ttre system is in equilibrium .'. F=0
.'.(5+a-7)i+(-3-2 + ulJ= d'
.'.5+a-7=0 ,'. a=2
t-3 -2+b=0 .'. b=5

If theforce.{=si+ rsl , B=oi-:l , 4=-+i+Slactonaparricle
: calculate the magnitude and the direction of the resultant of these forces
(given that forces are measure in dyne).

f,\ rne relqlive velocity

o The train passenger may imagine that his train moves
backwards when he sees from the window another train start
motion in the same direction : but at last he discovers that his
train still at rest when he sees again from the other side to the
station building which is flxed at its position.

o When the driver of a car sees another car in front of him moving
with speed less in magnitude than the speed of his car. It seems
to him that the other car is moving back.

o When the driver of a car sees another car moves in his direction
: it it moves slowly while when he sees
seems to him that
another car moves in the opposite direction , it seems to him
that it moves with great speed.

Y \ f/Yol,3-,it, \ (gl - oLJ oto.;L;) ,.61r@Jl


\fne relotive velocity veclor

If VA is the actual velocity vector of the body A ana f is the actual velocity vector
of the body B r then

1 V*o is the relative velocity vector of the body B with respect to the body A

It is the velocity that seems the body B moves with it , if we consider that the body
A is at rest.
2 is the relative velocity vector of the body A with respect to the body B

It is the velocity that seems the body A moves with it , if we consider that the body
B is at rest.

A car A moves on a straight road with velocity 80 km./hr. and a car B moves on the same road
with velocity 60 km./hr. Find the velocity of the car A with respect to the car B if :

1 ttre two cars move in the same direction.

2 tne two cars move in opposite directions.

Let iUe a unit vector in the direction of motion of the car A + L-

.+80e +60e
1 ttre two cars move in the same direction.
.'. VA=80e rV"-6oe
... -%u = -ro - -uu = 80 ;- 60 i = 20 i
fuI The driver of the car B feels that the car A moves with velocity 20 km./h.

2 The two cars move in opposite directions. 80e + -60e

.'. VA=80e rVB=-60e

.'. -tou=Vo--u"=80;-(-,;) = t4o;
T.e.|- The driver of the car B feels that the car A moves with velocity 140 km./h.

> Lesson Four

A motorcycle (A) moves with velocity 50 km./tr. its rider feels that a car B moving in
the opposite direction with velocity 110 km"/h. with respect to him.
Find the actual velocity of the car.

Assuming that; is a unit vector in the direction of the motion of the motorcycle (A)

.'. VA=50e rVsr=-110e )Ue "+

... %o = -% - Vr, ... - l1o i= -5-soi

.'. VB=-110e+50e=-60e

T.;l- The car B moves with velocity 60 km./h. in the opposite direction of the morion of
the motorcycle (A)

A car moves on a straigh road with velocity 80 km./h. If a motorcycle moves on the same
road with velocity 30 km./h. Find the relative velocity of the motorcycle with respect
to the car in each of the following cases :

1 tfre motorcycle moves in the same direction of the car.

I the motorcycle moves in the opposite direction of the car.

Unlt Flve
Straight line




Unit Lessons

Division of a line segment.


B2 Equation of the straight line.

s3 Measure of the angle between two straight lines.

The length of the perpendicular from a point to

E4 a straight line.

General equation of the straight line passing through

s5 the point of intersection of two lines.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to :

. Find the coordinates of the division . Find the general form of the equation of
point of a line segment internally or the straight line.
externally if the ratio of the division is . Find the equation of the straight line
in terms of the intercepted parts of the
. Find the ratioby which the line segment two axes.
is divided internally or externally if the . Find the measure of the acute angle
coordinates of the division point are
between two straight lines.
. Find the length of the perpendicular
. Recognize the different forms of the
drawn from a point to a straight line.
equation of the straight line.
. Find the general equation of a straight
. Find the vector equation, parametric
line passing through the point of
equations and cartesian equation of the
intersection of two straight lines.
straight line.

of a line

. If AB is a directed line segment. fB' r then any point C C;G divides AB irto t*o
directed line segments E , CB , where Ag = Ad * G'
If the point C divides AB by a given ratio m, : m, and t1 t t2 , r are the vectors which

are represented by the directed line segment, CE , OF , dwhere O is the origin point.

Fig. (1) Fig. (2) Fie. (3)

AC n2
.'. mlx,qd=*,*CB

.'. m, (C-A)=mr(B-C) .'. m, (r - 11) = mr(rr- r)

.'. -, i- *, i =^rir-^ri .'. *,i**ri=*,i *^ri
.'.i(*, +m2)=-,i*^ri.
mrtr+ m2r2 which is called the vector form
.'. ; = ml+m2
> Lesson One

E If C gng r then C divides IBint"*ully r then AdanO eB hur" rhe same
direction and the two values m, and m2are positive.

la *ffi13ro [Fig. (1)]

i.2]If C €AB : Cfi AB : then C divides AB externally : then AC and CB have two
opposite directions and one of the two values m, and m, is positive and the other
is negative.

l;l -' . o : in this case we have two cases :

First : I m2 I > lm, l, then C CAE,CeAB [Fig. (2)]
Second : lmz l< I mr I , then c CBf , C€ AB [Fig. (3)]
ilAeil i=:l*CB
4s = tle
ileE'il '*,
=rm2 |

' fll I

.If we assume thatA =(Xr ry1) ,B = (Xz ryz) t C = (X r y)

ml f 1+ m2r2
. I
-- m t* frz
m, (X, : yr) + mr(X, tyr) (mr Xr + mrX, mr yr + m2y2)
:. (X ty) = ml+m2 ml+m2

m'Xt+m'X', mrYr+mzYz
:.(Xtv)=(\ m1+m2 ml +mz )/ which is called the cartesian form
. We can use the opposite flgure to facilitate finding the
cartesian form.

IfA= (l ,-4) , B= (6,6): findthecoordinatesof thepointCwhichdividesffi

internally by the ratio 3 : 2

Notice that
'.'cdivides AB internally -)
C divides AB
m.I ,
. f
mlrl+mr12 ...i=A(l ,-4),;]=n1o ,6)
- ml+ mb

2 (l ;-4) +3 (6 t6) 2xl+3x6 2x-4+3x6

2+3 =( )=g 'z)

Anothen Sotutlon i (Using vectors)

'.' C divide, - <-
eg internally by the ratio 3 :2 ,--_*--.a .---'

.. AC3
:.24C=3CB (a re) lx rl) (t r-+)
:. 2 (X- 1,Y + 4) - 3 (6 - X t 6 -y)
.'. (2 X-2 t2y + 8) = (18 - 3 X t 18- 3 y)
:. 2 X-2 = 18 -3 X: then X= 4
t2y + 8 = 18 -3y ,theny -2

IfA= (2 r-3) :B= (1 :- 1), find the coordinates of the point C which divides BT
externally by the ratio 4 : 3

mz -4
_=_ Notice that \\
'.' C dividet gA externally
ml 3
C divides BA
m1 rt+ mzr2
.'.i=B(1 '-l) 'C= AQ )-3)
. r-

3 (1 :- 1) + (- 4) (2
'-3) =( 3xl-4x2 3x-
.. r -
3+ (a) -1 -1
Notlce that : We consider the ratio of division
m2:ml =-4:3 andif we considerit4 ;-3 t we will getthe same result.

-3(l r-l)+4(2r-3\
Another Eotution : (Using vectors)
'.' C dividet gi externally by the ratio 4 :3 __<_______-

.BC_q ... 3 Bd= 4ffi
(x rY) (2,-:) 0,- t)
:. 3 (X- I'y+ 1) = 4 (X-2 tY +3)
:.(3 X-3 t3 y + 3) =(4X-B t4Y +12)
:.3X-3=4X-8 tthenX=5
... Q=(5,_g)

> Lesson One

IfA=(3,-1) : B= (5 r2)andCemsuchthat2AC=3CB
r find the coordinates of C if :

1 t" division is internally. 2

t division is externally.


-.-zAC=3cB ...&=1 'cB 2 ..."'^r'-T1*'l-3

m^3 ,-+-\\\
If the division is internally : then
i =i
: -,i* *ri 2(3 t-t)+3(5 tz)
=(+ ,+)
m1+m2 2+3
2 tf th" division is externally r then = -+ =_ .|
+ J

mr!t+2ztz _ -2 (3 t-l) +.3 (5 t2) '---+---'B A

... ;=m1+m2 _2+3 = (9 r g)

Notlce that : lm2l> lmr I , thus C Cm , C€ AB

Anothen EotUtion : (Using the cartesian form of the point of division)

n_( mtXr+mrX, mtyt*mzyz \
mt + m2 m1+m2 /
1A=(3r-1) r B=(512) t rrrrtmr=3:2
... f= (
2x3+3xs . 2x-t+3x2 )=f4 .4\
"v-\ Z*: /-\5 '5) 2+3
2A=(3r-1) : B=(5)2) t trrr;mt=3:-z
... c- (\ -2xl+lxs, !+) =(e,sl
-2+3 -2+3

L- (l ,2) : B = (8 , - 5) Find the coordinates of C which divides ffi
by the ratio 4 : 3 if :

I The division is internally. 2 The division is externally.

\ \ I / \ o / r9jl3 \ ( g--- - c't-tJ ot*.aU., ) ;el-*6Jl

Notice that s-\

If Cisthemidpointof ABwhere A=(Xr , Yr) , B = (Xz tYz) t then m, = ffi2 = Ill

...;= ',r,+-i,
m+m =
-(i*D m G.Y)
2m -'-'--' C/_--A_ -.
.'. r= ^t''2 thevectorform
f af

t (x .tv) = ( a+ , L?) the cartesian form.

IfA= (- 1 r4) :
B = (5,-2) ; fintl the coordinates ofthe two points C and Dwhich
divide AB irto three equal parts in length.

'.' C divide, ffiirt".nally by the ratio
*'- = 12
... f = (1 ,2)

, '.' DJr the midpoint of CB

(1 ,2)+(5 t-2)
... D=(3 r0)
We can get the coordinates of D also regarding that it divides AE iot"*ully by the ratio
ABCDisaparallelograminwhichA-(5,2) r B=(0 r3) : C= (-2 r-1)
Find the coordinates of the vertex D

'.' The two diagonals in the parallelogram bisect each other
.'. The midpoint of AC - the midpoint of BD
5-2 0+X .'. X= 3
:.y=-2 ... D - (3 ,-2)
> Lesson One

. To prove that the points A r B and C are collinear r then we prove that :

eitherAB = k At rk * 0 (using vectors)

or the slope of AB = the slope of AC (using the slope).
or AB = BC + AC (using the distance between two points where AB is the longest length).
. If C divid"r AB by the rutio mr! rr11 : then the division is :

.^ fi.., . m.
rnternallv,ffitrt rs Dosltrve. externally if is negative.

ProvethatthepointsA= (1 r-3) r B= (-2 r-9), C = (5 r5) are collinear rthenfind :

1 the ratio by which the point C divides AB

2 ttre ratio by which the point A divides Bd

'.'AB=S-A=(-2 r-9) -(1 ,-3)=(-3 r-6)= -3(l ,2)

r AC=C-A-(5 r5)-(1 :-3)=(4,8) =4(l ,2) Ad= -+ AB
.'. A:B :C arecollinear ,B ,C are indifferentsides of thepointA
il Aeil a.
'-4..- .-'- +
ABll r BAC

1 C divide, AT-Uy the ratio 4 :7 externally.

2 R divider ndUy the ratio 3 : 4 internally.

Another Eoturtion : (Using the slope)

'.' The sloPe of AB = #
: theslopeofld
5-1 =2 =
1 tetC = (5 :5) divide AEU, the ratio m2 : ml
. mr-zm, -5 .'. m1 - 2^r- 5 m, + 5 m,
:. 4 mr- -t ^, +=
ffir -f (negative)
.'. C divides AB by the ratio 4 : 7 externally

9 LetA= (1 r- 3) divid" nCUy the ratio m2: ml

:. -zmr*
5 m2
ml+m2 -I .'. -2m, + 5 m2=mr+ m2
.'. 3 -, - 4^, : ;; =t' (positive)
.'. A divides BC by the ratio 3 : 4 internally.

Thlrd So[Ution : (Using the distance between two points)

O +A;Ci +* =3^[i length unit.

, gC =@ = i'[i length unit.

, CA, ={(t - s)'* (- a - # = 4n[i length unit.

.'. BC=AB+CA 43
__-{-_- /\_-<-\
.'. A ,B,C arecollinea r rC$.AB,
#= ff= *

.'. C divide, RE'Uy the ratio 4:7 extemally and A divides gdU, the ratio 3 : 4 internally.

Find the ratio by which AB is divided at the two points of intersection with the coordinate
axesifA=(4 t-3),B=(-3 r5) rthenfindthecoordinatesof thepointsof division.

EEIJ : Let C (X ,0) be the point of intersection of AB with the X-axis

... e=--+ m2+ ml ... e=5mr_.3m,
.'.5-r=3ml .'.t'=i
.'. AB- is divided at the point of its intersection
with the X-axis by the ratio 3 : 5 internally.
. v- m,X,+m.X
- 2
5x4+3x-3 11
=-= 3+5 -8
.'. C (the point of division) = (tL , O)
> Lesson One

.second I : Let D (0 , y) be the point of intersecrion of AB with the y-axis

.'.Q= .'. 0 = -3 4 m,
m2+ m1 ^r+
.'.3m"=4m _4
.'. AB is divided at the point of its intersection
with the y-axis by the ratio 4: 3 internally
mryr +mry,
-\/ =_ ml+m2
3x-3 +4x5 _ 11
3+4 -7
.'. D (the point of division) = (O ,
f )

If A = (2 ,3), B = (- 2 ,I) find the ratio by which aEir divided at its intersection point
with the X-axis r then find the coordinates of the point of division.

IfA= (2 rL) rB=(1 r5) ,C =(6 t-3) aretheverticesof atriangle r

find the coordinates of the point of intersection of its medians.

The point of intersection of the medians of the triangle divides each of them internally by the
ratio 2: 1 from the vertex.

Let D be the midpoint of BC

'p= (+,+)=(1,,)
: E (the point of intersection of the medians) divides

AD- internally by the ratio 2 : I

,/ 'l' \

. \/-

-') ,\A/,
)y= 2xl+lxl
=l z/w\,
If ABC is a triangle whose vertices are A = (Xr ,y )
,B = (Xz ,yz) ,C = (Xz r yr) and the point M is the
point of intersection of its medians r then

\4=(ry,tfL) c(x3,v3) D B(xz,y2)

The previous example can be solved as follows :

,.__\ Yr+Yz+Y: t 2+l+6 1+5-j
\ =(-,;)=13,r) r

Notioe the dififierehae \

U AC =2CB: then C divides AB internally.

tr Ae = - 2 eE : then C divides AB externally.

B eC = 2 CB r then C divides AB internally or externally.

Now- at- all - bookstores

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Yorrr to srrccess

You studied in the previous years that :

o The general form of the equation of the straight line is ax+ by + c = 0

where d tb t c are real numbers r o and b are not equal to zero together. This equation is
represented by a straight line.

Yov enqltple:
Therelations:X*]/Ty=O ) !=3 ,t X-4=O
represent straight lines r but the relations : y +a[i = 4 ) X+1=5
do not represent straight lines.

The slope of the straight Iine

If the straightlineLpasses through the twopoints (Xr ry ) t (X2ty 2)
Differencebetween y-coordinates Y z- Yt
: then m (the slope of the straight line) -- Difference between X coordinates -X
= X,
Yot enalrple:
The straight line which passes through the two points (1 , 3) t (4 >2)

: its slope equals ?-?

4-1 = - !3
2 If tne equation of the straight line is in the form a X +b ] * c = 0
The coefficient of x
: then the slope of the straight line -= The coefficient
of y
Yov enqlrrple :
The straight line whose equation is:5 X +2y +J =0 t its slope = -5

3 If the equation of the straight line is in the form y = m x + c

: then its slope = m and intercepts from y-axis a part of length = the absolute value of
the number c and it passes through the point (0 r c)

Yov enalrrple :
The straightline whoseequationis:y - 3 X- 5 ,its slope= 3 andintercepts fromthe
negative part of y-axis 5 length units and it passes through the point (0 , - 5)

4 tf g is the measure of the positive angle r which the straight line makes with the
positive direction of X-axis r then the slope of the straight line = tan 0

Yov enqltple:
If the measure of the positive angle which the straight line makes with the positive
direction of X-axis = 45o r then the slope of the straight line = tan 45o = I
So : we notice that the slope of the straight line changes as the measure of the
angle 0 changes as follows :

(1) acute (2) obtuse

If the slope is positive If the slope is negative

(3) zero (4) right

If the slope = 0 If the slope is undefined

5 ttre slope of X-axis and the slope of any horizontal straight line (parallel to X-axis)
are equal to zero.
6 tre slope of y-axis and the slope of any vertical straight line (parallel to y-axis) are
e .€
o If the slope of AB = The slope of BC : then the points A : B and C are collinear.
> Lesson Two

The relation between the two parallel straight lines and the perpendicular straight lins
If L , and L rare two straight lines of slopes m , and m, respectively : then :

l LrllLre ffil=ffi2
i.e. tne two parallel straight lines have equal slopes and vice versa.
2 LtrLra ml xm 2=-l
(unless one of them is parallel to one of the two coordinate axes)

i.e. tre product of the slopes of any two perpendicular straight lines = - 1 and
vice versa.

Yor exqlrrple :
If the straightlineL, passes throughthetwopoints (3 ,5) r (- 3 r- 1)

and the straight line L, r whose equation is 3 X- 3 y + 5 = 0 its slope m z=4=
where the straight line L, makes with the positive direction of X-axis a positiv-e angle
of measure 135o
.'. Its slope ffi3 = tan 135" = - 1

"'ml =fr2
'.'mlXIIlr=1x-1=-1 ...Lll_L3
'.'m2XIIla=1x-1=-l :.L2LL3
r Any two different points in the plane one and only one straight line passes through them
and from any point outside this straight line we can draw another unique straight line
parallel to it.
o To determine the equation of any straight line r then we should know two information
about this straight line.
i.e. We know two given points on it or a point on it and its slope or something like this as
will be shown in the following.

Every non-zero vector can be represented by a directed line segment on a straight line is
called a direction vector of this straight line.

ln the oppostte fiigure :

Each of XY r YZ , ZX r YX is a direction vector to the X
straight line L LFZ
.If u * O ,rt ttthe straightline L rtheniir udirectionvectorto the straightlineL
lY (/\o/.9;;l: f (g-* - oU ol.;L-.,) 1s$)l
.If i= (a : b) is a direction vector to a straight line : then kiis a direction vector to
the same straight line r where k CR*

Yov exalrple :
If u= (3 r4) isadirectionvectorof astraightline rtheneachof thevectors(6:8):
(- 3, - 4) r(1.5 r 2), (15 t20) t... is a direction vector of this straight line.

Notice : s--\

If i = (a : b) is a direction vector of a straight line : then the slope of this

straight line =; and vice versa.

Yov exalrple ;
lf (2 t- 3) is a direction vector of astraight line r then the slope of this straigh tline = -i
to it.

The different forms of the equation of the straight line

o If L is a straight line passing through the point A , ;
is a direction vector to it and
assuming that apoint B lies on the straight line L and -e *O i are the two vectors
represented by the two directed line segments OA and OB respectively.

o There exist a number k €lR. such that A.B =;- f =k i

... r = A +k u < This form is calledthe vectorequation
of the straight line >

where k is a real number called a parameter and at each value of

the parameter k we can flnd a point on the straight line.

o Assuming that B - (X ,y) rA = (X r: y r) , i= (a , b)

.'. The equation of the straight line is (X ,y) = (X t, y r) + k (a r b)

:. \,=Xr+ka t y -y 1+kb <This formis calledtheparametric equations of the

straight line >>

X-X r v-V.
.'. , ?=k
--u -=k eliminatingkfrom thetwoequations:
.X-Xr-Y-Yr Y-Yr
a - b "X-Xr -bo
: '.' The slope (m) = !
v-v_ -fhis
:. 7-7. = m < This form is called the
tl cartesian equatiotlr of the straight line >
> Lesson Two

I{le can summarize the previous in the following:

The straight line L which passes through the point A = (X r , y r)
and the vector u = (a : b) is a direction vector to it r then :
iI-.- --
r The vecror equation i, r --l
I :j.

n The two parametric equations are X=Xr+ka , y=yl+kb

, The cartesian equation


Find the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through
the pointA= (3 t - 2) andi= (- 2,, l)is a direction vector of it.

o The vector equation of the straight line is , i = f + t i

(3 ,-2) +k(-Z ,l)

E| (x ,y)- (3 , -z) +k (- 2 , 1)
o The two parametric equations of the straight line are :
X=3 -2k , y =-2 +k ': (-2: 1) is a direction
. The cartesian equation is :
vector of the straight line.
y +2 _-r
x-3 2 .'. The slope of the straight
:. X-3 = -2y -4 ii. lin"= 1

.'. The general form is : X + 2y + 1 = 0 **-****;- ----- -'-;;"--*---;]


Another solutlon to get the cqvlesian equalion

Eliminating k from the two parametric equations
. X-3 _y+2
-2 1

l..l- x+2y+ 1=o


Find the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through
the point (-2 ,1) and its slope = - +

'.' The slope = -

.'. The vector u = (5 : - 4) is a direction vector of this straight line.
. Thevectorequationis:i= (-2 11)+k (5 t-4)
i.e. (x,y) = (- 2 t t)+ k (5,-4)
r The two parametric equations are : X=-2+5k , y= 1-4k
o The cartesian equation i, , -+
fi =

.'. The general form is : 4 X +5 y + 3 = 0

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point (1 r 4) and

makes with the positive direction of X-axis an angle of measure

The equation of the straight line given two points lying on it P= (Xr r]1) rN =(X7 s

Let the vector ; = FN = fr - F U" u direction vector of the straight line

.'. The vector equation is ; = F- + t ffr'- Fl
, '.' the slope (m) = *:
xr- f!
Substituting by the slope in the cartesian form

.'.Thecartesianfon Y-Yr Yz-Yt

n rs T:T= x-Ir

Find the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through
the two points : P= (3 r- 1), N = (- 2 t4)

u= N-P = (- 2 r4)- (3 ,- 1) = (-5 r5) is adirectionvectorof therequiredstraightline.

.'. ;= +;= t Ct :5) = 1- 1 :1) is adirectionvectoralsoof therequired straightline.
.'. The slope of the straight line = { = -f
> Lesson Two

.'. The vectorequation is r = P + k ti .'.i= (3,-l)+k(-1,1)

i.e. f . (x,g- (3,- 1) +k(- 1, 1)
.'. Thetwoparametric equations are :X=3-k , y =- 1+k
.'. The cartesian equation is :
fr = - t
Q ffre equation of the straight line which passes through the origin point O (0 : 0) is :
. The vector equation is | I i , where i i, tt. direction vector of the straight line.
. The cartesian equation is y = rn X : where m is the slope of the straight line.

@ fne direction vector of the straight line passing through the origin point and the
point (Xr ry r) is u = (X r ry t)

@ fne sffaight line which is parallel to X-axis and passes through the point (X r ,y )
The vectori = 1t r 0) is a direction vector to it.
its vectorequationis : r = (X t ry 1) +k (1 r0)
its cartesian equation i, ' l: +L = II
'--"'x-x, t.e-I v=v,
@ fne straight line which is parallel to y-axis and passes through the point (X r , y r)
The vector j = (0 : l) is a direction vector to it.
its vector equation is : i= (X r ,y 1) + k (0 , 1)

its cartesian equation i, ffr = f, {undefined)

@ ffre equation of X-axis is y = 0 or r = k (1 ,0)
@fneequationof y-axisis X-0 or r=k(0,1)

Find the vector form and the cartesian form of the equation of the straight line which
passes through the origin point and the point P = (- 3 , 5)

'.' The straight-line passes through the origin point

.'. The vector u = (- 3 ,5) is a direction vector to this straight line.
: the slope of the straight line =
.'. The vector equation is : i =t i .'. ;= k (- 3 ,5)
: the cartesian equation is : y = m X
"Y--1/\' J^/
The perpendicular direction vector of a straight line
. If i= (a r b) is a direction vector of a straight line : then any one of the family of vectors
which are in the form k (b : - a) where k €iR* is the perpendicular direction vector to
the vector i
o If N - (a , b) is a perpendicular to the straight line r then any one of the family of vectors
which are in the form k (b : - a) where k elR* is a direction vector to this straight line.
Yov exeltple:
If u = (4 , 5) is a direction vector of a straight line : then the perpendicular direction
vectortoitis(5 r-4) r(-5 t4) r(-10 r8) r..........

Find the different forms of the equation of the straight line L r which passes through the
point P (- 3 t2) and is perpendicular to the vector N = (1 r 4)

'.' N - (l ,4) is perpendicular to the straight line L
.'. u = (4 , - 1) is a direction vector to the straight line L
.'. The vector equation isi= F+ t i
.'.r=(-3r2)+k(4r-1) (x ,y)= (- 3 t2) +k(4 ,- t)
.'. The two parametric equations are : X = - 3 +4k t y=2-k
... The cartesian equation
*-rr9 =|
ir, t.e. 4y-8=-X-3
.'. The general form is : X + 4y - 5 = 0

i Rsmsrt

Ifthe general equation of the straightline is : aX+b y+c =0 rthen :

. The vector N = (a : b) = (coefficient of X : coefficient of y)
is the perpendicular direction vector to the straight line.
. The vector i= (b r - a) is the direction vector to this straight line.

Fov exqltple;
N = (2 ,3) is the perpendicular direction vector to it.
The vector u = (3 r - 2) is the direction vector to the straight line.
> Lesson Two

Find the vector form of the equation of the straight trine : 3 X-2 y + 12 = 0

'.' The straightline:3 X-2y + 12=0

.'. The vector N = (3 t - 2) is the perpendicular direction vector of this straight line.
.'. The vector i = (2 r 3) is the direction vector of this straight line.
To get the vector form of the equation of this straight line we should search for getting
apoint on the straight line r this can be carried out by taking X or y any value : then
we get the corresponding value of y or X
taking X = 0 we find that : - 2 y + 12 = 0
.'. y = 6 .'. The straight line passes through the point (0 ,6)

.'. Its vector equation is i = (0 , 6) + k (2 t 3)

Find the vector form and the cartesian form of the equation of the straight line L which
passes through the point (- 4 , 1) and the vector (- 3 ,6) is a perpendicular vector to it.

The equation of the straight line given its slope and the intercepted part from y-axis

'.' The straight line has a slope m and intersects the y-axis at the point (0 : c)
-i.ili- intercepts from y-axis apartof length = the absolute value of the number c :
then by substituting in the cartesian form we find that = ffi *
l.e.L y=mX+c
two intercepted parts
the tvvo coordinate axes
Let the straight line intersect X-axis at the point (a r 0) and y-axis at the point (0 r b)
.'. The slope of the straight line m = *-g =
- b
" 0-a a
Substituting in the cartesian form

". x-z _-ba

v-o .'.aY=-bX+ab
:. b X* aY= ab <dividing bY a b>

.'. The equation of the straight line is L+L=t


Find the general form of the equation of each of the following :

1 tft" straight line L , whose slope - 3 and intercepts from the negative part of y-axis
2 the straight line L, which intercepts from the positive part of X-axis 4 length units
and from the negative part of y-axis 3 length units.

1 Tt" equation of the straight line L, is : y = m X + c Y=3X-7

2 tr," equarion of the straight line L ,r, Xy-
{* f =r V+1=I
Find the lengths of the two intercepted parts from the two coordinate axes by the

straight line : 3 X + 8 y - 24 = 0

o The equation a X +b y + c = 0 : where a and b not equal to zero together is called
the general form of the straight line.

@tf a=0 rb*0 rthenby+c=0

l.e.l- y=
f , which is the equation of a straight line parallel to X-axis and
passes through the point (O ,
f )
@If a#0 rb=0 rthen aX+c=0
'. --\
i.e. L X = -c which is the equation of a straight line parallel to y-axis and
i r

passes through the point (T , O)

@ tf c = 0 r then aX+b y = 0 , which is the equation of a straight line passing

through the origin point.

o To find the point of intersection of the straight line with X-axis r put ] - 0

o To find the point of intersection of the straight line with y-axis : put X = 0

> Lesson Two

Find the measure of the positive angle which the straight line : 3 X+ 2y + 6= 0 makes
with the positive direction of X-axis : then find the points of its intersection with the
coordinate axes.

'.' The slope of the straight line = - The coefflcient of X

The coefficient of y
.'.tane=--: ,2

'.' The slope is negative. .'. The angle is obtuse.

'.' The measure of the acute angle whose tangent
= -| i, 56. l0
.'. e - 180'- 56' 10 = 123" 4i
To flnd the point of intersection with y-axis r put X = 0
.'. The point of intersection is (0 : - 3)
To find the point of intersection with X-axis r put y - 0
.'.3X+2x0+6=0 ..X=-2
.'. The point of intersection is (- 2 r 0)

Anothen solution to find the points oi intersectlon with @ovdlnete ates :

'.'3X+2y+6=0 ...3X+2y--6
dividing by - 6 ;. =,
.'. The straight line cuts X-axis at the point (- 2 ,0) and cuts y-axis at the point (0 r 3)

Prove that : The pointsA= (4 t -3) tB = (- 6 t7)and C = (5 : -4) are collinear.

'.' The slope of AB =
:ia = - t

r the slope of -BC - --L-1

5+6 - -
7 .'. The points A r B and C are collinear.
Another soltrtion :

{- -= -=4 * 3 --r
orld 1, ', -Jx-4 -.;----l
5-4 - -
The equation 1

'.' The point B = (- 6 r 7) satisfies the equation

.'. B cm ... A : B and C are collinear.
\L I /\,>/6;l: \ (g.* - ol! opLr) ,pot^*,6JI

Find the general equation of each of the following straight lines :

1 th" straight line L , which passes through the point (3 , - 1) and its slope = - tr
2 fn" straight line L, which passes through the point (O ,1E) and makes with the

positive direction of X-axis a positive angle of measure 120o

3 Tt e straight line L, which passes through the point (- 2 ,- 5) and the vector i = (: , t)
is the direction vector of it.

4 tn. straight line L o which passes through the point (4 , - 2) and is perpendicular to the
vector fr= 1_ t , s;
5 th" straight line L, which passes through the point (- 3 ,7) and is parallel to X-axis.
6 tr" straight line L u which passes through the two points (4 , - 2) t (5 t 3)
7 th" straight line L, which passes through the point (l ,2) and is parallel to the straight
8 tn" straight line L, which passes through the point (2 ,3) and is perpendicular to the
straight line whose slope =
1 the equation of the straight line L , is :

y+1 __3 l*L.3x+4y-5=o

x-3 4

9 '.' The slope of the straight line L ,= tan l2O" = - tt ,

.'. The equation of the straight line L Y--^[1
' : x-4 =
,is -^[i y+ ^[i x= s 1F

3 '.' The slope of the straight lineL, = +

.'. The equation of the straight line L, ,, ,
ffi = + x-3y-13=o
'.' The vectori = (5 r 1) is a direction vector of the straight line L o

.'. The equation of the straightlineL on,ffi= I

l€.i-. x-5y -14=O

The equation of the straightline L, is y - 7 TEl" y -7 =O

> Lesson Two

6 '.' rr,. slope of the srraight line L e = !4 =5

.'. The equation of the straight line L uir,
ffi= 5

7 '.' the slope of the given straight line=--2


.'. The slope of the required straight line = -?


.'. lts equation is -2 - -2

', |x-r- l€.|* 3y+2x-8=0

8 '.' tfre slope of the given straight line =

.'. The slope of the required straight line =
.'. Its equation is ' I+ = - Z5
'x-2- TEL.2x+5y-r9=o

ABCisatriangle ritsverticesareA=(-I r5) rB =(4 t-2) rC=(-3,0)

Find the equation of the straight line passing through the vertex A perpendicular to Bd

- Sotuson +
'.'BC-C-B=(-3,0) -(4 r-2)=(-7 12)
'.. The vector gC= (7 ,2) is perpendicular to the straight line L

.'. The vector i = (2 : 7) is a direction vector of the straight line L

.'. The slope of the straight lineL=

'.' The straight line passes through the point d = (- I r 5)

.'. The equation of the straight line is ,

# =+
.'.7X+7=2y-10 7 x-2y + t7 =o

Find the equation of the straight line passing through the point (1 , 3) and its slope is
negative and it makes with the coordinate axes a triangle of area 6 square units.

Assume that the straight line cuts X-axis at (a t 0) and y-axis at (0 r b)

.'. Its equation is on the form : * * * =,
'.' (1 , 3) on the straight line
13 _t
.'.b+3a=ab (l)
: '.' the area of the triangle = 6 square units
;. I ab=6 :. ab=12 (2)
Substituting from (2) in (1) :

.'.b+3a=12 .'.b-t2-3a
Substitutin g in (2) : :. a(12-3a)=12
:. 12 a-3 a2 = 12 :.3a2-12a+12=O
.'.u2-4a+4=O .'. (a - 2)2 =o
. ^-) rthenb=6
.'. The equation of the straight line is :

Xv- i.".1*3x+y=6
Findtheprojectionof thepointA(5 r0)onthestraightlineL z2X+ Y=5:thenfindthe
image of the point A by reflection in the same straight line.

Let B is the projection of the point A on L

r '.' the equation of the straight line L is 2 X + y = 5 (1)
.'. The slope of L= 4
j.Jh. slope of TG =
., *
.'. The equation of AB it =;
fi A(.,d) r'
T.;L x-zy =r (2)
By solving the two equations (1) and (2)
:.\,-3tY=-l .'. B (3 ,- 1)
i.". L The projection of the point A on the line 2 X + y = 5 is the point B (3 , - 1)
. To find A (. , d) is the image of A (5 r 0) by reflection in line L
.'. Bismidpointof [J (:=,9+)
\2 2/ =(3:- 1) .'. c= t;d=-Z .'. A= O t-2)
@ fne slope of the straight line which makes with the coordinate axes an isosceles
triangle is 1 or - 1
The area of the triangle between the straight rine f, * * = 1 and the coordinate axes

square unit.
I t u
"b I
. ""]q-rr;

'.r3-b-. -

' Generally : if two straight lines intersect r then there will be two angles (each of them
supplements the other) : they are either two right angles or one of them is an acute angle

and the other is an obtuse angle.

. If 0 is the measure of the included angle between the

two straight lines L, and L, whose slopes are m, and m, r then

tano=l -t-*' I
where e e ,*)
l1+m,mrl [O

, ffi1 = tan 0, andmr- tan0,

With noticing the following :

1 If th" tangent is positive : then we obtain an acute angle.

2 If th" tangent is zero : then the measure of the included angle is zero
r then frr = fr2 and the two straight lines are parallel or coincident.

3 If th" tangent is undefined r then the measure of the included angle is 90'

r then m1m2 = - 1 and the two straight lines are orthogonal (perpendicular).

4 tre measure of the obtuse angle = the measure of the supplemen tary angle of the acute

Find the measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines :

Lr:X-2y+5=0, Lz:2X+4y-7=0

'.'ffiI =ir^z= -2 -l i Remember that l
+= z
11 ?-d
I m.-m^ 2'2 _4 The slope of the straight line

' 'l-

ll+m,mrl ,.(+) (+) l- 3 aX+b)*c=0equals:3 i


Find the measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines :
Lr :r -(2 13)+k(4 13), Lz:r=(1 :6)+k (7 t-l)

'.'ffiI =trr^z= -1
I 31
mr-mz _t 4*7
.'. tan 0 =
i+mrm, -l (+) l-
'.(+) l=,
.'. 0 = 45o

'OIVE of the acute angle between the two straight lines
Find the measure :

Lr:X+5y-3 t Lr:i=(2r3)+k(4:1)

If the measure of the angle between the two straight lines

LrzX-2y+ 1=0 , Lz: X+k y*2a 0equals45o rfindthevalueof k

I r -1 l1
...t= 2k

...ran45o=lZ'V |
l'-* I
> Lesson Three

Z*k =tl .'. either I 1-, I
,- I 2k-2k
3_1 .'.k=3
2k- 2
1 1_ 1
Z - k- 2k-'

r -3 .1--
..r\--;- 1
2k- 2 J

Find the measures of the angles of AABC whose vertices areA= (6 r 5) ,B = (6 :1)
andC=(3 rl)

'.' The slope of IE = = f, {undefined)

'.' AB lly-axis (l)
'.' The slope ofEd =
# = 3 = r.ro
.'. BC ll X-axis (2)
'.' The slope of Ed =!-!
6-3 = +3 (3)

From (1) and (2) : m(LB) = 90"

.'. L Aand L C are acute angles
t *-zero I + I

From (2) and (3) : .'.tanC=l J ,= 3

r *,..o,

.'. m(L C) = 53'8=

.'. m(LA) = 180" - (53" 8= + 90") =36 5)

To determine the type of the triangle ABC according to the measures of its angles
(where AC represents the length of the greatest side in the triangle) :

Q If 1AC;" (Ag)'+ (BC)2 r rhen the triangle is an obtuse-angled triangle at B

El tf 1eC;z = 1A812 + (BC)2 : then rhe triangle is a right-angled triangle at B
@ ff 1eC)' . (Ae)'+ (BC)2 r rhen the rriangle is an acure-angled rriangle.

Findthemeasuresof theanglesof thetrianglewhoseverticesareA-(4 13) rB=(-1r1)

and C = (- 6 r 4) : then find its area.

'.'AB =1[1aa1y ag-y =n[29 length units.

(-t + e)2 +(t- +)2 =1[341ength units.

, AC =1[@ * 6Y * G - 4Y = 1801 length units .

.'. (AC)2 > (AB)2 + @C)2

.'. AABC is an obtuse-angled triangle at B

:. L Aand L C are acute angles.

'.' rhe slope of 7G =
# = ? ,the slope of ffi =:*= -+
and the slope of ffi = * =-;

t2 |
I s*m
.'.tanA=l . Z I zs

:.rn(LA) = 28'
| '-50 |

| -3 - I I

,tanC=ll+qFA :.m(LC)=25"
| 1+ff I

.'. m(L B) = 180' - (28' + 25") = 127"

: the area of the triangle = * " the product of two side lengths
x sine of the included angle between them

= t " AB xAC x sinA= * "^[Trrfio1 x sin 28"

= 12.7 square units.

Find the measures of the angles of the triangle whose vertices are :

A=(2 :3) : B =(- 1 r3) r C =(2 t5)


The length
of the
from a point to
a straight line
. The length of the perpendicular (L) drawn from the point (X, : y,
) (xr yr

to the straight line whose equation is : aX+ b y + c = 0 is

determined by the relation :

- lax'
The length of the perpendicular (L)
+b y, + c I

a2 +b2

Importont Pemorks
f tf tne length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (X, r yr) to the straight line
aX+b ] * c = 0 equals Zaro tthen the pointlies onthe straight line.

@ fne length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin point (0 : 0)

to the straight line : a X +by * c = 0 equals -g
^{ a2 +b2

@ rrre length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (x, r yr) to x-axis = | v1 I

@ rne length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (x, : yr) to y-axis = | xrl
@ tf 1X, r yr) and (Xz ,Y) are two points in the Cartesian plane which contains the
straightline:a X+b ) * c = 0 andthe two expressions aX, + b y, + c
and a Xr+b yr+ c
have the same sign r then the two points (X, : yr) and (Xz , yz) are on the same side
of the straight line and if they have different signs : then the two points are in two
different sides of the straight line.

1 oI/\ r / 6:i\i I (Cy. - c,t-J opL;) raLr-dl


Find the length of the perpendicular from the point (3 , 5) to the straight line :

r=(-l t2)+ k(4 r-3)

'.' The straight linei= (- 1 t2) +k (4, -3) passes through the point (- l r2)
and its sllpe = =03

... The carresianformis, #=+ ... 4y- g =- 3 x-3

.'. The general form is : 3 X +4 y - 5 = 0
l3 (3)+4(5) - 5l
.'. Thelengthof theperpendicur*- =4.8lengthunits.
Find the length of the perpendicular from the point (- 2 ,3) to the straight line :

i= (1 :3) + k (4 ,3)

Find the distance between the point A= (2 r 4) and the straight line passing through the
point B = (- 2 t0) and its slope = ;i
..' The equation of the straight line passing through the point B = (- 2 ;0) and its slope = 5
. v-0 5

lJ-- ,
Notlae that
i.e.1 5x-6y+10=0 The distance between a point and
a straight line means the length
.'. The distance = The length of the perpendicular
of the perpendicular drawn from
drawn from A to the straight line
this point to the straight line.
_15x2-6x4+l0l _ 4 lensrhunirs.
ltTs .36 \t6t

If the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (7 t c) to the straight line :
6 X- 8 y + 17 = 0 equals 3.5 length units r find the value of c

'.' 3.5 = 16x7-8xc+171 35=159-8cl

.'. 59 - 8 c = 35 or59 - 8c =-35 .'. -8 c=-24 or-8 c=-94 c=3or

> Lesson Four

The length of the perpendicular from the point Q ,5) to a straight line equals 3 units
and the vector Q ,4) is the direction vector of it. Find the equation of this straight line.

'.' The vector (3 ,4) is the direction vector of the straight line.
.'. The vector (4 , - 3) is perpendicular vector to the straight line.
.'. The equation of the straight line is :4 X- 3y+c=0
r '.' the length of the perpendicular on it from the point (Z , 5) = 3 length units.
l4x2-3x5+cl _, .'. lS-15+cl=3x5
16 +9
.'. lc-71=15 .'.c-7=+15
.'. c=7 +15=22 or c=7-15=-8
.'. The equation of the straight line is :4 X-3y +22=0 4X-3y-8=0

ABCisatrianglewhoseverticesareA-(1 ,5) rB-(5 r-3)andC=(1 :0)Finditsarea.

Let BC (one of the sides of the triangle) be the base of the triangle r then we find the
height which is the length of the perpendicular drawn fromAto the straight line ffi
and we find also the length of BC : then we calculate the area of the triangle as follows :

'.' BC = 1k1-5, +(0 + 3F = 1[Te * g= 5 length units.

rtheequationofffiiu I*1= 9*3 = 3
x-5 1 -5 -4
.'. The length of the perpendicular from A to BC
_ l3x1+4x5-31 _13+20-31 _ZO
= 4length units.
{,.G 5

.'. The area of the triangle ABC =

i"t x 4 = 10 square units.

If thepointsA= (-3 r0) rB = (3 t2) tC =(- I r5)representvertices of atriangle rfind:
I The length of BC ! The equation of the straight line Ed
! The length of the perpendicular from A to Ed
{ The area of A ABC

Find the area of the circle whose centre is M (1 , 2) and the straight line whose
equation L z 6 X+ 8 y- 2 = 0 is a tangent to it. (J[ = 3.14)

The length of the perpendicular drawn from the centre M (1 r 2) to the tangent L
l6x1 +8x2-21 20
4Y- 2lensthunits.
The radius length = the length of the perpendicular drawn from the cenffe to the tangent L
r = 2length units.
The area of the circle = x? = 3.14 x 4 = 12.56 sqaure units.

Prove that the two points : A= (3 :1) and B = (- 3 ,2) lie on two different sides of the
straight line L :3 X- 4y + 6 = 0 and at equal distances from it.

The length of the perpendicular from A to the straight line L

llt I
l3x3-4x1+61 = -= =|
=2.2 lengthunits.
: the length of the perpendicular from B to the straight line L
_l3x(-3)-4x2+61 _ l-11 l_11 =2.2 length units.

.'. A and B are equidistant from the straight line L

'.' The expression 3 X-4y + 6 has two different signs as substitutingby the coordinates
of each ofA and B
.'. The two points A and B lie on different sides of the straight line L

Prove that the two straight lines L, and Lrare parallel and find the distance between
them in each of the following :
1 Lr: x-Z y + 11 - 0 tL2:2 X-4y +7 =0
2 Lr:i=(2 r-5)+k(3 r -4),Lr:i=(l r4)+i(-6,8)

1 '.' rfre slope of Lr=-J.= | andthe slope of Lr-== +

.'. The two slopes are equal. .'. The two straight lines are parallel.
> Lesson Four

o Putting X = 1 (for example) in the equation of L, Remork

.'. (1 ,6) e Ll
"'Y=6 To find the distance between L,
.'. The distance between the two straight lines andLr: determine a point lying
= the length of the perpendicular from the on one of them r then find the
point (1, 6) to t^ -]|2 x I -4 x 6 +7 I length of the perpendicular drawn
from it to the other straight line.

-l-rsi= 15 =rG length units.

^[^ 2"[i 2 Pemork
The vector i= (3 r - 4) is the direction vector of
the straight line Lr: the vector d = (- 6 r 8) is The distance between two parallel
the direction vector of the straight hneL, straight lines : aX +by * c = 0
r'.' u = (-6, -- (3 t-4) andaX+by+d=0
8) 2 =-2u
.'. L1llL2 eouals lc -dl
,- 5) €L1
: '.' the point N - (2
t':Lr:X=l-6lity=4+8li . r .X-l-Y-4
L -6 8
.'. The distance between the two straight lines = the length of the perpendicular from

the point (2 , - 5) to L, = l4x2+3x(-5)-161 = 4.6length units.

Prove that the point (4 r 6) lies on one of the two angle bisectors of the angle between the
twostraightlines:L:9 X-l3y-8=0, i r X=5+3k, y=k+3

The point lies on one of the two angle bisector of the angle between the two straight lines
L and i if it on equal distance from the two straight lines.
The distance of the point (4 :6) fromthe straight line L- l9 x 4- 13 x 6- 8 |

- | 36-78 - 8 | - l-s0 I
-- ----o--- unit.
=1fr-l"rgth "- (1)
'[r* s{10 '
i Xt'
: the equation of is : = +
.'. The distance of the point (4 : 6) from the straight line L = l4-3 x6+41
= + ={to l"rgth unit (2)

from (1) and(2):

.'. The point (4 : 6) lies on one of the two angle bisector of the angle between the two straight
lines L and i

General equation "-1
of the straight
line passing
through the point
of intersection of
two lines

If thetwo straightlines L, :arX+b1y* cl =0 andLz: azX+brY tcz=0 intersectat

a point r then the general equation of all straight lines which pass through the point of
their intersection is :

m(a, x+bry+cr) + I (%x+b2y+cr)=0 (1)

wheremClR r/Cm
. When m = 0 : wo get the equation of L,
o When /
= 0 , we get the equation of L,
. When m t 0 ,l +O r we get the general equation of any line passing through the point of
intersection of L, and L, other than L, and L,
r in this case equation (1) can be written as :

a, X+b, y+c, +k (arX+ bry +cr) =0 rwherekis anon-zero constant.

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection of the
two straight lines :
2 X + 3 y = 18 and 5 X - 2 y - 7 = 0 and passes through ttre point (5, 3)
The general equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection of the two
gtvenstraightlinesexceptthemis :2X+3y-18+k(5 X-2y-7)=0 (1)
'.' The point (5 r 3) lies on this straight line.
.'. It satisfies its equation.
.'. l0 + 9- 18 + k (25 -6-7) = 0
> Lesson Five

.'. 1+ 12k=0 .. N--
Substituting in (1) :

.'. The equation of the required straight line is : 2 X + 3 y - rc+--)6x-2y-7)=e

<multiplyingby l2>>

.'. 24 X + 36 y -216 - 5X+ 2y + 7 =0

i."*L t9 x+38 y - 209 =o
Another Solr,rtion :
We find the intersection point of the two straight lines : 2 X + 3 y = 18 and 5 X - 2 y = 7 by
solving the two equations algebraically that by multiplying the first equationby 2 and the
second equation by 3

.'. Thetwoequationswillbe:4X+6y =36 and 15 X-6y =21

Then by adding .'. 19 X= 57
:. \,= 3 and substituting in any of the two equations.
J'Y=4 .'. The point of intersection is (3 : 4)
Then we find the equation of the straight line passing through the two points (3 ,4)
and (5 : 3) as we studied before.

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection of the
two straight lines :
2X+3y=9 t4X+ 5y= 15andpassesthroughthepoint (5 t-4)

Find the equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two
straightlines: 3 X+2y =10 and 5 X-3y *4= 0 and it is perpendicular to the straight

The general equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two
straight lines except them is :
3X+Zy-10 +k(5 X-3y -4)=0 (1)
'.' The slope of the straight line : 2 X + 7 y - 4 =0 is *
.'. The slope of the required straight line is
Andfrom (1) : .'. 3 X + 2y - l0+ 5 kX- 3 ky -4k =0
.'. x (3+ 5 k) + y (2- 3 k) - 10 -4 k=0

.'. Its slope =

3+5k .7 - 3+5k
-3k 2 2 z-3k
.'.6+10k=-14+2lk ." o-
Substituting in (1) :

.'. The equationof therequired straightline is :3

X+2y _ 10l-
+ 6 X-3 y-4) =Q
33 x+22y - 110 + 1oo x- 6o y - 8o = o
T.eL :.:,3x-38y-1eo=o 1 X-2y - lO =0

Prove that the two straight lines :

4X-3y+7 =0:r =(2 t5)+k (-4 13)areintersectingorthogonally r

then find their point of intersection.

'.' ffil -4 4 ,^r=-l 3

=-= i
.'. ffiI x mz=
1x- -34 =-t
.'. The two straight lines are intersecting orthogonally.
o To find the point of intersection of the two straight lines r we find the general equation of
the second straight line at first.
'.' The second straight line passes through the point (2 ,5) and its slofe = -f,
v - 5 -3
.'. The cartesian e,quatron s: *_2= 4
.'. The generalequationis:3 X +4y -26=O
o Solving the two equations simultaneously :

4X-3y+7=0 ( 1)

t3 X+ 4y -26=0 (2)
Multiplying the equation (1) x 4 :
:. 16X-l2y+28=0 (3)
Multiplying the equation (2) x 3 :

:.9X+12y-78=0 (4)
Adding (3) and (4) :

Substituting in (1) :
.'. The point of intersection is (2 : 5)

na :! /^4,

TC -->

By a group of supervisors



a 2024
First Algebra and

31 Matrices.

i2 Linear programming.

i3 Trigonometry.

Analytic Geometry

z Vectors.

z Straight line.


m., ; $ ?"'rr i{

First Algebra
and Trigonometry

z1 Matrices.

22 Linear programming.


Unit One

,1 6
& .4 t

Organizing data in matrices,


2 Adding and subtracting matrices.

3 Multiplying matrices.

4 Determinants.

5 Multiplicative inverse of a matrix.

rq rul r

data in

OApp[y o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

Ml From the school book
I ORememoer

Test yourself

lo Choose the correct answer from those given :
The matrix (3 2 1) is of order """"""""
(a)2xl (b)1x3 (c)3 x2 (d)3x1

il ' '=(t , azL + ctz=
I _' l) 'n"n
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c)-5 (d) 3

If A is a matrix of order 2 x 3 r then the number of elements in matrix A is """"""" "

(a) 4 (b) e (c) 6 (d) s

If B is a matrix of order 3 x 1 : then Bt is a matrix of order

(a)3xl (b)3x3 (c)1x1 (d) 1x3

If O is azero matrix of order 2 x 2 t then the number of its elements =
(a) zero $)a (c) 2 (d) 4

If A is a matrix of order 3 x 4 t then the row contains """""""" elements.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 12

If A is a matrix of order 3 x 2 : then the matrix 2 A is of order

(a)6x4 G)3xa (c) 6 x2 (d) 3 x2

> Exercise 1 2a
O (8)IfA= (: -2 7\
' lrB=Atrthena,r*b3l=
-4 2l
(a) 4 (b) e (c) t4 (d) 10
(9)IfA= ('^ ^),then2At=


,"(i, i)
,",(i, #) lz
(o)l: 8\
\- r r2l
a (10) The least number of elements in any matrix is ................

(a) zero. (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

a (11) If the number of elements in a matrix is 9 elements then
the number of possible orders
to form this matrix is ................
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) e
(I2) If A is a square matrix and the number of its elements is n : then n could be
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
(13) If the number of elements in matrix X is 12 elements
r then which of the following can
not be order of the matrix X ?
(a)3x4 (b)2x6 (c)4x8 (d)txt2
l0 0 0r
w (14) The matrixa= O 0 0 lis caled
\o o
{ maffix.
(a) unit (b) zero
(c) diagonal (d) skew symmetric
o Ggy(7 20-2, adiagonalmatrix :then x+2y
\:-ov =...........,....

(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12

C) (16)IfmatrixAisadiagonalmatrixoforder3x3ratz=X+4:then/.,=.......,....,...
(a) zero. (b) 4
(c)-4 (d) any real number except - 4

(Y : r )Y s/6-i[i \/ (;r-Jt.) sGJ-gr:I..!r- ;eta Oll til

= O Remember I understand oAppfiy ooo Higher order Thinking Skills

t4 -3 li
(17) In the matrix { i ; - 1 l, if the sum of the elements in the main diagonal
\z o 6l
= twice the sum of the elements of the other diagonal
then i( = """"""""
(a) zerc. (b)-4 (c) 4 (d) 7

o (1S) If A is a diagonal matrix of order 3 x 3 the sum of elements in matrix A equals 12 I

then the sum of the elements in the main diagonal only
(a) equals 12 (b) is less than 12 (c) is more than 12 (d) equals zero'

o (rey 11 /r x 'l = 1, -:\ ,then xv =

\-r 6 sl \z yl l/

(c) (d) ls
(a) - 15 (b) -2 2

5\r.r,.n x+Y= """"""""

O (20) rr (3 _:)=(: y+ll
(a) 7 (b)-3 (c)4 (d)10

11 ;)=(l ;)',*,(il ;)"a
(a) unit (b) zero
(c) diagonal (d) skew symmetric

(a) 3 @+ @+ @+
(24)trA=( + sX< an x %z= trz xa21 I then )( = " " " " " " " "
"i" sin X/
) : where 0
E ^U

@+ o)+ r.l * @)+

(25) IfA= /cos

0 - sin 0 \ ,,t"nthe yalue of 0 whichmakesAis aunitmatixis """"""""
\ sin 0 cos 0/
(a) zero. $,) + (c) ,r (d)
(26)If themaffix,e=/ I 2x-4 \i..r*-"tric rthen{= """"""""
\-z 3 I
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) -2
> Exercise 1 )r, *-"

Ir 1 x- 1\
(zrrce=l t 3 5lir u symmeffic matrix tthen X = ..'..."........
\- t5 6l
(a)-l (b) zero. (c) 4 (d) 6

rzurc I x' 3
\r X+ )),rn",
(a) x2 ^)=G
(b)2 @) _2 (d) zero.

rzgtn(x 3 I where I is a unit matrix : then X + y +z+1.=...

\z ',)=
(a)2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 12

(30) rrthe matrix , o=(i -. T ? ),, ,r,n- etic tthen m =

\, x-t ,l
(a) 4 (b)-6 (c) 10 (d)-8

(31) rf the matrix ,, =(oo T ,'),, ,n"* symmetric

\, 6 ol
: then value of m + z -tt=
(a) t2 (b)-8 (c) o (d) - L2

(32)rrA =(;_^ : a\
z _S l*d r A=-At rthen X+y +r+L=................
I ol
(a) zero. (b) I (c) 2
-2 (d)
sin o on 9 \
(33) If the matrix o / "o.t '
l-t -coso ', lttaskewmatrixrtheno=
\-r cos20 ol
(a) zero. @+ (c) xt @)+
(34) If Ais a matrix of order 2 x2where urr=i_2 j ,thenA = ................
(35)IfAisamatrix anda*r=Xyforeach
",(;' _:) n,(; )
Xe{t rZ} r y€{1 r'Z

r then matrix A= ................

o,(i ? il,(i il n(,i:) ,(1

31 ORemember )tJnderstand OAPPIY 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

(36) If A is a matrix of order 2 x 2 and dxy = then dt x drzx hr x azz=

(a)4 (b)2 (c)1 @)+
3 x2andi drt=2 ,azt=3 td32= * urr'
(37) If the orderof the matrixAis
dzz=z2tt3 ta31=-9 turr= t q1 IthenthematrixA= """""1""

,,(i l) ,,,(
1, j )

.,(1, -3\f )
If A is a square matrix of order 3 x 3 where
,, (-' :
dxy =
*- +

(a) zerc. (b) o (c) 2A (d) 2At

O (39) If A is a square matrix of order 3 x 3 where dxy =]+# : then dxy =

(b) (c) - avx (d)
(a) avx - axy 1

O (40) If A is a row matrix and ayr= 5 r then X =
(a) 5 (b)52 @+ (d) I

Ais a skew symmetric matrix of order 3 x3 t then arr + a22+ a33=

O (41) If
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) zero

Ais a symmetric matrix andAt =2A I then[= """"""""

o (42) If
(a) I (b)-I (c) o (d) 2t
the matrix B of order n x 2 tthen the number of elements of matrix B equals
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) e

a) (44) If Ais amatrix inthe order 3 x2andthe sumof elements of matrixAequals X I

then sum of elements of matrix 2 A equals
(a) x (b)2 x (c)6x (d) t2 x
(45) If A = (aij) is a symmetric matrix which of the following could be a rule to identify
the elements of A ?
(a)a,: =2i-i (b)ai:-i+j (c) aU = ij (d)a,,=3i+2i

C) (46) If the matrix

o*, ,(- a skew symmetric , then xc""""""""
'o= ( _, l)is
(a) t- | ,2\ O) {o ,- 1}
(c) {1 ,-2} (d) {o ,1}

c,) (/t7) If Ais a diagonal matrix of order 3 x 3 and txy= 5 for every X=Y : then
I (a)A=I (b) A= 5I (c)A=5O (d)A=O
> Exercise 1 ?a
o (48) If A is a symmetric matrix and skew symmetric in the
same time: then .............,..

(a)A=I (b)A=O
(c) A is a diagonal matrix. (d) A is a row matrix.

t49) If Ais a skew symmetric matrix of order 3 x 3 and tn = 4 which of the following
statements is true ?

0)%r=-4 (2)arr-, (3) azz + a3z- 0

(a) (1) only. (b) (1) t (2) only.
(c) (2) r (3) only. (d) (1) t (2) and (3) are true.

(so)If x 1\ r y= lu-6
=(u-a b_21 6\urA
: 2X=Yt rthen a+2b =................
\3 \z 4-al
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) t2

(51)IfA=/sin3o' I \,8=l m-cos 60o \andA=B

\tan,60o cot45" | \ p + sec2 45o n + .os2 90"/
r then m+p - n= ................
(a) 2 (b) 10 (c) -2 (d) 1

(52) which of the following is sufficient to find out the value of

x where

lx 3
y nl?
\-r \ ^l
(1)A=At (2) A= - At (3) A is a diagonal matrix
(a) (1) only. (b) (2) only.
(c) (3) only. (d) it is impossible to find the value of X

/4) / si" sin (zero)

(53)IfthematrixA=l \2/

\""r (+) cos (zero; /
which of the following statements is true ?

(1) A is a unit matrix. (2) A is a symmetric matrix.

(3) A is a square matrix.

(a) (1) only. (b) (1) t (2) only.

(c) (2) r (3) only. (d) (1) t (2) and (3) are true.
= ORemember OUnderstand OAppny t XigherOrderThinkingSkills

Second 1

ls o 1\

oo=(1, ; ) , g=1 + 3 ,) and Q= -5 1

\o -7 _: 1
( 1 ) Mention the order of each matrix.
( 2 ) Write each of the following elements : azt: b11 r ctt , att tb.,, t c21

O m Write the type and the order of each of the following matrices : /g\

i,,,(; ) I

:) I
s -t2 ro\
,.,(l :) I ,',(: ?)

6mIfA=l zo-ro z l,rind:-5A

\-, | 3l
Oofi"a the transpose of each of the following matrices showing the order of the resulted matrix:

:, l)
, I I "'(i) I "'[-'- I lz


lr*r*(; i)
t, -rt | tsrm(r -2 o) | tor(e


6o m Write all the following elements of matrices :

ltrlA=(a1i) t i=lt2 , i=lt2t3
l,rtB=(bi1) t i=tt2t3 , i=1
ltrtC=(cii) t i=lt2 , i=lt2

6m If A=(arr)for eachX , ye{l t2 r3}: writethematrixA rgiventhat:


I u. =y - X: then find At

fO aor-the matrixA= (a11) of order3 x 2where u,, =, -i+2

findthe matrix C where C =At rmention its order and find cil if i = 3 j
| , then
\ lq -t\ t2'
o 'lueofeachofaant -.'
\za-1 3b*r/=\, ,)
<<2 )>
> Exercise , @.Wffi

d*rc(zx-s 4 )=/" 4 \,o,,uthevaru

value ofeach of X and y <15:3>
\ 3 3Y+12/ \3 Y+18/

d*o('l*\ r -s)-/38 -s value of each of X andly

4y-to ),nnathevaru
<<30 s2>>
Y -yl\l

"(-t, ,'ir)=(1' ,o,,uthevarueoreacr a".r*- r- z and L

f (<t 4 t-l t 9 s2>>

lBuarr(rx x+y *-r)=(-e 4 -ro)
, nna the values of : X t y and, z *3 ;7 t7
| << >>

a rb rcanddif :

l.-.t z -s \ / a-2
t"("-r -\;')
,o-r/=( c 5 t-3 t2
<( t6>>

2b \=/ 3a
| ,r,,1" 2a+c/=\zu-a lo \
10 (< :5t5t0r10>
l'"li, )

"_i.',.)=(; ;
r,r(,:;1. 3 s6 t-2 s4>>
P "r"
"""* ls skew symmetric:
/o or-1 \ I tt II
lrtr(-r rl I ,rt[ i 33 -1\5l
| \1 -3 ol \_r s5 6l ,

t, -12 +\
Iltsrl-r 6l II
-z5 _r'l
G)1, o0 1lt:

I \o 6 sl
| \; -1
I t5 2v33r."\
z+l -1 z+3
i I

+3x 8 ol I

: then find the value of each of z X t !

| and. z <<3.5 s3 t5 >>

I |oz+6 -rx
-2 -5 \ I

0 0 3z I

\' *' 6 0t
T , rn.r, find the vatue of r xy z '

I 15
z, oApply
o Remember I understand r'o Higher order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(t)n(2x ,l) =(: b\t*aif ad-bc= 1 :thenXG""""""""

rul {1 ,- +} o){-r,-+} tcl{r,}} (d)
{- t ,+}
(2)lt/ and m are the two roots of the equation Xz -3 X+ | =0 and if
ll'^ -121. l" b\
\rn2,rr/=\ . O /rthenad-bc=""""""""
(a) 18 (b) 1 @)2 (d) 4

I.i (3)Ifl/a b c\
d " ; |i,urt"*svmmetric,then#H#=""""""""
I \; v ,t

,, ('):1A
i,. (4)If thematrix (ux)of l'):"'"^ _, ,., - .._t:].:thefirstrow
order3 x 2where txy=x+2yandthesumof

I elements=k2 :then[= """"""""


I ru> , $) - 2 @) @) t 2^[i
.iI . , ^t . i (2m-
( 5 ) If A is a matrix of order m x n andAt of order
/^ -- 1\.,/.^
1) x (n - 1\ I then
1) +L^-*m +r --

| ,u,3 (b)4 (c)5 (d)6

I(6)rr( '.i : :)*.abcd=r,then)(=
| \ sinx
II ,r#
ru)+ G)+- at .Tt, (d); 11

I xr-y' u\=r/ , 2\,,r,"nxy=

l"--\x'+xy+yz II \1 \r 4l

I rul3 (b)-3 @)-2 (d)2

|$I ( 8^) If Ais a matrix of^order

, 3....--.L^-^^ I x+v for x*y
x 3 whera axy =-lx*y
U for X=y
L then the sum of the elements of the main diagonal equals

I ,, 1 (b)6 @)t2 (d)18

.^.-"t 3x 2x+,\=/ 25 b \,,r,"rthevarueor:9=...........""'

l (9)If\r*, ,uru,Lr,evsruv-^'T
' '--\x*v 3,
3Y //=\\ au 5slil
I r"lf 1u)+ (c) 15 (d) s

> Exercise 1

ffi Sports : The coach ofa team ofthe basketball in the school recorded the scores ofthree
players in the classes league: as follows :
Samir: played 10 games ) 20 shots , 5 scores.
Hazem: played 16 games ) 35 shots ) 8 scores.
Karim: played i8 games , 41 shots : 10 scores.
( 1 ) Arrange these data in a matrix such that the players
arranged ascendingly according to their number of scores.
t'2 ) Determine the order of the matrix. what is the value of yr?
ffiEnergy : It is possible to measure No. of kilowatt/hour

the energy in kilowatt/hour: the

opposite graph shows the production l-__l Con.umption

and consumption of energy of some l-__l P.oduction

countries. Write a matrix representing

the data in the opposite graph.

The opposite table shows the number of general national factories

of food and leather
industry in three different cities in Egypt.
City Food industry Leather industry
( I ) Organize the data in a matrix.
6 October 44 68
( 2 ) Add the elements in each column r
what's your interpretation of the Sadat 28 52

results obtained ? 10 Ramadan 3/ 14

( 3 ) Add the elements in each row , are the

resuits you obtained possible to help us with
an extra data ? Explain your answer.

(r : t )Y s/.<ir: \,/ (JI-JL.:) oLil-or:..b- 1eL*,gJl @


Adding and

Remember O Understand O/\pp[y 1o1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

ffi From the *lmol hook O

Chome the corrrcct answer from those given :

o -3 \*o=
( 1 ) If O is the zero matrix of order 2 x 3 ttt'en ( 4
\- ls 0l
(a) I (b) o (c) (1, :-;) (;-
-', ;)
(2)ffA=(_t r B=(? :thenA+B=
) )

,,(+) ,"( f )
.,(:i) ,(l)
trI( _s -").(" _:)=
(a)o ",( I i) n,( 11

0 ?)
(d) I

rntrr(5 i).r=r,then

(")(_; _i) o,(_i l) n,( I ?) ?)
> Exercise 2

(s)(_s, -z)'=


(6)If ,".(-;
- c\
,', (-J
O r then the matrix
f, = .......'.....".
,r( I ?)

zero I

*,(-: ,;:) ro, (
,;:) (")(:^ t .,( _; ,".:)
C ,t(', -i).,( )=(;
, Z)
,,('_, i) *, ( _
i ;) ,",(
,o ,(,_, )
o (8) rr(;) (i)=( ;),thenX+y=
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) s (d) 3
, n,o('_, -:)'=

(a)-3 (b)-6 (c)1 (d)_8
u0,,( :, _l) (: :)=(i _i),**(l :l=
,r(; _:) o)(1, ;) ,.,(; ) ro,(1, ;)
I )= "(: l)-, (;, ?)
C r,,r o( ,,n", x y= +
(a)4 3 (c)2
(b) (d)_2
(tzt tr x t! and,z are reatnumbers and xl ! )., f ? ) . r( ;)=/ ; \
,thenXyz= \t/ \-tl \O/ \S/
(a)12 (b) 4 @) _ tz (d) 3

c) (r3)rf ( t o\ I t o \ rthenx+Y=
\-z-x ;)-\*i,,ir)=o
(a) -2 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d) _4
C tt4tff(x -2\-lv - I\-/-s
'"'^'\r x),,n",valueory= ..............
+)'\3 s/-\+ e)""u"'o'
(a)-2 (b)-s (c)_3 (d)_7
= ORernembar tUnderetand OAPPIY o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

a (1.5) For any matrix A : A + (- A) =
(a)A (b)-A (c) o ror/,
\0 U
a (16) If A is a matrix of order 2 x 3 tB is the additive inverse of A r then B oforder
(a)2x3 (b)3x2 (c)2x2 (d)3x3
(17 )If Ais a matrix of order 2 x 3 tB is a matrix of order 2 x 2 tC is a matrix of
order 3 x 2 t then which of the following operations is defined ?

(a)A+B (b)B-c (c)A+Ct (d)A-c

(1S) If A is a skew symmetric matrix r then the additive inverse for the matrix A
(1) -A (2) A' (3) -A'
(a) (1) only. (b) (2) only. (c) (1) , (2) only. (d) (2) r (3) only.

(19) If A is a symmetric matrix : then which of the following is symmetric too ?

(t)2 A (2)-A (3)At

(a) (1) only. (b) (1) : (2) only. (c) (2) : (3) only. (d) (1) t (2) t (3)

rzot rrn= (1 I*
:) '"=(: !),.N*
(a)A-B (b) At+ B (c)A+Bt (d)A+B
el llf Ais a diagonal matrix of order 2 x 2 t the product of elements of its main
diagonal = k (where k * 0) and the matrix B is the additive inverse of the matrix A
r then the product of the main diagonal of matrix B -

(a) k (b)-k (c)

a (22)If A+At=O rthenAisa matrix.
(a) row @) column

(c) symmetric (d) skew sYmmetric

a (23) If A is a skew symmetric matrix r then A + At = """"""""

(a) 2A G) 2At (c) o (d) zero

1A+et) = """"""""
o (24)lf Ais a symmetric matrix r then 2
(a) A or ]e (c) I (d)

(x t)t- x
o (2s) =
t (a) o (b) x (c) 2X (d) zero

> Exercise 2)
O {26) rf the matrices A and B are of the same order m x n r then the matrix
A- 2 B is of order ................
(a)mx1 (b)1xn (c)nxm (d)mxn
O (27) rt A and B are two matrices of the order 3 x
2 t thenthe matrix (5 A + 3 B)t
is of order
(a)3x2 @)5x3 (c)2x3 (d)3x3
C r2*rrfA=(1,
,r=(r, 3)
, ,=(1, :)
andA-28=3C rthen Xy=
(a)-6 (b) -2 (c) 6 (d) e
(29) If At + Bt =(l
\o )
*,(l ?) n(Z ;) ,, (;
(ro) rra = /1 (A+r)'=(i - r\
-lrthen B_
\- 1 ): -41
,,('^ _: ) c) (1
, _:) r.)
lo ;) .,(? :)
rre=(l 7\,,tr"n/1 7 \_
t \s 4)- 6
(a) A-z(b)A-2r (c)A+I (d)A-r
aj (32)rrx=19
,- -\e
2\ ,or=10 3a\
1 u then a+ b-k= """"""""
-4 \z 24 )'
(a) - 19 (b) -7 (c) 7 (d) le
w (33) IfAandB aretwomatrices rA+B ={_B :then
(a) A is a zero matrix. (b) B is a zero matrix.
(c) B is a unit matrix. (d) B is the additive inverse of A.
C (34) If A r B are two matrices of the same order xzand,A+
2 B =r tzA_zB =r
rthenA-. .

,,( *I) .,( f ,r( ;

tl -4
;) 2
,",( 3 i) ?)
C (35) If A +
''=( 2 6 )*o " -o'=
(; .|
,,n", (A + B)t-
(o(; u) o)(; :) ro(-";) .,(-; : )
ORemember OUnderstand OAPP0Y jo Higfrer Order Thinking Skills

O (36) rr 2 A+r'= (
; ;;)*. 2B +o'= (j, 14l

(.)(l ) .,(;;) (.)(l ;) .,(l ;)

o (3?) The simplest form of the expression :

/cos0 sin0\ /sin0 -cos0\

"ote(-rine "ore)+sin0\"ore sin0 /equals
r I sin0\
(a) o (b) I (c)-I (d)(.ore 1

o (38) The simplest form of the expression :

lcsc0 -cote\ /-cote csc0 i

.r. e(.o,e
-csc 0)+cote11-.r"e core /equals

(a) o (b)r
(b) r (c)-I
\u/-r ,, (l -o' )
/cos0 -sin0
(39)IfA=(rine unaA+At = I : then o =
where o < e <

(a)Asin0+Bcos0 (b)Acos0+Bsin0
(c)Asin0-Bcos0 (d)Acos0-Bsin0
Ii*i , i=j
=1,_l t
o (41) If A= (aij) is amatrixof order3 x 3 where u, i+ j

,,(li,!) ,0,(,3
Ir 0
0 !)
lz 1

"'(i 1-i) \o
-1 :)
o (42) lfAis a matrix of order 2 x 3 wher" u,j = I i -j I and B is a matrix of order 2 3

where brj = i - j I then A + B = """"""""

(a) o (b) I

t"\lo, 2 4\ .,( ;
o 2) : :)
> Exercise Z ffi

o (43) IfA= ( *a the tunction f is defined on setof square marices
;' I )
wheref (X)=3X+5I rthenf (A)
ii ) ,(; ,? )

:) ,r(;"; )
o (44)rf xis amatrixof order zxzandX+X,=
(: i ),"*thesumof
ofX equals
(a) 6 (b) s (c) 4 (d) 3
a (45) The square matrix always can be expressed as ................

(a) sum of two matrices one is symmetric and the other is skew symmefic.
(b) sum of two matrices one is diagonal and the other is symmefiic.
(c) product of a real number * zero by a mafiix has the same order.
(d) the sum of the same matrix and its transpose.

(46) IfA rB andC arethreematrices suchthatA*g =/ I -;),8 +c=( 2

\r _?),
c +A -(-t ,tr,"rA+B +C =
\ o tl'-"-"
;) ",( ; l)
\o ?)
*'fr -:)

m rrA=(_i
_] ) , " =( 3 _l)*. "=li )
r find each of the following .,if possibler, : ( I ) A + B (2)A+C

mrrA=(,_, -; r B=(; 1

) ))^oc=( 0 ;)
r find the matrix z 2 A- 3 B + 4 C

_i)*.,=(-,? :)
ffi rrr=(
3- i), "=(yi
then find the matrix : 3 X
- +Z


= 1 e Remember & 1".'lnderstanii OAppM o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

4 0\,.rr..t
d t 3l
that: 4(A+B)=4A+4B

J rfA=/\ -3z
=(1,:)' check that :

(1)(A+B)t-At+Bt (2)(A-B)t=At-Bt
(3)A-B+B-A (4)-(A+B)=(-A)+(-B)

oo=(' ,t) ''=(l ? )-"=(-,3
)'n'a '

rrr{(A+c) (2)2A-B +2C

(3)A-28+2(B+C) (4)A +2Bt-Ct

mIf A-=(-'
0 -s\unor=l-ot 1\,,n*findtheresultof eachof the
o \+ 7 5/ \_o _sl
following operations "if possible" 't give reasons in case of impossible solution :

(r )A+B (2)A+Bt (3) At+B

rrA=(-: \u,ar
tz 3 -l\ /r 2 -r\ lx s u\
J rli 1 sl*l+ -6 -zl=lii y -2ll,
,l s/ \u -t
\o -6 8/ \-r 3
find the value of each of : X t! t z : a and b << 3 r 1 r 13 :-4 :- I >

I ",(' ')-,r, 1)=(-J

.( 6

find the value of each of z X and Y

Find the value of each of a : b : c and d which satisfies the equation :

'u) o 16, -35 ,4

[,(; ;)='(: -',)--(;

Find the value of each of X t ! t z and I tt utsatisfies that :

,(l ;).,(; i).'(l <<-1 ,2 r-2 )l>>

E4 ")=o,,,
> Exercise 2S

6 o('*,-, :) -(:;: '^)=(^{ -:,) .rl,- :i),


find the value of each of z X t ! s z and k <<-4ttr-Zrt"

J ,^=(i
i_?)^,,(A+B)=(;, ; i) r find the matrix B

l+ 8 -6\ /2 -6 2\
J ffiIfA=f z -4 slanaB=li -r"o ol,
\o t2 ol \-r B-41
then find the matrix X where : X = 24- 3B

J rc0,=(\-:z sl
o 1)*or=/- t 4 ),rrruthemarrixXsuchrhat:2A-X=Bt
\o -zl
J Sorvethematrixequation, -[".(; _] )] =zx*(? _:)

(1)Xt=At+Bt (2)2 (Xt+A) =4B (3 ) 5 Xt-2(A-B) = O
2 1
IfA=l 3
J 0
5 2 )*0"=(,, i) '
find the matrix X such that : 2B + X t = 3 X t - A

Choose the correct answer from those given :

{ I t tra is a square matrix r then the matrix (A + At) is ................ matrix.

(a) symmetric (b) skew symmetric (c) zero (d) diagonal
(2) If A is a square matrix : then the matrix (A - A) is ................
(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric.
(c) zero matrix. (d) diagonal matrix.
( I ) tf at + Bt = A + B : then
(a) A is symmerric. (b) B is symmetric.
(c) (A + B) is symmetric. (d) (A + B) is skew symmetric.

(t : t )Y o/.5-iE \,/ (&JL.:) eGJ-eL,^iL;-,pata O ll

ORemember lUnderstand OAppny of Higfrer Order Thinking Skills

=1 j I B is a matrix of order 3 x 3 where

(4) IfA is a matrix of order 3 x 3 wher" u,j = 2 i -
b,j =j - i : then A+ B = """"""""
tr 1 1\ /t 2 3\ /o | 2\ 12 -1 3\
'-\; ;; ;/
@[; '"'\; ;; ;l
;l torli t.rl-,
'\-z-t o il0/ railo t -2]t
;l \+ -3 0/
( 5 ) IfAis amatrixof order 2x2andA+At=I:thenthe sumof theelementsofAis

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) zero

.i { 6 ) IfA and B afe two matrices of order 2 x 2 and(A+ B) is a symmetric

IL rtnen
I brr-b,
| (u) ,"ro (b) -1 (c) 1 (d)2
I -=..'......'...".
rs,rr1\'---\+ 1 _2 )unax+Y=(
dox+2v=f 3 3 2) ,nrathetwomatricesXand Y
l-,'"'- \_1 0/

d, x=( u bd/*-'-''^
f ),,n"r,frndthevalueof
"' \,e nl :e+f +m +n

d*o=( 4 -r\unoe'=(-3 2\
,i \-5 2lo"u o l)'
I tf,", find the matrix X that satisfies the relation:3 A -zBt +2X= B -Xt

i !----
li Exercise

i-..iii ri
:.",--- -. j
,.' '"i-- J



lEl Remember tl Understand +-rL{k=
From the school book O OApp[y 1'3 Higher Order Thinking Skills ilftJlrd
Test yourself
Multiple choice questions

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

(I ) IfA is a matrix of order m x n and B is a matrix of order r x /

: then AB is possible if . . ..

(a)m=r (b)n=r (c)n=/ (d)m=/

(2)ItAis amatrix of order3 x 1 andB is amatrix of order 1 x 3
r then AB is a matrix of order
(a)3x1 (b)1x1 (c)3x3 (d)1x3
( 3 ) IfAis a matrix of order 2 x 3 andAB is defined as a matrix of order 2 x 1

: then B is a matrix of order

(a)3x2 (b)2x1 (c)3x1 (d)2x2
( 4 ) If Ais amatrix of order 2x3 andBt is amatrix of order 1 x 3
: then AB is a matrix of order
(a)3xl (b)2x1 (c)3x2 (d)1x3
(5 .lIf matrixAof order 1 x 3 and matrix B of order 3 x2 tthen BtAt is of order ...............
(a)2x 3 (b)3 x2 (c)Zx 1 (d) t xZ
( 6) If matrixAof order2xr >matrixB of order 2x2 tmatrixCof order 1x 2
: then (BA) C is of order
(a)2xl (b)1x1 (c)lx2 (d)Zx2


SRemember ltlndersiand OAppily ir Higher Order Thinking Skills

a {7 )If Aisamatrixof order 1x 3 andBtisamatrixof order Tx3 tthenwhichof the

following operations can be done ?
(a)A+B (b) Bt + At (c) ABt (d) AB

o rs,(l :)(: :)=

",(? :)
,, (? :) n,(: ,) ,r(; ;)

,r(: :) .''(l) (d) not possible.

1ro; ( + 2 ')(+ )=

1a; ( zo -12 -8) -'( (.) (o

(d) not possible.
o (11) If A and B are two matrices r where en = (
f 1)
, tn",, n'R'
,, (i i) oi (1, i) ,",(; l)
O (12)IrA =( lr)*on=( z s),tn"nGA)'= ""'
,, (-'-
,0, (1, ,;) r"l(-+) ror (+ )

o (13) If I is the identity matrill : then In = ..'...".......where n is a positive integer.

(a) It G) 12 (c) 13 (d) All the previous

o rrol ,to = ( ' ,then A2 = ..' .

,,c _;) ",(-" )
(c)or'r (d) oz,z

o (1s) rrA=(_', _?) ,thenAa= ..

(a)A (b)24 (c)4A (d)8A

> Exercise 3


1to)lra=(z 3) o\ , AxB=(s
,r=(f vl e x+y-
\ ),tn",
(a) 3 (b) s (c) j (d) e

onr(z lX; t \,thenx+v=
',) =(',, 1g/ J

(a)-3 (b)3 (c) -2 (d)-1

c rrsl oo = (' 1,) 'then42-A-
(a) I (b) o (c)3I (d)sr
lz 0 o\
O (19)Ifx=lo : o l,thenX2+3X=
\o 0 zl
(a) t2I (b) 18 r (c)9X (d) 12 x
C eorc(o :thenX=
1)(l, / )=,
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c)-3 (d)-4
O Qt)nX is a matrix such that, (; (j : then X may be
)= )
,, (? ;) *,(; ?)
..'(1) rol (1 r)

o ,,,,,,(' ? ")(l _;) :thenX-y=

(a) 5 (b)3 (c)-5 (d)_3

;_,,;) ,"=(; 1l)*.A8,+'=(;

o trrl rro= (
-= .........,,...,
: then X

\l ^) .,(:' ,:) (.)(:, :) ,r(l l)
o t olrc o=(
;) ,.=(, r),tr,",,ACB=
\ ),r=(;
(u) 110
\1s _::) *,(;' -'^) ,.,(f, S) (d) not possib,e
21 ORemember lUnderstand OApp[y otr Higher Order Thinking Skills

tr(ii iX; - (where i2 = - r)

,, (l ?)
.,(1 -t\
n,(i;) (d) not possible.

cos 0 0 cos 0\l=

,ru, /ti'o
' '\-cos0 \/sin

,.,(l ?) ,r(;' ?)
sin0/\cos0 sin0i
(a) I (b)-I
(27) rf" = (: , tn", rhe sum of the elements of the matrix (xx') equals
, i)
(a) 13 (b) 2e (c) 47 (d) 6s

(2s) If the matrix =(: *. Cz = o, then ab = ""

" 3)
(a) zero. (b)-4 (c) 4 (d) 16

tzsltrA=(1',^), r=(f
(a) x=y (b) x=Zy (c) x =3 Y 61 x= | v
(30) /x
If A =
\vvl^-- \una A2 =9I : then fr= """""""'
\z 3l
(a)4 O)3
(c)-3 (d) there is no X satisfies A2 = 9 |

(31) rf A =('_ , A2 = (_ i, 'lr),then x =

* )
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 4 (d) zero.

(32) rf A=(1, , A2 =8A+krwherekis aninteger:then[=...'.....'.....

(a)-1 (b) 1 (c) -7 (d) 7

(33)rfA=/3 k\ , e=/13 ll\uroAxAt=B,then(="""" "

\1 +l \tt 11 I
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
It o o\
(34)Ifn=lO r O I:then42="""""""'
\u b 0/ (b)o (d)-A
(a)I (c)A

,rr,,ro=lI ii\:thenA2= ...

\i t tl (b)3A (c)aA (d)sA
> Exercise gA

lz o o\
rsor Ire =
(3 ,, | / ,,n", o' -
(a)5A (b) 10 A (c) 16A (d) 32 A
(37t In a koshari restaurant r matrix A represents the number of sold dishes in three
consecutive days (Sunday - Monday - Tuesday) from three sizes of dishes: matrix
B represents the price each dish according to its size (small - medium - large) and
matrix C represents the revenue for what had been sold of each kind where
small medium large
lzoo 300 15g \ Sundav / ls \
A=[zso 400 l0olMonday'B=[ 20 fmediumrthenc=
\:oo 4oo 3oo / Tuesday \ 25 / large
Itztso\ ltztso\ I t+zso\ /zoooo\
,"(??:33/ (.) I rzzso I tor I r+zso I
'"'(i3ffi3/ \zoooo/ \wsol
Ir 2 o\/ o
r:t ,i(r z
')(? S :)\I )=o,thenx=
(a)-4 (b)-1 (c) 1 (d) 4

;) ,"=(: i)*.AxB=A-B

,",(; ' :) ror (, ' l ) _i)

,",(1, a,(; 3)

1) r (;)""rAx X=B +X :thenthematrixX=

, (-") ,.,(_t-)
"'(i) '"'( 3)

(41)IfA=(t* X sin X cos X) anO AA' = (2) t then X - ............... where Xe l! , nl

@)+ o)+ G)+ (d)+
(42) tt A= / t"" e o\ rthen42=...............
\ tan e -sec0/
(a) I (b)2tan2 0 xl (c)(tan20+1)xI ,dtQtan2o+l,1xl

torl oo = (' _tl

-o\,rhenA2o2r =

(a) I (b) A t"> i o, (d) 2r

*1 ORemember lUnderstand OATPPflY r'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

@ ttfx = 10 '* o< ,.tandX2=|t : then the value of 0 which

\sin0 3)where
satisfies that is

ta)fi (b)+ @+ (o+

(45) If A r B and C are three square matrices from the same order
(1)IfA=B rthenAC=BC (2) If AC = BC : then A = B
Which of the following is true ?
(a) (1) is true but (2) is false (b) (1) is false but (2) is true
(c) Each of (1) and (2) is true (d) neither (1) nor (2) is true

f+Ol m e = (2 ; ') *O the function f is defined on set of square matrices where

f (X) = (X + I) (X-D, then f (A) =
lt -r\
tt -1\
,,,(; (b) n, (i ro(-r ')
_;) (- _;)
o (47)It Ais a square matrix such that A2 -A=I r then A.3

(a)A+2I (b)2A+I (c)3A+I (d)A+3I

o (48) If A is a square matrix where A2 = A r then (I + A)2 = """""" "

(a)A+2I (b)I+2A (c)3A+I (d) 3I +A

o (49) If A and B are two matrices of order 2 x 2 which of the following is always true ?

(a)(A+B)(A-B)= A2-82 (b)(A+B)2 =A2+2AB+82

(c)(A+B)t-At+Bt (d) (AB)t = At Bt
(50) If A is a square matrix such that 42 = A r then for every natural number m.
,Arm*1 = """ .'"""
(a) I (b) o (c) A (d) -A
i51! If A is a square matrix where .\2 =I r then At = A when m is """""""'
(a) naturalnumber. (b) even natural number.
(c) odd natural number. (d) natural number divisible by 3

(52)If A is a matrix and B = AAt : then B is """""""'

(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric. (c) a unit matrix I (d) azero matrix O

(53] If A and B are symmetric matrices then the matrix (ABA) is """""""'
(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric'
(c) a diagonal matrix. (d) a triangular matrix.
> Exercise 3
(54) If A and B are symmetric matrices rhen
the matrix (AB - BA) is
(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric. (c)
a diagonal matrix. (d) zero matrix.
(55) If A and B are symmetric matrices r then (AB)
is symmetric if . ... . ..
(a)AB=I (b)A=g AB = BA
(c) (d) all the previous.
(56i rhe matrix (At BA) is symmetric under
condition that ...............
(a) A is symmetric. (b) A is skew symmerric.
(c) B is symmerric. (d) B is skew symmetric.
? i) r"=B
tszl :theneachoftherwomarricesAandB areof
the order
(a)2x2 @)3x3 (c)2x3 (d)3x2
Essoy questions

Find the matrix of the product in each of the following (if

it is possible) r showing the
order of the resultant matrix :

$(1 -l)(_" :) Q'(1 ;)(j : ;)

(3)(-i (4)(r 2 ,)(;)
? ?)(?)
,"(i _; (6)(;
)(l )
)(; i)
,,,(f :3)(* rrr(_2,
i) S s)
i )t, j) ,'r( -,.)(- 2 -r)
,,',(i ;7 _:\t'- t, o,t() )r:
-zl\g 6 ;) ?)(i )
(2)BA (sl(a+n)a
o o=(' -1\ura"=/-3
st \z !),r*u:AB:.\2,AtB
(o :1)r o/,s;t \,/ (.,-rL:) ou-or*;lr:- J-6Lr-@ll @
z, O Remembe r W \ )rruwr*t.unrl OApp[y o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

=G l)*."=(; ;) ,*t"u ix2 -Y2

It z r\ l-z s - i\ , prove that : AB = lo I
=l r 5 6 landB =l to -5
\-, ; ;l \-* -il s

,r^=(: , f) '"n*uthat:(ABl=B'[A'f
r B =( ; :)*.. =(; f ),
nror. that : A (B + c) = AB +AC

-1\urra c=(4 o
tl \s 2 _i),
check each of the following :

(1)(AB)C=A(BC) (2)gt=IB=B

If 1R'(n;'f
^=(; _1)*.(A+B)'[=(_', 3),n"u:

If -3
-i)*'=(ir- -z12-t\ rshowthat:AB=O :whileBA+O
^=(i -2 ro sl
o=(-r' ,.fr*f that : (Anqt = CtBtAt
), "=(1 r')-..=(: )
' lt -+\ ,thenProvethat: A2-5A+221=o
G lf e'=
1" 3t

Find the value of each of X , y and zthat satisfies :

(l i X; l, -i)=( I ; -'1) <<3 ,2 )7 >>

no=(' i)*. r=('* ;) ,

,ro ;2
find the value of each of X and y that satislies : AB = BA

o\ uthevalueof eachof xandythatsatisfies zM2 -xM+yI=o

If M=/1 ,n
\2 ll <,4 t3,,
> Exercise 32

,r": ( ]1
3) , u=(;'
0 ;)-..=(-;, ?),
find the matrix X that satisfies the relation:2Xt
= Az + (BC)t

Choose the correct answer from those given :

rfx-/cose) , v=/ sin0

\sin0/ '-\-cose ),thenXXr+yyr=

''(: 3 )

(a) 19 (b) 27 (c) 29 (d) 36

t3 )If l- ,^ur"tworoots of theequation : X2-3X+ 1=0
,,n""(l :)G T )=
,,(::) ",(; i) ,.,(_:i) rot(
\ '3
If neither of
the two matrices A nor B is a row or a column matrix
and the number of
elements of the matrix A = 10 and the number of
elements of the matrix B = 6 and
AB exists : then the number of the elements of (AB) equals

I"', (a) 60 (b) 16 (c) 15

If A and B are two square matrices of the same order
(d) 6

:then(A+B)2=42+ 2AB +B2if . .

(a)AB=BA (b)A=-e (c)A=Bt (d)2A--B

661rre=( 1 \
i I
then An = ............... where n is a positive integer.

''(; t T) ru,(iT) ,.,(;T) ,r(; T)

,rroo=( r then A4n -
? ),nez.
(a) I *r( ; ?) n,( l\
0l I
(8 t tfeg = O, then ...............
(a)A=OorB=O (b)A=OandB=O
(c) it is not necessary that A
= o or B = o (d) nothing of the previous.
21 oRemember lunderstand oAppny tt Higher Order Thinking Skills

(e)rrA=( 1 =(lz \,thenx= """""""'

\32 "32 I
i I (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
(a) 3

.1.,, U, If A is a matrix of order 2 x 2 and A2 = 3 A + 2L A3 = mA +


L then the value of L= """""""'

I ,r ro .o) 17 (c) 11 (d) 6

l tfAis a square matrix of the order, 2 x2 t^,. ( =(lr)

|,,, I )
I )1 ,, (; o) (i ) 1)I=
",(-,1 ''(7)
l',rlIrA=( f ),,r.,*An+(n-
nA (d)(n+1)A
I tul z"-tt (b) - (c) nA

l,r.rl tr,.=( 2 1\,,t"n (t*zA+3 A2+4o'*

I \-4 -2t \

I '"'(-i ; ) o) (-i i) n'(-: ,, (-: :)

|,,*, --A=(\:4 -+to\,,r,"nA60=
ff ")
I ru; z'o r (b) 260 t ( c) Zeo r 1a7 zr2o t

! -rrrIfA=lcos0 sine\:rhenA201e=.. .. ......

1""'"'- \sin0 -cos0/
o) A2
(d) 2019I
| ,u, o (c) 2o1e 43

d,, Bt+ ct= (

-t, 3),*
o= (-rt :)'

l n"d
o), n,,aaandbir:X2+X=o
t p"oo" that : Z rs a symmetric matrix'

=(; provethat : x2o14=r

{,r, -t, ),
> Exercise 3 2r

[-! Tourism : A hotel in the tourist town of Hurghada consumes

the following quantities of
meat : vegetables and fruits in kilograms for lunch and dinner
meals as in the following table :

Meat Vegetables Fruits

Lunch meal 200 100 150
Dinner meal t20 80 100

If the average of the price of one kilogram of meat was 65 pounds the
r average of the
price of one kilogram of vegetables was 4 pounds and
the average of the price of one
kilogram of fruits was 5 pounds. Find using multiplication
of matrices the total cost of
the two meals. < 14150 sg62o >>

fui Tourism : A tourist company has 3 hotels in Hurghada: the following table shows
the number of different rooms in each hotel. If the daily fare of 1 - bedroom is
250 pounds:2-bedroom is 450 pounds and the suite
is 600 pounds.

Hotel 1-bedroom 2-bedroom Suite

Venus 28 64 8

Pearl 35 95 20
Diamond 20 80 15

(1 ) Write a matrix representing the number of different rooms in the three hotels then
write a matrix of prices of rooms.
(2 ) write a matrix representing the daily income for the company. Assuming that all the
rooms have been occupied.
(3) what is the daily income for the company , assuming that all the rooms
have been
occupied ?
( 154 100 >
ffi * hJ
4 *
hJ \i6ir;:.
- \;;r;:l

&3 { t\



From the school book O Remember I Understand OAppW lo Higner Order Thinking Skills 'ffi
Test yourself
o Choose the correct answer from those given :
7 slI
= ...............
+ i I i The value of the determinant :

J 2l

(b) (c)-1 (d) 11

(a)29 1

i trvLurr'-"*" ,' | '

ul' determin*,
r 2 rThe value of'I the
o ;l=
| I

I rul - s (u) 8 (c) zero (d) 10

I tz1, o ol
$ "
t 3 rThevalue ofthe determinan,' l
lq 2
; ; l=
I ro 30
I rul o) (c) 15 (d) s

I ro o
+ {)Ifthematrixn= | 0 2l'thenlAl=
\z 3

II rul8 o)-8
@)2o (d) - 20

I ro 42 3l
J l5 )Thevalueof thedeterminant:l 2 18 Z l="""""""
I lo 28 3l
| (u) r".o O) 84 (c) a8 (d) - 84

> Exercise 4?

l(6)lj -l ;lll"l, -7t'

'''l 3 ;' l-, =
i zero
(a) I
'l (b) (c) _ I (d) _2e
I r.t rrct=(2 - 2 \ then : l2 Al= ...............
I (a)t\-1 +l (Dz
| @)4 (d) 8

{,*,rrl' 1l=orthen:x=...............

I lo xl
(b) 3 (d) I
I (9)If'u',0^, tl=r,,then :x=............... @)2
? l^
I xl
{a)ts (b)3
| @)12 (d) 27

+ ,ro,o I Ilu f*1 4l3l=,r :then :x=

I (a)3 b)2
| @)4 (d) 5

+trrrrrix nllz
,l=lro ,1""""'^="""""'
I f"lz
(b)s (c)6 (d)t6
{ ,rrrrrl*
-'l.l '
: x= .....
I (")3or-2
I (b)-3or2 (c)3or2 (d)-3 or-2
(13) The solution set of the equation
i :

I lx 0 0t
I ls 3 ol=ois'..'
I lo -1 z*l
I r"l {s} 0) {6} (c) {r ,_ r} (d) {6 ,_6}
,ro, ,, j ?* ,o* 3l= o, : rhen the varue orx =
lz "i"-xl
I @' $)-2
I (c)+z (d) zero

|I - "lz
,l x'
(15) The solution ser of the equatio n - zl-zero
rl-"" in C is

fu>A O) {- z,z} (c) {_ zr,zi} (d){-i,i}

z, OApp[y .t Higher Order Thinking Skills
ORemember Ounderstand

(tr6) The solution set of the equation
O :

fa) {3 ,-2} o) {2 ,-3} (c) {s ,-2} (d) {2,-s}
l1 2 -1
o (17) The possible value of a which makes the determinant |: a 1 =0is
l-r 4 ")

(c) (d) 3
(a) 5 -2 (b) 1

o tI8) IfA(3 r5) : B (2 :0), C (- 3 13) rthentheareaofthetriangleABC

equals square unit.

(a) 28 (b) 14 (c) 1 (d) 2

t (19) Area of A ABC = """""""' area units'

(b) - 1.s x'
(c) 1.5

(d) 3

(20) In the opPosite figure :

Area of quadrilateral ABCD

= ............". square unit.

(a) 20
(b) 10

(c) 68
(d) 34

bl= o urol * rtt

- 24 tthenk=
(21) rr
" dl Iu dl

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c)-3 (d)-4

bl=randd la+z a+zl-
rzztrl" dl -c=j"n"nl. dl=
(a) 5 (b) 14 (c)-9 (d) 1e

rzrr rr
ll'(; ".)*'=(? )l
(d) 4
(a) 1 (b)-1 (c) 2
) Exercise 4
O (24)fiA=(: 1\*olA-mIl=zero :rhenm=...............
(b)-1or4 (c)_4ort (d)_4or_1
(25)ffA=(2 -])urO m2 -5m='t,thenlA-mII= .... ... ..
(a) zero.
(b) 7 (c) 10 (d) t4
(26) ltl' o - 1 2l= zr'+
I : then the value of k =
l: k+11
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
(27lrtl*-, 2 -lt
m 3l=/.nrwhere l. rmrnarenon -zerovalues:then: x=...............
lo o nl
(a) 2 (b) -z (c) 6 (d) /m
rzrrrrla tl=o,lo
2l=o,lu ,l=o
lsla bl0 0l lz
.j l, .l-"
,thenl-1 b 0l=..............
lz s .l
(a) + to (b) + SO (c) t 100 (d)+zO
c rzrrrra=(r u=(; lBl=r, tA+Bt=5
:), ;),
: then X- ............

(a) 3 (b) 1s (c) e (d)zt

o (30) If Ais a square matrix such that lAl= 2 tthenlAt l=
(a) zero (b) -2 @ t @) 2
o (31) If Ais amatrix of order 2xZ andlAl= 7 tthenlA2l=
(a) 14 (b) 28 @) 4e (d) s6
o (32) If Ais a matrix of order 2 x2 and.lA l= 15 r then l2 Al=
(a) 15 (b) 30 60
(c) (d) 120
o t.l:rrre=/1
\3 ;)and
lB l= 12 >then lae l=
(a) - 24 (b) 24 (c) 48 (d) 3
o (34) IfA and B are two matrices of order 3 x 3 such that A g I= _ t
I I = 2 rl
(a) - 6 (b) - 18 (c) 54 (d) _ s4
t (35) If A is a square matrix such that AAt I r then
= lA I =
(a) zero only. (b) 1 only. (c) _ 1 only.
(d) t 1

(1 : t )Y s/..rjlj \,/ (a,-.Jt-;) ot;l-ol:. rlr- .;leLA O

z, OAppny
O Remember I Understand e'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

rro rre '.)*^lA3 I = 125 ; then X=


(a) zero. (b) t2 (c) + 3 (d) + 5

J' (37)rfA3=/ 1 2\,tr,.rlAl=
@)2 @)-z
(3s) If Ais amatrix of order 2x2andlAl= 5 :then l-Al=
(a)-5 (b) zero. (c) 5 (d) 2s

(39) If A is a matrix of order 3 x 3 and I A I = 5 I then I - A I =

(a)-5 (b) zero. (c) 5 (d) 2s
a {,101 If A = - At where A is a matrix of order 3 x 3 t then I A | = """""" "'
(a)-1 (b) zero. (c) 1 (d) 2
I 141) If matrix A is skew symmetric of order m x m where m is an even number
(a) zero only. (b) 1only.
(d) any real number.
(c) - 1 only.
a {42)If Ais a square matrix of order 2 x2 andlz 1^l= 8 I then I : a l=
(a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 18 (d) 24
o (43) The system of equations a, X + b, Y=cl ; a2X+bry =c,

rfl ar b,l=s ,lt, b'l-- 10' al t,l= rs

lu brl 1", brl- a2
: then (X ,Y) = """"" ""
(a) (- 2 t3) (b)(3,-2) (c) (- 50 ,75) (d)(75:-50)
O (44) When solving the system of equations 2 X + 3 y - z= t t3 X+ 5 Y + 2z=8
tX-2y -3 z= - I r thsn --' = """""""'
(a)-1 (b)2 @)-2
o (45) In the opposite figure RC i. a tangent segment of the
circle M , AB is diameter of the circle then :
The value of the determinant
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) zero.
{461The solution set of the equation :
3X-30 =0is
4 -1 X
tut {o} o) {3 o4;- ) f"l {z,t} (d) {0 ,2,3}
> Exercise 4?

x-2 0 0
(47J The solution set of the equation : 110 =5is
ro {2 ,-2} G) t3 ,-3j 1cy {z ,z} (d) {1 ,- 1}
I sin0 0 0l
o (48) If I z csc 0 n l*lsine cos0

l, 3
l-coso sin0

(c) zero (d) sin 0


(4e)rfl 0 2x


I = S X : then the solution set of the equation is ...............

lo o x I

@) {2 ,-2} o) {o ,-2 ,2} @ {+ ,-}t (d) {0 ,+ ,+}

o (50) If 0 e ]o , ,then the solution set of the equarion tan 0 cos 0
I i, ......
+l :

cos 0 cotO I 4

r"r {i} (b) t+] r"r {f} (d) t#)

(51)If L ;mareroots of the equations: x2 x-
-4 10 =0 :then the value of the
determinantl'' -' lequals
-11 I
l: ml
(a) - t] (b) - t2 (c)-8 (d)-6
u bl
(52) If z. tb tc r d are four consecutive integ"., th.n I I

lc dl
(a) zero (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) 1

(53)If thepoints(1 ,-2)

'(3 t2) t(5:3)arethemidpointsof sidesof AABC rthenthe
area of AABC equals area units.
(a) 1.5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) t2
a (541 If (k rk + 1) : B (2 t3), c (3, 1) are vertices of atriangleABC : the area
of A ABC = 1.5 area units , then k = ...............
(a) 1 only. (b) 2 only. (c) 1 or3 (d)2or3
a (55)If thepoints (3 rZ) r(5 r9) t(9 t4)are3verticesof aparallelogram:then
the area of the parallelogram = ............... square units.
(a) 19 (b) 38 (c) 76 (d) 304
= ORemember OUnderstand o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

o {561tf theareaof AABC =5 areaunits whereA(1 ,-

,B (0 r 2) ,C(Xr rY) andC
liesonthestraightline3 X+y-4k=0 r thenke "' ""
(a) {- 3 ,-2} (b) {- 3 ;2} (c) {3 ,-2} (d) {3 ,2}

o {5?) IfA (1,2) tB (2, 1), C (3, 4) : O (0 r0) rthen the area of the quadrilateral
oABC = ............... square units.
(a) 7 (b) s (c) 3.5 (d) 2.s
o {58)Theareaof thetriangleboundedbythestraightlinesl, :X+y-3 rLz:2X+Y=-5
and the X-axis equals area units.

(a) 30 b)+ @+ @)+

a.a (5q) The system of equations a, X + b1 Y = cr ) a, X + bzY = crhave a unique solution
if ... ..

ut b1
(b) I ",
rul I =0
lu, b2 1", b, I

u' o, b,
r.l I l*o (d) I ', I*o
lu, brl 1,, b, I

1 2\lr then solution set of the sYstem

) -7 I

lu,X+b,y=5. ls
t u, x +bry = 3
(a) {(r , - 1)} 1u) {(1)} ("){(-1,1)} (d) {(1 ,1)}

Find the value of each of the following determinants :

(3)ro a+X
J 2
(1)m t2l
(2) 4 J
3 - 1l -1 8
b+y bl

l-l: r+tan2e
(4)ro X+1 X2+I (s) 1 sec0l
y+1 y2+l sec 0 tun'e I
I r cosO

Prove that :
(1) 2X -11l+ J 6xl ls l-l

2 3xl x 1l l-z -11

csc 0 cot2 0 2 -31l=
(2) tltl

1 csc 0 5 -
> Exercise 4 e,

doj "l
\ =,,
find the vatue of each,of:

l,rrl2x 5Y'
t:rlx-v +ll
l"'lr, sd

tl 2
3l Ir: 3
rzrffil:o t
I lo I

lo o rl
I r1 2 3r

lt o r+il
Ir.rrla r li

tatlo I
I li B el
iltwherei2=- 1)
I lt-i _i rl
I l,
,-xl .-ror3-
"3- | (2rlx"-t
x+ 1l=o *-toroor2>
I lx+t x'-11
II r:ll1i; -;4 3l=ro
l'l.lo 3 xl
-2"1(AtlX 1 Ol=0

I 12 t 2l i'I lt x+3 3l
I rsrlsin20' sinTo'l=zx-t .,2,,

I - cos 20o cos 70"


d.:.,rrd the value of X satisfying : | 3 r rl

' a
lis equal to rhree times
l-t -2
| 2 f

i_: 2li"'
l_-1 ;

<<- ll

tl m Find using determinants the area of the


lrtlA(2,4), B(-2,4) > C(ot_2)U) < 12 square units >

I rz,X(3,3) , Y(-4,2) , Z(1,-4)+)

t...__- "
square units >

fro r." u",. lhe following points are collinear :

I r t rffi f: ,5),(4 t-1) t(5 ,-:.) (2)(3 t2) t(-l t0) t(-5;-2)
rf linear equations by Cramer,s rule :
, zx+5y-8
(2 x+2y-0
) t 2x-3y=l
<<-l t2>>
| '"
l(J)3X=l-4y t 5X+12=7y ] ,'l,,
= ORemember lUnderstand rt Higher Order Thinking Skills
;, OAPPilY

Solve each of the following systems of linear equations by Cramer's rule :

{1}m2X+y-22=10 I 3X+2y+22=I t 5X+4y+32=4 <<lt2;-3>>

{2}m X+2y-32=6 t 2X-y-42=2 t 4X+3y-22=14 <'2t2't0"

{3tm y+2x+32=6 ;2X-!1:,=-3 t X-Zy+22=-11 -*'ff'#"

{4)x+2y+32=4 t 2x+5y=3 t 3y+z=4 <<-1 ;1:1>>

(,5jX-Y=5 tz-!-8 t X+!*z=4 <<2;-315>

(6)3X+z=7 -2Y , 5y+32=4-X t X=Zy-z-l <<2;7 t-7>'

t7)X+y=5-32 ) y=z ) 2X-42=-2 "lr1r1>

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle r AD bisects LBAC

Find the value of : 6ABAC (<0>>

Choose the correct answer from those giYen :

i tfA=/cose sin0\,g=/cos0 -t\wnereeelo,{f

-/wlrtr'tro-l''21 ,' IAxBI.-1-
t" -'-2
\r l)'o=\'*'
(a)A o)q6 (c)
.xl (d) a
"12 7 J

l3+sin0 .lll: then e -

rz) nl+ I l= o where e € [o ,2
(a) x[ ft)a2 (c)
sinX 0 0

c_l ( 3 ) The solution of the equation cosX cscX 0 =1

secX cotX tanX
where 0 < X< 360o is """""" "
(a) 45" or 135. (b) 135' or225o (c) 45" ot225" (d) 45'or 315'

{ { r ThepointsA(-1 ,5),8 (2 rZ):C(3:1)are

(a) vertices of right-angled triangle whose arca 5 square units.
(b) vertices of an isosceles triangle whose area 10 square units'
(c) vertices of an equilateral triangle whose atea9 squale units.
(d) collinear.
> Exercise 42

,. (s)rrlf.+ 1
(a) 16 (b) ls (c) t4 (d) 13
a {6 I The number of integer values of X which makes the value of the determinant
5 14 -'l=[ equals
lX+8 xl
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
lasinx o ol
l zllrl I acosx 0l=-a3cos2x+8 rthena=...............
| ,"" X cofi X utun Xl

(a) 8 (b) -2 (c)-8 (d) 2

In the opposite figure :

Find the area of the shaded

region using determinants.

Using Cramer's rule : solve the following equations

2 rl=r J-l ZI_, J xl-.
txl ,
2yl l- r )
1 ,l-' <<1r1r1>

ffi Consumer : Fady bought 3 notebooks and 2 books

for 85 pounds r Karim bought 2 notebooks and 4 books
from the same kinds for 110 pounds.
Use Cramar's rule to find the price of each of the
notebook and the book.

< 15 pounds :20 pounds >

:',i .-'----.

5 g
i r.-, i i \
! ! il

,/ I ..'....'"
i'r il.,:-"'--.. r
nverse lnverse

inverse of
a matrix

[E-] From the school book ORemember lUnderstanrJ OApply e.s HigherOrderThinking Skills
Test yourself
Multiple choice queslions
o Choose the correct answer from those given :
I , I , which of the following matrices has no multiplicative inverse ?

,",(l i)
'.,(1 ;) rur(r i) rorl,1'
{2) Which following multiplicative
of the matrices has a inverse ?

,r(? :) *,C _1) ,.,(1 l) (d) ( 3^

( 3 ) If ,rr"*uoi*( tthenx=
| I )n"rnomultiplicativeinverse
(a)-2 (b) zero (c)2 (d) 3

a { 4 } The value of X which makes th" mutri* / 6 \t u, no multiplicative
inverseis..'........". \x-4 -41
(a)-8 (b) - 10 (c) 8 (d) 10

a { $ I If matrix B is the multiplicative inverse of matrix A : then "

(a)A+B=O (b)AB=I (c)AB=O (d)A=+
( 6 ) The *",ri, ( a multiplicative inverse at """""""
I l' 1n^
(a)a=6 (b)a=+6
(c) aCR- {0} (d)aclR-{e,-e}
> Exercise 5 W

t ( 7 ) The matrix lx + I
fru, no multiplicative inverse at X=
\z x-31\
(a) 3 only (b)t3 (c)5only (d)ts
o (8)Themultiplicative inverse of the matrix (2 3
\- I 2l "qra,
23 -
(a) I *,(; (')(1
, :) .,(T l\
o (e) rrA=12 1\ '7 7/
, then : A-l
\s 3)
ot(3 2l l-1
(;' 1)
(: ,

o (10; I
"r=(; l)
r then X-

(a) X (b) x' (c) I (d) o

o (u1 rfA=13 1\ura A-r =12
\s 2l \x 1) "n* '=
(a) 3 (b) -3 (c) 5 (d)-s
o (121lt the product of the two matrices A x B=Iand thematrixo=(;
r then the matrix B -. ........... :)

,,(1 ;) (,)
\-s ) ;)
o r*rrf(] l)(1, xl
- 1\=L then \,=
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(ta)IfAx/l 2\= I rthen3
\-r tl
@) + ('_, 1)
(b) 3 /1
,(i 1
(l 1
o (1s) rrA-,=(; , : AB= (;l4 ,) rthenR=
:) (o

o,(; ) -4\
\-4 lt
n (io ^) @,(_i
(V : t )Y o/.<.,:[ \,/ (&rL:) etit-ot:.:u.,-;eLa , f|
z, oAPPIY o'e Higher Order Thinking Skills
ORernember Ol..Jnderstand

O (16) IfA =(-'- 1)*oA=A-r xB :thenB=

i) o)(_i ?)

2 then
@)('^ :) @)(l
\4 :)
I XxY = """""""'
o ( 17) rf
= (l _")*^A x A- =A ,

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) -z (d)-3

O o8) rf (l (; ".i) rthen[="""""""'

i), =

,o) o) (;' ;)
,, (; n'(f i) @)(x
\0 ;)
o (1e) IrA
t *o ,t3 = - A r then k - " "" """' where ke%
= (; i')
(a)1 (b)-1 (c) zero (d) 3

o (20) rf(3 1,)(;)=(?),,n",a+b=

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

(j (21)WhenthetwoequationsaX+bY=5,cX+dY=_lhavebeensolvedlitfoundthatthe
u t' tn"' x + v= """""""'
multipticative inverse of the -ut.i' (
: )
(-', ? ),
(a) 3 (b) zero (c) 9 (d)-3
tzzl tt t =(2 - 3 \ rA-1 + (At)t = X : then the matrix X =
\-s 8l
(a)4A (b)3I (c)6I (d) 10I

lzsr rre=(l ro-' + Bt =At rthenthe matrix ! = """""""'

I) '
ra-l =("
) ",(-,' ))

:then v -
u' :)
rar (1s ?)

1) )
(a) t7 (b) - 17 (c) 7 (d)-7

tzsy rn = /3 -'r) ,,n*f (A+A-1) = """""""'

\- ,

?) ,,,(l ?) '"'(? l) ,, (i i)
> Exercise 5 2,;',
l\unaB=A-lxAt:thenB- . ....
I rzortra=/l
I -tl

,r(_-, ;) .,)(1
(271If A and B are two square matrices of the same
i) ror(_,, ,)
order such that AB = B- 1

l rthenA-1=...."..."...'
ot (b) BA (") Az
I (28) ful
If A and B are two matrices
(d) B2

i then (AB)- 1 A = ...............

I tu)o-t (b)B-l (c)A-1B-1A (d)ABA-I


, (29lIfAX B = C rthenX = ...............

,rA-1cB-1 (b)ACB (c)B-1cA-t (d)A-1B-1c
r:o) If A and B are square matrices lA I * 0 * - _ A- 1 B A
7 such rhat , IB | 0 and B
| , then (A + B)2 = ...............

I ,rA2+82 (b)o (c)A2+2AB+82 (d)A+B

(31) If matrixAis skew symmetric of order
2x2andlAl= 1 :then
{a)A=-A (b)A=-1 (c)A=A-1 (d)A-1 -_A
j. r-tzlIf :A=lcose -sine\ ,rhen
| \sinO cos0/
First : A has multiplicative inverse if e C
| ,, [o ,f;] o,rv G) [# ,!)o,rr. r.r [o ,!)o,r, (d)R

I (3:) tut-a

1u)A, (c)-A, (d)A

If AandB arerwomarrices of order 2x2and,lAB l=9 ,lAB-,l=4
,then lAl + lB lcoutdbeequat
I ,rs (b)6 @+ @)+
If :A=11 0),tr,"rthemultiplicativeinverseofA,where
{" tr*) ne
I \t 1l Z*is...............

,,,(;' ?) (o l) ?)

I G) (.) (1, ,, (? I)
(35) If Ais a square marrix ,lAl+0
1 and A2 =I: thenA- 1 _
rulo (b)A @)2A (d)A+r
| (36) IfAis asquarematrix suchthatlal*0 and45 =I :thenA-1
I (u) e' o) A3 (c) Aa (d) A
= ORemeffSGr I Understand OApp[y r'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

Show the matrices which have multiplicative inverse and the matrices which

not multiplicative inverse in the following : and find it if it is existed :

rzrm(-1 :) (3)(x -Y)*n"r" xy*o

Grru(_', l) \x -y I

What are the real values of a which make each of the following matrices have
a multiplicative inverse :

rDm(| 1)
(2 ,*( i ;) (3)(l
(4)m(";' (s (6)(? _i)*no.
^_:) '(": ,"-',)

Find the real values of X which make ttre matrix (x 27

\rrur" no multiplicative
\a xl <+9>>

oo= *. u = (_, - prove that : rhe matrix B is the multiplicative

( : ) I I ),
inverse of the matrix A

m rrx (2 l) "n* Prove that :

(i j)
' =

mrru =(' -i'), prov€that:n-' =(f thatxv+0

J )r''"'
)*t'= (],
= (; 1 I ) 'then
prove that :

+,'. (2)(x-1)-1=x (3)(x-1Y)-1=Y-1X

I rrlm(xyf1=Y-1x-1
d*o=(' -l : (A)-1 =(A-1)'
l' ),thenprovethat

xy =7 : provethat:A+A-1 =6I
$"^=(i X)-.
> Exercise5
do rm If e =(2
a\ura A B
tl - I , find the matrix A

,h Find the matrix A in each of the follow ing:

o)m^l: ?)=(; ?) (,)(;

i)^=(; )

J m IrA =(1, -:)"^" (1

o = -i),rind the matrix B

rr(AB)-' = i (? :)*.o=(_,, 3),,n",rind:B-1

Solve each system of the following linear equations using the matrices
(1)m3X+2y=5 t 2X*y=3 (2)Eg2X-7y=3 t X-3y=z
(3)3X+2y-1=0 t X=3y-7 (4)+x-y=-r t x+{r=t
ffiUse the matrices to find the two numbers whose sum equals 10 and
the difference
between them equals 4
<<7 t3 >>

Half the difference of two numbers is 2 : the sum of the greater number
and double the
smaller number is 13 r use matrices to find the two numbers.
<<7 t3 >>

If 3 and- l aretherootsof theequation : ax2 +b X-3

=0 rthenusethematricesto
find the values of the constants : a and b
<<l t-2>>

ffi The curve whose equation is: y - ax2 +b xpasses throughthetwopoints (3 ,0)
and (4 r 8) r use the matrices to find the constants a and b <<2 t- 6 >>

ffi The straightlinewhoseequationis: y+ ax=cpasses throughthe twopoints (1 ,5)

and (2 r 1) r use the matrix to find the constants a and c ,r4t9,,

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( r ) If A is a skew symmetric matrix of order 2 x z tthen A- 1
is ...............
(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric. (c) diagonal marrix. (d) not exisr.
(2)It matrixAis skew symmetric of order 3 x3 tthenA- 1 is ...............
(a) symmetric (b) skew symmetric (c) diagonal matrix (d) not exist
21 O Remember C Understand OAppry j'a Higher Order Thinking Skills

tslrre=(x ' \ ro= 3A-I :then

X+y= "" """""
(a)-3 (b)-s (c) -7 (d)-e

tJrIfX=l/ I tane\,tt.n
\-tan0 | I
(a) cos2 o X 1b) cos2 o xt (c) sec2 o X 1d; sec2 0 xt
Second : If Xt X -1 = I r then 0 could be equal

ft)E .-il
(c)- ',,xl
(a) zero. '2 J +

of the matrix (X + 2I) equals

(a)X-21 (b)X+3I (c)X+2I (d)x-3I

t 6)If A2 -A+ I = O I then the multiplicative inverse of the matrixAis """""""'
(a) A (b)A-I (c) I -A (d)A+I
{ ? }If AandB are two matrices of order 2x2 tthen which
of the following always

is true ?

CrfAg=O rthenA=OorB=O @rfAn=I rthenA=B-1

@f (a+B)2 =A2+2AB+82
(u)@,@only' (b)O,@onlv' (")@'@onlv' (d)@onlv'

a { I ) If Ais asquare matrix andA=A-1 rthenwhichof thefollowing is always true ?

@42=t @lel= t @e ir a diagonal matrix

(a)@only. O)O,@onlv. (c)O'@onlv' (d)C'@'@

Book Fair : Hoda and Mariam went to cairo international

Book fair. Hoda bought 5 scientiflc books from a library and 4
historical books. She paid 120 pounds. Mariam bought from the
same library 5 scientiflc books and 10 historical books : she paid

150 pounds. If the scientific books had the same price and also the
historical books : use the matrices to find the
price of each scientiflc book and each historical book' <<2O t5 r,
> Exercise 5

Consumer : Amal bought 8 kg of flour and 2kg of butter for 140 pounds. Her friend
Reem bought 4 kg of flour and 3 kg of butter for 170 pounds. Use the matrices to find the
price of each of flour and butter. <5 r50>

ffi Life : A driver of a motorcycle buys 24litres of gasoline and 5 litres of oil for 56
pounds to flllhis motorcycle. While a driver of another motorcycle buys 18 litres of
gasoline and 10 litres of oil for 67 pounds to f,ll his motorcycle , use matrices to flnd the
price of each litre of gasoline and the price of each litre of oil : given that they use the
same type of gasoline and oil.
Unit Two
Linear programming.

Linear inequalities - Solving systems of linear inequalities

Linear programming and optimization.

,/"' "'\
it:i Exercise
i i-.'ii i
i '_:_"'-'
i .,i-------..

inequalities -
Solving systems
of linear
E0l From the school book ORemember aUnderstand OApply ..a HigherOrderThinking Skills

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The S.S. of the inequality : - 1 <- X< 1 in1Ris ..............
(a) l-t , tl (b)R-l - r ,rl 1c; {o , r} (d)[-1,1[
O (2)The solution setof the inequality: 1 <2X_ 1 < 5 inlRis
(a)l t ,: I (b)11 ,31 1c; It ,: (d)[1,3]
a ( 3 ) The quadrant represents the solution for the
system of inequalities :
y>0,X>0inlRxlRisthe quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth
o ( 4 ) ttre region representing the S.S. of the inequalities :y >0 t X<1in jR x lRis the
(a) first (b) second (c) rhird (d) fourth
o ( 5 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the two inequalities

X > 0 , y < 0 is ................

(a)(0 r-3) (b) (2 ,0) t-3) (c) (2
(d) (2 ,3)
a ( 6 ) tne point which belongs to the S.s. of the two inequalities
: x>2 ry > 1 together
is ...............
(a) (L t2) (b) (2 ,1) (c) (3 :1) (d) (3 ,2)
a ( 7 ) The point lying in rhe solution
region of the inequality : x+y < 3 is
I (a) (1 ,3) (b) (2 ,-3) (c) (2 ;3) (d) (1 ,4)

(A : r )Y s/..iE \/ (.r-rt;) stil-gl+;q-r-1eta.a r1

ORemember lUnderstand OAPPIY aol Higher Order Thinking Skills

( g )The point...............does notlie in the solution region of the inequality :2 X+y >5
(a)(-1,6) (b)(s,-1) (c)(1 (d)(2'4)
(9)Thepoint(3 >2)ethes.S.oftheinequality : 3 X-y' " " 1

(a) < (b) <

(c) > (d) (a) and (b) together

( I CI ) If the point (2 , 3) belongs to the solution set of the inequality :X+ysarthen

(a)a>5 (b)a>5 (c)a<5 (d)a>0
(11) If (1, y) belongs to the region of solution of the inequalrty : X + 2 y <7,then """""""'
(a)y<3 (b)Y>3 (c)Y=3 (d)Y>1
(12) The two points : (3 r 5) I (1 :5) belong to the solution set of the inequality
X+y """""""'8
(a) > (b) > (c) < (d) <

(13) The point which does not belong to the solution set of the inequalities :

X>2 rY>0 tX+Y >3is

(a) (3 ,1) (b) (2 ,2) (c) (3 tZ) (d) (2 ,1)

{ l4) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :

X>3 rY<1tX+Y<5is
(a) (6 t-2) (b) (r , -2) (c) (4 t4) (d) (3 ,-2)
(L5) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :

(a) (1 :-4) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (t t2) (d) (3
'- 1)

a (16l The point which belongs to the S.S. of the system of the inequalities X> 0 , y > 0
x + 2y' 4'3 x+ 2y'SinlR x IRis """""""'
(a) (3 :0) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (0 :2) (d) (0 ,3)

) {IT} In the cartesian plane : the region represents the solution set of the inequalities
I < X< 5 t2<Y <4is a """""""'
(a) circle. (b) square. (c) triangle. (d) rectangle'

o {!ft;The solution setof the inequalities: X>0 ,Y 20 tX+y'4 isthetriangle whose

vertices the Points
(a)(0:4),(0:0) t(4t4) O)(0r0)I(4r0):(0:4)
(c)(4,4),(0 ;4) t(4,0) (d)(0:0) '(4 t0) t(4 t4)
(19) If X is the solution set of the inequality X +y < 5 and Y is the solution set of

the inequality X + y < 5, then """""""'

(a)X=Y (b)xcY (c) YC X (d)XnY=A

> Exercise 6?
{20)IfAisthesolutionsetof theinequality X+y <4andBisthesolutionsetof the
inequality X+y )4 rthen
(a)A=B (b) AC B (c) B CA (d)AnB=a
(21) It the points (0 0) t (2 > 0) t (O t 4) are the vertices
' of the region represents
solution setof theinequalities:x>0 ,y >0 t2X+y <c :thenc=...............

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

QZ)which of the following figures represents the s.s. of the inequality x+y > l,l

(c) (d)
(23) Which of the following figures represents the
solution set of the inequality :

1 + 1

(a) (b)


(c) (d)


= ORemember lUnderstand OAPPIY $ ttigher Order Thinking Skills

t?.1) The opposite figure represents the solution

set of the inequality " ""' ""'
(a)y <2 (b)y <2
(c) y, z (d)y>2

i15) The opposite figure represents

the solution set of
the inequality ""' """"' in IR x lR
(a)X+y<5 $)Zx+3Y<6
(c)3 x+Zy <6 @)Zx+3Y <6

{26)The opposite figure represents the S.S.

of the inequality in lR x IR
(a)-2<X<l -2 < x<l

(c)-2<y<1 (d)-2<y<1

set of the inequality

t2T) Which of the following figures represents the solution

(a) (b) (c)

iI11i Which of the following figures represents the solution set

of the inequality :



y' ytt y'


> Exercise 6

(29) In the opposite figure : The shaded region

represents the solution set of the system of

the inequalities y > 2 t X> 0 : ...............
(a)x+2y-6<0 (b)X+2y+6<0
(c)X+2y-6>0 (d)X+2y+6>0

(30) The shaded region in rhe opposite

figure represents the solution set of

the inequalities ...............
(c) I < X<3 t2<y <4

(31) The shaded region in the opposite

figure represents the solution set of

the inequalities ...............

(a)X> 3 ty <2 (b)X>3 ty>2

(c)X+ 1 <4 ty+ 1 <3 (d)X+ 1>4 t2y<4

(32) The shaded region in the opposite

figure represents the solution set of
the inequalities ...............

(a) X>0 ry> O t X+2y. 4 ;2 X+y <4

(c)X>0 ,y> O tX+2y <4 tZX+y <4
(d) 4 X+2y .0 ;2 X+ 4y <0

(33) The shaded region in the opposite figure

represents the solution set of the inequalities :

X>y t X =3 : ...............
(a)4x+3y>12 (b)4x+3y>12
(c)3X+4y>12 (d)3 x+4y + T2>0
z, 3'6 Higher Order Thinking Skills
oRemember lUnderstand OAPPIY

\3/&'t The shaded region in the opposite figure

represents the solution set of
the inequalityby'c
aX+ where

(a)a>0 rb>0:c>0
(b)a>0 rb<0 rc<0
(c)a>0 rb<0 rc)0
(d)a<0:b>0 rc<0

Which of the following figures could represent the inequality aX + by >

c where


+ by > c where
(36) Which of the following figures could represent the inequality a X

(b) (c) (d)

(3?) If a tb are positive real numbers then the best representation of the inequality
> Exercise 67

Find the S.S. in IR' for each of the following inequalities r representing it
on the
I number line :


J(l)2x-3<s (.3)m3x_g>6x
l(1)ffi6+x<3x+2<r4+x (s)2x-r<x+3<3x+7
@ ninO graphically the S.S. in IR x IR for each of the following inequalities :

J(l)M2x-y>6 II (2tx+y<3 I tJtx>_2

II r*,ffiy<s ls)ffiy>2x_3 I ,u\x<2y_4

I 17ty.2x
I tBt-2<x<4 I tr)_l<y<Z
@ Sotre graphically each system of the following linear inequalities in
o IR x IR :

Itlrx>t ) v<3 I tztx-2<o , Y>l

I (51ffiy>2x+6;> X+2v>4
yt3x<_t l,+,-r<x<2 r o<y<3
|tl'-' I toly>x t x_y>l
I t7)2X-y>5 , Zy>20+4X I rglX+y<3 t X_y>t
(9)X<l ; X+ys_l ltlOly<X+t t !>X_L
@ Sotoe graphically each system of the following linear inequalities in IR x IR. :

I ttlx>o
, y>o t x+y<5
I t:lffix=4 > y1X+2 t X+Zyr_z

, Y>o , Y27-zx t x+2yr8

I t+tx>O , y>0 ;2X+y=6 , *,+y.4
| (5)ffiy-X>0

) 2X+2y<12 t y16+2X

I (7)0<X<5 t 4X+y>2 t X_y<t
I : 0<y<3 t X>y-l
| (8) X<4 ry.6

, 2y-X>Z , y+ZX>6
(9) X+4y<8 t X-Zy<6 , 0< x<4
t" the opposite rr5qrw.
figure : ,t

AOCB is a square : the area of its surface is 16 square units.

write the inequalities that satisfy the solution set represented by
the shaded region in the opposite figure.


z, OApply o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills
ORemember tUnderstand

Choose the correct answer from those given :

t i rIf thepoint(a:b) doesnotbelongtothe solutionsetof theinequalityZX+y>3

then ..............'
(a)2a+b>3 (b)2a+b<3 (c)2a+b<3 (d)2a-b>3
( J ) Which of the following inequalities has a solution set does not lie in the second or
third quadrant : then
(a) X> 0 (b)x<0 (c)y>o (d)y<o

quadrant r then
(a)a>0 (b)a<0 (c)a=0 (d) a> 2

{ 4 ) The solution set of the inequalities x +y> 4, x - y < 4 does not lie in the

(a) first (b) first or second (c) second or third (d) third or fourth

{ 5 I The solution set of the inequality - X<y <X is """""""'

(a) (b) (c)

w (d)

( 6 ) If X t ! are integers : then the solution set of the system of inequalities :

X>0 rY>0 ;X+Y <3is

ta) {(1 t(2:0),(3 ,0),(1 ,1)} (u) {(t , t) t(l '2) '(2 'l}
(c) {(t , t)} @)a
( ? ) If x t! aretwo integers I then the number of solutions of the system of inequalities

x>0 ' Y>0 t X+ZY'6 t 2X+Y<6equals

(a) 3 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) infinite number of solutions.

( 8 ) If the two points (1 , 4) ; (4 t l) belong to the solution set of the inequality

a X +b y 3 c twhich of the following points must belong to
the solution set also ?

(d) (4 ,2)
(a) (0 ,5) (b) (2 ,4) (c) (2 ;3)
> Exercise O
' @
If the point (4 : k) lies on the axis of symmetry of the region represents
the solution
setoftheinequalitiesX+y>a rX_y)a :thenk_ . .

@)a G)-4 (c) a (d) zero

(10) trthe solution set of the inequarities x+2y >3 ,ax+ 4y < I is A r then a = ...............
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(11) tr x+y> z t x+ y <b andthe solution set of the systemequals o tthen

(a)a>b (b)a<b (c)a=b (d)a<b

ffi Life : A shepherd wants to make a rectangular sheep barn. The length of the bam
must not be less than 80 metres and its perimeter must not increase
than 310 metres.
What are the possible dimensions of the barn ? (Write four possible dimensions)

M Professions : A carpenter wants to buy two types of nails. He does

not want to pay
more that 48 pounds for the purchase. If the carpenter needs at least
3 kilograms from the
first typer and at least I kilogram from the second type, how much
will the carpenter pay
as a price for each type given that the price of one kilogram
of the first type is 6 pounds
and the price of one kilogram of the second type is g pounds
( I ) write a system of linear inequalities describing
this situation.
( 2 ) Represent graphically this system to
show the possible solutions.
( 3 ) Determine a point to be a solution of this
( 4 ) Determine a point not to be a solution
of this system.

ffiMr' Karim gave 60 minutes to his students to solve a test in mathematics.

The students
have to solve at least 4 questions from section "A" and at
least 3 questions from section
'oB" such that the number of the answered questions is
at least 10 questions from both
sections' If Hanaa answered her questions in 4 minutes to every
question in section ,,A,, )
5 minutes to every questions in section ,,8,,
How many questions in each section did Hanaa try to solve ?

(1 : t )Y o /6,:[ \,/ (&-JLi) oLil- or:. .

b - yarl-r@Jl @

7 Obiective
M rrom the school book ORemember OApp[y 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills
I I. anrrt. the correct answer from the given ones :
Test yourself

I t r, M The point at which the function : P= 40 X+20 y has a maximum value from
the following is """""""'
(a) (0 :0) (b) (0 , - 4) (c) (15 : 10) (d) (25 ,0)

ffi The point at which the function : P = 35 X + 10 y has a minimum value from
the following is """""""'
(c) (0 :40) (d) (20 ,10)
(a) (0 :0) (b) (0 , 10)
the number y I then "'
If two times the number X is not less than three times
(a)2X<3y (b)Zx=3Y (c)2X>3y (d) 2 x>3 y
Which of the following sentences represents the inequality : X + y 15

(a) Two numbers : SUrl of them is less than 15

(b) Two numbers , sum of them is not less than 15
(c) Two numbers : SUfilof them is more than 15
(d) Two numbers , sum of them is not more than 15
"two numbers
Which of the following expressions represents the following sentence
the sum of one of them and twice of the other does not exceeds 20" ?
(a)x+2y>20 (b)x+ 2y>20 (c)X+ 2v <20 (d)x+2y'20
> Exercise 7

( 6 ) whlcrr of the following sentences represents

the inequal ity y > z x ?
(a) Two numbers : one of them more than twice of the
(b) Two numbers : one of them not more than twice
of the other.
(c) Two numbers : one of them less than twice of the
(d) Two numbers : one of them is not less than twice
of the other.
) The point which belongs to the region of the solution set of the inequalities :
x+y>5 ,x> 1 ,y >2andmakes theobjective function p=2x+yhasminimum
value from the following is .... ... .....
(a) (0 : 0) (b) (4 , 3) ;2)

(c) (3 (d) (1 , 4)
) The maximum value of the function :

P= 5 X+ 2 y underconditions : X>O ry > 0 ;X+y <J tX+2y.10 is...............

(a) 10 b) 26 (c) 35 @) 70
) The point which belongs to the feasible region of the inequalities : 0 < X < 5
0 < y < 2 and makes the objective function p 2 X+ 3 y
= has maximum value is

I"' (a) (4 ,5) (b) (6 , 1)

) The smallest value

(c) (0 ,0)
of the expression 3 x -
(d) (s
2 y under the conditions

-3<X<7 t-6<y<5equals
(a) 3 (b) - le @) _ 28 (d) 11
tIf (a:b) belongsto the solution setof theinequality x+zy> 5 where a >bareintegers

: then the least value of 2 a + 4 b
(a) 5 (b) -s (c) 10 (d)
If the objecrive function (p)takes rhe values 6r ; 57 at the poinr s (4 ;7) r (5 : 6)
respectively then the objective function (p) couid be ...............
(a)2X+5y (b)7x+3y (c)3X+7y (d)5x+2y
I""i(13) The
r opposite figure represents the solution set of

I a system of inequalities : then the objective function
possible at the
\ i
\ I

(a)(o,o) O)(1 ,2) --J \


(c)(2 (d) (4 ,5) N\


cRemember ounderstand oApply r'r Higher order Thinking Skills

(14) The opposite figure represents the solution set of a system

of inequalities I then the smallest value of the objective

(a) 6 (b) 8

(c) 12 (d) 13

(15) In the opposite figure :

The shaded region represents the solution set
of the system of the inequalities X>0 , Y > 0
t X + 3 Y' 6, X + Y < 4 : then the maximum
value of the objective function P = 2 X + y

(a) 7 (b) 8

(c) 3 (d) 4

(16) If the shaded region is the solution set of a linear

programming problem and the objective function
is P = 5 X+ 8 y , then the maximum value of the

objective function equals

(a) 24 (b) 31

(c) 45 (d) 64

goods X andy' If the

,\ 1f 7l A factory produces 120 units at most from two different kinds of
is sold from the
L,-uer of units sold from the second kind is not less than half what
and the previous
kind. Which of the following inequalities represents the data
constrains ?
I ful x>o,Y>0 tX+Y=120,2Y<X
| ,orx>0 ry>o tX+Y>l2o tY<2X
I,.rx>0,y>o tx+Y<l2otZY>x
| ,0, x>o,y>o tx+Y<r2o tY>2x
q (18t In one of the linear programming problems I the objective function is P = a x +by

the solution set

I nu, maximum value at two vertices of the shaded region represents
has maximum value
| ,n"r, the number of points which makes the objective function

I equals """""""'
I ,u , G) 3 (c) 4 (d) infinite number.
> Exercise ?

Represent each of the following systems graphically r then find the point that
satisfies the objective function in each case :

possible. <(2r1)>
(2) X>0, y>0 ) y +2X<10 t X+4y=12rtheobjectivefunctionp=2y +5 X
is as great as possible. <(5 r0)>
(3)x>0 , y>0 t 3y+x>15;4x+3y>z4 rtheobjectivefunctionp=3y +zx
is as small as possible. <(3 14)>
(4) X-ys3 t 3X+2y>-6 t X>-2 , y < 5 r the objective funptign P * 2 X-3 y to
as great as possible. <(0 r-3)>

Find the maximum and minimum values of the objective function :P X+ 3 y

= - 5 where
(X , y) belongs to the feasible region of the inequalities system :
-3<X<3;-4.y.4 ; 4X+3y<lZ ) 4X+3y>-lZ <<"7 ;-17 >>

Youssef knows that if he wants to keep fitr he shouid burn the extra calories by walking
and running. He found that walking for one minute burns 6 calories, running for one
minute burns 15 calories: if Youssef walks l0 20 minutes daily and runs 30 45 minutes
- -
daily and the available time for walking and running daily does not increase one hourr
then hor'v many minutes does Youssef need to walk and run to burn the maximum amount
of calories ? <15r45>

ffiA small factory produces metal furniture 20 cupboards weekly at most of two different kinds
A and B. If the profit from kind "A" is 80 poundsr &nd the profit from kind B is 100 pounds.
The factory sells from kind A at least 3 times what it sells from kind B. Find the number
cupboards r from each kind to satisfy the greatest possible profit to the factory. <<1515>>

A farmer wants to breed chickens and ducks. The poultry place that he has can
accommodate only 300 of them; while he wants the number of chickens not to be less
than twice the number of ducks. If he earns one pound from each chicken and two pounds
from each duck r then find how many chickens and ducks he can breed to set
the maximum profit. <200r100>

ffi One of the seafood shops sells two types of cooked fish A and B : and the requesrs
from the shop owner are not less than 50 fish : as he does not consume more than 30 fish
from the type (A) : and no more than 35 fish from the type (B). If the price of a fish from
type A is 4 pounds and 3 pounds from type B. How much fish from each of the two
A and B must be used to achieve the lowest cost possible to buy ? <15:35>

ORemember lUnderstand OAPPIY ol Higner Order Thinking Skills

O m One of the factories of musical instruments produces two types of blowing instruments
'|. , the first type needs 25 units of copper r 4 units of nickel and the second type needs
I tS ,rrits of copper : 8 units of nickel. If the available quantities in the factory on a day
*"r" 95 units of copper : 32 units of nickel and the profit of the factory from the first

I typ. was 60 pounds and 48 pounds from the socond type. Find the number of instruments
I which the factory should produce from each type to get the maximum profit. << 2t 3 >>


O m A farmer found that he can improve the quality of planting r if he used at least 16 units
I of Nitrates r 9 units of Phosphates in the process of fertilization for one kirate: there are
I t*o types of fertilizer A : B , its contents and cost of each shown in the following table :

II The Number of units for each kilogram Cost for each

I I fertitizer
fertilizer Nitrates Phosphates kilogram
A I +
4 I t
1 I tzoPt
170 Pt

B I z |
2 3
J | 150 Pt I

I a,rd the least cost of a mixture of the two fertilizers A and B : such that the farmer can
provide a sufficient number of units of Nitrates and Phosphates to improve the quality

I of his plants. " 3 t2 '

O m Suppose you manufacture and sell skin moisturizer: if manufacturing a unit of the
I normal moisturizer requires 2 crn1, of oilr 1 cm? of cocoa butter: and manufacturing a unit
I of the excellent moisturizer requires 1 cm? of oiI, 2 crn1, of cocoa butter. You will gain 10
I pounds for every unit of the normal kindr 8 pounds for every unit of the excellent kind.
I tf yo, had24 cm? of oilr 18 cm? of cocoa butter. What is the number of units you can
maximum possible profit and what is this profit ?
I manufacture from each kind to the

| " ro t4"

fit tfr.r" are two packages of food substances. The f,rst has 5 units of vitamins and gives
? 3 calories : while the second has 2 units of vitamins and gives 6 calories. Given that
I *" n."d at least 25 units of vitamins and 39 calories r and the price of the unit of the flrst
I article is P.T 6 and of the second is P.T 8: then flnd the number of each article that should
I be Uougtrt to obtain what we need at the least cost.
<3 r5 >


fiI m A factory produces two types of iron sheet officeS: olto of the workers collects each
.i typ. and then another worker paints it. The first worker takes 2 hours to collect a unit of
I tn" firrt type: and 3 hours to collect a unit of the second type. While the second worker
I tat". t ] nours to paint a unit of the first type t and 2 hours to paint a unit of the second
| ,yp. , if-the first worker works at least 6 hours daily : while the second worker works at
| -or, 6 hours daily r the profit of the factory is 50 pounds to each unit of thethetwotwotypes.
produce daily from each of types
I Wt ut is the number of units the factory should
I to achieve the maximum possible profit ? n 4 from the first type

> Exercise 7

@ A factory produces two kinds of A and B. The production whose value is L.E. 100

J of tn" kind A needs 30 kg. of raw material and 18 hours of working on machines and
the production of whose value is L.E. 100 of the second kind B needs 20 kg. of the
same raw material and24 hours of working on machines.

Find the greatest value of the production that is produced of 75 kg. of raw material and
the available time is 72 hours of working on machines. <<L.8.325 >>

Two tailors produce two styles of blouses A and B

The first tailor designs clothes r while the second tailor sews them.
The first tailor takes one hour to design the style A and two hours to design the style B
The second tailor takes 3 hours to sew the style A and one hour to sew the style B
The first tailor works for 8 hours I day at most : while the second works for t hours / day
at most. The profit of selling the blouse of style A is L.E. 10 and their profit of selling the
blouse of style B is L.E. 15
Find the number of blouses of each style that they should produce daily to gain the
maximum profit. <<z ,;3 >>

Yousef and Samy work on one of machines to produce a certain production.

If Yousef produces the unit of production in an hour r while Samy produces two units of
this production in an hour : but he can work for 2 hours at most more than the number of
hours worked by Yousef.
If we know that the machine should be operated at least 6 hours daily to cover its expenses
and 8 units should be produced of the production at least
daily : find the least daily wages
paid to Yousef and Samy if Yousef takes L.E. 5 per hour and Samy takes L.E. 8 per hour.
< 20 ;76 >>

It is wanted to put two kinds of books A and B on a library shelf with length 96 cm. and
can carry 20k9.
If the weight of the book of any kind is 1 kg. and the thickness of the book of the kind A is
6 cm. and of kind B is 4 cm : find the number of books of each kind that should be put on
the shelf such that its number is maximum.
(Give reasons for having more than one solution).

H8 Trigonometric identities.

He Solving trigonometric equations.

x1o Solving the right-angled triangle.

nr11 Angles of elevation and angles of depression.


fr12 Circular sector.

Circular segment.
) "lr
rfl -rd

-----_ i
Exercise tr
t; m
./,/i ,:
,Dr aq,
tu ruI ,r- r&re,k ffi
i : ii

i"' j'i
i 1-:-----,


,el rt-Ftw
..__... I
. ,

lEjl From the schoot book ... Higher Order Thinking Skills

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

Which of the following represents an identity ?

(a) cos e=+ (b) sin 0 = cos 0

(c) sin (x[ - e) = sin 0 (d)sin(2n-0)=- 1

Which of the following relations represents an equation ?

(a) tan (+.0) = - "o,

t (b) cos (+
-o) = - ri,, e
(c) cos (- 0) = cos 0 (d)cot0=-tan30o
(a) 1 (b) cos 0 (c) sec 0 (d) csc 0

m iHQ in the simplest form equats ..........

(a) sin 0 (b) cos 0 (c) sec 0 (d) csc 0

^,1_s."2 3i"
(a) tanz 37" (b) cot2 3l' (c) cos2 37" (d) sin2 37"
5 cos2 30" + 5 sin2 3oo = ..

(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 25 (d) 10

(\.' i )Y a /@)E \ / (',:JL"i) ctil-€rj.. t--r- ;ale.p)l [A

ORemember OUnderstand oApp[y & t-ligher Order Thinking Skills

o (7) sifu'#-="" """"

(a) 6 (b)-6 (.)
- 0) + sin2 (270" - 0) = ."""""""
O ( 8 ) sin2 (180"
(a) 2 sin2 0 (b) cos2 0 (c) 1 (d)-1
-2 cote - . ..".....'
O ( 9 ) (1 + cot 0)2 '

(a) sec2 0 (b) cos2 0 (c) csc2 0 (d) - csc2 0

C -
(10) (1 + cot2 0) sin2 e ........ ..."
(a) sin2 0 (b) tan2 0 (c) cos2 0 (d) 1

o (1t1 g sin 0 cos 0 tan 0 in the simplest form equals """""""'
(a) sin2 0 (b) cos2 0 (c) tan2 0 (d)1-sin20
o (12) m + _# in the simplest form equals """""""'
(a) (b) (c) tan2 0 (d) cot2 0
-1 1

frlf in the simplest form equals """""""'
(a) 1 (b) tan2 0 (c)-1 (d) sec2 0

(14; g The expresrlo, 1*4 in the simplest form equals """""""'

' sinzP-1
(d) cot2
(a) - tan2 B @) - cos2 B (c) tan2 B B

(f5; ]1e49
in the simplest form equals ..'............

(a) tan2 0 (b) cot2 0 (c) 1 (d) cos2 0

o (16) sin2 0 + cos2 0 + tanz Q = """""""'

(a) 1 (b) cot2 0 (c) csc2 0 (d) sec2 0

(L7) (tanz 0 - sec2 0)5 = """""""'
(a)1 (b)-1 (c) 5 (d)-s
o (18) 2 sin2 0 + cos2 e * ..""""""'
;fu =
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) tan2 0 (d) sec2 0

o {19) sin 0 csc 0 + 2 cos 0 sec 0 + 3 tan 0 cot 0 = """""""'

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6

- cos 0) (1 + cos 0) (1 + cot2 0) = """""""'

o (20) (1
(a)-1 (b) 1 (c) sin 0 (d) tan 0

o (21) sin Xcos Xtan

I X+ sin X cos X cot X-
sin X sec X
(a) cot X (b) tan X (c) cos X (d) csc X
> Exercise I 2o
o,( ))
I sin 0 cos 0
= '....'....,,...
csc 0 sec 0
(a) sin 0 (b) sin 0 + cos 0 (c) sec 0 csc (d) 1

C,],( 23
I sin 0 tan 0
(1 + cos e) (1 - cos 0)
(a) sin 0 (b) sin2 0 (c) sec 0 (d) csc 0
6cos2e-sin2e+l _
(a) sin 0 (b) cos 0 (c) - sin 0 (d) - cos 0
o (l
(sec X + tan X) (1 - sin )0 _
cos X
(a) -1 (b) 1 (c) tan X (d) sec X
o (26; cor2 x
(:26) t_
l-sinX' t+sinX
(a) 2 (b) 2 sin X (c) 2 cos X (d) sin X + cos X
o (27'. cosX+ 7
(,27) ------------- COS-" X -'.... "....'..
sec x -
(a) cos X (b) sin X (c) cos2 X (d) sin2 X
o (t
l-tan X ....'..........
z8) =
| -cotX
(a)-tanX (b) tanX (c)-cotX (d) cot X
o (2
te) (sec 0 - cos 0)2 + (csc 0 - sin 0)2
(2e" (cot 0
- - tan 0)2 =
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
o (30)
i0) If tan2 0 = 15 : then se"2 e = ...............

(a) 225 (b) 226 (c) 15 (d) 16

(u)+ $)+
o (31)
r1) If cot e =
+ : then cs"2 e = ...............
(.)+ (d) q1

o (3
t2) If tan 0 cos 0 = rthen sec 0 = ...............
(a) *3 (ot + @"+ (d)t1
o (33)
:33) Ifsin 0+csc 0 =5 rthen sin20+cs"2 S=...............
(a) 1 (b) s (c) 23 (d) 2s

(")+ b)* -
I '.34)
o (3
(34) If sin 0-cos 0 =
$ where e e]0,+l,then sin 0 cos
("){# (d)+
Or(33s) If csc o -cot e =
+ : then csc o + cot o =
a)3 (b)+ @? (d) 1
= O Remember oApply o.o Higher order Thinking skills
t (J6)
^- sina0-cos4e = """""""'
i srn,e_cos,e
I fultan0sec0 (b)sin20-cos20 (c)csc20-cot20 (d)tan20-sec20

6 Gzt If sinn 0 x csc6 0 = sin 0 rthenn = """""""'

I ,u,o (b)s (")6 (d)7

!,,a*, sin3 0+cos3 0

= ...............
I l-sin0cos0
I Culcos0-sin0 (b)cos0+sin0 (c)2csc20 (d)2sin20
t39) -cosx
i *,x * f _*rx="""""""'
I fu,2secx (b)2cscX (c)ZcotX (d)2sinX

I t+ot (1 + sin2 0)2 +2(1 + sin2 0) (1 + cos2 e; + (1 + "ot2 e12 = """""""'

I tulo (b)s (c)7 (d)e
(41) If 3 cos2 36o + 3 cos 54o sin 36o =J -2a
A ,or)If
9 tthena2 + 1= """""""'
-2 a tthena"
I tul | @) z (c) 5 (d) 3 sin2 36'

[ ,urr(sin 0 - cos 0)a - (sin 0 + cos 0)4 = """""""'

,r,".fu, (b)
sec*ce @)-4sin0cos0 (d)-16sec0csc0
li + ti' e = ...............
angle ,7 rh"n^Fffi
r'v'l r +ffi _
| ,or, If 0 is an acute
,Lv 4,Erw
{l:,* e
I ful - tan 0 (b) - 2 tan 0 (c) tan 0 (d) cot 0

\l t++l Ifsec2 0 +tan20=k rthensec40-tanae - """' ""


I rulo (b)2+k (c)2-k (d)k2

| \-r' rrY**
|,oo ---- 0, then n = """""""'
^' csc 0 sin e = tann
I rult (b)z (c)3 (d)4

i t+el If ABCDis acyclicquadrilateral : thencosA+cosB +cosC+cosD = """""""'


I ful cos 360' (b) cos 180' (c) cos 90' (d) 4 cosA

!' ATllf a = 2 sin20 + 5 cos2 0 rthen aC"""""""'


rul [o , 3] (b) t1 , sl (c) [o :5] (d) [2 , s]

X tB =2cos X- sinX rthen A2 +82= """""""'


I t+tl IfA= 2 sinX+ cos

I ,",0 (b) s

I f.l 8sinxcosx (d)4sin2x+5"os2x


1+9) If 0 :O(are two acuteangles and0+ O(=90" rthensin20+ sin2 O(- "' "" "
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 sin2 0 (d) 2 cos2 0
> Exercise I
o (50) tn AABC , if sin2A+ cos2 B= I r then AABC is ...............
(a) equilateral. (b) isosceles. (c) scalene. (d) right-angled.

(5r) If tan 0 = 4 0 + cos2 11

t thensinl ...............
sinz0-cosz0 =
@E (b) 1 (c)
(a)- I (b) cos 0 (c) - sin 0 (d) sin 0

Essoy queslions

Write in the simplest form each of the following expressions o'where 0 is the measure
of an angle in which all trigonometric functions and their reciprocals are defined atit, :

cos'0 cotz 0
( 2) m *, (+-e) sec (*-r)
,* (*- r)
( 3 ) sin (x[
- e) csc (x[ - 0) (4) m
cos (2 ,[ - e)

( 5 ) (sin 0 + cos 0)2

-Z sin 0 cos 0 (6)m.*(++o)sec(-o)
(7)EAcos2esec0csc0 (S)msin0csc0-cos20
( e ) sin(*- r) cos 0 -"o' (++ 0) sin (ft - e)
- "ot (t- e) csc (xr - e)
(10) sin (* ,) (11) sin 0 cos 0 (tan e + cot 0)

,rrrt+"ot2(*-e) 63) g! t J9l9

0 *
tan 0
t+tan2(#-r) tan sec 0 csc 0

Prove the validity of each of the following identities :

( 1 ) @ tan 0 + cot 0 = sec 0 csc 0 ( 2 ) csc 0 - sin 0 = cos 0 cot 0
(3) z sin2 0 + cos2 0 = 1 + sin2 0 ( 4 ) m sin2 c[ +tan2 0 sin2 c[ tan2 0
( 5 ) EA sin (90"
-p) cos p= 1 - sin2 p ( 6 ) m coP p- cos2 V= cot2 p cos p2
(7 ) secz B + csc2 F = sec2 B csc2 B ( 8 ) sec 0 - sin e tan e = cos 0
(9 ) tan2 0 + cot2 0 - (sec2 0 + csc2 0) = - Z (1o) tan2 o cos2 o + coio sin2 o
= 1

(11) (sin 0 + cos 0)2 + (sin 0 (12) sin3 0 csc 0 + cos3 0 sec 0
- cos 0)2 = Z = 1

(13) (1 - sin 0) (sec 0 + tan 0) = cos 0 (L4) sin 0 sin (90'- 0) tan 0 = 1 - e
(15) cos2 0tanz0 +cos2 0 + cot2 0
=csc2 0 I
(16) sina 0 - cos4 0 + cos2 0 = sin2 0
(17) sin2 o sin2 p + sin2 0( cos2 p + cos2 o( = 1
ORemember oUnderstand OApply r'e Higher Order Thinking Skills

@ P"oo. the validity of each of the following identities :

itrrm*Uq+19=1-cos20 cot0 =sine xcos0e
m l+cot20
"': csc0 | t2.r
l I
l*r,rffih+tune=seco I ,4)m##=1+sino
" l-cos2e -"' II ,6)4=2cos20-l
|,r,m:X+(t-sin20)=cot0 I,s)m-.-.=-tan20=l
I sin'(90'- 0)
| ,r,*-*It#=t-sin2o
I lrr"rElrr .--l-
,,,,, - 1 = coS2 ct - cos2 B
I = l+tan2CI, 1+tan2B-"'
I rrrrtrffi=#=sec20-tan20 m (sec 0-tan0)2=+rH+
1,,r, mrj*T=rf#, |
,,0,*+##.*=* L3 (t
- cos3 0 _a

Lts,* : coq2e-sin2o _
I "' sinOcos20+cos0 sin20

sin 0 sin (20'- 0) * tan (180'+ 0)

I lnr tanu---lEaT;sce - 1

l, ur, (sin 0 + csc 0)2 + (cos 0 + sec 0)2 =tan20 + cot2 0 + 7

| ,,*,Hf##tg =ztan2o

., fi[ ;
@Irsin 0 + cos 0 =
] rl"nfindthevalue of : sin 0 cos 0,where 2L

,tn..rfindthevalueof eachof : sec 0andtan0

n l5
sec 0-tan0= f
"# T"
d ,t tan 0 + cor 0 = 5 r then find the numerical value of each of the following :

(L)tan20+cot20 (23>

(2) tan3 0 + cot3 0 <( 110 >

(3)tan0-cot0 u *{zr ,
( 4) ,. * 5{21 ,
tanz 0 - cot2 0
> Exercise 8

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) If X + y = 30o : then tan (X+ 2 y) tan (2 X + y) ".............
(a) 1 (b) zero (c)-1 o) 2{i
aoa (z)nsi,0=f , oClo,*l,th"r{litur, 0=
(a)+ G)+ b
nla2 +b2
rdi b
{b2 + a2 ! a2 +b2 1tP;7
aoa (3) If *.e <xl, ;then\[i a alanz g = ...............
(a) 2 sec 0 (b) 2 cos 0 (c)-2sec0(d)-2cos0
O ( 4)If sin 0 : cos 0 are the two roots of the equation2 X2 + b X- 1 =0:thenb-
(a) zero (b) 2 (c) 3 (d)-4
o (5) If 3 sin 0 + 4 cos 0 = 5 r then 3 cos 0 -4 sin 0 =
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) z (d) zero
aoa (6)Iree]0,![ and tan 0 + cot 0 = 8 r then sin 0 + cos 0 =
@+ {u)!1 r,)* (d)
.i (7)nee ]o,f[ , thenl;;a0 ..;'0 = ...

sec 0
1u; (b) tan 0 + cor 0 (c) sec 0 - tan 0 (d) sec 0 + tan 0
I csc 0
(8) If sinA+ sin2A= 1 :then"os2A+ .

i (9)
(b) 1
20 + sin23 0 + ... + sin2
sin2 0 + sin2
(c) sin2 A
100 0 =n,
(d) 2

then cos2 0 + cos2 2 0 + cos23 0 + ... + 100 0 =

(a)1-n (b) 100 n (c) 100 - n (d) n - 100
(10) sin2 1o + sin2 2" + sin2 3o + ...+ sin2 90o =
@ ++t (b) 4s @ +s| (d) 46

(d) e0
Prove that : sin6 0 + cos6 0 = 1 - 3 sin2 0 cos2 0

In the opposite figure : C

A unit circle of centre O r

BC = sin 0 : RC ir a tangent to
the circle at A ra { x
o A
Find the value of : cos3 0 + sin 0
y' <<l)>

iiii Exercise

! i i!
; ''1"_'--
_,! _,)

.--. i"------j
i. -1


LU rrom the school book ORemember aUnderstand OApp[y of HigherOrderThinking Skills

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

(1) m If0o < e < 360' andsin0 + 1 =0 :then Q= """""""'

(a) 0" (b) 90" (c) 180" (d) 270"

(2) mIfO'<e<360" andcos0+ 1 =0 rthene- ""'' "'

(a) 90' (b) 180' (c)270" (d) 360"

( 3 ) IfOo < e < 360' and csc 0- 1 =0 rthen 0 =

(a) o' (b) 90' (c) 180' (d) 270'

(4)If 2sin0 _li=0 rwhere0<e<360o rthen0=

(a) 30' or 150' (b) 60" or 120" (c) 150" or 210" (d) 120" or240o

o (5) m If 180' < e< 360" and2cos 0+ 1 =0 :then0 = """""""'

(a) 210' (b) 24O" (c) 300' (d) 330"

o (6 ) If nfi"or0+ 1=0 r where0isthemeasureof thegreatestpositiveangle reC[0 ,ZIll,

then 0 = ...'..""""'

@)+ @+ @+ @+
> Exercise 9 ?a
6 t 7) Thesolurionsetof theequarion:sin0-1E.or0=0: whereee]ru
a> {t "} rur {* ru} o{fn} rar {* ru}
O ( I ) The solution set of the equation : {T tan e = 1 : where 90o < g < 270" is ...............
1a; {:o'} 1uy {rso"} 1cy {zto.} @) {zqo.}
o ( I)m The solution set of the equation : sin 0 + cos 0 0 r where 180o <
= e < 360. is ............

{zto"} 1ay61{zzs.} 1c1 {z+o} (d) t3ls.)

t (10) If 0o <e< 180':cot0= 1 rthen0=...............
(a) 30" (b) 45" (c) 60" (d) 135.
o (11) If ee [O ,+l,sin0cot O= rrhenthesolurionsetis ..............
(a) O o) {+} (.){T} (o){+}
O (12) The solution set of the equation : sin2 0 + I - 0, e e[0 ,fi[is
@) {+} ru) {+} r"r {ru} @a
I (13) If sec (- 0)=2 where e C[0 ,'rtrl rthen 0 =...............
(a) 60" (b) 30" (c) 120" (d) 150"
o (14) The general solution of the equation
,nt[i tun0 - 1=0 is ............... (where nez)
@)++nn (b) 2nn *+ (")++nxr (d) 2nn
o (15) The general solution of the equation "+
: cos 0 =
| ,, (where n ez)
(a)2nn=+ @)znn=+ (")++nfi (d)++nxr
(16) The general solution of the equation :

*t(+-,)={tis . . (where nez)

@++nrr G)+ +2n:it
@+ +2nlr @)++2n1t
o (17) If 5 sin X = 12 cos X where X elO , nl :then X=...............
(a) 157" zt+d (b) rtz" i i (c)22":i r) (d) 67" i +d
o (18) If 3sin0 - l where eG]0 ,2tll:then:0 =..............."

ratt (c) x[ (d) 3 x[

(\\ i,f )Y o/,5e;11 \/ (;-:L;)oU-oq;qr-.1r.oL*pJ,

z, Higher Order Thinking Skills
ORemember OUnderstand OAPPIY ooo
5 (19)If 0<0<360" r thenthesolutionsetof theequation:7'i" = h is..'............

(a) {:0"} O) {30' , 150"} 1c; {zto' r 330"} @) A

o (20)If sinX=
+ rcosX =+wherex€[0 12tlfrthen)(= """""""'
(")+ G)+ @)+ (ot*
o (2t\ lfx € [0 ,2 tlf r then the solution set of the equation : cos X = + is the same
solution set of the equation .............
X=2 sinX
(a) tan (b)2cos2X=cosX
(c)2cos2 X+3cosX=2 (d) cos ("- *) =o

(22) lte C [0 12 lll: then the number of solutions of the equation : 2 sin 0 = 3 is

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

o (23) If 0 < e < 360" I then the solution set of the equation : tan (0 - 90') =1llJ it
1a; {30" t210"} 16) {150' ,210"} (c) {150' ,330'} (d) {210' r 330"}

(24) tt O <X<2 tt r then the solution set of the equation : cos (" - +) = """""" "'
("){f,+} $){#,+} @ {#,T} (o {# ,'#}
o (,f,SlIf0<e<360':thenthesolutionsetoftheequation:2cos2 0-1=0is"""""""'
1a; {+5' , 135o t225" r 315'} (b) {45" ,315'}
1c; {t:s' t225"} (d) {45" ,225'}
o (26)IfQ < e < 360" rthen the solution - cos 0 = 0 is
set of the equation : cos2 0

(a){0.,90"} O){0" tgOo t180"} (c){0" t9O" t270"} (d){90' t27O'}

C (27)IfosX<2xl,lthentheso1utionsetoftheequation4#+2=Ois...............

("){+,*} 0){T,T}
(.){+,+,+,+} (o{+,+,+,*)
C) (2g) If 0. <e<360. rthenthe solution setof theequation sin(2 0+30')=fi"ot (2 0+30')
is ...............

1a; {lo" tlao"} O) {60' t24o"}

(d) {15' :105o ;195" ,,285'}
1c) {15" :6oo , l2o" t24o'}
C) t'\!i'}lfeC[0 ,2ll:,;l:thenthesolutionsetof theequationsin0+csc0=2equals
(") {+} (b) {+} r.l {ru} (o{T}
> Exercise 9

o (3tl) The number of solutions of the equation' .os2

e - 4 cos 0 + 4 = 0 equals
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
o 13r) If 0 < e < 360o : then the solution set of the equatio
n : 2 cos2 0 - 5 cos 0 _ 3 = 0
is ..... .. ........

1a; {30. , 150"} (u) {60" , rzo"} (c; {60" ,240"} (d) {120" t240"}
o (3:.iIf 0<e < 270" tthenthe solution setof theequation:zsin2 0 + 3 sin 0 + 1=0
is ...............
1a1 {z+o'} o) {210.} 1c1 {zzs"} (d) {330"}
o (33) Which of the following values of X verifies the
equation : sin X *
sin x = -+
=\ 2t[1
(a) 10' (b) 30. (c) 45' (d) 60"
o (-14) If eC]0 tfil rthen the numberof solutions forthe equation: sin 0 cos 0
= j sin e
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
o (35)IfO<e<2x[:thenthenumberofsolutionsoftheequation:cos4e-sin40=sin0
(a) 1 (b) z (c) 3 (d) 4
o (3{r} If eC[0 t2xllandXis the solution setof theequation:sin 0 =0 ryisthe solution ser
of theequation cos 0 = ,tn"rthe solution setof the equation:sin 0 (2 cos 0- 1) = g
is ...............
(a)x0Y (b)xuY (c)X-Y (d)Y-x
o (37) If e C [0 ,2:.tlandX is the solution setof the two equations : sin 0 = I :cos 0
tlz 1t,
simultaneously and Y is the solution set of the equation sin 0 coS 0 then ...............
= :
(a)X=Y (b)XcY (c)YcX (d)n(x)>n(Y)
(38) The solution set of the equation : (1 + sin 0)2 cos
= 0 + 2 sin 0 where 0 < e < 360.
(u) {0"} 1u) {o' , 180.}
1c; {tso" t270.} (d) {0" r 9oo : 180"}
(39) If X rye [O ,2xL1..0=X+ y :thenthe setof values of 0 satisfles sinXsin y - I
(a) {n ,2xt} 1u) {n ,3 :x} @ {+ ,+} @) {+ ,+}
o {40} If the general soiution of the equation : sin 0 3
= a- + isl + 2 xt n
where n is an integer r then a = ...............
(a) zero. (b)-1 (c) 1 (d)
ORemember OUnderstand OAppry ror Higher Order Thinking Skills

O (41) The general solution of the equation : sin f 0=0 is (where ne z)
(a) x[ n @)|nn @lnn (d)3xtn
o (4l)Thegeneral solution of the equation : sin 0 cos 0 = 0 is .'........."" (where neZ)
(a) 2xln (b) x[ n <o*" to)f;n
O (43) If e e [0 ,2.,l1r then the number of solutions of the equation ![-**O = *
is ...............
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

o (44)Ife € [0 12 .;ll: then the solution set of the equation : tan 0 * .". 0 =1[
is ... ... .... ... ..

{+} o) {+ ,+} ("){+,#} (o{?,ry!}
o (45)If ee ]o ,*lu"otan0+ a*g=2 tthense"2e+ se"4e=
(a) I (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 8

(46)If cos 0 is one of the roots of the equation: * -Xtan0 + sin2

g= rthen one
of the values of 0 is
(a) 30' (b) 45" (c) 60' (d) 120'

Find the general solution of each of the following equations :

(1)mtir0=* '2

(3)mt*0={5 (4)sin0=-{,,.
(5)cos0= -1
(7)csc0=-2 (8)sec e=^[i
(9)cote=-1f, (10) m 2 cos 0 -1F= 0

(lll)zsin 0 +1E= 0 (r2) m.", (f -r) = +

(13) m 2 sin 0 cos 0 + 3 cos 0 =0 (14)msin0cose=frine
(1,5)2sin20-@sin0=0 (16)m"os2e-cos0=0
(1Am2s\n20=sin0 (18) ffi{rsin 0 cos 0 - sin 0 = 0

(lg)2cos2e+cos0=0 (20)2cos20+3cos0+1=0
> Exercise I ?
Q m O e [0 t 2 tlf: find the solution set of each of the following equations :
I ftl2cos0-l=0 I tz)ru2sin0+t=0
Ir_l,r)2coso+18=s | ,o)tano-r=o
I (5)3csc0+2=0 I te)4sin0+3=0
r-l(r)sin0-2cos0=0 I ,r)4tano-5=o
I | ttOlcos0+1=0
I tttlsin0cos0=0 I|
II ttslcos(0-5Po.'- |
I ttst3sec20=4 | 1ro)sin20_cos2e=0
I trzl 3 cos2 0+2 sin0cos 0=0 I fr*l ffi 4 sin20-3 sin0cos 0=0
f frll 4tan20+3tan0=0 I trol 2sin20+sin0-t=0
I rzrt
*-= o

Gl m solve each of the following equations in the interval ,

[o * [,
I rrlt*nz}-tan0=0 (z)2sin0cos0-cos0=0
El Fina the general solution of each of the following equations :

II (3)cos50=sin40
ftl@cos0=sin20 I e)@cos20=sin0
I I f+)sec40=csc20
c nl
I rtlrffi2sin20-5sin0+2=0 I| e)4sin20+8sin0+3=0
I rr)ztan2o-tano-t=o Tsec e +? =O

-' equations :
f z"oro+ I =o,tane-1E=; 240" ,< >,

Find the solution set of the equation :

,*(ff)=t:whereee]o,f I << {20" ;60o} ,,

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The number of solutions of the equation : sin x = 0 where x€[0 , e nl is '....'.........

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
= ORemember OL.lnderstand OAPPIY & Higher Order Thinking Skills

I f z) If sinA+ sin B =2 rthen

I fulcosA+cosB=zero @)cosA-cosB=1
I r.lsinA-sinB=1 (d)sin(A+B)=-1
c| ( 3 ) The solution set of the equation : cos X + sin X = 2where Xe [0, 2 tllis """""""'

I r"l {*} @) {zero} o {o ,}} @)a

$ (4)If0 <X<360":thenthenumberof solutionsof theequation:3sin X=tanX"""""""'
I rul, o)3 @)4 (d)s
.1. ( 5 ) fftan 0 + cot 0=2 tthentan2019 0 + cot201e Q = """"""
| (u) ,"ro (b) 1 @) 2 (d) 3

I ( 6 ) The values of 0 which makes the roots of the quadratic equation :

x2 +2x+ 2cos 0 =0 areequalwhere eC[0 ,2lL|are """""""'


I ,, *** o)+ o,+ (.)+ o'+ (d)+ o'+
$ ( 7 ) The sum of the solutions of the equation :

I .in'x-sinxcosx=cosx-sinx rwhereXC]0 r2ql]is """""""'


I a>tr" g)ztt (c)3xr (d)4xl

$ ( I ) The sum of the solutions of the equation :

| .o, 2 X=- sin 2 x where x e [0 ,2 xllis """""""'

I ,rT
ru)+ @)ry (il!1*
.i. ,, ) rf eE lo ,tlandtheequation x2 -(tan,.#)x+ 1=0
I nu, positive unique root r then sin 0 cos 0 = """""""'
I rulo ru)+
- 1 @)z
,.^ ,r.. 1
4. (10)If 4cosX+3sin X=3 rthen tanx=.........."...whereXe] Trrnl
I+ t',t o)# @-;
r (11)
\_^/ The general
- --- o-- - solution : cot 0 - tan 0 = Sec 0 is
I ,",(-r)nxf;+nn $)++nrtr
t.l ++Znxt' (O
+ +2ntt'
B ,t O e [0 t2 fil: then find the solution set of each of the following equations :

(r)2"or2 0 + 11 sin (+-e)-e =o I ) -4=O

( 2 4 sin 0 +csc 0

(3)cos0+sec0cos2e={t ltlltana0-3tan20+2=o
(s)zsin 0 cos 0 + 2 sin 0-cos 0- 1 =0 | t O lrftan2 g -(,.{5)tan 0+1 =0
(7)tan20+sec20=7 I tsl 6tan20+5sec0+5=0
iil-, ! rExercise


ffil From the school book ORemember lUnderstand OAppry j.. HigherOrderThinking Skills

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The right angled triangle can be solved in each of the following cases except if the

given is ...............

(a) the length of two sides in the triangle.

(b) the length of two sides and the measure of their included angle.

(c) measure of two angles.

(d) the length of one side of the right angle and the length of the hypotenuse.

( 2 ) In the opposite figure :

AC = """""""'cm.
(a) 13.2 (b) 8.3
(c) 3.7 (d) 5.e

( 3 ) In the opposite figure : x

XY -
(a) 9.8
........--..... cm.

(b) 6.e
(c) 8.4 (d) 14.6 ZY

ORemember lUnderstand OAppry o? nigner Order Thinking Skills

t 4 ) In the opposite figure :

The length of BC = .........."'.. cm.
(a) 12 (b) 13

(c) 16 (d)24

( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

The length of BC = ............... cm.
(a) 6 (b) 4
(c) 9 (d) s

( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

m(LC) = """""""'
(a) 56 21 (b) 39" 48
(c) 33" 33 (d) 50' 12

C 6cm.

i ? iTriangleABCisarightangledtriangleatB :AB =5 cm. rBC=51f,cm.

r then m(LC) = """""""'
(a) 60' (b) 30' (c) 45' (d) 56'

( I ) In the opposite figure :

AB =............." cm.
(a) 98 cot20" (b) 98 sin 20o
(c) 98 csc 20o (d) 98 tan2Oo

( 9 ) If A ABC is right angled triangle at B trr-(LA)=0.925rad :BC=8cm.

: thenAC - """""""'cm.
(a) 10 (b) 13 (c) 6 (d) 11

{ f,qll If A ABC is right angled triangle atB t m (L C) = 54' lJ r BC = 20 cm.

: then the length of AB- = """""""' clrl.
(a) 16.2 (b) 11.7 (c) 14.4 (d) 27 .l

i d I i In which of the following figures : the triangle ABC can not be solved ?


> Exercise 10
o (12) If ABC is a right angled triangle atA r rhen

First: BC =
(a) AB sin C (b) AB csc C (c) AB tan B (d) AB sec C
Second : AB =
(a) AC tan B (b) AC sec B (c) AC csc B (d) AC cot B

o (13) The opposite figure represents 3 adjacent

squares : side length of each 2 cm.
r then BC = ....'........" cm. D

+ o)+ @4
'J @)+
(14) In the opposite figure :

Length of BC = .'....."'...'.
(a) 5 cm. @)6tcm.
(c) 3
f, cm. (d) 3 cm.

(f5) In the opposite figure :

Length of BD = ............... clr.

(a) 9 (b) 2e
(c) 23 (d) 28.s

o (16) ABC is an isosceles triangle : AB AC 14.8 cm. tm(L A) = 64" 3)
= =
r then the length of BC ............... cm.
(a) 25.2 (b) 1s.8 (c) 18.7 (d) 2s.8
o (17) In the opposite figure : D
AD =BC x'..............
(a) sin (Z ACB) sin (Z DAC) (b) cos (L ACB) cos (Z DAC)
(c) sin (Z ACB) tan (L DAC) (d) cos (Z ACB) cot(L DAC)
o (18) In the opposite figure :

cD - ............... cm.
(a) 6 csc 30o sec 20o (b) 6 sin 30o cos 20o
(c) 6 sec 30o cos 20o (d) 6 cos 30' sin 20o

(\Y : t )Y o/r,.;tJ \ / (;-rr-;) oUt-or-...U-r-;s[-*6Jl @

ORemember lt.lnderstand OApp[y ia Higher Order Thinking Skills
o (19) In the opposite figure :
Oua is a right-angled triang le at LB where .-{1
I _-
ng =5cm. rBD=*.*. r CD=P.rn. ls

|I 't3 'rlz
c D 5 ...B
fi- sin Q = """""""' 10

- rl;"-. ,t;
r then sec

I ,rt

\, (20) In the opposite figure :

(.)+ (d)+

It-------*O ABC is right-angled triangle at B:

I O C BC such that CD = 20 cm.
t_ thenAB = """""""'cm.
I ful ro{: tu) 20
I r.1,, (d) to

| 1rD In the opposite figure :

I ot" : ECD are two right-angled triangles at
IIED ,t C is the midpoint of BD
t tnen """""""'
I AB =
I tu)r,, (b)5:3 (c)2:r (d) 3

[ ,rrrffi The opposite flgure shows a circle of centre M ,Eit

a diameter in it : if AC = 12 cm. tm(L A) = 37'
r then the length of the radius of the circle = """""""' cm.
(a) 7 .51 (b) e.e7
(c) 7 .96 (d) 4.7e

(23) In the opposite figure :

M is a circle with radius length is 5 cm.

, AC is a tangent at A
rAD = 6 cm. r thenm (Z CAD) = """""""'
(a) 53' (b) 31' (c) 39' (d) 37"

(24\ ln the opposite figure : A

The length of AC = """""""' crl. 4]6

,/ /le
(a) 6 (b) 10
.//tE I ll'q
(c) 4 (d) s
> Exercise 10 ?I
(2$ m ABCisatriangle:drawlDf gC ,ifRp=6cm. tm(LB)=52"
tm (L C) = 28' : then the length of BC = ............... cm. (to the nearest cm.)

(a) 20 (b) 16 (c) tl (d) 18

(16) In the opposite figure :

ABC is an equilateral triangle :

the length of its side = 10 cm.

: then DE + EF - '.............. cm.

2 @+
. . ls{t
(c.) 8 @+
(27) In the opposite figure :

rf ee [+,+] :thenAC€
1a; [sr/: , ro] ru)[16{5,16]
1cy [ro ,rc^fif 6y fra{i , z+f
t28) In the opposite figure :

Which of the following is true ?

(a)0r=02=0: (b)0r<0r<0,
(c)0r>0r>0s (d) 0r 102 ,0, < 0,
ti9) In the opposite figure :

If AC is a diameter in circle M
: then the area of the circle

passes through the vertices of

A ABC equals x (AY)2 x ...............
(a) sin2 C (b) cos2 C
(c)1+tan2A (d)1-cot2A
lRernember oUnderstand OApply L Higher OrderThinking Skills

M Find the value of each of X and y in each of the following figures :

(1) (2) (3)

ffi Find the value of each of the angles 0 and B in degree measure in each of the
following figures :

(1) (2) (3)

A 6cm.

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B. Find AB to one decimal : if :

( 1) m (LC)=32" l8= andAC= 25cm. < 13.4 cm. >>

( 2 ) m (L A) = 62" 44 andBC = 16 cm. < 8.2 cm. >

(3)m (L A) = 42" 8* andAC = 24 cm. < 17.8 cm. >

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B. Find m (L C) to the nearest minute , if :

( 1 ) AB = 12.6 cm. andAC = 18.6 cm. << 42" 39 >>

( 2 ) BC = 54 cm.andAC = 88 cm. << 520 9 >>

(3) AB =27.2 cm. and BC = 20.4 cm. <5308>>

ffi Solve the triangle ABC which is right-angled at B approximating the measures of
angles to the nearest degree and the lengths of sides to the nearest cm. where :

(1)AB=4cm. : BC=6cm. (2)AB =12.5 cm. r BC =17.6cm.

(3)AB =5.3cm., AC =12.2cm. (4)BC=31 cm. , AC=42cm.

Solve the right-angled triangle ABC at B in which :

( 1 ) AC = 24.6 cm. : AB = 16.2 cm. (2)mAB=39cm. : BC =62cm.
(3) m m(LC)=62" : AC =76cm. (4)AB =lZcm. , m(L A) = 42" 24
> Exercise ,I0
ffi triangleABC which is right-angled at B approximating the measures of
Solve the
the angles to the nearest thousandth in radian measure : and the lengths of the sides to
the nearest thousandth cm. where :

( 1 ) m (L 1.169'"d rAB = 18 cm. (2)m (L C) = 0.646'^d :AC = 15.7 cm.
(3)m (LC)= 1.082rad rAC=35.8cm.

An isosceles triangle : the length of each of its legs is 7 cm. and its base length is l0 cm.
Calculate the measures of its angles. .,.44" 24 5i ,44' Z4 Si ,9t. td td ,
ABC is a triangle in which AB = AC r BC = 20 cm. and m (L B) 4g. 54
Find the length of AB to the nearest cm. < t5 cm. >>

m XYZ is a triangle in which Xy = 11.5 cm. tYZ = 27 .6 cm. t XZ = 29.9 cm.

Prove that the triangle is right-angled at y r then find the measure of angle X << 67o z) >>

A circle of radius length 8 cm. , AC i. a diameter drawn in it r then the chord AB *u,
drawn of length 10 cm.
Find the measures of the angles of the triangle ABC \\ \ \
< 51" 19 4 t90" :38o 40 56 >

ffiA circle of radius length 7 cm.: a chord was drawn in it opposite to a central angle
of measure 110'. Calculate the length of this chord to the nearest thousandth.

< 11.468 cm. >

ABCD is a rhombus r the lengthsof its diagonals AC and BD a." 18.8 cm. and24.6 cm.
Find:m(ZADC) to the nearest minute. ,r74" 4) >>

A piece of land is in the shape of a rhombus ABCD. Its side length is 10 m.

and m (Z ABC) = IO4o tB . finO the length of each of its two diagonals.

<< 75.'79 m. approximately , 12.2Bm.approximately >

ABCD is a rectangle in which the length of its diagonal AC 24.g cm.

and m (Z ACB) = 23' 3B Find the length of each of : AB and BC

< 9.9 cm. approximately t22.7 cm. approximately >

ruABCD is an isosceles trapezium in which lo ttgc ,en = cD = 5 cm. r

AD = 4 cm- r BC = 10 cm. Find the measure of each of its four angles.
< 53" 8' t 126" 5) r 53" 8= ; 126 5) >>
= oRemember lunderstand oAppily o'o Higher order Thinking Skills

o Choose the corect answer from those given :

( 1 ) In the opposite figure :

If D eBC such that DA= DB = DC = 5 cm.

tm(LADB) = 80o r thenAC = """""""' cm.

(a) 10 sin 40o (b) 10 sin 50o (c) 5 sin 80' (d) 5 sin 40"

,"t ilfthe sidelengths of right-angledtriangleABC are a sa1- I ta-l wherea>1:then

the measure of its greatest acute angle approximately is """""""'
(a) 36" 5) (b) 48' 18= (c) 53" 8' (d)62'42

t j If ABC is a right-angled triangle at B I AB = 6 cm. and the perimeter of

AABC =24cm. rthenm(LC) ="""""""'
(a) 14' (b) 18' (c) 37" (d) 53"

( -4 ) If ABC is a righr-angled triangle at B and AB > BC and the area of A ABC = 30 cm?' ,
AB + BC=20 cm. : then m (Z A) = """""""'
(a)77'Id (b) s4" 3i (c) 26' 18= (d) 12" B 4i
r :i, ) In the opposite figure :
If AC is a diameter in circle M
, AB i, a tangent rAB = 6 cm tr = 5 cm.
r then m (Z DCM) -

(a) 50' 12 o) 25" B (c) 18" 31- (d) 37" 30

r i1 ,In the opposite frgure :

gC it a diameter M :AC = 6 cm. tm(LABC)

in circle =e

: then the area of AABC = """""""'c*? CM

(a) 6 cot 0 (b) 6 tan 0 (c) 18 tan 0 (d) 18 cot 0
| 1 ) In the opposite figure :

If ABC is a right-angled triangle at LA , AE I BC

(a) sin 0 (b) tan 0 (c) cos 0

i.'d 't Aregular pentagon with side length 5.88 cm.

r then the length of the radius of its circumcircle = """""""' cm'
(a) 4 (b) s (c) 6 (d) 7

11 r :*/

of elevation

and angles
of depression
ffi From the school book ,pfly la Higher Order Thinking Skils

lo Choose
usE the currecf answer lrom
trle correct from the
tne given
grven ones
ones :
From a point on the ground surface 40 m. away from a tower base : the measure of
the elevation angle of the top of the tower is 72" r then the height of the tower to the
nearest metre is ............... m.

(a) 120 (b) rzt (c) 122 (d) 123

A plane 1000 metres high was observed by a person at an angle of elevation of
measure 40' r then the distance between the plane and the observer to the nearest
metre is ...............
(a) 643 (b) It92 (c) 1305 (d) 1ss6
From the top of a tower 80 m high. : the measure of depression angle of a body lies
on the horizontal plane that passing through the tower base equals 24" I): then the
distance between the body from the base of the tower approximately equal

(a) 195 m. (b) 178 m. (c) 88 m. (d) 36 m.

From the top of a light house 80 metres high : the measure of the angle of depression
of fixed tatget on the sea equals 80o r then the distance between the fixed target and

the top of the light house equals .... to nearest metre.

(a) 78 (b) 7e (c) 80 (d) 8l

oRemember lunderstand oApMy fe Higher order Thinking skills

? ( 5 ) Alightpole of height 8 metres gives a shade on the ground of length 5 metres rthen

,n. measure of the elevation angle of the sun at that moment to the nearest degree
I equals ........"""'

| (u) rr' (b) sl" (c) 39" (d) 58'

A ( 6 ) From the top of a rock 100 metres high r the depression angle of the boat which is

I ZOO m. away from the base of the rock equals (in radian) = """""""' 'ud'

| ,u, o.o, (b) 0.46 (c) 0.25 (d) o.z4


? (7) If a person walks 1km. on a road inclined to the horizontal by an angle of measure
,r" 1i ..........'."' m.
, then his height above the horizontal equals approximately

I tu) ezs.s (b) 40e.1 (c) 378.6 (d) 376.8

(S) ffi The length of the thread of a kite is 42 metres. If the measure of the angle which
tfr" thread makes with the horizontal ground equals 63o r then the height of the kite
from the surface of the ground = """""""' m.
I y
| @) (b) le (c) 82 (d) 80
( 9 ) A man of height 160 cm. was standing on the ground at a point which is 20 m.
f.o* a tree. He found that the measure of the angle of elevation of its top is 31" 4B
| , then the height of the tree = """""""' m.
I (a) t: (b) 14 (c) 12 (d) 11

(10) In the opposite figure 3 c
fn" 50fim.
angle of elevation of the top of a tower of length
I ./A.
I it measured from two points A and B on the same horizontal -/
'/ { lil$
| ,rn" as the tower base r their measures are 30o: 60o respectively .Lil'
r then the distance between the two points equals """""""' m.
I rul loo1F o) solF (c) 1oo (d) so

d tff l Ml From the roof of a house 8 metres high : a person found that the elevation angle

I of the top of an opposite building was of measure 63o : and observed the depression
I ungte of its base : it was of measure 28o r then the height of the building to the nearest

| *",.e equals """""""'m.

| ,u, ,o (b) 38 (c) 2e (d) 31

{ f12l From the top of a rock 40 metres high : two ships were observed in one ray on the sea
I witfr the rock base and their depression angles were measured to be 35o 1) and 53' e

, then the distance between the two ships = """""""' m.

I tu) tg.+ (b) 17 .7 (c) 26.7 (d) 86.7
> Exercise 11 5
(13) If the measure of the angle of elevation of the sun is 30o : then the length of the
shadow of a tower its height 150 m. on the ground - ............... m.
(a) 7s^t[i (b) 2oo{, (c) 1s0{T @)7s^[,
(1'[) From the top of a hill 300 m. high r the measures of the depression angles of the top
and the base of a tower are 30o and 45o respectively. If the two bases of the hill and
the tower are on the same horizontal level r then the height of the tower ............... m.
(a) 5o (, -tr) 0) 2oo (, -G) (c) 1oo (, -G) (d)1so(r-G)
(X5) If the length of the shadow on the ground when the elevation angle of the sun is 30. is
60 m. more than the shadow of the tower when the elevation angle of the sun is 45" r
then the height of the tower = .... .m.
(a) 60 (b) 30 (c) 60{5 (d) 30 (r/5. ,)
(1{i} In the opposite figure :

A person stands at a river bank r he measures

the elevation angle of the top of a tree on the other bank
and find that it is 60o. When he walked away from
the tree 40 m. in direction of AE. the elevation angle B-X-A
became 30o r then the width of the river = ............... m.
(a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 30 (d) 20
(17) From the top of a tower 200 m. high r a person observed two ships in the same
horizontal level but on different sides from the tower base their depression angles
measures were 30o t 45o t then the distance between the two ships - ............... m.
(a) 550 (b) s46 (c) 436 (d) 61s
(18) From the base and the top of a house 10 m. high : the elevations angles of the top
of a tower in front of the house were measured r their measures were 60o : 30o
respectively. If the bases of the house and the tower are on the same horizontal level
r then the height of the tower = ............... m.
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 17.s

Essoy questions

From a point 8 metres apart from the base of a tree , it was found that the measure of the
elevation angle of the top of the tree is 22"
Find the height of the tree to the nearest hundredth. <<3.23 m. >

A man found that the measure of the angle of elevation of the top of a tower :
I at a distance of 50 m. from its base : is 39' 21- Find the height of the tower. <41 m.>

(\Y : t )Y o/6e:t3 \ / (.r:Li) oEl-ot-, rqr-.peLa6JI [ 9Z

ORemember OUnderstand OApp[y o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

B m An airplane 1000 metres high was observed by a person at an angle of elevation of

t -.urur" 25" ll Find the distance between the plane and the observer. <<2341.4m.>>

[l m From the top of a rock 180 metres high from the sea level r the depression angle of
J a boat 300 metres apart from the base of the rock was measured. What is the radian
| *"uru." of the depression angle ? ., 0.54'ud ,

tr m A person observed : from the top of a hill 2.56krt. high r a point on the ground. He
t founO its depression angle measure was 63o. Find the distance between the point and the
I obr"*", to the nearest metre. <<2873 m.>>

@ from the top of a lighthouse 200 meffes high r it was found that the measure of the depression

! angle of a boat is 31' t4 pinO the distance between the boat and the base of the lighthouse r


O m From the top of a tower 60 metres high r the measure of the angle of depression of
t a body located in a horizontal level which passes through the base of the tower equals
I ,*' :d. plnO how far was the body from the base of the tower to the nearest metre. < 110 m.

O m A Hght pole of height 7 .2 metres gives a shade on the ground of length 4.8 metres.
t fira in radian the measure of the elevation angle of the sun at that moment. ,. 0.983"d ,

@ from the top of a tower , a person found that the measure of the angle of depression of
I a point in the same horizontal plane passing through its base is 35' If the height of the
| ,o*", is 160 m. : then find the distance between the point and each of the base and the
I top of the tower.
<<229 m' t279 m.,>

tE m The upper end of a ladder rests on a vertical wall r it is 3.8 m. far from the surface
? of tne ground : the lower end rests on a horizontal ground. If the measure of the angle
I of inclination of the ladder to the ground is 64'

L find to the nearest hundredth each of:


I f t I The distance between the lower end and the wall.

I t , I The length of the ladder.
< 1.85 m. t 4.23 m- >>

I0 m If the measure of the elevation angle of the top of a minaret from a point
? 140 metres distance from its base was 26 46 t
I ,"nu, is the height of the minaret to the nearest metre ?

I tf it is measured from I l0 metres distance from its base r

I ttnd to the nearest minute r the measure of its elevation angle at that distance.
| *71 m.:32'50,

> Exercise 11

do ffi An observer measured the angle of elevation of a fixed balloon tobe I6 ,

when he walked in a horizontal plane towards the balloon a distance 800 metres r

he measured its angle of elevation to be E

Find the height of the balloon to the nearest metre. < 1093 m. >

Two persons stand on opposite sides of a flagpole flxed vertically on the ground such
that the two persons and the base of the flagpole are collinear. They flnd that the angles

of elevation of the top of the flagpole are of measure 54" 16 and 47o t) It ttre length of
the flagpole is 12 m. r then find the distance between the two persons. (Let the heights of
the persons be neglected) << 19.J m. >>

ag i, a tower of 50 m. high where A is its top and B is its base. Two persons stand :
one of them at C and the other at D where B r C and D are collinear and C e BD If the
measures of elevation angles of A from C and D are 52" la and 45' 36= respectively :
then find the length of cD (Let the heights of the persons be neglected) < 10.2 m. >

From the top of a tower of 60 m. high r a person found two boats on one ray with the base
of the tower. He found that the measures of the depression angles of the two boats are 47o
and, 41" 3i respectively.
Find the distance between the two boats to the nearest metre. << 12 m. >>

A man was standing on the ground at a point which is 85 m. from the base of a tower.
On the top of the tower there is a flagpole. He noticed that the measures of the angles of
elevation of the top of the flagpole and its base are 56' and 54" respectively
Find the length of the flagpole to the nearest metre. (Let the height of the man be
neglected). << 9 m. >>

ffi e ship approaches a lighthouse 50 metres high. At a moment r it was found that the
measure of the elevation angle of the top of the lighthouse is 0.11'udAfter 15 minutes :

it was found agarn that the measure of its elevation angle is 0.22,ud.

Calculate the uniform velocity of the ship. << 15.3 m./min. >
tRemqmher oUnderstand OAppry 3f nigner Order Thinking Skills

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) In the opposite figure :

If the elevations angles of the top of

a tower from three points on a line leads to
the bottom of the tower are 30" t 45o ,60"
respectively : then AB : BC = """""""' B

(a) I :lE (b)2:3 f">^[i,^[i (d){:: 1

( 2 ) In the opposite figure :

The tangent of the elevation angle of the top of the

tower measured from the top of
the house = ....
. . 40 cos 60o - 60 cos 40' c_40m._E 60m.-B
rar too

40 tan 60" - 60 tan 40"

(c) 100 tan 80o

(d) 40 tan 60o - 60 tan 40o

( 3 ) In the opposite figure :

The elevation angle of a top of
a mountain from the base and
the top of a house CD whose height
is h r their measures was X :y
respectively r then AB =
. __'-
(&) (b)
htanX (c)h(tanX-tany) (d) h tan Xtany
tan y tan X - tany
j ,r*ui*r,
iExercise {

iltr Lr

2 &


lI-I From the schoot book o Remember o Understand oAppiy O'a Higher order Thinking ski[s

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

( I ) Eg The perimeter of the circular sector in which the length
of its arc is 4 cm. and the
length of the diameter of its circle is 10 cm. equals ...............
(a) 14 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40
f z I The area of the circular sector which the radius length of its circle is 4 cm. and the
I length of its arc is 6 cm. equals ...... ........
I rul ro (b) tz (c) 1o (d) s

f S I The area of the circular sector whose arc is of length l0 cm. and the length of the
Aiameter of its circle = 10 cm. equals ....... ....... cm?
(u) so (b) zs @) r2.5 (d) 100
( I I EH The area of the circular sector in which the measure of its angle is 1.2'ud and
the length of the radius of its circle is 4 cm. equals ...............cm?
I (S ful +.s (b) e.6 (e 12.8 (d) 1e.6
? I @ The area of the circular sector in which the measure of its angle is 120o r the
length of the radius of its circle is 3 cm. equals .. .... .... .cm?
rul:r, (b)6rr @)e.lr @)Dxt
( 6 ) If the perimeter of a sector is 8 cm. and its arc is
? of length Z cm.: then its circle is of
I radius length ............... cm.
(a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
z, OApp[y 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills
ORennenrbe( &[.]nrJ*r*tand

? ( 7 ) The perimeter of a sector is 44 cm. Its circle is of radius length 14 cm' t

| ** the length of the arc of the sector = """""""'crr'
(u) to (b) 8 @) 32 (d) 4

? ( S ) ffi The area of the circular sector whose perimeter is 12 cm. and the length of its arc

I * 6 cm. equals """""""' cm?


rul o o) e (c) 12 (d) 18

20 cm.
d t q ) @ The area of the circular sector in which r = 4 cm. and its perimeter
I "quuts
(u) +o @) 32 (c) 24 (d) 48
I af length
io of lanrrfh 3
? cm. fhe area of this sector is 15 cm? : then its
qnrl the
r.rn and
d -anrnr is
tf Ol The arc of a sector

I circle radius is of length """""""'cm.

I rul t tu) 10 @)2.5 (d) 1s

tf its radius tength is 20 cm. r then its arc length


d f fU The area of a sector is 4O0

I "quds
(u) to (b) s @)20 (d) 40
I ,- - ---^r^ 'r tn ^^2 the *oaorrra
110 cm? : +Lo its qnclp
of ifc enrrc-lq
angle equals
$ , rr,- @ If the area of a circular sector equals measure ^f

z.Zod r then the length of the radius of its circle equals

.....""""" cm.

(a)2 (b) s (c) 10 (d) 20

(13) A circular sector of area 6 Xf c& r IIIeoSUfe of its central angle tt * 'then

of its arc is """""""' cm.

(a) 18 (b) 6 xr (c) 6 (d) 2t|
o (14) m The perimeter of the circular sector whose area is 24 cn* r length of its arc is
8 cm. equals """""""'cm.
(a) 20 (b) 14 (c)32 (d) 24

o (15) The area of a circular sector is 45 cm? and the tength of the diameter of its circle is
20 cm. r then the length of its perimeter equals """""""' cm'
(a)29 (b) le (c) 39 (d) 4e

o (16) The area of a circular sector is 27 crr?. and the length of the radius of its circle is
6 cm. : then the measure of its cenral angle i' ("""""""')t"d'
(c) 3 (d) 4.s
(a) 1.5 o)2
C (17) The perimeter of a circular sector = 4 r cm. where r is radius length of its circle
r then the radian measure of its central angle equals
@)+ (b) 8 (c) 2 (o+
> Exercise 12 ?
(18) The length of an arc of a circular sector
1/) and the measure of its angle (l .2)tad. and
the radius of irs circle is (r) r then its perimeter = ............... length units.
| @) t.z, (b) 3.zr ( c) t.z ? @) 3.2 rz
I (19)Theareaof *-2

acircularsectortt rwhereristhelengthof theradiusof itscircle

? Tcm? r
then the measure of its angle equals ...............
(u) ,o' (b) 60. (c) 90"
| I
(d) 45"

I tZOl ffi The perimeter of a circular sector equals 24 cm. and the length of its arc equals
10 cm. r then the area of its circle equals ....... .... crL
(a) 7 x (b) 14 xt

(c) 49 fi, (d) ts4 xt

I tZt. If the area of a circle is 53.6 c^? ,then the area of the circular sector of this circle
I such that the measure of its central angle equals 67. 3d
- ....... ......crr?
I rul ro tu) 11 (c) t2 (d) 13
[, Ozl The area of a circle is 490
f "-?. r then the area of a circular sector from this circle
whose a.rc is of length 32 cm. - .. .......
I "r*.
(u) roo 1u) 2oo (c) 4oo (d) 3oo
(23) The arc of a sector is of length 4 L cm.and the length of the
radius of its circle
eUuals r cm. : then its perimeter = ............... cm.
I tull+2r (b)r+21. @)2(r+zl1 @)z(l+2r)
o, QAI The length of an arc in a circular sector is (/) the measure
, of its angle (o.ad) and the
length of the radius of its circle is (r) : then the perimeter of this sector
| (u)r*/ (b)r+21 @)r(2+0.ud) @)2111 +6.ud)

tZS) The perimeter of a circular sector is 35 cm. and its area is 75 cm.2 r then the measure
I of its central angle in radians = ............... r?d.

| ,rtr** <o>t*Z c);or+

(26) The area of a circular sector is A . If the radius of its circle
is doubled : then its area
becomes ............... consider its central angle still constant.
o>zn O)4A
I QT The r">io (d)3A
radius of circle is r cm. If a the perimeter of a circular sector of this circle is
I Q r + 8) cm. r then the area of this sector =...............cm?
I @)r' (b)4r2 (c)8r2 (d)4r
(28) If the ratio between the area of a sector to the area of its circle
is 2 : 5 r then the
measure of its angle = ...............
I :0'
I (u) (b) 72 (c) 108. (d) 144
lRennernber 1[,lnderstand OAppry to Higner Order Thinking Skills

(29)lt the ratio between the area of a sector to the area of its circle is 3 : 7
and the circumference of the circle equals 42 cm. r then the length of the
sector arc = ..."""""" cm.
(a) 6 (b) e (c) tz (d) 18

(30) In the opposite figure :

The area of the shaded
region equals

tul#* ratffn
@)2+xl o>Tn
(31) In the opposite figure :

A circle with centre M , A1 and A,

are the areas of the two shaded sectors
then -r = """""""'
urt l. t2
,r, (3)+
q^ t;
(a) (1) only. (b) (2) onlY. (c) (1) , (2) only. (d) (2) : (3) only.

(32) In the opposite figure :

E is the centre
of a semicircle. If *r= ?
r then e - ""' ""' '
(a) 100' (b) 105'

(c) 108' (d) 45'

(33) In the opposite figure :

The area of the shaded sector = """"""" cm?

(a) 18 (b) 18{,

@)safi n (d) 6 xr

c i34) In the opposite figure :

The area of the shaded sector - """""""' crn?

(a) 30 x[ h\ 22?
@# (d) s0 xr
> Exercise 12 *

(3,il In the opposite figure :

Quarter of circle whose centre M
: then area of the shaded part = ..'.........'.'
(a) 107r (b) 20 xt
(c) 30 x[ (d) 40 xl

(36) In the opposite frgure :

Two concentric circles with centre (M)

Their radii 4 cm. > 6 cm. and the
length of CD = 9 cm.
r then the area of the shaded part - ..-...-........ " ?

(a) 10 (b) 9 xr (c) r2xl (d) ls

(37) In the opposite figure :
The area of the shaded part = ......-........ cm?
(a) xr (b) 2 xl
(.)* ro;?n
2cm 2cm.
(38) In the opposite figure :
G ,G ur" two tangent segments of the circle M
: the radius length of the circle M = 8 cm.
if n(LAMB) = ] n
r then the area of shaded region = ............... c^?
(a) 79.t (b) et .r
(c) 7 .9t (d) e.71
(39) In the opposite frgure :

The radius of circle M is 10 cm.

rBC=AC rm(ZACM) =36
r then the area of the shaded region = ......-........ cm2.
(a)2011 (b) 30 xr
(c) 40 x[ (d) s0 xr
(40) In the opposite figure :
A semicircle whose centre M
r then area of the shaded part=...........-..." ?

(a) 8.29 (b) 16.6

(c) 5.52 (d) 11.04

(\,: r)Y o/a3;l:\/ (upt.]) eLil-ol,.:t - yei,z-6)l h051

= ORemember OUnderstand OApp[y o'e Higher Order Thinking Skills
{,11} In the opposite figure :

n x(+^[i ,41[;) : then :

the area of the shaded part equals . . cm?

(a) 64 xl (b) 16 xr
(c) 4 tl (d) 8 xr

(42) In the opposite figure :

AB- is a tangent to the circle M

which passes through C r D : E

the length of CED = 6 cm.
r then the area of the shaded p&rt = ...............cm2.
(a) 22 (b) 18 (c) t2 (d) 11

(43) In the opposite figure :

M is the centre of the circle the perimeter of
the shaded region = 45.7 cm.
: then the area of this region = ......"....'.' cm?

(a) 113.2 (b) 101.1

(c) 34 xl (d) 33 rr

(44) In the opposite figure :

Two circular sectors in a circle

with radius 5 crn. r the sum of their
perimeters is 30 cm. r then the sum
of their areas equals .. .. ..' cm?

(a) 35 (b) 2s (c) 22 (d) 20

(45) In the opposite figure :

A circle with radius 7 cm.

: the area of the shaded

region = .......'....... .."? (ru =

(a) 11 (b) 77

(c) 537 (d) 770

> Exercise 12 ?a
t*rfullnthe opposite figure :

AB- is a diameter in circle M r its radius

+ +
4 cm., MD bisects Z BMC , ME
bisects L A}dC r then the area of the
shaded region = ............... cm?
(a) 4 xL (b) 3 xr
(c) 2 xt (d) rr

t47lln the opposite figure :

A circle with centre M and radius
length 3 cm. , - (ft) =20"
; m (L DEB) = 30o : then the area of

the sector DMB equals .... ... .. .

(a) x[ ro>tn
(c) 2 xl ro>trn
(,&t{.} In the opposite figure :

If the length ofG : The length of the

majorG = I : 5 :then the areaof the

shaded sector = ....... -....... ctrt

(a) 90 xr (b) 120 x(,

(c) 150 xl (d) 180 xr

(49) In the opposite figure :

The area of the minor sector
If The area of the major sector - 7

r then 6rad -
, ,2xl
(al 9
, ,3xI.
(c) +
. @)2+
(Stl) In the opposite figure :

the area of the minor sector MAA
r then :
the area of the minor sector MCi
+ @+J
@+ (o#
:5 lRemomber f l-lnderstand OAppM t Higher Order Thinking Skills

O (51) A circle with radius r is divided into n circular sectors which are equal in area t

then the area of each sector = '..............

@)f*nr' @) [n? @)Lnrz

+ r,
O (52) In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles

r touching externally :AMN
is an equilateral triangle r then
the area of the shaded region = ..'............c*?

6a,[i_tx 6rc^fi-! x,

(c) 161/ 3 - I7 xI 1a; sr[- f ru

O (53) If A is the area of a circular sector. If the radius of its circle reduced to its half without

change in its central angle r then the area of the sector decreased by '....'...'.'... of the

original area.

@)+ ru)+ @)1 (d)

(54) In the opposite figure :

3 circular sectors in a circle r the radius

of the circle is r cm. r 3 circular sectors in

another circle.Its radius is 2r cm. : then the
total area of the whole shape = ............... cm?

@)3fi? (b) 5 tl 12
] n12 61 ) nr2
(55) In the opposite figure :

7 identical circles touching externally as shown

in the figure r the radius of each is r cm. r then
the area of the shaded region = ...........'... cnf
@)+? @+,'
@T,' fa1
| n12
> Exercise 12 ?

Find the area of a sector where the length of its arc is 12 cm. and the length
of its radius
is 8 cm.

Ao ffi Find the area of the circular sector in which the length of its arc is 16 cm. : and the
length of the radius of its circle is 9 cm. 2
<< lzcm.>>

J ffi
Find to the nearest cm? the area of a circular sector where the measure
, of its central
angle is 30o and the radius of its circle is of length 3.5 cm. .. 3 cm? approximately ,

J ffi
Find the area of the circular sector in which the length of the diameter
of its circle is
20 cm. and the measure of its angle is 120.. << 104.7 cm? approximately,

Find the area of a sector whose central angle is of measure 40o and the
radius of its
circle is of length 6 cm.
,. 13 cm? ,
ffiFind the area of the circular sector in which the length of the radius
of its circle is
10 cm. and the measure of its angle is l.2rud
,. 60 cml ,
ffiFind the area of the circular sector in which the length of its arc is
J cm. and its
perimeter equals 25 cm.
< 31.5 cm? >

The perimeter of a circular sector is of length 28 cm.If the length

of its radius is 7 cm. r
then find its area and the measure of its central angle in degrees and
in radians.

49 cm1 : 114" 3i ,2@ r,

A circular sector of area 270 cm.2 r the length of the radius of its circle
equals 15 cm. :
find the length of the arc of the sector and measure of its central angle
in radian meausre.
< 36 cm. ,2.4,^d. ,,

The area of a sector is 40 cm? Find its perimeter if the length of

its arc is g cm. < 28 cm. >

The area of a circular sector is 25 cr& If its central angle is of measure

0.5.ud r then find
the length of the radius of its circle and the length of its arc.
< l0 cm. r 5 cm. >>

The area of a circular sector equals tn" area of its circle.

Find the measure of the central angle of this sector in radians and in
degrees and if the
length of the radius of the circle is 10 cm. r then find the perimeter
of the sector to the
nearest cm. ,r 2.51'M t 144 t 45 cm. >>
ORemember tUnderstand OAPPIY 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

Find in terms of x[ the area of the shaded part in each of the following figures :


ffi Figure (3)

ffi Figure (4) Figure (5)

d Figure (6)

A circle M of radius length 7 .5 cm., MA , MB are radii where A B = 12 cm'

i Find the area of the minor circular sector M A B to the nearest square centimetre.
II <<
_^ ,
52 cr*. approximatelY >
their radii
Sa fnr". congruent circles are drawn to touch each other. If the length of each of
'i' i. 5 cm. r then find the surface area of the included part between these circles'
I "
4 cm? aPProximatelY >>

B and C I so
6 AB and AC are two tangent segments from A to the circle M to touch it at
'i that MA = 12 cm.Find to the nearest cm? the area of the part between the two tangents
l^anO the smaller
I -.-gC r knowing that the radius of the circle is of length 6 cm.
,, 25 cr*,approximatelY >>


So anC is an equilateral triangle with side of length 8{ : cm. A circle of centre A is drawn

I to touch nC ut D and cuts AB and AC at X and Y respectively. Find to the nearest

'I tenttr of cm? thet area ofthe
area of het
nart between
the part BC and XY <<7 '7 c',i'? approximately '

dO^aAB and E are two chords in a circle M such thatAB = AC = 8 cm. and m A)=

i rinO to the nearest cr& th" area of the minor sector MBC
22 cri

> Exercise 12 ?

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) If theroots of the equation :3 X2
-D X+ 13 = 0 equals the diameterlength and arc
length of a sector in a circle r then the perimeter of this sector ............... crrr.
(a) le (b) t3 (ct PJ'-23 (d) E
o t2)It the roots of the equation i X2 - B X+ 19 = 0 equals the diameterlength and arc
length of a sector in a circle : then the area of this sector ............... cm?.
(a) 19 @+ @+ @+
O ( 3 ) In the opposite figure :
Two disjoint circles M and N
:,{1 r Arare the areas of the two sectors
tf fA2)= 9 , then Q = ...............
(a) 72" (b) 80"
(c) 90' (d) 100"
( 4 ) In the opposite figure :
MAB is a circular sector from a circle whose
centre (M) , the length of its radius is 6 crr. r rrr (Z AMB),3 +
r A circle C is drawn inside the sector such that A
it touches MA , MB ,G : then the area of the shaded region .,, ,.,......cm?
(a) xl (b) 2xt (c) 3 xl (d) 4 t(,
( 5 ) In the opposite figure :
Two concentric circles at centre (M) , MC = CA
t A1 ; Arare the areas of the two shaded parts

r if A, = A2, then m (Z AME) = ...............

@9o @+
c)+ @)T
( 6 ) In the opposite figure :
If the area of the rectangle AEDF = 27 cm?
r then the area of the shaded pafi = ............... cm?

(a) 9 Jt (b) 12 xI
(c) 15 xl (d) 18 fi
lRemember ttJnderstand OAppry rl Higher Order Thinking Skills
(7) In the opposite figure :

tB'*dft are two arcs in two

concentric circles with centre M

MB = BC : m (Z AMB) =m(L CMD)

r ,{1 : Ararethe areas of the two sectors , then |A2 = M

@+ o)+ @+ (d)
( 8 ) In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles with

centre (M) , rf m(LAMB) = 60o
MC = CB :,{1 t Arare the areas of the two
shaded parts : then | = """""""'
(a) 2 (b)+
-., 4
(c) (d) 1

( 9 ) In the opposite figure :

If m is a tangent to the
semicircle (M) , Pg ={IOC ,
AD = 6 cm. : then the area of the
shaded area= """"""" cm2.
z^[i 6) n^[i -3 tr, (d) 181E- a rt

(10) In the opposite figure :

Rg it a diameter in circle M r the
length of AB = 12 cm.
^ ^ ^
: then the area of the shaded
region = ......""""' cm?
(a) 5 xl (b) 6 xr (c) 8 xl (d) 10 xr

(11) In the opposite figure t

Acircle with centre M r AM llBC t
m (Z AMC) = 140" : the radius length
of the circle = 6 cm. : then the area of
the shaded part = """"""" cm?
(a) 5 xl (b) 6 xr (c) 8 Jt (d) 10 xr
> Exercise {2
(12) In the opposite figure :

If the length of the *" G

= the length of AC r AM = 72 cm.
r AC is a tangent to the circle M at A

: then the area of the shaded

Pafi= """""""' c^?

(a) 6 xI (b) 18 fi (c) 2411, (d) 36 fi
(13) In the opposite figure :
Two concentric circles with centre M
r the length of their radii are 12 cm.: 18 cm.
tif m(LAMA) = 30or then the area of the
shaded part = ...............
(a) 125 xI (b) 1s0 7r (c) 165 fi (d) 180 xr

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B in which AB = 4 cm. and BC 6 cm.

An arc of the circle of centre A touches gc ut B and cuts AC at D
Find the area of the zone bounded bV BC , CD anO6 ,r 4.1 crr^2. u

M and N are two circles touching each other externally at A Let Ed U" a copmon
tangent touching them at B and C Let the radii of these two circles be 5 cm. and
15 cm. respectivel) r so find the area of the part bounded by the two circles
and the
common tangent Ed ({r= l.T2) u2e cn*,approximarely >

ffi Agriculture : A flower bed is in the shape of a circular sector r its area equals 48 m?,
length of its arc equals 6 m.
A piece of paper is in the shape of a square. If we cut from it a quarter of a circle of
centre on the vertex of the square and the length of its radius is equal to the side length
of the square and if the area of the remained part from the square equals 48.285
then find the side length of the square. "*?
<< 15 cm- >>

(\o : p)Y o/6;t)\/ (.r:L:) otil-or..:t,- 1sL*4)l I113-l

r iExercrse I
,:.ii )

Gircular ---....i---

lffil From the school book O Remember a Understand OApp[y 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

{. of its circle is 8 cm. and the

I } The area of the circular segment : the radius length
measure of its central angle is 120" approximately equals """""""' "m?
(a) 95 (b) sl (c) 83 (d) 3e

o ( 2 ) The area of the circular segment whose length of the diameter of its circle is 8 cm.
and the measure of its central angle is 1.2tud equals approximately """""'
"" ?,
(a) 8.57 (b) 2.t4 (c) 4.28 (d) 1.07
o ( 3 ) The area of the circular segment which the radius length of its circle is 10 cm.
and its arc is of length 5 cm. is approximately """"' """ c ?

(a) 1.03 (b) 2.06 (c) 0.01 (d) 0.0s

o ( 4 ) The area of the circular segment whose central angle measure is 30" and the radius
length of its circle \s 2^[3 cm. equals """""""'

@)!+2 (b)n-3 (c)rr+3 (il+-z
O ( S ) The area of the circular segment inscribed in a circle : its radius length is 10 cm. and
subtend an inscribed angle of measure 60' equals approximately """""' "" " ?
(a) 18 (b) ss (c) 61 (d) 27
o ( 6 ) The area of the circular segment whose chord length is 18 cm. : and the radius length
of its circle is 18 cm. approximately equals """""""'" ?
(a) 29 (b) 28 (c) 30 (d) 60
> Exercise 13 ffi

(7 )In the opposite figure :

The area of the shaded paft approximately

equals ............... cm?
(a) 1 .t (b) 28.s
(c) 1a.3 (d) 2.02
( & ) The area of the major circular segment in which the length of its chord equals the length
of the radius of its circle equals 12 cm.equals - ............... ?
(a) 439 (b) 31s (c) 137 (d) 13
( I i ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle where the length of its radius is 7.5 cm.
Find the area of the minor segment whose chord is BC - ............... c*?
(a) 35 (b) 12 (c) a5 (d) s
ffi0) If the measure of the central angle of a circular segment is 90" and its area equals 56 cm?, ,
then the radius length of its circle equals approximately ............... cm.
(a) 9.9 (b) 1e.8 (c) 1 (d) 14
(X1) The area of a circle is 706.5 Find the area of a segment of this circle where the
measure of its angle is 135" (x=3.14) - ...............c^2.

(a) 264.9 (b) 1 8s.s (c) 72.4 (d) 344.6

$2) If the height of a circular segment is 5 cm. and the radius length of its circle is 10 cm.
, then the area of the segment approximately equals ............... crn?
J (u) s.r (b) 122.8 (c) r2.3 (d) 6t.4
(13) The area of a circular segment whose chord is of length 8 cm. and the length
of the
peryendicular from the centre of the circle to rhis chord is 5 cm.
I equal approximately ...............

I (u) +s (b) TzI (c) t (d) 8


? (14) The area of circular segment whose chord 16 cm. and height 4 cm.
- ...............

| (a) t+t (b) 4s (c)te (d) 107

(15) The area of the circular segment equals the areaof the circular sector subtended
I bV the same arc if its central angle is of measure

tui eo' O) 180' 270"

(c) (d) 4s.
I (16)ABC is atriangle in which :AB = 5 cm. rBC = 8 cm. tm(LB) = 60.,
then the area of A ABC = ............... cm?
| (ar to (b) 20 (c) 10 {T 6) zo{i
lRsmerfibsr ilUndersfnmd OAffi o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

(17) In the same circle : if a circular segment share with a sector same :rc r then they have

equal areas if
@)L=zr (b)o=rr @)e=! (d)/=r
(18) A circular segment in a circle of radius r cm. and has a chord of length{2 r cm.
r then its area " """ ' ?
a>C(I-r) G)+?@-z) (c)zr2 1n-11 (d)
(19) In the opposite figure :

m (Z ABC) = 45"
and AB is a diameter in
the circle whose length is 14 cm.
r then the area of the shaded part = cm? where (" = ?)
(a) 77 (b) 63
(c) 1a (d) e1
(20) In the opposite figure :
A semicircle M : BC is a tangent to the circle at B :AB = BC = 12 cm'

: then the area of the shaded patt= """""""' cm?

(a) 20.55 (b) 3.42
(c) 10.27 (d) 1.4
(21) In the opposite figure :
The area of the minor circular segment
whose chord AB - square unit.

(a) 0.3 (b) 0.6

(c) 1.3 (d) 1.6
(22)ln the opposite figure :

If AB is a diameter in circle M
: then the area of the shaded part = "" "' "'

(a) 7 (b) 8
(c) 9 (d) 10
(23) In the opposite figure :
A circle with radius 6 cm. : passes through
vertices of a regular hexagon r then the area
of the shaded part=" """"" cm?
(a) 16.24 (b) 1e.s7
(c) 20.41 (d) 22.rs

> Exercise 13
t24)Inthe opposite figure :

A circle with radius r : the perimeter of the shaded

circular segment = ...............
(a) r (O'ud + sin 0.) (b) 2r (i r'^o + sin f e.)
(c)zr(r'uo*rm j e") (d) . (+ o'ud + sin o.)
(,251In the opposite figure :

If A, is the area of the circular segment

with chord AB , ,{2 is the area of
the circular segment with chord CD
: then ;-t equals each of the following except

b) (+)'

@)(;) (d)(#)'
(26) ln the opposite figure :

ffit a tangent to circle M

r AC = 3 cm. tm(LA) = 30.
: then the area of
the shaded part = ..... .. .....
(a) 18.56 (b) 10.4e
(c) 8.9 (d) s.s3
(27) In the opposite figure :

A circle with centre M r

AC is atangentto the circle atA
t m (L BAC) = 45" r then the area
of the shaded part = ............... cm?
(a)4xr-6 (b)4xr-8
(c)2tt-4 (d)2tr-6
(28Sln the opposite figure :

A semicircle with centre (M) and diameter lZ cm.

COf AB,Co=3cm.
tthe area of the shaded region = ............... cm?
(a) 15 xI-9
(b) 15 x[ - 18
(c) 12iT, -9 (d) 12 xr 18 -


= lRemember Ot-ilmderstamd OAPPM oor Higher Order Thinking Skills

(2$! In the oPPosite figure :

ffi It a quarter circle whose centre O

, ffi touches the circle at E I then
the area ofthe shaded circular
segment-"""' '"^?
(a) 36 xl (b) 72 xI
(c) 36 (xI (d) 72 (X(,- 2)
- 2)
(JCIl In the oPPosite figure :

A circle with centre (O) I m (L O) = 60o

r AC = 2 cm. r then the area
of the shaded region - " "' " .rn?
(a)4ll-21F (b)+-18
(")T -zt! (d)2n,-!3
i3n l In the oPPosite figure :
If AB , AC ur" tangent segments
of circle M : fiIeosure of the angle between them A

is 30" : AB = 5 cm. r then the area of the shaded

part = ..."""""" cm:
(a) 1.9 (b) 2.1
(c) 3.2 (d) 6.6

{32} In the opPosite figure :

Two circular segments from two circles M and N
r the length of their radii are 6 cm. ,3fr' cm'
respectively : if the area of the sector
MAB = 6 Jtr ,the area of the sector
NAB = 4.5 xl cm? r then the area of
the quadrilateral AMBN - " " " " " " "'
(a) 10.5 x[ o) e{,
(c) e1Eru (d)e+e1ll
t 33,, In the opPosite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle r E is the midpoint

of AD : AE = ED = 6 cm. A circle is
drawn with centre (B) passes through
E and C : then the area of the shaded part = """"" ""' cm?
(a) e xt (b) 18 TT,-36tp
(c)24n-36^[z (d) 36 1/L-36{i
> Exercise 13
(34) In the opposite figure :

If DE:3EC:then shaded
@+- + h\ 2xt


@)+ @)+- 1

m Find the area of the circular segment in which :

(1 ) The length of the radius of its circle is 12 cm. : and the measure of its angle
equals 7.4'ud. 30 cm? approximately >
(2 ) The length of the radius of its circle equals g cm. : and the measure of its angle
equals 135' ,r.53 crrf approximately >

Find the area of the circular segment if the measure of its central angle is lI5'
and the length of its radius is 20 cm. < 222 cnf approximately >

Find the area of the circular segment in which the length of the radius of its circle
equals 74 cm. and the length of its arc equals 22 cm. << 56 crtf approximately >

The area of a circle is 490

{ "^? Find to the nearest cm? ,the area of a segment of this
circle if the length of its arc is 26.18 cm. 96 cri approximately >
Ag i, a chord in a circle in which its length is 10 cm. and opposite to a central *
measure 60o "**
Find the area of the major circular segment whose chord is AB < 305 cm?approximately >>

M Find the area of the circular segment in which :

( I ) The length of its chord equals 6 cm. r and the length of
the radius of its circle
equals 5 cm. ,r 4 crfi, approximately >
( 2 ) Its height equals 5 cm. r and the length of the radius
of its circle equals l0 cm.
,< 6l cr*. approximately >

A chord of length 6 cm. is drawn in a circle of radius length 6 cm.

Find the area of the minor segment. ,r 3.26 crr,- approximately >

Find the area of the major segment drawn in a circle of radius length 10.5 cm.
and its
chord is of length 14 cm. .< 321 cd approximately >
z O,Flemember f Understand OAPPIY ooa Higher Order Thinking Skills

are the sides of the triangle. ,o 4 crt ,11 cr*. ,39 cr*, approximately >>

> Exercise 13 ':

[Bm the opposite figure :

M r N and E are centres of semicircles r
Find the area of the shaded part.

A is an external point of the circle M such that AM = 10 cm. Two tangentr Ag and AC
are drawn to the circle from A to touch it at B and C Find the area of the minor segment
whose a." is6d if the radius of the circle is 5 cm. < 15.355 cm? approximately >>

The lengths of radii of two circles are 6 cm. and 8 cm. If the distance between the two
centres is 10 cm. r then find the area of the common zone between the two circles.

<< 26.57 cm? approximately >

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) In the opposite figure :

A quarter of a circle whose center M

tm (L AMC) = 50o r CE = CB : then the
area of the shaded parts = ..............." ?

(a)3fi+18 (b) 16 xr (c)9+8x[

(2 )ln the opposite figure :

Two circles touching externally at pointA if AB = 4 cm.

: AC = 6 cm. and A, t Arare the areas of the two

shaded parts : then

@)? @?
@+ @+
( 3 ) In the opposite figure :

A circle with centre M r m (m) = 300o

: the perimeter of the shaded part = (3 X[ + 9) cm.
r then the area of the shaded region = ............... cm?

T (, ,t - 3{5)
@) @+ (rn-r{r)
@+(rn-r{r) @ T Qn-3tti)
(\1 : t )Y a /6;11 \ / (+-rLr) olJ- or.., q, - ;el^*6J I 7r7
ORemember ltlmderstand OAPPIY ;'j Higher Order Thinking Skills

If the chord of the intersection of two circles is a diameter of one of the two circles and

its length is equal to 10 cm. and equals the length of the radius of the other r then find the
area of the common zone between the two circles. << 48.33 cm? approximately >>

In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles at M : if r is the radius

length of the smaller circle and MD = r
: MA = 2 r where A lies on the greater circle
tm(LAMB) =n(LCMD) - grad

Find the ratio between Otud and sin 0 given that

the areas of the two shaded parts are equal. <<4:3>>

ffi Decoration : A flower bed is in the shape of a circle whose radius equals 8 metres.
A chord was drawn in the circle of length 8 metres. Calculate the area of the minor
circular segment to the nearest tenth. ,. 5.8 m? approximately >

ffiAgriculture : A piece of agricultural land is in the shape of a circle whose radius

equals 4 metres is divided into four parts by an equilateral triangle whose vertices lie
on the circle.
Calculate the area of each minor circular segment to the nearest hundredth.
..9.83 m? approximately >

EEI From the school book

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

? { I } Theareaof thetriangleABCinwhichAB = 7 cm.:BC=8 cm.andm(l- B)=JQ.

I "qrals
............... ,*?
| ( I The2t.a b) 429
(a) (c) 18 (d) 33.4
? ) area of the isosceles triangle in which the length of one of its legs is 10 cm. and
the measure of its vertex angle is 60. equals .......... ....cm?
| @) zs
t" (b) so{t @) zsafi (d) so
( 3 ) The area of the isosceles triangle in which the length
? its of base is 6 cm. and the
I tength of one of its legs is 5 cm. equals ............... c^?

I ( 4 ) ful ts (b) t2 (c) 10 (d)20

The area of the equilateral triangle whose side length is 6 cm. equals ..............."m?
| 1a; 18
t" (b) 18{t (c) e (d) e{t
( 5 ) The area of the quadrilateral in which the lengths of its diagonals are 6 cm. and 8 cm.
, and the measure of the included angle between them is 30'equals ...........-..." ?
@) rz (b) 24 (c) na{z @ 244[a
( 6 ) The area of a quadrilateral is 30 cm? and the lengths of its diagonals are 10 cm. and
,, cm. r then the measure of the acute angle between its diagonals equals
I tu):0" (b) 60" (c) 150" (d) 4s"
? \7 ) The area of the regular hexagon whose side length is 4 cm. equals ............... ?
I t"l n"[i b) 12 r">"2+t[z @) 24


= lRemembar tUndersland OAPPIY $ Higher Order Thinking Skills

( lt ) The area of the regular pentagon whose side length is 10 cm.,=..,'...,,,,....c


(a) 172.05 (b) 90.82 (c) 688.19 (d) t31.64

o ( 9 ) The area of the rhombus in which the measure of one of its interior angles is 50'
and its side length is 6 cm. = """""""' cm?
(a) 13.19 (b) 110.31 (c)27.6 (d) 11.s7
o (10) The area of the equilateral triangle whose side length is X cm. equals """""""'
(u) x2 @E*' <">E*' @+*'
o (11) The area of the square whose diagonal length is X cm. equals """""""' cm?

(a) x2 @+x' @),[i x' @+*'

O (12)Thearea of the regular hexagon whose side length is X cm. equals """""""'
rq$*' s{*' @E*' @)+*'
(I"]) The area of the regular octagon whose side length is Xcm. equals """""""'"tr?
(a) 2 x2 cot 45o (q 2 x2 hn 45o (c) 8 x2 cot 22.5" (il 2 x2 cot 22.5"
{14)ln the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which BD = 6 cm.

: the area of the figure ABCD =Z+nfl cm?
: then AC = """""""' cm. C

(a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) t6

(15)Theareaof thetrianglewhosesidelengths zrrenfr r^[i ,n[i" .equals """""""'" ?

(u)G @ +^[e (c){:o @ +.[n

( 161 Anacute-angled triangle whose area is 14.4 crn? : the lengths of two sides are 6 cm.
r8 cm. r then the cosine of the angle between these two sides = """""""'
+ G)+ @)1 @+
(17)Theareaof the riangle whose side lengths 4cm. >6 cm. :8 cm. - """""""'"^2.
(a) 113.9 (b) 11.6 (c) 13.9 (d) 41.6

(ltt.tTheareaof anacuteangledAABCis40.13 c ? rifAB =9cm.:BC= 12cm.

r then m (Z B) = """""""'o (to the nearest degree).

(a) 32 (b) 42 (c) 48 (d) 88

f l g.l The length of the side of the equilateral triangle that has an atea of 36n[i cr*,
equals .....'.... "..' cm.

@) 6^{z (b) 24 (c) 6 (d) 12

> Exercise 14 *
o (2$;)lnthe opposite flgure : 8cm.

ABCD is a parallelogram
Its area = ............... crfi2.

(a) 16 (b) 20 @) 2a (d) 36

O Ql) Tne area of the quadrilateral in which the lengths of its diagonals are IZ cm.
and 13 cm. and cosine the angle between them is equats ... .... . cm?
(a) 30 (b) 72 (c) 60 (d) r44
(22ii)lf lyrsareaof aregularhexagonis54{3 cm? ,thenitssidelengthequals...............cm.

(a) 6 (b) t2 @) e^[z (d) I2't[i

(.23)In the opposite figure :
gC ir a diameter of the circle M r AC 6 cm.
t m (L ABC) = 0 r then the area of A ABC - ............... cffl2.
(a) 6 sin 0 (b) 6 tan 0 (c) 18 tan 0 (d) 18 cot 0
(24)If the length of the perpendicular
from the centre of the regular hexagon
to one of its edges equals 6 cm.
: then the area of the hexagon = ............... cm2.

(a) 27 ^t[i (b) 36{t

@ sa^[i (d) i2"t[i
(2511n the opposite figure :
The area of AABC equals . .. .....cm?
(a) 24
(b) 28
(c) 32
(d) 3s

(26) ln the opposite figure :

If the area of the quadril ateral
ABCD = 50 cm?
r then m (Z AEB) = ..'............"
(a) 30 (b) 60
(c) 75 (d) e0
ORemernber lUnd,erstand OAppily to
Higher Order Thinking Skills

{17 1ln the opposite figure :

If the area of the quadrilateral

ABCD = 190 cm2.
r then the length of EC = "" """"' cIrI.

(a) 9 (b) 10

(c) 11 (d) 12

{Z&,iIN AABC :

If half of its perimeter is denoted by S and S - AB = 6 cm'

r S-BC= 8 cm. ,S -AC = 10 cm. rthenareaof (AABC) - """""""'"*?
(a) a{so ifr,24F (c) +{:o (d) 48{s
ftgj Aregular polygon of side length 6 cm. and the measure of its exterior angle at one of
its vertices equals 36' : then its area - """""""' ?
(a) 217 (b) 224 (c) 218 (d) 1e6

(30) ABC is a triangle in which BC = 8 cm. r and the length of its mediu, AD = 4 cm.
r then the greates t arcaof the triangle ABC equals """""""'
(a) 32 (b) 16 (c) D^[z (d) 6{,

i31l An equilateral triangle has height of 6 cm. : then its area - """"" cr*
(a) zafz tu) 161F @ r6^[i (d) 18{t
o (JZlItl is the height of an equil ateraltriangle r then its area = """""""' c ?

atf t rot[t r,t'[l l' rotf t

C) (33) The perimeter of a triangle is 150 cm. and the ratio among its side lengths 5 : 12: 13
: then its area - """' "' "tt
(a) 250 (b) 37s (c) 500 (d) 7s0

{34) Which of the following triangles you can calculate its area ?

(a) An isosceles triangle its perimeter = 30 cm.

(b) A right-angled triangle has perimeter 30 cm.
(c) An equilateral triangle has perimeter 30 cm'
(d) A righrangled triangle r the length of its hypotenuse = 30 cm'

(35) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral ate perpendicular : then its area = """""""
(a) the product of its diagonals lengths.

O) + the product of its diagonals lengths'

(c) the product of its sides lengths.

@+ the product of its sides lengths.

> Exercise 14

ft6) If Xis the perimeter of a triangle ABC , then =

(a) the area of A ABC (b) 2 the area of A ABC
(c) 3 the area of A ABC (d) 4 the area of A ABC

fi7 ) Thearea of a rhombus : if the length of one side is / cm. and measure of one of its
angles is 0 equals ... ... . c*?

@) 12 b) + /2 sin o (c) /2 sin 0 (d) /2 cos 0

(38) ABC is a triangle in which AB 4 cm.: BC 8 cm.
= = r

AC = 6 cm. , AD ir a median r then the area

of AABD = ...............cm?

@+ @ 2',\[1s (c):{rs (d) !E

$9)ln the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square
of side length 6 cm. , E CBD such that

BE = +1[2 cm. r then the area


of A ABE = ............... cm? a

(a) 12 b) 24
(c7 l24rl2 24\[,
(40) In the opposite figure :

AB , CD are two intersecting chords at} tFiD =7{i cm.

:EB=8cm. rn @)=60"
, rn 1ft; = 30" : then the area of A DEB = ...............cm?

@)}st[i (b) 28
@ rctfi (d) 16

{41)In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square : DCE is an

equilateral triangle r then
the area of AADE = ...............cm?
(a) 16 (b) 8
(c) 4 itrD4lz

z, OAppfly o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills
lRemember OUndorstand

o AZi) ln the opposite figure :

The hexagon is regular r

the area of the shaded

region - """"""" cm2.

(a) 241.6 (b) 246.r

(c) 243-6 (d) 248.3

(43) In the opposite figure :

The area of A ABC =

@) 6{G

/r \
5cm. D 10cm. B

(c) 18fii
(d) 36{i1

M Find the area of each of the following figures r given that I expresses a unit of
the area :

M Find the area of the triangle ABC in each of the following cases :

(1)AB=6cm. : BC=8cm. t m(LB)=90' .r 24 cm1 ,,

( 2 ) AC = 12 cm. r length of perpendicular drawn from B to AC equals

'7 cm. ., 42 cri "
(3)AB=16cm. r BC=20cm. t m(LB)=46" .. 115 cm? approximatelY >

ffiFind the area of the triangle ABC in which : BC = 16 cm. : BA = 22 cm.

and m (LB)= 63o approximating the result to the nearest thousandth.
< 156.817 cm? >
> Exercise ',0
p m Find to the nearest tenth the area of an isosceles triangle r the length of one of its
legs equals 12 cm. and the measure of the included angle between them is 64. < 64.7 cm?>

ffi Find the area of the quadrilateral in which the lengths of its diagonals are 12 cm. t
16 cm. and the measure of the included angle between them is 68" approximating the

result to the nearest square centimetre. < 89 cm?,

M Find the area of the figure ABCD in each of the following cases :
( 1 ) AparallelograminwhichAB = 8 cm. r BC= 1l cm. t m(LB) =60. u<+{Tcm?,
(2) Atrapezium in which : the lengths of its parallel bases AD and BC are 7 cm. : 11 cm.
respectively r the length of the perpendicular drawn from D to gC equals 6 cm. u 54 cm?,
( 3 ) A rhombus in which AB = 8 cm. : and the measure of the included angle between two
adjacent sides in it equals 58o < 54 cm?>

The area of the parallelogramABCD is 192 cm?and the lengths of its diagonals E and
BD *" 16 cm. and24cm. respectively r then find : m (Z AMD) n eoo,

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral in a circle :

AC n BD = tB],ifAE = 2.1 cm.rEC = 3.6 cm. r

ED = 2.4 cm. and m (Z AEB) ='7Oo t

then calculate the area of the quadrilateral ABCD < 15 cm? approximately >

Find the area of each of the following regular polygons approximating the result to
the nearest tenth :
(1)m A regular pentagon of side length 16 cm. < 440.4 cm? >
(2)m A regular hexagon of side length lZ cm. ,r 374.1 cm? >

( 3 ) A regular octagon of side length 8 cm.

.. 309 cm? >

( 4 ) A regular heptagon of side length l0 cm.

363.4 cm? >
Find the area of a regular polygon of l2-sides of side length 10 cm. approximating the result
to the nearest tenth. u 19.6 cm? >

ffi Find the area of the triangle ABC in which : AB = g cm. : BC = 7 cm. and
AC = 11 cm. ..2g cm?approximarely >

(\v : t )Y o /s;t3 \ / (,-r-r*) otil-orr..r.r- ,;r.elr.gJl @

= ORemember OApp[y .l Uigner Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

I L r The perimeter of A ABC = 14 cm. and its area = 2^[G cm? and the length of one
of its sides 3 cm. r then the difference between the length of the other two
sides = ............... cm.
(c) 1 (d)
(a) 1 @2+ 11

(2) Aregular hexagon whose area (A1) is drawn inside a circle whose area (A2) I then
A, :At = """""""'
(a) fi:lE @) 2 n :a[i (c) t|:2a[i (d)2tx,31F
{ } } Two regular polygons are drawn inside the same circle one of them formed from 6
sides and of area (Ar) and the other formed from 12 sides and of area

: thenA, : A, = """""""'
@) t :a[i (b) 1 :2 @)a[i :3 @)a[i : z
( a ) In the opposite ligure :
ABCD is a quadrilateral in which
: the area of (A AED) = 9 cm?
: the areaof (A AEB) = 18 cm? I the
area of (A CEB) = 16 cn:P' r then the
area of A DEC - """""""' .m?
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) t2

{ S } If ABCDE is a regular pentagon of side length - l. "*.and the length of AC = m cm.

. the area of (A ABC) """""""'
r then
rhe ardf (AACD)
(")* (o)? (c);; @*
i {;t tl.nthe opposite figure
ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AC n nO = {B}
If the area of (A DEC) = A cm? (A+16)cm2.

: the area of (A AED) = (A '2) cmz.

: the area of (A AEB) = (A + 10) cm? r the area of (A BEC) - (A + 16) cm?

: then the area of the figure ABCD - """""""' cm?

(a) 8 (b) 32 (c) 56 (d) 88
> Exercise 14
In the opposite figure :

If the area of (A FED) = 3 cm? t the areaof (A EDC) = 8 cm?

tthe areaof (A EBC) =24 cm? and F is the midpoint of AD=
Find the area of the figure ABCD

EQ Constructions : The opposite figure represents a set of stairs

lead to the entrance of the residential compound is in the shape of
an isosceles trapezium : its larger base is down and its length equals
7 metres r its smaller base is up and its length equals 3 metres r
each leg inclines by an angle of measure 75" to the larger base.
In7s "
3 metres

Find: Tmetres

( I ) The length of its base at the midpoints of the two legs (middle base).
( 2 ) The length of each of its legs to the nearest tenth.

( 3 ) The area of the trapezium to the nearest square metre. << 5 m. ;7.7m.:38m?r,

@ Basins decorations : Basin is designed to fish decoration r its base is in the shape
of a regular pentagon : the length of its diagonal equals 72 cm.
Find to the nearest square centimetre the area of its base. << 3407 cm? >>

ffi Flowers : Karim designs a garden to his house : and hopes to determine a special
part for flowers : is in the form of a regular hexagon of area 5ar[i n?

Find the length of its side. << 6 m. >>

,:,i vS*
; ^*i -** d

Second Analytic

24 Vectors.

z5 Straight line,
Unit Four

Scalars , vectors and directed line segment.


Operations on vectors.

Applications on vectors.
Iti Exercise

Scalars ,
and directed
line segment
ORemember OUnderstand OAppry of HigherOrderThinking Skills
lffi From the school book

oChoose the correct answer from those given :

(1) ffi Which of the following represents a vector ?

(a) Time. (b) Temperature degree.

(c) The displacement. (d) The mass.

( 2 ) If ABCD is a parallelogram I its diagonals intersecting at M I then

First :6i. equivalent to """""""'

(a) AB o) Br (") CA (O AD

Second t ffiit equivalent to """""""'

(") Dfr- O) MB (c) BM (d) MA

( 3 ) In the opposite figure :

If ABCD and EBCF are two parallelograms

r then AD is equivalent to each and """""""'

(a) nT,6 (b)EC,G-
(c) BC , EF (d) BC , BA
> Exercise 1 fi*
(4) m In the opposite figure :
ABCDEF is a regular hexagon : its centre is M

r then

First : A.B ir equivalent to each of the following directed

segments except CB
(a) ED o) Bd (c) MC (d) FM
Second , ffii, equivalent to ...............

(a) MA (b) Ba (c) CF (d) eE'

( 5 ) EHI M is the point of intersection of the diagonals of square ABCD
: then each two
directed line segments of the following are equivalent except

(a) AB , DC (b) AM : MC (c) BC , AD (d) AM ,lrrtO

o ( 6 ) [m If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon whose centre (M) which of the
directed line segments are not equivalent ?

(a) AB , FM (b) AB , ED (c) AB , MC (d) AB ,Iv{D

a (7)IfAB=At:then
(a) B is the midpoint of AC (b) C is the midpoint of AB
(c) B coincide with C (d) A coincide with C
(8) If C is the midpoint of AB r which of the following is true ?
(1)Ad=m (2) llAdll= ll Bdll (3)Ad=G
(a) (1) only. (b) (1) and (2) only.
(c) (2) and (3) only. (d) (1) , (2) and (3)
( 9 ) In the opposite figure :

If MA , MB are radii in circle (M) which of

the following is true ?

(1) MA = I\,IE
(2) llMA ll= llME ll

(3) MA = BM

(a) (1) only. (b) (2) only.

(c) (1) , (2) only. (d) (2) and (3) only.
z oRemembe r tfritt")'r'lr:b,tri'r;trtrt{l, OApp[y t Higl'ler Order Thinking Skills

(10) If a body moves from point A to point B I then the distance that the body

travels is...."""""'
(") llAB ll
(b) less tr'un ll nB ll

(c) more than or equals llffill (d) AB

(11) If a body moves from point A to point B then to point C I then
(a) the body covered a distance equals il m il

(b) the body covered a distance equals AG'* gd

(c) the displacement of the body equalt ll aT'll. il eAil
(d) the displacement of the body equal, ed
(12) In the opposite figure :

If a body moved from the point A in direction of east to the 9cm. 6cm.

point C : then retum to the point B in direction of west : then A C

First : The distance covered by the body - """""""' cm.

(a) 6 (b) e (c) 15 (d) 2r

Second : The displacement = """""""'cnl.

(a) 9 cm. in AE direction (b) 6 cm. in CB direction

(c) 9 cm. in BA direction (d) 2l cm. in BA direction

(13) In the opposite figure : North

If a body moved from the point A a distance 48 m. east

: then changed its direction and moved a distance 20 m. west

north and stopped at the point C r then

First : The distance covered by the body - """""""' m'
(a) 52 (b) 68 (c) 48 (d) 28

Second : The displacement = """""""'

(a) 68 m. in AC direction. (b) 68 m. in Gdirection.
(c) 52 m. in AC direction. (d) 52 m. in CA direction.
a-_) (14) In the opposite figure :

If each of DC and fB
is perpendicular to BE and a body
moved from the point A to the point B r then the point C d
and stopped at the Point D : then 3

First : The distance covered by the body - """""""' cm. A

(a) 25 (b) 3s (c) 29 (d) 20

> Exercise 1?
Second : The displacement = ............'.. cm.

(a) 35 cm. in AD direction (b) 35 cm. in DA direction

(c) 25 cm. in AD direction (d) 25 cm. in DA direction
(15) In the opposite figure :

ABCDEF is a regular hexagon of side length 8 m.

: if a body moved from the point A to the point B , F

then to C :then to D :thento E and stopped atthe point F :then

First : The distance covered by the body - ............... m.
(a) 8 (b) 48 (c) 32 (d) 40
Second : The displacement = '..............
+ €
(a) 8 m. in AF direction. (b) 40 m. in FA direction.

(c) 8 m. in Ff direction. (d) 40 m. in AF direction.

(1O m A car covered 20 meters due north r then it covered the same distance due west :
then the displacement of the car is ..........

(a) a0 meters due west. (b) 40 meters due western north.

(c) 20\ 2 meters due western north. (d) 2012 meters due western south.
(17) In acoordinate orthogonal plane r ifA(1 r 3) rB (- 3, l), C (0 r4) andffiis
equivalent to CD r then p = .....'...
(a) (- 4 ,2) (b) (4 , - 2) (c)(-3,1) (d) (- 4 ,-2)
(18) In the opposite figure :

A square garden has area 900 square metres.

Tracks are made to walk in order to keep grass
the tracks divides the garden into identical squares as shown
in the figure. If a person walks from A to B on
the track shown in the figure r then

First : The covered distance = .......... m.

(a) 30 (b) s0 (c) 60 (d) e0

Second : The displacement = ...."....

(a) 60 m. in AB direction. (b) 30 m. in ffi direction.
(c) 30{ 2 m.in AB direction. (d) 60 m. in BA direction.
(\A : r )Y s /u,-;:t! \ /(,1eLi) olil-er:.'U-.r-;olr.gJl @
2 j.
ORemember lUnderstand OAppily ttigtrer Order Thinking Skills

(19) In the opposite figure :

A man moves from A to B then on a circular
path r the radius of the circular path is 7 m
r then the man has maximum magnitude of
displacement = .,....,,...,... m.
(a) 11 (b) 20 (c) 35 (d) s0

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle : its diagonals are intersecting at M : E GAD-
Show whether the two rays have the same , opposite or M
different directions in each of the following :
(1)AEandd (2)AEandDE
+ l_ +
(3)AMandAC (4)BMandMC
(s)DEandG (6)BManaffi
In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a rhombus in which AC n nO = {tut}
Write the directed line segments equivalent to each
of the following :
( 1)Mi (2)MD
(3)AD (4)BA
In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a parallelogram in which AC n nO = 1Vf1
r E is the midpoint of 1-B and F is the midpoint of BC
First : Determine the directed line segments
(if existed) which are equivalent to :
(1)BE (2)MB
(3)ME (4)AC
(s)AB (6)Ba
Second : Show why the following directed line segments are not equivalent :
(1)MEandBF (2)EandMe
(3)FBandFC (4)BAandDC
> Exercise 1

oo In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which X is the midpoint of AB

r L is the midpoint of AC and,XYZLis a rectangle.

Write the directed line segments (if existed) which are

equivalent to each of the following :

( 1)x? (2)i, (3)Ar

(4)BX (5)BY

EQ In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which AR = AC

;X tY andZ are the midpoints of AB , EE , M r"rp""tively

First : Which of the following statements is true ?

(1)llffill=lldll ( 2 ) X? is equivale nt bfr

( 3 ) BY is equivalenttoZX
Second : IVrite all directed line segments (if found) which are equivalent to :

(1)B? Q)fr, (3)Tz

(4)CY (s)xY (6)ZY

@Onthelattice tif L(2 t3) , B(-3 r1)andC(5 r-1)

( 1 ) Draw CD such thatit is equivalent to AB and determine the coordinates of D

( 2 ) Deterrrine the coordinates of the point M which is the midpoint of Be : then

determine the directed line segments which are equivalent to each of :

tal BM DI AJr4 tcl A? rdl DT^

( 3 ) Is the figure ACDB a parallelogrum? Explain your answer.

LfiInacoordinateorthogonalplane tif A(4 t-3) t B (4 t4)and,C (-3 ,- 1) , BT

, CD , OManO ffiu." equivalent directed line segments where O is the origin point.

l Find the coordinates of each of : D r M and N

ORemember lUnderstand OAPPflY .?. ttigher Order Thinking Skills

o ffi on the lattice ,if L(3 ,-2)

t B (6 t2) r c (1 r 3) and D (4 ,7)
( I ) Find : ll AE-ll*o llcn ll

( 2 ) Prove that : AB is equivalent to CD

(3) If the directed line segmert, gt , Afr , m and d are equivalent.

Find the coordinates of : M r N and R where O is the origin point.

Construct a coordinate orthogonal plane where O is the origin point and plot the points

A(-213) r B(1 :0) t C(2;-3) , N(-3r1)andT(4tl)rthendrawthedirected

line segments CD r OE , NL and KT where each one of them is equivalent to AB

: then from the graph determine the coordinates of : D tE tL and K



iff,] From the schoot book O Remember OApp0y 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills
Test yourself

o Choose the corect answer from those given :

o (1)If A= (5,-12) tthenflfil=
(a) 13 (b) -7 (c) t7 (d)1
(2) Ifr= G2, 18)rthen ?i=
(a) (8 r 12) (b) (12 ,8) (c) (6 t4) (d) (18 ,21)
( 3 ) All the following vectors are unit vectors except

(a) (1 r0) (b) (0.6 ,0.8) (c) (0 r- 1) (d) (1 ,1)

(4) If (6 ,4) and (3 r m) are two perpendicular vectors r then m =
(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) 8 (d) - 4.s
(5) m IfA = ?2 rl) and d= (- 3, k) are parallel r then k =

@)-? @? @-+ @+
(6) If A = (4 r 5) and B = (- 20, 16) rthen the two vectors A and B are
(a) perpendicular. (b) parallel. (c) equivalent. (d) otherwise.
(7) Ifr= k,2),i = 2j-i *a ff E' r then k = .............
(a) I (b)-1 (c)+1 (d) zero

z lRimernber oUnderstand OAPPry oto Higher Order Thinking Skills

O (8) m If I= (4,2) , B=(1 ,- 2) tthenilf-ilfl ="""""""'

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 7
O (e) If i=(3:5) rB=(4 r6) rthenll-ZI+SBl|=
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 14
C) (10) IfA=(-3,4) tB-(2 r 1)andC=A +28 tthenQ="""""""'
(a) (- I :5) (b) (- 4 t9) (c) (1 r6) (d) (1 , s)
o (11) tf I +E=(8 :16)andI=(5 tt2) tthenllE-ll= '' '

(a) 7 (b) s (c) 13 (d) 8{5

It 2 (3 : y) + 3 (X, -2) = (3 t2) tthen X + y = """'t"a""
o (12)

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

a) (13) IfB = (-2, 4),d, = g,3) and2f- g B = 4 d rthen ll ill =
(a) 5 (b) t2 (c) 13 (d) 7

(14) IfI= (4,-6) and 3 (f-E = z i -zf ,thenEi= """""""'
(a) (2 t-3) (b) (- 2 t3) (c) (- 2 t-3) (d) (2 ,3)

(1s) If f +F=(O:8) r-i*g= ?2,4):thenf ="""""""'


(a)(2 t-4) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (4 t2) (d) (1 ,3)

(16) If 7f +sB=i+13i ,3i-ii=-qi + llJ,thenilf il=


ru)ffi @2^[i @tfi @)1[n

C) (17) If I= si+ kland ilA il= 5 , then [ = """""""'
(a) 4 only - 4 only (c\ +.4(b) (d) 2

(1s) Eru rrll I il = il- rs tf f
il,thenk= ..."""""" where llAll *o
(a) 5 only (b) - 5 only (c)+5 (d) ls
. s
()I (19)IfA=(k ,2), E= (2 tm)anaf =ZF-rthenk+ m =
(a) 4 (b) s (c) 1 (d) 3

(20) If r. il + f || = il - 3 f il, then k = """""""'
@1 (o)+ @+ (o)tf,
o (21) If ll r. t: , +) ll = 1 r then [ = """""""'
@+ o)+ r.)r* (d)+5
(a)AIB O) f / B anO have opposite directions
(c) f ll B ana have same direction (d) llf il= - z llE'll
(23) rf ll fll = 3,- 1 <ks 2,then ll kA-ll C...............
(a) [- 3 ,6] (u) [o ,6] (c) [r , z] (d) [3 ,6]
(24)i = 2i + 3l mates with the positive direction of the X - axis an angle of measure 0

(a)tanO=? @)tanr=Z (c)sinr=? (d)tan O=+

O (25) If f = (UrE ,+)is a position vector of the point A in polar form :thenA=
(a) (6 , - 6) (b) (- 6 ,6) (c) (6 :6) (d) (- 6 t-6)
A - - 3 j is .
o (26) The polar form of the vector ...........

(") (- , ,+) rui (: ,*) c) (- , ,+) (d)(3,+)

o (27)Thepolar form of the vecror (U , UG) is ..........,....

r.(rz ,f ) 6; (rz ,e) r.l (o ,f ) ror (o ,f)

O (28) If [= 1tO :0) where.in 0 = 3 is a position vector of the point A : then,{ = ...............
(a)(6 r8)or(6,-8) (b) (8 ,6) or (- 8 ,6)
(c) (6 :8) or (8 ,6) (d)(-8,6)or(6,-8)
O (29) In the opposite figure :

ilf il= 4length unit

: then = .. ..... .. .. (in cartesian form)
{a> (z , zt[i) 61 (z'[i , z)

r.l(4,6) rol (tE,z)

o (30) If the magnitude of the vector f equals 7 r then the magnitude of the vector -2i

(a)7 (b) -2 (c) t4 (d) - 14

o (31) If A = (, ,+) ,then2f = ..
a>(u ,*) rur (o ,f;) a>(r,*) ror (r ,f;)
o (32) Iti = 1Z r - 3) and R= 1S, I - X)are paralel r then X =
(a) 4 @+ (c)-1 (d)-e
z oRemember ounderstand oApp[y .t ttigher order Thinking skills

O (33) If f = (x , +) , F= (2 ,y)ana i llE ,then """""""'

(a) X+2y =0 (b) X=ZY (c)Xy=$ (d)XY=-g
o (34) If f = (k + l r l) rB = (2 : k) r then values of k that make f llE'are ........."""
(a)-2t-l (b)1,2 (c)-2tl 11-l ''_
o (35)IfI =(2,-l), E=Q,4), d=G : 15) and the two vectors C , B - A are
parallel r then k - """""""'
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

t (36) If the two vectors A = (n, 1) r B = n i -4j areperpendicular rthenn=

(a) 2 (b)-2 (c) +2 (d)-4
(37) Which of the following vectors are perpendicular ?

(a)(3:0),(2,-1) (b)(-2t5):(4r-10)
(c) (2 r 0) r (0 :2) (d) (1 , -4) , (2 '- 8)

o (38) Which of the following pairs of vectors are not in opposite directions ?

(b)f =C4,2),8=(2,-I)
(c) A = (5 , - 3) : B = (3 , - 5) (d)A-(0,4)rB=(0:-1)
a (39) If f is a non -zerovector : k e IRx una llkf ll= I , then k = """""""'
(ulilnil fulr (c)t-
'-'- (d).-
ilril ilEll
o (40) If f =k d whe.e d i, u unit vector in direction of f , then k = " " " " " " ":-
(a) + 1 ru) ilf il r.t t ll,qll rd) S
o (41)Ifi=(- 2,1), B=(k,3) , d=(m,-4)andillE-,if-
(a)-6 (b) -2 (c)3 (d)-3
o (42)rrf=:i-+l , E-=l , d= (t,#), then ll eil * ilE ll * il eil =
(a) 9 (b) r0 (c) 11 (d) t2
o (43) The vector represents a displacement of 40 cm. of a body in direction of eastern
south =

@) zo^fii + zo^fij (b) -20^[ri + zo^[i-j

(c) - 2oafii - zorfi j @) zolilri -201[rj
(44\ lfthe magnitude of force F = 10 newton and it acts in direction 30o north of the east r
then F = .'........'....
,--: (d)-s{:i+sl
(a)sl3 i-5 j (b)si*s{rl (c) s1/li* s l
> Exercise 2

(45) A ship sails due Norrh f O1Ekm. then 10 km. due wesr

then its displacement = ............. (in polar form)

{"r (zo,g) rul (zo ,+) r">(ro,+) (d)(20,+)

ir' t46llf A = (k, k + 3) : il f il =f {S length units r then one of the values ofk is

| (a) -a @) zero (c) 3 (d) 6


perpendicular if ...............

(a) Xtyz- Xzyr = 0 (b) Xr X2-!.y2=0

' -s=1
,B = (X2 ry2) , d= (x: r yr) and Xr Xz+ yJz= XtXz+ yry: = 0

(a) zero. (b) xlz (c) yz xz (d) X2y1

(49)It A=(- | t2) tB=(3 t7) tC-(7 ,12),thenC=
(a)zA-E- O)f+zF (c)zB-i (d)3i+zi
(so) rr i = (r^[; ,+) ,i = (r^[, ,+), then i * e

a> (+^,[i ,n) b) @ ,4) (c) (4 :0) ra>(+,!)

(5r) rhe two vector'(o{, ,T) uo(o{Z ,+)are .

(a) equivalent. (b) parallet.

(c) perpendicular.
(d) equal in magnitude : opposite in directions.

(52) In the opposite figure :

ABCDEF is a regular hexagon

r the centre of the hexagon is
the origin and its side length is
5 length units : then OE=
1ul (-r ,+) &) (- t ,+)
r"r(s,+) ror (s ,f)
(\1 :t)Yol,41i \ / (,y-tt;)sul-or+.r!r-,1eta-Ol1
ORemember *understand oApply r'o Higher order Thinking skills

(53) The opposite figure represents A

which of the following shaPes

represents - Li,

fftjj ffi
(a) (c)

(54) In the opposite figure :

A=(1r3) r B=(5r5)
: then the figure represents

A-f i'

fr= =3ii -2jandB--i-4j
mIflA= , find :

(1)JA+ <2i-6 j (2)r-B u+I+zl,
(3)llilr il " z{to (4)2 A+ 3E <3i-16j>

A_'J3B <6i+l0j (6)-3r * - eT+ 61"

I = G ,-2) , E= G2 ,a) andd =(7 r 1) : then find
If :

(1)llf*zdll <17> (2)llsE'+:ail "n[6t "

(3)ll A-+Ell u4^[i, (4)lla*B'-zdll < 13 >

Ml Express each of the following vectors in terms of the fundamental unit vectors r
then find the norm of each of them :

(1)M=e4,-3) <<5>> (2)N=(8,-6) (10>

(3)F=(-5 t-12) <13> (4)i=(o,z1tr) nZn[i,

(s )E= (-11E,0 ) o 3{5" (6)d=@,-318) u2a[i "

> Exercise 2A

O f ira the polar form of each of the following vectors :

IrlrilM=81:i+8j I (2)GN=r1Di*:r/zJj
Il--!r: roi=(r,rr/:) i ,a rE= (r,8,-r)
lrsrc-- i- j

U ff OA is the position vector of the point A in Polar form with respect to the
re origin point
< po. :
nra the coordinates of A in each of the following :
l-\/l_ i rzroT=(t,8,+)
r:roA=(24,1s0.) I urof=(u,T)
I f

| ( I )x(-6:y)=(3:5)

(X,-3)-(5 t0) =(2 ty)

.. - !,-ro
| I
<<J t-3
I r3 r (3,y) + x(1,_2)_(_4,1)=0
<< '7 t*13
-7 :

| ( 4 t X(2,3) +y (-3 11)=(- 4 t5) <<l;2

.L I

IrrA=(6,-8), B= G9,r2)andd=(_ 4,_3)

l(t)Provethat:AllB r BJ_C r Cl_A

t^rzrFind:zA+B , g-zd ,+i*E-:d .(3r*4),r_l

t 17)

S tr A = (- z"'[1 ,- 3) and E = (, ,{t)

, write the relation between the two
vo vectors
I A and B with showing the reason.

I tttProvethat:M/N
t : r Find the vatue of each of : 4 M+ N, + ( r,. *-)
I totFind:bcrRirFrN

Prrl-=12,-21, B= (-2.,5)andd=(0 : 11) :

( I ) Write each of the following vectors in terms of the fundamental unit vectors :

ze,:d , E*B-d , +(F.")

( 2 ) Exprem di, terms of f and F
ORemsnrber lUnderstand OAPPIY ooo Higher Order Thinking Skills
Ifd= @,-l), D= G3,2)andE=(-5 I 1)

: find the vector f which satisfies the equati on z 2i = 2d- : D + z E "(+ ,-3)r,
Ifi= (1 ,_ 3) , B= (-2,5)andd=Zi+:l
( 1 ) Prove that : The vector t = 2d+ : E- i is parallel to the vector il^ = :i- Sl
(2)Ifi=kM,find:k <<-3>>

on an orthogonal coordinateplane,if il=sl-:{5 I , M= _1-zF I

andN =-27*{a J ,findCinthepolarformwhere: C=L+M+3 N <<(4 t240")>>

Find in terms of the fundamental unit vectors : the vector which expresses :

( I ) A force of magnitude 37 newtons acts at a particle in the north direction.

(2) m A uniform speed of magnitude 60 km./h. in west direction.

( 3 ) A displacement of a body a distance 25 m. in south direction.

( 4 ) A vector : its norm is 6 units and makes an angle of measure {4-with the positive
direction of X-axis.
( 5 ) A displacement of a body a distance 150 cm. in the direction 30o north of west.

(6 A force of magnitu de 20 kg.wt. acts on a body in the direction 30' south of east.
) [B
(7) ffi A displacement of a body a distance 40 cm. in the direction north west.

linear points
[ElR, B r C and D are four collinear are ordered from left to right where

I en:BC:CD=2:3:5
wi a suitable number given that the symbol "=" means
ing with
I Complete each of the following
|l_"is equivalent to" :
ItrtAB= ...........BC Il- t2)aE-= ' AE
I r:tcD=...........AB

I t4)AC- """ DC
t_ l-
I tstBC=..... .'. cD t6)CD=...""""""AC
t_t z IBD=....... ..... BA 1

I tS)CD=...............CB
I tgtAD= ...........'. cA

ouke. the vector ( i.
I t I t The value of k which makes t E ) nurallel to the vectori ..

rakes the vector ( / A+ B ) narallel to the vectorl . -I,
t z I The value of / which makes
I 2

@ -
> Exercise 2A

O m The lattice opposite of congruent parallelograms.

Express each of the following directed line segments in terms orMana N:
(1)AE (2)B?
(3)EC (4)DE
(s)G (6)X?
(7)YM (8)LM
(e)BM (10) F
(1r) FL (12) FD

Construct an orthogonal coordinate plane where O is the origin point and plot
the position vector of the vector il= (2 , 3) : then draw :
( I ) Adirectedline segment :its startingpointisA= (- 3 ,-2) whichrepresentsthe
vector zfr" ,then find the coordinates of the ending point.
-M , then find the coordinates of the ending point.

ffi The following figure shows a representation of some vectors in the orthogonal
coordinate plane. Write each vector in terms of the two fundamental unit vectors.

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

a ( 1 ) If A it u vector, il A il = 4 : which ofthe following is a unit vector ?

(")+r G) -r G)-+i (d)+ A

= O Remember OAtpp[y ir Higner Order Thinking Skills

;t-t Z ) If A=3 i+ 4 j rB=7 i+24 j tthenthevectorwhichhasthe samemagnitude as B

Il- and parallel to A is

It- tul 5i+20j (b)15i+l0j (c)i+3j (d)1si+20j

+ ( I )If A=2i- j ,B=i+ j ,C=i+3 j andAI(kB+C),thenk ="""""

I tu)-r (b)1 (c)3 (d)4


( 4 ) Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

It.-l- rur rri=E,thenllill=llB'll G)Irllill=llE'll,thenf=E-

It- f"lItAllB:thenA=kB (d)IfA=kB:thenAllB
$ ,t s angle between two vectors A=
S )) The measure of the ansle 6\-2j
A = ei i + 3 ji is
-Zi, , B ==i+ """""

I (u) r"ro O) 30" (c) 60" (d) 90"

|, u ) The measure of the angle between the two vectors f = :i*{5J, n =- +i

I "ouals

I (r) +s" (b) 60' (c) (d) 1so"


? | 7 I In the oPPosite figure :

I ,r OT represents for"" F , ll F ll = 12 units. ^


I Wttich of the foltowing statements does not represent the force F \rJF
I t"l rhe Force Fof magnitude 12 force unit
I *O acts in direction 60o north of the west. I
I tul F = (12 force unit t 120")
I orfl

t"l F= - oi+

,0, The magnitude of the force is 12 force unit and acts in direction makes 30" with
I ,tre north.

* r If the-f polar form of the vector i i. (rz

|1ts ,""--- \
,?-L)/ r then the polar form of the vector
I -A is.........

I , ,, 0r,*) 6; (rz ,+) r"r (6 ,+) (o (12 ,+)

, I If the position vector A = ({T , 1) rotates about origin with angle of measure 45o
r then the polar form of the vector A after rotation is """""
| ""ticlockwise
I r"l (2 ,30") (b) (z t45") (c) (2 t75") (d) (4 t75")
\\ trt",,tp



\ -..t
>xB '.N B=(xa,!s)

A =txa, !a)
on vectors ,fr

. From the school book

O Remember ;l*
. f y- *v
Uigher Order Thinking Skills

Test yourself

r Choose the correct answer from those given :

o (f )If A=(3r-2): B=(l ,2) rthenAB=...

(a) (3 t- 4) (b) (- 2 ,4) (c) (4 :0) (d)(2,-4)
O (2)lfA=(- 1,5), B= (2,1),thenllABll=.............
(a)2 (b)3 (c) 4 (d) s
o (3)If A=(4 r-2) , AB -(3 ,5),thenB=...............
(a) (l ; -1) (b) (7 ,3) (c) (- 1 :7) (d) (3 ,7)
o (4)IfE=Si-Ol , E= O,2):rhenBA=
+i- sl
ral @)-+?+sl
(c)si-aj (d) 8i- 4J
C (s)If i=(7,0) ) E = (r tr ,+), then ll AE ll = lengrh unit.
(a) t2 (b) 13 (c) t4 @)1[2s
) (6)AE-BT=
(a) zero G) 2m (c) 2 BA (d) d
o (7 )IIAB = 3i+ 3J , Bd-1, then ilAeil= .............

I (a) 6 @ 3{, (c) 1 (d) s

ORemember OApp[y oor Higher Order Thinking Skilts

o (S)If ffi= Q 13) , CB=(-3:5):thenAC=

(a) (5 t-2) (b)(-8,1) (c) (- 2 ,5) (d) (2 ,5)
o (9)IfA (2 r3) : B (5 ,6)andZAC =CB:thenpointC= """""""'
(b)(-3 t-4)
(a)(-3 t4) (c)(3,-4) (d) (3 ,4)
o (10)If:i+g=(S,-Z), AE=(-3 r 10) :thenA= """""""'
(a)(2t-r) (b)(-1,2) (c)(2t-3)
o (11)IfA=(3 :-5) r B =(- 1 ,5)andM=(6 rk) andffillM,thenk=
(a)-15 (b)-10 (c)-5 (d)s
(12) If AE = (2 ,6) , At = e 2, 9) , then ll BC ll = """""""'
(a) 15 (b) 13 (c) 4 (d) s

If M is the midpoint of XY : then XM + YM =

o (13)
(a) 2 XM (b) x? (") d (d) Yx
(14) If ABC is a triangle : then AB + BC + CA =

(u) d o) 2m (c) 2 CA (d) At

(15) If ABC is a triangle : then AB + BC + AC =
(a) o (b) 2 AC (c) 2 CA (d) AC

(16) If ABCD is a quadrilateral r then nE* gA* Cl==

(u) Ad O) AD (.) d (d) 2 AD

(17) If ABC is a triangle : then BA - BC =

(u) Bd (b) cB (c) CA (d) AC

(1S) If ABCD is parallelogram : then AE- 6=

(u) cD (b)d (c)-2AB (d) 2m
(19) Which of the following equivalent to the zero vector ?

(u)AB* cD* sd (b)cD-DF-FC

(20) ABCD is a parallelogram , eC n BD = {fuf} , then AB + AD =
(a) ci O) BD (c) 2 Md (d) 2 DM

(21) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram
If the diagonals intersect at M : then all
the following statements are expressions
for AC except
(u) AE* sD ru) 2 AM- (c) AD* 5d (d) Be* Dd
> Exercise 3
(22)InA ABC : if D is the midpoint of BC : then eA* Ce * AD =
(u) Bd (b) DA (c) 2 DA (d) aB
(23) In the given parallelogram :

(u) (b)B
(c)*(a+b) @+ ri-6r
(24) If ABCD is a rectangle : then AC + BD =
(u) eD (b)2Br (c) BC (d) 2 Bd
(25) If AB = CD where AE-= 6, 4), d= (- I t3) tthenD= ...............
(a) (5 t7) (b) (- s ,-7) (c) (- s ,7) (d) (7 ,j)
(26)InparallelogramABCD ,A=(7 t-2) tg=(15 >4) tC-(9 16):then
the coordinates of D are
(a) (1 ,0) (d)(0,-1)
(27) If ABCDE is a pentagon : then DE + EA
- BA =
(u) DB O) AD (.) cE (d) BD
(2S) If AB = 2fr: then
(a) A ABC is a right-angled triangle. (b) B is the midpoint of AC
(c)AB+AC=2CB (d) C is the midpoint of AB
(29) In the opposite figure :

ABC is atrianglet if D is the midpoint of BC ,

E is the midpoint of AD
: then AB + AC = ".. ... AE
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 6
(30) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle r

E is the midpoint of AD : then

(u) EB- G) BE (c) EC (d) cE
(31) In the opposite figure : F

LM is a vector representing ...

(a)2F (b)2E-
(c)2A-B (d)2B-A A+B

(Y. : f )\ o/rjr;l: \ / (.r-rl;) ou]-ot*..Ur- ,.a[*-@ll F53l

= 4 ORemember fil,Jnderstand OApply i3 Higher Order Thinking Skills
(32)In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle : E is the midpoint

of CD r then
First: AE + DE =
(u) AE- ru) Ad
(c) 2 AD (d) CA

Second, eD _ zfr,* aE-= '..'..... ...

(a) AD G)2aE (") cE (d) 2 AD

(33)InAABC, De BC,if AC+AD+CB+DB=kAB rthenk=

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

o (34) In AABC r if D : E are the midpoints of AB, AC r.rp..tively and AE= M, Ad= fr
: then DE =
(a)M+N (b)M-N @ + (M--N) @- + (M--N
C (35) ABCDEF is a regular hexagon , EE= M' , Bd= N , CD = L

:thenAE= (intermof M rN rL)

(u)M*N-*i o)M-N'*i tc)N+i (d)i-M
o (36tIn the opposite figure :
If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon
:then(AB-CB)+AF+DE= A
(u) FB (b) AE
(c) AD (d) AC

U (37) In the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a rectangle : MN I gC
(a) 2 Bi G)2AD
(c) 4 MN (d) zero.

o (38) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram r F is the midpoint of AB

, DF n cE = {p} , then Di * De = ...... ...... B

(a) DF O) AF * sF- (c) 2 FE (d) 2 BE

> Exercise 3?
o (39) In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a trapezium.
r then the value of k = Where k eR
(a) -2 (b)-1
(c) 1 (d) 2
o (40)IfA=(2rZ) r B=(4t-2) s C=(-2r0) , D=(1 ,k)unoDTICg
r then k ='...........'..
(a)1 (b)-1 @)1J (d) 2
o (41) If ABCD is a parallelogram : A (1 t2) tB (X ,- 3) , C (- 3 ,5) ,D(-1ry)
r then BD =
(a) (- 2 t7) (b) (- tz , - t3) (c) (4 , - 3) (d) (- 12 ,13)
O (42)lt A- (3,5), B = (- 1 :m) r ll AB ll = 4 length unirs, then m =
(a) zero (b) s (c)-1 (d)-s
a (43) The given figure represents the two vectors
A , B Which of the following .B
figures represents the vector i- E- f

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(44) In the opposite figure :

ll i* B-- d ll = ...... (Where the side lengrh of each

square in the lattice represents a length unit).
(a) I (b) 2
(c) 5 (d) 4
J ORemember lUnderstand OApply o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

(45) The opposite figure represents

thevectors A, B, C, D whichof
the following is true ?

(a)B=-C G)r=s*d
(")il=e*d (d) A +D =28
(46) In the opposite figure :

6 congruent parallelograrns.
Dn =
r then (in terms of M' , -N
(a) M+ N O)2M-+2fr
(c)2M-2N (d) 2 N -2}J{
(.47) ln the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram : X is the midpoint of AB

: then Ei=
+ rN'+ z -Io o) + (2 fr- M)

+ (M. +
(.) -N @) ? rN-zMr
O (48) If ADlt amedian inAABC whereA(9 r 6) :D (- 1 :0) r

then ll aE-* At ll = length units.

@)21[i @44[i (c) s{r (d) 10fi7

O (49) In the opposite figure :
If E is the midpoint of CD
r then EA + EF = """""""
(a) Di* cE O) FB-* sT
(c) DA + CF (d) CD + BA

(50) If ABCD is a rectangle : its diagonals intersect at M : then fufd* MB="'

(u)d O) AE (.) Bf (d) cB

(51) In the opposite frgure :

If M is the point of intersection
of medians of A ABC
, then MA + 2 MB = .. ...""""'
(a) Ed (b) AB
(c) zero. (d) cB
> Exercise 3

o (52) In the opposite figure :

If FABC is a rectangle
, rhen ll BD* DEll=
@{i @1[%
@){z+ (d){e
o (53) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram
: then CA = (7 ,3)
,DB= (3,-3):thenCD=
(a) (5 :0) (b) (2 ,3)
(c) (10 ,0) (d) (3 ,7)
(54) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rhombus r its diagonals intersect at M

: then eB* AF= o (m. oD)
, then k ='....'.........
' /. (b)-T I

(c) 1 (d)2
o (55) In the opposite figure :

(a) 2 Di (b) 2 DE-
(c) 2 CE (d) 2 EB
o (56) In the opposite figure :

If the area of the large square = 49 area units r

the area of the small square = 25 area units :

then AE' = .........'.....
(a) (- t2 ,2) (b) (- tz ,-t2)
(c) (- 12,-2) (d)(12,-2)
o (57) In the opposite frgure :

ABCDEF is a regular hexagon

the length of its side = 2 length units
: then il Ff * eE * DE ll = tength unirs.
(a) 2 @ 2^\[a
@zli (d) 4
ORemember ffit"lrrdq*rm\w,r'rd OAppny .i Higtrer Order Thinking Skills

I tssl ll M*N ll . ll il- fr ll i, which of the following cases """""""'

(a) (b) (c) (d)

fl Lfi.l ABCD is aparallelogram,inwhichA(3,0), B (0 :4), D (- 2 t-l)


I Find the coordinates of the point C < (- -5 r 3) >

@nnCOisaparallelograminwhichA=(Xt2) : B=(318) r C=(9,1) r D=(7 ry)

I rinathevalues of xty,thenfind: llABll ,ll ADll

" I :-5,21fi0,1rer,,
,1) :

EltnanorthogonalcartesiancoordinatesplaneifA=Cl r-4) : B=(1 C=(6 r-1)

it- , flnd each of AB , ge i, terms of the two fundamental unit vectors r
I then prove that : AB I BC
@ rl"U If 2 M + 3 AB =2CB-BA :prov€that: M = CA

El U.Ll In any triangle XYZ > prove that : XY + YZ + ZX = O



6(l) I ru u In the opposite figure

o/ A
irilateral .,
I aeco is a quadrilateral , \
lueAB:FccD Ft \
I P"nr"
t "."'-__ "_
/c/ \

Il t" the quadrilateral ABCD r prove that :



fl enCO is a trapezium in which AD llBC , E is the midpoint of AB : F is the midpoint


of DC Prove that : AD + BC = 2 EF
[t U U ABCD is a quadrilateral in which BC = 3 AD Prove that :


fr rLU ABCDis atrapeziuminwhich xo ttBC ,+B= J Pror"that: nd* BD=;



> Exercise 3p

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which 2BC = 5 AD Prove that :

(r)zAC+zBD=7AD (2)2AB- zDd=3DA

is a parallelogram : its diagonals intersect at M : N is a point outside
the parallelogram. Prove that :

(2) AC
- DB =2BC
(s)M+NB*Nd*ND=4ffi- (6)Afr*efr*ND*M=2AD
ii-j ABCD is a parallelogram in which E is the midpoint of BC
Prove that : AB + AD + DC = 2 AE

is a quadrilateral in which X is the midpoint of AC : Y is the midpoint of BD
Prove that : AB + AD + CB + CD = 4 XY

J XYZ rsatriangle rLeYZsuch

that Y L : L Z = 5 : 3
Prove that : 5 XZ+ 3 XY = 8 XL

J If M
is the point of intersection of the medians of the triangle ABC : P is a point outside
the triangle , prove that : * FE- * Fd = 3 FM

is a triangle r D is the midpoint of gC , p is rhe midpoinr of
the midpoint of AB Prove that :
Ae and F is

(I )AF*ns=AD I r2tAF-AE=+CB L

ABC is atriangle in which D :E r F are the midpoints of the sides AB, BC, CA
respectively. M is the point of intersection of its medians. Prove that :


IABC is a triangle in *hi$ ri is the midpoint of AB r E is the midpoint of AC
Prove that : AE + CD = EB + DA

J ABCisatriangle , DCBC , ECBCsuchrhatBD=CE

Prove that : AB + AC = AD + AE

J IfA=(3,1) : B= (I 14) : C=(-1 r-5), findNwheretM*ffi+M=d

I <(l r0)>
ORemember lUnderstand OApp[y .l Higher Order Thinking Skills

@ ABCDis aquadrilateral.If AB =(2 tl) r BC =(-3 t4) D?=(s,-t)

o '
r find the vector which is represented by AD ana if B = (- 1 r 3) r find the

coordinatesofA rC rD

J IfAE=(1,-4) , A= (2,3) , C=(-1,15)g

, find the values of / and m such that : / f- * = d <<4 t3>,

aright-angledtriangle atB whereA= (2
r0) r B= (3'2) t C=(-5 r5 - X)
: the value of z <( - 1)

J IfABCDis arectangleinwhichA= (5, 1) r

B = (Z t-2) : C= (-3 ,k) r then find
the value of k and find the coordinates of the point D

J In
the opposite figure :

If DE llBC rfindthenumericalvaluesof k: L tm tni

(1)BD=kDA (2)CE=/CA
(3)BC=mED (4)ZD*DE=nA?
"r'5 ' 2 )5>
If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon whose centre is M
r proY€ that : MA + MB + MC + MD + ME + MF = O

J ffi In
the opposite figure :

ABCDEF is a regular hexagon.

Prove that : AB + AC + AE + AF = 2 AD

In the orthogonal cartesian coordinate plane ,AE- ez,3) ) aB = (-6 ,-4) ,

2B+ AC=(6 r11)Find:

( I ) The coordinates of each of the points A rB rC
( 2 ) The area of A ABC using vectors. <13>

roABCDisatrapeziuminwhichA=(-2t-3) : B=(4r-l) : C=(215) r D=(-1rk)

( 1 ) If AB ll DC , find the value of : k
( 2 ) Prove that: CE'r aE-

( 3 ) Find : The area of the trapezium ABCD < 4 r 30 >

> Exercise 3?

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) If r, E-are rwo non-zeroes vectors : then ilril* ilB-ll ilr. E ll
(a) > (b) < (c) > (d) <
(z) rri* F= d, f il il * il E'll = ll dll, then
(a) f , B *" perpendicular. (b)A rBareequivalent.
(c)A rBareparallel (d) C is perpendicular ro A and B
( 3 ) If A, g *" two non-zeroes f+
vectors ura ll A'- Fll, then
E'll = ll
(a)A=-B O)f,B*"equivalent.
(c)A:Bareparallel. (d) A r B are perpendicular.
( 4 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square and

AY + XY =k XC r then k = ...............
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

If M is the point of intersection

of the medians of AABC : then
First: AD + BE + CF - ........,......

(a) BC
(c)2BC (d) AB + AC
Second t Mi* ND* N{d=
(a) MD + ME (b) 3 NLi
(c) AB-+ se* CA rar * {AT^+ efy
Third : If AB + AC = k AM : then k =
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
( 6 ) M is the centre of regular hexagon ABCDEF
ano DB+ Da * DF= k DI\i
r then k = ...............

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

(\\ : t )y o /6j;t: \ / (.r--,1;) eu-or...r,r- ;eL*6JI

z, r r,,;), OApp[y t nigner Ofdef Thinking SkillS
ORemembe 'ti:,":,::;.:,r":,riii,:'


(7 )Ifthe sum of two unit vector. E, g is also unit vector C i.e. A + B = C

r then the magnitude of their differe,"" il f - B- ll =

(a) zero &)1D r.)f (d) 2

( 8 ) In the opPosite figure : A

IfAD=3DB and6=kE*tt'G /\

(c) 2 (d) 3
( 9 ) In the oPPosite ligure :

ffi bisects LBAC and AB =2 AC

r then AD =

+ reB* etl
@) o) + rAd* z,t.-s)

@) + (3 At+ z e-e)
(2 lt * n-s)
(10) In the oPPosite figure :

ABCD is a Parallelogram in which

r then E=
@)+e-s'*+AD (b)
@) ?ffi* + AD
In the oPPosite figure :


If ABC is a right-angled triangle

at B :AC = 24 cm.M is the Point
of intersection of its medians
(a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 4 (d) 6
> Exercise 3

(12) In the opposite figure :

If M is the point of intersection

of medians of AABC

@)3d G)2vd
(c) o (d) 5 AX
(13) In the opposite figure :

OEbisects L Aocwhere O is the cenrre of the circle

(a)112 OB
o) 2bE
{"t (r[i *,) o, (d) 3 0B

ABCD is a quadrilateral : X : y >z and,N are the midpoints of AB , BC , cD ano DA

respectively. Prove that : ,A.-B * Dt* CE-* DA = z fd+ N?l


iii -.\
i--.,,r i


on vectors

ffi From the school book ORemember iUnderstand OAppry 1'1 HigherOrderThinking Skills
Test yourself
Multiple choice queslions

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

Probtems 0n geometric apptications

(1)ABCDisatrapeziumrA-B ttCD tA(2 r1):B (3 12) tC(4 r0).IfAB =2CD t

then the coordinates of D are

at(z! ,fr) ot(t! t1 , (") (+ ,.+) (o

C ,r+)
( 2 ) In the opposite figure :
OA= OB = 6 cm. tm(L O) = 120"
r then llffill= """""""' crr.
(a) 6 o) 12

(") oF @) 6n[,
(u) AB , BE h"t on two dffierent parallel lines'

(c) A r B r C lies on the same straight line.
(d) A' B r C are vertices of a scalene riangle-
> Exercise 4*
( 4 ) In the opposite figure :
gD is a median in AABC r

AABC is right-angled triangle at B

; then

(,) u? =|\._ (b)BE*ed=BT

(c)AB+BC=AD+CD @tllzBDll= llAC ll
( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

The area of A ADE _ 4

The area of A ABC 9
r then

(a)AD=*AB o) AD= +AC


(c) aB= ? AC (d) DE =

( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCD ,XYZL are two squares

the lengths of their sides are 6 cm.

: 3 cm. respectively : then At=

(a) 6\ 2 (b){,AE
(c)4,12 XY @2fr,
( 7 ) In the opposite figure :

AB , CD are two chords in the circle

AB n CD = {E} , then d=
(a) 6 CE (b)3G
(c) a ED (d) 4 cE
Problems 0n phusical applications

{ I ) In the opposite figure :

The resultant of the two 12 Newton^20 Newton
forces in terms of unit vector i =
(a)8i (b)-8; 32l
(c) (d) - 32;
t 2 )In the opposite figure :
The resultant of the two forces kg.wt
in terms of unit vector u = -d.....................................*
25 kg.wt

(a)5u &)-s; (c) as i (d)-45u

z ORemember I Understand OApp0y 1'a Higher Order Thinking Skills

C r :r ; In the opposite figure : -- *rrr.*rllt

The resultant of the two forces in terms of the unit vector rt = """""""'
(a) s0 i (b) - s0; ,o r-.*Y
(c) 110 u (d) - 110 u i
o ( 4 ) The magnitude of resultant of the forces acting on a body as trying to move it
with a force in direction of motion of magnitude 70 newton and the magnitude of the
force of friction is 55 newtons equals newtons'

(a) 70 (b) ss (c) 125 (d) 1s

( 5 ) If F1 =T-:J , Fr=3i-lact on a particle r then the norm of the resultant

equals force unit.
@)z'[ro (b) 8 @ +.[i (d) 4

( 6 ) If Fl - (a I b) +j acton a particle and the system is in equilibrium

' Fr=- 3J+
(a) zero (b)-1 (c) I (d) 7

(a)20e @)-20e @)4e (d)-4e

(a) 40; O) - 2oo i

2oo; (c) (o - 40;
(9)IfvRB=75 e, vA=-60e rthenvB= """""-""
t"l iis o) - i 13s;
(c) 1s i (d)-15e
(10) A cyclist A moves on a horizontal straight road with velocity 14 km/h. If he met
another cyclist B moving with velocity 20krrl.lh. in the opposite direction.
: then magnitude of the relative velocity between them =
(a) 20 (b) 14 (c)34 (d) 6

A car moves on a straight road with a speed 90 km./h. If a motorcycle moves

(11) m
speed 40 km./h. on the same road r then the magnitude of velocity of
the motorcycle

with respect to the car when they move in the same direction = km'/h'

(a) (b) 30 (c) 90 (d) 40

(12) Ittwo forces {= +i- ol, i.=- oi+ sJact at a point r then their resultant
B = ....-..........
(a) (8 , 135") $) (2{2,4s') <"1(z'[i, 13s') (d) (8 t45")

(13)Iftheforcesf =11 ,_Z) , Fr=al+3 j , Fa=G4ft)actatapointarein

equilibrium rthena+b=
(a) 4 (b)-4 (c)-3 (d)-1
> Exercise 4?
(tr4) In the opposite figure :

If Fl = FZ=3 newton
r then the resultant of the two
forces F1 : F2 is R =
(a) (3 ,180') (b) (6 : 180")
(c) (3 r 90') (d) (6 ,90')
(flS) If the two forces q rq aatatapoint. where Fr=34gm.wt. and acts in the eastern
north direction : Fz= 34 gm.wt. and acts in the western south direction : then the
resultant of the two forces = ...............
(a) 68 gm.wt. in the north direction.
(b) 34\ 2 gm.wt. in the western north direction
(c) 68 gm.wt. in the western north direction.
(d) zero

Problems 0n Geometric applications

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram : E is the midpoint

of AB r F is the midpoinr of DC
Prove using vectors that :

The figure DEBF is a parallelogram.

ffi In the opposite figure :

ABCD and ABXY are two parallelograms.
Prove using vectors that :

The figure CXYD is a parallelogram.

lf XYZLis a parallelogram , E CXL ,F eyz such that EX=ZF

r prove using vectors that : EF and E bir""t each other.

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezium in which an / gC

rAD = * ," r its diagonals intersect at M
If E and F are the midpoints of MB and MC respectively cE
: prove using vectors that : AEFD is a parallelogram.

ffi ABCD is a quadrilateral.If AC + m= 2 Dd : prov€ that : ABCD is a parallelogram.

ORemernber lUnderstand OAPPIY o'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

Use vectors to prove that : The line segment drawn between the two midpoints of any
two opposite sides of a parallelogram is parallel to the other two sides and its length
equals the length of each of them.

Using vectors r prov€ that : If two opposite sides in a quadrilatoral are parallel and
equal in length r then the two other sides are parallel and equal in length also i.e. the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

ABC is a triangle in which Dis the midpoint of +B : E is the midpoint of AC

: prove using vectors that : Og ttgc , nn, = | nC

mIfA(6,5) r B (8 r-3)and C(-2 r-5)aretheverticesof thetriangleABC:find

using vectors the coordinates of the point of intersection of its medians. <(4r-l)>

[EmIfA=(5,1) r B= (2,5) : c= (-2 13)andD=(-5 ;-4)

j r prove using vectors that
O lt / mi c --,-^
: The figure
ABCD :^ ^ r-^-,
is - A
a trapezium'

: r- 1) ): C=(-4r-3)

B mUsingvectors :proY€thatthepoints 3tr= (3 :4) B = (1

'f and D = (- 2 t2) are vertices of a rhombus.

@ffnnCOisaquadrilateralinwhichA= (l r-2) : B=(9 r0) : C-(8 It4)andD=(0

i perimeter
? : prove using vectors that : The figure ABCD is a rectangle I then flndlits
I and its area. " 6\17 t34 "


@Utir,gvectors :provethatthepoints ;tr=(1 :3) r B =(6, 1) I CC-|r4 ,4) ^d

p = (- L -Z) arc vertices of a square and find its area' <29>

m In the opposite figure :
-*n ri
E /---),D
I nnC is a triangle in which D CAB \
-.4 \ zfr
c' B

, gC i, N that : nc ll nB
I ri"a
terms of M ana r then prove "3(M-N)"

[ts iL:lIn the opposite figure : .ilA

'i o"ao is atrapezium rAD ll BC:AD = M
l7- *ra,ffi= N, AD =M
I t t I Express in terms of M and N each of the following :
Il-.t ec,AC,DC,DB

I , prove that : The points D : X and B are collinear.

> Exercise 4

ffi In the opposite figure :

FAB is a triangle in which
FA=7cm.:FB =5^r[icm.
;m(LAFB) = 135o
Find using vectors : The length of AB <13cm.>

m ABCD is a quadrilateral in which X rY tz andl- are the midpoints of A.E

, EE , CD and DA- respectively. Use vectors to prove that :

( 1 ) The quadrilateralxYzL is a parallelogram.

( 2 ) The perimeter of the quadrilateralXYZLequals the sum of lengths of the two
diagonals of the quadrilateral ABCD

Problems 0n phgsical applications

IftheforcerFr-2i-3 j t Fz=4i+7 j , F3=3i+8 jactonaparticle:

find the magnitude and the direction of the resultant of these forces
(given that forces are measured in newton). < 15 newton , sl. ) +g* ,
If the forces -F, = t- 6 ,6) , Fz=si+r:l , 4 - (2 , - 7) act on a particle where the
forces are measured in dyne r findthe magnitude and direction of the resultant of these
forces. < 13 dyne ,62. z) +g* ,
ffi Find the resultant force Facting in each of the following :
(1) (2)

30 kg.wt 40 kg.wt
(3) ronr.* (4)

(YY : e )Y e/q:E \ / (u,rL;) otl-or*;qr*,pal-*6Jl @

ORemember lUnderstand OAPP$Y o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

!!o m In each of the following r the two forces -\ ana F, act at a particle.
I St o* the magnitude and the direction of the resultant of each two forces :

I t t I Fr = 15 newtons acts in the east direction r


F^ = 40 newtons acts in the west direction.

I t Z I Fr = 50 dyne acts in 60' west of the north direction r

I F, = 50 dyne acts in 30o south of the east direction.


I t S I Fr = 30 newtons acts in 20o east of the north direction :


F, = 30 newtons acts in 70o north of the east direction.

do m TheforcesF, =zi+ :1, 4=ui*1, 4=si+ulactataparticle.


I fina
the values of a and b if their resultant force F is as follows



do m TheforcesF, =zi-sl, L=ui+ al, 4 =-+i+ (b-3)iactataparticle.


I fi.,a the values of a and b if :


I t t I The resultant of the set of forces equals 4 i -7 i

I tZl The setof forces is inequilibrium.
<< 1 r-2 t-3 t5 >>


do O car "A" moves on a straight road with velocity 140 km./h. , another car "B" moves
I on the same road with velocity 110 km./h.

I ninA the velocity of the car "A" relative to the car "8" when :

I t f I The two cars move in the same direction.


I t Z I The two cars move in two opposite directions. < 30 km./h. r 250 km./h. >

do O car for watching the velocity on the desert road (Cairo - Alex.) moves with velocity
I fO nn.m. This car watched a truck coming in the opposite direction r it seems that the truck
| *oves with velocity 110 km./h. What is the actual velocity of the truck ?
< 80 km'/h. >

do * A controlling speed car (Radar) moves on the desert road at 40 km./h. It watched

I u "* coming from the other opposite road which seemed to be moving at 135 km./h.

I f tn" maximum available speed on the road is 100 km./h. : is the coming car in violation
I of the prescribed speed ? Explain your answer.

It is no in violation
<< >>

> Exercise 42

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) IfF;= (u,*), i.=(u,*), 4==ei+4lmeasuredindyne :thenthe

magnitude of their resultant = ............... dynes.

(a) 13 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 6{,

(2) Iftheforces{= (tE,+), -Fr=ui+ :], {=-s?+ G+z)j
act at one point and the system in equilibrium ,then9=
(a) 13 (b) - 13 (c) 1 (d)-1
(3) If F;=i- rl, 4.=:i+ al : then the force {which makes the resultant of the
three forces is a unit vector in the positive direction of the y-axis equals
tal-:?-:j 61- +i-zj
(c)-5 -i-3 j
(d)-4i-3 j
( 4 ) A system of 100 forces , magnitude of each is 10 newtons act at one point and

the measure between any two consecutive forces t. , then the magnitude of
their resultant is ...............
(a) 100 (b) 500 (c) 10 (d) zero

IfF;=si+:1, Fr=(7 +a)?+61, 4 = -Ai+(3-b)larethreecoptanar

forces meeting at a point r the polar form of their resultant

F= (ro{z , 135") r find the vatues of : a and b <<-8 s2>>

Acar "A" moved on a straight road measured the relative velocity of a car o'B" in front of
it in the same direction it found it20krlr'.lh. r then when the car "A" decreased its speed
to the half and remeasured the speed : it found that the relative velocity of the car "8"
became 50 km./h. What is the actual velocity of eachcar ? < 60 km./h. r 80 I'rn./h. >
Unit F
Straight linpnl-

M ,;i'1:,, *,iffi



Es Division of a line segment.

Equation of the straight line.


xt Measure of the angle between two straight lines.

The length of the perpendicular from a point to a straight line.

General equation of the straight line passing through the point
E9 of intersection of two lines.
iiii Exercise

i .....
lltiiI '''t'-""


' .+--'----..
J: i


of a line

ffi Fromtheschool book ORemember OUnderstand OApp[y 1'1 HigherOrderThinking Skills

Test yourself

Choose the correct answerfrom those given :

(1)IfA=(3 t6) r B= (-7 ,4) tthenthemidpointofE =....................
(a) (- 4 ,10) O) (- 4 ,5) (c) (5 r 1) (d) (- 2 ;5)
( 2 ) If M is the point of intersection of the two diagonals of the parallelogramABCD
where A-(3 ,7') t C=(-3 ,1) rthen M=...............
(a) (0 r4) (b) (3 ,3) (c) (0 :8) (d) (6 ,6)
o (3) mIf thepoint(3 r6)isthemidpointof ABwhereA=(- 3 r7) rthenthepoint
B= ....................

(a) (6 r- 1) (b) (- 6 tL) (c) (9 r 5) (d) (0 ,6.5)

o ( 4 ) If C (2 , 4) is the midpoint of AB where A (X , 4) r B(1 ry)
r then X + y z ....-....-.....

(a)7 o)1 (c)-l (d) -7

C ( 5 )Acircleof center (2 r-2) ,ifoneof thetwoendsof itsdiameteris (4 t2) tthenthe
other end of this diameter is ...............
(a)(-4,2) (b)(0,-6) (c)(-3t-3) (d) (8 ,4)
C ( 6 ) IfA (-3 r-7) t B (4 r0) rthen thepoint C which divides AB internally in the
ratio 5 :2is .--.-..........
(a) (- 2 t2) (b) (2 ,-2) (c) (2 t2) (d) (- 2 ;-2)
z ORemember lUnderstand OAPPIY otr Higher Order Thinking Skills

e (7 )If A(2 r5) t B(7 t-l) tthenthepointCwhichdividesTiBexternallyin

I tn" ratio 3 :2 is ...'...........


(u) (-2s ,-7) (b)(zs ,7) (c)(17 tt3) (d) (17 t-13)
? (8)IfA=(-414) , B=(5r-8) , CCABsuchthatCB AC=l;2
l ,thenC ="""""""'

(") (4 ,:) (b) (2 , - 4) (c) (- 8 t 4) (d) (- 4 ,2)

? (9) IfC€AB rAB =4BCandA (-l r4) : t4) tthetthepointCis """""""'
B (3

It- 4) ,2) (c) (4 ,0)

(a) (0 , (b) (4 (d) (2 ,4)

trol IfA(- 3 t-4), B (- 8 tl)andccAB,c#.

fLthenCis ABwhere AC=2CB
,- 18) ,-

I ,18)(u) (13 (b) (- 13 :18) (c) (- 13 (d) (13 18)

? (11)If B (0 ,3) :
C (3 r0) andAliesatthethirddistancebetweenB andC
,thenAis """""""'
ralo,2) (b)(2,r) (c)(-tt-2) (d)(-2t-t)
6 ttZl[f A(213) r B(6 t-!)tthenthepointCwhichliesatquarterthedistancefromA

,oB is...'.........'.
I rul (z ,3) (b) (z ,-3) (c) (3 t2) (d) (- 3 t2)

(, tfSf The point that lies at t thedistance fromA to B in the directed

I segment AB where A(3 , - 2) , B (- 1 r 5) is

It_ ,r(-1,3) ru)(+,+) (c)(3:-l) (o(+,+)

,) (fa) If C (4 r 4) divides AB intemally in the ratio 1 ;2 and A(7 t 8) r then B is ...............
(c) (- | t-2)

I (u) (-z ,-4) (b) (L ,2) (d) (2 ,4)

? If AB = (3 t 4) , A(-2 ,5) rC divides AB by the ratio 3 :2 externally
l ,thenC="""""""'
I ruletrz) (b)(8,3)
(c)(-8,3) (d)(-7t-17)
l-(16) The ratio of division that the X-axis divides the line segment AB
| *nereA(Zt5) t B(7 t-Z)is
(") 5 : 2 internally.
(b) 2 :3 internallv.
I f"> 3 : 2 externally. (d) 2 :5 extemally.
(17) The ratio by which the y-axis divides AB where A(2 ,5) r B (6 :7) equals
(")1:3externally. (b)3:1internally.
| (.)1:2externally. (d)3:2internally.

> Exercise 5S

(18) IfA (2 ,5) t B (5 t2) t C (4: y) are three collinear points : then C divides A-i
in the ratio ...............

(a) 1:2internally. (b)2:linternally.

(c) 2: 1 externally. (d) 1:2externally.

(L9) In the opposite figure : A(0 :8)

RO ir a modian in A ABC : M is the point of intersection of its

medianswheretr=(0r8) : B=(312) : C=(-3r5)

r then the point M = .........'.....

(a) (0 :7.5) (b) (0 , s)

(c)(-3 (d) (s ,0)

(20) IfAD-is amedian inAABC r whereA- (1, 2) : D = (4, -4) r then the pointof
intersection of the medians of the triangle ABC is

(a)(3 t-2) (b)(-3 t2) (c) (2 t-3) (d)(-2,-3)

(21) ABC is atriangle in whichA(- 3, 1) r B (1 t7) andM is the pointof intersection
of its medians where M = (1 r 2) : then the point Q = .........'.....

(a)(5 t2) (b)(s,-2) (c) (- 5 t2) (d) (- 5 t-2)

(22) ABC is a triangle in which A (8 r 7) r M is the point of intersection of its medians
where M = (2 r 1) and D is the midpoint of BC r then D = ...............

(a) (I t2) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (- I t-2) (d) (- 1 ,2)

(23) If RB ir a median of A ABC r M is the centroid of the triangle ABC

(d) (1 ,2)

(24)IfC divides niUy the ratio 2 : 3 internally.AB AC

: then =
@)4J @+ (c)
5 6\z
(25) If C divides eg UV the -AB tg =
ratio 5 : 7 externally : then

@)+ @+ @)? @+
(26)IfCe AB , 3 ffi= 5 Be :then C divides gA uv the ratio
(a) 2:3 (b) 3 :2 (c)3:5 (d)5:3
::) ORemember Otlnderstand OAppM 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

(27) It Adivides ffiUy the ratio 2 : 3 externally r then

(a) B divid.r EUy the ratio 2 : 3 internally.

(b) B divid.r EUy the ratio 2 : 1 internally.

(c) C dividur ,q.t Uy the ratio 3 : I internatly.

(d) C divides AB by the ratio 3 : 2 externally.

(28)IntriangleABC rB (3 ,5) , C(- 3 t-7),DCBC suchthat

theareaof AABD= tf,.areaof AABC :thenD=....'.""""'
rul (3 , +) ru> (] ,2) (c) (o : - r) (d) (1 , 1)

(29\Itthemidpointsof the sidesof atriangle are(-2 13) t(7 t-I) ,(4:4) rthenthe
point of intersection of the medians of the triangle is ...............

(a) (3 ;2) (b) (9 , 6) (c) (5 :0) ror (f , o)

(30) The ratio by which the y-axis divides the line segment AB where A (X r , Yr) , B (X2 ty2)

is .....'......... internally / externally where X r*0 t X2*0

,r]# ",]++ ,.,]# _ .,]#
(31) The ratio by which the X-axis divides the line segment AB where A (X r , Yr) , B (X 2 ty2)

is ..............' internally / externally where yt * 0 ty2*0

O'E ,.,]ff .,]#

(32) In the opposite figure
",]# :

Each of the following is true except

(a) C divid"t,tn Uy the ratio 4 : 3 internally.

(b) B divid"r GUy the ratio 3 : 7 externally.

(c) A divides BC by the ratio 4: 7 externally.

(d) C dividm niUy the ratio 3 : 4 internally.

(33) If A€the X-axis :B e the y-axis and C (3 ,z)divides ffiinternally by the ratio
2:3 t then the two points A and B respectively are

(a) (3 : O) ) (O ,2) (b) (4 r 0) r (0 :4)

(c)(5 r0),(0,5) (d) (1 :0) , (0 , 8)

> Exercise 5

(34) In the opposite figure : A (1,1)

If D is the midpoint of AB : E is the midpoint of k and

A(1 ,l) t D(3 t2) t E(-l t2)
r then the point of intersection
of medians of the triangle is ............... C

(,) (- , ,+) rur (r , 1) c) (+,+) (o) (+, +)

(35) In the opposite figure : 4(1,4)
D is the midpoint of BC , E CAB
r then the coordinates of the point E is ...............

(a)(3:-3) (b)(4,-2) (-tz,t2) (-2,r)

(c) (5 :- 1) (d) (6 ,2)

(36) If A (X , Y1) and B

r (Xz tyr) are two points in the plane and the y-axis divides D
externally : then for sure

(a)XttXrarepositive. (b)Xr Xzr0

(c) yr t!2are positive. (d) yr yz> o

O (37) If C is the midpoint of AB and D divides Eirt"*ulty by ratio 2: 3 : then D divides

AB by ratio ...............

@)+ h\Z
,5 @+ (o+
(.) (3s) If the point c divides AB irt"-ully by ratio 3 :2 andrhe point D divides F
internally by ratio | :4 tthen D divides AT-U, ratio ...............

(a) 1 :6 (b)1:8 (c) 3 :22 (d) 4: I7

(39) If C (X t Y tD (X z t yr) are the two points in one third and two third of AB
r r)
respectivelywhere A(-l r4) r B (8 r6):then Xr+Xr=...............
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

(40) IfA(-2 15) r B (6 r 1)andcdivides ABinternallybyratioml: m2:Ddivides

BA internally by ratio m, : mrand,C= (4 t2) >thenD = ...............

(a) (2 t3) (b) (4 ,6) (c) (4 :0) (d) (0 ,4)

(YY : t o/6il: \ / C,.ra)obJ-or-,.:!:- rraLr ll

)Y @
= ORemember OUnderstand OAPPIY o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

(41) In the opposite figure :

ABCisatriangle,De AB
tD (4 12),, AC= 6 cm., BC = 4 cm.
r then each of the following is true except

(a) the area of A ACD = the area of A BCD

(b) the perimeter of A ACD > the perimeter of A BCD

(.)dbisects LACB
(d) D divid", gTby ratio 3 : 2 internally.

(42)ln the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram

A(-3,-5),8 (2 t-8),D (8,6) A

B = 4 AI\i- r then \zl = ...............
(a)(3t-2) (b)(-5,3) (c)(-3t4) (d)(1 ,-3)
(43) If the origin point on radar screen is a seaport. two ships sail from it the same time the

first sails due east with velocity 60 km./h. and the other sails due north with velocity
40 km./h. r then the coordinates of the midpoint between the two ships after 3 hours
is ............... "where km. is the length unit".

(a) (90 :60) (b) (60 ,90) (c) (180 t t20) (d) (120 , 180)

(44)In the opposite figure :

If Xy ilBC,4Y=f ,thenX=
(a)(2 t4) (b) (4 ,2)

(c) (- 2 ;4) (d) (- 4 t2)

(45) In the opposite figure :

,A (o)+
(a) *J
.A n (2,-9)
5 @+J
> Exercise 5

o (46) In the opposite figure :

:thenE- - .

(a) (4 t -2) (b) (- 2 t0)
(c) (4 >-7) (d)(8,-5)
I (47) ln the opposite figure :

The point C is ...............

(a) (5 ,0)

(b) (4 ,0)

(c) (3 :0)

(d) (2 ,0)

(48) In the opposite figure :

CA: CB = ...............

(a) 2 1

(b) 1 J

(c) 3 7

(d) 1 2

(49) In the opposite figure :

The terminal side of angle 0 drawn in standard

position intersects the unit circle at A t then O

Bt externally by ratio .............,.

(b) cos 0
f o

(c) sec 0 (d) csc 0

(50) If the position vecror of point A in polar form is f = (t ^[, ,+)
tB (2:5) and c Gm.If B divide, Euy ratroT:4 externarly
(a) (- 2 , s) (b) (3 ,4) (c) (- 2 ,4) (d)(-2,s1[r)
ORernember ltJnderstand OApp[y lo Higher Order Thinking Skills

UIfA=(0 r-3) r B =(3 ,6) r findthecoordinatesof thepointCwhichdividesBT

internally by the ratio | :2 << (2 t3) >>

@re=(3 t-2) r B=(-1 15) r find:

It-t t f Thecoordinatesof thepointCwhichdivides ABbytheratio2:3 internally.
It t Z I The coordinates of the point D which divides AB by the ratio t' o')t(-13t26)'
4 : 3 externally.

| "\5'5

@ firO the coordinates of the point C which lies at the fifth of the distance from A to B
? whereA=(-1:-1) r B= (g 14) <(1 r0)>>
OmIfCeBA,cfiRnrandA=(3,1) : B=(412) r AC=2AB
I , find the coordinates of the point C < (1 I - 1) >

6mIfA=(1 ,3) r B= (-4 r-2), findthecoordinatesof thepointCif Ce AB

? *h"re3AC=2CB <(-1r1)>>

@lfe =(4 t3) r B=(-3 r5) r findthepointC€ABwhere3AC=5CB
" (-t ', +) ,(7,,) "
flff a =(2,l) : B= (- 1 , -2) , findthecoordinatesof thepointCCAE ,CGAB
such that its distance from A equals 4 times its distance from B << G2 t - 3\ >'
i I
SrfrhepointsA=(3 r-4) : C= (-l rl) : B =(k, 1)arecollinear rCeAB,
i* =?,rind:/andk

d* OO= (8 r-4) : B = (- 1, 2) t findthe coordinates ofthe points which divideffi

? ir,o 3 equal parts in length. u(5 t-2) ;(2'to) >>


@ffA =(L ,-4) : B = (5 t4) r findthecoordinates of thepointsC rD andEwhich

,, (2 , -2) t (3 to) t (4 't2) )
J OiriO" AE in,o 4 equalparts in length.

Sff ee X-axis : B € y-axis, C = (- 4 t3)is the midpoint of AB, find the coordinates
? ofeachof :AandB <<P8ro)r(or6)> )>

@rt A=(3 ,-2) r B = (-2 13), findtheratiobywhichthepointC=(8 ry)divides
? nn- showing the type of division r then find the value of y I : 2 externally r-7 << >>
> Exercise 5S
@ fmA the ratio by which the y-axis divides the line segment AEwhere tr= (2 t3)
, B = (- 3 t7) showing the type of division and find the coordinates of the point

IfA= (-2 13) : B = (4 r-2) tfindtheratiobywhichtheX-axisdividesthedirectedline

segment ffi showing the type of division and find the coordinates of the point of division.

,,f internatly , (*, o) ,

m If A =(5 t2) : B = (2 ,- 1) r find the ratio by which eEir dividedby thepoints

of intersection of IE with the two axes r showing the type of division in each case : then
findthecoordinates of thedivisionpoint. <2: I (inrernally) r5:2(externally) t(3 t 0),(0, -3),,

If C and D are the two points of intersection of IE with the two axes r find the ratio by
which the points C and D divide AE- showing the rype of division.
giventhatA=(-5 )7) : B= (-3 12) << 7 : 2 extemally r 5 ; 3 externally >

If thepointsA=(1 r-1) r B=(-1r1) 2 (.=({3,{t)aretheverticesof atriangle r

find the coordinates of the point of intersection of its medians.

"(f ,f )"
IfA= (4 r12) r B= (-2 r10) , C=(1 , 3) : D = (2 ,7) r E is the midpoint of AB
r M divides CD externally by the ratio 3 : 2 : find : the length of EM . 5 lengrh units ,

ABCDisaparallelogram.IfA= (7 ,-2) : B= (15 14) r C= (9 16)

: find the coordinates of the point of intersection of its diagonals AC , BD , then find
the coordinates of the vertex D <<(8 t2):(1 :0)>

If ABCD is a quadrilateral , [= (4 ;3) ) B=(0,2) : C=(*2r-3): D=(2r-2)

: find the midpoint of each of AC , BD : then determine the kind of the figure ABCD
< (1 r 0) : (1 r 0) , a parallelogram >>

Provethatthepoints :A-(1 :4) r B = (3 r-2) t C=(-3, 16) arecollinear :thenfind:

( 1 ) The ratio by which A divides BC showing the type of division. <1:2intemally>
( 2 ) The ratio by which B divides CA showing rhe type of division. <<3:lexternally>
( 3 ) The ratio by which C divides AB showing the type of division. <<2:3extemally>>
ORemember OApp[y o'c Higher Order Thinking Skills

@ D r E r R are the midpoints of AB , BC and CA."tp""tively in AABC

If D= (2 13) r E= (-l ,4) r R= (4
r findthecoordinatesof :A rB ,C <(7 t4):(-3,2);(.1 ;6')>

ABCisatriangle ritsverticesd=(3 r5) : B = (6 r-4) ) C=(1 rl)

If D divides AB by the ratio 7: 2 t E divides AC by the ratio 1:2also
: prove that: OB // gC : DE =
{ nC

[J] Distance :Abus moves fromcityAto cityB whereA= (5 r-6) r B = (1 r0)

It stopped twice during its movement. Find the coordinates of the two points at which
the bus has been stopped if :

( 1 ) It stopped at the middle of the road.

( 2 ) It stopped at two thirds of the road from city A n (3 ,- ,(+,-2)"
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

( I ) In the opposite figure :

If BC = 2.5 length unit
r then the point Q = """""""'
(a) t-2)
(3 (b)(3.5,-2)
(c) (4 ;-2) (d)(2.s,-l)
t 2 ) In the opposite figure :

r then the

point B is

(- 5 tt4)
(c) (- 3 ,20)
(b) (- 4 tt6)
(d) (- 2 ;21)

(4,-1) D(1,8) B

t 3 t In the opposite figure :

If BCCD:thenffi=
(") g (b) 1

'5 I c (3,2) (-1,4)B C2,k) D
> Exercise 5 )a
( 4 ) If A and B are the images of the point (3 r 1) by reflection in the X-axis and y-axis
respectively : then the coordinate of the point that divides eg UV the ratio 2 : 3
internally is ..'."........'

(a)(3:-1) (b)(+,+) (")(+,+) (d) (0 ,0)

( 5 ) If the two pointsA and B lie on the curve of the function i y X2 whereA(3 :9) and
the y-axis divides ffiOy ratio 3 : 2 internally : then B - ...............

(a) (- 1 ,1) (b) (- 2 ,4) (c) (- 1.5 ,2.25) (d) (- 3 ,9)

( 6 ) In the opposite figure : v

If M (3 t 2) is the point of intersection of

medians of A ABC , M 1t : - 3) is the poinr

of intersection of medians of A Agti

(a) (2 t5) (b) (6 , 15)

(c) (- 2 t-5) (d)(-6,-15)

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram in which

F is the midpoint of BC , AC n DF = {E}

: if E = (3, 3) rC = (2 : 5) : then find the
coordinates of the point A


IfA= (2 12) : ,6) : c=(10 r- 4)aretheverticesof atriangle, D€BC

B =(5
suchthatEbisects LAinternally rfindrhecoordinaresofD
r' '1

i _-._ i
iiii Exercise
l,--_,---,, i i

! i il i
; t_a-"'":
,L.i /
i i
, , i----j

El From the school book O Remember i Understand Ol\ppty 1'1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

Test yourself

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(1)IfA (3,-Z) r B (5 r6):thentheslopeof thestraightlinelE= """""""'
(a)-1 G)+ (c) 4 (d) 1
( 2 )The straightlinewhose generalequation is4X+ 3y+5 =0 :its slope = ""
(b) 3
@1 (d)t'
( 3 ) The straight line which passes through the two points (4 , -Z) : (5 r 3)
r the slope of the perpendicular straight line to it = """""""' .l

(a) 5 G)+ (c)-s (d) -=: 5

(a) 1 (b)-1 @-+
o (5) If the straightline:a X-4y
+ 5 = 0 makes withthepositive direction of the X-axis
an angle of tangent 0.75 t then a = """""""'
(")+ (b)-3 (.)+ (d) 3
(6)If thepoints: (1 :8) t(3;y) t(9 - 4) lies on the same straight line then y = """""""'

(a) 11 (b) s (c) - 11 (d)-s

(7) m If the straight line passing through the points (3 ' 0) and (0 t2) is parallel to the
straight line whose equation is y = aX-3 : then a = """""""'
b)? @)+ (d)
> Exercise 6 A
(8) m If the two straightlines L, :3 x-2y +7 =0 and Lr: ax+3y + 5 = 0 are
perpendicular r then a = ...............
(a) (d)-1
1 (b) 2 (c) -z
( 9 ) The slope of the straight line which makes with the positive direction of the X-axis
a positive angle of cosine = it f
') h\+
'5 1c)
i (d) +
(10) The straight line which makes a positive angle of measure
witfr the positive
direction of the X-axis r its direction vector = ...............
(a) (0 ,1) (b) (1 ,0) (c)(-1:1) (d) (1 ,1)

tr **7
o (11)The straightlinewhoseequationisy- :itsdirectionvector=...............
(a) (5 :4) (b) (4 , s) (c) (- 5 ,4) (d)(5,-4)
o (12) The straight line a X +b1l * c = 0 : its direction vector is .

(a) (a : b) (b) (a , -b) (c) (b , a) (d)(b:-a)

C (13) The slope of the straight line which passes through rhe two points (a (b tb2)
, a2) t
(a1a2 -b2 (b)a-b (c)a+b (d) ab
a (14)If i=12 r-5)isadirectionvectorof astraightline:thenallof thefollowing
vectors are direction vectors to the same straight line except the vector
(a) t5)
(- 2 (b) (6 :- 15) (c) (2 ;5) (d) (- 1 ,2.s)
(1o m If ;= ( is a direction vector of a straight line : then all the following
+ 11)
vectors are perpendicular to the straight line except the vector

rut (1 ,- +) G) (2 ,- 1) r"r (-1 ,- +) (d) (4 ,-2)

(16) If the slope of a straight line = .3 , thenits direction vector is ...............
(a) (3 t-2) (b) (- 3 t2)
(c) (6 t-4) (d) all the previous right.
O (17) m If (6 r 4) and (3 : m) are direction vectors of two perpendicular straight lines r
then m = .."...........
. 1
i 0)f_') @z @)+
o (18) The direction vector of the straight line perpendicular to the y-axis
could be ...............
(a) (2 t0) (b) (0 , 1) (c) (1 : 1) (d) (1 ,- 1)
(19) Each of the following relations represents a straight line except

@y y =a[i x (b)x=5 @+* !=r (d) y =G

(rr,e)r r/6;E\/(;;L;)otil-oq;ur- Is[a @ll
= ORemember !r Higher Order Thinking Skills

(20) The equation of the straight line which passes through the two points (4 t O) t
(0 ,3) is """""""'
(a)3 X+ 4y =t) (b)4X+3y=)5 (c)3X-4Y=0 (d)3y-4X=-7
(21) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 , -3) and is
parallel to the X-axis is """" """
(a)X+3=0 (b)y+3=0 (c)X-2=0 (d)Y-3=0
: Q2) El The cartesian equation of the straight line which passes through the point
(-2 ,7) and is parallel to the y-axis is
(a)y=2 (b)y =-2 (c) X=7 (d) X= -Z
(23) ml The equation of the straight line which makes a positive angle of measure 45o
with the positive direction of the X-axis and cuts 5 units from the positive part of the
y-axis is ....."......"
(a)y=x-5 (b)y= i**5 (c)y=tx+5 (d)y=x+5
(24) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (3 ,- 2) and is
perpendicular to the straight line y = 7 is
(a) X=3 (b) X=7 (c)y=-2 (d)Y=7
(25) E-ll The cartesian equation of the straight line which intercepted from the positive parts
of the X-axis and the y-axis parts of lengths 2 I 3 units respectively is """"" "'
(a)3X+2y=$ (b)3x+2y-r
(c)2x+3y -6 (d)2x+3y-1
(26) The vector equation of the straight line which passes through the point (- 4 ,3) and
its direction vector is (2 t 5) is ' "
(a)i= (2,5)+k(- 4,3) G);= G4,3)+k (2,5)
(c)r=(-413)+k(512) (d)r= (2,5) +k(3:-4)
o (27) lm The vector equation of the straight line which passes through the origin point

and the point (1 t2) rs

(a)r=k(I 12) o);= kQ,t)
(c)i= (1,2)+k(1:0) (d)r=(I ,2)+k(0:1)
o (28) General form of equation of the straight line passes through the origin point and
parallels the straight line whose equation r = (2 I - 5) + k (3 ,4) is "
(a)3X+5=0 (b)4x-3y=0 (c)5x-2y =0 (d)3 x-4y=O
o (29) The vector equation of the X-axis is """""""'
(a)r=(1 ,1)+k(0,0) (b)r=(1 ,0)+k(1 ,1)
(c)i= k (1 , o) (d);= k (o , 1)
> Exercise 6 ?,
(30) m The vector equation of the straight line which passes through the point (3 , 5)
and is parallel to the X-axis is ...............
(a)r=k(3,5) (b)r=(3,5)+k(0:t)
(c) i= (3 , s) + k (1 :0) (d);= k (1 ,0)
(31) An the following equations represent an equation for the straight line which passes
through the two points (5 ,0) t (0 t2) except rhe equation ...............
(a)i= (5 , o) +k(5 t-2) 1u);= e,2)+k(5 t-2)
(c)r=(5,0) +k(2 t5) (d)r=(0,2) +k(-10,4)
(32) The parametric equations of the straight line which passes through (0 5) and
, its
vector direction is (- 1 > 4) are
(a)X=1-k,y=5+4k (b)X=k:y=5+4k
(c)X=5+4k:y=-k (d)X=-k ry=5+4k
(33) The parametric equations of the straight line which makes with the positive
of the X-axis a positive angle of measure 45" and passes through the point (3 , 5)
are ...............

(a)X=3+k:y=-5+k (b)X=3+kry=5+k
(c)X=1+3kry=1-5k (d)X=1-3k,y=1+5k
(34) The straight line L'. X= I -2k ty = -1 + 4 kpasses through the point
(a)(1 :1) (b)(1 ,-1) (c)(-1,-1) (d)(_1,1)
(35) The straight line whose vector equation is i
= (2 , -l) + k (3 : -5)
r its perpendicular direction vector = ...............

(a)(3:-5) (b)(2,-t) (c) (5 :3) (d) (- 5 ,3)

(36) If thetwo straightlines: 4x+by + 9 =0 ,i= (1 ,5) +k(2 ;6) areparallel
: then | = .......'.'.'...

@)+ o)+ t.)* J

o (37) If a straight line passes through the point (2 , l) and the vector i
= 1t r 3) is
perpendicular to it r then the equation of the straight line is
(a)X+2y+5=0 (b)X+3y-5=0
(c)X-3y=0 (d)3x-y-5=0
o (38) The straight line which is perpendicular to the straight linei- (0
,5) + k (1/l , t)
makes with the positive direction of the x-axis an angle of measure ...............
(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 120" (d) 150'
ORemember f Understand OAPPIY o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

? (39) The straight line : i= (1 t 4) +k(0 r 1) is parallel to """""""'


I tu) the (b) the y-axis


I t.) the straight line y -X (d) the straight line y - 2

M The area of the triangle enclosed by the X-axis and the y-axis and the straight line

I z X+3 y = 6 equals """""""' square unit.

(u) o (b) 3 (c)z (d) tz

(41) Which of the following points lies on the line r = (- 2',1) + k (1 t-3)?

I ,, (*,-r)
,- <u>(*,,) @)(+ +)
L gZlThe point which lies on the straight line X = - I +2k, y = 3 -k
uno its X-coordinate = 3 is """""""'

I rul (3 , 1) (b) (3 ,- 1) (c) (3 r0) (d) (3 ,2)

,) (+f) The length of the intercepted part of y-axis by the straight line:2 X+3 y - 6=0
tr length units.
I rul 3 (b)z (c)5 (d)6


fqqllf theparametric equation of the straightline is X=6 + 3 k :Y = 1-2k rthenthe

| ,lope of this line is

I ,r* G)6 @+ @+
f t+slThetwo straightlines: +.+= ,!**=
t 1 are """""""
I tul parallel. (b) intersecting and perpendicular.

,., intersecting but not perpendicular. (d) intersecting at point (a : 0)

$ tCOt The equation of the straight line passes through the point (3 , - 5) perpendicular to
I ,n. straight line X + 3 y - 11 is """""""'

tulX-3y+12=O (b)x-3Y-12=0
It- t"l 3x-y-14=o (d)3x-y+ 14=o

tlZf If the parametric equation of the straight line AB is X = 4 k- I )Y =4 rthen the

I ,tope of the straight line perpendicular on AB equals

I ,r rt (b) zero. (c) 1 (d) undefined'

1 f4*l If the equations of the two straight lines carrying diagonals of the parallelogram
I OBCDare X+3Y=4 t6x-2y =7 rthenABCDisa"""""""'

I ful rectangle. @) square.

I (") cyclic quadrilateral. (d) rhombus.

> Exercise 6 ?.,t,'
( g)lfaoitamedianinAABC,A(2,2), B (6,- 1) t C(j :3) :rhenrhe
equation of the straight line passing through (1 , 1) parallel to AD- is ...............
(a)2X-9 y -7 =0 (b)2x-9y-11 =0
(c)2X+9y-11=0 (d)2x+9y +7 =0
(50) The equation of the axis of symmetry of AB where A(z , - l) t B (4 r 3) is
(a) X+2y =0 (b)X+2y=5 (c)2X-y=5 (d)X-2y=5
(51) If the point (4 ,6) is the midpoint of the line segment whose end points on rhe
coordinate &XeS : then the equation of the straight line which carries this segment
ls .. ... .' ....... '

(a)3 X+2y =/4, (b)2x-3y=-10

(c)4X+6y=J2 (d) 3 x -2y =0
(52) IfA (l r-2) r B (3 r- l)
rthen the equation of the straight line which divides D
by ratio 3 : 1 internally and perpendicular to AB is ...............
(a)4x+2y-5 (b)4x+2y- 15 (c)8X+4y-5 (d)8X+ 4y=t5
O (53) If the point (- 4 ,5) is one of the vertices of a square one of its diagonals lies
on the
straight line 7 x-y + 8 = 0 : then the equation of the other diagonal is ...............
(a)X+3y=11 (b)2 x-3 y =-23 (c)X+ 7 y =3! (d)2 X+3y -7
(54) If the straight line a X +b y = 12 interceprs 6 length unit from the positive part of
x-axis and 4length unit from the negative part of y-axis r then a + 2b = ...............
(a) 8 (b) 4 (c)-4 (d) -2
o (55) The equation of the line which lies at equidistant from
the two straight lines y = - 2
and y - l0 is .. .... .....
(a)y=S (b)y=4 X= 4 (c)
(d) X= - 12
(56) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point C (3 4)
r and,
intersects the two positive parts from the coordinate axes X-axis and y-axis at
the two points A and B respectively where AC : CB = Z :3 is ...............
(a)2X+y= 10 (b)X+2y=10 (c)2X*y=5 (d)X+y=10
o (57) The area of the triangle bounded by the straight line passing through
the point
A(2 t3) and its slope = andthe coordinate axes equals
| square unit.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(58) The equation of the straight line passing through the poinr (4 ,3) and inrersecrs
coordinate axes at two points (a :0) and (0 : b) where a + b _1 .
@)+-*=, , 3*I=, @+**=t , ***=,
@+-*=-, , 3*f =-r @+**=-, , 3**=,

= ORemember lUnderstand OAppily rto Higher Order Thinking Skills

(59) In the opposite figure :

Equation of AB is """""""'
(a)4X+3y =l) (b) 3 X + 4Y =l)
(c)4X-3y=12 (d)3X-4y=12

(60) In the opposite figure :

If the length of AB- = znfr length units

r then the equation of the straight line EE is """""""'

@)+**= (o)+-!=t
@+-!=-t @+*!=-t
(61) In the opposite frgure :

If the area of A ABC = 9 square units

r then the equation of the straight line EC

is '..........."'

(a)3X+2y-16=0 (b)X+y=$
(c)2X-y+8=0 (d)2X+y-8=0

(62) In the opposite figure :

The equation of7G is """""""'

@) x-^[iv- 1 = 0 (b) x-1F Y +2=o

f"lnfi x+ y -1|l= o (d)3x-^[rt-6=o
(63) In the opposite figure :

If OC=BC:m(LC) =90o
which of the following considered

an equation to the straight line ffi Z

(a)y= m^,
n.L (b)y=x
(c)y=frx (d)Y=mnx
> Exercise 6?
(64) In the opposite figure :

Three identical circles touching each other externally

If C = (4 ,4) : then the equarion

IB is . . ..........
of the straight line
(a)i= (4,4)+r(r ,-^$)
(b)i= ,- ^$)
(8 ,4) + k (1
(c) i= (tz ,4) + t (r ,- {r)

(d)i= (r2,4)*r(-G,r)
(65) In the opposite figure : L

Two identical circles r then the equation of the straight line L is ...............

(a)X=0 (b)y=o
(c) X+ 4y =0

(66) In the opposite figure :

The centre of the circle is (7 r 8) :

the straight line 7E is a tangent
A 00,1 3)
to the circle at A ; then the equation

of the straight line 7G is . .............

(a)5X+3y=95 (b)3X+5y=lJ
(c)3X+5y+95=0 (d)3x+5y=QJ
(67) In the opposite figure :

The area ofthe shaded figure = ............... square unit.

(a) 16 (b) 12
(c) 8 (d) 24

(68) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square t C (2 r 3) : B (6 t3) t

then the equation of Ed is ...............

@)ax-3y=0 (b)6x-3y=0
(c)7 x-6y=0 (d)5x-y=0
ORemember ounderstand oAppily & Higher order Thinking Skills

(69) In the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a square r C" (9 :5) r

then the equation of OD is """""""'
(a)4x-5y=0 (b)4x+5Y-0
(c)5x-4y=O (d)5x+4Y-0
(70) In the opposite figure :
If the equation of the straight line L, is X - 2 y + 12 = O
r the equation of the straight lineLris X - y + 4 = 0

r then the area of the shaded

quadrilateral -' """"""' square unit.
(a)24 @)26
(c) 28 (d) 30

(71) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square,D (- 3 t 4) t
MA = 3 MB r then the equation of iztfr is """""""'
(a)r-(1,1)+k(l r-3)
(b);=(1 ,1)+k(3:-1)
(c)r-(0,4)+k(1 :3)
(72) ln the opposite figure :

If ABCD r CNME are two identical squares

are midpoints of ffi and AD
respectively : then the equation of
the straight line ffiis "
(a) X-2Y + 6=0 (b)2X-y+3=0
(c)2 X-y + l2=0 (d)2x-y+6=0
(73) In the opposite figure :
If ABCD : OCMN are two identical rectangles.
A (8 : 6) r then the equation of the straight line ND is
(a)i=(6,6)+k(2t2) luyi= 1o :6)+k(-312)
(c) r = (0 ,2) +k(3 tZ) (d)r=(0 t2) +k(-2 ,3)
> Exercise 6

(74)ln the opposite figure :

n(LBAC) = 10" : eeuation of IEis :

(a) 55" (b) 60'
(c) 45" (d) 30.

ffiFind the slope of the straight line passing through each pair of the following
points and show which of these lines are parallel and which are perpendicular
(1)(3:1):(-2,5) (2)(4t0)>(2t-1)
(3)(7:-1):(3,_3) (4)(-5,-2):(_1,3)
m If the equarions of the straight lines L, and.L, are 2 X_ 3 y + a = 0
and 3 X+ b y - 6 = 0 respectively
( 1 ) Find the slope of the straight line L,
( 2 ) Find the value of b which makes the two lines L, and,Lrparallel.
( 3 ) Find the value of b which makes the two lines L, and,Lrperpendicular.
(4) If the straight line L, passes through the point (1 , 3) : then find the value of a

ffi Which of the following straight lines is parallel to the y-axis : which of them parallel
to the x-axis and which of them passes through the origin point r then find
the coordinates of the points of intersection with the two axes (if found).
(1)ZX+3=0 (2)x+3y=Q
(3)ZX+3y=TZ (4)y-5=0
Find the different forms of the equation of the straight line which :
( 1) Passes throughthepointP= (3 r- 1) andthe vectori= (-
3 ,5)is adirection vector
to it.
( 2 ) Passes through the point (5 ,
-l) and makes with the positive direction of the X-axis
a positive angle of measure 135o
( 3 ) Passes through the two poinrs (2 , 3) , (5 , l)
( 4 ) Passes through the point (Z , and its slope
-l) ={

(Yo : 1 )Y o /q:t: \ /(;-rL;)olrl-oq;r.r-;.ol*6Jl !gal

z, oApply
oRernember lunderstand oto Higher order Thinking Skills

(5) m passes through the point A= (2: - 3) and is perpendicular to the vector (- I '2)
( 6 ) Passes through the point (l ,3) and is perpendicular to the straight line

( 7 ) Passes through the point P = (3 :5) and is perpendicular to the vector AB
where A= (2 t -3) : B = (5 ,4)
( 8 ) Canies a position vector i = (2, -Z)

Find the general equation of the straight line which :

( 1) Passes through the point (3 ,-4) andis parallel to the straiShtline X+2y -7 =0
pointP(- I :- 3) andthe vector AB is adirectionvectorto it
( 2 ) passes throughthe
whereA=(- 4 13) r B = (-5 r-Z)
( 3 ) Cuts a length = 4 units from the negative part of the y-axis and the vector
u = (7 : - 3) is a direction vector to it.
( 4 ) Cuts a length = 3 units from the positive part of the X-axis and its slope = -j
( 5 ) Cuts a length = 2 units from the negative part of the X-axis and cuts
a length = 4 units from the positive part of the y-axis'
( 6 ) passes through the point (-l ,2^[r) and makes with the positive direction of

the x-axis a positive angle of measure (+ )"'

( 7 ) passes throughthepoint (3 ,-5) and is perpendicularto the straightlineX+ 3 y - 11
( 8 ) passes through the point (3 , 5) and is perpendicular to the straight line 7G where
A=(2t-3) : B=(514)
(9) IsperpendiculartoA-BatthepointAwhereA=(-3 ,6) r rl) B = (2

(10) Is perpendicularto AB atits midpointwhereA= (- 4 tl) : B = (-2 '3)

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 ' - 3) and

slope = 2 andif this straight line passes through the two points (a t7) I
(5 : b)
find the values of : a and b <<7 >>

(a :0)
Find the equation of the straight line whose slope = m and passes through the point
What is the point of intersection of this straight line with the y-axis ?

Prove that the straight line which passes through the two points :
A= (4 , - t) : B = (2 ,3) is parallel to the straight line which passes through the two
points C=(Z rl) : D=(3 ,- 1):thenfindtheequationof eachof thetwostraightlines.

m IfA =(O t2) : B = (2 rl), 9:e2 r3)arethreepoints intheplane rfindthe

, then prove that the points A , B , C
AIi are collinear'
vector equation of the straight line
> Exercise 6)

Find the two intercepted parts from the two coordinate axes by the straight line :


,to Find the equations of the two straight lines which passes through the point (- 3 ,2) and
parallel to the coordinate axes.

J o
Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point (z , * z)

and makes a positive angle whose cosine =+with the positive direction of the X-axis.

If A= (-4,4) r B =(- 1 , -2) rcdivides eguvtherario l:zintemally:findthe

equation of the straight line which passes through c and the point (2 ,3)

mIfA=(1 ,4) : B = (-4 16):findtheequationof thestraightlinewhichpasses

through the point of division of AB internally by the ratio 2: 3 and is perpendicular to
the straight line whose equation is 5 X -4y- 12 - 0

ffi connecting with geometry , AB ir a diameter in the circle M. If B (-j , lD

r M = (- 2 ,3) r find the equation of the tangent to the circle at the point A

ffi Connectingwith geometry: If the straightline whose equation is:3 X +4y - 12=O
intersects the X-axis and the y-axis at A and B respectively : find :
(a) The area of A OAB where O is rhe origin point.

(b) The equation of the straight line which is perpendicular to AB and passes through
its midpoint.

Find the lengths of the two intercepted parts of the two coordinate axes by the straight line
which passes through the two points (- 3 , 1) , (4 ,0)

Find the lengths of the two intercepted parts from the two coordinate axes by the straight
Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point (5 , z)
perpendicular to the straight line which intercepts from the positive part of X-axis
apart of length 4 units and from the negativepartof y-axis apartof length 3 units.

J Provethatthepoints A= (2 r-3) : B
= (7 rz) : c= (1, 1) arevertices ofatriangle.
If DC ABsuchthatAD:AB= 2:5 >findthecoordinatesof D rthenwritethe
different forms of the equation of the straight line tD


z ORenernber lUnderstand OAppily rt nigner Order Thinking Skills

Find the measure of the positive angle which the straight line L makes with the
positive direction of X-axis if :

(2)Lpasses through the two points (0, 0) t (2 t - 2)

( 3 ) L intercepts from the two coordinate axes two positive pafts of lengths 4 and 6 units

(4)L:X=2+3k ) y=-7+2k
( 5 ) The vector;= (1[T , t) is a direction vector to it.

( 6 ) The vector fr = (1/5 , t) is a direction vector perpendicular to it.

Find the vector equation of the straight line L : 2 X - 3 y - 6 = 0

Find the vector form and the general form of the equation of the straight line L :

X=3-2k t Y=-1 +3k

Find the vector form of the equation of the straight line L :

+.+= 1 where a*o tb*o

Findtheequationof theaxisof symmetry of Ewhere ; tr=(2 t3) r B= (-4 ,5)

mIfA(5 r-6) t B(3 t7) r C(1 ,-3) rfindtheequationof thestraightlinewhich

passes through the point A and bisects BC

ABC is atriangle ritsvertices areA(- 1 r5) r B (4 ,-2) , C(-3:0)Findthe

equation of the straight line which passes through the vertex A and perpendicular to BC

Prove that the two equations :

r=(-1 :3)+k(6 r-4) t r=(5 r- 1)+k (-3 12)areof thesamestraightline.

ABCD is a square in which tr= (3 t2) r C= (- I t 4)

Find the equations of the straight lines carrying its two diagonals.

Prove that : The point M = (5 : - 4) is the centre of the circumcircle of AABC where
A= (1 r- 1) r B = (l r-7) t C =(2 rO) :thenflndtheequationofthetangenttothe
circle at the point A
> Exercise6

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The straight line intersects X-axis at the point (a :0) and intersects y-axis at the
point (0 : b) passes through the point

(a) (a , b) G)(+ ",to) (")(+",*o) (d)(+ ",io)

( 2 ) If the intercepted parts from the two positive parts of coordinate
axes X-axis and y-axis
by the straight line L, ata o. t b respectively and the intercepted parts
from the two
positive parts of coordinate axes X-axis and y-axis by the straight
line L, are 2atZb
respectively : then

(a)Lr J-L.' (b)Lt il L2

(c) Lr )Lr= {(a ,b)} (d) something else.
( 3 ) Lr is a staight line passes through the pointA (2
,3)and makes an angle of measure 60o
with the positive x-axis : if the straight line L, rotate aroundA with
an angle of measure
15o clockwise , then the equation of the straight line in its
new position is ...............
(a)y-X=l (b)y+ X=l (c)2x*y=1 (d)2x+3y-5
( 4 ) The equation of the straight line passes through the point (3
,4) and intercepts two
equal parts in length of the coordinate axes could be ...............

(a)X+y=l (b)x-y=-1 (c) y + 2 X = 70 (d) both (a) and (b)

(5) IfA(3 ,-5) , B (-
4 t8) rthentheratioinwhichthe straightlinex*y=0
divides the line segment AB- fro* A is .. ... .......
(a) 2: I (b) t :2 (c) 2:3 (d) 3 :2
( 6 ) The coordinates of the projection of the point (2
:3) on the straight line L: X+ y = 11
15 ...'...........

(a) (- 6 ,5) (b) (6 , s) (c) (5 ,6) (d) (- s ,6)

(7) Theimage of thepoint (3 r8) byreflectioninthe straightlineL :
x+3y _7 =0
is . . . . . ..... .....
(a) (- 1 ,-4) (b)(-3:-8) (c)(1 :-4) (d)(3,8)
( 8 ) If the point A (0 : 0) is the image of the point B (4
,2) by reflection in the straight
line L r then the equation of the straight line L is ...............

(a) X=2y (b)2X*y=5 (c)2x-y=5 (d)X+y=S

oRemember ilunderotand oAppily $ Higtrer order Thinking skills

( 9 ) The opposite figure represents the square ABCD

: the equation of the straight line ffi is X + y - 4

: then the equation of the straight line contains the

diagonal gD It
(a) X= 4 (b)y=4
(c) X+Y =). (d)x+ y=4{,
(10) In the opposite figure :

If the equation of the straight line AB is
- += 1 r then the equation
of the straight line Ed is """""""'

@+*f = r tu)**f=r
(.)+-{= r (d)X+y=18

(11) In the opposite figure :

The area of
A ABC = ............... square unit.

(a) 15 (b) 20

@)24 (d) 32

(12) In the opposite figure :

If the area of A ABC = 15 square unit

CA = CO : then the equation of L, is """""""'

@++f =r tu)++{= r

(")#*|= r (o++ft= r

(13) In the opposite figure :

The area of

aABC = ............... square unit.

(a); 1
(b) 2

(c) 1 @)+
> Exercise 6

(14) In the opposite figure :

The vector equation of the
straight line BC is ...............
(a)i= (0 ,3) + k (2 :- 1) 1u);= (3 ,o) +k(2 t-t)
(c)r=(0r3)+k(-1r2) (d)r=(3,0) +k(-l t2)

(15) In the opposite figure :

If the equation of the straighr line IE

is 2 X+ 3 y - 12 t thenthe vector equation
of the straight line ffi is ...............
(a) r = (2 ,3) +k(2 t3) 0);= e,3)+k(3 tz)
(c) r = (3 ,2) +k(2 t3) (d) r = (3 ,2) +k(3 t2)
(16) In the opposite figure :

If the equation of the srraight line ffi is {6ge+* = t

: then the parametric equation of the straight line OC
is .. .. ...........

(a)X=3+4k y=4+3k (b)x= 4 +3k Y=3+4k

' )

(c)X=3+3k ) y=4+4k (d)x= 4+4k , Y=3+3k

(17) In the opposite figure :

r then the vector equation of the straight line L,
is ...."...'.....
(a)i=(0,2)+r(r ,{r) 1u);=e,z)+k(-1,-1)
(c)i= (o ,z)+ r (1fu , r) (d);=Q,2)+t(r/T,-r)
(18) In the opposite figure :

If OC = 2 OB : the equation of the straight

line AB is 2 X+ 3 y - 6 : then the vector
7E is ...............
equation of the straight line
(a)i= (-6,0)+k(1 ,3) (b)i= (-6,0)+k(3,1)
(c)r=(6 r0)+k(1 r3) (d)r=(6,0)+k(3:1)
lRemember lUnderstand OAppM o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

(19) In the opposite figure :

If the area of the square ABCD = 36 square unit

D= (- 12 ,0) r then the vector equation of
the straight tine EE is ...""""""
(a)r=(0,3)+k(3 :2) (b)r=(0,3)+k(-3 t2)
(c)i= (-6,6)+k (-2,3) (d)i= (-6,-6)+ k(2,3)
(20) The parametric equations of the straight line EE is """""""'
(a)X=4+3k, y=6+4k
(b)X=3-4k , y=4-6k
(c)X= 4+3k , y=6-4k
(d)X=3-4k, y=4+6k
(21) In the opposite figure :

If the area of the rectangle OBDE = 20 square unit

: then the equation of 7G is """""""'

(a)2X+y+20=0 (b)2X+y-20=0
(c)2 x-Y =20 (d)Y=2x+20
(22)ln the opposite figure :

If OT G *" angents to the circle M at A and B


: then the vector equation of the straight line ffi

is ........ .......

(a)r-(0r0)+k(-1r3) O);=?4,3)+k(3,-1) B

(c) i = (0 , 0) + k (3 , - 1) (d)r=(5,0)+k(3:-1)

In the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a quadrilateral r find :

( I ) The slope of BD r then deduce the value of 0
( 2 ) The two equations of IE and 5
> Exercise 6

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point (4 ,,3)
and intercepts from the coordinate axes two different positive parts r the sum of their
lengths = 14

Find the equation of the straight line passing through the point (3 , z)

and its slope is negative and it makes with the two coordinate axes a triangle
of area 12 square units.

In the opposite figure :

Two squares OABC : OMED

,EEnEE={r},K=(1 ,4) K(1,4)
Find the area of the shaded square.
< 9 square unit >>

(Yl : r )Y a /.*)tJ \ / (;-rLJ) ou.l -,:. .t-, ,af*.@ ll [rC


il-l.l From the school book ORemember OAptply 1o1 Higher Order Thinking Skills

Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) Ml The measure of the angle between the straight lines whose slopes arc 2 , -|
(a) 30' (b) 60' (c) 90" (d) 45'
O ( 2 ) The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines whose slopes
(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 45" (d) 54'
o (3) ffi The measure of the angle between the straight lines whose equations are X = 3
t! =4 equals
(a) 90" (b) 45' (c) 60" (d) 30'
o ( 4 ) The measure of the acute angle betweerr the two straight lines
Lr: r-(0, -2)+k(3:- 1)andLz;r =(0 r5)+k (2 equals
(a) 30' (b) 45" (c) 60' (d) 90'
o ( 5 ) The measure of the acute angle between the straight line :

6 X-3 y + 5 = 0 and the straight line whose slope is { equals

(a) 135' (b) 60' (c) 30' (d) 45'
o ( 6 )The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines L, :y -^[1 X_ 5 =O
andLr, x _4[i y - 6 =0 equals
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90"
> Exercise 7

( 7 ) The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines
L, : r = (2 t5) +k (-3, l) tL2'. 2 X=3 -y equals ..............
(a) 30' (b) 45" (c) 60" (d) 50'
( 8 ) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines
Lr:X+2y+5=O t Lr:i=(1 :4)+k (I ,z)equals
(a) zero (b) 45" (c) 90" (d) 135"
( 9 ) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines I- i - (1 , 2) + k (3 , - 4)
Lr: 4 X+ 3y - 5 = 0 is ...............
(a) o' (b) 30' (c) 45' (d) 60'
(10) The measure of the acute anglebetweenthe two straightlines L, :2X+ 3 y = 15
;Lr'. r = (-2 :- 1) + k (1 r - 3) approximately equals
(a) 52 (b) 51' (c) 39' (d) 38'
(11) The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines L, :2 X- y - 3=0
tLr: X- k, Y = 1 + k approximately equals
(a) 19' (b) 71' (c) 18' (d) 72"
(12) The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines X = 3 y and X+ 2y =Q
is ............. ..

(a) 15" (b) 30' (c) 45" (d) 60'

(13) The measure of the acute angle between the straight line : X -2y + 3 = 0 and the straight
line passing through the two points (4 , * I) , (2 : 1) approximately equals
(a)71" 34 O) 19' 28= (c) 70" 32 (d) 18' 26
(14) The measure of the acute angle betweenthe two straightlines: ^{i X-y = 5 ) y =Z
(a) 30" (b) 60" (c) 45' (d) 120'
(15) The measure of the angle between the straight line which passes through the two
points (0 , 3) , (- 3 ,0) and the straight line y = 0 equals
(a) 30" (b) 60' (c) 45" (d) 90"
(16) EB The measure of the acute angle between the straight line whose equation is
r =(2 t2)+t(l ,1) andthe straightline whose equationisX=0equals
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 135'
(17) If the measure of the included angle between the two straight lines :

X=7, y =aX+2equals90o :thena=...'.......'...

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 90 (d)-1
ORemember OUnderstand OAppily 1a Uigtrer Order Thinking Skills

(18) rfA (-2,,1),B (2,3),C (- 2 t - 4)

r then the measure of the acute angle between ;E , ffi it

(a) tan 1
(1) (b) tan-' (?) (c) tan-t (+) (d) tan ' (+)
o (19) The set of values of k which makes the measure of the acute angle between the two
straightlines X+ky - 8 =0 t 2 X-y-5 = 0 equals * tt
rur {3 ,- +} ru) {-, ,+} rcr {: , {1 (d) {3}
o (20) The equation of the straight line L that has a positive slope and passes through the
point (4 :1) and makes with the straightline 3 X-y + 4 = 0 an angle r the tangent of
tts measure = * ,ls

(a) y- X-3 =0 (b) y-X+ 3 =0 (c)y + 7 X-29 =0 V- 7 X+29=0

o (21) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines a X + b ) * c = 0 and
(a + b) X= (a- b) y equals
(a) 30' (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90'
(22)lf a>0:b>0 rthenthemeasureof theanglebetweenthetwostraightlines{*}= f

+-+= l equals

@)+ b)+ (c) 2tan- ' (+) (d)tan '(;#)

(23) m The opposite figure shows a triangular
piece of land : its vertices are
A(6,0) , B(-6r0) : C(0:6):then
tr'irst : The measure of the acute angle
between Id anO the X-axis equals
(a) 30' (b) 60'
(c) 45' (d) 135'
Second : The measure of the angle between the straight lines AC and BC
(a) 30" (b) 60" (c) 45' (d) 90'

Third : The vector equation of the straight line Ed is """""""'

(a)i=(6,0)+k(1 r0) (b)i=(6,0)+k(o:1)
(c)r-(6'0)+k(-1:1) (d)r=(6 r0)+k(1:1)
Fourth : The vector equation of the straight line Ed is """""""'
(a) i = (o , 6) + k (- 1 , 1) (b)i=(0,6)+k(1 ,1)
(c)r=(6,0)+k(-1:1) (d)r=(0,6)+k(1 :0)
> Exercise 7

Fifth : The cartesian equation of the straight line which passes through the point C
and parallel b m is ...............
(a)y=6 (b)X=6 (c)X+y=( (d) X-y =$
Sixth : The area of the triangle ABC equals ............... square units.
(a) 24 (b) t2 (c) 36 (d) 48

Find the measure of the acute angle between each of the following pairs of straight lines
(1)Lr r =k (1 :0) \
,Lz r = (3 t-2) +k(I ,-Z)
(2)m L,:i-(0,1)+k(1 ,Lz ,1) 2X-y-3=0
(3)Lr X+2y+5=0 ,Lz 4X-y-3=0
(4)m Lr:X+2y+3=0 ,Lz X-3y+1=0
(5)Lr 3y +2X-6=O ,Lz --x -V=J
v 5',
(6)Lr -X .
,Lz y-4X=2
3 2-'
(7 )Lt', 3Y=5 ,Lz 2X+5y=1
(8)Lr r = (- 2 ,-3) +k(I t-2) ,Lz X=3+2k ) y=3k-1
IfLr:aX-3y+7=O t Lr:4X+6y-5=0 t Lr:t_*=,
r then find the value of a which makes :

( I ) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines L, and L, equals 0. <<2>>
( 2 ) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines L, 9
and,Lrequals 90. UT"

Find the equation of the straight line :

( 1)Passingthroughthepoint(- 1 ,3) andmakes withthe straightline:X
+Zy +6=0
an angle 0 where tan 0 = *
( 2 )Passing through rhe poinr (2 , 2) and,makes with rhe straight
- line
r = (2 r - 1) + k (3, - 4) anangle of measure 45o

If 0 is the measure of the angle between the two straight lines : x-y + 6 0
andax-2y +4 =0 where cos 0 =+ ,find thevarue of : a or14,
If the measure of the angle between the two straight lines : k y + x =6t2x +y -3
is o where tan o =
f, , rirra the value of : k
If themeasure of the angle betweenthe two straightlines: 3 x-5 y- 1=0
and k X-y = 3 equals 45": find the value of : k o* or 4,
5 oRemember ,,:,':;:', i ;',' t oAppfiy .,r Higner order Thinkins skills

O= ff the tangent
of the measure of the angle between the two straight lines :

I i=0,+)+k(2r3a) , i=(4tl)+k(l t2)eqtalsit

| ' 8 or
I|-.-..rqruvvr.q213 -
then find the value of : a <<
-16 >>

- -
(3 r- 1)andthemeasureof the
flfmatheequationof eachof thetwolinespassingthrough
; ungt. between them is 0 where,un e = *,
I knowing that their slopes are m and f m where m

OmABCisatriangleinwhichA=(0 r2) : B =(3, 1) s C=(-2'.-7)


^--,^ AA
^r angle 105' l5t li,
I Find the measure of


ninO the measures of the angles of the triangle ABC whose vertices are A =
(4 t7) t
lB=(-Zr-l)andc=(2r-4) '<26o31'


S nirO the measures of the angles of the triangle ABC whose vertices are A = (2 t 3) t
i n = (5 , 1) and C = (- 2: 1) r then flnd the area of the triangle to the nearest unit.
I " T square units '

Om ABCis atriangleinwhichA=(0 r5) r B = (2 r- 1)andQ=(6 r3)


i prove that the triangle is isosceles : then find the measure of angle A and find
its area

I to tt e nearest hundredth'
< 53o 8-: 16 square units > >)

is arighrangledtriangle atA rthe equationof BC is r = (1 ,1) +k (- 1 :3) and
i ,r," equation ofIE (l
isi= (- 1 ,5) + k ,z)Find : m (z ACB) "

Om If thetriangleABCisrightatBwhere A=(2 t3) r B= (5 17) andC=(1 :Y)

, mA the value of y : then flnd the measures of the other two angles. < 10 :45' t 45o >>


is atriangleinwhichA= (- 3 B= t2), (-3,- 13),

j midpoint of BC. Find the measure of the acute angle between : AD and "
56' BC lt'

GroAABCisatriangleinwhichA=(5,7) I B=(1 ,5) r C=(4'2)


'l ( 1 ) Find the coordinates of the point D which divides BC internally by the raio I :2
I tZlprovethat:AnfgC I (3)Provethat:AD=BC
I t + f Find: The measure of the acute angle B I t S t Find: The areaof the triangleABC ABC

drto= (5,7) : B = (6,- 1),t C=(Z,t):thenprovethat : the straightline

i i= 13 : 1) + k (-Z ,1) makes with the two straight lines AB and AC an isosceles

I triangle whose vertex is A

> Exercise 7

Provethat: Thetrianglewhoseequations of its sides are:3 X+4y =36 ,

X -1 y + 13 = 0 and 7 X +y = 9 is right-angled and isosceles.

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The measure of the obtuse angle between the two straight lines (2-F
v= ) (x + 5)
,y =(2.{t) 6-t)is
(a) 150" (b) 60' (c) 135. (d) 120.
( 2 ) The tangent of the angle between the two straight lines L, and L, is : the slope of
Lr equals twice the slope of Lr r then the slope of the straight lineLr= ...............
ru)"t (b)t1 @lri (d) All the previous.

(3) In the opposite figure :

(a)'J + o)+
c)+ (o+

( 4 ) In the opposite figure :

If cos 0 = Z: then the coordinates

of the point B = ...............
(a) (8 ,0) (b) (7 ,0)
(c) (6 :0) (d) (4 ,0)

( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

_ """ .......
(a) - h\ -4
4 J
(c) ++ @)+
ORemember lUnderstand OApply o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

The value of k =
(a) 3 (b)-3

@z @+

t , I In the opposite frgu:. t

IftheequationofABisX+2Y+6=0 \ i

I anaBC=ZACtthentanQ="""""""' ,io\l


| ,rii o)+ >|\

l;;i[ ;
r F

..; 2

? ( 8 ) If the straight line passes through the two points A(2 t 0) r B (3 t2) revolves about

I I yith an angle of measure 45" anticlockwise : then the equation of the straight line
AB in its new position is ...............
I rul 3x+y=$ (b)x-3y=2 (c)X+3y=6 (d)X+3y=-2

l;; .W
{ , , , In the opposite figure ; Y

| - .t

,une= L.

lr finO the equation of one of the two equal sides in right-angled triangle if the equation of the
t hypot"nrse is 3 X+ 4y + 4- 0 andthe coordinates of the rightvertex is (2 tZ)
I t'X-7Y+12=Oor7X+Y-16=0 0>

I 3ffi I :3 X-v + 5 = 0 :
anqle whose 'cosine i, with the line
Q ,, the line L makes
ues an angle
? wnat is the slope of L ?
I ninA the equation of L if it passes through the point (l , - 2)
u undefined orfJ4-- >>

fr*"o"" that: The anglebetweenthe two straightlines: y =H X+6andy-b X+ 1=0 I

? nu, a constant measure for all values of b * 1 and find the measure of this angle. < 45"
i" >>

The length
of the
from a point to
a straight line
fEEl From the school book ORemember lUnderstand OApp[y L HigherOrderThinking Skills flffiE
Test yourself

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The length of the perpendicular from rhe point (_ 3 r 5) to
y-axis equals length units.
(a) 3 (b) s (c) 8 (d)-3
o ( 2 ) The length of the perpendicular from the poinr (_
3 : 5) to
X-axis equals length units.
(a) 3 (b) s (c) 8 (d)-3
o ( 3 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin point
to the straighr line
3 X-4y
-15 = 0 equals length units.
(a) 15 (b) s (c) 3 (d) 4
O ( 4 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3 r 1) to the straight line
4 X+ 3 y - 5 = 0 equals 1ength units.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
( 5 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (0 t 4) to the straight
- line
X+ 5 = 0 equals length unit.
(a) o (b) 4 (c) 5 (d)-s
(6) m The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1 r 1) to rhe straight
line whose equation is X + y = 0 equals ............... length unit
(a) 2 @1[, (c) 1 (d) 0

(YV : t )Y a/&;t: \ / (+;L;) -Ut-ot ;r,,-,paL*6Jl

z, OApp[y
ORemember lUnderstand o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

( 7 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin point to the straight line
i= (1 t2) +k(4 ,3)equals length units.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1

( S ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (- 2 t - 4) to the straight
linei= (3 r 0) + k (6 ,8) equals length units.

(a) 1.6 (b) 2.6 (c) 0.6 (d) 3.6

( 9 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (- 2 t - 5) to the straight

lineL'. \,=-2+ 4k )y =-3kequals lengthunits.

(a) 1 (b) z (c) 3 (d) 4

(10) The distance between the point (1 ,5) and the straight line passing through

the two points (5 , - 3) , (1 ,0) equals length units'

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

(lf) The distance between the point (1 ,5) and the straight line passing through

the point (2 , - 3) and the vector (2 , - 1) is its direction vector

equals length units.

(u)G o) zt5 (") 3{s (d) 41F

(LZ)InAABC:A(3 t7) t B(7 t-l) : C(3 t2) tthenthelengthof the

perpendicular drawn from A to Ed equals length units'

(a)3 O)4 (c) 5 (d) 1

(13) In the given frgure :

The straight line 3 X + 4 y + 9 =0 is a tangent

to the circle M where M (l ,2)
: then the radius length of the circle equals length units'

(a) 5 o)1F
@)a (d) 3

(14) The area of the circle with centre (4 , - 1) and touches the straight line
L : i = (1 , 1) +k (12: 5) equals square units'

(a) 8 xt (b) e xr (c) 6 xl (d) 3 xr

(1, Em The distance between the straightlines whose equations are y- 3= 0 t ! I2=0
equals length units.
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) s

> Exercise 8C

d (16) The distance between the rwo straight linesi= (- 1, 0) + k (4 t - 3) t 6 x +g y - 9=0

equals length units.
@+ (b) 1
@)+ (d) 2
o (17) The distance between rhe rwo straight lines L, :3 X-4y +20 =O
tLr:3 X-4y + 10 = 0 equals length units.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s
o (18) The distance between the two straight lines : r (2, 0) + k (r2, -
= 5)
tr - (4.6 r0) +k (12 t- 5) equals
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
o (f 9) If the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (2 : k) to the straight line
2 X + y + 1 = 0 equAs]Elength unit : then one of the values of k
(a)-4 (b)-s (c)-8
(d) - 10
o (20) If the distance between the two straight lines L, :3 X+ 4y
tLr:6 X+ 8 y *c =0 equals 3lengthunits rc>0 rthenc =...............

@)5a 0)6 (c) 30 (d) 3
o (21) In the given figure : 3X+4y-10=0 A

The length of the perpendicular drawn

from A to the straight line Ed equals
(a)z O) 3
(c) 4 (d) s
O (22)ln the given figure :

The length of AB = ............... length unit. L1

(a) 1 (b) 2 3X-4y-2=0

(c) 3 (d) 4
o (23) The equation of one of the two straight lines whose slope
= andthe length of the
perpendicular drawn on it from the point (2 , l) equals 2 length units is
(a)5X+12y-28=0 (b)5X+12y-24=0
(c)5X+12y+24=O (d)5x-12y+28=0
C (24) ln the given figure :
The length of the perpendicular drawn
from B to the straight line L
equals length units.
@) znfi @ zle
(c) 3 (d) 4

z, OApp[y
ORemember lUnderstand o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

(25) In the given figure :

M is a circle r iG i, a tangent r the equation

of the straight line ffi is : X- 3 Y + 4 =O
and the point B (4 , - 4) : then BC x BD = """"""'
square units.
(a) -2 (b) 2fi0
@ +^[i (d) 40

(26) The equations of two straight lines carrying two opposite sides of a square are
y =3 ty r then the equations of the two straight lines carrying the other two sides
could be ..""""""'
(a)y=3 tY=-) (b)X=3 >X=2
(c)X=7 tX=2 (d)y=4ty=-t
(27)lnthe given figure :

The height of the shaded circular

segment = """""""' length units.
(a) 4 (b) s

(c) 2 (d) I

c (28) In the given figure : U (3,4)

The straight line L is tangent to a circle in which sector
AMB is drawn : then MA = ....'.......... length units.

@* (d) 3

a) (2g)lfastraightlineLpassesthroughtheorigin.Thetwopoints (l t-2) t(3 t4)ate

equidistant from the straight line L r then the slope of the straight line L

(a)3or{ g)2or t @)3ort (d)2or{

O (30) For all values of 0 r the length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin to the straight
line Xcos 0 + y sin 0 = L equals
(a)lLl (b) lL cos 0 |
(c) lL sin 0 | (d) l+I +L'

a) (31) If Abelongs to the straightline: 3 X-4y + 4=0

rB belongs to the straightline:
3 x-4y- 1=0 rthentheminimumvalueof thelengthof ABequals
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5
> Exercise g
(32) IfA r B are two points on the straight line X - 2 y +5 = 0 where the length of AB
equals +^t[i Iengthunits r C is apoint on the straight line : X
-2 y -1 = 0 : then the
area of the triangle ABC = square units.

@) nafi (b) 12 (.) 6G (d) 6

Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from the pointA to the straight tine L if
(1)ffiA=(0,0) tL r=(0:5)+k(3)4)
(2)m A=(2r-4) tL 12X+5y-43=0
(3) m A= (5 ,2) tL 8X+15y-19=0
(4)A=(-2r-7) tL X+y+9=0
(5)A=(2,-6) tL L * Y =t
(6)A=(r,6,-^[;) tL (a - b) x + 2,[^U v - 2 anfi = g
calculate the radius length of the circle whose centre is M (3 : 1) and touches
o = - the
straight line L :4 X+ 3 y + 6 = 0 < 3 length units >>

J Find the distance between the point (1 , 2) andthe straight line passing through

o the
point (2 I - 3) and makes angles of same measure with each of the positive
direction of
the X-axis and the negative direction of the y-axis. ,,a[ibngthunits >

If the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1 r c) to the straight line
2X+ 3y+5 =0 equals{l3 lengthunits :findthevalue of : c << ^ _20
zol _ >>

Em If the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3 , 1) to the straight line
3 X-4y + c =0 equals 2lengthunits :find the valueof : c
<5or_ 15>

J If
the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (7 r 1) to the straight
- line
ax+y = 0 equals 21[tobngthunits rfind thepossiblevalues of : a <3or -13

Prove that : The two straight lines L, : Z X+y_ 3 0
parallelr then find the distance between them.
= t Lr:i=1S :8)+k(- t, 2) arc
u:{s lengtrr units >

J M Provethat:
The straightlines whose equations are3 x-4y - 12=o and
6 x-8y +21= 0 are parallel r then find the distance between them. <4.5lengthunits >>
= CRemernkr OUnderstand OAPPIY lo Higner Order Thinking Skills

(t f.oo. that : The two straight lines L, 'i= (0 t2) +k(5 ,2) t Lr'.i = (2:- 3) +k (10,4)
i are parallel r then
1, , r--1---^^--
find the distance between them.
.L^* <{
n1[29 t
29 length >

@ Ua Roads : Two adjacent roads, the path of the first road is represented by the
? - - 3 x 4 y 7 = 0 and the path of the second road is represented by the equation

I 3x-4y+ 1l=0

I proo" that : The two roads are parallelr then find the shortest distance between them.
.. 3'6 length units >

'i t*opointsA:B:find:
I f t f The area of the triangle OAB
where O is the origin point.

I , , , The shortest distance from the origin point to the straight line 7G
I tt 6 square units : 2'4length units >


t6)aretheverticesof atriangle:
@ff thepointsA=(- 4 tl) r B = (2 r3)andC =(-2
? rind:
It- t t I The length of BC
I t Z f The cartesian equation of the straight line BC

I t f , The length of the perpendicular drawn from A to BC


I t I ) The areaof AABC <5lengthunits r 3X+4y- 18- 0 t5.2lengthunits : 13 squareunits>


@ finAthe

areaof thetriangle whose vertices areA= (3 ,2) : B= (-2 r5) andC = (1

<< 15.5 square units >

:4) : r-5)Find:

@ encoisaparallelograminwhichtr=(- 1 B =(3 r-2)andc=(- 1

I t I .1 The coordinates of D
t-t Z
I ) The length of BC
I t : ) The equation of BC
I t + ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from A to BC

I t S I The area of the parallelogram ABCD


(-5 : l) :5lengthunits r3 X-4y _ 11 =0 tl.2lengthunits r36 squareunits >>


@ f.or"that:ThepointsA=(3 r-1) r B = (-5 12) t C=(-2 14)andD=(6

: 1) are
? tn" vertices of a parallelogram and find its area. < 25 square units >

> Exercise 8
@ Prove that : The points A= (2 t3) : B=(612) : C=(-2r-2) and D=(-2tl)are
the vertices of atrapezium and find its area. < 18 square units >>

Geometry : ABCD is arrapeziuminwhich fi ttgd, irR

e r l), B (5 t3) t
r 1) t D(4:y) : findthevalueof yrthenfindtheareaof thetrapeziumABCD
< - 3t 12 square units >

J Find the equation of the straight line with direction vector (- 1 , 7) andthe length
perpendicular drawn from the point (3 : 1) to it equals 31[ibngthunits.
of the

<<'7 X+ y+8=Oor7 X+y-52=0>>

Prove that : The two points (1 , 1) and (- 2 ;3)lie on two different sides of
the straight line : 2 x - y + 3 = 0 and at equal distances from it.

LU Prove The straight line: 3 x-4y +3 = 0 touches each of the two circles in
which their centres are the two points N, = (5 : 2) , N2
= ? 2 ,3) and their radius
lengths are 2 t 3 length units respectively r then show if the two circles lie on one side
on the two sides of the straight line.

[; Geometry : A circle of centre is the origin point in which two chords whose equations
ate 4 X- 3 y + 10 = 0 ; 5 X-12y +26
=0 Prove that: The two chords are equal in length.
Prove that : The point (11 , 8) is the centre of the inscribed circle of the triangle
in which
the equations of its sides are , i= 1- 3 ,ZO)+ k (1 ,0) t 3X+4y-5
Prove that : The point A(4 t 6) lies on one of the two bisectors of the angle between
two straight lines 9 X- 13 y - 8 = 0 and X-3 y+ 4 0

Find the area of the quadrilaterarABCD whose vertices are : A= (2 ,0) : B=(4tl)t
C=(3:5)andD=(-4t8) < 23.5 square units >

Choose the correct answer from those given :

{ fl }ABCDisasquarewhere A(2 t-3) rtheequarionofEd is4x+3y-9=0 rthen

the area of the square = ............... square units.

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

( 2 ) ABC is an equilateral triangle in which A(2 t-
1) and the equarion of Ed is x + y = 2
r then the length of any side of AABC ............... length unit.
2 @+ @+ @r[,

ORemomber lUnderstand OAPPry & Higtrer Order Thinking Skills

o ( 3 ) The equation of the straight line whose distance from the origin is 4 units and makes

an angle of measure 120" with the positive direction of x-axis is """""""'

(a)X+\3Yt8=0 O)1Ex+yx4=o
f">Fx+yt2=O (d)1F x+y + 8 = 0

( 4 ) The intersection point of altitudes of the triangle whose sides coincide with the
straightlines: X=0 rY=0 tX+Y =1is
(a) (1 ,1) (b) (0 ,0) (c) (1 :0) (O (+ '+)
(5) If c is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin to the straight line
X + by =2 c tthen b could be equal to """""""'
(a) 1 o){5 (.)
( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

If the equation of L, rs 2 X+3Y+k=0

: the equation of L, is 2 X+ 3 Y - 1 = 0

r the equation of L, is 2 X + 3 Y - 4 = 0

tl'*"u ol
it tP9l = , then k can be equal to """" '

the area of (A ADC) 2

II tul 3 (b)-s (c)5 (d)-3
- - r. .r,r t:--
{, t Z t The ratio by which the straight line:X -y -2=
-. ^ divides
0 the line segment AB where

I a G,-1):B (8,9)is """""""'

tul 1:2internally.

| ,.1 2:3internally. (d)3:Zexternally.

f, nirO the poinr on the straight 111" X + y + 9 = 0 that is far from the straight line
Tr* zyiz=o adistance{5 lengthunit.
"(-11 ;2)t(-2tttl)>>

$rto (3,4) ; B(4 t6) , C(- I t2)and,D(2,0):findthelengthof eDrvhereCand

T p- are the two points of intersection of the two perpendiculars dropped from C and D to
I tn" 1ine IE
rre,rtr ., --!- lsnglh uni12
I ^D ll

fl fmO the equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 , - 4) and the
li t"ngtf, of the perpendicular drawn to it from the point (0 , 0) equals Zlength units'

I Sho* that there are two straight lines satisfying these conditions.
<<X-2=0or3 X+4Y + l0=0>
point(orpoints) C which
ftf ff A= (3 r 5) andB . (11 :11) aretwo fixedpoints :findthe
.i belongs to the X-axis where the area of A ABC = 30 square units.

| "(*'o).'(- t'o)"



ffi From the school book
ORememUer OUnderstand OAFFW loa HigherOrderThinking Skills

o Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The point of intersection of the two straight lines : x+ 4 - 0 , y 3 = 0 is ...............

(a) (4 t3) (b) (3 ,4) (c) (- 4 t3) (d)(4,-3)
o ( 2 ) The equation of the straight line which passes through the origin point and the point

of intersection of the two straight lines : X=2 )y = 5 is ...............

(a) 5 X-2y =0 (b)Zx-5y=0 (c)2x+5y-0 (d)5X+2y=Q
O ( 3 ) The equation of the straight line which is parallel to the y-axis and passes through the
point of intersection of the two straight lines : y = 4 , X=+y is ...............
(a)y=3 (b)X=3 (c)y=4 (d) X= 4
o ( 4 ) The equation of the straight line passing through the intersection point of the two

straightlines L, : X + 2y - 4 =O t Lr: X-2y =0 and parallel to the X-axis

is ...'.......
(a) X= 2 (b)y=1 (c)y=3 (d)y =2
o ( 5 ) The equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two

straightlines: 2X+y =3 t X+ 4y +2 = 0 andparallelto the y-axis is...............

(a)y -2=O (b) X-y =/ (c) X-Z=O (d) X+Z=Q
(Y :f )Y a/s:tJ\/ (.r-:L-;) ol;J-ot,.rU,- lal,.*6Jl
ORemember lUnderstand OAPPilY r'o Higher Order Thinking Skills

? ( 6 ) The equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two

I straightlines : X+y =3 t2X-y = 6 and through the point (2 ,- 1) is """""" '


(u)X-y+3=0 O)x-y-3=0

I (")X+y+3=0 (d)2x-y-3=0
( 7 ) The vector equation of the straight line passing through the point (3 , 1) and the point
I of intersectionof thetwostraightlines :3X+2y-7 =0 t X+3y=7 is"""""""'
I tulr=(2,-1)+k(3,1) (b)r=(1 ,3)+k(2t-l)
I (.)r=(3:1)+k(2,-1) (d)r=(3,1)+k(-ltZ)

+ ( 8 ) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (3 ,4) and the point

of intersection of the two lines L, :3 X + 2 y -7 = 0

sLn'. r = (-2 r 0) + k (3 )Z) is ...............

(a)X-y+1=0 (b)X-y+2=0
(c)X+y-1=0 (d) X+ y +2=O
( 9 ) The vector equation of the straight line passing through the intersection point of the

two straight lines L, : x- 5= 0 tL2: x+ y = 13 and its direction vector is (4 : 1)

is ...............

(a)r=(4rT)+k(5:8) (b)i= (5 ,6) + k (4 : 1)

(c)i= (5 ,8) + k (4 , 1) (d)r=(5,-8)+k(1,4)

( 10) The equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two

straightlines : 3 X-5y- 13 =0 ) 2y-3 X+7 =0

and parallel to the straight line :i= (- 1 : 1) + k (5 ,4)is ..........'....

(a)4X+5y-14=0 (b)4X-5y+14=0
(c)5X-4y-14=0 (d)4x-5y-14=0
(11) The equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two

straightlines: 2X+3y -2=O t 3 X-y -14 =0 andmakes withthepositive

direction of the X-axis a positive angle of measure 135' is

(a)X+y=Q (b) X+y =2 (c) X-y =2 (d) y - X=2

> Exercise 9

o (12) The number of straight lines passes through point of intersection of two straight lines
is . .." .. .' .. .' ..

(a) zero. (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) an infinite.

o (13) If the straightline:(X- 4y + 14) +k(4 X+y + 5) =0passes rhroughthepoint (2 rl)
, then ft ='.....'........

(a) 4 b)+) @+ r0)

o (14) If the X-axis passes through the point of intersection of the two straight lines :

aX+y+ 3 =0 tb X+y+ 1 -0 :thena=...............

(a) b (b)3b f"t*o (d)3-b
o (15) The point intersection of the two straight lines :rr=(6 r0)+k, (3 r-2)

t r = (2 t l) +k, (1 , 1) is ...............
(a) (2 t3) (b) (3 ,2) (c) (- 1 :1) (d) (- 3 ,2)
(16) The equation of the straight line passes through the point of intersection of the two
\,- -3 ty =2andbisects the angle between themis
(l)X-y+5=0 (2)X+y+1=0
(a) (1) only. (b) (2) only.
(c) (1) and(2) (d) Nothing of the previous.

(l7) In the opposite figure :

The equation of IE is X + y + 1 = 0
: the equation offfi is 2 X- y + 5 = 0
r the equation of ffi is X- 4 y - 4 = O

, AE I BC , then the equation of IB is ...............

(a)4X+y+8=0 (b)8x+2y-5=0
(c)4y -X-6=O (d)y+4X+7=0
(18) A shell is fired from some where to hit a fixed target.The shell moved in a straight
moved in a straight line X- 3y+4 =0 t then the equation of the straight line that
a third shell should moved in fired from the point (5 : - 3) to hit the same target
is ..... .' . ..' ....

(a) 5 X+ 6y -7 =0 (b) 3 x-Zy -21=0

(c) 4 X-y -23 =0 (d)ZX+7 y + 11=0

ORemember f Understand OAppry o'r Higher Order Thinking Skills

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection of the
t,*o straight lines : 3 X+2y = 4 and 2 X+ 3y = I and passes through the point (1 r- 1)

@ fina the equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two

t m.. :2X+y=2 t4X+3y-3=0andtheoriginpoint.


B m Find the vector equation of the straight line which pas5s through the point of
tt"intersectionof thetwo straightlines whose equations *.?= ke3 ,2) t 3 X-2y =13
I and parallel to the y-axis. ., r = (3 t-2) + k (0 : 1) >

@ finA the equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two
t straight lines : X-3y +5= 0 and} X-y - 4=}andparallel to the straightline

I X-Zy+I=O <<5x-1oY+11=o>

@ finA the equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the two straight
t Ur.s : 5 X-y = 5 and X+2y = I andperpendiculartothe secondline. <<2x-y -2=o>>
Om Provethat:Thetwostraightlines:2X-3y +4=0 t r =(l ,2) +k(-2 t3)are
t intersecting orthogonally r then find their point of intersection. (l t 2) << >>


o m Provethat: Thetwo straightlines: x-4y + 14=0 and 4x+ y+ 5 =0 are

? perpendicular: then find their point of intersection and the equation of the straight line
I pur.ing through the point of intersection and the point (2 , l) ,, (-2 ;3) ;2y + X- 4 =O >>


@ finO the equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two
I straight lines: 2 X+y- I = 0 and X-y + 3 = 0 and cuts fromthe negative direction of
the V-axis a part of length 3length units. << 8 X+v+ 3 =0 >>


ft finO the equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two
t straight lines 5 X-y = 5 and X+2y = 1 and cuts fromthe positive directions of
I the coordinate axes two equal parts in length. "
X+y - 1= 0 >>

6ea IfL, : 3 x+2y-7 =0 t Lr:i=(- z'0)+k(3 t2)

L then find :
( 1 ) The Cartesian equation of the lineL,
| i
I , , ) The measure of the angle between the two lines L, : L,
> Exercise,
( 3 ) The point of intersection of the two lines L1 tL2
( 4 ) The equation of the line passing through the point of intersection and the point (3
( 5 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point of intersection of the two lines
to the straight line whose equation is : 3 X - 4 y 9 = 0
( 6 ) The area of the triangle determined by the two lines L1 tL2and the x-axis.

1t ffi Life: Two straightroads rtheequation of the firstis:3 x -4y -14=o t

the equation of the second is : 4 X + 3 y - 2= O

Prove that : The two roads are perpendicular: then find :

( I ) Their point of intersection.

( 2 ) The equation of the line which passes through the point of intersection and the point
( 3 ) The shortest distance from the point of intersection of the two roads and other road
whose equation is : 4 X+ 3 = 0

( 4 ) The area of the triangular region enclosed by the two roads and the y-axis.

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The point of intersection of the two different straight lines :

# * * =, f**=,
(a) (a , b)
o)(+ ^,*o)
(") (1*,T*) (d)(#,#)
(2)Foranyvalueofkrtheequation(2+k)X+(1 +k)y=5+7krepresents.............
(a) parallel straight lines. (b) straight lines intersecting at (- 2 ,9)
(c) straight lines intersecting at (2 ,
- 9) (d) nothing of the previous.
( 3 ) If ABCD is a quadrilateral r the equations of the straight lines carrying its
AB rBC rCDandMur" :X+2y=3 tX=l tX-3y=4 t5X+y+12=O
respectively r then the measure of the angle between the two diagonats AC , DB
(a) 30' (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90.
o Remember I understand oAppfly o'r Higher order Thinking skills

.?, OI If the three straight lines :3X+y - 2= 0 ;k X + 2 y - 3= 0 :2X -y - 3 = 0

intersect at one point r then ft = """""""'
I rul s (b) 3 (c)2 (d) - s

X+a-0 ,Y+4=0 ;X+Zy +4- 0carryingthemediansof

i" ,t,l
If the straightlines:
I atriangle rthena="""""""'
I rur-o (b)-2 (c)2 (d)4

f,fo\finO the equation of the straight line passing through the point of intersection of the two
J straightlines : r = (5 t2) +k(2 13) t f = (ll r4)+k (3 : 1) andthelengthofthe
I p"rp"r,aicular drawn from the point (- 2 t l)to it equals Sl[ilengthunits.
I "1X+Y-3J= 0>

dnO= (1, 1) : B = (7, 4)and D - (2 r7) arcthree vertices ofthe cyclic quadrilateral
I enCO in which m (Z B) = 90o : find :
l-r I tThe equation of BC
I t Z t The equation of CD
| <<y+2X-18=0:6y+X-44=0^ t 1.t64 ,-ii
I t 3 tThecoordinatesof thepointC it )"




tem By a group of supervisors




ll lr . k
*l -,

.-; ",

) Accumulative quizzes.

) Uonthly tests.
) School book examinations.
) final examinations.
) Answers.
Accumulative quizzes
FIRST Accumulative quizzes on algebra.

SECOND Accumulative quizzes on trigonometry. r

THIRD Accumulative quizzes on analytic geometry.

FIRST Accumulative quizzes on algebra

Total mark

Quiz I1 on lesson 1 - unit 1

Choose the correct answer from those given :

I t 1 x-r\
(1)IfA=l I 3 s lirasymmetricmatrix rthen fi=.--............
\-t s 6 I
(a)-t (b) zero (c) 4 (d) 6

(2) mn =(-', rthenk=
i)' "=(+o- )*no"A=Bt
(a)-z @-+ (c)s (d)-o
,rrrro=/ I atz+ atz= """""""'
\- r 1)"n""
(a) g (b) rz (c) zero (d) tO

tolrr/\-1' 6 ;)= ( i il
,,hen xv =

(d) ts
(a) - ts (b) -z (c) z

rrto('*";t)=(: <x<[,rn"nr= """"

@# (b)+
o+ (d)+
(6) rre=(;il;:;" : B =( I.,::;::. n*.i,,r0") *uA=B
(a)z (b)-t (c) -z (d) r

(7)r(',.' '_,')=(: |
, rn* the equation whose roots a2 r 2 d is
(a)x2-4=o (b)x2+4=0
(c) x2 -2 =o (d) x2 +2=o
> Algebra

(8)rf*=(";o : Y= (^;u +-al\uro 2X=Yt rthen a+2b=
,1, )
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d)tz
( 9 ) The matrix (3 2 1) of order

(a)2 x I (b)1x3 (c)3 x2 (d)3x1

,,0r"(l I )='Iwherelistheunitmatrix

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

(11) If the matrix A of order 2 x 2 and uXy=

* I th9n a1nx ?t2x a',lx aZZ= """""""'
(a) 4 (b)2 (c) 1 @)+
2 3\
(12) IfA=[ z y n | , wnicn of the following sufficient to find the value of X?
\-3 s ,,/
(a)A=At (b)A=-At
(c) A is a diagonal matrix (d) nothing of the previous.

Total mark

Quiz I 2 till lesson 2 - unit 1

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) If the matrixAis of order2 x 3 r then the number of its elements equals

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 6

(2)IfA+At=O rthenAisa matrix.

(a) row (b) column (c) symmetric (d) skew

ts),'( ;)(i ; x+y=

)=( ):then
(a) I (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 3
Accumulative quizzes

; -).(: -:l=
(a)o i) n,(l' ?) (d)r
( 5 ) For any square matrix B * O :the matrixA= B -Bt is

(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric.

(c) zero (d) unit matrix.

( 6 ) If the matrix A is symmetric and skew symmetric in the same time r then ......"...'.'.

(a)A=O (b)A=I
(c) A is a diagonal matrix. (d) A is a row matrix.

( 7 ) If Ais a matrix of order 2 x2where dy r=y -22 r B is a matrix of order 2 x2where

brr=z-Y tthenA+B=

\z 2l'\ o)/-'-'\
\-z -21 r.l/-'
\-1 _:r).,(l :)
la b c\
(s)If[ ; e f ]irurt"*symmetric,then#H#= ....""'
\" v zl
(a) 1 (b) zero (c) -1 (d) e

( 9 ) If A is a symmetric r which of the following could be a rule to find the elements of the

matrix A ?

1a)arz-2y -z (b) arr=y + z 7c)arr=y' (d) ayz =3y +22

(10)rf(4'*r-')=(i | \=
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5

(11)rf **(' -3 I=o rthenX=...............

\l 0l
,r[? ;) ",(? ;) ,",(; J) (d)I

(12) (x')' x - = ...............

(a) O (b) x (c) 2x (d) zero
> Algebra TM
Total mark

Quiz I 3 till lesson 3 - unit 1

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( t )IfA rB aretwomatriceswhere* =( -l),thenBtAt=

,,(-? ;) ,,(; l) n,(; ) (d)(-:,',)
( 2 ) If A is a matrix of order 2 x 3 tBt is a matrix of order 1 x 3 r then the matrix AB is of
order ...............

(a)3x1 (b)2xl (c)lx2 (d)3x3

rsrrr(a l)( : :)=,,thenx=

(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) zero (d) 4

r+rrr(2 _t)=(; _:),thenx+y=

(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) 6 (d)-6

,t;oo=( o _:),thenA0='...........
(a),3o(1 o)r*('
?) ?)
c)2'g0(1 ?)
(d) 2p0
( ; ?)
(6)rf (,,_ r:ir)=(;'
3 (o)t (c) 15 (d) 5

( 7 ) If A is a matrix of order 2 x 2 andA + At = I : then the sum of the elements of A


(a) 4 (b)2 (c) I (d) zero

(Y: l) Y ?* lO\ / (c/tjl*l) st J c/qrrL-J ;eb Oll E

Accumulative quizzes

(s)(? : )( s l)=
,r(? ;) .,(? :) ,o(3 ) .,(; 3)
(9) IfA rB are symmetric matrices :thenthe matrix (O, e) is """ "' "'

(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric.

(c) diagonal. (d) zero matrix.

(10) If O is a zero matrix of order 2 x 2 t then the number of its elements is =

(a) zero $)a (c) 2 (d) 4

(11) rrA = (_'r) , s = (2 3) : then BA =

t"r(-+) o)(4) rr('o :) .,(3 _:)

ozlrce'=(2 - I ... .

,,(; l) .,(i ?) n,(; )

Total mark

Quiz 4 till lesson 4 - unit 1

Choose the correct answer from those given :

lz o o
( 1 ) Thevalueofthedeterminantl- 1 3 0 equals
14 2

(a) 10 (b) 30 (c) 15 (d) s

(2)rfA =(:r) , ,=(, 5) rthen1nef =

(") (4 - r) or (_'i) n,(-i,) (o (- 6)

> Algebra

(3) IfA(3,5) t B (2 :0) andC (-3,3)

: then the area of AABC equals squile units.

(a) 28 (b) 14 (c) 7 (d) 2

2 -2
( 4 ) The solution set of the equation r lx
'12 1
= zero in G is

@)a (b) {- 2 ,2} (c) {- zi,zi} (d) {-i ,i}

rslrrlx tn
= 4 : then

(a) 1 (b) 10 (c) t2 (d) 16

(6)rfA =(x f uskew symmetricmatrix rthen 2f +3e=....'....'.....

\e vI
(a) r (b)x+y (c)e+y (d) x
(z)rrn=/1 = ("
\o )*ae" d I
(a) 25 (b) 26 (c) 27 (d) 28
(8)rrl 4
1 -cos0t
sin 0 = ,.to r then the value of 0 =

@+ c)+
(a) xl (d)+
(9)rfAtn'=( 3 -: xA=
\z ),thenB

",(3 ;) )
\r 2l n,(_'. .,(; :)
(10) IrA= (2 3) ,r=(I 6) ,tnenx+y-
(a) 3 (b) s (c) 7 (d) e

trrl rrl x -11l+ 1
t- /- rthenX=
l2 xl 2 xl
(a) 3 or -2 (b)-3 or2 (c) 3 or2 (d)-3 or-2

(12) rf l3
ll il'(;'l ).'=( ,
r then X xy x z = ...............

(a) I (b)-t (c) 2 (d) 4

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz | 5 till lesson 5 - unit 1

Choose the correct answer from those given :

I t -2\,thenA2="""""""'
ttlrrA=(i zt

,r(; ^) *,(: ^) n,(; _:) .,(;

{z'tlt t=(' 1
\,,r,"nA-r =
\s 3l

,r(i ) .,(; l) ,.,(,' :) r.i[3, )

( 3 ) The values of X which make the matrix X nu, ,o multiplicative inverse
*o_ r)
are ...'....'...."

(a)4 t-2 (b)-4,2 (c)-4;-2 (d)4,2

(4)Theareaof thetrianglewhosevertices areA(4 r5) r B (6 r- 1) andC (1 ,6)

equals square units.

(a) 16 (b) 8 (c) 32 (d) 24

(5)IfA=l l-1 4
xB rthen! =........'...."
\-z 3 )anOe=A-I

@(-'^ i) ",[i l) n,(i _?) .,(i ;)

(6)rfll2k- t 2
= 2k2 + 1 r then the value of k =
| 3 k+l
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

( 7 ) If A is a square matrix of order 2 x 2 andlZ /^l= 8 r then I : R |=

(a) 9 (b) L2 (c) 18 (d)24

> Algebra

( I ) If A is a square matrix r then the maffix (A + A) is ...............

(a) symmetric. (b) skew symmetric.
(c) zero (d) diagonal.

(9)rfA=l l-t -) )andA3 = -[ r then k - ............... where keZ

\t k I
(a) I (b)-1 (c) zero (d) 3

lX; )=( :),thena+b=
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

(u) rf
lu bl luk k"l
tthenft =...' ........
l=uurol o
I .

lc o d
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c)-3 (d)-4
(12) rf
t, sl
a 1l la 0 0l
l=0 rthenl- t o I= """"".....

ls bl 2 cl 1 cl lz
(a) r 10 (b) t 50 (c) t 100 (d) r 20

Total mark

Quiz I 6 till lesson 1 - unit 2

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The point that belongs to the S.S. of the inequality : y <2 X+ 3 is
(a) (- 1 ,1) (b)(-lr-l) (c)(0,3) (d) (- 3 ,-3)
(2)rfA=(3 2) r B = (:' , then the only possible operation of the foltowing
is .... .... . ...... )

(a)A+B (b) At + Bt (c) An (d) A Bt

rrr,rlf ;{ is
@) {2,-2} O) {o t-2 t2} C) {+ ,+} rat {o ,+ ,+}


Accumulative quizzes

,o,oo=(' :), "=(+-:),thenAB=

(a) I (b)2r r.llr (d) 3I
( 5 ) When solving the two equations : aX+by =4 t c X+ dy - 2 tthe multiplicative

inverse orthe *"*.( be equalt( x+ v = " "

: |)r"*ato ;' -'r),then
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c)-4 (d) 2

xxy= " """"'

ruloo=(, :r) : AxA-1 =A2,then

(a)-3 (d) 3
(b) -2 (c) 2

( 7 ) If L rM arethe roots of the equation: X2 -4X- 10 = 0 :then the value of the

lzr -r I

determinant I lequals
lr Ml
(a) - t7 (b)-tz (c)-8 (d)-6

(8)rr,..(3 5\=o rthenf,="""""""'

.,(;' ,.,(;' .,(;'
''(3 -;) _;) ;)
X> 2,
y< 2, X+y >3
( 9 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities

is .' . ... . ..... ...

(a) (3 , 1) (b) (3 ,2) (c) (2 t2) (d) (2 , 1)

(10) The area of the triangle with the vertices (1 , 6) : (0 I 10) : (0 I 0)

equals square unit.

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20

I sinO 0 ol
(r)Ifl 2 csc0 o l.l-'i13, :HB
Ir 3 xl
(a) I (b)-1 (c) zero (d) 2 sin 0

(12) The solution set of the inequality : X+ 5 < 3 X + I < 2 X + 2 in]R is " """ """'
(a) IR- lt ,zl o) lr , zl @)a (d) {1 ,2}
> Algebra

Total mark

Quiz I 7 till lesson 2 - unit 2

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) fne point that belongs to the S.S. of the inequalities : X> 2 r ])1 r X+y>3
is .. . .... .... .. . .

(a) (3 r 1) (b) (t ,2) (c) (3 t2) (d) (1 ,3)

tzl nlz x
ro , then x= ...............
|4 3l

(a)z (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

(3) Ifais amatrixof order lx3 tBtisamatrixof order 1x 3 :thenwecanperformthe


(a)A+g (b)gt+lt (c) A nt (d) as

( 4 ) Irtrre matrix no muttiplicative inverse : then \,= ..............,
( X I )*r
(a) -z (b) zero (c) z (d) 3

(5)tf theareaof thetrianglewiththevertices(k,0) t(4 t0) t(O;2)is4squareunits

r then l< = ...............
(a)zeroor-8 (b)-4or+ (c)zeroorg (d)gor-g
(6) tfA is a square matrix andA2 = I r then A- I =
(a)o (b)a @)2e, (d)A+r
(7) fne given figure represents the region

of solution of A system of inequalities

: then the minimum value of the objective function

(a) 6 (b) s
(c) tz (d) ts


Accumulative quizzes

( 8 ) The shaded region in the given

figure represents the solution set
of the inequalities

(a) X> I t! >2

(b) 1< X<3 ;2 <y <4
(c) 1< X<3 t2<y <4
(d)X+y>3 rX-Y.7

(9)IfttrematrixA=( 0 x- is skew symmetric : then Xe"""""""

x2-t o ')
(a) {- t ,2} (b) {0 ,- r) (c) {1 ,-2} (d) {o ,1}
"lI -lr,
o* 1
,,0, -t :thenX=

(a) 2 (b) s (c) 6 (d)t6

(11) If twice the number x is not less than 3 times the number y : then
(a)2X<3y (b) 2 x<3 y (c)2X>3y (d) 2 X>-3 y

(12) The point that belongs to the region of solution of the inequalities : X> I tX+y>5

,y r 2 and makes the objective function p =2 X + y is as small as possible is """""""'

(a) (0 r 5) (b) (4 ,3) (c) (1 :4) (d) (3 ,2)
SECOND Accumu lative quizzes on trigonometry

Total mark

Quiz I 1 on lesson 1 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) (sin 0 + cos q2 -zsin 0 cos e - ............... (in its simplest form)

(a)2sin0cos0 (b)t (c)2 (d)sin20-cos20

,, ', tan 0 cot 0

= ...............
sec 0

(a) sin e (b) cos 0 (c) sec 0 (d) csc 0

sin (&-e)
'2 ' = '."...........
' 3\'cos(2T(,-0)

(a) tan 0 (b) cot 0 (c) I (d) -1

( 4 ) sin (90'- 0) csc (90'- 0) = ............... (inLits simplest form)
(a) I (b) sin2 0 (c) cos2 0 (d) sin 0 cos 0
( 5 ) If X + y = 30o r then tan (X + 2 y) tan (2.X*y)
(a) 1 (b) zero (c)-1 @2^[i
(6)If sin0-"or0= e]o ,tl rthen sin 0 cos 0 = ...............
I where e

(7)Ifsin0+csc0=5 r then sin2 0
@) +s-
+ csc2 e
c) +#
.. ............

(a) I (b) s (c) 23 (d) 2s

(8)Iftan0=3 : then sec2 e =

(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) - 10 (d) 0.e

( 9 ) 3 tan 0 cot 0 + 2 sin 0 csc 0 + cos 0 sec 0

(a) I (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6
(10) In the given figure : DA
ABCD is a parallelogram r then
cosA+cosB+cosC+cosD= /,,
(a)- I (b) zero (c) I (d) 4

(f : l) I 1.,.i/&l 71eltl*arly o[iJ ot .alr-1 1eL*6Jl tZ


Accumulative quizzes

(11) If 3 sin 0 + 4 cos 0 = 5 r then 3 cos 0 - 4 sin 0 = """""""'

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) zero

(12) The numerical value of the expression : 5 cos 0 x 3 sec 0 =

(a) 1 (b) 2t (c) 8 (d) rs

Total mark

till lesson 2 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The general solution of the equation :

cos 0 = I is......""""' where neZ

(a) n I[ (b) 2 nTl @)++n7r @)++2ntt
t -coL o
,' r, 1-sin'0
+ 1 = ...............

(a) 2 (b) 2 cos2 0 (c) sec2 0 (d) csc2 0

( 3 ) sin 0 cos 0 cot 0 + sin2 0 = """""""' (in its simplest form)

(a) -1 (b) zero (c) 1 (d) 2

(4)Ifcot0=1 , e€]+,2nlrthene- ...

rur** ru){ru r">?n rol**

(5 ) If X ty elO ,Znl r 0= X+y:thenthe setof values of 0 satisfy sinXsiny = 1

(a) {fi ,zn} O) {fi ,3x1} @) {+ ,+} @) {+ ,+}

( 6) If XC[0 ,llf rthenthe solution setof theequationcosX = t itthe same solution set

of the equation
(a) tan X=2 sin X (b)2cos2X=cosX
(c) 2 cos2 X+ 3 cos X=2 (d) cos
I x= t
( 7 ) sin2 0 + cos2 0 + tan2 Q = ........'.....'

(a) 1 (b) sec2 0 (c) cot2 0 (d) 2tan2 0

> Trigonometry

(8) Ifk= 4 sin 3 X-5 :thenkC........... ..

(a) [- 4,4f (b) [8 ,11] (c) [s , z] (d)[-e,-1]

(9)If tan0= 1 rthenoneof thevaluesof 0is

(a) 30" (b) 60. (c) 135' (d) 225.

(10) If 3sine- I rwhere e C]0 ,2lrl rthen e -...............
(a) 45" (b) 90' (c) 180' (d) 270"
+ cosl e
(11) If tan 0 = 4 tthensmlg ...............
sin'0-cos'0 =
(")# (b) I
_ _1
Ti (d)-1
(12) The solution set of the equation : sin x + cos x=0 where 180' < x <36C,

1a; {zro"} (D {22s.} 1c; {z+0.} (d) {31s"}

Total mark

Quiz I 3 till lesson 3 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I. ) In the opposite ligure :

m(LC) = """""""'o
(a) 56 2) G) 39.4d'
(c) 33'3i (d) 50. ti C 6cm. B

( 2 ) fn the opposite figure :

XY = cm. (to the nearest cm.)

(a) 9.8 (b) 6.e

(c) 8.4 (d) t4.6
(3) Ifgg[O,rf] r cos0+ 1 =0,rhen0= o

(a) 0 (b) e0 (c) 180 (d) 270

Accumulative quizzes

(4) If cot 0 = { rthen"rc2 e =

(a) @)+ (c)

+ 2

( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

gC it a diameter in circle M rAB = 8 cm.

tm (LABC) = 0o r then the area of A ABC - "" "" """' cm?

(a) 8 cos 0 (b) 8 cot 0 (c) 32 tan 0 (d) 32 sin 0

( 6 ) ABC is aright-angledtriangle atB rAB = 3 cm. rits perimeter=12cm.

r then m (L C) = "''" " "'" "

(a)37" (b) 14" (c) 18' (d) 53'

( 7 ) The general solution of the equation cos 0 = - 1 is....... ...'..where neZ

@)++xrn O)++xrn (c)xr+ 2lltt (d)+ +2fin

( S ) If csc 0 -,* r = t, tn"n cot e +

# =

(")+ o)s @)* (d)1

( g ) If 2 sin x- I = 0 I where xis the greatestpositive angle t xe[0, :oo']

r then \,= """""""'
(a) 150' (b) 315" (c) 330' (d) 30'

(10) sin2 (+ - ,) +"os2(e-Er)-r=

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) sin2 0 (d) cos2 0

(11) If si, 0 =
fr , ee ]o ,f[ ,tn"n 1ronT=

@ffi G)tr (c), a

\l+ a" ^
(d) : b
"lb' - u'

(12) The general solution of the equation :

t cot(!- e) =1Eis ......'........(where neZ)

+ + 2fi,n o)+ +Xln @)++2xt n (d)++rtrn
> Trigonometry

Total mark

Quiz till lesson 4 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1)ff 0o<e< 180o , nflt*0- I =0:thene-.......... ...

(a) 30' (b) 6o' (c) 120' (d) 150"

(2) lt is possible to solve the right-angled triangle except the case in which
the givens are .'..'..........

(a) lengths of two sides of the triangle.

(b) lengths of two sides and measure of the included angle between them.

(c) measures of two angles of the triangle.

(d) length of one side and length of the hypotenuse.

(3) ffre general solution of the equation : tan 0 =1Eit

(u)T*nrr (b)T+ 2n.ltr @++Znxt, (d)**rr
( 4 ) sin (90'- 0) csc (180" - 0) = (in the simplest form)
(a)-1 (b) t (c) tan 0 (d) cot 0
(5) tf sinA + sin B = 2 tthen
(a)cosA+cosB=0 (b)cosA-cosB=1
(c) sinA- sin B = 1 (d) sin (A+ B) = - 1

( 6 ) If AABC is aright angled-triangle andthe lengths of its sides are:a ta-*l ta-l
where a > I r then the measure of its greatest acute angle is approximately ...............
(a) 36's) (b) 48' ld' (c) s:' s- @) az" q)
( 7 ) From a point on the ground surface 40 m. away from a tower base the measure
: of
elevation angle of the top of the tower is 72 r then the height of the tower to the nearest
metre is .'.......'..... m.

(a) tzo (b) tzt (c) tzz (d) tzz

( 8 ) (sin2 40o + cos2 40";6 = ...............

(a)l (b)-r (c) 6 (d)-o

Accumulative quizzes

( 9 ) In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle

atA:ADIgC rRn=sin20
,/ J\
r then BC =

(a) sin 0 (b) tan 0 (c) cos 0 (d) tan2 0

(10) In the opposite figure : C

The angle of elevation of the top of a tower of length 50 fi m.

is measured from two points A and B on the same horizontal fr

line as the tower base r their measures are 30o r 60o respectively

r then the distance between the two points equals """""""' m.

(a) 10018 (b) solE (c) 100 (d) s0

(11.) The expression , 1,-#t'9 in the simplest form is

(a) - tan2 0 (b) - cot2 0 (c) tan2 0 (d) cot2 0

(Lz)lfcsc 0 - cot 0 = t, then csc 0 + cot 0 =

(")# (b) s @* (d) 1

Total mark

Quiz I 5 till lesson 5 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The perimeter of the circular sector whose area is 18 cm? and length of its arc
is 6 cm. equals ...'..."""" cm.

(a) 18 (b) t2 (c) 9 (d) 15

( 2 ) In the opposite figure :

AC = .'........'..'. cm.
(a) 13.2 (b) 8.3

(c) 3.7 (d) s.e

> Trigonometry

( 3 ) The general solution of the equation : cos (90o

- 0) = I is ......,,....... (where neZ)
(a) I[ n @t*21tn (c)Zxln (d)x[+2xtn
(4) sin2 0 + cos2 0 +tan2 0-sec2 0=............... (inits simplestform)
(a) 1 (b)- t (c) zero (d)2
( 5 ) From a point on the ground surface 35 m. away from the base of a house : & rr41
measures the elevation angle of the top of the house : its measure was 45o r then the
height of the house is ............... m.

@) a5 (b) 3s (c) 25 (d) ss

( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

M and N are two distant circles t &, and a,

are the areas of the two sectors u"af,= I

r then 0 = ........."....

(a) 72" (b) 80" (c) 90. (d) 100.

( 7 ) The area of the circular sector r the measure of its central angle is 120' r in a circle
area 24cm? equals ... ........ . cm?

(a) 24 (b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 36

( 8 ) The perimeter of a circular sector is 12 cm. and its area is 9 cm?: then the measure of its

cenffal angle is ...............

r fzd o lad
) (b) l'ud (.); (d) z'ud

( 9 ) If 25 sin 0 cos 0 = 12 tthen cos 0

- sin 0 =

'5 I rb)t !5 r.r*f (d)@
sin0 cos0
' 'csc0*

(a) 1 (b) sin 0 + cos 0 (c) csc 0 sec 0 (d) tan 0

(11)rf0el0 ,2il1 t 2cosO+18=0 rthenoneofthevaluesof 0is

(a) 30. (b) 60" (c) 210' (d)240'
(12)lt 0o < X < 360' : then the number of solutions of the equation ;

3 sin X =tan X is ...............

(a) z (b): (c) 4 (d) s

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz till lesson 6 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) sin2 0 + cos2 0 + cot2 e -

.... """""
(a) sec2 0 (b) csc2 0 (c) tan2 0 (d) cot2 0

( 2 ) The area of the circular sector which the radius length of its circle is 4 cm.

and the length of its arc is 6 cm. equals """""" " cm?
(a) 24 (b) t2 (c) 10 (d) 8

(3)If sin 0 +cos 0 =0 :where0 < e < 180o :then0 = """""""'

(a) 45" (b) 135" (c) 60' (d) 120"

( 4 ) The general solution of the equation : cos 0 =I is where neZ

(a) n Jl (b)2nTr @)++nxr @)++2nl1
( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

D €BC rAD = DB = DC = 5 cm.

tm(LADB) = 80o
r AC = """""""' cm.
(a) 10 sin 40" (b) 10 sin 50o (c) 5 sin 80o (d) 5 sin 40'

( 6 ) If sec 0 - tan 0 = 2 tthensec 0=

(a) 5 (b) I (c) 4 (o+

( 7 ) In the opposite figure : 49t'
The length of BC = """""""' cm.
(a) 5 b)6 ?
<")3 i (d) 3

( 8 ) The number of solutions of the equation :

cos2 e - 4 cos 0 + 4 = 0 equals

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
> Trigonometry

( 9 ) The area of the circular segment whose cenffal measure is 30" and the radius length of its

circle is 2ficm. equals .......'.'....'c*?

@)l+z (b)xt-3 (c)fi+3 @)+-z

' '1+tan'0 +3 sin2e-.... ...
(r0)---1--=, ....

(a) 3 (b) I (c) 3 sin2 0 (d) sec2 0

(11) In the opposite figure :

The area of the shaded region

equals ......."...'.. cm?

(a) 8 xr (b) 16 xr
(c) 4 Tt @)zxr
(12) In the opposite figure :

The radius of circle M is 10 cm.

rBC=AC rm(ZACM) =36

r then the area of the shaded region = ............... c?
(a) 2o xl (b) 30 rr

@) a0 xl (d) s0 rr
Total mark

Quiz l7 till lesson 7 - unit 3

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) If X is the side length of the equilateral triangle whose area is 94[i cm?
r then \,= ...............cm.

(a) 6 (b) 6{t (c):6 (d) 3

( 2 ) The radius length of the circle of the circular sector whose area is 45 cm?.
and the length of its arc is 10 cm. equals ...............cm.

@) a.5 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 6

( 3 ) The area of the regular pentagon whose side length is 12 cm.
equals c-? 1to the nearest cm?)

(a) 131 (b) ee1 (c) 50 (d) 248

({ : l) Y ?:+ I O\ /(crut*.1) drt J sqrrLJ rclt@Jl E

Accumulative quizzes

( 4 ) The area of the convex quadrilateral whose diagonal lengths are 12 cm. r 8 cm. and the
measure of the included angle between them is 30" equals ............... c

(a) a8 (b) 108 @) 2a (d) e6

(5) If e C [0 ,ll,l , then the value of 0 which makes the roots of the equation :

X2 + 2 X + 2cos 0 = 0 are equal is

( 6 ) In the opposite figure :


r"> ? n (d)

Misacircle rMC=6cm.
t m (L AMB) = m (L CMB) = 40o
r then the area of the shaded region = ...'......'.... cm?
(a) 4 xl (b) s 7r (c) 6 x[ (d)7 xt
( 7 ) If a + b = 30o :then the numerical value of the expression:
sin (3 a+ 2b) + sin (9 a + 8 b) = .."...'....."
(a) 1 (b)18 (c) zero (d)-1
( 8 ) In the opposite figure :
The area of A ABC equals ..'.......'..'. cm?
@) 2a
(b) 28
(c) 32
(d) 3s
( 9 ) The area of the circular segment whose chord length is 18 cm. : and the radius length of
its circle 18 cm. approximately equals """"""' '
(a) 29 (b) 28 (c) 30 (d) 60
(10) The general solution of the equation : cos 0 = 0 is (where neZ)
(a) x[ n (b)2 xl n @++ xr n @)+ +2xtn
(11) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram
it's area = ......'........ c-?
(a) 16 (b) 20 (c) 24 (d) 36
(12) In the opposite figure :
BD = 6 cm. : the area of the figure ABCD = 24^[ 3 cm?
tm(L BEC) = 120" : then AC = """""""' cm.
(a)tz (b) 14
(c) 15 (d) 16
THIRD Accumulative quizzes on analytic geometry
Total mark

Choose the correct answer from those given :
on lesson 1 - unit 4

( 1 )OntheCartesianplane rifA(4 r-3) t B (4 t4), C (- Z t- l)anOCDis

equivalent to AB r then the point D is ...............

(a) (- 2 ,6) (b)(2,-6) (c) (0 ,7) (d)(0,-7)

( 2 ) If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon whose centre (M) which of the following directed line
segments are not equivalent ?
(a) AB , FM (b) AB , ED (c) AB , MC (d) AB : MD
( 3 ) A car covered 20 metres due north r then it covered the same distance due west r then the
displacement of the car is .........'.....
(a) a0 metres due west. (b) 40 metres due western north.

@) z}t[i metres due western north. (d) 2}a[i metres due western south.

( 4 ) Which of the following is a vector quantity ?

(a) The time (b) The temperature

(c) The displacement (d) The mass

(5) If a cyclist travels l}km. due to the north : then travels 4 km. due to the south from the
point he reaches r then the total distance covered by the cyclist during the whole journey
.. ......'. km.
(a) 12 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16
( 6 ) ABCD is arectangle : if aparticle moves fromAto c then to D r then its
displacement ......'.. "....
(a) of magnitude direction.
AB in BT (b) of magnitude AD in ffi direction.
(c) of magnitude AD in ffi direction. (d) of magnitude DC in ffi direction.
(7)ABCDisasquare:imdiagonalsintersectatM.If X rYarethemidpointsof AB rBC
respectively r then XY is equivalent to ...............
(a)eM (b) AC (.) CA (d)m'
( 8 ) If thg point B is the image of the pointA (2 ,3) by reflection in the y-axis and C (1 , 3)
: AB is equivalent to CD : then the coordinates of the point D is ...............
(a) (- 2 t3) (b)(2,-3) (c) (- 3 ,3) (d) (- 3 ;-3)
Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz l2 till lesson 2 - unit 4

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(I)If f =(6,-8),ttrenllf il=

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 14

(2)If A=(3,-2) ) d= (- 2 ,k)are parallel r then k =

-z (a) (b) 3 (c) 4
(3)tfA=(-4,2) , B=(3 r*5) rthenA+2B=
(a) (2 :8) (b) (8 ,2) (c)(2:-8) (d) (- 2 ,8)

( 4 ) If f = o1E i- ul : then f in trre polar form =

(a) (12 r 30') (b) (12 , 150') (c) (12 t210") (d) (12 r 330o)

( s ) If a= (: +) , ,then2f = """
(ul (o ,+) rur (o ,+) (") (a ,+) tar (r ,+)
( 6) Iril-+fil =s ll kfil,thenk=.. .. ""'
ra) tf o) +t (c)t5 (d)ta
(7)Ifd=(s,1) , D= ?2,4),thenlld. lDll=
(a) 25 (b) z (c) s (d) t

(8)rfI=(I t2) , E= Q,7) , d= 0 r12):thend="""""""'

(a) z i- B' (b)i+zE (c)zE-i (d) 3 f +z e
(9)If i=(3
'6) , B= 6-5,10),arAf ]-B ,then \,=."""""""
(a) - 20 (b) - ts (c) - 16 (d) - ls
(10)rfi=:i-+1, E=1, d=(r,#),thenilril*il8'll*ileil=
(a) 9 (b) to (c) 11 (d) tz
> Geometry

(11) rri= zi-l , B=i+j , C=i +3landfttF*0 :thenk=

(a)-1 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4

(a)-3f=E^ (b) f , B u.t in the same direction
(c)AIB (d)A/B
Total mark

Quiz I 3 till lesson 3 - unit 4

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(1)If AB=CDwhereAB=
- (6 r4) r C=(-1 ,3) rthenD-...............
(a) (5 :7) (b) (- 5 ;-7) (c) (- s ,7) (d) (7 ,7)

( 2 )The vector M = -12 i-12 j is expressed in the polarform as

(a)il= $2,[) G)M =(rrrE,*)

(.)M =lz,[i,+) (d)M= \z'[i,+)
( 3 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at M
r then each of the following expresse, ffi"*""pt ...............

(al AT-+ BD (b)2m'

(c) AD + DC (d) BC + DC
( 4 ) In A ABC r if D is the midpoint of BC

(u) Bd (b)DT (c) 2 Df (d) cE'

( 5 ) If f*" two non-zero vectors,

, B ana ll f * E-ll = il f- g ll, th"n
(u)f=-Ei o)r=F fct ir B- rolfrE'
( 6 ) The measure of the angle between the two vectors A= fi+ :1, E-=i*1EJ
is ... .. ... .. .. ...

(a) 45' (b) 30' (c) 60' (d) 15'



Accumulative quizzes

(a) zerc Bi (b) 2 AB (c) 2 (d) d
(8)Ifi=zoT-rsl, B= ti+z+janoil=f*s, fr=A-F:then
r+tt ttstt
(a)M//N (b)Ml-N (c)M=N (dlll l,tll=llNll
( 9 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCDEF is a regular hexagon

(u)E G) AE
(c) AD (d) AC

(10) In the opposite figure :

ABCI-r is a'a""t E is the midpoint of AD

(a) EB (b) BE BC
(")ff (d) CE

(11)If 3A+B=(5 r-2) r AB=(-3 r 10):thenf =

(a) (2 t-l) (b) (- 1 ,2) (c) (2 t-3) (d) (- 2 ,3)

(12) If A (k,2) , B (1 :- 1) and llnE'll= s rthenk=

(a) 5 (b)-3 (c)5or-3 (d) ls

Total mark

Quiz 4 till lesson 4 - unit 4

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) If Fr=2 i - 5 j , F2=i+2 j affect on one point rthenthe magnitude of the resultant

force = newton.

(a) 2\ 3 (b) e @ zrfi @ s^[,

(2)If-%=:rl0; , i"=-90;rtheniro=
(a) 2lO e (b) 30; (c)-30i (d) - 210;
> Geometry

( 3 ) In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle r if D is the midpoint of BC

r E is the midpoint of AD r then

AB + AC =. ...'......... AE
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d)-4
(4)Iff=(6,8) , E=e,2k), itE r then k - .. ...

(a) 2 @+ (")+ (d) -2

( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

OA= OB = 6 cm. tm(LO) = 120'

, then llAB ll= ....'.".......cm.
(a) 6 (b) t2
(c) 613 @) 61r,
( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle

E is the midpoint of CD

: then AB* ffi=

(u) AE (b) AC (c) 2 AD (d) cA
(7 ) rtthe vector rA- z -c; is equlvalent to BT , then B is equivalent to
(a)2f o)a (c) 2 Bd (d)2d
( 8 ) In the opposite figure :

ilA il= 4length unit r then f = ...............

tu> (z ,2^[i)

61 (2,[i , z)

f.l (+ ,"[a)
fa:, (^[i , z)

(e) Iftheforces{= (trE,

I n), B=ui+:l , F3 =-5 i + (b + 2)j act atone
point and the system is in equilibrium r then =
(a) 13 (b) - 13 (c) 1 (d)-1
Accumulative quizzes

(10) In the opposite figure :

If Fl - Fz= 3 newton : then the resultant

of the two forces F, and F, is R =

(a) (3 r 180')

(b) (6 , 180')

(c) (3 :90")

(d) (6 ,90')
(11) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square, A?* fr =k fr

(a) I (b)2
(c) 3 (d) 4

(12) If f , E^are two unit vectors : then

(")llE*B-ll=z ru) lli-Ell= 2

(.l lli* B ll= z (d)ile*E-ll=z

Total mark

Quiz I 5 till lesson 1 - unit 5

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) If ffi= (r, ,*) is ttre position vector of the point C with respect to the origin point O

r then the point C is """""""'

(a) (6 ,6) 1u) (6 ,6^[i) f")(- e'[i ,e) fal(orF,-o)
(2)rfA(7,5) : C(5 , -2) ,then ffi* ee= """""""'
(a)(12 t3) (b)(-2t-7) (c) (2 t7) (d) (7 , -2)

( 3 ) If C (4 t6) is the midpoint of AB- where B (2 ;8) : then [ = """""""'

(a) (6 ,4) (b) (6 , 14) (c) (3 ,7) (d) (2 ,-2)
(4)IfF=(trS) , E= e20,16) , ffBrthenft="""""""'
(a)-4 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d)-s
> Geometry

( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

If A(1 tZ) tB (6 ,2) ,XY ttBC

AC) +
r then the coordinates of the point X is .'..........'..

@)Q ta) (b) (4 ,2)

(c) (- 2 ,4) (d) (- 4 ,2)

( 6 ) The vector represents a uniform velocity 6 km./h. for a car moving due to the western

north =

@) z'[ii * 31[rj o) 31tri- 31[rj

(c)-:1Di *3'[rj (d)-61Di *6'[rj
( 7 ) All the following are unit vectors except

(a) (1 :0) (b)(0,-1) (c) (0.6 :0.8) (d) (l , 1)

(8)If CeABandAB =4BC r A(-1:4) : B (3 r 4) r the coordinates of C is

(a) (0 , a) (b) (4 ,2) (c) (4 ,0) (d)(2,4)

( 9 ) The ratio of division that the X-axis divides the line segment AB where
A(2,5) t B(7:-2)is
(a) 5 :2 (b)2:3 (c) 3 :2 (d)2:5
(10)InAABC :A(3 r5) r B (7 r 10) t C (2 r3) rthenthecoordinates ofthepointof
intersection of its medians is

(a) (4 ,6) (b) (6 ,4) (c) (6 :9) (d) (9 ,6)

(11) In the given figure :

If 4 AC = 3 AB r then the coordinates

of the point B is ......'..'..... c (4,-l) D 0,8)

(a) (- 5 ,14) (b)(-4tt6)

(c) (- 3 ,20) (d) (- 2 ,2)

(12) Itthe position vector f(]E , t) is rotated around the origin by an angle of measure
45" clockwise r then the polar form of the vector i uft". rotation is ...............

(a) (2,30') (b) (2 :315') (c) (2 t 345") (d) (2 :15")

(o: f) Y tilg\ /(dJul*l).:,t Jdrtnrt-.),1,.elr6Jl @

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

till lesson 2 - unit 5

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The equation of the straight line passing through (2 , - 3) and is parallel to X-axis

is .' .. ..' .. ." ...

(a)X+3=0 (b)y+3=0 (c)X-3=0 (d)y-3=0

( 2 ) The vector equation of the straight line : 4 X + 3 y = 12 is ....'....'.'...

(a)i= (-4 ,6) + k (4 ,3) 1u);= (6,-4)+k (3,4)

(c)r=(6r-4)+k(-3r4) (d)r=(6,-4)+k(-3,-4)
(3) In the opposite figure :

All the following express lEexcept

o) AE* sD* S
(c) AD + DE

(d) AE+ eC* co * DE

direction vectors of the same straight line except the vector

(a) (- 2
(b)(-2t-3) (c)(a:-6) (d) (- 4 t6)
( 5 ) If the pointA (0 r 0) is the image of the point B (4 ) z)by reflection in the straight line L

r then the equation of L is ........'.'...'

(a) X=Zy (b)2x*y=5 (c)Zx-y=5 (d)X+y=6

( 6 ) The vector represents the displacement of a body covered distance 40 cm. due to eastern
south is

@) zo^fii + zo^fij (b)-204[ri+zo^[ij

(c) - zo't[ii - zotfi j @ zo.fri -20^[rj
> Geometry

(7)IfA(3,-5) : B(-1,5) : M(6,k)andAE-llM,thenk=

(a)-15 (b)-10 (c)-5 (d)s
( 8 ) The ratio by which the y-axis divides AB where A(2 ,5) r B (6 r 7) equals
(a)1:3externally. (b)3:1internally.
(c) 1:2externally. (d) 3 : 2intenally.

( 9 ) In the opposite figure :

The equation of the straight line ffi is ...............

(10) The straight line : 6 X- 8 y = 48 makes with the coordinate axes a triangle

r its perimeter = .'.........".. length unit.

(a) a8 (b) 24 (c) tz (d) s

(11) The perpendiculardirection vectoron the straight line X =3 +2k , y =4-k

is . .... . ... .. .. ..

(a) (2 t- t) (b) (1 ,2) (c) (2 t r) (d) (4 ,-2)

(12) The equation of one of the two straight lines bisecting the angle between the coordinate

axes is

(a) y =2 (b) X=2y (c)y=x (d)y=4x

Total mark

Qirlz till lesson 3 - unit 5

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines i - (2 ,2) +k(1 r 1) and
the straight line X = 0 equals

(a) 45' (b) 30. (c) 135' (d) 60"

Accumulative quizzes

(z)Itthe perpendicular direction vector on the straight line is i- = 1: : 4) : then the slope of
this straight line is

If ABCD is a parallelogram , then ef
(b)+ (.)
* nd * DB =
? (o+

(a) zero (u) A^ (") A? (d) DE

( 4 ) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines L, : X+ 2 y + 5 = 0
tLr r - (1 ,4) + k (l )2) equals
(a) zero (b) 45' (c) 90' (d) 135'

(5)If B (0 ,3) r C (3 r0) andAliesinthethirddistancebetweenB andC rthenthepoint

A is .....'.........
(a)(r t2) (b)(2,1) (c)(- t t-2) (d)(-2 t-r)
(6)If A=(m-7 12) , B = (3 r-4) and A ll B rthenthe value of m =

ta) _i 1
(b) zero @)+ (d) 1

(7 )Themeasureof the anglebetweenthetwo straightlines X=l t ! = 2equals

(a) 30' (b) 45" (c) 90" (d) 180'

( 8 ) The measure of the obtuse angle between the two straight lines y = (Z -^[i ) tx * Sl
,y =(2.1E) 6-l)is... ....

(a) 150' (b) 60" (c) 135" (d) 120"

( 9 ) The perpendicular to the straight linei- (3 , 2) +k(, ,-n[, ) makes with the positive
X-axis an angle of measure
(a) 120" (b) 60'
30' (d) 150' (c)

(10) Two carsAand B move in a straight line rif{ = 30i, ;f= SOi
: then vAB = """""""' i
(a) 80 (b) 20 (c) - 20 (d) - 80

(11) If the straight line : * * = 1 makes with the coordinate,xes a triangle r its area = 9
square units r then b = """""""'
(a) *: (b)-3 (c) 6 (d)+6
(12) The set of values of k which makes the measure of the acute angle between the two
straightlinesX+ky-8 =0 t 2X-y-5 =0equals*it
"""""" "
cu> {3 ,-*} ru) {-, , +} {"r {: , }1 (d) {3}
> Geometry

Total mark

Quiz I 8 till lesson 4 - unit 5

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(1) If (6 ,4) : (3 : m) are two direction vectors of two parallel straight lines

: then m = ...............
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 @)+
( 2 ) The equation of the straight line passing through the two points (3 , 0) t (0 t - 2)

is ...' . .'. .'.....

@+*t=o ru)+ **=1 *-t=o (d)+ -*=r


( 3 ) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines whose slopes are

+ , -2 equals
(a) 45" (b) 30' (c) 90" (d) 60.
( 4 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1 r 1) on the straight line :

X+y=0equals lengthunit.
(a) 2 @1f2 (c) I (d) zero
(5) IntriangleABC :B (3 ,5) , C (- 3 ,-7) TDCBC suchthat
the area of AABD = tne area of AABC : then p = ...............
ru) (: ,+) @ (+ ,2) (c) (0 r- l) (d) (1 ,1)

( 6 ) If ;= (3 ,-4) is a direction vector of the straight line r then all the following are
direction vectors in the same direction as the line except
(a) (- 3 t4) (b) (9 t-12) (c) (3 ,4) (d) (1 .5 t-2)
( 7 ) The distancebetweenthe two straightlines 3 X-4y + 20 = 0 t 3 X- 4y + 10 = 0
equals length unit.

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

( 8 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (- 1 r 4) to the y-axis equals
length unit.

(a)7 (b)-1 (c) 1 (d) 4

Accumulative quizzes

( 9 ) ABCD is a square t A(2 t - 3) tthe equation ofeD t3 X- 4 y + 2= 0 r then the area of

the square ABCD = ............... square units.

(a) 4 (b) e (c) 16 (d) 2s

(10) The measure of the angle between the two vectorc F = li +]El , B=- +i

(a) 45' (b) 60" (c) 120" (d) 150'

(11) AB + BC + CD + DA = .......'.'..."

(u)6 (b) BD (c) o (d) cB

(12) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the origion to the straight line
i = (5 : 0) + k (4 ,3)equals length units.

(a) 15 (b) s (c) 3 (d) 4

Total mark

Quiz I till lesson 5 - unit 5

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines :

X-3y+5=0 t X+2y-7 =0equals

(a) 60' (b) 30' (c) 45' (d) 75'

( 2 ) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin on the straight line :

| = 1tO r 0) + k (4 ,3) equals length units.

(a) 15 (b) s (c) 6 (d) 4

( 3 ) The equation of the straight line passing through the origin and the intersection point of
thetwo straightlines : X= I, y =2is """""""'
(a)X*y=Q (b)x-2y=0 (c)2x-Y=0 (d)2x+y=0
( 4 ) In the opposite figure :2 AD = ..."......."'
(a) AB + AC

(c)2AB +2CD
> Geometry

( 5)whichof the followingpoints lies onthe straightlinei =(-2 r l) +k (t ,-3)

z) ,+)

r"r (t' ,- @)(+ @(+ ta>(! ,-+) ,z)

( 6 ) The straight line :
! * * =1 makes with the coordinate axes a triangle
its area equals square unit.

(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 14 (d) 28

(7) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezio- AD * gt= k fr

: then the value of k = where k €R
(b)-1 (d)2 c
(a) -2 (c) 1

( 8 ) If [= 1Z , t) , d= G2 ,4) aredirection vectors of two straight lines r then the

measure of the angle between these two straight lines equals

(a) 45" (b) 60" (c) 90" (d) 180.

( 9 ) The vector equation of the straight line passes through the intersection point of the two

straight lines L, : X- 5= 0 t L2: X + y = 13 and its direction vector (4, l)is ...............
length units.

(a)r=(4)l)+k(5r8) O);= (5 ,6) + k (4 , 1)

(c)i= (5 ,8) + k (4 , 1) (d)r=(5,-8)+k(l ,4)

(10)If thetwo straightlines: y=5 X+c t y =aX+dareparallel :thena=...............
(a) 5 (b)-s (c)-4 (d).4
(11) The coordinates of the point lies at
t thedistance between A and B where ag ir a line
segmentandA(3 r-2) , B(-1r5)is
(a) (- 1 ,3) o) (+ ,+) (c)(3:-1) (d) (+ ,
(12) The equation of the straight line passes through the intersection point of the two straight

lines L, : X + 2 y - 4= 0, L2 = X - 2 y = 0 and parallel to the X-axis is ...............

(a) X=2 (b)y= I (c)y=3 (d) y =z

Monthly tests
FIRST Monthly tests of March.

SECOND Monthly tests of April.

Contents of March Tests C*t""t" Aptil T""t"

Algebra Algebra
From: Organizing data in matrices. From Linear inequalities.
To : Multiplicative inverse of a matrix. To Linear programming and

Trigonometry Trigo nometry

From : Trigonometric identities. From Circular sector.
To : Angles of elevation and angles To Areas.
of depression.

Analytic Geometry Analytic Geometry

From: Scalars, vectors and directed From : Equation of the straight line.
Iine segment. To : General equation of the
To : Division of a line segment. straight line passing through
the point of intersection of
two Iines.
FIRST Monthly tests of March
Total mark

Test I t
ff Choose the correct answer from those given : [12 Marks]
"' - 1\
(1)rfA=(;o^ :),'=(l ;)
anan= Bt r then / + m + n = """""""'

(a)-5 (b) 6 @)-a (d) 2

( 2 ) Each of the following equals (1 - sin el (f + except

"- r )
(,)T*,a (b) cos2 0 (c)1-sin20 (d) sec 0 cot 0

(3) Areaof AABCwhereA(0 r 4) rB(5 12) rC(6:1)equals squareunit.

(a) 7 (b) 1.s (c) 3.5 (d) 6

(4) Iff =12,A; , B= (4,4) rthenallthefollowingstatementsaretrueexcept

(a)f+B=(tt,tZ) (b) A- F= (s , +)

(c)24-B-(r0't2) (d)AB+A=(416)
( 5 ) If AandB are two matrices whereABt + BAt = O rthenABtis matrix.

(a) zero (b) symmetric (c) skew symmetric (d) diagonal

( 6 ) Which of the following vectors represents the velocity vector of a car moving with

speed 100 km./hr. in direction of 60o north of west...............

(a) - soi+ so1/lj ru) solE?- so j

(c) - s0{5i+ sol (d) - soi- so1El
( 7 ) Ifi= (ro ,+) ,then the polar form or f f t
at (t ,*) rul (ro,*) r"l (ro,f) rar (s,f)
( 8 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezium in which BC = 2AD

, lO ttBC , then ee * 2 De = ...............

(a) AC (b) BA* aD
(") BD (d) 2 AC

(1 : l) y t.r+/&t /(crut*l) d/tiJ crlirrt{;aL* @tl @

Monthly tests

(e)rr(11 i),..=( |),,n*r=

rur (o +) -j
) r.r ! (, +) (d)+(
",( ,
(to)rrf tEundi=(z,t) llE^ll=+^[n,thenD= ... ... ...
(a)tf G)t2f
(c)+4A roi(srffi,rr,[G)
(11)The S.S. of theequation: sin2 0-cos e= f where0 < 0 < 2lLis
@){+,+} ru){+,+} (.){+,+} (o{+,+}
(L2)rrri++l- (k ,o'ud) ,f = (n ,!*o'uo) ,theni=...............
(a)-ai+31 fulai-+l (c)-3i+al ral+i-:l
@ Answer the following two questions :

( 1 ) In the opposite figure :

D is the midpoint of BC
: E is the midpoint of AD
Prove that : A-e * B= Zfr + Zfr
(2) Acircle M of radius length 7 cm. r a chord E *ur drawn in it opposite [4 Marks]
to a central angle of meausre 110". Calculate the length of AB to the nearest
Total mark

ff Ctroose the correct answer from those given : [12 Marks]

( 1 ) sin2 0 + sin2 0 tan2 s = .....'.........

(a) 2 sin2 0 tan2 0 (b) 2 sin2 o cot2 o (c) sin2 0 (d) tan2 0

(2)rfA=(l 2\ 14 -2\
o) , ,=l,_, r/,thenAB+BA=
(a) o (b)-4r (c)4I (d)-2r
( 3 ) By solving the system of equations : 2 X + 3 y - z=I t 3X+5y+2z=8
and X-2y -3 z=- I the value of + = ...............
(a)-1 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) 3
> March

(4)Ifi= (k,2) , B= (-2,2) , d=(0,4)anaillCB-,thenk-..............

(a) 3 (b)-6 (c) I (d)2
(5)IfXY=(2t3) t YZ-(415):thenXZ=
(a) (6 :8) (b) (2 ,2) (c) (8 ,8) (d) (4 ,3)

( 6 ) General solution of the equation : tan 0 + I = 0 is ............... (where n eZ)

(a)0= (b)0=
]n+nn In*Znlt
f +nn (d) 0 =
( 7 ) If the matrix Ahas order 2 x 2 whereA = (a1i) , di
j= i + j r thenAt = .....,.........
(a) A (b)2A (c) (d) - 2A -A
(s)If F;= (r'8,+) , E= (0,[, ,+) *"t*oforces actatapoint,rhenthe
magnitude of the resultant of the two forces ............... force unit.
(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) s
x | 4l
( 9 ) Sum of roots of the equation 0 X+t 2 l=0"quult I

0 0 2-xl
(a) -2 (b) 1 (c)0 (d)-1
(10) In the opposite figure :
ABCD is quadrilateral : then Aa * BD =
(a) AB + CD o) BT* Dd
(c) DA + CB (d) AD + BC

(11) IfT is a unit vector in direction of east ana is a unit vector in direction of north
r then the force F of magnitude 4 ]E n"*ro, and acts in direction of 30o north of
west is F = ...............
(a)6i +2!z j (b)-6 i+z^{z j
@ z,l: T+ 6l (a) - zlFi + oi
(12) If f = 4i- : l, E' i, a vector where f r E, ll i ll = ll E ll, then B can be equals
(a) 3i+ +l (u) -:i+ +l (c) +i+ 3l (a) - +i+ :J
@ Answer the following two questions :
(1)Iff= el,2) , E= Q r7) , d= Q ttz),finddintermsoffandg tllvl"rtrl
(2 ) Findthe areaofthe triangle whose vertices are A(2 t4), B (- 2 t 4) t C (o t-2)
[4 Marks]
SECOND Monthly tests of April

Total mark
Test I
ff Choose the correct answer from those given : [12 Marks]

( 1) The solution set of the inequalities: X> 0 ,Y >0 tX + y <4 is

the triangle whose vertices the points

(a) (0 t4) t(0 ,0) t(4 t4) (b)(0r0),(4r0),(0:4)

(c) (a 14) : (0 ,4) ,(4 t0) (d) (0 t0) t(4 t0) t(4 t4)
( 2 ) Which of the following points belongs to the region of S.S. of the two inequalities
X+y < 6 and X-y r7 ?
(a) (6 :0) (b) (3 ,4) (c) (0 ,0) (d) (3 ,-s)
( 3 ) Acircular sector whose perimeter 8 cm. and its arc length 2cm. tthen its area=......'.'.'.... c-?
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 16

(4 ) Thepointwhichbelongstothefeasibleregionof theinequalities :0<X<5 r0.y.2

and makes the objective function P = 2 X+ 3 y has maximum value is """""""'
(a) (4 ,5) (b) (5 ,2) (c) (0 :0) (d) (4 ,2)
( 5 ) Area of the minor circular segment in which its height 5 cm. and its radius length
13 cm. =..........----. cm?

(a) 55 (b) 68 (c) 63 (d) 71

( 6 ) Which of the following figures represents

the solution set of the inequality :

( 7 ) Set of values of k that makes the measure of the included angle between the two
straight lines X + k y - 8 = 0 and 2 X -y - 5 = 0 equals tt
,ur {3 ,+ } <u) {-, ,+} <"r {, ,*} (d) {3}
> April

( 8 ) The straight line whose equation' i= (- I r 3) + k (2 t4) passes through the

point ...............
(a)(2 t4) (b) (1 ,5) (c) (- 3 , - 1) (d) (0 ,2)
( 9 ) Area of the triangle bounded by X-axis and y-axis and the straight line:2 X+ 3 y = g
equals square units.

(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 12

(10) Length of the drawn perpendicular from the point (- 2 ,- 4) on the straight line
r = (3 r 0) + k (6 , 8) equals length unit.
(a) 1.6 (b)2.6 (c) 0.6 (d) 3.6
(11) The straight line that passes through rhe point (2 ,l) and the vector i^= 1t : 3) is
perpendicular on it r then its equation is ...............
(a)X+2y+5=O (b)X+3y-5=0 (c)X-3y=0 (d)3X-y-5=0
(12) The measure of the acute angle between the straight line whose equation
is r = (2 12) +t(1 r l) andthe straightlinewhoseequationisx=0equals
(a) 45' (b) 30" (c) 60" (d) 135'

@ Answer the following two questions :

( I ) Find the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through the
:i= (z ,5)+ k (- 2 r l)
point (1 :3) and is perpendicular to the sraight line
[4 Marks]
( 2 ) Represent graphically the solution set of the following inequalities together :
[4 Marks]
Xs4 t !<-X+2 t X+2y>-2inlRxlR
Total mark

ff Choose the correct answer from those given : [12 Marks]

( I ) Measure of the included angle between the two sffaight lines :

r = (3 r 1) + k (2, I) and2 X+ y+ 5 = 0 equals

(a) 60" (b) 54" 13 (c) 90' (d) 72.

( 2 ) The distance between the two straight lines : 2 x-y= 6 andi= (0 r- 6) + k (- l, -2)
equals length unit.

@)+ (b) 4 (") 6+ (d) zero


Monthly tests

(3 ) If the slopeof TGequals

I andA(-2:5) rthen whichof the followingpoints does

(a) (0 ,6) rur (r ,+) (c) (2 t6) (d) (6 ,4)

( 4 ) The radius of a circle is r cm. If the perimeter of a circular sector of this circle
is (2 r + 8) cm. : then the area of this sector = """""""' cm?

(a) 12 b) 4? (c)81 (d)4r

( 5 ) In the cartesian coordinate r the region represents the solution set of the inequalities

X>0 ry>0 tX+y <4isa"""""""'

(a) circle. (b) square. (c) rectangle. (d) triangle.

( 6 ) Direction vectorof the straight line perpendicularto the straight line: 3 X-y + 5 = 0

is .. .. ...' ... .. ..

(a) (1 :3) (b) (- 1 ,3) (c) (3 :- 1) (d)(-3:-l)

(7)Equationof theaxisof symmetryof ABwhere A(2 r-l) t B(4 r3)is
(a)X+2y=O (b)X+2y=5 (c)2X-Y=5 (d)x-2y=5
( 8 ) The opposite figure represents the solution set of a system

of inequalities r then the smallest value of the objective

(a) 6 (b) 8

(c) t2 (d) 13

( 9 ) The straight line L ; X= I -2k tY = - 1+4 k

passes through the point
(a) (1 :1) (b) (1 ,- 1) (c) (- 1 ,- 1) (d) (- 1 ,1)
(10) In the opposite figure :

MA = 2 AC tarea of the circular sector MAB = 12 cm?

: then the area of the shaded region = """""""' cm?
(a) 10 (b) 12

(c) la (d) 1s
> April

(11) which of the following figures represents the

S.S. of the inequality x +y> It

(12) rt (a : b) belongs to the solution set of the inequality

x + 2y > 5 where a r b are integers
: then the least value of 2 a+ 4 b - ...............
(a) 5 (b)-s (c) 10 (d) 6

Answer the following two questions :

( 1 ) Provethatthe twolines :i= (0 r4) +k (l r-2) t 2 x+y +2=0 areparallel

r then find the shortest distance between them.
[4 Marks]
( 2 ) AB is a chord of length 8 cm. r is opposite
to a centrar angle of measure 60o
Find to the nearest tenth the area of the minor circular segment
whose chord is AB

[4 Marks]
School book examinations

FIRST Schoo! book examinations

in algebra and trigonometry.

SECOND School book examinations in analytic




ffi I

FIRST School book examinations in algebra and trigonometry

Model I1
Answer the following questi,ons :
ff Choose the correct answer from the given answers :
( I ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :

X>2 t !)l t X+y>3is

(a) (2 t t) (b) (1 ,2) (c) (3 t2) (d) (1 ,3)
(2)IfAisamatrixof order 1x 3 :Btisamatrixof order Ix3 tthenitispossibleto
carry out the operation .............'.
(a)A+B (b)Bt+At (c) ABt (d) AB
( 3 ) The solution set of the equations : 2 X-3 y = | t 3 X+2y - 8 is " """"'
1a; {1r , zy} O) {(2 , 1)} (c) {(z , r)} (d) {(3 ,2)}
( 4 ) The perimeter of a circular sector is 10 cm. r and the length of its arc equals 2 cm. t
then its area in square centimetres equals
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 20
( 5 ) The solution set of the equation : sin X + cos X = 0 where 180' < X < 360o
1a; {zro"} (b) {225"} 1cy {z+0"} (d) {3rs'}
El trt Solve the system of the following linear equations using matrices :
2X-3y=4 t 3X+4y=)J
lbl Prove the identity : sin 0 sin (90'- 0) tan 0 = 1 - cos2 O

@ tat Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (- 4 ,2) , (3 , 1) > (- 2 t 5) using

[b] Find the solution set of the equation z2 sin X+ 1 = 0 where X€]0 ,2xL!

@ tut Find the values ofxwhich satisfy the equati"", lf I I I =3x

ls 2 xl
[b] A boat was observed from the top of a lighthouse of height 50 metres r it was found
that its depression angle is of measure 35". Find the distance between the boat and the
top of the lighthouse.

Ef tat RB ir a chord of length 8 cm. : is opposite to a central angle of measure 60o

Find to the nearest tenth the area of the minor circular segment whose chord is AB

(V : l) I f.p/&\ /(d,ul*l) d,'1,J.:rl'.buJ;s[*,6JI @

School book examinations

[b] Determine the solution set of the following inequalities graphically in IR x IR :

X>0, y>0 t X+3y<7 t 3X+4y<I4

: then find from the solution set the values of X t y which make the value of the
function : P = 30 X + 50 y is greatest as possible.

Model 12
Answer the following questions :
ff Ctroose the correct answer from the given answers !
( 1) If Ais amatrix of order 2x3 tBt is amatrix of order I x3 tthenAB is amatrix of
order ...'....'......
(a)3x3 (b)3xl (c)2xl (d) 1x2
( 2 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :

X>0 , y>0 t 2X+y<4 t X+3y<6is"""""""'

(a) (1 : - 3) (b) (3 ,0) (c) (2 t3) (d) (1 , 1)

G)ff\|x',l= to :then \'='

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(4 ) 1+ cot2 $ ='.............. in the simplest form.
(a) sin2 0 (b) cos2 o (c) sec2 0 (d) csc2 0

El tut Solve the system of the following linear equations using Cramar's rule :

2X-3y=3 t X+2y=5
[b] Prove the identit, ,**#U = 1 - cos2 x
El tat Find the matrix A which satisfies the relation :

Ax(l-t 2\ ltz 23\

; ;/=(; ;;)
lbl Find the general solution of the equation t
(f - r) = +

[t tat rrn' = (z - :) ,prove that : A2 - s A+ 22r = o

[b] The measure of the central angle of a circular segment is 90' and the area of its surface
is 56 cm? Find the length of its radius.

@ tut From a point on the ground 50 metres distant from the base of a vertical pole , it is
found that the measure of the elevation angle of the top of the pole is 19" 24
Find to the nearest metre : the height of the pole from the ground.

[b] Find the maximum value of the objective function zP =2 X+ y given that :

X>0 , Yr0 t 2X+3Y<18 t -4X+Y>-8

SECOND School book examinations in analytic geometry

Model l1
Answer the following questions :
ff Complete the following sentences :

( 1) If f = zi+ 3J , B = 3T-J:then zi-ii=....... ... ..

(2)If A=(- 2 tl) , C=(-3 rk) areparallel:thenk=...............

(3)tfe=(4t4) r B=(5r-8) , CCEwhereAC:CB=2:I
rthen C = ( ............ r............ )
( 4 ) tf the two lines L, :3 X-2y +7 =O t Lr: aX+ 3 y + 5 =0 areperpendicular
r then a = ...............

( 5 ) The vector equation of the line which passes through the point (2 , - 3) and its
direction vector is (3 : 4) r is

E t"t Ir ll- s f il =s llt ill , fino the vatue of k

[b] Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1 t 2) to the line whose
equation is : 5 X - l2y -7 =0

El tut ABCD is a quadrilateral : E is the midpoint of AB r F is the midpoint of CD

[b] Find the equation of the line which passes through the point of intersection of the two
lineswhoseequations are:2X+y =5 andr =(1 r0) +t(1 ,1)
and passes through the point (5 ,3)

@ Iut If the point C (2, s)divides en Uy the ratio 4 : ltwhereA (8, 3)

r find the coordinates of the point B

[b] Prove that the triangle whose vertices are the points Y (4 ,2) r X (3 r 5) r Z (-5 ,-l)
is a right-angled triangle at Y r then calculate the area of the circle which passes
through its vertices.

EltrL, :3 x+2y -7 =o t Lr:2x-3y +4=o :find :

( 1 ) ffre measure of the angle between L1 tL2

( 2 ) ffre vector equation of the line which passes through the point of intersection of the
two lines L1 tL2and the point (3 :4)
School book examinations

Answer the following questions :

ff Comptete the following sentences :

(2)Iff =(4,2), B=(1 ,-2):thenllA-Ell=. .

(3) IfA =(-3 r4) r B =(6 r- 8) rthentheX-axisdividesAT'UVtheratio

( 4 ) The measure of the angle between the two lines whose slopes *" | , -Z
( 5 ) The length of the perpendicular from (l , 1) to the line whose equation is : X + y - 0

E tat If k ll4 f il= il-: f ll , nno the value ork

[b] Find the equation of the line which passes through the point (-1 ' 0) : and the point of
intersectionof thetwolineswhoseequations are:2X-y +4=0 ;X+y + 5 =0

Gl tat IfA= (3 14) B = (5 r r-l) t

C=(2 r-2)arethreevertices ofthe
parallelogramABCD , find the coordinates of the fourth vertex D

[b] Provethatthetwolines:i=(0 r4)+t (l ,-2) t 2X+y+2=0areparallel

r then find the shortest distance between them.

@ fal IfA= (-l 14) :B = (5 r-l) :findthe coordinates ofthe pointC whichdivides AB
internally by the ratio 2 : I

[b] A circle vshose centre is the origin pointr prove that the two chords drawn in the circle
whose equations are :

3 X+ 4y + 10 = 0 and 5 X-12y +26=0 are equal in length.

@ nuCn is a trapezium in which AD // BC

IfA(7,-1) : B(3r-1) t C(2tl) I D(5:y):
( 1 ) Find the value of y
( 2 ) Find the area of the trapeziumABCD
Final examinations

Examinatioirs of some .-/.=

goyernoiate's schools. LsHT
.-/ I


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QR codes
to solve



Ir W
tGil q$
\^l- '*iqmt
Final examinations

Misr Elgadida directorate

Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
oro( ' :r)=(" y+ 1
rthen x+ Y = """""""'
(a)7 (b)-3 (c) 4 (d) 10

,,(i'-;).(: -4\tl_
lt -4\ ltr
(a) o ru)(o ,) r")(o ?)
(d) r

rs,r(1 l)(1,
-1\ I : then \'- """""""'
* )=
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c)-3 (d)-4
(4)IfA(3 r5) tB(2:0):C(-3 r3) rthentheareaofthetriangleABCequals"""""""'
square unit.
(a) 28 (b) 14 (c) 7 (d)2
v2 -21
( 5 ) The solution set of the equation in c is
, l='"to
@)a (b) {- 2 ,z} (") {- 2i,2i} 1a;{-i,i}
( 6 ) The multiplicative inverse of the rr"*, (
1 , 1)"orr,
( 7 ) The shaded region in the opposite
(b)(3 -r') (")(1
, :) ,G ,1
figure represents the solution set of
the inequalities ...............
(a)X>0 , y>0 r X+2y<4 ,2X+y<4
(b)X+2y.4 t 2X+y.4
(c)X>0 , y>0 : X+2Y<4r2X+y<4
(d)4X+2y<0 t 2X+4y <0
> Mathematics

( 8 ) The solution set of the inequality :

(a) lt , r[ O) ]r ,31 1c; [t , r[ (d) h ,3]
( 9 ) tan 0 csc 0 = ........"....'
(a) I (b) cos 0 (c) sec 0 (d) csc 0
(10) If 2 sin 0 -'Si =0 , where e e ]0 ,2 :lll, then 0 =
(a) 30" or150" (b) 60" or LZO"
(c) 150" or2l0o (d) 120'or240"
(11) A plane 1000 metres high was observed by a person at an angle of elevation of measure 40o
r then the distance between the plane and the observer to the nearest meffe is ...............

(a) 643 (b) tt92 (c) 1305 (d) 1ss6

(12) The area of the circular sector which the radius length of its circle is 4 cm. and the length
of its arc is 6 cm. equals .....".'...... c*?
(a) 24 (b) t2 (c) 10 (d) 8
(13) The area of the quadrilateral in which the lengths of its diagonals are 6 cm. and 8 cm.
and the measure of the included angle between them is 30" equals .. .. .. cm2.

(a) rz (b) 24 @ nafi O)24^[i

(14) The length of the side of the equilateral triangle that has an area of 36^[3 cm? equals
...'.........'. cm.

(u)eG (b) 24 (c) 6 (d) t2

(1,Iff=(5,- 12) tthenilf il=
(a) 13 (b)-7 (c) 17 (d) 7
(1O Iff = e2r 1) andd= (- 3'k) are parallel : then k -'.............'

@)-? b) ? @-+ @+
(17) If ll- s ill = s ll tall,thenk = ...............
') 9
(a) (o)* r") *t (d) **
(18) The polar form of the vector (U , UG)is ...'...........

a) (z ,
!) o) (12 ,
+) r"l (o ,EJ ral (o ,
(19) If A - (3 ,-2) ,E= (1 t2) tthenm=
(a) (3 ,-4) (b) (- 2 ,4) (c) (4 r0) (d) (2 ,-4)
(20) IfA- (3, 6), B = (-7 r4) : then the midpoint of AB = ..............'
(a) (- 4 ,to) (b) (- 4 ,s) (c) (5 :1) (d) (- 2 ,s)
Final examinations

(21)IfA(-3 , -7),B(4 t0) rthenthepointCwhichdivides ABinternallyinthe ratio5:2

is .' . ..' ... .. .. ..

(a)(-2t2) (b)(2,-2) (c\(2t2) (d)(-2t-2)

(22)The straight line which passes through the two points (4 ,-Z) t (5 : 3) : then the slope of
the perpendicular straight line to it = """""""'
(a) s o)+ (c)-5 (d)+
(23) If the slope of a straight line = -] , tn"nits direction vector is """""""'
(a) -2)
(3 t (b) (- 3 ,2)

(c) (6 : - 4) (d) all the previous are right.

(24)The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 ,- 3) and is parallel to

the X-axis is .....'......."

(a)X+3=0 (b)y+3=0(c)X-2=O (d)y-3=0

(25) The measure of the angle between the straight lines whose slopes arc2 ,-| equals

(a) 30' (b) 60' (c) 90" (d) 45"

(26) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3 r 1) to the straight line
4 X+3 y -5 =0 equals length units.

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) a (d) s

(27) The equation of the straight line which passes through the origin point and the point of
intersection of the two straight lines : X=2 ,Y = 5 is """""""'
(a)5x-2y=0 (b)2x-5Y=0
(c)2x+5Y=Q (d)5x+2Y-0
Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff Sotve graphically the following linear inequalities in IR' x IR :

X>O , y>0 t X+y<5

El tf OA is the position vector of the point A with respect to the origin: find the coordinate of
rhe point A if oe = (ro1E, 60')
> Mathematics

Cairo Gov€rnorate El Kalifa andMokattam

educational zone

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( 1 ) If B is a matrix in the order 3 x 2 thent 2 B is a matrix in the order ...............
tests @

(a)6x4 @)3xa (c)6x2 (d)3 x2

(a)ar,--6 (b)a,,=1
(c) ar, = 6 (d) ant arr= 12

(s ) rre=/0
') ,*o=/o 3 t\ ,,trr c +b-m=...............
\r -41 \zu 241
(a)-19 (b)-7 (c)7 (d) 16

( 4 ) rhe *"*. (; a
\ t u. no multiplicative inverse at X =
(a) 4 t-2
(b)-4,2 (c)-4 t-2 (d)4,2
lx 2 rl
( s ) rf / _ 3 y ,l= *y z where X t! t z are non-zero numbers thenr /=
| 0zl
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c)6 (d) xy
(6)rfA =(" ),r=(-, S) ,trrenBA=

.,(;i) (b) (- e 10) (q(-s ,r ) (d) (1)

\6 t0 I
( 7 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequality : x+ y < 3 is ...............
(a) (1 :3) (b) (2 ,-3) (c) (2 t3) (d) (1 ,4)
( 8 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequality :

X>3 ry<1tX+y<5is
(a) (6 t-2) (b)(1 ,-2) (c) (4 t4) (d) (3 , -2)
( 9 ) A person observed a plane 1000 meter height: with an angle of elevation 40o r then the
distance between the plane and the observer is ............... to the nearest meter.
(a) 643 (b) ttez (c) 1305 (d) 1ss6
(10) Area of circular segment in which length of diameter of its circle 8 cm. and measure of
its central angle 1.2'ud =..............."-?
(a) 8.57 (b) 2.r4 (c) 4.28 (d) 1.07
(A : l) Y lJ"r/&\ /(drul*l) suJ crlrtJ-J;el^*6JI @
Final examinations

(11) The perimeter of circular sector is 4r cm. where r is length of radius of its circle I then the
radian measure of its central angle equals

@+ (b) 8 (c) 2 (o+

(12)Thegeneral solutionof theequation:cos 0 =- 1is wherenelR
@++xrn (b)++rrn (c)xr+21trn (o++2xtn
(13) If tan 0 = 3 r then sec2 O = """""""'
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 7

(14) The length of side of equilateral triangle whose arca36^[i cm? equals """""""' cm'
(a) 66 (b)24 (c) 6 (d) 12

(15) An object moves from a point 6 meter in direction of east then 8 meters in direction of
south then (the covered distance - magnitude of displacement) = """""""'
(a) 2 (b) 10 (c) 4 (d) 14

(16) Iff = ri+ kland ilf il = 5,thenk-' """"""'

(a)4 G)-4 (c)t4 (d)2
(17)If A =(2 t- 1) rg=(3 ,4) rC=(k r 15)andtwovectorsC :B-A areparallelthen
K - ...............
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(18) If 4 = 4i- 3 l, E- such that f f E', f il il = il E- il then, n *uv equal

(a) (3 :4) (b) (- 3 ;4) (c) (4 : 3) (d) (- 4 t3)
(19) The polar form of the vector A =1F i +l i.
ra> (z ,f) rul (+ ,f) rcl (z ,f; ral (+ ,{-)
(20) The ratio that X-axis divides line segment AB
where A=(2 r5) rB - (7 r-2) is
(a)5:2internally. (b) 2 :3 internally.
(c)3:2externally. (d) 2 :5 externally.
(21) The area of triangle bounded by X-axis r y-axis and straightline2 X+3 Y = 6 equals
square units.
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) t2

(22) Measure of acute angle between two straight lines

Lr:i - (2,5)+k(-3 ,1) ;Lr'.2x=3-yequals
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 50"

(23) If slope of straight line -AB equals | , l= (- 2 r 5) which of the following points lies on
straight line AB ?

(a)(0:6) (b)(1 ,4) @)(2t6) (d)(6'4)

> Mathematics

(24)It the point (4 , b) lies on straight line whose equation :

y = 6 -k : X= 3 k- 2thenb -.'. .. .......

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
(25) If measure of angle between two straight lines :

Lr: X +ky + 2 =0 (wherek>0) tLr: X-2y + 1=0 equals45o thenk=

(a) 3 (o)+ (c) 1 (d) -;i-
(26) The distance between two straight lines :

2X+y=g , i=(0 r6)+k(- I t2)eqtals............... lengthunit.

@)+ (b) 4 (")+ (d) 0
(27) The equation of straight line passing through point of intersection of two straight
lines :
2 X+ 3 y -2 = 0 r 3 X-y - 14 = 0 and makes with positive direction of X-axis angle of
measure 135" is
(a)X+y=Q (b)X+y=2 (c) X-y =) (d) y - X=2
lEfl| Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff sotve the following system of linear inequalities in IR x IR graphically :

X>0 ry>0 t!*2X<6

@tra- (3,- 1), B = (5 t2) and,M= (a, K), where gi ttMlpara[el) find value of K

Cairo.Governorate Mathematical Supervision

Choose ,h. urrs*., f.o- the given

ones :
tests @

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) t2

(2)IfAisamatrixof order3 x I :B isamatrixof order 1x 3 rthen:AB isamatrixof
order ...............
(a)3xl (b)1xl (c)3x3 (d)1x3
rsr(;3 -i).e, 1

\= ...............

(a) fI rol/-1 1\ (.)/1 .,( i

\0 II \o ?) ?)
Final examinations

(o(1, -l)
''(i ) '
",( ; -")
n,( ;'
rrlnl' 14x

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

(6)rr(;) (;
)=(: ),thenx+v= (d) 3
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 5

the quadrant ."""""""
(a) first. (b) second. (c) third. (d) fourth.

( 8 ) The point which belongs to solution set of the two inequalities :

X>2,Y> I togetheris """""""'

(t (b) (2 , 1) (c) (3 r 1) (d) (3 ,2)
(a) t2)
( 9 ) sin 0 cos 0 tan 0 in the simplest form equals
(a) sin2 0 (b) cos2 0 (c) tan2 0 (d)1-sin20
(10) In the opposite figure : A
If AB =7 cm. tm(LC) =32"
r then AC = """""""' cm.

(a) t3.2 (b) 8.3

(c) 3.7 (d) s.9
(11) The area of the circular segment which the radius length 10 cm. and length of subtended
arc 5 cm. - """""""' crr?.

(a) 0.13 (b) 0.sl (c) 2.05 (d) 1.03

(12) If + 1 = 0 : where 0 < e < 360 : then 0 =

cos 0
(a) 90 (b) 180 (c) 270 (d) 360

(13) The area of the circular sector which the radius of its circle 4'cm. and the length of
subtended arc 6 cm. = """""""'cm2.
(b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 8
@) 2a
(14) The area of the quadrilateral whose diagonal lengths 6 cm' : 8 cm. and measure of the
included angle between them 30o equals ' ""' "" '
(a) 12 (b) 24 @) 0'[i @) 241[i
> Mathematics

(15) If f = (6 , - 8) , then : llill = ...............

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) t+
(16) If A -(3,-Z) d=(- Z rk)areparallel rrhenk- ...... ....

(a) -2 (b) 3 @+ (d)+

(17) If A (2,5) r B (6 t7) tthenthe ratio of division orA-g by the y-axis equals
(a) 1:3externally. (b)3:linternally.
(c) 1 : 2externally. (d) 3 : 2internally.

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d)-s

(20) If;- (3 ,4) is direction vector of a straight line : then its slope equals ....,..........
@+ @)+J @+ (d)+
(21) The measure of the acute angle between the two lines :

X-3y+5=0 t X+2y-7 =0equals

(a) 60' (b) 30" (c) 45" (d) 75.
(22) The equation of the straight line which passes through (2 , 3) and parallel ro
- X-axis
is . . . .. . . . ..... .

(a)X=-3 (b)y=-3 (c)X=2 (d)y=3

(23) The length of perpendicular drown from the point (3 : 1) to the straight line
4 X+ 3 y-5 = 0 equals unitlength.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s
(24) The straight line 2 X + 3 y = l}makes with coordinate axes a triangle of area
square units.
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 12
(25) If the straight line L passes through the point (2 ,3) and its direction vector (- I t 2) t
then the parametric equation of this line are
(a) X-2-k ) y =-3 +2k (b)X=2-k , y=3-2k
(c) X=2+k , y =3 +2k (d) X=Z-t< , y =3 +2k
(26) The measure of the angle between two lines whose slopes
+ , - 2 is equal to ...............
(a) 45" (b) 30" (c) 90' (d) 6O'
(27) All of the following vectors are unit vectors except : ...............
(a) (1 ,0) (b) (0 , - l) (c) (t r 1) (d) (0.6 ,0.8)
Final examinations

Answer the following questions :
ff fina the maximum value of the objective function R = 5 X+2 y under conditions :

X>0, y>0 t X+Y<7, X+ZY'10

@ enCO is parallelogram in which A(2 t-2) , B (4 r -2) ,C ,3)
Find the coordinate of D.

Math's lnspection

fflEll Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tests @

(1)rr( x+v=
(a) 5
:.' r1r)=(i ]),,n*
(b) 6 (c) 1 (d) e

( 2 ) Equation of a staight line which passes through the point (- I , 3) and parallel to X-axis

(a)X=-l (b)y=3 (c)X-1=0 (d)y+3=0
( 3 ) sec X cos \ - """""" "' such that (X) is an acute positive angle'
(a)-1 (b) 1 (c) tan X (d) cotan X

(4) Ifi*B= (9, 11),8= (6,7),then ilfil =

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

( 5 ) The coordinates of point C which divides en Oy ratio 2: 1 internally when A= (2 , - l)

(c)(4:-3) (d) (- 4 t-3)

( 6 ) From point on the ground at the distance 80 m.
from base of a tower a man found measure
of elevation angle of top of the tower was 35o
r then the height of tower to nearest meter = """""""' Irr'
(a) 55 (b) s6
(c) 5t (d) s8

l3 0 ol
(7)Thevalueofl 2 5 0 l-
(a) 8
lr 4 2l
(b) 6 (c) 15 (d) 30
> Mathematics
( 8 ) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle, H is the midpoint

of AD- r then eE^* m=
(a) AC o)CA
(c) DC (d) CD
lx 4\
( 9 ) If the matrix t'\s Ihas no multiplicative invers r then \,- ...............

(a)6 vl (b)-6
(c)+6 (d)13
(10) If c is the midpoint of AB where A (r : z) andB (3 r g) then point c is ...............
(a) (2 t5) (b) (3 ,4) (c) (4 :5) (d) (4 ,7)
(11) If 2 cos X- I =0 :0o <X< 90. rthenX=............... o
(a) 30 (b) 4s (c) 60 (d) 7s
(12) It A = (6 r 8) : then llill = length unit.
(a) 2 (b) 14 (c) 5 (d) 10
(13) If A is a symmetric matrix thenA-At =
(a) o (b) A (c) A' (d) 2A
rul rrl' 2l
l='7 ;then X= ...............
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) s
(1s) If i= (z ,:)
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6
(16) If Ais amatrixof order 2x3 andB is amatrix of order 3 x3 tthenthe orderof maffix
(a) 2x2 (b) 2 x3 (c) 3 xz (d)3x3
(17) If the perimeter of circular sector is 20 cm. and radius length of its
circle equals 4 cm. t
then the area of circular sector is ............... cm?
(a) 24 (b) 48 (c) 40 (d) 80
(18) Thepointwhichbelongs tothe solution setof theinequalitiesX
>2 t y> I and
(a) (2 t t) (b) (2 ,2) (c) (3 t2) (d) (3 ,1)
(19) 5 cos2 x+ 5 sin2 /,- ...............
(a) 5 (b) I (c) 10 (d) zero
(20) The points (3 , 5) and (1 : 5) belong to the solution set of the inequal ity
X + y .... .... . .. g
(a) > (b) < (c) > (d) <
Final examinations

(21) If 2 sin X- 1= 0 such that X is an acute angle then m (L X) = " " "" "" "'o
(b) 60 (c) 45 (d) 7s
(a) 30
(22)Thestraight line : y =3 x+ 5 cuts y-axis at the point """""""'
(b) (0 , s) (c) (1 r 3) (d) (0 ,0)
(a) (3 ,5)
(23) The slope of straight line 2 X-y = 1 is """""""' cm'

(a)2 (b)1 (c)-1 (d)0's

(24)Themeasure of the angle between two lines X=2 and y = 3 is

(b) 4s (c) 60 (d) e0

(a) 30
(25) The length of the perpendicular which drawn from the point (3 :5) on X-axis
is ..........."" units.
(b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 8
(a) 3
(2O If f = (1 : 2) ,E - (4 ,6) r then ll AB ll = """""""' units'
(a) 3 (b) s (c) 10 (d) 12

(27) ABCD is aparallelogram in which A(2 t- 3), B (5 : 1) and C (6 r 7) : then the point
p = .'.............
(b) (1 ,3) (c)(-113) (d) (3 ,3)
(a) (3 ,1)

Answer the following questions :

tf lenC in which D e BC t2DB = 3 DC I then
fV using graph find in IR x IR the solution set of the following inequalities :
X>0 , y>0 t 2X+Y'8 andX+Y'5
Awseem Educational Directorate
Mathematics lnsPection

Choose the correct answer from the given ones : ffi

It - 2\*a if AB = I I then the matrix B =
tests @
(",#(: )
")+(1, )
n,#(1, (o#(_1
) ;)
> Mathematics

I 3 -11
( 2 ) The possible value of a which makes the determinant
-2 a gl=0is"""""""'
(a) 2 (c)-q
s 6 -21
(b) -2 (d)q
(3) If L r M are the two roots of the equation : xz
- 7x +2=0 tthen the value of
I L2M -L2l
(a) zero (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16
(4)Iftheareaof thetrianglewhoseverticesare(k t0) t(4:0) r(0 r2)equals4squareunits
r then k = ............'..
(a) zero or 8 (b) -4or 4 (c) zero or_ g (d) g or_ g
(5)Thepointwhichbelongstothesolutionsetof theinequalitiesXz I ry >2 tX+yr5
and makes the objective function R = 2 X + y as small as possible from the following
point is
(a) (0 ,5) (b)(4,3) (c)(3 t2) (d)(1,4)
( 6 ) When solving the two equations : a X+by -4 tc X* dy =Zits found that the
l)=(;' _i),then2 x+3y=...............
(a)2 (b)3 @)a @)_2
0 I sin 0
cos 0l
Z csc0 0 +J I=0 ,thenX=...............
l, 3 x l-cos0 sin0l
(a) -I (b) zero (c) 1 (d) sin 0
(8) If sin 0-cos 0 = 0.6 where0 < O < 90o :then sin 0 cos 0
(a) 0.23 (b) 0.32 (c) 0.6a (d) 0.36
(9) If a+b = 30o rthenthe numerical value of the expression:
sin (3 a+ 2b)+ sin (9 a+ 8 b) =...............
(a)- t (b)zero (c) 1 (d)F
(10) The area of a circular segment its chord is of length 18 cm. and
the length of its radius is
18 cm. equals to the nearest cm?
(a) 28 (b) zg (c) 30 (d) oo
(11) A regular hexagon its surface area is s+a[i cnz.Then its side length = ............... cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) s (d) 6
(12) From the top of a rock 50 meters high above the sea level the angle
of depression of a
boat 100 meters apart from the base of the rock in radian ...............
(a) 0.08 (b) 0.46 (c) 0.25 (d) 0.24

(i: l) I til.5\ /(.,'Ut*t)c,,tiJot"-,.alg,.6L*@J! @

Final examinations

(13) The value of Xwhich satisfy the equation:5 sin X= l}cos Xwhere XC]0 ,X[[ to the
nearest degree = """""""'
(a) 157 (b) 112 (c) 67 (d) 22

(14)If ;- (5 ,1) ,a =e2,4) :thenlli* j ill=

(a) I (b) s (c) 7 (d) 2s

(15) If i= - 81F i- sl : then Ai., it, polar form is """""""'

(a) (16 r 30') (b) (16 ,150') (c) (16 t240') (d) (16 t210")

(16) If 4 - (20,- 15), E = (7 t 24) andif M = f * B', N = f - F, then

fal fr'l N' (b)ilrfr
(c)M=N (d)ilM'1=1N'il
(17) The ratio by which the X-axis divides IrB where A= (2 r 4) and B = (7 I - 3) is

(a) 4 :3 internally. (b) 2 :7 internally.

(c)3:4externally. (d)4:3externally.
(18) The straight line whose equation is : i= (- 1, 3) + k (2 t 4)passes through the
point ..'.......""'
(a) (2t t 4) (b) (1 ,5) (c)(-3,-1) (d) (0 ,2)
(19) The distance between the trvo straight lines : 2 X- Y = 6 and r = (0 r-6)+k(-l r-2)
equals length unit.
(a) 0.5 (b) 4 (c) 6.3 (d) zero

(20) The equation of the straight line passing through the point (- 3 ,1) and parallel to the

X-axis is """""""'
(a)X+3=0 (b)y+3=0 (c)X-1=0 (d)y-1=0
(21) The measure of the angle between the two straight lines
Lr: 2 X+y+ 5= 0 andLr:i= (1 r4) + k (3 r-6) equals

(a) 90 (b) 4s (c) 60 (d) zero

(22)It the measure of the angle between the two straight lines
Y = aX + 3 t X=- l equals 90o : then a = """""""'
(a)-1 (b)zero (c) 1 (d) 4s

(23) In the opposite figure :

If XY llBC:AY:AC=3:5
r then the coordinates of point X = """""""'
(a)(2 t4) (b) (4 ,2)
(c) (- 2 t4\ (d) (- 4 t2)
> Mathematics

(z{)Itthe +b y = l2cuts a part from the X-axis of length 3 units and a part
straight line : a X
from the y-axis of length 2 units r then a + 2b = ...............
(a) 16 (b) 8 (c)-s (d) 2
(25) If the area of the triangle determined by the straight lines whose equations are :

X=0 rY =0 rl **=, equals 5 square units rthenk=........'......

(a) 2 (b) s (c) 1 (d) to
(26) ABC is a triangle in which D is the mid-point of BC r then ,qE-* Rd=
(a) sA (b) AD (")d (d) 2 AD
(27)ln the opposite figure :

The shaded region represents the solution

set of the inequalities

y> 2, X>0 and ..'............

(a)x+2y-6<0 (b)X+ 2y +6<0
(c)x+ 2y -6>o (d)x+ 2y +6>0

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :
Off f = (2 t-3) tE= 1: :5) r then express [= 1tZ r l) in terms of E , F
@ fina the S.S. of the following system of inequalities :

X>0 , y>0 t X+2y.8 > 3X+2y<12

r then find the solution set of the values (X , y) which makes R as great as possible where
R=50 X+75y

West Alexandria Educational

Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones : ffi

( 1 )IfA=/ 3 -2 tests @
=At :rhenur3*b3r =
(a) 4
\s -4 :),*oB (b)
(c) t4
e (d) 10
(2)ltX is a matrix : then (Xt)' + X - ...............
(a) X (b)2x (c)E (d) zero

Final examinations

(3)Theareaof thetrianglewhosevertices areA(1 ,-2) tB (3 ,2) rC (5 ,3)equals

square unit.
(a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 3 (d) 6

(4)o(; l)(;) =(: )':then x+v=

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

rsr rre= (3 ?),


,r(; ) o) (:, )
n,(;' t) (d) 3I

el 2 1l
l- - I r then \,= """""""'
l+ xl 10 5l

(a) 6 (b) + 6 (c)2 (d) s

( 7 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :
X+3 y <6 t 2 X+y <4 from the following points is """""""'
(a) (1 ,-4) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (1 :2) (d)(3,-1)
( 8 ) The solution setof the inequalities: X>0 ,Y >O tX+y'4
is the triangle whose vertices are the points
(a) (0 t4) t(O t0) t(4 ;4) (b)(0 r0),(4 r0):(0:4)
(c) (4 ,4) , (0 t4) t(4 t0) (d) (0 ,0) : (4 t0) ;(4 t4)
( 9 ) The simplest form of the expression : (sin 0 + cos q2 - Zsin 0 cos 0 is """""""'
(a) 2 sin 0 cos 0 (b) 1

(c) 2 (d) sin2 0 - cos2 0

(10) The general solution of the equation : cos 0 = f it
(")++Jf,n (b)+x2xtn t")t*+2:rt'n (d)211"*+
(11) The perimeter of a circular sector whose area 18 cm? and the length of its arc equals 6 cm.
(a) 18 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 1s
(12) The area of the triangle ABC in which AB = 2O cm.tAC = 12 cmoand m (L A) = 60o
(a) 3or[ O) 30 (c) 60 (o 6o1E
(13) In the opposite figure :
AB ='............'. cm.
(a) 37 cot 40o (b)37 sin 40o
(c) 37 csc 40" (d)37 tan 40o
> Mathematics
(14) An airplane 1000 metres high was observed by person
a at an angle of elevation of measure
30o , then the distance between the plane and the observer equals metres.
(a) 500 (b) 1000 (c) 15oo (d) zooo

(a) 1 (b)-t (c) 4 (d)-+

(16)If il4kf fl =ll-tzf il ,,r,"ok-...............
(a) 3 (b) -: (c) *: (d)*+
(17)n n = s?-l , F= (1 t 4) tthenil AEil ...............
ril{i (b){3e (c) (5 ,4) (d) 5i- j
(1S) If F = (ro , ,then the polar form of a ir ...............
+) f
at(s,!) o) (10 ,JLJ r.l (ro ,9 (d) (s ,+)
(19) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram in which e-E^* Ail=

(a) AIA' (b) 2I\id
(c) ce (d) BC
(20) The ratio of division that the X-axis divides
the line segment ETwhere A(3 ,2)
r B (5 r 6) equals

(a)2 :5 internally. (b)5 :2externally.

(c) I : 3internally. (d)3 : I externally.
(21) The vector form of the equation of the straight
line which passes through the origin point
and the point (l
r 2) is
(a)i= k(1,2) 1u);=e,2)+k(1 :o)
(c)r=k(2rl) (d)r=(1,2)+k(0:l)
(22)If A- (1, - 4) rB = (6 : 6) : then the coordinates
of the point C which divides ffi
internally by the ratio 3 : 2 is ...............
@) (a t2) (b) (- 4 ,2) (c)(-4t-2) (d) (7 ,2)
(23) The measure of the acute angle between
the two straight lines :

L, : r - (2 13)+k (4 r3) tLr X+7 y_g =0 ris...............

(a) 30" (b) oo' (c) 45" (d) go"
Q4)The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (4 ,l)and is parallel
the straightline 3 X + y + 4 =O : is ...............
(a)3 X+ y- 13 = 0 (b)X+ y-5 =0
(c)2X+y-9=0 (d)x+3y-7=0
Final examinations

(25) If the measure of the included angle between the two straight lines
X=3 )Y = a X + 7 equals 90o rthen a = """""""'
(a) 3 (b) 0 (c) I (d)-l
(26) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3 : 1) to the straight
4 X +3 y - 5 = 0 : e9uals """""""' length units'
(b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
(a) 5
(27) Theequation of the line which lies at equidistant from the two straight lines
y=-zandy= 10is
(a)Y=8 (b)y=4 (c) X= 4 (d) X=- 12

Answer the following questions :

ff nnCU is a quadrilateral in which : BC = 3 AD

graphically in IR, x IR where :
@ nepresent the following systems
X>0rY>0 tX+3Y'6'-X+Y<4
r thenfind the solution set for the value of X : y which make the objective function
P = 2 X+ y is as great as Possible

Maths supervision
Alexandria Governorate

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

X-y<3is :::::@
( 1) The point that belongs to S.S. of the inequalities : X+y >7 )
(b) (5 ,4) (c) (4 t2) (d) (8 ,4)
(a)(2 t4)

( 2 ) The S.S. of
6 7ll=l lx 2l
li, """"''"
ls 6l l+ xl
(a) {s , +} (b) t- 3 ,4\{- 3 ,3} (c) (d) {3 ,-a}
(3)Thesurfaceareaof aABCwhere:A(0 r0):B (0:5) rc(6 r5)is areaunit'

(b) e (c) t2 (d) ls

(a) 6

(4) Ir"(1)., (3 )= (: ) ,,n"n x+v=

(b) (c) 4 (d) 6
(a) 2 3
> Mathematics

(s) sinX

, sinXl
(a) cos2 X (b) X
- cos2 (c) sin2 X (d) - sin2 X
( 6 ) The surface area of circular sector r that its radius length is 20 cm. and its arc length
18 cm. equals ...............cm?

(a) 180 (b) 360 (c) 90 (d) 4s

( 7 ) If the equation 2 sin x = -n[i : where x€ [90., 270o) r the value of x is
(a) 135' (b) 215. (c) 225' (d) 315.
13 7l lt 4t t3 4t'
56 6 1l Is I
(a) -2 (b)-1 (e) I (d) 2
(9)If thepoint(3 r 1)belongstoS.s.of theinequality;ax+2y>g:thenac...............
(a) ]+ : *[ @)]2,*[ (c) l: , -[ (d) ]S , *[
2 -:)
trol rr,qs, = ( ,then BAt = . ... ...
o,(i i) (,)(1_
)3 n'(i ) o>('-
o :)
(11) The multiplicative inverse of matrix / \ ,, ..........
\4 sl
o,(i c) (:4 :)
(12) In the opposite figure : ",(; :)
''(;' -i)
From a point on the ground r & rr&r observed
the angle of elevation of the top of the tower whose height 100
He found its measure = 32" : then the distance between
The man and the base of the tower ............... meter.
= B
(a) 62.5 (b) 117.e (c) 160 (d) 188.7
(13) tf the side length of a hexagon equals 6 cm. r then the surface area
of a regular hexagon is
= .........'..... cm?

@) 27di o) 361F @) as'[s @) s44[i

(14) If an X= 4 r then sec2 x= ...............
(a) q (b) ts (c) t7 (d\7
(1s111 ti-sll=
@)'[i o)z,[i @zG @)1[74
Final examinations

(16)IfA =2i +3 j rB =i -2j rthen 2 A+3 B =
(a)1i (b)5i (c)3i (d)2i
(17) If A ABC , M is the point of concurence A

(a)2Afr O)4m' a
(c) 3 AM (d) s

(1S)If the two vectors: A = 4 i + K j I B = K i + 9 j areparallel rthenk - """""""'

1 ... t
(c)t6 ralt1E
113 (I t2) is """""""'
(19) The e{uation of straight line that passes through two points (3 ,4) t

(a)i= (2,3)+t(1 ,1) (b)r= (2 r3)+t(-1 '1)

(c)i= (3,4)+t(-1:1) (d);= 0,2)+t(1 ,-l)
(20) The length of perpendicular from point (4 ,3) to straight line :

@)vfi @ 44[, @s.[i @6^[,
(21) The measure of angle between the two straight lines :

2X+y=5 ri=t(1 r 3) equals

(a) 30' (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90"

(22)lnthe opposite figure : (6,5) (4,3)

IfCB:AB=1:2 r A=(6r5) tB-(4t3) B

(a)(5 t2) (b) (3 ,2) (c) (5 ,4) (d)(1,2)
(23)If thevectorf =4i-Oi :thenthepolarformof vectorA = """""""'
@(+t[i , i n) @)(4'[, ,1n)
@(4.[, ,1n) @)(4^[, ,1n)
(24)Theequation of straight line that passes through point (- 1 r 3) and its direction
vector is (3 : - 5) is
(a)r=(-1r3)+t(4 r-8) (b)r=(-l r3)+t(5 r3)
(c)i= (- 1 ,3) + t (8 ,4) (d)r=(-1,3)+t(3 r-5)
(25) The equation of straight line that intersects from the two positive X-axis and y-axis I
parts of lengths 3 r 5 unit length respectively is """""""'
(a)3X+5y=lJ (b)5x+3y-15
(c)3x+5y-8 (d)5x+3y-8
> Mathematics

(26)Itthe straightline: a X+3 y = 5 :makes an angle of measure 45'withpositiveX-axis

direction r then a = ..'............
(a)-3 (b)- I (c) I (d) 3
(27) ABCD isparallelogram rA(3 r 4) rB (1, 3) :C (5 :4) rthenD - .......'.......

(a) (7 :5) (b) (4 ,7) (c) (6 t7) (d)(4,4)

El![@l Essay questions

Answer the following questions :
ff Sotve the inequality 4 X+ 3 y r 12 in R x IR
(represent graphically the region of solution of inequality)

El l" the opposite figure :

DCBCwhereBD:DC =5:2
Prove that :7 AD= 5 F+ Z A-n

ffil Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tests @
( 1) If the matrixAof order 2x3 andthe matrixAB of order2 x 1 : then
the order of Bt =
(a)2x2 (b)2x I (c)3x1 (d)lx3
( 2 ) The value of the determinants ll = ... where i2
= -|
(a) I (b)2 (c) -z (d) 0
( 3 ) If the matrixAof order 2xZwhereA= (ar) r where uri=2 i + j : thenA= ...............

,, (; :) :) ,",(: ;) .,(; ')

,n1t o=(! / ro"* symmeffic matrix ,then ** *- l=...............
(a) I (b) 0 (c)- 1 (d) -2
(,),f(3 : 1)(; ; )=(r -;),,henx v=
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 5 (d)-s
(I . : l) f ti/.i\ /(c/Ul*l) crUj crLiirL-).1o1'r Oll @
Final examinations

IX 2\
( 6 ) If the matrix (
\9 ^ I tras no multiplicative inverse : then XC.'..."...'....
^ x-31
(a)R-{-r,0} 1t)R-{0,:} 1cy{o,t} (d){-3,61
( 7 ) If thepoint(- 1 r3) is belongtothe solution setof theinequalify X+y >k rthen
(a)k>2 (b)k<2 (c)k>2 (d)k<2
(a) (0 :0) (b) (0 ,-4) (c) (15 :0) (d) (2s ,0)
( 9 ) A man observed an airplane at height 1000 m. : he found the measure of the elevation
angle is 40o : then distance between the man and the plane ............... to nearest meter.
@) 6a3 (b) tt92 (c) 1305 (d) 1ss6
(10) If sec 0 =A+ B and tan 0 =A-B : thenAB =
(a) 4 (b) I (.) @+
(11) The general solution of the equation sin 0 = I is ..............'
(a) x[ n (b) 2xtn @)++xrn @++ZItn
(12) In the opposite figure :
Cn ir tangent to the circle M which passes through the points
A rE rB r&ndCD = 8 cm. :MA= 11 cm. rthelengthof
G = 6 cm. r then the area of shaded port = ......'.'.'....
(a) 22 (b) 18

(c) t2 (d) 11

(13) The area of circular segment where its chord 16 cm. r and its height 4 cm. is
approximately ........... .... ?
(a) t4t (b) 4s (c) t9 (d) 107
(14) In the opposite figure :

m (Z B) = 90o r then the area

of A CDE is ...............
(a) 24 (b) 28
(c) 32 (d) 3s
(15) ABCD is a parallelogram its diagonals intersect at M ffiequivalent to ............'..
r then

(a)ffi (b)+DE (c) BM (d) MA

(16) If llt1- 3 t4) ll= 10 ,thenft=...............
(")+ (b) + 10 fO r? (d) x.2
> Mathematics

(17) If f = (l ,+) ,then2f =.. ' ........

r^l (6 ,+) ru) (6 ,qJ rcl (: ,f) rai (: ,f)
(18) In the opposite figure :
D : E are two midpoints of CB and BA respectively
and AB + AC = k AM r then l( = ...."""""'
(a) I (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
(19) If i= ri*l,s =i+ r1,then.........'.....
(a)A=B (b)A/B (c)AIB (d)ilr1=1E-il
(20) If thetwo straightlines: 2X+ay +3=0 ,i -(2 r- 1) +k(1 r3) are perpendicular r
then a = ....'...."....
(a) 6 (b)-6 (c) 1 (d)-l
(21) The straight linez] * *4 = 1 makes with two coordinate axes triangle its
area = "r?rl
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) s
(22) The measure of acute angle between two straight lines
Lr: 6 X-3y+ 5 =0 andLr'i= (0 t-2) +k(3 r 1) is """""""'"
(a) 135 (b) 60 (c) 30 (d) 4s
(23) Thelengthof diameterof acircle its center(3 ,1) andthe straightline4 X+3 y-5 =0
is tangent to it is length unit.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s
(24)ln the opposite figure :

ffibisect ZAwhereAB = 2AC tD(4 t4) rC(7 ,8)

r then B is ..""""""'
(a) (r t2) (b) (2 ,4)
(c) (- 2 t-4) (d) (- t ,-2)
(25) The vector equation of the straight line which passes through the intersection point of
Lr: X-5 =0 tLr: X+y=3 andits slop" f it
two straightlines
(a)i= (2,r)+k(5 ,-2) O)?=(0,3) +k(2 tt)
(c)i= (5 ,- 2) +k(L ,2) (d)r=(5 r-2)+k(2rl)
(26) IfA rB :C arethreecollinearpoints andB divides Adirt"-ullywith ratio2:3 :then
A divides CB externally by ratio
(a) 3 :2 (b) 5 :2 (c) 2:5 (d)3:5
Final examinations

(27)ln the opposite figure :

A(z^[r,4) , then the equation 't'Q'B, +)

of straight line ffi is ...............
@) x-'[i v -2 =0 G)Gx -y -2 =0
<">n[i x+y -2=0 (d) x+,[iy +Z=o
Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

O I" the opposite figure :

Write the inequalities which
represent the solution set of
the shaded part.

O f" the opposite figure :

ABC is right angled triangle at A r M is point of intersection
of medians r BC = 24 cm.
Find by showing the steps || ffi + ffi * irld tt

Central Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones
It s\
tests @
(1)IfA=lf 2 f rthen antatz=...............
tz rz
\-r 7l
(a) 8 (b) t2 (c) zero (d) 10

e)tt(t.: 1\=/1,
\-1 6 sl \z ,l
(a)-15 (b)-2 (c)2 (d) ls
( 3 ) If the matrixAis of order2 x 3 : then the number of its elements equals
(a) 3 (b)2 (c) 5 (d) 6
> Mathematics

(4)rr(;) (i
)=(: ),thenx+y=
(d) 3

(.)rol(;' (b)+ (,t_ , (.)+(;, i) ,or('_,

) _:) ,\
0 ol
( 6 ) The value of the determinan ,l:; 3 0 | equals
2 sl
(a) 10 (b) 30 (c) 15 (d) s
( 7) (sin 0 + cos q2 _ 2sin 0 cos e - ....... ... (inits simplestform)
(a) 2 sin 0 cos 0 (b) 1

(c) 2 (d) sin2 0 - cos2 0

( 8 ) ABCD is a parallelogram
r then cosA+ cos B + cos C + cos D = ...............
(a)- I (b) zero
(c) I (d) 4
( 9 ) If xC[0 ,ll,l rthenthe solution setof the equationcos X irrhe same solution set
= |
of the equation
(a) tan X=2 sin X (b) 2 cos2 X=cos X
(c)2cos2 X+3cosX =2 (d).o, ] X=l
(10) It is possible to solve the right-angled triangle except the case in which the givens
are ...............
(a) lengths of two sides of the triangle.
(b) lengths of two sides and measure of the included angle between them.
(c) measures of two angles of the triangle.
(d) length of one side and length of the hypotenuse.
(11) From a point on the ground surface 40 m. away from a tower base : the measure of
elevation angle of the top of the tower is 72o r then the height of the tower to the nearest
metre is ............... m.
(a) t20 (b) 121 (c) 122 (d) 123
(12) The area of the circular sector : the measure of its central angle is 120" r in a circle of
area 24 cm? equals .............. cm?

@)2a (b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 36

Final examinations

(13) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a ffapezium r if aB * ge =k fr
r then ft = '.'.........." where k CIR
(a)-2 (b)- 1

(c) 1 (d) 2

(14) If the measure of the included angle between the two straight lines :

X=7, y =aX+2equals90o rthena= """""""'

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 90 (d)- I
(15) If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon whose centre (M) which of the following directed line
segments are not equivalent ?

(u)AT',ffi O)m,ffi (.) AE , r\le (d) AB , Mn

(16)If A = (6,-8) rthen ll A ll =... ... .....

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 14

(17) The vector M'= - tzi - oj is expressed in the polar form as """""""'
(alM =12,!) ru)M-=(rrQ ,*)
(c)M =(ryQ,+) (d)M =(tr^[i ,+)
(18) In the opposite graph :

A=(1 r3) rB=(5:5)

r then which of the
following represent EE

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(19)Iff,= (3,6) rB = (X-5, 10) randilF rthenX= """""""'
(a) -20 (b) - 18 (c) - 16 (d) - ls
(20) The equation of the staight line passing through (2 ,-3) and is parallel to X-axis is """""""'
(a)X+3=0 (b)y+3=0 (c)X-3=0 (d)y-3=0
> Mathematics

(21) Areaof thetriangle subtendedbythestraightlines: X=0,y=0 andf**= l equals

square units.

(a) 2 (b) s (c) 10 (d) 7

(22) If (6 , 4) r (3 : m) are two direction vectors of two parallel straight lines r

then m = ...........'...

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 @+

(23) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1 : 1) on the straight line :

X+y=0equals lengthunit.
(a) 2 b)1[, (c) 1 (d) zero

(24) The solution set of the inequality :- X<y <Xis


//l\ W
(a) (b) (c) \ (d)

(25) The shaded *"u in'hegpposite figure represents

the solution set of the inequalities
y> 2, X>O and'.....".......

-6<0 (b)x+2y +6<0

(c)5X+2y-6>0 (d)X+2y +6>0
(26)Itthe slope of a straight line = , tn", its direction vector is .....'.........
(a) t-2)
(3 (b) (- 3 ,2)
(c)(6 r-4) (d) Al1the previous answers are correct.

(27) The coordinates of the point C which divides AB internally in ratio 1 : 2 where

A(5 : -6) ,8 (- 1 :3) is

(a) (0 :0) (b) (3 ,3) (c)(-3,-3) (d)(3,-3)

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

fl ninA the maximum value of the objective function P = 3 X+ 4 y under consffaints :

Final examinations

EIrLr 3 x+2y-7 =o t Lr:zx-3y +4=o

Find : (1) The measure of the angle between Lr tL,
(2) The vector equation of the line which passes through the point of intersection of
the two lines L, tLrand the point (3 ,4).

Central Mathematics Supervision

fiftfil Multiple choice questions ffit

Choose the correct answer from the given ones : lnteractive
tests @
( I ) If A is a skew symmetric matrixr then A + At =
(a)2 A o)2At (c) o (d) zero
= 4 r then \,= ...............

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

(3) Ifi = (-2, 1) rd= (- 3 rk) are parallel rthenk = """""""'

(a) I (b) l.s (c) 2 (d) 2.s

(4)IfA=(4 t2),F-(1, -2) rthenll A-B ll= """""""

@)QtD (b)3 (c)4 (d) s
,-. cos0* sinO
(5) sec0 ="""""""'
(a) tan 0
"."g (b) sin 0 + cos 0 (c) sec 0 csc 0 (d) 1

( 6 ) The ratio in which X-axis divides the directed line segment ET r where A(3 ,2)
r B (5 r 6) equals
(a) 3 : I externally. (b) 5 : 2 exernally.
(c) 1 : 3 internally. (d) 2 : 5 internally.
(7) If OT = (A'[i position vector of the point A with respect to the origin point
+) is the

: then the point [ = """""""'

(a)(-6:-6) (b)(6,6) (c)(-6,6) (d)(6,-6)

(8)IfAx(- _tll\=I rthen[=...............
r"r (_
i ',) ",(3 _ l) (.) (_
I l) .,(l -1)
> Mathematics

,r,or=(' 1) ,**x-r-
,,(t ) ",(f ) .,(f _i) .,(;
(10) The area of a circular segment whose diameter length of its circle is 16 c,m. and the
measure of its central angle rs2.02'ud -..............."*?
(a) 8.57 (b) 21.r4 (c) 35.81 (d) 4.28

a> (2,[i ,Eo) @(2'[r'+) ot(z'[i,+) @)(2{;,+)

(12) In the opposite figure :

A(1 r - 4) rB (6 r6),XY ltBC r#= 3

: then )( = '.'...'........
(a) (2 ;4) (b) (4 ,2)
(c) (- 2,4) (d) (- 4 ,2)

(13) If **(' -'\'=o rthenX=...............

\t ol
(d (_
? ;) ",(?
(14) From the opposite figure the point that makes
,.r(;' ;)
(d) r

the objective function :


P=3 X+2y as small

as possible is ...............
(a) (0 r4) (b) (3 ,2)
(c) (5 :6) (d) (0 ,6)
(15) If the area of a regular hexagon is 96 fi cm?. t thenits side length equals ..... . .... . .... cm.

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 8

(16) The shaded area in the opposite figure represents the
solution set of : X> 0 ry > 2and ........'....'.
(a) -6<0 (b) x+ 2y +6<0
X+ 2y
(c)5 x+2y-6>O (d)x+2y +6>0

(t t : l) Y l,J/.,! /(.rul*l) c'uJ cJlnilu-.) J.olr@JI @

Final examinations

2x 0 0l
(17) rf | 3X O l=+S rrhenthevalueofX=.
2 4 -xl
(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) 3 (d)-3
(18) fne solution set of the equation : sin X + cos X=0
r where 180o < X < 360" equals
1a; {zro"} b) {22s"} 1c; {z+0"} (d) {315.}
(19) In the opposite figure :

E is the midpoint of AD- : then ge * Bt- - 5d =

(a)ffi (u) BE
(c) ce (d) EC

(20) In the opposite figure :

A circle whose centre (7 , 8)

: the straight line ffi is a tangent
toitatA(10 ,13)
r then equation of the straight line IE is .....'....'....
(a)5x+3y=QJ (b)3x+5y=15
(c) 3 X+ 5 y + 95 =0 (d) 3 X+ 5 y =95
(21) If the slope of a straight line = 0.8 : then its direction vector could be "..."....'...
(a) (5 :4) (b) (4 ,5) (c) (- 4 ,5) (d)(4,-5)
(22)Thecoordinates of the point C which divides AB internally in ratio I :2 twhere
(a) (0 ,0) (b)(3,-3) (c) (- 3 >-3) (d) (3 ,3)
(23) The vector equation of the straight line passes through the point (3 , 5) and is parallel to
X-axis is ...............
(a)r-k(3,5) (b);= (3 , s)
(c)i=(3,5)+k(1 ,0) (d)r=k(1 ,0)
(24) Measure of the acute angle between the straight lines :

x=3y t X+2y=0is.........".."o
(a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60
(25) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3 : 1) to the straight line
4 X+ 3 y - 5=0 equals lengthunit.
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) s
> Mathematics

(26) The perimeter of a circular sector is 10 cm. : and the length of its arc equals 2 cm. : then
its area ............... .*?
(a)20 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 4
(27)ln the opposite figure : B 4.cm. A
m (Z A) =M (L CBD) = 90o , ,q.g // DC
r then BC = .......'.'..... cm.
(a) 5 (b) 3.7s @+ (d) 3

!!ft|l Essay questions

Answer the following questions :

ff ASCO is a quadrilateral : E is the midpoint of AB r F is the midpoint of CD

Prove that : gA* AD= Z ffi
@ fina the maximum value of the objective function :

X>0, Yr0 t 2X+3y.18 r -4X+y>-8

Maths supervision

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( 1 ) The matrix (1 2 3) of order
(a)2 x I (b)3 x2 (c)1x3 (d)3xl
(z)lrn=/s 3\,rt"r-5A=...............
\-z tl
r", (11. - :) *,( ", _:) n'('0" r;) (d)(:? _i)

( 3 ) For any matrixA r thenA + (-A) = ...............
(a) A (b) o (c) -A ,,
@(i ;)(? :)=

.,(? :) ",
? :) ,, (;
Final examinations

(5)If I
lz rl
l=0 rthen \,-.--.--.........
14 xi
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1

(6)If tt" *ut i*(x 1)n^ no multiplicative inverse :then \-....'..."""'

\o 3l
(a) -2 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) 3
is ............... quadrant.
(a) flrst (b) third (c) second (d) fourth
( 8 ) Which of the following points belongs to the soh:tion set of the system
(a) (3 ,0) (b) (0 ,6) (c) (4 ,5) (d) (1 ,4)

t r l tl$g in the simptest form equals ...............

(a) sin 0 (b) sec 0 (c) cos 0 (d) csc 0
(10) If0' < e < 360o and sin 0 + I = 0 :then 0 = """""""' o

(a)0 (b) 180 (c) 90 (d)270

(11)AABCisrigtrt-angledtriangleatB :AB=5cm.:BC=S]Ecm.:thenm (LC)="""""""' o

(a) 60 (b) 30 (c) 56 (d) 4.5

(12) The area of the circular sector in which the measure of its angle is 1.Z'ud , and the length of
the ratlius of its circle is 4 cm. equals """""""' cm?
(a) 4.8 (b) 12.8 (c) 9.6 (d) 1e.6
(13) The area of the circular segment whose radius length of its circle is 8 cm. and the
measure of its central angle is 120'approximately equals """""""'crr?,
(a) 95 (b) s1 83 (c) (d) 39
(14) The area of squa.re whose diagonal is X cm. equals """ """' cm?
(a)x2 i;;-;2 4tl
x' @+*'
(15) Which of the following represents a vector quantity ?

(a) Time G) The displacement

(c) Temperature degree (d) The mass
(16) If i= 1tz r 18) , then t i= """""""'
(a) (8 , 12) (b) (6 ,4) (c) (12 :8) (d) (4 ,6)
(lDIff = (- L 5),B - (2,1),then il AE il = ...............
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5
> Mathematics

(1S)If f = (2 13) rE =(4,m): anaittE'rthenvalueof m=

(a) 6 (b) 2
(19) In the opposite figure : ABC is triangle r
1a) *
D r E are midpoints of AB , AC ,"sp"ctively
,AB=m:AC=n rthenDE=
(a)m+n o) + (;--o
(c)m-n (d) -+ (;--o
(20) If the point (3 r 6) is the midpoint of AB r where A = (- 3 t7) trhen the point B -
(a) (6 ,- 1) (b) (9 , s) (c)(-6,1) (d) (0 ,6.s)
(21) IfA = (- 4 t 4) tB- (5 r- 8), C CAB such thar CB : AC = ! : 2r then e = ...............
(a) (4 :- 8) (b) (- 8 ,4) (c) (2 t- a) (d) (- 4 t2)
(22)It thetwo straightlines L, :3 x-2y +7 =0 t Lr aX+ 3 y+ 5 =0 areperpendicular
r then a = ........'......

(a) 1 (b) -2 (c) 2 (d)-1

(23) The measure of the angle between the straight lines whose slopes are 2
r -fequals ."'........... o
(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 45 (d) e0
(24) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point ( 1 : I ) to the straight line whose
equation is X + y = 0 equals ............... length unit.
(a) 2 (b) 0 (c) I @f2
(25) Thepointof intersectionof thetwo straightlines: x+4=0 :y-3 =0is...............
(a) (4 t3) (b) (- 4 ,3) (c) (3 ,4) (d)(4,-3)
(26) the vector equation of the straight line which passes through the origin point and the
point (1 r 2) is
(a)r=k(l12) G);= e,2)+k(t :o)
(c)r=k(2rl\ (d) r = (l ,2) + k (0 : 1)
(27) The cartesian equation of the straight line which passes through the point (- 2 ,7) ancl is
parallel to the y-axis is ...............
(a) y =2 (b) X=7 (c)y=-2 (d) X= -2
EIIIEI Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff Represents graphicatty the S.S in IR of the inequalities :

X>0 , y>0 , y+ X<5
Final examinations

E Iri= (3 , - 1) ,8= 12 ,5) , d= (- 5 ,5)

(1) rina the vector Mwhere M = f - 2 B-- d
(2) If k il A ll =ll-2 A ll , then find the value of k ?
Directorate of Education
Math Supervisors

First Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( 1 ) rne additive inverse of the *r,rr* (]
, ) "cuur,
"\r -21 \-/r
.o)r G)[7
'+) -G'+)
(2)ffA=(2 -2\,thenl3Al=...........'...
\-t 4l
(a) ts (b) ts (c) s+ (d)
- - s+

s -2).
(- (; _:)=
r",(-i ) rur(-4 i) (") (1 -:) ,, (-o :)
( 4 ) tf nis amatrix of order 2x3 tand B is amatrix of order 3 x 5 rthenthe orderof their
product AB is

(a) s xz (b)2x5 (c)6xt5 (d)15x6

lz 0 o\
_\,;'^ 3 0l,thenlAl=
5 -1 I
(a) o (b) o (c) t (d)-o

retnP x=
\+ ; X; -',)=(',,,8 )'tn'n
(a) t (b)-t (c) z (d) -2
( 7 ) fne point lying in the solution region of the inequality : X+y < 3 is

(a) (1 :3) (b) (2,-3) (c) (2 t3) (d) (1 ,4)

> Mathematics

( 8 ) Which of the following figures represents the S.S. of : X + y, I in R2 ?

(a) (b)

(9) sin20+cos2 e +lrrnze- . .......

(a) 1 (b) tan2 0 (c) cot2 0 (d) sec2 0
(10) The general solution of the equation : cos 0 =
f l, t @eZ)
fu)=f +2n,lt, (b)*+ +2n.lt (")++nrr (d)++nn
(11) In the opposite figure :

The angle of elevation of the top of a tower of length 50{Tm. Is

measured from two points A and B on the same horizontal line as
the tower base r their measures are 30' :60o respectively r then

AB =...............m.
(a) 10018 (b) 100 (c) s0{5 (d) 50
(12)ln the opposite figure :

The shaded circular segment is in a circle of radius = 51F cm.

r and its central angle is right r then its area - ............... crn?

(a) 28.5 (b) 2.02

(c) 2t.4 (d) 7.r
Final examinations

(13) The area of the regular hexagon whose side length is 10 cm. is """""""' cm?
(a) 150 (b) 1so1F (c) 100 (d) 1oo1F
(14) The area of the triangle whose side lengths are 3 cm. t 4 crrl. : 5 cm. is """""""' cm?

(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 12

(15)If i= (k,z)andil= (2,-1) randif E-rthenlg= """""""'

(a) I (b)-1 (c) o (d)t1
(16) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram : then :

(u) EA (b) EB (.)B (d)m
(17) If il - : E'il = ll kFil,,r,.nk = .."'..'.....'.
(a)3 (b)-3 G)+ (d)t3
(18) If A = (A'[, r 135') is a position vector of the point A : then A =
(a) (6 r 6) (b) (- 6 ,6) (c)(6:-6) (d)(-6,-6)
(tl) If f - (6 ,30o) r then
I i= .....'....'...'

(a) (3 r 15') (b) (6 r 15o) (c) (3 :30") (d) (6 :30o)

(20) In the opposite figure :
AD- is a median in A RnC r M is the point of
intersection of its medians , where :

A=(0 r8) rB-(3 r2) tC=(-3 r5) rthenthepointM=

(a) (0 r5) (b) (5 ,0)
(-3, s) (3,2)
(c) (0 r- 15) (d) (15 ,0)
(21) A -- (4 14), B = (- 5 :- 8) : then X-axis divides AB in the ratio
(a) 1:2internally. (b) 1:2externally. (c)2: l internally. (d)2:1externally.
(22)The slope of the sraight line whose parametric equations are :

Y= 1 + 10k:andX=-4+ 2kis """""""'

(a) 5 (b)-5 (c) 4 (d)-4
(23) Thelengthof theperpendicularfromthepoint(3 ,1) tothe straightline4 X+3 y-5 =0
is ............... length unit.
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
(24) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 , - 3) and parallel to
X-axis is ...............
(a) X=2 (b) X=-2 (c)y=-3 (d)Y=3
> Mathematics

(25) The vector equation of the straight line which passes through the point (- 4 ,3) and its
direction vector (2 ,5) is r = r where k e IR*
(a)(2:5) +k (-4 ,3) (b)(2:5)+k(4,-3)
(c)(-4t3)+k(2r5) (d)(-4t3)+k(2:-5)
(26) The area of the triangle enclosed by the X-axis : the y-axis and the straight line
x v= ..I ls square area'

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6
(27)The equation of the straight line which passes through the intersection point of the two
straight lines : Lr, y = 3 and L, : X = y rand parallel to y-axis is ...............
(a)x=4 (b)x=3t (ox=] @)x=+
Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff Sotve graphically the system of the following linear inequalities in IR. x IR :

@ rf M-+ ffi= CB r prove that r fr= Ca.

Beni Suef Governorate Directorate of official language

Education Administration

@[ naurcipWl
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

,', and,: x( r(
:#lT :,=*:,:^number I ). : ).,( i )=( i )
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 30
( 2 ) If Ais a matrix of order 2x3 andAB is defined as amatrix of order 2x I > then B is a
matrix of order
(a)3x1 (b) 3 x2 (c)2xl (d)2 x2
(3) If B is arnatrixof order3 x 1 :thenBtis amatrixof order
(a)3xl (b)3 x2 (c)1x3 (d)2x2
t2 I
(a) 4 (b) s (c) 6 (d) 8

(!Y : l) Y lil&! /(cllilsl).:rt Jct*eL-Jlol-OJl Eq

Final examinations

( 5 ) If the matrix
(x t^ no multiplicative inverse : then x =
(a) o (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6

( 6) Ifthematrixo=(' *^-o)rr rr.-"tric :thenx=

\-2^' 3 I
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

is .. . ... .'..."..

(a) (r ;2) (b) (2 ,1) (c) (3 , 1) (d) (3 ,2)

( 8 ) The point at which the function : P = 40 X + 20 y has a maximum value from the
following is ...............
(a) (0 :0) (b) (15 ,10) (c) (25 ,0) (d) (0 ,10)
( 9 ) 5 cos2 3oo + 5 sin2 3oo =
(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 10 (d) 2s
(10) If secA= 2 where0 <A< 180' rthenA-...'..'......"
(a) 60' (b) 30. (c) 150" (d) 120"
(11) From a point on the ground surface 40 meter away from a tower base: the measure of the
elevation angle of the top of the tower is 72" r then the height of the tower to the nearest
meter is '.............. meter.

(a) 120 (b) 121 (c) 122 (d) 123

(12) The perimeter of the circular sector in which the length of its arc is 4 cm. and the length of
the diameter of its circle is 10 cm. equals .'...'....."" cm.
(a) t4 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40
(13) The area of the circular segment r the radius length of its circle is 8 cm. and the measure
of its central angle is 120'approximately equals ...............cm?
(a) 39 (b) s1 (c) 83 (d) es
(14) The area of the isosceles triangle in which the length of its base is 6 cm. and the length of
one of its legs is 5 cm. equals ....'...... ..
(a) 10 (b) t2 (c) 15 (d) 20
(15) All the following vectors are unit vectors except
(a) (1 ,0) (b) (0 , - 1) (c) (1 : 1) (d) (0.6 ,0.8)
(16) If (3 , X) and (- 9 t 12) are two parallel vectors : then \, = """""""'
(a)-a (b) -4 (c) 4 (d) 6
> Mathematics
(17)InparallelogramABCD ,A=(7 t-Z) t3=(15 t4) tC-(9 16) rthenthecoordinates
of D are
(a) (1 :0) (b) (0 ,- 1) (c) (0 :1) (d) (- 1 ,0)
(18) If (6 ,-2) and (3 r m) are two perpendicular vectors : then m = ...............
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) e
(19) If the vector (t , t) is a position vecror of the poinr A d = ...............
r then
(a) (5 ,0) (b) (0 , s) (c) (0 ,-5) (d) (- s ,0)
(20) If M is the point of intersection of the two diagonals of the parallelogramABCD where
A = (3 ;7) tC = (- 3 : 1) r then lll = ...............
(a) (0 r 4) (b) (0 ,8) (c) (3 r 3) (d) (6 ,6)
(21) In triangle ABC r M is the point of intersection of its medians where d (0 r 8)
,B = (3 t2)and,C = (-3 ,5) :thenM-...............
(a) (0 ,5) (b) (s ,0) (c) (- 3 :5) (d) (0 ,7.s)
(22)The straight line whose general equation : 8 x- zy + 5 0 its slope
(a)4 (b)-+ =
(23) If f (2 , -5) is a direction vector of a straight line r then all of the following vectors are
direction vectors to the same straight line except
(a) (- 2 t5) (b) (2 ,5) (c) (6 : - 15)
(d) (4 , - 10)
(24) The measure of the angle between the straight lines whose equations arc: X=3
ty = 4
(a) 90" (b) 60" (c) 45" (d) :0"
(25) rnemeasureof the anglebetweenthetwo straightlines x+zy= 5 and 3 x+6y= g
(a) 0" (b) 0o' (c) 45' (d) 30.
(26) fne length of the perpendicular from the point (- 3 ,5) to y-axis equals lengrh
(a) 3 (b) -: (c) s (d)-s
(2T fne equation of the straight line which passes through the origin point and the point of
intersection of the two straight lines : X=2, y = 5 is ...............
(a)2x+5y-0 (b)2x-5y=0 (c)5x-2y=0 (d)5x+2y-0

Answer the following questions :

tffortheconditionsX>0 , y>0 , y+2Xsl0 t X+4y.l}findthevalueofthe

objective function P = 5 X + 2 y when it is as great as possible.

@ rino in terms of the fundamental unit vectors r the vector (150 , 30')
Final examinations

Educational Directorate

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( 1 ) IfAis a matrix of order 2 x 3 tBt is a matrix of order 1 x 3 r thenAB is a matrix of
order ...".......'..
(a)3x3 (b)3x1 (c)2x1 (d)lxZ
(2) (l - sin B) (1 + sin B) = """""""'
(a) (sin B)2 (b) (cos B)2 (c) (sin A)2 (d) (cos A)2

( 3 ) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 , - 3) and is parallel to
y-aixs is ..........""'
(a) X+2=0 (b)y+3=0 (c) X-2=0 (d)y-3=0
( 4 ) The measure of the acute angle included between the straight line passing through the
two points (3 , 4) t (2 t 3) and the positive direction of X-axis equals
(a) zero (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90'

( 5 ) If the area of a circular sector equals 48 cm2. and the length of its arc equals 12 cm. r then
the length of the radius of its circle equals """""""' cm.
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) t2 (d) 16

@rrllx :thenxequals
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) a (d) s

- 12 i - 12 j is expressed in the polar form by the vector

( 7 ) The vector m =
(u)il =(r,,*) 1u);' = (rr^[i ,I)
(")il =(rr.[i,T) (d)il-{2"[r,+)
(-2 ,3) r then the X-axis divides AB by the ratio
( 8 ) If A (3 ,9) and B
(a) 3: 2externally. (b) 3: l internally.
(c) 3 : 2 internally. (d) 3 : I externally.
( 9 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :

X>O , y>0 > 2X+y<4 t X+3y<6is"""""""'

(a) (1 :- 3) (b) (3 , o) (c) (2 t3) (d) (1 , 1)
(10) The general solution of the equation cos 0 = I is """""""'
(a) n Il (b) 2nxl @++ n xr @) + + Zntt
> Mathematics
(11) In ttre opposite figure all ttre following statements

express I- except the statement .... .... .. ... ..

(a) z afr (b) AD * Dt

(c) AB + BD (d) BC + DC
(12) The length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3 1) to
: the straight line whose
equation is 3 x -4y + c = 0 equals 2 unit of length r then c could be ...............
(a) l0 (b): (c) 5 (d) ls
(rc)A=(3 l*),thenAt=
@(: l) .')(10 :) @(? :^) (.,(; i)
(14) The solution set of the equation sin x x = 0 : where
+ cos 1g0. < x < 36C,equals
(a) 210- (b) 225" (c) 240" (d) 315.

rrsl rrl
x 'l=
sin0 -cos0l
l, /, - ...............
l+ xl cos 0 sin 0l

(a) 3 (b)-r (d) e (c)+3

(16) The equation of the straight line which passes through the two points (4
, 0) and (0 r 3)
is .. .... . ...... ..

(a)3x+4y-12 (b)4x+3y=12 (c)3X+4v=0 (d)3y-r4X=0

(17) Th.e area of an equilateral triangle of side length 6 cm. equals

@) 6n[i cm2. $) snfi cm. (c) LZ^t[i cm2. (d) 18lE cm?
($)rf( ,-{' 2\
?)=(;, t /'then \'="""""""'
(a) 2 (b) + (c) -2 (d) +.2
(19) If the vector equation of a straight line is i = 1+ r 3) + k (2 ,5) : then its slope =
@? @+ (c)
t (d)t'
(20) In the opposite figure :

If MA = the length of the *" ii-

r then the area of the small circular segment equals square unit.
@+?o-sino) $)+/coso
@ i? 1r+coso) @) + ? fn-sino)
QDff C is the midpoint of AB whereA (l , 7) and,B (3 :3) : then C -
(a) (3 >7) (b) (2 , s) (c) (t r 3) (d) (4 , 10)
Final examinations

(22)lnthe opposite figure :

XZis equivalent to """""""'

(u) B? (b) Bi
(.)d @)d
(23)IfA=l ^
1\landB xA=l12 1
\-J 4l*'-- \-3 4l\,thenB'=
,",( I)
1u)(o 0\
t) (")(? ;) ,r(: )
(24) Thevector i = - 10i + 101 , then the polar form of i is
1ay (ro1/7 , 315') tu) (10 ,45') 1c; (ro1lz ,135") (o (sE ,225")
then \,= ..............
(2s) rf A = (
I f )r^ no multiplicative inverse ,
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

(26)rfsin 0 =
|, e q+, fi,f ,then 0 = """""""'
(")+*z-n (b)++2xt (c):fl+rr (o
+ +2n
(27)lt A- (3 ,8) and B = (-3 r0) rthen llAB ll= """""""'lengthunits'
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c)t8 (d) t 10

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff Determine the S.S. of the following inequalities simultaneously :

x>o , Y>0 t x+2Y'8and3x+2Y<12

I then find from the S.S. (X , Y) that makes "P" maximum where P = 50 X + 75 y

Erfi = (2_,- U],-g = C 2, s)andd= (- 6 t 14) t

Find: A+2B-C
Maths Educational Directorate
Mathematics SuPervision

Choose the correct answer from the given ones
(1)rfA=(l i)'"=(: u-)"n""A+Bt=
:,) .')(l
6 )
t")(z 'o) (o(11 i3)
> Mathematics

( 2 ) sin 0 cos 0 tan 0 equals ............... in its simplest form.

(a) sin2 o (b) cos2 o (c) tan2 0

- sin2 0 (d) I
( 3 ) Measure of the acute angle between the straight lines whose equations{T X-y 4 and.
(a) 30" (b) 45" (c) 60' (d) 90'
(4)Midpointof ABwhereA(3 :7) rB (1 ,5)is...............
(a) (3 , 5) (b) (s , - 2) (c) (2 t 5) (d) (Z ,6)
(5)IfA rB aretwomatriceswhere", =(
; :' ),thenBtAt=...............
(o(i :') .,)(1 , :) r",(; ;') (d)(:, :)
( 6 ) If 0o < e < 360o r sin 0 + I = 0 : then 0 equals
(a) o' (b) 90. (c) 180" (d)270"
(7) Ifi - (2,3), F= (- I t2) tthenAB=
(a)(1 t-2) (b)(-1,2) (c)(-3,4) (d)(_3,_1)
( 8 ) If the matrixAof order 3 x3 tthen the number of the elements of Aequals
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
( 9 ) The point which belongs to the solution set of the following inequalities :

X>2 t !)l t X+y>3is

(a) (2 tt) (b) (1 ,2) (c) (3 t2) (d) (1 ,3)
(10) The slope of the straight line which passing through the two points A (3 , 4) ;B (- t ,2)
(a) -2 (b) 2 @+ (o) -+
(11) The equation of the straight line which passes through the point (2 , 3) and parallel to
the X-axis is ......'........
(a)X=-3 (b)y=-3 (c) X=2 (d) y =:
(12) The vector (zlfi, f) "rpr"sses the vector in terms of the fundamenral unit vectors
fr =
is .... ......
.. ., .

(a)6i+6j (b)r2i-tzj (c)_6i_t2j @)tzl+tzj

(13) Ifi= (- 1,5),E - (2,1) :then il AE fl =...............
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
(14) Measure of the acute angle between the straight line which passes through the two points
(0 , l) t (- L 0) and the positive direction of the X-axis equals
(a) zeroo (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90"
Final examinations

(1s) rrA =(1, l ) ," (i =
, then urr*brz= """""""'
(a) 4 (b)-s (c) 5 (d) 3

(16) The point which belongs to the solution set of the following inequalities :

2X+y <4 t X+3y<6is"""""""'

(a) (1 ,-4) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (1, t2) (d) (3 ,- 1)

(lD = ......'........ in its simplest form.

(a)-l (b) I (c) tan2 0 (d) cot2 0

(18) Length of perpendicular from the point (- 3 ,5) to the y-axis equals
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 8

(19) In the opposite figure :

all the following statements express
AC except the statement : """""""'
(a) 2 AIvI^ (b) AD + DC
(c) AB + BD (d) BC + DC
- , I

(20)Ifl l=1,thenX=
| -e x+21
(a)-3 (b)3 (c)t3 (d)ra
(21) sin2 0 + cos2 0 - csc2 0 in the simplest form equals """""""'
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) - cot2 0 (d) tan2 0

,,rrtol' * = ro, then xequars

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

(23) In the triangleABC : m(L A) = 90o : cos C = 0.6 I then tan I = """""""'
(a) 0.4 o)? @*J (d) -+
(24) Measure of the acute angle between the two straight lines whose equations X-3 y+5=0
(a) 15' (b) 30' (c) 45"

(25) If A- (3 , -2) ,E= (2 r 7) : then i* B^= """""""'

(a)(1,-9) (b) (s , s) (c) (3 :7)
(26) The distance between the two straight lines whose equations :

y - 3 --0 r ] + 2 = 0 equals """""""' length unit.

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) s
> Mathematics

(27)The value of :
tan0cot0 -
sec 0
(a) sin 0 (b) cos 0 (c) sec 0 (d) csc 0

fl!!@l essay questions

Answer the following questions :

ff enC is a triangle.
Prove that : AB + BC + CA = O

@ Sotve the system of the following linear equations using cramer's rule :

2X-3y=3 t X+2y=5

( tl : l) Y lJi//&'l /(c,til*l) s,tiJ drqrrLJ.pob Otl @


.^i!j,! r\
Accumulative quiz tr ' Answ€rs of accumulative Accumulative quiz E
Answers of accumulative quizzes on Trigonometry
quizzes on Algebra (r)d (2)d (3)a (4)b (1)a (2)a (3)b (4)c
(s)b (6)d (7)c (8)a (s)b (6)c (7)c (8)d
Accumulative quiz (9)a (r0) d (11) d (12) a Accumulative quiz E (e)b a
(10) (11) c (12) d
(r)b (2)d (3)b (4) a (1)b (2)b (3)c (4)a
(s)b (6)d (7)b (8)b (s)a
Accumulafive quiz E (6)d (7)c (8)b
Accumulative quiz E
(e)b (r0) b (11) c (r2) b (e)d (10) b (1r) d (r2) d
(1)b (2)c (3)b (4)d (2)b
(1)b (3)b (4)b
Accumulative quiz A (5)a (6)a (7)a (8)b (s)b (6)d (7)c (8)a
(1)d (2)d (3)c (4)d
(9)a (10) a (11) b (12) c Accumulative quiz A (e)b (10) a (ll) d (12) b

(s)b (6)a
(1)b (2)c (3)c (4')a
(7)c (8)c
(e)b Accumulative quiz Z (s)b (6)c (7)b (8)d
(10) c (11) c (r2) a Accumulative quiz ll
(1)c (2)b (3)d (4)c (e)d (10) c (11) a (12) d
(1)a (2)c (3)d (4)c
Accumulative quiz E (5)c (6)b (7)b (8)c (s)a (6)a (7)c (tl)b
(1)a (2)b (3)d (4)b (9)c (10) d (11) d (12) c Accumulalive quiz E (9)a (I0) c (ll) a (12) d
(s)d (6)b (7)c (8)c (1)b (2)b (3)c (4)a
(9)a (10) d (11) a (12) d (5)c (6)a (7)c (8)b
(9)a (r0)a (11)d (12)b
Accumulative quiz g
(1)b (2)d (3)b (4)c Accumulative quiz A
(s)d (6)c (7)c (8)b (1)a (2)c (3)a (4)d
(9)c (10)b (11)b (12)b (s)a (6)c (7')d (8)a
(e)b (10) c (11) a (12) b

I 2
. .'.3K-m=7
Answers of accumulative
quizzes on analytic GeometrY
Accumulative quiz tr Answers of Monthly tests .
t7K+2m=12 (2)

(1)b (2)c (3)b (4\ b Answers of March lests From(l)and(2) : .'. K=2, m=- 1

Accumulative quiz It
(s)b (6)d (7)a (8) a ... Q=-A+28
(1)a (2)d (3)c (4)c
(e)b (10) b (1r) b (r2\
@E (2).'A=|l-2 +
lz 4 rl
(s)d (6)c (7)d (8)d o lo -z rl
Accumulative quiz a (1)c (2)d (3)b (4)d
:s (1)a (4)c (s)c (6)a (7)d (8)d . . The area of A = | lZ | = 12 square units.

(8)d (e)d (10) c (11) b (r2\ a

(r)c (4)d (5)a
(s)b (8)c (e)b (r2) b @
(e)d (r2) d (I).'AIisamedianinAABC A

Accumulative quiz tr ... nE*eC=zeD o) /^

Accumulative quiz E
, . E-Disamedim rLEBC Zt/1\ \
(1)c (2)d (3)c (4)b
... eS*EC=zED ,#,
(1)a (2)d (4)b (s)d (6)c (7)a (8)c
=AD @\
(s)d (6)d (8)b (9)c (10) d (rl) c (12) c
From(l) r(2):
(e)b (10) d (12) c
EE. zEd
.'. aE* ed= z (EE * Ed) =z
Accumulative quiz
Accumulative quiz g (r)c (3)c (4)a ,o** trAO f RS
(1)c (2)d (3)c (4)c (s)d (7)a (E)c .'. D is the midpoint of IE
(5)c (6)b (7)d (8)b (9)c (11) b (12) b , 6 12 41sp., = -1191 = 55.

(e)d (10) c (11) c (12) d ,'.'sinfZAMD)]*

i- . -_^ AD
srn 55" = 7
Accumulative quiz tr .'. AD = 7 sin 55'

.'. AB = 14 sin 55'

(1)c (2)b (3)a (4)b
.'. AB = 11.468 cm.
(10) a
(11) c
(t2) c

(1)d (2)b (3)d (4)d
(5)a (6)a (7)a (8)c
(e)b (10) d (11) b (12) a

(r )rrtd=.i*rE
.'.(7 t12) =m(-l r2)+K(3 r7)

I Answers of April tests
Test I o
rE Answers of school book examinations
on Algebra & Trigonometry
O lx o ol
tal'.'lt x xl=tx
I lt z xl
o (1)c
d (3)a
@IE *l*12 xlxl=t,
... x(f -zx)=z x
d (3)a
(8)c (e)b (10) d (11) b (12) c
(1)c (2)d (3)b (4)a (s)d
:. x(* -zn-3 x=o .'. x(f -2x-3)=o
(e)b (10) a (rl) b (12) a .'.x(x-3)(x+1)=0 .'. J(=0 r3or- I
@ @ Ibt'..sinc=#
@ [a] l*t the matrix equation be AX = C where
(1)'.'m, =]=-z , mr=J=-2 ... sin35. =#
^=(1 ;)',=(;)'"= (;)
( 1 ) '.' The direction vector of the given line is (- 2 r l)
.'. rr = [z . . The two straight lines ue parallel .'. AC - 87 m.
.'. The dfu€ction vector of the rcquired lire is (l 2)

; 7l=,.,=,,

'.' (0 4) € the fiNt straight line.
.'. The vectorequation

(X : y) =
:i= (1 t 3) + k (1 t 2)
(l ;3) +k(1 12)
.'. The shortest distance betwe€n the two lines
.^.,=+(_i /-\
The prameffic equations are X =I +k
12(o)+\q+21 6"[i.
tlzz +12 ) )1+ i) ..'MA=MB
=r tm(Lu\=ffi" /
t A
, \

* ixl
=3 +2k (2)InAAMB: .'. The amof thecircultrsegment
I /-\ ,x=n'c=( \/f;}
wB /
The cartesim equrl;on , I: =1 -..MA= MB
=r >m(LM)=fi" / \ = j tst'(f-.inoo")*s.acm1
...2 x_2-- y _3
...r=AB=8crn. \ai" [b]. X> O r y > 0 re represented by
.'. The generalfom : 2 X - y+ I =O .'. The
rea of the circulu segment
'(;)=(;) oi U o? [l l"rquadrmt
.'. X= 5 ty =2 . Dnw the boundary line
( 2 ) Draw the boundary lines
tLr: y = 1a
L,' X = 4 (solid)
216rohed) that pmses thmugh
= j rrf ( f -.rn oo') - s.t cm1 [b] L.H.S. = sin 0 x cos 0 x ia9= sin2 0 Lr:X+3y=7(solid)
(O t2) t (-2 t0) tL.: X+2y - 2 (solid)
= =1-cos2e=R.H.s.
which passes tkoucrt (o , Z]) , <z , ol
. Draw the boundary line
thatpassesthmugh(0 r- l) r(-2 r0) 1l L2:3x+4y=14(solid)
Then the S.S. of the inequalities is represented
by the shaded rcgion in the graph. il
+[-,1] 'l_rll-2
3 rl
1l rl
= tf-+, <r -sl -2(3 +2)+ (1s +2)l= |.s
.'. The area of the trimgle = | A | = 1 1.5 square units

tbl sin x = -{ (negative).

.'. X lies in the 3d or 4ft quadmt

r '.' the acute angle wnose sin =* is of memue 30'
.'. The S.S. ofthe inequalities is the shaded rcgion
f n
... .x = 180. + 30. = 210. is equivalent to
ABCo where A (o, r*),u (rt, r?)
or X= 360" - 30' = 330" is equivalento
f; Jl ,c(+l,o),o (o ,o)
... rhes.s.=
{2",* "} r '.' the function is P = 30 X + 50 y

5 6
x=2 .-=\
i. [P]A = 30 (o) + so

(zt) = rcl -'(-i 1).(z' L)
Answers of school book examinations
' on Analytic Geometry
.'.4y +3=25 :.4y
.'. x--t

' =ro (zf) * so (rt) = rs+


=(_|,1") ( ll ?: ).(;' L) ..n=(j,s])

'Pl" = :o (+J)
+ s0 (0) = 14o , [P]o = 0
5""on6,1,619 = (X ry)
.'. To get the geatest value of the function P
x=2L,v lZ) =(::)=. o IB
r C divides extemally
5' =

Model ot... jl(f -.i"m")=so

trli+zl (D tr G)Q;-a) . 4X-8 _.
(4)2 lsyi=12:-3)+k(3 r4)
(1)c (2)d (3)b (4)d
.'. 12 o 196 .'. r e 14 cm.
@ :. X--Zt 4v-3
o lal'.' 8 llAll=5 lkl llAll .'.4y-3=15
o ...^=12 -31=o*t=,
tal tan 19' 2; = # ... tkt=+ '''t=+-&
* - 5 ..'=oi "'
. n=(tt,$)

lt zl .'. AB = 50 tan 19' 24

e18m. 16'1y=E!\!9:J)=2 length units . pt x? = @-3 t2-5)=(1 t-3)
,o =l' -31=o*rs=zr !s2+tz2
,yi, = 6s-+ t-r-2)=(-9;-3)
' 15 2l
.'. Theheightof thepole= 18m.
,o,=1, 3l=,r-r=, [b] ' x > 0 , y > 0 tre represented bY ''.'1
lr 5l oi uoYUl"tquadrant. lal '.' EB + BC + CF = EF (l) ...xY Lvz
...*=oi=r,r=*=t . Draw the boundaryline Ll : 2 x+ 3 y = 18 (slid) ,Ei*eil*DF=sF tzt .'. A XYZ is righrmgled at Y
which passes through (0 r 6) r (9 > 0) Adding (l) : (2) .'. fZ is a dimeter in the circumcircle
[b] L.H.S. = cos x t !1n{ x sin X
... xz= nfe** *G*tY = to
. Dmw lineLr: -4 x+y (solid) ...Ei*sE'=
the bomdary = - 8
d , DF*eF=6
= sin2r( = 1 -cos2r= R.H.s. which pmres thrcugh (0 r - 8) r (2 r 0)
ee* AD=z EF .'. Radius ofthe circle = 5 length units.
o .'.

r its aea = 25 J[ squre units.
pt...i = (1 ro)+r(1 ;1)
;( :l'=r-=r(_i ;) .'. (x :y)=(l r0)+t(l r 1) 6
I n ,l .'.X=1+t i.e.t=x-l (t)mr=-j,nr= t
.'.X-1=y .'.X-y-1=0
--( _1, .1)=( T i) 'y=t
.'. the general equation is :
^r,^r---j" t =-t
.'. The angle between the two lines is right
2x+y-5 +k(x-y-1)=0
il(ii) t:;) (2)Lr:3x+2y -7 =O (1)
: '.' the required straight Iine proses through (5 r 3)
^=(T tLr:ZX-3y +4=0 (2)
.'. 2 (5)+ 3 -5 +k(5 -3, 1)=0
Multiplying (l) by 3 ;(2)by 2
lbl '.'cos (t-r)= i .'. sin 0=
{ (nositive) .'.8+k=0 .'.k=-8
.'. The required equation is
.'.9X+6y-21=O (3)
.'. 0 lies in the l " or 2nd quad.
2x+y-5-8 (x-Y- l)=0 t4X-6y+8=O (4)
r ..' sin 30' = j .'. 0 = 30' is equivalmt to
f Adding (3) r (4)
,t .'.2X+y-5-8X+8y+8=0
or 0 = 180'- 30' = 150" is equivalmt to
+ .'. 13x-13=0 .'.x=l
.'. The general solution is
.'. The S.S. ofthe inequalities is the shaded region ABCO .'.9y-6X+3=0 ir.3y-2x+1=0
Where:A(0 r6) :B (3 ; 4) ;C (2 r0) rO (0 r0) , substituting in (l) :

O=l+znx o. 0=!Aa2rr r'.'the objective function is: P=2X+yhasa

muimum value.
o ..3(l)+2y-7=0 :.Y=2

; i)
[a] First: kt B= (x r y) . . The intersection point is r 2)

Hf'^=( .'. [P]A= 2 (0) + (6) = 6' [P]r=2 (3) + (4) = l0 , C divides AB intemally i= (:,+)-(r ;2\ = (2 ;2)

l(t i)
r [P]" = 2 (1,) + a = 4 : [P]o = Q 4X+8 .'.i--(z,q*re,z)
.'.A'-5A* rrr=( ' .'. The muimum value is P= 10 )
7 8
@a @
rar c= (41+rx]),aDi@)
Answers of Schools examinations (16) (c) (17) (c) (rE) (a) (19) (c)

(n)@ (23)(a) (2,4)(b)

(20) (a)

(21) (b) (2s)(a)
(1)(-3 1) (2)5lengthunits. =(, , ,2) 1 Cairo (26) (d) (27') (b)
'- X+X
(5 ){2 length units.
( 4) 90"
tht... l3(o)+4(o)+tol
,w;? ,/ \o/ \-, First Multiple choice questions Second Essay questions
(r)(c) (2)(d) (3)(b) (4)(b) (s)(c)
o =f=ztengthunits' (6) (d) (7) (a)
(11) (d) (12) O)
(13) (a)
(9) (c) (10) (b)
(14) (d) (rs) (a)
. rC> 0, y > 0 are represented
tal'.' akllAll= l-3 I llA ll ...
? k= .15(0)-12(0)+261 _
= 26 _tt^ byoiUoiU l*quadrant
' t3'4=2lengthmits' (16) (d) (17) (c) (18) (a) (1e) (b) (20) (d)
hl ':2x-y+4=O :I+y+5=0 ",tffi
.'. The two chords re equidistmt frcm (21) (b) Q2) (d) (23) (d) (A) (b) (2s) (c) . The bomdary line
the centre
By adding : .'.3 X+9 =O (26)(a) (27\(a)
of the circle. x
L :y + 2 = 6 (solid) passes
.,. x=-3 .'. The two chords are equal il length.
.'.2(-3) -y +4=O :.Y=-2 Second Essay questions Through (0 r 6) md (3 r 0)

A o
.'. The point of intersection of the two lhes is
(-3;-2) (r)AD=(5-7ry+l) ..x>0'y> 0 are rcprcsentedbydi U o?U t"
y+2 o+2
". x+3--1;3 =(-2 ry+
r '' 1)
- x+3-r-'-

.'. y +2= X+3 y X-7=0 ,Bd=12-r,t*t1 . The boundary line.

=(_t t2) L x+ y = 5 (solid) passes thrcugh (0 r5) and (5 r0)

lal'.'ABCDisaparallelogram .'. ,{6=Ee .'.-2x2-(-l)(y+1)=0
..D-i=d-E .'. -4+y+ 1 =0 Y=3 . The of the inequalities is the shaded rcgion OAB
... D=a*d-E = e,4) + (2,-2)- (s,- 1) (2)... AD=(-2,4)
S .S .

whercA(0:6) rB(3 r0)andO(0 r0)

= (0 ,3) .'. Ailil =G+ 16 = 2'ls length units.
.'. The point D is (0 r 3)
,l ndl ='fi * a =f length units.
[b]'.'m, =]=-z , Bi= A_B
^,=]=-z ,'.' the equation orEd i. S = - z
mr = mz .'. The rwo straight lines arc panllel
'.y+l=-2X+6 = (3'- l) - (5 ;2) = (- 2 t- 3)
". '. y +2x-5=0 . The S.S of the inequalities is the shaded region OAB
r '.' (0 r 4) C the first straight line. ,...si//M^ ... -3 = k
.'. The height of the trapezium = LJ { (2-:-! whereA(0 r5) rB(5 >0)andO(0:0) -24
.'. The shortest disttrce between the two lines ,t*4 ... k=6
12(o)+(q+21 6{;. a @
= 'i l'
1t7;P s
length units.
'.' x = lo{l cos 60" = 5{3 3 I Cairo
... 1-nearea=2{i*t[, a =16, a
ry = tO{: sin OO'= tS
2 '[i {s .'. The coordinates of Aare (5{l , 15)
Multiple choice questions
= 12 square mits. (1)O) (2)(c) (3)(c) (4)(d) (s)(c)
2l Cairo (6)(c) (7)(b) (8)(d) (9) (a) (10) (a)
(11) (d) (12) O) (13) O) (14) (a) (1s) (c)
Multiple choice questions (16) (c) (17) (a) (18) (c) (1e) (b) (20) (b)
(1)(d) (2)(a) (3)(b) (4)(a) (s)(a) (21) (c) (n) b) (2s) (a) (24)(d) (2s) (d)
(6)(d) (7)(b) (8)(a) (e) (d) (10) (b) (a;'t@) (n)@)
(11) (c) (12) (c) (13) (b) (r4) (d) (1s) (c)

. The S.S of the inequalities is
I Gka The shaded rcgion OABC
passes ttuough (0 r 6) and (4 r 0)

o First Multiple choice

.r(>0' y > 0 are r€pres€nt€d by
oiU o?U l"iquadrant ( r)(d) (2)(b) (3)o) (4)(c) (s)(c)
(6)(b) (7)(d) (t)(d) (9)(c) (10)(a)
The boundary lines
(11) (c) (12) (d) (13) (a) (14) (d) (15) (d)
L, : )C+ Y = 7 1s61i61 Pas5sg
(16) (b) (17) (a) (1E) (c) (1e) (a) (20) (d)
tlrough (0 :7) and (7 r 0)
(21) (a) (22')(b) (23) (a) (A') (d) (2s) (c)
;Lr: X+2Y = l0 (solid) Passes (26)(b) (m<d)
. The S .S . of the inequalities is the shaded region OABC
through (0 r 5) and (lO r0)
Second whereA(0 t 4) ;B (2 r 3) rC (4 r0) and O (0 r0)

o 5l Giza
The tunction R = 50

x+75 y
= so 1oy + z5 (4) = 3oo
First Multiple choice questions , [R]" = s0 (2) + 7s (3\ =32s
'.'A6'*86=AD r [R]" = s0 (4) + 75 (0) = 200
.'. zeE+zEil=zaD (r)O) (2)(c) (3)(c) (4)(a) (s)(d)
(6)(c) (7)(a) (t)(b) (e) o) (10) (b) '[n]o=so(o)+zs(o)=o
TInAACD: (1r) (d) (12) (b) (13) (c) (14) O) (1s) (d) .'. The maximum value of R

...Ad*6=AD (1O G) (17) (a) (1t) (c) (rr) (d) (20) (d) occures at B (2 r 3)

(u)(a) (2, O) ... 5.s. = {12 , ry}

(21) (d) (22) <b) (23) O)
. The S.S. ofthe inequalities is the shaded rcgion OABC
(26)(d) (n\@) 6 I Alexandria
By adding (1) and (2)
WhereA(0 r5) rB(4 t3) tCQ r0)andO(0 r0) Second
2AB+3 AC +2 BD + 3 CD = 5 AD Multiple choice
The objective function
BD3 o (1)(c) (2)(b) (3)(c) (4)(d) (s)(b)
R=5 x+2y ''' i_=, r.td=-f*ns (6)(b) (7)(a) (t)O) ( I ) O) (10) (c)

.-. [n]^=s(o)+z(s)=ro ... zs6=rB :.(12 tl)=m(2 r-3)+n(3 r5) (11) (a) (12) (d) (13) (a) (r4) (d) (15) (d)
.'.2BD+3CD=O :.2m+3n=12 (l) (15) (c) (17) (a) (18) (d) (re) G) (2.0) (d)
r-3m+5n=1 (21) (a) Q2) (a) (23)(c) (u) (r) (2s) (b)

.'. za-+rlt=seF (2)
(2.6)(d) (27)(b)
By solving the two equations (l) and (2)

,[n]o= 51s;a2161=s m=3mdn=2 Essay questions

@ -'.
.'. The muimum valre of R = 35 . I> 0 r y >0 are represented :. C=3 A+28 o
@ ldquadrant DA
'.' ABCD is a parallelogram . The boundary lines : .X > 0 , y > 0 ile repr€sented
... AD = BC Lr :.x + y = 5 (solid) passes
ryoiUoYU 1'tquadrant
.'. D-A=C-B Thrcugh (0 r 5) and (5 r0) . The boundary lines : In^ADC ed=Iil*Dd (1)
D=C -B A= (2'3') (4 ; - 2) + (2 ; '
... + - -2) tL": 2 X + Y = 8 lsolid) Passes TnADBC'st=Be+ai (2)
L,: x+2 y = 8lgqlid) pmss thrcugh (0 r4) md(8 r0)
... D=(0 r3) Adding(l) r(2):
Through (0 r 8) md (4 r 0) tLr:3 X +2y = 12 (solid)
.'. The Point D is (0 r 3)

11 12
... ed*sil=AD*5d*sd*46 @{="*y qr""ti."n Second Essay questions . Draw tlrc boundary line L, : X -y=I (solid) which

- l) md (l
= eD * sA = AD-+ : eo-= +AD=
o o passes through (0 r r

.', The S.S. ofthe inequalities is the shaded rcgion


@ . The straigh line The equation of the srraight line passes :

ABCO whereA (0 ;3) tB (2 r 1) r C (l r 0)
. X> 0 r y > O are reprcsented tlrough (0 r 6) and (8 r0)
L:4x+3 y> 12(solid) and O (0 r0)
by of U oV U l't quadrant
Proses throuh (0 r 4) and (3 r 0) E6 The objective function : P = 3 X + 4 y has maximum
.Thebomdary lines: .'.6x+8y=49
r '.' the point (0 r 0) does not satisfy the value
L\ : X + 3 y = 6 (solid) Passes inequality4I+3y> 12 .'.3 x+ 4y =U [P]A=3(0)+4(3)= 12
(0 r 2) and (6 .'. The S.S is the half plme that does not contain the .'. The inequalities represent the shaded area are
Through r 0)
X>3 ty>1anrd3X+4y<24 [P]B=3(2)+4(1)= l0
point (0 r 0) : shown shaded in the graph
tLr: X+Y = 4 (solid) pares [e]"=r1r1++1oy=r
Thrcugh(O r4)md(4 r0) @ [r]o=:10;++1oy=o
'.' M is point of .'. The maximum value is P = 12
inteMtion of medims
.'. E is the midpoint of B-C @
N= +BC= | x2,4=t2sn1.'
C ucn. E
G\nr=f ,nr=t
,arvr=Jar= lxz=gsa1. :.mr*^r=-j"l=-r
.'. The measure of the angle betwen the two lines
InAMBC :'.' MB + MC =2 ME = AM
is 90"
@ .'. AM + MB + MC = AM + AM = 2 AM
. The S .S . of the inequalities is the shaded region
ln AABD: (2)Lr:3 x+2y -7 =O (l)
OABC whereA(0 t 2) t B (3 ; l) '.'aE*sil=-Af .'. il eil+MB'+ Md[= il z Ailll =zxa tLr:.2X-3y+4=O (2)
= 16 cm.
C(4 r0)mdO(0 r0) .'. zeE+zsD=zAD (l) Multiplying (l) by 3 ; (2)by 2
r '.' the objetive function
I .'.9 x+6y -21=O (3)

t4X-6y +8=O (4)

.'. [r]o = z 1s; a 121= 2 ...s.ce+scD=sAD (2) First choice
Adding (3) r (4)
,[P]"=z(3)+(1)=7 By adding (1) and (2) (1)O) Q)@) (3)(d) (4)(c) (s)(a) .'. 13x-13=0 .'.x=l
,[r]"=z(4)+(o)=8 .'. 5 AC + 2 AB+ 5 CD + 2 BD = 7 AD
(6)(b) (7)(b) (8)(b) (9) (c) (10) (c)
r substituting in (l)
(11) (d) (12) (c) (14) (a)
(13) (a) (1s) (d)
'[r]o=2101+(o)=0 r'.'BD:DC=5:2 (16) (c) (17) (d) (18) (d) (1e) (d) (20) (b) :.3(l)+2y-7=O :.y=l
.'. The maximum value of Poccures at C (4 r 0) se6+zsD=6'
.'. (21) (b) (22) (c) (23) (b) (a\ (d) (29 (a) .', The intersetion point is (l , 2)
.'.5AC+2AB=7AD (2O(d) (27)(d)
7I Alexandria' ... i=(s ,t)-(r 12)=(2 t2)
Essay questions
I Second .'. 1 = (3 t 4) +k(2 t2)
Multipte choice questions
o 101 El-Gharbla
(r)O) (2)(c) (3)(d) (4)(b) (s)o) First Multiple choice questions X> 0, y > 0 are represented
(6)(a) (7)(c) (8)(d) (9) O) (10) (d) (1)(d) (2)(b) (3)O) (4)(c) (s)(d) uy oi U oY U 1"t quadrant
(6)(d) (7)O) (8)(d) ( 9 ) (d) (10) (c)
First choice questions
(1r1 1.; G2) (c\ (13) (d) (14) (c) (1O (d) . Draw the boundary line
(16) (a) (17) (c) (18) (c) (1e) (a) (m) (d) (11) (d) (r2) (d) (13) (b) (14) (b) (rO (c)
Lr:X+y=3(solid) (1)(c) (2)(a) (3)(b) (4)(d) (s)(d)
(1O (d) (17) (b) (18) (c) (1e) (d) (20) (a) (6)(a) (7)(c) (8)(d) (9)(a) (10)(c)
(21) (b) (22) (b) (23) (c) (at (d) (2s) o) (21) (d) (n) @) (23) (c)
which passes through (0 r 3)
(u\ (c) (2s) (d) (11) (c) (12) O) (13) (c) (14) (a) (1s) (d)
(26) (a) (n) @) md (3 r0)
(26)(b) (mb\ (16) (a) (17) (b) (18) (d) (1e) (c) (20) (d)

l3 t4
(a) O) (c) (u) (c) (11) (d) (12) (a) (13) (a) (14) (b) (1s) (c)
(27) o)
Q3) (2s) O)
1l I El-Dakahlia I'i,' , suGz .,
(16) (b) (17) (a) (18) (d) (1e) (b) (20) (a)
(21)(a) (22)(a\ (23) (b) (u) (a) (2s) (a)
Second Essay questions Multiple choice questions First Multiple choice questions (26) (a) (27)(c)

o ( 1 ) (c) (2) (c) (3)(b) (4)(b) (s)(b)

(6)(b) (7)(a) (8)(c) (9)(c) (10)(d)
(1)(a) (2)(c) (3)(d)
(6)O) (7)O) (8)(c)
(4)O) (s)(d)
( e ) (d) (10) (a)
Essay questions
(11) O) (12) (c) (13) (d) (r4) (c) (1s) (b) (11) O) (12) (c) (13) (b) (14) (b) (1s) (a)
X>0 ry>0rerepresentedby
'EE*sd*eF=EF (16) (a) (17) (d) (18) (a) (rD (d) (2.0) (b) (1O O) (17) (d) (18) (b) (19) (c) (20) (a)
, ...Ei=-EE,DF=-aF oi U oY U l"t quadmr :

(21) (c) (22) (c) (23) (d) (u) (d) (2s) (b) (21) (a) (n\ @) (23) (d) (L4\ (c\ (2s) (c)
by adding (1) : (2) :
Lr: y+2X= l0 (solid) passes
(26)(a) (m@) (26) O) Q7)(a) . Through (0 r l0) md (5 r 0)
.'. AD+BC=2EF
Second Second questions ;Lr: X + 4 Y = 12 (solid) Passes

. X>0 r y > 0 are represented by
o o through (0 r 3) md (12 r 0)

Oi UoYU lsrquadrmt.
arc represented by
. Draw the bomdary line L, : 2 X+ 3 y = 18 (mlid) oiuo?u
/which passes through (0 r 6) r (9 r 0)
fist quadrant
. Draw the bomdary lineL;. -4 X+y = - 8 (solid)
Draw the
which pasres thrcugh (0 r - 8) r (2 r 0)
bomdary line

That passes

through the
S.S.of re)(>0:y>0 . The S.S. of the inequalities is the shaded
two lrcints
oi U o? U trr" rirst quadranr.
(0:5) r(5 r0)
region OABC
WhereA(0 r3):B(4 t2);C(5 r0)mdO(0 r0)
Draw the boundary line L : X + y = J (s6lid)
Then S is the S .S . of the inequalities and it is . The objective tunction P = 5 X + 2 y
That passes through the two points (0 : 5) r (5 r 0) represented by the shaded rcgion in the graph. is 6 great as possible
Then S is the S .S . of the inequalities md it is [r]n=s1o;+21:y=o
reprerented by the shaded region in the graph.
'.'M*AE=eE' ,[r]r=5 (4)+2(2)=24
... M=CB-AB ,[r]"=s(5)+2(0)=2s
.'. The S.S. of the inequalities is the shaded
trr '.'il'=i-zi'-d .'. il =eE* si ,[r]o=5(o)+2(o)=o
region ABCO The greatest value of P = 25
= (3, - l) - 2 (2 r 5) - (-5 r 5) ... M=CA
Where:A(0 r6) rB(3 t4) >C(2 r0) rO(0 r0)
r'.' the objective function is: P= 2 X+ y hro a =(4,_16) Beni Suef @
muimum value. (2)...Kiliil=[-2itl '.' x = 150 cos 30' = 756

[r]o= 16)=6, [P]s =2(3) + (4)= l0 First choice questions ,y=l50sin30o=75

.'. z 101+ ...Kfliil=2ilitl
[r]" +, [r]o = o (1)(d) (2)(a) (3)(c) (4)(b) (s)(b) .'. The vector (150 r 30') in tems of the fundamental
, = z 1zy a 6 = :.K=2 (8)(c) (9)(a) (r0)(a)
(6) (a) (7) (d) unit vectors = 756i+ 751
.'. The muimum value is P = 10

15 16
Souhag Aswan
Multiple choice questions Multiple choice questions
(1)(c) (2)(b) (3)(c) (4)O) (s)(b) (r)(d) (2)(a) (3)(c) (4)(d) (s)(b)
(6)O) (7)(d) (8)(d) (e) (d) (10) (b) (6)(d) (7)(d) (8)(c) (e) (c) (r0) (c)
(11) (c) (12) (c) (13) (c) (r4) (d) (1s) (c) (11) O) (12) (d) (13) (a) (14) (b) (1s) (c)
(16) (a) (17) (b) (18) (d) (19) (b) (20) (a) (16) (a) (17) (d) (18) (b) (19) (c) (20) (c)
(21) (b) (22) (a) (23) (b) Q0 k) (2s) (d) Q\G) (n)@ (23) (b) (u) (c) (2s) (b)
(26)(c) (271(b) (2O(d) @)(b)
Second Essay questions Second Essay questions

o o
X>0 ry>0tre (AB+BC)+CA
represented by =AC+CA
oiuolu r" =d
. Draw the boundary
lireLt: X+2y x:
= 8 (solid)
o=12 -tl=o-r-r',=,
which pmses lt
(0 r 4)
through el
md(8 r0) ^*=13 15 ,l=e-ctst=zt
. Draw the boundary lineLr:3 X + 2y = 12 (solid)
which passes thrcugh (0 r 6) and (4 r 0) ^, =12
ll 'l=,0-r=,
.'. The S.S. of the inequalities is the shaded region
ABCO whereA (0 r 4) ;B (2 : 3) rC (4 r 0)
:. x=i =-T=t
andO(0 rO) ,y= AL= l=t
'.' The objective function : P= 50 X + 75 y has
maximum value.
.'. [r]o = 5s (o) + 75 (4) = 3oo

, [r]" = 56 (2) + 7s (3) = 32s

, [e]" = so (4) + 7s (o) = 2oo , [r]o =6
.'. Tlte maximm value is P= 325

= (2, - 6) + 2 1- 2, 5) - (- 6, l4)
= (4 ,_ l0)

Exams 2023
Finol models

Model I 1 - hrtqactivetest fl-

Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

OrrAB=:T+:1 , Ed- j,then llACll=... ..,.... , lengthunit.

(;r) 6 h) 31, (r:)1 (d)5

ffi A cyclist covers 5 m. from a fixed point (O) due to the north r then 12 m.due to the east r

then the total distance covered during the whole journey = m.

(;r) 13 (fi 12 (c)7 (tlt 17

[l nrom the top of a light house 80 metres high r the measure of the angle of depression of a

fixed target on the see equals 80o r then the distance between the fixed target and the top
of the light house equals to the nearest metre.
(t\ J$ (It) l9 (c) 80 (rlt 81

fl fne equation of the straight line which passes through the intersection point of the two

linesX+ 5 =0 t ! -3 =0 andthe originpointis

rtr\5X-3y=0 (1.))5X+3y=g (r":1jy-5y=0 (rl)3X+5y=Q

=(i ^), AB =r :thenthe mafrixA =

lr 2\ l-1 2\ lt
i) ,',,(f j)

,,,,{.r- t''l 10

\m 16l ?)
\m -{ I ' -J
\m i) t'ttl 2
ff trr the o;r;rosite figure :

m (Z BAC) = 10" , equation of ffiis


X + y - 2 = O : then : m (LACO) =
,." 55o ([r169"
x' Nr
-l _--_-r_\

r, :45" {(l) 30" ,tl

Mothemotics -

ffrrA= (k :k + 3), E= (Zk t5 k- 3) :then one of the values ofkwhich rnakes A ll B

is ........... .. ..

(a) 3 (b)-3 (c)2 (d)-2

@rril =Oi-gi rthenpolarformof thevectorilit """' """

(")(- 0{, , In) 61Qz t[i , |n)
1c1(ztP ,trn) 1d1!z tP , +)
11 2 -11
@fne value of a which mates
|: a 1 l= 0 is """""" '

l-1 4 -21
(a) 5 (b)-2 (c) 1 (d) 3

point M (2 t 3) and u is a direction vector to it

@ ff tne sffaight iine which passes through the
where i= (- 1 t 2\ t then the parametric equations of the line I- are " " " " " "
(.a)X=2 -k ) Y=-3+2k (b)X=2-k t Y=3-2k
(c)X=2+k ) Y =3 +2k (d)X=Z-k t Y=3+2k
3 -t\, """"" ""
000=(' -7 6l
then2At =

,r(: -r4 i)

If i =

(t , T ) , tt',"n the vector f

.,(l t+ 4\
in t".-,
l+ s\
,",(:,-i;) ,,(1, f)
of the fttndamental unit vectors
lz s\

q- sdJ:
(a);1+-f-J G)sfl .+l (")+i.+l (d);i -*:
. -_----
sinXcosXt"anX+ sinXcos XcatX
The simplcst form of the expl'esslon .i,., X r""-f

(a) cot X (b) tan X (c) cos X -- (d) csc X

@fHe value of Xwhich satisfies the equation: 5 sin X=L2cos Xwhere XC[O ,
is ............... (to the nearest second)
r\ r\ r\
(a) 157" 22 48 (b) llz" 37 L2 (c)22" 37 12 (d) 67" 22 48
Finci models

[E If eg is amedian in AABC : M is the centroid of the triangleABC rA (5, 4) rM(7, g)

: then AE =
(") (+ ,+) @ (? , +) (c) (3 :6) (d) (r ,2)

If a bl
l=5 ) d-c=T tthen
a+2 b+21l=
c dl c cll
(a) 5 (b) 14 (c)-9 (d) le

; asinX
0 or
ffl 1acosX o
l= - u' ,os2 x+ 8 : then a= """""""'
I secX cot X atan Xl
(a) 8 (b) -2 (c)-8 (d) 2

[Dtf X> I t ! > I t X+y<6 :thenobjectivefunction P=5 X+4yhasmaxirnum

value atthe point ...............
(a) (5 ,5) (b) (1 ,5) (c) (5 :1) (d) (6 , o)

[0 rr 'r*.(
o' ;')= o : rhen the rnatrix X =
l-2 -2\ t-t -r\ t2
r")(+ ru)(z o/ r.)(_+ cJ 3)
( 1, ;)
@ fne measule of the angle between the two lines
Lr: X+2y +5=0, Lz,i=(1,4)+k (t r})equals
(a) zero (b) 45" (c) 90" (d) 135.

@ fne length of the perpendicular drawn frorn the origin to the straight line 3 X - 4y = 10
equals length unit.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

@l"the opposite figure :

If DE = 3 EC r then area of
tlre shaded part =
* ,' "
@)+- + @+
@++ @T-+
i 85

ffre area of the convex quadrilateral whose diagonals lengths arc 12 cm. : 13 cm. and
cosine the included angle between them is fr equats """""""' cm?

lrr I 30 (b) 72 (1 60 (d) 744

@ ttre ratio in which the X-axis divides the directed line segment BA where
A,(3 ,2) r B (5 ,6) equals
2 : 5 internally. 5 : 2externallY. (cr1:3internally. (c1)3:1externally.

6In the opposite figure :

CircleM rMC=6cm.
tm (L AMB) = m (L CMB) = 40o
: then the area of the shaded Pert=
;;rt 4 Xl, rlri5X[ ,.6xr ttll 7 Xl,

The shaded area in the opposite figure represents the solution set
of the inequalities y ,2 r X > 0 and .."....."" '

X+2y+6<0 -\X
5X+2y-6>0 6-\

E t" thc opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezium : if AD + BC = k YX
:thenk- .'...' "' wherekelR
(rj -2 (b)-1 (c) 1 \tl) 2

I essay questions
Answer the following questions :

fl finA the vector eeuation of the straight line passing through the point (- 1 ,0) and is
perpendicular to r - (1, 5) + t (3, - 4).

Find graphically the S.S. of the set of inequalities X> 0 , Y > 0 t X+2y <8 and3 X + 2y <12
Then find from the S.S. the value of (X > y) that makes (P) maximum value where
Finol models

@ A rnteractiuetestel-m'

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

If the slope of a straight line = -] , rn"nits direction vector is ...............

(tt)(3 t-2) (b) (- 3 ,2)
(c) (6 ,-4) (d) Al1the previous answers are conect.

El ft L and,mare the two roots of the equation : x2 -3 X+ 1=0

: then value of
I rl2
l^' ^m
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

O t" the opposite figure :

If the equation of the srraight line IE is f +

{ =r
r then the parametric equation of the straight line 6d is .........,.....
(a)X=3+4k , y=4+3k
(b)X= 4+3k : y= 4+4k
(c)X=3+3k , y=4+4k
(d)X=4+4k , y=3+3k

O tf the measure of the elevation angle of the parachute from a point at 60 m. high above
a lake level is 30o and the measure of the depression angle of the reflexed image of the
parachute in the lake from the same point is 60o r then the height of the parachute from the
lake level = ...'.........'. m.
(a) t20 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 1s0

@ ffre shaded region in the opposite graph represents

the S.S. of the inequalities
(a) X> 1 ty >2
(b)1<X<3 t 2<y<4
(c)1<X<3 t 2<y<4
(d)X+y>3 t X-y<7

...+ sin2 90") -

Gl (.ir'5o + sin2 10o + sin2 15o +
r^)jt (b) 8+ @s+ (o 10+

flffr= (k+ 1 I 1), E= (2,k) : thenvaluesofkthatmake A ll Bare........'...'..

(a)- 2 tzero (b)-2 tI (c)-2
: (d) | '2
line : X {- y = 0
@ ffre length of the drawn perpendicular from the point (1 , 1) to the straight
equals length unit.
(a) u' @^[; @) z^[i (d)2

[t'ffre measure of the acute angle between tkre straight line r - (2 ,2) +k (t , 1) and the
(a) 45" (b) 30' (c) 135" (d) 60'

@ Ifi=zoi- rsl , E=ti+z+jandM=i*E , N=A-B rthen

(a)M//N (b)MIN (c)M=N (d) llM ll = llN ll

The general solution of the equation : 3 cot (* - ,) =18 i,

(b)++rrn (O++xrn
+ +2xt n
? +2T(,n

[El ln the opposite graph :

; then which of the
follolving represent Ail

(a) (b) (c) (d)

ffi ff a is a symmetric matrix r then which of the following can be a rule to deduce the element
of matrix A ?
j (d)ar:=3i't2i
(a) aij =2i-i (b)ai:=i+j (c) a lJ
..= i

Finol models

[D If azeromatrix O its order 3 x3 tthen number of elernents of the matrix = .

(a) zero @) A (c) 3 (d) 9

sin50 -cos50l_
tE cos50 sin50l-
(a) I (b)-1 (c) 5 (d)-s

@ a circular sector of area 6ll, cm? : rnoflsuro of its central angle tt , then length of its arc
is ..."..........cm.
(a) 18 (b) 6 xr (c) 6 (d)2fi

@ ffre area of the regular hexagon in which the length of its edge is 8 cm. equals '............'. cm?

@) n^[z o 24^[i @)s6F (d) r44'[i

[0 m the opposite figure :

m(L C) = """""""' to the nearest degree.
(a) 30
(c) 36
(b) 3s

(d) 4s
B lcm. C

[0 nU of the following are unit vectors except

(a) (1 ,0) (b) (0 ,- 1) (c) (1 ,1) (d) (0.6 ,0.8)

EETnaABC 'ffi--G*-aC=
(u) AB (b) cA (c) 2 At (d) 2 m-

@ ffre direction vector of the straight line whose parametric equations are X+3 =2k r y=J
is ' . . . .' . .. .' ....

(a) (2 ,0) (b) (2 ,-3) (c) (2 t3) (d) (2 , s)

@ltc CAB , 3 AE= G r then C divides eA bv the ratio

5 internally.
(a)2:3 (b)3:2 (c)3:5 (d)5:3

@ fne rreasure of the angle between the two straight lines 3 X = 5 t Y=3is
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90"

(tY: l) Y lJ+r/.fl /1.rul+l;.)t J.]L.p!i fhdl l8'g --


ffi tf A=(3 r-Z) r B= (-2 15) t C=(0, 11) :thenthevectorCintermsofAandB

is . .............
C=ZA+3B tb)d=3f+zE (c)d=:f-zE- (d)d=zf-:E-
121 21
*,lx xl= 105
tthen X=

(a) 2 (b) s (c) 6 (d)+6

| (bz -b,\ o\
" ,rt-U1_'u, i) =\,
=/-r _;)
,2. x + h,y =,
r then solution set of the system of equationr ,r,....,.........
t ., , +bry = 3
(r) {(1)} (b) {(2 ,- 1)} 1c; {1t , t1} (d) {(1 ,- 1)}

ffifne solution set of the inequality: X+ 5 < 3 X+ 7 <2 X+2rn1Ris."..."..."..

(rr)lR-lt,zl (b)]1 ,2] @)a (d) {1 ,2}

nfll Essay questions

Answer the following questions :

ff fina the different forms of the straight line that passes though. the point (- 2 1) and its
_A '
sloDe 1s '

ffi Maximizetheobjectivefunction P=3 X+ 4y tunderto the constraints:


Model I 3 Intqactivetest fl-

Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

ff anCo is aparallelogram , AC n BD = {fuf} , thenAB *AD =

(:r) CA (b) BD (c) 2 Md (d) 2 DM'

OIf (a rb)belongstothesolutionsetof theinequalityX+2yr5 where atbareintegers r

then the least value of the expression :2 a+ 4 b = ...............

(a) 5 (b)-s (c) 10 (d) 6

Finol models

$m IfA (-2, L), B (2 13), C (- 2

t- 4)are threepoints : then the measure ofthe acute
angle between the two straight lines AB : BC is

td)tan t (+) (i,)tan-'(?) (c') tan-' (+) (rr) tan-' (+)

@ If ABCDEF is a regulal hexagon whose geometrical centre (M) which of the following
directed line segments are not equivalent ?

i,i) AB rm rr.,i AE,ffi (c) m,I\{d ((l)m,MD

[t rne *ut i* (u \t u, a multiolicative inverse at .........'....'
(l)a=6 (lrla=+6
rciaCIR-{6} (ci)aCIR-{0,-0}

ffi ffre length of the perpendicular drawn from point (- 3 , 5) to the X-axis equals
length unit.

8 (b) 5 (c) 3 (:d) 2

HE If the area of the triangle whose vertices (k , 0) t (4 t 0) t (0 t 2) is 4 square unit

(il) zero or - 8 (tt)-4or4 (c) zero or 8 (d)8or-8

ffi I" AABC, if sin2A+ cos2 B = 1 : then AABC is

(a) an equilateral triangle. (b) an isosceles triangle.

(c) a scalene triangle. (d) a right-angled triangle.

ffi f AnC is aright-angled triangle atB andAB > BC Ithe area of AABC = 30 cm?
: AB + BC = 20 cm. r then m (Z A) = """""""'
(a177" 19 tbl 54" 3l (r:) 26" 18 (d) 12" 4l

fil t" the opposite figure :

If OB bisects L AOC in a unit circle
(a)12 OB (b)2bE
(.) ({t* 0 oE
(d) 3 0B

,,r(,i b

f lir
a skew symmetric : then
d+ X+y +z

(a) 1 (b) zero (c)-1 (d) e

@ fne measure of the acute angle included between the two straight lines
^'[ix-y=4 , Y=3equals
(a) 30' (b) 45" (c) 60" (d) 90'

[Eff csc 0-cot 0 = {, then csc 0 + cot 0 =

(")# (b) s @* (d) 1

[Drril rz f il = z ll k ill, then k =

(a) 6 (b)+6 (c)-6 (d)24

@anCOis asquareinwhich A(2 t-3) andtheequationottB :3 X-4y +2=0 rthen

the area of the square ABCD = ............... square unit.
(a) 4 (b) e (c) 16 (d) 2s

[Dft +cot2 o)sin2o=

(a) sin2 0 (b) tan2 0 (c) cos2 0 (d) 1

@ fne shaded part in the opposite figure represents

the solutiori set of tire inequalities :

(a)X>3 > y<2

(b)X>3 r y>2
(c)X+1<4 t y+1<3
(d) X+ l>-4 t 2y <4

@ rrX? = (2 ,3) , YZ - (4 ,5) : then fr, =

(a) (6 ,8) ($ (2 z2) (c) (8 y 8) (d) (4 ,3)

[0 tf the perimeter of a circuiar sector equals 10 cm. and the length of its arc equals 2 cm. t
then its atea=...".......... c*?
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 20

-- rf
Finol models

@ fne distance between the two parallel straight lines : i = (a : 0) + k (4 ,3)

to"X- 8 y + 4 = 0 equals length unit.
(a) 20 (b) 0.2 (c) 28 (d) 2.8

@ tre vector equation of the straight line rvhich passes through the point (2 , - 3) and
perpendicular to X-axis is ...............
(a)r=(2,,-3)+k(1 ,0) (b) i= (3 t2)+ k (0 s 1)
(c)i= (2 ,-3) + k (0 ,7) (d)r=(-3r2)+k(0,1)

@tti= - roT+rcl, F=i+ 3 jandfrE' :rhenk =

(a)-30 o) + (.)
t (d) 30

@ tfre solution set of the equationnfi tur0 = 1 where 90' < e <270" is .'.'.....'...'.
1a; {:0"} (b) {150"} 1c; {zlo'} (d) {240.}

* "(i
(a) 1
2 x3'l
(b) 2
;then X=

(c) 3 (d) s

EEtrr" = (3 f) "n*x-1
,, (i ,"(f ) @)(T
\o _,,)
@tf " = (3 ,-4) is a direction vectorfor a straightline rthen allof the following are
direction vectors to the same straight line except the vector
(a)(-3t4) (b)(9;-r2) (c) (3 ,4) (d) (t.s ,-2)
2 : AxA-l=A2 ,then xxy
rc1,=(x _zl
\v =

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d)-3

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

fllfa Q, 5) ; B (7,- 1) : find the coordinates of the point C which,livides AE

externally by the ratio 3 :2

@ finO the maximurn and minimum values of th-e objective function P = 4 X + y

where:X+y<6 t 2X+y=10 t X>O , y>0

Interactivetest [!- lffit

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

$ Irtan o cos o =+, then sec o =

(a)+1 rnt *3M

tc)t f tcl) + 3

${fne measure of the acute angle between the two straightlines: X=3y ,t X+2y =O
is ...............
t,t t 15" {h) 30' kt 45" lilt 60'

$i$Wfricfrof the followingpoints lies onthe straightline r =(-2:1) +k (1 ,-3) ?

,,(f ,-r) *r', (j ,|) r,,t (| ,-+) ot(!,2)

flI ff i = (3 r 4) is a direction vector of a straight line r then its slope equals ..."...."...'
trt,l 3- tlrr
'., 4
t,'l -4

Elrri =(k,z) , B = 2i-land ifiIE,thenk=

ru) 1 (f))- 1 (r:It 1 (t-ll zero

O l" the opposite figure :

M is the centre of the circle
r then the area of the shaded region = .........'..... cm2.
r.r r lQ 31 tltt 20 JT,
, ,30x[ (d)40fi

tiH Iimatrix A of order 1 x 3 and matrix B of order 3 x 2 tthen BtAt

is of order
(;lt2xl (b)2x2 r,trlx2 rdr3x3

fillf l=p,-21 , E= e,t),thenllF*zEll= ...... lengrhunit.

r;,r{ll M 5fi rr:) 11 trtt 17
Finol models

@ffreareaofAABcinwhichAB =5 cm. : AC =4cm. t m(LA) =60"

equals .............., cm?

@) safi o) s{, (c) 5 (d) 10

@ If position vector f = (r/, , 1) rotates around origin with an angle of measure 45o

anticlockwise r then the polar form of the vector A uft". rotation is ...............

a>(r'*) u(z,f) kt(2,#) (d)(4,#)

lll fo make the system of equations : a, X + b, y = c, t arX +bry = c,

has a unique solution : it must be ...............

d1 b,l=o (b)l', b,l= o (c) al b,l* o (,1) I
cl b,l*o
az brl l', brl a2 brl 1", brl

@ ffre point which belongs to the solution set of the inequalities :

2 X+y <4 t X+ 3 y<6is...............

(a)(l,-4) (b) (2 ,1) (c) (1 ,2) (d) (3 ,- 1)

[B t" the opposite figure :

The objective function

, =i X + y is minimum at which of the

following points ?

(a) (0 :4) (b) (0 ,5)

(c) (2 t t) (d) (4 , s)

[B I" the opposite figure :

If ilf ll=+"*.,theni=
@ 8 ,zli) o) (z^t[i ,2)
(.) (4 ,{r) ol (^'[z ,z)


[Et rrI , B- are non-zero vectors rna il A * Eil = il A-- B ll, then
(a)A=.-B (b) A and E are equivalent.
(c) A and B are parallel. (d) A and B are perpendicular.

@ a [ght pole of height 8 metres gives a shade on the ground of length 5 metres : then the
measure of the the elevation angle of the sun at that momont to the nearest degree

(a) 32' (b) 51' (c) 39" (d) 58'

[D fn length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin to the straight line r = (5 ,0) +k(4 t3')
equals length unit.
(a) 15 (b) s (c) 3 (d) 4

[E If 2 sin 0 -nSz =0 where 90o < e <27A" r then 0 =

(a) 60' (b) 120" (c) 240" (d) 300'

@ ffre perpendicular direction vector on the straight line X = 3 + 2k , y=4 -k


(a) (2 t-r) (b) (t ,2) (c) (2 t 1) (d) (4 , -2)

*,(i l)(1,-i)=, r then \,= ."."""""'

(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

EDTIAG= (2,3) : CB =(-3:5):thenAC=.

(a) (t t-2) (b) (- 8 ,1) (c) (-2,5) (d) (2 ,5)

*"1: -rll+llr 3l

t- 2 tthenX=
xl 12 xl
(a) 3 or -2 (b) - 3or2 (c)3or2 (d) - 3 or -2
@ sin2 x + cos2 X+ cot2 x=
(a) 1 g) co? x (c) csc2 x (d) secz X

@ If a (0 ,0) is the image of the point B (4 ,2) by reflection on the straight line L r therr the

equation of L is
(a)X=2y (b)2x+y-5=0 (c)2X-Y=5 (d)X+y-6=0
Finol models

flfl In the opposite figure :

If xY llBC,#= t
: then the coordinates of the point X is ...............
(a) Q t4) (b) (4 ,2)
(c) (- 2 t4) (d) (- 4 t2)

@rr , v=(-: 5) ,thenYX=

"=(i )
,",(li G)(-e 10) (c)/-e 1s ) (o (1)
) \6 r0 I
E)tt .(? ; )=o

(")(-? ;) ror(l
n'(;' -;) (d) I

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff Determine the solution set of the following inequalities graphically in IR x IR :

X>0 , y>0 t X+3y.7 t 3X+4y.14 rthenfindfromthesolutionsetthe
values of X t y which make the value of the function :
P = 30 X + 50 y is greatest as possible.

@ ninA the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through the point
(1 ,3) andisperpendicularto the straightline: r - (2 r 5) +k (-2 t1).

Interactiue test [- ffij
Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
0,,o=(' 1)*.
u, =('*
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 5 (d)-s

ElrrIfil = ilE ll ?then .............

(a)A=B (b)A--B
(c)A=*E (d) It can't be find, the relation between f 'F

( .l
f : 1; Y fuirl&l / (sut^r.l) gr*J drl.irru-) )l4t*ll T9? -

@ fne point that belongs to the S.S. of the system of the following inequalities :
X>2 ry>1tX+y>3is
(a) Q ;1) (b) (1 ,2) (c) (3 t2) (d) (1 ,3)

@If 0o < X< 360' :thennumberof solutions of the equation 3 sin X =tanXis ....."........
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

@ General form of equation of the straight line passes through the origin point and parallels the

straight line whose equation r = (2 r - 5) + k (3 :4) is ..','....,...'.

(a)3X-4y=O (b)2x-5y=0 (c)4X-3y=0 (d)5X-2y=0

Gltr[+ e =(5 ,12) , A= 21+9 j :then B =

(a) (3 t 4) b) pr[, ,T) (c) (- 3 t - 3) fd> (z^[i , t)

flIrn=(3,5) : B =(-1 :m), llEE'll=4lengthunit,thenm=

(a) zero (b) 5 (c)-1 (d)-s

@ ffre measure of the included acute angle between the two straight lines :

X-3y+5=0 t X+2y-l =0equals

(a) 45" (b) 60' (c) 120" (d) 135'

@ A car moved 20 metres in direction of North r then moved the same distance in the

direction of West r then the displacement of the car is """""""'

(a) 40 m. in the West direction. (b) 40 m. in the Western North direction.

@) z}]ti m. in the Western North direction. (d) 20a[i m. in the Westem South direction.

sin0 , cos0_
csc 0 sec 0

(a) tan 0 (b) sin 0 + cos 0 (c) sec 0 csc 0 (d) 1

[if Aregular hexagon of area 5+a[i crx?.: then its side length """""""' cm.
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

@tfais adiagonalmatrixintheorder3 x 3 and u,, = 5 foreachi = j ,then....'..."""'

(a)A=I (b)A=5I (c)A=5O (d)A=O
Finol models

@ffrepointsA(- 1 r5) rB (2 r2)andC (3, 1) are ...............

(a) vertices ofright-angled triangle ofarea 5 square unit.
(b) vertices ofisosceles triangle ofarea 10 square unit.
(c) vertices ofequilateral triangle of area 9 square unit.
(d) collinear.

[B f the point A (0 r 0) is the image of the point B (4 ,2) by reflection in the straight line L r

then equation of L is ...............

(a)X=2y (b)ZX*y=5
(c)2X-y=5 (d)X+y=6

@ fro- the top of a rock 100 metres high : the measure of the depression angle of the boat
which is 200 m. away from the base of the rock (in radian) = ...............rad'
(a) 0.08 (b) 0.46 (c) 0.25 (d) 0.24

@ fne area of the circular segment whose diameter length of its circle is 8 cm. and the
measure of its central angle is 1.Z'ud equals approximately ......... ...... cm?
(a) 8.57 (b) 2.r4 (c) 4.28 (d) 1.07

O l" the opposite figure :

A circle whose centre M Q ,1) and radius r length unit

and the straight line L : 6 X + 8 y - 2= 0 is tangent to it
at the point B : then r = ."'...'....... length unit
(a) t.2 (b) 1.8 (c) 1.3

[0 rr 3sin0 - 1 where e e]0 12 rrl, then 0 =

@) a5 (b) e0 (c) 180 (d) 270

If thepolarformof OAir (rr rT) r then the polar form of AO is

at(2,[1 @F2,T) r"t (6 ,T) (d)(12,T)

@ If the slope of a straight line = + ,then its direction vector is ...............
(a) (3 t-2) (b) (-3 ,2) (c) (6 t- 4) (d) all the previous.

@rrre sorution set of rhe equario,

I ;.' *_:l = 0,,
(a) {3 , -2} O) {2 ,-3} (c) {s , -2} (d){2,-s}

@me vector equation of X-axis is ...............

(a)r=(1,1)+k(0:0) 1u);=(1 ,o)+k(1 , 1)
(c)r=k(1 r0) (d)r=k(0,1)

@If A is a square matrix in order 2 x 2 t | 2 Al = 8 : then | 3 At | =

(a) 9 (b)12 (c) 18 (d)24

lo m ,\
@If matri, g =l 4 0 n lis skew symmetric:thenvalueof m+ z+t1=
\z 6 ol
(a) L2 (b)- 12 (c) - s (d) zero

@rri=(3,k), F= (2,-3)andEln,thenk=
(a)3 (b)2 (c)-2 (d)-r

@fh" solution set of the inequality 1 < 2 x- 1 < 5 in IR is .............'.

(a) lt ,:[ (b)h,31 (c) [t ,3[ (d) [1 ,3]

@rra =('_, 1) , "=(i l)

,,n* zzt* c12=

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c)-5 (d) 3

, I Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

O f" the opposite figure :

OABC is square its area 16 area units
, wdte the inequalities which satisfy

the solution set of shaded region.

El I" the opposite figure :

AMOD and BCDE, are two congruent rectangles

, if DE =2lengthunit and OM = 7 length unit.
Find the vector equation of IE
Finol models

Model r$ Interactivetest fiflr

Choose the correct answer from the given ones

ff ffres.S.ofthetwoequations :2 X-3 y= 1 and3 X+2y -8 is ........ .

(a) fir , zD O) {(2 , 1)} @) {e , z)} (d) fi3 , 2D

@ fne point of intersection of heights of the triangle in which its sides coincide on the
straightlines : X=0 ) y =0and X+y= 1 is
(a) (1 : 1) (b) (0 ,0) (c) (1 :0) (d) (+ , +)
O If tan 0 + cot 0 = 2 tthentan20le 0 + cot2019 0 =
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

L, Lraretwo straight lines

* *O
and : the tangent of the included angle between them equals
the slope of L, equals twice the slope ofLr tthen slope of the sraight lineLr= ...............

ru)*t (b)t1
fql,* (d) A11 of the previous answers.

Ellrthe forces
{= (t rE, I 4, 4= ai+ :J, 4=-si+ (b +z)jare actingin
one point and equilibrium : then
f = ...............
(a) 13 (b) - 13 (c) 1 (d)-1

Gllf matrixAof order 2x! tmatrixB of order 2x2 tmatrixCof order lxZ tthen(BA) C
is of order

(a) I x2 (b)1x1 (c)Zxl (d) 2 x2

[lIf Cisthemidpointof ABwhereC=(0,3) : B= (7 ,6):thenthecoordinatesof the

pointAis '......"...
(a) (7 t6) (b) (3 ,6) (c) (-7 t0) (d) (0 ,6)

@ fne general solution of the equation : cos 0 = 1 is where neZ

(a) n xl (b) 2 ntr @++nn @ +2nl;T,
i 101

tt the point (4 , k) is lying on the axis of symmetry of the region of of the two
O S .S .

inequalities : X+y> a t X-!2 a tthenk=

(a) 4 (b)-4 (c) a (d) zero

ffl t, the opposite figure :

Area of quadrilateral ABCD = """""""'

square unit
(a) 2o
(b) 10
(c) 68
(d) 34

[lf fne point at which P has minimum value where P = 35 X + 10 y from the following
points is ......'........
(a) (0 , 10) (b) (0 ,20) (c) (0 ,40) (d) (20 , 10)

[ElI" the opposite figure :

If the elevation angles of the top of a tower from three different

points on the horizontal line passing through the base of the tower
are of measures 30" r 45o : 60o respectively
r thenAB : BC = """""""' : """""""'
(a) 1:1/l (b) 2:3 t">'[i,{i (d)fi:1
[0I" the opposite figure :
ABCD is a square and AY + XY = k XC r then k =
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4

@ fne measure of the central angle of a circular segment is 90' and its area is 56 cm? : then
the radius length of its circle approximately equals ...'....'...... cm'
(a) 9.9 (b) 19.8 (c) 7 (d) 14

@ ffre measure of an angle in a rhombus is 50o and its side length is 12 cm. : then its area
is ............... cm?
(a) 36 sin 50' (b)12 cos 50o (c) 144 sin 50' (d) 72 sin 50'
Finol models

@rri= (t ,z) , F= (3 :k-5) andf rE :rhenk-...............

(a)l (b)2 (c)-1 (d) -2
@rrf=l?-+j , F=l ,d= (t,#),rhen ilfil. ilE ll * ll dll = length unit.
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) t2

@fne numberof solutions of the equation: sin2x- 6 sin x+g =0 is

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

@ fne value(s) of X which makes ,t
*"rri. (f xl f
has no multiplicative
r inverse
(.a) 2 or 4 (b)-2or-4 (c) t 2 (d)ra

@ fne shaded region in the given figure

represents the solution set of the inequalities ...............

(a)X>l t y>2
(b)1<X<3 t 2<y<4
(c)1sX<3 t 2<ys4
(d)X+y>3 t X-y=7

@ fne length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1 r 1) to the straight line X * y = 0
equals length unit.

@g @r[, @znfi (d)2

v X-y 4vl
*"1: I = 4 tthen
" t_
(a) 1 (b) 10 (c) t2 (d) 16

EEIf i= (2 :- 5) is a direction vector of a straight line r then all the following are direction
vectors for the same straight line except
(a) (- 2 ,5) (b) (6 ,- 15) (c)(2 t5) (d) (- , ,r+)

@r(; (a
iI , then b) =

rol (o t) {u) (7 ,) r.t (e +) rar (4 t)

6fn measureoftheanglebetweenthetwostraightlinesL,:X=3 t Lr:r-(2t5)+k(1 ,0)

(a) 90' (b) 180" (c) 45" (d) zero

@rra (k,2) , B(1 ,-1)unollaEll=5,thenk=

(a) 5 (b)-3 (c)5or-3 (d) 1s

@Ita(3,-5) : B(-1,5) : M=(6,k)andMll AB,thenk=

(a)-15 (b)-10 (c)-5 (d) s

Essay questions
Answer the follorving questions :

ff Prove thatthe two lines Lrz3 X-4y + 6 = 0 t Lr:3 X-4y -4 = 0 areparallel and
find the distance between them.

ff nmO the maximum value of the objective function p = 3 X + 4 y ; on the inequality system :

X>0 , Y>0 t X+Y<3 tX-Y<l

Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

ff rra , B are two matrices where o" = (1 BtAt =

,t ) 'then
ror/' -1\ o) (1 ,.,(; (o(:, i
\4 s I ,:) ,') )

@ AnC is an equilateral triangle in which A(2 t - 1) and the equation of BC is X + Y =2 t

,^,+ (b)g ,.,+

then the side length of the triangle ABC = length unit.


f$fne S.S. of theequation: sinX+ cos X=O where 180'< x<360'equals

$t {zzs'} {z+o'} (d) {31s"}
1a; {zto'} 1c;

Finol models

I t z -11
0Irl";'T il
where L , m ,n non-zero numbers : then \, = ..........

(a) 2 (b) -z (c) 6 (d) mn

G! I" the opposite figure :

M and N are two distinct circles and A, : A,
are the areas of the two sectors.

,raA2)= 2,theno=..'....'....'..
(a)72" (b) 80' (c) 90" (d) 100"

@ tfre solution set of the inequality : - X<y < X is

K (a)
w (d)

fltr -A=(7 : k) and f il il = 25 , then k =

(a) 618 (b) r 18 (c) * 618 (d) x,24

El en equilateral triangle of side length 8 cm. r then its area = .,,,,.......... crrt.
(u) s{t (b) 16{, @ za,fi o 32^[i

El rrf = (o ,f) , E=+i+3j,thenAg=

(a) (- 4 ,3) (b) (4 ,3) (c)(4:-3) (d) (- 4 ,-3)

[01" the opposite figure :

If the area of the square ABCD = 36 square unit and D (- 12 ,0)
: then the vector equation of the straight line EE is '..'....".....

+k(3 t2)
(a) r = (0 ,3)

G);=(0,3) +k(-3 t2)

(d)i= (-6,-6)+k(2,3)

('l t : 1; Y flltl.)t /(.)U\#l ).rl'Jcr!'a\11 *ldl lG


[lf fne point which isn't lying in the region of the solution of the inequality : 2 X - y < 7
in R x IR is ....."........
(a) (0 ,0) (b) (2 ,0) (c) (3 t--2) (d) (5 ,4)

lD ff M - (2 ,1) is a direction vector of a straight line : then all of the following vectors are
perpendicular to the straight line except the vector
(a) (t t-2) (b) (- 2 ,4) (c) (- t t2) (.d) (1 ,2)

[Ell" the opposite figure :

(a) +J

@ rr{=i- :l , 4= :i+ ol : then the force {which makes the resultant of the
three forces is a unit vector and acts in the direction of positive part
of y-axis equals
(a)-3i-3j (b)-4i-zj fcl-sT-:J rot - +i-:l
[D If the length of the intercepted part of y-axis by a straight line is twice the intercepted part
of the X-axis and the straight line passes through the point (1, ,2) : then the equation of
the straight Iine is
(a)2X*y =-4 (b)Z x-Y =4
(c)2X-y+4=0 (d)ZX+y -4=0

ftt fne area of the circular segment in a circle with radius length 10 cm. and its arc length
5 cm. approximately equals ............... cm?
(a) 0.13 (b) 0.s1 (c) 2.05 (d) 1.03

[D l" the given figure :

The length of BC = .........."...
(a) 5 cm.

@)3 ] cm.
@)6 !
(d) 3 cm.
A' B 4?*. A
Finol models

[D (rio o + cos q2 -zsin 0 cos 0 =

(a) zero (b) sin 0 (c) 1 (d) cos 0

@(l :)(s :)=

,, (? ?) 1

I :)
,", (:
ror /'\o ;)
@Irf=zi+:1, E=t- rll*1, TttB,thenft=....'.....'..'.
+ (o)+ (o -+
EIITAE= e3'2), Be =(0,2) :thenilAeil=
@)4[G + z b)dG -2 (c) 4 (d) s

@ Wnlcf, of the following points belongs to the solution set of the system :
X>0 , y>0 t 2X+y>6?
(a) (1 ,3) (b) (0 ,0) (c) (2 t3) (d) (4 ,-2)
EElttr"matrix lx+3 2 )nu, no multiplicative inverse atX=
\L x-3 I
(a)+3 (u) t{r: (c) 5 (d)t5

EE I" the given figure :

IfL, : 3 X-4y + 10 -0 rLr:3 X= 4y
r then the length of the perpendicular drawn
fromAto Ed = "..."'....'.. length unit.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6

@ Ire Q ,3) : B (5 :6) and zfr.= G : then point C =

(a) (2 t l) (b) (3 , - 4) (c) (3 ,4) (d) (4 ,3)

@ ffre general solution of the equation : cos 0 = - I is where neZ

@)++nxr G)++nxr (c)xt+2xLn (d)+ +2n1T,

@ttm= eD , eD = (6 ,4) , i= (- 1 ,3) : then Ei= ..'............

(a) (5 , 7) (b) (- 5 , -7) (c) (- s ,7) (d) (s , - 7)


Essay questions

Answer the following questions :

[f n small factory produces metal furniture 20 cupboards weekly at most of two different

kinds A and B. If the profit from kind "A" is 80 pounds : and the profit from kind B is
100 pounds. The factory sells from kind A at least 3 times what it sells from kind B.
Find the number of cupboards r from each kind to satisfy the greatest possible profit to
the factory.

@ finO the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through the point
(2 , - 3) and perpendicular to the vector (l ,2)

8 Intqactivetest flr

@ Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

o"(i 1)( _', ; )=

r : rhen x-
(a) 4 (b) s (c) I (d) zero

@ ttl is a square matrix r then (A + At) is ..."..........

(a) symmetric matrix. (b) skew symmetric matrix.
(c) zero matrix. (d) diagonal matrix.

The measure of the included angle between the two straight lines whose slopes are
I and

- 2 equals

(a) 45' (b) 90" (c) 120' (d) 135'

Otf XandyaretwointegerswhereX>0 t y)0and X+y <5 rthenthenumberof

ordered pairs (X r y) that satisfy the previous conditions are "'..'.'..'.".

(a) 4 (b) s (c) 6 (d) 7

@ trancD is parallelogram r then EF- eD=

(a) Co' (b)d (c)-2AE (d) 2 AB
- 108-l
Finol models

O In the opposite figure :

If D e BC where DA = DB =DC=5cm. tm(LADB)=80o

r thenAC = ...............cm.
(a) 10 sin 40o (b) 10 sin 50o
(c) 5 sin 80" (d) 5 sin 40"

(a) 6 (b) s4 (c) 2 @)2x3

O I" the opposite ligure :

A circle whose centre (7 , 8) r the straight line ffi is

a tangent to it at Ar then equation of the straight

hne LE is ..'...'........
(a)5X+3y=95 (b)3X+5y=lJ
(c)3X+5y+95=0 (d)3X+5y=!5

Gl rr AG = CD where AB = (5 , - 11) , d= (- 1 , 8) : then D= ...'...'.......

(a) (4 t-3) (b) (- 5 ,-7) (c) (4 ,3) (d) (6 t- t7)

The area of the triangle subtended by the straight lines : X=0 , y=0 aa!*{= r
equals squa.re units.

(a) 2 (b) s (c) 10 (d) 7

[D rr i ancl F u." two unit vectors r then

(")ilf*Ell=2 G)ila-E'll=z (") ll
-i * -s'll 2

[Elt" the opposite figure :

If the equation of the straight line IE is:2 X+3 y = !2

: then the vector equation of the straight line 5d is ...............
(a) r = (2 ,3)+k(2 t3)
(b)'i= (z ,3) +k(3 t2)
(c)r= (3,2) +k(2:3)
(d)i= (3 ,z) +k(3 t2)

[EIf0o < e < 360" andcos 0 + 1 =0 rthen Q = .'..."..."...

(a) 90" (b) 180' (c) 270" (d) 360"

@ fne point that belongs to the S.S. of the inequalities :

X> 0 ry > 0 t2 X+' y < 4 and X+ 3 y <6is

(a) (1 , - 3) (b) (3 ,0) (c) (2 t3) (d) (1 ,1)

@ Wfrlctr pair of the following vectors are perpendicular ?

(a) (3 r 0) t(2 t-l) (b)(-2,5)t(4t-70)

(c) (2 :0) t (0 t2) (d)(1 ,-4),(2,-8)

[Dfff =(6,8) , B=(3:m) , C=(n,9) anaittE-,E-Id,thenm+n=

(a) 8 (b) - 8 (c) t2 (d)-t2

[Drrri, o=fr , oe)0,*[,tr,""t/r*tun' o

(a)* (b)
[0I" the given figure :

The area of the shaded part approximately

equals ............... ?
(a) 7 .1 (b) 28.s

(c) 14.3 (d) 2.02

@ fne perimeter of a circular sector is (4 r) cm. where r is the radius length of its circle :
then the radian measure of its central angie equals radian.

,) G)8 (c)2 (d) +J

@ t" the opposite figure :

M is the intersection point of the medians of A ABC

,AB+AC=kAM : then ft = ..'......'....'
(a) + (b) 3

@+ (d)2

Finol models

br ak kcl
,,'1: al=6u'o b
. l= - 24 ,thenk=
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c)-3 (d)-4

(a) A -l- B rul Er E' (.r llill= llEll (d)7f=B

@ fne measure of the acute angle betweenthe two straightlines: X-^[Zy =S ) y =2


(a) 90" (b) 60' (c) 45' (d) 30'

@ ffre value of the determinant 720
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

f[l nV using the given figure : the point which

makes the objective function : P = 3 X + 2y
as small as possible is ............... s

(a) (0 ,4) (b) (3 ,2)

(c) (5 ,6) (d) (0 ,6)

@,'(3 lx; )=( :),,n".a+b=

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

@"(i -'^).(l -l)=(; x) , tn"n value of y =

(a)-5 (b)-3 (c) -7 (d) -2
Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff finO the vector form and cartesian form of the equation of the straight line which passing
through the point (- 2 ,1) and its slope = -

@ One of the factories of musical instruments produces two types of blowing instruments r

the first type needs 25 units of copper : 4 units of nickel and the second type needs
If the available quantities in the factory on a day
15 units of copper : 8 units of nickel.
were 95 units of copper r 32 units of nickel and the profit of the factory frorn the first
type was 60 pounds and 48 pounds from the second type. Find the number of instruments
which the factory should produce from each type to get the maxirnum profit.

I Intqaciivetest [t- ffi]
Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

tf fAis a mafrix of order 1 x 3 rBt is a mafix of order 1 x 3 r then its possible to find
(a)A+B (b) Bt + At (c) ABt (d)AB

B t" the opposite figure :

Equation of AB is ..."..........


@ ffre measure of the obtuse angle included between the two straight lines :

v= (2-{r) (x + 5) , y= (,.^t[r) w-t) is .

(a) 150" (b) 60" (c) 135' (d) 120"

@ ffre productive rate of a factory is 120 units at most of two different ki.nds of articles the
number of produced units from each kind equals X and y respectively.
If what is sold from the second kind doesn't less than half what is sold from the first kind.
Which of the following system of inequalities represent the previous data and conditions ?

(a)X>0, y>0 > X+y<120 ; 2y<X

(b)X>0, y>0 ; X+y>120 t y<2X
(c)X>0, y>0 t X+y<120 t 2y>X
(r1)X>0 : )20 t X+y<l2A t !>2X
Finol models

El tn the opposite figure :

Three congruent circles are touching each other
If C = (4, 4) r then equation of the straight line fE is ...............
(a)i= (4 ,4)+r< (r ,-^[i)
(b)i= (8,4) + r< (r,-^[i)
(c)i= (tz t4)+r(r ,-F)
(d) i= (tz ,4) + r (-t/5 , r )

Glrrr=10,+;, B= (z tm)anoEtE,rhenm=
(a)-3 (b)3 (c)-6 (d) 4

ff fne direction vector of the straight line : a X+by * c = 0 is ...............

(a) (a , b) (b)(a,-b) (c) (b : a) (d)(b,-a)

@ fne number of solutions of the equation : sin X = 0 where X G [0 ,6 xillis ...............

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

O tf the measure of the included angle between the two straight lines :

X=7, y =aX+2equals90o :thena=

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 90 (d)-1

@ Wttl"t of the foilowing statements is incorrect ?

(a) rf i= E , then lli ll = ll B ll (b)If ilf

il=ilEll ,thenA=F
(c)trflF,thenf=tF (d)If A=kB:then AllB

[lf ffre quadrant thatrepresent the S.S. of the system of the two inequalities : X> 0 r y > 0 is
the ..."......'... quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

@ ffre opposite figure represents 3 adjacentsquares

: side length of each 2 cm.
: then BC = ..'...,....."' cm.

@)?J (o)+
tr) i (d) +J

(\o: p; f lilCrt 71orjr*l) c,l,J,:'[]UJ )t<l.YJl


[B It sin 0 and cos 0 are the two roots of the equation : 2 X2 +b X- 1 = 0 : then b =

(a) zerc (b) 2 (c) 3 (d)-4

@ If the areaof aregularhexagon is 54]Ecm? , then its side length equals """""""'cm.
(a) 6 (b) t2 (") oG ontF
@ Wfri"t of the following vectors represents the velocity of a car moves with speed of
magnitude 100 km./hr. in the direction 60' West of North ?

(a)soi+sorFl ru)so{ri-sol (c)-s01Ili+sol (d) - soi- sorF i

[Dff f =(7 ,8) , E= @ r4):thenallof thefollowingistrueexcept
(a)A+B=(11,12) (b)A-B=(3,4)
(c)2A-B=(10,12) (d)AB+A=(4,6)

[D I" the opposite figure : o


The length of AC = ..........""' cm.

(a) 6 (b) 10 N

(c) 4 (d) s

[D If X ty elO ,Znl : 0= X+y rthenthe values of 0 which satisfy:

(a) {rr t z xt} (b) {ft t3 xr} @) {+ ' @{+,+}
sin o \,rt"rA2ore=......
@ rra = (:,"j; 0/
- cos

(a) A o) A2 (c) 2019 A3 (d) 2019 r

@ fire equation of the straight line that is equidistant from the two straight lines :

Y=-2, Y = 10 is """""""'
(a)y=S (b)y=4 (c) X= 4 (d) X=- 12

Errz eF+ 2 Bd=k cA :thenk=

(a) 1 (b) z (c)- 1 (d)-2
Finol models

@l"the opposite figure :

D r E are the midpoints of AB : AC

r then m=
(a)M+N o)M -fr
@+(, -*) G)+(, -*)
@ ttA is a skew symmetric matrix r then A + At =
(a)2 A o)2At (c) o (d) zero

@ur.(3 ;)'=
o :thenX=.
,.,(; _;)
(b) (;' r,t(-2 (d) I
-;) \0 ) ;)
[tJIf A=(X,4) : B=(2ry)andA llB;then
(a)X+2y=0 (b) X=2y (c)Xy =3 rdtX=2
@ Wtrict of the following inequalities
represents the opposite graph ?

(c)3 x-Zy + 12 <0

u'=('* -
) ' 1) 'then

(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 5 (d)-s

!@|l Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

ff One of the seafood shops sells two types of cooked fish A and B r and the requests from
the shop owner are not less than 50 fish : as he doesn't consume more than 30 fish from
the type (A) : and no more than 35 fish from the type (B). If the price of a fish from type
A is 4 pounds and 3 pounds from type B. How much fish from each of the two types A
and B must be used to achieve the lowest cost possible to buy ?

ninO the different forms of the equation of straight line passes through the point
A= (2 r - 3) and is perpendicular to the vector ('1 ,2)

@jg tnteructiuetestro*ffi

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

OOOr(' ? i)"^=B ,theneachof thetwomatricesAandB areof theorder

(a) 3 xZ (b)2x3 (c)3x3 (d)2 x2

@IfA, B r C are three matrices rAB =AC : then

(a) B = C for all matrices A (b) B + C for all matrices A

(c)B=CatlAl=zero (d)B=CatlAllzero

@ ffre normal straight line to the straight linei = (3 t2) +k(, , -{5) makes with the

positive direction of X-axis a positive angle of measure

(a) 120" (b) 30" (c) 60" (d) 150'

O I" the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a parallelogram in which
BF =2 cm. r FC = 4 cm. r then AE =

@)+Ee*+AD o)+Ee*+AD
@)?aE*+AD (d)+as*+AD

@ ff a : B are two square matrices of order 3 x 3 and I A I = - 1 , I B I = 3

: then I 3 AB | = ......""""'

(a)-9 (b) - 8t (c) -21 (d) 81

@ Itttre matrixAis of order2 x 3 andAB is of order 2x4 tthen Bt is amatrix of order

(a) 4 x2 (b)2x 4 (c)4x3 (d)3x4

1 --cos2 0 in its simplest form
ff Trre expression

(a) - tanz 0 (b) - cot2 0 (c) tan2 0 (d) cot2 0

Finol models

If bt = (rTE , +)is a position vector of point C with respect to the origin , then
point C is ...'.'.'.....'.

(a) (- 6 ,6) (b) (- 12,12) (c) (12 t- t2) (d)(6,-6)

O rrll + r. ill = - 12 f
ll ll, rhen k =

(a) 3 (b)-3 (c)t3 (d)+a

@ wrrictr of the following verbal expressions represents the inequality y > z x ?

(a) Two numbers : ofle of them greater than twice the other.

(b) Two numbers r one of them not more than twice the other.

(c) Two numbers : one of them less than twice the other.

(d) Two numbers : one of them not less than twice the other.

1a; {:0" r 150'} 1u) {30" ,330"} 1c; {ZtO' ,330.} (d) {150. ,210.}

[Ell" the opposite ligure :

The area of A ABC

equals square unit.

(a) 15 (b) 20

(c) 24 (d) 32

[Elt" the opposite figure :

If BC = 2 CA r then the equation

of the straight line 7G is ...............

(a) X+2y +6=0 (b)X-2y-6=0

(c)2X+y+9=0 (d)X-3y+1=0

@ fne area of an equilateral triangle whose side length X cm.equals ............... c*?
(a) xz ratEx' at$x' tot t *'

@ Ir A is non-zero vector : then

ral-iIf (b) - f and f have same direction.

(.) ll-f il. ilf ll
(d) - A and A have opposite directions.

@ fn" point ..."......".. belongs to the solution set of the inequaltty :2 X + y > 6
(a) (1 :4) (b) (0 ,0) (c) (4 t-2) (d) (2,3)

@ fne value (s) of Xthatmakes tt" matri* ( I \q xl 1 )n^ no multiplicative inverse is

(a)-6>4 (b)6,9 (c)t6 (d) 36

@ a circular sector r its perimeter 10 cm. and length of its arc is 2 cm.
: then its area equals '..'.'....."" crn?

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 20

@ fn" length of the drawn perpendicular from the origin point to the straight line whose
equation is 3 X -4y - 15 = 0 equals lengthunit.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1s

@ l" the opposite figure :

gC ir a diameter in the circle M
rAC =6cm. tm(LABC) = 0 rthenareaof AABC = """""""'cm2. cZ-T.--!Ns
(a) 6 sin 0 (b) 6 tan 0 (c) 18 tan 0 (d) 18 cot 0

@ ffre vector equation of the X-axis is """""""'

(a)i=(1 ,1)+k(0,0) (b)i=(1 ,0)+k(1 :1)
(c)r=k(1 r0) (d)r=k(0,1)

@ltsin 0 + cos 0 = 1.4 :then sin 0 cos e - """"""''

(a) 0.96 (b) 0.24 (c) 0.48 (d) t0.24

@ tt(1 , y) lies on the region of the S.S. of the inequality : X+2y <J tthen
(a)y<3 (b)y>3 (c)y=3 (d)y>7

If i= (tz r18):then ?i=

(a) (8 : 12) (b) (6 ,4) (c) (12 , 8) (d) (4 ,6)

Finol models

@anc is a triangle in which D is rhe midpoint of BC : rhen ei-* ed= .......

(a) BC (b) 2 AD (c) o (d) AD

E)rrlror-, k+ 1
= 2k2 + 1 r then the value of k =

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

ED tf C e AB ,3 AB = 5 CB : rhen C divides giUv the ratio

(a)2:3 (b)3:2 (c)3:5 (d)5:3

El!!@l Essay questions

Answer the following questions :

ff Represent graphically the S.S. of the following inequalities in IR x IR :

X>0 rY>0:y*3X<9 t!-X<l

@ fina the different forms of the equation of the straight line which passes through the two

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